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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.13 MB, 2800x4093, __inukai_purin_tsunderia_drawn_by_jl_tan__d9a34f34dce02885861d14ca9651af56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18352692 No.18352692 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>18353762

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction, eh?
Previous thread:>>18258603

>> No.18352770
File: 1.44 MB, 2913x4096, __inukai_purin_tsunderia_drawn_by_coke_cokeandredtea__e9b6d2a3ae38e6324148d446cff64193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18352849
File: 2.00 MB, 1052x911, Bounty Board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story like you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.18353035

Punishing Chloe with sex!

>> No.18353290
File: 322 KB, 1620x1152, lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloEN becomes more disappointing
>EN prompts and stories crash in output, take a chunk of activity

>HoloJP revealing its true face

Is this the end? I feel like there's a measure of innocence needed to like something so much you write fanfic of it, and these whores have done their level best to stomp that shit into the ground.

Or maybe I'm just projecting and I'm the only one who's feeling like this.

>> No.18353495
File: 156 KB, 1448x1449, 20220211_031219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18353632

>Or maybe I'm just projecting

>> No.18353632
File: 25 KB, 600x685, 1644510595042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save me from this disgusting ennui, then.

>> No.18353762

nice 2view nobody

>> No.18354362
Quoted by: >>18354615

Tsunderia is better than Nijishit.

>> No.18354615

nobody cares about your 2views, earlyfag

>> No.18354982
Quoted by: >>18355237

Anon, I'm going to be honest here that sounds like a (You) problem.
Separation between the character and the human operating them is kind of an absolute necessity when writing fanfiction about them since as much as you can love them you only love the image that 's projected through a mask allowed by an avatar.
Also nice reddit spacing tourist.

>> No.18355237
File: 310 KB, 1536x2048, glz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely right. I should probably take a break and come back when all the drama isn't so prevalent.

Reddit spacing is a 2015 meme at the absolute earliest, derived from the very same turbo-autists who used to know Tumblr filenames by heart when that was the boogeyman. Nobody cared in the seven years I was around before then (and nobody cares now).

>> No.18355396
Quoted by: >>18355458

Get some better taste in chuubas while you're at it.

>> No.18355458
File: 177 KB, 640x560, smug millie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18355588


>> No.18355588

Then don't come back. You're not wanted here.

>> No.18355608

Post three images to prove you're not a newfag.

>> No.18355691
File: 173 KB, 965x806, 1294923675975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18355812
Quoted by: >>18355846

But I am a newfag, anon. 2008 is long after the hard-cutoff for not being newfags.

>> No.18355846
Quoted by: >>18355939

>he wasn't shitposting here in 1998
fucking get off my website redditard

>> No.18355939 [DELETED] 

>he wasn't using Telnet to shitpost in 1989
the balls on this nigger calling anybody new

>> No.18356043

It was a good run with the actually relevant chuubas. Now we're back to the 2view nobodies

>> No.18356284
Quoted by: >>18356637

Being a chuuba's childhood friend and unintentionally breaking her heart when you don't remember her.

>> No.18356637

This prompt made think about who'd 'fit' as a childhood friend character.
The obvious candidates I'd thought of were Suisei and Laplus. Suisei because of her theming about being a shooting star and also because that fic about being her forgotten highschool friend stuck with me. Laplus because you can totally imagine she used to be way different pre-chuuni.

>> No.18356968
File: 908 KB, 1280x720, 1644429557518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18357344

>“Ah, Anon-san. ‘This is for the coffee that day, keep the change. Also take care of my second jacket button, okay.’ Ahaha, what is this about? Some kind of after-graduation scenario? Thanks for the red superchat! Next, Mikazuchi-san…”


JUST. Jesus Christ. No. There must be a way for things to change. There must be a way to turn things around.

>> No.18357197
File: 121 KB, 598x1000, __la_darknesss_hololive_drawn_by_scottie_phantom2__d3d48c05d1f6d506aabb1b83d4d4ddd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can totally imagine she used to be way different pre-chuuni.
Now I'm just thinking of present Laplus who's always had it in her head that when she'd meet you again that you'd be so amazed and proud now that she's this confident kusogaki and not the quiet friendless loner she was back in school, only to almost start crying when it becomes clear you memory-holed high school and you don't know who the fuck she is.

>> No.18357344
Quoted by: >>18357618

Travelling back in time in order to fix your regrets with Suisei, only to discover that you've changed her future for the worse.
Regretfully having to go back again in order to stop the change in the past. Giving her that brighter future as the comet but leaving you with nothing.

>> No.18357571

dont talk shit about my oshi

>> No.18357618
File: 1.61 MB, 1668x2224, 1644448588995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18358580

I refuse to accept that tragedy. There must be a way to change the present. And since we're already writing ridiculous fiction about chuubas and it's bad enough as is to live in this valley of tears we call a world, it better be a hard-core chuuni, sex-packed, wish-fulfillment way.

>> No.18357642

fuck off retard

>> No.18357679
Quoted by: >>18357783

How is Purina now anyway? Last I heard her house got destroyed.

>> No.18357735
Quoted by: >>18357810

Write a fic about her and shut the Euro/SEAnig hour shitposters up, then.

>> No.18357783

shes doing much better now, i think shes living with a relative or something like that.

>> No.18357810

y'know that ain't gonna happen

>> No.18357820

for now anyway, or is back in her house not to sure.

>> No.18358580
Quoted by: >>18358800

>Make pacts with alien gods to create a world where (You) and Suisei can be happy
>Insert chuuni adventure where you are the dark lord that's creating a new world to overwrite the old world.
>For some reason only hololive can stop you
>Beat back the girls sent to stop you and make them a part of your harem.
>Each girl beaten adding to your power and making you closer to changing the world
>The world's last hope is Suisei
>World ending battle occurs
>At the final stroke she remembers you
>"Anon is that you?"
>She beats you, but she's already too late. The world is already being overwritten.
>Seizing your power she takes charge in the new world.
>Recreating it exactly as it was.
>Except for one thing.
>On the day before it started you receive a call
>"Hey Anon remember me?"

>> No.18358800
File: 477 KB, 850x1623, suiseimoon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18360150

There we go, fantastic! NOW we're cooking with gas.

>> No.18360146

Do you guys think you can recognize the author from their writing style alone? Like how they structure their sentences and word usage.

>> No.18360150
Quoted by: >>18360896

Wouldn't mind giving Suisei's hairy raisin the ol' lickaroo.

>> No.18360183

Yes, easily. Some are more distinct than others.

>> No.18360333
Quoted by: >>18360477

good. now, sort every fic in the archive by author.

>> No.18360477
File: 103 KB, 640x558, 1643164409063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18360553

how about I sort your guts with my dick nigger

>> No.18360553

This but unironically

>> No.18360575
Quoted by: >>18360702

Honestly no unless they're prolific enough to have similarities in stuff like style generally if I recognize an author it'll be from formatting or them leaking enough details in their response to comments.

>> No.18360702
Quoted by: >>18360793

Can you think of some examples? I'm honestly curious what work are done by which author. Because I mostly agree with >>18360575, I can't tell who writes which unless it's very noticeable

>> No.18360793
Quoted by: >>18360896

Why do you care? Don’t you got better things to do then waste your time stalking people online?

