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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18827167 No.18827167 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18827185
Quoted by: >>18827364

a slut

>> No.18827197

>思ひ恋ふ (Original song)

>Iris (Original song)

>Goodbye Sengen (Cover)

>Hana ni Bourei (Yorushika Cover)

Merch (Check the product page for Geekjack links):
>Uruha Rushia Birthday Celebration 2022 (until 2022-02-28)

>Rushia Christmas Voice Pack (until 2022-02-28)

>Hololive Sankisei Summer Festival Shirt Resale

>Bloom 2020 Flower Charm Resale

>Akihabara Collab Sankisei Acrylic Figures

>Rushia Figma incl. Fandead

>Rushia Nendo

>Spotlight Album feat. "magical mode" cover by Rushia

Previous Thread >>18563437

>> No.18827230
Quoted by: >>18827364

made for tofutofu's ayy cock

>> No.18827248

nice job hiding behind moon runes and rushia's alt outfit cuck

>> No.18827361
Quoted by: >>18827463

So... any sign at all?
I just want anything that shows she's out there still

>> No.18827362

haunted pussy

>> No.18827364

>4 replies
>3 IPs

>> No.18827463

>yet another rushia sayonara scare
she'll be back in 2 days

>> No.18827658

Built for Mafu's twinkish fists to be pounded and brutalized. You think she streamed with bruises sometimes? Nobody would ever know thanks to her avatar.

>> No.18827708
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>> No.18827737

based mafuchad

>> No.18828598
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>> No.18829343
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Imagining her cheating on you with her lover Mafumafu before he kicks her out of the house into the streets really gets me going.

>> No.18829394

Thread theme:

>> No.18829447 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18830168
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>> No.18830189
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>> No.18830235
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Quoted by: >>18853318


>> No.18830273

So, apparently her steam account has been online for the past 26 hours and a scheduled stream appeared out of nowhere... I think it's safe to assume she's fine.

>> No.18830327

And where would this scheduled stream be?

>> No.18830356

Not anymore, but a sign of life from her or a cover employee.

>> No.18830381
Quoted by: >>18830417

some anon posted a screenshot last thread, but her steam account is definitely online and has been for a while.

>> No.18830417
Quoted by: >>18830491

I think that's a sign of life if any -- or someone else came in and turned her PC on and left it on for 26 hours.

>> No.18830441

It was a free chat that she posted probably more than a year ago and she put that date

>> No.18830449
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So is she pavement pizza or what?

>> No.18830480

Steam account has been online for 26 hours, and a scheduled free chat stream (?) appeared and was deleted. So she's either fine or someone is operating her PC/her accounts.

>> No.18830491
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Quoted by: >>18835339

If she really got blocked by mfmf on everything else she might have tried sending DMs there, when you consider what started this whole situation it's within reach.

>> No.18830518
Quoted by: >>18830624

Sounds more like she left her PC on and management cancelled the stream for her
not very reassuring
I don't want to imagine it but Cover could be thinking about what to even do right now, they might not even have told any other holos yet

>> No.18830581

>someone is operating her PC/her accounts.
Yeah it's me. Sorry I'll stop doing that

>> No.18830624

The TwiCast was 48 hours ago and she's been signed in for 26. It doesn't really line up if she did actually commit suicide, unless police came into her house, turned her PC on, and left it like that.

Especially due to the fact that implies any competence on Cover's part to keep it THIS quiet when they can't even handle their talents normally. We're two days (about to be three) into this and there's been radio silence.

With everything operating as normal (as far as we can see), and activity on her Steam profile, it bodes better than nothing at all.

>> No.18830837

100% she's fine, which is good news

>> No.18830965
File: 121 KB, 1080x1350, 84654654651465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combine this with any 5ch doxxers keeping their ears to the ground, if something did happen, we would've at least heard SOMETHING by now, other than the same tired shitposts.

And yeah, I think she is too, but nagging doubts and all that.

>> No.18831002

alive yeah fine no

>> No.18831050
Quoted by: >>18831215

And I think that's the worry. She may be alive right now, but that could legit change at any moment. But, as you know:
>mental health

>> No.18831215
Quoted by: >>18831556

absolutely, if anything, things are just gonna get worse from now onward. as much as i care about her and support her, it's gonna be kinda hard to get past this. i know this is hindsight, but we've been worried to death when she's been in the comfort of her home, pretending she's gone... idk man, i hope she gets the help she needs, even if that means giving a huge break to Rushia.

>> No.18831556

Well, I don't think it's going to hit Rushia as hard as we think -- considering the fact it was her 'roommates' account and I imagine more than over half of her fanbase (JP and otherwise) aren't aware of the entire ordeal. So it's possible she can bounce back from a majority of the damage that the 'roommates' stream did.

At least, here's hoping.

>> No.18831620

It's plastered all over twitter.

>> No.18831726

I hope you are joking

>> No.18831744

absolutely based

>> No.18831765
Quoted by: >>18832127

>I imagine more than over half of her fanbase (JP and otherwise) aren't aware of the entire ordeal
Ever since mafu's stream, nips stopped giving a fuck about separating Rushia from her roommate, so I wouldn't count on that.

>> No.18832127
Quoted by: >>18835780

Ah, right, Mafumafu did decide to spill the beans on that. Ignore what I said then.

I wish Rushia all the luck in the world.

>> No.18832171

we stood by and watched all this happen.
we let her down.

>> No.18832237

There's nothing that could realistically be done in regards to this -- nothing short of breaking Mafumafu's knee caps on the streets.

>> No.18832249
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Quoted by: >>18832420

Holy shit, I feel like I can finally breathe, and I'm not even a fandead.
Problems will go away, good times will come, but for now, look at this little dude.

>> No.18832420

That's part of the reason why I wanted to spread the message. Between all of the shitposting and falseflagging.

Link to her profile for those who want verification: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198990195377

>> No.18832439

Good idea. Let's do that now.

>> No.18832467
Quoted by: >>18832828

How is it his fault this menhera whore fell in love with him because he acted like a civilized human being? How is it his fault Rushia is too much of a dumb fucking cunt to turn on streamer mode in Discord?

>> No.18832570

How do you check if they were online?

>> No.18832624

Well, he is super fag, sure going cry and ask for mercy and succ you (if you are in to that shit)

>> No.18832686

pretty bold of her to recognize Donetsk and Luhansk like that

>> No.18832702

Anon... It says "Currently Online"...

>> No.18832727

So she is apparently ok. That’s all I need to know for now. Thank god

>> No.18832828
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mafumafu's a real gentleman

>> No.18832895
Quoted by: >>18835339

Since her profile is 'privated', there's no way to access the history - though what's been discussed/thrown around is the 26 hours. And the fact that she's online right now and, I checked Marine's profile too, just to be sure to verify that it was Rushia's Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198986178793

>> No.18832954

It could just be mafumafu on her computer

>> No.18833109

>considering the fact it was her 'roommates' account and I imagine more than over half of her fanbase (JP and otherwise) aren't aware of the entire ordeal
Anon, the nips know who the Holo roommates are they're just polite enough to have some decorum about it unlike the EOPs and SEAniggers. Someone brought up Senchou's real age during the one on one chats and she talked about it on-stream, this stuff isn't a secret for them.

>> No.18833198
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>> No.18833527

I’m glad that she’s ok, but I don’t think she should continue her activities as a Vtuber or maybe should take a really long break at least. She needs to get off the internet

>> No.18833537


>> No.18833778

Imagine Mafumafu bleeding out on the street. Imagine his fuckboy face getting smashed in with a fucking hammer and the picture of his ugly face with a broken jaw spammed over twitter.

