>>OP>Calli being the retard that she is runs her mouth again (confirmed)kek
>>OPWait, what’s her new account?
>>19007245dont bother she will probably off herself for real soon
Thanks for spoon feeding me, anon.
>>OPwhy don't you stay on kiwifarm if you like drama so much?
>>19007605Off to your cardboard shack, rushia.
>>19006681Mori going to be next once they check her logs.
>lost job, house and bfanon the suicide might not be bait...
>>OPWhat did mori says?
>>OP>calli runs her mouth againHow?
Thank God Millie Parfait is my oshi.
What did calli say
>>OP>complete timeline>half of it is "speculation"fuck off, it's not much a timeline when half of it is rratsjust put the fucking facts in and nothing else
Lost job, house and rich bf because you cant keep your mouth shutJustWomanThingsAt least orca has a chance now
>>19008013>3 out of 21 points are speculation>half of it is "speculation"How does it feel to be so retarded?
>>19008233doesn't matter dumb faggot, speculation doesn't belong there
>>OPWhat did Mori say? Or is it just her tweet about "feeling sick" and being an overdramatic bitch?
>>19007982Hey, maybe she's just watched the video of the 14yo ucranian girl getting blasted by a Russian missile. That shit made me sick to my stomach aswell
>>19008330>overdramatic bitchThat's you though
>>OPgod bless kiwifarms
>>19009970The combate footage subreddit
>>19008745your oshi is next, go subscribe to her roommate right now
>>19010568Already did, and I would actually go out of my way celebrate if she graduate from being a Cover's slave.
It's incredible to me how many people just gloss over the fact that Cover explicitly said she spread FALSE information and FALSEHOODS. How can anyone read their fucking letter and think this was only a breach of contract by technicality? They couldn't word it more strongly if they tried.
Rushia becomes the first hobo chuuba lets goooo!!!
Imagine being at the top of the mount Olympus v tuber world, and within a week, you're unemployed and homeless.hopefully she saved up enough money to get through this
>>OPOk holoshill, we all know you are trying to damage control
>>19011014Nah she wasted all her money on some fashion investment startup like the menhera she isThe mic noises on her new channel is her living under a bridge
>>OPIndies pull this shit every other week and get away with it. I don't see what the big deal truly is. She got fired, she's going to freak out for a while, then she'll be back on a new channel and get a million subs overnight and have more money thrown at her. Women live life on easy mode.
>>19008365>a direct hit god damn god didn't like her
>>19011423She'll link up with KSon, get a new model, and take in the red supers.
Okay wtf is the korekore yab? I've tried YouTube and all he does is explain the mafumafu thing and "yea, Vtubers have a lot of money"
>>19011711Nigga Kson still has a soft spot for her colleaguesIf Rushia's leaks were enough to make Fubuki hate her what makes you think the dragon who saviorfags her colleagues would even talk to her
>>OPWhat did Mori say?
>>19007705oh god PLEASE PLEAAASE
>>OPWell, everything ended up really juicy, just as I like it.
I don't even watch vtubers I'm just here to see the drama
What's the first suicide bait? I don't remember that one. Anyone have an archive of it anywhere?
>>19008295It seems to me that You dont belong here
>>OPIt lacks all of the pictures of them living together in 2018 that were being posted by mafumafu fans
>>19013005Oh its there. But it should be at the beggining
>>19011953>I don’t even know what to say right now.>I’m cancelling tomorrow’s stream, I feel sick to my stomach. >Please take care of yourselves.That’s it.
>>19011711The leaks was the reason KsonKana move out. The only thing Kson link with her is Kson's immigrant's fist
>>19010746False according to corporate suits
>>19008013back to corporate trooncord with you, disinfo shill cunt
Is this the official anti harassment organization thread?
>>OPI've been long enough in /pcg/ to know this comes from the farms
>>19013584So it’s super accurate, then.
>>19013367>Tummy hortMori.... just two magic words that EN uses all the time
I missed everything in between she getting thrown under the bus and getting offically fired>Looking for a new placeIf real dumb bitch would be soft confirming that she lived with him
>>OP>She sealed it when, instead of addressing the simps about her whoring, she made a fake suicide broadcast directed straightly at her femboy exboyfriend imploring for more cock. Despite all the tears, now that the guy dumped her in favor of fujoshi cash, she readily moved on creating a new YouTube channel and openly noting how she needs to find a new place to live by March (confirming she lived with the femboy who’s now expelling her).
