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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.63 MB, 2480x3508, 1648270502447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21145431 No.21145431 [Reply] [Original]

Kronii's B-day Merchandise is live!

>Twitter Space: Help me find this vocaloid song lost for years #KroniiSpace

>Guest Appearance:【GETTING OVER IT】From The Top (Sitting in VC)

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#KroniiSpace (Twitter Space tag)
#Kromiku (Miku song tag)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

>Current Schedule:

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread

>Current Bond Level: 7.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Fanart Gallery:

>Clock Sounds:
Notice: Download everything since it might go down again

>> No.21145449
Quoted by: >>21145949

Remember to ignore Schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE.

>> No.21145455
File: 657 KB, 724x723, 1642313668252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21145703

God, I love her so fucking much...

>> No.21145465
File: 302 KB, 402x442, 1638826778474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21145473
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>> No.21145479

Kronii Love!

>> No.21145508
File: 96 KB, 1333x1579, 1638386317907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're so fucked...so so fucked....

>> No.21145518
File: 120 KB, 1284x1254, 1641575127160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21145539
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>> No.21145552
Quoted by: >>21146021

Kronii and Kami love!

>> No.21145582
Quoted by: >>21145620

I think... she....

>> No.21145604


>> No.21145620
Quoted by: >>21145727


>> No.21145636
File: 276 KB, 701x701, 1635176114394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21145671

Kronii is going to stagnate and never get better and it's because you're all to busy being yesmen and masturbating over other namefags.

>> No.21145703
Quoted by: >>21146143

I hope she is going to put out that on me.

>> No.21145727


>> No.21145753
Quoted by: >>21145832


>> No.21145756


>> No.21145819

Shut up Jesse

>> No.21145832


>> No.21145885
Quoted by: >>21145962


>> No.21145897
File: 9 KB, 128x128, 1645924234476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21145923

Aren't you tired of getting btfo'd every week?

>> No.21145949

>ignore Schizos
So we're all ignoring each other? How we communicate then.

>> No.21145951

>you're about to fall asleep
>You cock your head to the side and look at your lovely gf Kronii
>"Do you know..."
>Kronii chews the bottom part of her lip in a pensive manner; she always does this when she has a question that's been bugging her
>"Do you know what the plastic things at the end of shoelaces are called?"
>You stare at her blankly for a few seconds, and mutter that how weird it is that no one knows that those are called.
>"I know, right? I want to say it's something like a egglet, or something like that maybe? Why am I getting hung up on such a dumb thing now?"
>seeing an opportunity to mess with her a little bit, you suddenly ask her if she knows what the thing you click on a ballpoint pen is called
>"Okay I know you're fucking with me, that's the clicker right? Wait, it's not actually called that?"
>You can't help but snicker a little when you see her pout after giving the wrong answer
>"It should be called the clicker because that's what every does when they use a pen, right? I'm not going crazy in thinking this, am I?"
>The two of you only manage to finally fall asleep after 30 minutes of debating why certain things do or don't have the names they should

>> No.21145962


>> No.21145965

I don't want her to stagnate and I hate yesmen but I don't see any reason to believe this is the case right now. It certainly was during MC arc I'll give you that.

>> No.21146011


>> No.21146021
File: 425 KB, 569x661, 1642762198314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21146520

Gonna send it?

>> No.21146030
File: 1.26 MB, 2200x2200, 1631071123623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21146059

>giving a proper reply to Jesse
Spread those cheeks anon

>> No.21146038

I think it's sayakafag trying to start shit again. He's the only poster that hasn't really moved on from the yesmen timeloops

>> No.21146059

>its episode 30392 of a gay chumbud being gay

>> No.21146063
Quoted by: >>21146122

Who the fuck is Jesse?

>> No.21146114
Quoted by: >>21146247

sex with archivebud...

>> No.21146122
Quoted by: >>21146138

A special title for anyone able to outschizo the most schizos of schizos

>> No.21146138

But why?

>> No.21146143
Quoted by: >>21146427

is this why they call you that

>> No.21146151
File: 84 KB, 1024x755, 1643663748367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21146157

Come on, where the hell is the faggot that kept saying Kronii didn't do GFE?

>> No.21146155

the Gura is a boy rrats...

>> No.21146158


>> No.21146176
File: 197 KB, 1097x1070, 1642438732083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another episode of replying to Jesse instead of shitting on him
Open wide

>> No.21146194
Quoted by: >>21146265

I dunno who started it
Feels like the thread just went along with it when someone started calling them that

>> No.21146231
File: 273 KB, 457x520, 1630157922625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your oshi's thread. Get your shit together and stop discordfaging

>> No.21146235

Lurk for a hundred years nigger

>> No.21146243
Quoted by: >>21146274

She doesnt.

>> No.21146247
Quoted by: >>21146280

archivebud is a fucking flip anon, hes probably disgusting

>> No.21146251
Quoted by: >>21146396

theres a name for the clicker?

>> No.21146265
Quoted by: >>21146330

I'm just wondering if there was an original twitter or youtube comment by someone named Jesse or something.

>> No.21146274
File: 1.05 MB, 1044x1098, 163246633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21146280
File: 357 KB, 1296x1228, 1624560460226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries, she's cute enough

>> No.21146282

is any computerbro here familiar with wget

>> No.21146295

didn't she literally say in the space she won't do it

>> No.21146298
File: 204 KB, 580x612, anchoronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21147595

Anchor post for fics. Please reply here for archival purposes.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!

>> No.21146317 [SPOILER] 
File: 365 KB, 1839x1037, 97203585_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she loves us

>> No.21146328
File: 172 KB, 400x579, 1629901030103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO a fucking deadbeat tourist isn't gonna tell us what to do.

>> No.21146330
Quoted by: >>21146568

It's a Breaking Bad reference

>> No.21146338

give her a few months...

>> No.21146361

Yepp, but it's certainly uncharacteristic of her to indulge such a request
I guess there's something about twitter space that just makes her more relaxed and more willing to do things she usually shy away from on stream

>> No.21146390

Just talking about this threads extended universe

>> No.21146395
File: 2.36 MB, 1334x750, 1630225473463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is getting way too comfortable with the kronies i am scared

>> No.21146396

The proper term for it is "thrust device" apparently.

>> No.21146422

She outright said she's more relaxed on twitter spaces yes

>> No.21146427
Quoted by: >>21146483

I do not know why they call me this. I did not choose it.

>> No.21146432
File: 45 KB, 850x478, 1646464403728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21146498

Isn't this what you wanted?