>> No.18360896
File: 545 KB, 850x1228, suitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is an absolute certainty that not only does Suisei not shave down there, she considers anything less than a full bush to be a dog-whistle for pedophiles.

It came to me in a dream.

>Don’t you got better things to do
>schizo shitposter is an ESL SEAnigger
Many, MANY such cases.

>> No.18360897
Quoted by: >>18360993

Well, if you are able to recognize works so easily then answer these about the last stories posted:
> Rushia NTR
> Run
> Shrunken Troubles
> Monkey's paw
> Goomba Birthday
> Canadian Bog monster
> Schoolgirl Rushia
> Hololive Reviewer

>> No.18360993

rushia NTR and shrunken troubles are both pekofag

>> No.18361053

>bushfags are psychotics
colour me unsurprised.

>> No.18361062
Quoted by: >>18361178

Honestly I would be very impressed if shrunken trouble was by pekofag because honestly it seems very out of style for him given that the pekora ntr sex scene from his previous work was kinda rough 3rd person wise.

>> No.18361162

If the last few threads are any indication, /wg/ is dead. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am. But then again, it seems shitposters and troll posters are running amok. So, I shouldn’t.

>> No.18361178
Quoted by: >>18361321

Impressive. Mind I ask what gives it away?

It's actually a commission work.

>> No.18361320
File: 237 KB, 750x910, 1635905705746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18361356

>one got deleted
>one hit page 10 in under 45 minutes
>the other hit bump limit just fine
Nah s'all good my man

>> No.18361321

shrunken troubles was easy to guess, because i paid for it, but the rest of your works it's because of your tendency to include the tilde ~ in your works and your overuse of the word "slit" to describe the vagina

>> No.18361356
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1382770251230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunnings warehouse

>> No.18361386

Goddammit ruin the fun will ya... I wanted to see if someone could guess it was me, though I guess not many people have read it in the first place.

>> No.18361410

>54 posts
>13 IP
It's astounding how far /wg/ fell. But it's as you said, the shitposters and troll posters pretty much drove people away.

>> No.18361446
Quoted by: >>18361686

Forcibly shaving suisei's bush and treating her like a bratty child afterwards; we all know what happens to bratty kids now don't we?

>> No.18361562
File: 2.43 MB, 251x185, 1445834372285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, sorry. next one, then

>> No.18361641

It's 6AM bruv chill out. Most people with a life are sound asleep. You have like 3 Oceania IPs and like 8 EU, maybe 2 or so America. The IPs will rise drastically in the next 8 hours or so.

>> No.18361686
Quoted by: >>18361791

Rape correction?

>> No.18361791
Quoted by: >>18361900

>Giving Suisei a daily rape correction until she learns to shave her bush like a good girl.

>> No.18361900
Quoted by: >>18362844

>Suisei says after every correction session that she'll shave
>still never does
Good a time as any to share my favorite Suisei lewd


>> No.18362006

>though I guess not many people have read it in the first place
Did you expect anything else, Pekofag?

>> No.18362150

I expected to see dollar signs and that's about it.

>> No.18362697
Quoted by: >>18373934

y'all might give him shit, rightfully so given his history, but for what it's worth the guy's an absolute champ to work with

>> No.18362844

>Every rape correction where you have to shave her you treat in even more humiliating ways.
>Will you run out of ideas to humiliate her into shaving her bush willingly before suisei's will breaks

>> No.18363168
Quoted by: >>18363478

Wait, someone bothered to commission Pekofag knowingly? Am I misunderstanding this?

>> No.18363200
File: 33 KB, 357x340, 1630462306289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i have story to say
I was gonna eat my ramen and then you come up and tell that you add special ingredient, so i was like whats??? then you tell me that ingredient secret and i gonna have to eat to see

but when i eat the ramen, it taste good?? what u do to my ramen i ask because i expect funny taste but actually good taste. you say that you come in my ramen and i was like OMG??? no!!!!! and you laugh, but then i feel hunger and eat more of food and it still taste good so i dont know what do

i tell it taste good and say i want more then u tell i need to drink from tap i like what you mean?? you say suck your penis i say oh nooo!!! no way.... but you already open pant and i see your penis big and hard like it want me to suck!! OMG ><

but i still hungry so i get on floor and put it in my mouth and suck on penis until you come inside, first it taste funny and stick to tongue i be like eeeewww but then you say taste get better!! i dont know...

i believe and suck again but you tell not enough so i be like what i gotta do?? you tell to use boob to make come i dont know why....... i open shirt and put penis inside boob then you grab and move hard, it feel weird first but i like it later.... then when you come you dont tell and it get all over chest and face i be like WHY!!! you not tell me??? OMG mess you make so bad now i gotta clean....

you point and say clean with mouth??? i like what you mean?? you say lick come and use finger so i do and it taste funny still then i say why you lie??? it taste bad but you lie down and sleep so now haachama gotta clean up all the mess you make!!! Haaaah...... i still angry with you.....

>> No.18363252
Quoted by: >>18363762

this must be what having a stroke feels like

>> No.18363304
Quoted by: >>18363762

im not happy with the fact that this gave me an erection as i imagined it in her voice

>> No.18363478
Quoted by: >>18363762

you are not misunderstanding this.

what the actual fuck am i reading

>> No.18363636
Quoted by: >>18363762

Being a haaton means haachama's retarded ESL speak is hot as fuck.
Is this your first time writing haachama style english or have you written it before?

>> No.18363762
File: 2.30 MB, 2300x2000, ESLcollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried once or twice in the past but my haachama speak is still nowhere near a level I'm satisfied with. I always wanted a fic where Haachama gets fucked that is like 2-3K words long but entirely in haachama speak and for that I need training. I also need a bigger sample size to gather from, pic related is all I have. Not many yabs relating to haachama so they don't post like this anymore, but I'm on the lookout for any dirty ESL to screenshot out in the wild if I see any.

>> No.18363828
File: 50 KB, 408x439, 1430854554203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god.

>> No.18364080
File: 2.25 MB, 3240x4050, 6be8c105c8954dffeeb8582fb6106499.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18366202

Rough fucking Saruei for being such a dumb sluty French woman who has it coming

>> No.18364229

God I'm not sure I could stand reading through 1-2k words worth of haachama speak but then again I'm pretty sure even a normal sex scene written in haachama english sounds hilarious as proven by that snippet.

>> No.18364299

all this talk of that dopey schizo blonde got me rock hard for "haachamachanal" again

>> No.18364320
File: 140 KB, 299x304, 1617664277538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for this wondrous blessing of a short story.

>> No.18364373

This is probably what fucking someone with a serious developmental disorder is like

>> No.18365917
Quoted by: >>18365941

I'm not sure if you're the sickest fuck on /vt/ or one of the most creative ones.
I honestly don't know

>> No.18365941
File: 659 KB, 1200x675, whynotboth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18366089

Haachama being abusive to you, but it's written entirely in Haachama speak.

