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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18008007 No.18008007 [Reply] [Original]

memes aside, is she the ONLY holo, let alone vtuber, that has EVER described being vtuber as a "job" and complained about it as much as she has?
its just something about that rubs me the wrong way. is she not enjoying it? is she saying she has to work, as in, her relationship with deadbeats is a lie and she hates us?
please, I cant stop thinking about it. what did she mean by this????

>> No.18008045
Quoted by: >>18011402

>she the ONLY holo, let alone vtuber, that has EVER described being vtuber as a "job"
>Also the least professional.

>> No.18008062

She hates you, and you’re too much of a little beta faggot to accept it.

>> No.18008072
Quoted by: >>18010272

She's a "workaholic" but all her jobs are just multiple ways of expressing how hard she worked to get her jobs

>> No.18008081
Quoted by: >>18011255

Cuckbeats are a bunch or beta incels yesman. I dont blame her for hating them

>> No.18008145
Quoted by: >>18011255

i can't blame her for hating the cuckbeats. everyone hates the cuckbeats. they're indefensible. but i also hate calli because she sucks shit lmao

>> No.18008231

She applied as a meme
She doesn't care about vtubbing nor does she respect her senpai, she thinks it's cringe and beneath her
Thats why she used alcohol to cope for her situation, and lashed out at bait because it struck a nerve

>> No.18008284
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Quoted by: >>18010064

Mori mindset is the reverse of pikamee.
Pikamee refuses to believe that streaming is a job, since she's having fun streaming and job shouldn't be fun

>> No.18008285

Nobody is obligated to enjoy their job. Work is just a means to get money for more drugs.

>> No.18008291

>what did she mean by this?
It's not that hard, she's an entitled white bitch, she wants all of the money from her "job", but none of the obligations, and the "fans" are just ATMs for her

>> No.18008407

>Puts too much on her plate
>Becomes stressed from too much work
>Hates her job
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Sounds like she would hate any job she had unless her job was just spitting crappy lyrics.

>> No.18008811

She only uses Vtubing as a stepping stone for her rap "career." We've been saying this since 2020 but I guess recent events have woken some people up. The biggest mistake Cover has ever done was reject Pomu's application for Calli's, but I can't put the blame on Cover but rather Western culture for elevating rap at a ridiculously high plateau that companies feel the need to pander to wiggers of the lowest denominator. Americans were a fucking mistake.

>> No.18009700

>"I'm your Mori hope you remember me"
>Is remembered rent-free 24/7 in the minds of schizo 4chan antis
She's been winning since day 1

>> No.18009815

We don't want her either man. We bullied her out of the country

>> No.18009938

It's mutual, that shitpost SC that managed to send her into a weeks long bender will live rent free in her head for the rest of her life.
Shame about the 99% rest of her cuckbrap fanbase though, all that money sent and she dismisses it "big ups dood, moving on..." without much further thought, but one tame "anti" SC gets so much of her attention, how will cuckbraps ever compete? The biggest space in her head is of course reserved for thinking about sucking that sweet sweet eceleb dick, then some space for "owning da haterz", and last her actual fans occupy so little space or concern in her head that it might as well be called a cuckshed

>> No.18010064

Trust Pika! She is 100% not saying that because its her job. I enjoy her content too but "come now, Jon! Surely you can't be that naive"

>> No.18010069

Anon, every Corpochuuba, especially Hololive and Nijisanju has an employment contract, so by definition they are people that their job is being a vtuber.

>> No.18010272

You mean "alcoholic", right?

>> No.18010356

When you can't manage your job without a drink they're the same thing.

>> No.18010403
Quoted by: >>18026341

>The biggest mistake Cover has ever done was reject Pomu's application for Calli's

But go back

>> No.18010407
Quoted by: >>18010925

She literally said it's 5% of her life
She literally admitted she applied as a joke


>> No.18010925

I wonder how those who lost their spot to this bitch feel today. Those who actually would have given a fuck, who actually wanted to do this and done it with passion. Shame.

>> No.18011230

I don't know how anybody could be so unsatisfied with a job so easy and that makes so much fucking money. Bitch makes thousands of dollars per stream and have even made her roommate's career to blow up too. The roommate did a 2 hours stream the other day that already has like a million views and all she did was low key complain about Hololive and her supposedly hard live... And this is someone that basically has everything and still complains about it.

>> No.18011255

This. Not even deadbeats like themselves.

>> No.18011305

How do you know pomu applied?

>> No.18011315
Quoted by: >>18011391

Ask Pomu

>> No.18011334

Spoiled white girl problems

>> No.18011365

They were probably worse.

>> No.18011391

It feels odd seeing the Mori that we would know in an alternate future is a fucking maid at the same time.

>> No.18011402

>least professional holo
Well, who’s the most professional then?

>> No.18011415

Don't care about mori just hate TT

>> No.18011564


>> No.18011602
File: 1.12 MB, 960x540, 1643918360834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. I fixed Myth

>> No.18011613
Quoted by: >>18017566

get Mel to pick EN3,
Fire Omega

>> No.18011634
File: 279 KB, 372x500, 1643001883828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the whole stream. she says basically what you said, but from her own perspective - like "I know I have everything, why am I still sad!!"
she fails to see that the reason she is sad is because she has something she never wanted. she had no interest in vtubing or video games before hololive. she is a musician. the reason she is sad is because she is doing things she doesnt really enjoy, such as being forced to play video games many times a week, and pandering to gfe and communication with deadbeats (which she really, REALLY hates).

best case scenario for everybody is if she "graduates" to a vsinger and stops streaming, except for maybe about as often as ayame does (without a contractual obligation). then she can still be calliope mori, without having to stream. just make her own music and covers under the hololive brand, with occasional collabs with her friends.

all in all, its more on cover than mori, unless she lied on her application. I dont hate mori, I even like her music to an extent, but sooner or later something has to give. the most recent yab is just a small crack, you want a real yab? just wait until it shatters.

>> No.18011680
Quoted by: >>18011708

>unless she lied on her application
Who do you think Connor was talking about?

>> No.18011708

negativechama.... I thought I did well on my post by rationally disliking mori while being fair to her. dont make me ruin it by thinking about connor.... I want to like mori, please.

>> No.18011716
Quoted by: >>18012000

She compared working as a vtuber to working as an Applebee's waitress, make of that what you will.

>> No.18011851

>best case scenario for everybody is if she "graduates" to a vsinger and stops streaming
She would still be unhappy. She wants the clout, she wants to collab with Charlie, she wants recognition as herself. There's no salvation for her.

>> No.18011880
Quoted by: >>18013792

>memes aside, is she the ONLY holo, let alone vtuber, that has EVER described being vtuber as a "job"
There's nothing wrong with saying vtubing is a job. Because it factually is a job. Take your meds.
>and complained about it as much as she has?
I don't know. But if you think Mori's worst flaw is that she calls vtubing a job and complains about, and not her fucking alcoholism, then you might be retarded.

>> No.18012000

that one flew over my head because i am not a burger, but someone told me a joke about applebee and i got it.... (i thought it was a fine dinning restaurant)

>> No.18012236

>"I know I have everything, why am I still sad!!"
The fact she has no real friends in Japan since Kiara left and she's killing herself with lean and drankies is probably a contributing factor. Deep down she must know Connor and the TT gang are nothing but fake friends using her for clout.

>> No.18012343
Quoted by: >>18012492

Psycho-logist-chama. Stop it. The moment you talk about someone you don't know anything about, you are out of the guild

>> No.18012417 [SPOILER] 
File: 1000 KB, 1191x1563, E8EE6BD2-0AEE-4AB2-BE42-00B67B13673E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18014405


>> No.18012492
Quoted by: >>18012586

>The moment you talk about someone you don't know anything about
Most of what that anon said is based on shit Mori herself said.

>> No.18012586

Except the part where he says "She doesn't realize that the reason she is said is because....."

>> No.18012731
File: 148 KB, 585x564, 1621556617688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18013541

>I wonder how those who lost their spot to this bitch feel today.

>> No.18012859

honest question to any deabeat here. has she or any other holo ever mention her wanting to hang out? like jp side you always have storys of Nene going shoping with Botan or Choco taking La+ out for a meal and stuff like that. did Mori ever have something like that? she is in Japan so she has the chance to offcolab or just hang out with her senpais.hell chicken had an offcolab with Nenechi before her deportation

>> No.18013029

She's hung out a few times with Kiara and IRyS. She hasn't done it with HoloJP because they don't exist for her (or because of the language barrier idk).

>> No.18013245

i hope Lui sticks to it and teaches her some fucking nihongo then. consider me seething. she has a chance to make some amazing friends and spend time with her senpais and she dosen't use it

>> No.18013397

doesn't she hang out with Watame?

>> No.18013541
File: 43 KB, 182x182, 1644277677251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18013580

quick search got me this
so sheep was at least making plans to hang out with her
>oh she likes alcohol

>> No.18013674

Antis get the rope.