>> No.21146443
Quoted by: >>21146733

the roleplay thing wasn't a request, the space was compared to an actual phone call and her own immediate thought was sex voice roleplay

>> No.21146450
Quoted by: >>21146596

Your tourism is showing.

>> No.21146483
Quoted by: >>21146713

Because you a fucking freak.

>> No.21146495

Kronii is getting more comfortable with the kronies
I am getting less comfortable with her
We arent.

>> No.21146498
File: 465 KB, 549x624, 1636169298211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21146534

Not for the greys...

>> No.21146501
Quoted by: >>21147093

only with her favorites. even going as far as giving them nicknames now

>> No.21146510
File: 123 KB, 400x400, 163872915472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very cool, my homie!

>> No.21146520


>> No.21146533
File: 107 KB, 748x615, 1644114379968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want her to get comfortable with the mentally unwell

>> No.21146534


>> No.21146545
Quoted by: >>21146631


>> No.21146558

I can't believe we have deadbeats now...
Where'd the saplings go? Or the irystocrats that replaced them?

>> No.21146568

OK what does Breaking Bad have to do with Kronii?

>> No.21146590
Quoted by: >>21147034

That mori post is a falseflag retards. Nobody has brought up any names besides jesse who is inherently a meme in the first place

>> No.21146596

I'm just here for the morix(you) someone promised the other day

>> No.21146614
Quoted by: >>21146661

Are you surprised? Kronii just had a collab with Mori

>> No.21146631
File: 101 KB, 400x385, 182587338883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a deadbeat

>> No.21146661

I didn't really expect them to lurk or stay here after that...

>> No.21146681

I'm not saying to gtfo, stay as much as you want, but trying to change our culture is an impossible task deadbeat. Some have tried and failed -- and joined us eventually.

>> No.21146705
Quoted by: >>21147014

Wow so you are here for a free fic and think you have a say in how we proceed in this thread? Fucking lol

>> No.21146707
Quoted by: >>21146774

>trying to change our culture is an impossible task deadbeat. Some have tried and failed -- and joined us eventually.

>> No.21146713
Quoted by: >>21146776

Why do you say this?

>> No.21146733
File: 46 KB, 404x512, 1607135016762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly get thrown back to having phone calls with my first and last-time I had a gf 15 years ago

>> No.21146738
Quoted by: >>21146822

Kroniebeats, this is my first, final, and only message to you
You're alright

>> No.21146759

Which is worse?
Twitterspace or Guerilla Karaoke?

>> No.21146766
File: 99 KB, 400x400, 1645085845309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21146814

please dont act proud...

>> No.21146774

Relax your balls and let the schizo in you flourish deadbeat.

>> No.21146776
Quoted by: >>21146805

Why are you such a masochist Freaky...who hurt you...

>> No.21146805

No one has hurt me. That is my problem.

>> No.21146814

I just having fun and being friendly, smoke some reefer and chill kryate.

>> No.21146822

Sometimes I wonder if this thread is just the unholy offspring of all myth fanbases combined

>> No.21146841

I never really watched Myth though... I was an occasional clipwatcher till Council...

>> No.21146903

Well that poll that was made at the beginning showed we have a lot of anons from myth fanbases

>> No.21146907

what the fuck

>> No.21146921
File: 2.78 MB, 1254x1771, 97201964_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next collab when?

>> No.21146947
Quoted by: >>21147106


>> No.21146954

We had a list of representative fanbases that hang out here a while ago, there's at least one person from each other EN fanbase

>> No.21146982 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 1283x995, Eq0Lle7VgAA5bA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21147014 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 495x564, 1648191300023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, have this in return

>> No.21147034
Quoted by: >>21147090

Why is Jesse a meme?

>> No.21147046

I started with Holometh...

>> No.21147089
File: 220 KB, 463x453, 1642993784158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21147484

You put on such a front with this uptight, stern, office lady character but you're clingy as all hell, lonely, and have lesbian fantasies of being beaten and treated like a sexual slave. I'd go as far as to say you get off from being called "Freaky" because you might have a humiliation kink. Gotta say Freaky-chan, you're quite the personality.

>> No.21147090

I do not know. I thought it was a person who was here and they think it is me. I am now learning it is a meme. I still do not like it.

>> No.21147093
Quoted by: >>21147178

Literally who the fuck is Daren
Can it, cringer

>> No.21147106

Clussy lost weight

>> No.21147140


>> No.21147145


>> No.21147149
Quoted by: >>21147211

So...is she not streaming today...

>> No.21147162


>> No.21147174


>> No.21147178

Me, I'm Daren. I'm her new favorite now.

>> No.21147183

Stop pretending to be retarded Jesse

>> No.21147211
File: 1.89 MB, 400x400, 1619105652523[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz9zf68.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21147233

Enjoy your weekend!

>> No.21147233


>> No.21147289

She didn't even miss us, she just wanted to find that song. She used us as convenient tools. Nothing more.

>> No.21147330

She's such a sadist...

>> No.21147338
File: 38 KB, 488x488, 1642903075514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21147414

Anon, It's literally our name, KRONIES.

>> No.21147351
Quoted by: >>21147425

that's probably a good thing given how schizo some kronies went after that space

>> No.21147353
File: 87 KB, 480x480, 1645543472519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21147414

She'd just call you a weak Kronie for missing her

>> No.21147375

which timeloop is this?

>> No.21147414

I hate this kronii reaction image in particular so much
This one too, never been used in a positive context once

>> No.21147425


>> No.21147461
File: 692 KB, 646x646, 1638414660984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21147582

I just love her lots ok...

>> No.21147476 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 328x379, 1645208828414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. Kronii love!

>> No.21147484

Your post has made me uncomfortable. I will cease posting today.

>> No.21147514

Freaky love!

>> No.21147567

No... Stay...

>> No.21147574
File: 646 KB, 628x846, 1647403471754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21147813

Pure kino I rickrolled her and got read like 6 times
The space was laggy and I kept getting booted throughout the second half though...

>> No.21147580

You always say but end up coming back anyway. You are just a lonely slut addicted to being berated by the kronies!

>> No.21147581
Quoted by: >>21147675

Why did she call Gabe Gabe?
Isn't that what people /here/ call him?

>> No.21147582

yeah we can see that

>> No.21147585

Post a vocaroo of your voice. If you're actually a female you will redeem your reputation and be accepted into the GC immediately.

>> No.21147595


>> No.21147628

Does Kronii browse 4chan?

