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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 555 KB, 1000x1000, 1617352439144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20283191 No.20283191 [Reply] [Original]

Peak Efficiency Edition

Welcome to VShojo+! A thread to discuss VShojo, and any vtubers frequently associated with them.

Mouse's subathon has ended! If you're late and would like to know what happened, then check the pastebin. https://pastebin.com/FqDemPTM

11 and a half hours. After being discouraged by Elden Ring Zen went at it again for 11 and a half goddamn hours. Which makes today's stream being called the mindbreak stream very appropriate. So that's fun to see. As for later today expect the return of Chrono Trigger Tuesdays, a possible appearance from Mouse provided medical issues don't prevent it, and some farming from Silver. Nice enough day so enjoy it and keep things comfy by ignoring bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Nyan - https://www.twitch.tv/nyanners
Silver - https://www.twitch.tv/silvervale
Vei - https://www.twitch.tv/veibae
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

Previous thread: >>20263226

>> No.20283211

Quin is based

>> No.20283226
Quoted by: >>20283638

This is pretty good. Maybe add a plus though.

>> No.20283242
File: 181 KB, 1606x2048, 1620954405583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20283244

nyanners easy peasy physical affection in unbeatable

>> No.20283247
File: 3.74 MB, 600x338, smug dragon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red dragon good

>> No.20283248
File: 29 KB, 128x128, kms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unitybros don't check twitter right now

>> No.20283266
File: 30 KB, 680x619, 141894184891023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20283335

nyan owes me a long stream without guests

>> No.20283270
File: 1.28 MB, 1683x1683, 1617363765672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20287974

This guy that's been doing these fighting games pics just did Silver and now I have to see how far along he is for the whole group. I want to combine them into an OP when all 8 are finished

>> No.20283297
File: 74 KB, 551x470, zendeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20283301
File: 804 KB, 1220x740, 1641164521466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Froot engaging in twittershit

>> No.20283314
File: 1.74 MB, 928x1440, 1633329586677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon do you know how fucking big Twitter is. You gotta be more specific than that.

>> No.20283325
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1073, Pink Cat Good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I think thats all im gonna say this week. I will still update the archive, just might be behind a day sometimes though.

>My complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) Vod Archive:

- Mega download and torrent (I also added some other stuff to that account like Koikatsu cards and other VoDs i archived): https://pastebin.com/Eg1Yy3TZ

- Spreadsheet containing the runtime/Contents of each Vod: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iwxDDk_ImZqI47t30akg_SLkdDYIIUVDeFk5TqqFBFg/


Some usefull infos/programms to use if you want to archive stuff on your own: https://pastebin.com/1i8hF902

Ready to use Rasberry Pi Image for Archiving Purposes (everything you need to archive VoDs is preinstalled): https://pastebin.com/rmqJ7Q8f

If you need help with archiving Vods or have questions or something feel free to join the IRC. Links and information for it here: https://pastebin.com/ET5atJEV

>> No.20283335
Quoted by: >>20283476


>> No.20283363

I'm siding with frog

>> No.20283365

Frogbros... We're /out/.

>> No.20283385
File: 339 KB, 1000x1000, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word Cloud if anyone cares.

>> No.20283391
Quoted by: >>20283450

Meanwhile Frog is picking fights with randos and just blocked one of her major euro artist peers, DyaRikku

>> No.20283397
File: 243 KB, 1600x1600, 1627941017965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this last night but I still can't quite put into words how much I like this dumb fucking picture of Froot. Another anon described it as looking like the main character of every early 2000's Newgrounds flash animation and I agree.

>> No.20283403

Hope things get better for you soon, archive anon.

>> No.20283406

All that bullshit and they still couldn't beat the big three.

>> No.20283439
File: 276 KB, 1536x2048, 1629358212811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20283450

She's always had beef with that circle.

>> No.20283457

well, frog just squandered her good will by doing the exact same thing again

>> No.20283465

Quick run down?

>> No.20283476
File: 235 KB, 528x438, 1647244086109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20283511


>> No.20283481
File: 59 KB, 930x805, 949DB485-AEC2-4D54-9F4A-8839A9699221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the size of that Tob

>> No.20283489
File: 1.00 MB, 833x630, 1647071757203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her pussy and anus wet?

>> No.20283512

Froot didn't back Saru in some art twitter shit and instead said if that darius guy of sarus was her mod she'd fire him

>> No.20283511

It’s way to early for her

>> No.20283516

She’s mentally ill. Still doesn’t undo her good qualities like best provider of GFE in the world of English speaking VTubers.

>> No.20283537
File: 53 KB, 696x692, 1629510565112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20283624

Every Vshojo girl has a boyfriend/husband
Are there no real lesbians in Vshojo?

>> No.20283544

>Froot still engaging in Twitter drama

>> No.20283562
File: 1.56 MB, 411x417, 1645882471816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20287169

Watch a stream motherfucker!
Love you bye

>> No.20283564

Saru accused people of tracing again and kicked them out of a contest. Froot just responded to one of the complaints and said Saru is handling it poorly. Someday the girls will learn to shut the fuck up, surely.

>> No.20283571

>Saruei held art contest
>artist didn't get their submission shown on stream
>artist asked mod why their art wasn't shown
>mod accused artist of tracing and told them to fuck off
>artist posted on twitter asking her to elaborate
>she doubled down on her mod's stance (even though the only issue with the art was that it looked like shit, not really traced)
>posted a retarded take on twitter and picked a fight with randos as a result
>is continuously spouting retarded takes fighting with randos and blocking people, including Dya

>> No.20283601

Froot is kinda right, like even if you think someone's art is shit and you don't like it, you still be polite to them. At a minimum they support you enough to make fan art, so don't be mean to them.

>> No.20283618

>frog does art contest
>random artist gets pissed because she was disqualified and only found out when frog didn't show her art in her stream
>sends autistically long rant to one of her mods asking for an explanation as to why she was disqualified
>mod is a retard and first guesses that it was because the art was shit (it was) and then accuses her of tracing
>literal who artists gets even more pissed and other twitter artists joined her in complaining about it
>frog tells them to suck a dick
>dya jumps in to call her out
>now froot jumps in to do the same
That's all I have seen so far.

>> No.20283624

They really don't but feel free to engage in fanfic. It's an artform in itself.

>> No.20283625
Quoted by: >>20283741

>frog hosts art contest
>some people are discualified without notice
>guys asks why
>mod tells him it looks like he traced based on the perspective
>guy said he would have liked to have been told that beforehand so he could defend himself, but whatever, was it saruie who decided this?
>mod tells him he is done with the conversation
>saruie goes on twitter and says the mod was correct and she doesn't have to tell people why they were qualified
>picking fights with everyone who disagrees

>> No.20283638
File: 278 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.20283640
File: 526 KB, 2048x2048, 1632374651750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit this was also posted last night and the artist just posted an NSFW version on Twitter. Enjoy. https://twitter.com/jnstudi/status/1503733650583605251

Anyway schedule time. Currently live:

Zen - Stream title says it's going to be a mindbreak stream. Whether that means more Elden Ring or suffering the consequences of last night's stream remains a mystery. https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya
Yocci - I think yesterday when she was live I said she was drawing a picture of some guy. Well she's still doing that right now. https://www.twitch.tv/yoclesh

For ++ action there's Bunny playing GTA5, girl_dm_ in Elden Ring, Rose who's just hanging out, and Vienna in LoL. As for later today:

Nyan - Conclusion of media share + Chrono Trigger Tuesdays. Simple as.
Silver - Still has her schedule listed as playing Rune Factory 5 today. She'll either be in for a rude awakening when she goes live, or she genuinely does have the game early. I hope it's the latter because I want this game too.
Mouse - Tuesday regular. Provided no med issues she'll be around.

Vei's off Tuesdays, Froot and Hime are Froot and Hime, and no clue on Mel

>> No.20283643

gimme a qrd on the beef going on, sisters
spill the tea

>> No.20283668

On /lig/ my bro

>> No.20283684

Personally I think having the + be a lot bigger (Like half the size of the V) would look better but I like it. Not that anon by the way.

>> No.20283686
File: 296 KB, 923x2048, FN5BaSrXwAQAoVO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a mod and someone DMs you something this long, you ban them on the spot. No questions.

