A thread for the discussion of the peaceful Persophone finally fulfilling promises of producing hope, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.
i hate hert. deadbeat
>>17831075https://youtu.be/0PRXwtdmjcA?t=115https://youtu.be/wn9de4nO1REnot at all a selfish desire to hear Mori sing on a triphop song
i love hert. chumbud
post Q fanart
>>17831323she's well on her way to realising her full potential as a female wingsofredemption
>thread begins>stream begins>thread ends>stream ends
how do we make mori realize that she genuinely has an alcohol problem
>>17831407THEY ARE
>>17831362I got you
>>17831418troll channels, its the only way
>>17831418I'm gonna beat you up, concernbeat.
>>17831442Sorry YT doesn't let you enjoy member's streams with us, Goomba...
remember to love your Mori
>>17831468i'd bend you like a toothpick you silly faggot
>>17831399So much SEX art.
>>17831418Better send maximum amount SCs to her and other Holos with long texts about the severity of the issue
>>17831482One of the better bait threads to ever grace this board
I anxiously await the buffrys tweet.
>>17831547I'm with Mori thoBone-in are for fucking barbarians ...
I wonder if it'd be rude to send an SC like "would you drink if you were pregnant? haha lol"
>>17831442Hey there Goomba
>>17831511yes so much SEX
reminder for our local indielovershttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NYLRiji6qghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NYLRiji6qghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NYLRiji6qg
>>17831638oh no I think I might be sexually attracted to my Mori
She read a bunch of my normal chats today, but not my super chatHow should I feel about this?
that stream was genuinely so comfy that put me in such a good mood
Today was good.
>>17831511>So much SEX art.yeah I don't get why, Mori is a pure girl
Every stream lately since her break has been good. It's like the antis are all retards after all
>>17831935she has a sexy body
The normal ending.
>>17832164(samefag)The Good ending.
>>17832203I hate Sean Igor so much!
>>17832164(samefag)The good ending.(Re-up crop image)
>>17832133It's a shame reception to the song here has been so lukewarm because Mori's outfit and the MV itself are hot as fuck.
>Shrek ads...Is this where our akasupas go?
>>17832414Mori is involved so of course it would. Anons disliked Getcha as well.
>>17832328>Sean>seaniggersSo you're telling me seanigs is pronounced as Shawnigs, huh
>>17832483>sean is pronounced shawnwhat is wrong with english language
>>17832544Seannnnn Michaels!
>>17832483Ask the A.I, why me? Lmao
>>17832164This definitely fits a "Mori is sent to a human school to learn more about her job" kind of theme.>She's immediately an outsider but tries to be nice>Stops bullies from picking on some other students>Makes herself a target and is relentlessly because she's weird>Eventually she can't ignore it anymore>Gets back at them at times using Reaper powers>Bullies fear her>The other outcasts think she's cool >Mori learns a lot of lessons about humans, the good and the bad
>>17832725Truly fit for a "Normal ending" huh?
>>17832725And she falls in love with me!
>Mori could now be lurking at the /vt/ drawthread
Anyone got a timestamp for the cursed art confirmation?
I'm really curious on what she's premiering for valentine's day now.>>17832993Timestamp bro left a comment.
Is the membership still live?
>>17833227nah, went for about 4 hours though.
Speaking of that, today's stream lasted 3 hours and 53 minutes, which is approximately 16.2%, or 1/6th of Mori's day!Now that's efficiency!
>>17831638Holy shit, Mori looks sexy as fuck
>>17831717Yeah just line up with the rest of the beggarbeats.
>>17833593This but Gura.
>>17833593>>17833764That's the best part of the bone bros duo, there's something for everyone. Unless you hate autism.
Gura in Q stole the pants from an Oompa Loompa!
>>17833850>licking the gunBonebro......
