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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 246 KB, 850x1133, 1615243141419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1760123 No.1760123 [Reply] [Original]

I love my CEO!

>> No.1760128
File: 181 KB, 848x1199, EwPwkpUUYAUASYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1760139
File: 381 KB, 1646x2048, EwrleTOVEAQOUuC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1760163
File: 153 KB, 850x1258, 357d183dafdc6dc201826d99ba702abb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nepolabo stream is postponed today
Nene will be playing pokemon at 22JST or 23JST
You will be there anon,right?

>> No.1761224
Quoted by: >>1788620


>> No.1761817
File: 745 KB, 637x900, 今一押しのVtuべr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1764128

>> No.1763851
File: 415 KB, 1920x1080, nene voice acting 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Nene voice acting! Let's go!

>> No.1764128

Front cover!

>> No.1764555
Quoted by: >>1764911

Hop is getting a bit too uppity so Nenechi took him down a peg.

>> No.1764659

Nenechi playing pokemon makes me nostalgic. I should probably get around to playing Pokemon Shield sometime.

>> No.1764911

>keeps being worried about how he hates her now and interprets every single thing he does as proof of that

>> No.1765087

I love her pokemon streams! And you will too.

>> No.1769273
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x764, 1609220398241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1772399
Quoted by: >>1772539

I love Nene, bros....

>> No.1772460
Quoted by: >>1772496 >>1772570

Thank god I was starting to think anonos died because there was no nene threads
FUCK why doesnt she streams in nonfucked times like korone or okayu...

>> No.1772496
Quoted by: >>1777329

I fucked up my sleeping schedule even more because of Nene.

>> No.1772539
Quoted by: >>1772559

Me too... I miss already miss her so much

>> No.1772559
Quoted by: >>1774374

I already miss her so much*
I miss her so much I can’t even type properly...

>> No.1772570
Quoted by: >>1777329

Korone always streaming at 22 or 23 might be convenient for you but thats pretty late JST. It makes sense that she usually streams earlier.

>> No.1774374

I miss her so much I started smoking cigarettes to cope. And not at all because I want to be like a certain Walt.

>> No.1777329
Quoted by: >>1777554 >>1777932

thats true dedication anon, I could start sleeping earlier to try to wake up earlier to her streams but its hard...
Yeah I know the time she streams is great for JP, there also the fact that she usually only stream for a hour while korone and okayu do it for 5~6 hours usually

>> No.1777554
Quoted by: >>1778247

All I wish is that she consistently posts schedules. I don't mind waking up at 6am(19 JST) for a stream, but it's annoying to go to bed and wake up with the stream being announced and over before I wake up. Though I'm ok with watching archives, it's nice to try and watch live if I can.

>> No.1777932
Quoted by: >>1778247

I would always stay up some time into the AM, so catching her usual streams was never too big of an issue. It was always a nice way to cap off the day. But her recent streams have started to break into the dawn for me, and while I would like to at least catch them and maybe fall asleep to them, I get really absorbed in Nene so I just end up staying up even later and really fucking myself sleep-wise. I wouldn't recommend going so far unless if you're already in so deep a sleepless rut like me. If anything, I would go with your own suggestion.

>> No.1778247
Quoted by: >>1778921

yeah but like >>1777554 pointed out she doesnt consistently choose the same time it if you try to go the healthier route you could miss anyways. I personally would nly go that route because I like to make gains in the gym and not fuck my skin, so sleeping is an absolute must, specially since I am in my late twenties already

>> No.1778921
Quoted by: >>1779718

Her recent streams being all over the place is a consequence of her health. I would say plan around, give-or-take, 1-2 hours of delays based on her last few streams.

>> No.1779718
Quoted by: >>1779995

Oh yeah, I have read on her twitter about going to the hospital but I never looked into it much further. I hope it isnt something too serious but being something, she seems used to go to the hospital and it makes me worried its some fucked up uncurable thing

>> No.1779995
Quoted by: >>1780952

According to >>1736067 from the last thread, it's something chronic that she's learned to somewhat deal with. Hopefully the exercise from her dance lessons helps her in the long run, even if it might exhaust her starting off.

>> No.1780952

Someone said in the last thread that it was ankylosing spondylitis. Which honestly fuggin sucks since it hits girls a lot harder than men

>> No.1781798

I want to rape Nene

>> No.1781808
Quoted by: >>1783419 >>1786217

This but unironically

>> No.1783419
Quoted by: >>1783837 >>1796170

Why would you want to hurt Nene?

>> No.1783837
File: 283 KB, 400x376, 1615494542009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786217 >>1791141

Not them, but I have an impregnation and rape fetish so hearing Nenechi's screams of pain and pleasure would turn me on big time.
Of course, I wouldn't really harm her physically anything but hearing Nenechi's cute voice screaming and yelling at me to stop or please not inside would bring me great pleasure
I still love Nenechi tho

>> No.1784140
Quoted by: >>1785582

This is a shot in the dark, but does anybody happen to have a compilation of the love letters Nene sent + received during the times she was part of the NND program?

>> No.1785582
Quoted by: >>1786269

I have the first two NND shows so I could screencap them once I'm off work, don't have the third one though.

>> No.1786217
File: 34 KB, 239x210, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786234


>> No.1786234
File: 1.44 MB, 900x1283, 1614095299078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want me to kill myself, I'm only showing my love for Nene

>> No.1786235

Imagine thinking you could ever overpower Super Nenechi

>> No.1786269

Thanks anon, I would appreciate that. The latest two are already on the official hololive channel so they can be taken from there.

