A thread for the discussion of the boss of bancho bones going ballistic, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.
I want to be the abusive boyfriend that beats her to put her in her place, who she later defends in front of her friends!
I do not like Q
https://youtu.be/NpstjKTr9tA sex demon karaokehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14airLg_-QY lui-nee is also singing
I like Q a lot
Do we really need yet another Mori thread? Are there not enough in the catalog? Moooods ñ.
>>17720664>>17720711Both of these opinions are valid and you're allowed to have them
Q is an awesome song and MV
KFP here, Q was really good and had a cool video. Mori puts so much effort into her projects. My only complaint is it featured deadbeats.
Just stopping by to say that I love Mori from the bottom of my heart. I hope you deadbeats are having a good Friday.
Am I the only one who sees that there's no Mori thread, but can't be assed to make it himself? Or that worries someone else will make one while I'm making mine and feel like a dumbass?
>>17721164I can't come up with cool alliterations so I don't make em
>>17721128>>17721147Based, have a good day/night
>>17721164Nah I feel the same, mostly because I've had that happen and my thread lost out.
So according to Bae, she's the inky one streaming her POV for Surgeon Simulator?
>>17720968The MV is way, wayyyy better than the song.
I like Q a lot more than I thought I would, shit is genuinely stuck in my head.
>>17720709The issue is that it's not THE Mori thread. It's just a bunch of dramawhores. Similar to how people make threads on Gura, but there's only one /ggg/.>>17721201I think we need to stop using these dumbass fucking moonspeak letters and use English like almost every other thread on this board. There's literally no reason for it and it just makes it harder for potential newbeats to find it.
>>17721337I literally can’t think of a single word of it.
>>17721353The only words that immediately come to mind are "Don't bite the hand that feeds you if it's holding a knife."Also, Gura has a few times where she says the English word "Queen," which I always find cute for some reason.
remember to love your Mori
>>17721128It featured Deadbeats beaten up. I'm pretty sure this should satisfy almost every kind of deadbeat and non-deadbeat.
>>17721399Gura's stuff is pretty wild
>>17721402What if we milk mori?
>>17721353I think that's just your defective hippocampus Anon. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you if it's holding a knife"
>>17720636You're a couple of months too late.
>>17721343We used to use eigo subject titles once upon a time, but there used to be arguments about what to call the thread. The kana was a compromise. Also I just use "Mori" when I search. I've been the one making most of the threads for the last few weeks so you can at least trust I'll make sure it's there.
>>17721440Makes you wonder if Gura had input on those lyrics....
Haters can go play tennis by themselves!
>>17721500she sad in a stream she doesn't produce milk
>>17721573A lot of people always use /morig/ when talking about the place. Nobody wants to go to Google to nab the kanji for "Calliope Mori General." Shit's unnecessary. Do what everyone else does for the sake of simplicity.
>>17721128>My only complaint is it featured deadbeats.Yeah, me
>>17721128>>17721736My favorite part is that it granted us this amazing GIF.
>>17721164>can't be assedThis. Not like there's much value to be had here anyway.
Member stream in 37 hours
>>17721353>分かったらYESを聞かせてFucking chills man
>>17721337I find it to be very ear-wormy. It's very catchy and the MV is a joy to rewatch.
>>17721440UWAHwhere are these from?
>>17721843Saw that, hope it's super chill and she has a ton of fun with this one
>>17721766I think being able to chat about Mori outside of the forced positivity shitholes is great, even if this place has its faults.>>17721855Can you even understand that part?
>>17721843>writinglike, normal writing?Also nice choice on the artist, pretty sure he draws nude versions too
>>17721909"Say yes if you understand"?Boku nihongo jouzukunai, pls wakare
>>17721863>I find it to be very ear-wormy.I just came to this thread and you already posted what I wanted to say. I listened it once and it was in my head until I listened it again. And again, and again, and again, and again, and again...It being only 2.5 minutes makes you wanting more, I found myself coming back to it throughout the day.
>>17721909Even if we have to deal with forced negativity instead?
>>17721939It hurts. Please. You're not Japanese. I think. Maybe.Although, to be fair, these bitches have made me start wanting to learn Japanese. And by learning Japanese, I mean picking it up, trying it for a day, and never touching it again because I'm lazy.>>17721964You won't get banned from here for being positive. I do it on the daily.
Mem stream is up. :(
>>17722028Music transcends language. I've been listening to JP music since I was a kid, not because I'm preoccupied with what the lyrics are, but because I like how it sounds. Started doing my reps in the meantime.
wow she finally used this art
>>17722028I wish you'd tone it down just a little desu, it makes me crinch a little bit.
>>17722058Turn that frown upside-down, skeleton!
>>17722218read the description
>>17722058>>17721843Man, just when I said this thread is useless I already have to eat my words.Fucking Susan notifies me about anything BUT Mori community posts..
>>17722285Susan is an anti.
>the descriptionHope it won't change her approach to the streams themselves. I want the members streams (honestly just every stream) to be as comfy and fun as possible for her
>>17721343>makes it harder for potential newbeats to find it.great, we've fallen this far
>>17722315>first, two months of shadowban n summer>now, thisNot paranoid, but I'm starting to think she may actually have it out for me.
>>17722279Honestly, it's for the better. There were way too many blue and green messages being sent that prolonged the super readings for no reason. We won't be getting those cringe conversations from prechatfags being read out loud anymore.
>>17722324That just gives her a chance to pre read some stuff which she should have done to begin it.
