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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.14 MB, 2560x1440, 1621476466380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19160042 No.19160042 [Reply] [Original]


>Upcoming Stream:【MV RELEASE PARTY】LOVE ME LOVE ME【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】

>Previous Stream:【Cooking Simulator】hungry mmmmm PIZZA【Pavolia Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】

>Original Songs:
[Gate Open: START]
[あの青空のせいだ (Ano Aozora no Sei da)]
[Love Me, Love Me]

>Cover Songs:
[The Baddest]
[Fly Me to the Star]
[Envy Baby]
[革命デュアリズム (Kakumei Dualism)]
[可愛くなりたい(Kawaiku Naritai)]
[うっせぇわ (USSEEWA)]


Previous Thread: >>18965370

>> No.19161194
File: 402 KB, 2048x1536, 316BE1AD-EF4C-48F2-8EC5-EBBB6F59D14B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19166063


>> No.19166063

very gay

>> No.19167767

MEP for the love me love me talk

>> No.19168588
Quoted by: >>19168750

did reine say anything about when she's going to continue ace attorney?

>> No.19168750

She’ll probably bring it up during this stream

>> No.19169315


>> No.19169343


>> No.19169600


>> No.19170027

listening to song now. holy shit reine is best singer.

>> No.19170141
File: 116 KB, 399x288, 1643428621401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having to explain what "Twerkable" is to Mama Peafowl

>> No.19170458
File: 86 KB, 300x300, aqE4YYmtLYnY8wSjhKaQBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very twerkable
Is she pretending she's 16?

>> No.19170499
Quoted by: >>19172328

Reine is a kusogaki in the body of a hag

>> No.19170521

>He wouldn't twerk to Reine's songs

>> No.19170731


>> No.19171067

Her giggles...

>> No.19171082

holy shit that giggle was very cute ans girly

>> No.19171234

Man I was one day late so I won't be rgb on the day of, so sad

>> No.19171251

idk why most holo fans are millenials pretending to be zoomer and speak like them

>> No.19171261
Quoted by: >>19179323

Holy shit, I almost slept through the stream

>> No.19171619

>very twerkable
I blame Nijisanji for that trend

>> No.19172328

Hmm ... Damn bratty girl ...! !! ! Twerking at an adult... Back correction is needed ...

>> No.19172453

>Back correction is needed ...
VERY needed

>> No.19172530 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 636x900, 1638648684384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19172792

>The Futa

>> No.19173141

Turkey has gravy running through her veins.

>> No.19173145

So sad

>> No.19173283

Dumb bird.

>> No.19173335
Quoted by: >>19173501

Do we have soundposters? Reine's "your mom" seems good to me.

>> No.19173458
Quoted by: >>19180079

>ywn watch reine and her mom twerk their massive dumpers together to love me love me

>> No.19173501
Quoted by: >>19175498

I've made a few, give me a timestamp after the stream and I'll do it

>> No.19173512

Wait, so what's the game she's talking about?

>> No.19173611

It was most likely Dark Cut.

>> No.19173624
File: 630 KB, 3508x2480, 1615987465909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on her response, I assume the Dark Cut series.

>> No.19174363

Reine with the Ring. This ought to be fun.

>> No.19174378

>Reine playing Elden Ring
oh my

>> No.19174448
Quoted by: >>19174595

>Elden Ring
Reine is tiltproof, that should work

>> No.19174581
File: 147 KB, 1600x1600, 1625989160283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classroom with Fauna
>Elden Ring
Next week is gonna be kino

>> No.19174589 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19174712

Just heard from global that Fauna's gonna be Reine's next guest on ID classroom, am I being cheated again or is this true?

>> No.19174595

This dork using her own reaction images.
Would the Mushroom arc in MK be considered tilt?

>> No.19174636

Did any of you make TikTok?

>> No.19174712

It's not 100% confirmed but it's most likely Fauna, yes. Guest is EN and "nutritious".

>> No.19174905

I'm too old for TikTok

>> No.19174953

I'm not letting that chink shit anywhere near my phone

>> No.19174965

I'll do a lot of things for my oshi, but probably not that. I'm the type to lurk Twitter.

