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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21356780 No.21356780 [Reply] [Original]

Vtubers don't fill the void of emptiness anymore. All of them including smaller Indie ones never bother to engage with me unless I send a supachat or gift sub. I just want someone to make small talk with or maybe about the game they're playing

>> No.21356849
Quoted by: >>21356919

Watch someone who's 200 or fewer ccv. Those chats are slow enough that they can react to every message.

>> No.21356851

Do some push ups faggot. Then go get one of those erotic massages. Then see if you still wanna make some small talk with vtubers.

>> No.21356877

You're not looking hard enough. Even small corpo chuubas make an effort to read every comment

>> No.21356919

I was literally just messaging an 80 view right now and she ignored all my chats. I wasn't even being creepy and tried to remain relevant to the discussion she was leading

>> No.21356925
File: 55 KB, 567x728, 1626554627582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want someone to make small talk
So.... what is your opinion on vtuber's fart?

>> No.21356933
Quoted by: >>21368160

But those are 1 viewer chubbas

>> No.21356954

Is she responding to other people?
If they single you out, you probably are being creepy.

>> No.21357048
Quoted by: >>21357106

you might be a retard dawg

>> No.21357050

Yes she was responding to other people and no I don't think I was being creepy. I simply asked her about the game she was playing and about the type of she mentioned she was snacking on.

>> No.21357084
Quoted by: >>21357160

Show us your chat history

>> No.21357106

Why do you faggots always blame the incel manchild and never the mentally ill failed e-girl?

>> No.21357160

I just closed the page and now I'm watching World War tank videos on YouTube

>> No.21357171

Change your name and display pictures, then try 初見です again

>> No.21357210

Just fucking make a friend, dude
Go on discord or whatever and find someone to DM, you'll get all the small talk and loneliness relief you want
Or if you dont like discord I dunno talk to your classmates or coworkers or whatever

>> No.21357229
Quoted by: >>21357357

because I'm retarded at conversations and still get responses from indies and corpos?

>> No.21357321

Become the 2view Indie

>> No.21357357
Quoted by: >>21357608

Anon I'm going to tell you something that you will not accept right now but will over time you're delusional

>> No.21357367

What you're looking for is not an oshi, it's a friend or lover. Get the fuck out of /vt/ and go find some people.

>> No.21357401

Vtubers aren’t replacements for friends

>> No.21357427

Then what is the purpose of virtual YouTubers?

>> No.21357465

you have to diversify your void fillers

>> No.21357519

go for literal 2views

>> No.21357575

Yeah bro, just make friends! Stop being sad!

>> No.21357579

I don't spend a fucking cent and I have vtubers from 2k+viewers to 2views read my stuff on stream and laugh

get fucking cucked nerd

>> No.21357603
Quoted by: >>21357864

Entertainment while not having to look at someone that's ugly.

>> No.21357608

SHUT UP you're not god or my father, or my boss

>> No.21357630
Quoted by: >>21357757

>go find some people
How? Where?

>> No.21357652
File: 2.24 MB, 640x640, 1648579553438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried posting your poems in the chat?

>> No.21357680
Quoted by: >>21357773

There's no one answer that applies to everybody. Pretending that you're filling the empty hole created by a barren social life is a valid purpose, not going to deny that, but if you're going to use them for that you can't really expect to be treated specially. You'll always be just part of the amorphous blob that is "the viewer" from their point of view. If that doesn't do it for you, go find something else to fill that hole.

>> No.21357681
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>Yea I'm a totally well grounded individual who watches mentally ill women with imposter syndrome pretend to be little anime girls for up to 4 hours a day
>I'm by no means absorbed into an unhealthy parasocial relationship and I understand these entertainers are just people

I fucking hate the hypocrisy of this board so much. Anytime there's some schizo manchild faggot venting his frustration everyone on this board takes it as an opportunity to try to appear better

>> No.21357702
File: 1.04 MB, 3101x3169, 1627957021813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21358085

go lower each time until you sucess
go for 40viewers
if you fail go for 20
then 10, then 5 then 2, then go for a 0views and monopolize, if you fail with the 0views then suicide will be your only option

>> No.21357715
Quoted by: >>21358827


>> No.21357749

You’re not sending enough comments or they’re too popular they can’t see it.

>> No.21357757
Quoted by: >>21357786

not really my problem, there's a bunch of people out there, go make yourself needed or something, or just cling to somebody till they accept you're part of their lives

>> No.21357765

Wait you guys are not watching vtubers for just entertainment purposes?

