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20637966 No.20637966 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>20638058

Towa Thread
Previous >>20574447

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>> No.20638058
File: 555 KB, 2362x3496, FORGk4pUcAAg_sU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(FamilyMart holo White Day) https://www.family.co.jp/campaign/spot/2203_hololive_cp.html
(Project V #8 Official Pamphlet) https://projectv.booth.pm/items/3644567
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(hololive Christmas Voice Collections 2021) https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_christmasvoice2021?variant=42205279322332
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Solo Originals:
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Group Originals:
>Kiseki Knot
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7cpjmkc1Rw
(MV) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nEnPOXLEk
>Prism Melody


>> No.20638167
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>> No.20638245
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I want my Twappi back...

>> No.20638436

I see a purple woman on stage and she cute..!

>> No.20639183

That's a lot of Towafriends...

>> No.20639230
File: 359 KB, 2048x1247, 1640271304803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20640368

This lion sure is cute.

>> No.20641249

Already disband.

>> No.20641353

pebot when...

>> No.20642454
File: 288 KB, 1536x2048, 1637360278113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tiny...

>> No.20642958
Quoted by: >>20643094

Suityan is only like 5’3 and looks like a giant next to Towa. Hopefully the art being commissioned by that one guy reflects the hot ass height gap accurately.

>> No.20643094 [SPOILER] 
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Quoted by: >>20643573


>> No.20643573

Long Towa.

>> No.20644017

God, so thirsty to yoink random towaito and rp in this costume.

>> No.20646042
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, 1643649826627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20646115

Towa loves me...!

>> No.20646197

I love Towa!

>> No.20646214


>> No.20646222

Yay Towa

>> No.20646284

Well I'll be damned.

>> No.20646298


>> No.20646460


>> No.20646651

Doubtposterbros we did it ..

>> No.20647010

Towa always love to prove me wrong.
She must've hate me so...!

>> No.20647305

I wonder if Towa still thinks she's cool after watching this...

>> No.20650720

Other purple women...

>> No.20650735

Aqua has officially been inducted as a purple woman.

>> No.20651019

I actually didn't expect IDs to be that good

>> No.20651090
Quoted by: >>20652706

Kiara and the IDs were fine but I physically cringed at Mori

>> No.20651153

I expected it from Moona but I didn't know what to expect from the other two IDs, they were good.

>> No.20651573

Clearly, this day does not have SuiTowa.

>> No.20651695
File: 1.00 MB, 2000x1500, 1618309924313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20652301

>> No.20651824


>> No.20651949

can't wait for towa to become a hag...

>> No.20651957


>> No.20652167
File: 841 KB, 960x540, Towa got wolfpilled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20652239

me on the left

>> No.20652301


>> No.20652335

how does she keep getting away with it

>> No.20652434
File: 40 KB, 414x394, 1630563077632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20652459
Quoted by: >>20653372

WOLFED God I wish that were me.

>> No.20652458

Towa owns all Hags by default.

>> No.20652606
Quoted by: >>20653607

I want another Towa and Flare song..

>> No.20652706

Can’t watch until I get home from work in another 4 hours, but I’m really not looking forward to Kiara or Calli.

>> No.20652717
File: 2.07 MB, 850x720, 1628496341410.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20652839

cool miosha...

>> No.20653196

Enter, Another Hag Towafriend.

>> No.20653372
File: 318 KB, 472x536, Wolfed.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20653607
Quoted by: >>20653933

Honestly feel like Flare is potentially the most underrated Holo in terms of singing.

>> No.20653933

I like her singing a lot and it's honestly a shame she doesn't want to do "powerful" songs because they fit her super well, the only time she went hard was for her VARK and that was because Watame made her sing it.

>> No.20654361

Nip kawaii worship culture hate!Cool deep sex voice love!

>> No.20655236
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>> No.20655737


>> No.20656068

Yeah, she likes being cute. But when she just goes for broke she’s great, her Usseewa during karaoke are always great, her That’s Why I Gave up on Music and Kaibutsu covers are really great too.

>> No.20657424
Quoted by: >>20659245

Flare's best powerful singing was the drunk Ahoy! cover with Marine. Simply amazing.

>> No.20659240

Ahhhh miosex was so good. So was Aki and the IDs and RoboSora. I really enjoyed the purple phony too.

