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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.18230219

Rosemi Lovelock.

>> No.18230220
Quoted by: >>18233782

ame and gura

>> No.18230222

Ironically Kiara. You wouldn't believe if i said it in 2020, but here we are now.

>> No.18230236

The ones that don't exist.

>> No.18230239
Quoted by: >>18231856

Ceres Fauna
Rosemi Lovelock

>> No.18230270

Ame, Gura and Fauna

>> No.18230329
Quoted by: >>18238596

From HoloEN1 I'd say Kiara and Gura are the 2 that improved. The rest are all sorts of burnout and fucked up, and their content went down in quality compared to the better points of their vtubing career and have no plans on improving or correcting that.

>> No.18230370

Here's what /vt/ doesn't want you to know
They're all good

>> No.18230373

that's because Kiara is the only one who cares about hololive and is really into the idol culture.

>> No.18230396
Quoted by: >>18230421


>Gawr Gura
>Nanashi Mumei
>Amelia Watson
>Irys (Model debuff, great personality makes up for it)
>Pomu Rainpuff
>Selen Tatsuki
>Mio Celestia
>Calliope Mori (My Oshi but controversial lately)

>> No.18230407

none. go back to rushia, you know you want to.

>> No.18230418

Go back to Rushia

>> No.18230421
Quoted by: >>18231773

Irys model grows on you, I was put off at first but now I think it's really charming

>> No.18230443


>> No.18230459


>> No.18230479
Quoted by: >>18231162

I would say the same, maybe she is not the best but at least she is actually happy doing what she do. Also she has a great interaction with her audience, she doesn't put you pressure on donating her and despite always being considered towards her audience she is not afraid of trolling people like with her dead Labrador moment. If you don't have a problem with the chicken voice and her being trying to hard at times (leading to some cringe moments) she is quite funny to watch.

>> No.18230542

Reine, Kronii if you want the ayame experience.

>> No.18230587
Quoted by: >>18230645

The Ayame experience is coming back once a month to collect $$$. Kronii may not stream much but she's just a bit menhera and didn't handle well the role of being the most subbed of her gen.

>> No.18230645

>didn't handle well the role of being the most subbed of her gen.
How is that a bad thing for her? Is it really what makes her "depressed" and such? It doesn't make sense.

>> No.18230658

Kiara's great and consistent, a cure for a long day

>> No.18230759

Too many eyes on her just for having a pretty voice and model. Neurotic people like her don't handle impostor syndrome well. She was a total wreck the first months and I'm sure was debuffing herself on purpose, but I listened to her twitter spaces last week after a while of not watching her and she was quite sweet and composed, definitely handling this better than 6 months ago

>> No.18230778

its just her personality, dont think shes depressed at all, but she is very anxious, and cant handle pressure too well, that pushes her towards stress when streaming and lack of drive/initiative.

>> No.18230800

Amelia H. Watson. She invented vtubing.

>> No.18230801

Myth: past their prime, phoning it in
Ame: burned out, disillusioned, wishes she could quit.
Ina: a horrible cunt who hates her fans.
Kiara: annoying and unwatchable, but actually has a work ethic.
Mori: cringe wigger who mocks her fans as cucks.
Gura: super talented, but wishes she had a sexy model and could act more mature

Council: streams a total of 3 hours a week collectively.
Sana: awful in every way. Ugly model, terrible voice, terrible streams.
Kronii: doesn't talk much, has emotional issues and identity issues. Never streams.
Baelz: annoying with a terrible voice.
Mumei: boring and dumb disguised as cute.
Fauna: pretty good, but never streams. Kind of boring and stale

Watch other companies. Hololive is not very good

>> No.18230861

>Watch other companies.
Like cum gurgling whores of Vshojo. Or completely forgotten and obsolete NijiEN girls.

>> No.18230881


>> No.18230892

Ironmouse and Connor

>> No.18230912


>> No.18230934

t. malding holonigger

>> No.18230975

Pippa Pipkin. Reject Hololive. Reject Ninisanji. Watch PC or indies and never look back.

>> No.18230990

It really depends what you want
Chill streams - Ina
A lot of stream to watch - Kiara
Cuteness overload - Gura
Creativity/autistic tastes and weird sounds - Ame
Lean - Mori

>> No.18231068
Quoted by: >>18267856


>> No.18231095

Gura. Witty and stupid at the same time but very entertaining. Also very cute when she feels like it, would head pat.

Ina is extremily comfy but her calm demeanor is considered too slow by many. I personally think she's great and she's the most relatable out of all of Holo EN. Would hang with and talk about weeb things.