>>17834103She rocks 'em
>>17834183Bitch, she eats people
Mori needs to stop doing things I don't like and only do things I like
>>17834284>Mori needs to stop doing things I don't likeI'd say the same, but then she'd have to stop doing ___me
>>17831935>Literally looked through her lewd art on stream and said she checks it sometimesMore like she purely wants this dick.
>>17834266Guns aren't made of people, baka
Mori/Gura works for a bunch of reasons.-Mori likes cute things, Gura is goddam adorable-Gura appreciates Mori's talent-There may have been a time where Mori spared Gura at the fall of Atlantis (aided through the moves of others, though they didn't know it)-They can be huge dorks and be comfortable around each other-The primal predator part of Gura recognizes Mori is the best hunter in the worldNot knocking any other Myth pairing because you can find good reasons to make any of them work. It's so many good pieces of art and stories.
this is a drawing of mori kissing my headache away (drawn by an anon on here)
I want more emotes drawn by Mori's best friend.
>>17835237Feel better, Anon. Headaches suck. Pop some advil, turn off the lights, have something with peppermint.
>>17835255I want more emotes drawn by Mori__________
>>17835386That too
>>17831773This is really insightful
Oh nyo, they're upset at pink woman again.
>>17835875it's been a decade since that post was made and things have only gone worse.
>my Mori Ryona subfolder of my Mori folder has only 2 imageswack
MoRyS cute!
>>17836290I want hope to shatter my spine over her knee!
>>17836466>Those trunks really look like CM punk'sHFz admins, please let IRyS have the pepsi plunge as her finisher
SoNext stream itsu?
>>17836741Collab with Reine, she said tomorrow.
god i want to put a baby in her so badly
>>17836741isnt she taking a break for her surgery now?
>>17836789yes she needed a bong hit transplant
Ohhh shit it's Coolliope Mori
When was the cooking stream again?
Did you guys see the new clip channel?
>>17837473i never blocked a nigga so fast in my life
>Antis get BTFO in their one thread full of lists>They start creating a bunch of threads with even less effortlol lmao>>17837473It's pretty pointless for now. Big downs for someone immediately trying to pounce on that.
>>17837709Some nigga made a clip channel of the roomate
>>17837750i saw that lmao
>>17838279What's that?
JWU and watching the members stream.I was right to never doubt my Mori.
>>17838499It's the music we have every time we fuck.
>>17838279bully if it was a windows login noise
>>17837473absolutely fucking shameless and the one "dark side of streaming" vid has the worst title/thumbnail combo for the contents, otakmori level shit
>>17838789I hope more copyright strikes the lil faggot
>>17838499bully game over screen
epic rap battles of historymori vs alcoholism
clumsy reaper
>>17839164I should help her clean up.
They're still trying. They're still crying. I'm not buying. She's still not dying.
>>17839164Mori, I'm beginning to think you're doing this on purpose...
>>17839312>>17839164as long as it means she'll drink less...
Maybe I can convert Mori to Catholicism if I tell her that Crhist's blood is wine...
>>17839374wine is too weak for her nowadays, its either spiritus, lean, shisha, and soon crack cocaine.
She is not on /vt/, no proof. Other boards in the past I believe, but not /vt/. There is nothing that definitively shows she browses here.
>>17839484she likes to start drama here
Go back to your own threads and stop infesting ours.>>17835897
>>17839484There isn't a single piece of evidence that 100% shows that she browses here.There is, however, a solid pattern of things that imply that she does browse here.
>>17839542You first
We are cool.
>>17839484This is a Mori post. Go to bed stupid.
just stopping by to say Mori love I love this bitch and I just want to see her happy
>>17840517>want to see her happyme too and healthy
wish I had D4C as my stand so I could go to a dimension where mori is anorexicpart 7 spoiler so mori won't see this
>>17840517How sweet. She's doing well, whatever she has coming up isn't noticeably worrying her. So I'm not worried. She'll have done whatever it is and then relax for a few days. Plus we're gonna get chocolate.
>>17840757Can we start calling her "Boss"? It's a pretty badass title.
