Previous >>19435995
*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>>> sites>>> sites>>>>>> list at
TALLY OF THE DAY >91,087: Nene (Hololive)>44,196: Pekora (Hololive)>33,953: Suisei (Hololive)>32,310: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)>30,406: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>25,123: Miko (Hololive)>16,359: Mito (Nijisanji)>16,059: Noel (Hololive)>16,027: Aki (Hololive)>15,116: Chloe (Hololive)>14,202: Noel (Hololive)>13,675: Mysta (Nijisanji)>13,654: Polka (Hololive)>13,579: Hinano (VSPO)>11,992: IRyS (Hololive)>11,701: Iroha (Hololive)>11,593: Flare (Hololive)>11,197: Mio (Hololive)>10,904: Ina (Hololive)>10,621: Kanae (Nijisanji)>10,172: Yashiro (Nijisanji)>10,083: Fauna (Hololive)Honorable mention to Kanae getting 11,338 in Twitch
Today's superchats
/#/ is declining.
lets use this one later, hop in >>19456876
>>19457001And are they wrong tho?>Better numbers>Better memeability>Better singingGura is the actual pillar of Hololive, is not coincidende Hololive'e incline had ocurred when Gura debuted. Gura ls the one who put Hololive on the limelight for a bigger audience but that audience Gura is the whole package. Gura is Hololive and the others are just leeching from her.Chumbuds now the true, is just the few mentally unstable fans of the other girls who refuse to accept the true, because who on their right mind will choose the other girls when Gura is better than them.
>bringing the fubuki loop in the new threaddie you son of a bitch and the morons who reply
Nijiniggers love to timeloop when Hololive is winning. It's their coping mechanism.
Korone & Okayu nendoroids coming soon!
Any predictions on Vox ASMR?
>>1946720914k max.
previous thread >>19456876
this one in here you idiot.
NEXT THREAD>>19468437 #>>19468437 #>>19468437 #>>19468437 #NEXT THREAD>>19468437 #>>19468437 #>>19468437 #>>19468437 #NEXT THREAD>>19468437 #>>19468437 #>>19468437 #>>19468437 #NEXT THREAD>>19468437 #>>19468437 #>>19468437 #>>19468437 #
>>19468952hang yourself, you're goddamn annoying
This one>trace is a nothingburgerholobros?
>>19468984Nipple play got to rough.
>>19468995>hang yourself, you're goddamn annoying
>>19468984piracy is a big deal
Anons, which province is assigned with Gura's newspaper ad anyway?
>>19469032> Apology> We have conducted an internal check of the illustrations created by our talent "Nene Momozu" and found that some of the illustrations were traced.> We apologize to the parties concerned and have issued a strict warning to the talent in question.> We will also strengthen our material checking system. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.kek, “strict warning”
>>19469032nene is apologizing later
>>19468877>>19469032Interesting. Let's see who handles their yab better. naked dogeza stream frame
>>19469157Can she win twice in a row? GRADUATION STREAM INCOMING
>>19469032Tf!? It was literally just same poses ffs! So poses are individually owned now?
Holo and Niji are just one-upping each other in terms of yab ...
>>19469229>forcing their talent to do an apology streamblack company
>>19469032Suspension incoming
>>19469229If mii-chan just do this instead of being a retard she would be fine
So when are Cover going to cancel and refund all sales of items involving Nene's art? They don't seem very sincere about resolving this issue if they think an """apology""" and """warning""" is enough
>>19469229>RIP Gura's goldElden's schizo status?
Two corpo YABs in such short time
>>19469300GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD!> Gen 5 gold back to back to back Gen5Schizo on suicide watch!
>>19469359Pain. Being more retarded than Nene of all people
>>19469414Nice try, nijinigger
>>19469414Worst case, they just offer some of the profits of the merch to the original artist or give them opportunities to work with hololive.
>>19469229>>19469032God i hate nijinigger so much. They have their nipple play and make big deal outta this shit for deflection. Fucking nipple deflector nigger
>>19469549>he doesnt know
>>19469549Nigga the original artist that nene "traced" IS the one that design all those merchs
>>19457237How did Suisei almost get 34k on vampire survivors of all things?
>>19469561>>19469591Then what is the big deal?
>>19469678Tracing is still bad
>>19469149See Rushia. You could have just been given a slap on the wrist like Nenechi but you chose to be menhera.
>nene gold 2 days in a row
nene will be whipped 10 times on the nipples
man this fucking Mori song does not deserve almost 30m views fuck
>the one she traced is the one who designed her new merch.Literally nothingburger.
