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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.19387795
Quoted by: >>19391347

I wish I didn't have to see this today, fuck you anon

>> No.19387801

it's the least funny joke in all of vtubing, except when rosemi does it

>> No.19387802

It's all he ever says. POG! DEEZ NUTS! POG! POG! DEEZ NUTS!
Maybe the honeymoon period is over but he was a lot more bearable a month ago, now he just repeats the same shit every stream.

>> No.19387819

lol gottem

>> No.19387822
File: 30 KB, 375x489, 1319917457139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same energy

>> No.19387855

nijikeks, males are annoying your oshis with retard dm's trying to get in their pants.... why do you let this happen?
us hololivers have a solution for this, if they get a discord message from a male, they are fired. nijikeks, please reconsider who you watch.

>> No.19387880

All male vtubers are sex pests. No exceptions.

>> No.19387946
Quoted by: >>19406891

they really need to stop posting these fake discord messages on twitter

>> No.19387998

This is the most autistic thing I have ever seen.

>> No.19388016

Do people actually watch en m*les? gross...
with the way he talks he should've just tried being a zoomer minecraft twitch streamer

>> No.19388074

Yeah I tried tuning in a collab and his constant use of pog just made me tab out. Talk like a normal human being ffs.

>> No.19388102

Rosemi is cute because she clearly doesn't actually understand the jokes.
"Colossal deez nuts" and "Turkeez nuts" make no sense, but she keeps saying them. It's adorable.

>> No.19388161

Imagine having a female oshi in nijiEN you just want to watch but you have to deal with cringy tryhard male vtubers interacting with them constantly. What a sad state.

>> No.19388354

I feel so bad for them. I finally started giving niji a chance, even dropped a membership for rosemi and pomu, others would have followed. then the males came, now I cant watch them, but good thing it was just a passing phase for me, since I am a fan of real vtubers only now (hololive).

>> No.19388445

Literal autism

>> No.19388474
Quoted by: >>19391347

haven't cringed like this in a long time. dear lord.

>> No.19388499

>all jokes are cringe except when they come from my oshi
why are rosekeks like this?

>> No.19388512

Holostars EN will come soon and the same thing will happen to the girls as well. If they interact with the males I'll cancel my memberships

>> No.19388539

i hope they start dating unironically

>> No.19388545

Actually I agree with him, rosemi is so dumb with them that it works

>> No.19388556

You're a retard if you think she doesn't understand them. She's a fully grown adult who took sex-ed in school. She isn't a child, no matter how much she acts like one or how much you want to believe she is.

>> No.19388610
Quoted by: >>19389138

its not sexual harassment against coworkers when its a joke, judge sir

>> No.19388619
Quoted by: >>19393036

Yes, i remember you did that when i jumped to the moon and got back in 4 minutes! Crazy day

>> No.19388632

People keep telling me America doesnt have sex-ed. Or is this a meme and they mean sex-ed as in being able to list off 86 genders by heart

>> No.19388641

>if they get a discord message from a male, they are fired
Mori has gotten tons of messages and dick pics from Connor and yet she's still there

>> No.19388668

jeez.. that was something

>> No.19388712

Rosemi is in Canada, but lived all over the world growing up (parents moved for jobs)

>> No.19388716
Quoted by: >>19388773

you the one spamming deez nuts jokes in every chat?

>> No.19388722
Quoted by: >>19441282

Connor clearly as oneitis for Ironmouse you can sleep soundly deadbeat

>> No.19388773

I think all deez nuts jokes are cringe, no matter who they come from, including Rosemi. Rosemi does not get a free pass just because she's "cute"

>> No.19388861

she gets bonus points for effort and female, leon can rot

>> No.19388891

the joke doesn't even make sense

>> No.19388899

honestly based, but rosemi's cringe just works for some reason

>> No.19388913
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>> No.19388919
Quoted by: >>19388952

Luca has Covid?

>> No.19388939

imagine being this unfunny

>> No.19388940

>She's a fully grown adult who took sex-ed in school.
I'm not suggesting she doesn't know what nuts are, she's not that sheltered. She just doesn't get (or acts like she doesn't get) the actual format of the jokes. It's the same as her not getting how the "updog" joke works. Nothing to do with how it's technically sexual.