>>OPMore rrat> the Discord message “accidentally” appearing on the stream was planned… she’s old and wanted to marry. Thought she could corner the femboy, but he was smarter than that. He also brings in more cash, so his agency pressured Cover to intervene, and they opted to get rid of her.
>>19010284Damn you, I'm binge watching Ukraine invasion videos now and can't stop
>>19014445>She wanted out of Cover yes, but also wanted to take the femboy down with her believing that he would then marry her
>>19013367What if it's going to turn out that Mori felt "sick to my stomach" because of what Rushia was doing, and not because Rushia was fired?
>>19014772The final tweet of Rushia (deleted) confirmed this
>>19010698>I would actually go out of my way celebrate if she graduate from being a Cover's slaveSo would Mori, so why is she still shitting up this medium instead of just quitting already? You cucks keep saying she's already secure enough in her second account to be the next kson.
>>OP>Calli being the retard that she is runs her mouth again (confirmed)no surprise there
>>19014927>Calli>Next K-sonkekCalli couldn't survive without cover and her twitch frens could ditch her on the spot.
>>OP this is literally made up bullshit from 4chan
>>19015125same way coco couldn't survive without cover right?
>>19014926Which was?
>>19011897why do you think fubuki hates her? moreover, why do you think fubuki cares about her? there are 62 talents in hololive. people generally only have at max, 80 "real" friends.the ones she interacted with the most, pekora and marine, cared.
>>19009981It's full of trannys, if you were talking anything remotely bad about calli you would get threadbanned.
>>19007705shut up
>>19015202Coco had a base before being coco>B-b-but Calli is gud tooNo, she don't. All deadcucks believes that she could be the next K-son but I'm pretty sure that Calli if she leaves cover she will dive into oblivion in a couple of months>But muh twitchAnd? She hasn't the same tratction that had Coco nor the same traction that have K-son atm.>But....Coco was the one who opened the vchuuba into the west, made Holo-EN (her idea) and was trying to open up to the spic base. But Calli? She has the "dad" schtick and? What else?>She does rapNot enough.
>>19015229Out anon's ass
>>19015304You don't know that. Bakatare said it was regrettable, but it had to be done. Flare doubled down on this with her genmates, and said they'd continue doing their best to make everyone smile. The closest was to her was Marine, and it's hard to say why she sounded the way she did - because a friend is leaving the company, because that friend betrayed her trust, a mix of both - too much speculation.
>>19015501calli has the exact same base coco has. you're delusional if you think otherwise. using a pekora image to falseflag is a cope.
wtf did cali do?
>>19015202Mori's past life had pretty much plateaued years before joining. Kson kept growing.
I havent kept up lately but I think I got everything except “Mori ran her mouth again”, what’d she say
>>19015685being a cuntful of shit
>>19015615You make laugh. I was skeptical that deadcucks were that delusional but not anymore.PS. It would be more credible that Gura could be a K-son succesor by mere gravitas than Calli Karen Soccermom schtick.
>>19015599the stream was a corporate mandated stream to quell the flames. we don't know what she did, and probably never will.but if it's just leaking a couple names I don't see the big deal. anyone who wants to look can find the vtubers real accounts.
>>19015768again, this is a pure cope. most vtubers except the shitters like roboco could move on and retain most of their gachikoi.
>>19015703She's now scared shitless over Cover canning Rushia because she thought they wouldn't dare terminate her or other talents because of the money they bring in. Now she knows they don't fuck around.
>>OP>Calli being the retarded that she is runs her mouth again (confirmed)Kusa
>>19015202Well Kson certainly isn't doing as well compared to Coco. Her streams are similar, so I also don't see any amazing creativeness.>>19015599Rushia showed Flare's house to someone kappa>>19015685Associate with TT instead of Charlie or any other non-anituber males who ironically talk about otaku culture.
>>19015691kson kept growing because of coco, yes. she made sure to stream on both and keep it open that she was kson, since she was being bullied out by cover. she eventually left.
>>19013420Then she can sue them. If they went into that detail, they're confident.
Mori already deleted all logs.She's gonna get away scot free and with a lot of money.Incels seethe.
