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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.17006671

We broke her lol

>> No.17006680

No schedule does not mean no streams. She's done this before.

>> No.17006705

i mean yeah that's what her last tweet said as well

>> No.17006706

got yelled at by management lol

>> No.17006714


>> No.17006735
Quoted by: >>17009008

>It's a nothingburger schizos
You were saying deadbeats?

>> No.17006737
Quoted by: >>17010116

5% chance she'll stream

>> No.17006799


>> No.17006825
Quoted by: >>17006958


>> No.17006821
File: 324 KB, 680x1220, collab risk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worsening side-effect symptoms

>> No.17006851

She finally doesn't have to pretend to do this "chore of a job" anymore.

>> No.17006906
Quoted by: >>17007515

ollie = based

>> No.17006929

Hey, now we don't have to worry about fucking Jump King getting pushed onto more ENs. Sick of that fucking game.

>> No.17006935

Self Imposed “break” messed up the other girls’ schedules?

>> No.17006937

She got a well deserved vacation she should thank us.

>> No.17006952

b-buh she destroyed that troll so epicly, why would she be suspended over it??

>> No.17006953

Admit it, a Jerma/Hololive collab would be KINO of the highest order

>> No.17006955

You can thank Oppainut for that, good sir.

>> No.17006958

fuck off tourist

>> No.17006995

I assume she'll be there for the collabs planned. My guess is it'll be Sana-like.

>> No.17007014

She's going to have lots of sex with Connor

>> No.17007016


>> No.17007052
Quoted by: >>17007347

Wasn't she going through a surgery soon anyway? "several weeks" probably isn't related to yesterday.

>> No.17007058
File: 106 KB, 515x310, soldiersalute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking legend.

>> No.17007059

1 month break
Yagoo has spoken

>> No.17007079
Quoted by: >>17007233

I noticed Q is no longer pinned on her twitter. Lol

>> No.17007083


>> No.17007086

At last, she can reclaim that 5% of her time she hates spending on streaming

>> No.17007098
Quoted by: >>17008855

go back

>> No.17007123
Quoted by: >>17007758

OP, why aren't you using night theme? Everyone knows it's the objectively superior way to browse the internet.

>> No.17007138
Quoted by: >>17008344

More like she'll just be a gap in collabs and they'll either find someone else or just do it without her. I guess the chad talk thing may not happen or be delayed but what was that? Irys and Bae? I only really like Irys between those three anyway, not a big deal.

>> No.17007140

they'd just be mutually weirded out by each other and have no chemistry, at least Jerma and Nyanners seemed to like each other

>> No.17007186
File: 236 KB, 1536x2048, 20220121_220848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, she might just need a hard hiatus right now. She's juggling two careers and about to have surgery.

I think this Connor debacle is probably gonna be better for her in the long run. Stupid, stressful situations often lead to that "wait, what the fuck am I doing?" moment of realization. Good opportunity to reevaluate work/life balance.

Hope everything works out for her.

>> No.17007204

fairly certain it was connors cock that broke her

>> No.17007233

Huh, I didn't even think about that. That's pretty sad that this shit ate into a project she and Gura spearheaded.
To all those fags talking about how it wouldn't affect anyone but Mori, you were saying?

>> No.17007238
File: 42 KB, 472x611, 1642936121454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Streaming when I feel like it
I feel like shes gonna be Ayame of EN right?

>> No.17007251

jerma would try his hardest to be normal and friendly but somehow come off the weirdest and stupidest he has ever been.
then people in chat will tell the holomem some weird jerma stories much to his dismay

>> No.17007294

We already have a proper thread for this

>> No.17007308
Quoted by: >>17007441

Which of the 60 Holomems would actually be a good fit with Jerma?

>> No.17007346

what the fuck did they mean by this

>> No.17007347
Quoted by: >>17007524

that gets in the way of schizos' narrative anon

>> No.17007373
Quoted by: >>17007435

that aged well

>> No.17007406

Not anymore.

>> No.17007424

She's also becoming active on her other account

>> No.17007428 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 119x125, 1642920248387s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17007517

I kneel, /m/chad

>> No.17007435
File: 112 KB, 660x522, retardedjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17007441
Quoted by: >>17012584

They both would start rambling about shit and weird fucking stuff like bugs probably

>> No.17007448
File: 69 KB, 1080x305, 1642449727150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most powerful SC of all time.

>> No.17007453
Quoted by: >>17007782

Q is a music video at the end of the day, it'd be nice to have but isn't going to destroy HoloEN if it doesn't come out for a few more weeks.

Not to mention after this whole incredibly sour mood she's put herself/her fans through I don't fucking wanna hear the damn thing right now anyway. Fuck I don't think I'd wanna hear it in 3 months, I'm just plain over Mori. Not like she fucking ever cared about us anyway.

>> No.17007463

What is she getting surgery for?

>> No.17007515
File: 1.37 MB, 1151x1080, ollie 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17007592


>> No.17007517


>> No.17007519
File: 548 KB, 779x817, 1642920248387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel, /m/ chad

>> No.17007524

Sure wasn't going to be this long, but I guess it's better she's gonna take a decent break to recover both physically and mentally. At some point isn't it her own fault for trying to juggle two careers at once?

>> No.17007528
Quoted by: >>17007605

Oh no no no no no deadkeks? I thought this was a nothingburger?

>> No.17007533

What’s that first stream back gonna be like? Apology? Pretend nothing happens? Triple Down? Can’t wait

>> No.17007561

I like Jerma but I don’t see him vibing with any of the HoloENs.

>> No.17007569


threesome when

>> No.17007589

Several weeks is a long time. I'm sure part of it is that this all overlaps with her scheduled surgery and recovery. But she must have at least got a 1 week suspension, and is only allowed to fulfill her collab obligations.

>> No.17007592
Quoted by: >>17008093

why are her eyes so weird tho

>> No.17007596
Quoted by: >>17007897

Breast enlargement surgery, right? (I’m being serious here)

>> No.17007600

Several weeks is a long time

>> No.17007605 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 640x640, Pekorrat transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is the whole timeline.
>Mori collabs with TT people
>person from TT named Connor says in his stream that people in hololive are popular not because of talent but because of brand
>fast forwarding
>member in Moris stream politely asks her to not associate with these people
>Mori insults the members and says that Connor apologised to every holoEN member
>clip of Kiara proof that this was a lie. Kiara hasn't been in contact with any of them
>she donates 50 subs to Connor on her brand new twitch account
>someone superchats "condom money for Connor"
>Mori announces that she wont read superchats anymore
>keeps talking about the drama on stream
>Mori announces that she will be streaming on twitch semi-regularly from now on
>people even in her youtube comment section are mad to her
>few days later she responds to 6 days old tweet of someone posting a comic of deadbeat getting literally cucked by Connor who is fucking Mori on the picture
>even reddit gets mad at her
>she replies to the reddit thread "can I PLEASE just have some fun. Please."
>she gets downvote bombed
>shortly after she deletes it and apologises and announces break
>says she "hit the lean hard"
>anons realize she just confirmed getting high with codeine as drugs are rare in japan for someone as her.
>a mixture of Jolly Ranchers, Sprite, and codeine that will get you high asf.
>basically admits drug use
>damage control a bit later
>Connor tweets "easy W"
>After 2 hours of this yab happened apparently after a meeting with COVER devil cubes posts on roommate account announcing a comeback next month
>24 hours of cope, negation and seethe.
>Mori announces no schredule for several weeks, prolly due adjusting to her new identity
>Graduation confirmed and incoming
>Mori also confirms future tweets will have more "prior notice" as basically J-chad filtering all of her social network activity from now on.

We're HERE

>> No.17007623

Hoping for pretend nothing happened and try to sail through any rough waters ahead, but you never know.

>> No.17007631

that lean isn't gonna snort itself

>> No.17007639
Quoted by: >>17008855


>> No.17007673

She would never apologize for this. She'd go do her passive aggressive routine at first but probably try to move on after.

>> No.17007688

Did she actually react to this sc?

>> No.17007697
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1613303132173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17007762

>> No.17007701

I smell depression and it reeks.

>> No.17007710

Countless nights of sex with me

>> No.17007724
Quoted by: >>17008077

This whole thing is just sad to me

I won't come here and say I am a fan of Mori because I am not but I did really like her. I wish she approached the whole troll and hate situation way better than she did, clearly it was getting under her skin.

>> No.17007731

Her back.

>> No.17007750
Quoted by: >>17009492

This is peek reddit

>> No.17007758

Maybe they're a skinwalker
I love Ollie, she makes me so happy

>> No.17007762

so that's what the lean was for

>> No.17007782

Oh fuck off you fucking nigger. You bad faith cock monglers deserve the rope, bitching and moaning and purposefully taking an obvious attempt of sarcasm out of context.

>> No.17007815
Quoted by: >>17008055

Yes, jesus fuck how dark is it under that rock you've been living under? Are redditors that fucking naive of this entire timeline of drama?

>> No.17007824
File: 136 KB, 400x330, 1642937744952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17012423


>> No.17007836

Is Mori just Mousey's bull?

>> No.17007859

I thought the bogs were dead

>> No.17007889

>acting like she hasn't treated her fans like shit for months and clearly didn't want the hololive job in the first place

>> No.17007897
Quoted by: >>17013371

Some kinda knee surgery from what I've read.

>> No.17007913

The hacker known as 4chan strikes again! Another target down. Anonymous never forgets.

>> No.17007923
File: 63 KB, 634x356, 1642985087379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17012423

>> No.17007924
Quoted by: >>17008066

I hope it's gonna be better for the rest of Hololive too. She should know her damn place and stop trying to shoehorn that piece of garbage to Hololive every chance she's got.

>> No.17007933

Why does she let these idiots get under her skin? WHY? How hard is it to just ignore them. Nigga just close your eyes lmao

>> No.17007983

why would Mouse kick her while she's down like that?