>> No.18366202
Quoted by: >>18367596

God I wanna shove an entire bottle of red up her frog-eating ass until it's gaping so wide I can fit a whole basket of baguette in her rectum

>> No.18367596

>Forcing her to get drunk through her ass

God lord anon wew

>> No.18368403
File: 207 KB, 1265x2047, 1644176959092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18401002

The only solution is to write more and more. If there's anybody left to see it, they will come. Keep it up long enough, and the SEAnigger shitposters will be driven out. I'm doing my part!

Also, unrelated, but shavefags tongue my anus. Suisei's hairy pussy is a treasure. A TREASURE.

>> No.18368425
File: 209 KB, 599x491, image_2022-02-14_204929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua doing her best to bake chocolate for (you) but it tastes absolutely horrible but you have no choice but to scarf it down so as to not disappoint your hardworking girlfriend.

>> No.18368456
File: 275 KB, 540x399, 1644180248083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, why am I hard?

>> No.18368490

No seriously wtf is that on the right? It looks more like a mysterious meat than chocolate.

>> No.18368615

It honestly looks more like dough to me.

>> No.18368725

either she's made some kind of cake instead of chocolate for valentine's day, or she's baked a fleshlight

>> No.18369447
File: 555 KB, 2056x3052, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18369655

being "pampered" by an extremely embarrassed Pekora who has no idea what the fuck she's doing but is trying her best
yes I did just finish watching the ASMR collab

>> No.18369577

>Eat her valentine's chocolate
>One bite after another, each more horrid than the last
>You remain straight face even as the bitter and vile chocolate goes through you
>Finish it with a smile on your face as you look at your hardworking girlfriend.
>Except she's not smiling
>Aqua looks at you almost crying
>She hugs you and whispers.
>"I'm sorry anon"
>She was actually planning on killing you with that chocolate.

>> No.18369655
Quoted by: >>18369814

is it member's only? how was it?

>> No.18369814

nope, it's up on her channel for everyone. it was a bit silly but also really cute how nervous she was. and you get to hear her heartbeat

>> No.18369917
Quoted by: >>18370083

She did it with Noel too. You can imagine two big tiddy women doing asmr on a KU100

>> No.18370083
Quoted by: >>18370118

>big tiddy
I mean she's not flat, but...

>> No.18370118
Quoted by: >>18370261

Anon...If you know, then you know

>> No.18370181

for some reason i thought it'd be on noel's channel

>> No.18370261

I see...

>> No.18371368

Question to the series writers.
How much do plan it out before writing?
Do you make like outlines first or do you just go in and write till it feels right?

>> No.18371926


>> No.18372457

A little of both honestly, sometimes planning, other times
>it came to me in a dream
While in the middle of a chapter

>> No.18372721

I have a rough outline in my head, but most of the "meat" is made up as I go.

>> No.18372899

I generally plan out the whole outline of the story in the form of a rough skeleton. My beginning, endings and important events are all planned out but I still leave them somewhat ambiguous in case I get a new idea or have to get rid of some.

>> No.18373934
Quoted by: >>18374765

You're giving him your money, ofc he'd be.

>> No.18374765

i had no idea what to expect! honestly, i half expected to start arguing over dumb shit and call it a failure
but no, he was a really cool dude and was very accommodating.

>> No.18375933
Quoted by: >>18376065

pekora... is cute. holy shit.

>> No.18375956
Quoted by: >>18378210

Leave then, we don't need doomposters

>> No.18376065


>> No.18376579

While I definitely have learnt that planning ahead suits me better (because I'll end up regretting writing previous chapters if I write on a whim like I used to), I can never fully stick to a plan and always end up changing at least a couple of things as I actually write.

>> No.18378210
Quoted by: >>18378535

we prefer the term "eschatologists", thanks

>> No.18378535
Quoted by: >>18379020

Thanks for the bump, the thread was about to die! You really helped keep it alive.

>> No.18379020
Quoted by: >>18379865

no worries, anytime, thread's dead btw

>> No.18379865

*cums on you*

>> No.18379980
File: 403 KB, 591x529, fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18381437
File: 72 KB, 310x268, Bibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving Towa Valentine's chocolate only for it to actually be for Bibi

>> No.18383059
File: 11 KB, 213x202, 1644852587136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18383122

baord moven fst

>> No.18383122

Probably because Cover released an official statement on Rushia.

>> No.18384559

Can't believe they're just gonna livestream her execution. But Korone insisted so...

>> No.18386622
File: 945 B, 524x42, letsgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm so annoyed I missed it by one

>> No.18386923

that's nice, why don't you go enjoy it with your friends over there?

>> No.18387036
File: 38 KB, 385x465, 1623150280059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But all my friends are here ;_;

>> No.18387882

You mean the 90% of the thread that got driven away because no amount of commitment can outlast multiple schizophrenics shitposting for 20 hours a day, every day?

>> No.18388141
File: 16 KB, 460x441, E3P1EoWWEAAJArX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks I'll fall for the misinformation

>> No.18389659

Mafumafu beating and raping Rushia...

>> No.18391283

Ahh, fuck. I was hoping for a graduation, but it was just a nothingburger.

>> No.18391351
Quoted by: >>18391743

Almost... Done... Writing Matsuri fic. Just need to write the other sex scene...

>> No.18391396
Quoted by: >>18392386

I drove 90% of my dick into your mom's cunny last night.

>> No.18391743
Quoted by: >>18392382

Is that the "Matsuri breaks your mind and your dick" thing mentioned a couple threads ago?

>> No.18391953
Quoted by: >>18392475

Yo, congrats.
One day I'll format HF for that fucking nightmare site. Good God it took like fifteen tries just to get the formatting on Talent Retrieval right.

>> No.18392382
Quoted by: >>18435605

Yeah, I'm 10k words in and I've yet to write about getting into worshipping her tan lines and bandaid pasties.

>> No.18392386
Quoted by: >>18393206

So half an inch?

>> No.18392475

>used the HTML shit because it fixed the weird as fuck formatting
>still had to re italicize everything
Can't imagine doing it for something as beefy as HF, Jesus Christ that'd suck.

>> No.18393206
File: 156 KB, 443x455, 1619566221645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18394227

If you plan on doing a series you definitely should do an outline, otherwise, you run the risk of losing the thread and getting shit plot holes.

>> No.18395857
File: 1.98 MB, 2480x3508, 96C12A14-0DAB-4E99-A103-4A9F813B62D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) are Anonymous, Latin American drug kingpin, head of five different Mexican cartels and 30 different US gangs, wanted in over 97 countries for extortion, murder, money laundering, drug trafficking, train robbery, human trafficking, prostitution, grand theft auto, gunrunning, wire fraud, rape, gangrape, terrorism, poaching, and selling adulterated olive oil.

A desperate YAGOO calls you up through his underworld contacts, begging you for money to settle a gigantic, insoluble debt to the Yakuza, who are threatening to start disappearing Holos if they don’t get their pound of flesh.

Which Holo do (You) demand that YAGOO give you as a collateral hostage for lending him all these millions? Can she fix (Your) psychotic, criminal ways with her love, or will she succumb into the depraved depths of organized crime?