>> No.21147646
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 65589075438p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gfe ... but not me.
I didn't listen to it live

>> No.21147648


>> No.21147664

Vote D!

>> No.21147675

Chat calls him gabe too. Other kronies call him gabe on twitter. He's ever so slightly bigger than /vt/ only now. I wouldnt worry about it

>> No.21147676


>> No.21147747
Quoted by: >>21148324

Okie doke!

>> No.21147813

>got read like 6 times
must be nice...

>> No.21147821

if she did she wouldnt be flexing about how great it is that spaces arent archived so much

>> No.21147848
Quoted by: >>21147929

Gramps, you here? Could you get a trip so I can endorse you to /vtwbg/ as my back up / co rep? Thanks

>> No.21147854
Quoted by: >>21148324

May we know why? I'm curious.

>> No.21147929

I didn't check about the trip yet, I will do it now.

>> No.21147952

>general filled with islandniggers tripfagging
god im so sick of this place

>> No.21147976

Leave then

>> No.21147992

keep crying

>> No.21147993

You can filter them! That's what I did

>> No.21148035
Quoted by: >>21148713

How about you leave faggot

>> No.21148043

I don't enjoy the world building stuff either but it's really not that big a deal just leave them be and post cute Kroniis

>> No.21148047
Quoted by: >>21148090

We have barely been mapfagging lately to complain about it really.

>> No.21148074

How many reads did you get? Your chance to brag.

>> No.21148090

just fucking post in the map thread and fuck off here, none of us here give a shit about what youre doing there with your autistic RP

>> No.21148134
Quoted by: >>21148357

Just got read 3 times but that's enough for me

>> No.21148146
Quoted by: >>21148201

Speak for yourself faggot. Go back to global nigger.

>> No.21148149

it was my tweet that made her go to phone sex voice roleplay, I could not be happier

>> No.21148161
File: 722 KB, 620x726, 1641538960311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 and I made her laugh, also got her to say that she cosplayed as Mikasa!

>> No.21148187


>> No.21148201

I agree that the mapfags should stay in the mapfag thread.

>> No.21148248

She said my name...

>> No.21148249

Weren't you leaving?

>> No.21148259

Testing, one, two, three.

And I don't give a shit about ERP and spreadsheets but I don't complain like a little bitch about it like you. The thread doesn't belong to you and mapfaging is inoffensive.

>> No.21148293

Okay how about this?
>Kronii streams 3 times in a week
>BUT there'll be a guaranteed space on Saturday

>> No.21148298
Quoted by: >>21148411

Probably because you don't even watch Kronii, you just come here to post your shitty map shit.

>> No.21148324
Quoted by: >>21148878

It was recently discovered that the northern ocean, was actually a land locked sea. So creating two straits was the most fair solution to keep any country that has coastline from being isolated. Which is what option D does.
Likewise, we can use our steamships to create early ice breakers and help maintain trade routes through the north because the waters still ice over in the spring and fall (Winter would still be impassable.)

Also I was under the impression that this wouldn't need a vote so I already told /rbc/ that the straits were added. So I'm just wanting to make sure the promise is fulfilled. Though the rbc lore writer decided to become the rep, so we currently don't have a presence within rbc. But you should both still push for an alliance with rbc so we can have a presence in the area to help make trading easier.

>> No.21148328

And the whiny bitches should stay in the whiny thread.

>> No.21148341
Quoted by: >>21148399

Freaky's a self admitted mapfag.

>> No.21148357
File: 87 KB, 1077x1077, 1646736354796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just 3

>> No.21148382

That's not me.

>> No.21148399

>defending Jesse

>> No.21148411

Really dude? I'm up to date with Kronii's streams, collabs and cameos. You can't hurt me anon, I don't care about angry babies.

>> No.21148430

i dont like ERP or namefag shit either retard
mapfagging shit is in that tier of "things that dont belong in a kronii general"

>> No.21148456

I can't believe I have to say this but at least those things are Kronii related. Whereas your mapfaggotry has nothing to with Kronii whatsoever.

>> No.21148473
Quoted by: >>21148607

You might be more comfortable using Reddit then anon.

>> No.21148485
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 1629833617972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get to decide what belongs in the Kronii thread. You will never be a meido.

>> No.21148495

a sure way to get to sleep.

>> No.21148526

Is it just me or does it feel like all the positive attention from Kronies is starting to get to Kronii?

>> No.21148551
Quoted by: >>21148606

Presumably it should be things related to Kronii. Which ERP, namefagging, and mapfagging are not. Fucking retard.

>> No.21148585

yeah, i hope it helps to get her mental better

>> No.21148595

I honestly put her intro/outro music on sometimes to fall asleep to

>> No.21148607

NTA but tripfagging is where I draw the line. If you want to tripfag do it in the worldbuilding general.

>> No.21148606
File: 606 KB, 977x858, 1630205892245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assimilate or fuck off.

>> No.21148633

Good. She needs it, lets just hope it doesnt get to her head. But at the same time a bratty in over her head Kronii would make my dick hard so its a win win for me desu

>> No.21148662

>Ouroboros + Daydream
It almost seems like they're sister songs, goddammit.

>> No.21148676

That's fair enough

>> No.21148687

as seen with the birthday supa stream she's still got some issues with the whole "other Kronii" talk but she also get absolutely slammed with affirmation that everyone only wants her, she's definitely getting more confident and comfortable in general hopefully she'll keep getting better

>> No.21148695

I agree with this

>> No.21148711


>> No.21148713
Quoted by: >>21148880

Filter it. There are worse ways to use the thread, anyway. Like spreadsheetfagging.
Thanks Gramps, I'll post your trip there

>> No.21148716

That's a good thing, she needs to know that she has fans that love her. I hope one day she stops saying the "sorry to waste your time" line

>> No.21148741

boros love!

>> No.21148755
Quoted by: >>21148880

I actually agree (I'm Gramps). In fact, I did the tripfag because I was asked to do so.

>> No.21148805
File: 2.91 MB, 1800x2400, 97091446_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21148878
Quoted by: >>21149201

Thanks for the explanation and the heads up. Will do. How do you suggest I approach /rbc/?

>> No.21148880
Quoted by: >>21148995

I'd say you and archivebud don't need to use them here. Just post the map anchor when we are going to talk about map stuff and use the trip exclusively in /vtwbg/. I mean that's its intended purpose anyway.