>> No.18833792
Quoted by: >>18834180

Let me be very clear; removing Rushia from a regularly-streaming lifestyle permanently or for an extended period of time is the equivalent of truly signing her death warrant.

>> No.18834041

I did watch this happen, but I did not stood by.

I laughed at fancucks and memed all the way.

>> No.18834043

Anybody here who actually believes there is anything beneficial for her in staying away has not been paying attention whatsoever.

>> No.18834180
Quoted by: >>18834270

Honestly, from what I know about her past and present life streaming and intermingling in these circles, it's hard not to think this style of life has consistently brought more tragedy and anxiety to her life than anything else. She'd probably be much happier if she somehow found a decent enough guy, married and settled down away from the internet. Not that I see it happening anytime soon, specially with the taste in men she's displayed so far.

>> No.18834270
Quoted by: >>18834476

Fresh bait but not good bait

>> No.18834476
Quoted by: >>18834716

It's a honest opinion. I can't say I'm a fandead, but I liked Rushia.

>> No.18834716
Quoted by: >>18834876

If you do, you need to drop that opinion. Rushia does not have a way to come down from this without streaming. Every second that passes where she believes her streaming days are done for the forseeable future is another second where her life is at risk.
It is her coping mechanism, and one of the biggest reasons this escalated as far as it did was because she was cut off from it.

>> No.18834740
Quoted by: >>18834905

>It's okay guys! Her steam profile has been online for a few days. That means she's just been gamin' for over a day or two straight and probably feels a lot better! I mean, it's not like someone could just leave their computer on unattended!

Are you people retarded? Wouldn't it be more meaningful if her profile went offline and then came back on again?

>> No.18834852
Quoted by: >>18834933

Wait. Did any of you seriously believe in the retarded suicide rrat? This was obviously fucking retards shitposting.
It's clearly obvious that she's fine. The real question is when the fuck will she be back.

>> No.18834876

What I'm saying is she'd probably be happier if she found better ways to fill whatever hole streaming does fills for her, and that having a partner + distancing herself from the internet and a lot of the assholes she used to associate (apparently still associates) with like korekore and mafumafu, is one way to do it.

>> No.18834905
Quoted by: >>18835021

You leave the computer unattended, it goes onto snooze/away. It essentially means she's using her PC, not that she's playing anything on steam.

Nice try though.

>> No.18834933
Quoted by: >>18835077

but there was a big wind sound

>> No.18834986

She was quite literally fine with us. She's tried looking around for something all her life. I am telling you, again, that there is effectively nothing that can save her life in the imminent future except a comeback stream. There is no easy escape for her here.

>> No.18835021
Quoted by: >>18835061

Or she made it so her computer only uses a screen saver and doesn't go into sleep mode. That's what I used to do.

>> No.18835061
Quoted by: >>18835769

Oh, I meant Steam itself. It'll send you into snooze/away -- though I'm not sure if we'd be able to see that with the settings that are probably placed onto her Steam account as it is.

>> No.18835077

Man, as much as it pains me to say this I've witnessed live twice in my lifetime a cute Japanese streaming girl committing suicide. If that was the case, trust me, we would all already know by that point.
Knowing Rushia she most probably just yeet'd her phone, it's not like it'd be the first time.

>> No.18835156

Shit, sorry to hear that, dude -- but your experience helps strengthen the hope that she's fine.


>> No.18835185

I think it was her phone's mic rubbing against her clothes. The sound happened twice.

>> No.18835253

she survived the first time

>> No.18835255

So assuming she is perfectly fine (physically at least) and on her PC how in the fuck has she not let any of us know she's okay yet? She must know how absolutely worried sick we are about her because if she has access to the internet you know damn well she's egosearching and yet nothing, she doesn't even need to make a tweet that can be quote tweeted, just change your bio or something. I know she's not dead because we'd know about it by know if she was but I refuse to believe she can access her phone or PC and didn't let people know she was alive

>> No.18835339

Well that's a sign...unless is her ghost
But on the other hand
>inb4 Steam becomes their new social hub after the Discord's glitch
Anyway...at least, it seems, she is still alive.

>> No.18835366

Was one of them Ugoku-chan?

>> No.18835398

>The sound happened twice.
It didn't though.

>> No.18835402

She could’ve even liked a tweet or something to show that’s she’s active, but no.

>> No.18835468
Quoted by: >>18835634

i'm kinda done with it by this point, she obviously knows what she's doing, it's sad...

>> No.18835498
Quoted by: >>18835718

maybe she's afraid to, what with her friend blocking her throwing her under a bus while a hundred thousand people call her a backstabbing slut psycho

>> No.18835541
Quoted by: >>18835677

im 100% sure this will end up in an "indefinite hiatus" which basically becomes an unofficial graduation because she will just stop streaming

>> No.18835618

I just want her to be fine, she is not even my oshi, I am not even a fandead and I think she, literally, did nothing wrong. The "fans" jumping to conclusions of she having a relationship without waiting for an explanation and others saying "bait suicide" are just hypocrites that are there for entertainment, pretty sad that humanity has reached this level of devolution.

>> No.18835634
Quoted by: >>18844050

She is fucking terrified you absolute mongs. You want to get angry at or think about abandoning her now? Do you want to actually kill her? Get a grip and breathe a sigh of relief or vent here or whatever but if she is to make it out of this, you need to snap the fuck out of this state.

>> No.18835677
Quoted by: >>18835701

And as I keep telling people, that will end in her death.

>> No.18835701

Eventually, everything does though.

>> No.18835718

Was there any confirmation that he blocked her other than her saying "It's cruel. Everything is too cruel. Check your phone. Goodbye"? Obviously the "Check your phone" part was directed at someone other than her audience, but do we know if it was Mafumafu for sure? I imagine he's most likely the person she was trying to say that to.

>> No.18835727

If we go by the time her steam account is active, either she is using a private account or she has been into looooooooooo...oooong meeting wit Cover's upper managements or even MafuMafu's representatives.
However, if we want to play devil's advocate, I remember Kiara once revealed she has multiple steam accounts once her steam account appeared on stream and indeed that account is different from the one Marine's has on her friendlist.
So we can assume some Holos discard steam accounts every certain period of time, and to who those old accounts end up..maybe to management.

>> No.18835728

Egosearching would just make things worse. If I were her, I would leave the internet alone for some days and she is physically in better shape.

>> No.18835748

Man, Rushia really is the Needy Streamer Overdose experience.

>> No.18835769
Quoted by: >>18835901

Anon, steam has a bug recently where it won't go into sleep mode and it causes the monitor to stay on. You look online to everyone else.

>> No.18835771

Dont even say "fans". None of the people who shit on Rushia before she even speaks out didnt really watch her

>> No.18835780

Ya, hate to say but the fact they have reached Yahoo News JP not once but twice in a week...no way the JP equivalent of every Tom, Dick and Harry isn't remotely aware of this situation is pretty minimal.

>> No.18835817

Rushia used to often say that she would die if she weren't able to be Rushia anymore. Considering everything that's happened, I'm not sure how truthful that was, but she is definitely very attached to being Rushia.

>> No.18835901

Still, the time active doesn't alineate with her supposed suicide.
Unless is not Rushia or you believe on /x/ stuff.
But is a fact her account was active after her supposed death.