>>19469708 she makes it seem like she did it on accident or subconsciously, she will be fine
>>19469678It's literally a nothingburger. Nene probably referenced the art to match the artist style on her merchs. The said artist also her friend that got nepo into making her merchs. it's nipplesanji deflect their national wide nipple faggotry making big deal out of it
The trace art thing bring back memories when Gura opened her membership, her emotes were also trace art from other artist. Gura deleted her emotes and PR through it herself on twitter, have Nacho mama design a brand new emotes for her after 4 days
>>19469824I mean in the sense that Cover still needed to address it and Nene needed to explain herself. It's not like Rushia's case where the notification itself was an actual nothingburger.
>Tracing yab>Cover negotiates with Namori behind the scenes, and gives her part of the profits for the traced merch>Nene apologizes>Namori doesn’t think much of it and is still friends with Nene>Nene invites Namori for a collab to teach her how to drawI know you’re in here Watamage
>>19469939Good ending
>>19469939How about namori as the next holomama as deal?
>>19469907I think in this case everybody followed procedure>rrat starts to spread>Nene contacts management>They all jump right into it before it gets traction, apologize, move onRushia could have done it
>>19470010>Loli JP7I'm in
>>19470032Rushias happened right as the weekend hit so Cover probably told her ass to wait til Monday and then itll all be addressed but we all know who she went to after that.
>>19470010No, that might be a little much. Just let her make merch for Gura or Pekora.
>>19469233Fuck yeah, more superchat money for the great NENENENENE
>>19470032It's also easier to handle. >Nene admits she miiiiight have referenced some art too similarly >management decides to apologize, warn her, and have her explain herself on stream since it's a clear cut "offense"Compare that to Rushia where the problem was vague and any apology would have been difficult to pull off (why are you apologizing and to who are you apologizing), I don't blame management for wanting a few days to think about how to handle it there
>>19470155Fuck it, go all out. Have the artist on the apology stream.
>>19470101>Cover probably told her ass to wait til MondayThat’s how much mafu waited for his perfectly clean clinically sanitized PR statement too, wasn’t it?
>>19470010God yes, make me a yuruholo girl Namori.
Fucking Nene, you forced Fubuki to stream VS to do damage control.
>>19469939>gives her part of the profits for the traced merchNamori IS the one that design the merchs retard. She already profits from nene's nepo
Imagine, if Rushia had been more calm and collected, without resorting to contacting outsiders, we will have an apology stream and everything will be okay again.
>>19469233Why would Lauren be doing a graduation announcement on Nene's channel?
>>19470010Namori (You) are a Holomama
>>19470155>why are you apologizing and to who are you apologizingNo apology was necessary, only a clarification >the person who sent the DM is my friend and we play FPS off stream >I apologize for not turning notifications off and allowing it to disrupt the stream and the collab >GIVE ME CHOCO
>>19470242You knew she was gonna play it anyway. She's been retweeting and chatting with the devs the past few days.
>>19469229okay back to numberPREDICTION????
>>19469414Calm down. Nobody actually cares. They are just getting ahead of it so the antis have no ammo. If antis raise shit people will just point to the apology.
>4k waitingKinda weak.
Q just doesn't stop, jesus
Riku's mage and Yagoo's Watamage are countering each other non-stop, but Riku will come out victorious because he made Rushia quit.
>>19470283This. It was so easy bros... just say you were friends in your PL days using some lore bs and be done with it
>>19470331>he made Rushia quit.Thanks?
>>19470010Namori will be in charge of IRyS' redesign
>>19470331But watamage cancelled their concerts AND a big collabo tho
>>19470331Who is Riku's mage? Lulu is gone now
>>19470331He made Rushia quit woy to early.
>>19470331Anon, Riku watamage flushed out the mole who might have leaked Coco’s graduation to Narukami (among other stuff). I’m starting to think he got the ACTUAL Watamage and she’s sabotaging him from the inside
>>19470192Nah, Mafu took a full day for his first statement and around 2 weeks for his second. If Cover indeed told her to wait until Monday, it'd be 3-4 days (Korekore didn't say anything about this, mind you, just that her manager told her to wait while she contacted the higher-ups for a plan)Not that it'd have mattered anyway, since she wasn't going to wait a full day either.
