What are the Luxiem non-faggot ships?I got:Ike x SelenVox x ReimuLuca x PomuShu x PetraWho does Mysta get paired with?
>>OPFuck off with shipfaggotry
>>OPare you a cuck or a woman?
>>OPanon, do you like drinking other men's semen from your oshi's mouth
>>18539994I'm bored with gay shipsWoman believe it or not
>>OPRias is with Box
>>OPNone because Mysta is an actual faggot.
>>OPThe only real one here are Vox and Reimu. Everything is just too forced. Mysta and Mika are just childhood friends.
all of them and me
>>OPNL ships are cute, I have no idea why I see more BL shippers among women than NL because I don't get the appeal.I don't watch nijiEN so I can't contribute.
>>18544085>I have no idea why I see more BL shippers among womenthis is not a difficult concept, stop making it complicated when you know the fucking answerhttps://youtu.be/_GGwfGSHJCY?t=444
>>18539994I don't think of them as my girlfriend, so neither.
>>18540137Same. Any ship that isn't hetero just feels fake to me. Not even trying to be homophobic, I just feel nothing from them after a whole year of forced corpo yuri ships like Takamori and Pekomiko.
im so glad im not "tired" of BL, hetshit sounds boring as fuck
>>18544556>homophobicnobody will care here if you dont like faggots you know
>>18544556based homophobic femoid I kneel
>>OPShu x EliraMysta x PetraVox x ReimuI'm not too sure about Ike and Luca
>>18544085Uruca will NEVER fuck Nose.
>>OPMika has a good dynamic with him
Why do women want to see their male oshi be with another woman?Do you get some kind of sexual satisfaction from it?
>>18546620Uruca is for Runa anyway.
>>18546620Nose is for Reid anyway.
>>18547273She has decent dynamic with a lot of people who are not Bobon.
>>OPMikaNina3p with Enna and Petra
>>18547971>3p with Ennahttps://nico.ms/sm39929276
>>18544556>forced corpo yuri ships>pekomikoIt wasn't even a ship they literally are a pair unlike forced ship by fans like pekomoon
>>18547412None of these people are my oshi. I just like watching people interact in a flirtatious manner, but only when it's cute (will-they-won't-they) and not annoying (straight up nanpa and pick-up shit)
>>18548179I think I get it now. It's like reading a romcom, but as a non participant, a parent, a bystander. Maybe a bit of voyeurism.Unicofags probably cannot relate to this feeling due to their tendency to self insert in every instance they get. Everything must be about ME ME ME
>>18548179This is honestly probably one of the healthier ways to engage with chuuba
>>18540137OPPAI or ABAYO
>>OPI’m sorry anon, I genuinely can’t ship straight couples. My brain just isn’t wired to understand the appeal
>>18544556>Not even trying to be homophobicOh thank god, I was literally shaking before you said that.
>>18549720Literally fucking this. It's so simple I don't know how they miss it. Maybe Unicorns can't watch romcoms because they get too jealous of the male lead or something
Mysta x Mika maybe.
>>18550083I'm not gay so I can't get off to gay shit (male or female) only het sex feels concrete to me
>>18550122You sure care a lot about what unicorns do or think. Why don’t you get a life faggot?
>>18550576Grow a thicker skin
>>OPMarrymeselenschizo x SelenBirdschizo x Enna
>>18550177I’m not gay either. Yet only gay and sometimes even lesbian shit interests me. I don’t think i’ve shipped a straight couple since I was 15..
>>18550849That's fine, but that's a fetish. It's normal for people who are straight to like straight stuff. Most porn is hetero porn because most people are hetero.
>>18544556Same, I used them to find them cute but after so many whose whole purpose was just to bait yuifags and get sime extra money made me pretty indifferent towards then in the end.Sadly there's not that many het ships out there compared to yuri ones, and the ones that exist have a high tendency to just die at some point.
>>18549720This is actually a really good way of putting it, mind if I use this when someone ask a similar question again?
>>OPMysta X Nina
>>18547412I ship my oshi with other men because I don't see my oshi as a personal romantic conquest. I love his streams and his friends streams, and they all have cute moments together, and it activates my brain. It goes for het ships too. I love watching people be caring and friendly, it's why I stick to corpos or friend groups rather than watching solo streamers who don't collab much. There is also merch made for shippers in mind, and hints of bait, I can't help it sometimes.I don't really like yuri because it seems too forced. I don't like much EN fujobait for this reason too.
>>18551799Here's a hetero ship: me x "no"-poster. A nice wholesome relationship built on rape
>>18551643Sure, go ahead.>>18550122They probably only like romcoms manga/anime where either the1. Protagonist's personality is a literal blank generic state where they can self insert easily. (This type of franchise doesn't sit well with normies because they are unable to relate to such a weak personality)2. 'mangas' where the protagonist is POV-kun like in visual novels. e.g. Faceless hentai protagonist like Tawawa. Maybe ugly bastards if they are the kinky fetish types.3. Franchises with no males so there you have yurishippingfags (ez for corpos to exploit! Free clips!)4. If there are other males, they can only either exist as a 1) sidekick, 2) da best but losses to MC 3) anything that makes the power insert MC fantasy to feel an ego boost. Males can exist, but only as losers/inferior form as long as they are not the MC.
>>OPMysta X MikaBest incest ship
>>18549720>hahaha look at those fags self-insertingimagine being a NPC even in your own fantasy and calling the others losers. ngmi
>>18552265This poor anon cannot even imagine fantasizing without being involved directly, to the point where if the fantasy doesn't involve him, he is an NPC.When asked to visualize an apple, do you visualize yourself with an apple in the background?
>>18552340inadequate comparison. More fitting would’ve been „visualize an apple being eaten“ in which case, yes, I would visualize eating it myself. You’re not a food-cuck, are you, anon?
>>18552265Your inferiority complex is showing, anon-kun~
>>18552572anon, it‘s literally the point of every advertisement, ever. „Look at this attractive person consuming this product! This could be (you)!“ Human psychology is on my side.
>>18552499>>18552695>frenchYou are not human.
>>OPMysta x Ame - both of them are time-travelling detective
>>18544556>Not even trying to be homophobicThis 4chan btw >I just feel nothing from them after a whole year of forced corpo yuri like pekomikoKys and go back to discord nijinigger
>>18547412i guess female cucks exist too. OP likes NTR
>>18558074>straight couples get brought up>anon's mind immediately jumps to cheatingmakes you think