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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 470 KB, 2000x2000, shinoapo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16827515 No.16827515 [Reply] [Original]

his thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, Merise, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

VSpo previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
VSpo Autumn Sudden Test

VSpo Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VJcvKJvaWs&t=0s (MC only, no cooking process)
https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv334451629 (main stream, but you need to be a member to watch the whole thing)

VSpo Ideal Christmas Date Show

VSpo Game Queen


Remote VSpo Hot Spring Trip リモート温泉 見学旅
18th January 8pm JST

Upcoming events:
25th January - 28th February

Kamito's Birthday Goods and New Costume Reveal
27th January

>> No.16827642

Previous thread...

>> No.16828093
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>> No.16828389
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>> No.16828500
Quoted by: >>16828539

Nice, a new Towa and fps friends thread.

>> No.16828539

Towa, Selen and friends*.

>> No.16828764
File: 254 KB, 728x900, FIP9qG5aUAMrx5V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16828820

Toto is cute.

>> No.16828820
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x1550, asfasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be onto something.

>> No.16830048
Quoted by: >>16830398

Who was saying that hanabana had fallen out?

>> No.16830398

They're /here/ and wanted to put that anon to shame

>> No.16830412
Quoted by: >>16830927

chat teaching nose that your adam's apple moves when you swallow

>> No.16830927

nose doesn't swallow

>> No.16832086

They could have got some better artists for the non-blessing stuff.

>> No.16832884
File: 348 KB, 743x1204, 1641882730033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16842277

>sumire wont make it


>> No.16833210

Ichinose needs rape correction


>> No.16834324
File: 789 KB, 1888x1111, 1622419425301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16834501
File: 350 KB, 1557x2048, FIP9htCacAY7Nd_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanae's still sick with covid...

>> No.16836024

is that towers?

>> No.16837372

Just a while ago she was worried whether or not Kanae was okay.

>> No.16838231
Quoted by: >>16838252

do i even want to know why everyone is obsessed with "rape correction" suddenly?

>> No.16838252
Quoted by: >>16838387

some shitty forced EOP meme

>> No.16838387
Quoted by: >>16876088

b-but I think it's actually pretty funny...

>> No.16838402
Quoted by: >>16838651

Uruca starting to use his mic but only for calling out where people are when it's too late. He still doesn't know callouts that well.
Also it's cute how japs sometimes say どんぴー when trying to say "don't peek"

>> No.16838651

Nvm I'm a liar he's actually communicating much more now. Even asked his teammates which site Sova is better at holding.

>> No.16839323
Quoted by: >>16839546

solo master is cool and all but platinum challenge is where it's at

>> No.16839546

Fubuki got a redesign?

>> No.16840091

Comment: Will you stream league?
Uruca: No. There is nothing worse than a league stream.

>> No.16840554

Today at 18:00, some COD WZ thing.

>> No.16840733

Wheres towa?

>> No.16841061 [DELETED] 

3rd column, 4th row, 3rd from the left

>> No.16841099

3rd column, 3rd row, 3rd from the left

>> No.16842277
Quoted by: >>16845509

It's fine. She won't quit or something if she doesn't make it. Lets just cheer her on.

>> No.16842603
Quoted by: >>16843013

Beni joined their VC just to distract Hanabana and make them lose a round. What a bitch!

>> No.16842835
Quoted by: >>16843013

Homosex team above Runa's team. Who is the guy playing with Runa team?

>> No.16843013

You may know her from Nazuna's WZ streams.>>16842603

>> No.16843850

I can see why all these women with selfie pfps watch Uruca. He's just so relaxing.

>> No.16845509

I want to cheer her on but solomas makes people sad, it's a rat ghost fest

>> No.16846830

After finding him from his collab with Daruma, I now know that Neth is actually funny too.

>> No.16847549

Beni period cramps 4h ago.

>> No.16848308
Quoted by: >>16851297

Those aren't period cramps, she's bearing my child and is having contractions.

>> No.16851297

rion can you stream please

>> No.16851420

He's really just everyone's punching bag. Save him before he quietly kills himself from all the bullying.

>> No.16854280
File: 481 KB, 895x395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something doesn't add up here

>> No.16854690

i wish i was an old man so qpi would play with me

>> No.16855368
Quoted by: >>16855466

Use some logic bruh, its the time zones.

>> No.16855466

But anon only lives in one timeszone.

