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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 756 KB, 962x1200, 1647061619235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20059607 No.20059607 [Reply] [Original]

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?
Previous thread: >>19999724

>> No.20059659
File: 691 KB, 1488x2105, 1623923333618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20096473

Story anchor.
Post 'em if you got 'em.

>> No.20059695
File: 2.00 MB, 1052x911, bounty board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.20060036
File: 58 KB, 612x612, 1646071809338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken breast... chicken gravy... chicken drumsticks... chicken thigh...

>> No.20060580


>> No.20060809

I would like to request
(You) are Kiara's Producer. Kiara just finished her last Live Concert before she went back to Australia. You both decided to have a dinner together to celebrate the succesful Live.
You brought drunk Kiara back to her apartment. Just when you are about to go home, she asks you to stay over and be with her.
[You can add Sex Scene here]
Few days later you accompany her to Airport with Mori. Right before boarding she hugs and kisses you in front of Mori.

>> No.20060858

So if chickens are supposedly directly descended from the T. Rex does that mean that in one of Kiara's previous incarnations she was a hyper aggressive amazon chicken?

>> No.20061004

Being doing that since the first shitshow he started. Don't know why the others haven't.

>> No.20061853

People like to give shitposters the benefit of the doubt, which in my opinion, is very idiotic thing to do.

>> No.20062195
Quoted by: >>20062305

Can you please discuss this in the old thread?

>> No.20062305

I’ll rather discuss this here.

>> No.20062379
Quoted by: >>20062665

>which in my opinion, is very idiotic thing to do.
I don't know, if they repented, I'll give them another chance, but the problem is that Pekofag never repented. He only stopped when his stories were taken out of the archive.

>> No.20062665
Quoted by: >>20063126

Which should have been a red flag for other people, but alas, they needed to be burnt multiple times to get it.

>> No.20062924

Korone looked at the man across the table from her. He wasn't normally someone she dated, but he was just too charming...in a number of ways. His muscles bulged under his black skin, and the tribal tatoo on his face glinted under the candlelight of the expensive Italian restaurant. She sighed, smiling. "Ith everything alright, sweetheart?" He asked, genuine concern in his lilting lisping voice. "No, Mike, everything's fine. I'm just, well...so happy." He smiled his gap toothed smile that lit up the room. "I'm happy too, baby!" And Korone was. Korone didn't normally date Americans, especially not African-Americans, but when she met Mike Tyson it was almost like love at first sight. Sure, he was rich from his boxing career and he always bought her nice gifts and expensive dates -and maybe that was part of it- but it was mostly his personality, his resolve, and how down-to-earth he was, and how sweet he was. Who knew a man so powerful could be so gentle? So kind?

>> No.20062954

We honestly don't have enough cuckquean in the Archive, period. I think Matsuri gets cucked once?

>> No.20063084

Mori's been cucked, Lamy's been cucked, a fictional girlfriend has been cucked BY Mori, you already got Matsuri, Subaru's been cucked, Fubuki’s been cucked. There's a few.

>> No.20063126

People won't learn, this shit will repeat itself for a while now.

>> No.20063188

Take it back to the old thread, faggot.

>> No.20063192

>a fictional girlfriend has been cucked BY Mori
Oh, that one. I always forget that one since the girlfriend is basically treated as a non-character due to being a chuuba.

>> No.20063247
Quoted by: >>20063412

I supposed that’s true, though at this point, all we have to do is just hope that one day, they just fuck off.

>> No.20063259
Quoted by: >>20063484

Due to NOT being a chuuba, I mean. I should go to bed, jeez.

>> No.20063412
Quoted by: >>20064232

But they won't and that's the problem. They seek attention and they're willing to do anything to get it.

>> No.20063484
File: 35 KB, 399x399, 1644271941298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20063633

Thats fair, I had considered making it Milky but as nice a girl as she seems to be, I'm not gonna watch a twitch stream if I don't have to.

>> No.20063633

Don't get me wrong the story itself was well-written, but in my head it's filed as a 'Mori romance' story, not a cuckquean one.

>> No.20064223

This is less fiction but more reality.

Just like anyone, i dream every night. My dreams are a random reconstruction of the past and sometimes a calculation of the future.
I usually forget what happened in the first 2 to 3 seconds of me waking up. It's like my brain is discarding the dreams that won'T happen.
There are cases when i do remember. Those dreams are often funny little stories, but sometimes they are something that will happen, no matter what. Sometimes in 2 years, sometimes in 6 - who knows when.
They are random little things, that hit me like a De ja vu.
You guys need to know, that i actually have an extreme good memory that was already tested in an institution. Once the future i dreamed happen, i instantly remember that i dreamed of that incident. They are most of the times super daily things.

How does this corelates with /vt/ tho?
Today i dreamed that a random streamer with braces was fucked in a lifestream. The boyfriend put her on live. It was a vTuber. I might just remember this dream when i find myself jacking off in a future to some strange roleplay porn . . . or it's the biggest YAB to happen yet. Who can tell at this point.
Like all kinds of fortune telling, it's so basic that it will happen. I do believe in the things my brain are telling me and i do believe it will happen one way or another with the exact pictures i had in my head.

>> No.20064232
Quoted by: >>20065485

I suppose that would happen sooner if people just ignore them.

>> No.20064381
Quoted by: >>20086401

I...can relate to this feeling, actually. Similar stuff happens to me. I hope your right, that'd be fucking insane. But what streamer has braces?

>> No.20064419
File: 197 KB, 1850x1220, 1645627030284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20064517

Probably a vision into Mikeneko's future streaming career

>> No.20064517
Quoted by: >>20064574

Anon specified a chuuba, which Rushia no longer is. The equivalent to his dream would be a current vtuber getting fucked live AND switching from the face capture to a livecam that confirms it.

>> No.20064574
File: 342 KB, 589x404, reddit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20065485

But people won't ignore them, that's the issue here, and possibly will never ignore them.

>> No.20065682
Quoted by: >>20065956

NTA but I think cuckquean kind of needs the one getting cuckqueaned be an active part of it otherwise it would just be "normal" cheating sex... Or at least have their reaction or presence be there somewhere in the story to give it the spicem

>> No.20065956

Right? I feel like the girl needs to watch the act in some form for it to really work, either impotently from afar, as in a classic NTR comic, or as an active participant in less abusive cuckqueaning.

Chicks also tend to react differently. I mean, nobody likes being cheated on without consent, but girls often make the other girl the target of their ire. Often the *sole* target of their ire, if they're menhera enough.

>> No.20066139
File: 46 KB, 500x442, 1638190947407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got an email today from someone saying they read my Mori fic and how much they loved it
>So jaded, all I can think is this email is probably someone trying to scam me or something
I hate this feeling. And here I've been trying to write my own novel.

>> No.20066396

Anon. If nothing else, learn the lesson from ousting earlyfag. You can't control their shit but you can control yours. If they bother you that much ignore and hide their posts.

>> No.20066524
Quoted by: >>20066771

With the full expectation you're probably fishing for compliments...which Mori fic?

>> No.20066771
Quoted by: >>20066830

I'm not and it's pretty old so my writing skills were still pretty unpolished compared to now.

>> No.20066784

I suppose that’s true, though I wonder what it will take for /wg/ to get its act together and just drive them out.

>> No.20066830

Oh fuck I remember reading this ages ago. Never mind what I said it was alright.

>> No.20066859
File: 63 KB, 220x124, pekopeko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when someone genuinely likes something you wrote and all you feel is disgust that they would like something you wrote.
It's a weird feeling really. You want to be happy about it, but you can't.

>> No.20067160
Quoted by: >>20067235

Would be nice if there are more erotic story of vTuber (especially Lesbian) being cuckolded by (You)

>> No.20067235

>Becoming the 'real reason' crossick broke up.

>> No.20067250
Quoted by: >>20074217

They broke up? Shit, they had been going for quite a while.

>> No.20067375

(You) took advantage of Tomoe when she was drunk and blackmail her.
Her resistance slowly fades away as you keep fucking her and giving her orgasm she never experienced from masturbation nor lesbian sex.
In the end, (You) broke her mind and impregnate her.

>> No.20067661
Quoted by: >>20068006

God I love the LGD fetish so goddamn much.