>> No.21357773
Quoted by: >>21358308

Oh fuck off you're no better than OP you wouldn't just be on this board but on this site all together

>> No.21357786
Quoted by: >>21358388


>> No.21357864

I am. >>21357603

>> No.21357874
File: 57 KB, 1080x575, 1627859041976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its harder to make friends than just predate on small vtubers

>> No.21358014
Quoted by: >>21358136

wtf are you going on about? It's the streamer's prerogative to talk to who they want.

>> No.21358079

what did you expected of some thailandeese furniture restoration forum?

>> No.21358085

is that even possible? they all have at least a few internet friends who mod, watch and chat with them

>> No.21358136

Very true, no argument there but I will say it's no wonder why they're unpopular as a vtuber

>> No.21358163

no, watching vtubers have to be some abstract parasocial relationship with intense power struggles or it becomes less fun

>> No.21358174
Quoted by: >>21358377

there was that link that specifically redirected you to a 0 view stream on twitch I think
anyone got it?

>> No.21358308

I never tried to imply I'm any better. I just think expecting vtubers to be a replacement for forming personal connections is retarded. It's a palliative at best.

>> No.21358309
File: 78 KB, 999x763, 1638905309775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21367161

0views are real, they are just the saddest bunch, no mods, no equipment usually using pngs and playing in silence waiting for anyone to bring them some attention and jumpstart their dream

its the final frontier, if you cannot get a 0views to read your comment you might as well not exist

>> No.21358377

just go twitch or youtube and search by less views

>> No.21358388

what's the matter?

>> No.21358579
Quoted by: >>21358704

>i'm not saying i'm any better than OP

>> No.21358704
Quoted by: >>21358846

Yeah, you can still think you have something worthy to say to people even if you don't think you're better than them.

>> No.21358789
Quoted by: >>21358881

You know besides the fact that you don't even know what palliative means you sound like a massive pretentious pseud which just further proves that anon's point

>> No.21358827

so you're a faggot

>> No.21358846

Who the fuck is this Jaden Smith? Kill yourself faggot but 10/10 if this is actually b8

>> No.21358881

Anon's point is that I'm no better than OP, which I agree with.

>> No.21358947

>All of them including smaller Indie ones never bother to engage with me unless I send a supachat or gift sub.
Are you utterly devoid of personality or just being a creepy little shit?

>> No.21359025

he is just fighting way over his current level

>> No.21359052
Quoted by: >>21359184

I'm just gonna automatically assume you're a failed e-girl turned PNGtuber or some legit retarded simp who doesn't mind getting ignored on chat

>> No.21359063

Watch the chuubas from /wvt/ with 30 or less viewers. They'll have no choice but to interact with you

>> No.21359073

Have you ever considered seeking fulfillment that isn't dependent on other people, and watching V-Tubers as a pastime and source of entertainment than a way to cope with your despondency?

I hate faggots like you, because it's always you fags that seem to have $200k in your bank account to throw around at girls that don't deserve it. Neck immediately.

>> No.21359184
Quoted by: >>21359305

If you're getting ignored in a small indie chat, you're doing something wrong. There are indies with chats so damn small they're happy to see a new face. It's pretty hard to fuck this up.

>> No.21359270
Quoted by: >>21359359

If indies don't respond to your comments, you must be a true disaster. Far as I know Indies read ALL their comments. Mizuchi streams to 7 viewers every day and gets 1 comment every 10 minutes or something. Amiya streams to 100 viewers and reads probably 80% of her comments. Miori streams to 300 viewers and reads maybe 30% of her comments.

>> No.21359305
Quoted by: >>21359368

So which one are you?

>> No.21359359
Quoted by: >>21359497

Yea no one is buying this. Sorry.

>> No.21359368

Neither. I don't get ignored in chats because I'm not socially retarded.
Answer the question, are you utterly devoid of personality or being a creepy little shit?

>> No.21359410


>> No.21359453
Quoted by: >>21359566

Failed e-girl PNGtuber. Ask me how I knew this. You have the intense vile bitterness of a woman or a shameless homo

>> No.21359497

you are retarded, this numbers are accurate,
single digits chubas go for everything and decreases each 10 or 2o viewers until it becomes a pay to win over 1k viewers

>> No.21359566
Quoted by: >>21359695

So both, then.

>> No.21359577
File: 48 KB, 486x373, 1406211888754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need friends

>> No.21359584
Quoted by: >>21359738

Vutbers will never be your friends neither your lovers

>> No.21359620

>I'm not socially retarded.