>> No.21148903
File: 678 KB, 843x811, 1646030336452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supervisor Kronii forcing her subordinate Freaky to wear shibari ropes under her work uniform!
Kronii calling Freaky into the smoke room and forcing her to stick out her tongue to extinguish her cigarette!
Kronii calling Freaky an "inferior Indonesian dog" and forcing her to lick her shoes and grovel as an apology for being a lesser human being!
Kronii forcing Freaky to eat her out from underneath her office desk!
Kronii asphyxiating Freaky by yanking on her tie!
Kronii yanking Freaky by her hair and slamming her face against the wall!
Kronii slapping Freaky for her workplace incompetence!
Kronii forcing Freaky to strip naked and walk outside at the park with a collar and leash like a bitch mutt!
Kronii forcing Freaky to go braless on a hot summer day so her employees can see her sweaty chest as humiliation play!
Kronii abusing a remote controlled vibrator while Freaky does a presentation at an office meeting!
Kronii abusing the vibrator when Freaky has a call with her employees!
Kronii tying Freaky by her hands, hanging her from the ceiling, and using her like a punching bag to release her frustration!
Kronii blindfolding, tying, and neglecting Freaky in her dark closet for the entire day as punishment!
Kronii calling Reine over and fucking her while Freaky is forced to watch, chained up in the corner!
Kronii forcing Freaky to clean up their mess with her mouth!
Kronii using Freaky as her personal human urinal!
Kronii torturing Freaky by inserting ice cubes in every hole of her body!
Kronii sending pictures of Freaky's blindfolded, desecrated body under an anonymous account to Freaky's employees!
Kronii spitting in all of Freaky's meals and drinks!
Kronii carving her initials onto Freaky's naked body with a knife!
Kronii forcing Freaky to get herself humilation and ownership tattoos branded on her body!
Kronii forcing Freaky to dress up in extremely uncomfortable ballerina heels and a maid costume as her personal slave uniform!
Kronii forcing Freaky to sleep in a cold, metal dog cage!
Kronii!! Freaky!!

>> No.21148921
Quoted by: >>21148962

That's fair. I don't doing it anyway, especially on my phone
t. Mapbud

>> No.21148936

Now write some Freaky x (you)

>> No.21148962

>Another fucking chumbud who uses infinity besides Archivebud
What the fuck

>> No.21148981

Ouroboros is the cutest Mori song, bar none.

>> No.21148989

mapbud is archivebud...

>> No.21148995

Yeah I took the trip off for here.

>> No.21149042


>> No.21149048

Also post how many comments you made. Be honest

>> No.21149107

Hot. I hope she's into this kind of stuff

>> No.21149201

I opened diplomatic relations with rbc at the same time as risu, and they originally agreed to be a protectorate as well. However, I wanted to play it safe on this one to make sure they developed lore before anything happened and get them situated given their location in the world.
I then made sure that if the lore writer or anyone else wanted to become the rep, the protectorate agreement with rbc would be voided. Their lore writer did become the rep and is currently turning down the offer where we set up a trading port in /rbc/.

The best way forward would probably be to continue offering them support, trade deals and an alliance.

>> No.21149210 [DELETED] 

I approve. Very enjoyable scenarios. I appreciate the inclusion of Reine, she is another of my favorites. Could use some free public use though. Thank you. I will soon remove this post.

>> No.21149234
File: 160 KB, 814x1200, City of Stars[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjjn0xv.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21149255
Quoted by: >>21149467


>> No.21149256

I want to slap you every time you post angrily now

>> No.21149268
Quoted by: >>21149414

I would've included public use but I thought you were a lesbian and not bisexual

>> No.21149330

Damn, thanks for the help in that regard then. Thanks for getting us another potential friend and for getting another general interested in /vtwbg/

>> No.21149357

20 comments, 3 reads.

>> No.21149365
File: 176 KB, 768x768, Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hi, glad you liked it enough to post it here

>> No.21149396

10 reads 28 comments

>> No.21149400
Quoted by: >>21149490

stop trying to be the new p-chan

>> No.21149414 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21149445

I am not bisexual. But the point is for me not to like it.

>> No.21149445

This fucking slut.

>> No.21149462
Quoted by: >>21149528

Freaky is not a woman you absolute retards, stop falling for LARP bait.

>> No.21149467
File: 107 KB, 551x600, 1502419451665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21149599

Both posts were by me, the polarizing reactions are pretty amusing

>> No.21149477
Quoted by: >>21149602

Lets start with trading. A port owned by us is invasive and what happened with Risu was an exception. Alliance would be nice, we need a safe route to the Council countries and we don't have any allies in the road to them, but that can be worked with time through diplomacy.

Also, and I know it sounds ironic coming from me, we really should focus in our lore and map building for a while, we have been neglecting that.

>> No.21149490

Anyone who falls for this trap is just plain retarded

>> No.21149502
Quoted by: >>21149737

Hmm? You the artist?

>> No.21149528
File: 7 KB, 779x145, Freaky-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21149597

i dunno she's pretty dense and slips up in anger sometimes

>> No.21149597
Quoted by: >>21149725

An anon is a man until proven otherwise via vocaroo or some other means of hard evidence.
Freaky is trying to "redeem" his reputation just so he can join the GC. That's literally all he cares about, then he'll start shitposting and being a faggot again.

>> No.21149599
File: 366 KB, 576x346, 1643230102532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21149602
Quoted by: >>21149738

Depending on where we have presences in the world will dictate how our navy operates, it's why I was focused on diplomacy first.

We should probably make the island map more detailed as well given how large it is if it's 1000 miles wide. As for zoning, we should be a lot more liberal in mixing things up, since we want to avoid an all eggs in one basket sitution.

>> No.21149659
Quoted by: >>21149801

Whether that's a LARP or not that's still fucking deranged

>> No.21149725
File: 73 KB, 707x682, 1614264219007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21149817

This. Finally someone else that can see through Jesse's scheme.

>> No.21149737

Oh no I made the soundpost lmao

>> No.21149738

I think Gramps was working on a more detailed map, with port and city placements. I don't have it on hand though

>> No.21149801
Quoted by: >>21149839

Kinks to that extreme almost always come from some sort of trauma, if it isn't a LARP I wonder who hurt her for her to turn out like this

>> No.21149817

I know most of the kronies are shooting the shit and funposting when they write these gayposts about Freaky, but it's not helping because it just gives him more attention and reinforces his behaviour.
I just don't want the GC to be ruined by any schizo that gets into it. It's in a nice state right now and I want to keep it that way.

>> No.21149820

kronii indifference.