>> No.19388944
Quoted by: >>19411142

When she does these jokes it's funny not in the "gottem" way but I guess you would only get it if you've experienced her whole deez nuts development

>> No.19388952
Quoted by: >>19405464

covideez nuts!

>> No.19388984

Like when Rosemi tried to do updog, very adorable

>> No.19389012
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>> No.19389041

No you fucking retard. She understands that "deez nuts" are testicles she just doesn't understand the puns in front of them. Like suguma=suck on ma etc.

>> No.19389053

it's pretty sad that deez nuts is legit boomer humor. like the joke is at least over 30 years old now

>> No.19389076

We have basic sex-ed, but they skip a lot of details in favor of "If you have sex before marriage you'll get STDs and/or pregnant and die so just abstain instead". Mostly because many of our lawmakers are so against premarital sex that they believe giving children details on how to do it safely is bad, because it will encourage them.
Which ignore that people will do it anyway, just less safely, but I never said those lawmakers were SMART. (Although a lot of them actually do understand that, they just see STDs, pregnancy, and even general bad experiences as a just punishment for having too much sex).

>> No.19389113

The absolute state of nijicucks jesas

>> No.19389138

Are you actually calling deez nuts jokes sexual harassment?
This board is worse than twitter.

>> No.19389189
File: 1.97 MB, 444x250, a47.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19389238

this is luca right now

>> No.19389197

I don’t doubt she’s gotten messages from him and her other friends, I doubt she gets dick pics from them.

>> No.19389198
File: 83 KB, 179x191, unknown (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holokikers coping this hard for their dying streamers

>> No.19389235

I grew up in bumfuck southern baptist USA in a town with a 22% unemployment rate and my sex ed was completely fine. No focus on abstinence and no misinformation. I have a lot of experience with shitty US public schools and have no idea where this myth of "they only teach abstinence" comes from in the past 30 years unless they are talking about private Catholic schools. US schools do not teach abstinence only and hasn't for 30+ years.

>> No.19389238


>> No.19389493
File: 1.08 MB, 800x1220, 55AEAAB7-7A9F-41C9-8B8E-27ABF12869A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19389553

Old men who either don’t know how to have fun or their inner child died ITT. SAD! I’m still gonna yell out “POG!” when I bust a fat load on your oshi’s face.

>> No.19389553
File: 71 KB, 680x673, 1639263939227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19389578
Quoted by: >>19389741

At least where I went to school any actual information was then followed by "BUT that's not 100%, so just don't have sex instead" or things like "If you have sex with someone you're basically having sex with everyone they've ever sex with, and everyone THOSE people have had sex with, etc."
Although from what I understand the year I had sex ed was also the year when the county or state told them they couldn't give out condoms anymore, so it's possible things were just worse than usual at the time.

>> No.19389581

It's almost like they're performing for an audience of zoomers or something
Also: gotteeeem

>> No.19389619

It surprises me that with all the shit going on in the world right now, nobody thought of nuking Discord just yet.

>> No.19389644

Pomu is so helpful and kind. I love my oshi

>> No.19389741
Quoted by: >>19390002

>"BUT that's not 100%, so just don't have sex instead"
because its completely true, and considering how many girls still get knocked up in middle/high school it needs to be said. because no matter how you deal with it having a kid that early fucks your life up forever.

girls especially need that shit drilled into them, because while i was able to convince my gf to let me fuck her raw a few times i know full well i'd of came inside her the instant i could if she let me.

>> No.19389815
File: 81 KB, 1476x1500, A13usaonutL._CLa_2140,2000_61DYA4ZMFzL.png_0,0,2140,2000+0.0,0.0,2140.0,2000.0_AC_UL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also grew up in a southern baptist town, albeit with a much lower employment rate (~5%) and probably a larger population (~20,000), and we definitely had an abstinence-focused sex ed program at my public school. They would even sell us t-shirts with the dictionary definition for abstinence. I'm not sure who was pocketing the money from those shirt sales now that I bring that up. It wasn't a very effective program, speaking from firsthand experience.
This is also neither here nor there, but Fox News was constantly playing on TVs in the lobby at my high school.

>> No.19389942

>Seething over a Deez Nuts joke
Why not put this energy into a job or something?