>> No.1788620

Seems fun

>> No.1789392

Nenefags tell me, am I just seeing things or is the contrast on my monitor wrong or something?
Looking at this new model of hers that shows the cleavage, is there a definite tanline? Are her boobs paler than the rest of her by intent? If so that's surprisingly detailed and lewd. Spent too much time squinting at anime girl boobs than is healthy so I have to ask.

>> No.1791141
Quoted by: >>1791171

a-as long as it’s consensual it’s okay...?

>> No.1791171
Quoted by: >>1791194


>> No.1791194


>> No.1791200
Quoted by: >>1791283

how does it feel knowing that you will never be that #001 husband

>> No.1791283

fine since I’m shooting for #69

>> No.1792777
File: 2.33 MB, 878x1239, 1603969960820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1799935


>> No.1794856
Quoted by: >>1796028 >>1820329

love this bitch

>> No.1796028
File: 562 KB, 220x220, 1615834159167_db4dq41kjq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't call Nenechi a bitch

>> No.1796170
File: 2.86 MB, 1654x2339, 88217110_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1796752

>eto... do yu re-ally wan to hurto Nene? Do yu re-ally wan to makeu Nenechi cry?

>> No.1796344
Quoted by: >>1796414

I want Nene to step on me with her best toes!!!!!!!

>> No.1796414
File: 185 KB, 1573x1573, EwB5dbiVEAQy8L0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1796440


>> No.1796440

God I wish that were me!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1796752
Quoted by: >>1798243

Holy shit
Imagine her saying this

>> No.1798102

>anon two months ago: what is nene supposed to be besides a boring normal girl no wonder shes the lowest subbed in her gen

>> No.1798243

I don't think she'd understand the Boy George reference but you could probably get her to say it, Seal Nene came from a blueish-green SC.

>> No.1798270

She's not your fucking circus animal.

>> No.1798371

I have strong evidence to the contrary

>> No.1798592

I fucking wish she was

>> No.1799935
Quoted by: >>1799947

mmm delicious. probably been on the ground for 1....................2................seconds though.

>> No.1799947
File: 1005 KB, 1200x1142, nenepat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1800147

This is ridiculous, Nenechi is clearly more of a dancing bear.

>> No.1800189

About that...

>> No.1800207

Friendly reminder that Nene is a cutie.

>> No.1800281

That SC wasn’t what started it, that was from February 23rd and the seal videos were already around. I was just a reference to the meme.
Nene had commented on seeing the seal videos the month before and talked about how funny they were, which caused much greater awareness and spread.

>> No.1800800
Quoted by: >>1801114

Is Nene unironically the biggest dork in human history?

>> No.1800891

What's the appeal?

>> No.1801009
Quoted by: >>1801767

If you a keep askin this every thread, I'm gonna a peel your face off!

>> No.1801010
File: 52 KB, 413x424, 1603600745803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to ask, you will never understand. Now go away.

>> No.1801114

Definitely not.

>> No.1801648

That is some seriously compelling evidence.

>> No.1801767


>> No.1802068
File: 9 KB, 354x83, 1614481450175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1804259


>> No.1802185
Quoted by: >>1803446

Noel gets rickrolled basically daily, you could definitely get Nene to say that. In fact, I think I know what I'm doing tomorrow.

>> No.1803446
File: 109 KB, 472x544, shark tols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't put nene's reading comprehension in doubt anon. She actually is good at it, listening specially

>> No.1803841
File: 270 KB, 720x1280, 20210204_171347_compress18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1807497

Man hearing Nene's cute voice brightness my day

>> No.1804259
File: 2.51 MB, 360x360, 1520098051784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nene calling her Eng/Esp fans "Overseas Brothas" is absolutely precious.

>> No.1806854
Quoted by: >>1806993

Nene 3D when?

>> No.1806993

Late Spring, early Summer

>> No.1807497
Quoted by: >>1807588

Nene is my sunshine in this dark world

>> No.1807588
File: 406 KB, 512x512, 1615486538825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1808082

Every time Nenechi doesn't stream is a bad day

>> No.1808082

Unfortunately I completely understand

>> No.1808334
Quoted by: >>1809247

There's no schedule for this week right? Other than Stardew Valley Friday (hopefully) from Lamy's schedule.

>> No.1809247

No she hasn't put out one yet

>> No.1810455


>> No.1812467

she's small.

>> No.1814354
Quoted by: >>1815920

I hope you're ready for the eventual Ussee Wa cover.

>> No.1815920
Quoted by: >>1816313

no. eat shit.

>> No.1816313

She literally said she has an Ussee Wa cover in works and that it's nearly done.

>> No.1816472
File: 390 KB, 442x394, 1612188035626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Nene.

>> No.1816498

fuck anon, it sure is

>> No.1816672
File: 24 KB, 555x247, 30min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1816951 >>1818874

Nene, your mother fucking life ends thirty minutes from now.

>> No.1816951
File: 34 KB, 554x554, 1606265922717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1818874

holy shit I can’t believe Nene is fucking dead

>> No.1818919

Drawing stream in 40 minutes! Apparently she’s drawing a discord icon for Lamy.


>> No.1819514

You can see her moving her head back and forth to look at her reference as she’s drawing. Cute!

>> No.1819616
Quoted by: >>1819639

Is Nene actually left-handed?

