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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.19523732
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>> No.19523737

There it is!

>> No.19523811

"Next wave is in 6 months," nijifags said.

>> No.19523873
File: 116 KB, 769x768, 1637246708664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accelerate, Shill the next wave, leech from the new waves.

>> No.19523915
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Quoted by: >>19526456

>both male and female vtubers featured on the announcement graphic

>> No.19523942

How long do you expect auditions to take exactly?

>> No.19523953

Time to apply.

>> No.19523957


>> No.19523965
File: 39 KB, 827x459, 861996DE-885F-45BD-84FD-D594BD292021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can’t keep getting away with this

>> No.19523969

1 month is more than enough

>> No.19523977
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Quoted by: >>19536041

Please do the needful. Thank you sirs

>> No.19524142

If I were to guess it would probably take 2 months to run through auditions. Then another month to get set up and training. Add another month for content build up like a MV and promotional stuff.

>> No.19524207

That's about right. 1st audition was in December they debuted in May. 2nd audition was in June the debuted in October. So it was 6 months from the first audition to debut and 5 months from the second to debut. So I wouldn't expect to see anything from this until July/August.

>> No.19524237

My only relevant entertainment talents are GM level card game play and 'good enough' RTS ladder ranking.

Can I make it in and start raking in fujo money? Somehow I don't think chink fujos will be too thrilled to listen to me sperg out on how to win as Slavs on Arena.

>> No.19524364

So glad that I ditched them before I got too attached. This retarded practice will confuse their fans and will hurt a lot of people in the future.

>> No.19524389

You have to go full himbo to rake in fujo bucks.

>> No.19524401
File: 90 KB, 617x1024, be anon have sex go to prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send in the 6th wave

>> No.19524453

They're just following the JP tradition of flooding the market.

>> No.19524461
Quoted by: >>19524695

>The objective of this project is to accelerate

>> No.19524482

40 NIJIENS BY 2023

>> No.19524564

What the fuck, I haven't even built my resume yet and they already opened another wave

>> No.19524585

>Add another month for content build up like a MV and promotional stuff
I'd add 1 to 2 more months on this considering the song making, logo designing, etc. But yeah, 5-6 months for a new wave sounds pretty realistic.

>> No.19524609

I don't know man. You have to have high charisma and a good voice. The recent guys all have relevantly prominent speaking voices and could talk forever about nothing.

>> No.19524635

but that's the exact timeline we have had so far for nijien from audition to debut

>> No.19524695

>NIJISANJI project is a VTuber program where a variety of talented influencers participate. The objective of this project is to accelerate the beginning of the next generation of entertainment through services such as events, sale of goods and digital contents, production of music, etc. As of November 2020, more than 100 VTubers are actively performing unique activities on video streaming platforms such as YouTube.

>> No.19524710

So Finana didn't know shit when she said she thought they wouldn't add anyone for a while.

>> No.19524747

>Featured talents are all the big number talents of their respective gens
Not being very subtle are you tazumi.

>> No.19524749
File: 67 KB, 640x455, 1BCC1257-B258-4056-930D-7B5A8D5C405D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never made content in my life
> Applying anyway so some intern is forced to watch me act like a retard for 5 minutes

>> No.19524775

It won't be for a while, it took them half a year to go from audition to debut for the other waves.

>> No.19524786

Judging by how they've been running things recently, each audition is around 3-4 waves of people. So anywhere from 9 to 20 people will get accepted in this run.

>> No.19524810

Pomu has the lowest sub count of her gen but I guess that just shows they realize sub count means fuck all since she has the highest CCV average.

>> No.19524829
Quoted by: >>19526152

Sorry Noctyx, no time to try and grab and audience despite your slow start. WE MUST ACCELERATE!!

>> No.19524845

remember to move/delete your nipple torture JAVs

>> No.19524848

I'm about superchats anon, money is the only metric that matters.

>> No.19524858
Quoted by: >>19524908

lol no, the highest is Selen, and even then it's like 2.5k

>> No.19524863
File: 52 KB, 540x540, FAxy7vtXoAc3Xgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.19524908

>of her gen

>> No.19524940

kek, Noctyx is fucked

>> No.19524949


>> No.19524952
Quoted by: >>19524994

Don't think so? Pomu normally isn't the best for any number in her gen besides superchats and Nina isn't the highest viewers in her gen either that's normally Enna, Yugo isn't the highest numbers in his gen either.

>> No.19524994

Yugo is an odd pick since hes new, but the other 4 make the most money in their respective waves.

>> No.19525003

>hire males that kill off your female viewerbase
>hey i know lets kill off the males as well by completely saturating the market

>> No.19525032
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>> No.19525041
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>> No.19525048

So is the strategy here to spam new waves until they strike gold by sheer probability?

>> No.19525051

Noor, please, please, for the love of God don't make hire another female to play a male's role, it confuses my dick.

>> No.19525077

Most of the females had their best viewership months since debut after the males boosted the branch though.

>> No.19525105

Always has been

>> No.19525114

Except the females have been inclining to.
Perhaps you should watch streams.
They already did with people like Vox.

>> No.19525125
File: 49 KB, 237x184, 6431345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riku is a fucking ambitious fellow, he fucking caps NijiIN, NijiID, and NijiKR but nijiEN gets this jesus christ

>> No.19525137

That's always been how they operated.
Almost all of the best NijiJP talents came from their earlier waves.

>> No.19525140

Exposure by association is why people want to join corpos in the first place.

>> No.19525292

>mfw holoniggers will have to bend the knee and apply for this audition because Cover would never hire them unless they have 1mil subs on their PL
Can't wait for more of these "reformed" holoshitters suddenly doing a 180 and praising Anykara after months of shitting on them kek

>> No.19525324
File: 144 KB, 296x347, 1631008852547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now holoEN have 11 member, while nijisanji have 20 memers and they will release 2 other waves and debut them around may. If they keep that idea they should be able to push for another 2-3 waves.

