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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.07 MB, 2467x3502, FJxxv7iaMAAeRw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17188593 No.17188593 [Reply] [Original]

>思ひ恋ふ (Original song)

>Iris (Original song)

>Goodbye Sengen (Cover)

>Hana ni Bourei (Yorushika Cover)

Merch(Check the product page for Geekjack links):
>Uruha Rushia Birthday Celebration 2022 (until 2022-02-28)

>Rushia Christmas Voice Pack (until 2022-02-28)

>Hololive Sankisei Summer Festival Shirt Resale

>Bloom 2020 Flower Charm Resale

>Akihabara Collab Sankisei Acrylic Figures

>Rushia Figma incl. Fandead

>Rushia Nendo

>Spotlight Album feat. "magical mode" cover by Rushia

Previous Thread >>16891399

>> No.17188927

I'm actually hyped up more than I thought I'd be. I caught myself starting to sing Gotta Catch Em All...

>> No.17190399
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>> No.17190652

Here's the stream link for later by the way. Competitive doubles is going to be a new experience for everyone I think, this'll be exciting.
ホロライブポケモン大会 第2回ホロポケカップ【ポケモンBDSP】 https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv334572845

>> No.17192583
File: 527 KB, 1200x922, 0986797483646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully there's no one hit KO shenanigans in this tournament

>> No.17193314
Quoted by: >>17195063

>Competitive doubles is going to be a new experience for everyone I think
Half of them have done doubles before

>> No.17195063
Quoted by: >>17195468

Competitively? Thought this was their first doubles PokeCup, and that most of them only tried their hand in online singles.

>> No.17195468
Quoted by: >>17195926

Shion's SwSh tourney was doubles

>> No.17195669

It'll be real exciting to not be able to watch it live.

>> No.17195926

Ah, guess I've found something to watch while waiting for the tournament to start then, thanks. Rushia took second place here wow, maybe she'll get the win this time!

>> No.17199275
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>> No.17202548
Quoted by: >>17205004

The link to the TL from the twitcast the other day was passed along?

>> No.17204835

love ru

>> No.17205004

Not yet I was still busy with things I'll try to get it done some hours after the tournament ends for now just focus on the pokecup

>> No.17208045
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>> No.17209194
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New table

>> No.17210727

https://streamable.com/sqhl4x It's been too long since I last heard this

>> No.17212724
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>> No.17213808

..and here i go again paying for premium when i won't use it for anything else. this time i hope i won't forget cancelling it...

>> No.17215334

she up boiz

>> No.17215551
Quoted by: >>17215638

doesn't look like she's winning this one

>> No.17215638
Quoted by: >>17215751

nevermind, she pulled it off!

>> No.17215751

that was a crazy tough cresselia

>> No.17216215

amazing reads from rushia

>> No.17216778
Quoted by: >>17217956

Rushia can win this. Her play has been amazing so fa

>> No.17217956

With the teams so far she might have a chance, wonder what her counter for Garchomp will be

>> No.17218484

Sunny day Matsuri vs top tiers Ayame, who will Rushia face?!

>> No.17218617
Quoted by: >>17218682

I have a good feeling about this

>> No.17218682

Side note, Watame's doing a midnight stream of Legends later which means we might get to see Rushia play it too!

That item swap move will be annoying, but I believe in the dream!

>> No.17219228 [DELETED] 

She did pretty good though

>> No.17219856

We won lads

>> No.17219886


>> No.17219942


>> No.17219987
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>> No.17220321

very proud of my wife

>> No.17220390
Quoted by: >>17221014

What's the timetable for the premium part? Is it matsuri for a while and then rushia or do they switch after a match?

>> No.17221014
Quoted by: >>17221316

Releasing all the stress in the listener battles, adorable.

Pretty much that, Rushia just won her match.

>> No.17221041
Quoted by: >>17222605

That viewer match was hilarious. What luck that she flaws only on the literal last turn before she would lose

>> No.17221086
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, FEJZq7IaAAAwlT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fun, the listener battle was hilarious
I'm so glad she managed to win

>> No.17221316

Yea, while i was thinking about wether i should get food rushia's match started. Well i'm eating now.

