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>>OPahoy should Marine be eating? What kind of diet do you think she should have?If you have strong opinions now's the time to reply to her on twitter
>>19138375't say "me" otherwise she'll bite your dick off)
>>19138473shit I was going to say me
>>OPprevious thread: >>19115281
>>19141210Fuck the previous threadToo many non schizo posts doing something Marine hates and makes everything going on worse for her, because she's a kind person and she wished she could help Think about that before you post now
>>19138375well, I don't know if I'll make a Twitter account specifically for this.
>>19141210my bad, I forgot
>>OPStop putting Rushia related pictures in the OP. Bitch made Marine cry with her crazy menhera bullshit.
>>19149728Fuck off schizo.
>>19149728She doesn't deserve any sympathy just from the deadmans switch shit she tried to pull. If it was just her being too dumb to crop the screenshots of her DMs she'd have an excuse but she sure as hell doesn't now.
>>19138375Chicken nuggets
>>19151850Wrong thread faggot.
>>19153896Stop putting the whore in the OP if you don't want to deal with the fallout from her actions nigger.
>>19154542noemari pretty good pairing
>>19154497>>19151850Stop spreading rumors pushed by a fucking dramatuber you chinese faggot, no one is taking your rrat seriously.
>>19138375maybe I'll finally make a Twitter account for this.
>>19129290(by me.)
>>19158682do it, actually how do you keep track of the holos without one all these time?
>>19159439I have her Twitter page bookmarked. She's my oshi, I don't care about other people's twitters.
Oh well, the only good thing about Senchou not streaming now is that I can watch Kizuna Ai's last concert without worrying between choosing between my Oshi and the Chuuba that got me into all this 5 long years ago.
Man it feels really bad to see the rest of the 3rd generation streaming on the same schedule except for Senchou.Please Marine give us something to calm us down at least.
>>19167859She'll stream don't be a concern fag, she was already on semi-break and holofes is soon
>>19138473Did she actually say “dick”? Still in need to do more Japanese reps
>>19170285it's impiled
>>19154816>stop trying to haze my copium high bruhShe's fucking gone for good, nothing will bring her back
>>19170285>「俺」って言ってるやつ、To those of you saying "me",>噛みちぎるけどいいか?I'll bite [your dick] off, do you still want me to?
>>19154816>Stop spreading rumors pushed by a fucking dramatuber>Stop spreading rumors>rumorsRushia was literally in contact with him for years, yes with a dramatuber and many others alike ex. Narukami
>>19171157If he was lying and pushing rrats why did she keep coming back to him?!... Yeah, i thought so, faggots.
>>19171210why does it matter? can't you go use the sticky if you wanna talk about this
>>19138473What about the fem ichimis?
>>19171419it's up to your imagination. she's biting something off though, Marine is a hungry girl
>>19171419>>19171649Honest question, would you feel jealous if you knew that Senchou was eating pussy every night instead of cock?
>>19172030nope, and in terms of wacky made-up evopsych explanations it makes total sense why I don't mind Marine fucking 1000 girls if she wants to, biologically there's just no threat of being cucked
Do you think senchou would like it if I drew her as cunny in a doujin
>>19171419Specifically the wording is that she'll bite "something" off, the dick part is just implied so I guess she'll bite her boobs or something
>>19172753I'm actualyl not sure about her female prefernces, but given that she's a japanese woman she'd probably like it
>>19172753she loves drawing cunnies, I'm sure she relates to your desires
>>19172847well, borderline cunnies.but she appreciates everyone who takes time make art
>>19172030Much less so than if she was sucking cock.
>>19175662not very borderline, surely
>>19154815I agree but I would commit unspeakable crimes to fund a multi-work PekoMari doujin
man I miss pekomari
>>19176336>>19176394>>19176477that artist has done a pretty crazy volume of pekomari, I think the characterisation is okay too
>>19176778Yeah they are great, love the peko-megane
>>19172401that's still being cucked, bro.
>>19178993You can't get cucked by a girl anon, that's not how it works
>>19178993yeah but she's not literally going to have a baby with another woman, at least not until technology gets much better, so the idea is that evolution didn't hardwire men to give a shit if she's fucking around with other women the way it did for if she's hanging around men. There's just no emotional response, no upfront jealousy. You're never going to accidentally raise another woman's child, it doesn't grant fitness the same way to be jealous.