>> No.18231156

This nigga doesn't watch streams

>> No.18231162
File: 88 KB, 496x395, kakun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She unironically doesn't care how much you donate because she's dumb, she just recognizes you if you make a lot of comments. This fucker pays barely 20 cents an SC and she greets him like he's a mainstay of kfp or some shit.

>> No.18231205

>good streamers

>middle of the road


>> No.18231251

Pippa's mic set-up sounds so bad, it's kind of hard to listen to her at times. It sounds like she's either 30 feet away from her computer, or in a massive room with no furniture while also having a shitty mic. I'm not sure which one.

>> No.18231281

Fauna, Gura, Ame

>> No.18231303

That's kinda nice. She just wants you to show up and say something no matter how little or how big you donate

>> No.18231305

>How to bait (You)s 101: say blatantly false bullshit with a bit of truth mixed in here and there
Here is your (you), now go graduate from life.

>> No.18231359

They're all good, most gripes are minor things like not streaming much. The only major complaint is Mori getting too close to e-celebs who are kinda assholes.

>> No.18231433

The first time I’d ever heard of her was the stream where she made fun of Ethan Ralph’s gunt, but she’s pretty cute besides that.

>> No.18231569

I'm glad someone else said it because I feel like no one else can tell how bad it is. She also doesn't have a pop filter, which you can make with a coat hanger and a nylon so it's not like I'm saying she needs to buy a $400 SM7b, she just needs to give a shit which she doesn't.
Gura's popular for a reason. Despite this board's inherent prejudices the HoloEN girls all have audiences to whom they appeal. For me, the best english-speaking vtuber of all is Amiya Aranha from Tsunderia.

>> No.18231659


>> No.18231740
Quoted by: >>18258984

I don’t think I’ve seen a single person mention a NijiEN3.
I’d feel bad if all 4 of them weren’t so mediocre.

>> No.18231773

It really does grow on you after a while. Hopefully her next outfit will alleviate the model debuff a bit.

>> No.18231821
File: 1.61 MB, 1478x1500, 1637000112452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18231847

Unironically this, if you already familiar with HololiveJP, Kiwawa going to be good for starter.

>> No.18231856

Also gura and mumei are good collabs for the previously mentioned

>> No.18232211
Quoted by: >>18232348


Ame: only good if you dont follow her too close, motivation low, crazy abused fanbase who are too afraid of holding her accountable and everything is "ameway"

Ina : consistent, relaxed, good schedule, good for background noise, good at games.

Kiara : dedicated, hard worked and stubborn, good streams and very open about personal life and daily chit chat.

Mori : fake and disloyal, doesnt want to be there, focusing on side projects and only cash in with the holo account.

Gura: cute, funny, but lazy, dirty minded, looks like having fun but too misterious, cant ever know what shes truly feeling.

Irys: good at games, good at talking, good at singing, appears innocent, doesnt push too hard but tries to keep an schedule and consistency, big debuff is being close to Mori, can be forced into retarded situations.

Sana: lost cause, no respect for streaming

Kronii: good and unique personality, panders to paypigs and favorites, anxiety always at maximum, afraid of streaming.

Baelz : hard worker, creative, motivated, laugh is too weird, also same debuff as irys from being close to Mori

Mumei: too random, schedule all over the place but not as bad as ame but similar, dont follow to close or you will be disappointed.

Fauna: good schedule, consistent content, smart, sweet voice, good at games, good background noise.

>> No.18232348
Quoted by: >>18232653

>Kronii: good and unique personality

>> No.18232415
Quoted by: >>18232840

None of the holoEN
They your luck with nijiEN

>> No.18232653

Her >I want to kill myself attitude is hit or miss
But acting high and mighty to immediately spill spaghetti afterwards is endearing

>> No.18232779

Gura, Mumei, Kronii. The rest is pretty hit or miss depending on your taste.

>> No.18232840

nijien suck
just watch holoen or check out some small corpos if you want decent alternatives to holo there is a few good talents hidden around there

>> No.18233030

No. Get fucked.

>> No.18233186

Out of HoloEN only Gura, Ame, Fauna, and Mumei are worth watching.

>> No.18233311
Quoted by: >>18233454

Pomu Rainpuff

Selen Tatsuki

Nobody cares about these

Amelia Watson

Nanashi Mumei
(& IRyS)


>> No.18233454

Based answer,

Though.. Hakos is growing on me.