>> No.17221579


>> No.17222605

Thaws* not flaws

>> No.17222777

Come to think of it it was probably a good thing that Rushia played remotely today. She would've been way too exhausted for the champion match to focus properly if she was at the studio.

>> No.17222901

Definitely heck even i'm exhausted from watching the tournament.

>> No.17223055

nice digits

>> No.17224215
File: 197 KB, 500x500, sleepyru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17225024

I’m so happy to hear Rushia won the tournament. Waiting to get home from work to get caught up on it’s going to be painful

>> No.17226520

Hearing my cute wife talk about her love for Pokemon makes me happy

>> No.17227366
Quoted by: >>17235092


>> No.17227447


>> No.17228332
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>> No.17229586
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>> No.17230580

all hail the champ

>> No.17232114
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>> No.17233645
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>> No.17235092

Is this a new rushia acronym?

>> No.17237505
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>> No.17239642
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>> No.17241755
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>> No.17243402
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>> No.17244765
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>> No.17248227
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>> No.17251870
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>> No.17254855
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>> No.17257098

Hope she got some good sleep today.

>> No.17259802
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>> No.17262156
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>> No.17266381
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>> No.17267844

Cute rushia?

Or ecchi rushia?

>> No.17268020
Quoted by: >>17271768

Why not both?

>> No.17270414
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>> No.17271768

This >>17268020 ecchi Ruuchan is always cute! I'm glad she's gotten more comfortable with it over time because I was always worried that that one Ring Fit stream was removed because she felt uncomfortable

>> No.17273228

ru love

>> No.17274099
Quoted by: >>17275190

I think it's more of a misunderstanding on both sides. She said she's bad with shimoneta and a lot took that as don't mention anything in that direction. Which is probably why she wondered if she had no womenly charms and after that people just got more comfortable with mentioning stuff in that direction. There is still obviously a line where it becomes something she is uncomfortable with it though.

>> No.17275190

To be fair there's always a line with anybody, I think Mea mentioning that Rushia sends her dirty jokes a long while ago tells me that her line is pretty far but she worries about going too far "publicly" for the same reason she deletes her tweets. I'd assume that the more intimate she feels with us the less she worries about that stuff. I'd presume that's the same reason she opened her twitter again and even in the increase in her frequency of leaving replies open and replying that fans. But that's just speculation obviously.

>> No.17275269
File: 105 KB, 596x1199, nekomancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this necromancer

>> No.17275621
Quoted by: >>17275911

Or she just doesn't want to be demonetized.
It would also have to be seen for Rushia what are dirty jokes and how many times she will send them.

>> No.17275911
Quoted by: >>17277029

Weird how she gets those yellow marks for less. Probably antis spam reporting or something?

>> No.17276010

Who's the guy she's always answering to?

>> No.17276191

Me. That's my side account

>> No.17276799
Quoted by: >>17277521

Wonder how long the pair name thing will last until one of them notices they still have it on

>> No.17277029
Quoted by: >>17279113

Yea, sure there are dirty jokes i'm fine with and then there's stuff that just sounds like the person telling the joke is some misogynistic prick who thinks women are basically onaholes. I think she can be sexy, but it's not like she's lewd or that this is defining her.

It's probably just connected, just having asmr in the title makes it more likely to demonetized just add some coomer comments and it's yellow. Which probably means that any other stream get hit easier if there is any talk in that direction.

Just some utaite, it might come as a suprise but she likes music anon.

>> No.17277123

Rushia's English is cute once again today

>> No.17277502
Quoted by: >>17283325

The birthday live is now available for overseas viewers

>> No.17277521

It's cute, I'm glad they get along really well

>> No.17277760

wasn't it because she almost died on stream?

>> No.17279113
Quoted by: >>17279969

>Yea, sure there are dirty jokes i'm fine with and then there's stuff that just sounds like the person telling the joke is some misogynistic prick who thinks women are basically onaholes. I think she can be sexy, but it's not like she's lewd or that this is defining her.
I don't really believe a gachikoi of her could ever be like that without some serious cognitive dissonance

>> No.17279969

I have no idea what you're even criticizing.