>> No.16857605

Wtf i like uruca now

>> No.16859716

Uruca is based as fuck I love him. I will slobber on his cock when Japan opens up

>> No.16862083
Quoted by: >>16879419

use this video as you please

>> No.16862229
Quoted by: >>16863037

does anyone have that runa

>> No.16863037
Quoted by: >>16863851


>> No.16863617

petit overwatch

>> No.16863851

oh didn't know that was her official art, thanks

>> No.16864726
Quoted by: >>16864806

beni and lisa slept together

>> No.16864806

yeah, with me in between

>> No.16865831
File: 74 KB, 800x1000, Raspberry-Martini-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16867252


>> No.16867506
File: 1.51 MB, 1813x785, 1642825632597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16867552

not bad, but still no match for Towa.

>> No.16867773
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, 1613484332600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe one day, onion.

>> No.16868181

Ren and Uge collab


>> No.16868224

uge and?

>> No.16868237
Quoted by: >>16868258

she should play with vspo

>> No.16868243

Damn, Towa is even better than Noah.

>> No.16868258
Quoted by: >>16868295

She doesn't even play with hololive

>> No.16868295

perfect partner for noah

>> No.16868727
Quoted by: >>16868787

If it were for her to play with a VSPO it would be better with Towa

>> No.16868787
Quoted by: >>16869362

no, Towa would outperform her, so noah would be better.

>> No.16869362

Collab with "friends" in the same group? NAH!
They're actually perfect for each other. Onion runs faster than Kamito taking a single tick of Charge Rifle damage and Noah will hyperagressive push everything.

>> No.16869498

Cracked. She's even better than before.

>> No.16869625
File: 416 KB, 1920x1080, 1641455928049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16869759

Nothing personnel

>> No.16869759

I'll be impressed once she gets in diamond lobbies.

>> No.16870647

Even The CR Champion agrees...

>> No.16871645

CR MVP, get it right.

>> No.16871858

Uge has the staciest voice for a cunny type Live2D

>> No.16873409
Quoted by: >>16876292

Ha, I was thinking why I'm annoyed with her, but that's a good description.
Her singing voice is not so bad.
On unrelated note, Qpi is quite good at Valo.

>> No.16875245

Even the weakest solo-pred agrees

>> No.16875534

what a cute autist training offstream for a year

>> No.16875621

She did? Because I was wondering since she's already in plat, and generally a year or so off, hell, even a month could just atrophy your skills.
A year without shooters would kill it.

>> No.16875666

nah nigga bought cheats

>> No.16875810
Quoted by: >>16876565

She still has a pre lvl500 account. It was not touched until a few days ago when she went from bronze to plat. I would not be surprised if she already reached master on another account.

>> No.16876088

Everything I don't like is a shitty EOP meme.

>> No.16876292

I mean she's basically a stacy

>> No.16876565

She mentioned during the stream that she wanted to do a gacha stream because she hadn't gotten any new skins "on this account" since Valkyrie was released. She almost certainly has an off-stream account that she's been playing on this whole time.

>> No.16876726
Quoted by: >>16877003

Aqua is pretty good on horizon, its would be interesting to see how would she do in a custom since there's not many chuuba main horizon nowadays.

>> No.16876742

>most of fps female vtubers are pretty mediocre even in the plat lobby
>aqua does literally10kill/2000dmg every game
>and not even a fps vtuber

Yeah she's really talented

>> No.16876948

>and not even a fps vtuber
Iirc she essentially was though.
And if she hasn't touched the account for awhile, I'll wait a bit to see how things go.

>> No.16876963

not fps vtuber, but is a fps gamer to have multiple lv500 accounts.

>> No.16877003

probably as good as masanori.

>> No.16877175
Quoted by: >>16877270

I love this autist, practiced looting a lot to look good on stream before in earlier Sex days, what a legend.

>> No.16877270

Fucking autocorrect, elmao

>> No.16878872
File: 152 KB, 1200x1600, 16046375236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16878939

>> No.16878939

He's naked where are his horns?

>> No.16879009
File: 65 KB, 770x417, Screenshot_2022_0122_163102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16880371

yeah I don't think he's gonna stream today either

>> No.16879329 [DELETED] 

holy shit its his first room reveal
I thought he was at a store collab or something

>> No.16879419


>> No.16879481 [DELETED] 
File: 1.93 MB, 1496x1988, IMG_20220122_163935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit its his first room reveal
I thought he was at a store collab or something

>> No.16879595

so he fucking robbed a kotobukiya for their shelves?