>> No.17007996
Quoted by: >>17008151

You don't get it bro, she needs to epicly dab and own the haters yassss queeeeen

>> No.17008051

The fact she reacted to this rando hate SC will forever be engraved in Holo history. I can't even imagine how much worst it would have been if every e-celeb that went after Gura tried to get her attention as opposed to the recluse Gura

>> No.17008055
Quoted by: >>17008133

they're already whiteknighting her. That place is absolutely atrocious

>> No.17008059

I'd watch a DSP collab

>> No.17008063

The god gamer would never collab with weebs.

>> No.17008062

This stupid bitch needs to graduate at this point. Cover management definitely put their foot down and are going to be dealing with recent actions, especially the lean comment. Japan doesn't take it easy on drug use, and investors, and other future business partners, know any mention of drugs means some problems to go with it.

>> No.17008067

"react" would be a bit of an understatement

>> No.17008066
Quoted by: >>17008419

Would be funny if EN starts to incline while Mori is 'on break' for several weeks.

>> No.17008072

>week long suspension
>surgery week
>recovery week

>> No.17008077

At the very least she's taking a break of sorts. That's probably the smartest choice Mori made right now, she'll get some time away from streaming and its clear the shitposters were really getting on her nerves. That and hopefully management will step in as a PR, which she badly needed.

>> No.17008087
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1640988912814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17009976

This is 4chins, we need a dozen of the same thread at all times.

>> No.17008093
Quoted by: >>17008309

You take that back she's perfect just the way she is

>> No.17008129

You are a dumbest faggot if you fall for the hyperbole of graduation. But she fucked up so bad she's going to have antis and trolls hounding nonstop her for the next 6 months. Her deadbeats wont be able to say anything without getting called a cuck nonstop. Unless some juicier drama happens and distracts them.

>> No.17008133

That’s a lot of cucks

>> No.17008145

Am I the only one who thinks Mouse is kind of sickeningly sweet?

>> No.17008148


>> No.17008151

She's such a chad!!!

>> No.17008162

that time of the month
all of the above
pick your poison

>> No.17008228

So the Pokémon tournament is off now right? Feel bad for the girls that enjoyed the game and were looking forward to it. Also feel good for the girls that dropped that game like a hot potato.

>> No.17008299

>potentially fucking up an easy high paying job because you can't ignore trolls
Captcha SP4NK

>> No.17008309
Quoted by: >>17009328

Hey man, just asking a question here.

>> No.17008344
Quoted by: >>17008638

IRyS is already on a two week break minimum herself thanks to the throat issues, so Mori's timing was pretty decent all things considered.

>> No.17008367

Massive anal fissure.

>> No.17008369
File: 52 KB, 1088x224, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17008672


>> No.17008373

My guess is any preplanned collabs will still happen, but there'll be no planning otherwise.

>> No.17008376

Yeah then I remember she talked about getting cum in her eye.

>> No.17008419

First, they need to do a consistent stream in order to incline. I hope Irys come back soon and Gura will stream more consistently. Both of them are legitimately good Holos. Bae and Ina as well

>> No.17008449
File: 100 KB, 394x272, FDEyVchUUAAEjRG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In less than a week, schizos with no more content to feed off of will find some other "yab" of another member to spam, like Ame not streaming enough or Ina hating her fans, and soon after will forget about Mori. When Mori returns, /vt/ will go back to treating her as a fellow Hololive member like nothing happened.

>> No.17008493
File: 204 KB, 500x678, 1551506221921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17008546

Oh shit! I forgot about that! I would assume that is a collab thing and she can participate if she wants to? I'm not sure.

>> No.17008557
File: 62 KB, 634x356, dead beats if only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17012423

Screencap that and my post and we'll see next week when another yab happens.

Graduation is coming you like it or not. Drugs ain't joke.

>> No.17008572
Quoted by: >>17009531

Because the things they say are true. Or at least somewhat true. Otherwise she'd have no reason to overreact to this extent. It's a classic case of the truth making her angrier than a lie. She's basically exposed herself by sperging like she did.

>> No.17008594
File: 26 KB, 401x404, 1635908007151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you

>> No.17008597

This image is so relatable it hurts.

>> No.17008606

>/vt/ will go back to treating her as a fellow Hololive member like nothing happened.
In your fucking dreams, i'll treat her like a fellow Hololive member if she goes a year without putting Connor's dick in her mouth.

>> No.17008631

They will feed off of anything which is even remorely a chance greater than 0 and shill said rrat endlessly until it finally goes back down to 0 again.

>> No.17008638

No one in EN is streaming.

>> No.17008641

I guess this means she is quitting and going to Vshojo.

>> No.17008659
File: 5 KB, 774x210, 1642998463751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17008672
File: 44 KB, 582x178, 1642975891699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thing has been nothing short of a trainwreck, thank you Mori for being one of the best chuubas for unintentional comedy ever. Hope you have a thicker skin when you come back!

>> No.17008675
File: 348 KB, 604x813, 1642921512876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17008698

Can some anon elaborate on this bit?
>Mori also confirms future tweets will have more "prior notice" as basically J-chad filtering all of her social network activity from now on.

>> No.17008706
File: 30 KB, 1073x1064, 1639054523539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara will have to prop up the entirety of EN for at least a week. I believe in her.

>> No.17008726
Quoted by: >>17011248

Depends how the fans of hers felt. There were quite a few negative comments from fans of hers all over the place post-cuck comic. Obviously the shitposters will move on, but it'll be more interesting to see if there is a lasting effect on SC/viewer/member numbers from this.

>> No.17008734

I didn't mean it in a good way.

>> No.17008738


>> No.17008757

fucking kek

>> No.17008767


>> No.17008798
File: 330 KB, 418x522, 1616984516619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just surreal. How did it all come to this?

>> No.17008855

Yes. We. And that includes me, so I will now be taking credit. Cope and seethe cuckbeats.

>> No.17008865
Quoted by: >>17009665

>several weeks
>stream when I feel like it
Any real company would tell her she has a certain amount of vacation and when that is used up, she better get her ass back to work. Yagoo is too nice to these girls.

>> No.17008874
File: 564 KB, 1080x1480, IMG_20220124_112335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon Tournament cancelled, thanks antis for ruining the fun

>> No.17008876 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 320x240, 54C51868-766F-41E5-BCFE-DD877B548CEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17009362

Next stream

>> No.17008893
Quoted by: >>17008935

wouldn't that kill her though?

>> No.17008901
File: 117 KB, 774x210, absolutestatus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17009353

I couln't resist, hope you like it

>> No.17008904
File: 113 KB, 900x483, when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now would be a good time to release ID3

>> No.17008905

Holy fucking shit this is... I have no words.

>> No.17008921

Fauna was gonna play Skyrim? Where did she go?

>> No.17008920

Wait, where's everyone else?

>> No.17008930

that's not known

>> No.17008935

it would, if she actually was sick.

>> No.17008952
Quoted by: >>17011883

Gura and Mumei are releasing schedules tomorrow

>> No.17008955

Because no one has released their schedules besides Kiara and this stupid fuck didn't even put hers on there yet.

>> No.17008971

Time for the Chimkin to shine. This will either break her or make her.

>> No.17008988

Your welcome. Glad we were of assistance.

>> No.17009004

I think it's because there's no schedules currently up. Pretty sure, because if not then they really need to get more than one EN wave of 5 members to fill in the downtime.

>> No.17009008

This. Of all the EN fanbases, cuckbeats minimize their oshi's yabs more than any other. They also minimize other Holomem yabs. These fags seem to think the chuubas can behave any kind of way and come out unscathed.

>> No.17009010

half of them are on break, the other half just finished their recent schedules and haven't posted new ones yet.

>> No.17009024 [DELETED] 

She's going on tour as devil cubes just like she did last year at this time.

>> No.17009026
Quoted by: >>17009535

The other yabs barely had substance compared to this situation where Mori was actively contributing to her broken image.
It'd be entertaining if any other Holo does manage to fuck up harder than her during this break but I doubt that's going to happen with the remaining members we have.

>> No.17009036
File: 238 KB, 610x473, EaRqeQDWAAEC7tS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17009208


>> No.17009035

Honestly, I blame her for being mentally lazy to distinguish Mori Calliope from that other person because she's felt it's super convenient for the lines to be blurred and she can just bring her real life friends from the other place into her job because why even put in 1% effort to be someone you're not
Daily reminder this lazy bitch said that Laplus would "just drop her character in a week or two"
Well guess who's still saying wagahai Mori? Guess who is still ending their sentences in degozaru Mori?
Lazy retard

>> No.17009055

you're welcome

>> No.17009073
Quoted by: >>17010349

Fauna's PC continues to have issues, so she had to cancel tonight and may have to stream off of her laptop for at least the next week
Ina has throat problems
IRyS has worse throat problems
Mori is on her break
Sana is Sana

Those are the ones that immediately come to mind, although there may be some of the other girls taking breaks as well.

>> No.17009076
File: 64 KB, 1000x728, 567844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduation at the end of 2022 and you know it deadbraps.

>> No.17009085
Quoted by: >>17009119

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrlhn1H1EWw connor's theme

>> No.17009100

Her computer exploded or something. She's trying to fix it but had to cancel today and yesterday.

>> No.17009107

her PC broke or something (actually an excuse because she's on vacation in the bahama's with me)

>> No.17009118
Quoted by: >>17009431

>Graduation at the end of 2022
That long? Fucking really? They get another year?

>> No.17009119
File: 127 KB, 634x793, kusocalli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17009127
File: 359 KB, 920x900, 1631268772755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanana was just going to crush the competition anyway

>> No.17009133

Well, hope she manages to move on after the break.

People need to understand that there's no point into overthinking about how or why people dislike something and try to undermine it. There's way too many different reasonings for that, it doesn't even need to be a deep reason, some people just find joy and glee when others mess up or have a bad time, why would they even stop if they enjoy it that much?

