Youtube: VODs: TBASongs: thread: >>19874318
>>OP>sponsored /ggg/ OP
Gura is my wife
it's gouda btw
>>19896771Speaking of, did you hear Nacho Fries are coming back again? Kind of doubt it happened with Fes around the corner, but would be interesting if Taco Bell sponsored Gura for them again.
Are you making Gura proud today?
>>19896900no :(
>>19896900i just want the construction noise to stop
>>19896900Of course!I'm going to have sex with Gura today.
>>19896900I'm about to jerk off during my lunch break at work, would Gura be proud of me?
Does anyone know this child's name?
>>19896900Gura has extremely low standards so probably.
>>19896974No, do it on company time like she does
>>19896900No, I'm a massive fuck up.I might be able to change my life massively if I suffer for a few more months, but god please Gura give me strength.
>>19897047shit, that's a good idea. Thanks, I'll hold off for another 30 minutes
she poop shell
>>19897092Wow, I'm impressed that passed. Shark girl anatomy sure is something.
>>19896985She goes by many names.
gomp gloppa
>>19896900Did my reps so yeah.
>>19896900reps in body and mind, done
I still can't believe she did this.. I've been having trouble sleeping, I just can't stop thinking about it. I thought she was a good person
>>OPScarlett Nexus released 2 translated videos of Gura playing their game. Same with Mori. Comments are turned off1st video video
>>19897466thank you
>>19897371I fucking love chocolate pudding
>>19897466Kek, wish i could see the dislike ratio.
>>19897371I still find it immensely funny that she drew a dick and then panic hit her as the replay started.
>>19897524zero dislike on both video
>>19897524They cut those terrible streams down to 13 minutes and translated it to boot. You should be disliking the original streams, not these videos that are better than them in every way.
I'm in love with Gura!
>>19897695The second half of the Scarlet Nexus stream was a lot better and she had more fun with it. She didn't take well to the male character's ability set.
Is Gura the egg?
>>19898318No, I'm the egg for disliking kiara.
>>19898318Ame acts so familiar with it, I'm so sure it's Gura so much that if it's not I stop watching hololive forever
>>19898318Yeah, i can tell by the way she moves
>>19898440See ya
>>19898318why are you watching that annoying whore?
>>19898318Wait 20 minutes for it to get motion sick or not and we'll have the answer.
Reminder that every decision she makes is to minimize time spent having to stream or interact with fans in any way. There will be a single short member’s stream in these next 10 days before holofest and nothing else. She will use the miko stream to justify this in her mind and won’t give any updates other than being “busy”.
>>19898318Probably not, if I had to guess its probably their dance instructor or something.
>>19898318i think it's kanauru. dont see why it would be hidden if it was any holomem.
>>19898581Kiara is fine, she tries
>>19898790they're hyping up a bit too much for it to not be a holomember since they already said they might "hatch" soon
Ame movements are cute, Kiara is bouncy
>>19898685>She will use the miko streamwhat?
>>19898790Gura doesn't have one of these models. But Gura very recently became very interested in learning about idols and idol dancing.
>>19898790you know Kanauru is a male, right?
>>19898685Anon, we know she has a collab on Saturday, at least have up to date info.Also, meds.
>>19898790Anon....Kanauru is watching the stream
>>19899036Kiara already mentioned this in her last zatsu, but Gura and Ina also has those models. Mori's model is already in the process
>>19898950what are you talking about nigga, the only thing on stream is an egg with arms and legs
Chumbuds if this is gura we should be able to tell. Look deeply into its eyes. What do you see?
>>19899036as it happens...
>>19898685>the miko streamliterally what?
>>19899424from that posture, it is 100% Gura
>>19899746The Dino stomping sealed it.
its gura
>>19899746>>19899802take your meds. she is sleeping right now
Didnt gura said she wanted to learn dance lessons with kiara some time ago
Ame is making it so obvious to guess that it is Gura
>>19899897Where've you been? She's been waking up in or around 8am EST for the past week or so.
>>19899960yes, after this collab was already scheduled a few days ago
>>19899960This exactly why half of the green chumbuds are saying egg is gura plus the dino stomping
It could be Ina honestly, they're both really goofy in VR
>>19900066There's 0 chance it's Gura. Quit getting your hopes up.
the only reason im doubting is because this was billed as being a dreamin chuchu ametori event. I'd love for it to be the goober tho. t.teamate
>>19899960it was last member's stream she said that, so chances are it is her
>>19900226I think that's why it's an egg so as not to ruin the theme
>>19900226>be teamate>surround yourself with chumpedo scumabsolute retard
>>19900226oh great point! Gura hates to do that especially if everything is planned out already
>>19900226I stopped going to your general after it became overrun by kfpmates.Get your shit together.
guras boyfriend (me) is over so she cant talk because my farts are too loud, sorry buds
>>19900417I've got bad news for you.
egg banished
>>19900405I like Gura as my oshi, but go into Ame's general and stream sometimes because she is based
>>19900504No shit.
>>19900753holy shit it's her
>could be a theyOMEGAFAGGOT GET THE FUCK OUT>captcha: JAWS2What did Gouruh mean by this?
i speciifcally told chumbuds to not get their hopes up last threadyou WILL get egg on your face when it turns out its not
its Kiara's mom. 100%
>>19900627honestly I'd like ame if she didn't act like a literal screeching retard half the time, making fun of weed smokers is based
Not Gura, she's moving too much, if that's Gura she threw up already
Yeah that's Ina.