>>19015703>pfff haha I do what I want, I'm gonna rant on ny alt about my shit job and do a bunch of dumb drunk shit>biggest earner gets terminated instead of graduated>guys... guys I'm feeling so sick right now I don't want to stream
Calli feels sick because she probably did the same as Rushia but with her "friends" and now she feels sick because if they decide to do a company wide investigation she will be on the chopping block. It's like being on row for execution and watching the guy in front of you in line get beheaded.
>>19015780>we don't know what she didLiterally everyone knows what she did retard.
Considering most zoomer weebs (which are the main meat of Calli's fanbase) have fucking awful taste in everything, I can see a lot of them supporting her even if she leavesConsidering they also have terrible taste in music, it's very possible that she might even get her career off the ground even without the production values of the company
>>19015919in terms of viewers, sure. in terms of gachikoi? pretty fine desu.
>>19007982That is just because she is pregnant and can’t get another abortion so soon after the last one.
>>19007705Too late, if she said anything it's already deleted
>>19016097no, we have speculation on what she did. and we have speculation on vtubers every single day.
>>19016140also remember that the final paycheque for kson is about double what it was at cover because of their revenue split.
If Rushia had just done nothing, like sit on the couch and eaten malomars for 3 weeks she'd still be employed, planning a return stream no less. Heck, her coworkers would actually start feeling something for her.
>>19016055thisshes not long for hololive
>>19015780We know what she did, we don't the extent of the info she leaked. The rrat take she told Korekore that holomem having bfs is not unusual, and she tried to clear her name by saying she and mafumafu are just friends.What is closer to reality, and would make Cover angry, is that Rushia was using her company account to send private messages, and that in her screenshots sent to Korekore, she unwillingly doxxed people that have no public face with Cover, such as managers. My take is that Rushia did the above, and probably leaked conversations she had with members regarding relationships and such. And now we're finding out that top simps got DM'd private messages from talents. That could also be a big no-no, as the talents should not play favorites, and if it is found out that they did this...That's a very bad look for the company. Rushia's actions these past two weeks could be viewed as negative PR for Cover.
>>19015905how'd you even get to that point
>>19016102>Considering most zoomer weebs (which are the main meat of Calli's fanbase)Pretty much, I had the curiosity to see how was Calli on her strems. I was utterly disappointed. But the only salvageable point of her is that has enough charisma to grasp some 12 years old.
Be honest and reasonable with me anons. Who do you speculate is at fault/evil here? Honestly, I'm guessing it's Ruschia. She could've done all this to make that femboy guy it's his fault and leaked things intentionally to get fired so he has to take care of her out of guilt. Worse the guy did was deny their relationship publicly but maybe she doing this because he tossed her aside or something? Kore might've made things bad, who knows.
>>19016276Every fancuck/mafufujo would have willfully ignored that the incident even happened. Rushia is retarded.
>>19007379I wanna say you're wrong cause shes a millionaire who can retire from working now but rich people have killed themselves before
>>19014927Calliope is on a work visa, she can’t quit.
>>19016357>Who do you speculate is at fault/evil here?Rushia, incidentaly were too much fuck ups on her bag (if you pay attention).
>>19016323>company account bla bla blaI mean, yes, but this isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. And the names have supposedly already been leaked. It was a mistake. So why would they want to can her?>And now we're finding out that top simps got DM'd private messages from talents. really no big deal, it's not like she's stripping nude or making erotic noises. it's about the same as her SC readings.
>>19016350SameI even tried to give her music a chance, since my taste is pretty diverse and I enjoy some different stuff from time to time (some vocaloid producers, hyperpop, noise pop, etc) but her music (both in and out of Calli) is tragicIt's the combination of generic idol production with the rapping skills of a white person who has never bothered to listen to their genre's predecessors
>>19016515I already knew that.
>>19016600>See picrel>DigitsWhat the?
>>19016600Checked and witnessed.
Women, amirite
>>19016515Whatever will I do now.
>>19016574Indeed, personally I liked Ina's track and Gura's. But Calli... Was lackluster>>19016655Cheked
>>19014445the menhera hag trying to force him into marrying her and failing spectacularly is my favorite rrat
>>19016357It's Rushia's fault 100%. She broke the NDA, she gets the boot. She tried to fix things on her own way, but instead she jeopardized Cover. It was a dumb move, she should have just chilled some time.