>> No.17009156

With the amount of money she's making? Just by sitting back and playing games, making rap songs which is what she loves? Nah.

>> No.17009159
File: 279 KB, 372x500, 1642964342302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17009170

Removing the baby since SC condom money came too late.

>> No.17009173
Quoted by: >>17009298

More like in 1-2 months.

>> No.17009190

I love the thin Jap eye censor bars.

>> No.17009191
File: 52 KB, 431x462, 1640074638165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori didn't want to host the tournament anymore so she created all this drama to give herself a break

>> No.17009201

Bad timing mostly
Ame say she has thing she need to take care off even if she dont really want to.
Ina&Irys has her throat issue
Gura has her usual break
Fauna pc is fucked
Sana doesnt stream
Kronii is depressed
I think only Mumei and Baelz will stream this coming week.

>> No.17009208


>> No.17009239

Glad we could save you several hours of Sana one shotting everyone's Pokemon with her super saiyan egg

>> No.17009242
File: 331 KB, 600x640, 1642927304797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never let cuckbraps forget what has transpired the last 24 hours.

>> No.17009257
Quoted by: >>17009334

>These fags seem to think the chuubas can behave any kind of way and come out unscathed.
I mean they aren't really wrong, once you get to a certain size you're a bit too big too fail. It's not like you're really held to the same drama standards as other Youtube ecelebs where they'll befriend you one moment and then throw you under a bus for an "EXPOSED" video the next.
You're mostly contained to vtuber drama, which is its own bubble that normalfags on Youtube don't really care for outside of numberfagging or leeching.

>> No.17009266
File: 36 KB, 330x236, 1626571759452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being a woman and given the opportunity to make millions of dollars by basically just streaming video games, not even having to show your real face, and still managing to fuck that up

>> No.17009270

The sooner she leaves the better.

>> No.17009271

/vt/ never forgets. But the hive mind can only focus on one thing at a time.

>> No.17009278

I see Cover no longer officially announces suspensions

>> No.17009280

This, it was rigged from the start.

>> No.17009298

More like 1-2 hours

>> No.17009310

They stay losing, though. Pray this goes no further deadbeats. If any of you are still here?

>> No.17009314

Can't believe she's never going to finish jump king

>> No.17009321

>I believe in her


>> No.17009328

I'm sorry, she does kinda scare me sometimes too

>> No.17009334

But, in this case she's crossing that vtube drama with Connor/TT, as that's what started all this fucking shit in the first place.

>> No.17009337

all me

>> No.17009346
File: 701 KB, 4096x4006, 1632327019845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do these hd ogeys come from

>> No.17009353

Calli-chan, we love you! Take your time!

>> No.17009362
File: 14 KB, 217x183, 37C9CE2E-3AA5-4A8A-82D4-FC2837CCBAD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish

>> No.17009363
Quoted by: >>17009495

Was ame only taking mon-weds off or mon-sat? It was in her zatsu but can't fine the tag

>> No.17009373

Dude drama rules.

>> No.17009376
Quoted by: >>17009534

it's probably not an 'official' suspension, probably a mutually agreed upon vacation with the higher ups.

>> No.17009431

Anon, it's already October.

>> No.17009436
Quoted by: >>17009473

Gura said she would be streaming. Schedule soon

>> No.17009438 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 634x793, 1642985429924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the comic that broke /vt/ and Mori

>> No.17009450
Quoted by: >>17009557

Tweet this in her replies please.

>> No.17009473
Quoted by: >>17009540

she will have her normal 2-3 day break first anon

>> No.17009477

Good advice, post the boneless version, dedbeat jannies are giving 15 min bans for that cuz nsfw rumao

>> No.17009492

Actually, you're peak reddit.

>> No.17009495

She's doing a collab with Kiara tomorrow...

>> No.17009506
Quoted by: >>17009557

Another shameful episode for the /vt/ sisters, nobody thought we were better than this, but we managed to disappoint anyways.

>> No.17009511
File: 57 KB, 522x668, 89f2f741000ec666d03f6034a6ed2b07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The over the counter cough syrup is called Bron. Of course I see no reason a singer would want to use a medicine designed to soothe the throat. Open and closed book boys. Let's go to the bar.

>> No.17009531
File: 373 KB, 429x637, 1604883971592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much yeah it looks very possibly like a guilty conscience making her lash out.

She's had plenty of other rrats and misgivings about her before but she's usually quite consistent at addressing them, for a while she had quite a streak going for the so-called Mori Season 2 where basically she didn't actually have any real hate going anymore. Yet, she gave a usual calm explanation to the initial SC that started this but couldn't help but also shit on that one fan super hard afterward. That, is the string the once pulled on unraveled her mental state, she herself extended it from addressing a concerned fan to also shitting on his face hard - even though it was a red skull and still an akasupa, like "sorry this is a shit question but I'll try to make it worth your while" and no that didn't matter.

Once you shit on a fan, for any reason, even if most people thought you were right the act itself of doing this, of tearing apart a fan in front of the other fans' eyes, gives them pause and will disturb at least a couple percent of them just based on the fact that she seriously-actually was super angry and wanted him to unmake himself as a deadbeat. I don't know if a lot of deadbeats even picked up on this beyond the subconscious, but, seeing one of their own get struck down 100% must have hit at least some kind of alarm bells of "shit this is serious" and "if she did it to him will she start to find other reasons to shit on us" etc. Comparing that one fan's worth to him also brought in the "fans vs TT" angle. Again all of that would not have happened if Mori didn't get tilted against that guy and then refuse to back down, it all fell apart from there because it appears Mori cannot stand the idea of even a single deadbeat maybe not being 100% on board the TT/connor train and she'd rather tear it all down than just leave it be and move on. So then the question is, why the fuck does she care that much? Ulterior motives, etc?

One could say it could have been a publicity stunt that backfired maybe. I wouldn't say she actually-wants the hate to pile on her for attention/validation of her wanting to be the downtrodden underdog like she was used to being, because she wouldn't have gone on break if she actually wanted this as an attention stunt. So, it seems pretty plain that she did the past week was ultimately, mostly self-inflicted.

>> No.17009534
Quoted by: >>17009632

Anon that's the equivalent of getting fired and saying "I quit!" but with suspensions.

>> No.17009535
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, I-LOVE-FEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura will take one for the team.

>> No.17009541


not feeling that

only group i can think of is vinesauce maybe?

>> No.17009540

Even with a 4 day break she'd still be streaming this week, that's all I'm saying

>> No.17009545

I'm so glad we broke her, learn from Ame and Kiara to not take bait you fucking wigger

>> No.17009551
File: 336 KB, 929x929, 1633209122728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I forgot to adjust my daylight savings.

>> No.17009557 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 774x210, absolutestatus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better this.


Cope, seethe, dilate dedbeats

>> No.17009587

i made the sana one, don't know about bae

>> No.17009602

She is just giving the trolls more fuel by taking this break.
This is doing more harm then good, what the fuck mori...

>> No.17009604

A non-apology. Such is the way of Mori "cough syrup" Calliope.
Screenshot this. (You) know it to be true, kekbeats.

>> No.17009616

She's getting an extra arm grafted on to her back.

>> No.17009625
File: 448 KB, 220x220, 1642060001100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17010098

This is seriously a good time to get to know the IDs and JPs people. You'll have a small taste of what it was like pre-EN. Do your reps faggots. JPs are cute.

>> No.17009632
Quoted by: >>17009723

no, it's more like the equivalent of mutually parting ways with an employer rather than being fired, which looks better on a resume. an official suspension looks bad, so they probably mutually agreed for her to take a break instead.

>> No.17009648
File: 60 KB, 356x376, 1618433746119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17009653

Probably for the best. Deadbeats on twitter are happy and think this is her decision and Cover gets to hand out discipline and let the heat die down.

>> No.17009665
Quoted by: >>17010135

and people still think cover’s gonna make her graduate with how lenient they’re being lel

>> No.17009693

>/vt/ will go back to treating her as a fellow Hololive member like nothing happened.
bold of you to assume I ever treated her as a fellow hololive member

>> No.17009723
Quoted by: >>17009808

Anon just because she agrees she has to fuck off for a bit doesn't mean she un-yabed herself, it's still gonna be a mark on her for the future.

>> No.17009751
Quoted by: >>17009834

>be rapper
>oops haha i didn't know what lean meant
people really forgot the old tradition of just shutting their mouth, the original tweet was already bad enough

>> No.17009755

Her genmates don't bring their real life internet friends into their vtubing job or people who don't respect vtubing culture or as a profession
They tell stories of their friends, and the furthest extent is you have a parent calling in or collabing on stream
This is what happens when you try to make external connections without doing research or without a care in the world, this is the future Ollie and Mori want, well, look where it got them, one of them is openly hated and cried on stream because of it and now this retard is getting a silent suggested suspension because her own members called her out for being a snake

>> No.17009768

If there was ever a time to start your clickbait clip channel that time is now

>> No.17009773

This is better than streaming. Maybe anitubers are on to something?

>> No.17009787
File: 259 KB, 634x356, 1642983558646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17009785
Quoted by: >>17009911

Kys redditor

>> No.17009797

woman moment

>> No.17009803
Quoted by: >>17011908

This is the main reason I'm interested in seeing THE NUMBERS once she does come back. Some percentage of her fans didn't agree with shit she did in the last 24 hours and even though the yes-men in chat might say 'Oh yeah, we totally support you Calli!', they don't always mean it.

>> No.17009808

i'm not arguing about that because that is true, all i'm saying is there's probably no official suspension lmao. don't try and twist my words.

>> No.17009818
Quoted by: >>17009886

>move to japan
>don't conform to japanese culture
>instead import your obnoxious wiggerism
>farm simp bucks with muh tragic life story
>do a lot of drugs

>> No.17009822

How fucking new? Also what logic even is that? This is just getting added to rrats of Mori that have been circulating for months, and others since debut. Hate on Mori will likely see a substancial increase into perpetuity, even if /vt/'s not gonna stay on 6th trumpet over it.