>> No.20067819
File: 447 KB, 993x1421, Screenshot_20220312-041421_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I NEED to fuck both of them

>> No.20068006 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 853x1000, 275640573_174454058262457_9198141278628844439_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really need more LGD'd Lesbian vTuber stories or arts

>> No.20069225
File: 621 KB, 1805x1486, 1646500512403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who deserves this treatment?

>> No.20069339
File: 366 KB, 744x642, 1645715393649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20079430


>> No.20069434

Migo, orchestrated and paid for by post-rape Pekora, who still refuses to take the blanket the cops gave her off.

>> No.20069661
File: 129 KB, 850x1222, __pavolia_reine_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_milchu__sample-2e2308e6664163cbd738a10e77d6a7c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20069849
Quoted by: >>20084145

>Getting hired by Reine's Parents in order to save their daughter from the foul curse of Lesbianism.

>> No.20070055
Quoted by: >>20070301

Not a lesbian

>> No.20070301
Quoted by: >>20070672

>he lacks the information

>> No.20070408
File: 387 KB, 1648x2331, 20220312_183809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20072124

100% Miko

>> No.20070620
Quoted by: >>20070869

Korone and Okayu, at the same time

>> No.20070672

Nobody knows what goes on in your head, schizo. Reine isn't a lesbian.

>> No.20070869

My penis esplode

>> No.20072124

Didn't we get this fic already?
Or would this be more directly "rapey" in corrupting her away from being a lesbian?

>> No.20072141

posting in this thread just to say i want to fuck that cat chickens fat tits

>> No.20073184
Quoted by: >>20074184

Corrupting Miko by progressively doing even lewder things to her each day and eventually turning her straight

>> No.20073275

Hot Kiwawa

>> No.20074184

>Miko Moral Degeneration
>First corrupting her to straightness
>Then slowly overtime making her fall deeper and deeper.

>> No.20074217

They didn't

>> No.20075160

Miss Sakura? I suppose, but it was less "pin her down and fuck her" and more *tips fedora* "M'lady."

>> No.20075382

Rent free

>> No.20075625

I genuinely still don't understand the hate that fic gets.
Like half of the archive (and this is probably understating it) is male fantasies, how was that fic any different except for having a weird way of rendering honorifics.

>> No.20075816


>> No.20076092

It’s mostly just one schizo sperging out over it

>> No.20076493

I know it was ages ago, but what happened to funny ‘uncle’? I really wanted to see that continued

>> No.20077031

According to the pastebin hosting it, the last edit was in may last year... and given that I haven't seen that user name in any other accounts used to host works from here.
I think that fic is dead.

>> No.20077845


>> No.20077857


>> No.20077875


>> No.20078596


>> No.20079186

> M'miko

>> No.20079430

I don't think dicking her straight will fix her attitude... Unless it's like the basis for a comedy about fucking Ayame straight and having to deal with the consequences as you try to get her to stream before you run out of condoms.

>> No.20080980


>> No.20081201


>> No.20081404


>> No.20082213
Quoted by: >>20082635

Rite of Passage’s link is down

>> No.20082554

Game night
Favorite story featuring your oshi
Smut you've got off the most to or just like a lot
Author you'd like to get your hands on (left vague intentionally doesn't have to be weird)

>> No.20082635

It's still up on their ao3.
Yeah, I think this doc purge of Sakura Summer anon might be a sign they really aren't coming back. Which is a shame honestly.

>> No.20083959

Cross Cultural POLination
Sleeping Beauty
AA so I can shake his hand

>> No.20084009

>drunk Kiara
Only issue with this prompt is that Kiara doesn't drink.

>> No.20084145
Quoted by: >>20088578

>Early on in Reine's life her parents already realized she was..... "different"
>Start buying little boys from impoverished families and training them in hopes that one will eventually become the ultimate lesbo-breaker
>After undergoing CP0 level training (You) are the only surviving child left, and your time has come
>The Pavolia Patriarch primes you on your mission
>His daughter doesn't have many fertile years left so you need to have the precision of a scalpel, but given her disposition you also need the sheer force of a sledgehammer
>But at the end of the day as long as you save their daughter and ensure the continuation of their dynasty they don't care too much about the semantics

>> No.20085355
Quoted by: >>20085420

>Favorite story featuring your oshi
Probably Holocalypse considering that I wrote the stories featuring my Holostars oshi(Astel)
>Smut you've got off the most to or just like a lot
Sleeping Beauty also Bully Girls because femdom Botan makes my dick go wild
>Author you'd like to get your hands on (left vague intentionally doesn't have to be weird)
Brazilian buttfag or whatever you're called I hate that Sleeping Beauty converted me into a cunny connoisseur and that it was more anal than cunny but god damn I want to almost punch you then have an emotional crisis right in front of you.

>> No.20085420

I don't think you should call him Brazilian buttfag given that there are two of those

>> No.20085641
File: 288 KB, 414x394, 1646680676764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> favorite story featuring oshi
I don't think there are any for my top 3, but if I really stretch the meaning, Interrogation has Marine.
Interrogation and Luna's assistant are still clashing for my top spot, Nursing Catto is well made but I only used it like once or twice. Though desu there's some stories out there on AO3 and some other site which can't be topped given that they are tailored for my fetish. Honorable mentions are the Matsuri Baby carrots, both original and AA made.
> author
I don't concern myself with authors honestly but I'd like to suck the dick of whoever made Polishing Shion's spear to heal his trauma over that fic

>> No.20086252

>Favorite story featuring your oshi
Ice cream and parched at night because I have a massive soft spot parent fics. Also delinquent duo because it hits all the right spots. We really more Suisei fluff.
>Smut you've got off the most to or just like a lot
High-density Comet is a materpiece that I've gotten off to countless times Still can't believe the writeanon for that think it's their worst work.
>>Author you'd like to get your hands on (left vague intentionally doesn't have to be weird)
Holocalypse anon because I crave more.

>> No.20086401

I don't know - like i said it will always happen when i remember my dreams, but they might not happen as i thought they would.
For example i once dreamed about playing a mobile game on pc.
Not on an emulator, but in my browser. As you know now.gg is a thing now. So the mobile game never came out for the browser but instead is just a video that is played via browser. It's not the same thing but it happened. Keep in mind i dreamed this before things like this were a thing.

Might be a parody, might be porn or might be the biggest yab yet - who knows.

>> No.20086953
Quoted by: >>20087916

When did the amnesia Flare's newest chapter dropped and when is the next one?
It was very sweet and cute, albeit somehow... rushed? It was leading to the romance, but to go from the first kiss to acting like newlyweds in less than a day is fast. I don't know shit about relationships. I also don't know whether it's a deliberate move or not. It's subjective, really.

>> No.20087916

I don't think the writer said he when exactly he was releasing chapter 5, and chapter 4 was released January 25th. There was long time between 3 and 4 anyway so I wouldn't worry.

I feel like that probably stems from Anon not having much in the way of romantic relationships in his life and with him being literally the only person in Flare's, so I can understand them laying it on thick once that ball gets rolling.

>> No.20088578
File: 995 KB, 3508x2480, PochiReineMahjongLady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even need to go that far, Pochi has said she doesn't 'get' yuri and doesn't like it.

>> No.20088799
Quoted by: >>20092058

I'm personally interested in the idea of Pochi grooming Reine into a shota-hunting hag like herself.

>> No.20088902

Anon it says right there not to repost. How could you violate the watermark?

>> No.20089190
File: 2.86 MB, 3089x2184, minenow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops. Guess not anymore.

>> No.20089207

I’ll ‘repost’ my genetic payload inside Pochi and her hag daughters.

I know you’re /here/, Reine. Did you know the ID average is a pathetic 11cm? Do you know how many cm 8 inches are, in comparison? Just fucking imagine, Reine. Your woman’s body demands answers from me no matter how much your ‘lesbian’ mind ‘resists’.

>> No.20089459
Quoted by: >>20090183

I'm sorry. I forgot that existed.

>> No.20090183
Quoted by: >>20090214


>> No.20090214

What do you mean?

>> No.20091368

A story about grooming a chuuba. A sort of reverse Saviourfag (come back goddamn it). (You) groom a 2view, possibly a completely disgraced (or forgotten, doesn't have to be a yab) Holo.