>> No.18396402
Quoted by: >>18397016

>or will she succumb into the depraved depths of organized crime?
>Getting Subaru addicted to cocaine and the thrill of killing a man

>> No.18397016
File: 2.14 MB, 1062x1505, 52FF89A4-C562-431A-8204-EFC8F8DEB7F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18398209

>force Subaru to execute some random hostage so she’ll be ‘in on it’ for the rest of her life
>she’s sobbing and screaming and begging you not to make her do this
>eventually she pulls the trigger just to make it all stop
>gore and brains everywhere
>she takes one look at the blown-out corpse and starts cumming all over herself as her reptile brain relishes in what she did

>> No.18397091

>Nene doesn't want to leave organized crime

>> No.18398209

>The next time she finds out you have people to kill she demands that you have her do it because "You were just gonna make her do it anyway"
>You weren't, but okay
>She 'misses' and shoots them in the neck, watching the person bleed to death
>Walks away on shaky legs

>> No.18401002

>Suisei's hairy pussy is a treasure. A TREASURE.
Incredibly based. I'd dive into that muff in a heartbeat if given the chance.

>> No.18402579

Not a popular approach apparently, but hard-in on the former. I'll make a macro outline while brainstorming, then go in and describe the gist of every critical point in every scene, THEN actually start writing.
There's some creative randomness that typically occurs during that final step though, so it's not uncommon for me to revisit and revise later scene outlines after completing the final versions of earlier ones.

>> No.18403551

No planning at all, which is probably why my series is the worst of the batch plot wise. I got an idea of what I wanted to do, so in the moment I decided how I want it to start, and as I was writing it I thought of moments like "I could bring in this cool creature in chapter 7" or "I could maybe introduce this chuuba on chapter 12" and then the rest is just me making stuff up on the spot so that I can reach those points.

>> No.18405864
Quoted by: >>18411492

GBwatson? I thought you wrote ahead so you can retcon stuff before it gets published?

>> No.18409068

I have very very rough outlines but even then things are constantly changing, I'd write something and then come back the next day with a different approach.

>> No.18409493

A true love story with Sora.

>> No.18409920

This, but she cucks you with a black guy.

>> No.18410865
Quoted by: >>18411266

What is this?

>> No.18411266
Quoted by: >>18415968

I think that might be AO3 views , not sure on which story since all the 10k plus view ones aren't from here going by a cursory search by hits.

>> No.18411492
Quoted by: >>18412793

I have a notepad on each of the characters in my story and every note I have on them in point form, including how they drive the plot forward.
I do write ahead, >>18403551 isn't me.
Man, I know my work isn't the best, but it's really that bad? Well, give me some examples if you wanna shit on me, I can take it maybe

>> No.18412793

Anon, I'm gonna be honest I just assumed it was you since you were the first series writer that I though of that had that number of chapters. Like I think GBwatson had some missed potential in rushing through the rushia/ollie arc but other than that the story has been pretty solid outside of your writing quirks.
Also because the only other writer I could think of that had that high of a chapter count is MWanon but they haven't exactly been writing a series lately.

>> No.18415356
Quoted by: >>18416132

I see, thanks for the ego boost in that case. As for Rushia/Ollie, I didn't want to take too long on that part, since it's more of a side quest to introduce the characters that will be relevant later. Although with the recent Rushia yab, I'm not sure how I will a handle her if her whole personality changes away from GFE after she comes back, if she comes back, even.
I think I stopped reading the MW series around when Ina was introduced, not because the story is of poor quality or anything, it's very decent. I'm just not really into the menhera thing and being pushed around by psychos. The only way to fix a female is through unadulterated dicking around the clock

>> No.18415968

It's just hits in general across all my fics. I wasn't expecting even a dozen reads so to get now over 10k is incredible.

I just wish I could see how many views my published docs got, so I could see how many people lirk and read my fics.

>> No.18416041

The chapter numbers were hypothetical.

>> No.18416132

Honestly with Rushia you can probably just pull more from her characterization from collabs and 'official works' like hologra since it's not like you were pulling from her obsessive crazy girl routine.
You should honestly pick it back up the good part of menhera wrangler is ironically not in the Monster Of The Week menhera of the chapter but in the story wide fubuki arc that leaves an honestly amazing ending.

>> No.18416238
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So what you guys are saying is we should post our work on AO3 if we want (you)s?

I'm honestly uncertain... posting here anonymously, with at best a nameless trip, is one thing. Posting this kind of work under a pseudonym attached to an account makes me self-conscious as hell.

>> No.18416570

Not really actually. I've gotten less comments there than here. Its just interesting to see the more specific thing of works, like views compared to people leaving the equivalent of a like, to how many bookmarks something gets and things like that.

So better metrics but less direct interaction.

>> No.18416883
File: 650 KB, 2894x4093, 1644880317723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag sex? Hag sex. Not a Valentine's fic just a short fic I whipped up. Feedback is appreciated.


Tags: Mio, NSFW, Nakadashi , Lactation

>> No.18417149

gonna hold it until I get the urge to coom

>> No.18417184


>> No.18417233

>So what you guys are saying is we should post our work on AO3 if we want (you)s?
No, I've kind of noticed that crossposted stuff to ao3 really doesn't get much attention by way of comments.
In fact the only vtuber works I've seen that tend to get comments are either those authors with established audiences posting chuuba smut, or shipping that written by women for women.
This place is probably the one place that's a community for male targetted stuff.

>> No.18417265

>Present Day. Present Time

>> No.18418186

Honestly really hot, love the details in the smell, sweat and lactation. Got a boner from this so I'd say it succeeds at what it's trying to do.

>> No.18419521

I'm always interested in more feedback but everything I've written is primarily (here) focused.

>> No.18420285
File: 43 KB, 456x532, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy pussy
>armpit worship
Pic related. If I had a hundred men like you, I could save, not this thread, not this board, but this entire hellhole of a website in one night.

That said

>Mio shaves her armpits, which is just wrong when everything else is so good
>no heavily pregnant sex scene some time after
Points deducted. You were so close to perfection, but these are musts.

>> No.18421403

>>no heavily pregnant sex scene some time after
I don't find those absolutely necessary but damn does having an epilogue like that a treat whenever you find them in stuff.

>> No.18423464

>no heavily pregnant sex scene some time after
Pocketing this idea for later. Cumming inside raw because they're already pregnant...

>> No.18424149
Quoted by: >>18427841

A love story with Sora about getting her addicted to sex, drugs and casual murder.
The last scene being you dying with a smile on your face as this once pure girl murders you in cold blood.

>> No.18426621

Sry, I didn't quite catch what are you going to write about? Whatever it is if there's Bae I can't wait to read it.

>> No.18426738
Quoted by: >>18430786

Wasn't it the rape one?

>> No.18427841
File: 2.60 MB, 2500x1399, sora error 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>innocence completely destroyed
>addicted to drugs and murder
>soaked in blood and up to her neck in the filthiest of dirty money
>her only path left in life is to take up your world-spanning criminal enterprise and continue your reign of rape, murder and terror until somebody else kills her in turn
>even in death you've claimed her completely down to her fucking soul
>she has to live with your last words in her head
>"I won."