Kek, Irys and Reine jus did that cheer that Calli shared. Red C love!
Q flac doko?
How was the Member stream deadbeats?
>>17831362I like this onehttps://twitter.com/bastta__/status/1490158284136800257
>>17838279>Cyberbully.mp3pretty damn haunting desu
>>17838817Eh, she'd just be playing whack-a-mole. Its something every streamer has to live with once they get big enough.
>>17839164TKB doko?
>>17841385Mori 2.0 tier
>>17837473Kiara got the same treatment as I recall.
>>17840663She's already on 6 isn't she?
>>17840926Red C is great...
>https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1490321238266314752Ah fuck, right in the middle of the night for me.Quote ya boy a lot, aight skelebros?
>>17832544It's Gaelic, anon.
>>17832544could be worse, it could be aoife (which isn't english as well)
>>17842010Or Laoghaire.
>>17841844Nice, I like rrat
>>17841844She hooked another one. She has to be stopped.
>>17841844Guess l’m watching rat later.
>>17842381zoombie wants KLK fanart with Calli
>>17842421Dang it. Ryuko is one of my favorites so seeing some art of Mori like her would be dope. Her personality also fits Ryuko's more than Satsuki's. Either way, it would be fun art and maybe inspire some KLK on karaoke.
>>17842511someone should be nonon and I'm talking about nonon in the Nudist Beach outfit
>>17841726In her case interest died down fast. The first few clips had really good numbers but then they dwindled to basically nothing.I expect the same will happen here.
>>17842596Mumei and her perfectly handful sized tits and delicious belly
>>17842511I dont know mori seem to fit satsuki coolness and personality
>>17841736yea but we don't know if she's going to be a manga reader or notshe's going to love funny valentine so fucking much she better read it desu
>>17842511I tried watching KLK and gave up after the first episode. I love TTGL but KLK just seemed like a hyper-zoomerfied TTGL with none of the charm. Does it get good later?
>>17843183not really. The story is ok but not memorable at all
>>17843183KLK is at the core a girls showTTGL is a boys show
>>17843274wtf am non-binary now
Reservation is uphttps://youtu.be/gYKLcjUz0sA
>>17843183If the first episode didn't grip you, not really, though it does slow down much later, that's usually seen as a detriment by those who stuck around.
>>17843414>Mori got a bird holo upgradeYou love to see it.
>>17843414I wish fauna could join holy shit
>>17843525Birds love Mori in general, see Moom and Lui. Also I still enjoy takamori.
At this point I'm curious if she always had all these collabs planned or if everyone is inviting her as a show of support. Then again it seems like a lot of things are planned last minute so maybe her having no schedule allows her to take more offers?
>>17843183if you didn't find the animation immediately gripping you almost definitely won't enjoy it, the trigger brand is using extreme style to pull you into the story.im an imaishi superfan and klk is maybe my single favourite anime, but it also has the exact reverse curve of ttgl and peaks pretty earlyim also not that hot on ttgl in general
>>17843593Wait do kronii count as a bird i see alot of her being a crow
>>17843593Last KFBeat-kun...
>>17843774Kronii is a clock and we all know how Mori is with time management.
Honestly...fuck animation for "clients". Imagine being given a deadline by a friend that forces you to solo-animate an entire MV right before a surgery (all stuff she talked about on stream). Sounds like they could delay that deadline if they were actually her friend
>>17843820Not really, if anything I'm more of a chumbeat. I hardly have time to watch Kiara these days. I simply still think she's a fun collab partner for Mori. Actually I enjoy all myth duos and Mori if you are lurking please schedule something for Rainforest, I will take a watch along....
>>17843183It's over-the-top from the start. The third episode is when it fully commits to being insane and it only ramps up from there. The writing is nothing clever but the cast in endearing enough that I remember them years later and wouldn't mind seeing them again minus the two villains who I despised because they were written to be unlikable.
>>17843274How can that be when I want to breed all of the girls in KLK but only one girl in TTGL is breedable?