>>19470331>riku's mageShe has a name
>>19470330>6.3M in that image>its already up to 6.9M in real timeFucking hellRemember the people who said it would be debuffed because it wasn't on Gura's channel? lol
>>19470283bitch was scared of losing gachifans and was afraid the rrats thatd fester over a weekend would be too hard to put down if she waited, which is ironic since some of her biggest whales already started kneeling after a day lmao. She had more problems than that though if even half the shit thats come out since is true.
>>19470330And it's already 500k beyond that number right now, so you know next week's video will be at least 500k.
>>19470453It kinda is debuffed. King performed quite a fair bit better,But even debuffed it's still amazing
>>19470453It would have grown faster if it were on Gura's channel.
>>19470453It is debuffed because it ain't on Gura's channel. It would have done better there.
>>19470330They should make a part two and call it [G]
>>19470453Gura's channel is only good for the big initial month push. After that it loses views a lot compared to Mori who has more consistent and loyal listeners of her music.
>>19470453It might be debuffed, you don't know how big it would of been on Gura's channel.
>>19470453>>19470496>>19470497It basically is on Gura's channel. She linked it on her front page.
5,5k waiting on Nene 20 minutes left
>>19470666>Now guess where the Nijikeks are at based on the number of posters anon!
>>19470406>he doesnt know rikku built a shrine for their GodKing
>>19470638>making an apology stream so fast before it's blown up and hit the mainstream news pagesWhy do they hate numbers, not enough people know about the drama yet for it to get some real traction
>>19470814Is it really that big? Kek
>>19470847That's exactly what you DON'T want for drama you fucking retard
>>19470814>Those nipplesI bet Lauren would like to see those licked
>>19470847for stream number is bad, for brand is good. Nipping the drama in the bud before it festers
>>19470387That'd be a dream come true.
>>19470814Looks like a religion idol for everyone to kneel
>>19470847I agree, they should wait for primetime with a clear slot for the apology stream. And lets hope it's not less than 20minutes else she won't get a good peak
>>19470447Nui doesn't care to use her magic on this petty bullshit.
>>19469845you fags literally blame anything to nijisanji, it's impressive
>>19470010Namori is a mito fan who does art for her for years, that never will happen
No one cares about Taiwan's power went out?
>>19471019The art has been there for almost a year. I bet it is some autistic Chronoirfag seething that Nene beat their concert.
>>19470330>>19470475Some memes of it are spreading on slavland with the Gura and Calli fight in that MV being given a NATO vs. Russia subtext
>>19471079what does that have to do with vtubers, anon?
>>19471103It's honeslty an insult to put Russia on the same level as nato at this point
>>1947112490% of Luxiem's audience, lol
>>19470666kek >nipplegateThere must be some 5 threads about it
>>19471144Eh, at least Russia isn't pissing their pants like NATO is.
>>19471103Which one as Russia ?Which one as NATO?
>>19471239you can't piss your pants when you're burning up becasue you don't understand how paratroopers woirk
>>19471144>>19471239Keep it on topic, Twitter is a more appropriate venue for people hysterics about of “drama of the week”
>>19471103I wonder what the video artist feels about it knowing she's a Russian herself
>10k waiting onlydamn
>>19469367WACTOR already won the yab contest though
>>19471375kek, I thought wactor was for Latin American chuubas. Are they?
>Gura is going to lose her overall gold to the yab of the week from the HoloJP branchFucking hell. Get your house in order A-chan. Omega is doing a much better job. HoloEN CHADS are enjoying yab free streams all the time.
>>19471425jp corpo still iirc
>only 12kHolo drama is reclining...
>>19471449They’re cold as fuck, suing a current employee but not even firing her
Please talk about NoctyxThey just debut but you guys barely talk about them
>>19471466This is an actual nothing burger. Even the drama faggots didn't even bother to show up, lol.
16.8k waiting room
>>19471425Japanese Corpo that decided to pander to Latin Americans since Niji already has a monopoly with JP and Cover with EN
>>19471507There's nothing o be hyped about post debut. Also even though those guys want fujo money, they don't want to pander? Like how in the fuck did Nijisaji find prudish dudes?
Start crying Nene or you cant get gold.
>only 20K
Gura gold SAFE!!!
So fucking weird hearing keigo and basically zero emotion from Nene.
>gen 5 is so unpopular even their yabs can't get goldHeh
Smooth management written apology.
Weak ass drama. Really nothingburger.
>>19471650One day Watame will be in a yabe, will come one of these and go unironically with the grin and > Watame wa, warukunai yo ne?
>>19471466because nobody fucking cares about it20k is like the weakest YAB we've ever seen
>>19471705Ok, this one actually got a chuckle out of me. You are still a faggot gen5schizo but ya made me laugh with that one.