>>19016560a whole fucking anykara venture got blown up for something similar (yumenographia)this is probably another part of what warranted the termination, same with anykara DMs are hard to curate. it's the reason the 1 on 1 events are held very strictly and has to have staff present.
>>19016357Rushia>didn't separate personal and corporate accounts>notifications weren't disabled>froze when she saw the message>remains silent so Mafu gets the first word in>finally tries to fix things and breaks NDA while doing so
so what info did Rushia even leak? Names, addresses, relationship statuses? According to the rrats, she gave korekore her discord account to check info and he yoinked the messages between her and everyone?
>>19016357Rushia 100%. I still feel bad for her but she was a fucking retard and tried to get her story out by...sharing internal company emails with Japanese Keemstar? Fuck.
>>19007920based flip enjoyer
>>19016350her best songs are her slow ones, i would at least give her that, Cursed Night, Live Again and End of a Life was nice.the only other decent shit she has were collabs. yona yona / graveyard shift
>Cover: Seeks legal counsel >mafumafu: Seeks legal counsel and a PR firm>Rushia: YOLOs it giving rrat eaters sensitive info about everyone
>>19016946you forgot she gave no fuck to her fandead since the incident started
>>19016560Because she WILLINGLY leaked names. She went again her NDA, the one thing she should never defy. And she gave that info to a big Jap youtuber, why the FUCK wouldn't they want to can her?>no big dealSo then why doesn't everyone that superchats get sent private video DMs? I unironically view this as solicitation.
>>19017069Point given, still Calli needs to improve because being "Karen Soccermom" is atm a one way ticket to unemployment.
>>19007920Lmao you don't know what's waiting for her if she stays with Anycolor
>>19016978enough for cover to not wait for fes and enough for them to refund her birthday merch.
So, who do you think she sold the Cover information to?
Do you think Rushia will join the Kson gang?
>>19016978We don't know. But since korekore did say she sent him stuff he probably shouldn't show is kinda damning. If it turns out he told Cover about how much she sent him, I wouldn't even be surprised.
>>19011280God I hope this is true because that's hot af.
>>19006681HoloEN probably wasn't told anything, I wouldn't blame her for thinking Rushia got fired because of having a bf or some other idol culture thing.She should have checked with the JP members what was up, but I don't trust her to think that far ahead.
>>19017153you can say this about every single vtuber anon. it's a sad cope.
Somebody has the archive of the Rushia backstab? (last tweet) I need to bring a fanded to commatose state.
>>19016357Definitely Rushia. Many people gloss over the "Spreading false information" part. This part is probably even more serious than the supposed NDA breach, and Cover called her out in the PR.This is no longer "Oopsie I accidentally leaked some infos to clear my name"
>>19017325>cuckbeatIs not fun anymore, is sad
>>19017258nope, she burned all her bridges. at best she'll pull an aloe
>>19017277What would be better:a) kneel to Cover's lawyers and give up what you know after you talk to your own lawyers so you can work out a deal that will legally protect yourselfb) feign ignorance and keep it in you pocket for when something juicy happensc) leak all that shit now
>>19017153>Karen SoccermomShe's a Karen alright, quite literally.
>>19016102Cali's roommate isn't inclining fast enough for her to leave now. The music is at pre holo number of views, her first stream attracted a lot of people, but the second was below Calli numbers already.Unless she throws a fit over this, she shouldn't leave for at least another year.
>>19017325you do know your oshi is next, right cuckbeat?
>>19017531Why is she so shit? She ruined the whole agency!
>>19017386to be cucked by a vtuber you'd have to be in a relationship with them in the first place, anon.just like how you don't get cucked when your 2d waifu gets a bf.
Russia firedRushia was fired
>>19007982Be comprehensive anons she just hit the "drinkies" too hard
Korone wins the Okayu Bowl!
>>OPThere's something missing. Korekore wasn't the only one she talked to, there was another dude who also runs a rumor channel or something and he said that Rushia told him she was gonna quit.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQjldsfnqCQ
>>19017615more like waifus voice actress plays her porn audio during an episodeapparently keeping work and private separate is hard
>>19017479So she's going to be richer than most of holo and niji.
>>19017615It wasn't posted out of grief, but mockin the other anon. I still can separate the character from the irl AV. those whom cannot they have my condolences and my comtempt.
