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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 205 KB, 1277x827, LaprioArcaena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2090019 No.2090019 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone in /vt/ watch Laprio Arcaena's content? She's pretty cute and chill.

>> No.2090298
Quoted by: >>2090455


>> No.2090359
File: 61 KB, 853x871, 1604060676793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2090455

Can you please fucking lurk before you selfpost here? Thanks.

>> No.2090421

>Trans Day of Visibility
No only no but HELL no.

>> No.2090455
Quoted by: >>2090837

Why yes, that is the pronoun that she uses. Thank you for pointing out the obvious.

I'm not Laprio, just a new fan.

>> No.2090503
File: 218 KB, 666x666, 1612536571134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2090717

You will never be a woman.
They will put your real name on your gravestone.

>> No.2090507

Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

>> No.2090573

why doesnt he at least TRY to sound like a girl?

>> No.2090603
Quoted by: >>2097041 >>2102815

>Artemis should just admit it
>An openly trans vtuber? Triggered!

>> No.2090717
Quoted by: >>2096421

That's nice. I'm not a woman though, I'm a cis man. Were you trying to direct this at Laprio? Because I can assure you, she's already a very pretty elf girl!

>> No.2090807

Fuckin trannies fuckin fuck off.

>> No.2090837
Quoted by: >>2090883

So she's not a real woman then. Right?

>> No.2090883

Well she is real, and she is a woman, so logically, she's a real woman is she not?

>> No.2091090

>Well she is real
>and she is a woman
>so logically, she's a real woman is she not?
(((She))) is not.

>> No.2091245
Quoted by: >>2091919

You will never be a woman, stop shilling yourself

>> No.2091347
Quoted by: >>2091830

she's okay but suffers from the same problem as artemis: boring stream and tries to make "I'm gay" a personality

also she's already talking about this on twitter and getting echo support

>> No.2091525
File: 1.94 MB, 1280x720, 1615419792903.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2091574

Not if she's not REALLY a woman. That's where the whole trans thing fails, they're not women. That's the problem, they're lying.

>> No.2091620

My best friend went trans, then they betrayed me and tried to ruin my life. Fuckin hate em, fuckin trannies.

>> No.2091830

Sounds fucking cringe.

>> No.2091877


>> No.2091919

I've addressed this before. I'm not a woman. I'm a cis male fan of Laprio.

Is this necessarily a problem with all trans people, or just that one friend of yours? Do you think they might have betrayed you even if they hadn't been trans?

>> No.2092065
File: 271 KB, 498x505, ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's because you're unironically a piece of shit. Have you ever though of that?

>> No.2092276

My best friend is going trans and we're still chill, sounds like you're just a douchebag.

>> No.2092409
File: 258 KB, 1801x1077, ExxW3cjVEAQu542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2096089

I think she's pretty based.

>> No.2092458
File: 59 KB, 948x711, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open image
>first stream
>wed - trans
into the trash it goes

>> No.2092508
Quoted by: >>2092612 >>2092737

Skip to 53:00

>> No.2092612
Quoted by: >>2092751

>actually a good attitude instead of crying about evil 4chin
Based? If they were all like this no one would have anything to complain about.

>> No.2092646
Quoted by: >>2102851

She's so fucking annoying on twitter she just follows people and then unfollows after for that sweet ratio and only talks about trans shit . I don't care if she's trans but she should just shut up about it. She's also just generally annoying actually she's my least favorite vtuber and seeing her makes me homicidal so it's funny that you post her. Or rather self-post

>> No.2092656

they sound kinda cute ngl

>> No.2092737

Well? Why are you angry?

>> No.2092751

Yeah, I skipped to a few moments and it was tolerable, seems like Laprio is one of those self aware ones.
Too bad the Nyanners topic popped up and really soured things for me.

>> No.2092768

I don't care about Laprio's Identity or whatever but I'm glad we can all agree that Laprio's a massive asshole. From what I can recall, Laprio used this one guy to setup everything in regards to Stream layout and shit, this guy then has to go offline for a week to help a friend and in Laprio's Server and shit, Laprio then starts spreading shit about him about how he's a 'Transphobe' or whatever and just Unmods him, bans him, blocks him, and all of that shit. It's a story that's been becoming more well known amongst Western VTuber Fans.
Artemis' Friend sucks anyways. That Rin bitch plays guys, Laprio used that guy, and I've heard that most of the circle, if not all has been up to shady shit, but there's no evidence to support the latter, yet.
Western VTubers suck, god damn.

>> No.2092853

*Artemis' Friend Circle

>> No.2092883

>Western VTubers suck, god damn.
Shitty people hang out with shitty people. See Vshojo.
There are some really good western chuubas out there, but you need to look outside of the shittier circles. It's unfortunate the popular ones are the worst and everyone gets a bad impression of the scene.