>> No.19389978

Yagoo please save Pomu

>> No.19390002
Quoted by: >>19390554

>because its completely true
It's true, but they say it in a misleading way. Technically condoms can break or birth control can be ineffective, but it's very unlikely.
>considering how many girls still get knocked up in middle/high school
Kids going through puberty aren't going to stop having sex no matter how bad you tell them it is. The way you stop them from getting pregnant is by giving them easy access to contraceptives and telling them it's important to use them (and how to do so, of course).
>girls especially need that shit drilled into them, because while i was able to convince my gf to let me fuck her raw a few times i know full well i'd of came inside her the instant i could if she let me.
Hell, this even supports that. Kids are gonna do stupid shit, but if you tell them "You have to use a condom every time" they're much more likely to go along with that than "Just don't do the fun thing because an adult told you it's bad in the middle of your rebellious phase".

>> No.19390054

LMAO look at all these angry holobronies mad at Nijisanji because one of their whores got fired and because Vox makes more money than their boring bitches. I never felt better being a nijichad, see ya next graduation/firing!

>> No.19390120
File: 75 KB, 594x828, 1637200823943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trying to claim that Niji is worse because of males, after the Rushia debacle.
Imagine the fucking audacity of trying to claim your GFE trash is better when your biggest gachi milker got exposed.

The fucking balls on you people I swear.

>> No.19390140
File: 130 KB, 250x250, 1621382233507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make deez nuts joke
>/vt/ seethes for some reason

>> No.19390150

What kind of monster finishes his shitty punchline after receiving such a genuinely kind response? How hard is it to pretend it wasn’t actually a joke and say thank you?
Somebody save Pomu please

>> No.19390239

I prefer deez when preceeded by a nice bofa or 2 CDs, but I will still always appreciate a deez when I can get one

>> No.19390248

Pomukeks are beyond saving

>> No.19390292

Not a Rosebud, but I've been wondering if I fell in love with my own oshi because she's funny or if she's funny because I fell in love with her. If you like someone, you're probably more likely to find even their shittier jokes funny

>> No.19390311
Quoted by: >>19404382

Rushia wasn't dating.

>> No.19390316
Quoted by: >>19391316

They don't actually care about the jokes. They just hate Luca/Males/NijiEN/Nijisanji (take your pick) and seethe over everything he/everything they do

>> No.19390320
File: 115 KB, 452x678, 1638636672565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19390486
Quoted by: >>19390915

Funny thing is that he was debating with himself if he should send it for like 10 minutes saying how sweet Pomu is while chat was spamming "DO IT"

>> No.19390554

They won't because condoms fucking suck.

>> No.19390603
File: 338 KB, 1076x602, SmartSelect_20220223-071353_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19426971

I kneel Sora.

>> No.19390635

damn, i really like his design and voice switching gimmick, but im really starting to hate this pog spamming reddit nigger more and more by the day

>> No.19390702
File: 49 KB, 720x721, 1644542742093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19406274

I think it's funny. I also like Pomu being Luca's mommy. Also I notice that zoomers like Luca really like jokes that were in-style like 20 years ago, like zoomers found the trove of lost memes and wondered why anyone ever abandoned them.

>> No.19390740

Have any of you heard of Updog???

>> No.19390765
File: 328 KB, 1300x1300, 1641547311339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19401511

>> No.19390915
Quoted by: >>19391361

Ok, that makes it much funnier.

>> No.19390930

Is this twitter?

>> No.19391061
Quoted by: >>19394801

Rosemi updogging herself while learning how to updog will be a memory I'll always treasure

>> No.19391226
Quoted by: >>19409411

Believe me in fucking working on it. I will get that bitch fired I swear

>> No.19391307

rofl bro dudes straight bussin no god frfr

>> No.19391309
Quoted by: >>19393683

How's Lulu these days?

>> No.19391316

If you read the OP and your reaction wasn't "wow that's cringy and entirely not funny" I hope you die faggot

>> No.19391323

Oh yes totally natural discord messages not made to farm twitter likes...nijikeks really like this? Jesas

>> No.19391347
Quoted by: >>19404581


>> No.19391361
Quoted by: >>19394804

Here is the timestamp btw

>> No.19391633
Quoted by: >>19395269

Bruh no cap on good his quips are on fleek they got me going sheeesh like bruh how could you not cop the words hes spitting?