>> No.20659245

Flare and Marine is just a pretty great combo, sad it doesn’t happen all that often.

>> No.20659481
File: 269 KB, 1240x1754, FOMSmc2aUAEmcqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An amazing 3 days topped off by a Towasamastream...
I love Towa...

>> No.20660056
File: 226 KB, 1281x1815, 1647215705608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Twap's in Suisei's birthday live

>> No.20660339
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x1600, FIZ77l0aIAY4jEh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20661315

I'd say that's a near certainty if she has guests at all. Out of everyone in day 1 Sui just wanted to sing with Towa again.

>> No.20660477

Smol Twi...

>> No.20660526

Towa has become more powerful than you could ever imagine...

>> No.20660737
File: 496 KB, 483x483, 1632514466109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20661201
Quoted by: >>20661921

I can't believe that Towa lied to me that she went on a break...

>> No.20661315


>> No.20661597
Quoted by: >>20661636

Sorry bros, I worked her over a bit too hard.

>> No.20661636


>> No.20661921
Quoted by: >>20662286

She's going to need another break to take a break from her break.

>> No.20662286

Is this another one of those "Towa's Shrodinger's Breaks"?

>> No.20662407
File: 578 KB, 1684x2469, FOSg8pNVQAMmQ3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20662416
Quoted by: >>20662451


>> No.20662451

First the flowers and now this...

>> No.20662490
File: 23 KB, 462x228, FOSg8pNVQAMmQ3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20664376

>"No herbarium for you, friend!"
I wish that was me...

>> No.20662499


>> No.20663523

I’m so jealous…

>> No.20663778
Quoted by: >>20663875

How long do you think her power will last this time?

>> No.20663782


>> No.20663788
File: 136 KB, 1200x675, FL9_Oq3aAAMV3B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My poor ojou...

>> No.20663861
File: 626 KB, 1500x1069, 1642625928586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20663875

I give it a week.
Then another break until Vsaikyo customs.

>> No.20663892
File: 1.60 MB, 3969x2597, FM2EoVbaIAAZIQZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa mama...

>> No.20664080

Towa should be a mom.

>> No.20664099

We are working on it!

>> No.20664109

Yeah, mine

>> No.20664122
File: 89 KB, 1536x1536, FOSgHTPVkAk2zqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20664171

Kenzoku baby...

>> No.20664185

IRyS... there is already too many Towafriends lurking the Towa thread...

>> No.20664376

Supah trrrrrnado kick!

>> No.20664681
Quoted by: >>20664916

I wanted to watch Towa and Suisei's streams but now they're overlapping...

>> No.20664916
Quoted by: >>20665448

Same... Damn it Suityan why did you postpone...

>> No.20665448

That tends to be Suityan’s usual slot anyway.

>> No.20665663

I just finished watching the first day.



>> No.20665732

Oh look shes streaming tonight. Fuck you guys.

>> No.20665759

I didn't even do anything!

>> No.20665776
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>> No.20665784

I was merely doubtposting...!

>> No.20665798

why... I think all these doompost made her stream.

>> No.20665877

You're welcome.
I love you, too.

>> No.20666355

>all post-fes stream at the same time
I just enjoy all the Towa praises...FUCK!

>> No.20666532

I wonder if her computer is already at her new place

>> No.20666767

i am more than ready for some twappers today

>> No.20666814

Towa doko...

>> No.20666909


>> No.20666921

>no planned streams

>> No.20667056

Her dorky voice... directly into my veins...
I love Towa...

>> No.20667065
Quoted by: >>20667132

Her mic sounds different so I think she's in her new place

>> No.20667101
Quoted by: >>20667145

I can't watch Towa... Praise her for me...

>> No.20667132

Show mama or riot

>> No.20667145

Take care of yourself Towarisch...

>> No.20667152

Fucking rainstrom fuck my electricity and i have to safe my phone this month too.

>> No.20667176

Her mic sounds off.
But she still sounds dumb as always.

>> No.20667275


>> No.20667344

Her voice sounds different today but I like it.

>> No.20667451
Quoted by: >>20667570

Yes I will menhera post all the time I will doubt post everytime I will ego search /here/ and on twitter to summon Towa

>> No.20667570

Stop it, you menhera schizo.

>> No.20667622
File: 55 KB, 210x110, 1644932477396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple love!