>>19015384ngl this one hurts a little
>>19017686Korone is too OP!!!! Pls nerf!!!!
>>19016323>And now we're finding out that top simps got DM'd private messages from talentsExplain please
>>19006681What did she do thougg
>>19017754>So she's going to be richer than most of holo and niji.Weird, thats not K-son.
>>19017754if she was rich she wouldn't still be bitching about her living conditions lol
>>19016515>holomemyou need to work better on your fakes
>>19017711but this is the problem, she never signed up to be your "waifu" so to speak
Suicide baiters are the worst, she should have been fired for that alone.
>>19016515Gotta admit knowing someone is banging noel brings me some sadness, she got a good bod
>>19017947where the hell did the simp bux go then
>fuckbuddy throws her under the bus on TwitterWhat did he say?
>>19017482Stay on Covers good side so the fallout don't hit you too.>>19018022Just imagine those giant tits swinging around.
>>19007705imagine being a fly on the wall whenever her and connor hung out for drinks
>>19017858Kson is quite literally making more than most of niji.>>19017947She is a menhera leech you retard obviously she's posting shit for sympathy.
>>19018022>Gotta admit knowing someone is banging noel brings me some sadnessHer shota brother pretty sure
>>19018229That's why I posted that. The other Anon bragged that rushi was making cash hen iirc she's living under a bridge lmao
>>19018117>I don't have a girlfriend, but I know a girl who will be mad when she hears that I said this.
>>19017277why isnt korekore the one being shit on right now as well?
>>19016600Checked. You win this time, Mori
look im enjoying this shitshowim baiting the fuck out of retards with itim glad to see it all falling down around her and keking at the coping cucks with the ringsbut does she really deserve it falling down around her THIS fast?
>>19018367What's the point of mud wrestling a pig, you just end up getting muddy and the pig has a grand old time.
>>19017857Mori is just kinda retarded
>>19013810Reminder that Ame invented the "tummy hort" technique.
>>19016515Yeah, all me.
>>19018363I swear I've heard this line before. Kek if true.
>>19018431>Breached NDA>Spread false infoYes.
>>19018431>leaked stuff to dramafags (see >>19017684 and >>>/jp/38746645 )Yes.
>>19018466It's the brain damage caused by excessive le- I mean alcohol consumption.Very tragic.
>>OPdandeads getting BTFO
You know whats the biggest irony of all this? If she was so willing to share all that info with the dramafags then she most likely was telling the true and wasn't dating the dude lmao
>>19018431>sign NDA>breach itIt's basic shit, dude.
>>19018896If they weren't dating she wouldn't have stopped like a deer in headlights during the collab
>>19018431>sign contract>break it>get kicked outNOOOOOOOOOOO SHE DINDU NUFFIN ITS ALL KOREKORE
>>19018993I'm not saying they were or weren't dating. There's tons of evidence for "they were" (specifically the home photos, to me thats the smoking gun) BUT if she really shared her log ins to Discord which had all her conversations with the guy AND other holomems + non-public Cover employees then her Discord must've been clean as fuck. So thats a point for the "they weren't" camp imo.
>>19018431>live the easiest life ever, all you have to do is record yourself playing vidya and people literally throw money at you>squander it all by being a massive retardyes
>>19019267women, amiright?
>>19018005>sold engagement ringsNot my waifu but the bitch was clearly selling herself as someone’s.
>>19019392choco sells engagement ringsnene calls everyone husband
>>19017329Main Rushia acc has no real backstabbing tweets in last 2 weeks (via google cache, tu and archive) and braindeads are so far gone they wont accept roomie posts.
>>OPShe was actually living together with him? How retarded, a blunder like this would be inevitable under those circumstances Also wtf is hitoribocchi? Single... what?
>>19019392>>19018005Don't forget that she also sent DMs to her biggest gachis which is a big NO NO for Cover.
>>19019392>Selling engagement ringsMan, these simps really do not understand how relationships work. This is beyond mental illness.
>>19018005yeah that's not the problem, the problem was she send personalized videos and dms to her biggest paypigs to entice them more
>>19019455he wants the archive of this>>19016515
>>19019502So she's a camwhore, minus the cam?
>>19019502i was talking about calli, not rushia. but there's nothing wrong with DMs either. it's the same as a SC reading.