So that leaves nijisanji with at least 50 members, and hololive only 11

Nijisansji is putting a zergrush, on hololive to domain the EN market, they are gonna become the most popular vtuber company on the Occident.

NijiEN lately has been popular as fuck to the point that they are top in the donation and views charts for EN vtubers, hololive has been bleeding viewers and donations because they are too slow to act, just make another debut EN3 or ENstars

>> No.19525341

Holy shit 9-20 accepted auditions? That's a whole lot of saturation coming soon.

>> No.19525344
Quoted by: >>19525453

The first audition was 6 people
The second audition was 14 people
This audition will probably be the only one of the year(they held one in 2020, one in 2021, and now this one in 2022) and they already have so many talents it'll probably be limited to 2 waves debuting around august and october or something.

>> No.19525387
Quoted by: >>19525609

anon imagine if you got in that would be kino. Do it anon, do it for the kino

>> No.19525416
Quoted by: >>19525609

what if you get in?

>> No.19525432
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>> No.19525453

>they already have so many talents it'll probably be limited to 2 waves

>> No.19525515

>all women and vox
what did they mean by this?

>> No.19525607

they really need to update that part considering the "november 2020"

>> No.19525609
Quoted by: >>19532383

I have a boy voice so I could be the designated shounen baiter we all needed
Unironically I would put everything I have into it because I hate Uni and my wagie job

>> No.19525631

That they want another Vox? Why not? Deep voices lure in those fujobucks like nothing else.

>> No.19525857
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Quoted by: >>19528961

Nijisanji is a company that see the value of the company and the profit, while hololive focus more on their talents making them Idols and then catch donations whales.

So it come to a difference of what's better quality or quantity?

For hololive is quility, for nijisanji is quanitity.

Let's say that Gura is streaming at X hour, then all you have to do is make sure that a lot of nijis stream a the same X hour, but also make some impromptu collabs before the hour that gura will stream, that's the nijisanji way.

>> No.19525877
File: 236 KB, 521x768, 1630119918877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, are there any high spec indies that would still like to join NijiEN? Elira's friend group is running dry, I think

>> No.19525913

So tell me Nijibros, are you happy with this announcement? or maybe you think that they accelerate too fast?

>> No.19525960

Probably wont be May, out of the two auditions they did so far nobody debuted earlier than 5 months.

>> No.19526006
File: 849 KB, 1420x1522, FIr8UP6XwAElreC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the first 2 waves were 3 members each, ethyria was only 4 members, and then the two male waves were 5 each. Going forward i imagine they'll be doing 5 member waves and are currently in the process of urgently hiring managers and staff to support all these talents. i don't think aiming for 3-4 waves out of this audition is feasible when at some point you'll just be scraping the bottom of the indie vtuber barrel and should just wait for more indies to develop themselves rather than risk hiring a subpar candidates or someone that's yab-prone.

It does seem like they're actively trying to scoop up every potentially good vtuber to not leave hololive with anyone to hire, which seemingly worked extremely well in the first 2 waves of auditions as it's obvious most of Council ended up being 2nd and 3rd choices after Lazulight/Obsydia/Ethyria gobbled up pretty much all the talented or prominent female indies at the time.

Also I'm starting to wonder at what point they'll start poaching talents from the smaller EN corpos like Tsunderia and Cyberlive. I know they already poached Rosemi from Tsunderia but that was over a year ago. As far as small corpos who have potential I think they should be looking at Tenma Maemi from Phase Connect, Miyoshino Shiki and Rikudo Yura from Prism Project, and Lua Asuka and Namiji Freesia from Kawaii Pro. They're all really fucking good, completely yab-free, and would potentially bring in a lot of money. Tenma especially has connections with a lot of big Twitch streamers and is one of the best gamers out there while having a very charismatic personality and being an extremely professional OL in her personal life. She'd be an incredibly safe choice that'd probably elevate the branch quite a bit and be a positive presence in collabs.

if any nijisanji hiring managers bothered to read this far thank you for reading my blog

>> No.19526087

you will get Pippa and you will like it

>> No.19526103

In half a year when they will probably actually debut I think people will be excited for it.

>> No.19526131

you fags either dont understand how open auditions work since even holo had open auditions or are being dramafags making a bigger deal out of this on purpose
open auditions are just auditions without out an end date.
this means theyre looking for people and will put a wave out if they find enough people they think will make a good wave, it can take the usual amount of time or longer depending on applicants and availability.

>> No.19526152

>slow start
>already about to break records for nijisanji subs and doing good numbers
sure holofag. at least look at how fast they are growing before kek

>> No.19526158
Quoted by: >>19526365

This has an end date 31st march.

>> No.19526194 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19526341

hey /vt/ say hello to your next NIjiEN oshi

>> No.19526281
Quoted by: >>19526883

Is this supposed to be bad? even more when literally all of those streams are NA time which is the worse of their time? Post Yugo who's streaming at morning

>> No.19526285

Not me, they should have waited more time
The new male wave don't have the same miracle push as Luxiem except for the debuts.
Some girls are still trying to form a healthy community

>> No.19526287

Application deadline:
March 31st, 23:59 JST / 07:59 PDT

>> No.19526341

There's no way Pippa gets hired lol.
Even if you ignore her existing yabs like doxxing Kiara and her constant tribalfagging on Twitter against Nijisanji she's just not that interesting once you remove the 4chan references and "reacting" to other people's content, both of which she can't do in Nijisanji.
At least Tenma and Uruka and Lia play games, Pippa's content is mostly zatsudans about internet culture and politics that'd get her channel struck or scolded by management if she ever entered the big leagues.

lol no, after being blacklisted by the entire indie vtuber scene and outing herself as a psycho bitch there's no way that ball of menhera would get hired

>> No.19526355

Like the other Anon said you need a lot of CHA and a good voice, you can trip over your words a bit because they'll find that moe but you can't stammer too much or you'll just look inept.
Sperging out is fine since Vox literally goes full ape during his streams and the girls don't give a fuck.

