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File: 192 KB, 976x866, 1645903485147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19202712 No.19202712 [Reply] [Original]

why does mori pretend to be a musician when this is how much shes involved with music production?

>> No.19202799
Quoted by: >>19202924

why does OP pretend that he's not a faggot?

>> No.19202872
Quoted by: >>19203577

She needs someone to write lyrics for her because jesus they're bad.

>> No.19202924
File: 68 KB, 634x356, 1642983038831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19202995

nice selfie retard

>> No.19203187

why do I see the same thread every day in the catalog?

>> No.19203282


>> No.19203577

it's kind of impressive to write anything when your THAT inebriated

>> No.19203823

OP would look at the liner notes on a Beatles album, see all the staff involved in production and distribution of the album and conclude they aren’t real musicians.

Holy shit OP is retarded and desperate.

>> No.19203949

KFP works everyday

>> No.19203998

the retard is you. The beatles still wrote all their own lyrics AND composed the songs, AND even helped with the mixing process. Mori doesn't do that. Mori doesn't even compose.

>> No.19204007

she doesn't know Japanese, all those squiggles are really hard for her drunken brain to learn, please understand

>> No.19204013
Quoted by: >>19204861

Most rappers and singers are not also producers.

>> No.19204044

glad you can recognize yourself in the mirror

>> No.19204059
File: 49 KB, 370x343, 1645918607333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19205274


>> No.19204740

well George Martin did contribute a lot later in their career(especially with orchestral parts) but he never wrote entire songs or played any instruments. Mori isn't involved at all with the composition whereas George Martin could be considered another member of the band

>> No.19204861

If you don't write, compose, or produce your own music then you aren't a musician. You're a vocalist for someone else's music project.

>> No.19204878
Quoted by: >>19205203

The beatles wrote and played there music and instruments in very competent fashion. Mori isn't even close too or on the same level the beatles.

>> No.19205024

So you admit that you're a faggot too then?

>> No.19205038

You’re proving my point. They helped with mixing but they aren’t credited in their own albums as producers or sound engineers because basically every artist has some say in the mixing. Mori obviously had some input on the mix but that wouldn’t make her the sole credit for it. Also it literally says she wrote the lyrics right fucking there. The credit for composition was likely someone who helped tighten up the Japanese and arrange the music to better fit Japanese lyrics. I”m not even a Mori fan but goddamn Mori antis are fucking grasping at straws.

>> No.19205200

mori just picked a track to sing over, I'm not a BMW engineer if i buy a BMW

>> No.19205203
Quoted by: >>19205429

Anon thinks an example is the same thing as a comparison.
She’s obviously not the Beatles dumbass.

>> No.19205274

Oh no no no deadcucks we got too cocky

>> No.19205318
Quoted by: >>19205657

I did not prove your fucking point because Mori still doesn't do the bare minimum of writing ALL their lyrics and composing ALL their music.

This is so simple to understand if you just try.

>> No.19205429
Quoted by: >>19205604

your the dumbass cuckbrap your wannabe rapper rockstar oshi is gutter trashin her own words bitch is dog water

>> No.19205604

I concur

>> No.19205657

the anon wont they cant see it they are to high on the lean

>> No.19205664
File: 23 KB, 576x104, BD0BB113-52D8-46FE-B042-D9DCC7B1FE67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BuT ShE DoEsNt EvEn WrItE tHe LyRiCS

>> No.19206155

Did she write all the lyrics idiot? Go on show us the credit right below that one

>> No.19206322

>Screenshots show she wrote the lyrics
What is OP trying to prove here?

>> No.19206436
Quoted by: >>19206524

words aren't music

>> No.19206524

Singing words is music.

>> No.19206555

Y’know what fuck it. I don’t care. If she did write all the lyrics antis would say “but she didn’t mix it!” If she did mix it they would say “but she didn’t produce the beat!” And if she did they would say “but she didn’t do the art for it!” If she did do the art for it they would say “she didn’t animate the video” and if she did every thing to satisfy the schizos demands they would just say “yeah but the song sucks.”

>> No.19206654
File: 82 KB, 841x167, Screenshot_20220226-214326_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a "selamat pagi" to you too!

>> No.19206795

Name one (1) hololive member who actually writes lyrics, composes, mixes, and masters all by themselves like real "musicians" should.

>> No.19206798

>"she didn't make the music in her music but shes still a musician"

>> No.19206919
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>> No.19207069

I didn't know Edogawa wrote english lyrics. Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.19207162

Original songs she wrote ALL the lyrics for:

Off With Their Heads
Live Again
Cursed Night
end of a life
Journey Like a Thousand Years
Myth or Treat

Original Songs she co-wrote:

Dawn Blue

>> No.19207330
Quoted by: >>19208290

Why? Didn't you have enough?

>> No.19207747

everyone one of those is garbage except for Myth or Treat.