>> No.18013706
Quoted by: >>18013860

I hope Lui never interacts with her again

>> No.18013792
Quoted by: >>18015769

>But if you think Mori's worst flaw is that she calls vtubing a job and complains about, and not her fucking alcoholism, then you might be retarded.
Guess I'm retarded because vtubing for hololive sounds like one of the best jobs in the world.

>> No.18013797

She had the chance multiple times in her life. She fucking lives in japan and Kiara wa right there.
Face it, she doesn't care about the jp branch. Hell, she doesn't even care about her current genmates, she only cares about her kouhai because she has even a sliver of power over them.

>> No.18013821

She was chummy with Kiara before she moved. Even went on that vacation together. Now even the collabs have gone cold. Some say it’s them pumping the brakes on the corporate mandated ship but seems like they grew apart.

>> No.18013860

fair point. she had several years now to learn it
also fair. like i said even Kiara used her limited time to at least get some time with her senpais and it got us a cute story out of it.

>> No.18013878

Cant wait to hear her cover of this classic

>> No.18013998

I wonder if there's a little bit of (justified) resentment there, since Kiara actually put in the time and effort to learn the fucking language and even did all the real-life idol bullshit and gets shipped off, while Mori sits around, drinking and eating garbage while hanging out with English-speakers and gets to stay.

>> No.18014013
Quoted by: >>18014414

welp thats depressing
also pretty sure cover dosen't mandate stuff like thats its just the girls making arrangements behind the scenes.

>> No.18014064

That was Kiara's own fault or decision.

>> No.18014134
Quoted by: >>18014209

Put Mori in the title so I can filter this garbage out with the 15 other threads you dumb fuck

>> No.18014209
Quoted by: >>18014255

I'll start calling her M*ri, just for (You)

>> No.18014255
Quoted by: >>18014337

just call her Calli like a normal person

>> No.18014282
File: 45 KB, 640x643, 1613644856791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having to ask this question
Fubuki is very serious about vtubing and treats it far more professionally than anyone else

>> No.18014337


>> No.18014405
Quoted by: >>18019530

I kneel. the biggest normie in the whole company yet puts massive effort to be something she is hired for.

>> No.18014414

Yeah I don’t buy into that either. Just seems like a cope in this case as to why Takamori is dead.

>> No.18015344

This rrat makes too much sense.

>> No.18015769

>Guess I'm retarded because vtubing for hololive sounds like one of the best jobs in the world.
You just don't know how hard it is maaaan. You have to play videogames for a few hours a week and get hundreds of thousands of dollars from adoring fans, and the worst part is, they just want you to stop sucking eceleb dick on stream every other minute. Can you believe it, dawg? Not allowed to suck eceleb dick? What an outrage, it's basically torture!

>> No.18015781

Kiara would have 1000x as much fun in Japan as Mori. But she would probably miss her family too much to stay as long as Mori has.

>> No.18015802

I think the problem is mostly about restrictions, she likes games, but the one she does like are behind management so she will play them on her roommate channel. About the fan hate, she probably does, but not everyone one of them (just like pretty much every vtuber to a certain degree). As for her music, she can do both her vtuber and roommate music, she just did it and like she said in the stream you watched, she knows that a lot of people where there thanks to "mori" so it´s pretty much free exposure

>> No.18015834

This is so accurate it's actually painful. kek

>> No.18015895
Quoted by: >>18018489

The funny thing is that cuckbeats are actually defending this

>> No.18016033
Quoted by: >>18016186

You've clearly never sucked a dick in your life.

>> No.18016045
Quoted by: >>18016516

Mori herself admitted that she views friendships as mostly transactional. Whether she dropped Kiara as soon as she wasn't useful to her anymore is anybodys guess (popular opinion is more on the side that the whole takamori stuff was more Kiara's initiative, though Mori also said "sometimes you just click with other people more" etc. which hints that for her it was mostly a limited arrangement for convenience at the time and she has other people she's more in tune with), but Kiara at least seems happier now and isn't quite as sad about being distant with Mori as she used to be when that was current.

>> No.18016113

Imposter syndrome is so brutal dood.

>> No.18016186

Wanna bet ?

>> No.18016510

Guess you really do know how that works right? Night shift is just staying on a chair for 10 hours doing nothing. Being a doctor is just putting needles in people and cutting stuff. Being a plumber is just using a wrench to stick stuff together. How much time does it take for you guys to realize just how dumb you sound. What is your job,anon? Plese do tell me about how hard it is. And i don't need some shitter going "you first"I work with children with special needs. I help them try to pick the pace up so that they can somehow join society. Basically in your terms i sit for 6 hours a day and talk

>> No.18016516

>Kiara at least seems happier now and isn't quite as sad about being distant with Mori as she used to be
Kiara is based.

>> No.18016621
Quoted by: >>18016747

So you're saying talking for 6 hours per week while doing something most people do to blow off steam, while not having to worry about being entertaining due to the hololive label, and making more money in a week than most people in the world do in a year is the same as sitting for 10 hours at an average wageshitter job? Wow you really got us there bud, tell us more about how the real world works.

>> No.18016657
Quoted by: >>18016747

You’re the one who chose to wrangle retards, man.

>> No.18016733

>described being vtuber as a "job" a
It IS a job though
>is she saying she has to work, as in, her relationship with deadbeats is a lie and she hates us?
I mean... parasocial relationships are lies. Illusion. Even in the best case scenario what the streamer sees are a mass of fans, not you, the individual. That goes both ways, love and hate. Most streamers consider "the chat"(or whatever particular name they gave their paypigs) a single, mentally unhinged individual with a giant pile of mental disorders.

It is also the "person" they have to milk for cash as their job. Yeah..

>> No.18016747

What i am saying is that every person has their right to be sad/be depressed about their job and the idea of presuming how hard/how easy it is for people is just goddamn stupid.
Where the hell did i said i had a problem with my job. That is a harsh way to put it though

>> No.18016796

>every person has their right to be sad/be depressed about their job
That's not really the primary complaint. The problem is sucking eceleb dick every other stream when all she has to do is be a decent human being.

>> No.18016807
Quoted by: >>18017026

Oh hey, fellow altruist. I also work with a disabled person as his full-time caregiver. Just yesterday I had to hold a grown man as he had a grand mal seizure so that he wouldn't get a concussion or wound himself. I watched him go completely limp, turn gray and let out a death rattle as he went unconscious following the seizure and held him as he regained consciousness.
I think Mori has it pretty damn easy, personally. She even still has enough time and energy to support her roommate's musical projects and plenty of time and money to go out regularly. The person you're replying to didn't say shit about your job. Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.18016847

anon, you should know by now that most people here are unemployed or are still in school and have never worked.

>> No.18016860

Anon we can pretty much infer that the ENs don't have a lot of responsibilities behind the scenes, you can just look at Kronii and see that, or Sana to see that they don't even need to do their job well. I'm sure Mori is doing a lot of music stuff behind the scenes, but that's the thing that's supposed to be her passion.

>> No.18016922

>idea of presuming how hard/how easy it is for people is just goddamn stupid.
No there are some jobs that are just objectively braindead easy and if you cant do them youre a loser. Basically any minimum wage job is like that.

>> No.18016935
Quoted by: >>18017882

That anon probably downplayed the job, but let's face it, the bare minimum isn't that hard. Mind you, she's shitting on a job that many others consider relaxing. She's getting a LOT of money and this is enabling her to stay in Japan. The least she could do is shut the fuck up.

>> No.18017026

I wasn't bragging about my job or saying how hard it is. I just said that presuming the kind of stress they have is just something dumb that i thought people have already figured out is just embarrassing. I also gave the example of my job because it would be hypocritical of me to get into the game without playing it.
You never had a job so braindead easy that you wanted to go away from because its just not stimulating enough? I had that kind of job and it was just as stressful.

>> No.18017084

You're talking too much sense, anon. This is the schizo thread, you need to be more outraged and unreasonable.

>> No.18017143
Quoted by: >>18017225

>You never had a job so braindead easy that you wanted to go away from because its just not stimulating enough?
Yeah but it didn't pay $500 an hour.

>> No.18017149

I used to babysit my little brothers when I was a teen. I wasn't paid but wasn't a difficult job either.

>> No.18017169

>comparing a 1st world commodity job that should take around 20 hours a week tops to do decently to 50+ hour physical labor
Bitch she has the easiest job in the world. You can clearly see which vtubers have had previous shitty jobs and which ones are on her first job and hate the fact they need to take responsibility. Mori is on the second camp.

>> No.18017179

Sure Ive had a few customer service and line assembly jobs but they werent stressful in the slightest.