Yea you arguing about women puppeteers on a Croatian pottery forum really shows that

>> No.21359659
Quoted by: >>21359803

have you tried discord?

>> No.21359686

Just get better at interactions anon. I just started posting in chat last week and i already got 2 holos to react to my comments, and I was grayposting

>> No.21359695
Quoted by: >>21359920

You would find the truth to be this disturbing. Go ahead and waddle yourself back to your 2view stream so you can arara for $5 donations

>> No.21359738
File: 236 KB, 436x383, 1640137638505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21359921

but you can PRETEND they are your friends or lovers
its the magic of this whole affair

>> No.21359754

Dude get a life.
Like no, seriously, I’m sad for people like you because I used to feel the same. I hope my advice can help.
Get in shape, it doesn’t have to be running or weight lifting or whatever it has to be whatever you feel like doing, the point is feeling like you accomplished something, besides that depending on what stage of your life you are on try going to therapy with a male Asian therapist specialized in male problems. Overall just try being nicer with people and helping others it will also help you. I genuinely hope you get better anon, I wish you the best.

>> No.21359803

How do you find servers to join? How do they treat new people? Is it hard to integrate?

>> No.21359818

see >>21357681

>> No.21359888
Quoted by: >>21360061

Return to the basics. Watch Gura make cute noises while playing Kirby. She will talk to you and call you chat in her dulcet tones.

>> No.21359894
Quoted by: >>21360012

>Get in shape

>> No.21359920
File: 625 KB, 1170x710, 1636756969756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can araara for $5 donations
as if 2views get that lucky

>> No.21359921
Quoted by: >>21360194

>filling the void of emptiness
clearly something fake will do it just right!

>> No.21360012

The heavier the weights get the more i fall in love with my oshi. What do i do now?

>> No.21360061
File: 556 KB, 572x572, 1647377276280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21360240

its sounds great when you say it like that

>> No.21360113

pull your head out of your ass

>> No.21360151
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>> No.21360194
File: 1.40 MB, 780x788, 1632110224577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, its not that hard
just go on for 40 years and die after that, you will be happier than the guy searching for "something real" and just pushing against the void

>> No.21360235

It's really hard to read this without visualizing the screeching wojak

>> No.21360240
Quoted by: >>21360376

Black Gura cute

>> No.21360262
File: 174 KB, 1754x1240, 1638333216092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell your oshi about your new lifting goals

>> No.21360376

completly agree
i love those edits for holo en, they have a charm i cant explain

>> No.21360471

it is possible, they're me

>> No.21360607

would you read OP's comments even if they were retarded??

>> No.21360619

When did this shithole turn into /vt/ - ROBOT9001? Nobody cares about your sad pathetic life. Talk about vtubers or fuck off.

>> No.21360780

Anon ask yourself this honestly. Did you seriously expect the majority of vtuber fans to be well adjusted indivuals who have normal healthy relationships in the real world?

>> No.21360781
File: 27 KB, 540x300, 1626803108549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is related to vtubers, why do you click on a thread you dont like? you secretly want to read our comments unlike OP's oshi?

>> No.21360788
File: 100 KB, 463x453, 1617478763728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not tired of vtubers, but I'm rather tired of /vt/.

It has devolved into gossiping and shitting grounds for discorders, third worlders and kids to get their keks from. Streams are becoming just background events for generation of said drama and gossiping.
It's like every normalfag-infested hobby where the in-topic discussion gets replaced by endless banter, gossip and offtopic IRL shit and such, until it becomes just a dead site with normalfags being normalfags (like everywhere else in the internet), just with a topic flavor.

Anonimity and lack of moderation only work in autism boards where people do actually care about the subject. vtubers should have remained an obscure niche. I wish 4chan banned phoneposting and IPs who come from discord. Time and time again, it's been proved that quality requires gatekeeping.

>> No.21360833
File: 351 KB, 1448x2048, 1648348194114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care. die.

>> No.21360906

You know what you just described wanting?Reddit--now go there

>> No.21360946

It's called a containment board for a reason.

>> No.21360962

It sounds like you want a friend anon. Vtubers/egirls will never be your real friend.

>> No.21361015
Quoted by: >>21361068

Alright OP, I've got you an entertaining ESL 2view, they read everything and try to chat with you, you can't possibly fuck this up. I've yet see her get angry at someone

>> No.21361068

Fuck forgot link I'm retarded as hell https://www.twitch.tv/piedralina

>> No.21361383

i am not OP, but thanks, i will check her out

>> No.21361412

>I simply asked her about the game she was playing and about the type of she mentioned she was snacking on.
You could try, you know, saying something interesting or just not being so basic.