>> No.1819639
Quoted by: >>1819674

Naturally left-handed but ambidextrous through repetition. Writes with her right, draws with her left.

>> No.1819674

Kek I do the same, I write and eat with my right hand but I do everything else with my left

>> No.1820329
File: 106 KB, 261x245, 1614608502970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong orange woman buddy

>> No.1820938
Quoted by: >>1821039 >>1821424

I want to kiss Nene, bros.... ;_;

>> No.1821039


>> No.1821091
Quoted by: >>1821267

Is it possible to make nene my daughter?

>> No.1821265

Nenebros, why does she sound exactly like Ayame in her ASMR stream?

>> No.1821267


>> No.1821424
Quoted by: >>1821721

Has anyone else kissed the screen? As a joke of course

>> No.1821721


>> No.1822005
Quoted by: >>1822653 >>1824045

I want to click my tongue at Nene and look away with a disgust painted on my face

>> No.1822641
File: 336 KB, 493x478, 1289658913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1851282

I love that expression

>> No.1822653

If Nene is a M would she like to be treated rough in bed... right?

>> No.1822694
Quoted by: >>1823880 >>1824484

I still can't get rid of my hate for EOPs...
But I still love Nenechi

>> No.1823880

Even if you hate EOPs, Nene does not.

>> No.1824045

If you don’t look at Nenechi like she is walking garbage, how will she know you care?

>> No.1824289


>> No.1824484
Quoted by: >>1824908

You will never be 日本語人.

>> No.1824673
File: 330 KB, 1935x1935, Es60YuDU0AAqG2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1824861 >>1825920

>I like flat chests too, actually... This is difficult. Also, this is a really personal fetish, but, while I do think swimsuits are best when it goes "big-thin-big", I like it when there's, well, a swimsuit over the flatness. No, not a school swimsuit. A bikini, but the kind where you have three rows of frills on the front. So if a big-chested girl wears one, your eyes get drawn to the breasts instead of the frills. But when a flat girl wears one, that's my fetish. The line to the navel becomes amazing. I also think that it's better without a defined waist that way. I like it a little loli-ish. No need for a defined waist.
>Ina-chan? She pushes all of my buttons just right with that body type.
>No, I do like waists too, I do, but I love those curveless bodies. Makes me want to put a hand under the armpit and go straight down.

>> No.1824861
File: 17 KB, 416x430, 1594766193761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1824908
Quoted by: >>1825077

日本人, anonchama

>> No.1825077

Thanks, 友達.

>> No.1825920

nene I forgive you for saying you like curveless because you said you like flat

>> No.1829020
File: 1.08 MB, 1366x3840, Career.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1829441 >>1830668

>> No.1829441
Quoted by: >>1829479

This dork need to be taught a lesson
And I WILL teach her one

>> No.1829479

Speaking of Lamy's boobs


>> No.1830668
File: 228 KB, 510x508, cool (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true evil

>> No.1832395
File: 333 KB, 512x512, 1615483159880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenechi's voice is too damn cute
She could freaking kill a man with it

>> No.1832442
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 1616152746280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1832776

>> No.1832695

My feelings for Nenechi gradually changed from being infatuated with her to being inspired and wanting to be like her. To emulate her tenacity and thoughtfulness.

>> No.1832776


>> No.1832801

Same here, anon. Though, I'm still infatuated with her.

>> No.1832814
File: 1.23 MB, 1029x1200, 1613613293724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna fuck her

>> No.1833273

kinda same in the inspired part but besides that I am very weak to bakaderes in the sense that I want to protect then from doing stupid things that fuck up their lives

>> No.1833910

i want to have sex with Nenechi and put lotion on her perfect huge chest and then kill myself afterwards to protect her from myself and others like me

>> No.1834269
Quoted by: >>1834451

Nene is so retarded she could actually end up on the moguyacht

>> No.1834451
File: 340 KB, 512x512, 1615418732305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenechi isn't retarded!!!! she's just too smart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1838302
Quoted by: >>1839035

It’s the opposite for me. First I admired her positivity and became motivated to improve myself as I watched her. I still feel this way
But I was never attracted to Nene until recently. I always saw her as a daughter or little sister figure. Now I want to be her husband

>> No.1839035
File: 456 KB, 1447x2046, 1615048442783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1845014

>But I was never attracted to Nene until recently
Same. Before I only saw Nenechi as a cute innocent daughter figure, but now I want to pound her until she fucking faints

>> No.1845014
File: 332 KB, 1505x2125, 1602719364682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame all the lewd posting for making me think dirty thoughts about the CEO

>> No.1845825

Please do not lewd my pure wife.

>> No.1846243

>stuck the camera up Lamy's armpit and won the camera angle poll by a landslide
Super NEnechi is smart enough to know what she's doing

>> No.1848710
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1590983626203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was Walt-san...

>> No.1851252
File: 523 KB, 2276x1568, ExOgeMfVgAc1ORs-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene leading the charge!

>> No.1851282
File: 206 KB, 322x272, dangerous levels of smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1858870

I think Nene might just be the smuggest holo...