>> No.18017218
Quoted by: >>18017554

Mori brought something unique to the group. Whether you like what she brought or not, she did work hard on her music. It didn't translate well into streams because she was always 'tired' from spending too much time on non-stream work. Her exasperated tone of voice that she uses to cover up her non-interest in actually streaming herself playing video games makes her sound fake as fuck. I havem't watched many of her Zatsu's, but I can see why people might like them given it's just her chatting about her work most of the time, even if she still has a little bit of that vocal tell of what I said above.
That being said, while she doesn't mind streaming, it's obvious this is not how she wants to spend that time streaming. Trying to balance both careers to try and keep some level of relevance post-Hololive is admirable, but almost impossible at the level she's doing it at and she's talked about burnout so much, I just don't understand why she wouldn't slow down on her non-money making account. I unironically could see her fitting in well with the vshojo model of watching youtube videos most of the time

>> No.18017225

Also i personally had the idea of how it would be to go outside in the middle of the day when i was working in an office in the middle of the shift. Then i just started doing what i am doing now and i just forgot that thought. I found myself wanting to get away from what i was doing for a couple of years and then the though vanished when i got another job. Its just a cycle of wanting,getting,wantingI feel clever for this .
Its actually more about motivation. Most people care about money a lot but some don't. I won't be so smug as to saying money doesn't matter to me at all but i do care about my job and the progress of the children in my care.

>> No.18017233
Quoted by: >>18017354

Dude, she plays video games for a living. Who cares if she thinks it's boring she has a job that some people would kill for and she's acting like a total cunt.

>> No.18017339
Quoted by: >>18017475

>I wasn't bragging about my job or saying how hard it is.
> What is your job,anon? Plese do tell me about how hard it is. And i don't need some shitter going "you first"
That passive aggression followed by a spoiler texted description of your job may not have been bragging but it certainly wasn't very humble.
You were saying that there is no possible scenario where it would be reasonable to find the way she talks about her incredibly cushy job in a way that is disrespectful to the people watching her. I disagree, personally. To be fair, I could be biased because a streamer that I like to watch on Twitch goes out of his way to show his gratitude for his audience enabling him to do what he does for a living on every stream and talks shit about streamers who don't do the same.

>> No.18017354
Quoted by: >>18017609

What about QA? Children and teenagers have that image of the magical department in which you play video games all day. I worked in such a place...for fucking EA,even and it wasn't easy on the mind. I would play video games for 12 hours at home but the thought of playing fifa 16 again for 3 months is just repulsive to me.
In the end you do you,anons but sometimes it is better to just take a step back from everything and at least try to analyse the bigger picture. This is just how i see it though. May sound smug but that ain't the way i'm trying to convey it

>> No.18017417
Quoted by: >>18018370

Have you never heard an old couple describe their relationship as "a lot of hard work"? She works hard and burns herself out precisely because she cares, even if she spoils it somewhat by complaining.

>> No.18017475
Quoted by: >>18017750

I was asking for the job because when i talk to people they usually go extensively about how some things suck about their job and from there it is easier to make an analogy to try and understand the other person's perspective as well. People are more involved when they talk from a place where all parties are on the same page. I do get what you mean though

>> No.18017554
Quoted by: >>18017781

>I just don't understand why she wouldn't slow down on her non-money making account.
Because it makes her more money, and that's what she cares about most in the end? I mean you do have seen the memberships rolling in on her IRL stream, and of course she just had to shill merch that bypasses Cover's cut

>I unironically could see her fitting in well with the vshojo model of watching youtube videos most of the time
Given that her oshi is cr1tikal, of course being a twitch eceleb who can get by on making nothing more than hours of lazy video-react "content" would be her dream. She's probably seething that she can't do that in Hololive, for copyright reasons, and they expect her to (ugh) play videogames instead

>> No.18017566

She's just gonna hit up Holohouse and go with k*on's recommendations. Or she'll pick bilinguals (JP/EN) exclusively. BANpire can't english

>> No.18017588
Quoted by: >>18017957

>Its actually more about motivation
So you're saying a $500 an hour job isn't motivating? Mori is an entitled whore and you're defending her trash behavior.

>> No.18017609
Quoted by: >>18021097

Youre so disengenuous that's it's honestly hilarious. She's not a fucking q a tester. She isn't forced to play games she doesn't want to play. She doesn't have to check for bugs and problems for 12 hours. She chats, plays video games, says big ups and then ends the stream after a few hours. The endurance streams she has done she just shuts her brain off and does he same repetitive motions, it's not like a Koro endurance stream where she's engaged the whole time. Quit excusing her

>> No.18017627
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1645953432139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18017957

Thinks about it like this anon.
>look for a job that you don't like to pay the bills
>you luckshit your way into the best possible option by lying on your resume
>an extremely coveted job for an industry you didn't even care about
>get shitloads of money for no effort
>you can do literally whatever you like or want on stream, with some restrictions
I think it's generally fine so long as she complains about specific things (not her job in general), and doesn't get hung up for too long on them (Mori fails at this). But there is no way Mori won't sound like an entitled fuck if she complains, and people are naturally gonna be upset.

>> No.18017708

damn bruh, I just finished psycho-pass and if Mori was in there she'd be a criminal, crazy.

>> No.18017750
Quoted by: >>18017957

I'm glad you get what I'm saying. I think that to make the assumption that every person that takes issue with the way Mori talks about her job hasn't worked themselves or doesn't have a realistic outlook on what her job entails is just flat out insulting.

>> No.18017781

I really think its an exposure thing more than it is a money thing. She wants to be someone once she turns in her keys for Mori, and this is the easiest way how. The problem is, people are gonna find you anyways, so doing shit like releasing a bunch of singles and driving yourself into the floor so you end up sucking shit in things like collabs is detrimental to your main job. Her high stress probably factored into the dumb shit she did a few weeks ago and I'm pretty sure she had some more casual fans who visit shit like r/hololive really start to wonder what the fuck is up with her.

>> No.18017792
Quoted by: >>18017886

A job being easy to do doesn't make it easier to stomach, try doing a minimum wage job for a decade and not wanting to off yourself. There's a lot more difficulty to doing a job than the difficulty of the specific tasks, which is what the other anon was getting at and any working adult should understand

>> No.18017882

They were shitting on her friends. Holobronies are absolutely to blame. The company does as well for enabling this type of fan behavior.

>> No.18017886
Quoted by: >>18018048

Lmao no this is poor people cope. You dont get props for suffering from your own bad decisions in life.

>> No.18017957
Quoted by: >>18018248

I'm saying that it depends on the person's disposition. If the good is lower that the bad for the personwhich we don't knowthen maybe it isn't.
I agree it's infuriating. But i can't live my live being angry at people for being more successful than me and being angry at their job. It starts feeling like i'm punching downwards. There are people who do jobs harder than mine and they can't take me complaining about my job away from me. Thats the kind of argument i am trying to make.
I agree with the first part since i never said they didn't have a job but with the second statement i can't because i wasn't in the situation of working as a vtuber so i don't know what it entails

>> No.18018048

I quit my easy, well-paying cushy job because I wanted to off myself every single day because of how pathetic I felt wasting every day of my life pretending to be busy while browsing the net on my phone. Some people are happy playing this game until they die and laughing all the way to the bank, for others no amount of money makes it any less shitty.

>> No.18018131

You mean the friends she would have never met had she not been Mori Calliope? I'm not gonna sit here and argue that Mori loves her job or that she should be required to, but I will question the sanity of people who watch a person who half-asses more than half of their content because they're uninterested.

>> No.18018165

i agree, Mori should quit being in hololive as soon as possible

>> No.18018241


>> No.18018248
File: 10 KB, 346x213, 1642656046619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a matter of context anon. No one minds if you complain about your job in private, and surely your coworkers, friends and family won't if you complain with them either. But would you complain about your job with one of those people who have a harder, less paying job?
Well that's essentially what Mori does. She's complaining publicly, to thousands and tens of thousands of people, often WHILE doing her job.

>> No.18018258
Quoted by: >>18019131

Right so your job wasnt difficult by your own admission. Stop pretending like it was.

>> No.18018290

VTubing IS a job. You get hired by a company, agree to a contract, and get money out of it.

>> No.18018300

I actually have no argument here. You are right. Putting it into this perspective really does put things into another perspective that i cannot deny

>> No.18018314

>But would you complain about your job with one of those people who have a harder, less paying job?
its not even that. she is complaining to the fucking CUSTOMERS

>> No.18018339

It is not difficult to talk to a chatroom a play video games

>> No.18018370

I've known a lot of those couples.
Most are divorced/separated. The rest are in the rocks.

>> No.18018425

I'm the other altruist and not the Reineposter but I'm glad you get it. They put into words exactly how I feel about it.

>> No.18018461
Quoted by: >>18018571

Yes, this is something not even the most jaded food service employee would consider doing.

>> No.18018489

christ i hate cuckbeats so bad, why every single one of them are all like this

>> No.18018571

Biting the hand that feeds you seems to work wonders for American women.
And before any faggy cuckbeat janni wants to ban me for saying that, Mori herself admited she's from texas on her latest Gura collab.

>> No.18018608
File: 103 KB, 395x238, Calli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18018686

>You never have to drive
>You have the freedom to think about whatever because people don't watch chuubas for vidya skill
>You can ask whatever art or video editing question you like from your professional coworkers
>You get paid well
>The people around you are actually a colorful Danganronpa cast
>The amount of people who don't like you are a fraction compared to the people who like you
Name one thing that doesn't make an official Chuuba a good job

>> No.18018611
Quoted by: >>18023187

But what if...its holding a knife?