>> No.19526362
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>> No.19526365

then i cant read, thank you anon

>> No.19526371

>Launching products after products in a span of few months
This is the behavior of a tech startup that wants to acquire as large market share as possible but lacks long term planning as evidenced by nijiIN and nijiID.
It's actually an interesting study on which business roadmap would win in the long run, the shotgun approach of niji or the slow approach of holo

>> No.19526384

Pippa has shit on Nijisanji AND doxed a hololive member. She's never getting hired by anyone. She's lucky she's still in Phase Connect as is.

>> No.19526417
Quoted by: >>19526522

More overlap let's go, someone needs to challenge Luxiem in jp primetime the new guys pretty much got bullied out of it

>> No.19526456
Quoted by: >>19526665

it's weird how vox is the only one representing the male when the male waves was the more successful one.

>> No.19526470

Again? what? they just debuted the last wave like a week ago.

>> No.19526480
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>fluency in English
Uh oh

>> No.19526491

not really Fuwa, Ibraham, Furen, SMC, etc were all from the later generation

>> No.19526495
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i know, i'm just shitposting

>> No.19526501
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>> No.19526522

The new guys didn't even try to stream JP time. Only Yugi might do so.

>> No.19526542

I said once that she's as fluent as Mika and Bobon, after watching her few streams, I stood corrected

>> No.19526552
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Quoted by: >>19526573

What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.19526560

She probably meant that there wouldn't be anyone from the existing auditions. Based on the auditions we've had in the past it's going to be 6 months before we get anyone out of these, so she's not wrong unless you assume "a while" meant like, a year.

>> No.19526573


>> No.19526622
File: 1.50 MB, 3000x3000, 1644143545494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oversaturate the market until your oshi is a 2view nobody who struggles to get what they had before because you're spreading the small audience out even thinner than they already are.

>> No.19526648
Quoted by: >>19526846

I'll never understand Yurafags, I think she is overrated

>> No.19526661

accelerate into my ass

>> No.19526665


>> No.19526687

>sweating Holobrony claiming they're "oversaturating the market"
Like clockwork.

>> No.19526701
Quoted by: >>19529777

Based rodent. What did she say about niji?

>> No.19526706
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Quoted by: >>19526989

At this point it's clear that they're aiming to convert all English streamers into Nijisanji livers and completely dominate the market

>> No.19526737
File: 1.43 MB, 1340x2528, 123132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19526936

This image is outdated.

>> No.19526782

I can finally groom Selen. Thank you based Riku.

>> No.19526797

It's gonna be like 6 months until anyone debuts. And even if not, NijiEN having a lot of people is nothing I didn't expect. I didn't even try to watch every stream when it was just LazuLight, no skin off my back.

>> No.19526809


>> No.19526846

Yura's appeal is just being a lot like Elira pretty much, which is why I think she'd be a natural fit for either Nijisanji or Hololive. She may not have a ton of charisma but she has super high GFE power level and does really long comfy streams with lots of chat interaction. She also remembers all of her members and talks to them by name and is just generally super parasocial with her viewers. Also her roommate is extremely attractive, possibly one of the most attractive EN vtuber roommates along with Nene from Kawaii and Mumei and Petra.

>> No.19526883

for the male those are bad, you should see the numbers for the females like reimu.

>> No.19526909
Quoted by: >>19527037

It's funny because they accelerated even faster than this back in 2018-2019 and that's how they came to dominate the Japanese market.

>> No.19526917

good, I don't like to share my oshi with other people, I want her only for me

>> No.19526936

Every NijiEN member is doing the best they ever have. I'm still waiting for the cannibalism to kick in. Any second now.

>> No.19526989

>all English streamers
All of mankind
Total Global Nijisanjification is underway.

>> No.19527037

Something I feel a lot of people fail to keep in mind is that almost all these people who get into Nijisanji were already streamers before. They're just moving from one identity to another. For the most part the number of existing VTubers isn't increasing by Nijisanji opening applications. It's just people being autistic and saying "I didn't care about them before, but now that they're in Nijisanji I'm forced to watch them! I can't take all the pressure! I'm done with Nijisanji!". Or rather that's the position they're pretending to take because it's really all just about shitting on Nijisanji.

>> No.19527218
File: 61 KB, 180x194, 2382374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming a 2view
not happening

>> No.19527239
Quoted by: >>19527320

Holofags have been using the same tired ass "oversaturation" shitpost since fucking Obsydia and it's still never come true.

>> No.19527265
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>You can choose to say you have no experience as a streamer
>One of the mandatory questions is related to telling 2 different stories related to your experience as a streamer
I Never understood that part of the form to be honest, is it just to filter people with no experience? because by that point you could just say you only take people with experience.

>> No.19527271

Riku you were accelerating ID and KR, look where that got you…

>> No.19527274

It makes sense when you remember that Holofags follow (or pretend to follow) every member of their company and ONLY watch Hololive. For them, adding new streamers IS a burden and they basically DIDN'T exist for them before joining. Of course they look at it this way.

>> No.19527308

Finana didn't even debut yet officially and she got in.

>> No.19527320

So will the overall audience just grow infinitely or what?

>> No.19527346
Quoted by: >>19527441

But then did she lied on that one question or what? and if so, you can just lie then?

>> No.19527376
Quoted by: >>19527500

Yugo literally had no streaming experience before vtubing. I’m genuinely curious how she answered this

>> No.19527441

I guess you could come up with stories that you think might demonstrate something relevant to them that aren't strictly streaming? Like for a normal job interview they might ask talk about a time when you demonstrated skill X and you are expected to tell a story about how you demonstrated that skill in another field.