>> No.18835936

I am sure a lot of the holos are very attached to their holo identity and Rushia has been known to be one of those who is really deep in that

>> No.18835994

>Considering everything that's happened, I'm not sure how truthful that was
How does her recent drastic action in the face of that potentiality not prove to you how genuine she is about that?
For fucks sake.

>> No.18836024
Quoted by: >>18836105

Wait where does it say 26? All I can see is Currently Online

>> No.18836060

My alternate guess is Korekore. People forget her twitcast was right after his stream rather than Mafu's. I didn't watch it but I read a summary saying he declared war on both which is a pretty scummy move considering they used to be on good terms. The fat fuck really wants to milk this fiasco.

>> No.18836100

It's really very simple. Get your venting out now. And then, if you want to save the girl you promised to help, be with, and protect, and told her over and over that you loved her for who she was, menhera and all, get a fucking grip as soon as possible and remind yourself that this is Rushia, and she desperately needs our help to make it back, and that there is no other path left for her. I'm going to bed. Shape the fuck up.

>> No.18836105
Quoted by: >>18837105

you can't see it, someone claims it has been online for over 26 hours. obviously "anon said", but at the same time is there really a point to lie? if someone had noticed her account online at the time of the tweetcast or right after, they would've said something

>> No.18836129

I seriously doubt her attachment to that identity as I do anyone else's that currently posts on their roommate account.

>> No.18836157

What fucking "supposed suicide", is everyone fucking retarded?

Literally, there is no confirmation of ANYTHING except a poor quality stream where the wind is blowing and she (distressed because of this stupid situation) is asking someone to check their messages. WTF is wrong with you people..

I better leave this place before I catch your stupidity,.

>> No.18836180

Oh, and vent in the fucking bunker you retards. You'll thank yourself later.

>> No.18836396
Quoted by: >>18836535

>mafumafu: We didn't become friends until after 2018.

>> No.18836459

>Still, the time active doesn't alineate with her supposed suicide.
Does it? Was she offline and went online after that stream? Has she been online the entire time?

I don't actually think she jumped, maybe she's got a few new marks on her wrists, but I need more info from you.

>> No.18836535

That proves he pumped and dumped her. If he lied about being her friend, he lied about being her boyfriend.

>> No.18836542

personally i wouldn't sell lifelong engagement rings to my talents, unless it was shizuka rin

>> No.18836563

The bunker is for pathetic loser fandead that can't accomplish anything and are too scared to declare their belief in and love for Rushia in public. I'm not going back there.

>> No.18836856

Agreed, but on the other hand, she's hopeless. A sad woman who should have had a child by now instead of... this thing.

>> No.18836936

One sided love is too cruel

>> No.18837032

No you retard, the bunker is where you post shit Fandead should know and vent frustrations without giving shitposters ammo. I love Rushia and I've said it over and over.

>> No.18837043
Quoted by: >>18837333

Someone did the math and the time from the sayonara until the stream cuts out would be the equivalent of the velocity speed of a thrown device traveling about 5-8 stories from a building top.

>> No.18837105
Quoted by: >>18837149

>is there really a point to lie?
I've seen people literally begging for the shitposting about Rushia to stop, so there is clear motivation to lie if it would help dispel a suicide narrative.

>> No.18837149


>> No.18837210
Quoted by: >>18837630

>roommate and character are separate
This wouldn't be such a popular meme if some people weren't desperate to insist that vtubers aren't normal streamers with anime avatars. Does anyone really think that streamers don't deliberately play up aspects of their personalities?

>> No.18837333

So that would go a long way in explaining why the stream ended the way it did.

>> No.18837445

I posted a schizo Rushia love post the other day and the meidos removed it instantly from the catalog. There's no point. Jannies fucking removed my shit. Even if I wanted to perform for the tourists coming to look at the funmy animals in the cages and laugh at their schizo behaviors. Not sure why you want to perform for them, but feel free. I have no problem exclaiming my love for Rushia but might as well do it in a place she can see as opposed to the monkeys from other boards coming to laugh at the fandead exhibit.

>> No.18837485
Quoted by: >>18837609

>a place she can see

>> No.18837609

She has a chance of reading twitter. Better than posting on /vt/ for other's entertainment and phrasing that as "bravery" instead of just performing your role as the community laughing stock

>> No.18837630

How are they not different from shitty twitch streamers when they actually do more than just stream? It's like you don't even follow any japanese vtubers and are just here to throw shit because someone called your favorite streamer boring.

>> No.18837669

What the fuck is a bunker

>> No.18837711

the ones who have a healthy family never go suicide. her family is very healthy. this goes for other holomens. for some reason, they have good family relationships.

>> No.18837713

lurk m0ar

>> No.18838003

> the tourists coming to look at the funmy animals in the cages and laugh at their schizo behaviors.
caught me red handed, at least you’re self aware

>> No.18838243
Quoted by: >>18854524

favorite outfit? I thought the one with the crown would never be topped and then she got her comfy blazer one and man does it make me struggle to pick between either. I don't like pink hair rushia sorry

>> No.18838283
Quoted by: >>18838364

A hugbox where fancucks hide from the evil shitposters.

>> No.18838364
Quoted by: >>18838495

well yeah. Thats kinda given since jannies dont do shit about shitposters even though they dont allow that shit to fly in EN generals
Its not like the real fandeads need /vt/ anyway. Irrelevant shithole

>> No.18838495
Quoted by: >>18838588

I see plenty of shitposting in all of the EN generals and those don't get removed either most of the time as well.

>> No.18838588

Compared to 0 removes in JP generals. You can literally shit up any general and you wont get punished. Try it sometime. Spam the most shittiest shit you can for hours and you wont get banned.
The jannies basically nuked all Mori anti shit whereas they literally started ignoring their own rules with Rushia and her roommate shit and given the context its even more fucked up

>> No.18838643
File: 30 KB, 627x135, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18838731

That's not true at all, one example of them deleting something I posted.

>> No.18838704
Quoted by: >>18838786

They tend to throw their hands up in the air and give up for a bit when the volume is too high, happened with Mori, happened with Rushia.
There's definitely a deadbeat janny though, someone is keeping /morig/ clean.

>> No.18838707

But rushia deserves it

>> No.18838731

Just because they are now doing it doesnt mean that they basically didnt do shit and still arent doing shit since people are literally allowed to talk about it, just not post it

>> No.18838768

You weren't here for 0 hour, the first 90 minutes after the suicide bait there were hundreds banned.

>> No.18838786
Quoted by: >>18840027

I will second this.

>> No.18838785
File: 143 KB, 1357x1017, FLUyoqkX0AgB-h7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a millionair by now and she probably realised that her streaming days are over. I wouldn't be surprised by a sudden, lowkey graduation with their hope it dies down quickly.

>> No.18838801

If this was EN, even discussing it would still be disallowed

>> No.18838867

Yeah and then they gave up completely and threads with a roommate stream in the OP are left untouched for days

>> No.18839704

Why would they not allow to discuss it? What's there to lose or gain? I for once praise jannies for actually allowing discussion on a serious topic. Just because there's some dramafaggots trying to stir shit up, it doesn't mean there's people legit worried about her.

>> No.18839881

Literally doing more harm than good. People who would actually care about her dont need /vt/ anyway, you know

>> No.18840027
Quoted by: >>18840151

There's a Morifag janny indeed. The dude pretty much banned everyone who posted the cuckbeat picture the second/third day after Mori's controversy.
Kinda disgusting someone from a side branch who's also the most far away talent from what hololive tries to deliver gets preferential treatment here.