>> No.18428029
Quoted by: >>18428430

>last words
>not "I'm so proud of you."
You really gotta have her second guessing herself, not being able to write you off as a narcissist

>> No.18428152
File: 283 KB, 520x482, 1642537056201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18428430

Also I don't overuse slit and I refuse to call it vagina.

>> No.18428430
File: 447 KB, 2047x1447, 1611944636170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the sentiment, but can she really write you off when deep down she knows you're absolutely right?

But vagina is such a beautiful word, anon. The etymology is a direct appropriation of the Latin 'vagina', i.e. a sheath or scabbard. Women are objectified right down to the very root words used to refer to their bodies, and it's fucking amazing.

>> No.18428900
Quoted by: >>18432461

Well, corruption wasn't the end goal was it? It's a love story.

>> No.18429335

>She returns to hololive a changed woman
>With the money from your criminal empire she takes over COVER.
>hololive ascends like never before, all competition suddenly finding their talents in horrid scandals, or in truly terrible accidents.
>She sings at Budokan, at every famous concert hall.
>Her old dreams of idol stardom reached easily.
>Inside she is broken.
>At least her friends still think of her highly as their Daisenpai but-
>AZKi sees her snorting coke off of a dead rival idol
>Well shit

>> No.18430255
Quoted by: >>18430836

>Vagina means sheath
>Penis means tail
Those Romans had a good sense of humor.

>> No.18430786
Quoted by: >>18433432

No its the "watching horror movies with Bae" one
There might be sex though but no promises

>> No.18430836

They thought that the vagina was a penis that went inside the body, that the testicles split into the sides as ovaries and so on. The implication was that women were just an imperfect version of men. I don't think they were funny, they were sexist.

>> No.18431046
File: 574 KB, 2150x2624, 1644656565244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were sexist.
So, funny?

>> No.18432316

>women were just an imperfect version of men
This is true.

>> No.18432362

Look up the myth of Phaethon and the sun chariot. The Romans were very funny.

>> No.18432461

Of course it'll be a love story, a twisted love story.

>> No.18433432
Quoted by: >>18437009

Nice, I've made that prompt, I just wasn't sure if you're referring to it or maybe to that gfe stream as an inspiration.
>There might be sex though but no promises
I don't want to limit you in any way, I've put all my ideas in prompt and I will impatiently wait for you to finish it. But IF you wanna read my preference as of right now I'll type it in spoiler
I would even prefer if there's no sex, the main idea that was on my mind was fluff (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm new to this, but I got the idea that that means lot of happy emotions but no sex) but as I was thinking about prompt more and more I realized that there is so much room for NSFW that it would be shame to limit the ideas to SFW only.
Godspeed, fellow brrat.

>> No.18435605


Looking forward to this, anonchaama

>> No.18437009

Well, I say no promises cause it all depends on how the story is going. If the "feel" isn't there then I won't just shove it in.
What I guess I'm trying to say is that I'm not setting out to make it a NSFW story

>> No.18437393
Quoted by: >>18438536

Please don't monkey's paw this.

>> No.18437459

Please monkey's paw this.

>> No.18438536

>If the "feel" isn't there then I won't just shove it in.
Thanks for explanation, I really appreciate it. That makes sense, I didn't think about that. It's probably cause I didn't write anything significant myself so I didn't have that perspective in mind. My assumption was that you always decide upon the main plot and all of details beforehand and just fill the gaps while writing.
>Sometimes the story writes itself
It's sounds cliché but It is true I suppose

>Please don't monkey's paw this.
What does this mean?

>> No.18438631
Quoted by: >>18440629

Read the short story The Monkey's Paw

>> No.18438802
Quoted by: >>18440629

>What does this mean?
To spoonfeed how it's used here, you know how a common prompt response is 'this, but...' imagine that but done for fulfilling a prompt.

>> No.18439285

Something like "I wish Fubuki would tell more stories on stream" and the next day she tells the story of how she's depressed and had to be taken to the hospital to be under watch. Basically the wish comes true but under hellish conditions which you did not expect.

>> No.18439444
Quoted by: >>18440696

Wouldn't it be hilarious if that happened and she killed herself, though? I'd laugh.

>> No.18440629

Nice story, I've just read it. Ty for info.
Ty for spoonfeeding.

>> No.18440696
Quoted by: >>18440826


>> No.18440826

Lighten up. One dies, another takes her place. There's a million and one vtubers out there, all willing to step over each other's bodies to make it. Wouldn't it be interesting if a colossal yab like a talent suicide occurred? I'm personally interested in seeing Fubuki die, as she has such a strong connection to the image of Hololive.

>> No.18441010
Quoted by: >>18441163


>> No.18441163
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>> No.18441322

I'd say write about it, but I think you may already have and fumbled hardcore

>> No.18441330 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.54 MB, 2184x3089, rutia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many word no write me no like have female

>> No.18441447
Quoted by: >>18441538

That's yesterday's used goods. Try again.

>> No.18441538
File: 170 KB, 1280x1790, 1641538358776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18441580

Oh well, it can't be helped peko...

>> No.18441580

Never mind. I'll take Rushia...

>> No.18441599

Pictured above: Rushia jerking off mafux2 while scrolling through twitter.

>> No.18442634
File: 115 KB, 648x586, 1545023415559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's very late but man is it depressing being alone in this thread waiting for people to talk even though everyone is asleep. Gotta stop checking and go back to writing.

>> No.18442644
File: 1.90 MB, 1280x1747, 1644818309237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) form an odd friendship with Sora, having no clue who she is. She enjoys being seen as a normal girl instead of a walking demigod for once, and goes to comically-great lengths to keep her identity as an idol hidden from you out of fear that you'll start treating her differently if you find out.

>> No.18442695

You need more hobbies if this thread is your primary source of entertainment. Try jerking off. That's rubbing your dick using your hand or something else capable of applying pressure, by the way. If you do it long and hard enough, something good might happen.

>> No.18442890
Quoted by: >>18442969

It's late, Anon. Many people are going to or already in bed. You should get some rest, too. Or write so people talk more, either one.

>> No.18442969

Yeah I like to do things late, so I start my course work at like 10PM and end at 2AM, then I play some games and write around 4AM until I can get a minimum of 1k words. That's how I've been living for the past month or two. This story will take a while to come out, but I try to write some stuff for the thread in the meantime. Still, seeing my stories making up 3 out of every 10 posted is pretty disheartening...

>> No.18442999
Quoted by: >>18443152

Cool blog. Where do I subscribe?

>> No.18443152
File: 117 KB, 850x1440, __sakamata_chloe_hololive_drawn_by_kohe_billialot__sample-7a38b64bb478b746539d1abccd7c6f1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18443220


>> No.18443220
Quoted by: >>18443257

>fakest girl in hololive
There's no larger indication that Hololive is nothing more than a business now than her getting in.

>> No.18443257

>fakest girl in hololive
But that's not Mori or Rushia

>> No.18443282
Quoted by: >>18443667

Mori's too dumb to be fake. She's as genuine as they come.
Rushia at least tries to hide it.

>> No.18443565
Quoted by: >>18443667

The issue with Mori is that she isn't faking it, at least with how people seem to freak the fuck out about her being open with her interests and collaboration desires. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone more genuine.

