She's an idolSchedule: by: thread: >>17105632
Current stream:
Beat me to it. Was gonna go with "Links Awakening End Doko?"To the guy in the last thread, I was thinking of link to the past. Turtle Rock is the last dungeon followed by Ganon's Tower, but your answer was good enough.
Beat me to it, too, here's a cute kiwawa for your effort
Cumming inside Kiara then dipping chicken nuggies into her snatch then eating them
Idol, endurance streamer, and shrewd business woman.
i was rewatching the ametori collab and noticed that ame says "or so" instead of "or something" at one point, like kiara does. cute.
So people who have played this, how long do we have to go in Kiara time?
I would eat her snacks any day.
>>17180300Didn't catch that. But very cute if true.
>>17180300She also named sunflowers as her favorite flower but then admitted that she doesn't know much about flowers.My guess is Kiara send her sunflowers. At the very least Kiara is associated with them through the Sparks MV.
Those dodongo slugs were way harder in the original version
>>17180589Or maybe sunflowers just fit her characters fucking color theme you genius
I want to set up a nice candle-lit dinner for me and Kiara with some soft lounge music. After making sure to have 2 deserts ready, we could retreat to the living room and I would bust out the oils to give her a sensual massage.
She seems to be getting pretty tired. I hope she just puts it down for today and finishes in a short stream.
>>17181104Once she finishes turtle rock, she doesn't have much left could do it in about 3 hours or less at this rate.
>>17181392>3 hours.>Currently at 7 and a half>10 1/2 hour stream.Ouch...
>Doesn't work 4 times.>Tries it 3 more times.Why Kiara, why.
>Kiara clips get the most viewsCute
>>17181492Might just be that Bori is built different and has extensive Kiara backing dessu
>>17181440I'm spitballing worst case scenario. Like struggle-kino levels of pain, and I can't tell what needs to be done between getting the thunder drum and cracking the big egg.Probably way less, at least an hour though from now I'd guess.
>>17181722>I can't tell what needs to be done between getting the thunder drum and cracking the big eggAfair nothing.She has the code for inside the egg, she has the song. So she should be able to get right in.
She's so stupid, bros... I just feel drawn to help her. What is this feeling?
>>17181634nta but that isn't Bori. It's another Korean clipper:
>>17182107I always wonder if she's that stupid or just faking it for the laughs, even kid me could solve that faster
>>17182141I know, but clipper views bleed into each other's.
Kiara getting smug and then being an idiot!
She really can't stop herself walking into enemies
>Fucks up while applauding herself for her skill
Kiara's big butt.
God I wish I was Chonkers right now.
Fucking chat, stop prolonging the stream even more.
This stream could have easily been two streams.I know it's silly but I hope one day she will drop this fucking "I need to finish games next stream no matter what!" autism.
I love her dumb voices man.
>>17184341Eh, she did it, there wasn't breakdowns, and it meant that she did a longer stream which she's not done in a while.I'm pretty glad she did it this way actually.
>>17184341Kiara is many things but lazy and unproductive is definitely not one of them.I admire her work ethic and proactive approach to everything she does.
>>17184433Kinda makes the game for me. She does them pretty fitting too
She was having a bit too much fun with her Wind Fish voice.
>>17184341>She tries to finish off a gameNo just do more parts!>She does a long running seriesNo we need more variety the drop off!>She does multiple games at onceWhere are all the collabs!?!
>>17184341Fuck you let us have Endurance kino
>thought the style was goodFucking kek
>>17180589Kiara said that she send an assortiment of multiple yellow flowers (Ame's color), so there was most certainly sunflowers in there.
>>17184726It was
>>17180300I noticed too. Bet she unconsciously picked it up.
Fuck your dreams, sex link on the beach if you love him so much!
>it's another fucking filler members streamGod her members has to be the least valuable of all.
Sir, this a KFP.
>>17185922Her watchalongs are fun, and Kiwawa is very cute and parasocial in members. It's worth if you're fond of Kiara.
Which of the Girls are playing Pokemon tomorrow?
lol she doesn't wanna go.