>> No.16879599

not sure if you're shitposting too but it's not his room
also he's streaming.

>> No.16880371
Quoted by: >>16886025

Why not, he watched it and it's over it was only an hour long.

>> No.16881318

Chad CPT grills gamer nerd over having no GF

>> No.16881349

Sumire needs to take a break, hover peeking into 6 people seemed unnecessary in my humble opinion.
She's blaming it on bad timing instead of her being retarded.

>> No.16881629
File: 369 KB, 2000x2000, nerutaso0129-1484464844522680332-FJng6IBVcAIXbFq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16881759

oof this wz thing keeps get pushed back 15 mins at a time

>> No.16882429

Is Noah the only level 1 in CoD event? Why does she always do this? Join a tournament and be the only person to never touch the game.

>> No.16882836

actually started

>> No.16883094
Quoted by: >>16883314

vspo + reid squad is comedy squad so far

>> No.16883206

shame no announcement when you need to kill comrades.

>> No.16883314
Quoted by: >>16883535

boring, ill go watch mafuyu instead.

>> No.16883535

mafuyu's squad was talking about valentine choco just now so I guess they're fun too

>> No.16883667

but theyre actually playing instead of Noahs team thats just goofing and freak out when they see anything.

>> No.16883698

Noah drops assault rifle to pick with a second SMG.... low IQ.

>> No.16883768


>> No.16883969
Quoted by: >>16884437

I am watching the vod right now cause I missed it live, she is too good to not be practicing offscreen. Which isn't a bad thing, I was just pleasantly surprised by how much her game sense and aim improved.

>> No.16884320
File: 403 KB, 2304x3072, owa_wayaya-1484816707713912834-FJsg7CLacAM8Hls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16884405

I thought I'd miss this event. I'm glad the game is breaking so I can actually see it live.

>> No.16884437
Quoted by: >>16884569

i'm just catching up on it now too. i think she says something at the beginning about how she told everyone she didn't practice at all but really she did in preparation for today? my japanese is too shit

>> No.16884569

>>16884437 (me)
ah, right, yeah practiced in secret

>> No.16884753
Quoted by: >>16884981

Noah really has the IQ of a potato.

>> No.16884936

Noah though she has shield like Apex when you die and tries to block for team, but just dies and cant be res....

>> No.16884981

It's ok still fuckable and cute

>> No.16885108

Noah drops a rifle with scope to pick up another SMG for dual SMG loadout.... Then complains she cant hit anything at range just like previous round.... potato IQ cant remember what happened 30mins ago.

>> No.16885244
Quoted by: >>16886840

going to guess she goes SMG/SMG loadout again for last game because she's dumb like that.

>> No.16886025

he'll watch it over and over again like a true nijichad
also he's still not streaming

>> No.16886464
Quoted by: >>16886760

dude does yukio's teammate, hesiko have autism or some shit he keeps mumbling some gibberish

>> No.16886760

> making dick jokes with tempo
> yukio making monkey noises
nvm i found my answer. algs tomorrow tho

>> No.16886840
File: 123 KB, 1183x1195, E-hRkm6VgAMXpU-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls understand, APEX SMG range....

>> No.16887496

aqua got ghosted and they didn't even finisher cancel her? amateurs

>> No.16888145
Quoted by: >>16888718

This channel is a NoahKami evangelist.
Imagine the fuckings we could have gotten iif it weren't for OreApo..

>> No.16888718
Quoted by: >>16889114

I want them to play together more.
But they're both too socially-challenged to even invite each other.

>> No.16889114
File: 657 KB, 2418x4096, FB0V5JNVkAEzN-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HeeNAHno too much of an alpha-Stacy.. Maybe next life...

>> No.16889482


>> No.16889586
File: 582 KB, 2048x1530, 40480DDA-2F3E-42E6-86EC-2AFCFD96AA22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16889596

sena singing

ren zatsudan

>> No.16889774

Thank you. I shall watch my favorite FPSTuber

>> No.16890558


>> No.16891326

>>16755066 (me)
>this is why i wonder what's gonna happen when say runa/noah hit master and e.g. qpi is still diamond
ah, so qpi talks about it a bit at the end of yesterday's stream. they haven't decided what they're gonna do but they'll try to adjust kill points so they all finish together but they don't want to give up even if they get stuck in pred/master hell

>> No.16892256

How many non-pred vtubers even continue ranking once they hit masters?