>>19176579Pekora and Marine have to have sex on stream, it's the only way to save Gen 3.
this really took the wind out of her sails.
>>19180115(as opposed to Rushia, whose wind was taken out of her sales.)
>>19180115She'll be fine
>>19138375She needs to eat a diet of chicken and vegetables while actively exercising to reduce her weight
>>19181989She needs to eat a diet of fried chicken and french fries to fatten her up.
>>19182222Imagine taking her to Yakiniku
>>19182412one of the signs that she's really made it I thought was when she said she doesn't even get excited about yakiniku anymoreshe's well-off enough now that she can have it whenever, it's lost its specialness
>>19182558Are yakiniku restaurants supposed to be expensive? Also yes she’s loaded, see this post: >>19124574
>>19183393Expensive enough that it'd be like a once a month treat for your average middle income family. It's like 40k yen a meal or something
>>19183393Expensive enough that it'd be like a once a month treat for your average middle income family. It's like 4k yen a meal or something
>>19183393if you're eating out in Japan it's one of the pricier options
Is it true Marine doesn't bathe?
>>19183729no, she does every other day or so
>>19183729Not every day, but she bathes enough.
>>19183729Go away orca-fucker. Don't lump my oshi with yours.
>>19100791corporate espionage, now that's entertainment.
i love this hag so much, bros
Is Senchou on break?
>>19188062Low activity period. She looked to be coming back after her valentine's fan meet, but then, well, you know what happened
>>19188062low activity mode
>>19138375Something that helps her not be so fucking fat.
>>19189320Old woman metabolism is slow pls understand
>>19189320usually not eating is what works for that, eating things has the opposite effectand even if she were fat-ish by Japanese standards that would still put her in the thin half of a western nation's population
Saw some news from Pekora thread>The PekoMari off-collab is being plannedThey've apparently been thinking about a good game to play for and are going to do a video game showdown or somethingSoon
>>19192543 (me)>>19192166Oops forgot to link the post
>>19192543Play Smash
>>19192543I rewatched this stream today. Good shit.
>>19192591man hearing pekora say "there isn't a quota, it isn't merely a business relationship, we're genmates, we have a bond because we're both 3rd gen" kinda hits different nowall that reaffirmation of how important the bond between 3rd gen is
>>19193427and she was saying all of that on the 22nd, 2 days before the announcement. Really makes me suspect that she didn't know at that point what would happen to Ru, to be saying all that stuff plainly in relation to Marine.
>>19194808time to pee
>>19193427I still want to believe that Gen 3 has a strong bond and that Rushia's case is an exception
>>19197580I think it is. Marine slept at Noel’s place, and it’s clear she likes to hang out with Pekora based on how much she laughs when she’s with her.
>>19194808This whole set of images makes me titanium hard, for some reason glory holes or any creative variations like this put me in a super wild mood.
>>19197580Onee-san Gumi are obviously actual friends, they hang out off stream all the time. It's a bit less common for them to hang out with Pekora for non-business reasons but they still get along with her.
>>19200672I've always gotten the sense that Pekora is an outsider in her generation, but they all get along well
>>19200972I think Pekora is more introverted is all, I doubt she goes out of her way to make plans with the others, not by malice of course.
why does marine cry for that backstabbing lying suicidebaiting cunt?does marine support the bullying whore doxxing her coworkers?i think i'll ask her in superchat
>>19202627It's your money retard see how she ignores it.
>>19203090did u know that u can only donate 2 dollars and still type in a message?i have plenty of spare change
>>19201239This. She's just an awkward introvert. I can relate. With that said, I think she's gotten better these past 8-9 months from what I've seen. She's collabed a lot more than she usually does, so at least she's trying.
>>19204291Moona really helped her come out of her shell
>>19204262It's okay marineschizo, we all know you can't speak Japanese so this hypothetical bullying isn't going to happen, she will never understand you
>>19197580Rushia isn't an 'exception'Think before you talk, hearing that would make Senchou cry
>>19204262Yes, show off your retardness to the whole world and then get banned by her chat mods.
>>19206683Fuck off retard. Rushia hated the rest of Hololive.