I'm that PS4 btw.
>muh catskys
>>17186446Probably the Aussies.
>>17186469love this bird
>>17186545Bae a pokemon fan? I don't remember if she did play the recent pokemon or not. But I can see Sana will definitely give it a go then. I guess Mori and Irys will probably play aswell.
>nearly 10 hours of streaming
Oh boy it's soundposting time
You got a nice oshi, fellas.
I don't care about le Twitter trending, but this one is kinda funny.
Might be useful
>>17188925So, this one should be about our Tenchou, right?Because there are a lot of different Kiara's causing some buzz.
>Kiara unironically just used her brainwashing to get her cult to stay with her for 9 (read as nine) full hours of Link's AwakeningNOT A CULT MY ASS!!!!
>>17189505Personally, I think KFP should pivot from "we are not a cult" to "I don't care if we're a cult".
>>17189505You will join the cult soon Lunaito, wait for Kiara x Luna collab
I fell asleep towards the end and missed seeing it live...
>>17191395Kiara would want you to get your rest, the archive will always be there
This one will definitely come in handy
Also from the last stream:
>>17194056What a coincidence, I was making that oneI hope it's used repsonsibly haha...
>>17187654>>17188991>>17191823>>17194296thanks soundpost bro(s)
Very cute:
>>17197627Her art is always so cute. Love it.
How the fuck has she never seen mean girls, like what
>>17198349It's been forever since I've seen that movie. I don't remember much about it.
>>OPI want to rim Kiara's asshole
So I have a question, is Kiara actually gay? Or is she just straight?
>>17200500Unless you look like Daigo Dojima, you have no chance.
No sexuality timeloops below this point------------------
>>17197109unironicallyAlso I just saw eggs having a meltdown over the number of kiara soundposts in global, only to get replied to with more soundposts. Pretty sad but hilarious. Decent portion of them were mine too lmao
>>17200970>eggs having a meltdown over the number of kiara soundposts in globalI'm pretty sure that was just one guy. Also, that retard had a meltdown earlier because she didn't cry to the ending of Link's awakening, calling her a sociopath who lacks emotions.>>17200500She's gay
>>17200970As always, your work is much appreciated.
>>17200970>SpoilersSchizos being schizos, k-keep me posted soundposting anon
>>17191395Don’t feel bad. I’m a VOD chad who can barely watch her streams live and even then, only the first 3 hours maybe.
>>17200729All that matters is that anon’s gay. For me.
>>17200500Bi, leans more towards women.
Tell your oshi to punish Mori please. I don't mind if she makes her cry a bit.
>>17203556Kiara will give her rape correction with her Kikkericock when she goes to Japan.
>>17203556Sorry deadbeat, these days Kiara is saving her kikkericock for AmeYour oshi will need to learn how to stop being a dumbass by herself
>>17203556I can imagine these two breaking each other with a hug when they reunite
>>17202732It's so hard to keep up sometimes... Akira
are there any roosters on KFP or is it all chickens
>>17204328Part of me was hoping she'd be turned into a twink, because I'd be down with twink genderbent Kiara using her domineering personality to rail me.
>>17203556While Kiara loves helping other holos, Mori was obstinate to it back when Kiara was more involved with her. I wouldn't be surprised if Kiara's taken the position of "I'm only going to help if she approaches me first."
>>17203556Until they meet again irl, your oshi has to be the one to reach out I think. I wish her all the best, nonetheless.
>>17204447Canonically, we're all female
>>17204725That means in genderbend timeline with Akira we are all cocks
>>17204447We can all lay eggs but we’re pure.
>omocat merch finally on its wayCan't wait. Was beginning to think it'd arrive much much later
>>17203556Why, did she do something stupid again since three days ago?
>>17209709NTA but no, shitposting is still happening, though it died down a bit.
>>17209475Mine has been saying "Dispatched by US Carrier" for over a week now. Beginning to think I'm only going to get my shit next month
I am still waiting for the birbday merch...
>>17212186>not the Krono editbaka where’s the effort “deadbeat”
Mamatori collab when
>>17212442Mamatori permissions revoked. By me.