>> No.17009834

Not even just a rapper, a rapper with connections to the Texas scene where lean in the context of rapping literally originated

>> No.17009848

>one of them is openly hated and cried on stream because of it

>> No.17009851

Why is Ollie in the bad idea category? Also what's wrong with charlie?

>> No.17009857
Quoted by: >>17009945

Did she have a scratchy throat recently?

>> No.17009865

Why are all these bitches taking breaks?
They get paid so much money just to act cute and play fucking video games why is that so hard.

>> No.17009866

She's like Connor in thinking that playing a character, even as part of their job, is beneath them. She making high six figures and yet she probably wishes she could drop the avatar today and just stream as DDK.

>> No.17009878
Quoted by: >>17011167

Mori refuses to let go of TT and Connor because those guys are the only drinking friends that she has. Otherwise she is drinking to get drunk alone. She's a coward through and through. She should just do her proper JP reps and get smashed with Lamy, because at least she might have a high or higher alcohol tolerance.

>> No.17009886

Typical white woman

>> No.17009911

You're both reddit. Now kiss and make up.

>> No.17009913
File: 128 KB, 1080x1081, 1636405141695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats me, some other anon.

>> No.17009923

I always thought that Mori was boring as fuck, I was so wrong

>> No.17009926

something something that pasta some idiot keeps spamming on every board of Ollie getting fucked during a phasmophobia collab

>> No.17009933

Seriously wish she could take a page out of her genmates book and learn something. Sadly, I think Mori's fate is to be eternally retarded and unprofessional.

>> No.17009939

honestly, doing endurance streams every other day was unhealthy, regardless of the controversy

>> No.17009945
Quoted by: >>17009983

That's Ina and IRyS. Mori has a busted shoulder.

>> No.17009953

Holy based

>> No.17009969

As she already was deflecting a bunch on Twitter before peacing out for a few weeks (it seems) she'll just do that to address the situation.

I don't think there'll be any kind of final solution to the Connor question, she might just avoid talking about them period hopefully, but if she returns and does like 5 TT collabs all week etc no she will have proven herself as 100% irredeemable and I would think that would be the final straw for a lot of deadbeats.

>> No.17009976

I want a nagato chuuba bros..

>> No.17009983

knee, not shoulder

>> No.17009986
Quoted by: >>17011053

she just keeps doing it, jesus christ, literally log off the company account and go cry to your roomate account.

>> No.17009990
Quoted by: >>17010710

Yab machine. Actively trying to turn Hololive into VShojo lite
Normalfag E-Celeb, sucks up to Susan for good boy points

>> No.17010006
Quoted by: >>17010061

I'm hoping for an on-stream rape correction collab with all of EN plus some JPs and IDs.

>> No.17010011

I wonder if this is a two way street. Will Calli notice and be hurt that some of her regular deadbeats are missing in action, or did she never really care that much about them to begin with?

>> No.17010020

we did it /vt/ sisters! we cancelled mori!

>> No.17010023

That guy was not a deadbeat retard, it was someone who carefully decided to spend 250 dollars of their hard earned pay to fuck with Mori. It was a $250 shitpost meant to rile her up and it worked. That's all there is to it.

>> No.17010032

There's Laimu but I doubt she's big enough for holos to notice.

>> No.17010061
File: 158 KB, 960x540, 1642997785627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I apply?

>> No.17010068


>> No.17010075
File: 1.16 MB, 1432x2052, kpfnigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kfp send their regards

>> No.17010084
Quoted by: >>17010169

she has only ever cared about 5% of cuckbeats, specifically the top 5% of payers

>> No.17010098

But which JPs are the cutest? I'll give you some leeway and let you recommend up to three (3) JP members to me, and I will subscribe to them, no strings attached.

>> No.17010103

this is poorly made but checks out

>> No.17010106

she literally broke herself

>> No.17010110

We did it reddit

>> No.17010116


>> No.17010129

So he joined, waited for a year and gave her at least a couple hundred dollars just to do this instead of you know, at any other point? I don't think so. It's Mori-like to assume a membership base of thousands is going to be completely unanimous as a block in all opinions, they're not. That guy probably was on the extreme end of the >t. deadbeat spectrum but wasn't a burner.

>> No.17010135

I said last year she wouldn't make it past the summer of '22. I still feel good about that.
No, she'll graduate herself. Cover still loves her I guess but they don't realize that EN's Subaru is actually Ame.

>> No.17010139

i kneel

>> No.17010140

EN calendar is public? WTF

>> No.17010152

Really only Limes since she does vtubing. Vinny has nothing in common and would be too weirded out by the anime aspect. Joel less so but he’s too volatile for a nice little collab. I don’t watch the others so I can’t say

>> No.17010169
Quoted by: >>17010244

the only thing that could make this worse for Cover and funnier for us is a breakdown stream of Calli saying shit like "you think every other Hologirl doesn't do this?" but I guess that shit would end her contract inmediately

>> No.17010178
Quoted by: >>17010437

Being a vtuber really is the most mentally taxing job. We should lobby for them to get free mental health coverage for the suffering they must endure.

>> No.17010202

You're thinking of this >>17007448
While he's talking about the other one

>> No.17010232

I don't think so. You're not walking away from this one, little man.

>> No.17010236
File: 23 KB, 335x200, thesuperchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It was this. This is the one during the member's stream that everyone including Mori were furious at and the one that started this entire thing. Notice that it isn't even that rude or demanding.

>> No.17010239

Where the clip of her reacting? I also wanna laugh

>> No.17010240
File: 434 KB, 800x800, 1631120992619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17010283


>> No.17010244

It's happening in 12 hours. Screencap this.

>> No.17010248

Anything after the first >girl in the second line from the top is a no from me.

>> No.17010283
File: 62 KB, 634x356, dead beats if only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17010306 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 634x356, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more cuck

>> No.17010349

literally who

>> No.17010354
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 8C5ACA47-6284-4DD4-AF4E-B92DA689012C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it redd... I mean 4chan, yes because we're totally not reddit

>> No.17010366

Nene, nene, nene

>> No.17010387
Quoted by: >>17010605

Your oshi is next

>> No.17010437


>> No.17010442
Quoted by: >>17011602

Do you really think Troon would need to outsource hazing when he could just tell her "listen, you need to seriously fuck off with these TT people, and that's a direct order"

>> No.17010460
File: 91 KB, 809x485, 1 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No schedule for several weeks
>for several weeks
>several weeks

>> No.17010469

jesus why are canadians like this KEK

>> No.17010487

good point, all this shit should refocus her priorities. whether it be with hololive going forward or with her roommate career, she needs to focus on one.

>> No.17010503

Because woman

>> No.17010507

>Notice that it isn't even that rude or demanding.
you guys are autistic

>> No.17010519
File: 47 KB, 744x465, dcb398efa5e5bceb0ee62d29258c3a6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean she's not coming on then?

>> No.17010522
File: 76 KB, 598x512, 1665369004953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17010521
Quoted by: >>17010691

Because unlike her genmates, Mori is a settlered white girl who lives in an all white neighborhood half her life and never touch any social media beyond fb

>> No.17010539
File: 462 KB, 465x622, LIVE again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just based on the fact that she seriously-actually was super angry and wanted him to unmake himself as a deadbeat.
I really think this was her emperor has no clothes moment. She was so sure that genuine fans wouldn't possibly hate TT. But then a longtime member said the thing and she declared that he wasn't allowed to be a Deadbeat, because that HAD to be the only possible explanation why someone wouldn't like it.

>> No.17010551


>> No.17010555
Quoted by: >>17013176

>It was a $250 shitpost meant to rile her up and it worked. That's all there is to it.
He's probably thinking that its the best 250 he ever spent

>> No.17010557

YES THIS, this should be send to hololive idols to know what to fucking avoid,
FUCK whoreshojo, fuck those pieces of shit talentless hacks of "trash taste", fuck those fucking drama magnets. THEY RUIN EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH, and trying to replicate the cynical asshole way they interact or treat their own fans should be condemned as shit behavior.

>> No.17010569

>I hate TT for shitting on mecha anime
This man is a hero

>> No.17010588
File: 108 KB, 250x245, 1623871355444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey redditfriends, we're innocent this time
mori was the one who decided to reply to 5-days-old bait

>> No.17010599
Quoted by: >>17010723

Irys has a bunch of hacked shinys

>> No.17010605

Kronies hate their oshi. Have you ever been to /infinity/?

>> No.17010619

KEK. Please tell me someone clipped her and chat's reaction to this.

>> No.17010646

If Mori goes down it will be due to her indicating that she does drugs. If the japanese office finds out about that she is done for.
Imagine if one the JP girls said that, she would be booted out the door immediately.

>> No.17010650


>> No.17010691

Mori is the only pure hololiver then.

>> No.17010694
File: 681 KB, 220x220, subaru-dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said it was impossible. But we actually did it. A new golden era of Hololive is upon us.

>> No.17010695

Warushizen did nothing wrong.

>> No.17010699

This is the one people should be sharing. It was from a member's stream, and he was a member. (So am I) Calli accidentally read this one and she went off on him like he was calling Connor slurs.

>> No.17010702

all me

>> No.17010706

It was ______The Game___________

>> No.17010710
Quoted by: >>17013673

>Actively trying to turn Hololive into VShojo lite
I've seen this since 8 months ago yet hololive still hasn't changed

>> No.17010714
Quoted by: >>17013851

It starts out fine, but the last line is pretty passive-aggressive and autistic. I will never understand this Twitter/Tumblr mentality of "If you're friends with someone then it means you agree with everything they say".