>> No.20283697
File: 3.69 MB, 498x371, froot-wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an artist not a corpo slave
You want vtubers who are controlled by management and have their opinions decided for them try somewhere else

>> No.20283724

There would have been of an issue if he just banned/blocked her or just told her to fuck off, but this guy is clearly an idiot and had to go the extra mile and make things worse

>> No.20283739

Good thing you aren't a mod.

>> No.20283741
Quoted by: >>20283796

sorry cano I get that one more time, didn't quite get it from the first three

>> No.20283742
File: 219 KB, 2048x2048, 1646950548853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an action packed episode today, sisters!

>> No.20283745
Quoted by: >>20283933

Saruei is absolutely handling this poorly. She could've straight up just said "your art looks like fucking shit" and it would be better than whatever the fuck she's doing sperging out on twitter only to start doing damage control 2 minutes later.

>> No.20283758

Yep, it's literally schizoposting

>> No.20283759

>something this long
and thats why you dont make zoomers mods

>> No.20283796
Quoted by: >>20283854

frog bad
froot good
they should both draw /ss/

>> No.20283802
Quoted by: >>20284455

looks kind of generic. Would be better if the top was blue and the bottom white.

>> No.20283805

Hopefully those artists will take vengeance and draw Saruei getting fucked, that will show her, unzips pants.

>> No.20283818

Said the non-mod

>> No.20283854


>> No.20283883
Quoted by: >>20283931

Semi related: As a sort of artist who watched a bunch of blow ups over Hollywood art contests the past few years it surprises me how many vtubers do them especially when that vtuber is also an artist.

>> No.20283898

Have you guys seen any good 3D porn of the girls? I've seen some of the silvervale stuff but it's quite janky.

>> No.20283931

Well those art contests get shit on because they usually include clauses that the company will own whatever art you submit so even if you don't win they can use and monetize it in whatever way they please.

>> No.20283933

This. This is the worst possible way to respond to this.

>> No.20283948
File: 128 KB, 800x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you sneaky little fanboy.

>> No.20283996

who cares

>> No.20284002
Quoted by: >>20284039

Well copying an existing logo is a good way to make a good one. I was going to do the same thing with a different logo and I don't even watch divegrass.

>> No.20284011

silver posts some on her patreon

>> No.20284022

That's about half of the art contests that get shit on. The other half are contests that don't even have a prize beyond "Get your art into a show!" to pay in exposure or to severely undervalue the work. Like Shaq hosting that contest to provide like a 2 minute animation for a single person winning a prize of like $500.

>> No.20284039

/lig/ did that and their logo looks pretty neat even it's not exactly SOULful

>> No.20284054
File: 701 KB, 900x1162, retard logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20284187

Yeah bro, lets have this one instead

>> No.20284063
File: 12 KB, 365x365, 0057AF9D-4750-4267-B6F2-C6B6840C38E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on what im seeing here, I assume /lig/ma is under fire right now? frogs vs the entire thread?

>> No.20284092

No, just anons laughing at the drama

>> No.20284116

not really. most people agree that she isn't wrong to disqualify the piece because it's shit, but also that she is handling the situation horribly

>> No.20284121

True. Maybe it's just me, but I look at those art contests and see them just like spec work and spec work is inherently exploitative. Like if you want art just commission people or buy fan art that you really like.

>> No.20284127
Quoted by: >>20284251

I cannot wait for Saruei to tell Froot she is a dumb lazy bitch who doesn't stream.
That will be quite the fucking arc

>> No.20284140

Glad mouse did art again but the fucking snuff shit ruined my mood.

Froot drawing again or no? When was the last time she drew something?

>> No.20284143

of course i care

>> No.20284179
File: 3 KB, 205x55, 1623126893731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how we solve the problem

>> No.20284187
Quoted by: >>20284216


>> No.20284196

/lig/ is infinitely more chill than this place

>> No.20284210

>pink power
oy vey

>> No.20284216

Someone unironically suggested we should have this a few weeks ago

>> No.20284222
File: 90 KB, 674x680, lich steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat Froot's steak

>> No.20284230
Quoted by: >>20284249

I will simply jerk off to frog's ASMR while browsing dya's art

>> No.20284247

Tob is now all-in on Mikeyspeak.
Simping for amouranth on Twitter and calling her Lady Amouranth

>> No.20284249

The true unitybro

>> No.20284251

I trust vshojo management is competent to tell froot to stay away from the drama

>> No.20284270
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, nyan poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this not bad

>> No.20284277
Quoted by: >>20284392

Off topic

>> No.20284290

horrible sear on that steak, do bongs really?

>> No.20284291

>vshojo management

>> No.20284299
File: 419 KB, 702x496, 1625393939719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20284304

They have no say newfag/tourist

>> No.20284309

>>20284063 (me)
oh who am I kidding, just checked the catalog and there’s an entire thread about her lol

>> No.20284316
File: 698 KB, 478x478, tobmegalolmyqueen(20).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20284352

the ddk fanart is the most recent I think

>> No.20284356
File: 220 KB, 381x449, 1643068212917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you frog for this drama shield.

>> No.20284358

She just drew the ire of a frog

>> No.20284363

This makes no sense whether you’re being sincere or sarcastic
No one thinks that’s what Vshojo management does, so what exactly are you mocking?
>Lol Vshojo management is really hands off lol
Yes, everybody knows that

>> No.20284364

That’s the worst sear I’ve ever seen

>> No.20284392
File: 74 KB, 1134x944, 7905C06B-8FEF-4635-8013-E24471BCD5CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20284603


>> No.20284455
File: 59 KB, 1404x1204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks way more interesting

>> No.20284570

as someone with a scat fetish, this is fucking terrible
get some standards

>> No.20284575

https://youtu.be/ygYA3_UZbuY is this the same moderator thank God our moderator isn't like this

>> No.20284603
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x973, stfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go make your own thread to spam that shit in

>> No.20284622

I love and hate this animation. I hate the content but there's clearly so much fucking effort put into it and even if it looks weird the man likes what he likes. I respect that kind of passion if it's not being put towards negative things.

>> No.20284653

Sarueis voice is pure sex.

>> No.20284654

right now /lig/ is one seething frogfag and everyone else pointing and laughing at his retarded waifu

>> No.20284660

The TTS mentions Darius so if that's who this is about then yes it's the same guy lol.

>> No.20284661

Saruei has always acted like a cunt, that's the appeal. Why is anyone surprised?

>> No.20284736
Quoted by: >>20285103

I bet this is the guy who perma banned dannytheprogamer21 from her chat because he was coping. Maybe danny was right all along in saying her mods are the biggest virgins

>> No.20284754

Is anyone suprised? I didn't get that vibe

>> No.20284794
File: 280 KB, 659x604, tobmyqueen(51).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20284907

Dya and Froot vs Frog the european war has broken out on the western front. this makes Tob sad

>> No.20284834

Seemed like she was trying to be better. Unfortunately, she is french.

>> No.20284903
Quoted by: >>20285189

Will Froot and Frogs Start the Hundred Years War?

>> No.20284907
Quoted by: >>20285634

Hopefully it pushes her to kill herself

>> No.20284925
Quoted by: >>20284953

Holy fuck nothing but drama and shit streams these last 2 months, can the girls fucking stop being so retarded

>> No.20284940

Will tell her in chat that Macron is shit.

>> No.20284953
Quoted by: >>20284968

>blaming the girls for Saruei’s fuckup

>> No.20284968

Well she is a plus

>> No.20284989

God I love this frog and her messy dramabitch ways. Don't ever change Saru.

>> No.20285017

Well there goes Sarueis attempts to get close to nyanners.

>> No.20285018

There is this thing called "separating your stream persona from your off-stream interactions".

>> No.20285083
File: 3.39 MB, 445x345, 1642279047425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the only option is to let me eat your pussy, Saru...

>> No.20285103
Quoted by: >>20285394

Good try, Danny.

>> No.20285111


>> No.20285189
File: 243 KB, 1121x900, E37FE2D3-68E4-4571-807A-72E9657C9EB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20285210

>Nyanners will never embrace you from behind as you take a fat shit
Why live

>> No.20285227

It's not like the team was playing like buyern anyway, lol

>> No.20285238

Which mods would you guys want on your chat.

>Saruei's mods

>Or nyanners mods that constantly do fucking voting polls?