>>17722354Hey. When I was new here, people helped me out with learning shit and finding good Mori content. I'm trying to pass that on.
>>17722367good point. And she reads chat from time to time and if that's a conversation starter she'll go on about it to discuss it. Although sc readings led to some great tangents as well I won't deny there is some loss
>>17722279>my demon teamHah
Can you guys tell this brokebeat what the fuck is up
>>17722324mods will keep screening until they're absolutely sure it's safe or something idk. I can't imagine her competely doing away with it because she said a long time ago she feels guilty not reading some of the superchats
>>17722419you know there's a reason we try to gatekeep though
>>17722455she's used that term since her lazy knee grow moment.In fact, this practice is more or less the same as before
>>17722513I know, it's just funnier now that some of the lore has been revealed.
>>17722480I know. Gatekeeping is good. But you should let people find the place before you kick them out.
>>17722367>We won't be getting those cringe conversations from prechatfags being read out loud anymoreOh thank god.
>>17722324this just makes me more mad at the schitzo who set this whole thing off I really want SC readings after streams back it was really comfy and fun and at times that shit turned into a great zatsu now thanks to some dumb fucking faggot we have to have this in place
>>17722632she's going to read those anyways because there's a very low chance for a yaband because it will make you mad
>>17722367>prolonged the super readings for no reasonI considered them to be the best part lately, now that she learned to go on tangents somewhat like the phoenix. And boy, will I miss the ability to get a question answered for just a couple bucks. It's a goddamn shame, especially if it was prechatters that fucked it up for everyone. But for now, I'm choosing to blame it on burnout, and maybe a better explanation will come along.
>>17722679you know despite that dudes SC setting this all off, I still don't fully believe he sent it 100% in bad faith. I think the resulting shitstorm really lies on one person
>>17722706Tangents can still come up during regular zatsus. It says she's still reading the occasional ones, so if your question or comment is interesting enough, it's still likely to be read.
>>17722739>I think the resulting shitstorm really lies on one personYeah, Mori
How many people here are members? I can't pay for legal reasons.
>>17722878Everyone except (You). Step it up.
>>17722912Untrue, I'm a brokebeat and not a member
How are you, Deadbeats?
>>17722739Do not openly admit to being stupid like this, you should be ashamed of that. There is no way the SC wasn't malicious. It was exactly the type of shit she hates the most since it attempted to attribute something she never said or did to her. Guilt by association is Stalin purge-tier shit.
>>17722947Doing alright, fellow Deadbeat. I'm still trying to wake up. Might make coffee for the first time in ages. I still need to prep more TTRPG content for my friends, but I've been unmotivated lately.How about you, friend?
>>17722878'sup>>17722739>imfuckingplyingIt was the lowest, and most deliberate kind of manipulation>start out nice to lure the prey>hit 'em with a false dichotomy>strawman the everloving shit out of 'emAnyway, I still don't see why the rest of us, the actual members, have to be punished for it
I'm gonna be honest anons, the new song kinda sucks. At least we got some fun visuals but this is the least memorable Mori song I've ever heard unfortunately. I didn't really like her King cover either tho
>>17721843>not reading all SCs anymorefor just 100 leafbux, a single man managed to lower the value of Mori's membershipwhat an easy W, as some folks say
I'm coping by thinking that Mori won't opt in for membership gifting, at least until she fully trusts >us again, which will be a while.
Q is a fun song. Not what I imagined, much tamer, but I like it, needs English subs. The MV was the best part. Deadbeats and Chumbuds going into a gang war (presumably outside of a Family Mart) and then the two bosses showing up to kick all >our asses.Looking forward to what songs Mori does with the other Myth girls in the coming months.
>>17723031Just because it's Japanese doesn't make it bad
>>17723013>why the rest of us, the actual members, have to be punished for itBecause she:-cannot read-took the baitThat's all, had she had screening and had she reacted to it properly (not reacted to it), this would have not happened.But as always, we get to live with the consequences of her actions.
>tfw there's like 40 to 50% chance that this is my fault because I was the guy that egged on the sad fag on here and there's a good chance he's the one who sent thattehepelo.
>>17723013he warned her, and she didnt listen, what he said literaly came true, and will continue
>>17723095>blaming her for trusting her members>blaming her for reading fast in her native languageNot the answer I was looking for. Fuck off.
I’ve been baiting mori with stupid ass chat messages since debut, she CANT not read them. Her brain is too programmed to read shitpost.I knew this would happen eventually
>>17722878>not even T6>hasn't had sex with his Mori yetAnon how do you live your life?
Can't you guys just curb the doomfagging for the next couple days? We've had enough the last few weeks to last us the whole year.
>>17722987I think the guy was retarded but that doesn't mean he was malicious. and guilt by association isn't some end-all be-all nono. If Mori said she hangs out with Alex Jones I don't think she'd get away with it. Stupid comparison, maybe, but it gets my point across. Not everyone who believed connor was a bad actor is evil or lying, but probably stupid
>>17722947doing pretty good 10 months a member as of today
>>17723150>Trusting her "members" when the bar is less than a McD meal a MONTHroru roru>2Nope, she could have read and told them off without "showing them" and nothing would have happened, everyone gets schizo scs and you don't hear much about them.>>17723192Darth have you not killed yourself yet?
We are not about to start this endless argument for the umpteenth time this week. Stop it.
>>17723272Darth is irrelevant
>>17723208Okke–. I don't like this change, but I'll try and shut up about it for now.
>>17723150So what kind answer do you want? Management told her to do this for while?