>> No.17010723

imagine spending hours on shiny hunting and breeding autism instead of just injecting them, can't be me lmao

>> No.17010734 [DELETED] 

Hello, hi, I’m a deadbeat kinda guy,
I, use big ups to get high
While my dad drinks wine
I respect her, by getting Shrekzoned and denied
I think about her and cry
I am totally fine
Bank balance low, feelings high
That’s how you know I’m truly Mori’s deadbeat guy
My supa’s red, my oshi fucked her friend,
You say I’m down on my luck, I say it’s a win/win
Cause I’m a cuck
And I hope he fucks her good
In a way I wish I could
I just want to watch!

Hello, hi, I’m a cuckbeat kinda guy,
I think unity is a lie
I falseflag online
Im brittle and shy
I don’t touch grass or see sky
I don’t have friends that’s why I shitpost all the time

Mori’s deadbeat
Mori’s doxxbeat
Mori’s cuckbeat
My supa’s red, my oshi fucked her friend
You say I’m down on my luck, I say it’s a win/win
Cause I’m a cuck
And I hope he fucks her good
In a way I wish I could
I just want to watch!

Mori’s deadbeat
Mori’s doxxbeat
Mori’s cuckbeat

>> No.17010737

isn't it up in the air because of Irys? at least get your narratives right

>> No.17010740

>she's officially on break now.
Uhh no, she was talking during one of her recent Jump King streams about changing her streaming style for a while to stop scheduling in advance to just-in-time guerillas when she felt like it. She mentioned this is because of upcoming surgery and also streamer burnout, especially with having issues making progress in Ghost Babe both causing her a lot of stress.

>> No.17010741

The entire last line is dumb as fuck, how is it not rude to assume that she thinks Hololive is talentless because Connor said some dumb shit? Should I assume you guys are all retards because a few faggots on here start drama daily?

>> No.17010752

>that most Hololive members are talentless
They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.17010756

>isn't even rude
it actually is, like a journalist asking press secretaries stupid questions but what's done is done

>> No.17010779

I think you might be right.

>> No.17010793

>her "friends" made fun of her for still being into Pokemon at her age and how childish it is
It all makes sense now

>> No.17010823
Quoted by: >>17010903

>Should I assume you guys are all retards because a few faggots on here start drama daily?
I highly recommend it, actually.

>> No.17010834
Quoted by: >>17011605

>Daily reminder this lazy bitch said that Laplus would "just drop her character in a week or two"
holy shit sauce? if she actually said this that's worse than any of the cuck TT drama. fucking unforgivable.

>> No.17010835

subtle shitposting

>> No.17010840
Quoted by: >>17010944

What do you think Ollie is feeling right now? this whole shit exploded in Mori's face and she's like the seconds most popular EN full of protections from fans, do you think she fears what could happen with her in a drama of this level since she is also someone that tries to push connor in hololive?

>> No.17010844

Don't ruin newly formed rrats so quickly!

>> No.17010859

IRyS said she'll be there but she might not stream her POV.

>> No.17010869

This is why EN generations are dangerous for japanese companies, chinks have the "don't shit on your customer" implanted in their brain, only stupid menhera like Matsuri will do shit like this and very rarely, western sluts will try to change the work enviroment or the culture they are supposed to represent, Mori being a wigger instantly collabing with twitch male from her debut to now, Kiara openly saying she doesn't like japanese idol culture and she wants to change it from the inside.
All I want is some escapism, why do these whores work so hard to ruin it?

>> No.17010879
Quoted by: >>17010938

I just hope for a future of unity
All four members of myth deserve love.

>> No.17010903

I'll take your advice, then.

>> No.17010905

Management is going to make Mori collab with DSP as punishment

>> No.17010911
Quoted by: >>17011018

we are all retards, and so are you. normal people avoid this place like the plague, and for good reason.

>> No.17010919

I have to agree. Like step back for a just moment. What the fuck does trash taste have to do with Hololive? Connor, Gigguk, the shadowverse collab. No other group of people have gotten to collab with anyone from Hololive EN the way they have. So why is it that Mori wants to force her friends in so badly? I honestly don't understand why she's the only one to have pushed her group of personal friends, all of whom have nothing to do with vtubing or Hololive, or why it was even allowed in the first place.

>> No.17010938

We're at the point where every single one of them has now been tarnished by scandal. Mori was the last one standing

>> No.17010942
File: 176 KB, 1200x1200, holobebirrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well actually, yes it's true that is the job of the chubba to yab so hard, and to give birth to so many rrats.
but it depends entirely on cuckbeats and tourist to keep alive the rrat and the schizo posting, they are the fuel for all the bait out there, and to come in the next days, just remember KFP and tatsukeks, and for how long thay have kept alive some many rrat schizo threads

>> No.17010944 [DELETED] 

They were competing for Connor's DICK, so obviously Ollie won and will reap the rewards

>> No.17010950
Quoted by: >>17011020

>Kiara openly saying she doesn't like japanese idol culture and she wants to change it from the inside
You sure that's not Ollie?

>> No.17010954

Someone with a bigger dick than the majority of mori simps

>> No.17010965
File: 172 KB, 750x445, 9FF70194-873B-46F0-86D6-65D254A8C950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17011019


>> No.17010967

Calli has the same mentality as the Trash Taste guys when it comes to fans. It's a negative, selfish view of being an entertainer where you only do what you like rather than what is desired by your viewers.
They even want to convince kson to think like this but she's smart enough to not bleed members over these dumb fucks.
>Wow, so weird le incels amirite?
Connor is pure cancer. There's another section in the podcast where he and Joey are trying to convince her to not cater to her audience and just do whater she wants.

>> No.17010976

>Should I assume you guys are all retards because a few faggots on here start drama daily?
Yes. Maybe not the drama stirring kind, but we all either have some degree of autism, had a dark past or are mentally ill. The first two categories will usually behave better.

>> No.17010974
File: 15 KB, 474x355, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading and watching everything related to this, it's all just a big nothingburger? Why are you all making a fuss over something so trivial? It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.17010990
Quoted by: >>17011436

Mori is the only one that got suspended lmao, it's not even remotely close of a comparison

>> No.17011011

Gura is still free tho

>> No.17011015
Quoted by: >>17011548

Kiara "Yeah I only like girl idol groups too" Takanashi, well known hater of idol culture!

>> No.17011019

>Nijisanji traitor
As in he betrayed Nijisanji?

Or did they mean to say he betrayed Hololive to go to Nijisanji?

>> No.17011018

There's good and bad retards, anon. The good retards don't need to be called retards, the bad ones do.

>> No.17011020

maybe Ollie did, but I'm sure Kiara said it right after her debut, I think near the time she had her first collab with Subaru. Mori also instantly did that 3d interview when she debuted

>> No.17011042

They're equating cough syrup abuse to weed or cocaine (which thanks to american drug policy is worse than hitler and you're entirely removed from history)

>> No.17011047

Because people love watching others fail and shitpost about it.

>> No.17011046
File: 107 KB, 720x540, 1625138143782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under what name will this whole fallout be documented?
the deadyab?
the callicaust?
the operation leanbeats?
i want this ordeal to be over so i can go back to watching chuubas and reading cute rrats

>> No.17011053

>go cry to your roomate account.
She literally can't say anything in context on the roommate account or she would be shit-canned instantly and she's only started bring it back to life recently, she's not ready to convert yet.

>> No.17011071
Quoted by: >>17011227

Wow. All she needed to say was Connor is my friend and I don't have to agree with everything my friends say or do. That's all. Then move on.

>> No.17011074

>holoID in there

Wasn't a great loss, Ollie and Bae both being in there with their screechy irritating selves would have made it unpleasant. Sana would have just mopped the fucking floor with everyone anyway.

>> No.17011087

Reminder that the one who made the superchat that started this was a deadbeat.


>> No.17011094
Quoted by: >>17012046

And yet Trash Taste are sponsored by Kadokawa, and are in Japan on work visas by Kadokawa's graces. Now that is what I call cognitive dissonance.

>> No.17011104
Quoted by: >>17012046

Hmm it's almost like this man doesn't understand the appeal of 2D and screams incel when people don't want to see her 3D streams... Weird for an ironic weeaboo...

>> No.17011108

The same person has been shitting on Kiara for a long time as well.

>> No.17011110

Probably the latter, maybe

>> No.17011133

she's already trying to establish herself on twitch, the writing is on the wall

>> No.17011136

Charlie isn't terrible but he's purposefully filthy and can't stop talking about dicks and cum and pussy. And that's fine, but it would be pretty jarring to see him bust out moby mclarge huge or whatever the fuck it's called while collabing with Mori. In fact, that particular example could potentially even get cover in trouble with the law.

>> No.17011165

DSP collab would be unfathomably based, though

>> No.17011167

That's the funny part she doesn't need to let it go, like dude just don't bring it in the holo streams she was doing it right in that one collab from her roommate.

>> No.17011188

>Also what's wrong with charlie?
hes easily the most likable of eceleb trash but thats like winning the special olympics

>> No.17011192

Kys frog poster

>> No.17011197

Uhh... callifornication? No, that's too long.

>> No.17011196
Quoted by: >>17011278

Do you think she's changed after that interview of her with Yagoo?

>> No.17011200
File: 270 KB, 540x693, Screenshot_20220123-072353-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17011522

I screencapped it last night

>> No.17011217
Quoted by: >>17011340

>cancelling streams and taking a hiatus for weeks is a nothingburger

Brain dead frog posters

>> No.17011218

Jerma is too awkward to pull it off desu.

>> No.17011227
Quoted by: >>17011797

She sorta did, the problem is she literally lied and said connor apologized to each EN member, which he didn't
Then she stirred up more drama with a $250 donation

>> No.17011248

After these events she's just a lolcow, so even if say her subs don't decrease the majority of those people won't be there because they like her, but to suckle from the pink udder of endless yabs, incompetence and stupidity. You don't just bounce back from something like this. Even if she goes through it "without damage" all that it takes is a single fuckup before the final crash, and she's decidedly proven to be quite stupid. It's only a question of time.