>> No.16892331

kamito https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWUfympH6qY

>> No.16892497

first stream in new house and he's still using his scuffed streaming setup.

>> No.16892560

I assumed he had already called Gil to build his PC, but he hasn't for whatever reason.

>> No.16892961

he really has to stop self-sabotaging his lifestyle.
it's probably because he's too used to living poor but he's got the big youtube bucks now.

>> No.16893626

>finish together
Runa and Noah-san can just use someone's 2nd account as 3rd to tank points to Qpi lvl right before finish line

>> No.16893877

Kamito has something going on a week that he's very nervous about. It's not the new outfit or joining an org.
Any guesses?

>> No.16893925

He's losing his virginity to me

>> No.16893927 [DELETED] 

big announcement in a week that will make you go "what the fuck?!" (his words)

>> No.16893981

hinano is moving in next week

>> No.16894333

im invited to his wedding with

>> No.16894349
File: 54 KB, 378x373, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16894580

I think something is due soon, anon.

>> No.16894580

he just said the announcement's gonna be as surprising as him revealing that he's become a father.

>> No.16894616

I'm the mother.

>> No.16894852
Quoted by: >>16895177

Graduating with Hina—no to start a family.

>> No.16895177
Quoted by: >>16895261

you're such an idiot.
how is he gonna provide if he graduates?

>> No.16895259

The announcement is going to be that they actually aren't.

>> No.16895261

Oh, true. With Hina—no to start a family, no graduating.

>> No.16895468
File: 136 KB, 953x953, sushi__life-1484739303767162884-FJrahp3aQAIwMcW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16896067

selly RT'd this!

>> No.16896067

Isn't that artist is his gf or something?

>> No.16897177

nunbora... don't look...

>> No.16899589
File: 739 KB, 2894x4093, FHvlJqRaUAE5685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16899682
Quoted by: >>16899707

That's just an impression Japanese artist, she even started smoking because of selly too.

>> No.16899688
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, apex...[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjihz9b.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16903048

>> No.16899707

>>16899682 (me)
Impressionable, I meant to say.

>> No.16900104
Quoted by: >>16901070

I thought it was just Beni that barged into their VC.

>> No.16901070

>hinano: that was just qpi's normal singing!
lol, pretty much

>> No.16902316
Quoted by: >>16904047

non-mengen twitcast

>> No.16903048
Quoted by: >>16903301

What's the title of the song? It sounds so familiar

>> No.16903301
Quoted by: >>16903378

tears of karan from homeworld

>> No.16903378
Quoted by: >>16908650

thanks, I never actually heard it before but for some reason it sounds way too familiar

>> No.16904047

tfw you will never do "pero-pero jigoku" for beni ander footon...

>> No.16905801

Are any chuubas doing an algs watchalong?

>> No.16908117
File: 1.10 MB, 751x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16908195


>> No.16908195

Those look a bit bigger than E cup.

>> No.16908650

quick search tells me that the main melody(?) is adagio for strings by samuel barber- which is probably much more familiar.

>> No.16911687

Maybe Towa.

>> No.16912772

Kamito again

>> No.16916378
File: 175 KB, 1878x1211, E2441Y2VUAEYzwG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday cute girl

>> No.16918726
Quoted by: >>16918959

Is Niru the best horizon player in jp?

>> No.16918750
Quoted by: >>16918892

benisex in 20 minutes

>> No.16918892


>> No.16918959
Quoted by: >>16918981


>> No.16918981

say his full name

>> No.16919149


>> No.16919220

CHANNERU (masanori)

>> No.16920270
Quoted by: >>16920547

Scarz eu last place, rpr needs to stop collabing and practice more with his team.

>> No.16920547
Quoted by: >>16920609

now that he's a washed-up ex-pro, he'll have to become a vtuber

>> No.16920609

merise transfer when

>> No.16920785
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, 1621912136470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reid sponsoring ALGS

>> No.16920860

I thought those were condoms for a sec.

>> No.16921033

they played the ad kek

>> No.16921343

cr pov doko

>> No.16921575
Quoted by: >>16921660

i hope cr get stomp today.