>>19901049she said she was going to train her vr time
>>19901049They are taking breaks retard. Just standing around
>zero reaction to owl city lyricsAbsolutely not Gura
>>19900974>making fun of weed smokerswait did she really? Even more fucking based. Weed addicts should be gassed then shot
Gura is asleepGura is not awake
Gawr Egga
...this is going to be Gura and waste our fucking Gura stream today, isn't it?
>>19901644so she so fucking hates to barge into other people's stream that she'll choose to be a mascot instead. BASED!
>>19902131Most likely
>>19902131she wants to dance without ruining collabs, it's okay for me
fucking hatch already you bitch
>>19902131you act like she would stream today if it isn't her. she streamed yesterday remember
>>19899424>The sassy body pose when egg points to the rightThere's no mistake, it's her!
>>19902328you act like Gura only streams ever other day
>>19902520no but shes not had a break day yet
>>19900753This is exactly what i saw in the thumbnail silhouette.
>>19902580she did, but she only had 1 and that's below average for her so yeah
>>19902715when?unless you're counting duolingo or the 1st
There's no way it's Gura. She would be extremely motion sick by now.
>>19896900I'm doing leg day, but no voice acting reps. So maybe
>>19902986yeah my bad. timezones are hard. i thought she had gone skerry>member>PD
Show me your motivation
>>19902827That's if the world is moving a lot around her like Minecraft. She lasted 3 hours in Last Labyrinth. There are certain games she doesn't do well in.
>>19896946Is this "Gura" in the room with you right now?
full story: gura does have a low poly model but it isnt rigged for vrchat or badly rigged, so shes using an egg. either she doesnt want to talk as an egg because she thinks it would be weird for us or because some stupid contract shit. probably just doing it for us though. unless someone else has access to gura's vrchat account theres no way it isnt her.
>>19903241No she locked me out of the room. I hear her breathing and shuffling around and I keep scratching the door but she won't open it.
>>19903453they are hinting at the egg hatching. whats more likely is after gura talked to kiara about a dance collab kiara invited her but she didn't want to impose so is using the egg model for most of the stream
>>19903453Or she just doesn't want to barge into what is an AmeTori stream.
>two hours>no hatchi'm going back to work
>>19903453You don't know Gura's vrchat account.
>>19903463fuck you chubi stop clawing her chair
>>19902827Anon you have no idea how motion sickness works do you?
>>19903590We'll let you know if it did when you come back.
>>19903638no. im not a woman or a faggot
>>19903606You isn't how you address yourself. their usernames arent secret
>>19903606It's her, do your VOD reps.
>>19903638Not really, no. I've been fortunate enough that I never experienced it. I just know that she gets sick whenever she straps the Index to her face.But as >>19903180 said, this is different than Minecraft or Skyrim so I see why she's OK here.
>gremlin>motivated>that scooting on the ground>carmeldansenWho is this E "gg"?
>>19903694I dunno about the latter, could have fooled me.
>>19903737>>19903741It's not her.
>>19902830>Offline>the egg is still dancing
>>19896900I progressed a little further in Final Fantasy Adventure. I named my hero Arko and the girl who accompanies him Tess. She just got kidnapped by one of the baddies lol and after I just got done rescuing her from a vampire and everything. I freaking love this game~
>>19903889You know you can hide your online status, right, chumbud?
>>19903889>>19903848The website is shit.
imagine the smell
>>19903453What? I'm out of the loop but if it's roommate shit I don't wanna know.
>gura inside a big egg with slimy egg yolk all over her smooth naked body
>>19904114Never mind, just saw >>19903534
Egg is my new oshi, sorry Gura.
>>19904230Gura: Don't let the yolk go to waste Stinky..
> be gura, wanting to be respectful of ametori collab> use egg avatar to not disturb collab> still get all the attention> chat literally full of egg love> egg is best dancer> chat full of egg praise, people forgot ame is theregura is always winning, she literally could have been an egg avatar and be as successful as she is now
>>19904230The signs were all there
>>19904451yeah kiara is seething lmao
None believers better apologize.
BTFO doubters!!!
>>19904497ur mom
Egg is still my oshi…
>>19900122Apologize fagg
i guess i get the night off then
great no stream tonight
>>19904726Go back kfp
She really needs a Sukeban
>>19903815It's only really an issue with moving environments. Brain gets tricked into believing you're moving but you're obviously not actually moving.
I gotta rewatch this so I can actually see the dancing. I only actively watched a couple parts
Can we get a onions edit?
I knew it was Gura. Her movements gave her away. Also, "Moist".
Uoh Gura covered in sticky protein…
Discord shark sighting needs to be fired. They're so slow
Well fuck now I need to rewatch from the start and actually pay attention to the egg dancing
>Tail doesn't have physics Not like this bros...
>>19904692I kneel
>>19904835ur mom lol
>>19899746Astute chumbie
Collab Gura because of the retard shark inserting herself
Ame and Gura flipping each other off. Very idol like.