>> No.18840151
Quoted by: >>18840561

I'm thankful.
Get a janny Fandead, you'll see it's great.

>> No.18840313
Quoted by: >>18840771

The twitcast is fine, people posting unrelated false doxx shit and roommate shit is not fine and jannies are shit at their jobs. I'll never forget when a purely roommate tweet thread got left up but the jannies came in to just delete mori's face.

>> No.18840561

Getting preferential treatment on this site is equivalent to reddit. Like when you go to reddit, say right wing shit and get banned because all the mods in that inbreed fest site are thousand gender unhinged faggots.

>> No.18840771

Kek. I remember that. The janny got salty because it was the shrek Mori's roommate picture, deleted it and left the doxx thread alive.

>> No.18840874
Quoted by: >>18841084

What is the point of rushia

>> No.18841042

Just like the reddit bunker.

>> No.18841084

tofutofu’s twink cock

>> No.18841368

Rushia kysed herself...

>> No.18841420

This site is reddit and you are reddit because I can't call you a shitskin without getting banned.

>> No.18841817

Rushia's roommate apparently streamed yesterday and people are thinking it's a suicide because she said goodbye.

>> No.18841996
Quoted by: >>18842477

>doesn't post any proof
ok buddy

>> No.18842082
Quoted by: >>18842477


>> No.18842086
Quoted by: >>18847394

Has any holomem confirmed that she's fine? I'm worried.

>> No.18842112

women that cheat with you will cheat on you, so she'd still end up fucking some other guy in the end lol

>> No.18842477
Quoted by: >>18842589

Just look up るしあ on twitter
It was unarchived but someone said she set it to unarchive automatically

>> No.18842589
Quoted by: >>18842767

>trust me bro

>> No.18842767

Rushia is dead and you're laughing

>> No.18843500

so deadfans are self aware that they're being lurked for entertainment
thought you guys are high on delusion, good for you!

>> No.18844050

Retards like this are the reason women like Rushia pull this kind of move for attention/sympathy. It works.

>> No.18844911

The most amusing part being, in a very hypothetical scenario where Rushia actually gets told what people of /vt/ said, all she would hear is that "westerners wants her dead lmao". All this posting would genuinely not being helpful at all, quite the opposite.

Also while I don't really care about Rushia but the people seriously wishing the death of an unstable, innocent girl just because she, supposedly, has a boyfriend are as insane as twitterfags.

>> No.18845161

It's even more funnier when you consider that they haven't even seen her real face while being "intimate" with them.
They know what she looks like irl but when she's facing them, she's using an avatar and yet these retards act like they've known her true self for years.
I'd rather trust the words of people that have seen her physically and talked to her outside of her avatar(kore, mafu) than these delusional failed normies both antis and simps.

>> No.18845565

She has at minimum seen the epic NTR edits because containment breachers and chinks are posting them in her replies and tags.

>> No.18845825
Quoted by: >>18846267

I don't want Rushia to kill herself.
On the contrary, I want the cucks supporting her and all other GFE bullshit to do so. Men so pathetic are nothing but a waste of space.

>> No.18845865

How big is mafumafu's cock?

>> No.18846147

big enough to die for

>> No.18846267
Quoted by: >>18846424

Why don't you take her place tranny

>> No.18846327
Quoted by: >>18846662

I need a quick rundown on what happened

>> No.18846356

And they'll never learn. Hopefully none of them ever successfully breed because retardation like that isn't needed in the gene pool.

>> No.18846424

>anyone that tells me the reality of how i am a failure of a man to my face is a tranny
How about you get some real fucking pussy and grow some balls while you're at it, you fucking cock-sucking nigger. Imagine getting cucked by a fucking ayy lmao looking Jap manlet lmao
Couldn't be me.

>> No.18846519

>"westerners wants her dead lmao"
good, we want her to know the entire world is unified against her. thots will get what they deserve

>> No.18846547

congrats you described the problem of parasocial "relationships" and streamers in general.

>> No.18846552


>> No.18846639
Quoted by: >>18847396

oh you're in your cynic phase. good luck, kid

>> No.18846662

>rushia is such a dumb cunt she doesn't know about Discord's streamer mode
>mafumafu, an utaite, sends her a message telling her he is done recording and heading home
>confusion over what "home" was, if it meant they lived together or seperately
>the fag denies being in a relationship with her
>rushia has yet to deny anything or confirm anything, she has just suicided bait mafumafu twice, in a deleted tweet and a twitcast
>she cucks her entire fucking fanbase and thought they beg her to talk to them, she has not yet done so, most popular rrat is she is in love with the fag and saddened he denies their relationship, and is planning on graduating from Hololive

>> No.18846716
Quoted by: >>18846818


>> No.18846719

If Rushia jumped off a building, we would've received a statement from cover by now. Rushia didn't kill herself. Her goodbye at the end of her roommate's stream was a normal goodbye to end the stream.
Given the current situation, she should've stayed off every form of social media, or else people will make speculations, just like this, and make her return take longer when it's finally starting to die down.
Rushia is a fucking retard and cover needs to put 2 managers to deal with her stupid 33 year old menhera antics. Instead of a GFE, she needs to come back as a full time retard who needs to be taken care of by her paypigs.

>> No.18846808
Quoted by: >>18846884

I simply telling you to kill yourself tranny. That is all.

>> No.18846818

when times were better.
Ah, but to hear this sweet song brings me no relief!

>> No.18846884
Quoted by: >>18847239

>muh tranny
What getting terminally cucked does to a mf

>> No.18846952

>her stupid ** year old menhera antics.
That's the one thing I never understood. How can you still be that fucking dumb when you're that old??

>> No.18846980
Quoted by: >>18847085

translation note: Sayonara means "goodbye forever." It's the sort of thing you say if you never expect (or at least hope) to never see the other person again, at least for a long time.

>> No.18847085

You stupid nigger it's literally the formal goodbye in Japanese.

>> No.18847140
Quoted by: >>18847549

Rushia may have lied to her fanbase but it wasn't all lies. She admitted to having low IQ, and she knows she has nothing special going for her, which is why she does GFE in the first place. At best you can say that...she does a nice Pekora impression?

>> No.18847150
Quoted by: >>18853076

Yeah she's not dead, while I don't trust Cover Jap news would've reported a woman in her early 30s jumping off a building in Tokyo to her death by now if it happened. The real question is why the radio silence and I have 3 theories, either she did jump but survived and is in hospital, she's under 24/7 suicide watch from either managers or other holomen and not being allowed to use the internet, or she's an absolute wreck sitting in her dark room for two days now to scared to do anything that would tell people she's alive

>> No.18847239
File: 103 KB, 640x558, 1645335957311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally never watched a Rushia stream in my life.

>> No.18847394 [DELETED] 

they're not allowed to say shit, even if they know what happened for sure whatever they say will cause panic

>> No.18847396

Tell me how good of a person your oshi is without even knowing her personally.
I bet she had a mocking grin the entire time while conversing with you retards as "Rushia"
>s-she wouldn't do that she's a good person based on her character that she plays and get paid as
Meanwhile irl... guilt trips her "friends" by suicide baiting and her lovely fans gets no message.
Must be nice not needing drugs to cope.

>> No.18847549

>She admitted to having low IQ, and she knows she has nothing special going for her, which is why she does GFE in the first place.
Is this the Rushia character or the roommate?
Because if this is rushia then i'd believe you since you actually "know" her but if we're talking about roommate then you're delusional

>> No.18847671 [DELETED] 

he's Asian, so probably 4 inches max

>> No.18847917
Quoted by: >>18848785

Are you trying to say that you think her roommate isn't low IQ and has things other than getting internet guys to pay her bills going for her?