>> No.18233459

I'd say all of EN is hit or miss except Gura

I may be called bait but after a year and a half I can say she's literally the perfect vtuber. Cute, good voice, entertaining, good at(some) games, good personality, good at singing, good at talking, good at collabs, handles bait, antis and clout chasers with grace, shows a nice ammount of love for her fans, her membership is great, and genuinely seems to enjoy the job. And she makes it all look effortless. She's the undisputed #1 because she's good at everything that makes a vtuber good. Hell I'm a complete hipster and even I think she's great.

Literally the only reasons to dislike her are if you want someone high effort since she makes it all look so easy with half of the effort, or if you want parasocial since she often goes on 3 day breaks and some fucks here start going psycho from the lack of tweets

>> No.18233564

My only real complaint with Gura is her lack of willingness (maybe due to fear?) to collab with Holo JP more. I forgot how long we waited for her first outside EN collab but it felt like forever (Bonus points for Gura picking Anya though, appreciate her not going for the easy fruit but choosing someone who needed the help).

>> No.18233591

Gura and Fauna

>> No.18233703

She should stream more, that's her biggest weakness. She's not council level, nor do I want her to stream as much as the orange woman but she definitely should stream more or longer.

>> No.18233782
Quoted by: >>18235355


>> No.18233867
Quoted by: >>18234056

I remember when "trinity" used to be recommended all the time. Now Ina is missed out and only Ame and Gura are mentioned. I guess you can't really go wrong with those two, but there are other HoloEN's which are good too. Give them all a try (if you have the time obviously) and then come up with your own favorite.
My first recommendations would be Bae, Fauna, IRyS, Ame and Gura.

>> No.18233889

Please watch EN vtubers outside of Hololive and Nijisanji and VShojo

>> No.18233963

>get the GFE experience for less than McWages
What a bargain!

>> No.18233983

Kronii is the Shion experience.

>> No.18234008


>> No.18234035

All HoloEN, 1 and 2 and Irys are good, they all have their own niche

>> No.18234056

What went wrong with Ina??

>> No.18234105
Quoted by: >>18234271

She dislikes her fanbase. Remember the NASFAQ billboard in NYC Times SQuare that her fans brought for her? Yeah she didn't even show any emotion to that.

>> No.18234141

I couldn’t tolerate Kiara at debit and now she’s my fave. Helps she streams daytime NA so I can put her on at work. Streams often for long hours, great chat interaction which she rules with an iron fist. But I think the reason I like her best (and why Ina is my second fave) is that she does this all without a drop of irony. She’s a huge idol fag and holofag and has enough self awareness to keep her parasocial tendencies under control. You know that sense of thinly veiled contempt some vtubers let slip? (Some more often than others. Cough.). There’s none of that with her. I firmly believe if she ever found a bf/gf she wouldn’t be able to resist talking about it with kfp.

For this and many other reasons I really, really can’t wait for her and Reine to vacation in the Maldives.

>> No.18234271
Quoted by: >>18234537

speaking as one of the artists that sent are to taht, that was over the top in retrospect

>> No.18234302

everyone except gura, watson and morii. anyyoing women.

>> No.18234317

Nothing, she's as lovely as ever. She's just had a very unlucky start of the year. Internet troubles and being sick.

>> No.18234537
Quoted by: >>18242409

She should've faked some emotions, imagine how her fans must've felt after going through all that just to get a monotonous "Arigato"

Also please phrase your sentence better. I could barely understand you.

>> No.18234579

Kiara, Amelia and Ina

>> No.18234656

>Super talented
Found the delusional cumbuddy

>> No.18234976

Completely focusing on her other job right now since things are picking up for her there. Since her eggs are in another basket, her stream quality suffers. Stopped doing art content almost entirely, never got close to her fans at all, and just uses the job as paid rest time where she gets paid for playing games

>> No.18235090

Mori "Lemme cuck ya" Calliope
Amelia "Tommy hort" Watson
Ninomae "I hate you" Ina'nis
Takanashi "Chicken Little" Kiara
Gawr "Just cunny" Gura

Tsukumo "Literally who IV3P0" Sana
Ouro "Boohoo Woe is me" Kronii
Ceres "Watching grass grow" Fauna

Otherwise, I found Baelz and Mumei to be good although the latter is still in university.

>> No.18235107
Quoted by: >>18235323

Where did the Tako's touch you, bro? Did you feel violated?

>> No.18235142


>> No.18235223

Ina is pathetic.
The only way she can contribute to Hololive is art. She never went out of her way to do something worthwhile

>> No.18235295
File: 529 KB, 678x902, NinomaeInaSelfPortrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18235323

What? I watched a lot of Ina and eventually I got bored and that's my take on why her content was highly regarded before but not anymore. Call me when she starts Inacademy again, which was THE content that got me into vtubers. I think replaying her old videos is worthwhile if you wanna get into EN vtubers but current Ina not so much.