>>17203556Kiara would probably comfort her. After rape correction
>>17193720Catbox onegai
I normally don’t post takamori, but this is just too cute
>>17213766Ina wrapped around Kiara is just perfection
Someone please post the Kiara "I like corn" image I need it
>>17213766I love this guy's comics.
>>17214391Gotta be honest, corn is my least favourite vegetable. It literally can't go with any other foodstuffs.
>>17203868Seems to be the easiest thing to imagine honestly.
>>17204468I like to think she already has. Remember, she straight away went to contact Mori when she saw a tweet about her being down (this was due to not getting to go back home for Christmas).
>>17214838it goes well with mashed potato. some people have it with can make it into fritters, put it with mince for a savoury mince. and it's just good soaked in butter.perhaps even put on pizza :^)
>>17213615She wouldAfter the spa date
>>17214391>>17214838Buttered corn and carrots is good though
>>17214943Ugh, no. I tried it with mashed potato and it was annoying having the sweetness of corn clash with the gravy for the mashed potatoes.
>>17214975Is this character mentally deficient?
I was tired so left the stream earlyDid she finish LoZ last night?
>>17215258Yeah. She did a bit offscreen but she finished it. She wants to get a Wii U to play Windwaker next. Really looking forward to her starting Yakuza though.
>>17215258Why does she look so sexy here?
>>17200970am retarded, I only get 404 not found. how the fuck do I listen to the sound file?
>>17216970install greasemonkey in firefox or whatever it is in chromethen install this script image and enjoy
>>17217052>>17216970For Firefox you also are going to need a plugin, here's a quick guide
>>17217052>>17217078thanks anon. now I can listen to more Kiara
>>17217110Soon Kiwawa will be living rent free in your head, narrating your life and taking over your inner voice
>>17217143I read this in Kiara's voice.
>>17217143Implying her Australian accent doesn't already haunt us 24/7
>>17217578I saw someone share a model for Linkiara awhile ago on Twitter, would be really neat if we could get that as a mod for the game, since Switch games can be modded
>>17200500Probably bi, everything else is speculation.
>>17218636>I, Kiorno Takavanna, have a dream
>>17218636Does Kira throw his female employees in the usual room too? Does he brainwash them and break them mentally?Does he have legions of women throw themselves at his feet as he threatens them, but also drowns them with his slightly unstable affection?
chimkin butt
>>17218885This male Kiara looks like he owns a business>>17218636While this male Kiara looks like he owns a gang
>>17219133What about this one?
>>17214838You're insane
>>17218885cute dradel
>>17218885This one's head kinda reminds me of Toon Link for some reason
>>17219170This male Kiara looks like he owns a beauty parlor
>>17218636Kind of how I imagine her brother would look if he ever got a character design.
>>17219772After all the stories I've heard from her? Yeah this design probably comes close. The dude sounds like a massive edgelord.
>>17200970They still exist? I thought eggs went the way of the dodo
>>17220739They’ve been desperately trying to start a Kiara vs Mori timeloop on /hlgg/ and the split threads.
>>17220813Probably just dead inside drama-seeking gossips rather than committed antis of Kiara specifically.
>>17220739Last night it was the dude that uses way too many commas
Is Kiara seen as more of a romantic in Japan thanks to the KFC imagery?
>>17220739The only way drama can survive on this board is if the dramafags care about it. We're at a point where the population of the board is much larger than the eggs, and there's a lot more things to talk about than Kiara. Since the dramafags aren't interested in Kiara anymore, the eggs just can't really make anything happen. It's a combination of:>ex-threadreaders actually gave Kiara a chance and don't mind her (egg numbers dwindling)>dramafags want something fresh and juicy, Kiara drama is both stale and almost all of it is fake>More points of comparison with NijiEN and Council, which is actually favorable for Kiara.>Kiara is more careful nowadays>(speculation)Certain eggs losing interest in Kiara and focusing on other targets of hateBut don't ever catch yourself thinking they're gone. Schizos are nothing if not resilient.