>> No.16921660

>t. Selly55

>> No.16922365
File: 139 KB, 347x277, 1620230234085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tarkov chuuba blowing up.
Not sure if she's being viewbotted desu lol. She normally gets around 600 ccv. She's been getting 1000 for a while since the tarkov drop event ended, but almost 4000 seems huge.

>> No.16924044
File: 12 KB, 750x103, FJvUF8SaUAAEXWG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16924590

CR cup is in may.

>> No.16924345
Quoted by: >>16924829

i thought curihara was in wokka team ?

>> No.16924590

Guess they'll probably be slowing down the rate of them.

>> No.16924635

>unite wipe cr
also mondo back on the gib huh.

>> No.16924710
Quoted by: >>16924863

It still blows my mind that they haven't fixed the ring bug when spectating yet.

>> No.16924829

wokka team didn't qualify

>> No.16924863

It's fine, they just added more spectator bugs instead.

>> No.16925119

No chuubas but wokka is.

>> No.16925680

ywn be called a super good boy by benisex

>> No.16925702

Any reason why selly isn't playing?

>> No.16925918

washed up

>> No.16926055
Quoted by: >>16927426

sex with towa

>> No.16926072

sex with me

>> No.16926096


>> No.16926271

>that mirage team not healing before blasting off


>> No.16926420

moving to riddle

>> No.16927426

i beleb
expecting mini twap soon

>> No.16927657

Mondo (awake mode)

>> No.16927796
Quoted by: >>16928036

bakua strim for thsoe who want to judge her

>> No.16928036
Quoted by: >>16939040

The judging will come when she's in diamond lobbies.

>> No.16928628

3 emp in a row lol

>> No.16928719
Quoted by: >>16928793

kawase POV

>> No.16928793

Why aren't the koreans streaming their own POV

>> No.16930257

I swear to god this region is so bad

>> No.16930808
Quoted by: >>16934917

FAV sisters...

>> No.16930899

unite manage to 3rd cr for 2 time now, not a good day for cr i guess.

>> No.16933777

CRsisters how are you holding up

>> No.16933803

shouldve seen more wattsons in cr cup seeing how many wattsons there are in algs

>> No.16933897

apac n is not a good region

>> No.16934037


>> No.16934144

CR deserves to lose for not streaming

>> No.16934311

what happen to yukio team?

>> No.16934836

Interesting concept. Seems to allow you to hold more exposed areas as long as there's some semi-decent cover.
How any Fuses?

>> No.16934917

dude how the fuck are they 2nd last

>> No.16935441

V3 is the way

>> No.16935519
Quoted by: >>16936410

>watson comp win most of the game

>> No.16935666
Quoted by: >>16935918

Aqua is cracked! Shes super POG.

>> No.16935918

Still plat lobby but I agree. Her mechanics are up there, on par with Noah

>> No.16935990
Quoted by: >>16936052

Better than Bora.

>> No.16936052
Quoted by: >>16936733

Selen is better than all of them

>> No.16936410

I wonder if they didn't get fucking naded because the other teams knew there was a pylon there.
Also that Crypto ult on the team that dropped in was so sweet. Fuck Gibby.

>> No.16936728

imo i dont think watson make that much different just that vega luck was really good today.

>> No.16936733

MVP Towa is better than Selen, Bora, Aqua and Qu.

>> No.16937067

V3 streak broken...
Well, V3 shouldn't W4 anyway.

>> No.16937271
Quoted by: >>16938884

Nah. Pylon lets you play areas which are normally bad because you'll be eating grenades.
Like that little container last game, they didn't really have too much cover to maneuver around.

>> No.16937749
Quoted by: >>16937886

glad to see that caustic cunt are gone from meta for now.

>> No.16937886

not really it's just apac north. All other regions caustic is hard meta

>> No.16937937
Quoted by: >>16938132

CRsisters... was selly right?

>> No.16937960
Quoted by: >>16938958

Flora has improved greatly from last year.

>> No.16938132
Quoted by: >>16938582

Was CR valo division exploding due to being losers or CR apex performing like this not proof enough

>> No.16938582

a-at least they did a little bit better than in scrims sort of...

>> No.16938831
Quoted by: >>16939416

will zeder got fired after this?

>> No.16938884
File: 3.94 MB, 2480x3508, 93804187_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wattson has a better "economy", you don't need to pop batteries during mid-long range peek fights(a lot of streamers forget her natural armor regen).
Like >>16937271 said, you can play bad spots just not extremely bad spots like one rock on low ground, exposed on every other side.