>> No.19527469
Quoted by: >>19527718

You can just say something tangentially related to streaming like your experience as a Youtuber or Tiktok influencer or literally anything to show you have experience as a content creator. It doesn't HAVE to be livestreaming. The worst thing you can do in these applications is leave them blank instead of just filling in whatever shit you can come up with that makes you qualified. Even then Petra and Nina left most of the application blank and still got in.

see >>19527037
the audience isn't being oversaturated they're just absorbing the audience of existing vtubers and helping them grow that existing audience while also creating a box effect through their brand to give everyone some level of exposure just through being associated with nijisanji.
even if some of them do end up as 3views like reimu it's still better than what they were doing as a 2view and they still get the connections nijisanji offers for collabs and covers and new outfits and managerial support.

>> No.19527500

He(she) does. He did on TikTok, and any form of streaming is still streaming.

>> No.19527538

>Then another month to get set up and training.

>> No.19527549
Quoted by: >>19527643

Infinitely no, but every wave brings in enough new people to help. Plus what >>19527037 said, most of the people joining were streamers (or some other kind of content creator) already. It's mostly not actually adding someone new to the market as a whole, just this company. It's only worse if we assume the average Nijisanji viewer only watches Nijisanji members, which probably isn't true.
What's the wording on the question? Could be that the people who don't stream put in other relevant experience (Making videos, singing, voice acting. hell you could probably put in "I'm a local stand-up comedian" and that'd give you points if you've got recordings to show them).

>> No.19527609

>being a lot like Elira pretty much
>She may not have a ton of charisma

>> No.19527643
File: 16 KB, 760x78, Huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's what I thought as well, but the way they worded it they specify to add experiences you have as a streamer

>> No.19527710

Luxiem technically tripled nijiens viewerbase by opening the doors to east asian fujos and yumes, so right now the theory holds statistically

>> No.19527718

>The worst thing you can do in these applications is leave them blank instead of just filling in whatever shit you can come up with that makes you qualified
Pretty much, I am just saying it's weird how they add the choice to say No to all of the questions, even though someone that answers no to all the social media related ones (no Youtube Tik tok instagram twitter etc) would have 0 chances to get in even if they send a good audition video.

>> No.19527720

Oversaturation isn't a real thing in an industry / market that's still growing. I remember people back in 2018 shouting "oversaturation" when there were only 1-2k VTubers that existed and their claims ended up becoming unfounded. You have to wait until the market matures into an equilibrium point before you can even start considering the thought of oversaturation.

>> No.19527731

They might aswell turn Anycolor into a race car company, because they're accelerating like mad

>> No.19527857

The reality is that the great majority of indie vtubers would do anything to have the viewers of the worst performing nijiEN member

>> No.19527877

She got lucky getting in because NijisanjiEN was still new, she would not have made it in now

>> No.19527910

How much is too much?

>> No.19527930

Ehh I dunno about that one, even when they were new I am sure they had plenty of applicants to choose from.

>> No.19527947

shut up and post indies to keep an eye out for.

>> No.19528059
Quoted by: >>19528180

>(1) A self introduction; and (2) Streaming in character.
So, is the self-introduction supposed to be (You) or your character?

>> No.19528068

She was a finalist in the HoloMyth auditions too, only losing out to Gura, and according to her she did a ton of research and preparation for both the application and the interview for NijiEN and did really well in both.
Finana may act like a horny feesh but she's smart when it counts.

>> No.19528112

>Indie vtuber has audience
>Gets absorbed by Nijisanji
>Previous audience moves to Niji
>Overall Niji audience grows

>> No.19528132

I wish the girl that looks like Makoto from Pricunny would apply and make it.

>> No.19528180

I'm pretty sure as your character though I'm not sure what it means when they ask for streaming in character. Do they want a 5 minute video where like half of it is in character introduction and the other half is a stream you've done in the past in character edited in?

>> No.19528201
Quoted by: >>19528250

I got in. I'm the guy with the burger hat. My name is Nothing Burger.

>> No.19528250
File: 1.76 MB, 1460x1080, nothingburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19528306

>Only losing out to Gura
Got proof on that? She acts horny and dumb because that's what the EN audience likes and what makes clips, so she is smart in that sense.

>> No.19528358

They say Video/audio, so probably just a 5 minute self introduction video of you larping as whatever character you've created, since they say Live2D is not required I am sure you can just record an audio of yourself with a JPG as a background or something while you talk in-character.

>> No.19528375

>Who is Hoshikawa

>> No.19528395

in her PL twitter before she privated everything she talked about the interview process for holomyth. she lost out due to lack of streaming experience apparently and they only wanted one loli-sounding character.
can you imagine a world where they hired finana to play the shark cunny lmao?

>> No.19528410
Quoted by: >>19528505

>she did a ton of research and preparation for both the application and the interview for NijiEN
How on earth did she do that? isn't all that information private to the company?

>> No.19528415

Clips of Vshojo and Finana are really similar

>> No.19528453

I cannot wait until they hire the wrong SJW and fuck up their entire reputation

>> No.19528504
Quoted by: >>19528560

It would have been a shitshow

>> No.19528505

no? for example she talked about how she watched a lot of nijisanji streams and clips and had a large notebook of prepared answers to possible questions like "who is your favorite nijisanji liver?" or "what was your first introduction to nijisanji?" picking the answers that'd make her look the best.
a lot of the other girls just approached it like an audition for a part in a play while finana approached it as a proper job interview and did her homework to hype herself up.

>> No.19528524

dodged a bullet

>> No.19528560
Quoted by: >>19528654

She did say she was a finalist, but the other stuff is bullshit

>> No.19528583
Quoted by: >>19528664

Ah, yeah I understand the preparation part, what I don't get is the research part, as reading the form I don't think there is any research you can do that would help you give favorable answers.