Gura moist! Gura moist! Gura moist! Gura moist! Gura moist! Gura moist!
based gura and ame btfoing kiara lolget fucked annoying whore
>>19904853i loled so hard when i got the discord ping lmao
/eggg/ your oshi is cute in this outfit
>>19905147>>19905157This is gold.
>Oh dry, that sounds coolGURA MY FUCKING DICK
I kneel
>>19904990they miss a ton of shit and are basically uselessthis thread does a much better job especially when she pops up in other girls' chat
Gura must have been practicing in the mirror she’s so good
>>19905109I hate that screeching retard so much bros
>>19904373Good news
waking up at 3AM was worth it
>Gura is better than the idol rejectLMAO
WOW. Gura movements totally fits this avatar, Cute! Can't wait for holofes now
wow… her voice.
I love her so damn much. She's too powerful
>>19905393It’s fine. She has a new form now, Gawr Gura (forma del huevos)
>>19905434That's not a particularly high bar desu
Gura cute
She said she was pretty decent at dancing but damn. Cant wait for the Fes now
>>19905278I actually thought it couldn't be her because the egg can dance
>>OPOh Shit! Goomba is a good dancer wtf!?
I can't believe Kiara and Gooba started scissoring on stream
>>19905599rhythm sharkcan't be good at those games if you can't move to a beat
>no tails physicYou disappoint me Seafoamboy
>>19905661dance lessons paying off
>>19905690I mean, she was fisting her in egg mode earlier
All those movements and mannerisms... jesus fucking chris she is the cutest...
JP is going to cream over clips of this.
bros.. she moves like a child....
guras dancing so good if you told me its prerecorded and someone else dancing I'd buy it...
Gura talks with her hands a lot
>>19905661Why is everyone so surprised she can dance?
gura's movement... so cute... hands... gestures
>Ame was the only one who could hear gura for the first hour and a half
Kind of funny at those seething once the egg was revealed to be Gura. You secretly like Gura even without the charms of her model and voice to attract you. Doesn't that mean she has talent to convey her presence with movement alone like Charlie Chaplin? Admit defeat and join the shark side.
Is gura doing this online or did she travel to see ame and Kiara?
>>19905954>Ahhhwoooo my back, me bones are creaking>I think I dislocated my thigh bone>sometimes I randomly collapse >energy drink go brrshe sounds like someone who avoids moving
lmao get fucked kiara
>OH NYOOO... *dances*
Kiara should probably get that checked out. Legs aren't supposed to bend that way.
>>19906110That has nothing to do with being able to dance, only how long you can dance
Selfie time! Gura cute as always.
>>19905992Is there people mad about it?
whats wrong with her chin anyway
are they all in the same place?
if this doesn't sell you on HoloFes I don't thing anything will
fucking hell this is adorable
This is vrchat.
>>19906345yes anon. they're all in your heart
I wasn't ready for these kinds of feelings today...
Kanauru is a gift to Hololive
Ame touched Gura's butt. Amesame lives?
I completely missed all of this up to this moment. How long as this been going on?
>What if I want to be a middle schooler though
I rarely say this but Kiara is pretty cool
>>19906606almost 2 hours now
Gura finally got her sailor fuku
Way too cute
>>19906578Go back,
Gura needs a chin job, those polys doesn't seem quite right.
>>19906662she is fine without the chicken voice. Like her voice is still kinda annoying, but not much worse than Bae's.
>>19906707I can't take it anymore.
gura moves so much shes literally cute with every move she does, wtf how does she do it
idk why it took me til now to realize their holofes performances will be solos
>>19906707My fucking heart man... I can't take it anymore
>>19906772she is LITERALLY a kid..
Why is Gura's tail ERECT
>>19906707If she's hopping like that with the headset on, no wonder she's getting a dent
Gura will be an idol performing where Tokyo Game Show is held. It will be amazing.
>>19906888WE ARE
>stream at prime JST hours yesterday>dancing in VR more almost 2 hoursWhats going on chumbuds??
>>19906707you can tell how tiny she is WOW
>>19905896That's why she's my daughterfu
Gura as the center, as it should be.
why is her tail so stiff
I'm so bummed, the ticket is a lot of money in my country...
Her tail is so... erect...
>>19907140Lazy rigger.
>>19907140This is the power of unlimited Cover budget
>>19907140They probably didn't have enough time to rig it since Gura wanted to dance in short notice.
>>19907140its a low fidelity model that's just there to fill the gap until real 3d
>>19907142>>19907140WE ARE
Anyone getting a ticket, are you going both days or just day one?
>>19907142get a job
Why is Gura so sexy
silly gura as well
>>19907142I'm sure there will be a stream for pirates, just keep open global and /ggg/ during the event.
Ok I'm gonna need the gif of Kiara jacking off her tail, right now
i bought a ticket long before but i will be relying on ghetto streams because that day i got to be doing something that cant possibly watch the website
>>19907238I do, it pays aprox. 700 dollars a month. Maybe I could buy it after all.
>>19907302can i have your ticket?
I missed it, what did gura do?
>>19907140the rigger had hardly any time and was rigging while gura was still the egg
>>19907140I hope she gets some updates, the other models are more dynamic.
Pretty sure I need to call in advance to get a bed at a hospital for the holofes.
>>19907226 WE ARE ON THE CRUISE?