>>17843965Shows how much top hat cares about her.
>>17843183KLK has that fast-paced Japanese comedy. If you don't like that, you won't like the show.
>>17843820Not him but I also like Kiara. It'd be weirder if you didn't.
>>17844107I guess it's just not my thing then. I tend to dislike overly wacky or outlandish anime, TTGL was just about right and it worked for me because it built up to the craziness so I was onboard
why doesn't mori play gta5
>>17844561It's been played to death.Plus now that she no longer has the N pass there's no point.
>>17844561She does, but rarely and on her own.
>>17844406That's fair enough. I think it also helps watching it in a group setting like when /a/ was hooked on it or when /co/ Toonami threads watched it. I don't know if that was a series I would have just sat down and watched alone.
>>17844613it's one of the most fun games to watch as a viewer though
>>17844561Because she would likely be totally average. Not good enough to impress and not horrible enough to be hilarious. Otherwise everyone has already seen the game.I do want to see her play something with driving though since she seems to be one of the few Holos who knows how a car works in basic physics.
>>17844613it'll be reinstated by the black council at the end of this month
>>17844561I'd rather watch her play San Andreas honestly.
>>17844765You think Sana would do that huge of a favor for ya boy? I don't think Mori has ups BEEG enough to reciprocate desu
>>17844822Sana doesn't control the black council
>>17844822The problem is that Sana would actually need to be around to reinstate the pass
>>17844917I like Sana's personality but holy shit I could not imagine being a sanalite or even a spacebeat. I just enjoy her when she pops up in Mori's streams.
>>17845082Also her model is a little chotto...
>>17845082Piss off
>>17845082Sana has more of a supporting role in Hololive, at least in my eyes. I see holos who stream as infrequently as her this wayI don't think I could ever have someone like that as my oshi, unless she streamed often in the beginning and then sort of faded away (as it happened with Sana). Then it's a matter of how fickle I am, and I'm pretty fickle...
>>17845203No, cheers to you if you enjoy her streams but she's not for me. Plus I honestly only sit through pokemon for Mori.
>>17845352cheers cunt
>>17845267Well it's often said the oshi chooses you. That's certainly what happened to me with Mori.
>>17841844>Another on on the JK hit listSHE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT
>>17845826She still needs to get IRyS. She already escaped once.
>>17845763>The oshi chooses the paypig, Mr. Deadbeat.
I wanted to use this no-schedule period to catch up on other things, but it feels like Mori's streaming the same amount as always, if not more.
>>17846422funny ain't itshe's too good to us
>Mori going about her day>Stops in the middle of the street>"Pin pon">"Eh? did anyone hear that? PIN PON PIN. PIN PON PIN.">"Is anyone going to answer that?">Onlookers are giving her strange looks, some are quickly walking away>Mori goes to the nearest door and berates the person standing next to it>"PIN PON. Hey! HEY! It's rude to leave people waiting you know!">Shoves the person out of the way and opens the door, there is no one there>"Oh, it's you, boss! Please, come in.">[Hello, my kawaii Mori. I have a job for you.]
>>17846422Because she is. Especially since she's doing stuff like randomly joining Bae's streams. Honestly after the member's stream yesterday it feels like she's back to normal except for the schedules.
Mori isn't gonna sleep at all is she? Maybe one day she'll take care of herself...
>>17846422nah, she's actually streaming a bit less overall because there's lots of collabs which tend towards being shorter by nature
>>17846422She was still going to stream for us (a lot of collabs may not have been the original plan) but at least with no schedule it gave her the option to say "I'm going to rest for today". Rest would be good but streaming is also keeping her mind in a good place instead of worrying. >>17846717Very catchy soundpost.
>>17846422>"Hey guys there will be no schedule for the next few weeks">Anons thought she will stream less>Retards thought she was suspended >Actually just a shit load of collab instead>"Hey there might be no stream on Valentine day">Anons thought she will be gone for the day>Retards thought she is cucking her fans>Oh, but there will be chocolate making streamDeadbeats, your oshi ... She's kinda ... You know ...