>> No.20285273

frog's mods

>> No.20285301

Looks like /u/ trash

>> No.20285332
Quoted by: >>20285560

How is this even a question. You'd have to be on the highest level of autism to think unnecessary extra polls are anywhere near comparable to starting a shitstorm against the streamer and repeatedly being a problem. Even when Saruei debuted and people were accusing her mods of being /here/ to promote her Darius was always the guy they named as the one doing it. Knowing he got a Twitch ban and now did this just makes me believe that shit I'd always thought was dumb before.

>> No.20285362

As if this changes anything.

>> No.20285379

I would rather have twitch polls than my mod embarrass me on Twitter

>> No.20285383

Thanks for letting me know, Homobot

>> No.20285394
File: 468 KB, 652x692, 1630662518537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Danny won in the end
What the fuck is going on. I need meds. Please. I'll take anything.

>> No.20285422

I would rather deal with Mouse's lazy mods than a sperg who starts shit because he doesn't know how to properly deal with crybabies

>> No.20285452
File: 80 KB, 577x474, 1D3680E6-D82A-4F39-BBEA-09ACE8C0F2F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t care still like Saruei

>> No.20285471

Vei is his next target
tic toc veifags, your time is almost up

>> No.20285477
File: 20 KB, 251x200, 1635766977253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20285504

what a prophetic art piece

>> No.20285509
Quoted by: >>20285577

Is this the same Danny that got banned by Vei for jokingly saying Poland is east Prussia?

>> No.20285542

>Nyanner's mods aka we're cool too right chat?

It's so cringe seeing her mods try and be funny, just do your fucking jobs and shut up

>> No.20285560

but the polls are pretty cringe

>> No.20285577
Quoted by: >>20285729

Yes. Before that he was banned by Saruei for some comment about feet I think.

>> No.20285586

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but for Saruei, it's not an act

>> No.20285618

/lig/ is going faster than us...
I don't feel so good...

>> No.20285634
File: 6 KB, 243x207, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tob's sanity levels are off the charts, especially compared to Vshojo

>> No.20285649

that's a good thing, faster threads are shit

>> No.20285660

faster threads are usually worse newfagchama

>> No.20285723
File: 143 KB, 1282x746, 4ABE7598-1079-471B-8317-167E21B4654D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how’s your day going

>> No.20285729
File: 13 KB, 312x125, 1639264740333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20285794

>some comment

>> No.20285774

pretty alright, been watching blue dragon since I woke up

>> No.20285786
File: 1.47 MB, 1259x712, 1633547296686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyan unironically thinks she's gonna be streaming at 1pm later this week. She's not even awake yet.

>> No.20285794
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1631282041262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny coincidence that I did this pic last night for a joke.

Okay, I'll admit, I forgot it was that bad lmfao. In my head it was just "show feet" or something like that and knowing how trigger happy some mods can be that was how it appeared in my head.

>> No.20286103
Quoted by: >>20286255

everyone wants to talk about the twitter drama, you can't deny this kind of thing is just fun to watch unfold

>> No.20286111

frog confirmed retarded after that vtuber in demand post
someone make a writeup pls

>> No.20286116
File: 141 KB, 1081x1080, 1634662690460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver doing her passive aggressive thang

>> No.20286130
File: 674 KB, 1157x673, progamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frogfags got deported
>shows her mods true nature

>> No.20286155

oh no no no frogbros

>> No.20286255

>everyone wants to talk about the twitter drama
He says after 8 minutes with 0 posts

>> No.20286284


>> No.20286380

of course there are no posts here nerdass, i'm saying the reason for that is because people from are posting in /lig/ instead to talk about the drama since that's the proper place to discuss it

>> No.20286447
File: 73 KB, 1200x675, FM-9C9kXoAcqTay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proper thing to talk about is gecko because she's streaming.

>> No.20286455
Quoted by: >>20286545

complimenting dya's art and i don't think the timing is a coincidence

>> No.20286468
File: 2.03 MB, 300x169, 1619921635694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're looking to pick up some of those 4k viewers, baby! Hop in!

>> No.20286545


>> No.20286553
File: 728 KB, 3840x2160, FKtQKr5WQAcUqbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

passive aggressive quote retweeting aside, I NEED paizuri from silver while she encourages me in that sweet, kind voice of hers, and then to give her a rough sweaty fuck afterwards as thank you

>> No.20286555
Quoted by: >>20286590

Too bad Anny is depressed now
I want to see if she'll back Frog or break up again

>> No.20286590

Maybe that recent post on her alt has something to do with the situation

>> No.20286608
Quoted by: >>20286650

looks like voldermort in drag

>> No.20286631
Quoted by: >>20291177

I like frog, but she just needs to chill. Instead of blocking everyone. Not debating people or defending your actions, and just blocking, doesn't look good in your argument. Just makes you look sensitive.

>> No.20286650
File: 348 KB, 577x507, FA_aaUQWEAA4eZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20286732

voldemort did nothing wrong

>> No.20286709

this but instead of paizuri it's actual nipplefucking

unlikely, since that was posted like 3 hours before the artist's tweet that sparked the whole drama

>> No.20286725

>blocks #1 artist chuuba with the most connections
Well, at least she still has the whale

>> No.20286732

>no nose

>> No.20286748
File: 206 KB, 378x440, annycomf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it. That post was before any of this drama posting. Middle of the night for her anyway so hopefully she's resting well.

>> No.20286808
Quoted by: >>20286932

Wonder what it was about then

>> No.20286811

I agree, I used to be a mod for Jimi, before he fucked off. During his peak, I would get novels from people on why they should collab or meet with him. Very annoying.

>> No.20286868
Quoted by: >>20287282

Lilypichu, shylily, saruei, why does every female vtuber want pink cat pussy?

>> No.20286918
File: 2.32 MB, 421x384, 1232D64F-C67F-4499-A5DE-24F72E7AD791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20291230

>caring this much about some damn art contest
Literally who cares. Artists get butthurt over anything

>> No.20286932
File: 1.52 MB, 412x464, annywinkwonk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20287607

Last time she said something like that it was about N******
So take from that what you will

>> No.20287016

Silver is live

>> No.20287099
Quoted by: >>20287159

how tf is this passive agressive

>> No.20287115
File: 31 KB, 949x111, 1630700355430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray I was right. Was genuinely looking forward to this stream and glad it's happening.

>> No.20287156

always heard anons talking up rune factory ill check out this silver stream too

>> No.20287159

do you have a brain?

>> No.20287169
File: 271 KB, 761x343, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably should but i wont for now. Have this shitty meme i made in like 5 minutes though.

>> No.20287175

Still dreaming of the day Coco collabs with vshojo in some way.

>> No.20287176
Quoted by: >>20287354

explain how its passive aggressive

>> No.20287187

What is XSNEED?

>> No.20287193

coco died 20 years ago anon you have to let go

>> No.20287207
Quoted by: >>20287354

he looks like he has a healthy one unlike those other retards

>> No.20287232
File: 731 KB, 2328x3540, FN5Mv7aagAMCmT5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20287267

Kson was on Mousey's show. Also she did a collab with Mel on cb, reviewing adult memes.

>> No.20287275
Quoted by: >>20287349

I've been trying to medicate myself into being ok with Aethel cucking me out of reasonable EU hour pink cat streams but it's failing. Should I try sedatives next?

>> No.20287282

Because her pussy is sweet, delicious and wet.

>> No.20287316
File: 1.78 MB, 1221x806, 1639910581658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20287726

New hat for Silver

>> No.20287346

Silver trying to sexually entice Connor with her new headwear.

>> No.20287349

>first it was Mouse's fault
>now it's Aethel's
Maybe pink cat is just shit at keeping a decent schedule and all those promises of fixing it are as trustworthy as me promising I will stop being a fat NEET next week

>> No.20287354
Quoted by: >>20287385

>tweet praising artists for what they do regardless of quality, conveniently posted amid twitter drama that affected people she's acquainted with
wow gee I sure wonder how that's passive aggressive

>> No.20287383

That's obviously nonsense. Pink cat is cute and without fault; there has to be an external reason for this and I will find it.