>> No.20667628
Quoted by: >>20667660

according to this thread towa always sounds different

>> No.20667653

>At the end of the stream, the screen will be filled with only Towa screenshots and Towa will be buried under those.

>> No.20667660

because she does...

>> No.20667827

I bet Towa does that too with her stuffed animals, especially the Duffy ones...
I wish she could do a stream like that...

>> No.20667907

Towa's dumb laughs are healing me...

>> No.20667910

>Laughing weirdly while clapping
Who raises their child to become an adult like that?

>> No.20668031
Quoted by: >>20668064

Towa has to ignore Suisei when she asks for hugs in public.

>> No.20668046

I am forever grateful to Towamama.

>> No.20668064

Faithful to B-san.

>> No.20668095

i love this

>> No.20668173

...is she slamming a snack on her desk trying to open it while talking?

>> No.20668179


>> No.20668212

Towa will never mature mentally.

>> No.20668260

She seems super carefree and happy today, glad it seems like her break helped

>> No.20668271

towa acts special, towa dances special, towa is special
you cannot copy towa

>> No.20668580
Quoted by: >>20668610

Towa sounds extra dumb today.

>> No.20668610

She's making a lot of really dumb dorky laughs today. I love her.

>> No.20668738

Towa is a unitychad prime...

>> No.20668840

(audible snacks)

>> No.20668959

Towa's fattening herself up...

>> No.20668970
Quoted by: >>20669064

Subaru doesn't understand that she doesn't get the hag treatment...

>> No.20668973


>> No.20668981

Towa heard people say subaru lies a bunch for her stories and wanted to show some recipes. kek

>> No.20669020

Sometimes I miss when the family wasn't so big, mid 2020 times, I feel like towa doesn't like interacting anymore, or has cut down on chat interactions.

>> No.20669064

Icarus jet coaster is done for...

>> No.20669078

I don't hear it. I need to relisten.

>> No.20669083

I'm happy many more people love Towa now.

>> No.20669086
Quoted by: >>20669341

Already wants to go on break again...

>> No.20669119
File: 593 KB, 2048x1152, 1647765919913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20669364

>> No.20669158

I would never be so selfish to wish that on Towa.

>> No.20669323
Quoted by: >>20669351

go groom a 2view

>> No.20669341
Quoted by: >>20669396

Thought she meant it like she can has a good rest now with her mom at this new place or something.

>> No.20669351
Quoted by: >>20669779

Groom Rikotan before Towa can finish grooming her...

>> No.20669364

day 1 gang

>> No.20669396

Y'know I just had a thought, I wonder if her mom is gonna clean up after Towa now...
The true Towa baby experience.

>> No.20669570

I mean I get the feeling in a way but I don't think it means she doesn't like interacting anymore. There's just a lot more comments now so there's less chance of her reading yours.
If anything Towa loves us now more than ever before.

>> No.20669596

membership streams

>> No.20669636
Quoted by: >>20670345

I love Towa's ugly laugh.

>> No.20669780

No birthday live apparently.

>> No.20669779

I think Towa already groomed her...

>> No.20669874

Shittiest post I've read today.

>> No.20670039
Quoted by: >>20670237

>No need to worry about Towa
No, I'm not a remote-controlled car and I will worry at every 'Towa...' moment.

>> No.20670237

Anon I think she just wants us to be happy...
So we should only worry about her privately and not on twitter!

>> No.20670268

I contain all my menheraposts to here!

>> No.20670345


>> No.20670485

I'm an EOP who knows zero hirgana and I definitely can behave and not expressing worry on twitter.
But I can't say the same to the family who speak the natively speak Towa-sama's native language to get the message and do the same...!

>> No.20670746

Oh I didn't even think about the fact that Suisei has never played WE

>> No.20670821
Quoted by: >>20671103

Towa messaging to hal while he's in bathroom again.

>> No.20671103

wrong towa

>> No.20671116
Quoted by: >>20671233

Pastelsour weaker edition ikuze

>> No.20671233

I mean, I was never expecting this team to be good.
I hope to see Sui domefight a gas canister.

>> No.20671237

h-hey Apex stalker, you taking request? If you know about Suisei's alt Apex account can you look at it and try to find out who her mysterious coach is?

>> No.20671255
Quoted by: >>20671327

It's Towa.