Anon that's just hateful. You can criticise someone's content without insulting them.

>> No.18235355

Oh sorry. ame, gura, and fauna.

>> No.18236362

Whoever suits your tastes or whose voice you like the most. That's pretty much it, like with anything. Give them a try, they all have something good to offer.
General concensus is that Gura is good, Fauna is fine, Irys is improving, and Kiara is Kino.

>> No.18237881

Bump for the thread that's not complete bait

>> No.18238118
Quoted by: >>18238278

Myth is absolute shit compared to Council. Amelia Watson is a trash pig whore whose cucks will unironically defend 3 months of nothing but Apex, Oblivion, and SC readings. Kiara remains boring dogshit. Mori Calliope is Mori Calliope. Ina remains a sleep aid. Gura is okay but you're sharing a chuuba with 5-year-old trannies.
Stick to IRyS and Council. Both are infinitely better.

>> No.18238278

Found a cumbuddy council fan, those are rare.

>> No.18238383

>because she's dumb
Or maybe she doesn't give a shit?

>> No.18238596
Quoted by: >>18240470

Kiara can't improve more than she has already, that's her problem.
Gura improving? Since when?
-Never learned japanese
-Still at 5% effort
-Can't get past her confort zone
-Leeches off Mori for songs
-Leeches off Anelia for projects
-Leeches off Council for collabs

Try again when she actually improves

>> No.18238682
File: 257 KB, 799x813, 1642943853597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18238829
Quoted by: >>18239149

Mumei, Gura, Kiara, Irys, Fauna, and Baelz are the only ones who are really consistently good. Reine isn't an EN but she gets an honorary mention.
Ame has some really killer streams but she's suffers with creative burn out and health issues, so you're really rolling a dice with her.
Kronii and Ina are kinda boring, but some people like that, and you might be as well.
Sana is EN Ayame. Calliope is wigger yab machine.

All the Niji EN's are really good, but if you like JP's then Rosemi and Pomu. they honestly deserve the hype they get

>> No.18238839
Quoted by: >>18239094

Mumei and Kronii are the definition of hit or miss, personally I tried multiple times and I've yet to see a hit.

>> No.18238884

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Kiara. What the fuck happened?

>> No.18239094

Don't bother trying, it's always a miss

>> No.18239149

I like JPs and Rosemi is a boring retard and Pomu is obnoxious ragie wagie that anons defend only because she has good taste and interests which is honestly not much at all. No, I don't care if she quit her job, she's still fucking obnoxious.
Elira is pretty good, Finana not so much but gets a pass from me for a very cute voice. I can't stand Selen. I only watch piano streams from Petra but she's pretty cute. Enna and Reimu are really good singers but they never fucking sing and they are too loud and crass. Millie's model filters me HARD. Nina is good and all of the boys are pretty good.

>> No.18239156
Quoted by: >>18239808

Kiara's problems were never about her content, it was her stupid insecurity and rude numberfagging + being annoying at collabs. She acknowledged these issues and solved them

>> No.18239321
Quoted by: >>18239808

When people realized how lazy other members of EN were, they started fetishizing effort, which was the thing that people found annoying about Kiara initially.
She also stopped number fagging

>> No.18239808
Quoted by: >>18241659

I will never understand the mentality that a streamer shouldn't be allowed to openly numberfag. The idea that it's somehow disrespectful to acknowledge that some things you do are more successful relative to other projects is complete madness. Streaming is LITERALLY a numbers game, creating content on the internet in general is numbers, especially if it's literally your related to your livelihood and future prospects.
I simply find it baffling that JP Holos can numberfag just as much, if not more, but suddenly it's only jarring when it's done in English? Every streamer is a numberfag at heart, streaming is inherently about attention and how much of it you have, if they aren't then they're either retarded or experiencing extreme cognitive dissonance.

>> No.18239907


>> No.18239984

Hey, Pomu is ok.

>> No.18240013

all nijiENs collab with their cringy faggot fujo-bait dudes this days that whole side is out of the game for true fans.

>> No.18240362
Quoted by: >>18240859

This but unironically. Although I haven’t really watched Irys.

>> No.18240470

Shhh. Don't remind chumbuds that their oshi is actually just as lazy as ever. They are happy thinking she's on some big motivation streak. Just like the other times she's streamed for a week and then goes missing with an illness.

>> No.18240859
Quoted by: >>18241333

You should, she's the best out of all of them.

>> No.18241004

I like Ina, she's not just a different vibe to Hololive English, but Hololive in general. She's by the book "the quiet one", always the best when it's time to roast someone and get cheeky.