>> No.20287385
Quoted by: >>20287473


>> No.20287453

why doesnt zen level vigor

>> No.20287473
Quoted by: >>20287527

how the fuck is that meds? it's absolutely blatant that it was supposed to be a jab at Saruei/art drama

>> No.20287496
File: 74 KB, 237x243, 1625314543788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20287551

You should tell her in chat

>> No.20287527
Quoted by: >>20287574

Thinking silver of all people would want to jab at anyone.
fucking MEDS

>> No.20287531

Vigor is worthless against Malenia, she just cucks you of your HP and two-shots you no matter what

>> No.20287551

someone literally just did lol

>> No.20287556

Even at 50 vigor malenia melts you with the swallow attack, she needs to learn how to dodge and not constantly spam attack with her stamina that's what got me for 10 hours

>> No.20287569

twitch was a mistake

>> No.20287573

Vigor is cheating, as is using summons, using a shield, using magic, using ashes, leveling up, upgrading your weapons, or using a gamepad

>> No.20287574

That's why it's passive aggressive. Silver does it a lot to get a word in but not have to deal with the shit that would come with directly replying.

>> No.20287607
Quoted by: >>20287673


>> No.20287656
Quoted by: >>20287732

Never forget cucumber grab

>> No.20287673
File: 979 KB, 1138x643, 049640650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20287685
Quoted by: >>20287766

Nyan is laying in bed right now trying to think of an excuse not to stream.

>> No.20287694

seek help now

>> No.20287726

>no new nose for silver

>> No.20287732

lmfao I remember that. It was great.

>> No.20287748
Quoted by: >>20287790

Shes just trying to be positive. that doesnt make it passive aggressive retard

>> No.20287766
File: 351 KB, 732x433, meds1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20287834


>> No.20287773
Quoted by: >>20287857

Just want to tell you fags that I really respect you for posting that here instead of in chat or on Twitter.
I'd shake your hands if I could

>> No.20287779

No, just summoning and ashes is cheating. Magic is easy mode but you still have to think

>> No.20287790

I genuinely don't get how you can be this clueless. I'm assuming you're just baiting and I'm just giving (You)s for free

>> No.20287834

I love how pleased with chat she looks in this

>> No.20287857

<message removed by moderator>

>> No.20287895

talk more about soda and vei please

>> No.20287896
File: 295 KB, 683x324, silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20288834

I can never not stare
I love tits bros

>> No.20287902
Quoted by: >>20287985

Nah he is baiting,
the retard cannot be this clueless to be in vsj+ and not know how vtubers operate

>> No.20287953

spoonfeed me on the drama
who did what and why, and who is mad about it

>> No.20287973
File: 970 KB, 1000x1000, 1644358940537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I physically gagged at this image holy shit

>> No.20287974
File: 57 KB, 672x640, snk-gals-fighters-winner-is-mai-shiranui-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty obvious knock off of Mai from KOF/FF with the moveset and costume. That aside it's pretty on brand for Silver. I appreciate the less "SNK" 3bar super because I hate doing those.
>Install Fightcade

But, Silver should
>Install DoSBox: https://www.dosbox.com/
>And download the eXo packs here: https://www.retro-exo.com/index2.html for fun retro PC gaming.

>> No.20287979

it was explained about 5 times in this thread alone

>> No.20287985

retards who dont know what being passive aggressive means

>> No.20288012


Frootposter got raw dogged by nyanposter and is pregnant.

>> No.20288014

Saru won't have sex with me.

>> No.20288034


>> No.20288054

Which drama?

>> No.20288122

> Snowflake Artist lost the contest,
> Contacted Saurei mod, which made a 'cruel' comment
> Started a twitter drama,
> Saurei joined- fucked the conversation as many other snowflakes now started to join the conversation
> Other Vtubers join the conversations
> they get get blocked by Saurei

Oh boy

>> No.20288166

You have to go back Darius

>> No.20288182

Frog unfortunately for herself seems to go scorched earth when she's on the warpath.

>> No.20288193

Hi Darius

>> No.20288210

France went too far, got threatened by Italy and Britain and then surrendered like it always does

>> No.20288246

i hope we get this kind of drama about mousey's mods sometime since they're all comparably shitty people

>> No.20288287
File: 49 KB, 736x414, 4c1835c51d4a5a3009cce914fc6709df--strange-history-saint-étienne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs a Dreamcast sponsor on the kit
It's thinking
Also continue
>Installing Fightcade

>> No.20288293

r0xxy wants to fuck aethel so she's just like me and i like her

>> No.20288299
Quoted by: >>20288673

Can't get drama if you never do shit

>> No.20288298

They're cute together. Anyway, I can't believe frog is being a bitch.

>> No.20288319
Quoted by: >>20288717

a bit unstable isn't she

>> No.20288326


Wont happen because mouse would not amplify the retardation like Saruei did

>> No.20288359

They literally just all got almost a full month of overtime pay on top of their regular salary. That's the last mod group that would ever generate drama.

>> No.20288376
File: 511 KB, 1024x921, 1463129581528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early stream Silver
I learned from my job not to engage with people who has borderline

Just roll with it and dismiss it

>> No.20288432
File: 667 KB, 793x1200, 16397980251452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20288528

I heard Pink Cat went on another pregnancy rant when did this happen I've been out for the past couple days

>> No.20288437

redpill me

>> No.20288439

so what's my strat as a mage, don't know anything about this boss just been reading the posts about zen. make sure I've pumped enough endurance to spam rolls?

>> No.20288455
File: 6 KB, 345x160, portent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20289765

i wish to hold her close. let her know that she is wonderful and everything will be okay. just be there for her while she vents. and go to town an those sweet tits, doing sick carnal things to them

i swear its coming in from the +-++'s art drama and the LSF dudebros talking out of their ass for clout even the captcha system knows whats coming [pic related]

>> No.20288504

they talk like fags and their shits all retarded

>> No.20288521

>so what's my strat as a mage

>> No.20288528
Quoted by: >>20288702

on the last FFX aethel stream. they did like a 5 minute stream of consciousness bit fetishizing the change a woman's body goes through during pregnancy and birth

>> No.20288551

honestly, i'm exaggerating, i just think they're shitty mods because they bring emotion into their work and act pissed at people for very minor offenses, thus ruining the entire vibe of the discord
they're immature but not really shitty enough to be cancellable or anything

>> No.20288564

I don't think you need to do anything special. She has a bunch of attacks you can easily dodge and punish and one or two attacks that will murder you unless you fuck off to the other end of the universe.
From what I have seen with my melee build, she loves putting a lot of space between her and you and then walking dramatically before her next combo, so you might be able to attack her during those times.

>> No.20288577

Maybe she's talking about what happened to Ironmouse?

>> No.20288661

She's only a real pain up close. At a distance you can run to avoid most of her shit, and she only chases after you a little unless it's the swallow

>> No.20288673

They only didn't do anything during the subathon because that was 31 nonstop days. They'll be back to modding properly when she does normal streams again.

>> No.20288688
File: 1.06 MB, 1129x1193, 1647368944101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20288850


>> No.20288702
File: 493 KB, 460x560, 1646199638826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful, she's finally beginning to believe.

>> No.20288704
File: 332 KB, 614x809, FN6h0O7XIAAddoQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20288858

Here is your context

>> No.20288717

she got the BPD

>> No.20288834

they truly are perfect

>> No.20288848

probably twisting and turning dreaming about her family getting shelled, if she is sleeping at all that is

>> No.20288850
Quoted by: >>20288924

I summoned the mimic for every dual/trio boss fight and I regret nothing. Tryhards and FromSoft can suck my cock, those fights are fucking bullshit.

>> No.20288858

I just can't imagine Vei or Silver being tops

Frankly I can't imagine any vtuber being a top

>> No.20288878

Just like Napoleon

>> No.20288900
Quoted by: >>20288937

Watching SIlver's stream it feels like Rune Factory still hasn't moved on from the PS Vita

>> No.20288924

me too king those fights are balanced around ashes honestly. there's a reason you get them every two seconds

>> No.20288937


>> No.20288962

I don't know why not. I can easily imagine both of them. Neither of them are to the best of my knowledge but they both have aspects to their personality that would work well in that position. Pretty much the only one I can't at all is Nyan

>> No.20288964
Quoted by: >>20289062


>Frankly I can't imagine any vtuber being a top

Snuffy would be a top if you dont dick her down hard enough

>> No.20289022

From what she said the last 3 weeks, we know its not that she cant fall asleep when in bed, she said she falls asleep too fast to even read her book, its that she cant shut off her PC to even get in bed due to FOMO. even when she gets tired she will force herself to not sleep till she wakes up again especially if someone is staying up with her, at first it was the subathon because she could just stay in call all night, then her "new friends", which she later said isn't layna or haruka, so unless she hangs out with corpse off stream now, its just aethel, and the fact they log off at the same time every night supports that. so rather than being their fault, its more that they are enabling her. the one time aethel went to bed early she immediately jumped into a call with haruka and said she was lonely, so unless they all stage an intervention and decide to not have any contact with her past midnight this is never going to be fixed

>> No.20289062

That's just a power bottom, not a top.