>>19471721>they didn't do this for RushiaThat's what happens when you're part of the favouritism gen that gets all the sponsorships and main channel appearances, management actually deals with your fuck-ups properly.
So a nothingburger in the end.
>>19471466>>19471705Literally nothingburgerStop bring dramatic, nijinigger
>Only 20kTch fucking dissapointed
Weak yabShould've waited for primetime for the apology stream
I guess that's the end of the Nene yab. I was expecting more I guess.
>Cmon Sanner and InnerWatamage can absolutely spin this into a drawing training arc for Nene.
>>19471792>weekend>matter that involved personal life
You've gotta announced your drama streams with more notice if you want gold
I just realized, with Rushia gone, Holofest day 2 is now utter trash compared to day 1. Except for maybe Pekora.
>>19471828Yep, now we can focus on the real yab. When is Lauren getting terminated? They are already cancelling collaborations and sponsorships involving him. Its only a matter of time until the termination announcement.
In more important news, we have today's Vampire Survivors docket.Mel: first time player Reine whenever she puts up the frame.
>>19471893before terminating lauren, riku and all empoyee of anycolor will nipple torture him first
>>19471793just a generic apologizeI will do better in the future please support meTHE END
>>19471893The correct play is to issue a suspension for 2 weeks-a month and indicate that is precisely because of the piracy issue. A full termination/forced graduation seems a bit much, but doing nothing seems a bit too little too.
>4 streams in Rushia's slotMaybe it wasn't such a bad thing since they can be a bit more spread out now.
>>19471872Rushia is not really a stage performer so without her, day 2 can pull off more dancing
>>19471960Yea. Also the fact that she clearly stated that she's already talked to the artist and settled the matter, so that kinda neuters the 'be angry on behalf of the artist's angle of attack and makes any further muckslinging over this as trying to speak on behalf of someone, which is frankly quite rude.
>>19471950That's a reward tho?
>>19471934>Miko playing Vampire SurvivorsBased. I unironically love the streams of this game. Its really fun to watch.
>>19472044>Rushias ancient bones no longer holding back the rest of the girlspraise
Will Towa no longer be the waiting room? She was the only one Rushia allowed to overlap with her.
>>19471507Not much to talk about numbers wise.Wiews and SC already kinda low.Otherwise, i want to fuck YugoFungus is pretty coolSonny needs more zatsusPurple's song is doing wellAnd i have no impression on Noct himself.
>>19471643bullied by Luxiem to not pander so they dont cut into their pie.
>>19471934I know how Gura is with games but I really hope she does another stream of it. She was actually coming up with some decent strategies for the Reaper at the end and even survived for like 30 seconds against him on one of her runs.
>>19472012>mfw rushia is the cause of people not streaming at that timeslot
>>19472104>>19472104That is if they have the time to practice new choreography
>>19472161Rushia...That compliance team better have an emergency work schedule since.
>>19472244top fucking kekFeels good to be an EN Chad LIVES
>>19471872Day 2 has more of my favorites but day 1 has better singers so I can't disagree
>>19472244Fucking chains man. I prefer the cleaner instant/sorcery split for MTG, spell speed nonsense is such a pain to keep track of.
>>19472375I love Pochi too but I think you're in the wrong thread, anon.
>>19472247The problem with Rushia is Cover need to do PR together with mafumafu's management or at least has the same word with mafumafu's management PR announcement
>>19472375She was working herself to death or got some illness?
So how many hours before the announcement was made? 2-3 hours?
>>19472179I think the only way to beat the reaper is to cheese him by staying low level the whole time than instantly leveling up after he spawns. I was playing tonight and got lucky enough his pathfinding glitched on a bookshelf in the library, I kept hitting him with all my stuff and it wouldn't kill him. After 30 seconds another one spawned from the side of the screen and insta-killed me.
>>19472461I think the vaccine almost killed her.
>>19472449Yeah, mafumafu actually referenced that in his last apology. It was a tangled situation that needed all parties to have consistent messaging and that's not something you can push out in mere hours.
>>19472503Which announcement? Cover's tweet about Nene? That was made at 4PM JST exactly.
>>19471872Day 2 was utter trash with or without Rushia.>>19472044Oh yes give me that shit. The girls' performances in recent lives are really good.
>>19472527Correct. The reaper's health scales according to your level, so you need to stay as low of a level as possible by using pathfinding cheese and runetracer, then dash out and grab exp right as the timer hits 30:00 and it spawns, mass level from all the dropped exp nearby and kill the first reaper. Then you die to the second one that spawns.