>>19907367can you even pass it around?
buds i can’t get over the fact that this is actually her
>>19907394for a literal rush job done while the stream was going on it's pretty great
she's going to be so fucking sweaty after this god I just want to bury my nose in her cheeks and sniff until I hyperventilate
>>19907330Based Third-World Chumbud.
>>19907545imagine the smell
>gura not literally dying what is going on? How is VR not making tomy hart and how is she not completely out of breath?
Gura confirming her status as a zoomie
>>19907625she was lying
watching anime girls floss in real time, what a time to be alive
At least they are not doing the orange justice dance.
>>19907625She went through a training arc or some shit
Gura please dance sexy more god please.
its coming!
Shocked she hasn't gotten motion sick after all of thisI hope she took that weird SC advice and has been doing small doses of VR everyday
>>19907671If Gura wasn't a part of it i'd hate it with fiery passion.
>>19907671It's pure hell
>>19907625I've been giving her regular workouts
Chumbros, rate the Kino
>>19907625VR motion sickness happens when you move the character with a stick but the real you stays in place, this isn't the case here obviously
>>19907625I'm pretty sure she didn't have anything on her face this time. As for stamina, she's simply built different
>the camera auto-focuses on gura constantlyShe just keeps winning.
>>19907836She can't keep getting cuter/10
>>19907836gura cute/10
Gura would fit right in River City Girls with that model.Captcha:SJRRK
>>19907836I would be in love with gura if she was a literal egg/10
>>19907836that was a blast 10/10 i'll be looking for holofes leaks
>>19907757Maybe Gura took some Dramamine?
>>19907625As far as I know it's not as bad if you're just in one place the whole time.
>>19907479>Gura's model is a rushjob>it's the only one whose arms and legs AREN'T breaking constantly whenever she moves around
>>19907953It's a reference to RCG, actually.I believe it's from the Mori collab.
>>19907869I thought Kiara said earlier they were wearing shit on their faces? Also didn't she get out of breath just from doing jumping jacks once? I am shocked she is more in shape than Kiara or Ame
>>19907836I came to an egg because it was so erotic but it turned out it was Gura/10
I'm honestly surprised I haven't jumped off the abandoned building by my workplace
She's literally perfect...
hope you enjoyed the stream cumbuds, you're not going to see gura at all until after holofes, which if you didn't pay up for it - lol, lmao
>>19907625she trained her vr resistance and her back hurting whatever is because shes working or working out too much. just want to remind that this girl gets concerned about sitting 2h at once because she isnt getting enough movement. she is literally pure energy
>>19908071That's the tracking, not the model itself
>>19908130maybe don't go in to work after holofest
that was probably the cutest 3D gura stream to date, 2 hours long with so many good fucking momentsshes so small ToT
I love her so much
>>19907836I'm being eaten alive by my mental illness. I am in too much anguish to have enjoyed the collab
>>19908255Are you going to post this in twitter too, Diego Ramirez?
>>19908071model sync has next to nothing to do with model quality, her trackers are either just better or better set up, idk which one the girls use but gura most likely uses the index since she can move every finger individually
Last minute hand rigging
>>19908324Agreed. How can people say Gura and Ame aren't friends after watching them like this
Did gura Collab through online connection or through travel?
>>19907625Usually what makes people sick in vr is the world zooming around you while you stay still because it creates a missmatch between what you are seeing and what your inner ear feels. So when you are sitting or standing in one spot its not nearly as bad.As for the endurance Gura has always been pretty fit even if she mentioned she is not as in shape as when she did that one ringfit stream a bit of dancing shouldn't leaver her gasping for air or anything.
>>19908255yup, she never passes up a good excuse not to take a long ass break
>>19908437>you can copy paste the rigging and clean it in 30 minutes
>>19908489what surprised me wasn't how fit gura was, it was how unfit kiara was lol
>>19908362sounds like me two years agodidn't expect things to get better but here I am
>>19908400it's going to be cancelledscreenshot this
Have none of you ever heard of motion sickness medication? She probably took some Dramamine or something.
Gura is so small, i’m so proud of her
>>19908362Watching the collab healed my mental illness. I will have unspeakable power for the next 3.5 days
>>19908586That ball reminds me of those xray scenes in h-doujin where girls are getting impregnated.
bros, we literally just watched an exact representation of her tiny body doing cute idol dances in her apartment with no pants on
>>19908362Sucks to be you, this was incredibly cute and fun
>>19908489I don't understand how people haven't realized she's been doing endurance training for the past few weeks with how she's been sounding on stream and literally waking up from naps right before starting
>>19908556Gura, She is built like an ox
Laplus Duolingo is cancelled just like Gura
>>19908362I feel you bud. hang in there (but not literally)
>>19908598>gura gets high on DPH which also helps with motion sicknessNo wonder the nightmares.
I knew she would be cute but that exceeded all expectations, Jesus
no schedule this week chumbies
I'm not going to survive holofes...
>>19908715Yeah man, I actually cried
>>19908672Yeah she’s clearly been hyped for holofes, it’s not a leap to assume she’s been training by herself
>>19908598old dramamine makes me sleepy and new dramamine gives me anaphylactic shock. i'm grateful that i simply don't get VR motion sickness.