>> No.21149839

Dumb anon thinking with his dick again

>> No.21149867
Quoted by: >>21149902

It's a girl when I'm on top, anon

>> No.21149902

Pretty based desu

>> No.21149905
Quoted by: >>21149968

bichads win either way

>> No.21149918
File: 1016 KB, 2048x2048, Test 1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean in terms of a physical map (showing detailed physical features, height and depth).
I.E. a bit like what our prototype island was.

>> No.21149945

Couldn't we just block him if that's the case

>> No.21149954


>> No.21149968

>implying you'd fuck a mentally ill menhara like Freaky who takes on 500 different thread personalities, impersonates other namefags, and spends their entire time in this general
He will literally slit your throat while you're asleep.

>> No.21150005

i'm safe as long as he's locked up in his cage

>> No.21150006

I'll choke him out while I breed his ass then leave after dumping my load. Problem solved.

>> No.21150052
Quoted by: >>21150107

i dont have access to it but is it me or does the gc cause unnecessary drama

>> No.21150060

>shooting the shit
p-chan youre not even in the group chat...

>> No.21150064

I mean topographical map.

>> No.21150107
Quoted by: >>21150150

Weird honestly, it's just non-anons shitposting and sexposting in intervals

>> No.21150139

I was waiting for the new projection to continue working on it. It was basic zoning anyway for now. I need a scale to figure how big and where our cities will be. When that is done, we can work on roads.

Or we can define ports, which there were already a proposal from the naval anon and one from me and make route based on them, and later added cities around them.


>> No.21150150

Every poster who uses infinity is not anonymous.

>> No.21150198
Quoted by: >>21150381

We have to ask in the thread to update this one with the lake on top of the mountain.

>> No.21150283

Sorry if my post was very bothersome. I will not post things like that in the future. Please stop saying rude things about me now. Maybe we should just discuss Kronii. Or the map.

>> No.21150289
File: 2.24 MB, 640x360, OddLoop [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8s5bsj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21150381

The one I posted was the original proto type that we we then shopped to be more in line with the rest of the map.

>> No.21150391
Quoted by: >>21150524

Nobody cares until you post your vocaroo, Pee-chan.

>> No.21150395
Quoted by: >>21150442

I will never get tired of this one.

>> No.21150425
Quoted by: >>21150524

Don't worry I think it's hot. You can probably post like that during dead hours

>> No.21150441

best version

>> No.21150442
Quoted by: >>21150553

Updated it with IRyS' version, hopefully I got the timing right?

>> No.21150504

damn this is an upgrade

>> No.21150524

I will not post anything about myself in the future, sorry. I know how 4chan works now. This would be a bad idea.
Morning /infinity/ is more kind to other posters than evening /infinity/. It is probably all the little rude children getting home from school.

>> No.21150553
Quoted by: >>21150597

It's well done anon. Congrats.

>> No.21150582

I kind of look forward to your posts about yourself when you're not in a bad mood though...

>> No.21150597
File: 239 KB, 768x768, Woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21150694


>> No.21150637

>Morning /infinity/ is more kind to other posters than evening /infinity/.

>> No.21150694
Quoted by: >>21150788

Yeah that's cool and all but it's been two months since the last fic

>> No.21150744
Quoted by: >>21150840

Wow it's quite ironic to complain about rude kronies when you are the biggest piece of shit in this thread.

>> No.21150788
Quoted by: >>21150889


>> No.21150840
Quoted by: >>21150918

They're learning their lesson now, that's better than still being a cunt.

>> No.21150889
Quoted by: >>21151040

Don't get my hopes up...

>> No.21150918

>defending a doxxnigger
Until Jesse apologizes for slither.io he will always be scum.

>> No.21151001

This Jesse is different from THAT Jesse. We give that title to everyone at one point.

>> No.21151040
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, HiRyS it's ByeRyS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhvjft9.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well don't get them up!

>> No.21151070

So Jesse is like Rei Ayanami. Gotcha.

>> No.21151142
File: 91 KB, 1000x950, 1647392621557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not "Freaky-chan"

>> No.21151153
Quoted by: >>21151249

I already showed you the proof the other day about how the nickname Freaky came to be. >We only have given the title Jesse to three guys and Freaky is the third one. You are honestly very naive by willingly walking into his ruse but whatever, I can't stop you from thinking with your dick.

>> No.21151249
Quoted by: >>21151282

I know Jesse III is Freaky. But do we know the doxfag from slither was Jesse III?

>> No.21151282

There's only one chuuni fag that calls himself King Jesse

>> No.21151289

jesse 1 is oomerschizo, jesse 2 is ourobrosschizo, and jesse 3 is impersonateschizo, meaning jesse 4 is freaky-chan who funnily enough appeared right after the "pee-chan" poster disappeared

>> No.21151325
Quoted by: >>21151373

>who funnily enough appeared right after the "pee-chan" poster disappeared
... Hmm.

>> No.21151355

You are fucking retarded holy shit

>> No.21151368
File: 2.12 MB, 1998x1328, 1631685192133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesse harem...

>> No.21151373
Quoted by: >>21151477

we never reverse searched that pee bottle image or verified that the vocaroo he posted wasnt just some shit off of a porn site or whatever
pretty sure he posted that pee shit just to start some shit, because i remember "jesse" posted about the piss shit in /hlgg/ immediately after

>> No.21151477
Quoted by: >>21151544

Yeah, "pee-chan" always seemed frabricated to make us seem bad and for Jesse to prove his own point.

>> No.21151544
Quoted by: >>21151630

Pee-chan told us about baking a pie, it was pretty harmless. and Jesse didn't shitpost about it elsewhere after.

>> No.21151609

pretty sure Jesse 2 and 3 are the same ones as chuuni Jesse due to how similar their writing styles are, Freaky is ESL but a different kind and has her own consistent traits, likes, and dislikes, etc

>> No.21151617
File: 428 KB, 960x826, 1646867568619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21151891

>> No.21151630

I just think it was way too convenient for the pee poster to appear just after Jesse was posting his rants. I mean it wouldn't be the first time for him to pretend to be another person.

>> No.21151708
Quoted by: >>21151872

This. I'm pretty sure that Freaky and chuuni Jesse are two different people since Freaky makes some very odd ESL mistakes that would be difficult to replicate for someone trying to larp as an ESL.

>> No.21151784
Quoted by: >>21154910

Are you up right now Freaky?

>> No.21151872
Quoted by: >>21151927

Freaky is very obviously a larp, the lack of contractions was already present in some of Jess3's posts and he very likely exaggerates that trait when posing as Freaky.

