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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20192456 No.20192456 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?
Previous thread:>>20119293

>> No.20192483
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x750, comet anchor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em.

>> No.20192560
File: 2.00 MB, 1052x911, prompt bounty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.20192919
File: 28 KB, 499x614, 1638587217409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tactic was pretty shit but the others don't seem to have noticed it. Won't really say good job since I saw it from a mile away, but then again I'm perfect at doing what you did, hiding myself amongst the crowd and all that, so it's only expected that I would know. Hopefully doesn't take long for them to catch on.

>> No.20193135
File: 61 KB, 687x458, suityan meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20193281
Quoted by: >>20193458

Time and time again, I am astonished at the size of your ego. How you could say something like this with a straight face is beyond me.

>> No.20193458

Oh, I'm not straight faced at all. This strokes my god complex very well, knowing something none of you can figure out due to experience in the field. So I'm smiling ear to ear, waiting for you to find out what exactly is the puzzle.

>> No.20193495

At this point I'm beginning to think half this fucking thread never learned stove=hot given the amount of slack they repeatedly cut your obnoxious narcissistic ass

>> No.20193676
Quoted by: >>20194126

Pekofag, you're timelooping again. Right after people started trusting you again, too. Do us all a favour and drop the chuuni act.

>> No.20193854
File: 75 KB, 429x412, 1646039352930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20195005

I am literally the guy who made this thread and I have no idea what the fuck you're going on about, lmao. I'm just paranoid and don't want to leave the previous thread on autosage only to wake up tomorrow morning to a 1view OP with 100 posts of marineschizo shitposting. Like, we've gotten past that, let's please stay past it.

>> No.20194126
Quoted by: >>20196203

>asking the mudrat to do something for the good of the thread
I'd say you're naive, but considering you're a likely an adult you're probably just stupid.

>> No.20194345
File: 137 KB, 512x512, Luto nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the Luto fic I was working on. Keep in mind I never wrote smut before. Be gentle


Chuuba is Luto Araka from Prism Project

I wanted to do the sex dungeon idea, but I figured this would be a nice lead up to it.
Also enjoy the link to actual porn at the end

Next fic will also probably be a cute story since I kinda like making those as well. I'll work on a part 2 sometime in the future.

>> No.20194458
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1646660112670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we finally get a cunny fic
>it's anal
Unsure how to feel about this.

>> No.20194554

I wanted to do save vaginal for the next one. Felt like anal was the next best thing

>> No.20194583
Quoted by: >>20194676

Anal is fucking god tier.

Based beyond belief. Fucking saved and will be reading it soon.

>> No.20194676
Quoted by: >>20195067

Oh yeah, don't forget to give it tags for the archive.

>> No.20195005
Quoted by: >>20195193

Have you sought therapy for your mental illness? Better yet, have you taken your medication?

>> No.20195067
Quoted by: >>20195349

Oh Yeah i forgot

Tags: NSFW anal femdom aphrodisiacs

>> No.20195119
File: 42 KB, 556x380, 1642999445064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work is a bitch, man. No motivation, heart empty. Here's some Gura fluff. Pacing might be weird because I usually write things in one go. Victory or Death sequel sometime soon too, because I believe in unity.


Tags: Gura, Fluff, Childhood Friends

>> No.20195193
File: 280 KB, 577x502, 1646369661703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20195352

Gaslighting isn't magic, dude. The schizo flying into a rage at being ignored and keeping a dead thread bumped for 48 straight hours happened last week, not last year.

>> No.20195349

>those tags
I wasn't gonna read it because I didn't much care for Luto from what I saw of her but I think I might check it out now

>Victory or Death sequel
I'm hyped because I know you're a good writer, but I can't think of what a sequel would even entail

>> No.20195352

Don’t deflect, take therapy or medication, you legitimately sound like a schizophrenic off his meds. And I don’t mean that shit in a shitposty way either.

>> No.20195782
File: 97 KB, 512x512, Luto M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLDR for luto fic
You go to a bathroom after hearing a rumor about a girl that'll fuck anyone, maybe even your virgin ass. You go there find Luto and after the brat annoys you enough, you force your dick down her throat. You jizz and she somehow paralyzes you before you get further. She pours an aphrodisiac on You and rides you anally till you cum. You start to go hazy from the sex + some other shit that knocks you out, and Luto mentions how this is only the beginning. Aka you're ass is going to the sex dungeon

>> No.20195804

Forgot to tag it but SFW.

I didn't know either until a couple weeks ago. I didn't actually know which would get finished first between this and that one.

>> No.20195951
File: 302 KB, 410x410, 1646235563253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20196021

>meanwhile, real life bathroom gloryholes are staffed to a man by 70 year old boomer homos with criminal records the size of the Library of Alexandria

>> No.20196021
Quoted by: >>20196148

Reminds me of that Always Sunny episode.

>> No.20196148
File: 78 KB, 315x279, 1646284501703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very European!

>> No.20196203

>Implying I ever forgave that faggot
Why you guys even talk to him astounds me, that fag shits up the thread if things don't go his way. A literal manchild.

>> No.20196532
Quoted by: >>20196667

>She pours an aphrodisiac on You and rides you anally till you cum
You have no idea how scared that made me for a sec before I went and checked it out myself.

I was super worried for a sec that this was going to involve foreign objects in my butthole

>> No.20196548
Quoted by: >>20196941

I actually filtered Pekofag. Didn’t want to deal with his stupid chunni bullshit. He has to be an underage fag, the thought of him being an adult is just depressing.

>> No.20196667
Quoted by: >>20196771

Most of my taste are vanilla, so you arent gonna get any weird stuff in my fics if i do more

>> No.20196748
File: 292 KB, 2048x1982, EvA3NwsWgAARSOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20218484

You're a bastard. Right proper one. Got me laughing with the stuff with the parents - both sets of them - and feeling the warmth blooming in my chest at the tender moments. Smiling from ear to ear but feeling the drop in my stomach when I was worried about a sudden, unspecified tragedy twist. I admit it's a little strange that Anon's folks immediately just sort of said "damn, Atlantis? Word? Okay, sure." but given the light-hearted comedy tone it's nothing worth seriously complaining about. I'm glad to finally see another wonderful little Gura story that doesn't directly involve her attempting to eat someone. Thanks, man.

>> No.20196771
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>> No.20196941
Quoted by: >>20197474

>Didn’t want to deal with his stupid chunni bullshit.
I don't think any of us do, but you have a small number of enablers that it doesn't matter at this point. He's here to stay.

>> No.20197474
Quoted by: >>20197565

They got other generals, hell, other boards. Don’t know why they force their shit on to us.

>> No.20197565

Probably because you dumb fucking faggots are physically incapable of NOT talking about them, why would they ever leave? Both of you dumbfucks got two stories you could be discussing but you're STILL giving them jerk off fuel. Fuck, I'm doing it too now, but at least I'm not giving them a reacharound under the pretense of hating them. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.20197958
Quoted by: >>20198258

What other choice do we have? Pekofag throws tantrums if things don't go his way and we're supposed to be quiet about it? Fuck that.

>> No.20198087
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Quoted by: >>20198189


>> No.20198131
Quoted by: >>20198198

Honestly I'd try posting a prompt or whatever to change the topic but I'm kind of creatively dry at the moment. I blame most of my favorite stories not updating yet.

>> No.20198189
File: 502 KB, 800x450, 1646063722429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20198248

...she knows about the watamelon?

>> No.20198198

That in and of itself is a change of topic. What stories are you waiting for?

>> No.20198248

Oh she knows

>> No.20198258

We got no other choice, since people would rather ignore the issue altogether than deal with it and be done with it.