>>19472527saved one of those timestop clocks for him. managed to freeze and unload on him, funny enough it broke his A.I in that version and he kept standing still after the timestop ended. what i wonder is what would happen if you popped one of those instakill crosses when he spawns?
wow, that was a whole lot of nothing. is it back to niji nipple jav drama?
>>19472666insta kill crosses and pentagram deal like 600 damage only which i believe is more than enough for most monsters besides some bosses at least thats what it was before.
>>19472386Just so them newest to oldest.
>>19472669yes and people wanted a proper nipple apology stream toothat will be an easy gold for the day
>>19472856I can only imagine the numbers if he put the JAV's full name in his apology stream title and read it out live on stream
>>19472669Nah.. give it another day at least for nijiniggers to deflect from their nipple faggotry
>>19472856Nene’s quick apology may have resulted in Lauren lack of apology to look even worse
VSPO joining in
>>19473071She played it yesterday too but the numbers weren't great since she was trash at it. She's doing much better now.
>>19472856>niji gets a gold for a nipple apologyI don't really mind
>>19473071Leona (Re:Act) also will play it
>>19472856Male nipple posts would be hilarious.
I wonder if Hololive girls have hairy nipples
Cover killed the Nene shit really quickly. They didn't for Rushia because Rushia was being bullied or Rushia was under investigation already.
>>19472772There's also the existence of spell speeds two and three, and how if there is a spell speed 3 effect that only other spell speed 3 effects can be used in that chain. MTG used to have something like that with Interrupts, but that was really old and stopped being a thing a while ago when they got bundled into instants.
>>19472179Leave a comment in the Elden Ring stream, she’s gonna definitely read those.
>>19471375Why would you lose sponsorship over something this trivial?
>>19473417or nene isn't a fucking retard and went to the official company channels immediately and did what they asked instead of running to a dramatuber
>>19472503From around a day to a few hours depends on what you are talking about. 2ch started pointing out the traces yesterday JST, but it only started getting bigger today. No idea when Nene / Cover found out about it and started figuring out the way to deal with it, though
>>19473417Well rushia went to korekore after 2 hours the stream ended
>>19473417this post reeks of nijinigger
>19473417Ogey, so when are you apologizing for your nipple fetish Lauren?
>>19473521I wonder how Calico Cat will take this. I certainly hope she's on meds.
>>19463838anon? are you retarded?
kek >ElderRingSchizo on suicide watch
>>19473803>chocosen asserting dominance over nijiniggersunfathomably based
>>19473535>>19473487I was trying to imply Rushia was already on thin ice and that Cover couldn't compromise an investigation. They have to be airtight if they're gonna fire someone due to employment laws in Japan. Cover knew Rushia was using her accounts for personal shit, this isn't the first time a mfmf DM showed up after all.
>>19473680There's something weirdly wholesome about this every time it's posted
>>19473680>>19473911To be absolutely fair the first two along with King's statements are fine
>>19473911The kuzuha clip of that moment is fucking hilarious.
>>19473897Not only that, they knew she had already approached Kore before since her manager found out about Kore talking about m-chan in January and warned her, but she went and contacted him anyways so quickly after the DM shit happened in that GTA stream.
>>19474001what really forced their hand was what she sent to narukami in november 2021 you imagine being somebody who has the experience and prestige in the vtubing industry and having to do the bidding of Sakura fucking Miko? Miko has been making a mockery of the industry for years and she walks around like she is queen bitch these days.
>>19473988kek, someone sent the rainbow flag to Kuzuhs and he went> I don’t know what country is that from. Mine is from Japan
>>19474181Do your reps. He laughed at the flag and said "Kill all fags"
>>19474154What's this? Only 2 guests for Birthday or something? What are you mad about?
>>19474230I left out Polka's name. Polka is a legend in the vtubing industry and she is walking around like a lap dog to Sakura fucking Miko.
>>19474211Now I'm interested, I need the fucking source for this
>>19474263Miko only got 2 guests while others have gotten upwards of 7? Rrats? Was Miko the bully all along and other Holos are distancing themselves from her?
>>19474276Polka isn't, Nobuhime was.
>>19474263Miko and Polka engage in cunnilingus on stage while Flare proceeds to eat out Noel's ass. The scene ends with Suisei walking onto stage and exclaiming god hates fags
>>19474276To be fair a lot of people in Hololive just kneel to Miko in general. She was one of the pioneer, even Pekora learn a thing or 2 from herI am pretty certain most people hate Pekora only because she never fully kneel to Miko
>>19474362She certainly does carry that energy doesn't she. She is the protagonist after all.