>> No.21151891
Quoted by: >>21152019

You can go to sleep, mi amor. We will find the song for you

>> No.21151927
Quoted by: >>21151957

Regardless of if he's Jesse 3 or not, I don't want him in the GC period.

>> No.21151957

Me neither. Glad we can agree on that.

>> No.21151973

>archivebud has facial hair
>name is actually muscular
Who will be my infinity oshi now...

>> No.21152008
Quoted by: >>21152368

P-chan is a confirmed femboy so probably him.

Or Soren. Or Sekkusu.

>> No.21152019
File: 366 KB, 960x747, 1646867784011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21152029

Some anons say Soren is cute...

>> No.21152037
Quoted by: >>21152329


>> No.21152071
Quoted by: >>21152144

>name turned out to be a gym freak musclehead
god fucking damn it why would he type like that and wear girly clothes and a fucking minnie mouse headband, why would he catfish us like that man

>> No.21152122

>Other generals in vtwbg are getting curious about the Twitter GC...

>> No.21152144
File: 148 KB, 362x320, 1644158838110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21152262

Toned ottermode femboys are hot

>> No.21152146 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21152228

we've already got one of the KFP reps in there...

>> No.21152228 [DELETED] 

Delet this

>> No.21152262

Let it go, Name is masculine as fuck and jacked as fuck. Not your typical femboy twink with abs. He has a fucking 8 pack with massive bulging muscles and a massive beard

>> No.21152328

So...are you happy with the space?

>> No.21152329
Quoted by: >>21152481

Is an overweight, 30-year old, ungroomed SEA with long raggedy hair, a beard and reeks of cigarettes. Probably has prison tats. He is the definition of an ugly bastard oji-san.

>> No.21152344

Let them be jealous, we're the only /vt/ general with a group chat

>> No.21152360
File: 447 KB, 624x548, 162357643634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21152368

P-chan is in a loving relationship with Friendly...
Soren it is...
Name sounds like a bro in that regard

>> No.21152383


>> No.21152412

Still very feminine personality-wise, still would.

>> No.21152459
Quoted by: >>21152575

>P-chan is in a loving relationship with Friendly
Wait what? Rrat or was this something I missed

>> No.21152481

I mean, it looked like that anon wanted an oshi without any positive traits so

>> No.21152514

>Users of an anonymous imageboard are proud of being named and having open interactions.
You've to understand that it is strange for some other generals.

>> No.21152516

I think Crow found the vid

>> No.21152536
File: 761 KB, 1066x736, 1604857700083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if p-chan was actually dating friendly then he would be in the group chat by now though

>> No.21152575
Quoted by: >>21152671

Speculation. After P-chan got a Twitter, Friendly and him talked there since then. A time later, someone in spoilers said he was so in love. A while later, an anon in spoilers said he was basically e-dating someone from here, and he loves that person very much.

>> No.21152598
Quoted by: >>21152695

Is Friendly in the GC?

>> No.21152605

please stop acting proud of this

>> No.21152621
Quoted by: >>21152695

The architecture general has a discord server and manages to be much tamer than you people

>> No.21152647

Friendly is possessive...
And he's not active in the GC anyway.

>> No.21152666

post twitter GC

>> No.21152671
Quoted by: >>21152816

>P-chan is a whore
No I refuse to believe this
I hope P-chan is serious about his love and isnt just being led on by a possible groomer though, Friendly just emerged out of nowhere and started acting nice to him to be his "friend". Red flag if you ask me

>> No.21152686
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, 1494213198486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21152808

I'd probably hate myself if I missed any of them so far so I guess I'm lucky in that regard.

Though next member stream I really want to lay into her about the cosplay thing because that's the first time she's ever brought that up and for me it's 50/50 if she got peer pressured into it or wanted to try it because she thinks Mikasa is a cool character.

>> No.21152695

Then obviously we should have a discord, and we'll be even better
Yes, but not active

>> No.21152724

I still can't believe my EN server Minecraft hopes and dreams died so pathetically because of COVID. I think Kronii returning to Minecraft is a prerequisite to the TimeRyS elytra hunt and I really want it to happen. I wish there was a way to convince Kronii to play Minecraft again.

>> No.21152745
Quoted by: >>21152846

minecraftschizo is that you???

>> No.21152784

Should i share my room in Mumei and Gura's tag? Consider Kronii will never do room review, this is the best chance i can show her my room

>> No.21152805

yes! those are always fun

>> No.21152808
File: 134 KB, 500x381, 1632590318405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21152897

wonder if she knows how bad her character got assassinated

>> No.21152816
Quoted by: >>21152862

>>P-chan is a whore
I'm pretty sure quite the opposite.

>> No.21152822

I would like another stream where Kiara makes Kronii spill her spaghetti

>> No.21152846

I'm just a TimeRyS schizo... but I did participate in a few Minecraft timeloops before.

>> No.21152862

Any kronie in a relationship, active or not, is a whore
We've been through this

>> No.21152871

Kronii... stream... onegai...

>> No.21152879

Kronii has shown interest in a pet review before maybe she'd do a room one eventually

>> No.21152885

Kiara brought it up during the group collab how she was surprised that EN hasn't done anything MC-related in a while and everyone on the call agreed, so maybe there's a chance in the near future again.

>> No.21152897
Quoted by: >>21153016

honestly who's character didn't?

>> No.21152911

Hey man you never know. Kronii might do a review stream

>> No.21152982

>hey man
stop mimic Kronii !!!

>> No.21153016
File: 63 KB, 602x301, 68eb08082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21153358

Only one

>> No.21153047
Quoted by: >>21153199

>Suddenly, Kronii shows up on Haachama Meme Review.

>> No.21153091

I want Kronii to show me her memes... review memes from her own meme folder.

>> No.21153154
Quoted by: >>21153413

Her memes are probably not even that funny...

>> No.21153161
Quoted by: >>21153413


>> No.21153199

But will they even be able to communicate? People joke that Haachama is EN0 but the few times I've seen her, her English skill was quite poor.

>> No.21153240

her english is good enough for Ame, I think Kronii with more Japanese knowledge can handle it

>> No.21153311

So is gabe like the alpha of you guys? Kronii always brings him up

>> No.21153318

Haachama has got a lot better lately. Not Lui levels by any means, but decent enough.

>> No.21153358

Yeah but Levi was fucking disrespected

>> No.21153381

He's the jester. Everyone laughs at him but he can say anything he wants, even to Kronii

>> No.21153413
Quoted by: >>21153575

She probably has a fuck ton of memes. She can get them cleared with management and show the ones that cause the least hassle.
But we would learn more about Kronii and at least it would be cute seeing Kronii giggling before even showing anything or being embarrassed when she finds out that kronies don't find them funny.