>> No.20198306

Guess we'll never know

>> No.20198361
Quoted by: >>20198415

bump limit dummie

>> No.20198383

Waittt a second... I'm retarded. I get it now. Bump limit. BL. It all makes sense now.

>> No.20198415
Quoted by: >>20198478

There's a reason we made a new thread.

>> No.20198466

>people started jacking off the schizo again
lol holy shit I left for 20 fucking minutes

>> No.20198478
Quoted by: >>20198678

Yeah...? Go on...

>> No.20198504
File: 39 KB, 552x892, 1646316780702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover Job, onegai. It hits all my chuuni buttons just right.

Honorable mentions are Saviorfag (I like Kiara but really I'm all about the whole yandere grooming aspect), the next installment of Present Day, Present Time, and the sequel to Festival of Sensations.

A final mention would be Shadowlive, but the author straight-up said here he's unlikely to finish it this century at the pace he's going.

>> No.20198663

Read the post before the one you responded to, because you clearly must not have.

>> No.20198678
Quoted by: >>20198811

To continue the discussion, what more do you need?

>> No.20198807
File: 257 KB, 762x800, 1625950875684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm all about the whole yandere grooming aspect
Same. Didn't he say he was working on it again? Memory is faulty but I remember him vanishing for a bit, saying he was stopping, then coming back and saying as such. Very hopeful for that, since it smashes several fetish buttons at once. I'm also excited for ShadowLive and any more of the fucking second coming of comfy hag fluff fucking that is PD:PT. I hope ShadowLive's author isn't suffering too badly with hammering out the kinks he was complaining about before.
Festival of Sensations is dangerous in several ways, but that's personal Matsuri lust bias showing. I honestly need to reacquaint myself with Cover Job - which isn't indicative of anything wrong with the story, but it's difficult to keep so many things in balance.

>> No.20198811

What are you implying?

>> No.20198952

What excites you about shadow live anyway? Wasnt that story universally hated?

>> No.20198955
Quoted by: >>20199085

I honestly think it's all the gay ERP fucktards that want to forgive him so that they can do, well, more gay ERP in this thread instead of going to /trash/. But then again, with how stupid /wg/ is I can see a lot of normal regulars choosing to forgive all the schizos here too. I'll never quite understand it, he has shown time and time again that he's more than willing to shit up the thread yet people don't learn.

>> No.20199021

Post-apocalypse with Ayame as the main female lead, which I think leads to fun places. And I don't recall it being hated, no. Not like, raved about, but definitely not hated.

>> No.20199050

In what fucking world? I thought the premise was neat and I wanted to see more of Ayame being whipped into shape. The monsters and stuff behind them were also super interesting, to me at least. I appreciate stuff like that.

>> No.20199085
Quoted by: >>20199258

I'd like you to tell me in what ways has the thread been "shitted time and time again"?

>> No.20199258
Quoted by: >>20200256

...Are you joking? Not even a few threads ago he threw another of his many tantrums, and then there's his chuuni bullshit like >>20193458. I know you're a faggot that enjoys his gay ERP but you can do that elsewhere, we don't need to keep him in this thread.

>> No.20199916
File: 31 KB, 640x786, 1636942663378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's been two months since I published the first chapter of The Cover Job.
Fuck, sorry it's taking so long. I've been way too lazy with my writing reps since then.

>> No.20200161
Quoted by: >>20202251

Elden Ring?

>> No.20200165

Alright, I'm about to add another idea to my ever growing of "stuff to write in the future" pile, this time featuring the Holos moonlighting as sex workers for hire. Now I want to split them into two categories for now, so any further input or suggestions are welcome.


As obvious as they come. Will fuck for literal pocket change as long as you pay for the condoms and the hotel room, but will make do if you wanna fuck at her place. Tolerates some abuse, but will dump you the moment your time is up or another horny fucker shows up with more cash.

Another obvious one, but she charges cheap because she smokes and always slips in a pack of cigarettes when you're paying for condoms. Not very proactive in bed, but if you manage to tease out her soft side she'll try to be more dominant in attempt to prove you wrong. Gives mean blowjobs despite the smoking habit.

Her starting cost isn't cheap, but if you dare to stick with her long term she'll fuck you for free as you go from customer to fuck buddy. Absolutely crazy in bed, riding you like a wild bull or making you choke her like a psychopath. She's in it for pleasure and only pleasure. Never go beyond being a fuck buddy because she will want you to be her boyfriend and is not above any underhanded tactic to keep you "in place".

Similar to Matsuri, her starting cost isn't the cheapest but once she takes a liking to you, she'll do it for basically free. Small, petite in body but acts like a huge brat. Loves teasing and degrading you, but in reality it's just to get a rise out of you so that you violate her every hole. Gets clingy when you don't pay attention to her, and loves being pinned down against the bed.


Acts like she's a high class princess, but in reality just got a head start with some suckers of a clientele. Good at nursing handjobs and a motherly attitude that makes most men melt, along with a bodacious figure to die for. However, absolutely cold fish when you want to actually fuck her and relies on the crutch of being drunk to cheat you out of your money's worth.

An actual high class escort. Although her body isn't as curvaceous as the other girls, she makes it work fantastically. Easily picks up on your preferences and works her body to it, leaving you with a priceless experience as every part of her body had been trained to maximize your pleasure. Worth every penny and more as you're guaranteed to pine for her once more.

One of the most popular girls despite her absurd asking price. Great at comforting men verbally, and is undoubtedly the queen of paizuri. She will milk you until you're basically dry, even when you ask her to stop. Almost never does intercourse though, and seems to despise her clients that ask for it, doubling the pressure of her paizuri instead. Rumours say younger clients have better luck with intercourse, strangely.

>> No.20200256

His silence should be more than enough for his guilt.

>> No.20200314

Hey man, shit happens. At least you know you've still got an audience for when you get the itch again.

>> No.20200427
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>> No.20200460
File: 47 KB, 174x238, 1621499961869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never go beyond being a fuck buddy because she will want you to be her boyfriend and is not above any underhanded tactic to keep you "in place".
Nooo. Nooooo. It isn't hot. IT ISN'T HOT, IT ISN'T

>> No.20200545

It's honestly amazing how fast time can fly when you're busy between writing, I felt like I blinked between writing parts two and three of Nene Corruption but it was actually five months

>> No.20200568
File: 947 KB, 850x1202, aquaborne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20200942

Completely unrelated question! What are the most Bloodborne-adjacent Holos? By that I mean fantastic or gothic without veering into RPG-style knights and elves like Noelle and Flare.

Off the top of my head I can come up with:

- Shion (classical witch)
- Marine (17th century pirate, goth loli alt outfit)
- Rushia (necromancer)
- Mori (when she's being a reaper instead of a wigger)
- Ina (eldritch horror)
- Ollie (zombie, too bad nobody here particularly likes her)
- La+ (actual demon)
- Choco (actual demon)
- Mel (vampire)
Honorable mentions are Aloe (also a demon), but she basically doesn't have a 'character' since she graduated almost immediately, and Aqua (she has this picture and it's pretty cool).

>read this
>instantly start fantasizing about 'saving' Matsuri and Shion from their work
Man, I hate this. No wonder bitches can trick men so easy.

>> No.20200942

Considering all the stuff with the Church and The Executioners Noel wouldn't be out of place. Iroha wouldn't be either because there was a samurai Hunter in the dlc, plus Cainhurst had a katana

>> No.20200946
Quoted by: >>20218484

God those fucking tags made me way too paranoid this was an untagged tragedy fic but I'm glad it's not.
This was such a good fluff fic, left me with a wide smile and warmth in my heart. Great work anon.