>> No.20671297

Do not make a deal with a devil. he's an APEX glowie kenzoku...

>> No.20671327

She also said that she won't stream with the coach, but also Sui, Aqua, Apex tomorrow

>> No.20671350
Quoted by: >>20671384

I heard if you kill yourself he might consider your request.

>> No.20671384

sure, just give me the coach and I will try to live stream my suicide

>> No.20671433

it's ImperialHal

>> No.20671477

Apex stalker and his consequences have been a disaster for /vt/

>> No.20671513
Quoted by: >>20671579

They don't have a coach

>> No.20671579

Suisei has a private coach

>> No.20671599
Quoted by: >>20671805

Are any of Towa's songs unavailable on youtube?

>> No.20671603

Classic tryhard Suisei

>> No.20671606

yeah me

>> No.20671697


>> No.20671805

I don't think so. Maybe the privated short Venom cover.

>> No.20672012

Just on the off chance somebody tries to pretend to be me to start some drama, yes I know who it is, but no I will never say it because I don't want to cause problems for them.
The fact she even mentioned it on stream in the first place should tell you that it's nobody objectionable anyways.

>> No.20672048

Dude if you know who just say who it is, me killing myself is not your problem anyway

>> No.20672096

I think it's bad enough we pretty much gangstalk Towa, leave her friends alone please/

>> No.20672118

Neck yourself now faggot.

>> No.20672148

not having an official coach is sad actually... well, it can't be helped I think

>> No.20672153

Just say who, this is an anonymous image board and I don't have enough power to do anything anyway

>> No.20672158

Why are you pretending to be me?

>> No.20672194
Quoted by: >>20672241

It's Genburten

>> No.20672202
File: 194 KB, 372x336, 1637898179844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think how the girls would feel if they realized the extent of the stalking.

>> No.20672205

this is the usual time for the menheriest of menheras to be on, stay cute kenzoku

>> No.20672218

It's Bora

>> No.20672235
Quoted by: >>20672281

How can I be cute if I'm not purple?

>> No.20672241
Quoted by: >>20672264

That shitter is someone not objectionable?????????????

>> No.20672247

It's s1mple

>> No.20672264
Quoted by: >>20672308

He doesn't have time to fuck Suisei when he spends all his time fuckin dudes

>> No.20672281

You're cute to me, Anon!

>> No.20672283

To be fair this menhera isn't one of ours, though it was caused by someone taking our shit over there.

>> No.20672304


>> No.20672308
Quoted by: >>20672382

That's pussy shit, I could fuck every single kenzoku in this thread and still have enough energy to fuck suisei 5 times or more.

>> No.20672310
Quoted by: >>20672342

Goddamn it, if you fags won't help I will just do it myself

>> No.20672342

Just watch the streams and be healed, friend.
If Suisei wanted everyone to know she would have said.

>> No.20672382

I only accept the Towa banana.

>> No.20672411
File: 12 KB, 331x373, 1627873093337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Suisei's unicorn purge?

>> No.20672426

Why are menheras like this?

>> No.20672439

Did Suityan just announce our marriage?

>> No.20672460

Towa has been streaming for over two hours, she really loves me.

>> No.20672465

I will be the cutest Kenzoku and Towa will groom me...!

>> No.20672478
Quoted by: >>20672526

Tokoyami "bad at zatsudan" Towa...

>> No.20672501

I like how Towa's ignoring most of rpr's messages in chat and not pointing him out.

>> No.20672507

I will be the ugliest Kenzoku and I will groom Selly...!

>> No.20672516

Absolutely devilish.

>> No.20672526

She's also supposed to be devil but the only diabolical deed she has done is steal my heart.

>> No.20672535

Shes ruining my sleeping schedule

>> No.20672554


>> No.20672610

He's allright but he really stands out as a western normalfag. It's like he stepped right out of a youtube clips comment section.

>> No.20672637

Too bad, Oji-san.
I already groomed Selly
I'm his personal coach

>> No.20672679

That's because he did. His entire exposure to hololive after discovering Towa is people linking him hololive clips and sometimes he watches Towa.

>> No.20672687

now you imagine towa moving her hands furiously while talking.

>> No.20672701

Oh yeah no offense to him or anything, he's not a bad person. But god I fucking despise the people who overhype the shit out of him whenever he appears.

>> No.20672722

towasama adhd...