>>19908489didn't 10 jumping jacks wind her before?>>19908672>training>napexercising makes me more awake and weight lifting give me a boner
>>19908781I teared up a bit myself
I'm so proud of Gura (my wife)
you might think kiara is annoying, and you're entitled to think whatever you want about her. but she ALWAYS seems to try to include gura in anything that she'd be interested in. remember that.
>>19908598schizo time
>>19908942nah, she is using Gura to push her numbers
>>19908942Kiara can be a bit grating, but I don't think anything she says or does is in malice and believe she has a good heart. I enjoy all of Gura's friends.
>>19908942I'm subscribing to Kiara
>>19908942>believing in shitpostsLeave
>>19908942She's a little intense and her esl comes off as rude sometimes but she means well and is all about the group. I like the chicken.
>>19908942she is still garbage. go back KFP
>>19909060This, though it's fun to poke kfpkeks.
>>19908942You have a thread of your own KFPfag, go post there
>>19908942Nothing wrong with the chicken. She's also someone that can sperg out about idol stuff with Gura.
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>19909146It's always fun to tease for sure. Gura likes it too so it's ok!
>>19908902>didn't 10 jumping jacks wear her downI think that was after an hour of max dif ringfit stream while singing aikotoba III so it her being worn down at that point is pretty excusable
>>19908942Agree. Gura is my oshi and it makes me happy how kind Kiara is to her.
Imagine Gura right now, super sweaty after dancing for 2 hours with all her VR equipment on her.Imagine the moist and the smell...
>>19908942She can get annoying from time to time but it's pretty obvious to see that she's a good person and a huge supporter of our oshi
>>19909266Oh my....I need to smell her SO BADLY
>>19908942She’s cute and I don’t find her ESL annoying. I like how she’s taken Gura under her wing when it comes to idol culture
>>19908942I'm not a fan but if she makes Gura happy she can stay.
>missed most of the stream yesterday>missed the stream today because work and I didn't realized they were having a dancing Guest>Have to miss the stream tomorrow if she does one because another thing I can't get out ofI went from missing one stream in the past year to this, it hurts...
Where are the webms?
Just got home from work.What did I miss in the last 6-7 hours?
>>19908598no you idiots, the reason she's not getting sick now is the same reason she could play last labyrinth for 3 hours
>>19909577Gura dancing on Kiara's channel.
Why is there always one dude in these threads claiming Gura will cancel every stream and shit?been chumbud since debut but only really lurk global and started visiting here recently for the past month
>>19909621Resident schizo, we have a handful of them. At this point i believe this wouldn't be /ggg/ without them.
I hope we get aikakoba III some day.
>>19909614I guess I'll go watch it, then.
>>19909621anti/seafag grasping at straws. don't bite the bait.
>>19909700Watch it all, it's worth it. Pay attention to the egg.
>>19909621Nothing to be surprised about there's always one dude. No general is complete without the one dude
>>19908942Fuck off KFP. Just kidding it was great, love you and you oshi.
>>19909813Gura is in a good mood!
They were literally rigging Gura during the stream, that’s pretty crazy. I’m glad we got to see her hatch and be extra cute in the end
Whoa, rare solo tweet.She's so excited to debut on stage... Cute!!
>>19909194nah, I was thinking of jump king
>>19908942There is literally nothing wrong with Kiara, other than the chicken voice, which she didn't do today
There's never been a reason to doubt gura. She's just a bit autistic at times and has terrible luck.
She is so happy buds I love her so much...
Why is there always more fighting in generals than in global? You'd think global would cause more fights
Update on doubters who said it wasn’t Gura ?
>>19909996They come into the splits to start shit.
>>19909596her horniness for a loli is giving her retard strength to endure?
>>19909813"Rest of EN" will soon include males.
>>19909948today i learned that “practising” is actually correct according to the dictionary
>>19910017Not yet.
>>19910023>“practising” is actually correct according to the dictionaryOnly if you're Br*tish
>>19909813i love her so much
>>19909996Splits have more newfags and dramafags
>>19910017Gura is talking about now though, why do you have males on your mind all the time?
>>19910007Looking like deadbeats at the moment
>>19910017Thanks for your input cuckposter.
>>19909826That cat gazing upon that which must not be seen, fucking lucky bastard
imagine this but with their actual models bros
Gura is not an idol. She will collab with males on the same day they debut.
Chumbuds, was gura online when she Collabed with ame?
>>19910055homosexuals generally think of cock constantly. Sad!
>>19909813Sounds like they won't be together for HoloFes. Did any of Myth talk about how they will be participating? Kiara just said that she won't stream next week, so I assumed she was travelling.
>>19910007I showed them the ropes
>>19910017gay ass nigga
>>19910017Since you're so obsessed with men just go watch holostars faggot. Roberu is pretty hot
>>19910091oh i didn't even notice gura do that with her hands
>>19910140Hell, I'd let Roberu fuck my butthole.
>>19910171Same man
>>19910091Kiara collabed with males IRL. They whooped her ass, too
>>19910007Here>>19898718>>19898790>>19899897>>19900122>>19900882>>19900883>>19901049>>19901098>>19901414>>19901462>>19902131 dishonerable mention for being a faggot>>19902827>>19903871>>19903889These guys don't know Gura.