>> No.20201298

What can you tell me about her anyway? I never see anything involving her or any of HoloX.

>> No.20201491
File: 694 KB, 4096x2216, IrohaDesignSheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20202002

I was just eyeballing people. I can't tell you much about Iroha other than HOO BOY LOOK AT THAT BELLY

>> No.20201814
File: 1.18 MB, 1500x868, 1612224438834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does Towa have to be the hottest one for me

>> No.20201858
Quoted by: >>20202021

>being sent as a Hunter to help Noel investigate not-Yarnham
>only to be trapped in a dreamlike hellhole there is no escape from

>> No.20202002

Activates the same horny center in my mind that Marine's does. Jesus.

>> No.20202004

The streamer can do a deeper tomboy voice (that she says is a handsome man voice but same thing) and the whole character of being a disciplined samurai turned bodyguard is supposed to be a tomboy really. But the streamer has a high-pitched, whiny tone most of the time and doesn't lean into the tomboy thing at all, that is why I don't find her particularly interesting in a sea of cute moe girls. She doesn't stand out other than having a potential yuri relationship with Laplus.

>> No.20202021
File: 87 KB, 850x478, NoelViolence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20202251

Nah, just university and an overall lack of motivation to write. I also can never focus on one story and usually switch between writing different WIPs.

>> No.20202288


>> No.20202404
File: 307 KB, 1448x2048, Towasad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa doesn't smoke...

>> No.20202452
Quoted by: >>20202508

Anon, people here don't watch streams. Its useless to correct them.

>> No.20202508

>we're timelooping in less than 24 hours now

>> No.20202534

Suisei having a highly sexual master-slave relationship with her harem of animal girls: Toko the dog girl, Miko the cat girl, and the new tanuki Maru (I think she is one?).

>> No.20202540

Anon, someone stating fact isn’t a time loop, stop being paranoid.

>> No.20202585

PF let me fuck you in the ass

>> No.20202602
File: 152 KB, 322x548, MmPu_Timeman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone really needs to stop this nigga

>> No.20202615

Don't you fucking start. Take this shit someone else.

>> No.20202680
File: 55 KB, 217x190, 1491769522953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20226964

Okay, so, that was quite good for a first attempt, anon! I've got a few pointers for you, though.
First and foremost being the size of your paragraphs; you need to shorten them, because at the moment your fic simply looks like a gargantuan wall of text with minimal breaks.
The average person's attention span is fairly limited in the age of social media, and you don't want to give them reasons to close your fic, so improving readability is probably, if nothing else, the one thing you should take away.
The length of the scenes in question is rather short. Combined, they make up a respectable 1.4k words, but separately they're fairly short. When creating a smut scene, a good rule of thumb in regards to length is to create it with the intention of having a reader bust a nut to each scene. You've got a blowjob scene and an anal scene, and individually, they're over in a flash, and I failed to nut as a result.
Prose-wise, you're on the right track. It flows fairly well and whilst there are a fair number of grammar mistakes, they weren't bad enough for me to completely lose immersion. I particularly enjoyed the blowjob scene, the way it began as rape, but shifted into rough sex as Luto matches your pace and starts jilling herself off. I just wish it was longer!

There's also some incongruity in character; this guy being a desperate virgin ashamed because his friends tease him and his first instinct when confronted with an annoying (albeit possibly willing) woman in front of him is to unzip his fly and ram his dick down her throat.
The dialogue's confusing at the end as well, with Luto alluding to something that isn't explained, but I'm guessing that's an idea you're setting up for part two.

Great first attempt, anon. Thanks for the fun read!

>> No.20202698

God that fucking Suisei description is so fucking hot. It's like she's perfect at whatever she does even at sex.
Though it does feel like it falls a bit too much into her hype of being "The Ace" as it were. Kind of feel like she could also be the "embarrassed to do this and genuinely sucks at being an escort but she gets funded to keep doing it because one of her regulars wants to see her fall from grace and become mind broken by the lifestyle" type.

>> No.20202716
Quoted by: >>20202754

and none of them moonlight as sex workers. Your point being?

>> No.20202736


>> No.20202754

Don't write something that isn't in-character, how hard is it to understand that?

>> No.20202790

its in-character if she's a reluctant smoker

>> No.20202813
File: 522 KB, 549x518, 1647153960523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20203237

So he could listen to you and stop writing Holowhores, or he could ignore you and make actual content for the thread?

>> No.20202955
Quoted by: >>20203058

Taking every single utterance of a streamer as the absolute truth that must never be contradicted is even more retarded anon. If someone wants to write an incest fanfic with Noel and her brother, you pointing out that Noel never had that kind of relationship with her brother would be incredibly stupid.

>> No.20202970
Quoted by: >>20203135

Whatever happened to that story about Ame and anon with some relic sword that can transform after saying some chuuni shit

>> No.20203058

>Noel and her brother, you pointing out that Noel never had that kind of relationship with her brother would be incredibly stupid.
But that’s different, anon. Noel is a schizo menhera who seethes at the woman who stole her brother away from her. It’s totally in-character of her to try that shit.

>> No.20203135

Oh Holorealm?
The author kind of stalled in making it, presumably to replan, since the last chapter got mixed responses.
Currently they're writing a sequel to their Matsuri fic. (I assume)

>> No.20203206
Quoted by: >>20204533

>It’s totally in-character of her to try that shit.
I thought the farthest she even went was planting her bra in her brother's car or some menhera shit. I didn't think she would try and cross the line.

>> No.20203237

Not much of a choice, is it?

>> No.20203260
Quoted by: >>20204316

Really? Well fuck, I actually liked that story

>> No.20203632

It had a very strong start with a compelling relationship between the Anon and Ayame during its first three chapters.
It's stumbling/stumbled with it's latest chapters since Ayame was one of its strong points and the new characters haven't been established before getting shoved off screen but it had a lot of promise and was pretty entertaining to read too.

>> No.20203637
Quoted by: >>20218484

anon, you almost made me cry and i dont even like gura

>> No.20203909

Well, youre praising the series for having a good ayame, but ayame hasnt appeared for what? 4 chapters? If ayame is selling point how come you say fic is good without her?

>> No.20204000

Because it doesn't have Ayame, she was holding the fic back.

>> No.20204143

You can look forward to later parts of something. That aside, the last chapter ended on a cliffhanger.

>> No.20204164

Suisei Humiliation.
Could be sexual, could be not.
I want to see her cry and laid low.

>> No.20204316

hey man, thank you for the kind words. Like what>>20203135 mentioned, I've taken a break from writing it to focus on better planning out the plot and character arcs, as well as doing commissions. Rest assured I will be getting back to it, and the general plot has already been mapped out, I just really want this story to be as good as it can be.

>> No.20204533

She had a menhera breakdown due to his marriage. She’s that crazy.

>> No.20204643
File: 537 KB, 600x800, 1646085818189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20205882

>giant titty millionaire sister wants to incest you
>you marry some random broad instead

>> No.20204675

I mean, hearing her tell that story of him fishing out that dollhouse she'd wanted out of the garbage because her family was too poor to get it for her for Christmas almost makes me cry so I could see Noel being a upset at the prospect that her brother may start being distant due to getting married. Though by all accounts she think her Sister-in-law is a nice girl so maybe she got over that.

>> No.20205417
Quoted by: >>20218484

I liked this, and it was well written.

>> No.20205705

>She’s that crazy.
How long until we get a yab about her fighting her sister-in-law?

>> No.20205813

>Using her colossal tits as weapons

>> No.20205882

Sister-in-law seducing Noel and having threesomes together would make a good story.