IMO she's strong early and midgame but falls off on final rounds and requires a team that knows when to hold and when to push.

Posting thicc APEX-addicted but variety vtuber reincarnation. Trigger warning: plays controller.

>> No.16938958

Too bad Noah doesn't rank with Flora anymore since you fuckers keep posting comments about her being carried by them.

>> No.16939040
Quoted by: >>16939170

Daiya kitiraaaa, you can see and shitpost legally about Aqua now.
Last game to daiya she got carried to win, kek

>> No.16939170
Quoted by: >>16941624

Time for the ghosting to start

>> No.16939416
Quoted by: >>16939920

no but he'll suicide by carbone monoxide poisoning after selly transfers

>> No.16939920

Vodka only participated in CR cup so he poach Selly.

>> No.16940841
Quoted by: >>16941056

I like how Wokka's youtube suggestions are mostly vspo streams.

>> No.16941056

I mean he recently did Cod, Valorant and R6S events with them.

>> No.16941624

Getting sniped hard, like holy shit.

>> No.16941673

>watson standoff inc

>> No.16941922


>> No.16941955

I was gonna say 456WIN as a joke but they actually got a champ.
Get fucked V3.

>> No.16942082
File: 727 KB, 1280x720, Apex Legends Global Series_ Pro League Split 1 【Playoffs - APAC North】 4-38-24 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16942415

wew lad

>> No.16942085

watson become a thing might be good to watch in custom, less gib guilt.

>> No.16942383

This is actually exciting because points are really close, 78,77,77,75.

>> No.16942406

Holy shit this algs will never end

>> No.16942415

These deadweight cant do more than 1k damage lel.

>> No.16944143

lmao cr cant even get 3 points in 3 games to achieve match point

>> No.16944407

RIDstacies laughing right now

>> No.16944630

Based Crypto ult fucking over Gibby bubbles.

>> No.16944751

They have been just outside of MP every single fucking round it's hilarious

>> No.16944871

they will get it on match 12 I BELIEVE

>> No.16945056
Quoted by: >>16945613

>mondo gib with 0 damage

>> No.16945122
File: 1.82 MB, 2364x1748, FansRabbits-1468303241570308098-FGB1cgBaQAA7N_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laughing and crying at the same time.
But CR is fucking done bros.

>> No.16945293
File: 106 KB, 468x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CR Apex is going to get the CR Valorant treatment soon.

>> No.16945544
Quoted by: >>16946602

Btw, any of you try the new Multiview/Command Center thing on the official twitch stream? Heard they even have the map.

>> No.16945551
Quoted by: >>16945645


>> No.16945613

ojiji should hire setomiya instead.

>> No.16945645

shouldn't have left the retirement home...

>> No.16945660

Shunmi almost 1v3 that lol. Damn, Flora is hot right now.

>> No.16945680
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 1619522624696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16945828

>> No.16945757

again lol
match 9 lets gooo

>> No.16945794
Quoted by: >>16946209

towa is a better gib

>> No.16945828
File: 347 KB, 1600x1600, JUNJUN_999-1481936376610590723-FJDlRwYaMAQkh7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words from a washed up pro from a washed up team mean nothing here

>> No.16945912
File: 30 KB, 660x574, 1489536364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16946178

>mondo is literally towap in the competition scene


>> No.16946178

at least mondo has his moments

>> No.16946209
Quoted by: >>16946536

Ojiji should hire tower because he can also provide comfort.

>> No.16946387


>> No.16946536
Quoted by: >>16946615


>> No.16946602

isnt up for apac north i think

>> No.16946615


>> No.16946919

456 drawing dicks on the wall and still getting better points than CR.

>> No.16946947

why was mondo put on gib job and not zeder

>> No.16947012

their actual downfall was taking mondo off crypto

>> No.16947034
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>> No.16947037


>> No.16947038

mondo whiff...

>> No.16947672
File: 179 KB, 990x990, 1573892500459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16947694
Quoted by: >>16947803

how the fuck did unite always manage to get in top 5 with that comp.

>> No.16947803

they are good players + this region is trash

>> No.16947923
Quoted by: >>16947972

>9 teams on match point
This is embarrassing

>> No.16947943

I feel bad... for the casters. It has already been 5 hours. Can some team just win?

>> No.16947949

CR in 11

>> No.16947972

Oh sorry, 10.