>> No.19207762
Quoted by: >>19207864

words ain't music

>> No.19207864
Quoted by: >>19207944


>> No.19207887

Mori is the only Holo that seriously thinks she's a musician

>> No.19207944
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>> No.19208080
Quoted by: >>19208153


>> No.19208153
Quoted by: >>19208354

Wiki literally says it's music bro.

>> No.19208290

We will have had enough once the cancer known as Mori Calliope and her cuckbeats are gone from Hololive for good.

>> No.19208354

Indeed. I'm glad we agree on this.

>> No.19208367
Quoted by: >>19208521

So she can write lyrics by herself only sometimes. And she still can't compose. Wow what a musician she's totally a creative artist.

If she can only write lyrics that pretty much only makes her a poet.

>> No.19208402
Quoted by: >>19208567

the melodies and harmonies of which are determined by the track(which she didn't make) If she picked a diffrent one the melodies would be diffrent. If you gave a musician a novel and asked him so sing it he would have to create music to fit them because words aren't music. You can have music without words but you cant have words without a music

>> No.19208439

You can’t make this shit up folks.

>> No.19208521
Quoted by: >>19209118


>> No.19208567
Quoted by: >>19208752

>acapella isn't real

>> No.19208642

>deadbeats dont consider jazz to be music because it doesnt have chunni lyrics

>> No.19208667

Her music being garbage has always been what her non-fans have said. You saying "even if she did everything people would still say her music sucks" implies people weren't already saying her music sucks in the first place. Are you trying to be dumb or is this just how you are.

>> No.19208720

I dunno, I used to like deadbeats before it were mainstream.
btw I'm not a cuck anymore

>> No.19208752

oh yeah how could I forget all those choral only songs mori wrote

>> No.19208986
Quoted by: >>19209134

Listen to Journey Like a Thousand Years. Mori literally writes like a fucking ESL. Kiara's verse is a particularly egregious example of how she can't even match the cadence of the lyrics to the melody of the song.

>> No.19209118

deadbeat seething in this state of thinking he made a point.

>> No.19209134

>Went from she's not a musician into she's a shit musician
Cool goalposts. You could've saved yourself the trouble and just said she's shit instead of trying to argue something and change halfway.

>> No.19209246
Quoted by: >>19209447

she still doesnt make music. a book has words but isn't music. classical music is music without words

>> No.19209366
File: 416 KB, 1486x834, 16413242356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have now been reduced to simply calling her music garbage
As expected. Later losers

>> No.19209435

No, even a shit musician (especially one who pretends to be a rapper) should be able to match words with a beat.

>> No.19209447

>Moves goalposts again to CLASSICAL music.

>> No.19209608

>says he's leaving
>doesn't leave
cuckbeats, folks

>> No.19209620
Quoted by: >>19209907

>classical music isn't music because it doesnt have chunni lyrics

>> No.19209622

itt; OP doesnt understand that vocalists call themselves musicians
next you're going to tell me ziggy isn't a musician

>> No.19209662

She does write her own lyrics. She gets help with the japanese parts because why wouldn't you. But most rappers just get a beat they like and rap to it. These days most rappers you know don't even write their own lyrics. Someone like Kanye just hires people to do everything and then he approves or disproves it. Top singers often do even less. Shocking that this is shocking to you

>> No.19209907
Quoted by: >>19210249

>The only definition of music is classical music
k bro

>> No.19209965

it's not shocking, they're just not musicians. Mori included. Owning a house doesn't make me a carpenter

>> No.19210129
File: 180 KB, 1080x1260, deadsheetmusic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19210513

>deadbeats be like: ah yes sheet music

>> No.19210196

Mori only writes the words, not the melody with which the words are sung to make a song. Mori does not write music or songs.

>> No.19210249

music doesnt need lyrics, lyrics on their own arent music. mori only writes words which on their own aren't music. This isn't hard to understand than again you are a deadbeat

>> No.19210361
Quoted by: >>19211384

>deadbeats think words on their own are music and that writing words make you a musician
just like their oshi

>> No.19210513
File: 299 KB, 750x980, 58E8B4CE-ED2F-4A0C-8256-A44067D96163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19210601

this just proves my point, it doesnt have words only music

>> No.19210721

>mori composes music
>composed by someone else

>> No.19210808

>composition: not Mori

there you go.

>> No.19211011

Dramafags are getting awfully desperate.

>> No.19211048
Quoted by: >>19211335

If you perform classical music you didn’t write I guess you aren’t a musician?

>> No.19211076

She did a few tracks herself such as deadbeats. I'd like to know how that doesn't count.

>> No.19211117
File: 272 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19237345

I liked Sick Outta Fashion

>> No.19211203

mori animates more than she actually makes music, why is considered the music holo?

>> No.19211335
Quoted by: >>19211734

if you actually go to a music school to become a musician, you compose music as part of your schooling. Even auditioning for a professional orchestra requires the performance of an original composition.