>>19206936Rushia is a mentally vulnerable girl who was eaten alive in tokyo and I'm sure marine wishes she did more
>>19207264I'm sure she did, but that doesn't mean Rushia didn't hate Hololive and wishes she could bring it all down with her. She's already done it once before.
>>19206702she has those?
Happiness World has gone criminally overlooked due to Cover dropping the MV right in the middle of the Rushia shit storm.
>>19210672Poor Senchou and fren doing their reps for the song and this one, being thrown into the middle of an active combat zone.Cover is not evil is just simply retarded.
>>19213620I don't get it
Damn, I was looking forward to seeing Marine play the new pokemon game even though it looks like a turd, I just wanted to see how she handles herself in an open world game which she has said she gets lost easily, it would have been fun to see her get lost and try to keep track wondering where to go next.Now I wonder if she would be interested in playing Elden ring taking advantage of the fact that from software finally loosened up that tight ass they had with their permissions.
>>19216088Ellen Ring really doesn't seem like something she would be interested in at all.
Whatever happened to Marine of the Year 2021?
deep balls anal
>>19216507But she played DS3, maybe she would be interested just by the challenge of it.
>>19206702>hololive>chat modslol nice one anon
>>19206556it's a good thing DeepL exist then
>>19217349Cancelled by her not wanting to stream.
>>19206702ESLchama, english reps please
>>19169973Japanese holomems that aren't the latest generation could probably stream like once a week and be fine.I don't know how much of their schedule is COVER mandated, how much of it is being Japanese and not being able to stop working unless their boss forces them to take a vacation, and how much of it is just wanting to make some dough, but Marine could go out and touch grass Sunday through Friday, stream on Saturday, and life would continue on.
>>19221370Yes they could all take breaks but they don’t because they most likely enjoy what they do. What isn’t Marine like them? What made her not like streaming anymore?
>>19224394>Depressed>Poor health>Still being a fucking workaholic behind scenes>Is having a combo of those these daysI wonder why
>>19225228How is she depressed? Besides the Rushia shit.
>>19210672It doesbt help that it dropped on the main channel
>>19225353Her throat nodule has the possibility of permanently changing her voice. Surgery to fix it might also permanently change her voice. Her only real option to heal is to sit and stare at the ceiling alone with her thoughts.
>>19225353She almost quit when Coco left. She's probably taking stock of everything and trying to decide if she wants to continue to destroy her throat for a company she does not trust.
get the feeling there might not be a stream today
Odds on Marine being in Hayase's 3D debut?
I want to cum in Marine right now
>>19234233these days somewhat low right, they don't collab much anymorebut you'd hope she would just out of history
>>19232788Oh Yeah, no shit
i love her so much
I wonder if Marine is sad because she lost a gen mate or because she felt betrayed?
I would to marry Marine.
>>19237777Nice digits
>>19237777Marine made me reconsider marriage. I wasn't really interested but if it were with someone like Marine, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
>>19217730she did?
>>19239579Kek Marine would be one of the worst candidates to marry.Since I'm a lazy fuck and don't want to transcribe it I attach an screencap of one of my old posts explaining why.BTW the penultimate point is a bit outdated at the moment given her status as in semi hiatus but if she continues with her vtuber career the point would still stand
>>19241618I don't think you'd sleep in separate beds, she seems to heavily prefer sharing one.
>>19241618I don't believe her job is as tiring or busy as many, plus she'd probably retire to get married anyway, but it could be fine either way.Also, >>19241931 is right, Marine is an extreme co-sleep enthusiast.
>>19241618Adding to my comment, Japanese women consider love the economic stability you can give them as a husband, so unless you earn the same or more than Senchou I doubt she would even look at you, and on top of that, even if you are married forget about expressing public displays of affection, in Japan it is socially unacceptable and they would look at your wife like a prostitute, even inside the house if you wanted to hug or kiss her she would sigh and force herself to accept it.Marrying a Japanese woman as a westerner is the most retarded thing you could do.
>>19241931>she seems to heavily prefer sharing one.>Marine is an extreme co-sleep enthusiast.Yes... with girlsBesides the separate beds are to not wake up your partner if you work late, I have seen more extreme cases where there are couples who even sleep in separate rooms.
>>19239088Nice dubs.>>19239579Couldn't agree more.