>> No.20289088

we know froot is a top but thats it for all of vshojo and close +'s

>> No.20289111
File: 412 KB, 738x444, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20289135

Nemu is absolutely a top.

>> No.20289188

Nemu doesn't need to have sex, she just snaps her fingers and the entire room falls on the ground cumming everywhere

>> No.20289201
Quoted by: >>20289269

I mean, they don't have any reason to give a shit about her sleep schedule. It's not like it affects her health or anything, it only affects her streams and those are her issue, not theirs.

>> No.20289253


>> No.20289266

aethel please start streaming at 9am PT... i am begging you... i'm on my knees bro...

>> No.20289269

she constantly talks about how getting up so late is bad for her mental health

>> No.20289278
File: 687 KB, 1195x655, 1638808652092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20289385

There is another. Probably something to do with goth girls.

>> No.20289294
Quoted by: >>20290947

is that why all frootposters are bottoms?

>> No.20289302

Can't wait till Nyan abandons ironwhore and never speak to her lol

>> No.20289329

that happened like a month ago

>> No.20289350
Quoted by: >>20290164

bros I'm addicted to watching silver be happy

>> No.20289385
Quoted by: >>20289473

Oh please, have you seen the clip where she steps on chat? No confidence at all, that's not top material.

>> No.20289386

They spoke last night dumbass

>> No.20289394
Quoted by: >>20289478

Same. I want to watch Mouse without any other collabs with cat cunt

>> No.20289431
Quoted by: >>20289553

But ironwhore doesn't realize that yet and I want see that moment when she does realize that people she knows don't really care about her

>> No.20289469
Quoted by: >>20289543

nyan awake

>> No.20289473

But what about https://vocaroo.com/154mBHlnQ7m8

>> No.20289478
File: 931 KB, 1131x827, 5865489658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20289506

Give up on your futile pathetic dream and leave
Mouse wouldn't want you near her streams

>> No.20289492
File: 3.14 MB, 4096x1805, 1639226349303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20289558

pink cat doko? I was promised a long stream today

>> No.20289497
Quoted by: >>20289528

Anyone gonna be live soon

>> No.20289506
Quoted by: >>20289538

fuck off

>> No.20289528

Nyan will be live in a bit

>> No.20289538

no anon you're supposed to accuse him of seething while seething yourself, you lose when you tell him to fuck off

>> No.20289541

nyan took sleeping meds, went to bed early, and didnt wake up till an hour ago, stream soon

>> No.20289543
Quoted by: >>20289592

Has she shit yet? What color was her morning piss?

>> No.20289547

I love these vocaroos so much https://vocaroo.com/1d6yeItyG1dg

>> No.20289553
File: 143 KB, 815x815, 1638520051076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20289691

Give up on your futile pathetic dream and leave
Nyan wouldn't want you near her streams

>> No.20289558
File: 276 KB, 1467x2048, 1645032225206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20289605

>I went to bed really early cause I took sleepy medicine but then woke up like an hour ago cause my alarm didn't wake me up :peepeehands: I'll be on in a bit
right after I posted this, she's in my walls

>> No.20289592
File: 98 KB, 925x1360, FC5lu0OVIAAHGMZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't shit, her piss is pink like all of her bodily fluids

>> No.20289605

how many times has she used this excuse

>> No.20289613
Quoted by: >>20289642

easiest way to get her to actually post an update. post something you made up as if its fact about her and wait for her to correct you.

>> No.20289621
File: 691 KB, 589x668, bobsapp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay bros going to go to the store to get snacks for nyan stream, what should i get

>> No.20289638

chocolate raisins

>> No.20289640
Quoted by: >>20289764

4 large pizzas and a whole rotisserie chicken

>> No.20289642

that's a universal rule of the internet.

>> No.20289647

bleach, to drink

>> No.20289669

chocolate potato chips

>> No.20289677
Quoted by: >>20289856



Look at this girl, A BOTTOM

>> No.20289683

Froot live

>> No.20289685
Quoted by: >>20289772

It still pretty early for her

>> No.20289691


>> No.20289699

Froot live with Ap-
What the fuck its Viva Pinata

>> No.20289701
Quoted by: >>20289976


>> No.20289723

some game vei wanted to play too

>> No.20289754
File: 339 KB, 609x427, NYAN3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse for what? It's not like she's cancelling so no excuse is required. Said she'd take stuff to sleep last night, then she did. I see no problem here. If you're looking for drama maybe try lig today.

>> No.20289764

sounds good

>> No.20289765

Silver thinks you’re vile

>> No.20289772

It's 3pm. She's trying to stream at 1pm. Being 2 hours late isn't good.

Zoom zooms.. It's a comfy animal raising sim.

>> No.20289776

unironically a really fun game, just kinda came out of nowhere like No Man's Sky
not complaining

>> No.20289800

Suck my cock

>> No.20289810

>zoom zooms
anon I know what the game is, its just a weird choice for her

>> No.20289856

Fear doesn't make one not a top. Just look at the reaction of a bottom in her presence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOrSc61T-kk

>> No.20289976

She did at the end of Jan.

>> No.20289992
File: 532 KB, 866x289, 1647050530416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's trying to stream at 1pm. Being 2 hours late isn't good.
She'd be late if she actually scheduled the stream for that time but i don't remember her actually doing that

>> No.20290032
File: 61 KB, 456x639, 1625434523227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i'm so excited this is the first time pink cat has been planning to go live before my usual bedtime in over a month i think

i might even stay up a bit a bit longer to celebrate..

>> No.20290097
Quoted by: >>20290248

>Froot playing Viva Pinata.
>Silver playing Rune Factory
Variety bros eating good.

>> No.20290143
Quoted by: >>20290297

Being 2 hours late doesn’t really matter when you’re a streamer

>> No.20290147

planned yes, but in practice shes going to start at the same time as the media share stream (in 40 minutes), unless there was some fuckery with daylight savings and the media share stream was actually an hour later

>> No.20290157

Not the fear itself but the response, she goes down to to the floor in a second

>> No.20290164
Quoted by: >>20290711

she deserves to be happy and cared for.

>> No.20290192
File: 955 KB, 3840x2160, 1619721486947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me if lich-chan spouts anything. I'm watching the wolf

>> No.20290248

I hate it I wish Silver had started earlier because I really want to see both of these but triple streaming is out of my capabilities

>> No.20290264
Quoted by: >>20290473

its midnight for me, i slept till 1pm to build up sleep so i can watch some of her stream today but ill have to sleep in a couple of hours since i need to get up at 7am for a 3h drive

>> No.20290297

How can people say stupid shit like this when she's lost 4K average viewers in one month.

>> No.20290426

That’s because she hasn’t been streaming much in general. Not because she’s a couple hours late.

>> No.20290428

to be fair, in that time she was around 6h late every time, not just 2.

>> No.20290436

Because numberfags get the rope especially when they don't even understand how numbers work

>> No.20290473
File: 223 KB, 600x600, 1627767576240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's midnight for me too and i have to get up at 5am

I can still watch a bit right

>> No.20290489

https://twitter.com/ironmouse/status/1503661999254822912?t=6cg7DfdJULtUla3bbLmL8w&s=19 what happened to this? Did she not get meds

>> No.20290529

bae tummy hort

>> No.20290544

It's not tonight yet

>> No.20290554

I think it’s a bit more serious than that

>> No.20290561

what? Mousey streams at 8pm

>> No.20290581

oh you meant jump king idk about that

>> No.20290615
File: 166 KB, 842x1191, 1741EB96-A151-4B62-96B3-190C752BFAE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the gorf

>> No.20290670

But what you said just now was pretty stupid

>> No.20290678

Wtf is Froot doing? Is this a sponsored stream?