>> No.18018686

You have, like, a manager! And like, people watch your streams! It's a really hard job.

>> No.18018699

They have to delude themselves every day to look past how much Mori hates streaming for them, otherwise they would stop being fans.

>> No.18018832
Quoted by: >>18019056

The more I read and think about Mori, the more annoyed and sad I feel towards her, she's had streaks of time where she starts improving as a streamer and starts to feel as if she started to grow some love towards Hololive, but then she does some absolutely retarded shit and goes back to feeling like an outsider. I don't hate her, but if she's so miserable with this job then she should just fucking quit already, everyone else in her gen feels like a part of Hololive as a whole, while Mori just feels like a random guest on her own fucking company.
It's really fucking sad to see her venting at her own fanbase instead of keeping that shit to her close friends, but seeing who her friends are, that might backfire and push those grifting retards into doing some "hit piece" about streamer/idol culture

>> No.18019040

I'm a convicted felon working at as a mechanic at a ma and pa shop.

I did a lot of dumb stuff as a kid. Grew up in a broken home in a area with a lot of crime. Did 10 years in prison for robbery. Made parole and have been doing my best to turn my life around.

>> No.18019056

It's interesting, because Kiara will vent about management sometimes, but at the end of the day her love for entertaining (specifically as an idol for Hololive) will win out and I think that's why when Kiara does it, it ends up coming off as reasonable. It also might be the fact that she's usually complaining about management when she airs her grievances so it feels a little less "I hate my job" and more "I get annoyed at the bosses".

>> No.18019107

>that has EVER described being vtuber as a "job"
Kiara calls it a job all the time, she often calls it "my current job"
>and complained about it
She complains about the tough things, yeah.
>as much as she has?
I only watch Kiara so I have no idea.

>> No.18019131

The point was that there are difficulties in a job beyond the amount of hours you put in or how mentally/physically demanding a job is, and money doesn't take away from that.
On a separate note, her job isn't solely streaming, part of it is managing her image and socials and engaging with the crowd outside of streams regularly. No one would deny she's done a piss poor job of that, but it's obviously not easy to have to sign on every day and see people complaining about you and trying to trip you up (see people in this very stream sending fake Connor supas to try to create a yab).

>> No.18019141

bitch please, the only person i complain to are my coworkers who know how about the dumb shit management wants us to do.

>> No.18019168

>The point was that there are difficulties in a job beyond the amount of hours you put in or how mentally/physically demanding a job is
No. Youre just a bitch

>> No.18019316

But the problem is that she could reduce her stress purely by focusing on a single job. Instead, she runs two jobs at once that both require attention and it tires her out. Do you think she'd feel less stressed if she just turned off her computer after doing Hololive shit? Probably.

>> No.18019366

Yes, and the point that people who take issue with Mori complaining about this kind of shit is that we all also face these difficulties and know when it is appropriate to talk about them. The way she goes about it isn't healthy for anyone involved, let alone for a woman over the age of 25.

>> No.18019527

I don't think even the most devoted Deadbeat would deny that she makes things unnecessarily hard on herself, hell she's said as much herself. Honestly If she just stops with the animation stuff entirely and minimizes her outside commission work that would make things a lot more manageable.

>> No.18019530


>> No.18019550

Both of her jobs combined are easier than most jobs

>> No.18019677
File: 129 KB, 493x389, 334111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that when a woman reaches a certain age, motherhood begins to strike.
Most start to adopt cats and other animals so they don't go crazy, and unfortunately others end up going crazy and using drugs.

>> No.18019765

>work wonders for American women
And this is why JP>>>>>>>>>EN.
Women being entitled is a cultural thing in anglo cultures

>> No.18019815

>Women being entitled is a cultural thing in anglo cultures
It's like this in China too with their low woman to man ratio because of the one child policy. Not sure how bad it is in Japan. I've heard bad things about Korea though.

>> No.18019824
Quoted by: >>18019875


>> No.18019868

> w-western woman bad!
> i h-hate my mom!

>> No.18019875


>> No.18019905

At least single women in China have a reason to be entitled since they are a significantly smaller population compared to single men. In the west, women are a higher population than men

>> No.18019953
Quoted by: >>18020556

Women in China are on another level man. The horror stories I've read about what they do to men. Vox Akuma better be careful with his fan base or they'll have his genitals mounted like a trophy on their wall.

>> No.18019954

ah the twitter fag is here

>> No.18020005

>be Calli, a woman with mediocre music production skills
>be Calli, get handed an extremely high paying, cushy job, explicitly because you are a woman with mediocre music production skills
>be Calli, complain that your much more musically talented male friends don't like you because they, rightfully, discern you as becoming a cunt after you were handed a career that they were far more deserving of
>be Calli, write a song about how you were handed a career because you are a woman with mediocre music production skills, and how you abandoned your much more musically talented male friends because of it
yeah I don't like her either

I used to like Ina too but apparently she's also a typical bitch. The only truly pure one is the Mogu Mogu cat lady and the Japanese dog lady, because they're kind of dumb. Our ancestors were right about women, the greatest asset of a woman is her innocence

>> No.18020075

>There's an alternate reality where milky got in

>> No.18020079

innocence so men can abuse them

>> No.18020130

The fat cow should just graduate. All these walls of text justifying or condemning her actions are worthless. She's a bad fit. She doesn't want to fit in. Get her the fuck out.

>> No.18020131

You don't deserve any of them honestly

>> No.18020140 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18020626

Who is her roommate?

>> No.18020164

roastie seething

>> No.18020280

They did hang out, calli taught her some English rapping tips

>> No.18020282
Quoted by: >>18020542

Based reasonable anon

>> No.18020283
File: 622 KB, 666x666, 1644268271091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom is the only good western woman.

>> No.18020291

/vt/ would still be mad

>> No.18020303

but she likes to go out, buy a bento and continue to stream which she now like
go watch the stream past 1hour mark

>> No.18020348

Inshallah, this whore will be brought to justice. All paths converge to God's judgment in the end.

>> No.18020410
Quoted by: >>18021427

You begin hating your work whenever you have more than 1 side hustle on your plate.
You begin hating it because you are basically thinking to yourself either two things:
example a:
>Man, I could quit this dead job and just go full time with my side hustle
example b:
>I don't have the energy anymore
Being a wall-nearing autist that has gained a couple of pounds over the last few years can really fuck up your views.
In the long run, she is basically asking for a break.

>> No.18020425
File: 422 KB, 3840x2400, __irys_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_zaniaii__98f0c7c93dc30cbc076395befbe8fc10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fucking VSINGER play more games and sings karaoke more than mori
how do deadbeats fucking defend this mess

>> No.18020448

They were never friends. Just working colleagues.

>> No.18020459

>ina a bitch
I'll bite. What is this all about? Another rrat or is this a real happening?

>> No.18020481
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>> No.18020482
File: 241 KB, 850x480, laughing swordsmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cuckbeats, holy shit. I'm fucking losing it. Haven't laughed this hard browsing this hellhole in ages.

>> No.18020521
File: 310 KB, 375x430, Pomu Wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18021303

Pomu would literally have to be dead.

>> No.18020542

They are indeed very reasonable. check this out: >>18018300

>> No.18020556
Quoted by: >>18020603

The main difference is that anglo womemes have the feminist kind of entitlement, as in they both want the male and female privileges, but they completely reject the female roles.
Who are you quoting?
They are bat shit crazy.

>> No.18020589

i read something about her saying she dosen't like her fans or some shit? i guess thats what he is referring to

>> No.18020599

mori needs a 3 month break anons

>> No.18020603

>anglo womemes
>but they completely reject the female roles.
All right I can agree with this much at least.

>> No.18020609
Quoted by: >>18020687

Get a real job fag.

>> No.18020626

Nvm I figured it out lol

>> No.18020639

This is more or less why I dislike mori.
I have no interest in tuning in to a stream that comprises mostly of bitching about how hard doing that stream is. She may as well quit beating around the bush and just come out and say

"I hate this job and I hate you, but I get paid a lot of money to be here so keep paying."

It's really offputting.

>> No.18020660

For me its to protect

>> No.18020679

Fame and fortune changes people. The girl that broke down crying due to her first few akasupas is long dead.

>> No.18020687

you never had a job

>> No.18020713

She's the only person I will ever go full-on /vt/sister "O-M-G what a BITCH" for. Because it is true

>> No.18020747

he's probably still seething about that one joke Ina did on the Guilty Gear collab, the one she apologized for despite 99% of the takos being confused as to what she was even talking about while she apologized, it's like the only "yab" Ina's ever had on a stream, so people latch onto it to try and fuck with her.

>> No.18020773

I have no idea what relevance this has to my post.