>> No.19175036
File: 2.31 MB, 3455x2016, Heyne its Reine [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvnzyq8.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19175103
Quoted by: >>19175254

Hopefully people reupload it on twitter, only Reine can send assassins to kill me after finding out all my personal information

>> No.19175254
Quoted by: >>19175322

you can see her stuff without downloading the app or registering, look up @pavoliareine_holoid

>> No.19175322
Quoted by: >>19175369

Oh, I assumed tiktok would be like facebook that doesn't allow you to see shit without an account

>> No.19175355
File: 183 KB, 300x300, AAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19175369

Yeah I hate those, but it seems like you can lurk without an account.

>> No.19175378
File: 101 KB, 883x883, 1612326336285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short stream but she was very cute today.

>> No.19175498
File: 60 KB, 827x827, 1635919485008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19231700

"Yours. YOUR mom."

>> No.19175528

I kinda like those 2 hour streams, they feel like the perfect length for me, not too long not too short

>> No.19176681


>> No.19176738
File: 777 KB, 738x774, 1613313720578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night tweet!!

>> No.19176812

Holy fuck that’s hot

>> No.19176833
File: 288 KB, 490x422, 1628776357460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19177366

Billy you madlad.

>> No.19176848


>> No.19176996

I know what I’m mepping to tonight

>> No.19177220

>cat was sick again this morning so I missed the stream yet again

I swear to god this cat must hate how much attention I give to Reine or something

>> No.19177366

I love that this guy commissioned one of the hottest Reine lewds I’ve ever seen and his name is just “Billy”. Absolute chad.

>> No.19177621 [SPOILER] 
File: 313 KB, 1357x960, 1634201235517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NO NO NO billykeks is this what your 'oshi' looks like??

>> No.19179323

Holy shit, I slept through the stream

>> No.19179438

oh wait it's that guy who also made the Fauna/Reine lewd. Damn he's good.

>> No.19179584

Is this what Kiara imagined when she started fantasizing about Reine mid-stream?

>> No.19179892
File: 196 KB, 1280x1280, E4pBQSBVUAAK_si.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I keep falling asleep during Reine streams?

>> No.19180079

I want it ToT

>> No.19180157

oops I mepped again

>> No.19180340

I can’t for the life of me imagine Reine playing Elden Ring and getting into it I guess it’s cool that she’s giving it a shot.

>> No.19180915

Yeah I thought she wouldn't play it since she's usually more into story driven games and Soulsborne games have basically no story.

>> No.19183385

I think she can dig it

>> No.19183488
Quoted by: >>19183717

My inner monologue shifted to uwu for a moment, I blame Reine

>> No.19183717

oh nyo

>> No.19184021

Toss a salad while listening to LMLM!

>> No.19184535
File: 55 KB, 300x400, [Yuri-ism]Is_My_Hobby_Weird_v01_c01_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty good

>> No.19185619


>> No.19185829

I'd prefer reine and irys, but I'll settle for bronze

>> No.19186372


>> No.19187622

No I have enough spyware on my phone already

>> No.19188571

Attention please:
I love love Reine
Thank you for your attention

>> No.19188746
File: 428 KB, 500x577, 1627045894521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19188860
Quoted by: >>19189087

If you pay attention to this background, is this Indonesia?

>> No.19188873

I've always found it weird that her greeting phrase is "Attention please" but her farewell phrase isn't "thank you for your attention"

>> No.19188981
Quoted by: >>19189006

Byeeee~ Bye bye!

>> No.19189006
File: 97 KB, 750x735, 1635935404362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it in her voice...

>> No.19189048
Quoted by: >>19189087

looking back to her earliest tweet
and got the unedited pict https://twitter.com/MedyRael/status/1333837555255582722

>> No.19189087

oh shit it is Indonesia

>> No.19191903
File: 290 KB, 1529x2048, 1630516217552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19194726


>> No.19193437


>> No.19193472


>> No.19194104

It's part of her outro at least

>> No.19194726


>> No.19197415

watashi shika iranai~

>> No.19199107

can't get that yuri lewd out of my head

>> No.19200404

I hold no proof but neither doubt that Reine can't get her finger out of her pussy thinking of that lewd

>> No.19200540

I laughed but also fuck you, I hope she gets better soon

>> No.19200959

I'm now imagining her back full of scratches after her first night with Kiara
also had an idea for a possible future comm

>> No.19201379
Quoted by: >>19201569

Gambatte Billy-chama

>> No.19201569

I'm not based Billy though, in fact sort of a poorfag so I've only commd once.