>>17723046still makes me mad but no point in bitching anymore what's happened happened and we can't go back
>>17723094I agree I listen to a lot of weeb shit but it's just really lacking. There's like 0 memorable lines in the song and even the chorus sucks"Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, if it’s holding a knifeStill gotcha tongue tied? Guess you better gimme your life"Like this definitely isn't her best work
>>17723290yeah, fine, I'll stop. Mori's probably read about it enough times by now
>Check it, I've got the medicine!
How big is your Mori image folder, Deadbeats?
>>17723208Already have. I have high hopes she's super candid and relaxed at the members stream after having fun with CHaDcast+Moomers then lessons with Lui
>>17723403~35 gigsIt's technically a unity folder plus some other weeb-related stuff, but most of it is Mori images, soundposts, clips and a couple of VODs.
>>17723403Probably only slightly bigger than yo->1195 fileswhat in the nigger shit
>>17723477Fuckin' Christ, that's a lot. I keep mine limited to images and GIFs. It's mainly for me to drop on posts here and to post to friends.
I think things are sort of getting back to normal now. Thank god
>>17723514How big is it though, anon? What is the file size? And may you spare some for a poor, starving Deadbeat?
>>17723547I would wait for few days personally. Who knows what Mori could do before it.
>>17723547dont jinx it
>>17723523>friendsMust be nice not to have to pay not to be ignored by people.
Mori love time to post my favorite reaper
>>17723569900+mbI'm phoneposting right now so can't post any pics
Still waiting on the calli and mousey cover of any song desu they would work together well desu
>>17723352I actually like it better than other stuff. It leaves me happy and hyped. I don't listen to music to end up feeling sad
>>17723403only 149mbs? step it the fuck anon. do you even love your Mori?
>>17723211> I don't think she'd get away with itAnd this is a huge fucking problem. You are not guilty unless you committed a crime. If you think people can be persecuted for who they are acquainted with without any further action from them, you should go and immediately surrender to police since you're sharing website with people who support rape, pedophilia, child porn, racism and a whole lot of other lesser crimes. By same logic, you're supporting all of that.>>17723403I don't have a separate Mori folder, but my Myth art folder is at 1.6GB of art.
>>17723598I raise you a rare Getcha Mori (that cover is popular as fuck and still barely gets art, it's disgraceful)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npdJmuzPPaANext Forest stream
>>17723728damn and i like Lui, but mori gives me puke reflexes cant stand more than 5 minutes.
>>17723717I'm amazed at how that cover has ran circles around the original
>>17723728Didn't know hagbirb got a new outfit
>>17723645I've only been here a week. I've saved every new image I've found and went hunting online for images.>>17723679Shame on you for not dedicating a folder to Mori. You need an e-shrine.
>>17721128Precisely, it lacked militant chickens and Takos zerg rushing in. Imagine if it ended with Gura and Mori teaming up to take down an Evil Kiara and Ina team up. And all this happens because this timeline has no Ame to bring them together.
>>17723728Surgeon sim should be before this but nice to know when it's going to happen
>>17723211>doesn't mean he was maliciousPlease, nigga changed his name right after.Look, I get it, you hate C-word, but your boy doesn't, and there's nothing you can do about it without damaging the things you like.
>>17723800where have you been? it was a big deal when HoloX got their kimono
>>17723717I love listening to it every now and then. I hope Mori makes another song with Sui. Maybe in her new album? Her vocal skills grew a whole lot since the time she recorded Getcha so the next song should be even better.
>>17723852changing his name right after doesnt mean anythingI dont even care at this point but thats a super weak argument
Now that I've watched Q's MV a dozen of times I understand why Mori said the rrats will come no matter what.Deadbeats and shrimps just randomly turn against Mori and Guwa while Mori is literally singing "don't bite the hand that feeds you"
>>17723913>someone knows what they did is wrong so they try to hide>but they weren't malicious!ogey
>>17723877truthfully I don't pay as much attention to JPs as I'd like
>>17723961I assumed he was ashamed
>>17723961>The only reason to hide is to be maliciousI'm not supportive of that supa but that is insane thinkingYou should get a job at the NSA
hey mori since you're /here/ tell management to fix licensing on Spotify, can't listen to Q on there but other songs are fine (eu fag).
>>17723835Dedicating folder to Mori is not a good idea for now because Myth has so much group art. That would mean I need to make 6 folders: 5 for individual art and one for group art. Maybe once the Myth folder grows to 3k+ images and I can no longer find things in it I'll split it some more.
>>17723627I like happy music as much as the next guy but I just feel like it completely misses out on what makes Guras vocals so charming and the rap by Mori doesn't really feel like she's trying. It feels a lot like it was just kinda cobbled together at the last minute, like seriously the chorus alone is the weakest part of the whole thing and is carried completely by the flashy animation
>>17724050Alright, alrightEither way,>trying to push it all as mori's fault you don't get to deflect where half the blame is
I love Mori.That is all.
>>17723849>Surgeon sim should be before thisOh, in just 11.5 hours?
>>17724146The other girls go to my general anime girls folder which I will totally sort through at some point (like 8k pics lmao)Group art goes into Mori & Friends subfolder of Mori
>>17724146>6 folders>looks at my 34 different hololive foldersyou can do it!
>>17724232This is how it's done. Mori deserves her own spot. She is Queen.
>>17723794Did you mistakenly think this was global or something?