>> No.19211352

When she dropping dat fart sample pack though?

>> No.19211384

Putting lyrics into an existing track and adding to it is still music, specifically, a song. And songs are all music by their very definition. If you really want to be pedantic about your definition of music aka classical training, then Mori is still a songwriter.

>> No.19211481

so in the end, she's a shitty songwriter and a wigger. That's perfect.

>> No.19211734
Quoted by: >>19212004

So if you’ve never written an original piece in your life but still perform music regularly you aren’t a musician? That doesn’t make sense.

>> No.19211872

the track is music on it's own the lyrics arent, it could be a saxophone playing the melodies and it would still be a song and the words would still be just words

>> No.19211874

Yes, she makes songs.

>> No.19212004
Quoted by: >>19212172

if you wanna call kids in school bands musicians, sure.

>> No.19212054

that still doesnt make her a songwriter if 90% of the song is already there. If my car is red and I paint it green i just painted it, it was still built by someone else

>> No.19212078
Quoted by: >>19212163

>Mori's only contribution is the worst part of her songs

>> No.19212105
Quoted by: >>19212236

So profwssional cover singers arent musicians? How retarded can you be.

>> No.19212163

now you get it

>> No.19212172
Quoted by: >>19212320

I would. They play music. So they’re musicians. You could say they’re bad musicians or good musicians but they’re still musicians. If you want to argue Mori is a bad musician then whatever. Check it up to personal taste, but it seems kinda ridiculous to say she’s not a musician at all.

>> No.19212236

I honestly don't know what these niggers are trying to prove. Just say her songs are shit and she's bad at making lyrics instead of this bullshit.

>> No.19212320

we are writing words on a Chinese cartoon forum, looks like you and I are writers.

>> No.19212334

>deadbeats were the kids who wrote their names on shit and said they owned it

>> No.19212446

according to deadbeats everyone here is a musician

>> No.19212497
Quoted by: >>19212638

Name one big "real musician" that never hired someone to do something to their catalogue.

>> No.19212619

None. Women can't compose music. They can only write lyrics.

>> No.19212638

>Charles Manson

>> No.19212861

Literally yes, doesn’t mean we’re published writers or professorial writers or whatever the fuck but we’re writing. What the fuck is even your point?

>> No.19212876
Quoted by: >>19213260

why is charles manson the only name you capitalized?

>> No.19213088

If you're saying Mori is a musician, then I'm a musician, you're a musician, and now the word has no meaning.

>> No.19213134

It's funny when this board pretends to know shit about music or music production

>> No.19213215
Quoted by: >>19214032

>posts on 4chan, can draw stick figures, can write shitty lyrics and play the kazoo"
>"yeah i'm a writer, an artist, and a musician."

this is the deadbeat mindset.

>> No.19213221

cool song fellow deadbeat!

>> No.19213228

Nah. I think that your logic boils down to a no true Scotsman fallacy and you’re argument is fucked.

>> No.19213260
Quoted by: >>19213569

because listen to this

>> No.19213259

I don't write anything bro, and neither do you.

>> No.19213407

Mori used to be someone on 4chan pretending to know shit about music production until Hololive made her successful

>> No.19213547

I do technical writing, so technically I'm a writer! :P

>> No.19213569

he killed that track!

>> No.19213609

Yea youre writer. But in your case, nobody wants your work including your mom.

>> No.19213852
Quoted by: >>19214092

They didnt play the whole orchestra. Writing musical notation is just a documentation if no one performs it.

>> No.19214032

If you do those things repeatedly sure. Quality has nothing to do with being any of those things.

>> No.19214092

music notation is MUSIC. words arent

>> No.19214278
File: 603 KB, 1360x1961, deadbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadbeats be like: check out these new albums i just bought

>> No.19214369

Everyone is. Society just built labels for different career specialization.

>> No.19214534

That's a new level of semantic retardation.

>> No.19214568

So making blueprint is building ahouse? Sure dude. Go live on your blue prints. Music is meant to be heard not read lmao.

>> No.19214624

Performing music is also music. Why are you guys being retarded in this thread? This shit is the dumbest argument, when Mori does have songs she made herself. Even then she wouldn't even have to do that because performing music would also make you a musician. It isn't hard guys, if you compose or perform music you can call yourself a musician.

>> No.19214696

deadbeats say that words alone qualify as music so technically we're both musicians. But if shitposting on 4chan doesnt make you a muscian than I guess you admit that mori isn't one either

>> No.19214775
Quoted by: >>19215161

Antis getting desperate

>> No.19214836

She's the whole orchestra when she's farting while getting kek'ed by Cannur, A true musician

>> No.19214924

Good question, considering she's fully capable of doing the artwork and movie herself also.