I know I need meds but I am so happy that it was Gura.I love when she is part of important EN collab and she has fun
welp there's gonna be schizos in here for a bit, cya. gura is amazing
>>19910140>you will never get mouth fucked by roberu while getting double buttfucked by Gura's twin futa cockswhy live
>>19910242Oh I’m laughing
why are they in this thread?? the stream was on kiaras channel for christ's sake
>>19910242based grudgeposter
I wish I was home to make some webms, there's so much cute to isolate.
>>19910279RENT-FUCKING-FREElet them cope
It's so funny seeing these fucking losers go full schizo after every single kino stream
>>19910017i will assassinate them for you all, remember my sacrifice when they catch me.
>>19910253With VRChat and some hacked sex toys surely this is possible
>>19910279/ggg/ is known as schizo central in global, so they usually come here if they get bullied out of there.
Is gura going to sleep with Kiara off Collab?
>>19910461May the Gods watch over your battles.
>>19910569Gura would sleep with all of the girls, especially after they get sweaty and stinky
I have not been getting twitter notifications anymore. Gura cute misspelling practicing as pratising like my manga scanlations.
>>19910613So gura is with Kiara and ame right now?
>>19910461Provide me with materials and information and i will cross the border to aid you in your hunt.
>>19910140They don't and never will
I hope for the AmeSame offcollab they do this 3d, it's really cute and suits her well.
>>19910502if they're not controlled by the real roberu and gura then it's not the same
>>19910696I hope she only offcollabs with amelia and none of the others
>>19910798but twister
reminder that Gura is in a voice chat with multiple males RIGHT NOW, since they're doing a post-stream hangout and people like seafoam and null were there. Imagine Gura excitedly talking about how much fun she just had in a casual setting, and remember that you will never be important to her while these other dudes are getting closer and closer to herwhen HolostarsEN comes out, it's only gonna get worse. they're gonna be sending your oshi memes at 4am and making her snort laugh while you're sitting here crying because she hasn't streamed in 5 days
Ok Kiara, you were alright today. Keep it up girl
didn't read lol
rough day for the antis huh
>>19910833t. cuckbeat
someone is angry lol
>>19910833why are you a cuck
kek imagine typing a single word of that
>>19910528Well it looks like Gura fixed at least one schizo with her performance today.>>19910712
>>19910891they are already trying something new kek
do you guys ever think back to the panel host, and how well she got along with him? makes me mad because if that was me, I would not have let that opportunity to get her contact info escape
Only an unironic cuck would ne capable of coming up with this shit
>>19910914already multiple things of art of this
>>19910833>the cuck doesn't watch streamsActually hilarious how obvious you make it
dogfuckers lost their mind. EN girls are idols, deal with it
He's probably really fucking mad because he thought Egg-chan was cute and it turned out to be Gura.lmao
>>19910833Its over....
>>19911031>the shitposter is from discordI’m shocked
>>19911031I kneel
>>19910768a man can dream
>>19911031>nullrefrepro tank you!
>not even relevant enough to be included in the offcollab>instead, "special guest" in some sloppy seconds at-home jerry rigged VR shitlmfao at cumbuds thinking their oshi is relevant
They're trying too hard. I've got some errands to run, take it easy buds.
>>19910915>gura so powerful she can unschizo a schizo
>>19911152you know we can just watch the stream right? Literally every single person knows Gura stole the showxd
Gura mindfucked a lot of people. Even the people who hate her seem to want her a piece of her cunny
Anyone got anymore new gifs of Gura?
I love my irrelevant shark wife!
>>19911152You forgot>moggs everyone as a mute egg
Time to jerk off and sleep before work, you chumbuds better buttfuck the cucks and baiters.Hope i have dreams about this kino collab.
Oh nyonyonyo seething, someone can't sleep tonight
>>19911273Sleep well chumbro
>>19911238so irrelevant that she lives rent free in their head lmao. its fucking hilarious to see
irrelevant means sexy right
>>19911031Kiara credited him in the description, I don't know why this is a big deal since he's done other vrchat stuff for Ame.
Just checked here and found out I missed her dancing on stream.Honestly her never telling people about stuff like this really bothers me a lot.I dont know why she never wants to tell her fans shes doing things.
>>19910915She was dancing so well as an egg, people thought it was a dance instructor. At some point you gotta give her props.
>>19911326She wants to filter people like you
>>19911347She wants to filter everyone is the main issue.
>>19911326you know you could at least watch the stream before making yourself look like a retard
>>19911324afaik he works for ame in one of her teams
>>19911326good bait doesn't mean writing more words anon. if anything it makes it obvious
>>19911326>not knowing as soon as a special guest was mentionedYou have no one to blame but yourself
>>19910833do you touch yourself while writing this?
Oh nyo another angle kek
Is gooruh dead?
>>19911372She wants me to be the last chumbud…
Does anybody remember the stream in which Gura showed up shitfaced? It must have been a month or so ago
>>19911420Sadly I have other things to do in life and dont pay attention to Kiara that much. All my free time goes into stalking Gura.
>>19911461Yeah, me.
>>19911417>baitIdk man not being told about streams is a pretty reasonable complaint
>>19911474Not very well apparently
>>19911416That's my point. This isn't anything new so trying to bait using that post is retarded
>>19911474You’re a pretty bad stalker then. I mean she talked about wanting to dance with kiara multiple times and then a special guest was announced for a kiara dancing stream literally days later.