>> No.18443667
Quoted by: >>18443727

Damn, then I guess she's so shallow and vapid that I assumed it was an act.

>> No.18443727
Quoted by: >>18443967

Nope, she just doesn't act and therefore outright doesn't belong here. Chloe's not a good enough actor. Rushia's a perfect actor, but she slipped up.

>> No.18443967

Sora is the biggest actor. It must be hard hiding her hatred for the new blood, both talents and fans alike, whilst keeping her usual cheery persona, acting like a big goof. I'm sure she makes A-Chan clean the cum out of her cunt whenever she's done with the 20th man of the day.

>> No.18444029

what is wrong with you two

>> No.18444058
Quoted by: >>18444199

Ignore them and don’t reply to them. All they do is shit up the thread.

>> No.18444199
File: 44 KB, 700x368, 1445838910046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cry, ladyboys.

>> No.18444313

God... this sounds really cute but I don’t know what scenarios I’d write about and I don’t watch a whole lot of Sora

>> No.18444531

>Still, seeing my stories making up 3 out of every 10 posted is pretty disheartening...
Bro that is a crazy fucking amount of stories. I do about 3 stories every 100

>> No.18444668

Talking about idols with Sora and her efforts to try and change the topic, only for the topic to get closer and closer to her because you figured out who she is a long time ago and want to mess with her.

>> No.18445031
File: 2.30 MB, 1417x2006, __tokino_sora_hololive_drawn_by_faubynet__ca15734e2698af09d1e7f0e81c483460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chatting with your buddy Sora while waiting for the train
>it finally pulls into the station
>there's an ad plastered across the side. some kind of idol group or whatever. you never paid attention to that escapist crap
>...wait, that girl in the front looks kind of familiar-
>your train of thought derails at the sensation of Sora abruptly grabbing your hand and lightly tugging
>"How 'bout we walk today?"

>> No.18445657
File: 2.92 MB, 1066x1615, __tokino_sora_and_ankimo_hololive_drawn_by_anizi__f33703172fa5ca0bb41d22ae3decb189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Huh? But the train just got here-"
>"I know! I know, but...um...the truth is...I-I'm feeling a little hungry, and there's this nice crêpe place just a couple blocks away. I thought maybe we could...you know..."
>"...Get a snack?"
>"Yeah! Exactly! Well come on then!"
>she starts leading you away without waiting for an answer
>it's a little weird, but this is just how she is sometimes. after a certain point you learned to just not question her occasional moments of spontaneity
>and the warm softness of her hand in yours is making it a bit hard for you to think straight at the moment
>so you just follow her out of the station, giving no more thought to the brunette emblazoned on the side of the train
>unbeknownst to both of you, a paparazzi sitting across the street in his parked car starts snapping photos...

>> No.18445898
Quoted by: >>18445962

How does the whole virtual youtuber thing work like in your mind in regards to the world in that greentext?

>> No.18445962

I guess they just stream normally, but disguise themselves while out and about by changing their hairstyles/clothing, wearing glasses, wearing flu masks, and other stuff like that.

>> No.18446246

How would writing in a chuuba's pov work? Do you still use "you" or "I" or just use the chuuba's name?

>> No.18446272

Either. They give different feelings, though. I'd probably go with 'I'.

>> No.18446333

It depends. If it's only for one scene I use third-person, but if the entire story is told from their POV then first-person might work better.

>> No.18446632

there is never any reason to use anything but third person.

>> No.18446682

Personally I use their name, third person style.

>> No.18446926

Honestly just use the perspective you are most comfortable writing with and see if it works for you in writing from a chuuba pov. There are arguments to be made for 1st or 3rd person point of view but just use whatever let's you write with less stress.

>> No.18447795
File: 87 KB, 192x209, Highshuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Page ten in just over 30 minutes

>> No.18447846
Quoted by: >>18448093

Oh? Is there new drama? I gotta check the board.

>> No.18448093

There's nothing new, and I have no idea why it's zooming.

>> No.18448134

Honestly it could just be a fucking tourist boom from the rushia yab.
God I wish we had vtg

>> No.18448203
Quoted by: >>18448244

The face she makes when you confess to her...

>> No.18448244
File: 27 KB, 448x594, 1436412730346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18448742


>> No.18448258

>They thought that the vagina was a penis that went inside the body
bro I thought the same thing when I was a kid, the vagina looks like an inside penis
Also I thought the boobs were a result of basically Archemedes' Principle with the testicles once they get inside the body, the bigger your balls the bigger your tits

>> No.18448325

Burgers waking up.
Seaniggers home from work.

/vt/ go nyooooom

>> No.18448652

This is fantastic. I'd love to read a full story like this.

>> No.18448742
Quoted by: >>18448758

What? It could be joy, it could be mocking. It's up to (You). Don't blame me if your mind went somewhere negative.

>> No.18448758
Quoted by: >>18448842

No, I posted the exact kind of face she'd make.

>> No.18448842

Anon...your confidence reps...

>> No.18449988
Quoted by: >>18450008

Korone trying to reconnect with her kids that she lost to (You) in the divorce.

>> No.18450008

Anon, if you don't have anything to contribute, then don't contribute.

>> No.18450613
File: 776 KB, 3543x3543, 5906fb43bdf519778d0cbd3b640f8e52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18451101

>meet up with Sora after work
>you're not really sure what she actually does, but she always seems happy
>flustered, she jogs to you in the park
>"Sorry that I'm late!"
>you look at her, her face radiant from her adorable smile
>"Why are your eyes blue?"

>> No.18450698
Quoted by: >>18451392

I wanted to write a short scat story but I literally cannot stop giggling to myself as I do it. How the fuck does anyone keep a straight face during stuff like this? Was it the same for other people who wrote about weird fetishes they aren't into?

>> No.18450712

With an alluring pep in her step, she seductively made her way towards you and crawled onto the shared bed, her tail swaying slowly and sensually mirroring her visage.

“It must be really hot under all those blankets Anon, let me help~”

Slipping her fingers under the covers, she rolled them over and exposed your hard-on. Fubuki giggled and wrapped her lithe fingers around it, sensually rubbing them as if it was the most fragile thing in the world. You shivered from the sensation and laid back on the bedrest, submissively letting your vixen of a girlfriend take control.

Letting herself get comfortable beside you, Fubuki leaned over and rested her head on your shoulders. Her gentle yet skilled hands massaged your dick while she breathed into your ears causing you to feel a chill up your spine.

“Ufufu~ What were you thinking of Anon? Were you thinking about what I was doing? About how.. I was getting railed by another man?”

Small preview of my Fubuki handjob ntr fic that I put on hold because of current events. Just want to see what everyone's opinion is first and to breathe some life into the thread.

>> No.18450765

Your cock twitched in her hands the moment she said those words, the feeling of immense arousal overwhelming the shame that you felt. Initially gasping at your reaction, Fubuki increased the pace at which she was rubbing your member.
“Oh? Was that a twitch I felt? Oh Anon~ You should’ve just been honest with me from the start!”