>Fastest Hololive songs to reach a million views (Top 10 list) (31st Jan 2022)REFLECT (Gawr Gura) - 0d 10h 29mKing (CalliGura) - 0d 11h 36mUnison (Houshou Marine) - 1d 15h 15mOchame Kinou (HoloEN) - 1d 20h 0mOff With Their Heads (Mori Calliope) - 1d 20h 21mRoki (Mori Calliope) - 2d 0h 26mKamipoi (Laplus) - 2d 7h 43mCan you do the hololive Beyond the stage ver (All Members) - 2d 9h 35mGoodbye Sengen (Nakiri Ayame) - 2d 14h 51mHololive Ochame Kinou (All members) - 2d 17h 0m(From /#/)It's on the way to become the third fastest song to reach 1m.
She loves money
>>17724483We all love money, Anon.
>>17724496I love it too, except I don't ever seem to get any
>>17724523None of us ever get any, anon.Fuck capitalism.Fuck every form of government, really.
>>17724558Fuck the jews
only thing I don't like about Q is Mori's first verse is another of many instances where she tries to fit in too many words into a rap to the point that it sounds scuffed and unintelligible. Other than that I like her performance, Gura's always good to listen to, and the instrumental is both great on its own and serves them well. Non-hyperbolic opinion is that it's a pretty good song but with a great MV. I liked it way better than their cover of King at the very least.
>>17724594>Mori's first verse is another of many instances where she tries to fit in too many words into a rap to the point that it sounds scuffed and unintelligible.She likes Eminem, no?
>>17724587Amen.Also, figured I'd drop this image here. Just because it made me smile.
Chimkin ...https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1489620876450533380https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1489620876450533380https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1489620876450533380
>>17724594Branching off into different types of rap would unironically be really good for her, but the rap type you mentioned is THE thing she brought from before Hololive and she may be resistant to adapt. Personally, I actually really liked the interesting rap types she did for Baddest and this. If she really leaned into it she could knock it out of the park. Would also pair well with the improved singinghttps://youtu.be/Ln56RAeS1Ls
Q will be a fun stage song for them where they can fake-fight with their dancing
ok but when is my Mori going to do a collab with THE Viper? I need my moon princess to do some fucking cloud rap
>>17724623Her flow's a lot better on the second verse, so the stylistic approach itself isn't an inherent issue. She often has moments when she makes it work.
>>17724852Do they have enough time before the concert happens and with their busy schedule to pull that off, though?
>>17724874If not then they can actually fight when they meet in-person. Use it as practice for the full Myth beatdown Watson has coming.
>>17724146And then divide it into duo/ship art of only two girls, and then divide it into trios, and then
>>17724852Isn't that the entire premise of Revue Starlight Re LIVE?
>>17724248I have individual gen folders + group folder + non-holo folder for some other vtuber art I saved. I didn't save that much art yet so I don't need to break it up further.>>17724232I stopped saving art that doesn't belong to anything I follow more closely like Vtubers because my "general art" folder is 11k pics clusterfuck and I have no hopes of finding anything there.
This Lui collab will actually be the first time Mori has spoken entirely Japanese since the New Years appearance on the main channel
So, uhhh... Poorbeat here.Think there will be some way or place for me to see Mori's performance at fest when it happens? I desperately want to see what kind of shit she brings to the table. She stands out compared to the rest of the performers.
>>17724594>sounds scuffed and unintelligibleWait, so it wasn't just me being an ESL? P H E W, man
>>17725207if you hang around global or the catalog you'll find a link probably (but you should really get a job/better job)>She stands out compared to the rest of the performersshe does, and not trying to be mean, but you might be disappointed if you're expecting something crazy.
>>17725289Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of nowhere. Jobs are basically nonexistent. I make do with what I have and use it to support my family, who are also struggling.I'm not expecting anything too crazy. I just know she'll do really well. Plus she's been taking dance classes, so I'm excited to see her in full-body 3D, slamming out bars.
>put Q on my holosong playlist to throw on at work>put it on top and hit shuffle>end up looping Q for the last two hoursI think it's pretty good, guys
>>177234031.2 GBHuh more than I expected. Nice.
>>17725450People are really underselling how good the backing vocals and tempo shifts are. You can really get into it and I'm loving it
>>17724190The biggest thing that bothers me about this entire ordeal made me realize very few people on this hellhole is capable of any sort of self-reflection whatsoever.What's done is done though. Mori learned her lesson at least.
>>17721843I can't fucking wait. Hopefully the stream can be as comfy as usual.
>>17724320I assume he's one of the antis/dramafags that have made this split their new home.
>>17725450Gura will have revenge for this!
>>17725376SC readings for those are always in English, and are obviously a significant amount of the stream
>>17725640Sound doko?
>>17721440>you will never go crazy between gura's sweet lips
>>17725558How new are you? I knew this place was always full of schizos and other broken people. /vt/ should have not been made in a first place because now all the schizos flock into split drama threads and believe every word. I genuinely believe that /vt/ will the downfall of 4chan and not /pol/.
>>17722182It's because I posted it in a random thread a couple days ago
>>17726199Shut up Mori. You should've used the nude version instead, coward.
>>17721440Pls tell me it's real ...
>>17723931>Deadbeats and shrimps just randomly turn against Mori and Guwa while Mori is literally singing "don't bite the hand that feeds you"Yeah it's tonedeaf as fuck
>17726289Let's NOT go through this timeloop again
>17726473Agree if we don't talk about problems then they don't exist
>>OPWho are the “members” in her extended universe?
>>17726617DEEZ NUTS
I just found this glorious stream. I'm loving every moment of it.>>17726617Death sensei.