>> No.17011263

Yeah Charlie's type of entertainment makes Coco tier edge/spunk look like the CareBears. Really just not a good fit to ever be on screen with a Holo.

>> No.17011267

>silent suggested suspension
>Shiny Smily Story
What does this mean

>> No.17011278

women don't change, it is not enough to gain millions pretending to be something, they will actively work to change that something into what they think it should be.

>> No.17011295
Quoted by: >>17011575

Reminder that this is the one that's important. A fan who had been a deadbeat for a long while who wasn't happy about the Connor shit who sends her money regularly wasn't the happiest. Her response was to spend 2 minutes tearing into him rather than politely thank him and move along saying nothing or just having a little more tact when formulating her response to a member and donor.

>> No.17011307

the latter it seems

>> No.17011317
Quoted by: >>17012658

JonTron maybe. MAYBE.

>> No.17011340

Not to mention this might be one of the first legitimate yabs in EN, an unintended faux-pas leading to an actual suspension. I can't off the top of my head think of something else that wasn't pure accident vs Mori very intentionally going out of line.

>> No.17011360

Is there a catbox of her reaction anywhere?

>> No.17011377

>they will actively work to change that something into what they think it should be.
I think she failed that desu

>> No.17011417

didn't one of the holos say speen in a stream?

>> No.17011436
Quoted by: >>17011601


>> No.17011446

I guess no one can't say /vt/ is irrelevant now.

>> No.17011470

Women change in the presence of an alpha.
Yagoo definitely put Kiara in her place.

>> No.17011480

Lean high

>> No.17011516
Quoted by: >>17012044

Fuck TT. They are the worst kind of tubers. Lazy, and fly by the seat of their pants. Their podcast is an incredibly boring 2 hour slog and the content on their personal channels is creatively bankrupt.

>> No.17011522

He just draw the art of the meme template. He did not send the SC or tweet

>> No.17011533
Quoted by: >>17011809

>I'm sure Kiara said it right after her debut
baffling post, try watching streams before posting.

>> No.17011548

He meant Ollie

>> No.17011566

Kiara openly saying she doesn't like japanese idol culture and she wants to change it from the inside

No. Kiara never said that.
That was Ollie. She said she wanted to "break all the rules and change what it means to be an idol".

>> No.17011575

Like shit if someone gave me over $100 to criticize me I’d gladly fucking take it. We come a long ways from the crying over supas in the mad father stream

>> No.17011587

lean kills people. look it up.

>> No.17011601
Quoted by: >>17012057

yes retard
get ready for no streams for a week

>> No.17011602

The part where he takes credit for other's works is very in-character. You are correct about the hazing part, however. He has experience in that regard.

>> No.17011605
Quoted by: >>17011826


>> No.17011609
Quoted by: >>17011809

>but I'm sure Kiara said it right after her debut
That wasn't Kiara, that was Ollie. If you very sure that its Kiara you're going to have to grab proof

>> No.17011669

It's Ironmouse's fault for not letting Connor talk enough to get cancelled

>> No.17011721
File: 332 KB, 871x578, 4563453463465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17011865

Should've watch her senpai's streams

>> No.17011797
Quoted by: >>17011956

>literally lied
>it's the continuing episode of people bringing up an out of context of Kiara saying she's not in talks with TT for a collab and saying that it means she hasn't received an apology

Genuinely - can you fucking kill yourself? I barely even watch Vtubers at this point, and I *still* seem to have a better grasp of what is actually happening then half of you faggots.

>> No.17011799
Quoted by: >>17012161

>"Member's stream guys I swear!"
>"ogey schizo"
It's just another malicious edit by a mori anti. And that's how it will be interpreted. Most holofans aren't cuckbeats. They might still be cucks, but they don't have Mori membership nor care to.

>> No.17011806
Quoted by: >>17011969

On this topic I read something interesting a while ago about the different ways that boys and girls play. A boy playing with a Superman action figure thinks that he is Superman, but a girl playing with a Barbie doll thinks that the Barbie is her.
I realize this sounds stupid when talking about an industry of literally hundreds of girls who can manage this separation and one who can't, but it's interesting that Omegatranny making Council rigid actually forces them to "supermanize", that they must become their character, and not the other way around.

>> No.17011809
Quoted by: >>17012047

What Kiara said is that she didn't like japanese work culture and wished hologirl to take more breaks/vacations
Mori was the one that said from the start she wanted to collab with 3Dmen (which she did instantly) and male vtubers if she could

>> No.17011811
Quoted by: >>17011943

Shut the fuck up. What happened over the past couple days and especially yesterday has nothing to do with the "lean" tweet. By that point, the damage had already been done and Mori had already announced her break due to her retweeting cuck porn featuring deadbeats, herself, and Connor. Don't be a disingenuous piece of shit and try to spin this as something else.

>> No.17011826

That passive aggressive tone is disgusting

>> No.17011865

Caps all that words and pin this shit on every holoEN discord

>> No.17011883

Gura almost always takes a 2-day break after her week's schedule is over, and tonight was the last stream of this schedule, so she's out for at least the next couple days

>> No.17011895

She could just go on Cold Ones if she really doesn't care about integrity, and people would actually like to see it happen.

>> No.17011908

Realisticslly she'll probably rise. When there's a scandle the person effected always gets a boost.

>> No.17011943

>due to her retweeting cuck porn featuring deadbeats, herself, and Connor
Link or screencap, i don't know this

>> No.17011956
Quoted by: >>17012223

>seem to have a better grasp
no you dont, actually you have 0 idea, you just repeat rrats. There was no lie, and you have no proof of lie. Really dont even bother, because its all layered in conjecture and schizoid misunderstandings.

>> No.17011961
Quoted by: >>17012033

All these yabs are irrelevant. You'll get it when we hear three very familiar voices in ENstars later in the year.

>> No.17011969

same thing with movies, comics, videogames, youtube. they are just not happy being part of the club and gaining more money than longtime fans or people involved in it, they get the joy changing everything they touch to fit their will

>> No.17012032

It also kind of undermines any kind of "no don't shit on my friends" defence. If they had nothing to do with hololive then it would be reasonable to ask people not to bring them up, but by trying to include them, they become legitimate targets of criticism.

>> No.17012033

PYFW one of them is Connor

>> No.17012034
Quoted by: >>17012372

I'd say the Japanese fans gravitate to the 2D character more because they find it easier to engage with. Even if she's friendly and attractive, it can be difficult for NEETs and shut-ins to engage with 3DPD.

I agree Connor needs to take a long walk off a short bridge. He's clearly someone who does not understand real struggle like most people have and he comes off as entitled and vapid because of it.

>> No.17012044

Also that FCF thing

>> No.17012045

Sorry I forgot my arrow for that first line.

>> No.17012046

>but I'm sure Kiara said it right after her debut
Nope. Kiara actually likes the idol/otaku culture and is like Pomu in that manner. They don't want western normies ruining their interests.
Holy strawman. What point are you making?
He's not even an ironic weeaboo. He's just a leech that found a solid niche he can suck from long term. The podcast made him relevant again.

>> No.17012047

>wished hologirl to take more breaks/vacations
considering how they seem to be dropping like flies at this point I think that's a pretty reasonable wish. better for a girl to take 3 or 4 days off for a break occasionally than to shred her throat and have to take 1-2 weeks off

>> No.17012054

Naive as hell, the other stuff are nothingburgers, Mori gave more ammo to shit on her than any other holo in history.
If she actually stays out of social media for like a month this will blow over but so long as she keeps letting the sharks smell blood they'll keep going after her.

>> No.17012057
Quoted by: >>17012258

>he doesn't know the difference between a suspension and a break

>> No.17012068
Quoted by: >>17012168

literally posted in this same thread like 7 times already, is a parody redraw of the kanojo okarishimasu chapter where the main character gets a boner thinking about getting cucked by the main heroine. Deadbeat is the cucked character, Mori is the rental girlfriend getting fucked and Connor is the chad fucking her from behind

>> No.17012076

You're retarded.

>> No.17012084
Quoted by: >>17012171

this is so subtle, chef's kiss

>> No.17012150
Quoted by: >>17012518

kronii will literally never talk to a man who isn't yagoo

>> No.17012161

Deadbrap copium sure is powerful.

>> No.17012168

I know the comic, but she retweeting it is kinda dumb and unbelievable

>> No.17012171
Quoted by: >>17012799

it's a canadian, probably not subtle at all but actually legit

>> No.17012204
Quoted by: >>17012354

It's because Mori never had much of an understanding of what a vtuber is and treated it as almost 1:1 with being a regular eceleb when no, it really isn't the same niche. To say nothing of not just being a vtuber but being a Hololive in very-specific with its guidelines and expectations and goals for an idol-like, aka prim and proper, inspirational pop star type environment. She reallllly did not get that. The thing is, management let her do the TT thing anyway since they either were paid to by Kadokawa or they didn't perceive in Mori what we now plainly do.

Gee it's almost as if a hivemind of thousands of people mulling over the data about Mori conclude she probably doesn't understand or care about Hololive were right this entire time and management never managed to get her to care. Whether this is on management being complacent/lazy if not subversive to Cover's guidelines, or whether they tried hard to teach Mori but she just didn't listen, we simply do not know. It's parts of both, I think.

>> No.17012223
Quoted by: >>17012657

... What the fuck are you on? I can literally *link* the stream where the out of context clip is from
see? literally that easy. No mention of "no apology" now kindly, once again, commit hara kiri.

>> No.17012258
Quoted by: >>17012669

I seem to remember Coco taking mysterious 2 week breaks with no explanation too. I'm sure she wasn't suspended tho

>> No.17012274

People forgot about Kiara and Veibae. They'll forget about this.

>> No.17012347

I belieb

>> No.17012354
Quoted by: >>17012573

>The thing is, management let her do the TT thing anyway since they either were paid to by Kadokawa or they didn't perceive in Mori what we now plainly do.
My fear that Cover will hunger more for that Kadokawa money.