>>17847011she has a way with wordsand people like to assume the worst
>>17847011Not only that, but apparently she is preparing something to premiere on valentine's day. I wonder if it's another ASMR?
>>17846717Hopefully she'll watch rrat from bed and won't be up until later. Maybe.
>>17847011Lowers expectations so she can blow them the fuck away?I know, that's a good part of the reason she's my oshi.
>>17847011Better than Gura and Kiara's approach of "I'm gonna do alllll the things, just you wait!" and then half their schedules get cancelled
Cool art.https://twitter.com/NiceDollofFate/status/1489959351481958400He has some other Milky stuff.
>>17847175With Gura I've learned to take everything with skepticism and just be excited if it happens. I didn't think Kiara cancels or shifts very often though?
>>17847175Kiara barely cancels anything, fuck outta here
mori i love you
>>17847065Honestly it could be anything. Could be ASMR, could be another comic, could be a cover, hell it could even just be a short where she apes the "Am [animal]" gimmick.
*Is responsible for Mori "ruining" Hololive*
>>17847259Well iirc, she said it's like a stream sorta. So probably longer than a short?
>>17847291Hololive didn't want her so she decided to destroy it
>>17847175Kiara doesn’t do that. She’s one of the more consistent and transparent EN girls.
>>17847301She said "assets are being made" and "its kinda like a stream but not really" which actually pushes it towards a short skit video rather than ASMR or anything music related.
>>17847011Retarded? Yeah and we love it
>>17846422Lack of schedule seems to work pretty well for her. It feels like having certain flexibility is good for her mental state. I think she could return not to fully rigid schedule but something more relaxed like announcing just "I'll stream on date X" without committing to what kind of stream it is(unless it's member/unarchived) or put only some streams on the schedule and leaving some to be guerilla. I remember Ame tried something similar in 2020 or early 2021 but Teamates in Global didn't enjoy the idea at all. Mori has a bit of a different approach to schedule and I think she could make it work better.
>>17847389Dairy Tyrant was the true villain all along...
>>17847458Could it possibly be a date skit? I can't see what else would makes sense for vday.
>>17847458I hope it can get delivered on time. She didn't seem 100% sure about it. Kind of frustrating that she has to take the brunt of a bunch of her deadlines getting missed since it's almost always out of her control. I've never doubted her ability to get things done on time on her own.
I hope Mori gets a santa outfit with a giant candy cane in place of a scythe
>>17847389mori was a mole sent by milkyqueen...
>>17847494Its not that simple, she is setting up Mori to "destroy Hololive" but all it will do will reinvigorate those who like the "idol culture holos" so Cover will be scrambling to hire them for the new gen but are thwarted by Mori who wants to take HoloEN in a "new direction" but look who is front and center with the added bonus that Mori would never lay a hand on her or speak ill of her. Milky's 6D chess game will come to fruition ash she gains the title of the True Lex Luthor.
The Valentine's video will more than likely be the "Just Mori" DDLC parody video she talked about doing a while ago Would definitely fit for Valentine's while still being more of a high-effort shitpost like she likes
>>17847474Mori is built different. I find Ame and Gura without schedules are less likely to stream. Mori is a workaholic either way, and you might actually get more streams as she's likely to forget how many she's already done in a week. Either way I like schedules since I'm not in a super friendly timezone to watch Mori.
>>17847666Now that you mention it that makes perfect sense, holy shit.
>>17847598Do you want IRyS to have a heart attack on stream?
>>17847757Sure, why not
>>17847666Thanks for the tip Satan. I hate the Antichrist.
>>17847572She's unironically more Japanese than actual Japanese creators she works with on deadlines. She meets hers no matter how much sleep she loses, but constantly gets screwed by people not doing the same
>>OP>PersophoneIs this what they call people who speak Farsi? Always thought Mori is monolingual.
