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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17524681 No.17524681 [Reply] [Original]

Why would you lie to me like this?

>> No.17524816
Quoted by: >>17531814

/vt/ is always wrong, forest-chan

>> No.17524825

no one said any such thing

>> No.17524857

they're not the first of the 3 big en agencies to do full model 3D anyways, so it's a hollow victory

>> No.17524862
Quoted by: >>17524917

>says its impossible to do the regular 3D under normal circumstances that hololive has been doing up until now in that exact clipnigger you just watched
bait thread everyone after this post is willingly responding to bait

>> No.17524869

nijikeks did
now theyre trying to revise history like they always do

>> No.17524893

Why are there so many threads with the same, "I thought you said" bullshit? Are you retarded or just children? Why would anyone believe something they read on here of all places?

>> No.17524917
Quoted by: >>17525043

coping, backpedaling, moving goalposts really hard

typical nijikeks

>> No.17524961
Quoted by: >>17525190

Kind of a weird stream to announce it. You think she'd do in like a proper announcement stream in some collab but I guess she has to take all the glory for herself.

>> No.17525015

Holy shit, can you faggots just all kill yourselves? Everybody was limited by government restrictions. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.17525017 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 1200x797, 1643664830048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17525139

Stfu Cuckbeats, literally no one saying that.

>> No.17525043

keep seethin bro, the novelty is already gone, holo just bandwagoning other agency in the end

>> No.17525108

thanks for the (you) and continue being wrong

>> No.17525139
Quoted by: >>17533351

makes sense it's nijikeks shitting up threads unrelated to pink woman

>> No.17525155

I'm just here anticipating the numbers Gura's 3D is going to pull.

>> No.17525163

They aren't doing 3d Mori is just wrong.
See that time she said they were no longer going to accept fan mail

>> No.17525190
Quoted by: >>17525330

they never had one after the announcement.
Everyone was saying it will be 2D while JP will be 3D

>> No.17525233
Quoted by: >>17525270

Stop posting the same post in multiple threads

>> No.17525270

You retarded or something?

>> No.17525330
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Quoted by: >>17534691

(Calli)ng it now, J-Chad told her to do it so that she could lit some of the hate off her.

>> No.17525347

>3d Mori is just wrong.
you need to back your shit up nigger

>> No.17525374
Quoted by: >>17525431

he wont

/vt/ is always wrong
no exceptions

>> No.17525431

/vt/ sisters why this is worst that shitposting and rrat ogeys

>> No.17525572
File: 43 KB, 634x356, 1643711405213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17525667

Yes because Mori hasn't been wrong about shit like this 10 times over at this point.

>> No.17525667

>Mori this Mori that...
why are you so butt blasted by her serious question....

are you fucking angry because she has friends outside of hololive?

>> No.17525671

/vt/ is always wrong

>> No.17525695

currently believe satan's opinion makes more sense than anon in /vt/

>> No.17525714


>> No.17525785
Quoted by: >>17525809

Are you high again Calli?

>> No.17525809


>> No.17525848

Why the fuck did she decide to announce it here instead of doing it together on some official stream?

>> No.17525890 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 399x324, IMG_20220126_200935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17531754

Cuckbeats you ok ?

>> No.17525935

And she announced ID's for them too.
Kinda why I believe she's just wrong yet again.

>> No.17525977

or she is just blowing off steam

>> No.17525981

Mori is lying again.
Just like she lied about Connor apologizing

>> No.17526017
Quoted by: >>17526121

Cuck posters can't even get a (You) from me.

truly butt blasted by some corpo chuba

>> No.17526045

They use the same tech for home 3D as they use for their live2d, there's no reason to think they wouldn't get it considering their models are done.

>> No.17526056
Quoted by: >>17526084

It's gonna be VR Chat setup but with the official models. Except for Mori possibly, since she is in Japan.

>> No.17526084

ID might rent a studio considering they all live in the same country.

>> No.17526121

But technically you just gave them a (You) tho? Heck, you just gave everyone in here a (You)

>> No.17526250

To be fair, all the arguments around them not getting 3D were based over two assumptions:
1- They can't get to Japan in time for the concert (which is true)
2- They can't be bother to put the effort/money for various 3D studios outside Japan just for this. (which they seem to have work out somehow)
So they were only half-false.

>> No.17528342


>> No.17531646

>cheap mmd model for vr chat

>> No.17531679

/vt/? More like bitch!

>> No.17531754
Quoted by: >>17539514

>nijikeks deflecting from being proven wrong

It's obvious from all the backpedaling and goalposts being moved. Get rekt

>> No.17531814


>> No.17531923

You already know the answer. It's fucking Mori.