>> No.18847984
Quoted by: >>18848736

Both, fancucks insist Rushia=her roommate.

>> No.18848322
Quoted by: >>18848736

Fancucks say there's no distinction between Rushia and her roommate, so both.

>> No.18848736
Quoted by: >>18848834

Are they wrong? Are you some kind of cuck that likes Rushia separately?

>> No.18848785

Who are we to say otherwise?
We don't even know her outside of her avatar.
Even if we get into d*x territory, all we have are crumbs and outdated infos.
Just a reminder that unlike those unfiltered e-thot whores, she can't show the "ugly" and "unwanted" parts of herself since she's getting paid and hired by a corpo.

>> No.18848834

I don't know if they are or aren't wrong, I think you need to ask what >>18847549
meant by saying that applies to Rushia but not the roommate.
>Are you some kind of cuck
No, I don't like Rushia.

>> No.18848864

thinking about this shit doesn't give me an erection
but it gives something in my soul an erection

>> No.18849163

she should pull a kson so fandeads can know about her outside the persona

>> No.18849335

What the fuck are you on about? You have her job history and online "career" out there and she has never done anything worthwhile in her life.
Even as while "paid and hired by a corpo" she is one of the least accomplished and doesn't do anything other than collect donations.

>> No.18849437
Quoted by: >>18849587

>anything other than collect donations.
Well, yes, but she is nearly the god damn best in the world at collecting those donations. I think that deserves some recognition.

>> No.18849458
Quoted by: >>18849572

That is in essence what every single vtuber is.
She has shown those ugly and unwanted parts of herself, and continues to do so to this day. Ditto with Noel, Matsuri and Mori.

>> No.18849572
File: 190 KB, 1280x1851, 1643498914933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those three are my oshis
Huh, do I have a thing for menheras?

>> No.18849587

So then you agree that she only has GFE going for her when it comes to making money.

>> No.18850000
Quoted by: >>18850257

>she is one of the least accomplished and doesn't do anything other than collect donations.
You can't prove that.
I can claim that she invested some of her simp bucks into real estate.
I bet cover or her manager which you seem to forget, can advise her on how to prepare for the inevitable graduation/retirement.

>> No.18850257

None of that changes the fact that she has barely done anything during her time in hololive to tell her future employers about.
Her hologra performances are probably the only notable thing.

>> No.18850965

>that old
Anon, Rushia is a kid, comparatively speaking. Literally less than half the age of women that have similar mental hysterics.

>> No.18851383

It makes me sad to see many advocate for her suicide. She handled the situation terribly and dug herself in a deeper hole than before, but I don’t think she deserves to be red paste.

>> No.18853076

Or playing game on STREAM

>> No.18853226
Quoted by: >>18853688

Do not worry she is safe for now

>> No.18853318


>> No.18853688

I’m aware. I was just stating it’s quite messed up people really want her dead.

>> No.18854259

That's just the kind of place this is.

>> No.18854512

Yes, actually a fair amount of "fandeads" who have posted the past week are just false-flaggers that tourists can't recognize since they don't know how fandeads behave. The majority of fandeads have completelt refrained from taking most of the bait most of the time. It still depends on the thread however.

>> No.18854524

Don't be. Pink Rushia a shit.

>> No.18854724

No, this place want her live but Twitter wan her dead for good

>> No.18854852

Yeah I know, I just don’t like wishing death on people I guess, goes against my personal beliefs

>> No.18856474

You should lurk moar on Twitter. The gachikoi there are out of fucking control

>> No.18856529
Quoted by: >>18856601

Do they want her dead or something?

>> No.18856538

I want her alive. I want her cucks dead.

>> No.18856559 [DELETED] 

twitter is more of a cesspit than 4chan could hope to be, you've got it good here

>> No.18856601
Quoted by: >>18856778

god dammit anon where the fuck have you been

>> No.18856608

they are false flaggers. you should lurk. those who are desperate to keep this going arent ether vtuber fans or fandead. a very few fandead might be depressed but they are poor losers from 5chans anti threads.

>> No.18856778

Ironically stopped using it when this started because all I saw were the yaaaas qweeners. Didn't know it devolved to death threats or whatever

>> No.18856921 [DELETED] 

when regarding drama it will ALWAYS devolve into death threats 101% of the time, regardless how big or small the drama is

>> No.18857252

ever since two people could communicate remotely with a computer there has been harassment and death threats

>> No.18857496
Quoted by: >>18857932

The theme of this general these past few weeks

>> No.18857691

So pretty much Rushia didn't streamed a hero at this point.
It will be really awkward if her comeback is on Holofes after that stream.

>> No.18857888

I don't even remember Holofes date anymore.

>> No.18857904

Maybe she can get a Miko return-lite moment out of it.

>> No.18857932


>> No.18858505
Quoted by: >>18859229

Is Holofes live? I was under the impression it was pre-recorded like the birthday lives.

>> No.18858978
File: 30 KB, 312x648, 591c084587456fd56a8b45c5_da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole mess is about to become a villain origin story.

>> No.18859084

please come back i miss you so much

please come back

>> No.18859170
Quoted by: >>18859364

how long has it been now? hasn't it been a while? how much longer?

>> No.18859229

the first holofes was live, they had a crowd and they were reacting to the crowd and things that were happening in real time. It was amazing, very unique compared to the prerecorded stuff since.

>> No.18859251
Quoted by: >>18870149

how many times will she stab mafu before performing necrophilia

>> No.18859294
Quoted by: >>18859492

I just want to know she is okay. If she has to graduate, so be it.

>> No.18859342

Thread theme:

>> No.18859364

2 more weeks Gary

>> No.18859492

According to the other dudes in the thread, she was active on steam for a bit, so yeah, I think she’s okay

>> No.18859672

So is this the same feeling parents have when their kids run away from home

>> No.18859725

Genuine question: In the event she actually returns, do you think she should do an apology or nah? She handled the situation kinda badly, but I doubt an apology would go over well with her fans or the mfs on reddit

>> No.18859784

Deny, Deflect, Apologize for worrying fans. Anyone who would be mad at that probably wasn't watching her much to begin with

>> No.18859991

>Genuine question: In the event she actually returns, do you think she should do an apology or nah? She handled the situation kinda badly, but I doubt an apology would go over well with her fans or the mfs on reddit
Not only should she apologize to her fans and most importantly her gachis.
If she wants to continue as before she actually could by attacking the people that attacked her fans when they were down. Call out the dramaniggers and normalfags that were congratulating her and she could keep her biggest donators like orca, it would make them feel like she cares about what happened to them even if she doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.18860122

The real question is: if she doesn't graduate, does she drop the GFE shit?

>> No.18860271

I would be shocked if she did. If she denies it she wouldn't even have a reason to

>> No.18860707
Quoted by: >>18860931

I hope they drop it or, at least temporarily. It would be awkward to go back to doing the same exact thing that enabled the outrage

>> No.18860931
Quoted by: >>18861019

On the other hand, it may be more awkward to tell her simps that the GFE they've grown accustomed to is now off the table, and having to time autismos out when they force it in chat anyways.

>> No.18861019

She'd lose all her gachis if she stopped doing GFE. If she doesn't want to do GFE anymore for whatever reason she's just better off graduating, better than a long slow death. Imagine how badly she'd break down watching her numbers fall into the toilet and all her regulars disappear.