>> No.19205508
File: 32 KB, 256x256, MxI6YfygNInY8wSiqqqQAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19206894

I don't watch Reine, or really any Holos anymore, but I'm just dropping by to say Love Me Love Me is a great song. Been listening to it for the past five hours and I still like it.

>> No.19206895


>> No.19210311
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, 34EBF5F4-F223-405B-BF14-452F78DDD844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19213795

I have to mep

>> No.19214245
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 1620217394561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19214736

pls don't mep to my wife

>> No.19214736
File: 157 KB, 917x1147, 1614560008146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't stop me anon

>> No.19219076

mep mep

>> No.19221150

Do we know when the next stream is?

>> No.19223055

i just mepped to that monobe lewd and i don't know what to say

>> No.19224164
Quoted by: >>19224500

Craving a Reine english-only karaoke even though I know it won't happen any time soon

>> No.19224500

I want her to sing Musicals and Opera...

>> No.19224594

Loving the song but the art for her in the MV doesn't really fit it. Maybe it's the 'tism talking but does anyone else feel that way?

>> No.19225376
Quoted by: >>19227185

I disagree, I thought the music video and art were a great fit for the song

>> No.19225934
Quoted by: >>19226039

Tuesday I guess

>> No.19226039
Quoted by: >>19226167

She mentioned an SC reading at the end of the most recent stream. I assumed she'd ketchup with those Sunday and take her usual day off Monday.

>> No.19226167
Quoted by: >>19226548

Didn't she say next week? I was only listening with half an ear

>> No.19226548

Oh she asked chat if she should read supers split across Sunday and Monday or just all on Monday. Chat leaned toward Monday, but she didn't give a concrete answer.

>> No.19227185

Ok for the sake of keeping of the thread alive:
The tone of the song was like a "bad bitch" vibe. Either a more 'street' look or maybe the opposite direction; a gala dress, dangerous rich girl, would fit better. Even keeping the outfit they used her expression seemed to playful, maybe a more sinister/yandere look would have fit better.
yes I know I'm thinking too much

>> No.19227473


No stream today

>> No.19227635
Quoted by: >>19229132

I mean, the song is basically a play on the ultra-yandere trope which inherently leans more into a menhera, unstable angle, I'm not sure "bad bitch" is exactly the angle they were looking for

>> No.19227811

I see what you mean. The song is a lot more high bpm while the visual and theme seem centered on that lull portion in the middle of the song.

>> No.19229132

Sorry, alcohol is a thing.
Yes the lyrics are full on yandere I was talking more about the overall feel of the song. The more I think about it forget the part of my post about a street look, the rest I stand behind

>> No.19229599
File: 141 KB, 1135x1088, FMldYsVUYAMPA6M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19229924


>> No.19229924
Quoted by: >>19229967

Cute, do you have the source?

>> No.19229967
Quoted by: >>19230156


>> No.19230156


>> No.19231700
File: 848 KB, 396x454, YourMom[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fge45zt.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19245173

Sorry it took a while, catbox was down yesterday

>> No.19234459


>> No.19237428

On the outfit, they specifically did the opposite of what she wore for AANSD because the song was meant to be or to have the opposite feel of the song, which I really like. Expression-wise though, yeah I agree. I feel like having heart-eyes wasn’t “yandere” enough.

>> No.19237651

Completely the opposite for me. The art is fine, but the song is grating on the ears and doesn't fit Reine at all. It felt like it wanted to do something but it didn't know what, and I'm not gonna pretend that I enjoyed it just because it was Reine. Maybe if it had been a different genre (something closer to Higurashi's op?) instead of whatever this is, I'd have liked it better.

>> No.19239386
File: 443 KB, 900x900, 26013F40-3352-44DD-843D-47233998D978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coolest baby in town

>> No.19241665
File: 263 KB, 899x899, 1618950941722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19241996

Does anyone know the artist behind this specific image? I saw there's a similar one with Moona, too.

>> No.19241996
Quoted by: >>19242302

Anon, your reverse image search reps...

>> No.19242302
Quoted by: >>19242626

Reverse image search gives me some generic results for "fictional character", some Greek facebook page (I'm not even Greek) and 4 instances of this image posted on /vt/, none of which have the source. Hence I asked.

>> No.19242626
Quoted by: >>19242695

As I said, reps. Use saucenao if you want to find an artist, it goes through pixiv and the boorus.