>> No.20091721

Grooming homeless menhera Rushia!

>> No.20091950
Quoted by: >>20096189

Is there a better way to post rentry codes? 4chinz won't let me post full links.

>> No.20091992


>> No.20092058
File: 341 KB, 1441x2310, 1647034586640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20092105

Reine unwittingly being turned into a pudgy oba-san to fulfill Pochi's fantasies.

>> No.20092105

>"Look at you, Reine, you're perfectly built for younger brother cock!"
>"I-I don't have a-"

>> No.20092661

Fuck I keep skipping over the thread because I wired my brain to avoid chimkin in the catalogue. Can we have that Okayu thread please

>> No.20092696

Next thread next thread

>> No.20093062
Quoted by: >>20093876

We just had okayu thread.

>> No.20093533
File: 842 KB, 1905x1570, vt- takanashi kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20093675

ever since this incident, i avoid Kiara thumbnails

>> No.20093675

KFPs mustve felt like jews during WW2 during those months

>> No.20093876
File: 519 KB, 3000x4100, 1642583159153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well next time give me a hotter image so I can really appreciate it being Okayu

>> No.20093934
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, 1588010976117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no new installment in the Kiara rapes (you) series

>> No.20093942
Quoted by: >>20095325

whatever the next thread is, could you make it after the thread dies? the earlyfag hasn't tried to make a thread for a while.

>> No.20095243
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, Mori thinking of Bae's Special Bento Box [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu3s6ch.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20095301

Mori being a voyeur and watching Bae have sex

>> No.20095301
Quoted by: >>20095437

Yeah, with (You).//spoiler]

>> No.20095325
Quoted by: >>20095727


>> No.20095437
File: 1.03 MB, 827x1169, Seductive Mori [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fo0vnen.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20095624

More Ero Reaper for me

>> No.20095482

>Favorite story featuring your oshi
None. Maybe Holofantasy if you count that but there's a lot of chuubas in that.
>Smut you've got off the most to or just like a lot
Lazing Catto. Didn't jerk off to it but the smut is pretty well written.
>Author you'd like to get your hands on (left vague intentionally doesn't have to be weird)
Probably the Kintsugi author, his fic is what led me here and got me back into writing. I'd buy him a beer.

>> No.20095624
File: 101 KB, 720x540, Deadbeat_going_to_war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if I have anything to say about it !

But more seriously, it always fills me with pride to see someone else use my soundpost.

>> No.20095727

why not?

>> No.20096056
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x675, rus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20105824

It would be the ultimate saviour story but I'm not sure how to write Rushia as a sympathetic character without it coming off as trolling. Particularly with her roommate being a 3D streamer now which sort of muddles the waters a bit for a post-Holo story.

>> No.20096189

Use .org instead of .Co

>> No.20096473

Hey anons! I'm the same anon that wrote Summertime (hag)love
I felt like writing again and one anon posted this in /hag/ >>20023604

I felt the urge to write this oneshot, I'm open to any criticisms.

rentrydotcom slash sirr2n

tags: Takane Lui, office lady, haglove virgin male, defloration

>> No.20096592
Quoted by: >>20096612

In the future if you want to post a Rentry link just use change the domain to .org and it'll work just fine, no need to bust it up


>> No.20096612

Got it.

>> No.20097081
Quoted by: >>20097741

After AA brought it up after saying someone tried to groom him I'm curious as to if anyone would actually try to tip an author if they liked their story enough instead of commissioning

>> No.20097342

I came on Kiara's shorts

>> No.20097741
Quoted by: >>20097869

I'm doubtful, which is part of the reason why I've never considered doing it. It's pretty much the only way I'd be okay getting paid for my work, but I figure people probably respect their own dollar too much.

>> No.20097869
Quoted by: >>20098086

It feels a bit dirty to bring money into a hobby that openly. Private commissions are one thing since another anon has to actively seek you out, but open donation boxes is a bit much I think.

I feel like there has to be a degree of separation. Maybe a link to your ao3 or royal road that then happens to have a donation link. Maybe I'm overthinking it but I feel like being any more open than that would just attract infighting and schizos.

>> No.20098086
Quoted by: >>20098488

Well, that too. I won't accept commissions because I respect people's time and money too much to do that with my glacial writing, but definitely moreso because nothing kills a hobby faster than making it a job.

>> No.20098202

How about paying you guys to read my fics, could I do that?

>> No.20098253

Yeah sure anon, but I don't take money.

>> No.20098488
File: 27 KB, 619x652, 1645710103635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if I'm being honest, which I am, because that's what I'm about, the main thing I noticed after I started taking commissions was that I had no energy or ideas to work on other fics at the same time as I was pumping my 1K words per day. As soon as I took a break, both of those came back like 1 or 2 days after. Not in an increased rate, just the same as usual. So, in my opinion, so long as you're enjoying writing what you were commissioned, nothing would really change. I'm still being creatively challenged, I'm still making people horny, and I'm getting paid for that. Now, if you were commissioned something you dislike writing, then I can see why it'd be bad. But it's not all that bad. That being said, I shouldn't tell you to take commissions because then that'd be more competition...

My rates aren't cheap. 1 dollar for every 100 words you wrote, but after 5K words, I'll only charge you 1 dollar for every 200! What a deal right? So if your fic is 10K you only pay me 75 dollars! But don't forget my hourly wage which I cover on top of my flat words wage, so that's 22 dollars per hour, I take about an hour to read 1K words so... you do the math.

>> No.20098848
Quoted by: >>20099060

Did you want to give this a name besides Unnamed Lui Oneshot or is that fine?

>> No.20098916

>someone payed that rate for you
Nevermind I guess some people don’t care about their money

>> No.20098948
File: 225 KB, 334x408, 1646754335066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20099166

Are you retarded?

>> No.20099054

Anon...I think they were joking...

>> No.20099060
Quoted by: >>20099259

I couldn't come up with a creative name for it so I left it like that

>> No.20099096
File: 87 KB, 282x316, 6AB59AE7-0F2D-4335-8320-CF4BF1B5BF9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I take about an hour to read 1K words so... you do the math.
>an hour to read a thousand words

>> No.20099166
Quoted by: >>20101670

That hourly wage shit is fake obviously, but if they pay anywhere close to the per 100 words thing then sucks to be them

>> No.20099259
Quoted by: >>20099906

Sure thing, just wanted to make sure. As for the story...dialogue could still use punctuation at the end like commas or periods, and in some situations you forgot to capitalize names (like anon when it should be Anon). The pacing was quick, but I guess for a drunken tryst post despair when you're being preyed on by a hag it makes sense. I'm glad to see you writing more, though.

>> No.20099906

>dialogue could still use punctuation.
>Forgot to capitalize Anon.

Eh, I'll work on it.
They usually just slip my mind, but nothing that can't be worked on.
I also need start treating the anon in my stories as Anon, must be the habit.

>> No.20100097

You getting better with your formatting and while I agree with the other anon that it could be longer the scene you wrote is pretty hot, could use more description of the feeling of it. Nice to see you write more.

>> No.20100609
File: 1.05 MB, 1011x1402, 0AC9E9BE-971A-44CE-9E30-4D611BD13FEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/wg/, I need your very best Shion clips, moments, anecdotes and streams. I want to be as authentic as possible.

>> No.20100820
File: 121 KB, 850x1203, ShionSmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20101354

>"Writing a fic of me, and not even doing your own research? Ahhahaha, kimoii~"

>> No.20101279

Towa has had enough of TMT, and she's going to put an end to it by committing an act of incredible, blasphemous evil! She's going to make Kanata Fall.

Things go horribly, horribly right.

>> No.20101304


>> No.20101354

You. Yes, you. Rape correction, immediately.

>> No.20101398

>Favorite story featuring your oshi
Petting Your Fox (both parts)
>Smut you've got off the most to or just like a lot
See above
>Author you'd like to get your hands on
MatthewAnon (author of the aforementioned stories)

>> No.20101659
File: 556 KB, 1925x1080, 1645203211523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20101670
Quoted by: >>20101769

Hello, third worlder.