>> No.2092955
Quoted by: >>2093056

>there's no evidence

>> No.2093056
Quoted by: >>2093163 >>2093311

There's evidence of what Laprio did for sure, if you go digging in the right places on Discord. Laprio covered it up pretty well, but the guy who's super pissed about Laprio using him did provide evidence about it back in December or thereabouts. I'm not sure what his Discord @ is, but you could probably find it if you look through Laprio's server.

>> No.2093163


>> No.2093311
Quoted by: >>2093366 >>2093431

why does every EN indie need their own discord server? I don't trust a motherfuck who has a discord server dedicated to themselves that shit reeks of egoism and abuse of power
and the more discords they make the smaller the cliques are alienating anyone who doesnt want to group think

>> No.2093366

Yeah, agreed.
Shit's wild. It's one of the reasons everyone hates Holoslaves and its tumor-inducing 'Boorjwazee' and 'El Pez 'Family'' Sub Groups.
And yeah, Laprio's totally an egotistical asshole, it's pretty obvious from even Twitter.

>> No.2093431

Lmao, no matter which thread I go to, manager san's advice always applies.

>> No.2093484

She's not even wrong either. Those that have a Discord are massive snakes or enjoy that feeling of everyone sucking them off.

>> No.2093499

When somebody is mentally unstable enough to become a trans, you can expect a shitload of more mental issues as well.
You really shouldn't be surprised

>> No.2094568
File: 3.77 MB, 4961x7016, TBAisen_No Cape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2096013

Her content is pretty thought provoking and engaging I wish to have a discussion with her one of these days. From one talk show host to another

>> No.2095975
File: 70 KB, 470x94, opera_30WxbPDZgm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2095993 >>2096923

>> No.2095993
File: 56 KB, 460x107, opera_DSeXE2XQ4t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2096923

Using your identity for brownie points is pretty scummy shit.

>> No.2096013

>Her content is pretty thought provoking
Bro go read a book

>> No.2096089
Quoted by: >>2098195

always discussing issues with these people. like who cares? just stream.

>> No.2096148

Did you made this thread for clout or some shit?

>> No.2096421
Quoted by: >>2096658

You aren't fooling anyone. Maybe next time don't try to play yourself off as a random fan. We might have a little more respect then.

>> No.2096505
Quoted by: >>2096533

>beautiful eyes
>huge honkers
>weird voice, sounds asian, kinda idk
>"discord is fucking stupid"

I'm in love

>> No.2096533

her voice is weird because she has braces, i think she is asian like the rest of tsunderia

>> No.2096658

Take your meds and put the tinfoil hat away before posting.

>> No.2096797

stupid thread, this board was made to be full of containment breaking faggots it seems

>> No.2096849

That's the one that did the tranny visbility stream recently, right? Unless theys intentions to make trannies more visible to tranny bashers then you can fuck off with that uncute and invalid shit.

>> No.2096923

No one should ever think it's cool to make yourself into a uncanny freak. The right response should be revulsion.
Most people give that response one way, or another and then trannies have to pretend that cartoon characters say trans rights to make up for it.

>> No.2097041

I don't think you quite get it. Regardless of whether he's open about it, or not, the poison of Western transgender influence and the idea that a man can become a woman is kept far away from anything that it might contaminate for a reason.

>> No.2097104

i just want friends :(

>> No.2098195

Most of the time she does normal streams. But today is the trans day of visibility, so a discussion of trans issues was in order.

>> No.2098424
Quoted by: >>2098613

>was the person biology born a woman, eh?
>then it isn't a woman

>> No.2098450
Quoted by: >>2098613

Anything else special aboot her?

>> No.2098613

Psh, no one's born a woman. She was born a girl, and then became a woman.

Eh, she does TemTem streams, which I don't see too many people streaming.

>> No.2098650
Quoted by: >>2115884

woke western vtubers need to jump in front of a bus.

>> No.2099274
Quoted by: >>2102528

Ei Laprio manda um salve pro Boorjwazee!

>> No.2102528
Quoted by: >>2103476 >>2135224

El Pez people and the Boorjwazee are the Commies of EN Vtuber community
Fuck them all and they deserve to burn in hell!

>> No.2102679

horrible fucking person, changes friends every month or so cause she cant keep them lol

>> No.2102815

Admitting it is the first step. The second step is removing themselves from existence because these fags are a stain on humanity.

>> No.2102851


>> No.2103476
Quoted by: >>2122853

I don't even know who these guys are and if you do please consider spending less time in twitter and more time in threads like /wvt/ where bad people don't get attention.

>> No.2103789

Less goo laprio hate thread

>> No.2115884


Eh, some of the best vtubers are western though, like Melody and Snuffy.

>> No.2122853

>spending time in one shithole over another
Both are bad. Your hipster literal who's will never be good.

>> No.2129891

literally a fucking pest in the community

>> No.2134485

literally a fucking blessing to the community

>> No.2134986

Get out.

>> No.2135224

Literally who and what do they even do?