>> No.19528592
Quoted by: >>19528664

>Watched a lot of Nijisanji content
>Barley knew any of the members

>> No.19528596
File: 94 KB, 706x727, 1640046070319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19528715

yeah she really did
based on what we know about holoen's internal atmosphere she would've been really lonely

>> No.19528618

Debut in may, wave after that will be july and then again in october and one more in december

Anyone who believes they wont spawn at least 3-4 waves more this year is delusional

>> No.19528633

Seems to be the overall most successful of each gen + Yugo. Selen and Vox are no-brainers. Elira has the most subs but her CCV has dropped off to the point Pomu beats her when they're in the same collab nowdays, and Pomu has more SCs. Nina has the most subs, and while Enna has slightly higher CCV, she doesn't stream nearly as much.

>> No.19528654

yea, there's a screenshot of the tweet

>> No.19528664
Quoted by: >>19528789

she just watched kuzuha/kanae/hoshikawa/mito and rehearsed a few things she likes about each of them and clips she's seen of them.
it doesn't take a lot of effort, and i'm sure the people hiring didn't think she was a diehard fan or anything, but just that she showed that much effort to prepare ahead of time made her appealing.

>> No.19528715

I have nothing against Fina but Gura is just a superior loli if what the anon said is true

>> No.19528752

>She was a finalist in the HoloMyth auditions too
And she didn't stick around for the 2nd gen? I feel like a 1st gen finalist would have been a shoe-in. Goddamn it imagine if we'd gotten Finana in Council instead of... this.

>> No.19528789
Quoted by: >>19530481

You're trying a bit too hard now

>> No.19528808

NijiEN audition happened before gen2 didn't it?

>> No.19528862
Quoted by: >>19529412

Her idea of "finalist" is getting a callback in the first round.

>> No.19528863 [DELETED] 

...I thought Hololive already had permanent audition? Like yeah I know Nijis release vtubers faster but that's just the usual. Not sure new audition changes anything, why are people talking about it just now?

>> No.19528867

there's no point sticking around especially after the taiwan yab got hololive banned from genshin/honkai perms which is like 50% of finana's content.
besides she's talked about it before and her mindset at the time was just getting hired for literally any company she could because she was a NEET and just really wanted to be a vtuber. if she didn't get into NijiEN she was prepared to join a 2view corpo or keep auditioning until she got in.

>> No.19528890

I'm glad she didn't have to deal with the rest of council.

>> No.19528930
Quoted by: >>19529125

She would have still had 0 or extremely limited streaming experience going into Gen 2 auditions and if she somehow passed she would have got Bae's spot. I mean I'd take her over Sana but not Bae.

>> No.19528961
File: 134 KB, 799x860, 3h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19528964
Quoted by: >>19529125

How do you know all this? Did you watch her PL?

>> No.19528988

Women are more weak minded than men....

>> No.19529036

They already hired someone who’s mainly known for faking his death. This is nothing.

>> No.19529108

when the world needed Rushia most... she vanished...

>> No.19529114

>women don't even get to be better vtubers than men
As expected of talking ribs.

>> No.19529125
File: 593 KB, 3693x2524, E-t8vNnVUAQcdlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finana is probably a better fit for Bae's model though while Bae is a better fit for Sana's model.
Really Sana is just a complete wasted hire, 0 redeeming qualities.

I actually watch Nijisanji EN and Finana talks a lot about the audition process whenever people ask. Because of Luxiem and Noctyx there's been a lot of discussion about future auditions. Though the stuff where she talked about her own mindset was when they first opened auditions last year for Ethyria/Luxiem/Noctyx when there weren't as many people watching NijiEN and it was just Lazulight.

>> No.19529142


>> No.19529158

how can w*men even compete

>> No.19529240

there is no audition, elira friends already lining up

>> No.19529248

I prefer Fauna

>> No.19529305



>> No.19529358
Quoted by: >>19529530

She would have been one of the most hated members like Calli or Ollie. She also has terrible opsec so one of you would have murdered her.

>> No.19529412

She had a job before Nijisanji
Probably lol

>> No.19529415
Quoted by: >>19529592

Worst in superchats though...

>> No.19529460
File: 11 KB, 213x202, 16417779674932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30-35 members in one branch in the span of 2 calendar years
>This isn't somehow "corporate market flood"

>> No.19529481

guys don't worry, I'll be the next /here/ tuber

>> No.19529530
Quoted by: >>19529978

Yea she's been doxxed hard

>> No.19529592
File: 77 KB, 683x798, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19529858

nah they're doing fine

>> No.19529665

>claim thing no one said is false
Nice strawman retard. No one's denying there are a lot of them, but no one has proven that's innately an issue.

>> No.19529678
File: 211 KB, 948x1258, FIfI6EmXEAIQxMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interested in doing it
>decent pc
>play a large variety of genres
>just never made vid before
Should I just take the plunge? I think the hardest part is gonna have my family overhear me and think I've gone insane

>> No.19529739

please remember pomu exists when wave 10 happens...

>> No.19529746

What is this /asp/

>> No.19529777

Pointed out that one of the new members are a fed.

>> No.19529798

>oversaturation this
>flood that
>zergrush this
>chuuba bloat that
Reimu with 800 CCV is still doing better than most indies in the west. 500 CCV is something everything indie would kill for.

>> No.19529849

yeah yeah
this isn't twitch where 200 people can sustain you a good yearly pay, she can't live off that audience without a gig or living at home with her parents
people try to get into 2434 to make vtubing their short term career

>> No.19529850

>A day ago she barely beat Pippa on CCV
More waves will kill more of the girls and some of the boys in the future

>> No.19529858
File: 1.05 MB, 1115x1760, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess those 3 million subs were bots after all losing in superchats to a vtuber with only 150k subs.

if nijisanji's problem is oversaturation then what exactly is causing holos to lose to them despite this supposed oversaturation?

>> No.19529914

wow nijiniggers are also the bottomfeeding rodents of /#/
what a wild coincidence, maybe it's time that the meidos yeet all this cancer off the board

>> No.19529921

>this isn't twitch where 200 people can sustain you a good yearly pay
no? most top 10,000 streamers barely make min wage in the states.

>> No.19529943

>Short term career
Some of the girls paypigs are going to kill themselves

>> No.19529977

You have nothing to lose.