>> No.18020789
Quoted by: >>18020811

She really reminds me of darksydephil in this regard, he gets big donations and thanks them and forgets like 10 seconds later, but if a troll donation comes in (usually less than a 2-3 dollars), he ends up going on a 30 minute rant cause it pissed him off

>> No.18020811

you would do the same

>> No.18020876

Pretty much correct.
When will people realize the dynamic of takamori wasn't just for shit's and giggles and more of a mirror to their real relationship
>kiara is clingy, overly social and annoying but will be there when you need her the most,and genuinely care about you.
>mori is serious and apparently composed, but behind the snarky remarks there's a hidden disdain that will manifest in apathy towards you if you're just not what she wants you to be.
After all Kiara did for Mori, she got repaid with nothing but a coworker status, she was never a real friend.
Remember how many drawings of Kiara Mori did outside streams? Me neither. Oh, but she has one of Irys.
Remember when she said every superchat insulting her friends would be sent to said friend? When she received one that was clearly insulting Kiara, she sent it to Ironmouse.
Remember those times when Mori was on the verge of crying on stream, or feeling down in general and Kiara would be there to support her, even behind the scenes?
Justice for Kiara. Rope for Mori.

>> No.18020895
Quoted by: >>18021577

>implying I WANT to abuse women
>implying I WANT to hate women
please grow the fuck up
the vast majority of men just want to love women, it's the pointless antagonism, the pointless emotional turmoil, the pointless drama, and chaos that women cause that they hate

>> No.18020902
Quoted by: >>18026341

Wow, it's like Ina has half a brain when it comes to PR. Reminder that Connor could have stopped all of Mori's recent fan stress with an apology, no matter how half-hearted. Reminder Mori could have stopped all this by just ignoring certain people or tactfully answering rather than ripping into any fan who felt the same way but didn't want to say it.

>> No.18020901

I am an egomaniac so I wouldn't

>> No.18020923
File: 136 KB, 400x330, 1642940229955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I can say about this post is:
>Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.18020971

Anon that braindead easy job could be considered part time in terms of hours of committment and pays a wage by far exceeding or at least matching what white collar workers make at their highest in salary.

She makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in pocket currently and she doesn't have a "full time" or more commitment to the actual work of it. She has so much more free time to do whatever she wants with that.

No one's asking about how tough or righteous your job is, we are just saying she's been handed the biggest and easiest golden goose of a job and she's going on a private roommate stream to complain about how tough her life is.

And we aren't asking for her to "change dramatically" just to mainly shut up. She could be doing all these things she's doing right now but if she doesn't tweet about it or is just practicing a little bit more discretion there would be far fewer issues or turmoil about her.

>> No.18021010
Quoted by: >>18021216

Think I remember vaguely saying shit about followers on the tea stream with mori and mumei, but doubt it was of much relevance and just a general "some fans are weird" kind of deal.
Timestamp on the GG thing? Want to know how pathetic this yab is

>> No.18021012

Truthpill: Mori’s financial success will never fill the bottomless void in her life. The grass is always greener for western women like her. She’s never been so depressed and is currently at an all-time low, even though everything on paper says otherwise, just like the successful and widely loved suicidal celebrities. If she graduates, she’ll know all her continued success is due to the tasteless cuck fanbase with cashmere-smooth brains she harvested from Hololive and that will haunt her. Nothing will feel genuine, pure and earned. Plastic. Why does Mrs 5% incessantly make a point of working so hard? Answer: It’s the only legitimate thing she can deservingly be praised for. Not only by her fanbase, but her Japanese superiors too. She’s a lolcow and laughing stock in the only thing and culture she’s truly passionate about. Her mental and physical health is deteriorating (aged 10 years in just 1.5). Her expat friends aren’t true friends but she needs them because she’s too lazy…sorry…‘busy grinding dat grind yo, feel me?’ to learn the language. She’s barely integrated into Japanese culture after all these years because she’s actually terrified of it, like the disrespectful, unappreciative, self-pitying silver-spoon scum she really is. Her old friends rightly hate her and saw right through her toxic BS attitude. Us antis are too autistic to stop giving her shit for the rest of her internet life. Her money just funds the druggy lifestyle, alcoholism and shit producers who overcharge her constantly; she’ll keep paying because she knows she can’t do it herself, as much as she tries to convince everyone else she can. She’s the most successful failure of a human I’ve ever seen and it’s a fascinating decent to observe in real-time.

>> No.18021027
Quoted by: >>18021114

Not their fault. Deadbeats' moms hit the lean too hard during pregnancy.

>> No.18021042

Not them but no, I fucking wouldn't. I work my ass of for a fraction of the money she gets. I would be so grateful for that opportunity.

>> No.18021097

There’s also the music projects, collaborations and prep for major projects (from cover, other holomems and herself)

Each takes up the rest of the time outside of streaming.

>> No.18021114
Quoted by: >>18021266

I'm the guy who replied to him that also works with a disabled person and it was like I was reading a post perfectly crafted to enrage me. 30 hours a week to get paid a living wage to talk with disabled children. Eat my fucking ass.

>> No.18021136
Quoted by: >>18021572

she gonna pull a Joji, the results will varies

>> No.18021159 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 946x533, 03713BBA-F127-4FFE-A2C9-5B1748C2C7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18021216

the "yab" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciCa6Y-E-7s
the apology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VweWhmJ-bxw

>> No.18021239
File: 247 KB, 372x500, 1642964592139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kekbeats, its already firmly stablished that this is a mutual relationship, get another material.

>> No.18021266


>> No.18021276
Quoted by: >>18021852

My guess is she'll graduate after Holofes. Cover will want to milk that event as much as possible if they can help it

>> No.18021287

She's gonna be a calliope forever and she's gonna hate it

>> No.18021303
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>> No.18021317
File: 114 KB, 662x662, 1619631353809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18024169


>> No.18021332
Quoted by: >>18021493

>that shitpost SC that managed to send her into a weeks long bender will live rent free in her head for the rest of her life.
and made song about it. that shit will be in the internet for all eternity.
why bother renting free when you can be a monument?

>> No.18021427

Are Mori´s eggs running out or something and she needs a break to ride some cock?

>> No.18021434
Quoted by: >>18021543

>"I hate this job and I hate you, but I get paid a lot of money to be here so keep paying."
It would be extremely admirable if she did that

>> No.18021455

This is pure kino, brilliantly put anonchama

>> No.18021493
Quoted by: >>18021664

What SC?

>> No.18021518

You're missing the point, retard.
It's not that there isn't shitty parts of vtubing. EVERY job on the planet, no matter how great, has shit you have to eat.
I'm a watchmaker. I love my career. I get a huge amount of satisfaction in my work and I am one of the very few people left on the planet who can say they genuinely take pride in their work.
It fucking sucks cock when I'm positioning a jewel that I need a microscope to see and it fucking falls on the floor and now I need to spend the next two hours with a magnifying glass and a flashlight looking for it on the ground somewhere.

But do I go to my clients and tell them how shit my job is and how hard it is to perform the service on their timepiece? Fuck no. Mori does the equivalent of this. Constantly. How people are able to tune in and be told they are the direct reason her life is shit day in and day out is beyond me.

>> No.18021543

anyone who sticks around after her saying it(in your imagined scenario) deserves it.
it would still suck since she took away a spot from someone who might have enjoyed that position but whatcha gona do?

>> No.18021568

based grandpa

>> No.18021572
Quoted by: >>18021655

It won't work out anywhere near as well for her as Joji/Flithy swap worked. Filthy Frank always had an interest and pushed his music on the side. The problem is that Mori got popular because of the Hololive name and not her own merits. Once she drops Hololive and stops doing the GFE-style cutsie stuff, she'll loss a good chunk of her paypigs that are onboard because of that.

>> No.18021577
Quoted by: >>18021808

NTA. Who do you think you're replying to? lmao

>> No.18021627

>special needs children are being wrangled by a fucking cuckbeat

>> No.18021655
Quoted by: >>18022049

That’s why she dusted off the roommate

>> No.18021664
Quoted by: >>18021774

$250.00 USD
Condom money for Connor

>> No.18021669
Quoted by: >>18021728

Can't wait for the farms to make a proper page about her but then again they're fags.

>> No.18021672

oh nyo

>> No.18021728
Quoted by: >>18022168

Farms do not give a fuck about vtubers

>> No.18021737

based watchmakeranon

>> No.18021774

Please post a clip

>> No.18021808

to the person I replied to, retard

>> No.18021810
Quoted by: >>18021915

My brother is developmentally disabled and my fight response goes off real hard whenever I hear people say that they "work with special needs children." It's a grift.

>> No.18021852
Quoted by: >>18021947

she spent all of the chocolate making stream talking about next year's chocolate making stream

>> No.18021915 [DELETED] 

Social workers and teachers are worse than minimum wagers imo. Here in burger land they're propaganda spewing scum who usually abuse their charges when the other adults aren't looking, especially the niggers.

>> No.18021917

Based Swissfag.

>> No.18021947

Coco got a new outfit a couple months before her graduation.

>> No.18022004

>Guess you really do know how that works right? Night shift is just staying on a chair for 10 hours doing nothing.
that one is pretty much true though
I work night shift at a research lab and the place is so fucking mismanaged that there is absolutely jack shit to do for the 12 hours between 5pm and 5am
I work with actual retards, it's amazing that anything gets done at all

>> No.18022013
Quoted by: >>18022032

did she say, "oh boy I can't wait for next year?"