>> No.1851637
Quoted by: >>1851670

I hope Gen 5 plays Monster Hunter together. Not a fan of the games but I can see it being fun to watch

>> No.1851670
Quoted by: >>1851689

Lamy talked about that yesterday, said that NePo have never played it before, but it's not off the table. I love Gen 5 collabs, so let's hope

>> No.1851689

>NePo have never played it before
Even better

>> No.1851756
Quoted by: >>1851794

>nene with a funlance
I can already hear polka's screams as she gets blown away. Please make it happen

>> No.1851794
Quoted by: >>1851894

I think Lamy with her flinch blades is going to be even more annoying than good ol' funlance both for Polka and Daifuku

>> No.1851894

Lamy's a GSfag though, if I remember correctly.
Nene would 100% be a Gunlance player in my eyes though.

>> No.1852068
Quoted by: >>1852086

What did she mean by this?

>> No.1852086
Quoted by: >>1857123

She means you should notify her after you jerk off to her. She said it was Gintama knowledge so I guess there was a joke like that in the show?

>> No.1853944
File: 1.82 MB, 850x1202, 1600867005767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1856687

Nene got arrested for kusogaki crimes...

>> No.1856825
Quoted by: >>1856916

Nenechi ecchi....

>> No.1856916
File: 353 KB, 2048x1911, Et19lgbVEAAwiK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1856959 >>1857258

I really hate how much of the fanart focuses on the tits now.

>> No.1856959
File: 376 KB, 1000x1000, 1612288293802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate Nene's tits? Are you gay?

>> No.1857010

I really like her varsity style jacket

>> No.1857123

How indecent of our CEO to take interest in the private lives of us employees. Maybe I'm missing some context here but I find it unusual for Nene to interpret "waifu" as a "fap material."

>> No.1857164
File: 219 KB, 1191x1796, 1612091302856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1905257

>Maybe I'm missing some context here but I find it unusual for Nene to interpret "waifu" as a "fap material."
To be fair since Nenechi's new outfit I've been using her as fap material

>> No.1857230

where's the most fresh version of all of her titles?

>> No.1857258

tbf even her stream thumbnails on twitter were focused on her tits

>> No.1857273
File: 192 KB, 900x1228, 88469505_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peach bell nene
>doesn't have a peach
>doesn't have a bell
Why is this allowed, /vt/?

>> No.1857554
File: 780 KB, 3100x2325, peach blossom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1857701 >>1857729

Because she is an Orange and her fans are carrots.

Obviously... also anon in the picture you posted she literally has a Peach Bell hanging around her neck and I believe those are peach blossoms on her hair... speaking of her hair and clothes are peach colored with a mix of pink, pale yellow and yellow-orange.

>> No.1857701
File: 21 KB, 546x546, japanese peach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1857729

Her hair literally uses the color pallet for a Japanese Peach. Her eyes being green is the color of the leaf. Also her clothes are the same color as the common peach you find that would normally come out of a can.

>> No.1857729
File: 44 KB, 509x339, peaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See what I mean? Nene is an adorable Peach.

>> No.1858145

>I find it unusual for Nene to interpret "waifu" as a "fap material."
Blame Coco's meme review this sunday.
She literally has a bell in your image, on her ribbon.

>> No.1858418

>Blame Coco
I always blame that tranny voice whore

>> No.1858870
File: 15 KB, 576x471, mount stupid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being dumb leads to impressive smugness.

>> No.1860087
Quoted by: >>1860675 >>1861315

>I find it unusual for Nene to interpret "waifu" as a "fap material."
Not gonna lie that made me a little sad

>> No.1860675
Quoted by: >>1861667


>> No.1861315
File: 325 KB, 434x430, proud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1862622

If I had a wife I'd totally breed her on *everywhere* in our home. The sink, the sofa, the laundry room, the closet, the floor, the dinning table... waifu = wife. Right?

>> No.1861667
Quoted by: >>1861719

Probably because it's just incorrect, and EOPs are prone to spam their shitty, ironic weaboo lexicon wherever without shame.

t. EOP

>> No.1861719
Quoted by: >>1862229

See >>1858145

>> No.1861779

I fucking hate that shit
it's so fucking low quality and just makes more EOPs spam chat

>> No.1861801
Quoted by: >>1861881

This is something that got me curious after the Nekomata Okazu bit on Coco's meme review.

I think japs really do see waifu as a sexual thing.

>> No.1861881
Quoted by: >>1880018

Coco is American though, if she still remembers.

>> No.1862229
File: 554 KB, 512x512, 1615406474808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1862288

That's what I'm referring to, yes. A lot of EOPs love to go off in the chat about shit irrelevant to the stream or to just spam the recent meme they picked up from Coco's meme review. I get that they want to communicate with Nene - I do too - but it's just embarrassing and obnoxious to see shit like "Nene, you are my WAIFU" in the chat every couple minutes.

>> No.1862288
Quoted by: >>1862381 >>1862658

It's gets pretty bad with the Mexicans, they're all asking, spamming, Nenechi to speak Spanish

>> No.1862381
File: 76 KB, 195x248, 1612487479447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1862622
File: 272 KB, 2125x1505, 1599917611981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1873006

well yes. but then it's not fap material, it's loving material

>> No.1862658
Quoted by: >>1862697

I remember a Minecraft stream where someone just straight up said "speak english" and Nene actually did in response, a part of me died inside.