>> No.19242695

>Access to specified file was denied... ;_; (403 - >>/data/vt/thumb/0191/60/1645967568122s.jpg))

>> No.19242788

okay, I pasted the thumbnail in, but it's the same result for the full image, too

>> No.19242831
Quoted by: >>19244517

Do you use 4chanX? For some reason using saucenao for archives never work, but 4chanX has an option to use it from here

>> No.19242886
File: 74 KB, 975x207, 1644816652021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19244517

Meppa what are you doing? You don't need to go through the archives.

>> No.19244036
File: 809 KB, 677x679, 1624643607097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought myself a pair of watermelon socks because they reminded me of Reine immediately when I first saw it
I might be too far gone bros...

>> No.19244517
File: 19 KB, 192x220, 1645615026881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19245204

I use 4chanX but I never touched the Sauce tab before and I often forget these quick search tabs are also there. I unmarked the saucenao to make it available right with the other searches but it still doesn't find me the source sometimes (checked random fanarts across the board and it works most of the time). Going through iqdb -> saucenao worked for me for the image I asked for, though. Thanks for helping a meppa out.

>> No.19245173
File: 445 KB, 423x644, 1631114211228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a real one.

>> No.19245204

>Going through iqdb -> saucenao worked for me
Yeah that's what I usually do

>> No.19248625


>> No.19249147

So cute anon

>> No.19251080
File: 98 KB, 899x594, 3BA20383-7254-4401-8F69-8F55BA809FD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19252133
File: 527 KB, 850x895, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conceptualize the aroma

>> No.19253827
File: 381 KB, 2048x1478, D7D84BF1-8D18-48B1-BC4A-EE1ED8497D14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19254837

>> No.19254837

No wonder I couldn't find it, it's only on Kiara's tag for some reason.
And goddamn that swimsuit Pochi made for Reine is hot

>> No.19255892

Another Pokemon game for Reine to play… yay…

>> No.19256085

We still have a few months of downtime at least, and then pokemon hell again

>> No.19256364

Anon it won't come out for like another 8 months

>> No.19258379
File: 326 KB, 2000x2000, FMl42eCVgAcHckO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19259570

I miss Reine, and I don't even have any archives to catch up on, peine

>> No.19260418

You can always rewatch streams. I’ve been rewatching the acting stream recently. (Doesn’t help that I was so stoked she chose one of my prompts I basically stopped paying attention to the stream at one point)

>> No.19260628

Watch an old one. I'm always surprised by how much I don't recall

>> No.19261841
Quoted by: >>19262128

just mep

>> No.19262068
File: 188 KB, 1271x2048, EwcM3WjVcAMHpyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it going to be Elden Mep or Mepden Ring?

>> No.19262128

i don't want to mep to Reine. what if i become too mep for Reine?

>> No.19262469
Quoted by: >>19262611

Tarnished regrettably doesn't work with mep either. What class will she pick? Bandit, Astrologer, Prisoner for the funny helmet?

>> No.19262611

I'm hoping prisoner just because she'll find the helmet funny, and also so she can actually cast magic for once

>> No.19262636

Elden Mep!

>> No.19262664

That's what I thought for Prisoner and Astrologer. Bandit because I think she would like the stealth

>> No.19264383
Quoted by: >>19264549


>> No.19264549


>> No.19265571

I want to mep all day

>> No.19265723
Quoted by: >>19266138

why does Reine mep so much?

>> No.19266138

She loves to mep

>> No.19266393
File: 102 KB, 850x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiaminute, I missed this what the hell?

>> No.19266597
Quoted by: >>19266899

That was discussed for a few days

>> No.19266651
Quoted by: >>19266899

The videos were kinda weird

>> No.19266711
Quoted by: >>19266899

I think we're supposed to do Gemini Home Entertainment, next or soon. Unless Reine watched it while she was resting her back this week.

>> No.19266899
Quoted by: >>19267059

She mentioned analog horror in a public stream and I just assumed it was just something she /wanted/ to do. I turned off Reine's membership until I could sync up with the others so maybe that's why I missed it. I don't recall mentioning it publicly prior to the stream though.

>> No.19267059
Quoted by: >>19267092

On Twitter she said she was scared of watching it alone and then she scheduled the stream

>> No.19267092


>> No.19267732

I can definitely see Reine going for Prisoner just because of the meme helmet.

>> No.19269192
Quoted by: >>19271712

Is superchat reading the agenda for today?