>>17847874Remember when she was assured that Q and the lofi album would be ready by the end of January? Lofi album doko?
Next stream, with Reinehttps://youtu.be/gYKLcjUz0sA
>>17847659"I destroy vtubing, and create it...anew."
>>17842973>Mori joins Hololive, a subsidiary of COVER, only to destroy it from within with the help of outsiders and m*les>Satsuki joins Honnouji, a subsidiary of REVOCS, only to destroy it from within with the help of outsiders and m*lesTHEY ARE
>>17847674I think that's not as much about being workaholic and more about the fact Mori was a freelance artist for almost entirety of her adult life. When you do freelance, you are your own boss. There's no scheduled 8 hour workday or manager to kick you to work and nobody will oversee your progress but yourself. If you become a good freelance artist(and Mori is definitely a good one) who doesn't break deadlines and piss clients off, you learn to commit to a schedule even if it's not written for you. Personally, I find this kind of scheduling to be absolute hell. The only thing necessary in her case is a 24 hour warning about upcoming stream so that people in "bad" timezones could see it and make plans.
>>17847931She better not be making any moves on my boy...
>>17847941That would imply YAGOO is out for world domination
>>17847941What if you walked in on Mori doing chuuni shit because she thinks she's alone, then she turns around and notices you staring and gets super embarrassed
>>17847941HOT AS FUCK
>>17847941As said earlier, I like Ryuko better but I will allow this.All hail Lady Mori!*Heel clack*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSAp991JIVs
>>17848199And then with all expectations lowered she'll reveal her grand project and make this site kneel once again. And thus another cycle will be complete.
>>17847926She delayed the album on purpose until it wouldn't be overshadowed by the one with Gura. She's still seething over the Amogus backlash...
Hey deadbeats! Us /meat/heads have a vtuber you might love!https://twitter.com/gasiyatutuzihttps://commav9413.wixsite.com/mysite/%E8%A4%87%E8%A3%BD-comma-dentata%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A4%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6%E3%81%AE%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99
>>17848081She's trying to destroy his dream as revenge
>>17848322damn, she kinda cute, alt outfit Ollie vibesdoes she sing?
>>17848282Mori has the hot-blooded feeling of Ryuko, but the majestic appearance and haircut of Satsuki.
>>17848282Actually it's pretty simple:Mori, the cute-yet-intimidating reaper with a sickly-sweet voice that commands massive amounts of soft power (Debut, Eikawa collabs, Mythbreakers) but is very ladylike and charming beneath her aloof regality, represents Satsuki.Calli, the brash-yet-loyal bitch whose gruff gaffes belie a unshakable will who never backs down from a fight, whether for the sake of her beloved friends or just raw spiteOpe is Mako because she's just a horny lil memester
>>17848610god I would go fucking crazy on the shinitummy
>>17848536oh fuck, uh, Calli represents Ryuko* but you probably figured that out already
>>17848531>>17848536I respect it.>>17848610BOBA
>>17847175>>17847231Kek these posts just aged wonderfully
>>17848630god I would go fucking crazy in the shinitummy
>>17848799what happened
>>17848799pray for shark
>>17848630>>17848804Stop saying tummy.
>>17848838Gura body hort
>>17848850It's a pun you dumb reaper, I thought being good at words is your job?
>>17848843fell better shorky
>>17848843Fuck, was hoping that wasn't the case...get better Goomba
>>17848838Member stream postponedmight have coof
>>17848957I am going to send you straight to Death-Sensei.
I know a lot of antis have made raps shit talking Mori and substituting their own voice with TTS, but have any of you Deadbeats actually been inspired by Mori and produced your own track?
>>17849012Go ahead, I'll just tell him everything I want to do with his apprentice. I will make it weird!