And her exact opposite is Baelz who I think is honestly hidden MVP of the council, she brings the most energy into the group, because, like, fuck, Mumei is second Gura, Twig is second Ina, Kronii is second Mori but not shitty. And Sana is there, just like Kiara. But I do have to admit, Bae is good in small doses, her relentless energy can be overwhelming.

>> No.18241200

Sana is great if you like someone who does endurance streams and is constantly bubbly throughout. She has really infectious energy and a really cute laugh, but also knows how to play games well. The dry periods are rough though, but her roommate's job is probably why things can get so sparse at times.

>> No.18241333

This, right here, is your ONE chance to sell Irys. What is her equivalent to the Kronii-Fauna Minecraft escape and descent into madness arc, the magnum opus of EN Hololove?

>> No.18241659

Keep coping, chickenshit. Being a tryhard is why Kiara will always be mediocre at best.

>> No.18241694

She's in the McDonald's bathroom

>> No.18241739
Quoted by: >>18242152

Gura is only good to a very specific, non serious type of content, all the streams where something serious is happening in front of the screen she does something retarded that ruins the mood.
>DMC emotional, serious lore moments
>SOMA entire stream series
>Misses the entire point of the psychological themes
Keep her away from anything remotely emotional/serious/deep and shes a keeper. Also this is more of a personal take but she gives me anxiety when the path ahead is right on her face and she still misses it, its frustrating. It was funny the first times, not so much after the 1000th.

>> No.18242005
File: 37 KB, 783x773, 1614851975959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina: a horrible cunt who hates her fans.
>She dislikes her fanbase
>Ninomae "I hate you" Ina'nis
As a tako, what did I miss?

>> No.18242059
Quoted by: >>18242154

Do you honestly expect a genuine answer or do you just want to laugh at some idiot

>> No.18242142
Quoted by: >>18242204

they are flipping out because she jokingly said nerds were lame (while admitting shes a nerd herself) the biggest overreaction i have ever seen, still baffles me how long people hold a grudge for such a stupid thing.

>> No.18242152

>It was funny the first times, not so much after the 1000th.
This is one of the reasons why I stopped watching her. Her shtick got boring pretty fast.

>> No.18242154
Quoted by: >>18242320

Genuine, either Im missing some rrat or people are projecting on her. One way to find out.

>> No.18242196
Quoted by: >>18242946

Kiara, the rest of Myth is all garbage except for maybe Gura and Amelia. Stay away from Mori and Ina because they despise her fans.
Irys is... okay, I guess.
Council is mostly okay, but beware: Kronii is a feminazi.

From Niji, Rosemi, Nina and Pomu are alright. Nina is a feminazi but at least is professional and does her job correctly.

>> No.18242204

>baffles me how long people hold a grudge
Are you stupid enough to think these are grudge-holders instead of shitposters?

>> No.18242205
Quoted by: >>18242317

she had sex with Connor on stream

>> No.18242311

Gulty Gear stream with Mori "my fans are cucks" Calliope has all the answers you need.

>> No.18242317

She even showed pictures of the filled up condom. It's true.

>> No.18242320

All I know is that I want Ina and Sana to collab again, it's fun seeing them both act so different

>> No.18242392

Ina and Watson are my favorites. Ina streams are nice and chill but you could say they're low energy as a negative. Watson is funny and high energy but she has a slightly abrasive nature that can put some off. Honestly I mostly like them because their voices are the least grating to my ears.

>> No.18242409

i mean people put your avatar on NYC Times Square, money is most definitely would be spent better elsewhere, heck something lower budget with more heart would've gotten better reception from her, it's just pointless throwing money around.

>> No.18242429

>2 streams of hour and half
Cant I just get a rundown.

>> No.18242461

Even if she actually said that she's still right

>> No.18242500

Calli said 'my viewers are cucks.' Ina replied with 'they can't compare to mine' They both laugh

>> No.18242533

Anya despite her god awful timeslot, she's actually quite fun.

>> No.18242541

Fauna, Gura, Ame

>> No.18242600

kek that's pretty based

>> No.18242641

People that don't like her are using the slump in her content to spread old rrats.

>> No.18242694
Quoted by: >>18242921

tl;dw she openly said her fans are fucking loser idiots. Essentially biting the hand that allows her to not be a wagie.
When the heat was too much, she made a shitty insincere apology.
Don't be fooled by her facade. She absolutely hates her fans and is only manipulating them for money.