>>19243222nice trips
>>19242849>with girlsbecause those the only interactions she's talked about, I don't think the other gender would make it meaningfully different.and sure, I might actually choose the separate beds/rooms myself for various reasons if the issue ever arises.
>>19242849>with girlsbecause those are the only interactions she's talked about. I don't think the other gender would make it meaningfully different.and sure, I might actually choose separate beds/rooms myself for various reasons if the issue ever arises.
>>19242447Do you live in Japan or know any Japanese people?
>be Marine's body pillow for a day when she's depressedI don't know I think you guys are just gay or something
>>19241618Why do you have a screencap of one of your own posts on hand
>>19242447>Japanese women consider love the economic stability you can give them as a husband, so unless you earn the same or more than Senchou I doubt she would even look at youThis 100%. If you don’t make in the millions you’re already done for.
>>19244258Imagine the unintentional thigh and knee grazes as she hugged you tightly in deep sleep while you stared intensely at the ceiling with the hardest boner of your life.
>>19244693I would probably stare at my cute wife instead.
>>19244654I wonder if it makes it a lot harder for Marine to find a partner. A lot of millionaire men are probably already married at this point or it might be hard to meet them if you’re not in the right circles.
>>19244454don't we post the same things over and over again? Having old posts at hand sounds like a solid time saving strat.
>>19244654I don't know. A lot of working women waste all their money on host clubs, it's a billion dollar industry. Female on Male findom is huge in Japan. I could see Marine wanting to have the laziest piece of shit husbando munching off her and being all "if you don't give me my pachinko money I'd die"
>>19245254It might be true for old women who’s lost their appeal, but I doubt Marine is looking for a leech, especially with how hard she works.
>>19245254Hasn't Marine mentioned she likes buff/fit guys for the feeling of protectiveness?
>>19243904>>19242447Anon, of course, know this by virtue of having monitored 75% of Japanese marriages.
>>19243904>>19242447Anon, of course, knows this by virtue of having monitored 75% of Japanese marriages.
>>19245442Yes, she has. I’m not sure to know what muscular guys are supposed to look like in Japan, I assume they don’t look like the meatheads we have in the West and just have a tiddy bit more muscles than the average man.>>19245524What he’s saying is 100% true though, marriage is Japan is more akin to a business relationship than anything, at least it used to be.
>>19242447It's true, but being fair Marine is the less Japanese woman I have ever seen
>>19245766How so? She is extremely Japanese.
>>19243904I have a friend who lived there before the coof, and he tells me that most of his office mates during the nomikai would vent that their partners are cold to them after they got married and that they basically preferred to go home past midnight because they don't see the point of being there and not feeling appreciated, others didn't bother to get married because their salary was miserable and not even a woman would bother to pay attention to them, my pal never married there because he says that Japanese women are not very open to dating foreigners to begin with and secondly those that do have unrealistic expectations of them (they want them to basically be rich, harder working than the average Japanese, and to be able to travel to other countries every so often).I don't know what are the conditions of Marine with a partner but I doubt that they are too different from most Japanese women and she may even be stricter in her preferences seeing the professional success she enjoys nowadays.
>>19245881> Japanese women are not very open to dating foreigners to begin withAlso this, I know we joke a lot about marrying Marine in this general but the truth of the matter is she probably wouldn’t even look at us for not being Japanese. The lies about white men being extremely desirable in Japan and Japanese girls all wanting to date white men is pure unfiltered cope.
>>19245339consider that in Japan 25 is old and you're being pressured by everyone to get married. So yeah, old desperate 28 year old women. Not old enough to even be a milf.Which is funny since japs don't have the worst aging genes out there. This should be polish or irish culture instead.>>19245442Marine likes anything with a heart beat.I'm sure she has preferences irl, but when she discusses this things it's like discussing favorite porn tags.
>>19244454>>19245138This, when I wrote it I knew it would come in handy again someday especially with such delusional weebs thinking that marrying a Vtuber would literally be in heaven when obviously it is not.
Sounds like I have to be a patient, genuine and caring person that wants to integrate into Japanese society and is capable of providing for myself and a wife if I want to marry a Japanese woman. Oh no!
>>19245881>resentful single men are a good source to know about women
>>19246395No kidding lmao.
>>19246395>>19246410Inhale the copium anons, let it in.