>> No.19391976
Quoted by: >>19392086

Imagine how dumb and bad this idiot felt
when he still delivered the joke after she went full concerned & caring on the "problem"
since he know that wasn't even a good joke to begin with

>> No.19392086

No need to imagine since he did it live

>> No.19392679
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, gnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's gottq be guns and roses

>> No.19392736

Plenty of things aren't funny. Doesn't make them worth seething about.

>> No.19392810
Quoted by: >>19392977

>using the word cringe
you are already a faggot, kill yourself newfag

>> No.19392977
Quoted by: >>19393137

> letting other people tell you not to use a word that describes a real universally recognized emotional response because it's not fashionable anymore

you are already a faggot and an npc, kill yourself newfag

>> No.19393036

Nothing crazy about what he said. He's still a faggot ENigger though so it doesn't matter in the end.

>> No.19393137

fucking newfags, I swear

>> No.19393157

i assumed the punchline to be consume the vaseline like your traditional meds but oh lord it's worst than i thought.

>> No.19393232

their mental twitchniggers that just happen to stream on yt because company pushed them there.

>> No.19393382

it took me quite some time to notice it supposed to be a joke

>> No.19393683

good, she's a cam streamer now that she left and doesn't have to care about the stalkers.

>> No.19394532

holokek Mumei exists, shut the fuck up

>> No.19394705

I laughed.

>> No.19394801
Quoted by: >>19395290

For your viewing pleasure

>> No.19394804

>he turned Pomu's kindness into CONTENT

>> No.19394969
Quoted by: >>19395032

Reminds me of when Finana did basically the same thing by asking Pomu if she could vent to her and Pomu was super nice and genuine about it. Turns out the stinky fish was just trying to make an AMOGUS joke

>> No.19395032
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>> No.19395080
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>> No.19395095

Ok, that's actually funny. Based feesh.

>> No.19395104

iirc Pomu even mentioned in a stream that she felt kinda bad at first since she didn't reply right away thinking it was a serious thing

>> No.19395157
File: 104 KB, 443x391, 1641763024385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19410939

It's true pain, I thought I wouldn't care but I can't enjoy watching Rosemi as much knowing she interacts with those absolute cringelords

>> No.19395251

This one only work when Kitboga ask retarded indian scammers

>> No.19395269

I'm gonna kill you anon

>> No.19395290

Here's some cute art to go with the clip

>> No.19395315

I only watch solo streams nowadays. I've been watching dudes for a long time since forever since I love Nijisanji but these EN dudes are too loud and unfunny for my taste. But yeah, collabs are basically a skip for me nowadays.

>> No.19395350

Classic Niji “humor”, not certain why you would be surprised at this.

>> No.19395630

Ah well, the hamood joke was really good so i'm ok for now with Luca.

Also Millie does this shit too but no one bats an eye???

>> No.19395690

Colossal drain deez nuts

>> No.19395708

You should know by now females get a pass

>> No.19395803

Did you miss when Nina shat on her for making these jokes to Oliver-sensei? She barely did this kind of joke after that until she started to collab with MLP. Luca has been doing these for a long time incluiding in chat.

The real problem is that Luca does it so often that it started being unfunny rather than it just being crass.

>> No.19395977

Yeah i know Nina bitched about it, but the last collab they had she said a deez nuts joke and Petra got mad lol, so don't worry about it.

>> No.19396053

Nina is such a stick in the mud

>> No.19397744

Wait, did Nina do that on stream? Does anyone have a clip? Kinda fucked up

>> No.19397913

NTA but iirc Millie was making sexual innuendo jokes but in japanese like she said for example "morning wood" in japanese and chat found it funny except for Nina.

>> No.19397993

It was in this collab


>> No.19398281

I'd wager their contract would have some ground rules about how they can interact with the Hololive girls. We'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.19401410

Anon. They're gay.

>> No.19401511

Fulgur 100% would spit in Yagoo's face.

>> No.19401623
Quoted by: >>19401851

Reminder that /vt/ is full of fully grown adult men who type things that they think are humorous, when they are in fact, not.

>> No.19401851

The reality is much worse actually.
/vt/ is full of adult men who got bullied by a bunch of autistic weebs on /jp/ and reddit years ago and have to take out their frustrations on this board, daily.

>> No.19401890

Seriously though what's the joke? There's no pun.