>> No.20101769
Quoted by: >>20101843

It's an indictment of cost/quality ratio. I know for a fact I make more money than Brazilian schizo

>> No.20101843
Quoted by: >>20101979

I'll bet a frycook at McDonald's makes more money than you here, though.

>> No.20101856
Quoted by: >>20101892

Just ask their split thread. Those generally give decent recommendations for streams to watch of their oshi.

>> No.20101892

They really don't. I've asked Anya thread a couple of times and they all just post the same couple of cartoon versions of Anya sweating nervously in response.

>> No.20101919

Even melfriends know their oshi is shit...

>> No.20101979
File: 16 KB, 460x441, E3P1EoWWEAAJArX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20102098

>American fry cooks make more than 21$/hr
You ain't fooling me mutt

>> No.20102050
Quoted by: >>20102109

that's fucked up but really funny

>> No.20102098

Maybe not, then, but Australian ones ~16 USD/hr minimum wage

>> No.20102109
File: 170 KB, 476x477, 1643070786778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20102190

It's not funny stop laughing

>> No.20102190
File: 168 KB, 850x1029, AnyaShaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20102271

I want your oshi to browbeat me about my performance during sex but still let me cum inside anyway

>> No.20102209

If you understand the language, try just picking a few streams and watching them start to finish. I generally pick about 5,
- a zatsudan
- a solo gaming stream
- a collab with a familiar partner
- a collab with an unfamiliar partner
- a stream to match the story I'm writing

>> No.20102235
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1646883124367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you understand the language

>> No.20102271
Quoted by: >>20102355

i will NEVER understand why anya was given a gift from god in the form of her tits to try and make up for her lack of personality but she actively rebelled against them and crippled herself further. actually fucking retarded

>> No.20102299
File: 552 KB, 794x794, 1646977924275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20102477

Dude... You're telling him to study over 10 hours of stream time for a fic that's probably not going to take more than 3...

>> No.20102355
File: 118 KB, 850x815, AnyaBoobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tits aside I just don't think her new outfit is any better, shame she disagree

>> No.20102431

FUCK my cock just exploded looking at that I want to write a fic about her RIGHT NOW but I can't because I've never watched more than maybe a whole 43 seconds of her streams in total

>> No.20102477

>I want to be as authentic as possible.
If authenticity is what matters, he needs to view the broad range of personality of a character. Seeing how a person reacts to new or familiar people, how they interact with chat, and the sorts of things they do and talk about in games are perfect for encompassing that.
If he was in fact lying about authenticity, then he might as well watch a dozen arbitrary clips and write whatever he wants. It's not as though anyone here will know the difference.

>> No.20102689

I want clothed paizuri with this outfit but I know that if Anya ever saw someone looking at her tits for more than 0.3 seconds she'd vaporize them with her mind.

>> No.20102792
Quoted by: >>20103295

I asked them this week and they recommended the black mesa streams as well as her zatsudans.
I haven't actually gotten around to watching them since that anniversary prompt has taken all my time but still they aren't that big assholes.

>> No.20103108

LUI SEX! Thank you Anon, very nice.

>> No.20103115
Quoted by: >>20103450

Btw whichever Idiot said we had more Anya fics than Azki, they have the same amount.

>> No.20103295
Quoted by: >>20103460

>anniversary prompt
What was this again?

>> No.20103450

>wrong use of capitalization
>calling another person an idiot

>> No.20103460

This one >>19907800
>Anniversary story of Fubuki visiting (You) in the rapedungeon with a cupcake lit by a single candle, saying something about how it's been a year together and she looks forward to spending another one with you before she begins to undo your pants.

>> No.20103650
File: 595 KB, 1200x700, 1445210346583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rape dungeon
Amazing what those three words can do to my dick

>> No.20103800

I'm doing a consensual sex dungeon with Pekora so I guess you'll be my rival in opposite similarities

>> No.20103971
File: 319 KB, 2779x1681, 1641606370550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20104085


>> No.20104085


>> No.20104148
Quoted by: >>20104196

I think they're asking which one is locked up in the sex dungeon and which one is on top?

>> No.20104150
Quoted by: >>20104196

Who's in chains?? Is it you or Pekora??

>> No.20104196
Quoted by: >>20104399

Whoops... I may have just read rape dungeon and blocked out all the rest when typing... Well... about that...

>> No.20104389

I don't think they're quite thinking anything similar to what you're thinking of.

>> No.20104399
File: 38 KB, 297x545, 1646632464690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on...

>> No.20104470
Quoted by: >>20104561

Well, how do you feel about impregnation, and pregnant bellies?

>> No.20104534
Quoted by: >>20104561

How do you feel about interspecies relationships?

>> No.20104561
File: 14 KB, 437x431, 1642829554845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say no more. Looking forward to it. Unless this is some bizarre guro abortion fic. It's not, right? Bro?
I mean, I like monster girls, does that count

>> No.20104617

A-anon... Yeah you got it. It's all fun and happy, Pekora counts as a monster girl right? I'll hit you up when part 2 comes out

>> No.20104625

Perfect. You'll love it!

>> No.20104682
Quoted by: >>20104875

what's part 1?

>> No.20104735

Oh. Ohhhhhhh, no, wait a fucking second, I get it now, I know what this is. Shit.

>> No.20104737

>Part 2
Oh, dungeon as in RPG Dungeon. As in Pekora getting raped by RPG monsters but she likes it


>> No.20104875

I think that might be Pekofag's Pekora tentacle rape fic.

>> No.20104905

Hey it's not rape if she's cumming her brains out, right?

>> No.20104951
File: 8 KB, 191x175, 1623956010563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20105015

Yes. My airheadedness was taken advantage of by miscreants. At least I really liked Part 1.

>> No.20105015
Quoted by: >>20105140

I figured it was AA but... now I'm just worried. You need to check for Alzheimer's after age of 50 my man. You've been forgetting so much stuff

>> No.20105140

In my defense you didn't say anything about it being a sequel! As soon as I saw 'Part 2' everything clicked into place with a sense of blooming horror and embarrassment. I'm still looking forward to that either way, but still, give me a break!

>> No.20105276
File: 121 KB, 723x601, IMG_20220312_221518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... I probably shouldn't tell this to anyone but... how do you feel about giant spiders and man eating pitcher plants?

Also, didn't really take you for one to enjoy such type of content. What about Shrunken Troubles?

>> No.20105342
Quoted by: >>20111522

Ah yes, bestiality and vore.

>> No.20105424
File: 181 KB, 850x1261, AkiShush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making a tentacle rape fic and not using the one chuuba who has confirmed she's into that
Embarrasing really

>> No.20105496

Dear Kiara,

You will never be with Pekora. You have no connection to her, you have no friendship with her, you have nothing in common. You are a homosexual woman twisted by mental illness and failure into a one-sided parasocial relationship.
All the “validation” you get from her is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back Hololive JP and ID mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your Nousagi merchandise behind closed doors.
Calliope Mori is utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of hours of proper socialization have allowed her to sniff out fraudulent relationships with incredible efficiency. Even if you “get in close” with Pekora it will be uncanny and unnatural to Calli. Pekora's sentence structure when speaking to you is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk Pekora home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, toxic mentality.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Nousagi otaku is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a video recording of your in a fake persona fawning over Pekora.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

Regards, Moona.

>> No.20105518

>I'm still looking forward to that either way,
You're a brave one. Or as much as of a degenerate as I am.

>> No.20105537

Insect stuff is really hit or miss for me overall. While the story had all the right parts, funnily enough the part that really got to me in a negative way was the chosen insect. It was a fly or something like that, right? Memory's fuzzy, lot of stories, forgive me, but I remember it was something like that. My normal choices for insect stuff would be like...I dunno, wasps? Something like that, thinking about that old Ragnarok Online flash animation with the thief getting fucked by the ovipositor. The story itself was well written and hit all the beats it should, but that one detail made my stomach churn too much to really enjoy it. I know that must sound really stupid, but little things can have a big impact, I guess.
Spiders are cool but it depends on what type of spider, I guess. Man eating pitcher plants not so much, not into that kinda stuff.

>> No.20105578

Does anyone know how Koyori is like? I wanna fit her as an important character into my story but I've never really watched her before. I guess I could sub her for another holo but Koyori just fits the role too damn well

>> No.20105633

She's surprisingly a hag.