>>19246348Also have to pay into a pension fund you will never get. That's why most foreign/Japanese couples end up leaving
>>19246348You also need to be East Asian and have a Japanese citizenship, I believe in you anonchama.
>>19246530I'm white so I'll probably get looked at like a space alien for a while over there, but I know I can make it.
>>19246484you're right.When I want to know about US women I ask single 30 year old virgins who miss living with their parents. They really know what's up.
>>19246764Asians live with their parents
>>19246729Maybe not Marine, even if by random chance the stranger you meet could technically be her roommate, but some people probably have white fever.
>>19246764Again with the copium, you’re making massive assumptions about someone just because they gave you an opinion that doesn’t match with wathever fantasy you made in your head. If you think that walking in one of the most xenophobic society on Earth and getting a girlfriend is easy, I don’t know what to tell you. Nobody wants to marry someone who landlords and banks don’t trust, who their parents will probably not approve of, and who still has attachment to their own country and might need to live every so often. >>19246729It should be much better if you’re in Tokyo. I don’t think people will look at you like an alien, but no matter what you’ll always ben a gaijin. >>19246856Marine doesn’t strike as someone having white fever, especially when we know her favourite porn website is Fanza.
>>19246856I'm really hoping for that random chance, but frankly anyone over there could do, even another gaijin. I just want to move there.
>>19247045Leave every so often* woops
>>19247045>you’re making massive assumptions about someonethe post said the source was unmarried coworkers complaining women are too demanding and missing living with their parents. That's what's funny, I don't care about fucking or not fucking japs.
>>19247045Your idea of Japan is set about 16 years in the past, gaijin don't have problems in Tokyo at all unless they're already in some shady shit
>>19247045>I don’t think people will look at you like an alien, but no matter what you’ll always ben a gaijin.This is ironically what makes me feel so secure in my ambitions of moving there. I live in the US and coincidentally most of the people I've gotten on best with are first or second generation immigrants. I like foreigners, so I think I could probably be a pretty well-behaved one myself.
>>19247157I invite you to watch documentaries/experiences people have when moving to Japan then, because these things are still very real. >>19247184I don’t think being a gaijin correlates with being well-behaved or not, it’s just that you’ll always have the “foreigner” tag stamped on your forgead for every local who meets you.
>>19247323I know that, I'm not arguing that I wouldn't be branded as such. What I'm saying is that I don't think Japanese people are braindead enough to write people off completely for being gaijin and that being well-behaved and making a good faith effort to integrate and speak the language probably makes a world of difference.
>>19245837She is open, blunt and honest. Also she confessed struggling in the past with some of the "respect the authority rituals" that they have in Japan.
>>19247488I agree, I also think that speaking fluent Japanese would be very helpful in making people’s perceptions about you change. I don’t think it’s that bad to be a gaijin, but I’m sick of seing retards on here think that the second they move to Japan they’ll have girls flocking left and right to fuck them and that their oshi would for sure want to marry them only because they’re not Japanese when in reality living in Japan as a foreigner is more akin to accepting that you’ll be making things harder for yourself in pretty much every aspect of your life. It’s all about figuring it out if it’s worth it or not.
>>19242447it's not that bad, Japanese people are pretty diverse. Dead bedrooms in longer term relationships are a common problem regardless of where you are, but there are ways around it.>>19247045Japan is actually a pretty great place to be dating, Tokyo is a cosmopolitan city with loads of young people and Japan is significantly less socially conservative than many parts of the world when it comes to premarital sex. Sure some % of the population isn't going to be interested in foreigners, but you can have plenty of fun with the others.
>>19247750I’ve been living in Japan for over 10 years now and I completely agree with you. I’ve seen a lot of foreigners, specially white people coming here with yellow fever and thinking they will get a girlfriend just because they’re foreigners, which is absolutely false. I’ve seen a few who got married and had really ugly divorces later because 1) they couldn’t actually speak Japanese and made no effort to adapt to the culture, thus ducking things up with their wife and 2) not expecting the amount of control a Japanese wife usually has over her husband, many of them want you to hand over your entire salary and only give you a small allowance per month, aside from other cultural things westerners aren’t used to. 3) there’s also the parents who come to be an issue quite often, they don’t want their daughter to date a loud ass gaijin who isn’t familiarized with the Japanese way of thinking or doing things.If you really want to go for a Japanese woman I would have to recommend those who have traveled overseas or been in an exchange program because more often than not they’re the only ones who have an open mind to other cultures and to foreigners in general.I personally settled down with another gaijin as my partner, I tried being with both Japanese men and women but even through there are a few good catches, they’re far in between and most of the time it’s just really difficult to find a date that’s worth your time.