>> No.17281501
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>> No.17283325

eigo jouzu

>> No.17285807
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>> No.17286209
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>> No.17286425

This dude seems like the 2view-iest of 2 views, she must have really liked his performance in particular

>> No.17288403
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>> No.17290141
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>> No.17291930
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Rewatching her old Minecraft streams is as stressful as it was the first time. She really has come a long way.

>> No.17294079

Seeing a lot of events and promos crop up with her. Nendroid, Spotlight cover, Garigen Girl V, Pokemon Tourney, of course her 3D live...grind never ends I guess

>> No.17295934
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>> No.17298124

love ru

>> No.17298211
Quoted by: >>17301094

sup /vt/ takes

>> No.17301023
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>> No.17301094
Quoted by: >>17321618

Please tell me you're joking

>> No.17303672
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>> No.17307847
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>> No.17307891

I love the Rushi. She is precious. Love her love her love her love her love her love her

>> No.17308905
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Quoted by: >>17309313

>> No.17309313

Sexy Rushia

>> No.17310148

She's playing apex offstream rn

>> No.17311264

I prefer her to play offstream rather than on stream even though right now I wish she would sleep.

>> No.17311564
Quoted by: >>17311779

If she really has work after this than I doubt she will. Hope she's having fun atleast.

>> No.17311779

She said she's been playing Apex when she's trying to go to sleep. It's not as if she's playing Apex to avoid sleeping. If it wasn't Apex it would be Pokemon or aimlessly staring at the ceiling.

>> No.17312248

Rushia cosplay?


>> No.17313880
File: 154 KB, 778x1200, MY WIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17314634

She's way too cute. How does someone reach this level

>> No.17316146
Quoted by: >>17318059

We gonna gacha today boiz

>> No.17317707
Quoted by: >>17318734

How do you know?

>> No.17318059


>> No.17318656
Quoted by: >>17319160

I don't know if she has slept before, but sleeping so little is bad for health.

>> No.17318734

because she's playing together with me

>> No.17319160
Quoted by: >>17322757

Just remember telling her something she already knows helps no one. She takes naps around midnight anyway so she should be getting just enough sleep.

>> No.17321618

you never know if that account returns

>> No.17322757

I doubt she's actually getting enough but you're definitely correct about not bringing it up.
I still remember panicking over that time right before the sports fes when she literally couldn't sleep for like 2 or 3 days and was tweeting stuff like saying it was literal hell. I can't bear to see her like that.

>> No.17326135
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>> No.17327036


>> No.17327101

sums up my feelings right now

>> No.17327263
Quoted by: >>17328055

Maybe we'll get a twitcast tonight. Fuck me, nothing is worse than feeling like your hands are tied

>> No.17327265

So what did I even get up for today?

>> No.17327351

Better that she gets a check up than trying to power through it by herself I guess. Hopefully it's just lack of sleep and nothing else.

>> No.17328055
Quoted by: >>17330544

Maybe what >>17327263 said
Eh. I got up around midnight to do my reps anyway so I'm just gonna go try and catch up on some sleep(well, try I guess) and keep my alarms maxed to make sure I don't miss any Twitcasts
Actually, wasn't that one Twitcast she did on her Rushia proper Twitcast account like right after or even while she was at the hospital? I wonder if she'll end up doing that again.

Ru please be daijoubu...

>> No.17329133
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>> No.17330381

love ru forever

>> No.17330388
File: 74 KB, 617x1200, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17330544

To reply to her tweet?

Nah, she was busy at the time with lessons and was still taking care of her cat which was looking better at the time, but couldn't really stream as much as she wanted to. She had plans to stream in the morning that day even..

>> No.17330655
Quoted by: >>17330701

I wonder if she's watching morbid stuff online while in a hospital bed

>> No.17330670
Quoted by: >>17330768

That last tweet really stung.

>> No.17330701

probably not, also 病院 isn't necessary an hospital in the western sense but can be just a normal doctor

>> No.17330768
Quoted by: >>17330804

I can't read the mood for shit, but I'm guessing by this post that you mean to say that it felt directed?

>> No.17330804

More like, no matter how much we try, we can't seem to be there when it matters. That hurts.