>>17849025working on a piano cover of Real Ass Platinum
>>17849025I've thought about recording covers of her songs for fun, but that's about it
>>17849025There was a good amount of people who did back in summer during the deadbeat watamate rap battlesince then some others have occasionally posted lyrics they've written but nothing recorded
>>17849200Mori making me kiss her hand and fingers...
>>17849228I suppose the lack of a beat tends to deter most who manage to get the motivation to make something.
>>17849189>>17849239Make sure to rename it to something like "Real Ass Platinum (Edited)"
>>17848974I'm gonna concernnnnnn
>>17849189Fuck'it man just hit the keys~One of my new favorites. It's amazing.
I want a Kira produced track on the upcoming album. He did a great job on the N*ji fish's song and seems to be at least someone Mori has contacted
Take it to /mu/
>>17849357I really, really, want the next Mori EP to have tracks with every Myth girl.
>>OPThis thread seems more stable.Is there any merit to these posters. I'm pretty worried about her. Is she lean dependent? Did I miss something?
>>17849517I wish somebody made a soundpost of the cough medicine mention in her NGO stream
Poor, mindbroken bastards
>>17849586make a clip, lazyass and I'll convert it
>>17849611At this point i think all those threads are just made by deadbeats to keep board pink.
i want to gently but firmly graps mori's bare waist as i drag my lips across her shinitummy for a while before licking it clean and giving it kisses
>>17849742At this point they should probably just have a meido purely dedicated to waking up after SEA hours end and deleting them so actual oshi threads can be poated
It seems veibae made fun of cucks on stream. /vt / sisters have a bigger target now.It's finally over deadbeats. If Mori stays quiet, we can return to normal.
>>17849742It would be nicer to attribute it to naughty Deadbeats but I suspect/fear the reality is much stupider. People making and feeding those threads really do believe the lists & conspiracies they type out. Or that she will take notice of the tracks they're uploading. Actually, giving their tracks a shoutout would be kind of based. Maybe even some tips for how to rap better.
>>17850023Mori will be fine, I'm fairly sure she learned a lesson. Or management clapped her a bit.
I made a couple of anti threads because I'm a menherabeat and wanted to be told that she actually loves meThat was weeks back when the rrats were fresh though
>>17850122I think the only time management tugged on her leash a little was the Atlus begging stream. Otherwise all the times she's apologized and said she wanted to improve something, it was her own decision.
>>17849025Contestloserbeat here, I'm working on another track but the one good thing about this TimeloopTaste arc is everyone forgot the context>>17849294Wait, all I can do is beats. If I made some for deadbeats is there someone in the thread who could put the lyrics over it without sounding like Yung Skelly?
Will she knife-proof the house tomorrow?
>>17850122I don’t think so didn’t mori said jchad is taking a break
>>17850196You baka. Bastard. Bakastard. I hope you learned your lesson because there's enough actually deranged motherfuckers here.
>>17850257She got management involved with screening sc so there's at least something there. Plus the main problem is that she's overworking herself which she admitted Jchad scolded her for.
>>17850196Well? was it worth it? Being a literal t.deadbeat?
>>17850401>>17850419I'm sorry...
>>17850264This is /vt/. Probably not. However, if you were to put it out there for anyone to use if they want to try rapping, it'd be a nice community resource. I may or may not use it as well. Either way, I'd appreciate your effort, Deadbeat.
>>17850196>>17850448Think hard about what you've done.
>>17850448I will only accept your apology if you promise to take your meds from now on.
>>17850662but if I do that, the Mori in my kitchen making me breakfast will disappear.
>>17850619All the peaceful threads you knocked off, all the 2views you could have saved instead of chasing your misplaced desire for vindication
>>17850418Those are good things though. Whoever suggested screening SCs was thinking smart. Mori was handling critics well by referring them to management. The one time she let something get to her (directly calling out her friend) so she should learn to control that impulse but it also helps that things like that don't make it to her.>she's overworking herself which she admitted Jchad scolded herThat's her job. Mori trusts J to keep her in line. So I think they make a good duo, even if they both have moments where they drink a little too much stupid bitch juice. Consider how far we're in and what her actual "yabs" have been. They've done pretty good. >>17850448I forgive you because she would. She knows shitposters get their karma.