>>19474314Maybe she just want it to be friend hanging out instead of inviting a fuck ton of guest to pad the stream time?Flare and Polka are quite nice to have in a 3D live desu
>>19474314literally go back like a day on her timeline man
>>19473803GACHI !thats my sensei !
>>19474319After that live Polka pulled I kneel to her as well
>>19473803speaking of elden is up with the 3hr limit on the permission?
>>19474393She is like Pekora before Pekora
>>19474314stfu migo schizo
PekoMiko schizo this is /#/ not /jp/
Now after nene apologize stream, The anti probably split in 2 way. One attacking niji and the other stay to attack holo. - for niji they probably say : look at those holo they even make their talent do apologize stream but what about you? - and for holo they probably gonna compare the treatment between nene & rushia, like why you don't let rushia doing apologize stream first but straight terminating her contract.
>>19474544There isn't a 3 hour time limit but you have to let them know how long you are going to play before the stream and that becomes your limit. Gura told them she was going to play for 3 hours today so she had to stop. She said she wished she asked for more time.These are the most autistic permissions I have ever seen.
>>19473513Cover has spies in 2ch and 5ch. They may be in here as well.
>>19474544there's some weird fuckery going on with cover where they have to declare exactly how long they are streaming the game when asking for perms, and Gura asked for 3 hours. Noel said that it was removed for her but it might be just specifically for her.
>>19474670It's me. I'm the spy.
Damn stop fighting over Rushia's slot. The cap is so low at this time.
>>19474544They need to tell how long they will stream the game to apply for permission, Gura originally applied for 3hrs and regret it afterwards.
Miko is bad singer her 3d live probably fully pre-recorded with max auto-tune
>>19474759Miko isn't a bad singer though
>>19474723Wait, with the way Sankisei do thing before isn't any Sankisei slow a golden slot? Since it got the funnel from other Sankisei, especially Pekora and Marine
I'm actually curious if the piracy yab is going to have some more severe consequences down the line.
>>19474457>I thought that was the Nijisanji flagHow do I recover my knees, bros...
>>19474001I know this is a timeloop discussion but I will never get over how Rushia did everything her power to make things worse for herself. Reminds me of that Dave Chappelle sketch where a woman ruins her entire life.
Thread is all ESL niggers now, time to sleep
>>19469141Work it out yourself
mmm the wiating room recover of mel and koyori is really slow
>>19474848>Miko gets TokyoAs expected of the protagonist with "queen bitch energy" as that one guy pointed out.
>>19474154Miko can't force Polkahime to do shit.This isn't /nnd/, why are the Miko antis /here/?
>>19474891/jp/ is a mistake
>>19474891it's the same retard. getting shit on for elden ring permission and failed drama threads.
>>19474891breaking containment more than usual lately
>>19474878koyofag here, it's actually faster than her last 5 streams after she got a bunch of people flagged last friday
Friend is just bullying everyone else in this slot. At least Pink Dog has her loyal gachis.
>>19474856Well it is part 4 of Okami and the tourists are being taken by fubuki.
>>19474613>why you don't let rushia doing apologize stream first but straight terminating her contract.Because Nene’s public apology was someone external to the company while Rushia didn’t have anything to apologize to the public, only to the company
>>19475013also, she's not a good singer like at all, the first song p much filtered most tourists lol, she's cute if you like sovl tho
Miko's party.
>>19475013It's amazing that all a holo has to do to get a mountain of gachis it to say you want them, say sweet nothings in early ASMR attempts, and do big shows of unicorn pandering like not catching male pokemon.
>>19474848That's a big Watame
>>19475105Just never collab with males, it is that simple.
>>19474658Doesn't exist for Noel so it's Bamco US, not From
>>19474670If I was Cover or Niji I would definitely have some of the interns shitposting on 2ch/5ch/4chan
>>19475261It's just basic PR tactics, divert the antis to drama else where.
>>19475261>Cover interns are on 5ch and 2ch right now posting about nipple porn to distract from Nenekek
>>19475256it did exist for her first stream, it got removed later on
>>19475087Yeah only friends
Inameschizos please explain
>>19474723Rushia's slot is pretty good. Finish streaming around 9 - 10pm JST, just enough time get dinner and fuck with their bfs. All while getting enough sleep.