>> No.18861291
Quoted by: >>18861315

why does this thread always seem more sane during the night

>> No.18861315

American shitposters are asleep.

>> No.18861453

Not really. Something about this really has the schizos riled up. The people wishing death on her are mostly salty seaniggers but there's a big contingent of normalfag crossboarders who think they can drive a stake through the heart of vtubing over his for some weird reason.

>> No.18861520

Literally nobody gives a shit. These threads have been seafags baiting each other for over a week now.

>> No.18861616
Quoted by: >>18861797

I want to gosling Orca kun

>> No.18861797

Tired of hearing about lil nigga. Would be really funny if she graduated and he killed himself though

>> No.18861880


>> No.18862044
Quoted by: >>18862163

Where is the fucking ntr art and doujins? I was promised ntr of her and got jack shit so far.

>> No.18862163

Her maybe being dead put a slight damper on things.

>> No.18862292
Quoted by: >>18862900

envy is not healthy poorchama
I can save Orca kun

>> No.18862900
Quoted by: >>18864615

I wonder what happens to Orca if Rushia actually graduates. He's too deep in to just casually switch oshis. Hopefully he doesn't pay Aokigahara a visit if that happens.

>> No.18864615

He will switch oshis.

>> No.18864904

Fandeads are among the chillest fanbases ever since /jp/ if you put aside their obsession, only tourists and Globaltards would want to bully them over a week

>> No.18866594

tourist here. when she came back she's gonna say:

its just a prank haha! only to test loyalty to me. mafu2 is an actor in the drama too haha!

then everyone showers her with akasupa again

>> No.18867230

Why do you weirdos like Rushia so much anyway

>> No.18867649
Quoted by: >>18868383

Best way is deny loving mafumafu and relationship on roommate, apologize for worrying fans and redeclare fan love on rushia. Doesn't need to mention fucking or not, bit too vulgar thing to do even on roommate.

>> No.18868125

Apologizing is literally all she needs to do. Sadly that is enough for most of the retards to crawl back to kissing her feet.

>> No.18868210

News: KoreKore said "look at the smartphoe" was aimed at him.

>> No.18868257
File: 23 KB, 365x390, 1643245829102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18868539

Reminder that
>mafu tried to fug rushia, but she said no
>mafu didn't like that so he cleverly sabotaged her career while she was streaming
>rushia stayed loyal to her fans but the fans believed mafu rather than their oshi
Rushia did nothing wrong, (You) just bought lex's bait and threw her away like the cheap sluts that you are
Can't even protect your own oshi from a rapist twink

>> No.18868259
Quoted by: >>18868767

Wonder how much mfmf is paying that mofomofo

>> No.18868310

Now that we know Rushia is alive, how do you feel about the fact she's been silent for almost a week, knowing her fans are worried about her safety?

>> No.18868348
Quoted by: >>18868767

He's either trying to get more views or he's being paid by Mafumafu to redirect away from him.

>> No.18868383
Quoted by: >>18869070

>best way is denying the truth

>> No.18868527

If you mean here in 4chan then its just the usual.
Literally every time someone shows up saying they will kill themselves or commit a crime, all the edgy kids crawl out of the woodworks to shitpost.

>> No.18868539

Reminder that
>Rushia cucked her fanbase and clearly doesn't care about it
You're like women that get beaten, insisting you can fix the person, dragging your self worth through the ground
>implying the utaite with an army of women at his feet is gonna fall in love with hag past her prime
You all are Rushia's cats, basically. She is an old lady already

>> No.18868598

>sorts her vod comments to newest first
jp bros will push her into an hero
westfag antis/yaas kween are no match for them

>> No.18868701

>You all are Rushia's cats
I see nothing wrong there considering how much she loves her cats.

>> No.18868767
Quoted by: >>18870216

Mafumafu said nothing on his stream that would have warranted that kind of reaction from her, her twitcast was also much closer to korekore's stream than mafumafu's twitcast. I think it would actually make more sense if it was really him she was talking about.

>> No.18868810
Quoted by: >>18868849

Pekora casually mentioning Rushia on her stream

>> No.18868847

Twitter bio got updated, she made a new Youtube channel today

>> No.18868849


>> No.18868850

So this is how you bargain
>nooo, Rushia would never cheat on us, she is fancucks' gf!
>actually, its okay if she thinks of us as her cats, because she still loves us
Lmao. As I said, beaten women. No self worth. Even mafumafu has more of a spine than you people.

>> No.18868961

Bargaining <- You are here

>> No.18868982
File: 21 KB, 359x386, 1634784934911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18869027

>you all are Rushia's cats
Not fandead, don't even watch Rushia and hate gfe
I am but a humble rrat peddler my good man, trying to make an honest living. Fandeads are too battered to react anymore, so good thing you people are still around

>> No.18869027

Sure, cuck

>> No.18869070

if its the truth, then yea its best to deny it without a doubt. Anyone convinced it is the truth are gone anyways.

>> No.18869100
Quoted by: >>18869167

sure buddy

>> No.18869167

Check for yourself retard, it's real

>> No.18869315
Quoted by: >>18869450

NTA link pls. I need to know it's real. Because I doubt she's in any state of mind to do that.

>> No.18869354
Quoted by: >>18869450

how long has she had that male image header?

>> No.18869450

You can find the twitter easily enough yourself and the channel is linked their, I'm not risking the mods being fags
Since forever

>> No.18869461
File: 29 KB, 547x470, gld0dzebzsm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18869840

>and the cause of death, officer?

>> No.18869468

No, he didn't.

>> No.18869492

Congrats fandead, your oshi is alive.

>> No.18869504

Holy it's true thank you anon

>> No.18869526

Rushia confirmed alive, jump baits can be stopped, but damn i really liked that t-pose swimmer dive one.

>> No.18869535
Quoted by: >>18869551

>still too afraid to put rushia's name in OP

>> No.18869551

But anon that is her name

>> No.18869561



this one

>> No.18869592
File: 450 KB, 950x877, uQwf74rKUPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we winning, fandeads?

>> No.18869604
Quoted by: >>18870423

>making a Youtube ch
uhhhhhhhh retirement?

>> No.18869616

>New Youtube channel
Rushia graduation incoming. Probably made a new Youtube channel to stream on after she leaves Hololive

>> No.18869687
Quoted by: >>18869759

uh oh, if it is preparing for graduation then that confirms all the worst rrats. She didn't even talk to fandead before doing so... so much for valuing fandead

>> No.18869694

Oh shit it's real

>> No.18869735


>> No.18869759
Quoted by: >>18869806

>still alive
>confirms the worst rrats
Was there worse than her god damn death without any final word to her fans?

>> No.18869778

so she's alive but "rushia" might be dead

>> No.18869806
Quoted by: >>18869824

>without any final word to her fans
she did say sayonara

>> No.18869822

Graduation inc.

>> No.18869824

Fair enough.

>> No.18869840


>> No.18869860
Quoted by: >>18870776

so fandead, once she graduates without explanation, will you follow her?

>> No.18869871

Nothing burger btw kek

>> No.18869881

It's probably to explain her side since she can't do it as rushia

>> No.18869917
Quoted by: >>18869956

I'm retarded and can't find neither the twitter nor the channel. Pls herupu me.

>> No.18869922

is this fandead cope?

>> No.18869956
Quoted by: >>18871493

Nevermind. Found it.