>> No.19270478

Might have fucked up, I am not good with archive-delving

I upheld my word

>> No.19270888
File: 561 KB, 1700x2443, 1642290523833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun anon, I'm sure Reine will make it worth your while.

>> No.19271712

Should be, unless she decides to do it on the weekend like last time

>> No.19272377
Quoted by: >>19272456

Feel free to check out the member vods, most of them are great. I’d personally recommend the ASMR streams.

>> No.19272456
Quoted by: >>19272665

I am not an ASMR fan but I watched the torture one and liked it

>> No.19272665

Her second ASMR stream isn't really ASMR in the traditional sense, just her talking to an ASMR microphone.

>> No.19274441


>> No.19277696
Quoted by: >>19278103

To mep or not to mep?

>> No.19277719


>> No.19277837


>> No.19278103
Quoted by: >>19278562

Clearly, the answer is to mep

>> No.19278562

Thanks for the input. I will mep!

>> No.19279749

Man I want a Reine original song in English, hopefully one where she writes the lyrics herself and it isn't a typical idol song. The other ones were really nice and I enjoyed them, Reine really can produce great stuff, but they just don't give off the appeal of Reine, nor are they the type of genre I like. But seeing how much Reine hates singing in English the chances of that happening are near none

>> No.19280316
Quoted by: >>19280514

But Love Me Love Me is not an idol song.

>> No.19280514

Ah that's true, I guess I meant it was a "romance" song? And written by someone else. Also she'd never love us since we're men so it just doesn't give me a Reine feel.

>> No.19282906
Quoted by: >>19285749

Reine has said she has trouble writing English lyrics. It would be nice, but I can't imagine she'd do that before writing an original in Indonesian (Farhan helped with GO:S!) because I assume she'd want practice first. Maybe a mix of both. Does anyone remember that spotify playlist by a user with Reine's name, I don't know of they could verify that it's the same account or actually Reine but >>7395728 >>7396254 and based on Reine's music preferences, I think the genre would be rock or rap.

>> No.19285749

That playlist was brought up on stream, but she denied it was her. I don't remember which stream though.

>> No.19285981
File: 284 KB, 750x1200, 1646017579209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19286899

>> No.19286899
Quoted by: >>19303383

but this lady is Reine?

>> No.19286926 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 346x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is /mep/ but messier, I refrained myself from talking about this for a very long time but I feel I must at least voice it out once;
Reine's new expressions and her desire for a tomboyish outfit similar to her Ai Dee cover would make her closer her previous vtuber incarnation and I pray to the day she actually gets her wish. It's not that unusual for vtubers' alternate outfits to resemble their past lives, and I seriously think it's cool. One good example of this in the EN scene is Pomu maid.

>> No.19287198

umm sir, this is /mep/ but /mep

>> No.19287462
Quoted by: >>19287686

>Since this is /mep/ but messier
This is a pretty normal /mep/ thread so I don't know what you mean by this

>> No.19287472
Quoted by: >>19287799

Nobody saw that.

>> No.19287686
Quoted by: >>19288030

It's someone from the bait thread in the catalog I'm glad >981 wasn't caught in the blast.

>> No.19287799
File: 267 KB, 1920x1080, 1626197626091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late, you're already on the list

>> No.19287812
File: 322 KB, 515x633, 1633867501593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19287869

No context

>> No.19287869

so sad

>> No.19287940

You're gonna make it

>> No.19288030
Quoted by: >>19288136

>I'm glad >981 wasn't caught in the blast.
? there's only two posts itt that end with those numbers and i don't see any correlation

>> No.19288136

oh i got it. it doesn't show anything yab and i believe that anon deleted his post

>> No.19290690

i thought it was another /mep/ thread and i clicked it
so sad..

>> No.19291954

Reine might also call-in to Bae’s totsu

>> No.19292056

My fucking twitter tab isn't showing notifications off-tab

>> No.19292160

Ollie liked this tweet for some reason.

>> No.19297188
Quoted by: >>19297683

Not giving up on Reine calling in for Bae. But I'm ngmi to the dono reading stream at this rate.

>> No.19297683
Quoted by: >>19299370


>> No.19297723

She's here now.

>> No.19297897
Quoted by: >>19299370


>> No.19297970

Princess, your back...
but i'm glad you called in, something imminent she always a DM away

>> No.19299370
File: 226 KB, 1396x1080, FEZh_iYVkActeb-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never doubted my wife.
Oh I guess there's two options for the ID classroom guest.