>> No.21153443

He's literally the punching bag

>> No.21153478

Gabe is a punching bag.

>> No.21153487
File: 109 KB, 400x400, 1636527016330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i kinda like him!

>> No.21153575
Quoted by: >>21153749

>But we would learn more about Kronii
Have you ever heard the say 'never meet your heroes' anon?

>> No.21153576
File: 110 KB, 390x381, 167352748467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21153586
Quoted by: >>21153660

Just because he made mother fics for you doesn't make him okay

>> No.21153660
Quoted by: >>21153838

it was the loli ones

>> No.21153718
Quoted by: >>21153797

Class clown always ended up getting laid

>> No.21153749

Kronii is not my hero. She is the love of my life.

>> No.21153797

Yeah with me
Come 'ere Gabe

>> No.21153838
File: 2.81 MB, 1080x1080, kroniikimochiwarui[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fiw3unt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21154109

Kronii mention

>> No.21154161


>> No.21154186
Quoted by: >>21154210

You always say this, but never elaborate, fuck off

>> No.21154210


>> No.21154211


>> No.21154226
Quoted by: >>21154317

fucking kys faggot

>> No.21154258

What did she say?

>> No.21154284

Just when I closed the tab

>> No.21154317


>> No.21154740


>> No.21154803
Quoted by: >>21155092

Watching Fauna be a better VA than Kronii

>> No.21154890 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 262x104, kropeek.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21155041


>> No.21154899

I'm imagining Kronii doing a meme review of her own memes and let me tell you, she is fucking adorable.

>> No.21154910
Quoted by: >>21154988

Hello. I am looking one last time before going to bed, and I will not make very many posts for awhile in the future days because other posters don't like them.

>> No.21154919

Listening to the twitter space.
Is there a way to track who she responds too? I don't think twitter does posts from earliest to latest for a thread.

>> No.21154951
Quoted by: >>21155051

>spreadsheet fags + achama

>> No.21154988

I hope you decide to make posts like those in the morning during dead hours. I quite like them.

>> No.21155041
File: 484 KB, 2000x3200, 1642424497384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21155051
Quoted by: >>21155162

name is in the spreadsheet?

>> No.21155092

How could Fauna be the better VA when her voice is like that?

>> No.21155102
Quoted by: >>21155138

Are you mentally ill or something?

>> No.21155134

Unironically medicate.

>> No.21155138


>> No.21155162
Quoted by: >>21155271

might as well be, name got read in the last Twitter Space

>> No.21155265
File: 229 KB, 1200x1694, FO0VmMDaMAEFklP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Kronii have a real collab with haachama?

>> No.21155271
Quoted by: >>21155490

Name's been read several times every fucking space. Fuck him.

>> No.21155272

The real winners of the Twitter Space are those who got name dropped and whoever suggested the tag.

>> No.21155293

Check the tag manually

>> No.21155310
File: 251 KB, 429x332, 1642961623749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21155387

imagine what these two could build together

>> No.21155327
Quoted by: >>21155393

Type what she reads into the search bar in different variations with the hashtag for the space. You can usually track most of who she read using this method.

>> No.21155387

Would Kronii even be able to help Haachama? She's in a league of her own.

>> No.21155393

What do you gain from this exactly

>> No.21155410
File: 603 KB, 585x604, Thankyou[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb84wn7.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it working?

>> No.21155445
Quoted by: >>21155621

Unironically MC might be the best chance.

>> No.21155461

Yep, good job!

>> No.21155480

>spreadsheet schizos
>now Space schizos
What's next? Nickname schizos?

>> No.21155490


>> No.21155552
Quoted by: >>21155657


>> No.21155609

Might as well add ratios if you’re gonna do it.
I’ve already seen people begging to get nicknames

>> No.21155621
Quoted by: >>21155753

If Kronii returns to Minecraft...

>> No.21155657

Dunno how Kronii is gonna handle that.
As an example we have several Gabriels membered to her. Seems unfair that she's assigned that nickname to our schizo.

>> No.21155715


>> No.21155753

With the ARK arc dying and after Elden Ring fever ends, I expect a bunch of Minecraft from chuubas.

>> No.21155888
Quoted by: >>21155929

Is there another "big game" coming up?

>> No.21155927
Quoted by: >>21155989

Unrelated to Kronii, but Haachama wants to recruit Mumei to a secret society... Danger incoming.

>> No.21155929


>> No.21155989

this sounds fun, the miko demon lord arc was so fucking good

>> No.21156004
Quoted by: >>21156129

Will Kronii continue Elden Ring? Her playthrough is quite entertaining. She keeps bumbling her way to victory.

>> No.21156008

Well, yeah but...
You know...
>Release Date: TBA.

>> No.21156021

He meant this year anon...
Sobs ugly

>> No.21156067

Why did she even start the space? Is it really just cause of the song?

>> No.21156112

Yes, she's that much of a dork to suffer so much internally looking for a song she just decided to ask for help without even knowing if she'd get yelled at for doing it

>> No.21156129
Quoted by: >>21156373

she might, she removed the playlist but that may just be her autism of not wanting to full commit if she hasn't at least done a 2nd stream, I'm not gonna bet on it though it would be nice to have an elden ring stream that's good from the start rather than picking up 2 hours in

>> No.21156228

That's not something to be proud of.

>> No.21156359

I mean, if you have the power to get a bunch of people to help you out with something for essentially free with little to no repercussions, why wouldn't you take advantage of the opportunity?

>> No.21156373

I think she looked up for some gameplay and advices from other.
a fresh game of elden ring takes at least 60-70 hours. That's way bigger than any game that Kronii have ever played, so she may consider dropping it.
Beside, she played it in a very rush manner, without explore the world.

>> No.21156475
Quoted by: >>21156806

if she could do it as an occasional kind of filler game with no promises of finishing it might not be bad, but it's not really a good game for that either

>> No.21156646
Quoted by: >>21156880

>60-70 hours

That's more like if you're pretty comfortable with Souls titles and you know where you need to go, pretty sure most people will hit closer to hitting the 3 digit hours by the time they get a chance to get into New Game+.

t. 43 hours in and only sl 43 at Lucaria because I fucked around all over the lower half of the map so far as and a good chunk of Liurnia

>> No.21156806

yeah, i would like to have her elden ring like Ame's Oblivion.
Seriously, i have never used mimic veil for actual Pve content like her

>> No.21156810

I think Kronii rushed the game unintentionally because she never picked up the map and she doesn't even know there is a world to explore and just went in the direction of the next grace and then the next and so on. That's why I find her playthrough to be so interesting and entertaining. She's like a blind woman trying to speedrun the game without knowing wtf is going on.