>> No.19402350

don't care + didn't ask + Luca has more followers than all the girls + ratio + POG

>> No.19402786

Nerve gas?

>> No.19403203

>the deez nuts spammer in chat now gets to chat up your oshi every day on Discord.
Maybe unicornbros had a point.

>> No.19403866
File: 195 KB, 800x698, guraconfused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know I'm starting to feel like maybe I just don't like these people. I'm not sure I ever did really. I'm actually not sure if I like anyone at all. I mean think about it: You remove the eyecandy avatar, you remove any expectations or hopes for what they could be, just pay attention to their personality and who they really are. What exactly is there to like? Nothing, right? Not just with vtubers but with everyone. There's just nothing to like and it scares me.

>> No.19403951

Try being less edgy.

>> No.19404164
Quoted by: >>19411278

So who's the funniest EN vtuber so far. Could be from whatever group, indie, etc

>> No.19404360

how is not liking other people edgy?

>> No.19404382 [DELETED] 

>she wasn't dating, she just got pumped and dumped by microscopic alien cock
Anon, that's even worse.

>> No.19404429

Buddy, you're the dumbdumb for not understanding the post you replied to.
>People keep telling me America doesnt have sex-ed.
It depends on the region. It can range from a regular, in depth study to nothing at all.

>> No.19404431

>What exactly is there to like? Nothing, right? Not just with vtubers but with everyone. There's just nothing to like and it scares me.
Not them but I think that's about where the edge came in

>> No.19404452
Quoted by: >>19404494

Not liking most people isn't edgy.
"There's nothing to like about anyone" is edgy.

>> No.19404487

focus on enjoying your time alone anon, after you stop caring it gets better

>> No.19404494

Can you deny it?

>> No.19404544
Quoted by: >>19404797

Again, not them, but yeah, easily. I am at worst indifferent to the majority of people on the planet and just try to focus on enjoying my friendships and healthy familial relationships. Actively disliking everyone but yourself gets old real quick.

>> No.19404581

>us hololivers
Fucking idiots didn't even bite. They just straight up stuck the hook into their sphincter. Of course.
You have to be 18 to post here. Go to bed child.

>> No.19404683

Who are these people?

>> No.19404797

Hold on there bucko. Active dislike never came into it. Simply having "nothing to like" about someone would result in indifference towards them, as you say. Couldn't someone without friends, and no family that they like, justifiably hold that "edgy" view?

>> No.19404983
Quoted by: >>19426339

It's not edginess, there's just some hard to describe feeling, that's cold and unsettling, like there's something missing. It's like opening up a bucket, there could be anything in there, you think about opening up buckets all the time and hear all kinds of stories about how these buckets can contain great and interesting things. Those things could be beautiful, they could be scary, they could be funny, they could even be a living nightmare. But then you start to open up these buckets, one by one there's little more than soil or sand in them. Sometimes there'll be a few bugs, nothing particularly special, maybe some earthworms or a ladybug. Maybe somebody did try to do something mean or nice with the buckets, you might find an old petrified piece of poo, or maybe someone scribbled some nice sounding but ultimately empty words in the sand. Eventually opening up buckets becomes a normal thing for you, you can more or less figure out what's in it from a glance. The bad things stopped really scaring you, there's rarely anything that's really that bad and you figure that even if there was you'd notice the signs before it's too late. The "good" buckets don't really have anything you want either, it's not like there's anything really wrong with them, at most you're rubbed the wrong way a little by the poorly thought out messages but it's not like it's a big deal and you understand the sentiment. Eventually you realise that what you want isn't in any of these buckets. There's not really anything to be angry about, and it's not like the buckets are at fault for that; you can't even really fault the people who dream about how great buckets can be either because you used to be one of them. You simply stop opening buckets.

>> No.19405091

You are way out of the loop. They pass out condoms to elementary school kids now and show them sex toys by high school.

>> No.19405290

Yes. I don't get along with most people, but even with them I usually can see why someone WOULD be friends with them. I'm just not interested.
And of course, there's a few people that I do actually like, which is why I'm friends with them.
>Couldn't someone without friends, and no family that they like, justifiably hold that "edgy" view?
The fact that they hold that view rather than thinking they just haven't found people they resonate well with is probably a large part of why they don't have friends. If you go in assuming you'll hate everyone you meet of course you won't like them.