>> No.18869958

>suicide bait turned out to be just bait
Oh, the surprise. Now she's giving out graduation bait by creating a new roommate channel, but won't really graduate. Seriously, this woman deserves an award for being so good at making her gachis dance in the palm of her hands.

>> No.18869983
Quoted by: >>18870002

when are you going to grow old of this gimmick

>> No.18869991
Quoted by: >>18870109

I doubt she needs to make an entire channel for it if she can simply explain her side via Twitcast. A channel only makes sense if she intends to use it as her new streaming platform once she loses Rushia Ch. I think chances are high that a graduation is upon us but she'll just continue streaming on her own personal channel anyway so Fandead can just move there.

>> No.18870001

Nice (you)s bait, anon FUCK

>> No.18870002

Are you saying that to Rushia or to the fandead?

>> No.18870100
Quoted by: >>18870222

It's incredible at how little self-awareness retards like you have

>> No.18870109

so it's nothingburger after all
dramaniggers btfo

>> No.18870133

I'm actually worried. I don't want her to go...

>> No.18870149

Weekend at Mafu's.
She'll become a real necromancer.

>> No.18870191

She'll just keep streaming as her roommate. You'll lose the Rushia character but you'll still have the 中の人

>> No.18870216

>Mafumafu said nothing on his stream that would have warranted that kind of reaction from her,
Denying how long he's known her is a pretty big thing. You do not understand women at all, anon.

>> No.18870222
Quoted by: >>18870264

Go fuck each other, faggots
Both of you are pathetic, the only difference between you two is that one of you are more invested into this.

>> No.18870228

It still feels bad. Coco is still streaming but it still hurts...

>> No.18870235

She be with kson now

>> No.18870239


I think many will find that even if the inside person is unchanged, not having the cute necromancer 'frame' will make a big difference in how they perceive them. Maybe not for the biggest gachis, but for anyone here, I think so.

>> No.18870264

yeah me

>> No.18870321

Also changes completely what she can do on screen, having the model gives you access to a range of options you just don't get otherwise.

>> No.18870358

Any gradutation is sad. Even if you don't like the chuba you can just not watch her.
I don't celebrate any graduation really.

>> No.18870423

100%. Poor fandeads, this is pretty devastating.

>> No.18870439

I can't believe she might actually graduate and it's all thanks to a fucking discord DM.

>> No.18870448

Well, we can't all be winners. I guess I'll take the graduation as 2nd place prize.

>> No.18870464

Might want to save the videos on her channel now while you can, Fandead. Just in case. Who knows what announcements will be made in the days to come.

>> No.18870506

so do fandead believe she is going to graduate with the creation of a new channel, or is it shitposting?

>> No.18870551

The ring truly can't be topped.

>> No.18870554

Why else would she

>> No.18870585

Honestly could just be to replace her previous channel of the same name which she deleted.

>> No.18870595
Quoted by: >>18870731

I mean why make a new yt channel now?
Every info we have points to graduation

>> No.18870630

I've felt like her Hololive career could be over ever since it happened but this move makes me think that more than ever. I hope she doesn't graduate but knowing she's alive is more than enough for me, I'd follow her to the ends of the earth so a different Youtube channel is nothing

>> No.18870656

>Why did she create a new youtube channel
>Why did she suicidebait
>Why did she stay quiet for 3 whole days after said bait
>Why did she never address the drama herself
>Why did she never outright deny she had nothing with mafumafu
I dunno, you tell me.

>> No.18870721
Quoted by: >>18870773

This is what mental illness looks like, that or shitposting.

>> No.18870722

I won't forgive her if she tries to run away from all this and just graduates. That would prove she just sees her fans as wallets.

>> No.18870731

wow, if that's what fandead think then I guess its true. Feels like a real slap in the face of the fans who supported her, but well, this is just who she is. She did love mafumafu, and she didn't care about fandeads enough to talk before doing this, she can't even deny it. Follow her to the ends of the earth, but you are not worth consulting to her. No matter what she tells you, with graduation that is the truth.

>> No.18870773

Same oshi, same fanbase, we are in this together.

>> No.18870776

み! was always my oshi and that won't change.

>> No.18870805

Rushia is not my oshi, rushia is my girlfriend

>> No.18870834

im sorry but your girlfriend might ngmi

>> No.18870875

what kind of girlfriend doesn't consult you before making life changing decisions? You are a wallet and a menhera sponge for her to wring out, but she places no trust in you.

>> No.18870972

I actually think she's even cuter without the 2d avatar.

>> No.18871015
Quoted by: >>18871225

I'm a cuck and I'm proud.
Also you're pathetic.

>> No.18871178
Quoted by: >>18871225

A menhera one, retard
And she has not made any public decisions yet, get your headcanon out of your ass

>> No.18871225

you aren't even a cuck cause you never had an emotional connection with her to be broken, you are just pathetically delusional. This is proven by graduation. She never trusted you, or any fandead in the first place. I'll take your seethe about that being pointed out though retard.

now you're just coping.

>> No.18871227

It's probably for the best. Holos that graduate only retain a fraction of their active fanbase on their new account, even less if they deliberately don't advertise themselves. Don't think of it as a graduation, it's more like retirement.

>> No.18871242

Well, guess it's time to watch everyones streams looking for doomposting and sadness. We didn't have the context to make sense of that happening when Coco made the internal announcement, but now we do

>> No.18871275
Quoted by: >>18871607

>doesn't consult you
What makes you so sure about that eop?

>> No.18871288
Quoted by: >>18871436

Just realized she'll create so much nip antis by graduating.
She can't play the hero card like kson since if she really did graduate, her reason for graduation would be this mafu drama and ruining her gfe image.

>> No.18871301
Quoted by: >>18871607

t. eop

>> No.18871362

Don't care, I'll still follow her reincarnation and we'll get married on her next life.

>> No.18871384

Mii-chan sure, Rushia seems like to be dying for real though.

>> No.18871434
Quoted by: >>18871643

So I haven't been looking for answer until now because it was too stressful after the twicast. Is Rushia actually ok, is it confirmed ?

>> No.18871436

t. idiot

>> No.18871439

Guys...you are just outing as /vt/ sisters who dont know shit about roommates if you think this means she is graduating

>> No.18871493
Quoted by: >>18871610

Can you guide me to it ?

>> No.18871583

Do you think a bunch of LARPers actually care about that?

>> No.18871588

menhera outburst

>> No.18871596

Guys...you are just coping as /vt/ sisters who dont know shit about roommates if you think this means she isn't graduating

>> No.18871607

you are just coping if you really believe that im eop.
show proof of consultation then ever since the yab, will gladly retract if you do. I'm not a default anti of hers, but graduation this way is just dirty. Confirms all the worst things about her.

>> No.18871610

I just want to know what's going on. Whatever it is I'll support her but the feeling of not knowing is kinda excruciating.
Type her roommate's name in japanese + twitter.

>> No.18871643
Quoted by: >>18871739

Okay as in alive? Yes, she is alive. Pekora mentioned her on stream. Dont know about being fine though.

>> No.18871658
Quoted by: >>18871928

Denial <- (You) are here

>> No.18871689
Quoted by: >>18871813


>> No.18871692
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1624252988344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the only concrete truth I got out of it is that mfmf lies and no one can be trusted. Rushia being Rushia isn't all that surprising so I'm still waiting. If she was to actually graduate though there would be something from cover first or her Rushia channel and not her irl anyway.

>> No.18871721

Suicidal Baiting Adventure - Jump Queen: There is a Cucking Mafu at the Top!