>>19016515Frankly I don’t care if they have boyfriends and frequently engage in orgies with random men, as long as those men aren’t wh*te it’s ok.
>>19019628>but there's nothing wrong with DMs either.are you retarded?
>>19019437And Lui is everyone's wife
>>19018993Im in the 100% railed camp simply because its funny that the granny is forced to sing death metal by a ladyboi, but man other vtubers had worse reactions to less relevant shit/even casual BS like spilling french fries like a slob over the desk.Then again most sane girls would take delicious McD fries over a insecure ladyboy that does not even have the decency to dress up like a girl when getting ridden to death.
So, do MafuMafu and Rushia fuck or not?
>>19015615Calli is an insecure wannabe wigger and is not even half the person Kson is
>>19019485>big NO NO for CoverWhere was this stated?
>>19019628>nothing wrong with DMsIt’s basically your crush saying to you to check their phone and all you can see is “Boyfriend” in her top messages. Are you blind or are you this much of a fucking cuck?
>>19019828Yeah, they fuck me.
>>19019828Yes, its almost guaranteed at this point.Every single idol is probably getting long-piped by someone far more wealthy and/or attractive than their average viewer and if you think otherwise you're delusional.Its just that Rushia got caught in the act and delusional spergs that want the whole girlfriend experience shtick made a big deal out of it.So in response Rushia tard-brained and is now doing stupid shit online for attention and pity.
>>19020038>>19019685you don't think holo staff saw her make DMs?if anything, they probably encouraged it.
>>19019480"all alone" basically
>>19019828By the sounds of it they have been fucking for at least 6-7 years.
>>19020117your cuck fantasies are not reality
>>19018993I mean towa still freaked out and lied about the male voices on her stream.
>>19020367I'm surprised he went with>someone far more wealthy and/or attractive than their average viewerand not>someone way more BLACK and/or with more MELANIN than the average viewer
>>19020484That just means we know he isn't a Mutt, probably some SEAnigga.
>>19019437>>19019742So they better keep a clean nose.You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
>>OPwhat is her new channel?
>>OPEh I'm pretty skeptical of any "timelines" that I read on this board. I read through the Mori drama timeline people kept on referencing and it was full of lies and misinformation.
>>19006681that dosen't have to be confirmed, she is always a retard>>19012288maybe is from her IRL account from twitter that she delete. Some shit that she don't wanna live and blablabla.
I'm gonna need therapy after this. It's like having your gf cuck you with an alien.
Please stop fighting with each other. You should be using this time to cherish your oshi, not beat up one another...
>>19021261This is /vt/ anon, wait for a couple of weeks for tourist to go away and retards to take their meds to have a normal conversation.
>>19020484>>19020367>your cuck fantasies are not reality*MY* cuck fantasies?I live in reality.You're the cuck thinking that they actually care about their fans and aren't just milking lonely, desperate, emotionally-dependant retards like you for every penny. You're just revenue, and they're just providing you with a service. Every single idol gets fucked behind the scenes i promise you.Think about how many guys in the entertainment industry in japan, or hell, even just in their offices they rub elbows with and the sort of people they would be. And then think about what reasons they have to stay single and not have a relationship on the down-low.This is why you dont watch idols, kids, they're paid to lie to you.
>>19021471>for tourist to go away>for retards to take their medsSo I need to wait until the end of times?
>>OPWhy are people acting like Calli's tweet was a complete against Cover? She never said anything like that. She was just upset by the situation, which is totally understandable.
>>19016600I kneel...
>>19021784Nope, until /vt/ ceases to exist
>>19016600Dubchamas checked
>>19021882who dis qt3.14?
>>19021640>Think about how many guysthink about guys fucking your girl a lot huh?almost like it does something for you
>>19022111I will end you.
>>19007982>"Running her mouth">Expressing sadness that one of her coworkers got fired???
>>19006681"dumb bitch supreme made a dumb bitch tweet" isn't really relevant to this timeline.
>>19013376Honestly I think it could be why. People probably found out where Maufu lived so in turn know where Rushia lived and then because of area basically learned where KanaCoco and other girls live Probably why Flare and Noel weren't as upset as the other 2.
>>19022438You seem to be upset when confronted with the reality that your fake e-girlfriend (who probably doesn't even know your name) is fucking other guys. Are you OK anon?