Fubuki stroked your erection at a snail’s pace, careful not to give you too much stimulation else you will blow your load way too early. She knew just how to stimulate all your senses. Letting her breath tickle your ears once again, Fubuki proceeded to lick the outer shell of your ear, managing to finally cause you to break your silence, moaning submissively at the fact that your wife has you wrapped around her finger.

“Cmon Anon~! Tell me what makes you tick! I wanna know just what you imagine me doing every night~”

>> No.18450773

>breathe some life into the thread.
It's dead hours, nigga. There's nobody to answer you.

>> No.18450980

Honestly seems like it suffers from the same problem as the other non-direct NTR fic, (the Aki one) where the dialogue isn't spicy enough.
Then again this is just a small snippet of it but I feel like it should have some actual dirty talk to make it work better.

>> No.18451023
Quoted by: >>18451110

>want to see what everyone's opinion is
The same as my opinion on every other NTR fic in the archive - shit.
Don't care how good your writing style is, NTR is a shit fetish and not worth bothering to read through, nor commenting about. Here's your (You).

>> No.18451101

>she goes as white as a sheet
>"Uhhh! Th-these are...my new contacts!"
>"...New contacts?"
>"Yeah! I thought I'd try one of those pairs that lets you change your eye color! What do you think? They stand out a lot more than plain old brown, right?"
>"They...certainly are striking, I'll admit."
>"Heh. Try not to get lost. So are we going?"
>"Oh, uh, yeah. Let's go."
>she lets out a silent sigh of relief as the two of you head out together
>they aren't actually new at all. this is just the first time she's forgotten to take them out

>> No.18451110
Quoted by: >>18451892

It's nice /wg/ has such wonderful denizens like yourself. I can see it living a long and fruitful life.

>> No.18451392
Quoted by: >>18451511


>> No.18451395

>Eventually you learn that she works for something called hololive.
>In order to cover for why she wore blue eye contacts she lies that she's another hololive member with blue eyes
>She lies that she's actually Fubuki.

>> No.18451511

No, I'm not being commissioned. I just kept reading this terrible intra-thread Sora fic and wanted to change it so that she leads you into the subway bathroom and takes a big, farty dump on your face. I couldn't stop laughing at the thought.

>> No.18451544

Please do anon save us. Just write it like the stupid shit it is instead of actual fetish material.

>> No.18451637

>this sora fic
>he wants to write scat instead
Literal shit taste, no surprises from an indog though.

>> No.18451767

Don't take the bait. It's a new IP.

>> No.18451892
Quoted by: >>18451968

I can't tell whether you're being sarcastic or not, but I'll take the compliment either way. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.18451968
Quoted by: >>18452039

Anybody who isn't an ESL would immediately recognize obvious sarcasm, you moronic SEAnigger.

>> No.18452000
Quoted by: >>18452137

While I hate giving advice to someone that's obviously going to use it for something I'll hate.
I think you're thinking of this in the wrong way, you seem to think your writing a scat fic when conceptually you want to do a bait and switch.
Since you want to go for impact/shock value rather than actually writing shit for a fetish you don't actually grok.
You want to hint at it being something else (the bait in those case being a conventional sex scene), tease it and drive it alluringly close that a reader might think it's real; then punch them in the face with the switch (i.e just as she has (You) close your eyes she braps into your face/shits in your mouth) after which you close it off to let the impact linger before the fic ends.
Basically I think you should focus on landing the impact unless you can unironically write a scat fic.

>> No.18452039

Listen calling me an ESL is an objective truth, but a SEANigger is just too much.
What would you call the ones from Eastern Europe? EEniggers?

>> No.18452137

Hey, thanks for the advice. Who's your oshi?

>> No.18452265
Quoted by: >>18452294

Fuck you!

>> No.18452294

Fuck you? That's no chuuba I ever heard of.

>> No.18452347
Quoted by: >>18452440


>> No.18452440
Quoted by: >>18452520

Gonna pretend I didn't hear that.

>> No.18452520
Quoted by: >>18452696

Well we need to break the curse somehow, even if that means getting her to shit on us.

>> No.18452529
Quoted by: >>18454299

>one day you find yourself at the station again, listening to your earbuds and waiting for your usual morning commute
>that train plastered with images of those gaudily dressed otaku-bait girls rolls in to the station
>and there's that brown-haired girl again at the head of the pack
>that brown-haired, blue-eyed girl
>...waaait a minute.

>> No.18452696

I don't need to write scat fics about her; she shits on us enough by streaming normally.

>> No.18454299
Quoted by: >>18454952

>Mention this coincidence to Sora.
>Watch her try to build up more lies so that you won't treat her different
>She tries to convince you that A-chan is the one that's actually the girl on the train image.
>Pretend to be convinced but really you just want to see her sweat.

>> No.18454952
File: 565 KB, 714x1010, __tokino_sora_hololive_drawn_by_syhan__16e00ca4655855386dbe3c8229738e98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lies just keep piling up, growing increasingly more outlandish and implausible
>and every step of the way you just play dumb and go along with whatever line of bullshit she manages to string together
>she must think you're as dumb as a bag of rocks. but you can understand her wanting to keep her day job under wraps
>plus, it's amusing to watch her squirm whenever she has to make something up on the spot
>you have a lot of fun with your newfound method of teasing her
>or at least, until the day that you stop at the convenience store for a supply run, only to spot a familiar face on the cover of one of the tabloids on the display rack
>it's a photo of...you
>holding hands with Sora

>> No.18455801

I mostly just write the major beats of the plot and go from there. Don't be discouraged to rewrite or rethink your approach when writing a scene to make the pacing feel more "natural". What's important is that you still find a way to get from point A to B and B to C in your story if you "promised" it in your writing.

Oh god oh fuck

>> No.18456440
File: 1.04 MB, 980x1675, __tokino_sora_hololive_drawn_by_itoyoshi_tsumugi__402dbac2111d56def8c10f223219a0ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Tokino Sora's Secret Affair?! An exclusive look into the clandestine love life of Hololive's flagship idol!'
>the entire article is filled with pictures of you and Sora during your various outings together
>it finally starts to dawn on you that what you thought was just a fun little game of secrets has more far-reaching consequences than you ever anticipated
>and the situation only continues to spiral further and further out of control
>you haven't seen Sora in days, and she isn't picking up her phone
>social media outlets are on fire with fans, antis, and soapboxing baizuo in open combat with one another
>sleazy gossip journalists keep trying to bait you into interviews
>you constantly feel like you're being watched any time you venture outside
>eventually you even start to get ominous knocks at your door in the middle of the night...

>> No.18457673
File: 721 KB, 1171x1080, 09367C2B-0E84-4B88-8577-E140CA908462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't handle knocks on my door during the day

>> No.18457746
File: 980 KB, 1003x1846, __tokino_sora_hololive_drawn_by_darr1o__1d7ce72b7e87e4031546ea0073b86b3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18459379

>the police end up getting involved, and you ultimately have to change your place of residence at their suggestion
>but it's only a temporary solution. you know that it's only a matter of time before either those media vultures or some jilted fan manages to track you down again
>your physical and mental health are steadily deteriorating. you have to take time off from work, afraid to leave your home
>you feel trapped and helpless, with no clue how to dig your way out of the pit you've found yourself cast into
>until one day, like an answered prayer, you finally get an incoming call from Sora
>but as you hastily answer the call and bring the phone to your ear, the voice that speaks to you on the other end of the line isn't Sora
>it's a voice you've never heard before
>"Hello Anon. My name is Motoaki Tanigo. I'm the CEO of COVER Corporation. I'd like to speak with you."