>> No.19301744

so happy

>> No.19302951
File: 132 KB, 636x900, __pavolia_reine_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_haryudanto__7f8e8a068403db65192241ab57b3386e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?

>> No.19303325
File: 2.70 MB, 2000x2667, 96584312_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19303383

Not him, but this comes from a drawanon, for some reason he typed the request onto the image.
See >>19277092 and >>19168446

>> No.19305760

Meps behind you

>> No.19306153


>> No.19306286

Hey, I know this thumbnail art. She's not wearing pants.

>> No.19307094

Bet you she shlicked to it.

>> No.19308331

I am in great need of the thumbnail art or link. Omepgai

>> No.19308445
File: 210 KB, 1302x2047, E_vNSJUVgAMD8S6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it's this. She's not completely pantsless.

>> No.19308456
Quoted by: >>19309678

Anon the artist name is in the thumbnail

>> No.19308628
Quoted by: >>19308964

I just literally shot rope.

>> No.19308778


>> No.19308832
File: 253 KB, 899x899, EzcMVK_UYAAL6Ol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine's loading BGM is really comfy.

>> No.19308927
Quoted by: >>19309017

Original was pantless

>> No.19308964

I've already mepped to it twice

>> No.19309017

Yeah looking at it I can see how the bottom part was edited in later.

>> No.19309423

Fucking jakselfags.

>> No.19309678


>> No.19309883

How do we save Reine’s back…

>> No.19309906

So sad...

>> No.19309954


>> No.19309969


>> No.19310007


>> No.19310025
File: 38 KB, 560x458, 1594968995303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC could have won.

>> No.19310026

Neighbor’s cat HATE

>> No.19310320

Geese are the real satan.

>> No.19310321

Reine is not built for long-lasting sex

>> No.19311153

I fucking can’t deal with insects. Her story is probably my worst nightmare.

>> No.19311291
File: 62 KB, 449x192, 1616110165769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are coomers like this

>> No.19311341
Quoted by: >>19311496

>1 hour in
>0 SCs have been read

>> No.19311496

I’m actually surprised she decided to stream this late

>> No.19311675

>Hololive Murder Mystery
Damn, I’d fucking watch that

>> No.19311766
Quoted by: >>19311910

seeing this art of her reminds me of a character from GFL, RPK-16

>> No.19311910
File: 1.14 MB, 2430x3500, 1636707770726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Reine bro

>> No.19312169
File: 53 KB, 200x200, 1619886130452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19312291

>thank you for the SC but why are you a degenerate
made me laugh

>> No.19313148

Reine Worldwide

>> No.19313413

>RFA at 600K

>> No.19313460
File: 2.84 MB, 2430x3500, ReinePavolia16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I like this

>> No.19313487
File: 60 KB, 256x256, 1618341332991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause you're based, that's why

>> No.19313505

The quality tho, you probably could pass it as fanart

>> No.19313662
File: 123 KB, 362x320, 1624143193440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice

>> No.19313718
File: 3.68 MB, 3000x5000, 1630511915169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to imagine all the nice fanarts we could make edits from

>> No.19313807

like the ryona one? nice

>> No.19314094
File: 911 KB, 3000x2353, 1643111586621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to go right after stream, but damn if I'm not suddenly interested in GFL.
Fauna confirmed!

>> No.19314131
Quoted by: >>19314193

bet on how long she can handle elden ring?

>> No.19314158
File: 58 KB, 680x487, E4PcMPfVcAI03jA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK I won't be able to watch all of Elden Ring live.

>> No.19314193

not that long since MC pounced on her keebs

>> No.19314335
File: 99 KB, 827x827, 3466592F-D2E8-4B96-B0F7-EFCD596D39CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19314427

I’ve been avoiding Elden Ring streams because I’ve been hoping that Reine will stream it, I’m so happy…

>> No.19314427
Quoted by: >>19314556

Why though? It's not like it's a story based game, watching other people streaming it or playing it yourself won't ruin the experience. I watched Kiara play it and I'm just as excited to watch Reine play it.

>> No.19314488

I love when the girls step outside of their comfort zone so I’m really hyped for tomorrow.

>> No.19314556
Quoted by: >>19314820

I reserve watching games for the first time for Reine. I don’t really know why, but I feel lazy when I try to watch another stream of a game I’ve already watched a stream of.