>>19911326if you didn't knew that she was the secret guest then you are not even her fan to begin with
>>19911474>gives up and outs himself
>>19911553>kiarathat isnt Gura anon....
>They know it's bait>Still giving him (You)sChumbies need correction.
>>19911579>he thinks he knows its bait>still replys to it thinking that because he didnt click the button it doesnt countyou pretty fucking retarded arent you?
>>19911579chumbuds never learn theyre dumb and stinky just like my wife
>>19911326She doesn't care about her fans and never has.If you want an indicator of when she'll graduate, check the stock market - no way to tell which assets she has but she'll cash out and graduate as soon as something she holds a decent amount of does at least a 10x.
>>19911326I agree she should tell us more. Same with everyone else, though. For example, Ame should have just told people the off-collab was happening. I honestly don't know if the surprises are worth it. It's still exciting even when it's not a surprise.Also this is a tangent but the fact that she doesn't even want people to know seems humble (at least in my view). People that argue that somehow she is too "high and mighty" or too stuck-up to interact with the other members when, in actuality, she doesn't even feel like she deserves to have what she has. She could milk this shit for so much more. She would probably have 5 Mil subs (or probably even more) by now if she fucking spammed people with those sexually suggestives shorts like those VTubers that often get recommended
I still think Gura hates IRyS even if she was there for her birthday. I bet management forced her.
Gura is so girly brosthe way she was doing those little bouncy skips is so fucking adorable
>>19911648I mean I never said that. I think she cares I just think she should also let people know when things are happening. Not everyone has the time to stay on top of literally everything happening in Hololive.
>>19911558Double spoiler, Gura was also Bubba during Ame's VR studio tour
>>19911648>10Xing something in the stock market.Good, if she isn't playing with penny stocks or stupid r/r options it means she'll be around for 5-10 years while she waits to 10x something.
I want a (You) too chumbies
>>19911660it hurts...why is gura so mean to her...
>>19911665Yeah, she just keeps getting cuter somehow...
>>19911665yeah, i wasn't ready for that. imagine how she'll move with the real thing.
>>19911755Hello chumbie!
>>19911648>Gura invests in IRL stocksThis is a next level rrat, OR you think her GTA stock buying is something she'd do in real life
Am I the only one getting turned on by Gura giving the middle finger ?
Don't bother to reply. Those cunts posted the same bait about Gura in Amelia thread and get BTFO. Now they return here.
>>19911755*pats you*
>>19911756I'm not sure why she hates her so much. Could be jealousy or she could be getting vengeance for Kiara. It's pretty odd.
>>19911804I dont think you know what bait is....
>>19911755here you go pal.>>19911734why are you even reading the schizos who has no images of gura's post? you can tell it's him by how much he writes.
>>19911660>>19911756>>19911825you realise you sound like school girls gossiping
I love Gura so much!
>>19911872how new
>>19911872How new?
>>19911665i want them to do something more casual so i can see how she sits and does other regular movements
I love you Gura!
How about some music?
>>19911872>school girlsRAPE CORRECTION NEEDED
I have to say that now I like a bit more Kiara
>>19911840I'm not really replying because of Gura but more because of stocks. It's what 50% income comes from so I get a little miffed when people think 10Xing your portfolio instantly is a regular occurance in the market.
>>19911825>be IRyS>fluent in nihongo>appreciative fanbase from people who didn't get filtered by her model>great singing voice, regularly releasing original songs>be gura>no nihongo ability whatsoever>fanbase full of retards and kids>can't even release the MV for her one songI actually really hate playing this bait angle, IRyStocrats are too nice for me to want to falseflag as them
I’m thinking we’ll get schedule tomorrow, I’m still riding high from Gura’s cuteness
Hey chumfucks, wanna explain this?
>>19912015show tits or gtfo
>>19911967LET ME JOIN YOU
>>19912073Gura... no...
>>19911872>I think Gura hates IRyS
>>19912073chumbuds LOVE to memory hole this one
>>19911660>>19911756>>19911825Man just shut the fuck up.
I love her so fucking much
>>19912139me on the left
>>19912073oh no no no what now chumkeks
>>19912139>>19912172no really how new?
>>19912208still would
>>19911995Floprys singing voice is generic and garbage. Literally dub voicegura singing voice is unique
>>19912208hu ha ha
chumkeks, your oshi...
>>19912208I would push her back into the water but only after some relentless mating presses.
>>19912208I want to fuck this so bad...
>>19911002Artists are so fast. They must have absolutely no life.
>>19912208>When Gura leaves her egg
Cumkeks care to explain???
i realized that Gura's pelvic movements are exaggerated
Oyasame. I'm really glad I got so invested in Gura early on and I love seeing her and her friendships grow.
>>19912275Mumei sounds just like Gura. You can barely tell these bitches apart kek
>>19912288OH NO NO NOShe actually looks like THAT?
>>19912275>>19912377fuck y'all
>>19912363she wants to be sensual for me
>>19911933this. i’m obsessed
Kiara looks like she’s about to hand Gura off to me to be mating pressed
Some cuckbeats schizos are seething and falseflagging in other thread because the egg wasn’t Mori.Funny to see
>>19912377you wish owlcuck. she sounds like a tryhard black bitch
>>19912496these models are some PS1-era shit
>>19912369same, gnight bud
>>19912496Gura seems excited at the prospect
>>19912496Gura's massive manly hands... T u T
>>19912520Me and a lot of other people agree on this though
>>19912515This is why they all need to communicate with their fans more. More communication makes it so people can't fill in the gaps with bullshit. Wouldn't you guys rather have less schizos rather than more?