>17726586Anon, fucking spregging about it /here/ ain't gonna do shit, and you know it
>>17726757GET A ROOM YOU TWO
man i love to read doxxbeats thinking they are on some high pedestal moral high ground or something after what happened a few days ago, people call you cuckbeats because you literally have no backbone, hope mori graduates thinking she got everything in the bag just to hit a fucking wall and fail miserably because her yes men make her think that way, (you) are at fault here, never forget that
good morning
>>17725282I could barely understand it either, but looking up the lyrics, you're not missing out on much by not understanding it.
>>17724623But Eminem has a ((good)) mixer.If you're reading this Mori, I understand your opinion on "merging into the instruments" and respect it, but also think that's it's really dumb and misguided. I get that mixing can be good and still not to my taste, but I'm not insane for thinking that any song with worthwhile lyrics deserves to have them be listenable. Do you have self-esteem issues making you want to both figuratively and literally disappear under the background noise? Every time you drop a new song that is slow and soft like Cursed Night, end of a life or period of time lacking in brightness you act all surprised that people like it a lot. Half the reason people like those songs is because we finally get to hear your voice, damn it.
>>17726757>ain't gonna do shitIt makes me feel better.Q was a massive letdown after the protracted wait, a mediocre song that didn't emphasize any of Mori or Gura's many strengths and was carried on the back of an animation showing the idols beating up their fans after Mori spent a month schizoing out about a couple of supers that weren't even that fucking bad to begin with.>Don't bite the hand that feeds you when it's holding a knifeFUCK listen to your own lyrics AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>17726949Anon you realize that this was in the making before le final yab right
>>17727031And next he'll say >that just makes it worse
>>17727031I know how long it's been in the works. That doesn't make it better.
>>17727031no body does and then if you point it out they say that she wrote myth or treat in one night
>>17726949The song being underwhelming I can agree with, but your take on the lyrics is backwards. This has been in production hell at least since November. Any connection to recent "drama" is all in your head.
>>17727056So you're basically admitting you're making yourself mad over nothing.
>>17727073>Any connection to recent "drama" is all in your head.If she wrote it months ago could she not have followed her own advice from months ago? It just makes the nonsense that devoured January even more retarded.
>>17727031Okay, to play devil's advocate: I feel like this has been the issue with Mori for a long ass timeSpecifically, the issue where she feels like she can fire back at mean comments and get away with it (Remember the dog water marshmallow?) That, and the fact that she's the first HoloEN to collab with outsider (And a "Controversial" one at that), this is bound to happen sooner or later
>>17727159...Are you seriously trying to link this MV to TT? Really?
Why the fuck are you entertaining this moron?
>>17727088I'm frustrated because Mori's music releases are supposed to be the highlights and this is the first time like I genuinely felt as if she was giving 5%
>>17727144>could she not have followed her own adviceThis is an AU lore shitpost song dedicated to M beats and M shrimps. No more, no less.>(implying that the audience is "the hand that feeds")Kekw
You guys really do enjoy getting humiliated by your oshi over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again don't you?
I just hope Mori is extra cute the next time I watch her
>>17726807Fuck you, man. I actually did post tried to do anything i could. If anything more /here/beats that have some kinda presence should have done more than just hide until this blows over.Fucking Tony could had criticized her and maybe she would have listened more as he is one of her biggest paypigs.
>A tweet is massive dramaI really hate that platform
>>17727257>bringing up namefagsis that all you people ever do?
>>17727278same, I never interacted with that place until I came to this board and now its just normal to see links to there and reddit posted as if its always been the case
>>17727226That Marshmallow is before TT, no?
>>17727287I am just saying that those people should have done more. I get that they probably don't want to look "bad" infront of Mori but for Christ sake when your oshi is having a menhera attack you don't just stand there.
Somewhat of a newbeat, was the fat ass cow comment that big a deal?
>>17727245oh right, is them that feed us with their infinite glory and supreme presence, gotta be careful not to grow fat from all that food
>>17727357Nevermind then, I'm a retard
>>17721337It actually is growing on me, it was just good on first listen but I'm enjoying it more after a few listens.
>>17727373What in the fuck do you expect them to fucking do you absolute imbecile?
>She made a tweet and then got called stupid. Oh man I bet she's RAGING! Tears in her eyes. Downing a bottle. Thinking about graduating. Then she wrote an entire tantrum song in two weeks! She's SO MAD.Jesas. Some posters are delusional.
>>17727457Say what a lot deadbeats were saying that don't feed the trolls but those motherfuckers were silent like bunch of cowards.
>>17727401It's not a one-sided relationship, but you are a consumer. No matter what delusions of grandeur you suffer of, how much you think you can fix her, how convinced you are that it's your advice that will finally save her from this world or how much money you send her.You are a consumer. The day she kicks the bucket, you'll find a new thing to advise, you'll find a new toy to spend money on, but you will no longer be able to consume. If you kick the bucket, nothing changes.I hope I misunderstood you and am strawmanning here, but do you seriously believe that you're in the dominant position in a creator/audience relationship?
>>17727254We just want mori to be happy
>>17727457You're wasting time replying to a schizo who does this regularly. He thinks he's "clever" by trying to bait /here/beats into criticizing Mori publicly or something. Just let him ramble on with his delusions.
>>17727549True, and cute too
>>17727401That doesn't make any sense as an interpretation of the lyrics either.
>>17727549Well, she will have fun chopping up deadbeats in SS with the gang, so ...