>> No.20206181
File: 22 KB, 376x815, images (55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I dunno what this is supposed to be. I didn't go all in as smut, but some parts are gonna read in that way anyway. I personally wouldn't recommend taking your cock out unless you're a quickshot. It's pretty short either way, so I wouldn't recommend opening the spoiler tags either. I wanted to do something else with this, but I'll save that for Ayame, if I actually do end up doing it.


Tags: NSFW, Moona, emotionless sex, Iofi, impregnation, NTR

>> No.20206269

Hopefully soon. I want that whore to graduate.

>> No.20206585

check your email

>> No.20206602
Quoted by: >>20237125

Well peeping at the spoiler did get me more interested rather than less
The ESLness of her dialogue felt very appropriate and the impregnation twist at the end very hot. Overall, really good smut. Got a nice boner from this.
That NTR tag doesn't actually fit by the way, it's pretty clear that Moona's feelings for Iofi were not in any way disrupted by this.

>> No.20206721
File: 206 KB, 330x330, 1646866063957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underhanded rape-pregnancy
>story ends and she still doesn't know it's growing inside her
This is so fucking hot holy shit.

>> No.20206964
File: 1.06 MB, 307x284, 1634422584534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20237125

Echoing the sentiments of >>20206721. This shit was devious. Not enough to fap with but it definitely shifted any and all priorities I had to 'horny' pretty quick.

>> No.20207158
File: 731 KB, 838x1200, 95491169_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people hide the pain better than others.
Some people need help.



>> No.20207219
File: 32 KB, 600x498, 1645406131642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there goes that boner. Jesus, that's uncomfortably real.

>> No.20207286
File: 797 KB, 3840x2160, 1646296541277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stays in abusive relationship
>uses a simp as emotional tampon to cope
Yeah this is actually too close to life. Do you plan to follow this up with another chapter, anon?

>> No.20207435

That was a very well done scene.
It's a shame it's that short because it could totally tell a longer story.

>> No.20207458
File: 57 KB, 1024x683, 51FsQmlVp6L._AC_SL1024_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't count on me. I'm living the best Hemingway lifestyle I can. Get blotto, write something and hopefully post it, tell everyone to fuck off and get more booze in me while I agonize over stories that -I- think I should be writing.

But it should, shouldn't it, have a follow-up I mean. Who is she meeting? Who is he to her? If there was something, wouldn't she have escaped with him?

>> No.20207845
Quoted by: >>20207873

Her brother isn't even married you liar

>> No.20207873
Quoted by: >>20207972

>t. Noel

>> No.20207918

Noel likes her brother's long term GF and WANTS him to marry her.

>> No.20207972
Quoted by: >>20209792

He isn't. You made up narrative citing nonexistent blog posts and a severe lack of understanding on how NND works was debunked ages ago.

>> No.20208059

If you want an actual incest story, Marine's dad showed her porn when she was a kid...

>> No.20208134
Quoted by: >>20208228

Anon Hemingway never wrote drunk, he wrote sober and wrote until he felt he was at a good stopping point.
Write drink edit sober is mostly an expression anyway.

>> No.20208156

Based and birds-and-bees pilled.

>> No.20208228

Guess that explains why I'm writing chuba fanfics and not an accomplished artist. But at the same time, my urges to off myself have lessened since I've allowed myself to simply bathe in the euphoria of intoxication, at least from my days in the military.

>> No.20208723

Hag Orgy Part 2 and the next chapter for Present Day Present Time.
Yes I know what my tastes are like.

>> No.20209185
Quoted by: >>20209334

Are there any chuubas off limits? I have an idea for Nyanners I want to request.

>> No.20209334

If it's a chuuba it's allowed. If anyone will take it is another story.

>> No.20209350

I'm like Hemingway too, I have hemochromatosis. Ba dum tss.

>> No.20209792
Quoted by: >>20210365

Anon, just accept the truth. Noel has an unhealthy relationship with her brother.

>> No.20209958


A followup, of sorts. Really just an expansion. I don't know what this is. Just... a thought experiment. We know what happens, right?
Some people seek the noose


>> No.20210177
File: 502 KB, 495x512, 1647218644109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20210235


>> No.20210235

It's open, it's open, it's open. Fight or flight or fright

What would they say, if anything, at the moment of choice?

>> No.20210365

Anon, just admit you are full of shit.

>> No.20210456

Reminder that Marinefags think this is perfectly normal but being close to the person who starved themselves so you could eat is bad.

>> No.20210648

Again it's a good hard hitting scene, and that's pretty much all I can say.
Other than the fact that I do have to compliment you on your word use. The laconic-ness of it does work in its favor.

>> No.20212340
File: 159 KB, 220x220, 6524352345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20213868
File: 169 KB, 800x1220, Migohairdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK, every time Miko talks, squeaks, sneezes or just does anything I want to hug her as tightly as possible even if she tries to squrim from my grap. Every single laugh, nye and sound she makes ignites this burning desire to squeeze Miko. I need something based on this.

>> No.20213997
File: 65 KB, 1080x689, 1632161835804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There IS something...

>> No.20214393
Quoted by: >>20218484

God damn this the good shit. I fucking love fluff. Thanks for writing this anon, this was lovely.

>> No.20215435
File: 850 KB, 2000x3000, FNiUdLJVQAQEE3m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20218484

So cute I got chest pains

>> No.20216476
Quoted by: >>20216548

Board's zoomin again

>> No.20216548

what happened this time?

>> No.20216588

mknk's streaming and Kronii birthday aftermath

>> No.20216598
Quoted by: >>20218015

I think kronii might have had a yab.
Either that or Kronii schizos are out in full force.

>> No.20216930

Well I have good news for you fellow 35P

>> No.20217184
Quoted by: >>20217225

>Chasing Miko around the house because she made a cute noise and you want to hug her
>This is the 40th time today and she's trying to escape

>> No.20217225
Quoted by: >>20217316

>A fic with a setup like you're gonna rape Miko and all the other Holo's are in on it and encouraging you
>It's actually just to catch her and hug her

>> No.20217316
Quoted by: >>20217376

>you hug her too hard and her head explodes

>> No.20217376

>... in pleasure.
>She starts trying to make it sexual.
>But you just want to cuddle her.

>> No.20218015

> I think kronii might have had a yab.
> Either that or Kronii schizos are out in full force.
Seems like a bad yab. Following extremist Korean feminist accounts on Twitter. The "castrate all men" type. Guess it's rape fic o'clock. Not a time joke, but yeah. Wonder how infinity is taking it.

>> No.20218083

Rape correcting the clock lezgooooooooo

>> No.20218231

>he doesnt remember when Miko followed Trump on twitter.

>> No.20218256
Quoted by: >>20218748

Why are people bringing that up now? I thought it was known she's kind of femcel.
Holy based

>> No.20218296

Not as bad as admitting you hate 98% of your viewerbase

>> No.20218484
Quoted by: >>20218748

Thanks everyone, I'm glad to write fluff for the thread and contribute to the 50%

>> No.20218748

I think it's probably because the birthday is about the perfect time to have their thing signalboosted.
Given the fact that it's quieted down after what, a few hours? I think it was literally a group of people tries to make it a thing and for the most part they haven't succeeded given that it's not really self feeding into board set on fire territory, but time (heh) will tell.
What is that a reference to?

>> No.20218781
Quoted by: >>20219321

Last time I checked we were about 50/50 sfw/nsfw

>> No.20219321

Yeah that's about right, ironically going by my napkin math I'm pretty sure SFW is above NSFW in story count by now since a CTRL F for NSFW turns out Three hundred odd results with the number of fics posted being in the 700s not including series posts.

