>> | No.18454952 File: 565 KB, 714x1010, __tokino_sora_hololive_drawn_by_syhan__16e00ca4655855386dbe3c8229738e98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>18454299 >the lies just keep piling up, growing increasingly more outlandish and implausible >and every step of the way you just play dumb and go along with whatever line of bullshit she manages to string together >she must think you're as dumb as a bag of rocks. but you can understand her wanting to keep her day job under wraps >plus, it's amusing to watch her squirm whenever she has to make something up on the spot >you have a lot of fun with your newfound method of teasing her >or at least, until the day that you stop at the convenience store for a supply run, only to spot a familiar face on the cover of one of the tabloids on the display rack >it's a photo of...you >holding hands with Sora