>>17727373people tried to hold her back, dont think the deadbeats failed her there, but they fail her now, acting like all her actions were justifiable and she can do no wrong from fear of being seen as the "stupid bitch juice" drinkers, they will yes man her off a clif now and will come for fear of being real.
>>17727241>this is the first time like I genuinely felt as if she was giving 5%BINGOI was missing the "5% reference" on my card so thanks anon. That was close...
>>17722146Same. Although, I never got much further than learning the kana, but I'd like to pick it up again. Mostly to understand the lyrics of the songs I listen to, even if I mostly only listen because they sound cool.
>>17727241This! The lyrics suck, the vocals aren't great and even people who like the song talk about how she tried to fit so many words in the first verse that it becomes nearly unintelligible. The chorus is weak as fuck "don't bite the hand that feeds you if it's holding a knife. Still gotcha tongue tied? I guess you better give me your life" It's something I'd expect from someone who's been doing rap for a year or less, not from Mori.
>>17727657the folks over at global made a new Mori bingo card, I wonder if >we'd be able to make a Mori-anti bingo card as well
...has anybody seen Nikodem lately?
>>17727697No, he's making a career
>>17727640Most of them aren't doing that at all, in fact most of them just shook their head and moved on. If you're basing your idea of deadbeats solely on /vt/ as it sounds, you're not getting a great look at her actual fans.
>Song is made by three people>The people here that think it's "terrible" are only talking about how it's Mori's faultThis is all you need to know.
>>17727657Even minus the 5% thing. You can't be serious if you think she put a ton of effort into it. The lyrics aren't good, the flow is not great at best and Guras vocals sound like they got flattened by a road roller. It very much didn't live up to the hype and it to me feels like more effort went into SUGH
>>17727791im basing it off her last "solo" stream, you cannot say those arent telling her shes winning flawless and are the majority
>>17723347Mori could go back but her ego is too bignotice that Kiara just has SC moderation and even if something slips by, she takes it like a champ
>he doesn't realize he's being made fun of
>>17727853It feels like she put as much effort as she usually does into all of her music, anon. I guess I can't say you're alone in thinking that, but you'll find plenty of company among the frothing-mouth schizos in the catalog if that's what you want.
>>17727853Quantify good lyrics and flow.
>>17727853Ah yes, it's Mori's fault if Gura's vocals aren't up to your standard.
>>17727791>If you're basing your idea of anything solely on /here/ as it sounds, you're not getting a great look at her actual fans.This, and unironically Seriously, one week and suddenly people think this board's hot shit
>>17727853I can agree Q is not the best song she's put out even though I like it, but imo it's more an issue of creative control than effort. SUGH was 100% Mori's creative vision. Given how Gura was directed in Q, vs how she sings naturally in karaoke, I think there were probably "requirements" that needed to be fulfilled coming from higher up.
>>17727918>It feels like she put as much effort as she usually does into all of her music, anon.You don't believe that. If you compared Q to Red or TGRIALS to my face, I'd punch you.
Reminder Mori saw a parody of /vt/ in a game and her reaction was to burst out laughing. She has no fear or respect for this place, who would?
Using an acronym doesn't make it not off-topic, doxxfags. Go away
>>17727953I wonder what's up with that. Gura's own stylistic choice? Reflect was tuned up as hell too. I liked it anyway.
>>>17728043>doxxfag>fag>F A GSpotted the doxxfag
>>17727953>I think there were probably "requirements" that needed to be fulfilled coming from higher up.Or, you know, DECO being DECOWhich makes me wonder, who is this song caters to? JP fans? EN fans? Weebs? /here/?
>>17727953NTA, but I think Q is just underwhelming against the backdrop of everything else she released. It's a 6/10 song with a 9.5/10 MV. I like Gura's parts and I like Mori's parts except her first verse.
>>17727918>>17727922I compare it to her other works like The Grim Reaper is a Live Streamer, or Red. >>17727932>>17727953I don't think it was necessarily all Moris fault, I do think they had a bit of a lack of control but I do also think that the flow itself and the lyrics on Mori's end were most likely kinda her fault.
>>17727953Except Gura sounds mostly the same as she does in all of the songs she's involved in, including her own original song and covers. If anything, she sounds her best and most "unproduced" in everything she's done with Mori or involving Mori's regular producers. I very much doubt it has anything to do with people from on high trying to impose a different sound onto her. Otherwise, why would she sound so excited about it?
>>17726949>animation showing the idols beating up their fans after Mori spent a month schizoing out about a couple of supersHow does it feel, living a life with skin thinner than a twitter activist? Tell us about it. Why do you come to a site to scream insults like "cuck" or "nigger" but take offense at a joke in MV?
Without discussing anything else. Q was something done months ago, even since that time she has improved. It's simple as that. That's what happens when things get delayed; it becomes dated even before release and the hype built up becomes an expectation which cannot be met.Q was fine for what it was. A chance for Mori and Gura to have some fun and see themselves in something reminiscent of TRIGGER + DMC.
>>17727544Telling Mori what to do is exactly the behavior she keeps complaining about. If anything, that would have made her act out more.
>>17728031oh nyoo
>>17727577No fuck you with this "everyone is a schizo" bullshit. Of course they should criticize her when it needs to happen and this one was one of those moments. I genuinely believe if one of those paypigs especially /here/ ones would had said anything i don't think this situation would had not gone the way it did.Also i really hope that streaming on her roommates channel was planned before this meltdown and not after though.