>> No.20290709


>> No.20290711

Not by you

>> No.20290719

Yes anon. She got sponsored for a game that came out in 2006 on the xbox 360

>> No.20290748

So this is the power of vshojo management

>> No.20290772

When this stupid bitch fucks off from this world ?

>> No.20290796

In 1 year there will be people old enough to post here that weren't born when the 360 came out.

>> No.20290799

u first

>> No.20290832
File: 29 KB, 545x362, EsZKVdRUUAM0IYO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20290845

jesus christ

>> No.20290858

Saruei only did a few things wrong

>> No.20290874
File: 46 KB, 554x454, 1636910205050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20290955

>vsj/pmg unofficial nyan book club

Nyan mentioned wanting to do a book club but hasn't started one yet, in the meantime this is the unofficial one. we're reading American Psycho.

Please spoiler discussion of the book currently being read.

Nyan is at page 80 if you want to catch up to her and read at the same pace afterwards. (youll have to convert the page numbers to the file your using)

pdfs/epubs if you dont have it:

posting now because ill be asleep after her stream, and for the EUs going to bed soon

>> No.20290947
File: 462 KB, 447x427, gdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20291049

I'm a switch

>> No.20290949
File: 93 KB, 1024x1008, 1614721704608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20290955

american psycho sucks i read it in high school it's just the authors autistic music reviews and extremely graphic murder scenes that made my 17 year old edgelord self queasy

>> No.20290977
File: 432 KB, 1120x630, 1645743865720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from school, was in a class full of freshman, FUCK MY LIFE I JUST WANT TO GRADUATE ALREADY.

thankfully pink cat is going to stream so that's cool

>> No.20291006

That’s what her Twitter alt was for. I wonder if she made another to fight these battles off her main again. Looks like old dramafrog habits die hard.

>> No.20291049
Quoted by: >>20291317

suuuuure you are
switch is just something we let bottoms call themselves to feel better about themselves

>> No.20291068

I saw some thread talking about Hakos Baelz and Ironmouse collabing, but I don't see it up anymore. Is that a real thing or were people messing around, and if so, is it Baelz being on IM talk show or something else?

>> No.20291072
File: 697 KB, 900x900, memoriosus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in pepperonis

>> No.20291076

neck yourself before you wreck yourself

>> No.20291098

Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?

>> No.20291129

She was going to be on it on thursday but I thought bae rescheduled. I just read the last part here though.

>> No.20291133
Quoted by: >>20291286

That's part of why the movie is so great, it's basically a tongue-in-cheek parody of the book.

>> No.20291142

Next month she's guesting on Mouse's talkshow. It was going to happen this week, but Baelz got sick

>> No.20291146

please shut up

>> No.20291160

people have said that froot is a degen, but on stream she seems the most SFW. what am i missing

>> No.20291167
Quoted by: >>20291426

we're on 4chan anon you can say fag
you faggot

>> No.20291177

She’s menhera just like Zen now. Couldn’t hide her true self. I always thought her fake GFE was cringe because she was just a huge bitch, she should have just doubled down on that instead.

>> No.20291180
Quoted by: >>20291255

You shouldn't believe everything you read. Especially when it pertains to VShojo on /vt/

>> No.20291230

Tell that to Saruei who sperged out and probably even defending herself by /here/ posting. She clearly follows the thread after we found the alt account and she deleted it no less than 30 minutes after.

>> No.20291251
Quoted by: >>20291269

Ironwhore is the worst , She has drug addiction which she hides behind her "medical problems"

>> No.20291255

I've heard if multiple times through a lot of threads. I was curious if there's some dark past, I'm pretty new

>> No.20291269
Quoted by: >>20291429

0/10 bait

>> No.20291283

Nyanners owes me a blowjob

>> No.20291286

yeah the film is great the book is not. bret easton ellis is a hack and i hope he gets aids

>> No.20291298
File: 2.08 MB, 1409x885, 1633305296527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20291401

Say hello to Silver's new wolf BF

>> No.20291316
Quoted by: >>20291443


Frog? What are you doing /here/?

>> No.20291317
File: 1.28 MB, 884x751, sdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, you need rape correction right this instant

>> No.20291401
File: 1.49 MB, 1385x1020, 1641433295189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20291611

Guy looks more like Mouse's type. Are you a bara enough dude for Silver?

>> No.20291413

That sounds exactly like something nyan would like

>> No.20291426

she’s a frog, it’s a joke faggot

>> No.20291429
Quoted by: >>20291557

1/10 it still got your (you)

>> No.20291439
Quoted by: >>20291779

Wantep is that you?

>> No.20291443
File: 229 KB, 1103x932, boomerang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20291532

Froot still owns me some patches

>> No.20291540

18+ website

>> No.20291557

Out of extreme pity

>> No.20291584

That's what you get for being racist

>> No.20291592
File: 356 KB, 819x696, 1634312445657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot owned you alright.

>> No.20291594
Quoted by: >>20291708

Tell her cuck ex to refund you. He's the one that took the money.

>> No.20291611
Quoted by: >>20292183

I think it's more of the wolf than the bara

>> No.20291708
Quoted by: >>20291808

still amazes me how they always leave the dude out of the equation, he owned the business

>> No.20291760

holy fucking shit i cant believe it.....

>> No.20291779
Quoted by: >>20293026

No, but i am the same age as him, isn't he like 19?

>> No.20291808

It's 4chan. The woman is always at fault.

>> No.20291809
Quoted by: >>20292001

Snuffy stream soon

>> No.20292001

I want to sniff snuffy

>> No.20292013
File: 506 KB, 464x616, 1639705226272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys thought Nyan would be streaming soon.

>> No.20292015
File: 445 KB, 100x100, blink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is Froot so cute

>> No.20292040

Why is this thread so slow? come on guys pick up the pace and be interesting or wacky.

>> No.20292047
File: 68 KB, 750x727, 1642108053242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bedtime is still an hour away i'm sure she'll make it

>> No.20292085 [SPOILER] 
File: 269 KB, 990x676, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long stream today, right guys?

>> No.20292087

i assumed it would be on the hour, if the 15 minute signal isn't given in 23 minutes ill go to bed

>> No.20292097

She said in 'a bit', that's at least an hour anon.

>> No.20292104
File: 448 KB, 2000x2000, EwduZNFVIAIH7Rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Froot: Seedos! Give me your seed!
phrasing Froot

>> No.20292127

a few days ago I posted:
>I feel really bad for any vtubers who wake up in the morning and see at the top of /livestreamfail/ abuse being hurled at them.
When quin69's shit rant got a ton of traction. I knew I was onto something, reddit is having World War 3 about young characters and young voices right now. It's annoying because various streamers are chiming in and agreeing but they're not naming names, they just give the vague take of "young is bad" (such as asmongold). But all anime characters look young in the eyes of normies so it just gives fuel to the haters.

The west is seriously growing their antis right now. Some of you here may even agree that loli is bad, but that's not the point, the point is how incredibly fucking vague the criticizers are being in who they're actually talking about.

>> No.20292160

why do streamers give jannies so much power? Vei has that other guy who's also basically her assistant. It's not like they do that much.

>> No.20292183

Sorry I'm watching Silver. I like the look of this game and I might use her link to preorder. I was already on the fence about it anyway

Yeah I guess so. She also seems to fucking love this long haired femboy with white hair.

>> No.20292201
Quoted by: >>20292401

>not doing that much
hes basically her butler, he runs her life

>> No.20292218
Quoted by: >>20292265

Anon, no one criticizing vtubers has watched a single one of them other than maybe some Holos. That's why they can't give examples.

>> No.20292239
Quoted by: >>20292639

nyanners' next model's cup size just grew two sizes

>> No.20292250

im going to start uploading clips of lilyhops to lsf so they start brigading him

>> No.20292252

LSF has the memory of a goldfish, it doesn't really matter much. Worst case they lose some normies but that was always going to happen because vtubers are just flavour of the few months right now
>It's not like they do that much
>Vei has that other guy who's also basically her assistant
these two statements clash with each other anon

>> No.20292260

give nyan some time. it took her a couple of hours to figure out an excuse not to stream on main last night.

>> No.20292265

Probably doesn't help that the biggest Holo is Gura lol. If someone like Mori was the top the public perception might be different but when it's Gura everyone just sees loli sharkgirl and makes assumptions about the entire group.