>> No.19215048
Quoted by: >>19217355

Deadbeats aren’t saying words = music. They’re saying if you perform a song you’re a musician even if you wrote the lyrics but didn’t write the music for it. Why does this confound the anti mind?

>> No.19215104
Quoted by: >>19233229

This thread makes no sense to me

How are you not giving credit to Mori for at least writing the lyrics? That's a solid plus, and she's also shown off her MV skills for some of her own videos too
There are other holos that are considered music-focused holos like Suisei, Azki, IRyS, but they haven't completely composed, mixed, MV'd, created artwork or logos for their songs either last I checked
They also haven't done as much lyric writing or MV making as Mori if at all

I feel like instead of bashing Mori based on "she only writes the lyrics" you should be giving her credit instead, cause that's like 1/5 - 2/5 ish elements of the MVs she creates herself compared to the average 0 across all of hololive

>> No.19215161

Their artificial "yab" was overwhlemed by an actual, organic one. That's why they're seething.

And with Mori just confirming that she's involved in not 1, but two Major Recording projects with COVER... they're really desperate now.

>> No.19215382
Quoted by: >>19215448

>lyrics and vocals by Mori
>composition, mix, music video, art, and mastering by other people
Nigger that's standard for a rapper. You chose the stupidest, most invalid criticism possible. Your retardation is impressive.

>> No.19215448

rappers arent musicians, that's why streaming sites label them as "artists"

>> No.19215538
Quoted by: >>19215795

Where did Mori she's a musician anyway? Is this another episode of seething at things Mori didn't say?

>> No.19215583

shes still not a musician

>> No.19215625

This argument is a new level of reaching

>> No.19215739

words can be music if they are PERFORMED by someone (which btw, makes that person a musician). there are words to songs. think about how songs were passed down (especially cultural and folk songs) before the advent of musical notation. but that's besides the point, why are we arguing about what the definitions of 'music' and 'musician' are? do you really have to win against mori that badly that you have to literally define her out of that label? i care about music. and regardless of your opinion on her, defining her differently, if you apply the same standard across the board, redefines other people as 'not musicians' that you probably do like. you're just trying anyway you can to downgrade mori as person because you just really don't like her. and it's fine to have your opinion of her, but you're straight up just wrong about this in particular and don't know what you are talking about

>> No.19215768
Quoted by: >>19215934


>> No.19215774
Quoted by: >>19216042

>A musician is a person who composes, conducts, or performs music. ... A music performer is generally either a singer who provides vocals or an instrumentalist who plays a musical instrument. Musicians may perform on their own or as part of a group, band or orchestra.


Now please fuck off.

>> No.19215795
Quoted by: >>19216244

Can you help me out here?

>> No.19215860

this is a yikes for me

>> No.19215864
Quoted by: >>19216120

I sing in the shower sometimes, I'm a musician.
t. deadbrap

>> No.19215934
Quoted by: >>19216310

well, it is. Without the anti doing the SC, or the Anti putting in the fanart, Mori would've not reacted to anything.

>> No.19215962

This thread is retarded for both deadbeats and antis. Just say she is shot instead of trying to confuse everyone with nigger talk OP

>> No.19216042
Quoted by: >>19216238

>performs music
What are you trying to prove here?

>> No.19216120

When will they learn that the word musician in no way necessitates a particular occupation or quality of performance? Holy shit.

>> No.19216182

I don't care what rappers are. You can bash her for valid things like alcoholism but you can't bash her for doing the amount of work that rappers normally do.

>> No.19216184
Quoted by: >>19216348

music notation is not music, it's just symbols on paper

>> No.19216238
Quoted by: >>19216786

>A musician is a person who composes, conducts, or performs music. According to the United States Employment Service, "musician" is a general term used to designate one who follows music as a profession. Musicians include songwriters who compose music as well as write lyrics for songs, conductors who direct a musical performance, or performers who perform for an audience. A music performer is generally either a singer who provides vocals or an instrumentalist who plays a musical instrument. Musicians may perform on their own or as part of a group, band or orchestra. Musicians specialize in a musical style, and some musicians play in a variety of different styles depending on cultures and background. A musician who records and releases music can be known as a recording artist.

>> No.19216244
Quoted by: >>19216438


>> No.19216253

This thread is why no one likes deadbeats and seething antis. Go back to your containment rushia yab sticky

>> No.19216310
File: 52 KB, 1088x224, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19216409

You say that like Mori's reaction to the SC and the fanart wasn't the yab, and then her childish reaction to the fanbase telling her to stop.

>> No.19216348
Quoted by: >>19220566

so mori isn't a musician then?

>> No.19216409
Quoted by: >>19216609

It still won't exist without external factors, thus "artificial"

>> No.19216438
Quoted by: >>19216582

I think my eyes are failing me. I can't find the "I am a musician" line anywhere. IIRC those were her debut goals.