>> No.20219329

I still don't understand the Kronii yab because her dumb opinions are well known to anyone who's done their reps as well as her terrible voice acting.

>> No.20219649

>Following extremist Korean feminist accounts on Twitter.
Kek, out of the thousands of girls who want to be vtubers, where the fuck does Cover drag these mental cases out from?

>> No.20220489

They're really not doing a good enough job of vetting them. I've always had a nasty feeling about Kronii that I've not had of any of the others.

>> No.20220730
Quoted by: >>20220781

The only good member of council is the rrat and even then she's debuffed by omegatranny's decision to have her personality by the same as a let's player from 2013.

>> No.20220781

What's wrong with Mumei?

>> No.20220803

What the fuck isn't wrong with Mumei?

>> No.20221621
Quoted by: >>20221684

Oh yeah we're kind of behind on the yab ritual ryona fics aren't we?
If we count this we'd need like 3ish ryona/beating the shit out of them fics.
Too bad I can't really think of any good ideas for them that wouldn't be too derivative of the other yab fics.

>> No.20221684

Iofi I am NOT going to write Nene getting beaten over tracing art stop asking

>> No.20221734

If Nene played Overwatch, she'd be a Tracer player.

>> No.20222095
Quoted by: >>20222412

I will never find it not funny that the /infinity discord/ general's idea of a sex voice is a failed VA manwoman who follows a Korean radfem cult
Things really do go full circle

>> No.20222412

yup, full circle
constantly repeating itself
kinda like a
like a loop
an infinite loop

>> No.20222467
Quoted by: >>20224357

>Iofi decides she needs to punish Nene personally
>She teleports herself in front of Nene from her UFO shouting the need for her punishment.
>Nene is overwhelmed at first, Iofi's alien martial arts proving superior to hers
>She turns it around, Iofi suddenly finding all of her moves countered and not just that...
>They were being copied.
>Nene's tracing abilities were bleeding into the real world.
>She needed to be stopped.

>> No.20222468
File: 751 KB, 220x220, HAG_LOVE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ring ring*

Babe, the boards zooming! Time for the question!

What's in the works? Anything you're excited for?

I hit a snag writing the Calli/Kiara/You incest fic(the sister one), so I've started on a similar one with Lui instead of Chicken that doesn't require as much set-up.

>> No.20222742
Quoted by: >>20222763

What am I looking forward to?


>> No.20222763
File: 216 KB, 850x1249, MoriGlare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah well get in line

>> No.20222818

Roommate has a hyperpigmented best friend, I shit you not. Council as a whole is comical. It single handedly took Myth's momentum and slammed it into a brick wall right as the EN1 girls started burning out. What's worse is we might not see another Gen until summer so it's going to be a full year of this for maximum damage.

>> No.20222855

Oh no, not the black best friend yab!

>> No.20222919

Cuddling with Suisei Based of a dream I had. As for what I'm looking forward too, any series or fluffy pieces.

>> No.20222945

God bless. The less influence EN has, the better. Hopefully, in time, the girls will graduate or become what ID was and the trend dies off.

>> No.20223023

The worst you could come up with is that she has a black best friend?

>> No.20223083
Quoted by: >>20224620

>he doesnt know

>> No.20223105
Quoted by: >>20224620

Once you go black, anon...

>> No.20223142

Still working on that anniversary prompt, it's slow going but even being cynical about my own speed I should have it done before the actual anniversary later this month.
As for what I'm excited for in regards to teased works from here, kind of want to see that nun corruption fic.

>> No.20223532

Okay. It who cares about a Kronii? She along with the rest of the council are failures.

>> No.20223951
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1600, 1646849940149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurokami Fubuki fic please.

>> No.20224357
File: 227 KB, 500x500, nene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The core of her very existence is about copying

>> No.20224620
Quoted by: >>20225546

Why are you guys like this? Stop being racist.

>> No.20225546

t. hooman

>> No.20226056
File: 860 KB, 2935x4096, FDhoKSmacAAEwV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20238138

been a week, so I better start (actually) working on the gen 0 gets buff story
though I don't know as much about AZKi as I would like, especially since the requester specifically wanted her as the main focus

even some surface level memes could give mea basic idea of what shes like, but I haven't seen any for her

>> No.20226964
File: 1.18 MB, 512x512, Luto nervous rotate fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20237723

Thanks for the constructive criticism, I'll try to break up the paragraphs more when I get the chance. Will also keep in mind what you said for future fics.

>a fair number of grammar mistakes
Nevermind, I'll commit seppuku now to atone for my mistakes.

>> No.20226974

>Council as a whole is comical.
The entirety of the council are failures. The faster they graduate the better.

>> No.20227044
File: 486 KB, 491x850, BaelzDrunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20227131

Erm...cheesed to breed you??

>> No.20227131

Roberu can't stop winning.

>> No.20228057
File: 75 KB, 850x478, CocoBaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Bump

>> No.20228480
Quoted by: >>20228581

Come on, the Rat is good. Granted a 1/5 success rate should be grounds to fire all of management.

>> No.20228581
Quoted by: >>20228740

>Come on, the Rat is good
No, she isn’t. None of them are. It’s actually depressing how they can bitch it this badly.

>> No.20228740
Quoted by: >>20228789

good thing we'll always have Mori

>> No.20228789
Quoted by: >>20229409

The dumb bitch whose tournament failed because she couldn't read the room.

>> No.20229409
File: 158 KB, 283x379, 13252A4A-CF17-4A69-8BEE-A98C855B3E8F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori’s hot in a fucked up alcoholic trash fire way. Like I’d totally bang her if I found her passed out with her underwear down after chugging a gallon of Listerine, you know? And then grab her by the face like a toy and shake her and tell her to stop being a druggie fuck-up. Maybe there’s some leftover cuckbeat still in me that makes me biased.

On the other hand, somebody like Mumei… let’s just say the roommate thing is basically worse than leprosy to me. Hell, no, leprosy is curable, you can’t un-do the roommate thing. Gross, gross, gross.

>> No.20231174 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.11 MB, 4000x3200, 1647216339489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20231299
File: 52 KB, 850x850, InaKimono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's genuinely unpleasant

>> No.20232218

why did she put penis pumps on her tentacles

>> No.20232932
File: 87 KB, 282x316, 70891122-A120-46A6-A10E-B469C0EF4CCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

…what the fuck.

>> No.20233510

I'm going back to bed

>> No.20233540

I hate Haachama fans for making her fucking edgy.

>> No.20235273
File: 68 KB, 849x601, HaatoButt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really needs to move onto Haato4.0 or whatever the fuck now

>> No.20235347
Quoted by: >>20235637

She did that to herself, anon.

>> No.20235637
Quoted by: >>20235754

Know what else she does to herself? Finger her snatch.


>> No.20235754
Quoted by: >>20235825

>Having to step away whole eating lunch at work for whatever reason
>Come back to find Haachama voraciously fingering herself over your food to get her pussy juice on it

>> No.20235825
Quoted by: >>20236052

Voraciously isn't the right word to use in this context. It's used exclusively when describing consumption - of anything, by anything.

Try 'furiously'. It gets the point across.

>> No.20236052

Im gonna voraciously make you shut the fuck up

>> No.20236115

I suggest you 'vigorously' shut me the fuck up instead.

>> No.20236289

Pekofag, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.20236329
Quoted by: >>20236534

That's not PF, earlyfag.

>> No.20236365

>wants to fuck other people
Definitely not the pekofag.

>> No.20236403
Quoted by: >>20236471

Does it really matter in the end? Why post their gay shit here and not somewhere else?