>> No.20292272

she has NTR fetish

>> No.20292287
Quoted by: >>20292401

its usually the other way around / trust gain

someone you known forever you give them mod, or someone whos been around long enough and not weird. its easy to put people in more important roles once you know / trust them

>> No.20292291
File: 386 KB, 800x440, 7987D7DC-2DA4-422C-8DED-C7B65DA35195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need me to Tob it up?

>> No.20292308

>make big breasted character
>they're making the characters overly sexual!
>make small breasted charater
>they're children!
any vtuber that listened to them is retarded

>> No.20292330

Nyanners is now following liliypichu. The circle is complete.

>> No.20292334
Quoted by: >>20292401

Vei voice “pendriver! Make it work!”

>> No.20292352

SHE'S /here/

>> No.20292355

noo my rrat! this is bullshit..

>> No.20292391

The hunter is stalking her prey. Don't draw attention to it.

>> No.20292401

I'm retarded, I meant the vtubers don't really do that much. Based on their twitter feeds they're basically vegetables off stream.

>> No.20292405 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.43 MB, 2400x3000, tobmyqueen(40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20292728

just saw discord, she's going live in one hour

>> No.20292403

it's funny that snuffy is at the top of the asmon thread because they're so new they don't know that huge-tit snuffy is the exception to her models

>> No.20292416
Quoted by: >>20292516

>sdjihfksjhgs i went live on the wrong site again AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
What's wrong with this fat bitch

>> No.20292422

i actually unironically want this arc to end with a happy ending and they become friends again / help nyan do more VA. based on old comments and stuff you can tell they were good buds / turboweebs

>> No.20292464

i ship them

>> No.20292490

Nyan live.

>> No.20292516
Quoted by: >>20292540

What happened?

>> No.20292534
File: 125 KB, 600x592, 1647364476154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFW on Brett Easton Ellis

>> No.20292540

she accidentally started streaming on her chaturbate account

>> No.20292564
File: 35 KB, 598x289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also interacted with one another yesterday in the first time since a long while ago

>> No.20292573
Quoted by: >>20292618

ryona lesbian

>> No.20292589
File: 89 KB, 547x755, 1647377432395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEE seething response

>> No.20292600


>> No.20292618
Quoted by: >>20292791

Most lesbian relationships involve someone getting abused.

>> No.20292625
Quoted by: >>20292864

No idea why froot and vale have to jump in about how dare you make fun of artists to encourage more hate to Saruei. I thought they had enough drama involving Quin and fucking even XQC jumping in and making fun of iron mouses voice and Vtubing.

>> No.20292636

nyan live so i can go to bed, ill watch some of the vids and fall sleep to them

>> No.20292639
File: 253 KB, 1734x2000, FIKeD5IVkAAtf7p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyan is getting bigger and bigger

>> No.20292651

wholesome as fuck.

>> No.20292667

Why'd she use that emoji?

>> No.20292676

I just preordered Rune Factory 5 using Silver's link. What have YOU done for your waifu today

>> No.20292685

You can tell she forgot she was gonna be on main because she's playing gachi instead of the channel music

>> No.20292711

Can’t way to eventually see lily VIP’d and modded in nyans chat

>> No.20292728

Tob time, ladies

>> No.20292771

>nyan even added aethel to her bio

>> No.20292789
File: 93 KB, 346x279, 1632676393998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason.

>> No.20292791

4chans facts

>> No.20292794
File: 258 KB, 1624x2048, 961DD548-092F-4DE6-82A5-D4C1FEB00235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20292830

He said CPR

>> No.20292799
File: 2.56 MB, 1871x1594, 1635699060271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20293278

>gura in picture
You know damn well why she used that emoji

>> No.20292810

They're literally cuddling thinking up baby names right now

>> No.20292830
Quoted by: >>20292926

I can't tell if her lewdness is an act

>> No.20292837
File: 317 KB, 451x825, EwsUTyVUcAMSW4j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cleaned my butt and masturbated to the lich

>> No.20292845
File: 1 KB, 128x36, 1637996254160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20292848

was there beef like 10 years ago or what

>> No.20292864
Quoted by: >>20293002

XQC was the Vei sperg all along.

>> No.20292871

Yes anon it's common practice to credit people who make stuff you use in your stream

>> No.20292903

no, they just drifted apart naturally and didn't interact for the longest of time

>> No.20292915

they got into a fistfight as a con a long time ago, i dont think anyone ever gave a reason for it

>> No.20292925

you know how it is with teenage girls

>> No.20292926

She’s pretty genuine from what I can tell. She loves lewd art and songs and kink but she has no actual lewd experiences. She still lives with her parents and is very socially awkward.

>> No.20292951
File: 420 KB, 523x449, 1647364065748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20293004

Started theorizing the best way to dress up like the lich

>> No.20292955
File: 966 KB, 631x608, 1634940297163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20293160

was it a prostate orgasm?

>> No.20292973
Quoted by: >>20293069

Typical girl drama. One buys the last Zero no Tsukaima doujin at SakuraCon, the other one piledrives her into a FSN stand. They get into a fist fight with lots of collateral damage.
The usual stuff.

>> No.20292993

>I'm not a bottom I'm not a bottom I'm not a bottom I'm not a bottom I'm not a bottom

>> No.20293002
File: 29 KB, 969x124, 1646867931142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20293371

Also, notice the lack of veispergs posting when XQC is live.

>> No.20293004

Outdone by Frootposters yet again. I'll get the better of you one day.

>> No.20293011

>pollfag already spamming
fuck off already

>> No.20293017

Poop cat live

>> No.20293026
Quoted by: >>20293097

He's 16

>> No.20293031

I had a dream last night that the goatse guy had a twitter account and was doing fan meet ups, I don't the other details.

>> No.20293051

I'm not buying this Nyan-Lily alliance. Nyan is just waiting for her chance to hit Lily with a folding chair.

>> No.20293069

I mean, that dropkick Nyan did on Lily shattered her collarbone. Pretty hardcore.

>> No.20293085

micheal in nyans chat

>> No.20293093

Dilemma boys. Pink cat is on but I’m enthralled and addicted to watching zen getting killed by this Elden ring boss over 1000 times in a row

>> No.20293097

oh, I thought he was my age, I'm 19 but i turn 20 in a couple months

>> No.20293108

it's his birthday today?

>> No.20293129
Quoted by: >>20293159

Someone pay the goatse guy to do a Cameo for Nyanners.
Hopefully her mods won’t try to bury it this time

>> No.20293146

>europe friendly
eh, maybe for some. its 00:30 for me

>> No.20293159
Quoted by: >>20293219

Does he do cameos? Can they be nsfw?

>> No.20293160
File: 201 KB, 416x334, 1643645255864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20293221

I humped my bed in the morning till I came
my morning wood was just too strong today

>> No.20293196
Quoted by: >>20293235

Eurobros, Pink Cat was worried about us.

>> No.20293200
File: 217 KB, 716x816, snuff-luluco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20293282

Every time I ask "Where Snuffy?" she starts streaming so I'm gonna test my luck.

>> No.20293216

Lily’s boyfriend Michael?

>> No.20293219

He's gotta be 60 by now

>> No.20293221
Quoted by: >>20293343

I miss having morning wood. I don't know why but I haven't had it for like a good few years now

>> No.20293222


i hate these fuckers

>> No.20293235
Quoted by: >>20293367

She was thinking about me bros I'm so happy...

Anyway I'm off to bed, I must check the vod tomorrow

>> No.20293244

neets and those that came from their day/afternoon shift
and I guess those that can watch streams during night shift

>> No.20293249

23:30 / 11:30 PM at my place :/

>> No.20293278
Quoted by: >>20293341

nyan has stated in the past that sharks roomate has DM'd her but she ghosted her because of her crippling social anxiety and now shes worried she hates her

>> No.20293282
Quoted by: >>20293855

Snuffy is here with me I'm currently shoveling whey powder into her asshole for a big surprise stream

>> No.20293300
File: 58 KB, 705x600, 1632426799388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy that veis been interacting with a lot lately

>> No.20293341

There's a Twitter interaction between the two that's still publicly viewable last I checked

>> No.20293343
File: 161 KB, 1000x1000, FKTmPRsXIAMuVTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20293411

you stopped exercising your libido, it needs good care for it to still be active at older ages

>> No.20293349
Quoted by: >>20293403

mouse streaming today? might pick a fight if LSF fags show up on her chat.