>> No.17012372 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17012960

He has an inferiority complex for his height and baldness at 25. So low hanging fruit like incels and otaku are his main target to boost his self esteem. I also think he has a very deficient imagination. So much so that it might even be hard for him to immerse himself mentality into a situation. The dude says he can't fap to pictures, ie doujins, and he doesn't care about the artstyle in hentai since he's just trying to jerk off. Maybe he has an underdeveloped frontal lobe or something.

>> No.17012377 [DELETED] 

bitch, people forgot about Gura's boyfriend account popping up in her Switch and people won't forget about this? the break will work, Mori will be back, probably a couple of streams will have more dislikes than usual and then back to normal

>> No.17012384

I never forgot. That clip of Vei spreading her own rrats of having talked to ex-holo talents when the only "graduated" member was hitomi chris is fucking hilarious. If that clip getting tossed around was the reason the collab didn't happen, I'd be glad, but the truth will never be known.

>> No.17012388

Reddit is that way

>> No.17012423

Are you serious? Why the fuck do you think this shit is being posted everywhere?

This was her response to a 5 day old twitter post from an anti:

>> No.17012438
Quoted by: >>17012554

who dragged jerma into this whatd he do to deserve this
hes unironically the only good twitch streamer who has creative content (things like the dollhouse stream, carnival, the thanksgiving dinner was kino), doesnt clout chase, and is actually funny

(altho including jerma as a joke it kinda funny in its own way)

>> No.17012448

Ame+jerma would be amezing!

>> No.17012468

go for Marine Lamy and Luna

>> No.17012518
Quoted by: >>17012968

kronii is the next yabe target I guarantee it.

>> No.17012554
Quoted by: >>17012679

Id argue putting jerma in the no-no list of collabs would protect HIM more so than the idols

>> No.17012559

Ok that's a tough question actually.

Probably Korone, Aqua, Nene would be my suggestions? Effectively the majority of them are super cutesy types however so ones like Watame, Iroha or Fubuki work too.

>> No.17012562 [DELETED] 

Wait, I missed this. Where can I find her boyfriends account being leaked?

>> No.17012564


>> No.17012573
Quoted by: >>17012644

We'll know if IRyS is on TT later this year.

>> No.17012584

now that you mention it actually, this
i heard someone say watson was super inspired by dunkey, jerma is kinda in the same lane

>> No.17012637


>> No.17012644
Quoted by: >>17012787

It's not the EN, it's the JP. Imagine the likes of Sora, Luna and Rushia getting shoved by Cover to attend TT

>> No.17012651

Because they think they're too good to watch Jersey Shore or the Kardashians while trying to turn vtubing into that.

>> No.17012654 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17013291

I think it was her first Ring Fit Adventure stream, dunno if the entire stream is up but the clip is out there, suddenly a friend account with a male nick pops up and she kinda freaks out until she hides it. then some spergs did some sleuthing with the nick that popped up and her older accounts and found out it was her boyfriend/ex boyfriend account

>> No.17012657
Quoted by: >>17012848

She wasn't asked about any apology, completely talking about different things. You are an idiot.

>> No.17012658

Not even remotely

>> No.17012669
Quoted by: >>17012836

I think your memory's a little fucked up from all the lean you've been drinking, because Cover formally announced her 3 (not 2) week suspension as a punishment. What the punishment was for depends on which language you were reading their announcement in, because Cover thinks their English fans are stupid, but still.

>> No.17012679

i dont even think hed want to i think its a "im too old for this shit" kinda thing
hes in his own lane, moisturized, doing his own thing and enjoying it

>> No.17012735
File: 218 KB, 351x595, 1642877339400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SC that broke Mori mentally

>> No.17012750

This morning I was just thinking if Mori just up and left the vacuum that would create could be felt in every branch to some degree.

>> No.17012766


>> No.17012787

Sora would handle it profesionally and as the whole "idol" face I'm pretty sure they would control the topics and questions, Luna is in a special container inside Hololive, as a poached talent from Niji I'm pretty sure she won't collab with any males, only for female only events like KURO OBI or product sponsorships

>> No.17012796

"haha poop and cum and farts" getting people in trouble with the law? stop posting until you graduate from middle school, faggot

>> No.17012799
File: 39 KB, 510x448, canada[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just the right blend, you know. And i'm almost certainly reaching, but being canadian is just the cherry on top for the shitpost

>> No.17012802


>> No.17012836

>because Cover thinks their English fans are stupid, but still.
There will still be people who watch mori after this, so cover isn't completely wrong.

>> No.17012842

How long does a drug test take in Japan?

>> No.17012848
Quoted by: >>17013005

The explanation going around literally said it WAS about an apology omfg no reading comprehension

>> No.17012859

So is she coming or what?
Even if she didnt participate its only add the fuel to the drama

>> No.17012858

I will forget about this tomorrow but Mori will remind me as soon as she streams again because that SC will stay in her mind for the years to come. This is just the calm before the shitstorm that is ahead of us.
I'm actually worried about the rest of myth turning against us. So be nice to them.

>> No.17012902

Can a drug test even detect lean? Isn't it just jolly ranchers + sprite + cough syrup?

>> No.17012948

Not just any cough syrup but the prescription kind with codeine or some substitute.

>> No.17012951

are you fucking retarded
what do you think is in the cough syrup

>> No.17012957

it's because TT is literally owned by BookWalker (that's why they are living in Japan) and Cover wanted them as a sponsor. Remember how right after Mori was on the podcast the first time all the Myth girls did manga/LN read-alongs sponsored by BookWalker? Mori becoming friends with them only happened later

>> No.17012960
Quoted by: >>17013153

You're talking about surface level stuff, I was talking about deep seeded, way under the skin shit. The guy clearly came from a well-to-do household and basically got everything handed to him. Like he was this spoiled little chess nerd who was always able to just do what he wanted cuz his parents made it happen and he doesn't understand what it's like having to worry about real expectations and difficulty. This sort of shit is why his premature balding and manlet status bother him, the rest of us just call it life and move on because it is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things as to not matter at all.

>> No.17012968


0% chance of this

after her shaky start she has been the perfect holo

>> No.17012973
Quoted by: >>17013056

no point on a "drug test" literally everything on Lean is legal, the combination and being high on it is not, but pretty much impossible to confirm or detect unless there's pictures, videos or an actual admission. Truly the legalest of drugs

>> No.17012981
Quoted by: >>17013156

I think he means the uncensored sex toys. If he doesn't censor those and pulls them out that could cause issues legally for the JP side of things. It's like how eroge are censored. Can't show genitals or things that look like genitals. Even if it wasn't malicious he'd still get them in trouble unintentionally.

>> No.17012982

As much I dislike Kiara and her dramas or KFP being autistic as usual, I'm so glad Takamori is dead so KFP don't get involved into Mori BS anymore. I realized Mori was a lying bitch when she lied about hearing the joke song Kiara made. Honestly seeing Mori lying about the apology just to save Connor but also not caring involving its peers into this drama only makes me feel more indifferent about her being sad, graduating or existing.

I have no doubts Kiara hates idol weirdos but I'm sure she also understand the meaning of being an idol so highly unlikely she wants to "change" it

>> No.17013000
Quoted by: >>17013155

How about you stop posting until you graduate from being retarded.
That thing I said in the post you're replying to? The thing about Moby mclarge huge or whatever? That's his name for a giant 4 foot dildo he owns, you stupid motherfucker. And Japan has strict obscenity laws about depictions of genitals. In the most severe cases, people have gotten fined for not pixelating a dildo in the past and you can't do that shit on a live stream.

>> No.17013005
Quoted by: >>17013660

... That retard thought I was one of the rrat believers, didn't he?
God I fucking hate this retarded website some days.

>> No.17013056

Ah. My question was more to gauge if Cover is making her take one, not if it could be detected.

>> No.17013115

highly doubt it, they work from home, unless the whole breakdown happened while high right inside a cover office it is impossible to track.

>> No.17013153

He's 5 ft 10. That's taller than most men globally. I'm 5 ft 8 and he has no fucking right to call himself a manlet, especially when he lives in fucking Japan.

>> No.17013155
Quoted by: >>17013209

>watching a dude talk about his dildo's
graduate from life onegai

>> No.17013156
Quoted by: >>17013277

do they really censor dildos in eroge/doujins?

>> No.17013176

Hope he requested a refund on top of it.

>> No.17013199
Quoted by: >>17013794

>I realized Mori was a lying bitch when she lied about hearing the joke song Kiara made.
I was a hard Deadbeat then and even I couldn't defend that shit. Really should have seen the writing on the wall sooner.

>> No.17013209

Now do you see why I think it would probably be a bad idea?

>> No.17013222

how do we get Trash Taste get kicked out of Japan?

>> No.17013254
Quoted by: >>17013305

Would rather see Mori kicked out of Japan tbdesu

>> No.17013277

nope unless the dildo is stupdily realistic, the only censorable by law thing are genitals, and not even assholes count, literally just penis and vagina.
source: all I do is play vns and masturbate to doujins.

>> No.17013291
Quoted by: >>17013433


>> No.17013304
File: 460 KB, 570x560, pol think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I looked around in the archives and some threads to better understand this entire situation and I'm honestly surprised what a dumbass she is, even when given everything that will make her set for life after like a decade of work, she still feels the need to get angry at trolls? like shit man, literally get a hobby to do outside of music/streaming. I'm a wagie that occasionally works on plastic models in my free time and I get lost in that world, forgetting all my worries cause I enjoy this shit so much but I rarely get to spend time on my work cause I have to work almost daily and I come home tired as fuck. I am jealous of people like her who are working a dream career that requires less stress and basically lets you just fuck around, have fun, and make six figures easily in less than a year. Maybe I don't know shit but I do know if I was in such a position like her, I would always be in a good mood and wouldn't even bother ego searching just to find negative comments or haters.