Stream reservation doko
>>17221287That movie sounds like absolute trash, just like that weird Alice movieProlly gonna skip if it is only available on YouTube or Amazon
>>17221338Mean Girls is a great movie. Don't be fooled by superficial appearances.
>>17221338If you don't want to sail the seas watching Kiara's watchalongs without the movie is nice as well. She is just making cute noises in the background and having tangents before and after the movie.
>>17221338It's good, it's a a movie with iconic moments that went to become memes for a long time too, I hope we get Kiara/KFP versions of it, that will be fun
>>17221393>Don't be fooled by superficial appearances.Nah, I am gonna do as my oshi does, not giving stuff that looks appealing a chance.
>>17221338Kiara has movie tastes of a basic white girl. No surprise there. Im just gonna watch it with her just to experience watching a movie with a cute girl...
>>17221471The Notebook is a basic white girl movie. Everyone I knew growing up liked Mean Girls, including other guys.
Y'all ready for Kiara to call things fetch for a while?
>>17221527She will 100% regurgitate every nostalgic meme and I'm here for it.
reservation up btw
>>17221519I only know The Notebook because Ryan "literally me" Gosling is in it and hes the male lead
>>17221519Is that movie good? I wanna see her watch a movie with Ryan Gosling in it
>>17221527I want her to absorb “you can’t just ask people why they’re X”.
>>17221834We're watching Mean Girls, get into the spirit
>>17221756La La Land sounds like a nice bet. Every white girl I know loves this movie
Catching up on the LoZ vodDo you think Kiara redoing the Marine Holotalk is a good idea?
>>17222015It'd be fun but isn't particularly needed
>>17221756It's toothrottingly sappy and romantic. Haven't seen it since I was a teen. Not sure if she'd go for it since she generally prefers fantasy and comedy to romantic drama from what I can tell, and there are better Gosling movies out there, but good luck convincing her to watch any of them.
>>17214373I have the impression, admittedly based on absolutely nothing at all, that Ina's an inveterate parasomniac cuddle slut.
>>17222015Honestly? If Kiara can't decide, I'd leave that up to Marine.
>>17222130>While playacting being a hero, Mori starts to pull Ina off Kiara>Ina wakes up and starts crying at being separated from Kiara>Kiara quickly begins cuddling her again, consoling her
>>17191547comfy picture
>>17222204Just as planned.
>>17198113I have never seen Mean Girls, never heard about it too until Kiara started mentioming it.
>>17203556I don't want Kiara to interact with Mori at all.
>>17222285Are you from an Anglophone country?
>>17222285You need to be 18 to post on this board
>>17204725I remember her saying it in one of the earlier MC streams>I pronounce that you are wife and wife>But I need chicks from you>So, ganbare!
>>17221527stop trying to make fetch happen
Oh god the architects are gonna like that scene. We're gonna be hearing about water weight for a while all the artist who still draw the fancy outfit
>>17222015I'm always up for more Marine. Timing is also pretty good, Kiara translating gives small breaks for less throat issues and IF Kiara can smuggle herself into Japan for spring/summer, it'd be nice for them to interact more beforehand.
>>17222760I hope she gets good news from the doctor. Would suck if she had to go full IRyS to recover.
>>17222328Eastern Yurop.
>>17222836That's probably why. Mean Girls was inescapable in the English-speaking world but I don't know how far it travelled.
Personally, I wouldn't have been surprised if Mean Girls didn't even go outside of the States, I tend to assume that most SNL alumn movies don't go far outside of America.
I forgot how absolutely sex Kiara is
>>17223215This is the first time watching it from met. South American KFP
>>17222015Why not? its fun, we see more kiara x marine action, and we get to find out marines panty color.
>>17222015Yea why notMaybe we'll finally get some of those collabs we missed out on
>>17223741How could you forget?be sure to tell her on stream, you know how cute she gets when people do that
fuck now i'm worried, can some twitterfag tell me it's nothing serious
>>17224213It's nothing seriousSometimes you just think
So, Where are you watching Mean Girls?
>>17224367Some pajeet website like this maybe.