>> No.20293359

Oh I thought Michael reeves was checking out the new competitor

>> No.20293367

I'm going to sleep too, fucking CET time zone.

>> No.20293371


He misses the dick down that Soda gave him.

>> No.20293372

did you know there's a new meme meta where people attempt to render the absurd surreal memes from their dreams

>> No.20293395
Quoted by: >>20293834

off-topic to the discussion, but Michael would a great potential guest for SotD

>> No.20293403

I believe she wanted to do jump king with monke tonight

>> No.20293411

I jerk off daily, that's not really the issue. I used to ponder on it possibly being erectile dysfunction but I don't think that's it since I can hold an erection just fine when aroused. I think I'm just weird

>> No.20293426

>you will never get your waifu to laugh this hard by saying a single word in her chat

>> No.20293431

Nyan's laugh has changed... it's even cuter.

>> No.20293430

>nyan likes her coffee black
>just like she likes her dicks

>> No.20293435
Quoted by: >>20293494

broccoli kitty live.

>> No.20293446
Quoted by: >>20293536

There's nothing left to say except Vei only streamed 2/5 days this week because of Soda and that Mizkif show since he was there too

>> No.20293453


>> No.20293490

But what origin does she like her coffee from? It she's a filthy fucking dark roast Uganda or Ghana drinker I will anti her

>> No.20293494
Quoted by: >>20293588

Who ?

>> No.20293527

Nyanners homemade burger sounds terrible

>> No.20293533
File: 118 KB, 984x1407, FKip1CRVEAEUuIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried going to sleep in a horny/semi-horny state? That's how I usually wake up with morning wood (and lewd dreams)

>> No.20293534
File: 737 KB, 1263x702, 1635474677681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling like sucking succulent vei toes rn

>> No.20293536
Quoted by: >>20293748

>Vei only streamed 2 days this week
>We're 3 days into the week
Veibros... I don't feel so good

>> No.20293539

you have to discover an element of your sexuality that you have not previously explored
if you can do that, you will become inconveniently horny and wake up with morning wood every day
speaking from experience

>> No.20293588
File: 913 KB, 709x723, 45674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20293595
Quoted by: >>20293746

reminder than nyan has a small mouth

>> No.20293615

I've explored every part of my sexuality thoroughly and the only thing I can jack off to anymore is thinking about rubbing my wife's pregnant belly

>> No.20293626

I have but it almost always just ends up with me not being able to control myself and I just go ahead cum instead

I don't think that's a thing, I already have numerous fetishes including weird and gross ones

>> No.20293644

>they wake me up in the morning
dont lei

>> No.20293677
File: 445 KB, 2147x2429, FMw5hjSXIAADTo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20293737

I wouldn't suggest this, it more often then not just keeps me awake until I deal with it proper.

>> No.20293682

sex drive so fried it had to factory reset to the default

>> No.20293695


>> No.20293703
Quoted by: >>20293750

i thought i had discovered the limits of my sexuality, the weirdest and most obsessive fetishes, until i started ERPing with a certain someone
before then i didn't realize that i was so fucking gay and now the thought of being filled with dick makes me horny at the most inconvenient times
obviously this is a pretty specific experience but something similar can happen to you, probably, you just gotta get another person involved

>> No.20293708

don't worry anon it's the same for me
only time I really wake up with a boner is when I really have to pee
I am still most horny in mornings and right before bed though

>> No.20293714
Quoted by: >>20293876

Lmao he's banned in Vei chat

>> No.20293737

you could try doing no-fap for a week and charge yourself naturally, it might be you're just burnt out
yeah, it does require great control to not fap
after years of being a coomer I don't really have any problems with my urges keeping me from sleeping, in fact, being in a horny state actually helps me go to sleep

>> No.20293746

And an overbite

>> No.20293748

Vei week is (Wednesday to Monday)

>> No.20293750
Quoted by: >>20293854

anon I literally get aroused by and jerk off to men eating girl's excrement. there is nothing left for me to discover about my sexuality nor do I think that's what'd be preventing me from getting morning wood

>> No.20293752

What is the difference between Purple Eyed Nyan and Yellow Eyed Nyan?

>> No.20293774

I can't even last one day without jerking off
I had someone control my chastity online one time and I came by twitching by dick between my thighs on the fourth day

>> No.20293775
Quoted by: >>20293866

pee retention

>> No.20293787


>> No.20293820

>you could try doing no-fap for a week and charge yourself naturally, it might be you're just burnt out
does this actually work? I think I can control myself to do this but I always fear doing it anyways

>> No.20293834

Agreed. Lily would to.

>> No.20293854

look, all i'm saying is that i thought there was nothing else to discover about my sexuality too
but it turns out what was actually going on was that there was nothing else for me to discover about my taste in porn
i don't have all the answers, it's just a thought

>> No.20293855
File: 198 KB, 336x324, snuff-retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good. Say hi for me.

>> No.20293866

>pee retention

that's how you get a urinary track infection.

>> No.20293872

new thread

>> No.20293873
File: 504 KB, 200x200, 1644784278434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20294166

happy wolf

>> No.20293876

He went to far

>> No.20293894
Quoted by: >>20293952

it does kinda work, just don't do it too often because it might increase your chances of prostate cancer
but yeah, if you don't wank for a week you will be very seuxally revitalized and your cum may even hit the ceiling if you refrain for long enough

>> No.20293952

I'll try then. I've always refrained from doing nofap because I fear losing my fetishes. I know it sounds retarded but it is what it is

>> No.20293967

yeah, it's why wet dreams are a thing
by not fapping/cumming for a while, your libido will grow naturally

>> No.20294014

in my experience it didn't weaken my fetishes
the longest i've ever gone without orgasm is about 3 weeks due to SSRIs and i came to an image that was very in line with my sexual tastes and overly specific fetishes, and it literally hit the ceiling

>> No.20294029
Quoted by: >>20294109

I don't think losing your fetishes is possible, once you get them, they'll stick with you for the rest of your life

>> No.20294109

I was going to contest this because I used to be really into NTR back when I was like 15 but I started being disgusted by it shortly after. Yet, I ended up relapsing recently and have been jerking it to Netorase whenever I can for the past few weeks.
Why are humans like this?

>> No.20294137
Quoted by: >>20294161

You're confusing him for MikeyGonzalez, he's the autistic chap who the girls tease. He seems like a good dude. kek.

>> No.20294161


>> No.20294166

she deserves to be happy.

>> No.20294190 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 1000x1000, 1632872853042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

word cloud

>> No.20294211
Quoted by: >>20294343

i have a theory that fetishes exist because they push otherwise unlikely couples to be together, thus increasing genetic diversity
a 10/10 will probably not get with a 4/10 but if they both have scat fetishes then it's much more probable in the ancient world, and the 10/10 and the 4/10 are much less likely to be related than a 10/10 and a 9/10 so the ultimate result is more genetic difference between sexual partners and therefore less inbredness in the general population
good theory right?

>> No.20294247

nature made sex highly addictive dopamine-wise just so we could reproduce a lot
mother nature wants her children to have lots of sex

>> No.20294343
Quoted by: >>20294690

I hope this is true so that I can get together with a 10/10 scat fetishist

>> No.20294690
Quoted by: >>20294901

my theory is that it applied in the ancient world due to the fact that so few people were scat fetishists so the scat fetishists that were around would simply have to fuck the single scat fetishist they might now
with the internet and affordable long-distance travel this is obsolete and the 10/10 scat fetishists can simply get with other 10/10 scat fetishists

>> No.20294711
Quoted by: >>20294803

>the titanic before it hit the iceberg
'twas a nice ship while it lasted.
Here's to hoping it gets resurrected tomorrow.

>> No.20294803
Quoted by: >>20294848

I fucking hope it doesn't otherwise threads will become shipper shitflinging central again

>> No.20294848

Only if people get mad about anons having a little bit of fun over their favorite kinds of interactions.

>> No.20294901
Quoted by: >>20295007

fuck you anon stop making me depressed

>> No.20295007

i'm sorry anon
but still, i believe one day you'll find a scat fetishist you truly love
or you'll find a non-scat fetishist you truly love and learn to live with it, i dunno
either way i think you'll be happy