>> No.21361527

Anon that's not fair. Granted she has the right to not respond to him if she doesn't want to but to ridicule him for being "basic" is just shitty on your part.

>> No.21361581

yeah, OP justjust need to ask her to say ara ara like a normal viewer

>> No.21361590
Quoted by: >>21361651

Status update: Somebody went into her stream and fucked it up.

>> No.21361643

>I simply asked her about the game she was playing
You could just watch. No wonder she didn't reply.

>> No.21361651

what happened? did you get screencap?

>> No.21361776

>it's your fault you're just basic and boring

What is it about you faggots that will go great lengths to not say maybe just maybe my chubba is a bit of a cunt

>> No.21361908

Hey anon. The emptiness in your heart will never be filled. As long as you partake in mundane society you will never will happiness. No amount of Vtubers will ever fix you.
You don't even need friends like others said. If you do so you are basically treating them as a therapist. Friendship is a lie formed by modern values.
What you need to do is to train yourself in martial arts. The greatest feeling in life is defeating those who are weaker than you. By doing so, it inherently gives your life more meaning by being stronger than them.
Society has been cucking our spirits by teaching us that violence is not the answer. They are wrong, to be violent is be human. To fight is the true path to enlightenment.

>> No.21362039
File: 356 KB, 1280x785, 1647437166243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based

>> No.21362132

sounds based
but its easier to just become a weird saviorfag for 2views
i hope OP is no longer here and has taken the gifted chuba of above and is having fun right now

>> No.21362285

Dangerously based

>> No.21362936
Quoted by: >>21363406

did you try dmt

>> No.21363406
File: 131 KB, 877x759, 1626938394256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21363636

dmt is trash, you dont get you message displayed as a superchat or get into the charts like using bits, its retarded to use direct transfer if you cant show it to the other viewers

>> No.21363636

try salvia

>> No.21363684
File: 2.59 MB, 2508x3541, 1619656505738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21363789

Jokes on you anon I only watch the clips for like half an hour a day.

>> No.21363789

and it shows

>> No.21363892

You have to think about the audience as a single entity, this is how most gachis works, you can get attention yourself from time to time, but the attention given to the fanbase is given to (you), works better in GFE chuubas

>> No.21363965
Quoted by: >>21364186

That’s because attack on titan is ending anon.
Everyday is one day closer to shit.

>> No.21363985

how to you find discords? dont you need a link?

>> No.21364186

we still have a movie to go

>> No.21364287
Quoted by: >>21364523

People can find discord servers by searching a repo of public servers. You won't find friends and only find groomers who wish to blackmail you for gay tranny sex. Such is the woes of the modern western internet.

>> No.21364523

you have to go on forums for your hobbies and find their discord

>> No.21364608

become a clipchad and spend all day posting youtube comments. then you can take all your clip knowledge back here

>> No.21364970
File: 119 KB, 840x1167, FEbK4zQVkAAzaZy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to twitch
> find a chuba with a range of viewers of around 100-600 viewers
>search on her social media links then click on discord
> you are now part of a discord server with the fans of that chuba, you can speak about her and make friends with similar retards

>> No.21366984

did this with a 40 viewer jp streamer, she was reading my dogshit japanese written in romaji until she was talking about one of her video and I called it "kawaii deshita" , she then ignored me till the end of the stream

>> No.21367161
Quoted by: >>21367517

I watched some 0 view male jp streamer and was talking about what he ate for lunch and veggies were delicious and other shit for almost an hour. pretty good way to practice japanese

>> No.21367517
File: 550 KB, 631x1200, 1646192649198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds like a nice way to learn

>> No.21368160
Quoted by: >>21368492

Lisa in some of her smaller 2view streams respond to basically everything, even spiderhag in her game streams too. They depend on each individual viewer. Chances are maybe if you tried before you didn't really say anything interesting enough for them to play off of?

>> No.21368492
File: 1.18 MB, 900x675, 1643632900016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good tip is that being stupid is much better than being boring in order for a chuba to read you

>> No.21371921

Because modern men contribute to the pampering of the modern woman.

>> No.21372814
File: 3.19 MB, 276x204, 1612553244056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21374713

get a gf

>> No.21372917

>im not unfunny or creepy and my username isn't MIKE HAWK loves RUSSIA 69 i swear!