>> No.1862697

Yeah I love Nenechi, but man pleasing EOPs just causes them get more annoying

>> No.1864752
File: 53 KB, 1100x656, 1589732971567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got around to buying Nene's birthday goods. I used geekjack but I didn't use paypal.. hopefully they don't fuck me over

>> No.1864777
File: 1.32 MB, 1510x1492, 1596152488867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1864871

also is it normal to not see the shipping details? I don't think i entered them during the payment process but I want to be sure

>> No.1864821
Quoted by: >>1864957 >>1865203

Funny, I just sent off an e-mail to them because my credit card never got charged. After hearing from that other anon I want to make sure this goes through. I will NOT be happy if I don't get my husbands card.

>> No.1864871
Quoted by: >>1864957

You are supposed to add the "Delivery Fee" to your cart, per the instructions on this page:
They say they'll charge you later if you don't, but who knows what will happen.

>> No.1864957

that's a little worrying... I'll have to check
To be honest I'm not sure if I can trust them.

Also, to answer my own question on the shipping details it says on the product page
>The physical items will be shipped to your "Billing Address" on your order,
and the "Shipping Address"will be empty on your order information.

>> No.1865203

Schizo-GeekJack-anon here. If anything happens regarding your order, just send them an inquiry and order it again from their new website. As far as I understand, if your order gets refunded without any notice, even if you already "paid", then it's considered dead. You could refer to my last post for what they responded to me if you need some extra assurance (I'll come back and link it once I finish eating).

After ordering through their new website, and through PayPal, I've yet to see the transaction leave my card statement/history like last time. At most, my order reads as "Unfulfilled" but "Paid" on GeekJack's site, which seems par for the course since they've yet to be shipped yet. Seems like it's the way to go.

>> No.1865486

Thanks for the response. I'll have to keep a close eye on my order then. if it does get refunded I guess I'll have to do paypal

>> No.1865532 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1865572

This should be the post >>1579555.

>> No.1865572
Quoted by: >>1865931

I guess I should've linked to an archive instead.


>> No.1865593

This girl is FUCKED

>> No.1865931
File: 1.04 MB, 1450x1200, 1606109844845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1866254

Thanks anon!

>> No.1866254
File: 128 KB, 1262x720, 1614505920713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, anon. Hopefully everything works out!

>> No.1868211
Quoted by: >>1868646

Which one is the new website? www.geekjack.net or shop.geekjack.net? (or something else?

>> No.1868646


>> No.1869595
Quoted by: >>1874058

I'm so tired of this fucking ASSHOLE in my life

>> No.1869975
File: 886 KB, 4093x2894, ExQ1qhoVkAMuZ8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1870274

>> No.1870274

small nene

>> No.1873006
File: 1.02 MB, 2125x1505, Gigfor1-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving material... Excelente!

>> No.1874058

Can't get her out of your head?

>> No.1877197

Nenechi is awake

>> No.1877354

I want nene to play GS bros...

>> No.1879923
File: 258 KB, 3859x2400, 20210130_080117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life revolves around this woman, and I'm happy.

>> No.1880018

She said she was researching this in Japanese. That made no sense, but she did it anyways

>> No.1880024
Quoted by: >>1880108

Wasn’t the collab with Suisei supposed to be really soon?

>> No.1880108

No, it's on the 24th of APRIL, so a month away.

>> No.1880382

Where is nene from? She has such a weird accent in comparison to everyone else it just sticks out.

>> No.1880415
Quoted by: >>1880474

She's from planet Tao Tao! Or at least she used to be, now it's just "another world"

>> No.1880474
Quoted by: >>1881673

She still mentions it when talking about time before Hololive or her parents.
She just plays it up, I don't think she had such an expressive accent shortly after debut.

>> No.1880568
Quoted by: >>1880713

According to a colloquialism she's dropped before and had all the Japanese in chat go "you're making it obvious where you're from", the Nagoya area. The word in question was ケッタ for "bicycle".

>> No.1880613
Quoted by: >>1880683 >>1880695

I love when Nene says 'minna~'. It has a special tone to it when she says it

>> No.1880683

That and whenever she blows a kiss

>> No.1880695
Quoted by: >>1880897

I love when Nene.

>> No.1880713

Does that explain all the Toriyama stuff

>> No.1880897

I love Nene.

>> No.1881480


>> No.1881673
File: 598 KB, 916x968, nene china who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1881717

I wonder if she was supposed to drop it but forgot or didn't get the message due to being dumb.

>> No.1881717
Quoted by: >>1881799

I mean, there's no "Taotao" in the old description either. She even left gyoza as her oshimark, even though it currently makes zero sense

>> No.1881799
Quoted by: >>1884003

Perhaps makes more sense than Subaru though, who forgets that hers is an ambulance and was getting excited seeing ducks before remembering that isn't her mark.

>> No.1882535
Quoted by: >>1883527


>> No.1882728

Nenechi ecchi...

>> No.1883439
Quoted by: >>1883502

She forgot she was supposed to be the boke...

>> No.1883502

That was kinda boke

>> No.1883509

Nene’s sad face is too cute...

>> No.1883527
Quoted by: >>1883580

hell yeah I am awake this time! such a long time since I could catch her streaming

>> No.1883580


>> No.1883813
Quoted by: >>1883977 >>1886266

I want to lick Nene's armpit

>> No.1883977

I bet it tastes like peach juice

>> No.1883979
File: 102 KB, 275x299, waki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1888125

Nene's armpit water!

>> No.1884003
Quoted by: >>1884129

Why the fuck is hers an ambulance?!

>> No.1884129

Because you'll need one after you see how cute she is

>> No.1886266

I want to suck on her gyoza

>> No.1887791
File: 277 KB, 433x444, 1615596298735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1887852

>tfw going to be away from home for a week
>won't be able to watch Nene the whole time
It hurts, Nekkos...