>>19020117No, I don't mean that I don't think Rushia doesn't fuck, I just think that Rushia could be fucking someone other than MafuMafu.
>>19022872No its pretty much confirmed at this point that she has probably had a long-term relationship with the guy.
>>19020117>long-pipedanon they're japanese the pipe is tiny
>>19020616People that share this don't even read it
>>19018081Stolen by her mentally damaged mother along with her life savings
>>OPI can't read a lick of japanese. What the fuck was rushia doing going to a keemstar equivalent? what was even the goal there exactly?
>>19007705you're going in the book of groodges
>>19023581To prove she didn't live with mafumafu I think. That being said she has been lusting after mafumafu even since pre-debut but I guess she thought the fact she wasn't actually living with him would convince the fandead that she wasn't after him.
>>19022956did you even watch the korekore video, even that faggot said he doesn't think they are fucking.that they've known each other is one thing, and that russia WANTED to fuck him is also pretty clear, because korekore said russia asked him if he thought mafumafu wanted her romantically, which is a retarded and autistic thing to do. and korekore basically said nothing but implied to her mafumafu is a cocktease.everything she has done is so fucking autistic, that's why i genuinely believe her story. she knew mafumafu, wanted to fuck him/tried to fuck him, maybe even did fuck him, but either way its clear he didn't feel the same kind of desire to be in a relationship with her.so at worst mafumafu was a 'fuckbuddy' with russia, but they apparently only hung out like once a month.either way her menhera parasocial persona wasn't fake, she was still constantly desperate for love and affection she probably wasn't getting because of her autism.so i dont think she was evilly ntring people, i think she is just literally a needy menhera retard, which for a lot of her fans is their type so
>>19014772Unlikely. She's a white liberal woman, and she's liable to be biased against the big corporation she works for, and biased towards Rushia, the underdgog who was brutally crushed by the sociopathic corp that wouldn't let her have a boyfriend blah blah.
>>19020616this timeline has 18 items on it. any faggot who followed the drama from the beginning and knows how to use notepad would have come up with similar timeline
>>19023722So, she's Ame?
>>19007705someone send them the toilet clip to help them out
>>19021261I still got at least another year or two of gura and another year or two also of kronii and mumei, my oshis are fine until then
>>19016357Reminder that literally nothing would have happened if Mafumafu didn't send that random DM to Rushia's work account.
>>19023702If that's the case, I don't get how rushia didn't see glaring floors in that. The juicy answer is that she's fucking mafu etc, and a drama channel isn't about to take this story and end it on a boting note. this was set up to be a trainwreck from the start
>play with simp feelings>get thrown out because she company cannot make money with her anymoreHer own fault. She should know better than that.
>>19023838your pic related however has months at best
>>19023838>having more than one oshido you even know what oshi means?
>>19023838i can't see gura wanting to leave anytime soon. mumei also seems like she wants to keep putting in more effort. kronii though, idk man.
>>19023932reminder if she has separate PC for personal and Job, . . that random DM also happened on Pekora stream, lucky her the DM was blocked with her hastag
>>19016600pink woman good?
>>19018719You know that second one just proves she didn't actually leak anything? Korekore never mentioned anything regarding other people's info and never revealed anything that would indicate to Cover that she leaked anything. All he said is she sent him redacted LINE screenshots showing her chats with Mafumafu to prove they're not dating but that has nothing to do with Hololive or Cover and wouldn't constitute a breach of contract unless they're being outright malicious looking for an excuse to fire her.
>>19024002what rrat are you believing that you think they get to choose when to leave. cover is willing to fire anyone over a small fuck up
>>19024105if that what happened, towa and matsuri were already gone by now
>>19024043Well, yeah, but reminder that Rushia was a retard so you couldn't really expect anything out of her.RIP you cute retarded flattie. You died of retard like the retard you were.
>>19024105I'm presuming there's no fuckups and they leave of their own accord, yes call it naive but we can't predict who's next to do something retarded or self dox
>>19011897kson isn't allowed to know what she leaked
>>19019267To be fair I streamed once for 7 hours and I felt like dying, my throat got messed up.
>>19024175They probably did want to pressure Matsuri(and probably Haachama too) into leaving but it was bad timing with the Coco graduation and would've destroyed their reputation firing Matsuri over roommate shit and firing Haachama over her mental illness.