>> No.19405297

I suppose you could, but that isn't healthy. I think you can find things to like even about total strangers. I realize that sounds like a bit of a Pollyana way to go about life, but that's how I see things. Just acknowledging the basic humanity in other people constitutes liking something about them, at least to me. Strangers really can be kind to you without expecting anything in return if you go about your business giving them the benefit of the doubt.
You could probably stand to make a friend at some point, anon. It helps a lot. It's never too late to make one.

>> No.19405464


>> No.19406123

Niggas here say equally stupid shit

>> No.19406182
Quoted by: >>19406617

i'll threaten yagoo if i have to. please trade fucking Sana with her/

>> No.19406274

i'm fine with good deez nuts joke, this one is just awful.

>> No.19406401

this one is okay though. good delivery from feesh

>> No.19406475

He's autistic please understand.

>> No.19406575
Quoted by: >>19406801

The ESL had the best one I've seen from them


>> No.19406617

ngl swapbegging is more cringe than Luca's DN jokes

>> No.19406801

Most creative deez nuts joke I've seen from NijiEN thus far.

>> No.19406844
File: 24 KB, 290x290, 1644625383378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seething Holobronies

>> No.19406879

Pomu is my wife

>> No.19406891

well duh if they post actual discord messages they'll be terminated for NDA breach

>> No.19406918

>thought it was humorous
Because he knows viewers/consumers online eat it up. Hence why you got to see a screenshot of this totally organic interaction.

>> No.19407017

I am developing a small crush on Pomu.

>> No.19407240


this is the state of NijiEN right now

>> No.19409165

megumixbear is still alive??

>> No.19409269

I was thinking the same. You'd read the situation and just say thank you.
But then again maybe they're just making vtwitter content.

>> No.19409411

Thank you for your hard work cuckbeat.

>> No.19409492
Quoted by: >>19437088

Why does all of NijiEN hate Pomu?

>> No.19409821
Quoted by: >>19410228

he talked about it on stream and just had fun with his chat, I thought it was really entertaining regardless and just a harmful post. every time I go on this site I find everyone has nothing but manufactured hate, I hate this place and it ruins my mood, why do I keep coming back here

>> No.19410228
File: 124 KB, 710x960, FMsy3NrVQAQ6o-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, it's their loss. luca LOVE

>> No.19410939

Same but with elira and pomu. Worst thing is when those fags appear unannounced.

>> No.19411003

I hope this is a joke

>> No.19411142

You’re genuinely autistic if you think she didn’t always understand the joke

>> No.19411278


>> No.19414671

Nice. Time to join nijien so I can get a bf

>> No.19416914

Pomu seems like such a joy to DM/talk to bros...so wholesome and positive.

>> No.19417213
File: 334 KB, 2039x2894, 1644976513302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its begun to affect me now that there are so many males I hate to admit it. Think I was in denial for awhile but its really just like watching a girl you care about hanging out with dudes all the time like okay at a certain point it isn't that fun for me

>> No.19419383

Not even NijiJP have the guys constantly invade the girls streams unannounced NijiEn has really taken their unity shtick beyond reasonableness

>> No.19421667
Quoted by: >>19424705

Imagine getting the chance to talk to Pomu one on one and this is what you come at her with.
I've pretty much dropped all of them. I don't mind male streamers, but most of the male streamers NijiEN has are highly grating.

>> No.19424705

>I don't mind male streamers, but most of the male streamers NijiEN has are highly grating.
That's the main issue I have with them as well.
Male streamers are fine, I usually watch many of them in NijiJP, indies and even regular IRL ones.
But Jesus fucking Christ many of the NijiEN guys are absolutely insufferable, both on their own and especially with other people.

>> No.19424912

>>deez nuts LOL!
>Reminder that a fully grown adult man typed this and thought it was humorous.
Reminder that a fully grown adult man typed this and thought it was humorous.