>> No.20236471

>Why post their gay shit here and not somewhere else?
Because they get the attention they want, if you haven't figured it out yet, they're attention-whores. And they'll do anything to get it.

>> No.20236534
Quoted by: >>20236603

Fellas, please, you're all fags

>> No.20236603

Nobody asked for your opinion, brapfag.

>> No.20236610
File: 225 KB, 334x408, 1646754335066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20236951


>> No.20236846

It's haachama herself that fuels the edge. Her fans had nothing to do with it other than giving her assets to cut up into her horror series.

>> No.20236951


>> No.20237125
File: 74 KB, 711x782, 1646855505961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the cheating tag applies better then? Because Iofi does not know Moona is working as a prostitute, she thinks it's a modelling job. Even if it's to make ends meet it would still be cheating I believe.

It was kind of rough to land it, and I didn't know when to stop, I was wondering if I should have written her conversation with her boss, and like some short info on her taking one client after another to save up for the trip until eventually the pregnant thing comes in and it ends similarly, but I'm glad you found it decent.

BTW, this is something I ask out there in general because this is my fetish. Does anyone have any interest in writing a fic where the chuuba has to work as a prostitute to make ends meet while she is in a relationship? That stuff is straight down my alley and even before I got ropped into NTR I still found it good, so I was wondering it anyone would possibly write it in the future. And to the few who did read my fic, would you have preferred it to have more focus on the smut or on the genre?

>> No.20237395
Quoted by: >>20238386

Depends on who they're in a relationship with. Another girl? I don't care. Lesbians are made for dick correction. You? Not interested.

>> No.20237477
Quoted by: >>20237584

>Post 'em if you got 'em.
Was this thread posted before the old one slid? No? I ain't got shit for you, son.

>> No.20237517

Damn, every schizo making a return at once. Truly 3 days have elapsed.

>> No.20237584
Quoted by: >>20237664

Nobody cares

>> No.20237664
Quoted by: >>20237723

I do bro, not clogging the board is good etiquette and early threads and ERP is a good way to get /wg/ treated like fucking lepers

>> No.20237723

I do hope you don't take that especially badly. I thought it was a good story, I just focus on the negatives when I sit thinking about giving feedback. I'm looking forward to part 2!

have fun trying to police it then schizo

>> No.20237730
Quoted by: >>20238386

>smut or on the genre?
They're both important but for me, personally I'd prefer the genre since it generally elevates the smut with it rather than the inverse where bad use of the genre makes the smut forgettable, unless you were already writing god tier smut.
As for the interest in the fic concept I'm with the other anon here where a Lesbian Gets Ducked scenario sounds way hotter than a (You) get fucked thing since no one's really managed to make Netorase or watching from the closet while she gets fucked scenario work.

>> No.20237738

Finally finished my AmeSame fic:

>> No.20237847

I ain't policing shit

>> No.20237848
Quoted by: >>20237953

How did pastebin let that go through? Then again it is short enough that they probably can't filter it automatically without fucking up the site's intended functionality

>> No.20237863

>have fun trying to police it then schizo
You're the reason this general is dying.

>> No.20237873
File: 1.18 MB, 512x512, Luto nervous rotate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it was mostly a joke. I know it wasnt perfect. Though grammar is a bitch that keeps giving

>> No.20237876

Already infinitely better than anything that retard crying about not posting his stories posted within the past 8 months

>> No.20237919
Quoted by: >>20238271

Yeah because I haven't posted anything in eight months lmao

>> No.20237926

kek, he wrote and posted nothing

>> No.20237953

Not sure why pastebin would care. I see links to porn sites on there from time to time.

>> No.20237958

Why are you seething about the truth? It’s wrong to be that angry when called out.

>> No.20238006

>Not sure why pastebin would care
Neither, but for some reason they do. It's why the archive switched to rentry in the first place

>> No.20238060

Pastebin does smut purges, links to shit are fine since it's just a link but actual smut has been cracked down that it's caused link rot for old authors that used pastebin thinking it was a safe anonymous hosting site for their smut.

>> No.20238138
File: 1.76 MB, 1500x1500, AZKi_2021_Alt_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Warosu reps 4 u. I cut out a few things that pertained to another anon's vision of the concept.


So, for the anon who was working on the Gen 0 Gets Buff story and looking for character references and personality references, this 2020 shellnut video is a pretty good start... for everyone except AZKi.

Roboco is a high-spec robot who's surprisingly chill, although she's supreme when it comes to FPS games like Apex. If you want to use her for exposition for military hardware, warships, etc, she'd probably be the best to know what's what.

Miko is fucking amazing. Her GTAV clips are probably the best showcase of her, she's hilarious, she's hyper, but she's also adorable and sweet, even while shouting FAQ at the top of her lungs. She's supposedly a shrine maiden in lore, although it's questionable how much of that she actually does.

Sora is the embodiment of seiso. A "normal girl" who started the whole Hololive thing as the first talent, kind of an elder statesman. She's what you think of when you think of a singing idol. Kind of a girl-next-door, but she's a singing goddess. Has a somewhat sentient teddy bear named Ankimo.

Suisei is... a lot of things to a lot of people. She started out in INNK with AZKi, but got so frustrated over the company putting all their energy behind AZKi and ignoring her (There's not been any bad blood between the two of them personally, though, IIRC, and all fences have been mended) that she almost quit vtubing, but ended up hitting it big in Hololive proper and jumped ship. She's a super-talented singer, and a bit of a psychopath, so if any of the girls are going to HAVE to kill someone, Suisei will have no problems doing the deed.

Fun fact: Kanata and Coco live together IRL, and Suisei is their neighbor. So if you want to somehow work Best Dragon into the story, that's an easy way.


For AZKi lore, check out her first several music videos, especially the ones for Shit Days, From A to Z, Creating World 2020 and Without U. They're music videos so canon is hazy, but there's AZKi White for her older more cheerful songs, AZKi Black for her older darker songs, AZKi 2nd is the one most of us know and love with the bowl cut and the puffy black jacket, and the current little adorable bundle is AZKi 3rd. She's kind of a music autist, rarely ever streams but has far more concerts and singles than any other holomem... I think she's up to 50 original songs or so in just a few years, and almost as many covers.

SorAZ, the pairing of Sora and AZKi, is pure kino. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uEeXFhw2TyY

Also, AZKi's official bio lists her as A diva who became reborn into the virtual world in order to fabricate a new world. No matter the time, place, or position, she warps through all the barricades with her dazzling talent. So if someone needs to unfuck something in space-time, she could probably do it... as far as being by far the largest and most musclebound.

>> No.20238271

I'm gonna be honest I'll fucking kneel if you do actually post 8 months of fics but until then you're just a LARPing retard.

>> No.20238351

I look forward to the day the general sorts its shit out too.

>> No.20238386
File: 141 KB, 1248x2048, 1643063840431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you only have interest on the genre if (You) are getting in the way of a lesbian relationship? Well, that's exactly what I did so I don't know why that needed clarification. Anyway, what are some good lesbian couples to get in the way of, and which one of them would be the cheater per se? I'd love to see Okayu being the one to fool around, but I think Korone would be more the type to bear the pain to be able to give Okayu a better life, for example. Anyway, discuss.

>> No.20238422
File: 9 KB, 247x263, SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a slow writer, but here's my folder which I've refused to post otherwise.

>> No.20238468

>pekora cosplay
Think we'll be fine without you

>> No.20238580

There's been a bit of discussion for getting in the way of crossick because the two of them are pretty SEX.
As for that Okayu/Korone thing, for drama korone sounds better as she does actually have the 'maturity' to make her understand what's happening in full which is pretty hot when she realizes how hopeless the situation is becoming.
Why are some of those html files?