>> No.19529978
Quoted by: >>19530132

NiijiEn members all have pretty bad OPSEC so they're honestly lucky that they didn't end up in an idol company

>> No.19530061

drop your indie nijiEN picks and predictions now
get em' while it's hot. I want the /vt/ hivement to schizo over their indie oshis again

>> No.19530094

I will become nijisanji, you will become nijisanji, everyone will become. NIJISANJIFICATION!

>> No.19530098
Quoted by: >>19530367

>just never made vid before
Honestly I think that's the biggest filter, the second part of the questionaire is full of questions regarding previous experience when it comes to content creation, I think anyone would be immediately discarded if they answer no to all of them

>> No.19530132
Quoted by: >>19530198

I think Ike, Shu, Alban and Pomu haven't been doxxed

>> No.19530198
Quoted by: >>19530525

Everyone but Pomu has, not to the extent of Petra or Finana but their past identities and pictures are all out there

>> No.19530218
Quoted by: >>19530314

nijisanjien has more in common with twitchniggers like vwhorejo than hololive, you can't compare the two
you can't deny this

>> No.19530221

Depends on where you live, as a third worlder I can tell you getting a job as a Vtuber in a corpo like Niji where you earn money through foreign currency would pretty much put you immediately on at the bare minimum, a completely acceptable salary where you can easily afford luxuries, it's basically long-term career material.

>> No.19530263

I think they're pretty much all out of Elira's friend group at this point so it might actually be hard to figure out now.

If I had to guess you'll probably see Yura and Non from Prism graduate soon. Yura has a very adversarial relationship with management due to internal bullying and Non is just a really poor fit for Prism, she spends more time talking about her hentai tastes and Hololive/Nijisanji than she does talking about Prism.

Also Sumi Ushio from Prism already graduated 2 months ago and Aruru Gray graduated from Kawaii a few weeks ago, they're both pretty good loli chuubas if NijiEN decides to bless us with some cunny goodness in the next wave. There's also Ayane Hylo from former Cyberlive who is an indie now but I wonder if anyone is willing to hire her given how yab-prone she is and how most of her co-workers didn't like her very much. Maybe Kana Kamiko will finally get her shit together and audition for a corpo but I'd give her a week before she goes off the deep end again and abandons her fanbase as usual.

>> No.19530311

at one point does it stop being elira's friend and become "third worlder she hung out once with as an indie"

>> No.19530314
Quoted by: >>19530346

yes they're actually entertaining I agree

>> No.19530346
Quoted by: >>19530699

Yeah saying pog every other sentence on a website that doesn't even have that emote is the peak of entertainment

>> No.19530360
File: 1.36 MB, 220x220, 1625190703808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pomus mental health status after a new wave audition starts

>> No.19530367

I've made shit vids for school and among friends I just never actually uploaded anything online of quality

>> No.19530412
File: 120 KB, 334x299, 1625765838292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19530462
Quoted by: >>19531346

They probably won't take you this time if you don't have a resume, but get started now, become a 2view, make some good vids, and maybe you can get in next go around. Good luck anon.

>> No.19530481
Quoted by: >>19530551

He's right though?
"Actually did research for this position" is a good trait. Probably as much as "Is a big Nijisanji fan", if not more so.

>> No.19530525

I mean, in that case Pomu's past identity is also obviously known.

>> No.19530551

Not denying that

>> No.19530590

JP Niji livers have shown the videos they've auditioned with before. It's you playing a character for 5 minutes.
The one I saw (Noraneko) was close to the character she ended up having, ie. a catgirl, so that probably helps.

>> No.19530644
Quoted by: >>19530663

>Aruru Gray graduated from Kawaii a few weeks ago
She's "graduating today" under strange circumstances

>> No.19530656
Quoted by: >>19530686

If it works it isn't "flooding", it's "frequent releases"

>> No.19530663
Quoted by: >>19531611

What strange circumstances? Didn't she just say she wants to focus on school or something?

>> No.19530677
File: 104 KB, 1921x1153, 1621993388273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19530686
Quoted by: >>19530745

what a weird cope

>> No.19530699


>> No.19530741
Quoted by: >>19531346

Just apply. They'll probably turn you down, but you can start streaming in the time between now and the next auditions and someone at Anycolor might remember your name next time if you showed promise.

>> No.19530745

You're the one claiming something is bad just because you say so.

>> No.19530778

>I just want my oshi to stream...

>> No.19530826

impressive, does she still have to a work a part time

>> No.19530876
Quoted by: >>19530934

She quit her job back in december

>> No.19530892
Quoted by: >>19530934

Most likely no, she never brought it up again. Their merch also had to be delayed because they can't keep up with the demand.

>> No.19530905

>I think they're pretty much all out of Elira's friend group at this point
No. There's 5ish people who count for that, 4 if you don't count people from the same auditions as her. Even one of her former friends graduating isn't a good indicator, everyone assumed Chimon would be in Noctyx but he wasn't and will probably be in Holostars EN lmao

>> No.19530934

thats nice to hear, while i was taking a low blow at her it still was kinda sad to hear she had to part time on the side for awhile, unsure if it was to keep up living expenses or some other reason though.
I didnt ask about merch but thank you.

>> No.19530953
File: 271 KB, 3629x1050, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19530994

I'm sorry your oshi doesn't care about you enough to stream holobro, but you're welcome to come watch Nijisanji, we have lots of streams!

>> No.19530958

Why is Nijiniggers so insecure about their oshi to a point that they start jizzing when Nijisanji won Hololive just a tiny bit.

>> No.19530961

Pekora was working at Hololive 8-9 months before she debuted. You don't understand anything you're talking about.

>> No.19530984
Quoted by: >>19531231

Randon is getting in.

>> No.19530985

I'm still waiting for NijiEN to debut the one I will actually like and watch.