>> No.1887852

I feel you man I havent been able to watch nene for the past 2 weeks and I am seriously suffering because of it

>> No.1888125

That looks tasty

>> No.1888193
File: 91 KB, 606x454, (4)_【空気読み。3】🍑人生空気読みしてる🍑【ホロライブ桃鈴ねね】_-_YouTube_-__2021-03-25_19-54-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, are you okay? You haven't even touched your Nene burger. I know it's kinda awkward that we got free carrot salad with our lunch today after that department had a bunch of layoffs, but you've gotta eat.

>> No.1888968

Nenechi oishi

>> No.1889261
File: 1004 KB, 772x1080, はな森.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1900085

is that screenshot from an add-on? The name of the file makes me think it is. I have to use snippet tool if I want a screenshot...

>> No.1889985

Having watched her Kuukiyomi stream, I have concluded that Nene would make an excellent wife as she has a perfect balance of kindness and fun.

>> No.1892960

I wonder why she choose brown for the pads, what if its chocopan?

>> No.1899804
File: 3.13 MB, 2500x3000, 1596636877464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1900085
Quoted by: >>1914859

I use ShareX, personally.

>> No.1904534
File: 751 KB, 850x478, 1610017727869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1905218


>> No.1905257

That just ain't right.

>> No.1908504

I can’t wait for the Gen5 stardew valley collab

>> No.1911542
File: 489 KB, 2048x1560, ExZszpUVgAoe5HM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenechi if she real.

>> No.1911820

>First 3D Momosuzu Nene Debut

>> No.1912495

This is actually a pretty fun way to post pictures of yourself (if you can draw, of course), hope she continues that (or not, because she is the CEO of doxx after all)

>> No.1912511
Quoted by: >>1912720

>doxxed the dirty ass dance room
sasuga nenedox

>> No.1912720
Quoted by: >>1912998

Yeah I didn't except her to post the actual dance room
Hope not mega autist doxxes her

>> No.1912998
Quoted by: >>1913435

the problem is that the wall you can see beyond the glass door has markings autists can pick up.

>> No.1913010
File: 1.92 MB, 900x1228, 1604920084289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1913399


>> No.1913435

Ah shit
Hope Nenechi stays safe

>> No.1913618
Quoted by: >>1914659

>"Manager said it's okay to upload, chill"
People love to be CONCERNED, don't they

>> No.1914107
Quoted by: >>1914247


>> No.1914247

So much trouble getting started, hopefully it doesn't cut it too short.

>> No.1914463

Hope Nene will do something worth adding to the pasta during this collab

>> No.1914478

Do any of you nenefags have that giant wall of greentext of retarded shit nene has done? I'm trying to convince my friend to watch her and that was what made me give her a chance in the first place

>> No.1914596
Quoted by: >>1914722 >>1914978

That's the last one I have https://pastebin.com/aFqa3kDQ
It's from almost month ago though so may be a bit outdated

>> No.1914600
File: 254 KB, 510x508, nenesmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highest known tier: NENEMAX
>Applied to join hololive 4 times, didn't get a call back for 3 of those
>doxxed herself on her VERY FIRST tweet by showing off her distinctive artstyle
>Doxxed everyone in gen 5 by following them on twitter
>misspelled vtuber as vtuべr, leading it to become the #1 trend in japan
>scheduled a guerilla singing stream because her monetization accidentally got enabled, leading to people calling her kanecchi
>drank 60-70+ sips of water over the course of 3 hours during her first superchat reading and didn't use the bathroom until the last 20 minutes
>had a fall guys stream where 90% of it was her shouting her own name
>managed to wipe a full squad and simultaneously do only 83 damage in a single game in apex
>ate alone in the toilet at school
>decided that the first thing to do after meeting god in craftopia was to punch him in the face
>desynced in craftopia so hard that the dungeon boss was still shooting her even after it died
>decided to read a full blown confession from a fan's marshmellow live
>replied to a twitter account named crap_gay thinking it was watson when holoEN debuted
>spilled juice in her lap and couldn't stop sniffing it on stream and asked chat if they wanted to lick it
>got baited by chat to type "if you study japanese in nene, you will fail"
>referred to huke as hukeweb sensei
>accidentally wiped her PC installing minecraft
>destroyed the entire nene production office and revealed that nenepro was a black company
>died 16 times in under 2 hours during the first gen 5 Minecraft collab
>Was welcomed in Japanese by Iofi at her debut and replied that she does not speak much english.
>thought "te amo" was the french term for "I love you"
>scored 3 on Choco's academic test
>ran and jumped into bed, completely missed and ended up sleeping on the floor
>Started her Minecraft adventures by dying 16 times in a row, punching cats and chanting about destruction on Twitter after ending a stream with her going on a suicidal rampage with TNT
>Accidentally flooded gen 5's building in Minecraft, forgot to place torches back down which spawned a creeper that blew up a chunk of her room
>Put her name in reverse when building her room in the gen 5 building, displaying "ヨИヨИ MI" when viewed from the outside
>Avoided an entire shitstorm about janitors by skipping a Minecraft collab with the rest of her genmates because she wanted to stream Rhythm Heaven instead
>Was given souvenirs by Kiara after their collab, but didn't have anything to give in return, so she gave her some gummies she had on her
>Unironically thought iCarly, Victorious and Hannah Montana were emotional western romantic dramas and made Kiara die of laughter when she told her, then proceeded to ask chat on a future stream for reassurance only for them to laugh as well
>Trapped herself in a room she made as a prank for Botan
>Lost 51% of nenepro stocks to HAACHAMA of all people, becoming an underling in her own company
>Siphoned Korone's spanish audience in one fell swoop with a pinned message, making her their new queen
>Has collabed with Iofi at least twice and still mispelled her name as "Ioli." Also told her she skips cutscenes in RPGs after being told she likes them.
>she would call an unsharpened pencil a magic wand, mix grass into water and call it a potion, write down cool anime lines to her notebook and wear a bandaid on her nose because she thought it was cool. She wanted an eyepatch too, but couldn't get it since you needed to go to an optician for one and she didn't have the money
>several people were unable to sleep in Minecraft because she went AFK for hours after a stream
>managed to creep out Matsuri by asking her to bottle some snot for her
>Asserted her dominance in Minecraft by slapping her ass then burying her in a wall of dirt
>Co-coined "5mennasai" during Subaru's 5th death falling off the Shubagelion when she told her she didn't count her 4th
>Spammed Polka's twitter to the point of being blocked
>Shamelessly admitted during a pizza stream she wants men to click their tongues at her when they pass by
>Got lost in the city and ran around shouting "waaaaaaaaaah" when going out with her genmates
>Served a customer that asked for salmon steak and boiled potatoes a pile of sardines and a raw potato