>> No.20672725

Imagine the autistic movements we can't see right now...

>> No.20672730

Imagine her hands grabbing for a snacc and putting it in her cute debiru mouth...

>> No.20672748

Is Towa Italian?

>> No.20672781

She's Korean.

>> No.20672800

I hope the 3.0 has good hand tracking so we can see her animatedly moving her hands around while talking about Disney
and knocking her tea over

>> No.20672845

Guess that confirms they're just going to practice off stream the whole time

>> No.20672856

Towa, please BRRRAP for us...
Like how Mori did it

>> No.20672867

what was her opinion on pineapple pizza again?

>> No.20672876

We can see her daipan now?

>> No.20672886

Wasn't her radio show with Roberu and Ono enough to purge them?

>> No.20672891

Towa is talking about poop again...

>> No.20672897
Quoted by: >>20672936

My Towa daughter would never.

>> No.20672936


>> No.20672948
Quoted by: >>20672989

i cannot wait for towafamily asmr session...

>> No.20672956
Quoted by: >>20672996


>> No.20672989

Towa mama is definitely not invited, Towa would die from embarrassment.

>> No.20672996

I can't die anon.
Unless Towa says so.

>> No.20673007

Towa-mama whispering she loves you, kisses the mic and hums you to sleep.

>> No.20673040
Quoted by: >>20673065

Towa mama whispering for someone to marry her daughter...

>> No.20673048

That's it.
I'm making more Towas tonight.

>> No.20673065

What if Towa-mama grooms kenzoku to be cute?

>> No.20673083

Towa-mama whispering in her low voice...

>> No.20673086
Quoted by: >>20673206

I hope they stream scrims at least...

>> No.20673094
Quoted by: >>20673119

>Konyappi, Towamama desu~
>*autistic Towa noises in the background*
PEAK TowASMR right there.

>> No.20673119

Double DSV

>> No.20673206

She said she wanted to play in all of them but there would probably be days they wouldn't stream it

>> No.20673300
Quoted by: >>20673414

Twap retraining all the new kenzoku

>> No.20673400

I hate training... just groom me already, Towa..!

>> No.20673412

She just needs to have Uruca give her a message to pin in all her Apex streams telling backseaters to fuck off.

>> No.20673414
Quoted by: >>20673525

I wouldn't count on it. A stray menhera will bitch about her friends.
Kenzoku are not remote controlled cars...

>> No.20673476
File: 34 KB, 900x300, FONm2qmagAAnnqX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This VSaikyo team look weird but has the same sex appeal...
Also, too purple...

>> No.20673483

God I love this dork

>> No.20673511

Towa is teaching chat weird things!

>> No.20673520

towa should do cute mmd shorts

>> No.20673525

Just have a 1000 year sub-mode

>> No.20673618

The spade emote kinda lookin' like a... dark buttplug

>> No.20673701
Quoted by: >>20673746

anon why are you thinking of buttplugs?

>> No.20673711
Quoted by: >>20673746

Anon only has sex on the mind...
It looks like a fat Bibi.

>> No.20673739

do you guys think bibi would moan when fucked?

>> No.20673746

Bibi buttplug...

>> No.20673752
Quoted by: >>20673808

Kenzoku kimoi

>> No.20673793

Kenzoku are being kimoi and horny again, towa needs to take responsibility!

>> No.20673808
Quoted by: >>20673848

Towa, focus on the damn stream.

>> No.20673814

People are just going to be posting card suit emojis in chat from now on because of the Hisoka joke

>> No.20673848

Towa isn't a remote controlled car!

>> No.20673863

I miss Towa...

>> No.20673872

can somebody flame her to change that subscrube please

>> No.20673875

Watching Towa makes me depressed.

>> No.20673878

I miss Towa...

>> No.20673907

Why does it bother you that much? It's funny.

>> No.20673913

you do it. Just write it in English so the menhera can be surpressed.

>> No.20673918

i did not write that also i do not agree with it

>> No.20673923

Looks like Towa's tail. Seems you like to be pegged by Towa's tail.

>> No.20673925
Quoted by: >>20674019

It should make you happy.

>> No.20673946

maybe if you were subcrubed you would like it.

>> No.20673983

I like it this way, it has the Towa touch,

>> No.20673996

>Felt something in my heart when twap clicks her tongue
I've been groomed and didn't even realize it...

