>> | No.21804234 File: 1.27 MB, 3135x4096, 1627438803720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] You cannot make a stinky Orca joke for Chloe anymore because not only did she take a bath recently but she's also currently throwing out ALL the trash she had in her room! She's thrown so much away already that she said that she can finally see exactly what her floor looks like. That means you have to go praise Chloe for being cute, sweet smelling and clean instead of a dirty stinky Orca. Admit that she's cute right now or perish! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcahkhmmo-s You all could have prevented this after Choco played 20 hours of Core Keeper straight a few days ago, but because you didn't you have Choco playing even more of the game right now at the moment. She's mining her way to victory with all the materials she's cut out of walls and doing her best to survive the various assaults of hostile forces that show up after she breaks walls into a secret room. Just Core Keeper things you know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAnMOSH9_9E Uyuhayou! Uyu's no longer busting banks and killing civilians in Payday anymore but he's in no way tired of just grabbing his Fantoms by the hands and chattering his life away due to the fact that he loves talking so much. His model's a bit busted but that's okay as you can just look at this cute illustration of his as he talks to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pXrmuYBwlc Rio played Omori for 9.5 hours yesterday and he was really invested in the story, being scared of the nightmares of Hero and enjoying the bright colorful dream world with its quirky (but also scary bosses like that Centipede thing). He probably won't play as long as he did yesterday but he has made it to 6.5 hours and defeated a truckload of bosses, including the Mob Boss Gator and his big Moon Dude bodyguard. His pleasant voice makes watching his playthrough extra comfy, so you'll probably enjoy yourself if you watch him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGd75RCJQbY >Songs Released Man if you missed out Mori's 1st ever 3D Birthday Live then I feel sorry for you. The entire stream was incredibly fun from start to finish with the charades and the guest appearances from Rikka and Suisei. Plus of course there's that huge news which you probably already heard of since it's got so much buzz around it. At the very least you should go listen to the original song Capsule with Suisei guest starring as it's a straight bop and the start of a brand new Mori Calliope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M85xU-tbQ6c