>> No.18242741

A lot of people have been realizing that there are other vtubers that fill the same niches as her, while appealing to their audience a little more than Ina does.
Very little interactions with her audience between twitter and members' posts for the last couple of months while most of the posts being very business-like.
Unfortunate circumstance about a chronic breathing problem as well as internet problems happening back to back.
The only member's content recently is a Blue Period watchalong that has spanned from October 17th till now, with only a photoshoot stream inbetween, along with a 1 minute short posted for members as well.

If you want to be a dramafag and take things out of context, there is an interaction between Ina and Mori's audience where she teases them for wasting their time watching vtubers, while most likely not realizing that it affected a lot more people than she expected, drawn out of proportion by her apologizing instead of just shrugging it off, says it's an AOE effect.
As well as saying that takos should not treat Ina as the reason they wake up or plan their lives around her, which people exaggerate to Ina saying that you shouldn't miss her and that she doesn't care that people wait patiently and excitedly for her return from her two long breaks in a row.
Roommate's account is active and shows that she's still drawing actively rather than "being a potato" as she said during her internet problem hiatus and return stream.

>> No.18242868

You don't watch holo en

>> No.18242921

I see, thats really fucking minor issue if you ask me. But can see how it can affect those too emotionally invested. Alright thanks.
>Roommate's account is active and shows that she's still drawing actively rather than "being a potato" as she said during her internet problem hiatus and return stream.
Isnt the potato that never leaves home just a persona, pretty sure IRL shes pretty socially active and workaholic.

>> No.18242946

Lotta completely random asspulls in this one.

>> No.18242977

To add on, some people has raised concerns or rather boredom that after such a long hiatus, Ina has returned to pokemon and blue period streams and people feel owed for at least some more entertaining or better content than just regressing to the same content she had before she left on a hiatus.

>> No.18243044
File: 261 KB, 1280x1838, takogeki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid promotion guilty gear stream
>not even good guilty gear one
>going in with mori and ina playing
>none of them even remotely good at games
>sperg over quality of their gameplay
>become the butt of the joke
>continue to sperg over it months after on /vt/
Goddamn, you had all the opportunities in the world to turn back, yet you still chased that L. Get rekt nerd.

>> No.18243054

She never leaves her home because both her jobs involve staring at her PC for hours, that part is true. But she's really well connected and friendly. The part of her character of joining Hololive to "finally make friends" was just lip service. You don't appeal to nerds by saying you are really successful at everything you do lol.

>> No.18243096

The drawing actively thing is her actual job.
Chumps are bitching about her because she jokingly said things they know, deep down, are true.

>> No.18243172
Quoted by: >>18243354

>Calli said 'my viewers are cucks.'
She never said this

>> No.18243315

I'm starting to think so too. I always have my biases about the big popular e-celeb but it seems the simple truth is that lots of people like gura. Vtubering isn't fucked up enough to have an insane manipulative rich kid running the show quite yet.

>> No.18243329
Quoted by: >>18243557

Because so many people are blowing it out of proportion, this is the link to the exact time the exchange between Ina and Mori's audience happened, remember that this wasn't intended to be directed to takos.
Afterwards she apologized at the start of her bastion stream
Saying that it applies to her as well as her audience and she realized that so she's apologizing.
This is true because Ina definitely watches vtubers a lot, proving that she actually watches streams multiple times, even HoloJP girls, which she really admires.
If people think that she really means harm with those words, then she is really into self-harm.

>> No.18243354

Yeah, I was paraphrasing. Her exact quote:
"Yeah dawg. I know. Yeah. But ya know? Sometimes you just want a good dick, feel me? And get a good dick while someone watches on the side, y'know? I'm sure chat would be willing for the second part."

>> No.18243419


>> No.18243506
File: 363 KB, 1827x2436, 1640315741414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me of a preferably cute and funny EN ones that will motivate me to draw more

>> No.18243557

Lol so thats it? that aint even harsh, and shes actually right on her statement. You are all a bunch of emotionally invested pussies.
>Chad priestess vs virgin viewer
Thanks for the timestamp.

>> No.18243604
Quoted by: >>18244331

Gura is the best vtuber of all time

>> No.18244299
File: 2.13 MB, 209x207, 1644386570223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go for a score since you've set it up so nicely for me.

>> No.18244331

Opposite day was last month, Anon.

>> No.18244627
Quoted by: >>18248004

Everybody has yabs but nobody ever has timestamps

>> No.18244710
Quoted by: >>18244811

If you mean Cute and fUNNY, none of the drawing vtubers I watch are lolis. They are all either well endowed or act like adults.

If you want someone cute that's also funny in the regular sense of the words, I like Saruei. She's pretty fun if you can tolerate her french accent and a bit more sexual humor due to being french.