>> No.17013305

I would love to see TT get kicked out of japan but its as this anon says
TT is a symptom of the problem, the cause stems from the whores that go on there in the first place

>> No.17013308

Yes, an extended 10 panel drug test detects codeine. The regular 5 panel ones though, idk. They test for opiates but that might not include codeine.

>> No.17013318

>I have no doubts Kiara hates idol weirdos

>> No.17013341
Quoted by: >>17013438

dudes probably do drugs like anyone else, get someone to infiltrate or befriend them and just record them getting high

>> No.17013348

So, with her announcing it on Twitter. This is all a "thing" now. Meaning that everybody in the EN community knows about it and most have some understanding of the QRD. Ironmouse knows about it which means Connor knows.

So when is he going to apologize publicly to take some heat off of his "friend" who stood up for him?

>> No.17013350

japanese law is so weird
you can legally hire a prostitute to do literally everything other than vaginal sex, including anal sex

>> No.17013365


>> No.17013371
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Ah yes, important to grow your knees if your knees are too small. I vaguely recall her mentioning that during her debut months.

>> No.17013391

yeah, i just didn't remember censored dildos/plugs in the doujins i had saved, kinda funny having nipples and anus being a-ok

>> No.17013394

Absolutely based

>> No.17013421
Quoted by: >>17013701

They changed a lot of shit because they kneeled to foreigners which is probably a big reason why people are xenophobic.
I'm so sick of anitube leaking into vtuber spaces

>> No.17013433

No one responded to him because he has no clue what he's talking about. Calm the fuck down. Gura's fans wouldn't support her like they do if they thought there was something going on.

>> No.17013438
Quoted by: >>17013586

They're pretty open about this, but they all used to smoke weed but stopped since moving to Japan

>> No.17013472

no and i say this as a nyanfag
her positive attitude creeps me out at times

>> No.17013475

it is even more retarded, it is only the parts the law in japan asociate with pleasure, so you can technically play with the censor (like some doujin artists do) and instead of censoring the whole thing you can just censor the clitoris and the inside of the pussy, at the same time keep the shaft and balls as long as you censor the frenulum and uretral opening.

tl;dr: shits retarded as fuck

>> No.17013485

You're mistaking him for someone who gives a shit about Calli.

>> No.17013546

that's because by law and since anal porn is not really tasteful for chinks, nipples are a natural thing, both men and women have it and feed milk to babies and anuses are just excretory for them. like I said before, japanese porn laws are retarded as fuck

>> No.17013586
Quoted by: >>17013654

and you really believe the part of "stopped"? how dumb are you? of course that's a lie, they just do it very privately now.

>> No.17013590

Hang in there bro

>> No.17013593
Quoted by: >>17013668

yeah, she's lowkey the creepiest member and the saccharine overly positive attitude is so tiring to listen to.

>> No.17013622
Quoted by: >>17013670

assholes get censored if it is used sexually

>> No.17013630
Quoted by: >>17013787

isn't the dude literally posting "huge W" ? pretty sure he doesn't give two fucks about idolfags feelings being destroyed

>> No.17013653

holy tourist newfaggots batman, how do we get rid of them

>> No.17013654

I gave up weed for a few months to become a fed, and haven't bothered smoking again since. It's honestly not hard at all to give up

>> No.17013660


>> No.17013668
Quoted by: >>17013763

Maybe that's how she copes with her mortality.

>> No.17013670

not all the time and very hard to prove since the assholes goes inward when penetrated, when you draw it unless it is in a very specific angle you don't really need to censor anything

>> No.17013673

it's changing now, especially with male ENs being hinted at, and the first jpStars group collab with two ENs just so happens to also have Ollie tagging along, pure coincidence right? She had a hand in this and I refuse to believe otherwise.

>> No.17013701
Quoted by: >>17013829

im pretty sure all the retarded laws/rules mostly stems from the "shouganai" attitude, people just blindly accept every rule bc they have this in built attitude of "well thats just how it is and there nothing you can do about it"

>they glow in the dark

>> No.17013715
Quoted by: >>17013781

yeah, because being a fed is totally the same as being a shitty low to mid tier celebrity and they totally don't party or get wasted, but fuck it, you do you, if you believe them good for you, also I have a bridge to sell you

>> No.17013753
Quoted by: >>17013913

Man, I'm in my mid-30s and worked at least two jobs for the majority of my life and I'm tired, I would love to stream games and shitpost for even just 20k a year if it meant that I didn't have to literally destroy my body to earn shelter, food and health insurance. I work on a project car in my spare time and it's basically therapy for me, I really hope you can keep going cause I'm running out of life to care about.

>> No.17013763

could very well be
she's had her friends and her "precious family" for a long time now, she doesn't need to keep being thankful of them every 5 seconds anymore. relax, mouse. just be cool.

>> No.17013781

Of course they get wasted, and they're open about it too. I genuinely don't get why you think they wouldn't give up smoking if it's something that would get them deported. Weed's nice, but it's not worth that kind of risk.

>> No.17013787

He deleted the "huge W" tweet (which was unrelated to the mori thing, just unfortunate timing). I schizo-post about the faggot and his non-apology all the time but I've got to admit that this is at least kind of nice of him to do.

>> No.17013794
Quoted by: >>17013838


>> No.17013811

Jesus, I cannot believe that people shitposting about her and Connor actually got to her this badly. Guess the truth hurts huh lol

>> No.17013829

yeah, and who the fuck would campaign to change censoring laws? that'd just kill their political career

>> No.17013838

Kiara sent Mori a link to her "cover of King" (actually a Rick Roll, Kiara never covered King) and Mori claimed to have watched it and that it was good.

>> No.17013844

She finally didn't get away with it.

>> No.17013850
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>> No.17013851
Quoted by: >>17013972

>I will never understand this Twitter/Tumblr mentality of "If you're friends with someone then it means you agree with everything they say".
It stems from the current moral hazard engulfing the west right now. Twitter and Tumblr skew pretty hard left and the big noise from the left these days is "don't tolerate intolerance" which has literally led to statues of the founding fathers being tore down, and when this attitude gets expanded to its natural conclusion, a willingness to engage with someone who has views you don't agree with means that at a minimum, you still tolerate them and that makes you as bad as those people. I'm reminded of Ethan Klein recently removing his Jordan Petersen videos because of exactly this shit. It's ridiculous.

>> No.17013862
Quoted by: >>17013951

This just continues to prove that doing collabs outside of Hololive is a bad idea, many members abide by this rule and have gotten away from drama or menhera shit

>> No.17013880
Quoted by: >>17013917

a drug test won't detect cough medicine dude. It's not like she smoked weed that stays in the body for like 3 months. Even coke is undetectable by the next day.

>> No.17013913
Quoted by: >>17014184

>project car
man, i hope for the best, prices are still very retarded and shit is back ordered everywhere
>t. had a project bike

>> No.17013917

Boi if she's into such shit as codeine I betcha she'll have traces of something else. It's matter of time.

One hair it's all it's gonna take.

>> No.17013951

>This just continues to prove that doing collabs outside of Hololive is a bad idea
That's a little far. Trash Taste is hardly comparable to a benign and generally well-liked chuuba like Pikamee.

>> No.17013964
File: 512 KB, 500x584, 1637930401543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17014255

Jesus christ

>> No.17013972

because she is not going as "herself" she is going as the character Mori Calliope, an employee of Cover that supposedly is part of the "talentless hacks" just leeching of the Hololive name.
Also people didn't even made a huge deal out of it, it was just that canadian superchat that put shit into motion, and everything else was Calliope's doing, she started sperging at the chat, she replied to the cuck comic, she started fighting on reddit and twitter.
this would be a nothing burger if she just ignored that one chat and didn't start liking shit offending her fans out of spite

>> No.17013979

It's also extremely inconsistent and changes depending on who's in power. The law is interpreted by various government bodies to mean different things. In the 80s for expample, pubes were forbidden from being shown. Recently, in the last decade anuses must be censored, but only if they are being used sexually. For drawings, it's even more unclear and is mostly left up to the website itself to police as well as what Japan's internet regulatory agency happens to think about your website in particular.

DLsite for example only requires black bars on manga that's published there, but pixiv and fanbox require complete mosaic pixelization of genitals (although this is only enforced if your black bars are too revealing)

>> No.17014078
Quoted by: >>17014255

Jesus... this chick keeps getting worse the more I read up on her.

>> No.17014102

I know an western artist that went to comiket before the pandemic to sell his doujins, he had the hardest time with the censoring part, the staff kept rejecting him over it, he ended up having like 4 versions of the censored comic before it was aproved to sell

>> No.17014155
Quoted by: >>17014250

kawakami was a bit cheeky and if you played with the bar's transparency you could decensor his raws pretty fast

>> No.17014177

i cant believe with the twitter thing she responded to a guy who is pretty well known for being a troll to holos in their posts and the fact the guy posted it FIVE days ago and she went and dug it up in her tag

>> No.17014184

It's an old RWD Corolla so parts are plenty but I mostly just work on it rather than drive it cause I'm not into drifting anymore.
Man I was thinking of getting into bikes just cause I have a death wish, maybe I'll build that cafe racer I always wanted as a teen finally. Stay based bro.

>> No.17014227

she's just weak because of her drug problem, that's the main issue really.

>> No.17014250

yeah pretty much every artist that has the PSD raws as a higher reward on fanbox does that, it is pretty much their way of giving you the uncensored version without actually giving it.
some doujin artist sell them as PDF files that you can also decensor with a specific software or manually deleting something

>> No.17014255

As a long-time Deadbeat, I had come to realize that Mori is a habitual liar. She lies ALL the time. She even referenced this once like "yeah I know, I always say 'I promise,' but this isn't like a 'Mori promise,' I really mean this." Something along those lines. She is a dishonest person at the core.