>> No.18022031

So? Those are fairly different things. It's entirely possible the outfit was in planning/production long before her graduation was a concrete thing internally.
Calli saying "I want to do X thing a year from now as a Hololive member" is entirely different.

>> No.18022032
Quoted by: >>18022054

Yeah, she did.

>> No.18022049

But it won't matter when people are following her for the character she acts as and not for her music. The minute she leaves Hololive, she won't pander to the people who want her to be psudo-gfe and she'll lose a chunk of her audience. Not just any chunk, the paying chunk.

>> No.18022054

proof or fuck off

>> No.18022110

When did Mori do this again?

>> No.18022168

It's like vtubers and their drama are pretty insular. But here comes Mori trying to shitfling with the best of them by inviting Connor to join in on the fun as well.
The minute she stops being a vtuber is the minute she loses the shield for criticism on her actions and outside world protection.

>> No.18022189
Quoted by: >>18022253

When has she not?

>> No.18022211
File: 1.07 MB, 608x900, 1644336279910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18022271

Uwaaaaaa sexxxx

>> No.18022234

Yeah, and being a Vtuber with a shit ton of money that you make sitting in your air conditioned high class apartment is still miles better than working in a warehouse or in a restaurant or doing anything else while you try to launch your talentless musical career
the worst case scenario for Calli is living off a cuck boyfriend while she dicks around on YouTube all day trying to make money from music
God, what an easy fucking life

>> No.18022253

Burden of proof bro.

>> No.18022271
Quoted by: >>18022435

Stop, my body can't handle this!

>> No.18022338
Quoted by: >>18023504

>such as being forced to play video games many times a week
Nobody is forcing her to do that. She could just as easily be a zatsu focused VTuber, especially considering she once said that she didn't want to just play video games because she felt it was "lazy" content, but she chooses not to.

>> No.18022435
File: 266 KB, 723x1223, 1644336211175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it can! Join me

>> No.18022442

did you miss the whole ass stream where she actually went and talked about this sort of shit?

>> No.18022472

One thing that really enrages me about Mori is that I live in the same part of the US that she is from and don't know many people that are as entitled as she comes across. There are so many women of her age that are so much more talented and deserving of this opportunity of hers that live within driving distance of me that are still waiting tables or working mind-numbing desk jobs.

>> No.18022484
Quoted by: >>18022564

burden of proof, anti

>> No.18022510

She did an entire stream on her other YouTube account about this just the other day.

>> No.18022565

That's Gura

>> No.18022564

It's literally on the other channel, retard.

>> No.18022593

The thing that weirds me out the most about her roommate rant is not even this entitled behavior. It's this:
>I love the guests that we get to serve, it's wonderful, they're super nice. But you get some other fuckers here and there. It's rough
>Sucks! Fucking sucks! And people expect you to be "professional" and pretend like it doesn't suck. Bullshit
>It's rough. It's not easy shit, I'm sick of pretending like it's easy to manage cause it's fucking not
>You shouldn't be held up to some godly standards bullshit, but... that's people for ya
>When you work at a restauraunt like 24/7, your emotional energy gets sapped
Ok, seriously, what the FUCK was she talking about? I'm not the type to shit on anyone's troubles, no matter how small or big they are. People deal with hate differently, people have different values and can feel differently about the same job etc. I can understand it. But the gap is too fucking wide to comprehend in this case. Exactly where does she find all this shit? If you go to ANY of her comment sections despite maybe that one stream with Gura which has it closed now all comments are overwhelmingly positive. Even someone like Ame for example gets polite criticism from time to time, in Mori's case it's fucking roses everywhere. Where are godly standards, where is the rough shit? Every stream, every clip of her or her roommate, every internet community besides what, a couple tweets and a five or so redditors saying she was unprofessional after her cuck meme fiasco are positive. So it's either "ten mildly criticizing tweets in half a year are rough" or she goes on /vt/ every fucking day and reads every anti thread religiously. It's the only way I can explain this shit.

>> No.18022627

I didn't know Mori Calliope of Hololive English First Generation said that to her Hololive Fans. Why, must be nice for Hololive Fans to pay attention to some irrelevant unrelated underground rapper's stream. And even in that unrelated stream by some internet content creator updating the fans of her music as years of hiatus didn't mention she hates her jobs nor her coworkers.
You're looking for shit that isn't in the domain of Cover or Hololive just to get mad at.

>> No.18022643

You hit the nail on the head. She's obviously just egosearching on Twitter and reading /vt/.

>> No.18022676
Quoted by: >>18022769

Do you seriously believe the majority of the people watching that stream weren't there because of Mori? Get real.

>> No.18022683

You haven't been paying attention to the hate SC's? She got a few today in ARS even.

>> No.18022715

Your wigger rapper hates you

>> No.18022724

I wish people would give me money to tell me they hate me too.

>> No.18022744

look into becoming a politician then

>> No.18022752
Quoted by: >>18022778

I can honestly say I don't want that. I would develop a very unhealthy relationship with myself if I went down that road in life.

>> No.18022769

That has nothing to do with Hololive and if you watched that, that's your own thing. It's not like she mouthed that off as Mori Calliope, nor does working for Hololive mean you're now exclusively Mori Calliope 24/7.

>> No.18022774
Quoted by: >>18022795

I do hard labor for seven hours a day, moving hundreds of pounds of items with no breaks. Miss me with that "her job is actually really hard" bullshit. MY fucking job is hard both physically and mentally but I don't sit around and bitch about it, I go to work and bust my ass with the vague hope of becoming a manager so I can make someone else do this shit instead, and I get paid infinitely less than she does.

>> No.18022778

I would simply know I am superior

>> No.18022795

you're just jealous

>> No.18022801

Work in Call Centers. Similar stress levels too.

>> No.18022820
Quoted by: >>18022983

All of the dumb scs started because
1. She let one live rent-free for weeks, it's too easy to set her off
2. Everyone realised that for some reason her mods are shit on Mori's channel, she WILL see the troll SCs, and funnily enough her mods are the complete opposite on the other one

>> No.18022825

Thats what he was getting at

>> No.18022838

I am. I'm jealous that a woman who ritualistically complains about how gilded her supposed cage is, as if she didn't make the choice to put herself in it in the first place.

>> No.18022862

So what you're saying is that the antis are getting to her? top zozzle

>> No.18022905

jesus christ what a fucking entitled white woman.
and the indogs are the villains here? what's is wrong with deadbeats brains for supporting this behaviour?
im being genuine here what the fuck

>> No.18022907

>It's not like she mouthed that off as Mori Calliope
Sure, that's true, but unfortunately she has the subtlety of a brick and she might as well have been Mori in that stream, she even fucking said she played the menhera game recently and referenced exactly what she did as mori in that stream

>> No.18022930

Ah, if it isn't Lyger.

>> No.18022935

Yes. That's the fucking point, moron.
You cannot sit there, and bitch about your job TO YOUR VIEWERS, who work infinitely harder jobs than you.
Every job sucks sometimes. But you don't get off your cushy job and start bitching about it to people who are shoveling concrete all day. They don't give a fuck.
Bitch about your job to other vtubers, or hell even other streamers. They understand your specific problems because they have the same ones and will sympathize.
Do not bitch about your job to people who have much worse jobs than you because they don't give a fuck.

>> No.18022943

Come on buddy. This is just sad.

>> No.18022946
Quoted by: >>18023226

Imagine being this fucking retarded. Kiara never shit all over her new fans on her alt. She did the opposite in fact. She even gave a brief history of herself and her adventures in the past to fill anyone in who was new to her. Mori won't have an inkling of Mori past her Hololive career, and it shows with shit like this.

>> No.18022983
Quoted by: >>18026341

It set her off exactly because she worked herself to death again and if was stress building up. That EP was months in the making and wasn't a kneejerk reaction to [current events]. I'm not saying she's free from fault, because she definitely shouldnt have taken the bait. And yeah she gets shit on, not as much as Kiara but she does.

>> No.18022998 [DELETED] 

As someone who works a very privileged job (Engineer, fully remote work), it can sneak up on you how easily you can get used to it and start bitching about it.
I had to mentally slap myself to stop myself from doing it.

>> No.18023020
Quoted by: >>18023318

yeah? but people like when they vent about their frustrations or things that happened on their life, it's part of the job of an entertainer, it's a connection between viewers and streamers

>> No.18023027
Quoted by: >>18023476

>So it's either "ten mildly criticizing tweets in half a year are rough"
I mean, one fucking supa made her shit herself in rage. One.

>> No.18023081

Complaining about management or stress to relieve yourself a little bit is fine. Complaining about your fans to your fans is some of the dumbest shit ever. Sure, we all know the girls don't love some of the less savory aspects and shitposters in their circles, but she's shitting on the fans who give her money consistantly because they didn't like her bringing up some fags drama.

>> No.18023088

She even tried to bring her wigger friend/s into hololive.
I can't imagine the actual shitshow if this actually happens.