>> No.19425027

It’s a literal nightmare scenario, I’ve had to drop them with males2 on the rise

>> No.19426339

Honestly, I get you, Anon. I think it's difficult to say "I just don't feel interested in people anymore" without sounding edgy or pretentious, but I think there's a lot of people who feel that way. Like, divorced from any kind of hate or sociopathy or loaded shit like 'humans are all evil, humans are just animal, blabla' nihilistic wank, and divorced from any implicit 'because I am smarter or better or deeper than any of them' nonsense. I think that some people just do not like or generally find solace in other people, finding them exhausting or frustrating at worst. Not to say that humans aren't social creatures, that still holds. But just that same feeling of "I'm happier with that bare minimal interaction. I don't want to meet or know more people." Despite what is often said, I don't think that's a bad thing, at the least I think it's natural. I get what you mean, Anon.

>> No.19426459
Quoted by: >>19426738

No, you’re just an edgelord

>> No.19426581
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Do nijiniggers really?

>> No.19426617
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>> No.19426622

Rosemi "Freaking It" Lovelock

>> No.19426676

What worse. He was replying to a girl who was giving him advices unironically and he apologizing because he KNEW what he was doing

>> No.19426738

Buddy, you are wicked retarded if you think pure and simple having a preference against social interaction means edgelord. That's not got any bearing on society, nor does it even have a bearing on how you think people should treat others. Be nice to people, believe people tend to be good, none of that's contradictory with the statement. Please learn to read.

>> No.19426971

Shit, she's finally done with RS3?

>> No.19427058
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Quoted by: >>19433235

Rosebuds are the most deluded on the board. They think their oshi is too dumb and pure to understand lewd jokes or anything to do with boys despite a certain roommate dating one.

>> No.19427229
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>watching a clip of his MGR playthrough
>Monsoon's lyrics kick in
>watch a gang beasts clip
>he just keeps screaming random shit
how people watch this loud faggot unironically is beyond me

>> No.19427729

Because I'm tired of everyone being an ironic faggot, he may be a retard but he does whatever he wants wihout being an insecure faggot like every other streamer and everyone here

>> No.19428211
File: 738 KB, 934x906, 1643561196726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nijisanji EN thread
>filled with people who don't watch Nijisanji EN

>> No.19428521

>you can only be a retarded faggot or an ironic faggot
the absolute state of luxiemfags

>> No.19429587

this would have been actually funny if he didn't add the "SORRY LOL". Way to coward out of your own joke.

>> No.19431066

>But just that same feeling of "I'm happier with that bare minimal interaction. I don't want to meet or know more people." Despite what is often said, I don't think that's a bad thing, at the least I think it's natural. I get what you mean, Anon.
I mean, as the first anon who disagreed with him I actually feel the same way. I just think that's me not being very social rather than thinking there's not anything to like in other people.
I was originally going to say that I put the blame on myself, but I don't consider it a bad thing so that's not really right.

>> No.19431471

more like kombucha

>> No.19432195

Zoomers have low attention spans and need keys dangled to keep them entertained. This guy is perfect for that.

>> No.19433235

"She doesn't understand the jokes."
"She's so pure."
"So innocent."
"So sheltered and autistic."
She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.19433303
Quoted by: >>19434444

Everyone that doesn't like my faggot is insecure. Stop projecting, you social retard.

>> No.19433327

AHHH sisters, he did again with doomah.

>> No.19434334

I thought they get over their funni Discord screenshots??? yeah yeah, we know NijiENs are so close they can deez nuts each other

>> No.19434444

Found the insecure faggot, LMAO

>> No.19434580
File: 61 KB, 1280x721, 1645937473348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19434673

>he may be a retard but he does whatever he wants wihout being an insecure faggot like every other streamer
Have you watched a single Twitch streamer in your life? Luca is just them + some pandering for women.

>> No.19434673

Exactly, they may be annoying retards but that is why they are extremely popular.

>> No.19434927
File: 3.84 MB, 3024x3800, 1625233819138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're having orgies and sex parties 24/7 without me and I can't take it

>> No.19435003
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 1616832445546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you aren't an obnoxious faggot that's constantly annoying unfunny and bothering people you're filtering yourself

>> No.19437088

It's the eggcord, they hate her by association with Kiara

>> No.19439518

Luca is a good boy and I like him

>> No.19441206

holy shit

>> No.19441282

yeah but she's a cripple
he needs a sidebitch to actually fuck

>> No.19442577
Quoted by: >>19442822

what the hell is an updog?

>> No.19442822
File: 280 KB, 293x460, smugsemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothin much bro. What's up with you?