>> No.18457853
File: 21 KB, 463x453, 82358A6A-69B1-44C4-A8ED-9398BE52CD61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sora goes no contact
What’s even the play here, how can I save her when I don’t even know where she is? Oh shit, please don’t tell me she thinks I betrayed her or something.

>knocks on my door
Come at me, I could take 20 nip manlets with one hand tied behind my back. Gotta keep it clean to hold Sora’s later, after all.

>> No.18459379
File: 216 KB, 1500x1875, __tokino_sora_hololive_drawn_by_kase_kurimuzone_oruta__0deef0d4322072dd5e6bbe2d325aca47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're wary of the invitation at first. in the time since this shitshow began, you've become intimately aware of the expectations of idol culture, and what happens to those that violate those expectations. Sora's boss feeling the need to call you up directly could potentially have dire implications for you
>but this is far bigger than just you. whatever hell you've been through, Sora must have been going through tenfold. a scandal like this is a stain upon her reputation, and could very well cost her her job
>and if this 'Motoaki' guy is calling from Sora's phone...then this may be your only chance to see her again
>so despite your trepidations, you accept
>within the hour, a car is waiting for you outside your apartment. the burly, sunglasses-wearing driver lets you in without a word said and drives you through the streets of Tokyo to your destination: a high-rise office complex in Chūō ward, the front entrance decorated with the triangular blue symbol that you've come to recognize as the logo of COVER Corp., the parent company of Hololive
>after an elevator ride that seems to last an eternity, you finally arrive at your destination
>Motoaki Tanigo's office
>and the instant you step inside...you finally see her, for the first time in days

>> No.18459616
Quoted by: >>18459742

I have to sleep now, but I'll make sure to finish this tomorrow after work. I hope some of you have enjoyed this so far. And thanks to that anon that helped keep me going.

>> No.18459742
File: 717 KB, 850x1163, sora_alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18460789

Go get some rest, anon. This is fantastic.

>> No.18460789
Quoted by: >>18461141

Do you ever think Sora feels any sort of inferiority? Not to say she should, but it must be taxing to some degree to see your coworkers getting extreme love world wide when you were there first and get maybe a fraction of that

>> No.18461141
Quoted by: >>18461659

Going from 13 viewers to where she is now is probably plenty for her. Plus all those coworkers kneel to her anyways

>> No.18461659
Quoted by: >>18461828

>13 viewers
Imagine being one of those 13. Imagine watching her grow. Imagine being completely forgotten.

Imagine making her remember you.

>> No.18461828
Quoted by: >>18461963

>Imagine being completely forgotten.
>implying she's forgotten the 13 Knights

>> No.18461963
Quoted by: >>18463991

Imagine dating Sora and you do something that makes her angry so she holds up an orb and screams "KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND" and thirteen dudes with various armors and melee weapons come out of nowhere and beat the shit out of you. That would be interesting I think.

>> No.18463756
File: 102 KB, 850x1256, OkayuInternetcafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18463953

Having a taboo relationship with a lonely highschool aged Okayu

>> No.18463953
Quoted by: >>18466827

Only if after a couple months she meets Korone and she starts telling her that it's wrong and slowly winning her over from you.

>> No.18463991
File: 412 KB, 2067x1455, En_emGAUwAEhnv-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You've eaten Sora's Ice cream for the last time
>She's fed up with playing nice and telling you multiple times not to eat her ice cream
>She pulls out a whistle and blows into it
>In an instant, a bunch of armored men start appearing from nowhere
>One from under the bed, one from behind the curtains, another busting down the door etc...
>You're surrounded by 13 men in suits of medieval armor
>Sora gives the go ahead and they all rush you, beating you within an inch of your life.
>Barely conscious, the whistle blows again
>The knights start to dissipate
>It's just you and Sora again
>She kneels before your beaten body
>"Don't eat my ice cream again" She says with a smile.

>> No.18465619
File: 300 KB, 2000x2026, 1626956735300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's late at night, you're walking home and this pink-haired girl coerces you into buying her mixtape. You're not sure if this is a robbery or not but she's incredibly autistic and has her scythe out.

>> No.18465955

>you listen to the mixtape
>It's so bad you die
>Mori reaps your soul

>> No.18466634


>> No.18466827
Quoted by: >>18472570

>She convinces Okayu to tell you not to talk to her anymore
>You acquiesce, telling her it's probably for the best she doesn't continue to be with a guy like a decade older than her
>Korone, watching from behind a wall and expecting you to try and pull some skeezy blackmail stuff, begins to feel bad when she sees how sad you look

>> No.18467026 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18467128

> 44 IPs

>> No.18467128

More than I can count on two hands, so that seems fine.

>> No.18467505

Getting to one of the girls through her mama

>> No.18467885

Narration is extremely appealing. Dialogue feels a bit stilted though, like it's too on-the-nose (although that might just be a symptom of this being a small snippet). Ideally, an NTS heroine will sort of dance around the details of the deed and let the cuck's maso-delusions dig his own grave. That bit at the start of the second post is a step in the right direction.

>> No.18468531

>Tries to act cool
>Fumbles so astronomically you end up buying it out of pity

>> No.18468577

> przepraszam, nie mówię po angielsku
> walk away
> elaborate no further

>> No.18469232


>> No.18469444

>przepraszam, nie mówię po angielsku
Now say it in english.

>> No.18469563
Quoted by: >>18469644

"Of course I can plumb your toilet"

>> No.18469644

Okay. Now I understand the jokes.

>> No.18470745
Quoted by: >>18470910

Ty jesteś dużą kurwą, potrzebujes lekarza

>> No.18470910

You’re oshi is a whore.

>> No.18471056
Quoted by: >>18471156

Is she black? Why would she do this?

>> No.18471156
Quoted by: >>18471949

She’s a wigger. She exults black culture for whatever reason.

>> No.18471234

New thread

>> No.18471949
Quoted by: >>18472033

And can't even do a good job at that. What a loser.

>> No.18472033

It's because she likes white and Asian people who like black culture

>> No.18472570
Quoted by: >>18472868

> A day or two later, Korone approaches you pretending to be a total stranger
> She gets to know you better, and begins to like you
> She ends up having feelings for you over how nice a guy you are
> Now she has to decide whether she should go back on her decision to keep Okayu away, or if she would date you behind her friend's back
> little did she know you knew about her all along and the nice guy act was just that, an act

>> No.18472868

>Didn't groom Okayu like she thought, did just genuinely like her
>Purposefully groom Korone as retribution

>> No.18473867
Quoted by: >>18474000

Love you guys

>> No.18474000

Stop being a faggot already.

>> No.18474060
File: 567 KB, 1753x2048, FLrKLopVEAM5Idw.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18474104


>> No.18474104
File: 623 KB, 1216x719, BotanSmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18474247


>> No.18474247