>> No.17330903

Am I misreading it, wasn't it just her saying that she doesn't have awful people in her life? I was worried about the first tweet but the latter one seemed like she just clarified it as her ruminating on something as an outside observer.

>> No.17330950
Quoted by: >>17331006

Agreeing with >>17330903. Don't rely on the Twitter translate anon, always cross reference other places.

>> No.17330955
Quoted by: >>17331006

I can't follow your thought process anon. Are you sure you aren't misreading something?

>> No.17331006
Quoted by: >>17331096

Maybe I am the idiot. Cheers.

>> No.17331096

Well hey, at least the clarification is a (marginally) happier one
It also means she's fucking around with something or even just thinking to herself and tweeting, so she hopefully isn't fucked up to the point she can't easily tweet. I was genuinely worried by how serious the stream cancelation tweet sounded so that's...something, I think

I do wonder what got her to start thinking about that. Maybe she'll tell us later.

>> No.17331971

ru love

>> No.17332194

I think some of you should look up ものだ.

>> No.17333048
Quoted by: >>17334262

>get followed by a fandead
>even goes out of their way to send a tagged let's be friends tweet
Cute, but the fuck do I even do here

>> No.17334262

Try to be nice to them and don't act like a sperg

>> No.17334376

I hope she is sleeping now or at least resting.

>> No.17336169
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>> No.17336192
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>> No.17337849

Rushia cute status?

>> No.17339140
Quoted by: >>17340952

Anyone ever grab that youtube ad that had Rushia on it?

>> No.17340952
Quoted by: >>17346605

Incredibly cute!
this one?

>> No.17343284

The cute levels are still high. Nothing to worry about anon.

>> No.17345263
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>> No.17346605
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Yeah looks like it, thanks!

>> No.17347873
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>> No.17347880
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>> No.17349668
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Quoted by: >>17349960

Rushia cute

>> No.17349960
File: 151 KB, 850x1189, 1628118823779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17350140

*Rushia cutest

>> No.17350140
File: 186 KB, 1446x1509, FIbS4AuaAAIt0I6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand corrected

>> No.17352151
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>> No.17355463
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>> No.17358653
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>> No.17362028
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>> No.17367757

always love ru

>> No.17371896
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>> No.17376387

Ruchan aitai

>> No.17378400
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>> No.17378455
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>> No.17380857

i love ru-chan!

>> No.17383665
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>> No.17385196
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>> No.17386996
Quoted by: >>17387390

ruchan doko

>> No.17387361

Rushia post is too cute!

>> No.17387381

Presented with lots of love.

>> No.17387390

ru-chan koko ni imasu yo

>> No.17387655

This eases the pain, but I'm still a bit worried.
I wonder if this is one of the things she went to recordings for.

>> No.17387864

Recordings are probably much more involved, this is one of those "uploaded when too busy to stream" videos she does sometimes. Which means she probably already had something to do today, considering this definitely took some time to make.

>> No.17387979

I don't think so, she usually makes those short videos when she can't stream, maybe she would want to make a short video for not streaming for so many days and if she was bored she recorded that, although that video seems to have a couple of hours of editing

>> No.17388037
Quoted by: >>17388077

I would like her to make a list of all her short videos.

>> No.17388077

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Make the list. Put it on pastebin. Keep it updated.
Make your nest and sit in it, too.

>> No.17388322
File: 712 KB, 2585x4096, 1636867988518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17388486

oh a visual novel?

>> No.17388486

Can we take a moment to appreciate the butterfly pattern hinted at with the scrape?

>> No.17388668

Look forward to it

>> No.17389724

No, but it wouldn't suprise me if she recorded that in the studio after she was done with whatever she was there for.

>> No.17390318 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1447x2047, 1617406738659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17411011

>> No.17391244
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>> No.17392208
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>> No.17393718


>> No.17397629
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>> No.17400120
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>> No.17404838
File: 1.25 MB, 1056x1512, 7f153cef43bbbca9b37923c406764d674ee88ce1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17407576
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>> No.17410258
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>> No.17411011
Quoted by: >>17420963

What's your lewdest Rushia?

>> No.17412569
Quoted by: >>17412614

Did anyone catch that post?