>>19475391that's just a chuuni fanfic comic, but you already knew that
>>19475391Why are you posting this here?
>>19475412All meDon't expose my gfs' schedules like that please thank you
>>19475412unless you're koyo and you keep going till 1am, then you end up tweeting you're going to bed at like 3am and sleep 4 hours before asakoyo, not like it has happened several times before
>>19475324Makes no sense that they'd remove it only for Noel and nothing she said hinted at that, Cover is the one doing negotiations with From and not the streamers themselves. If it's an issue for EN they need to take it up with Bamco.
>>19475626well whatever it is, it still happened. Noel had the same time limit thing during ehr first stream, and then from her second stream onwards she said that she doesn't have it anymore.
why is fubuki playing VS again? jesus christ, VS is that kind of retarded game you give to your little brother who hates losing so he can win all the time and be happy, i've never seen such a mindless crappy game, the whole premise makes no sense, where is the difficulty? lmao
>>19475734cope and seethe
>>19475734Fubuki also played a game where she fishes for a stupid golden fish for hundreds of hours all while getting ~40k CCV Seethe
>>19475734Oh look, an unbeliever
Fubuki is also playing the new content.
>>19475750>>19475791>>19475821what i get from this responses is you are all casuals, to stand still for 30 minutes and win everytime? fuck off
>>19473411Mio and Botan definitely do
Gura gold?
>>19475902You're one letter away from >>>/v/>>19475921Miko is playing VS, I doubt Gura can keep her gold
>>19475902Go back to your Boring Ring streams. Us Vampire Survivors CHADS are watching pure soul kino.
>>19475962Gonna laugh when Vampire Survivors beat Boring Ring again.
>>19475962Yea, unless Miko is royal arse and does constantly within the first few minutes, she should be able to break 30k without too much of an issue.
>>19475966look ma, this is how you play, run around for 2 minutes grabbing the blue balls and then just stand still till the timer is over, best game ever!
>>19476006Just like ringfit
Miko won't pass 30k while Fubuki is playing VS, but there's a bakatare stream in 3 hours so she'll end at some point.
>>19475261>>19475284This place (and this sort of place) draws a lot from the ever so referenced “fight club” in the sense nobody knows the type of people that really posts here. In that US-North Korea summit in Singapore there was an anon from SG military security duty (aka secret services) shitposting with the lads on /pol/, including posting pics proving he was what he claimed. I assume if one day the identity of everyone that posts here got disclosed anons would be surprised with the wide range of people that posts here. Maybe Riku himself is the “slow and steady” anon
>>19476005the thing is she sucks and keeps dying at the 10 minute mark
Elden ring schizo…
>>19469414god, you nijiniggers are always so obviouslearn to falseflag better
>>19470248wait hold up, so namori "designed" the merch and Nene just actually drew it?and the problem was that it was too similar to the original design or something?
>>19470814...that HAS to be photoshopped right? The neck isn't actually that long right?
It’s still processing as I just saw this vod jump from 449k to 451k, straight to 455k, so the views are still coming in at an alarming amount, but this is what we got so far 6 hours in. To compare, Gura’s Vampire Survivors vod that was 50 minutes longer had 400k at 5-6 hours.If you want to see head to head the difference between this and Pekora’s recent VS that was slightly longer than Elden Ring: hours of existing and is already almost 100k down. >Gura: 25,469/29,003>Pekora: 27,265/44,633
>>19476406Good job Cumbuck. Pekora is reclining.
>>19476282it's totsu thoughbut who's going to give a fuck about that game except Aki?
>>19476396No, that's actually it. Nip niji twitter had a good laugh.
>>19476406we know you hate peko, kill yourself already ratiofag
>>19476438That's the point, it's all on the path to establish Aki finally.
Streams with more than 2 millions views (longer than 15 minutes)Noel 6Gura 3Rushia 2Miko 1Okayu 1Korone 1Coco 1Chloe 1
>>19476282Gura gold thenMigo overlap with fbk rn
>>19476473kek, disqualifying that Pekora one for Rushia?Wouldn't getting more than 1M views on a 5 min stream harder?
>>19471124Taiwan is a major part of Holo JP and EN's audience...