>>19912586then you are deaf. mumei sounds like a nigger
>>19912586I like Mumei but I dont hear it at all unless they try and sound like eachother.
>>19912275What's up with the Irys hate? I don't get it.
>>19912520They actually do sound similar in voice and the way the talk from time to time. They sound pretty distinct when singing though. I like them both
>>19912695Its a meme. Welcome to /vt/ new friend.
>>19912652Schizos don’t care about that, they will always always find something the bitch about. This thread is already an example
>>19912669>>19912679I think you guys might be the deaf ones then
>>19910833Good thing I'm not like you, cuck
>>19912750>you are deaf because you can hear differences in peoples voices?????????????????????????nigga you retarded.
I don't agree Mumei sounds similar. They use a similar pitch but their intonation and actual shape of their voice isn't very close.I have reference level audio equipment though so i'm probably picking up on things most won't.I like Mumei otherwise, though I don't follow her like Gura.
Mori is a bad influence...
>>19912695Isn't there a saying for that. The streamer reflects the audience
not to interrupt the bickering, but any timestamps you want webm'd?
>>19912813Yeet the bird
>>19912695I'm here for the /vt/riol
>>19911933I'm ready for another 10 second clip of Gura just sitting down like that one Subaru clip lol
>>19912829The one where Gura said she was getting married to me and not (you)
>>19912793Have you ever thought that you might be wrong for once?
>>19912741Yeah, but still. schizos are able to thrive when people don't know what's going on. Whereas, direct communication obviously outs them as being insane and trying to invent narratives.
gura doesn't hate irys, but she should
>>19912886nyo never
>Error: You must wait 1 minute 52 seconds before posting a duplicate image.4chan Pass users have lower cooldowns.just going to link it>>19912760
>>19910986Nothing he said is wrong.
i'm so happy right now
>>19912829I can't... she is so cute...
>>19912829around 2:00:10 when Gura is doing that little hoppy dance. i wanna green screen it
Finally, the last chumbud
Goodnight chumbuds, hopefully more guwa tomorrow. Shark dreams!
>>19912936well let this will be a learning experience for you
>>19912974Nothing he said is right
>>19913065that is me
>>199128291:49:40 or so
>>19913074goodnight bud take it easy
>>19913065Sorry, im not going anywhere
>>19913188Gura is going to finger blast Kiara and there is NOTHING she will be able to do about it.
>>19913155Gura, on my lap
>>19913030there is literally nothing that can bring my mood down right now. i'm so happy for her
chumbuds i have cheese tortellini!
>>19913099I learned that I am right.Thank you.
>>19912337Getting a timely picture in for something like this is worth a ton of exposure, which translates directly into cash for them if they're any good at shilling their patreon or fanbox. but yes, they have no life
>>19913243yum. i'm gonna go make pasta
>>19913252But you aren't right
>>19912829Look at her go!
Congrats, kfp, Kiara finally managed to get me to watch her stream. Now fuck off and let Gura do her thing.
Gura my beloved <3
This stream drastically boosted my devotion to gura, I was a shrimp before but I’m considering turning this into my religion. I will live and die by this shark brat, I will kneel and become a stepping stool if she commands itI love gura so much bros OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
yay for gura
>>19912829when the background change times perfectly with gura's hand movement
>>19913511cool chumbiebut how new?
gawr gura viewer submitted smells review
>>19913632not that anon, but this definitely changes things a lot. i've never seen her mannerisms like this before... bros...
>>19913663this would be worth it knowing that management would try to screen them all first.
>>19913632Not same guy but pretty new, I started with Ina about a month ago but Gura pretty much stole my heart with this one, still love Ina tho
people are posting gura model gifs, but where are the egg model gifs? I need proof that Gura is the cutest and sexiest egg
reminder that she didn't forget about the handcam stream and is already buying the stuff she needs
>>19913706Once we have her shaking her ass on stage in true 3d and a handcam stream i'll never have to cum to anything else ever again for the rest of my life
>>19913706Gura might be slow with stuff sometimes but I will always believe in her
I hope cover corp is watching this and realizing that the schoolgirl outfit NEEDS to happen
>>19913706gura has already done test runs with keyboard building and gundam kit assembly
>>19913835they already gave uniforms from the Error project to a lot of them tho
>>19913871i like when gura's eyes go retarded. WE ARE
>>19913759>3m celebration>haunted house>asmr (no the prerecorded fauna collab doesn't count)>handcam stream>cooking stream>communicating more >twitter space>any of the multiple "see you tomorrow" into no stream days
>>19913912i dont care! i dont care!
>>19913945>no thoughts>head emptyWE ARE
My Gura
>>19913912yeah and there were others with cat ears and then gura got her cat ears that she deserved. now, give seifuku
>>19913973if that's it, i'm not complaining
Gura is a child
I love my cute sharkwifedaughter
>>19913973i'm actively opposed to about a quarter of those
>>19914069Gura will do a handcam stream and there's nothing you can do about it.
>>19914055so? and?