>> No.20674019
Quoted by: >>20674068

It does but then comes the realization I'll never have my own Towa irl.

>> No.20674047

Superchat reading stream tomorrow + maybe Vsaikyou kaoawase if Aqua's internet is working?

>> No.20674068

Towa's mine when she's on the screen and she's on the screen a lot these days because she loves me.

>> No.20674103

Then you are doing it wrong.

>> No.20674211
File: 268 KB, 983x1530, 1631463938357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suityan thread has gone to shit so I've come here to the comfy thread.

>> No.20674251
File: 342 KB, 2800x2000, 1629575460709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From one menhera thread to another

>> No.20674255
File: 596 KB, 1447x3170, 1647788860267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20674298
Quoted by: >>20674820

Don't come here to hornypost...

>> No.20674324
Quoted by: >>20674371

This Towa is very sex

>> No.20674369
File: 9 KB, 512x512, brat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa looks too smug!

>> No.20674371

All Towa is very sex

>> No.20674385
Quoted by: >>20674405

>Towa stream end then autodirect right to ars birthday
I miss ars giggle with towa doing dumb thing...

>> No.20674405
Quoted by: >>20674566


>> No.20674439
File: 1.43 MB, 2750x1750, 97042253_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.
I'm so happy to have Towa back.

>> No.20674566


>> No.20674579
Quoted by: >>20674846

Huh, apparently Towa mentioned Anemachi at some point, I'll have to rewatch the stream...

>> No.20674606
Quoted by: >>20674643

Stop inflating the menhera levels of the thread. this mental ward would run out of bed with the influx of FPS thread refugees and other purple women...

But I do want to fuck suichan and cum in her gloves...and ask her to wear it on stage...!

>> No.20674635

I'm a very 満足 眷属 today because Towa says she loves me...

>> No.20674643

I'm convinced we still harbor a few green refugees too.

>> No.20674654
Quoted by: >>20674752

that anon made me check it too and kek, it's actually pretty funny to read

>> No.20674739
Quoted by: >>20674820

Wasn't that tread partially ruined because some hoshifreind saw apex stalker posts here and went and riled up everyone in that thread?

>> No.20674749
File: 2.97 MB, 960x844, 1642001191774.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Rushia, I wish things could have gone better.
I feel sorry for Rushia and Ayame.

>> No.20674752

Which fucker shat on the Sui thread?

>> No.20674793
Quoted by: >>20674914

It's just dramafags, they'll get bored soon.

>> No.20674803

post holofes towa
i know you have fuckton of webms

>> No.20674820
Quoted by: >>20674957

Don't worry I'm actually watching Day 2 of Holofes right now, I'll hornypost after that.
That was an old thread. This time she just mentioned she has a private coach for Vsaikyou. Which I'd almost guarantee is just her playing with Towa and like Uruca or some shit, but of course that brings unicorn schizos and dramafags out of the woodwork.

>> No.20674846
Quoted by: >>20675140

also there was an interesting story she told about Aqua, Towa said she was actually invited to the first Apex VSaikyou and planned to participate, and asked Aqua to join her team, but Aqua declined. After that Towa thought about it some and ended up not participating in the tournament because she didn't have very many external friends at that point in time and it overlapped with her birthday live she had planned.
This whole time I was under the impression that management was the one who axed her first Apex tournament and that's why she went on that hiatus shortly afterwards, but I guess that wasn't the case.

>> No.20674849
File: 2.57 MB, 957x410, 1647686967840.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20674886
File: 2.77 MB, 960x1344, 1647753145284.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted some already in a previous threads, but I'll only post the remaining ones just for you.

>> No.20674896
File: 966 KB, 1920x1080, 1647684785108.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20675278

Webms are contraband!
Towa will kick you!

>> No.20674914
File: 10 KB, 158x206, 162334700_141298417906059_2720796462806157614_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the usual vt shitter then.
They always ruin an oshi thread just because they're bored.

Anyways, I love my girlfriend, Towa!

>> No.20674919

Why would green refugees watch the unicorn repellant holo?

>> No.20674934
File: 2.08 MB, 960x1152, 1626467033525.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20674935

I still wonder if that outfit has a belly button ring.