>>19248196*fucking things up
>delusional marriage schizos who never watched Marine againWhy?
>>19248196Well, if it's any consolation I'm one of the people ritualposting about how he wants to marry Marine and don't have any impression that being a white foreigner, especially an American a Britannian, basically would make that any more likely to happen or that my sole reason for wanting to move there is to fulfill my orientalist fantasies. I do obviously think Japanese women are cute and would probably prefer to date a native if I can, but if I end up in your situation i would probably be just as happy.>>19248394Suck me.
man not even a marine tweet today huhyou guys might have been beaten to the punch honestly, perhaps she spent today with her partner
>>19247157Nigger, the Japanese are just as racist and xenophobic as ever, it's still very difficult for them to trust or feel comfortable with a foreigner, just see how the HoloJP have a hard time collaborating with the EN branch even with fluent Japanese speaking Holos like Kiara and Baelz.Their society has always been one of unity amongst themselves and rejecting any outside influence, why do you think the woke shit hasn't hit hard there unlike the rest of the western world.If you are not Japanese you are always going to be an outcast in their country and thinking otherwise is just a massive cope.
>>19248565Fuck you and try to post something on topic instead of spamming the thread with your delusional fantasy blog posts.
>>19248647Oooooo you don't know that!! >:(
>>19249099Make me. I liked Happiness World!
>>19248196This has been my experience as well. I know there are Japanese people interested in marrying foreigners, but they represent a minority of the population and there are still massive obstacles to overcome that wouldn’t be an issue if they just married another Japanese person. I also know Japanese people marry someone who they know will be willing to take care of their parents, so a gaijin who might spend months in their home country is not ideal. Honestly I really want to see the people in here who absolutely refuse to have their views of dating in Japan challenged give it a try and see their hopes completely shattered.
>>19249129Bet it was your first time hearing it.
>>19248875reminder that Japan has multiple ethnicities and the yamato aren't more dominant than white people in the US. Just because you can't tell the difference doesn't mean they don't. People think they're an ethnostate because they register as "japanese" anyone with a citizenship, "japanese" isn't a race.
>>19249178It wasn't. You're pathetic, anon.
>>19248875kiara and baelz are very obviously not native level speakers to be fair, even if they're better than the other foreign branch holos at the language. Any sense of awkwardness goes away very quickly once you reach a level where you're indistinguishable from a native.
>>19249132>so a gaijin who might spend months in their home country is not idealbut a sallaryman relocated to indonesia is okay?and I know there are millions of those because I saw it in porn
>>19249207Not as pethetic as you and your delusions.
>>19249194pretty much everyone who's Japanese who doesn't have foreign ancestry is Yamato though to be fair, unless you're in Okinawa. None of the other native Japanese ethnic groups are significant at all, in terms of numbers. For example it's an extremely safe bet that every single HoloJP is Yamato aside from those few with some foreign ancestry.
>>19248647She was a bit under the weather even before the rushia fuckening, so just give her time anon
I mean to be honest this whole discussion can be summarize to: if girls in your hone country don’t want you, girls in Japan are even less likely to want you.
>>19249474sure, but I do like how she tries to keep us updated on days she doesn't stream, even if it's just an inane tweet. But then I worry when there are days where she doesn't.
>>19249469Yamato is like 60% and they have subdivisions among them the say way "white" people include lesser whites. It doesn't have the variety of the US, but on their eyes they're not a single ethnicity.
>>19249541but the corollary is also pretty true, if you're successful with girls outside of Japan you'll probably do well here too
>>19249541Anons in this thread should just come to southeast Brazil honestly, we have droves of cute fullblooded asian grills because Brazil has the largest japanese population outside of Japan itself and none of the compunctions
>>19249541That's what I figured. I don't really have anything to worry about, then
>>19249574where'd you hear that? it's true in a very technical sense that you can subdivide Yamato up a bit, but to call it extremely niche is understating the degree to which people do that in Japan. Yamato is also more like 95%, I dunno where you heard 60%. If you spoke Japanese and spent some time here you might realise how silly that sounds.