>> No.20105654
File: 80 KB, 500x585, KoyoriThroat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genki motormouth hag who wants a futa cock and to trap her viewers in her lab

>> No.20105820
File: 218 KB, 519x292, 1644541390326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun thing, I first pitched spiders, but then since spiders lay broodlings and not maggots that was refused, and then I pitched earwigs, which were refused on the account of not being grotesque enough, so he ended up suggesting a fly. Ended up butchering the maggot birthing anyway so it didn't even matter, but luckily I made it up by really selling how grotesque the fly was.

Type of spider? O-of course I have planned what type of spider it would be... ha.. haha...that would be an oversight of me to not search for a fitting species, I'd never do that! ...btw what types of spiders do you like? Totally unrelated. Also the man eating part is heavily exaggerated. She's gonna be half swallowed, tentacled, then spat out full of spores. I'm sure that should be enjoyable for most.

>> No.20105824

Serious answer.
Try and detach the character as much as possible from her roommate and maybe lean into the mentally ill angle a bit while showing her 'good side' occasionally. Basically show that she's worth saving but has current flaws in need of fixing.

>> No.20105892

Wait... are you insectanon? I'd always assumed you commissioned the fic.

>> No.20105977

I first pitched spiders. You didn't like the eggs idea.

>> No.20106008
Quoted by: >>20106555

That heavily depends...ambush predators or leaping spiders are an option, but if you want a web, most spiders to my knowledge still weave egg sacks that they carry with them or are hidden on the web, but I'm not an arachnologist. I'd say wolf spiders would be good if you want a fast leaper, those things are fucking huge.
No, I'm not. I've never talked about this stuff before now.

>> No.20106012

Turns out there's more than one of us. How 'bout them apples?

>> No.20106259
Quoted by: >>20106322

Nobody really cares, fake Fubuki fan

>> No.20106272

big maggots are the best, they're plump and wriggly and make good bellies

>> No.20106322

The MEGA's not coming back no matter how much you cry lol

>> No.20106418

worms (not too long) and slugs is okay. Wasp laying eggs in the body is pretty cool, face hugger also a popular choice

>> No.20106442
Quoted by: >>20106535

I don't even know what it was for lmao, I just saw people wondering where it was only for you launch into a screed about how upset you were about being insulted over that drek

>> No.20106480
Quoted by: >>20107152

Y'know I guess that makes sense for insect. Yeah, that's more my shit.

>> No.20106535
Quoted by: >>20106805

>immediately on the defensive
Yeah, I'm sure you didn't. Run along back to that cesspit, now.

>> No.20106555
Quoted by: >>20106616

Oh, to add on to this, if you really wanna be gross, wolf spiders carry live young! You could have a defeated Pekora swarmed with a bunch of babies crawling all over her.

>> No.20106616
Quoted by: >>20106914

Lmfao, keep giving him ideas king, he's having trouble with filler content

>> No.20106625
File: 20 KB, 480x360, images (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20106686

Forced oviposition is hot. I knew I was messed up as soon as I got hard when I saw this scene in RE2 where it was supposed to be super gross.

>> No.20106661
File: 189 KB, 924x1322, goaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die joking of course i dont kinkshame

>> No.20106686
Quoted by: >>20106754

That IS fucking hot. Have you played Parasite in City?

>> No.20106754

Nah, it's very hard for me to get my hands on those obscure games because they are usually seeded very slowly. I gave up on NSO because it would take 10 hours to download it for example. It seems to be good but if it has excessive gore I might be off put by it.

>> No.20106805
Quoted by: >>20106939

I'm sorry you're so thin-skinned bugchama, but I fail to see how that's me being defensive when you're the one trying to make it about the MEGA

>> No.20106847

You're looking in the wrong spots, torrent sites are the pits. Be back home soon and sort out a link

>> No.20106914
Quoted by: >>20107790

That's all I got. I'm not super into insect stuff, it's very specific things that lubricate the gears in my head to think something is sexy beyond the usual. I'm definitely not an expert on what makes this shit hot, nor the underlying psychology one can expect to experience from a person getting raped to orgasm by something with eight legs. I'm sure you'll think of something.

>> No.20106939
Quoted by: >>20107171

If you're not one of those whingepots, then you're the shitposter who posted it there in the first place; either way you're nobody and not worth my time

>> No.20107152
Quoted by: >>20107216

>Wasp laying eggs in the body is pretty cool, face hugger also a popular choice
Well, Alien was inspired by spider wasps.

>> No.20107171
Quoted by: >>20107402

Just an /fbk/ tourist but a /wg/ regular actually, finding it funny you're still so mad

>> No.20107216

The reason I didn't pitch wasps is because they are even more brutal than spiders. Pretty much all of them really. You don't want to see what one would do to Pekora's poor little body.

>> No.20107402

You have a vast overestimation of what I think of you

Having it stab her through the stomach and inject eggs into her sounds kind of hot, doesn't it?

>> No.20107446
Quoted by: >>20107781

Pekora being assaulted by a cockroach!

>> No.20107466
File: 10 KB, 228x250, 1451038640786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having it stab her through the stomach and inject eggs into her sounds kind of hot, doesn't it?

>> No.20107493

I'll be coming back next thread, this discussion is genuinely foul

>> No.20107781
Quoted by: >>20107844

I'm pretty sure a wasp would go for whatever point of least resistance it comes across. So if it pokes around her stomach and finds her belly button, it would press its sharp and pointy member against it until her stomach caved in. It would lay its eggs between her intestines and leave her there to die from internal bleeding. The brood would then hatch and eat her from the inside. Assuming she does live through the initial poking around, Pekora would have an incredibly miserable and painful demise, given that the paralysis from wasp stinging lasts for many days, long enough for the brood to hatch and you still being completely immobile. In a way, that's very hot, Pekora being completely paralyzed as the hatchlings make their way inside her, but I don't think I have a knack for gore, since it's not even my fetish.

Only if its an orgy. She is dragged to a hole by her hair and then several cockroaches hump every part of her body, completely messing her up in every meaning of the word.

>> No.20107790
Quoted by: >>20107931

That's cool. There's plenty of stuff to write about; Pekofag doubts his own ability to write them, though.

>> No.20107844
File: 22 KB, 240x424, 1642625613560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20107931
Quoted by: >>20108076

He shouldn't sell himself short. If you have ideas, then pitch them; it's your money and you know what you want to see more than anyone else. Could also just pitch them some doujins or something you enjoy as ideas, if communicating it effectively is difficult. I hope it turns out well.

>> No.20107935

IIRC there's no gore whatsoever, and I'm pretty sure it was partially inspired by the RE series

>> No.20108052

I don't disagree. Parasitic wasps are seriously crazy. What was Fauna on?

>> No.20108076
Quoted by: >>20108220

Yeah, I totally agree. With that being said, I really don't want to ask writers to write stuff they aren't particularly comfortable with doing, which happens to be why it's not just 100% anal scenes

Pitching doujins is a fantastic idea though, will absolutely do that in the future

>> No.20108118

Does anyone ever actually check the prompt archive?

>> No.20108220
Quoted by: >>20108374

>I really don't want to ask writers to write stuff they aren't particularly comfortable with doing
I mean, they can refuse.

>> No.20108235

It gets used. Some authors have said they've poached ideas from it. If it actually gets written or not is entirely random.

>> No.20108272

I know Wolfish Winds was lifted directly from the prompt archive

>> No.20108374

There's a little bit more to it than that. You're not wrong, but also not right; asking for stuff which either teeters close to the edge of what they find uncomfortable, or perhaps have difficulty in writing, burns them out a lot quicker

>> No.20108548

Yeah. I've been on the receiving end of being pushed to do stuff I don't really like much and that's part of the sandpaper sundial analogy. I'm glad you're mindful of such things as a commissioner. Most aren't.

>> No.20108729
Quoted by: >>20108859

Unfortunately, it comes from experience. Much better to find something we have common ground in and work from there.
If Pekofag hadn't once upon a time mentioned enjoying bugrape, I wouldn't have asked him

>> No.20108859
Quoted by: >>20109074

Yes, that's a nice way to put. I said "I enjoyed bugrape", rather than me berating a writer and saying I could do better and probably would...