>> No.20238622
File: 103 KB, 300x300, 1646289424736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how you wrote this post, clearly out of sincere fan enthusiasm for the talents, all while knowing the fic that's going to feature them will maybe have them in-character for a couple of paragraphs before they start mutating into skyscraper-sized musclegirl monstrosities.

>> No.20238775

Anon that's clearly the same anon that requested it. They have a history of liking even scraps of what they originally wanted as shown by them appreciating the fucking Uruka fic which was mostly shitpost and like 5% muscle stuff.

>> No.20238873
Quoted by: >>20238939

Tourist here. Suisei started as an indie in 2018. She released her second song around March 2019 and almost quit vtubing after that, but then INNK adopted her. Then, she was ignored for 6 months until the end of the year when she was transferred to hololive
Kanata and Coco moved a month or so ago, but now she lives closer to Miko and they hang out every now and then

>> No.20238939
File: 33 KB, 320x287, 1645690636703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20239045

>Kanata and Coco moved a month or so ago
The rrats, they consume me.

>> No.20239045

They moved in with me, Coco gets off watching me breed Kanata while she's tied up unable to join in.

>> No.20239077

Gorilla grip...

>> No.20239090
Quoted by: >>20239159

It’s probably for the best. Everyone here is acting incredibly schizo.

>> No.20239141
File: 1.34 MB, 1000x2000, itstriplets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That can't be right, Coco and I are currently eating dinner after our like, fifth round of wild preggo sex for the day. Pic related for proof.

>> No.20239159

Did you not get the joke that all of them are joke titles? Or are you just retarded?
I really need to get back into writing that fucking Coco Cuckquean fic.

>> No.20239215

NTA but they just looked like really shitty titles for presumably shitty stories

>> No.20239236
Quoted by: >>20239336

Not that guy but it's not exactly a reach to think somebody might post 'Gura's Sharts' as a serious fic considering we've had people anchor their nigger rape NTR fics. It's also not a stretch to think somebody might think not posting 'Gura's Sharts' would be depriving the thread of a masterpiece, considering how menhera everybody here is.

>> No.20239336

>nigger rape NTR
sounds hot as fuck dude

>> No.20240350
File: 868 KB, 2896x4096, FHPfsufXIAEw_ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rosemi Leglock

Oh I have a mighty need

>> No.20240581

I know this is a joke but I would love to see some of those stories
>All Authors locations

>> No.20241258
File: 13 KB, 739x415, images_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20241573

You know what I want

Botan tail grooming

>> No.20241300
Quoted by: >>20241537

Oh nyooo what u gonna do with that Pekora cosplay and plane ticket

>> No.20241537
Quoted by: >>20241684

Probably fuck you

>> No.20241573

Would Botan let you groom her tail or does it need to be done forcefully?

>> No.20241684

Anon he has everyone's location, he could fuck any one of us
He could fuck you
He could fuck ME
he could even fuck

>> No.20241829
File: 47 KB, 992x744, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.20242042
Quoted by: >>20242145

I say we think ahead of him. Who's up for an anon orgy?

>> No.20242145
File: 233 KB, 1080x1080, 1644101297488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20242663

Take it to /trash/ you unfunny piece of shit

>> No.20242663
Quoted by: >>20243029

Don't post Okayu dox

>> No.20243029 [SPOILER] 
File: 205 KB, 960x931, 1645483138355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look!

>> No.20244491
File: 106 KB, 1200x1200, 1643697481000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20244667


>> No.20245172
File: 136 KB, 561x720, anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You monster

>> No.20247320

Crossick actually had a kind of quiz where they asked the public at the venue "who is the most likely to...". One of the questions they asked was "Who is the most likely to cheat on the other". It was the one question that got a 100% unanimous result with everyone voting Tomoe.

>> No.20247389
Quoted by: >>20247463

Sorry I don't watch Nijisanji

>> No.20247419
Quoted by: >>20247657

I wonder if she actually did.

>> No.20247463
Quoted by: >>20247673

You don't watch streams; it is already known.

>> No.20247590

So Tomoe is for cheating sex.
Kana is for mindbreaking LGD rape that ends with both of them enslaved to your cock.

>> No.20247657

She is still alive so either she didn't or Sukoya doesn't know yet. Actually that was most likely the reason Tomoe got all the votes, people know Sukoya can go crazy over that relationship.

>> No.20247673

True. Unfortunately I don't speak Japanese so I don't really enjoy streams. I've watched a couple from ID and even tried out EN but only for games that I really like. I'm more of a VOD watcher because I can skip to the good moments, but I also need to have a live chat so I can see their reactions. I've watched a couple dozens of hours, maybe about 100 in clips though

>> No.20247927
Quoted by: >>20248033

Your average /vt/ user.

>> No.20248033
Quoted by: >>20248945

>Actually watches vods for references
I think that might actually be above the average rratmonger.

>> No.20248494
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, 1615050705711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I think the most helpful part from this is reminding me that AZKi is actually more more of a singer than a streamer.
The fact managed to escape me because I was more worried about how little I know about her on-stream personality
But I can vibe with something more abstract like music videos.

Thanks for the tips, I've got a much better idea of what I wanna do with this.
The mutation is only fun when you get to see how they are before, and how it changes them.

>> No.20248672
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 1644829189029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. They're here to entertain you, and don't deserve support just for existing. Watch what you want, and if an individual doesn't attract you, it's a fault on their part, not yours.

>> No.20248689
File: 1.71 MB, 1123x1296, 1634525889644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, didn't see these. I'm still very busy with other stuff, but I'm very glad you people enjoy ShadowLive, even if it's just to barely enough to make a passing mention. I've been less than thrilled to keep on writing it after running into so many complications due to my lack of skills and planning ahead, but your praise is reinvigorating to say the least. I wish I could go and write some more now, but as mentioned before I'm busy, so I can't. I'll try to get back to it as soon as I'm done with work. Sorry to say but I haven't planned anything out even after all these months so the quality is still going to be what it used to be. But Ayame will come back soon enough and she's going to be as bitchy as always so don't worry about that.

>> No.20248745
Quoted by: >>20248893

>you people
why is everyone in /wg/ so unbelievably racist?

>> No.20248893
Quoted by: >>20249212


>> No.20248925

Neat. Hope things improve sooner rather than later. Take it easy.

>> No.20248945

>watches some streams in spite of not knowing JP
>watches subbed clips
It's miles above; the average dramaposter here doesn't watch JPs at all in any capacity.

>> No.20249212
Quoted by: >>20249467

Nice, I hope you do take it to heart and try and plan out a good arc for the future.
I think they might be trying to get the thread to write raceplay due to spite against him...
Either that or the shitposters are being careful now and aren't deliberately replying against themselves for deniablity.

>> No.20249467

NTA but "you people" is a pretty easy racial joke set up because it was used to refer to minorities as a group.

>> No.20249566
Quoted by: >>20251084

look bro imma be real I just want Ayame

survival correction
hunger correction
thirst correction
beating correction
injury correction
fear correction
ptsd correction
rape correction

Just endlessly corrected over and over and over out of her bitch ways by the post-apocalyptic nightmare hellhole she's in that only Anon can save her from.

>> No.20250249
Quoted by: >>20250533

That image makes me want a fic where the two of them manhandle (You) and rape you in the middle of the ring like a ryona doujin.

>> No.20250533

>championship class handjobs and abjobs

>> No.20251084
Quoted by: >>20251382

Roger that. I'll put it in my list of other corrections I had planned for her.