>>19249620>>19249696You’ll have MORE difficulty in Japan even of you’re successful in your home country for the reasons listed above. Don’t get it twisted. I would also add to what has already been said that most people prefer to date within their own race too.
>>19249854I realize that. I look forward to it
>>19249541Right but the ironic part is that an average looking Japanese would get more pussy in America than a white Chad trying to get pussy in Japan.
>>19249854That depends on stuff like what your home country actually is, what you look like, your income, and how good your Japanese is, to be honest, among other things. I know people who are having a much better time dating in Japan than they had back home, in any case.
Marine thread?
/Ahoy/ - Dating advice
>>19250451I've actually seen this general get derailed by the same fucking "boo hoo dating in Japan hard" thing 3 times now, I swear it's the same guy every time
>>19250316>>19250451/ahoy/ is my blog right now, yes.>>19250533Yeah, not the most self-aware posts I've ever read
>>19241529think so, tho the vods were wiped when the permission arc started
>>19250533What did you expect? Marine is on hiatus if we don't talk about something semi related to her the thread dies almost instantly and it's annoying to have to look for the new thread.
>>19250533wdym it's part of the fun to see where /ahoy/ thread derails
>>19251253>>19241529yeah, there are 6 vods of an hour each of Dark Souls 3most were in oct/nov 2019
>>19251493sure but the same derailments over and over are kinda lame, and being doomer about dating prospects is a particularly silly one
>>19176778some of the Pekora characterization seems off, though. I don't think she would be quite this confident, mild-mannered, deadpan type.
>>19252162(I know that's a fun personality to bounce off of Marine, it's just somewhat inaccurate.)
>>19251614To be honest I find the Marine dating advice threads usefull. I’m never going to live in Japan but at least I know what to expect lmao
>>19252162those are the aspects that I think actually reflect her really well, the stuff that doesn't work for me is more her as a seme, I just don't picture her as having the kind of sexual aggressiveness that artist gives her LIVES
>>19252801I hope shabby is doing well. I wonder if he returned just because of the current drama
>>19253704from the looks of it it sounds like he's been busy with a real job
>>19138375Meat, vegetables and protein powderShe needs to lift three days and then rest a dayI want fit Senchou
>>19253996how fit we talkin bout here
Imagine the ass on fit senchou...
>>19255718did they play fucking cho aniki while I wasn't looking?
>>19256030ages ago yeah, for like a billion hours too
I wish 聖なるプロテイン伝説 didn't kinda suck. The PCE and PSX games are legitimately some of my favorite shooting games
>>19256004Senchou’s ass needs to be like jelly. If I can’t use it as a pillow…
>>19256030How new? Seriously, I want to know.
>>19257065It would still be jelly, but it could flex. Nothing stopping you from using it as a pillow... besides me, of course
>>19257096>>19257096About a year I just missed it
Is there a lot more people in this thread than usual? Is this why it’s so shit?>>19257171I’m willing to hold an honorable duel to decide who gets to use Senchou’s ass as a pillow. You, me, your piss jars, my piss jars, under the Tokyo gate bridge. Let’s handle this like gentlemen.
>>19257696Just not a whole lot to talk about that's on topic.I have no piss jars or poopsocks so I think I win by default.
>>19257696she didn't even tweet today, forget giving us a streamdoesn't exactly give us a lot to work with in terms of stuff to talk about
>>19252647that too, that's what I meant to imply with "confident".although Marine's M, so maybe that restricts it somewhat.
>>19255718A little less than thisShe needs to keep her fat butt though
>>19138375how many people answered "my cooking"?
Are we allowed to speculate about if Senchou ever has sex irl now that covid is coming to an end? Or is that against the rules?
Ayame has streamed more hours in February than Marine has.You can no longer call Ayame lazy.
>>19263536Why do you pretend to care about Ayame? You hate her.
>>19263474She fucks foreigners she meets on Roppongi every Saturday. Thats why she never streams on Saturdays.
>>19159439/here/, mostly. like your generous reports on them, for instance.but also, following creators' Twitter accounts can be a double-edged sword.
>>19263638I love Ojou you faggot.
>>19241618just sleep when she's busy.
>>19263701You hate hololive. You only love nijishits, since you love the taste of shit.