>> No.20109074

Why are you bringing that up now? It was a courtesy I never mentioned it before.

>> No.20109173
Quoted by: >>20109300

Oh, sorry, missed that you already knew they disliked it. That's a different story, of course.

>> No.20109300
Quoted by: >>20109425

I don't remember him asking me for anything that I consider too weird other than his alternative to the egg laying process which was probably the only thing I denied him. I did say I couldn't pull off the slime section properly and mentioned multiple times that I wasn't doing a good job with the birthing, but that was my own inability to write it, not me being off put by the request.

>> No.20109425

>his alternative to the egg laying process
Say it. 1 peko 1 jar.

>> No.20109544
Quoted by: >>20109773

>1 peko 1 jar.
what the fuck

>> No.20109773

So, pekofag's not confident in his ability to write birthing, and personally I'm more of a fan of things going in and staying in.
So one of the alternatives I suggested to explain away the fact that she's not carrying a death sentence around in her intestines was to just say that the eggs were crushed in her butt as they were laid, and that the creature on top of her was too stupid to notice.
Would be a simple one or two line addition and maintain...whatever notion of plausibility this scenario still has.

>> No.20109946
File: 155 KB, 434x398, 1630525889294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAMN that rabbit got a tight ass

>> No.20109955
Quoted by: >>20110075

oh i see, she just tenses her sphincter and the eggs are busted
why the 1 man 1 jar reference? that made it sound way fucking nastier

>> No.20109990
Quoted by: >>20110406

Less cursed than >>20109425 made it sound.

>> No.20110075

Because the guy in 1 man 1 jar was unaware his butt would be that strong and crushed the jar by accident.

I mean, it made sense in my head... and made me laugh, too, because I'm childish

>> No.20110406
Quoted by: >>20110467

He put a lot of emphasis on describing the fact that she was crushing and turning the eggs inside her into infertile mush purely due to her tight colon, so I figured it must've been a fetish of his for how many times he brought it up as an alternative, and thus I shot it down.

>> No.20110467
Quoted by: >>20110533

Nope. Not a fetish. That sounds kinda gross to me.

>> No.20110533

>is paying for a story about pekora getting impregnated by insects
>"That sounds kinda gross to me"
I'll never understand how your brain works.

>> No.20110584

Neither will I, to be perfectly honest. "In mysterious ways," is the best explanation I can give.

>> No.20110604
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The MEGA's not coming back no matter how much you cry lol

>> No.20110624
Quoted by: >>20110757

NTA but It's not that complicated. Think of the difference between wanting a footjob and wanting to lick some sweaty toes, for example.

>> No.20110757

The latter sounds disgusting and the former nonspecific enough not to conjure up any imagery?

>> No.20111176
File: 16 KB, 245x255, 923465F7-014C-4A57-AD78-7260FF0D7854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20118380

>54 IPs
>9pm CST
Victory. Like a flask of the richest wine.

>> No.20111522
Quoted by: >>20114274

No vore in this, by the way. The man-eating part is just for show. She will not be eaten.

>> No.20112156

I hate this insect shit man, fuck these faggots

>> No.20112422

You might actually get Pekofag horny again if you say that

>> No.20112518
Quoted by: >>20112646

>Please be civil. If you don't like something, don't read it.

>> No.20112646
Quoted by: >>20112815

Took me a minute, but I see it. Very funny.

It's different when it's in the archive versus posted in the thread.

>> No.20112815
File: 349 KB, 1881x1749, 1643696218183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it.

>> No.20112896

>fuck these faggots

>> No.20113271

>The Moona Parable

>> No.20113533
Quoted by: >>20114513

He is implying the prospect of being rape corrected may turn you on

>> No.20114274

Welcome to fetishes.

Isn't that still vore, just soft vore?

I'm not a fan either, but I'm not gonna throw stones when I'm into fucked up shit myself.

No, that would be if he said "fuck these maggots."/s

>> No.20114426

>Isn't that still vore, just soft vore?
Don't know, don't care. If you don't call it vore, I might actually be receptive to it! I don't want to see people getting eaten, though.

>> No.20114513

I don't like how you knew it was me. You think I'm dumb?

Also either I still don't get it or that was just really weak.

>> No.20114568

>You think I'm dumb?
In a cute way. or a horny way depending on the occasion but that's neither here nor there

>> No.20114676

>that was just really weak.
This. The humor of the joke was in how dumb, how much of a low-hanging fruit it was.

>> No.20114895
Quoted by: >>20116924

>I'm not gonna throw stones when I'm into fucked up shit myself.
Share with the class

>> No.20114980

I was toying with an idea of (You) finding a homeless/post-yab Rushia trying to actually kill herself by jumping and while you're at first fine with her offing herself thanks to her traitorous actions, you do stop her just as she's about to jump as you can't stomach watching a person die right before you. Afterwards, you house her and struggle through countless arguments as her mental illness aren't something that can be changed overnight. You catch her flirting with other men, threaten to kill you and herself when you do something that seemingly irks her, the usual menhera stuff except turned up to 11 due to her trauma from the yab. You know it's wrong, she knows it's wrong, but breaking old habits was never something easy. You're not sure yourself why you still tolerate her and more often than not you entertain the thought of dumping her back out on the streets. Perhaps it's the fact that deep down you wanted to forgive her, that you wanted her to get better, that after all the shouting matches and fighting, you see in those tear-filled ruby red eyes a girl who was genuinely struggling to get back on her feet, who made a mistake and in an effort to try to fix it, she had unknowingly signed her own death warrant. But could you really fix a woman who was broken from the start? Foolishness.

God I fucking love writing emotional conflict so much. The Rushia yab has planted so many ideas in my head to write a series of her slowly facing and maybe growing out of these issues and (You) eventually becoming the person she cherishes the most.

>> No.20115039

Slugs are very underdiscussed with regards to insect sex. We need slugsex!

>> No.20115130
Quoted by: >>20115698

I'm not opposed to that idea. I will keep it in the noggin. The specifics of this chapter have already been decided, but perhaps it can be used in the future.

>> No.20115151
File: 342 KB, 619x619, 1627349817659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You write a convincing synopsis, even if it hits a little close to home. I'd be very interested to read this if you opt to do it.

>> No.20115197

>even if it hits a little close to home.
That's the best part.

>> No.20115218
Quoted by: >>20117156

Do it Anon, that's an excellent idea and I would love to see the story come to fruition.

>> No.20115552
File: 134 KB, 850x1216, RushiaGrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20117156

Write it

>> No.20115698

Did you know that slugs like to coil around each other during coitus, and that some species of slug will inject their reproductive partner with hormones and fertility enhancers?

>> No.20115892

Is that what the stabbing is

>> No.20115921
File: 191 KB, 1036x654, 1444032146671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I didn't.

>> No.20115961

Love darts, yes.

>> No.20116228
File: 419 KB, 829x711, 1590634370695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20118002

Well...that's, uh...interesting. Kinda hot. I guess slugs are on the list alongside specialized bees/wasps and facehuggers for shit I could find attractive in insect rape. Thanks for the clarification. I can't stop thinking about aphrodisiac shit now. Fuck.

>> No.20116924

Basically, I'm into mind control. Really, just about any variation. Hypnosis, corruption, purification, you name it. Specifically femsub, though.

That would be because they're not insects. They are fascinating though, certainly.

Aren't there species that tear off the males member? Or was that octopi? Mollusk either way.

>> No.20117113

There's WAY too many insects that either explode their version of a phallus inside of a female and die, or just tear it off and use it like that. There's also a species of... slugs I think? That fights with their penises and whoever stabs the other first rips off the phallus and becomes the female.

That doesn't sound right... slugs don't have hands...

>> No.20117156


As much I'd love to, I'm currently busy working on another story which takes priority, as well as being swamped with work. It'll be a fair while until I get to this story, and I don't want to be making any promises I can't keep. It'll be on the backburner for now, but perhaps one day.

>> No.20117386 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 841x630, Pisacasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20117881

wait... oh my god...

>> No.20117881

I really wanted to see it grap a hold of him start injecting. Shame.