>> No.17532218

Daily reminder that the most popular Nijisanji EN members still get absolutely mogged by the least popular member of HoloEN.

Genuinely pathetic that you think they're even playing in the same league as Vshojo, let alone HoloEN.

>> No.17532890
Quoted by: >>17533242

>not in the Japan office 3D studio
It's not a real 3D live then, and they are risking catastrophic failure because the office 3D team can't help the ENs in real time if anything goes wrong.

>> No.17533230

Hehehe it's a holo victory

>> No.17533242

Do you think it's going to be live? Their performance will be absolutely pre recorded, the latency would be huge.

>> No.17533351
Quoted by: >>17533811

>unrelated to pink woman
>Op's image is quite literally pink woman

>> No.17533811

thread context

>> No.17534691

the whole drama is retarded, but given how much she is collabing even bringing the sick irys for it. there is no doubt thats the case

>> No.17537109
Quoted by: >>17545458

everyone he replies to on /vt// is mori. every problem in his life is caused by mori.
his fears? mori
his despair? mori
his anger? mori

his posts are all to mori. he lives in mori. he sleep in mori. he dreams in mori.

he cannot be reached by mortal man. leave him in his cage of cuckbeats, anon

>> No.17537377
Quoted by: >>17539415

>deadbraps believe this

>> No.17537627
File: 285 KB, 1080x904, Iwasright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17537892

/vt/ being wrong is a matter of course at this point.

>> No.17537939

They have to fly to Japan to use 3D models because Cover has the motion tracking technology in house.

>> No.17539337
File: 7 KB, 300x168, pinkcat3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Vshojo has had 3D for almost a year.

>> No.17539415

nijinig outing himself is the cumbeat spammer

>> No.17539463

If you thought the rhombus was scandalous wait till you see what sort of 3d model beanerville cooks up

>> No.17539514
Quoted by: >>17544743

This. Sick of corporate dick suckers fighting like console kiddies.
>Hololive is better
>Nijisanji is better
Neither the companies nor the vtubers give a fuck about you, they just want your money and see you as a pathetic loser.

>> No.17541597
File: 891 KB, 1609x1567, 1640591617280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least post the good model

>> No.17542799
File: 1.44 MB, 1152x2048, 1640024463981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she already has a 3d

>> No.17543066


>> No.17543120

>NijiEN earned more in Superchats than HoloEN last month by a large margin.
>Thinks HoloEN are above VShojo despite the latter not getting their donations raped nearly as hard by twitch and their corporation.
>HoloEN literally took 3rd last month.
>Not in the same league.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17543428

it's called shitposting, newfag-kun. 4ch does it all the time, you'd better get used to it if you're going to stick around, to save yourself the hassle.

>> No.17544743

You dont need to be so grumpy anon

>> No.17545458
File: 191 KB, 480x800, 1643157117972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sleep in mori.
That's Connor's job.

>> No.17548231


>> No.17549788

lmao. Its missing the tears tho.

>> No.17550453 [DELETED] 

Rent free

>> No.17550954
Quoted by: >>17571206

Wow, I can't believe you're still posting the cucked skeleton meme. That's, um ... that's like, sooooo irrelevant now. Nobody even finds it funny anymore! Dead meme. Outdated meme. Yawwwn. Try and catch up - deadbeats WON! We sent her our money, remember? So, uh, stop posting totally irrelevant things like us being constantly cucked!

>> No.17552136

y'all insane if you think she's getting blasted by connor

it's clearly sydney and calli pegging grant every night

>> No.17554523

the fuck happen here?

>> No.17554899

now this is the kind of crazy people talk I can get behind.

>> No.17561713

rent free

>> No.17564244
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, 1643088153767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17566703


>> No.17568699


>> No.17569331

LMAO I believe it.

>> No.17569414

>When keeping it real goes horribly wrong

>> No.17571206

this post proves otherwise

>> No.17571290

Bullshit. You chuds have been carping on for months about how they won't get a 3d because nobody can go to Japan.

>> No.17571453

Melody had it a year before even her.

>> No.17571460

Council's flop mindbroke bandwagoners so hard. Bealz 4k < Lexium 5-10K.

>> No.17571880

Calliope Mori, the Grim Reaper's apprentice doesn't have friends outside of Hololive. She doesn't even exist outside of Hololive.
I don't care if Craps Devil has friends outside of Hololive. They don't belong in it.

>> No.17573431


>> No.17575110

I actually am surprised she got the okay to announce ID as well. 3D has been such a big deal for them ever since they had that announcement stream like a year ago, I would've thought they'd like to do some kind of group announcement. But whatever.

>> No.17580828

i kneel

>> No.17580900

>spoiling the news without consult with her senpais
What a bitch