>> No.17412614

> 深夜さみしい〜( ˊ• ·̭ •̥ )かまちょ

>> No.17414678
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>> No.17414780
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>> No.17416926

Thanks man

>> No.17417224

I'm here!! I'll play with you!!

>> No.17420963 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17423049
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>> No.17427196
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>> No.17431002
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Quoted by: >>17431246

>> No.17431246
Quoted by: >>17431697

I'm not alone here in thinking that Fandead without buns is way better than the one with buns, right?

>> No.17431636

Getting over it at 18:00

>> No.17431697
Quoted by: >>17432785

I've always thought the one with buns were Fandekkos

>> No.17432670
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>> No.17432785
Quoted by: >>17435545

I don't think so because, well, just look at the 3D debut because I believe buns were the OG design for Fandead
It would make sense as a way to seperate the two now. Also now I wonder if any other holo has even hinted at a name variation for the girls in the audience

>> No.17435545
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Yeah agreed, the design on her parka probably means that she decided to separate the two as well. And no I can't think of someone else that has a girl variation name for their listeners actually. Though I guess it helps that turning fandeads into girls is simply changing ど into 子

>> No.17436372

Oh I hadn't noticed that, good catch.
We get to repurpose the original design AND we don't have to look ridiculous, sounds like a win win

>> No.17439122
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Quoted by: >>17439710

>> No.17439710

Simple and sexy, primed for some hard and firm super relaxing back massage

>> No.17439723

>I can't think of someone else that has a girl variation name for their listeners actually
I can't think of anyone else who's got such an overwhelmingly large percentage of women as viewers, either. This is a Rushia problem in the first place.

>> No.17439978

I know it's 20% or something but that's not "overwhelming" anon and I doubt it's the highest in her gen let alone in Hololive

>> No.17440328
Quoted by: >>17443999

Going by the number of cosplays Matsuri has a decent amount too I think. And probably the cool voice types like Okayu also have a decent female fanbase. Going by the almost 50/50 gender split during the 3rd Gen live, there's definitely more than we expect or know about. Also maybe they set their accounts to be male to avoid harrassment or something, and that affects analytics?

>> No.17440582
Quoted by: >>17441749

I feel intense menhera energy whenever I see the name korekore and I think it'd be better if he was dead

>> No.17441707

Is this MCN stopping membership for a bit thing going to mess with my member lining up with her birthday?

>> No.17441749
Quoted by: >>17442797

What happened now?

>> No.17442797

Got into a back and forth about the new years thing and I just hate him on a personal level and hope he dies because he's a bad person. I don't want her to ever talk to him again

>> No.17443999
Quoted by: >>17444472

Matsuri I feel has a lot of cosplayers because she's one of the few that regularly retweets them. Her and Haachama. I've never seen Rushia RT them. As for the largest female fanbase, probably Marine

>> No.17444472

>As for the largest female fanbase, probably Marine
Marine talks about female fans like they're a rarity so you're wrong there.

>> No.17447165
File: 225 KB, 1200x1542, __uruha_rushia_hololive_drawn_by_hakazenanato__50524eb310ee929d6c39ca39bfd2ba58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours 38 minutes 55 seconds

>> No.17447687

why did she change her twitter handle?

>> No.17448038

New hipumai oshi probably?

>> No.17448598
Quoted by: >>17449923

The @?

>> No.17449269
Quoted by: >>17449500

That doesn't seem like a way to refer to anybody I think. Not like 8ra is a reference either right? She's had that for like ever now
Twitcast hasn't changed yet but I assume it will soon enough. Can't think of a reason though desu, even with rubberneckers who only go looking when there's drama they'd just check a matome site or some shit

>> No.17449500
Quoted by: >>17449923

The old handle is the name of the character in her header, she mentioned as much 4-5 twitcasts back. The new one still has 95 so it's probably that + one of the new characters that I think got released recently.

>> No.17449923
Quoted by: >>17450364

It's a pairing/ship of her oshi kuko + ichiro (not a new character) and the two letters in the middle are just combined to look like the first letter of her own name. I don't really know the game's lore deep to comment anything about the ship. The number puns read easy, it just requires knowledge of the game

>> No.17450364

Cute, couldn't figure out the middle two myself. Thanks.