>> No.1914659

I'm just worried about the hyper autists

>> No.1914722


>> No.1914847
Quoted by: >>1915139

>misspelled vtuber as vtuべr
Just a reminder that you can't do that unintentionally. She lied to you by saying it was a mistake and you all bought it.

>> No.1914859

i will check, desu

>> No.1914978
Quoted by: >>1931467

sorry. I have been feelin very down since 3 weeks ago so I haven't uploaded anynew nenepasta. The newest ones are
>After six months of her debut, she created a mascot that represents the Nekko. A carrot
>Has eaten dirt, dog food and hamster food. She has a rating from worst to best. After talking about eating all sorts of pet food she commented she wants a FLOOFY bath towel in nenenglish to what the chat interpreted she wants to eat a towel.
>Her new live2d has excellent face tracking, especially eyebrows. On the day of the big reveal she trimmed her eyebrows too much so she was stuck with a worried expression the whole stream.
>She talks about Tao Tao Planet even though it was EXTERMINATUS.
>Watame listed NENE as a pet in a NND stream.
>In Marine’s “Holoproduction profiles” stream, about 70% of the participants listed Nenechi as a pet.
>She puts her clothes on after bath without drying herself
>After the 2nd o’riends collab, she streamed in kiara’s channel for two minutes before someone pointed it out in the chat
>For Towa-sama’s Apex Play With Viewers! Stream, she wanted to play but to not to be dishonest, chose to queue anonymously for two hours. Did not get to play
>Has a personal singing teacher and a personal dancing teacher as of march 2021
>When she was 10 years old, she had her first brush with the supernatural. It started as a bright light shining through her window, immobilizing her for about 5 minutes. Afterwards it was as if something yanked her bedsheets violently towards her feet. It kept happening and she is so used to it she is able to grab the sheets while asleep. She compared the experience to a shonen protagonist learning to live with their demon powers or something.
>Sent towawa a loveletter with her pantsu in it (a drawing). She commented they were “obviously fresh panties she took off just before taking a bath” too. Towa decided her pantsu stink
>Released an original song for her birthday. About half the lyrics are NENENENENENE. The other half is about RESTROOM TIME, SUPER NENECHI and HYPER NENECHI.
>This one is long. For her birthday, she received 30 boxes of stuff even though her manager said they were “only 8 big ones” so she spent a whole day stuffing her apartment full of boxes and barely had any time to open some of them. From what she has seen, she received 120 tissue boxes, a pacifier she will use for when she meets Ramirez, toy musical instruments; a tambourine; maracas, a drinking set of alcohol and snacks, volumes of manga; the 28th volume of DBZ where freeza loses, and a fire extinguisher nekkos wtf
>Rushia became her pet
>Sold us on the benefits of consuming boiled water, such as sleeping well and having good bowel movement. Also said that she got a tummy ache by drinking bath water BY ACCIDENT
>In choco’s collab with rushia, nene and fubuki, they talked about their high school days. Nene had nothing happy to contribute but she was tactful enough to not to spoil the mood, so she didn’t say much. She did say her class staged coup d’état against their homeroom teacher on their senior year. What does that entails? I don’t know but they had a lot of issues graduating. It seems her graduation album didn’t get a single signature
>In her audition tape The five she sent she said or wrote “Thank you for picking me in the first (audition) round!” All smug. She doesn’t recommend this method for job hunting, however.

>> No.1915139
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1601819865787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1915741
Quoted by: >>1915823

i don't understand shitto of stardew valley... why are they 4 not together?

>> No.1915823
Quoted by: >>1915879 >>1916930

Technical difficulties, someone (mostly Lamy) kept getting errors joining.

>> No.1915879

those were interesting 40 minutes. Alright, makes sense!

>> No.1916636
File: 1.00 MB, 257x199, Thor finds the biggest twizzler in all of asgard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1916664 >>1920053

>gen 4 collab turns into rare gen 4 pairs collab
Very cool

>> No.1916664


>> No.1916930

will they try to resolve those after this stream or will they play as separate pairs through the whole game?