>>19476451Nah I like Pekora. The problem is that typically with these things you need a reference and Pekora is the only one on JP that even matches Gura enough in views. I’ve tried checking Miko out or even Suisei and it’s just abysmal in comparison most of the time. If there were better references I would. Korone for example did have a good showing for her Vampire Survivors stream (had like 400k in 4 hours) but there’s no use using it when Peko had like 470k+ in 3hrs 30 mins, if that makes sense
>>19476553take out gura's dick out of your mouth before speaking
Kek this mean Pekora is STILL playing Ark off stream. And it mean she have enough self respect to stop streaming it
>>19476525It was actually done to exclude Coco's graduation anouncement, because I still miss her.
>>19476553>I’ve tried checking Miko out or even Suisei Holy shit you literally are the same schizo from november huh.
>>19476597No, last time she played the game off-stream was 13 days ago
>Nene drama is over too quickly so can't use that to deflect nijihomo nipple jav>better time loop EN vs JPso predictable
>>19476713nah, this is literally that one fag who keeps trying to do water divination and tarot readings to come up with half the data missing to calculate vods, literally nnd's magic number tier and treats it like gospel
>>19474814Nippleboi would have to live with that name for the rest of his career. I'd say that alone is already a big L
>>19476473Noel's so fucking strong with her ASMR, and it's not even her top form. Kneel to the boob knight
Wtf is wrong with 4ch? Shit been laggy this past few days
>>19476755The only thing we can say for certain, after that frozen VOD of GTA, is that YouTube's CCV metric is a complete joke, but then again that's not anything particularly new, only that it's even more jank after CCVID hit. It's why I don't have a horse in the CCV race anymore, YouTube killed my enjoyment of it outside of cheering the increasing numbers during big events. 20k for HoloEN? Meh, we'll never know the real numbers anyways so why worry about it?
>>19477056I mean the only real non schizo use for ccv besides dick measuring is to analyze whether the content of a vtuber is working for her audience or not.
>>19477056so we trust the other black box number instead, gotcha
>>194770554chan is reclining. . .
>>19477056you needing to add all this caveats makes you sound like a twitter drone vodschizo
>>19477129The channel owner has access to the “real” numbers, they don’t rely on ccv that may or may not be accurate depending on YouTube shenanigans.
>>19477161>>19477218I mean, I would love if YouTube isn't complete shit, so you're right that I'm coping that the site loves to fuck with its own metrics for some godawful reason.
>>19477055WW3 tourists and glowniggers
>>19477235No wonder Cover never brags about CCV to investors when they know the truth.
Aaaaaaand Fubuki managed to fuck the pathing of the reapers and now has SIX of them on screen. It's going to take forever for her to even kill one.
>>19477413Jinxed it, one finally spawned at the right angle to kill her.
Is Pekora's ark boss raid a split pov?
>>19477462No, the Pekora collab fee is to give up your POV for her.
>>19470411> Riku wanted a watamage of his own and searched in the occult circles he knew> a powerful mage offered a reward as a demonstration of her capabilities> wiped the top earning member from his rival company> Riku - obviously impressed - immediately hires her> yabs start happening inside his company as well> finances crumble, two braches canned> multiple talents graduating one after the other> nippleRikkun... oroka da na ~
How does the quality of the current holostars 3D live compare to the chronoir concert?
>>19477571Even better than Chronoir
>>19477571wait, it's kinda off sync or slow at the song he's singing right now
New subscribers ranking ver. February
>>19477571They have pretty good 3d wow.But 2k viewers kek.
>>19477787That is 10 times his normal viewership. Impressive.
>>19477777Miori blowing up
>>19477571My rrat is that Riku pleaded or paid Yagoo to not open an EN Stars branch and cooperate by giving free collabs like Ange/Maimoto to StarsJP. StarsJP also benefit from this since they don't want EN to quickly overshadow them and place a ban on debuts until after they finished getting all their 3Ds.
>>19477878Nice rrat except I don't think Riku has the funds for it. He can hardly keep his company afloat.
>>19477571Compared to Chronoir? Way better.
>>19477913>I don't think Riku has the funds for itMaybe trade alert anon is right and this is some part of non monetary compensation for the Matsuri-HSKW+Toko+lots of stuff trade
>>19477571Way better model and rig. No matter how kino niji's accessories or add-ons are it still couldt redeem their shitty models and rig
>>19477491except lui is also gonna stream her PoV
>>19477777Huh, Maya Putri came back? I've always thought this girl was Anya
>>19477462Gura mogged?
>>19476473Noel will be doing NON MEMBER ASMR later ! it feels good to be a kishi-dan
>>19468437>>19468437>>19468437migrate when ready
>>19478015Wait a second, there's Lui, Choco, Pekora and Polka. Those make sense. But there's Kanata making her comeback on this and no Aki? wtf