>> No.20251382
File: 326 KB, 850x1324, uooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20252251

Based. This sexy brat needs fixing.

>> No.20251854
Quoted by: >>20253353

You know people meme about Kanata's gorilla grip anything but /fit/ Miko does things to me you wouldn't even believe. God she's so sexy when she's not being an autistic baby.

>> No.20252251
Quoted by: >>20252382

She doesn’t. She’s lovely as she is.

>> No.20252331

New thread

>> No.20252382
File: 194 KB, 369x362, 1646270319129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So write Ayame fluff! But honestly, I find this thread's rrat!Ayame to be a more compelling character than vanilla giggling ojou Ayame.

>> No.20252393
File: 38 KB, 543x620, 1442924842198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20252412

Pekofag was right...

>> No.20252495

Little too right if you ask me

>> No.20252500

The amount of shit I’m willing to do for Okayu.

>> No.20252521

You suggesting he's a Nazi?

>> No.20252552

maybe, filename structure suggests it's the same guy who made this one

>> No.20252581
Quoted by: >>20252623


>> No.20252603

>Thread literally lasts only a day now
Did we really incline that hard from booting the 2view OPs?

>> No.20252612

Isn’t he a Brazilian? I doubt he’s white enough to pass.

>> No.20252623

They speak English in what?

>> No.20252636
File: 471 KB, 850x1157, MoriAnchor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can accept this. I was going to make a new thread with Mori, but whatever.

He wasn't. Last thread he was schizoing at me (I made this one), and like I said, I was going to do Mori, not Okayu. So this is another anon.

If I have any complaints about the new OP it's that the anchor post is so erotic it makes the OP post look kinda weak.

>> No.20252640
Quoted by: >>20253602

Im suggesting A.) He's the earlyfag (which isn't all that unbelievable given how often he whinges about being up for days) or B.) Earlyfag decided to deliberately do what Pekofag said he was gonna do to stroke his ego and shit up the thread even more

>> No.20252679

Yes, but we lost lots of IPs. We used to have 70, we're lucky to get 30, much less 40

>> No.20252724
Quoted by: >>20252881

>I was going to make a new thread with Mori, but whatever.
Thank god we had an Okayu thread then. Mori is shit and you should be ashamed to use her.

>> No.20252790

Wasn't that because the threads took place over 2-3 days rather than now with the usual being a day? Maybe half of one if the schizophrenics reply to each other.

>> No.20252818
Quoted by: >>20252919

Peak earlyfag, when he was both in control of the 2view OPs AND spamming the thread constantly, we went as low as 17 IPs in the worst threads.

The past couple of threads we've been around 30-40 IPs, save the Kiara thread where we pushed 50.

>> No.20252849

They said one fucking thing and you jumpd the gun. Either way, if we're ever going to be free of this curse, especially now that the mods don't seem to give a shit, it may be the time to wait until this one 404s to make our own.

>> No.20252881
Quoted by: >>20253700

>Mori is shit and you should be ashamed to use her.
I'm still seething what she did to Fauna

>> No.20252919

such is the power of fat chicken tits

>> No.20252924

Earlyfag, stop seething now that you lost. You can’t just make early thread for over a year then advocate making them once they’re 404s. You started this and this is how it’s going to be now.

>> No.20253024
Quoted by: >>20253250

Yes yes, everyone's earlyfag, shut up retard.

>> No.20253080
Quoted by: >>20253181

That never works.
By the time the thread 404s and if the new thread is still amenable to the thread's tastes the IP count difference means your thread is gonna get deleted when the mods start giving a shit or people other than you stop bumping it and it 404s naturally.

>> No.20253181

It depends entirely on communal effort. Like before when the Ironmouse thread was somehow up for two-three threads, the only reason the other one wasn't deleted was due to it having higher IP count and discussion. Which funnily enough the earlyfag kept going by throwing a fucking elder-tier shitfit and adopting four schizo personas into himself at once to threadshit astronomically, therefore keeping the thread bumped.

>> No.20253183
Quoted by: >>20253209

Subjugation anon?

>> No.20253209
File: 107 KB, 942x1471, 1647157680942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that guy, no.

>> No.20253250
Quoted by: >>20253372

Ah, yes, where every IP in the ironmouse thread was from the earlyfag, and not, you know, by actual people. Dude, how many times does this need to be posted by now? >>20253024

>> No.20253282
Quoted by: >>20253631

My bad, guy hates 2views and Nijisanji for some reason. He wouldn't have a picture of them.

>> No.20253353

So like, mature non-autistic /fit/ Miko?
or a /fit/ autist that rapes you whenever she wants like a cave woman.

>> No.20253372

>Retard threadshitter lacks the reading comprehension to discern that the threads being discussed were separate from the Ironmouse thread
Many such cases!

>> No.20253401

Okay that's a genuinely dumb position; there absolutely could have been SOME people that wanted/didn't care about having that ironmouse thread. It's just that those people really weren't enough to sustain discussion and keep an active thread that wasn't just bumping.

>> No.20253521
Quoted by: >>20253748

Between schizo ramblings from one person, the one guy bumping it like his fucking life depended on it, and the fighting going on between the few others in there alongside what looked to be like a severely long shitpost, can you blame them if there was a reasonably cleaner alternative that they'd rather go to

>> No.20253602

If it serves as any consolation, the only time I ever tried to make a thread here I got banned for 2 days for spam due to links probably, and so I didn't do it ever again. I have no clue why it happened and I don't plan on finding out.

>> No.20253631
File: 373 KB, 850x1025, birb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20253748

No, genius. I'm >>20253209 Subjection anon, telling you I'm not >>20252924.
Also trying to make sense of how I supposedly hate Nijisanji considering... well, the entirety of the story you're naming me after. Like dude, seriously.

Don't get gaslit. If you check the Ironmouse thread, these 'different people' were, according to this anon, all posting 'bump', 'check', 'bumping', 'not letting this die', and similar one word/one line posts to keep the thread bumped over more than a day.

>> No.20253700

What happened this time?

>> No.20253748
Quoted by: >>20253885

Yeah what kept the other thread alive was hornyposting and ideas being thrown around to inspire writing.
As dumb as it is to say it, I think some of those people were shitstirrers drawn in to it because they saw a tribal fight.
With the one line bumps being all they could do because they weren't familiar with /here/.

>> No.20253885
Quoted by: >>20254083

It's still genuine discussion that keep the thread alive as opposed to the three dedicated people who kept the Ironmouse thread alive once most everyone else peeled off. Despite so many posts the IP count never surpassed 17 for good reason. While the Ironmouse thread probably did have real, actual discussion in it at first before it turned to fighting and everyone left for comparably greener pastures, it did devolve into one highly dedicated person bumping out of something about tribalists as the one guy kept posting his story at work and the other guy who may or may not have been said tribalposter kept cheering him on

>> No.20254083
Quoted by: >>20254153

>one guy kept posting his story
Two people posted their stories.

>> No.20254153
Quoted by: >>20254295

Yeah, you're right, I forgot about the guy who posted his Ironmouse cowboy short one. It's a shame he didn't want it archived

>> No.20254295
Quoted by: >>20254347

>It's a shame he didn't want it archived
Not his fault when people are calling Ironmouse names. Who the fuck would want that?

>> No.20254347

I know you're arguing in bad faith because that's your entire fucking schtick you one trick faggot, but if that was the case then no fanworks at all would ever be made. You have dumbasses calling other dumbasses' oshis whores left and right, Ironmouse isn't exempt nor special in that regard

>> No.20254405

Go do your gay ERP somewhere else