>> No.18023094
Quoted by: >>18023126

To Mori Calliope's viewers? If those viewers wandered to THAT stream it's on them. That's like looking up some employee's social media and getting mad over their personal thoughts off the clock. None of them were even scathing to the company or the workers even.

>> No.18023126
Quoted by: >>18023176

Do you get paid to write posts this bad? Are you a friend of hers or something?

>> No.18023148
Quoted by: >>18023238

>Matuli does it
>Mori does it
>I-It's technically not her...

>> No.18023156

I have an easy as shit day job and a side gig I’m passionate about and am extremely lucky to be successful in. With those two jobs combined I’m working way more hours than Mori for less money but I’m still grateful as fuck to be able to do this cause a lot of people don’t even get as far as I have. It’s a real privilege to be able to achieve your dreams and it astounds me when people don’t appreciate it.

>> No.18023176

You're actively looking for non-hololive content to complain about hololive talents and act as if they're the same thing. >>OP

>> No.18023187

theyre holding literal wads of cash

>> No.18023226

watashi wa kiara ....
One of the funniest things I've heard

>> No.18023229
Quoted by: >>18023312

To Mori they're the same thing, for her there's no such distinction, she straight up referenced a bunch of stuff that she did as Mori in her streams

>> No.18023238

What an absolute doxxnigger. I don't look up Festival either.

>> No.18023250

It's okay when Mori does it.

>> No.18023291
Quoted by: >>18023359

Oh nyo, I didn't realize I had to adhere to /vt/ rules in my actual life. Ah shit I've fucked up. Report me if you're so mad about it you pussy.

>> No.18023312

All that stream proved is she's the same autist with the mask on/off. No one told you to watch that and Mori doesn't reference that stream either.

>> No.18023317

I don't know if anyone's told you this mate, but I'm about to prove santa isn't real.

The anime avatar on screen isn't real.
There is a 3d person controlling it.
That 3d person is the same person being referred to.
What this 3d person says in 3d is also true of the 2d avatar she controls.

>> No.18023318

I get people complaining about their jobs and the bullshit they have to put up with, but you shouldn't fucking do that if the thing you're complaining about are the very people you're trying to entertain, not even with the goal of driving the viewers into introspection, like comedians do, but for the sake of complaining about them.

>> No.18023339
Quoted by: >>18023403

That was a truly premium lolcow moment. She really channeled her inner dsp/wingsofredemption when she was ranting there.

>> No.18023354

>You shouldn't be held up to some godly standards bullshit, but... that's people for ya
If true, then it's laughable.
>you was immigrant starving artist before
>get a stage with thousands of people regularly watching
>get an opportunity to work with creme de la creme of doujin music production
>get millions of followers and rise to the top of the charts
Of course there is a catch to it, of course the standards are high as fuck, you are at figurative top of the world, motherfucker, not in your shitty basement pub gig, you can't get away with sloppy shit you did before.

>> No.18023359

If you cared about hololive you would've respected the distance.

>> No.18023383
Quoted by: >>18023416

I don't give a single shit about hololive. I am not financially or emotionally invested in this corporation.

>> No.18023390
File: 462 KB, 634x356, 1644349667559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do copebeats really?

>> No.18023397

the mental gymnastics this anon is pulling just to defend a woman that probably hates people like him, pathetic

>> No.18023403
Quoted by: >>18023639

She also said something to the effect of presenting a hypothetical situation where five people are watching, three people are chatting and having fun and one person starts trolling and tried to present that as an awful, intolerable experience that she shouldn't be expected to be professional in the face of

>> No.18023414

>very people you're trying to entertain
I didn't know PL-chan was trying to entertain Mori Calliope of Hololive English's viewers.

>> No.18023416


>> No.18023439
Quoted by: >>18023543

I do care about Hololive, but what kind of retarded brand loyalty territory are we getting into here? You don't even disagree with me that she's a shithead, by the sounds of it. I don't want that kind of person in Hololive.

>> No.18023461
Quoted by: >>18023726

Yeah, there's a proper place to vent about those things, and it's with your co-workers. They will A. understand where you're coming from and B. might be able to offer a perspective you hadn't considered.
It would be like complaining about how you hate your manager in a meeting with your manager. It's going to come across the wrong way.

>> No.18023476

Someone needs to post it

>> No.18023497
File: 115 KB, 1280x1127, 1644361632534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im proud of you

>> No.18023501

Several of the other Hololive members have other accounts that they are still active on with overlapping fanbases. Kiara, Matsuri, Coco did, Mel, Noel... come on, man.

>> No.18023504

>because she felt it was "lazy" content,
bitch please, after watching her doom series its obvios that she needs to put in some fucking time to make her gaming content fun to watch

>> No.18023516

>Exactly where does she find all this shit?
She comes here just to get mad
>youtube dislikes are unaffected
>reddit eco-chamber is unaffected
If she can point to /vt/ instead of just ignoring it and say "they are the enemy they are making me feel bad!" white knights will shower her with money and she knows it.

>> No.18023543
Quoted by: >>18023615

She didn't speak ill of hololive of her co-workers in that stream at all. It was literally jusf PL updates and some venting. Hololive doesn't owm that account nor should people be beholden to Cover in their own time.

>> No.18023558
Quoted by: >>18023725

>>kiara is clingy, overly social and annoying but will be there when you need her the most,and genuinely care about you.
>>mori is serious and apparently composed, but behind the snarky remarks there's a hidden disdain that will manifest in apathy towards you if you're just not what she wants you to be.
These are great concepts for character creation

>> No.18023603

Depends how much they respect it. Gura, Ina, and Ame are 100% the kind of people who want that separation. Kiara and Mori on the other hand not as much. Obviously don't shit up their other lives with Hololive stuff, but they and most of their viewers know the connection. Activity makes a difference as well. One is much more active than the other

>> No.18023615
Quoted by: >>18023713

I'm not trying to argue that she should be beholden to Cover on that account, but what I am saying is that she sounded like an immature, ungrateful asshole.

>> No.18023639

That analogy would make sense if she was a 2view, sure. But performing for a stadium's worth of people, that one idiot is drowned out entirely. If the negative comments are hitting her that hard, it's because she's subconsciously/consciously seeking them out to validate her own opinions of herself.

>> No.18023657

what crime?

>> No.18023713
Quoted by: >>18023777

If I remember correctly she said she's thankful for the job in that stream, and before that she also mentioned the same thing as Mori Calliope. Venting on a side account about the stresses she facds in them doesn't mean she's ungrateful, it's not exactly mutually exclusive.

>> No.18023725

I remember when this entire board hated kiara for some reason

>> No.18023726

I wouldn't put it past Mori to be complaining behind the scenes to J-chad about Cover management in general.

>> No.18023770
Quoted by: >>18023972

>>When you work at a restauraunt like 24/7, your emotional energy gets sapped
But she DOESN'T work at a "restaurant" 24/7. Literally just make an anonymous alt and shitpost to your heart's content. That's the power of being a "famous" content creator, you can just drop your name and go be another shitposter in the crowd to vent whatever bullshit you want.

>> No.18023777
Quoted by: >>18023819

So just an immature asshole, then.

>> No.18023819
Quoted by: >>18023877

Now that's a more reasonable take.

>> No.18023877
Quoted by: >>18024028

Glad we can agree on that. I think her behavior and conduct still comes across as someone who is ungrateful for what they have, in all honesty, but I can understand why a paying member of her channel might not see it that way.

>> No.18023972
Quoted by: >>18024190

That is the most confusing part - Mori could be in this thread right now, or any other thread fucking trashing all of hololive and nobody would ever know.

You don't need to vent publicly about your viewers, to your viewers.

>> No.18024028
Quoted by: >>18024094

How exactly is she ungrateful? You can call her an absolute retard without making shit like hating her fans for whatever. She explicitly even mentioned she doesn't hate her fans and stop putting words in her mouth in one of the new songs, I think it was #2 or #3.

>> No.18024087
Quoted by: >>18024119

This is the western women syndrome: the need of wanting to always be the victim of society. Add also wanting to live her chuuni rapper fantasies and you got Mori

>> No.18024094
Quoted by: >>18024260

There is genuinely nothing that I could tell you that would convince you of how much obvious disdain she has for the majority of her paying fanbase. We can agree to disagree.

>> No.18024119
Quoted by: >>18024496


>> No.18024169
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1643606486945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it? There's not even any particularly bad shitposting there.

>> No.18024190

It's the one thing I've never understood about people who put themselves in this type of situation. It's not like they're IRL famous, where they have the paparazzi actively chasing after them. They're internet famous, and one of the beautiful things about the internet (pre-social media) is that you can be anyone. I could be Yagoo typing this through DeepL for all anyone knows and it wouldn't matter because that's not who I am now.

>> No.18024231

just sit back and wait for graduation. or the next inevitable yab that will lead to more yabs and in the end, graduation. she can't help it. all roads lead to graduation.