>> No.19216582
Quoted by: >>19216733

You're probably arguing with an illiterate ESL

>> No.19216609

>mori acting like a retard never happened.


>> No.19216712
File: 365 KB, 1920x1059, deadboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadbeat piano

>> No.19216727

lmao never fails

>> No.19216733
Quoted by: >>19216827

We need difficult and randomized English literacy tests as captchas

>> No.19216786
Quoted by: >>19217034

>or performs music
>follows music as a profession
Jrap, check
>performs to an audience
>records and releases
That definition is /very/ general and applies to many types and categories, and it includes Mori among them. It's definitely not your hyperspecific preconception of what a musician is.

>> No.19216827
Quoted by: >>19216926

what, like having them write a poem? which is the same as a song

>> No.19216926

Skalds were poets retard.

>> No.19217034

I don't what this guy's issue is. Youtube is an American Company, so it would follow the United States Employment Service's definition.

As well as Mori is from Underworldian US, so she would follow the same definition.

>> No.19217114

it really is the consistently funniest attack on mori, makes even the most deranged rrats look reasonable

>> No.19217190
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>> No.19217200

Fandead deflection is getting out of hand

>> No.19217355

she also writes almost all of her vocal melodies so its retarded on this front too. its such a weird angle to take

if you don't like her just call her music shit. its still music. reddit tier semantics

>> No.19217716

How many of the IPs in this thread are deadbeats falseflagging?

>> No.19217800

the melodies are reliant entirety on the track she didn't make

>> No.19217927

Imagine hating someone so much that you endlessly argue about the meaning of a word, and STILL ending up being wrong about it

>> No.19218007
Quoted by: >>19218107

so just to double check, writing a melody isnt creating music?

>> No.19218107

If I put a sticker on my car did I build it?

>> No.19218180

>now even MELODIES aren't music
by your standards, what even is music?

>> No.19218318

>she also writes almost all of her vocal melodies
this is a lie

this deadbeat is lying

notice how this is a lie? and he just says it?

applaud the deadbeat for lying

>> No.19218471

in the car analogy, the melody isn't analogous to a sticker on the bumper, a melody is a crucial structural component of music and is more comparable to the design of the car itself

>> No.19218490


>> No.19218494
Quoted by: >>19218627

Fucking hilarious. You think that the melody of a song is as inconsequential as a bumper sticker? Holy shit the stupidity of the antis is truly incredible.

>> No.19218546
Quoted by: >>19218858

shes got 5 albums and multiple EPs of doing this but sure ok buddy

>> No.19218627

words arent music, mori doesnt write music. mori writes words. VROOM VROOM

>> No.19218806

He didn't lie though, and since you don't even watch streams how could you even know what is a lie and what is the truth?

>> No.19218858
Quoted by: >>19221128

if by "doing this" you mean getting composers to write the melodies and chords for her.

>> No.19218885
File: 485 KB, 1920x1080, chinese Land Rover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19219239

That's easy.

When you just pick the one that suits your narrative you can prove even that you can save rushia by shoving her up your ass.

look up her discography.

off with their heads. lyrics, sing, movie
reaper ka rapper. lyrics, sing, track, mix
dead beats. lyrics, sing, track, mix
live again. lyrics, sing, track, mix
please rip. lyrics, sing, track, movie
cursed night. lyrics, sing, movie
ibasho. lyrics, sing
red. lyrics, sing, movie
spiral tones. sing, lyrics
bully. lyrics, sing
grim reaper is a live streamer. lyrics, sing
end of a life. lyrics, sing, mv
graveyard shift. lyrics, sing
journey like a thousand years. lyrics, mv
q. sing

To give you an idea of how demented your definition of musician is where "just sang" excludes it, Irys is not a musician. By your meds-deprived definition, of course.

>> No.19219398

words still arent music

>> No.19219463

Mori had a wholesome 6hr stream today and the antis cannot handle it.

>> No.19219496
Quoted by: >>19219946

if you perform them and/or record them, they become music

>> No.19219653
Quoted by: >>19219928

They’re not JUST words, they’re lyrics. Lyrics are music because lyrics are musically performed. Are you okay?

>> No.19219756
Quoted by: >>19220043

you left out the credits from people who helped her with lyrics, mix, and track because you want to make it look like she did all those things herself.

This reminds me of when deadbeats said Calli is actually really good at video games and that it's just us who have too-high standards for what counts as "good at gaming."

>> No.19219928
Quoted by: >>19220379

musically performed as in from music created by a composer who writes the melodies, which mori doesn't do for her lyrics.

>> No.19219946

mori only made the words

>> No.19220043

You don’t have to do all these things by yourself to be a musician. Bands exist. Songwriting partners exist. Songwriters who write for musicians exist. Musicians who only perform songs written by other people exist. These arguments are so pathetic.

>> No.19220199
Quoted by: >>19220332

then, after she made the words, she recorded them

>> No.19220312

Why does Mori pretend to be a Holo when she clearly hates being one?