>>17224213What happened?
>>17224367The usual room. Watching Ollie right now, who is being very cute and genki.
>>17224554I don't know some people say it's related to TT and the replies on twitter say they're "glad she finally noticed" but that could be about TT again
if you reply to this post with a timeloop i'll come to your house and beat you up
>>17224213I'm pretty worried as well, some of the replies imply something serious happened to her. I'm guessing someone got access to one of her accounts and she recovered it? I'd be glad to be disproven though, jesas
>>17224728It just a bunch of literally who or big simps accounts?
Instead of speculation on the machinations of the chicken. Post chicken instead.
>>17224778Ah that thing, maybe just a white-hacker and ko-fi not having a 2FA security shit. The worst about it would be Kakun not being able to send her money anymore and end his ars-fuckery lmao
>nothing in kiara's twitter>nothing in the kfp hashtag>a bunch of "kfp" are "worried"Fuck off, all of you.
>>17224786I would be quick to dismiss it if it didn't imply that something actually happened to her.
>>17224843I'm sorry, I'm taking meds but they don't work
Kann mir ein Kollege kurz sagen, wo man als deutscher KFP den Film sich anschauen kann? Finde auf netflix nix dazu.
>>17224829Is he actually German because if he's intentionally using the wrong currency then that's pathetic. If I had the money to spare I'd probably donate more GBP (who knows maybe if I get rid of my annoying debts and stuff.)
>>17224986He is German. He uses Ars on YT to limit his spending (probably has poor impulse control). He funnels real money to her in a way that doesn't pay Susan or Cover.
>>17225122Ah makes sense I guess. Means she gets more out of it in a way.
>>17222015She could just do a speed round special with her and FBK maybe.
>>17222130So is Kiara, as my headcanon. I hope they meet soon.
>>17224771Jokes on you, I’m into that. Also, cute.
>>17224986I don't know if he's german but he is definitely EU. From what I've heard he bypasses youtube and cover to give her the full amount of money. But he still wants his SC read. Probably to poor to donate in both places at once so he uses ARS. As the other anon said, probably poor impulse control/SC addicted. Happened to me on twitch once too.
Time travelers wife when? I wanna get sad with Kiwawa
Kiara in prechat!
>>17226659Would you live a day in the life of a Tako?
What did she mean when she said the internet is so fucking scary
>>17226752region lock hate!
>>17226831She is here
>>17226831Is it not?
>>17226831Probably either TT shit considering the new drama with Connor, with somebody getting swatted due to that. Or people getting their accounts hacked recently.
>> / 1486183901735399425will self-delete
>>17227105>account does not exist
>>17227084>>17227105Was right, lots of people have been getting their things hacked recently. Thankfully this one isn't her twitter account, nor does it seem that serious. Though it still could also be about that other Connor drama.
>>17227105I see, glad she sorted it out
>I'm the problemRRATS?????
Christ, well it could have been worse.
>>17227234>Was right, lots of people have been getting their things hacked recentlyWhat's with that anyways? I've seen like 8 different people talking about getting some account of theirs hacked on twitter in the past two days.
>>17227105Deleted account but I'm guessing it was an imposter? >>17227084>someone getting swatted Fuck, that shit sucks because at least one person died from swatting. People need to chill the fuck out.
If you're going to self-delete and it's nothing serious might as well post a screenshot
>>17227193>>17227352That's a post number not account
>>17227084I really hope it isn't over the TT shit. Fuck their dumb drama.
>>17227420Yeah. I'm more confused now than I was before.
>>17227352>>17227476>>17227420Apparently it was about her Kofi getting hacked, the post that was self-deleted was to a twitter post of a guy telling her that somebody hacked that account. Thankfully the hacker just told her to change her password for the kofi and didn't do anything serious.
>>17226184Just watch a bunch of her beginning streams.
Can't you guys scurry off to some discord to discuss this?
Let's focus on the stream now, sisters
Fucking newfags haven't you ever clicked on a baby towa link before, jesus, where do you even come from?