>> No.18244811
File: 20 KB, 635x477, chris-hansen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"act like" adults
But do they look like adults, sir? I'm going to need to see your browsing history.

>> No.18245167
File: 61 KB, 768x768, 1632461835885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amelia watson

>> No.18245595
File: 83 KB, 290x346, 1632274196259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura, Ina, maybe Bae? The rest are medium at best (Fauna/Irys), cancerous (Kiara/Mori) or completely forgettable.

>> No.18245701

>sweet / caring personality
>interacts with fans and other gens frequently
>kinda sovl in how she tries her best and falls flat a lot of the time
>understands her role as an 'idol'
>probably is actually grateful for her fans
>occasional cringe lesbionic jokes that go on too long
>you'll wish she'd just use her real voice
>turbo autism, constant spaghetti
>laid back and open minded
>probably /here/, or has been at one point (knows "Boss Nigger" for example)
>has been playing jump king for months at this point
>not-so-low key dislikes her fans, only sticks around for her genmates
>has been playing jump king for months at this point
>gentle personality, comfy streams
>secretly a shithead, revels in chaos in collabs
>probably actually the best singer of the group
>flat chest (dainty / petite / feminine!)
>fairly low energy
>gameplay commentary is limited to saying "oisha" over and over
>extremely creative
>unashamedly herself, will make you gosling from time to time
>wacky 'that one girl' sense of humor
>silly voice
>has gerd
>clams up during collabs
>this is especially bad when collabing with JPs; she basically just makes grunting noises at them
>goofy, shitposter sense of humor
>soul incarnate voice / face combo makes anything she says funny to me
>screams sound like a small dog yipping
>highly self-aware
>has some idiot savant tendencies
>says the things nobody else has the hairy greasy nutsack to say
>flat chest (fragile / elegant!)
>is a ukelele girl
>like amelia, clams up during collabs

>> No.18245745

Can't do this for EN2, don't know them well enough and honestly don't really watch them
Mumei's good though

>> No.18246248
Quoted by: >>18246324

Hey wait, a balanced opinion without whiteknighing or shitflinging?
There's a few points here I'd disagree with, but cudos for not being insane.

>> No.18246324

I like them all to some degree, they each bring something different to the table

>> No.18246676
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x1024, 1644538022357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always enjoy watching her. Never a miss with my oshi. She's a sweet caring girl and watching her feels really good.

If you are looking for comfy and be relaxed, you can try Ina. She'll set you up right.

If you are looking for energetic streams and top effort you can also try Kiara.

Those are my suggestions.

>> No.18246807

That is literally it.

>> No.18246835
File: 64 KB, 599x474, 5r8hu7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gawr Gura
Ceres Fauna
Nanashi Mumei

>> No.18246842

Sanest /vt/ard.
I kneel.

>> No.18246878

This would have been a lot funnier if you came up with a better bait for Gura. Everyone knows she is a lolicon.

>> No.18246896

>Which English vtubers are the good ones?
Let me list them for you:

>> No.18246905

>thread is mostly Myth and Council recommendations
>basically no EN small company suggestions
It's really hard to recommend someone to watch people who barely stream, unless you really want them to become a VOD main.

>> No.18246953

Ame, Rosemi and unironically Nyanners.

>> No.18247026

That's the one. Wonderfully done

>> No.18247047

>probably actually the best singer of the group
You cannot possibly think this, like it's genuinely so wrong that it almost completely invalidates the rest of what you've said, it is that horrendously incorrect.

>> No.18247071

Ame, Elira, Pomu, Finana, Selen

>> No.18247105
Quoted by: >>18247153

don't be a drama queen

>> No.18247153
Quoted by: >>18247244

She's the 2nd worst singer in Myth, even most of Council is better than her.

>> No.18247237

Gawr Gura and Rosemi Lovelock

>> No.18247244
Quoted by: >>18247337

No one in Council can sing, come on now.
At least Ina can pretend better

>> No.18247337

Bae and Mumei are both definitively better than her. I guess saying "most" is incorrect, just 2/5
Gura, Mori and Kiara are all much better at singing than her. She's only better than Ame, Kronii, Fauna and Sana.

>> No.18247375

the ones in nijisanji

>> No.18247402

Ame and only Ame

>> No.18247530

>Ame is instant out
>Kiara is out too
We left with mori, gura and ina
Mori has been at it for god knows how many years but she is still not that good and from my understanding training will not help to sufficiently elevate her vocals, gura has pretty nice voice but still very much dorm-chick-with-a-guitar-anyway-heres-wonderwall vibe. Ina, factually is worse then both of them, yet i feel like she would have best results with proper formal training, but since her body apparently can't handle it i'd just say that Myth has no singers and leave it at that.