>> No.21156880

That's a 10+ stream series. No way Kronii commits to that unless she really has fun and doesn't mind not being able to monetize.

>> No.21157027
File: 705 KB, 552x617, 1635387151259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we really gonna let her get away with a 3 stream week just because she did phone sex with us?

>> No.21157069
File: 34 KB, 455x409, 1647480619472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21157076

I don't think Kronii cares about not being monetized. I feel like if she did, she'd have superchats on when reading supas like some other holomems.

>> No.21157118
File: 1.82 MB, 1543x817, 1624123464122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, either the game really hooks you or you're a diehard Souls fan like Noel naked Radahn kill, I kneel Danchou.

>> No.21157147

Do you really need to ask?

>> No.21157154

We'll hate her at the start of the week and fall back in love with her when we hear her voice again. You know the drill.

>> No.21157179

There a difference between making money and being greedy and creating to much work.
She makes 2k on average per stream. That's not anything to sneeze at.

>> No.21157245
Quoted by: >>21157469

you could argue that was a special event but the one time Kronii had supas on while reading them it was absolutely insane how many kept stacking up probably a bad idea to leave them on since she actually wants to get through all of them

>> No.21157295
Quoted by: >>21157630

even Chad Rahdan suffocated from Noel's giant boobs

>> No.21157358
Quoted by: >>21157395

My bet, with the way Kronii played, She would make at least 6k per Elden Ring stream via back sitting sc or praising her for doing the impossible,

>> No.21157395

imagine the desperation of people wanting her to play normally with SCs on, people throwing cash at her just begging her to use a goddamn sword

>> No.21157469

Yeah. Having supas turned on while reading supas seem to encourage people to send in more supas. I feel there are multiple ways Kronii could get filthy rich if she wants to like holding a monthly/bi-monthly voice request stream but I guess Kronii isn't a greedy bitch.

>> No.21157484
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, YPb8ZBT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21157561
File: 205 KB, 500x435, 1639877623702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii isn't a greedy bitch.

>> No.21157582

there's so many ways Kronii could get loads of SC money out of people if she really cared to but she just doesn't cause she wants to be herself and play her video games

>> No.21157623
File: 435 KB, 1263x2048, 1645485037286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21157737


>> No.21157630
File: 1013 KB, 640x360, cow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there aren't many who can resist

>> No.21157648

Stfu Berkut

>> No.21157670
Quoted by: >>21157787

stfu Midknight

>> No.21157723
Quoted by: >>21157997

She could've played into her character to farm more parasocial retards but she never does besides doing it as a bit, she just wants to play vidya and chill

>> No.21157737


>> No.21157787

I don't think Kronii is greedy, I support her because I want to

>> No.21157997

>She could've played into her character to farm more parasocial retards but she never does besides doing it as a bit, she just wants to play vidya and chill
i really love her.
But for real, she knows it. She clearly knows that we love her.
I appreciate that she doesn't act like Rushia or both my mental and financial health.
If she acted like Rushia, i would be back out a long time ago.

>> No.21158092

being anything like Rushia takes a specific brand of crazy, and while Kronii wants to be close to her audience she also knows there are limits to it

>> No.21158200

if you call that phone sex you have extremely low standards

>> No.21158259

Any intentional gfe would ruin it for me.

>> No.21158489
File: 75 KB, 567x219, A message from Kronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii wants to banter and have fun with her chat, she just has good memory and recognizes those that appear often. Aside from that, she doesn't want you to idolize/obsess over her and always pushes you to do things for your own happiness, but still shows a lot of appreciation for the love her community gives her. Dude just wants to have a chill time while doing entertainment projects for people to enjoy. She knows what she could've been capable of but makes sure not to go too far with fanservice (even if I'm personally not a fan of that sort of stuff or the audience it caters towards anyways), and I respect her a lot for that.

>> No.21158514


>> No.21158534

>I appreciate that she doesn't act like Rushia or both my mental and financial health.
She's Rushia in spirit

>> No.21158564


>> No.21158673
File: 249 KB, 720x720, 1641750317360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what reason?

>> No.21158682

Thanks mate I have poor hearing, this will be helpful

>> No.21158687

Kronii would never say this...

>> No.21158754
Quoted by: >>21158785

To make it easier to make down who she read, why else?

>> No.21158785
File: 173 KB, 500x500, 1646310665042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21159206

Readschizo this is unhealthy

>> No.21158796
File: 69 KB, 768x1024, EWl333-1507782869271584773-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even just thinking about her is making me horny I'm worried.

>> No.21158808

I can't believe how gfe freaks think she "hates her fans" and is boring just because she doesn't indulge in fan service like they want her to.

>> No.21158828

Will she ever finish her spaghetti?

>> No.21158857
Quoted by: >>21159067

tl;dr: kronii is a bro
kronii is that tomboy you want to fuck but dont because it might kill the friendship you have with her

>> No.21158881

I-I don't think she hates us...I love how she indulges us with her gfe...

>> No.21158914

thing is that she does indulge in fanservice, it's just never noticed by the people complaining because they don't actually watch her, making it actual fanservice since it really is just for those that are actually her fans

>> No.21159016
Quoted by: >>21159028

Holy fuck. Freaky got nuked.

>> No.21159028

nope, they delete their own posts now

>> No.21159067

Kronii's like the tomboy best friend who you crack jokes and banter with, who you then try to get into a relationship with but it doesn't work out because she realizes she's gay, but it doesn't really hurt your relationship after you guys break up because you now just see each other as close bros.

>> No.21159124
File: 2.50 MB, 928x516, youbelongtome[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7vexh8.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21159144

>> No.21159144
File: 400 KB, 1015x841, 1630972115326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21159206
Quoted by: >>21159294

You want to know what's unhealthly? Circle jerking off site on from an anonymous image board.

>> No.21159294

As opposed to?

>> No.21159318
Quoted by: >>21159394

If someone writes "existing is exhausting" on their public social media account, should I take it as a joke or should I take it seriously and treat them with extreme care

>> No.21159394


>> No.21159407
File: 2.83 MB, 1500x1080, kronii_transformation[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdazn6x.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21159421

I'm assuming you got the audio from the youtube video in which case it's been reencoded a few times. He's my original encode. https://files.catbox.moe/g0bwvp.ogg