>>19024105>cover is willing to fire anyone over a small fuck uptwap...festival...chammers...lean...
>>19024105>small fuck up
>>19015615>the exact same base coco hasYou are delusional if you really think that. I want to think that you are just baiting.
>>19017069like she's not even musically bad or anything! she's got chops but she just has SUCH awful taste
>>19024105>breach corporate NDA>small fuckupshe's probably being sued too.
>>19024783>>19025528>>19024678god fucking dammit, I'm saying if cover is willing to fire over a small fuck up they are of course willing to fire over a gigantic fuck up like breaking NDAI'm sorry I don't follow your oshi and don't know all the other small fuck ups cover didn't fire over, your oshi's probably irrelevant anyway
>>19022821Just take the L at this point
>>OP>she needs a new place to stayRushiafags are the biggest lolcows rn holy shit. >be absolutely cucked beyond belief>beyond redemption>their oshi getting mafumafu dick for months after every stream>sending her money exacerbate it>maximum cope across /vt/ and twitterEven suicide wouldn't resolve the sheer amount of seeth and cope holy fuck.
So what you're saying is she's single and desperate? I have a chance
>>19015202coco left with all the world crying for her and their complete fanbase believing and wanting more of herrushia surely lost many of their fandeads even if many here try to deny itthe hug boxes feign support for hug points but at the end only the hardcore will follow to the new channel and they are the ones being called cucks and incels by everyone
>>19026533>I have a chanceno you don't
>>19007815Damn. I actually feel bad for her. mafumafu is damn faggot and deserves a beating.
>>19008365I mean, at least that's probably a rather painless way to die.
>>19026533the only anon asking the real questions
>>19026533checked. I believe in you, anon.
>>19016051Someone make a meme image version of this.
>>19026533unless u have faggot slim boy aura, then yeah u have a chance
>>19019541it's fake
>>19027507it's always slim femboy energy with these thots. I guess you're just fucked if you ain't lanky with a child's face. I'll keep drinking the kson cool-aid about real men and hope I luck out.
>>19016515>>19016600Unfathomably based beyond all known beliefs.
>>OPSeeing people paint mafumafu as some heartless monster who dumped her is hilarious. He has the emotions of a girl. I wouldn't be surprised if Rushia broke up with him after her menhera breakdown
>>19015501>Not enough, not like ksonWhy?>I... I think so
>>19016240No it isn't because they do sponsors, collabs and merch
Rushia but she become a JAV actress and get fucked by magnum
>>19016388It's not the millionaire part that matters here; it's the crazy bitch with nothing to lose part. She might move on like nothing happened, she might twitcast her live suicide by traditional seppuku. Hell, she might turn into Mothra and fly home to the Sakhalin islands, there's no telling.
>>OP>tfw rushia could have leaked coco's graduation too
Rushia isn't graduating, you retards. She'll be back in like a week.
>>19015884>robocoleave my oshi out of this.
>>19013367silly rrat, she's concerned about Russia not Rushia! ;^)
>>19016140Zero Cover cut (manager expense is likely negligible in grand scheme of things)No meetingsMore creative freedom to just stream whatever
>>19019681I think youre looking for discord.
>>19016276Realistically she'd have had some chat moderation issues for a while and her twitter would be all shitted up, but that's about it.It really all is a massive lapse of judgement
>kiwifarm getting into thisThey should fuck off
>>19009981It's shit, the only good things about kiwifarm are josh streams and that's about it
>>19023722Bro, you are eating the shit that korekore is feeding you. Hes a dramatuber, whatever shit he spergs is a mixture of reality and clickbait, falling too hard on basic shit that mere common sense debunks. Rushia was fucking MafuMafu, deal with it, and theres nothing wrong with that, unless you are mentally challenged and into all that GFE stuff, then I pity you and your delusion.
>>19036039This. Josh streams are fun but his site is filled to the brim with autistic trannie faggots.
>>19015501shut up, stop discouraging her with the truth
>>19020117Damn that's hot
>>19026798>a rather painless way to die.If wasnt, you can see her crawling away after the explosion before collapsing on the floor
>>19015615dumb retard, coco is a charismatic whoreMori is a n awkward and alcoholic whore who cant network forshit