>> No.20118002
Quoted by: >>20118827

>I can't stop thinking about aphrodisiac shit now. Fuck.
The thinking man's fetish
Anything just as long as they're no longer in control of their wits? So... aphrodisiac stuff?

>> No.20118380
Quoted by: >>20118760

Old threads had 70 to 80 IPs. Having 50 IP is average.

>> No.20118760

My point is we're healing. We'd collapsed to as low as 17 IPs during primetime USA before earlyschizo died. It's honestly pretty damn crazy how much damage one or two dedicated mental patients can do to a general.

>> No.20118827

>Anything just as long as they're no longer in control of their wits? So... aphrodisiac stuff?
Not really into them as a thing on their own. As part of a broader thing, though, they can be nice.

>> No.20118938
Quoted by: >>20119356

Guaranteed he's gonna start whinging about early threads

>> No.20119010
File: 609 KB, 1920x2700, 1646960288889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, speaking of new threads, we're at about that time. I'm thinking this image for the OP? Nun Marine is fucking hot.

>> No.20119096

>We'd collapsed to as low as 17 IPs during primetime
You never been to other generals?

>> No.20119130

Feels like you're trying to bait the earlyschizo to returning by making it HL only

>> No.20119249

Wait, the unity thing was real and not a fake out?

>> No.20119281
File: 361 KB, 1146x2048, 1629350293984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20119356

No no no WE AGREED ON PURE SEX, enough with the tame images that no one cares about. Get us an eye catcher. Nothing that will get the thread purged per se, but something that at least stands out, like pic related

>> No.20119290

Why don't we just wait awhile this time? See what happens.

>> No.20119303
File: 1009 KB, 1920x2317, 91104755_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20119356 [DELETED] 

Looks like you were right >>20119281

>> No.20119426

>Nuns are fucking hot

>> No.20119448

New thread

>> No.20119495

Damn. Only 7 posts.

>> No.20119502
Quoted by: >>20119625

I wish more unity images existed...

>> No.20119522
Quoted by: >>20119675

Makes you made doesn’t it, earlyfag.

>> No.20119625

I thought the whole unity thing was just a fake out? Were we actually following though with that?

>> No.20119673
Quoted by: >>20119810

Yes? Why would you think it was a fake out? Are you the retard that immediately said "Fuck Nijisanji" and made a shitter thread?

>> No.20119675

You know full well how inflammatory it would have been if I was him. Recalibrate your IFF.

>> No.20119783

What we did last thread was make this one (as schizo prevention), then we kept using this one well into post 400.
That was never my intention. That said I refuse to let him control the threads, least of all by being afraid of what he may or may not do, or by considering what he and the other asylum inmates may want.

>> No.20119810

Why the fuck would you want a 1view on the OP? The was the whole reason why we started making these new threads.

>> No.20119838

It was more a means of denying the earlyschizo ammunition for his 'tribalfag' shitposting, but if anons want to keep going with it then I won't complain.

>> No.20119957

Regardless of what that shithead schizo wanted, I liked it as well. It reminded me of the days when Hololive was better; a lot of the old collabs between companies were absolute gold.

>> No.20120038
Quoted by: >>20120112

I'm fine with it as long as there's a Holo in the OP. There's some nice Sora/Mito/Ai images for the next thread, and before that we had HSKW + Marine/Haato.

>> No.20120075
Quoted by: >>20120151

I genuinely believe that every chuuba regardless of views has a place, yes. Just because we're primarily Holo doesn't mean anything. It's open to everyone. Yes, even you.

>> No.20120112

Matsuri. I am having a stroke.

>> No.20120151
Quoted by: >>20120275

>I genuinely believe that every chuuba regardless of views has a place, yes
Earlyfag, please leave. You’re not wanted here.

>> No.20120275
File: 64 KB, 768x1024, 1474228359666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20120709

>a lot of the old collabs between companies were absolute gold.
>mtasuri will never again collab with chaika

weak bait

>> No.20120671

We were having such a nice time discussing bugs...

>> No.20120709

Things were better, but y'know. World moves on.

>> No.20120845
Quoted by: >>20121807

>implying it's over
I just didn't have anything new to say or add... and I sort of almost fell asleep listening to Fubuki's latest ASMR. Feels like my brain's oozing out of my ears right now.

>> No.20120907
File: 525 KB, 1154x1732, 1609470747445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20121501

Fetish discussion is usually quite civil despite a few detractors screeching in the background. So it goes.

>> No.20121501
Quoted by: >>20121692

Yeah, pretty much. We've always had retards chimping out whenever there's discussion around just about anything that isn't vanilla. Part and parcel of being a public forum.

>> No.20121692

True. It was fun, though - I hope the discussion helped give some ideas for the story. It was kind of a weird subject to broach and push into, but being more open about thing isn't bad, I think.

>> No.20121794

>THis thread is healing
>Last two have been genuinely fucking terrible full of Pekofag winging and bugfucking

If this is healthy I'd rather we be sick again

>> No.20121807
File: 321 KB, 545x451, 1640021015661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20122529

Speaking of, I know we already gave her fly babies but what insect fits Fubuki best for breeding? Actually, what are some insects that you think should fuck which Holos?

Personally I'd go with a parasitic wasp for Ayame, one sting and her whole body goes down stiff, then dragged off to a, cove, eggs injected into her body, hatch, eat her paralyzed still completely conscious body, and fly off to do the same to other naughty chuubas.

I guess this is hard to answer if you don't know your bugs huh?

>> No.20122458
File: 109 KB, 744x389, IMG_20220311_031932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20122573

Not this one then. Hmmm. Ok then. What about Luna rape?

>> No.20122507

You can just hide Pekofag’s faggot posts, though. There was no hiding a schizophrenic taking the thread from 200 to autosage by samefag spamming, every single thread.

>> No.20122529
Quoted by: >>20122877

Wouldn't have a clue, actually. I seem to have earned the moniker insectfag, but insects are like a subgenre of what I'm into, which is plain old oviposition.

I'll give it a stab though and say not an insect at all - a mindflayer which destroys all of her interests and replaces them with the desire to stream.

>> No.20122566

Only one person said it was healing and he was wrong about that.

>> No.20122573

I support all rape that ends in pregnancy. I want chuubas to carry my rape babies.

>> No.20122591
Quoted by: >>20122778

>I support all rape that ends in pregnancy
Oh, you're just going to LOVE the spider sex, then...

>> No.20122778

Unironically, I don’t like bugs or tentacles but they are more bearable when preg is involved, yes.

>> No.20122877

I don't know if you're the insectfag, unless you were the one who asked for that Mio bug thing way back, then I guess so.

A mindflayer that causes them to stream and do lewd things on stream like self doxxing and telling fans to come have a massive orgy with her? Sounds great.

>> No.20123035
File: 45 KB, 1200x1000, 1504481298492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but shit. That sounds kinda hot. I don't really like big gangbang scenarios personally - I'm greedy - but with one of the already lewd holos just breaking all pretenses and spreading her pussy on stream while posting her address is like...jeez.

>> No.20123212

Yup, I requested Dammerung and probably nutted a good twenty times to it over the months.
Well, yeah, it could...do that, yeah.

I really just wanted her to, y'know, actually stream more often.

>> No.20123401
File: 488 KB, 1920x2715, 08182021H - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a Marine prompt.

Or Matsuri; pic related.

>> No.20123478

Definitely a Matsuri prompt

>> No.20123614

I've had dreams in which I wake up in a chuuba's body and then proceed to completely fuck her life up. Go on /vt/ with proof that it is the chuuba, then stream, leak everything, set up a meeting with a couple fans in a hotel, get fucked several times on tape, then when things are about to hit the peak of being bad, swap back. Does it make me a bad to want to see someone's life being completely ruined for the hots? Probably. But hey it's a hypothetical so I guess I don't have to see the brain doctor just yet.

Ah, that's what Dammerung was? I saw that name floating around a couple of times, I'm betting it was you. Yeah I guess she could just uh... stream more too...

>> No.20123685
File: 432 KB, 300x580, 1513952318293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20123885

I had Matsuri in mind when I thought about it, yeah. Despite beating the shit out of her I still think she's one of the sexiest there is. She just fucking oozes eroticism. Design, actions and mannerisms...everything just creates a perfect storm of dick hardening potential.