>> No.20674944

If it had either :) or rumao then it's just a dramanigger shitting up the Sui board, Luna board, Holo General and even the Mikeneko /jp/ board for some reason. He'll get bored eventually I assume.

>> No.20674948

Not all Rushia fans are unicorns.

>> No.20674957
Quoted by: >>20674998

Sui-chan has unicorns???

>> No.20674972

I hate tattoos and piercings but Towa still gives me a boner.

>> No.20674996
File: 2.06 MB, 1664x962, 1647734207834.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20674998

Even fuck Veibei somehow has unicorns. These people are legitimately fucked in the head.

>> No.20675033

I felt bad for fandead,still do but what's happened has happened,just glad there weren't webms posted of them doing flips off buildings or something in that vein

>> No.20675039

This is what a Tokoyami Towa experience does to a normal person.

>> No.20675046
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, 91726000_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20675093

Noah also has a nice tattoo imo.

>> No.20675064
Quoted by: >>20675115

I miss Ran.

>> No.20675093
File: 1.01 MB, 1800x2700, E9UFwWSUUAMHcGi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20675097

Not all fandeads were unicorns, and they wouldn't really care what Towa does. I lurked their thread and they were always pretty friendly about Towa.
Plus there was that one that came in here around the time shit was going down to say that they really liked Towa and were taking shelter in here, and coincidentally that was when I started noticing someone asking a lot of questions that only a new person would ask.

>> No.20675098

I was just lurking there and didn't post anything...

>> No.20675115
Quoted by: >>20675156

What happened to Ran?!

>> No.20675140

ah, looking at it, the tournament management axed was probably the first or second CR Cup. They line up timing-wise, and she probably wanted to join with a pro player like she did with Wokka.

>> No.20675154

What did Beni do this time?

>> No.20675156
Quoted by: >>20675317

She hasn't collabed with Towa in a long time.

>> No.20675261
Quoted by: >>20675294


>> No.20675278

I kiick you!!

>> No.20675294

I wish Benisex would do that with Towa on stream.

>> No.20675317
Quoted by: >>20675365

Didn't they do a shibuhal custom together a few months ago

>> No.20675324

Refused to sex me.

>> No.20675365

>a few months ago
>May 27, 2021
Towa has ruined my perception of time...

>> No.20675421

I still think Flare has the best 3D in Hololive desu

>> No.20675428

I think this was Towa's first hal custom?

>> No.20675481
Quoted by: >>20675609

I like elfs and their friends so I will allow you to have the wrong opinion.

>> No.20675492
File: 1.11 MB, 474x720, 1646230534444.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20675609

Towa has my favorite, but I may be a bit biased.

>> No.20675515
File: 2.09 MB, 1308x844, leopi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had to check when was Leopi Towa concert
>11 months ago
W-what the fuck is happening with time flow?

>> No.20675561
File: 2.60 MB, 1280x720, 1618730110329.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20675706


>> No.20675609

Please consider that they actually gave Flare's new 3D boob physics instead of clipping.

>> No.20675706

Still one of my favorite lives she's done, I hope she does another bandlive soon

>> No.20675717


>> No.20675738

Towa will never have this.

>> No.20675785
Quoted by: >>20675888

Towa has no tits...

>> No.20675852
File: 600 KB, 630x800, physics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has it on the right place.

>> No.20675867
File: 407 KB, 2048x1456, 1646204939100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20675935

*boots up APEX*

>> No.20675887
Quoted by: >>20676058

Sui and Towa should do a stream with whoever the coach is one day when Aqua isn't available is. That would be fun. Would also throw a bone to the terminally curious Hoshiyomi.

>> No.20675888

Towa has tits.
She's just shy.
I saw them jiggle when she jumped on Cinderella Switch!

>> No.20675934
Quoted by: >>20675986

That was her jacket moving, not her chest.

>> No.20675935
Quoted by: >>20676141

I knew Towa was the private coach all along...!

>> No.20675972

>I saw them jiggle when she jumped on Cinderella Switch!
SuiTowa VARK on my day off so I can actually use my VR for something when?

>> No.20675986

I still believe in Towasamaboobjiggles...

>> No.20676037

oh the freechat's gone

>> No.20676058

Suisei said she won't stream with the coach, which probably contributed to why they are sperging out over this.