>>17728113This. She literally said he wrote the Japanese lyrics and they sounded exactly like his normal lyrics. The people here are either retarded or looking for a reason to complain (or trying to stir the pot with their new rrat that she doesn't put effort into Hololive music)
>>17728031>Red or TGRIALSThose were half teniwoha, if not more
>>17728139I mean, the song is still pretty good, being excited for it is valid on her part. It just feels like Gura's releases are a bit nerfed compared to what her singing can be. I know it's a bit of a meme, but Gura's covers of other songs can be chill-inducing, like really incredible stuff. I'm almost certain what made her as successful as she was was her absolutely fantastic Ride on Time cover on debut. And it feels like she never gets to flex this sound and emotion in her actual releases.
>>17728220It was. Funny coincidences aside these things were planned before she drank the stupid bitch juice.
>>17728113DMC fans
There isn't a suitable reaction for the retards who think that SC really triggered some crisis in Mori.
>>17728113It caters to me, because I like the song.
>>17728220The EP was multiple months in the making, and the stream was explicitly to speak about the EP and merch releases.
>>17728280Thanks for the insight Foreppi
>>17728272Same with Towa for that matter. Error is the best original she ever made kekw
>>17723841Based lore fan
>>17728220Uh huh. Whatever you say bro. Remember to leave a strongly worded comment under the next stream yeah?
>>17728165>A chance for Mori and Gura to have some fun and see themselves in something reminiscent of TRIGGER + DMC.Gura definitely happy just by the prospect of roleplaying as Dante lol
>>17728272And that's her creative choice. It's no one's fault, and certainly not whomever schizos on this board try to assign it to. Song releases almost always make for shit threads and discussion because people always want to sound like experts, and almost always doubly so for Gura's music because people have these mountainous expectations for her.
/morig/ is experiencing a crisisPost cute Moris to save it
>>17728220You're a fucking retard for thinking this way. Play out the scenario in your schizo head. She listens to a paypig just because he's a paypig. Great, now she's alienated 99% of her audience and is accused of playing favorites. That is much worse than anything that happened. No one fan gets any special treatment. Period.And she's been alluding to playing games she doesn't have permissions for "in another life" way before any of this. Take your fucking meds.
>>17723841>Takos zerg rushingkkkkk
I wanna suck on Moris fat tiddies mmmmmm
Can we talk about important things? Like how Mori randomly liked the rigging update tweet of no-pants Okayu
>>17728220>i>iOh you're that chuuni faggot in /hlgg/ who keeps ranting about how you're better than other deadbeats here because you don't suck up to the other fans
>>17728416I'm doing my part!
What does she mean by this?
>>17728416Got you
>>17728416Some stress relief is in order.
>>17728451Are we so desperate to be uncontroversial that we can't talk about Mori's music in the Mori thread because the latest release stank?
>>17728491She just really really loves cats, man
>>17728491fat cats reign supreme
>>17728544She's not fatSHE'S FUCKING CHUBBY
>>17728252I don't know much about DECO, all I know is I personally felt like it was a pretty weak release and in part it was due to the flow of the lyrics and how Moris parts didn't even sound great. If it was written in JP and translated then it'd make some sense but I don't buy that. I just think it was being worked on during the same time as other releases and when you spread yourself too thin, there'll always be one part that kinda suffers. Like when Mori worked outside of Holo and at Holo during the first part of her career and she kept falling asleep during streams
The fact that he's getting upset at cute Mori posting makes it pretty clear what his goal here was
I want Mori to sing this song in her karaokehttps://youtu.be/62kjavXkwjM
>>17728615Mori Love has always been bottom of the barrel posting.
>>17728587I'm chubby
>>17728482Man, is my writing really that easy to recognize?
>>17728681at least it gives people the chance to save new images. Thats much better then some of the other things you can take away from here
>>17728681Rather a barrel than a fucking schizo at this point.
>>17728596>I don't know much about DECOIncluded, but not limited to:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtBqK6xsQ9khttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adGhT_-JbZIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1xCOsgWG0Mhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zwCIz-Ohn4
>>17728657>>17728670>Mori accidentally cutting up deadbeats and Gura committing friendly fire with her haphazard gunkata because they're a couple of chuuni dorks and how it plays out in the MV is just their chuuni fantasy
Not everyone has to like a song. I liked Q well enough, nowhere near a favorite but it made me smile. It had a rough production. Delays and mixing issues (Mori and Gura agreed it needed more work). Maybe it just was never going to be *amazing* but I don't think it was bad. I think the worst part (other than lack of subs) was the hype of it being the first Mori/Gura song. That made some people expect the best Holo song ever. Maybe their next will scratch whatever itch those people have.
Bros... Mori looks so cool in the MV
>>17728792Does he pretty much exclusively work with vocaloids?
>>17728703I keep fucking telling you, dude. Even if your grammar didn't make it obvious, you're making a name for yourself by always posting the same inane shit.
>>17728861Yes, he's a MikuchadI listen to his work before Hololive tho, so call me biased
>>17728427I wanna squeeze Mori's meaty belly.
>>17728832Kay's animations give her tits all the glory they deserve. Can only hope the 3D model is close
>>17728482That nigga is so fucking annoying. I don't even understand wtf he's ranting about half the time. If this really is him, then that makes this shit fucking hilarious.
>>17728926I guess that makes sense as to why Guras vocals sound a bit off. Maybe he's not used to working with real people?
>>17728878Should probably stop then before i become too known among anons.