>> No.21374713
File: 292 KB, 500x375, 1644425788609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting a new oshi is easier

>> No.21375971

try googling "anhedonia"
or find yourself a reason to live

>> No.21376217

>not realizing the venn diagram for /r9k/ incels and /vt/ parasocial orbiter wannabes is literally a circle

>> No.21376297

>never bother to engage with me unless I send a supachat or gift sub
Then stop being poor so that you can send more superchats

>> No.21376454
Quoted by: >>21379226

In the end, how is talking to streamers not entertainment?
I make jokes to entertain myself, if the streamer engages is even better
But also stings when one thinks they nailed a comment and it gets ignored, isn't it normal to get bitter momentarily when that happens?
Of course thinking you are entitled to a response is stupid, but humans in the large majority absolutely hate being ignored
It takes some maturity to snap yourself out of a natural reaction, the stress load accumulates.
What do you do to de-stress since your de-stressing mechanism is watching vtubers?
I'm the Shizochama here or you guys are mental titans or something?

>> No.21376493
Quoted by: >>21380203

am i the only one who puts vtubers on while i'm doing something else? Like at the very beginning or end of the stream is the only time i'll type, or if my interest gets piqued from something i'll chime in.... but then again i'm also autistic and i don't really care to interact with them beyond watching them. I generally prefer to not be noticed by the streamer or even get mentioned. I'll feel pressured to respond and more often than not it'll be a let down as to what they're looking for. Or it'll take too long, it'll feel like i'm formulating an answer and they've already whizzed through 3 other conversation topics.

>> No.21376539
File: 578 KB, 650x576, why are we here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never did. They were just a smokescreen.

>> No.21376748

Lol who has time to talk to vtubers and watch whole streams. I only watch 切り抜き.

>> No.21379226
File: 367 KB, 930x654, 1636960301024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interaction is a different form of entertainment from vtubers, some enjoy only watching but being part of the stream is a completly different meta

>> No.21379712

Quit coping on 4chan, sandalsboy. You're gonna get your ass kicked by Luke and everyone knows it.

>> No.21379770

I tried with Anya and Sana. They're small corpo chuubas

>> No.21379800

Because women can do no wrong

>> No.21379839

That's funny. I get Gura to read my comments all the time and I don't send her anything except a 5 dollar membership. She also reads lots of gray comments

>> No.21379866

Welcome to modern men and women

>> No.21379956

>Vtubers don't fill the void of emptiness anymore
It comes and goes

>> No.21379989

Watch Amiya Aranha or Sara Nagare

>> No.21380203

recently i only watch streams when im taking a shit or bath, watching and listening as I bathe.

>> No.21380429
Quoted by: >>21402358

I think we should all go out, meet people and get married and have children...

>> No.21383835
Quoted by: >>21400821

>I wasn't even being creepy

>> No.21389588

Don’t fall too deep into parasocial relationships with people you’ll never meet.

>> No.21390568

Reddit moment

>> No.21390805
Quoted by: >>21400821

a lot of people are giving you really shitty hugbox responses, so i'll be real with you

you're a fucking loser. your status quo is now perma. good luck!

>> No.21391293
Quoted by: >>21392987

unfortunetly getting streamers to respond to your messages takes the same skillset as talking to people normally
you need to read the room and come up with witty responses fast enough that they are still on topic
if you are not good at this then you need to practice, simple as

>> No.21392152
Quoted by: >>21392406

2view twitchtubers are easy to get engagement out of. I managed to get one to burp out my username once, that's an experience you'll never get with corpotubers.

>> No.21392324

>up to 4 hours a day
Haha, right, who would do that, lmoa. make that 14 hours

>> No.21392406

I'll give it three weeks max and someone in hololive will steal this. And retards will hail it as the most creative vtuber ever.

>> No.21392639
Quoted by: >>21400821

>I wasn't even being creepy
Develop some self awareness

>> No.21392714
Quoted by: >>21400821

KIll yourself already you parasocial retard.

>> No.21392846
Quoted by: >>21400821

I only spend like 20-30 minutes a day watching streams, but I spend way more here because I enjoy laughing at you.

>> No.21392987

>and come up with witty responses fast enough that they are still on topic
this is what kills me most of the time. I do get some good jokes in from time to time though, but some vtubers are too quick and witty for me to keep up with

>> No.21393519

prove it

>> No.21395818
Quoted by: >>21396034

I'm pretty sure that statistically most streamers are 0views but you never hear of them or see them precisely because they have 0 views.

>> No.21396034

If I remember right, 10+ viewers puts you in the top 1% on twitch

>> No.21400821
File: 42 KB, 474x632, aj6mrlodb2a81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine white knighting this hard for a fictional 2D girl. Get some help.

>> No.21402358