>> No.18871739

Thanks. I'll take that over her being dead

>> No.18871743
Quoted by: >>18871827

Oh here another "nothingburge, you don't know her, you don't know about X, are you new? You're just seeking drama"
Fuck off retard, you don't know shit either so stop trying to tell others what they should think about the situation,

>> No.18871751

>mtl'd n100 sentence

>> No.18871813
File: 66 KB, 407x482, 1645375733587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18871827
Quoted by: >>18871890

Just because your knownledge of these girls come from /vt/ catalogue doesnt mean that everyone else is as clueless

>> No.18871890
Quoted by: >>18871958

again, you don't know shit either so shut the fuck up and take it on the ass

>> No.18871907
File: 851 KB, 800x900, vt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please convince me that she's still alive.

>> No.18871928
File: 172 KB, 850x1133, rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushia is alive and well on Hololive. She's not graduating.
>No, I don't want that! Rushia graduating and switching over to her roommate channel?
>I want her to keep using the Rushia channel even after the yab. For 10 years at least!
>Please don't tell Rushia I said that...I do want her to live happily...I really do but...ahhh dammit
>What a vtuber you were, Rushia.
There you go. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance in that exact order.

>> No.18871933
Quoted by: >>18872127

>mafumafu told the whole truth about Rushia and exposed her, i hate mafumafu
>mafumafu lied to try and cover as much as possible with the evidence that come out... I hate mafumafu, he hid the truth and made Rushia go crazy
You fancucks are something else

>> No.18871935

First you're jumping to conclusions with the graduation stuff. There are plenty of other holo roommates who stream on youtube. Nothing new at all. Her wanting to create a youtube account is really nothing new and there where discussions about this multiple times in the past.

>> No.18871958

you are projecting hard

>> No.18872056
Quoted by: >>18872138

Read the fucking thread

>> No.18872076
Quoted by: >>18872151

I can't even eat. I've lost my appetite. This hurts so much...

>> No.18872127

Let's be honest, the latter seems much more true, Rushia is a crazy woman but she is not crazy enough to be mad that someone told the truth about her to others.

>> No.18872138
Quoted by: >>18872170

I did, there was nothing. It doesn't help that mafumafu cancelled his participation in an apex tournament at the last minute.

>> No.18872151
Quoted by: >>18872191

Get the FUCK over it. It's just one single girl in a world populated by billions of other girls.

>> No.18872157
Quoted by: >>18872294

To be fair, it could just as easily be indicative of a break, rather than graduation.

>> No.18872170
Quoted by: >>18872243

She literally created a new youtube account, retard.

>> No.18872191

I'm not a sociopath who can replace people just like changing clothes. Sorry.

>> No.18872238
File: 86 KB, 880x866, 1590843120969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fandeads: she is incredibly hurt by all this
>fandeads: she is close to killing herself
>fandeads: she is too depressed because of all the mean messages
>Suicide bait was really just bait
>Makes a new yt channel
>Life goes on as usual
I'm never going to believe a word from you faggots or this cunt anymore.

>> No.18872239
Quoted by: >>18872387

>only sociopaths have the ability to move on from a crush or a passion
There are literal teenagers doing it every day all over the world. Grow up.

>> No.18872243

Why are you acting like making a new youtube account is some sort of difficult process?

>> No.18872250

mafumafu was the only one of the two that tried his best to defuse the situation considering the amount of evidence that they were very close, meanwhile rushia stayed quiet except for two tweets that she wanted to die and an actual suicide bait, yet you fags blame mafumafu

>> No.18872281
Quoted by: >>18872357

>Please convince me that she's still alive
>She made a new youtube account
>Why are you acting like making a new youtube account is some sort of difficult process?
Ok, you're just a shitposting retard then. Got it. Have fun.

>> No.18872285

Rushia is doing that just now, so maybe you should be more like your oshi.

>> No.18872294
Quoted by: >>18872330

>keep streaming in roommate
she is not that dumb, even Laplus made effort to not have roommate streams on her days off.

>> No.18872297

Rushia will kidnap mafumafu and make him into a skin chair.

>> No.18872311

Most of the tourists here probably wouldn't be able to create a youtube account anon.

>> No.18872330

what's dumb about it?

>> No.18872343

It is a bit difficult if you're dead anon...

>> No.18872357
Quoted by: >>18872469

I didn't even say anything about her being alive or not, are you retarded?

>> No.18872358
Quoted by: >>18872507

I don't though. Mafumafu handled his situation like a true professional. No bawling his eyes out, no suicide bait tweeting, just straight up said whatever needed saying to defuse the situation, lie or otherwise, and moved on. Fandeads blame Mafumafu because Rushia is their oshi so their first instinct is to side with her but objectively speaking, Mafumafu handled this yab like a pro. Scummy as that may have been.

>> No.18872387
Quoted by: >>18872556

This is the most retarded post in the thread thus far

>> No.18872391

she leaked discord screenshots to KoreKore, she's 100% getting suspended regardless of the outcome.

>> No.18872394

Defuse it by putting the whole situation's blame on her, right. Very nice move when he has psychos ready to kill her off for it.

>> No.18872456

umm...what? Thats the most retarded shit I've heard

>> No.18872469
Quoted by: >>18872483

I'm sorry anon, but it looks like you're the one that's retarded. You already forgot what you posted 15 minutes ago >>18871907

>> No.18872483
Quoted by: >>18872552

I didn't even post that retard, what the fuck is wrong with all of you?

>> No.18872506

>Defuse it by putting the whole situation's blame on her
Never happened

>> No.18872507

I must've watched a completely different twitcast from him then.

>> No.18872537

How did he put the whole situation's blame on her? He only said they met in 2018 and started playing games together since summer last year. Stop falling for this /vt/ narrative that Mafu somehow threw her under the bus. He didn't do that at all. In fact, he didn't even say anything substantial about her that stream.

>> No.18872552

Okay, so you're just a retard that can't even read. That's even worse. Kill yourself.

>> No.18872555

Hr didn't put the whole blame on her tho, in fact if he had told the whole truth that they've known each other for 10 years, that they went on a date, that she had feelings for him, then yes, he would've fucked her over, but he lied to protect her and obviously himself as well

>> No.18872556

sorry, I meant to say unrequited love

>> No.18872628
Quoted by: >>18872709

Let's not forget that Rushia gave mafumafu permission to show their dm's, officially linking the connection between chuuba and roommate

>> No.18872668

Wasn't that written in the first 報告? I remember something about "leaking of information to 3rd parties" I assumed that was about KoreKore, and the one that leaked anything to him was her.

>> No.18872709

Well that one's on her. If she didn't want to officially link this connection, she shouldn't have given him permission. If he did so without her express permission, she could even sue him. I mean, /vt/ is trying to paint Mafu as some literal Satan figure but Rushia also shares the blame for this fuckup. Even the link between chuuba and roommate is partially on Rushia for giving Mfmf permission in the first place.

>> No.18872724

Do your research then you idiot.

>> No.18872815
Quoted by: >>18873038

I'm not trying to defend mafu, I'm just trying to make people realize they're both at fault for preying on BFE/GFE and then not having basic OPSEC...

>> No.18873029

So she made a new youtube channel, big deal.
It's just another nothingburger and y'all gonna be embarrassed once she returns.

>> No.18873038

Rushia is retarded and I doubt you'll find a fandead who denies that, it's part of her charm

>> No.18873068


>> No.18873257

Yeah, I think her making this new acc is just so she can stream and get some money during the time Rushia is suspended, I don't think she is actually retiring.