>>1772927199.9% of this board is forever newfags, so as long as you don't namefag I wouldn't worry about it too much.
https://youtu.be/1E66K-4G3o8?t=8009>I am exhausted from feeling sad, and anxious, and upset every day, and scared, and afraidForest, I'm so sorry... No wonder she's been moving away from superchats. Fuck.
>>17728491It means Okayu is extremely cute.
I miss having Mori read my greyname messages
>>17729502It's a good thing though. She's tried of feeling those things, so she's not going to let herself. She will focus on providing content, giving her all, and smiling with her friends and her Deadbeats. Which is where her focus should have always been.
>>17729769same, but now she reads my green name messages
>>17729705Was the number of files intentional?
>>17729502I'm genuinely curious as to what was making her feel sad "every day for a year and a half". Sure, not being able to see her family because of coof sucked, but she was able to see them in the summer and had a ton of fun. I just wish she really focused on how many good days there were compared to bad ones, because that statement made it feel like she hadn't had any good ones
>>17729502Dumb bitch.
>>17723403I don't have a folder, all my 4chan pics are in one directory and each picture is tagged in the filename. I have 568 pictures, that doesn't include the calli stuff.
>>17729852I mean there's some pressure on them as streamers but honestly I just don't think she enjoys streaming all that much. Not being an anti or a schizo but I just genuinely get the feeling that her music is always going to be the most important thing to her and being limited on her creative freedom with her music probably sucks
>>17724816she honestly should take a page from Finana's book and tey that type of rapTsunami is a fucking banger
>>17729999>Not being an anti or a schizoNot being a streamwatcher either. She directly states how she feels about streaming so you'd know if actually watched her.
>>17729502man I don't think moving away from superchats solves that problem. That's deep
>>17729805nope those trips came straight from satan-sama
>>17729999>her music is always going to be the most important thing to herYeah. HER music.
>>17730042Did you have a stroke?
>>17730063God, I love this image
I'm really just hoping for a really good string of streams starting with these collabs that send her off to surgery really happy. She was so relaxed and happy during that Earthbound period, maybe she just needs something like that to remind her why she loves streaming as Mori
>>17730033I have watched her, watched her since debut. But as time goes on I just genuinely feel like she'll never flat out say "I don't enjoy streaming" but I mean she flat out says "after a year and a half of streaming I'm exhausted from feeling sad and anxious and upset every day" in the stream that started this conversation. She literally in that stream alone already has the notion that the superchat she's reading is going to be a spiteful one. Out of all of en she seems the least satisfied with being a streamer, not even Ame seems as dissatisfied
>>17730376You seem to mean well, but you're in dire need of meds
>>17730376So I should trust a 4chan armchair psychologist over her own statement that she came to love streaming? Am I reading you right?
>>17730376Meds anon. It's not a switch, there are things she likes about streaming and things she dislikes, and the things she dislikes are getting to be tiresome, that's all.
I'm starting to feel abandoned by Mori
>>17730376I swear to god some of you people spend way too much time thinking about and analyzing every minute thing Mori says and does.Shut the fuck up, go outside, touch grass and have sex.
>>17730566bitch she literally streamed yesterday
>>17730376> after a year and a half of streaming I'm exhausted from feeling sad and anxious and upset every dayYou bonehead, context! She responded to a superchat, which mentioned hate coming her way. She's not tired of streaming, she's tired of haters getting to her.
>>17730376>>17729999She's said before that she "learned to love streaming." All the rrats about her not liking it, not knowing about Hololive, not liking idol stuff, etc. may have had some bit of merit...on day one. It's well into year two. At this point Mori has proven herself through words and deeds. Anyone not convinced, isn't looking to be. They're more interested in finding things to object to. Which is sad if someone will watch every stream and listen to every song for the sole purpose of going: "She's doing it wrong!"
>>17730376>00:58:44 People overanalyzing vtubersSeriously anon. Turn off your Internet and go to sleep
>>17730601idk man its hard to not think about mori when i'm making love with my girlfriend Calliope Mori
>>17730519I mean I did take several Psychology classes in college, and I do have quite a few friends who work in the field of psychology and therapy but no. Take her words for it when she says "I'm so exhausted" when she releases music about her haters and her antis, when she stops reading superchats, when she doesn't even change that for membership streams. These aren't signs of someone who's super happy with her job, when you start to preemptively assume that your primary source of income is coming from people who hate you, it's not exactly a positive development.
>>17729852You're misquoting her. She didn't say she's sad "every day for a year and a half."What she actually said was>After one and a half years of streaming, I am exhausted from feeling sad and anxious and upset every day and scared and afraidNow, does she actually mean literally every day, or does she mean every day recently? We don't know. Only she does.If you're ESL or just not fully comprehending what she's saying, you need to understand that native English speakers don't speak in fully correct grammar all the time. Whether intentional or not, you paraphrasing her words is what contributes to her and everyone else being taken out of context. I'm only sperging out about this because the whole thing started with people taking statements out of context and misattributing things to Mori. And fuck off if you think I'm defending that faggot. I'm tired of this bullshit going on because no one seems to be willing to genuinely understand the entire situation
>>17730639Absolutely. It is pretty ironic how that early Mori comment of always "picking one hateful comment out of a sea of nice ones" has become so poignant. Really wish the goldfish memory could selectively work on those type of comments for her
My least favorite thing about Q is it's too short! I want to see more of my two favorite holos kicking my shit in! And I think the song is great!
>>17730760>literal armchair psychologistrumao
>>17730894Based and fair take I wanted to hear a final portion where Mori maybe goes up an octave on the chorus. I loved it