>> | No.21770643 File: 1.74 MB, 4093x2894, 1628747477676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] Good day of streams and a good day to be a Hololive fan, which is everyday obviously, wouldn't you say so /hlgg/? >Songs released today No songs were released today, maybe you'll get one tomorrow though! >Some highlights for today Big whole congratulations to the legendary TOWA who managed to easily secure ONE MILLION subscribers today during her endurance karaoke stream! She deserves this and so much more for being such an amazing person and here's hoping we get even more cute laughs and Towa...moments for ages to come. After being out for one and a half months, Kanata came back with a stream of Idolmaster Shiny Colors (which she was sponsored to do.) It was very standard but it's just great to see our Perfect Posterior Tenshi back cuter than ever and she had so much fun messing around with her idols in-game. Yo yo yo, today was Mori's big birthday countdown and goddamn did she get a boatload of Hololive members to call into her stream today and even some of her Non-Hololive friends like Milky, Ironmouse and AmaLee! Not only that but Chloe just straight out put Mori on blast by asking her if she likes little kids. Chloe is so precious and awesome. Happy Birthday though to big Mori! Flare spent two hours making the perfect Sekiro like character she could and then began playing Elden Ring finally. Then she lost to the tutorial boss a couple of times before immediately rushing to take on the Tree Sentinel. The Tree Sentinel fight took 7 whole hours to beat and when she finally defeated him, she asked if there was a way to go and fight him again, the absolute mad elf. The elf wasn't the only one who decided to hold a crazy long stream today as Okayu was so invested into the story of Triangle Strategy, going through all kinds of emotions while commanding her troops to utilize the power of the triangle to topple her foes that she hadn't realized that she played the game for 8 whole hours. She was that into it. Kiara really lit up the dance floor tonight with her Unarchived Karaoke session that started with songs all the way from the 1970s where some of you ojiisans just became teens and ended at around the 2010 marks where us powerful and youthful folks just turned 10 years old. The year karaoke quickly turned into a Black Eyed Peas concert though as Kiara was seriously having too much fun singing the straight pumping songs put out by four singers. It was kino and you should go check the archives here if you missed it. There is literally no enemy in Elden Ring that can handle the absolute unga bunga nature of Reine as she wields her double greatswords with pride and is determined to crush you beneath them in seconds flat if you decide to give her even a tiny centimeter to run with. Literally nobody in this Viscera Cleanup Detail knew how to actually clean shit because this group contained Reine, Fauna, Kronii and Anya, four folks who would rather beat the shit out of each other until they die instead of using their mops to do their jobs. This is why they got demoted after they were assigned to clean up the sewers. It was still a kino collab though with everyone bullying Kronii a whole bunch and Kronii basically challenging Reine's throne as queen of flirting. Today was an incredible Meimei day. First of all she had an absolutely outstanding ARK collab with Anya and Iroha where the three of them stripped naked, got mauled by little baby dinosaurs when farming materials and pooped a whole bunch trying and succeeding to make a beautiful and sturdy home for Meimei to live in. The three ladies were even greeted by Mukirose and Aki, with Aki making sure that everyone was all comfy and safe on the JP server, exclaiming how happy she is to see HoloEN playing on the server. Meimei then went and said that she just wanted to mess with all kinds of songs today and was doing so for a whole hour by herself with no one watching before she turned on her stream and delivered one hell of an unarchived Karaoke session. Tons of songs she's never sang in her unarchived karaoke before and plenty of brr brr brrs to permeate through your brain for ages to come. MOONA'S MOONAS IN 3D! Moona arrived home today and immediately set up her new Home 3D to show off all the movement she can achieve. She even blew kisses and shoved her armpit into everyone's faces causing their libidos to go haywire. You've got some great live streams on too with IRyS reading supachats and Roberu's Zatsudan. >Upcoming Big Streams Did I mention that it's Mori's birthday? Because it is and to celebrate she's going to be presenting her FIRST EVR 3D Birthday Concert! This is going to be one hell of a concert and there's also a huge announcement at the end, the biggest, most hugest decision Mori has ever made in her career. You must set your alarm and make sure to catch it, or you might regret it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrcZEjdrkRg Lots of great streams including great member's streams happened today, but which were your highlights /hlgg/?