>> No.20123859
Quoted by: >>20124359

They arrived in a strange world, full of lush green vegetation and shrubbery surrounding the Otherworld Portal Gate. Ancient structures with runes carved across their surfaces, drawn by civilizations long gone, decorated the surroundings.
At this stage of the game, Otherworlds were a hot topic especially among Super Guilds and large adventurer conglomerates backed by large corporations, as they were resource-rich Lands that produced specific commodities that were rare elsewhere.
The newly-arrived adventurer team spotted a party some distance away from the portal, fighting a horde of monsters.

Undead Basilisk (Great Lord)

Level 120

HP: 2,000,000/2,000,000

"Orange, prepare to grab their aggro! Fluffy, use your heals on Mortician once she starts tanking them! Menhera, position your summons to attack them when ready!" A Berserker wielding two clock hand-like greatswords commanded the party, her bountiful bosom moving in uniso as she deflected an incoming projectile from one of the Undead Basilisks.

"How many should I summon? I can only bring out so many with this much MP.." Menhera Necromancer, the Summoner of the party, replied. Her green hair, tied up in two buns, accentuated her petite figure, making up for the flatlands that were covered in butterfly motif beneath her armor cloak.

"We've been at this for two hours, you guys should have gotten down your pre-battle recovery routines by now." Reaping Mortician grunted as she swung her shield to nullify the monsters' attacks, while simultaneously swinging her Eldtrich Scythe and knocking back the Basilisk in front of her.

-79-083 !

"Careful, we don't want another party wipe to happen because someone got too eager like last time..." The Cleric, Fluffy Octopus, chimed in as she cast Life Providence on Reaping Mortician, restoring her HP to full in the blink of an eye.

"Yeah, just remember who forgot to heal who when that happened, Then again, it all went down so fast.." Orange Phoenix retorted.

Grandiose Clock sighed. Her party members had yet to get their rhythm back after the team-wipe a few days ago to that mysterious Boss monster they encountered in the Hell-Mode Regional Dungeon, [Ancient Block City Fortress Ruins].

>> No.20123885

Very hot but dangerous territory. Could lean into cuck shit real quick. Unless the person following her address is you but then you wouldn't be able to focus on Matsuri first which would ruin it. Or I guess you could just have the ending being a bunch of fans arriving at her home and her stream gets banned. Personally I find it boring to just have a fic of her playing with herself on stream because of reasons listed above, but I'm sure it could be very good for those into solo plaplay

>> No.20123973

It's not cuck shit if none of the characters have any emotional attachment to Matsuri and only see her as an onahole

>> No.20124006

You could change the premise so that she ends up going after one of her top fans or just someone who catches her in eye in the midst of her brainfucking who just so happens to be (You).

>> No.20124056
Quoted by: >>20124099


>> No.20124099
Quoted by: >>20124411


>> No.20124289

Do you think Luna would terminate by her choice? Do you think Fubuki would convince her into terminating? Which Holo do you think would sneak behind Fubuki's back and tell Luna she has to keep the baby?

>> No.20124359

I can see the links to which characters you've got in mind... where ya going with this?

>> No.20124411
Quoted by: >>20124536

Think about how many times Lyger's been cucked by this point. Poor bastard can't catch a break here or with Matsuri.

>> No.20124536
Quoted by: >>20124579

I mean, yeah... If I was Matsuri, I'd be giving him some real questionable looks. But then, she's not exactly known for being of sound mental acuity.

>> No.20124579
Quoted by: >>20124697

And that's what makes it hot. That's what makes it hot...menhera leg lock...

>> No.20124697
File: 83 KB, 327x508, IMG_20220313_030115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more of menhera or this type

>> No.20124728
Quoted by: >>20125159

That's terrifying.

>> No.20124785

>A mindflayer that causes them to stream and do lewd things on stream like self doxxing and telling fans to come have a massive orgy with her? Sounds great.

>> No.20124805
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1623719042569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please God. For as much as I love being in control nothing gets me harder (in the context of fiction) than shit like this...though the one time a girl pulled a knife on me it sort of turned me on beneath all the 'stomach turning to icewater' stuff

>> No.20125101
Quoted by: >>20125341

Worst I've had was a girl hold me by the nuts as she went through my contacts on WhatsApp, asking me about every girl she found.

>> No.20125159

In real life with a girl you aren't committed too? Sure. In my idealized world where I was planning to have children with Festival until we were both physically incapable of making more? It's fucking hot.

>> No.20125163
File: 87 KB, 511x606, 1480019725570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20125341

>though the one time a girl pulled a knife on me it sort of turned me on beneath all the 'stomach turning to icewater' stuff
What the fuck?

>> No.20125238

Last thread it was mentioned that PF and AA's been getting sexually charged emails(and PF got a dickpic/wank vid) and thankfully mine is still free of such content.

>> No.20125317

Speaking as someone that had a pregnancy scare back in high school, my stomach immediately turned seeing that image.
Like, even if you're actually into the girl, you'd better hope you STAY into her from now on or else life's gonna be hell.

I CAN see how it'd be hot, but damn.

>> No.20125316
Quoted by: >>20125382

Dammerung? Why can I not find this fic on the list, and what does it involve?

>> No.20125341
File: 193 KB, 582x582, 1454900178195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nuts. Do uh...you still have 'em?
She wasn't really all there and I was helping her move, asked for something to do some boxcutting with. She sort of forgot about it for awhile until she just silently shuffled off and came back, standing in the doorway with a knife in her hand and staring at me. Cue my heart fucking sinking into my stomach before she just sort of tilted her head and said "You said you needed to cut something, right?"
It was just a misunderstanding but for half a moment it felt like my life was going to end. I laughed it off after before I realized it turned me on a bit. Laid off the yandere shit for awhile afterwards.

>> No.20125346

>PF got a dickpic/wank vid
PF *asked* for that (quite literally). AA is the one who just got straight up molested.

>> No.20125368
Quoted by: >>20125464

I think it's only hot, given a scenario that you WANT to give her babies, if at some point she starts forcing you to nut in her to make sure she gets pregnant, even tying you down as she rides your limp sore cock. Each and every tiny little droplet of watery cum wringed out.

For this kind of fic to work you must not want to give her babies, but I'm sure all the readers will want to so they won't relate.

Yeah I turned him down, the dude had no game whatsoever and went quiet when I asked how big his dick was. Never a good sign.

>> No.20125382
Quoted by: >>20125540

You must have misspelt the name, because I found it straight away.

Insect sex, egg laying, and death.

>> No.20125464
File: 402 KB, 666x666, 1646797636886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20125494

Ha. Dicklets. They never learn.

>> No.20125474

Thankfully yes I can still have kids. Fucking crazy whore though I'll tell you that. Too many stories to count, but I bet it'd make a hell of a menhera fic. Nothing beats reality.

>> No.20125494

So I'm guessing you're still hitting them up then?

>> No.20125540
Quoted by: >>20125675

Thanks for the link!

> Reads tags
Yeah, that’s a hard pass, but you do you.

>> No.20125550 [DELETED] 

He never hit me up. Even if he did it's unlikely I would've gone in.

Could've scored some pics though, lost his chance.

>> No.20125572

You might be confusing me with somebody else. I did a thing with PF (you know, consensually), but never bothered Archive Anon, nor did it ever cross my mind.

>> No.20125605

Luna rape

>> No.20125643

Luna creampie onegai

>> No.20125651
Quoted by: >>20125692

>It was just a misunderstanding
Anon we're talking about fics where SHE'S the menhera, not YOU

>> No.20125675

Suit yourself. I loved it!

>> No.20125689

Luna being forced to choose between rape baby and abortion

>> No.20125692


>> No.20125779

Long ass page 11,enough time to pump and dump Luna with my premature ejaculation!

>> No.20125811


>> No.20125832

Luna having sex with a cockroach.

>> No.20125896


>> No.20125901

luna having sex with YOU

>> No.20125942

what the actual fuck is this thread's end

>> No.20125952

405 posts and Luna doesn't get raped

>> No.20125954


>> No.20125987


>> No.20126002

love you guys

>> No.20126076

Oh there goes another load up her tiny pea sized womb

>> No.20126100


>> No.20126124

yeah, mine
