>> | No.18134508 File: 815 KB, 887x922, 1608725942295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >wake up >board is in shambles >"your oshi could be next anon!" >your oshi is a shut-in barely functioning pervball who just wants to play video games with her 10 gens of friends >she's the ponkotsu streamer who likes to do re-enactions and situations as CVs have been her idols in the past and eroge influenced her >but she's also your onee-san at the other side of the bar table serving you a good time of unwind on the weekends >went through a lot >you'd just want her to be happy anyways >marriage would also make her mom happy >so it will make me happy, whenever it happens >she loves her job enough she'll probably continue feels good man luv miko and her merry band of friends