>> No.20676060

>SuiTowa VARK

>> No.20676107


>> No.20676141
Quoted by: >>20676244

>Towa coachs Suityan, teaches her everything she knows
>On the day of Vsaikyou realizes they can't have two Gibs

>> No.20676244
File: 543 KB, 848x1200, FNkQeATagAs8g2I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20676661

Solution: Towa trains Suityan to play Gib, then plays Wattson.

>> No.20676248
Quoted by: >>20676390

Weird that she randomly changed the start time for it. She said she was doing a superchat reading tomorrow so I assume she'll read superchats from the freechat as well.

>> No.20676250

She only has cloth physics.

>> No.20676307

This would be amazing. Too bad it probably won't happen, at least not for a long time, since Towa and Kanata just did one fairly recently.

>> No.20676390

I bet she considered using the freechat waiting room for tonight's stream but just decided not to half way through changing it.

>> No.20676412

How do you know I'm not pretending I love her?

>> No.20676456

I don't care whether you love her, all I need to know is that I love her.

>> No.20676475

More Towa for me.

>> No.20676477

Flare is cool and her 3d makes me diamond, but her original model is just horrible... I'm glad Towa's l2d model looks just stupid and had a few very cute faces.
[spolier]to think about elves... Towa's ears are slightly pointed, right? [/spoiler]

>> No.20676513

>but her original model is just horrible..
I really liked her original design, the rigging was absolutely awful though.

>> No.20676517

One less meatbag that stands in my way in the future Kenzoku Battle Royale.

>> No.20676520

my spolier reps...

>> No.20676619
File: 307 KB, 1536x2048, 1622165118679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20677057

>> No.20676661
Quoted by: >>20676757

Wattson solves 80% of nip player problem, because they are degenerate people who throw 10 grenades at final circle, spam caustic every game, and rely too much on bubbles. Wattson has better "dome" for endgame. Also they don't need a wraith, because nip players are too much of a pussy to force a bubble fight in these tourney. Most wraith in these semi-casual tourney ended up being used by the "top player" that only uses her "Q" just to save their own asses, and never portals for squad mobility. A pathfinder is much, much better.

Even with caustic nerf, the gas problem remains. Though I see better success from nips when they run crypto, but too bad, bloodhound is still the pros crutch they need to rely on and stealth/ambush is a retarded concept in APEX.

>> No.20676671
File: 1.75 MB, 1009x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20676713

Pami thinks they should be very pointed.

>> No.20676713
Quoted by: >>20676749

Towa isn't this big.

>> No.20676749

Towa makes me that big.

>> No.20676757
Quoted by: >>20676922

I would love to see Towa play Wattson and she might have more fun but someone has to teach her how her ult works because she has absolutely no idea.

>> No.20676922

We should try teaching her during the downtimes if they die, give some good pointers. I think she would love it!

>> No.20676968
File: 668 KB, 2851x4096, FN3Vm4dVsAYmJwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20677008
Quoted by: >>20677252


>> No.20677057


>> No.20677252


>> No.20677375

I missed the Towasamalive...

>> No.20677427


>> No.20677454
Quoted by: >>20677539

i love towa and she made me a better human

>> No.20677539

I love Towa and she made me a menhera, I'm an anxious mess thanks to her

>> No.20677711
File: 862 KB, 2696x4096, 1627470885144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my future wife.

>> No.20677772
Quoted by: >>20677821

towa 3.0 will make me cum for days...

>> No.20677791

She's divorcing me...?

>> No.20677821

I really wonder how soon it will be, I didn't really expect it anytime soon but the fact she even mentioned the fact that others would be getting it makes me think it might be sooner than I thought.

>> No.20677827

Towa teasing me with that tail...

>> No.20677895
Quoted by: >>20678016

i was discussing vtubers with friends a while back and i mentioned no hand movement is a huge drawback for me. really looking forward to 3.0!

>> No.20677941

Maybe by the next quarter up until gen 2 maybe?I'm just making random guesses

>> No.20678016


>> No.20678084
File: 60 KB, 1123x766, FOTwhYBVQAEa6hJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20678112


>> No.20678177
Quoted by: >>20678213

Towa kept getting cut out of the Luna/Kanata shots... I just wanted a single closeup shot of Towa to clearly see her belly button...

>> No.20678186


>> No.20678213

The were hiding her from belly button ring anon.

>> No.20678354

tongue kissing twi...

>> No.20678364