The answer is money.

>> No.19220332
Quoted by: >>19220654

recorded them by speaking naturally? or by singing them to a melody or rhythm written by someone else?

>> No.19220379
Quoted by: >>19220461

And? If she performed the music she’s still a musician. I swear your mother must have drank while pregnant.

>> No.19220461
Quoted by: >>19220716

nah my mother wasn't Mori's mom

>> No.19220522
Quoted by: >>19220808

She didn't though, she has input as to how the track is put together. She comes up with the melodies over the track. You don't even know the first thing about the music production process and think you somehow know better? Never change, based retard

>> No.19220566

she performs music, so that makes her a musician. that doesn't make her music good, it just makes her a musician.

>> No.19220654

coverbands are still musicians

>> No.19220716

Took every last remaining brain cell to come up with that one huh?

>> No.19220808

she literally said she just picks a track she likes

>> No.19220884
File: 493 KB, 900x900, 1622283937831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Love!

>> No.19220942

where, otherwise you made it up

>> No.19221095

And she still has to come up with melody, you realize that right?:

>> No.19221128
Quoted by: >>19221275

ah yes, my favourite aspect of music, chords in solo vocals

you people are all fucking retarded lmao

>> No.19221275

words arent music

>> No.19221659
Quoted by: >>19222199

mori is not a musician. If she can not make music she is not a musician

>> No.19222067
File: 18 KB, 737x440, music.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure they are. your post is music to my ears anon. i can hear it in my head now!

>> No.19222199
Quoted by: >>19233306

When backed into a corner, the schizo will repeat themselves endlessly until they are able to believe their own shit takes.

>> No.19222273


>> No.19222310
Quoted by: >>19222415

Directors don't make movies they just sit in a chair and tell people to make the movie

>> No.19222415

>directors show up on set to a movie that's already been made according to deadbeats

>> No.19222605

your retardation astounds me

>> No.19222672

who made that point?

>> No.19222678
Quoted by: >>19223110

thank you fellow muscian

>> No.19222708

It really shouldn't, by now you should know how retarded those people are.

>> No.19222713
Quoted by: >>19222924

Most rappers don't produce their own beats so I don't see the point in criticising Mori on this. Making music production/composition out to be the only aspect of being a musician is objectively incorrect and by that definition a DJ is more of a true musician than a singer-songwriter.

>> No.19222924
Quoted by: >>19223434

so we agree that mori isn't a musician

>> No.19223110
File: 23 KB, 1087x318, fellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19223391

no, thank YOU fellow musician

>> No.19223391
Quoted by: >>19223786

What program do you use for sheet music bro?

>> No.19223434
Quoted by: >>19223512

She is a musician because she writes her own lyrics and performs her songs. What is a musician to you?

>> No.19223512

somone who makes the music in music, dancers perform music technically but theyre not musicians

>> No.19223687

Except Kanye CAN do all those things.

>> No.19223690

by your definition none of the people involved in the production process are musicians then. it's not just one person who "makes the music" but a team. the finished product is the music

>> No.19223721

What is 'making the music' in music? Composition? Production? Are singers not musicians?

>> No.19223786
Quoted by: >>19223914

i used musescore for that (which is free), but the best programs you have to pay for ...or not

>> No.19223914

Ahh I use sibelius, pirated that shit though. Heard musescore is pretty decent might give it a try.

>> No.19224014

Forget it anon, we have him arguing against the definition set by the United States Employment Service.

It's even more proof that this shitter is a SEAnig

>> No.19224344
Quoted by: >>19224741

composers and producers are musicians because they make music

>> No.19224741

singers are also musicians. singers that only sing covers of songs are also musicians

>> No.19225276
File: 46 KB, 280x255, 1617031196184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is the same person

>> No.19225475

Is anyone here even a musician or play instruments? My little brother plays the piano, writes songs, composes his own tracks, and does rap battles against other rappers.

>> No.19225535

I play the tuba

>> No.19225590

the paid shills are

>> No.19225891

Deadbeats actually fail the mirror test. No sentience.

>> No.19226569

I play oboe professionally

>> No.19226686

I still can’t believe that she is so bad at ignoring trolls on chat and Twitter that she released an entire album to bitch about it. Like holy fuck.

>> No.19227240

I play guitar and drums

>> No.19227632
Quoted by: >>19228356

Lyrics without music is just poetry.

>> No.19228356

I'd hardly call moris lyrics poetry, but deadbeats seem to think they're the same as a symphony

>> No.19228401
Quoted by: >>19228931

you'll be surprised how many big hit songs in the west are written by a small group of people

>> No.19228469
File: 580 B, 76x21, end your life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mother of samefagging

>> No.19228931

like a band?