>> No.19314786
File: 780 KB, 1142x743, 02672230-28FC-4182-869E-425C5EFDC6E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19314862


>> No.19314820

yeah, me too

>> No.19314862
Quoted by: >>19315236

Is that super expo merch?

>> No.19315101
Quoted by: >>19315191

I set 3 alarms but it didn't work

>> No.19315191

you need the 4th one, anon. Everyone knows that the 4th alarm is the most dependable

>> No.19315236
Quoted by: >>19315488

It’s going to be on a newspaper

>> No.19315488
Quoted by: >>19315532

Oh so it's promo art? Cool to see Reine representing ID.

>> No.19315532

Yeah, different members for different prefectures so it’s not just Reine. It’s pretty much everyone.

>> No.19315856
Quoted by: >>19315910

I had to do something, did she say when she's playing elden ring?

>> No.19315910
Quoted by: >>19315980

Tomorrow evening, 8 PM GMT +7 If I heard correctly

>> No.19315980

Ah.. I'm gonna have to start playing it today so I don't end up spoilered too much..

>> No.19318959

Based reasonable beggar

>> No.19319139
File: 200 KB, 1242x656, F829B832-B28D-419A-B5F6-99310EB28639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19319839


>> No.19319839

I miss Ina collabs. I know they were mostly group collabs but still.

>> No.19321521
Quoted by: >>19324261

Same. I also miss Reine having kinda frequent Myth collabs with members not named Mori. I hope she does eventually get that Gura collab.

>> No.19323276
Quoted by: >>19326530


>> No.19324261

Oh Myth. I was gonna name Fauna, Kronii and IRyS. Reine's stream time most easily fits Ame's late stream or like Gura but she does those late streams rarely.

>> No.19326530

Start of the stream was just KINO

>> No.19326542

Why does my heart doki doki when I see Reine? Does that happen to anyone else?

>> No.19328686
File: 330 KB, 1448x2048, EzWblqwUYAkUQgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just part of the mepification process. No matter what people tell you, do not GWS, do not take your meds, and keep streaming Love Me Love Me by Pavolia Reine.

>> No.19328770

I sometimes get a bit nervous before stream start. Depends on the stream though, usually it's before big streams. I was so nervous before her 2nd outfit reveal.

>> No.19328799

Reine said she was going to play Elden Ring with someone else, I didn't misunderstand that. Any guesses?https://youtu.be/cyt_onudq-M?t=7519

>> No.19328883

It will be me.

>> No.19328937

Eh, I understood that as "Tomorrow I'm going to play Elden Ring, and I'm also doing a collab this week"

>> No.19328959

Yeah, me.

>> No.19329146
Quoted by: >>19329234

>Tomorrow is, I'm going to play [Elden Ring], I'm going to play when someone else too. So yeah, look forward to that.

>> No.19329234

Not when

>> No.19330410
Quoted by: >>19331068

Doesn't seem like Fauna is the classroom guest but she does have a TBD stream at it's usual time slot so it's hard to be sure.

>> No.19331068
Quoted by: >>19332824

Reine literally said the guest is EN, green, and nutritious. It is Fauna, she just didn't put it on her schedule. It's something EN loves to do, hiding collabs until the literal last minute.

>> No.19332824

Not revealing the thing your senior organized is pretty standard, no?

>> No.19334359


>> No.19336901

Mep ‘til we can’t mep no more!

>> No.19340473
File: 1.29 MB, 1479x1067, 96590661_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19340936

meppas....it is easy for me to mep to anyone but Reine....
i've only done it once and i felt guilty thereafter. a-am not the only one right?

>> No.19341103

Fauna just got baited into confirming she's Reine's classroom guest.

>> No.19341144

Also a collab with Guy Fieri

>> No.19341719


>> No.19342376

To be fair it didn’t really need confirming. After all, she’s the only green holo left

>> No.19346695
Quoted by: >>19346977

Fauna is pretty cute...

>> No.19346977
File: 598 KB, 3508x2480, 1621421698448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tonight someone won't be able to mep ever again

>> No.19349897
Quoted by: >>19350514

Why is the idea of Reine lightly hurting me so hot to me?

>> No.19350514
Quoted by: >>19350862

Perhaps you're a woman

>> No.19350862

wtf I have a chance now?

>> No.19354714

I made the thread early, just jump in whenever