>>19263640Japan is still kinda closed so I think the number of foreigners in Roppongi is a bit limited right now.
>>19253996I want my senchou a little bit chubby.I want to hug her from behind and rub her delicious tummy with my hands.
>>19242447>even inside the house, if you wanted to hug or kiss her she would sigh and force herself to accept it.that sounds exaggerated to me, and more of a public/private life deal (if no-one sees them, why do they care?). also, not everyone is the same. Marine seems pretty touchy.
>>19263716Ojou is friends with Sasaki and loves Japan (Marine hates Japan), so Ayame is basically an honourary member of Nijisanji.
>>19175988I wonder if she has ever put her mouth on a dick.
>>19263908Nice delusion, deranged ape.
>>19263925she literally worked as a prostitute of course she has
>>19263946Sasaki and Ayame have had 3D stream together and are friends. You would know this if you actually watched streams.
>>19264016You're the one that doesn't watch stream given all the completely false shit you post about Marine and others.
>>19264066You didn't even know that Ayame and Sasaki are friends.Also Marine, Kanata and Polka hate Japan. Marine and Kanata said they like the diversity in undertale.
>>19264142Look at that, more bullshit based on you not watching streams.
>>19264196Which part is bullshit? Its all true.
>>19264235None of it is true because you don't have proof.
>>19263834Anon, their society is based on affective stoicism, why do you think most people don't have sex even if they are married, it's not because they can't it's because they don't want to, most Japanese prefer to be more productive in their work than "waste" their time with their wife/husband. Marine must be one of the most likely to think this way given her workaholism, don't be fooled, just because she sometimes acts affectionate or "touchy" doesn't mean she's going to accept random hugs and kisses.
>>19264312Ayame and Sasaki: undertale:
>>19264485Timestamps for your claims? If you can't provide, you're lying.
>>19264515I just posted proof that Marine played Undertale and that Sasaki and Ayame had a 3D collab together and are friends.No timestamps required.
>>19264606>Marine and Kanata said they like the diversity in undertaleYou need to prove this by providing a timestamp.
>>19264638Its been like a year since those streams but I remember she said it.The fact that she played undertale proves that she likes that shit anyway.
>>19264776So you watched 20 hours of your worst enemy's stream? You seem deeply obsessed.>The fact that she played undertale proves that she likes that shit anyway.Flare likes it more and even played the other game. You always come here talk about how great Flare is because she hates Marine.Don't pretend you're someone different now.
>>19264856I never said Flare is great, I just said she hates Marine.Anyway the fact remains Ayame and Sasaki love Japan, Marine hates it.
>>19265065Then why does it matter that she hates Marine? You have no proof that Marine hates Japan.
>>19251493Source on gif?
>>19265155>Then why does it matter that she hates Marine?Because it makes you angry.>You have no proof that Marine hates Japan.She played Undertale.
>>19233666>them digits and photoMADE FOR PUNISHMENT ANAL SEX TIME!!!
>>19265239>Because it makes you angry.In your schizophrenic head.>She played Undertale.That's a lot of holos and nijishits that hate Japan. You are actually mentaly ill.
I missed the part about Marine hating Japan, why would she hate Japan when she has made no plan to learn another language, and no plan to leave it? You can dislike some part of your countey and like the rest. It’s not black and white.
>>19265431Waiting patiently in my pants for the evening following my marriage to Marine.
>>19225529Damage control
Just stop fucking posting
Please keep your advice for nerdy ugly whites in /adv/ thanks this is a hololive thread
>>19263640>>19263763I will be Marine's regular Roppongi fuckbuddy
>>19267792this but unironically
>>19267817I wasn't being ironic
>>19267792Y-you’re white too, right anon?
>>19268185I'm am not
>>19268185I'm Japanese
still no tweet
>>19267797damn that's a pretty hot marine, sluttiness is good on her
>>19263763the only thing the borders closing did was limit new foreigners coming in, there are still millions of foreigners just already there, living in Japan
>>19264373she's also an uke and an M who understands it's part of her role to accept whatever advances are made upon her by her partner, she'd appreciate touchiness I think and would be more distressed if you ever stopped since she doesn't feel able to initiate
>>19268444From the thumbnail I thought it was yandere smile senchou. Never have I gone from solid to flaccid so fast