>> No.19228982

i recommend finale

>> No.19229404

musescore is cool but their website is shit

>> No.19230125

kari chan kakkoi

>> No.19230135
Quoted by: >>19230600

Kanye is a producer, not a rapper. He actually does what the job label describes and it's what he has always been famous for. A lot of "rappers" are like this. Nobody is into Dr. Dre for his raps, if they want the person who actually writes the lyrics they listen to Cube but if they want the beats, they go for Dre. Mori is obviously not in the producer category so you either have to compare her to people who write good lyrics, next to which she looks like a retard or to people who just rap real good in which case she's simply forgettable. Obviously nobody in Hololive is a musician, they are no different from any other pop idols in that regard. They are in the same category as a Taylor Swift at best.

>> No.19230223

kanye is more involved with his music also he's more funny than mori

>> No.19230600
Quoted by: >>19231014

>Obviously nobody in Hololive is a musician
That is incorrect. Stop making yourself look like a fool.

This thread is retarded because you can easily look up what a musician is.

>> No.19230622


>> No.19230825

I play with my dick and use it to make your mom sing.

>> No.19230977

Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Even the shittiest bands play their music

>> No.19231000


>> No.19231014

It's a colloquial term used to describe a profession, a profession no one in Hololive has. The guy they bring in to record the oboe on a Bonnie Tyler song is a musician. Bonnie Tyler is not.

>> No.19231110

Yes, you would look at the credits for We Are the World and rightly conclude the participants weren't musicians. But then you'd look into the rest of their discography and find out a decent amount of them were musicians but they are capable of other things as well like appearing on a charity single.

>> No.19231116

She's a modern day musician aka she's the face and just sings/raps it. At the very least she wrote some lyrics

>> No.19231136
Quoted by: >>19231286

>>It's a colloquial term used to describe a profession, a profession no one in Hololive has
lol you do not have to have music be your profession to be a musician or you'd take out a solid 95% of musicians on the whole planet

you people have just attached a ton of reverence to a term that has none. its really stupid and weird. plenty of holomems sell music for money and put shows on. they are musicians.

>> No.19231148
Quoted by: >>19231397

Anon, the definition people use here is
by the United States Employment Service.
If a person is in any way involved in music production, which includes lyric writing, that pert is by definition, a musician

>> No.19231212
File: 786 KB, 602x1009, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19231629

every mongoloid in this thread pretending they know anything about music

>> No.19231258

This post is 100% true and all the replies are coping with being called out.

>> No.19231286

You have to divide people who do something professionally vs. people who do it recreationally. Otherwise most of these professional terms are completely meaningless, literally every single human on the planet in every single era of human history is a musician by your definition. Which is fair in some topics of conversations (like the conversation about what is music), but not this one where we're talking about someone who pretends to be a professional musician.

>> No.19231331

>Gets BTFO
>Now questions the definition because he's seething

>> No.19231397
Quoted by: >>19232308

At least you've picked an obscure source to justify your weird beliefs, I doubt you'll find anyone in the world who genuinely thinks that way. Literally none of the constant arguments people have been having for generations on this subject would ever happen if a single person believed that was the definition of a musician. You realize this argument has zero to do with Mori, right? This is an argument people have been having about pop stars since before you were born. Because instinctually people make a distinction between the person who makes the music and the person who performs it.

>> No.19231629

I mean, he would argue that people who can't play music well aren't musicians so he's even more of an elitist than anyone here.

>> No.19231906
File: 358 KB, 900x561, 1605684085928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failed, pays other people to mix for her.
She's collabed with Mouse, but she won't have succeeded here until she forced management to let her collab with Connor.
Do Americans really?
Succeeded by proxy.
Hardly counts when it's retard attempting poetry.
If she cared so much why did she spoil the surprise her genmates worked so hard to keep?
Self-centered, short-sited, rude crude and a drug addict too, nobody has done more harm to her entire branch that Calliope Whori.

>> No.19231948
Quoted by: >>19232100


Do you hate Mori to the point you've forgor what a musician is?

If a significant part of your profession involves performing (and/or making) music, then you're a musician. IRyS is a musician. Pan Piano is a musician. AFAIK, neither of them even compose music (well maybe, IRyS contributes some lyrics, I dunno).

Or are you trying to say Calli's not an music artist? Like, I don't even like her music (except end of a life) since I'm not a fan of rap or anime-ish pop, but she's still a music artist. You don't need to responsible for every aspect of a song to be considered an artist. I mean, fucking Britney Spears is considered an artist.

>> No.19232068
Quoted by: >>19232561

You just call them a professional retard. A drawfag is an artist. Ina is a professional artist. Seems pretty simple to me.