>> No.19530994

Do you have Elden Ring permissions thats all i care about right now :)
theyre former holofags who are bitter contrarian niggers who are likely burgers who can only think of life as a sport, thats the usual case ive seen

>> No.19530998
File: 160 KB, 271x403, 1645436370409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19531004
File: 688 KB, 870x884, angy pomu (real) .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be worried about numbers once months ago while in the middle of quitting your job
>Worries thoroughly proven wrong (>>19530677)
>Don't bring it up again
>People assume you're still on the verge of a breakdown for the rest of your career anyway

>> No.19531029
Quoted by: >>19531060

Other reason: medical bills from her surgery. Plus, she has been a wagie her entire adult life, so she couldn't comprehend not having a 9-5 "normal" job.

>> No.19531031

Well, this is SEAnigger's hours after all

>> No.19531035
Quoted by: >>19531170


>> No.19531044
Quoted by: >>19531060

She was only still working for the medical insurance, you know, burgers

>> No.19531043

ESL threadwatchers aren't people.

>> No.19531047

its the vt life baby, happens to any chuuba who has a "moment". Posters will never forget it and ceaselessly shit on you for it for the rest of time.

>> No.19531048
File: 329 KB, 3629x1050, hfdhf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19531105


>> No.19531059
Quoted by: >>19531105

Yes, NijiEN does. Luca confirmed they do and he will be playing it tomorrow.

>> No.19531060

ah USA medical insurance, god bless america

>> No.19531091

I said the thing about merch because they get a substantial cut from it. It being sold out means that she's getting real good money off of it. Don't know if it'll be enough to cover her next surgeries though.

>> No.19531102

I didn't even realize Vox literally has as much as Aqua and Iroha put together. You really can't beat the cock.

>> No.19531105

oh the retarded twitch brainrotted manchild who only speaks in twitch emotes and is ruining pomu's everything, yeah i'll be sure to ignore that stream then

>> No.19531125
Quoted by: >>19531167

>holofags start saying how adding more waves kills viewership
>post chart to prove them wrong
>reeeee numberfag

>> No.19531153
File: 74 KB, 240x240, selendisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing Elden Ring before touching the previous Souls games

>> No.19531165

Great, hope you enjoy the stream :)

>> No.19531167
Quoted by: >>19531591

are you saying it's not numberfagging?
it literally is numberfagging, if you want you're free to go back to your containment shithole numbernigger, nobody likes you even if youre on our side

>> No.19531170

insecure about what, seanigger-kun?

>> No.19531174

But it confirms that they have permissions, which as you said:
>Elden Ring permissions thats all i care about right now

>> No.19531197

Elden Ring is literally the easiest souls game, it's probably the best entry point for a newfag trying to ease into them.

>> No.19531205
File: 672 KB, 600x713, 86538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>master manipulator like Rushia
>except for coombrained women instead of lonely men
this man earned his title as a superchat king

>> No.19531216

literally breath of the wild tier souls shit, it's easier than bloodborne

>> No.19531219

Isn't that Dark Souls 3?

>> No.19531231
Quoted by: >>19531279


>> No.19531258

theyre both a joke atleast ER is a new idea with the open worldness and a different color palette

>> No.19531266

If you're talking easiest in terms of how easy it is to cheese, it's not even in the top 3.

>> No.19531267

They're both pretty easy but DS3 has story references to the other Souls games so Elden Ring is probably a better entrypoint as a standalone game.

>> No.19531279

the model doesn't matter since they're getting new ones.

>> No.19531281

Women BTFO, I kneel Vox-sama

>> No.19531338

Nijisanji is walking down the Machinima route?

>> No.19531341

actually yes just luxiem made the number of friends that watch vtubers go from 1 to 6

>> No.19531346

Honestly I would say the hardest part about becoming a 2view is taking the plunge with the investment, comissioning an artist to even make you a JPG is not usually cheap, let alone buying decent equipment

>> No.19531367

>>master manipulator like Rushia
Until he's on the level of DMing his biggest fans special messages and selling wedding merch, he's nowhere near Rushia levels.

>> No.19531405

$22k in a single stream and he hasn't even had to resort to those tactics yet. Imagine how much he'll pull in when he does

>> No.19531426

hes in his first months still, he needs to distill his fattest paypigs out and then start that.

>> No.19531489

This thread is literally no different than /#/
You nijinonces are sad and pathetic people

>> No.19531510

Do you know that his viewerships will die once fujos have fresh meats to feed on?

>> No.19531537

If you're going to spam the thread at least fix your grammar so it's not as obvious you're samefagging.

>> No.19531542

nah this place has less news and is missing the # resident schizos 2 prime aspects of what makes #... #

>> No.19531553

I don't think /#/ is asking what they have to do to audition.

>> No.19531566


>> No.19531583

ill believe it when i see it, i was in the crowd expecting NijiMales to be Selen tier at best due to novelty but they proved me wrong and by a large margin, at least their top ones did.

>> No.19531587

Noctyx has opened superchats, but Vox still made $22k during his stream today.

>> No.19531591
File: 249 KB, 400x400, 1612049308233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a numberfaggot but is it really numberfagging if it's only to counter their muh oversaturation argument? how else how you reply then?

>> No.19531602
Quoted by: >>19531662

What grammar mistake? When did grammar nazi-ing make a comeback? Are you that inept to make an argument that you have to resort to such low hanging fruit?

>> No.19531611

She didn't say, none of the other girls have spoken to her so they don't know anything, and she was a no show for the original graduation date. Now it will be a video she made coming in 4 hours
Basically no one knows shit except managment

>> No.19531627


>> No.19531662
Quoted by: >>19531740

Argument implies there's a discussion to be had. He's just repeatedly whining about nijifags numberfagging while ignoring all responses about why people are posting about numbers.

>> No.19531740
Quoted by: >>19531799

Who the fuck cares about spacha metrics? Are you getting some? Am I? No? Then why do you care? Mental illness I swear to god, let me go on to jerk off Warren Buffet and see if I don't look like a batshit loon to the common person

>> No.19531799

I would say all the people saying oversaturation is an issue care about vtuber metrics, but you don't seem very mad at them. I don't think you're actually that earnest in your hatred of numbers.