>> No.17452544
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>> No.17452778
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>> No.17453146

Rushia is live!

>> No.17455505

Damn she makes me wish i knew my blood type..

>> No.17457376

cutest help me I've ever heard honestly

>> No.17460278

Every time Rushia gives a kiss my mind melts away in bliss

>> No.17460421

Well looks like the late night streams will be back....

>> No.17461184

Doesn't feel like she wants to do it honestly, even though a decent amount were okay with it.

>> No.17461208

There was just the idea brought up no definitive confirmation. Evidence leans in favor of a morning stream where she hasn't slept, if anything, as that's what she suggested first.

>> No.17461501

Morning streams will be hard especially if it's guerilla style, since I'm basically forced to get up after 10. Hopefully stream times would get announced early if she does go ahead with it. Or you know, her body fixes itself and she gets enough sleep again.

>> No.17461932
Quoted by: >>17464636

Maybe she does some morning stream, but it is true that she does not like to bother people and she knows that if she does it very late at night many people will not be able to see it because they have to go to school or to work, the same as if she does it early in the morning.

>> No.17464636

The morning peeps probably wouldn't mind morning streams, since they would have it playing while getting ready and get to listen to Rushia sending them off to work/school.

>> No.17467113
Quoted by: >>17467312

Morning streams work better for me oddly. She'd also end up in a fairly vacant timeslot for JPs. Only Lamy really does that consistently. I imagine that she'll probably get a lot more EOPs in chat than normal for the same reason that makes morning streams easy for me to catch.

>> No.17467312

Morning streams and early evening (6 pm JST) streams are a raw deal for Europe.
Let's liberally interpret morning to mean 8 am JST. That maps to midnight CET. That's NEET hour.
6 pm JST maps to 10 am CET, right in the middle of the work/school day with maybe a chance over lunch to catch part of the stream.
Late night, on the other hand, lands in the late European afternoon, so you can tune in while on the way back from work. This, however, comes with a severely tired Rushia that worries everyone.
Being Europe is suffering...

>> No.17467960

>This, however, comes with a severely tired Rushia that worries everyone.
She mentioned how it would be weird if she streamed during that time frame since she would still be genki despite everyone else listening being sleepy.

>> No.17468867
Quoted by: >>17518555

I know how you feel anon
Right now I can watch her streams at 18:00, but if she starts for example at 6:00 I could watch it because here it's 22:00, the problem would be if she streamed at 9:00 or 10:00 since here it would be late

It is also true that we have this conversation every two months and then nothing happens, but in the case that she would stream in the morning it would be at 5/6 a.m., since later would mean to lose completely her current audience (I mean the usual donors, since they will be working).

>> No.17469223

I kinda dread getting a job again, because being a neet means i can watch her streams no matter which time it is. Though i also watched her streams when i still had a job.. maybe i should just get another 100% remote one.

>> No.17472337
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>> No.17477896

Omurice cooking later today

>> No.17480906
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>> No.17484057
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>> No.17488614
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>> No.17491495
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>> No.17498257
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>> No.17504473
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>> No.17508655
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>> No.17512864
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>> No.17515676

Eating breakfast with girlfriend rushia!

>> No.17518555

Late night works for me in the US. I got a job that starts at 4am specifically because she used to stream at that hour. I just put in my earbuds and go about my business.
But these days, for example last stream, it's at 1am for me. I might catch the end of the superchat if she goes for a couple hours, but other than that I'm stuck in archives.
The positive is I've only missed 1 twitcast

>> No.17521080
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>> No.17522302
Quoted by: >>17522987

Come to think of it this will be her first cooking stream in 4k, unless she goes back to her old camera

>> No.17522987
Quoted by: >>17523240

In the title she says it is with her good camera, but it is another thing if she puts filters and that makes it look bad.

>> No.17523240

With how shiny her kitchen is the filters are probably a good thing. Betting she'll panic at someone spamming about reflections again in under 20 minutes.

>> No.17525795

I'm afraid that one day one of the papers she puts up will burn.

>> No.17525828

I'm in heaven from that あーん

>> No.17525870

Rushia should just quit vtubing and be a youtuber like Lulu.

