>> | No.20102087 File: 1.63 MB, 2704x2392, 1643692615711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>20101907 >mumei is terminally bad at video games I wanted to think about whether or not that was true, but I realized something when you said that. I... I literally cannot remember Mumei in front of a video game. I've been watching her since the start but outside of the extremely obligatory ones (Minecraft and collabs) the vast majority of my Mumemories are her face staring at me with a background behind her, or grooming that one girl in NSO. It's like the rest of my Mumemories are clouded if I'm not thinking about her face directly, I can recall some if I really devote myself to it but they disappear when I don't focus again.