>>17227333Using your email elsewhere and having the same password for multiple sites. Minor databreach on a site gets info stolen, people who stole it use bots to try a bunch of widely used sites with that email and password.
>>17227594Who is this cutie?
>>17227594:}Mori what the fuck
>dox discussion during a members streamI hate this split
Oh God just fuckin pirate it at this point if your fucking German Hateboner can´t stomach watching the ger dub
>>17227626it's me (´ิ ´ิ)
>>17227667>German HatebonerIt's just retarded to watch mean girls in any other language than the original, it's a movie you watch for the references, not for the content
I'm british and have to pause the stream every time she starts doing her accent. I usually don't mind when people make fun of us but this is just such a painfully bad impression
>>17227816I just wish people realised Britain had more than one accent. I'd love for someone to do a northern accent that would be funny.
>Self-hating germanShe really was raised in europe
>>17227816calm down it's cutecompared to Ame's it's not as bas as it could've been
>>17227816I remember the day everyone found out Ame wasn't British. Happiest day ever.
>2nd account for pekora membershipNot news but it's still cute to hear
>>17227816You guys are a meme these days, embrace it
>>17227978Why do yanks think we all talk like orks from 40k
Bros she's pretending to be one of us and she doesn't even have a license...
I knew I should have sit this one out...
>>17227816Honestly, its so bad, that its barely British so it doesn't really bother me. The worst are the people who don't know how to say anything other than "IT'S CHEWSDAY INIT". I can atleast appreciate a good fake accent.
>>17227978>>17228031Kek. This ones my favorite
>>17228031bit sad innit>implying becoming a space horde isn't your plan
>>17228063It can't be that bad. I thought it was a movie that ripped into the basic white bitch of the late 90's. Or is that Clueless I'm thinking of
>>17227816If it helps, you can think its her Australian accent. Her accent sounds the same, no matter what she is trying to impersonate.
>>17228223It's not bad, it'a good even. It's known for a reason. I don't even watch movies these days besides for watchalongs and I've seen Mean Girls.
>>17228223I watched it a few years ago with my sister, I don't remember it being that bad but also I barely remember it at all so who knows.
So why is the chicken bad again according to /vt/?
>>17221527>y’all Go back to plebbit.
...could she not have prepared that popcorn before hitting "Start Stream"?
>>17228382Of all the words, that one is reddit? Really?
>>17228437>not wanting tenchou to enjoy the freshest popcornOkay anti.
>>17228437She never prepares.Especially for her members. She is not as hardworking as her paypigs make her out to be.
>>17228382not that anon but is it really that bad to say "y'all" idk it might be my esl but i feel like i see it a lot even on here
>>17228536That anon is just schizo. Ignore them.
>>17228338She gives me a raging boner
>>17228338apparently:some anti discord did a bet about her struggling to finish zeldasince she did just fine, they are trying to force it (whatever that means in schizo brains)amusing rrat, if it turn out falseit's basically just background noise, we are still at a low eggshell level
>>17228536Faggy numales like to use that word a lot.
>>17228338Huh? Most of the board still seems like its in it's Pink woman bad phase which seems to have been extended even longer due to other unrelated Connor drama
>already cute gigglesKiara needs to watch more comedies. What would you want her to watch? A dream I have is Shaun of the Dead.
>>17228780Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz would be great.
>>17228780i want to watch "imagine me and you"
>>17228780Adam Sandler movies with Mori. Jack and Jill maybe.
>>17228985Happy Gilmore with Mori. I think she may have already watched it. But man that would be kino.
>>17228985Fuck off I don’t wanna watch Adam Sandler. Something else onegai.
>>17228780hannah montana with nenechi
>>17229251Click and Uncut gems were good
>>17229300nenechi with Hannah Montana
>>17229300I'd watch them watch any of those kid shows, maybe even High School Musical lol.
>>17228985>>17229072I'd be down for that. I don't think I'd bother watching any of his movies alone these days, but if I could watch a dumb comedy with those two, I think it'd be fine
>Nobody approached her when she was in schoolKiara, they were too shy and intimidated.
New thread in a few minutes.
Kiwawa cute...