>> No.19232100

>Pan Piano is a musician. AFAIK, neither of them even compose music
pan does a lot of her own arrangements right? or am I getting her mixed up with ru, they're the same people to me

>> No.19232231
File: 41 KB, 571x477, 1296475173466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to tell that someone didn't work at the music industry

>> No.19232308
File: 36 KB, 1454x258, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally Wikipedia

>> No.19232507


>> No.19232561

A lot of things would seem simple and yet retards in this thread make it clear they are not and it ends up being about ten discussions at the same time. Anyone can see the OP and understand what is being referenced but instead everyone has to pretend they don't and have some other discussion instead. I think the point everyone would agree on if they were honest is whatever we may think the word musician is, Mori is clearly pretending to be more of one that she actually is. If being credited in any way on a song makes you a musician, then that's fine. But all those other people credited on that song would not present themselves as dishonestly as Mori to have contributed more than they actually did.

Although in her favor, I have to give Mori credit for admitting multiple times that her credits are for terrible and extremely minimal effort. So maybe the problem is her fans misrepresenting what she does more than she herself.

>> No.19232650
Quoted by: >>19232991

>But all those other people credited on that song would not present themselves as dishonestly as Mori to have contributed more than they actually did.
What are you even talking about? She credits whoever's working on whatever just like any other vtuber, and internet content creator would do.

>> No.19232784
File: 321 KB, 720x512, 1645684994276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19232840


>> No.19232840
Quoted by: >>19232904


>> No.19232904

haha ok I laughed, you cheeky fuck

>> No.19232991
File: 16 KB, 305x378, medal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you have to understand, they have to do this to get pic related.

>> No.19233229


>> No.19233306

When backed into a corner, the deadcuck will repeat themselves endlessly until they are able to believe their own shit takes.

>> No.19234216

I guess Ado is even less of a musician then, since she doesn't even write the lyrics. What a bitch.

>> No.19234777
Quoted by: >>19235088

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics, instead, are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers.

>> No.19235088

>jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane
i know this is pasta, but that line is some old bs there are so many goated jazz musicians, not just coltrane and duke

>> No.19236690

Is this about Irys new song being flop again?

>> No.19237093

finally, the thread's final character appears: the reasonable and compromising retard - who is still wrong and has no idea what he's talking about - but in an even smugger way

>> No.19237145

why do women pretend to be pure virgins when they're cock suckin whores?

>> No.19237345

>ugh, those "sad boys" are just pretending to be depressed for attention
>they don't have REAL depression like ME
pure hypocrisy and cringe

>> No.19239388
File: 1.67 MB, 1148x1079, 1645520394905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 300 replies in this dogshit thread. At tjis point all of you dont love or hate mori at all you guys just like talking about her.

>> No.19239467
Quoted by: >>19239953

Cuckbeats getting uppity? Just post this. Works everytime.

>> No.19239953
Quoted by: >>19241495

Except that now only applies to fandead, the real cucks, not something manufactured by antis to cope.

>> No.19241495
File: 34 KB, 499x280, 16429830388312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19244229

Why not? They all pretend to be idols as well

>> No.19244392


>> No.19244766

I hope you're only pretending to be retarded. Your image says she didn't compose shit.

>> No.19244804

Based, every time

>> No.19244850


>> No.19245847

As of now she's failed 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8.
It's not that she hasn"t been able to accomplish them. She failed. She can't fix any of those.
What a great vtuber we got here guys

>> No.19245973

The chorus and bridge of Live Again are beautiful.
The rest sans MoT are puked shit

>> No.19246101
Quoted by: >>19247768

>1) Claims to be a rapper
>2) can't freestyle
If you can't do 2, you are not 1.
No wonder she needs someone to write her songs.

>> No.19247550
File: 214 KB, 325x497, 6b20cbbfa01c4afaacff56a868e8ff2908d91457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll never fucking recover from this, kek.

>> No.19247768

>not a musician
>not even much of a rapper
she should stick to art and animation

>> No.19248265

oh look another mori hate thread from a former deadbeat who got butt hurt cdawg is railing mori and not him

>> No.19248361

his name is bubi sir

>> No.19248636
File: 45 KB, 1500x1500, 1643459411932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh look another mori hate thread from a former deadbeat who got butt hurt cdawg is railing mori and not him

>> No.19249275
Quoted by: >>19249754

this shit is more retarded then the "Keep saying it" skit on /v/

you niggers are dumb.

>> No.19249707

How will deadbraps ever recover?

>> No.19249754
File: 626 KB, 600x600, 1643001703884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19249837

>this low effort thread is still going on
Only one explanation
Mori herself is tearfully posting in here

>> No.19249952

she could've used this time to maybe compose something besides shitposts. Oh well

>> No.19250513 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 566x179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19250547

She's literally live right now.

>> No.19250547
Quoted by: >>19250623

>not writing music only words

>> No.19250623
Quoted by: >>19250726

Yes, words are a component of songs.

>> No.19250726

books arent albums

>> No.19251211
Quoted by: >>19252050

>mori made a stream to cope

>> No.19252050


>> No.19253179

what about live again