>> No.17525875
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>> No.17525968
Quoted by: >>17526175

fuck why i'm not recording the stream ahhh

>> No.17526158
Quoted by: >>17526201

She doesn't want to show her face so she is fine now.

>> No.17526175

I haven't checked recently but one fandead on bilibili re-uploads every stream there

>> No.17526183

Rushia should just quit vtubing and be my wife

>> No.17526201

But I wanna have the perfect GFE and stare at her face when she says she loves me.

>> No.17526249

She already is my wife

>> No.17526269

Weird. I don't remember posting this.

>> No.17526279

I made this post

>> No.17526767

I've thought this before but how the heck does she cook with no salt

>> No.17527565

I also cook with no salt sometimes becayse I forget about it, the food is just bland

>> No.17527621

I don't want her to use Twitch to watch movies.
That was one of the things she does for members only and it's like watching a movie with your girlfriend, that feeling on Twitch would be lost

>> No.17527626

there was probably already salt in the microwave rice and she put ketchup in there.

>> No.17527688

That's not a very poggers opinion you have there

>> No.17527920
Quoted by: >>17528269

Now it's watching a movie with your girlfriend in a movie theather instead of alone at home. Either way, your girlfriend is there so does it really matter?

>> No.17528269
Quoted by: >>17529179

You are right, but first let's see if she likes it, for example Pekora only made two or three streams and left it.

>> No.17529179

I'm more worried about chat moderation. A manager really needs to set up NightBot or even like get Mori to set it up if necessary. For some reason people don't seem to push limitations of moderation on youtube despite Rushia having like no moderation, but people do it to people new to twitch. And some of the Japanese community already present on twitch are gamers that are naturally hostile to vtubers.

>> No.17529352

Is it possible to use that amazon prime/twitch feature from outside japan? I mean technically kindle is also restricted, but it's easy to get around.

>> No.17529598
Quoted by: >>17543512

As long as you're able to get the movie offered on prime in your country its fine

>> No.17530098

This is true, hopefully the manager is smart enough to take notice how terrible the twitch community is and takes the proper steps, else it won't be fun for anyone. Wonder how the chat for the other 3rd gens were, it'll probably be easier for her to ask for advice from them than the others.

>> No.17530815

Hopefully she can talk to Pekora or Miko first to get them to help her.
Rushia doesn't like to limit the chat on Youtube because she wants everyone to talk, but doing that on Twitch is a bad idea

>> No.17532461
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>> No.17532472 [SPOILER] 
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This frame was on stream and therefore logically safe to post. Please appreciate it.

>> No.17534902
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>> No.17535470
Quoted by: >>17539122

I really really love that when she shows what she is wearing, but it also goes so hard against that i'm virtual vtuber stuff.

>> No.17537464
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>> No.17537467
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>> No.17539122

>google "good vibrations"
>results about what you'd expect
I guess I should have used a search term like "album" huh
I mean I don't really have an issue with it if she doesn't. Unless it's a breach of contract or something, I guess, but I imagine she's smart enough.

>> No.17540671
Quoted by: >>17541149

bump limit soon I think
also her usual art rt storm

>> No.17541149

Literally just three, compared to the 10+ some other members do twice a day. Nice that she saw the nail art one though.

>> No.17543258
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>> No.17543512
Quoted by: >>17544012

No because she will watch JP dubbed movies which you can't get outside of Japan and it's not possible to just choose a different version.

It's not fine though.

>> No.17544012

I was thinking of just getting prime for the jp store, but looks like they actually check your ip for videos and block vpn services. Watching japanese movies is such a pain..

>> No.17545756
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>> No.17547860
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>> No.17551152
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>> No.17554752

She's already awake again.. I guess now it's creating the frame and back to bed.

>> No.17555213

I sure hope you guys are doing your omoikou reps every day.

>> No.17558847
Quoted by: >>17563274

Any anon here knows if Rushia's roommate also makes ASMR? I genuinely think Rushia's ASMR is the best among all holos.

>> No.17560355

what was that marshmallow?

>> No.17561326

More Getting Over It later

>> No.17561704

i am scared of rushia

>> No.17563274

Nope, she only does mostly zatsudans.

>> No.17566101
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