>> No.1917095

>Nene spent 6 hours dancing today, started the collab without showering and keeps complaining about how it smells in her room
What I wouldn't give to have a whiff of that air right now.

>> No.1917277

I didn't think much of it at first but now I need it, I want to drown in it

>> No.1917294

>random windows warning sound out of nowhere

>> No.1917350

Nene, please stop axing the crops.

>> No.1918622
Quoted by: >>1918803

Now the question: Will Nene take a bath or will she go to bed stinky?

>> No.1918803

She will fall asleep on the floor on her way to the bath

>> No.1919056

That was a fun collab despite the technical issues. Hopefully they use the steam version in the future so there’s no multiplayer issues...

>> No.1919070
Quoted by: >>1919177

Something about this did it for me.

>> No.1919177

It definitely makes my heart ache for her...

>> No.1919983
Quoted by: >>1920103

Nene is sleeping right now.

>> No.1920053
Quoted by: >>1920211

Why did it become a pair?
I had to leave a bit before

>> No.1920070

She's gonna have the best 3D debut bros, I just know it

>> No.1920103

And I'm in the bed with her

>> No.1920211

They couldn't get more than 3 people to connect to a single room so they split in two.

>> No.1920377
Quoted by: >>1920534

Alright this goes straight into the greentext. I did heard she said "my armpits are not stinky" at the end of the stream but, how come the discussion began? I am 80% convinced nene said herself how strong her stank was, but it might not be

>> No.1920534
Quoted by: >>1920561

Every time it came up it was Nene herself complaining about the smell in her room. At first she thought it was her dancing shoes but later on realised it was probably herself.

>> No.1920561
Quoted by: >>1920615 >>1928555

fuck... I hope she doesn't (continue to) attract the wrong crowd

>> No.1920605
Quoted by: >>1921005

She's not my oshi but I think Nenechi might be the cutest out of all the Holos. Don't tell my oshi I said that though (I'm sorry).

>> No.1920615
Quoted by: >>1920631

>the wrong crowd
Yeah she's obviously the armpit holo, not the feet one.

>> No.1920631
File: 211 KB, 599x768, best toes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1920717 >>1920865

How about the following? I am as ESL as it gets so I might word it weird.
>After 6 hours of dance practice went straight to collab with nepolabo, without showering that is. In numerous times she complained about the smell in her room and blamed her dancing shoes at first to realize it was probably herself, to the dismay of the other girls

well... pic related

>> No.1920717
File: 1.78 MB, 1047x1464, カジノ@ホロワールド「B-5」.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1920865

I want to incorporate something about the girls calling her out "your armpits stink!" or something but I had a hard time following through the collab. Mostly because I can't speak japanese but I think it might be another reason, who knows...

>> No.1920865

I want to smell, lick, and bottle Nene's sweat

>> No.1920901
File: 131 KB, 342x180, 1615487649547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1921041

Imagine a smelly Nenechi

>> No.1920904
Quoted by: >>1920928 >>1921119

how does THIS girl of all people come up with that incredible selfie concept? is she secretly a genius?

>> No.1920928

ねねは天才isn't a joke.

>> No.1921005

Nothing wrong with stating objective truths. I'm sure your oshi would understand.

>> No.1921041
Quoted by: >>1921512

I can. Just picture a oil-y gyoza smell with lots of boiled onion. BOOM nenechi after 6 hours of dance lessons.

Also I am going with
>After 6 hours of dance practice went straight to collab with nepolabo, without showering that is. In numerous times she complained about the smell in her room and blamed her dancing shoes at first to realize it was herself, to the dismay of the other girls. Her final (stream) words were “My armpits don’t smell!!!!!!!! >:(“"
if there is not a single nekko who can english in here

>> No.1921119
Quoted by: >>1921204

the what now?

>> No.1921204

this >>1911542

>> No.1921512

English is my native language but I’m far from perfect.
>After 6 hours of dance practice she went straight to a nepolabo collab without showering. She complained about the smell in her room numerous times and initially blamed her dancing shoes. However, much to the dismay of the other girls, she realized that the smell emanated from herself. Her final words before ending the stream was, “My armpits don’t smell!!!!!!! >:(“

>> No.1922037

this is pretty much what I was about to write so, ding ding ding

>> No.1922988
Quoted by: >>1923205


>> No.1923205

I love that "Yeah" she often just drops at the end.

>> No.1923577
File: 822 KB, 707x1000, FBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alrght, I'll og with this

>> No.1923803

>Her final words before ending the stream was, “My armpits don’t smell!!!!!!! >:(“
sasuga nene

>> No.1928163
Quoted by: >>1928268 >>1932157

I'm pretty sure she didn't explicitly mention her armpits. The final words were ねねは臭くないよ which I can understand how someone might mishear "waki" in there somehow.

>> No.1928268

Yeah I was going to mention this
She just said she doesn't stink, which is most likely a lie she was a smelly girl today

>> No.1928555

All of 5th Gen have inadvertently pandered to footfags, haven't they?

>> No.1931467

>She puts her clothes on after bath without drying herself
what the fuckj

>> No.1932157

aaaah I heard something like ねね・わき・くさない. I'll put the propper japaneeese in the greentext instead, like how I put つの!! as well

>> No.1935964
File: 20 KB, 516x296, 1608322139708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1936198