>> No.18247594

please do not watch bae

>> No.18247622
Quoted by: >>18248015

>Kiara is out too
Kiara is better at singing in every conceivable way compared to Ina, don't be delusional. Ina singing is too weak and she has almost no range whatsoever, she sings like she's out of breath.

>> No.18247733

Ame is out but i love her soulful singing. She has fun with it at least, even went for 3 hours once.

Kiara sings decently, don't know why you are putting her out

>> No.18247773
File: 183 KB, 480x401, 1643279495919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good farm, at least it was kinda funny this time
Take it

>> No.18248004
Quoted by: >>18248131

Anon, they're shitposting and you're too retarded to pick up on how obvious it is.

>> No.18248015

>she sings like she's out of breath
>her body can't handle it
I've already mentioned it, recent coff confirms that even more
>Kiara is out
i decided to not elaborate on this but my 2 cents - her character voice is straight up atrocious as soon as it gets higher in tonality and she stumbles all over the beat in her karaokes. Her songs are so overproduced that they don't contribute to her case too. But yes, she is better than ina technically.

>> No.18248131

>"you're too retarded to pick up on the obvious"
>doesn't pick up on the obvious
I don't know how you managed to get this far with 40iq but I think you should end it here

>> No.18249199

Honestly it depends what you're into. Each HoloEN brings something to the table. Calli is a yab at the moment but the others are all fine. Mumei's my oshi, her, Gura and Kiara are all pretty well liked, I'd suggest try those three for now and if they aren't what you're looking for there are 8 more to try

>> No.18250386
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Snuffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which English vtubers are the good ones?
Snuffy is cute and funny.

>> No.18250831
File: 1.08 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20220107-161715_Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nadechama, master of Zatsu.
Very cute, very endearing.

>> No.18251878

I tried watching every corpo chuuba big and small, so you I could cater to your likes if you say which JP you watch
Since you've only watched HoloJP, I'd recommend starting with EN girls who resemble those HoloJPs, ideally even speaking JP and singing well
Irys - HoloEN closest to JP, vsinger
Ina - the most chill holo, she was the first EN who I accepted
Baelz - if you don't mind her irritating voice, I do mind
Rosemi - sweetheart creativedad would fit in well with holoJP
Elira - big jpfag, likes vocaloid, anime/manga, jp music and whatnot, great singer
Pomu - idolfag, good game variety
Amiya - EN Korone, great singer
Hanabi - sleepy wolf, great singer
>phase connect
Uruka - music oriented chill bear, if you like Luna's piano streams you might like this one
Pandora - idolfag
Chapipi - creative gremlin, great singer
Rita - wholesome mom type, even more than Mio I want to breed Mio
Nene - safest bet since she puts in the hours and is the most popular, does gfe if you like that kind of thing

t. former HoloJP purist

>> No.18252989

Not exactly EN but I fucking love Pikamee.

>> No.18255663

Why is GERD a pro??

>> No.18256724

Depends. What are you looking for, OP? Who do you like that you've tried previously, and why?

>> No.18258984
Quoted by: >>18260730

Nina and Enna>The entirety of council

>> No.18260717

Fairly accurate. Nobody else is any better though, you could write equally scathing descriptions of vshojo and nijien

>> No.18260730

I'd sooner watch a 3d thot than Nina, she has the most rancid voice I've ever heard from a woman and her personality/kayfabe is vomit inducing
But whatever floats your boat anon

>> No.18263081
Quoted by: >>18263369

Unironically the Nijisanji ones.

>> No.18263369
File: 131 KB, 1200x849, E7Gr5YjXsAkwDDw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18263819

Got recomended a western vtuber clip the other day and its just some bitch voice just cussing fuck fuck fuck during a game (not a compilation)
Bitches thinking she's fly cuz she got a fake face on and can just say whatever. The state of american women

>> No.18263942

The fuck word is funny when a pretend anime girl says it so you have to laugh.

>> No.18266863

How do you cope with the voices? They all kinda slur their words/talk like children to try to sound cute, but it just makes them sound like they're mentally challenged.
Maybe it gets better with time watched...

>> No.18267856
File: 330 KB, 572x514, rosemi.rest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, I watcher rosemi one time because she played tf2, and now I think I'm starting to like her more, this gave me the energy boost of a lifetime

>> No.18268173

they all belong in a jeff bezos hot tub

>> No.18270846

Rosemi Lovecock.