>>17850619OP is a dillweed but at this point though I welcome the efforts.This thread's quality is directly proportional to how many pink threads are there to camouflage it
>>17850713For real though, I remember last week an onigirya came in here and talked about how there were so many anti threads even they couldn't get one in
Nap time.
Need Ope plush as official merch
>>17850978Looking forward to Yukisame merch
I was a bit confused by what she was saying about 3D yesterday. I understood what she talked about with maybe people getting upset if debuts happened before others. The part I'm confused about is what she said about what her appearance is going to be like. Was she implying all of her stuff would be recorded ahead of time like ID and rest of Myth or was she saying she didn't want to do anything the others couldn't? Would be kind of a shame to not have her experience a group performance with the JP girls
>>17851231She said she doesn't want to perform at Fes in a capacity that the others could not
>>17851231I think she was implying that she currently has much bigger plans for 3D use than the rest of them. She doesn't want people to think Cover is giving her special treatment.
>>17851231>>17851319Mori is ride or die with Myth. I respect that a lot. Even if the others might be telling her to go on stage in full, live, 3D and appear alongside others. Mori wants to share that moment between the five of them. Even with the home 3D stuff, they should all be able to record some stuff and appear as a unit with other guns. Whatever solution they find will keep the five of them equal.
Jesas Q is almost at 2 mil already.
Go to bed Mori
>>17838279This would make a good soundpost
>>17851538>phenomenal song>the two best and most recognizable holosIt's a recipe for success, as seen with King.
hit up Rosemi for STRIVE solos, Mori!
>>17851613No for real Mori, please go to bed before you like more random e-celeb shit
>>17851231the only part confusing to me was how she worded the part of her not doing anything with 3d after 3rd fes until the other girls are also allowed to do the same thing, as in she would surely wait until theyre capable of doing the same stuff, right? I can imagine she will have more ability to do 3d birthday streams and stuff like that but I guess we'll have to wait and see how exactly the 3d stuff for the rest of myth and ID works out to compare. I think they've stated the 3rd fes doesnt actually count as the 3d debuts for them despite kind of being that, yet can I assume Mori's 3d plans for after her debut wouldnt come before the rest of myth's debuts? Also would they do official debuts together or separate them by days/weeks/months?Have to wait and see
>>17850837I really wish you were wrong about this
Do you think she would make short 3D videos with Mori in it like Marine has?
>>17852066I understood it more like she does have plans to continue to do 3D stuff, but she was absolutely adamant that the others would have the same capabilities to do so before she agreed to do it, even if she ends up being the first and only person to do it for a while, hence why she mentioned being worried about reception.
>>17851922Isn’t she supposed to watch bae in like 4 hours
>>17852281that's what it seemed like yeah. not sure why someone immediately commented that it's weird she would have to worry about that when she's the one who was adamant about it in the first place
>>17852281That's what I eventually concluded too. She'll move forward on 3D activities because she was assured that the others would also be 3D at the concert and eventually be able to do the expanded 3D stuff like her
>>17852460so are we looking at 3rd fes as a debut and open season on 3d stuff right after?
>>17852501Seems that way.
>>178520663D construction isn't done yet, and what we might be seeing at the paywall debut show is a non-live and heavily edited showing.
>>17852557>3D construction isn't done yetIf you're talking about the models, those have been done since forever ago, same as ID1
>>17852538thats strange because I think Kiara(?) said that despite being the first showing the 3rd fes wont count as the actual debut
>>17852673Mori said that too in the member's stream.
>>17852698fuck this is too confusing
>>178526733rd fes is a "debut" in the sense that it'll be the first time we'll see the models being used, but there will be traditional debut streams later on, like what happened with Marine and Flare after 1st fes. Mori talked about this, as well as Kiara in her community post.