>> No.19531883

I'm earnest in that you faggots are ruining this board by giving a fuck about the income of literal whos in the grand scheme of fucking youtubing
Seriously, nobody outside of weebs knows what a vtuber is, this is the saddest shit I've ever seen, all that should matter is the entertainment factor

>> No.19531894

give up anon, he's just being deliberately disingenuous after clearly losing the argument and being forced to resort to "REEEE NUMBERFAGS" like a mouthbreather.

>> No.19531895
Quoted by: >>19531979

Please... I need to know.... Yura's roommate....

>> No.19531915

Of course he is, but I'd rather engage in good faith than further shit up the board by stooping to his level.

>> No.19531917
Quoted by: >>19532020

>says the numbernigger with playboard bookmarked and several screenshots saved to his folder
you're the mentally ill one

>> No.19531979
Quoted by: >>19532811

It's easy

>> No.19532020

Please engage with the question of why worrying about oversaturation isn't an issue and doesn't count as numberfaggotry but responding to it does.

>> No.19532174

Feels like they must be angling for mixed waves since last time they opened auditions they gave men and women separate forms

>> No.19532383

>Unironically I would put everything I have into it because I hate Uni and my wagie job
Based. GL anon

>> No.19532405
File: 2.16 MB, 4669x5400, Wolfgang5th2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19534118

He's coming!
Time to nip that rose in the bud!

>> No.19532493

Exactly. That has always been the plan.

>> No.19532509
File: 54 KB, 680x681, ok skull hazmat nuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19532639

So do you think Niji's style debut zergrush or Hololive's Premium TM once-a-year debut style would be a better business strategy for an emerging market? I thought Myth did pretty well so Council must have a follow up to that success but so far Council seems to under perform. Some of the Council girls are finding their grooves but it's a bit disappointing overall.
Cover gets the first mover advantage for female vtuber in the West, but Ichikara struck gold with Luxiem debut. If HoloEN3 flops again I think Western viewership might lean 6 - 4 to NijiEN.

>> No.19532719

In the middle: not 1yr like Hololive, not 2 months like Nijisanji. Make it 6 months between waves and we're golden.

>> No.19532795

The guidelines ask you to speak fluent english but what does it exactly mean by this? I've taken a few english tests here and there and every time gotten 'Fluent' as my result but my pronunciations are slightly wacked, would that still be counted as 'Fluent' enough or am i out of luck on that department?

>> No.19532811
Quoted by: >>19533062

How? I've been around in prism threads for months now and nobody ever shows or hints anything about her

>> No.19532907
Quoted by: >>19533008

If yugo made it it you don’t need to worry about anything man

>> No.19532943

People don't pick what company they get into. Every time someone says Hololive reject or Nijisanji reject they're just outing themselves as a retard. Anyone who wants to do this as a job is probably applying to these and even a lot of the small companies until any opportunity shows itself.

>> No.19532991

I think Hololive will always have the viewers on their females than Nijisanji, but Nijisanji struck gold with the males. That said anyone who paypigs for Nijisanji females is a retard.

>> No.19533008

You making it sound like Nijisanji will accept anything without doing any background checks.

>> No.19533062

Shit i thought it said Yugo

>> No.19533148

isn't accelerate already not working out for nijiJP?
there's no way that everyone will get along with each other, especially western people
graduations/terminations are all but confirmed

>> No.19533168

numberfagging like this should be a bannable offense

>> No.19534118
Quoted by: >>19534309

Now that Yugo's a thing they should give Wolfgang a loli voice

>> No.19534309

It'll probably be a Cecil scenario with the guy being a huge dork.

>> No.19534374

Morino Peari, third time is a charm

>> No.19534439
Quoted by: >>19534850

They have all those KR designs lying about and they want to use them

>> No.19534850

They have a whole bunch of unused designs waiting for a worthy "soul" to inhabit them.

>> No.19535221
Quoted by: >>19535406

Be careful, this is how Mori got in Hololive

>> No.19535372
File: 951 KB, 1920x1080, nulwj3q9phj71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Oni will be in English

>> No.19535406
Quoted by: >>19535538

>Mori never made content before hololive
Even ignoring her questionable PL music, her animation and drawing stuff would be enough to grab attention from whoever goes through the applications.

>> No.19535538
Quoted by: >>19535868

I meant the act of applying as a joke, not that she made no content. Sorry, should've made this clearer.

>> No.19535759

>3 guys with motifs based on previous waves
>Oni Girl from the past (Luxiem)
>Fox girl from the future (Noctyx)
6th Ranger wave coming.

>> No.19535868

is there anyone in Hololive that actually got in without prior experience?

>> No.19535984


>> No.19536041

I wish I could do Noor. I liked watching her.

>> No.19536075
Quoted by: >>19536110

Can you make it if you have high CHA but a mid at best voice?

>> No.19536098

It didn't, it practically crashed the market back in 2020 and also resulted in the current sitaution where there are about a dozen or two nijis who get 4 digit viewers on the regular and then there's 80 ish nijis who are lucky to break 1k.

Though, to be fair this isn't anywhere close to nijisanji's max output back in the day. There's a period in 2019 where 6 waves debuted in a 2 week period

>> No.19536109

Fauna only used to do ASMR videos and never streamed.

>> No.19536110

watch some of the Luxiem/Noctyx boys their voices aren't really anything special besides Vox and Luca.

>> No.19536204

Oni for a battle Shonen themed wave. PLEASE

>> No.19536779

nope, hololive probably gets too many applications these days to be able to sift through the inexperienced ones for the hidden gems

>> No.19537078

Terumin did nothing wrong and is pretty cool.

>> No.19537105

Elira is like Yura? Shit, I need to check Elira out then.

>> No.19537132

Subaru I guess
literally no one knew who she was until she became Subaru