>> No.18024260

Your opinions are your own, but these are unfounded assumptions if you cannot explain how. Feel free to hate her and in some respects she does warrant them, just avoid making up baseless narratives even after assertions from her that's not the case.

>> No.18024301
File: 104 KB, 324x258, EpAoTcsU0AAyyU5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Mori reads this one while doing her reps.

>> No.18024315
Quoted by: >>18024782

We can just agree to disagree, you massive blubbering baby.

>> No.18024431
Quoted by: >>18024484

How about the fact she went wild on one of her fans who regularly donated to her who said he wasn't the happiest about the Connor shit? I promise you he was not the only one who felt that way. Most paypigs don't want to talk about what's irritating them because they think the vtuber will hate them forever, so a lot of them just eat shit until they explode. So, instead of handling the situation with tact or just ignoring it like any sane person would, she showed her true colors by shitting all over him, and by extention anyone else who felt an inkling of what he did.

>> No.18024484

>regularly donated to her
Prove it. "Deadmushi" has no prior chat or SC history. Check vtdata or that YT chaf history.

>> No.18024496
File: 259 KB, 634x356, 1642983558646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look mom I did it again!

>> No.18024520

Detective Deadbeat is on the case

>> No.18024547

>1 Minutes 25 seconds between these two posts
>not enough time to look this up before replying
Anon, how is it that you knew off the top of your head who this superchatter was, and his donation record to mori?
Are you actively keeping tabs on everyone who donates to your oshi? Why?

>> No.18024593
Quoted by: >>18024804

Longines spirit? Worth it?

>> No.18024611

He is, because he is a fucking loser.

>> No.18024733

I looked it up when it happened. He's not mentioned not once as one of the usual paypigs. No vtdata history either and not one message prior to the SC in any public stream. Half a day later "deadmushi" as seen in the membership leak video changed his name into something else. I'm sure you've seen multiple screenshots of the same SC and it had different names.

It was no regular donator or "long time deadbeat". People keep daying this is the case but cannot even prove it.

>> No.18024769

dumb bitch roommate wants to tour in the US

>> No.18024782
Quoted by: >>18024855

low IQ ape

>> No.18024804

Never worked on one, can't say from direct experience. But the caliber appears to be similar to an omega 2500. breddy gud caliber for the price.

>> No.18024844
Quoted by: >>18025204

No, I haven't seen multiple screenshots because I do not keep tabs on who is donating to who. If I did see multiple screenshots, I wouldn't take note of the name.

>> No.18024850

>somehow manages to leave Japan and does her tour
>can't get back into Japan due to coof restrictions

>> No.18024855

Low test Mori Calliope fan. An Ope's Dope.

>> No.18024892

I look forward to the group photos that will arise from this.

>> No.18024963
File: 252 KB, 500x605, 1638774866283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there it is. I knew it would be posted, Deadbeats can never escape this.

>> No.18025044
File: 28 KB, 171x297, 9 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ucks! Fucking sucks! And people expect you to be "professional" and pretend like it doesn't suck. Bullshit
Tell me you're too immature to handle things professionally without saying you're too immature

>> No.18025187
File: 19 KB, 328x195, thesctostartitall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18025204

i haven't seen a single post where the donators name wasn't censored so i am doubting your post hard right now

>> No.18025204
File: 411 KB, 1055x535, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name in Keemster's video
Name in membership (current)
Apparently he changed his name again because it was something else IIRC.

>> No.18025261
Quoted by: >>18025346

Many people have asked, but no one will answer: why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.18025294
Quoted by: >>18025435

>22 seconds
Mein nigger you are not helping your case. You had this on hand. Fucking why mate.

>> No.18025346

They're a reflection of their oshi.

>> No.18025435
File: 551 KB, 632x790, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, stood up from my bed, booted my PC, searched YT for the video and even renewed my membership to Mori. I canceled all my membership so I can align them all up to the same billing date. I was responding to the guy above you, you just sent me another (you) and thus I included you in the reply. Here's another screenshot with a different name;
Or if you don't have 4chanX

>> No.18025540
File: 281 KB, 612x408, 1643236536874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18025643


>> No.18025643

chimkin got the man hands fr

>> No.18025740
Quoted by: >>18026064

well thats a pain in the ass. i was checking hololyzer to see if i could find a donation from Deadmushi in one of her earlier streams but now it might not even be the right name to search for? still thanks for the info

>> No.18025748
Quoted by: >>18026064

What was the name of that site that lets you look up users chat and Superchat history?

>> No.18025846

I see people referencing the "condom money" SC but I've yet to see anyone produce an image of it.

>> No.18025973

That wasn't the one that people are talking about when they say 'fan who regularly superchatted who was upset'. There's no clips up the cobdom money one on youtube because they probably keep getting ripped down.

>> No.18026014
File: 70 KB, 1080x305, condommoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found in the archive. open up so i can shove it down your throat like a massive dick

>> No.18026064

If you're still here, have a .gif.

>wesave chat
Your account pings if you chatted anything at all and gives you your YT ID.
>vtdata info
Can search keywords in hololive chats, can also lookup specific user chat history if you have his YT ID.
I forgot what's this for, but I think I used it a few times.

Since I can't find him in wesave, I'm assuming he never chatted before save for that SC. As for "how do you remember all these paypigs", I just sit through the SC reading streams in case she says something interesting. Just like I'm familiar with Kiara and Reine paypigs because it's always almost the same set of people. I still remember GENERAL PEKORIN DANKY SCLONG etched to my brain to this day, for example.

>> No.18026112

She’s obviously very fragile mentally. What little hate she’s been getting the past few weeks has really been getting to her. It’s barely anything too. Kiara got it way worse.

>> No.18026136

>Also the least professional.
more like ''she wont do thing what i want her to do''.
how pathetic anon.

>> No.18026166
Quoted by: >>18026254

She hates simps like you most of all, bud. Read lyrics.

>> No.18026180
File: 80 KB, 1898x499, morimonhun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it keeps track of SC and new members including sc message and amount. you have to check per stream tho

>> No.18026254
Quoted by: >>18026293

Song #3 Verse 3
>“This bitch hates her own fans.“
>But I didn’t say that?

>> No.18026293

*Song #2

>> No.18026341

por que no los dos?
>omg you called her what everyone who isn't retarded calls her you must be from plebbit
you have problems, anon. especially since you think that going on about wanting everyone to refer to the cunt by surname is going to make you fit in more.
no horses here, faggot.
>shitting on her friends!
her "friends" that shit on her and her colleagues regularly deserve to be shit on, and that has nothing to do with what company is involved.
>n-no they w-weren't friends!
so you spend hundreds of dollars out of your own pocket taking your "working colleagues" to resorts now? fascinating.
the real problem is that kalliope makes a shitty friend. she's so focussed on herself and what she wants that she tunes out the realities around her and the moment you're not in front of her she puts you out of mind.
they were friends, but it's clear that chimkin put all the effort into the friendship, while kalliope stopped at spending money to validate while continuing to only value the trashtaste faggots as friends because she thinks they're a source of clout, and once chimkin was out of japan that was the end of kalliope thinking about the matter as friendship.
kiara gets a lot of bullshit around here from fags filtered by her voice and leftover zhangs still beating the "ORANGE WOMEN BAD" drum from their sperging about coco, but she deserves a lot more credit for how much she actually cares about her genmates. the irony of the old takamori mom&dad memery is that people were putting kiara in the "mom" slot for being attached to someone whom kept walking facefirst into "dad" stereotypes, but kiara's far more of a "mom" character in terms of caring for others than kalliope will ever actually be a "dad" character past the stereotype shit like lolOldSpice and all that.
that's the bitch of it, ain't it. the entire pile of shit would have been avoided/resolved by conjobbor openly apologizing. kalliope says he did so in private, but I have no reason to believe that because she's so hung up on the TT fags that she'd probably try to lie for them about anything. kalliope herself could have avoided it by NOT READING THAT SUPERCHAT OUT and making a cunt of herself about the fact a fan didn't share her opinions, like how ame skipped reading out the akasupa that said "FUCK MANAGEMENT". or, as you said, tactfully going "opinion noted, moving on" or similar instead of
>why are you a member why would you say something to me that I wouldn't agree with why should I have to see something like that on my stream
that speaks to being an egocentric asshole.
>That EP was months in the making and wasn't a kneejerk reaction to [current events].
if you think she couldn't change anything in it at all you're delusional. let's remember her deciding to throw on a jab at kiara in stuff back at debut, and that kiara responded by throwing that "and in the next life too, I promise, I will find you" line onto hinotori. (kiara specifically pointed out that line was added as a response to kalliope)
that's your new lie, huh? that the 10mo member wasn't one? this desperation is honestly pathetic.

>> No.18026380

>3rd different name for the dude who sced it
this is getting to retarded for me. thanks for the gif

>> No.18026402

Prove he's a 10-month member.

>> No.18026436

There is no distinction between Mori and her alt in her mind. I can guarantee that. She even talked about her “other job” and “contracts” on said stream. It’s just her, she doesn’t play a character.

>> No.18026450

Nigga wrote a whole thesis