>> No.16947987


>> No.16948006

is this literally the only region this thread watches or smth? this is par for the course.

>> No.16948080

i only watch it because i want to see cr get stomp.

>> No.16948088
Quoted by: >>16948160

I was here to see real pros play I would not be watching anyone this thread ever discusses.

>> No.16948160

If you wanted to watch actually good pros play you wouldn't be watching this region at all

>> No.16948169


>> No.16948227

CR is going to win the next 2 rounds for the championship.

>> No.16948286

sister... let go of the dream...

>> No.16948321
File: 877 KB, 1280x720, wtf lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CR has not been matchpoint eligible for a single fucking round

>> No.16948365
Quoted by: >>16948407

【日刊】ぶいすぽ学園【切り抜き】privated his latest Sumire clip. Honestly don't know what he was thinking with that one.

>> No.16948407

What was it?

>> No.16948467
Quoted by: >>16948515

i am going to assume you mean "on matchpoint" because otherwise you just made no sense

>> No.16948486
Quoted by: >>16948540

Their KP is relatively healthy at least.

>> No.16948515

Yes I meant that I'm having an ESL moment

>> No.16948540
Quoted by: >>16948645

this is a br, there's no such thing as "healthy kp".

>> No.16948606

...anyway fuck ojiji

>> No.16948645
Quoted by: >>16948806

Sure. But at least they are still able to get kills.
Than flailing around doing nothing.

>> No.16948735

Kawase, Wokka, Uruca, and others in a call while watching ALGS right now.
It's become an actual watch party.

>> No.16948778
File: 68 KB, 1456x1108, grog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unite already positioning fucking that bus

lets goo bro

>> No.16948806
Quoted by: >>16948940

And look at their placement despite kp.

>> No.16948835

hold up sisters, cr is on a serious comp now

>> No.16948862
Quoted by: >>16949325

>open stream
>hear some JSL SEAfag
>close stream

>> No.16948880
Quoted by: >>16949325

Instantly closed

>> No.16948905

> damn, why was i watching spygea's stream
> tune in kws' stream
> tempplex euriece

>> No.16948940
Quoted by: >>16949065

Yeah. But the way people are talking about it you'll think they couldn't even get kills or anything.

>> No.16949016
Quoted by: >>16949103

>mondo escape from his gib guilt to crypto now
black belly last day scrim flashback right there.

>> No.16949021
Quoted by: >>16949103

> mondo crypto zeder gib ras valk
CR is winning this one boys we're going to game 11

>> No.16949065

They are basically griefing playing like that though, its so fucking stupid.

>> No.16949083

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C1meGOvxLg Watch the winning pov right here

>> No.16949103
Quoted by: >>16949152

Why was Mondo even not Crypto when he spent CR cup practising it anyway?

>> No.16949152

brain death, he was on crypto all during their actual algs scrims too.

>> No.16949269

just when you think it would be a standard lava city zone it pulls right into the fucking open. The new ring logic is detestable

>> No.16949277
File: 72 KB, 300x294, 1548204705456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CR fags BTFO

>> No.16949281

Okay I really want to watch the CR boys commenting but I cannot stand this fucker. He literally started screaming for no good reason like an autist.

>> No.16949325
Quoted by: >>16949448

gonna blame this on tempplex somehow fuck you tempplex it's your fault mondo's eating dicks right now

>> No.16949348

CR got 3KP at least, right? They can still win sisters...

>> No.16949359

That was just embarrassing.

>> No.16949448
Quoted by: >>16949623


>> No.16949623

based and same

>> No.16949624


>> No.16949701

fucking gook dp unite real hard.

>> No.16949706

Riddle wins

>> No.16949746


>> No.16949766


>> No.16949808

Fuck Aimbot you had one job

>> No.16949811

Looks like it's over.

>> No.16949873
File: 711 KB, 400x225, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16949971

>> No.16949899

It's okay, Japanese**** team won at least.

>> No.16949971

his fist is clenched so hard his arm just looks like a stump

>> No.16950103
Quoted by: >>16950160

how the fuck do you rotate with crypto gib caustic anyway

>> No.16950160

pray you get good ring rng and run like god intended. bubble for short rotates.

>> No.16950420

CR graduation soon

>> No.16950571

You all should have seen the downfall of CR coming when Towa started collabing with Vodka.

>> No.16950827
Quoted by: >>16951128

Selly calling Vodka rn as we speak

>> No.16950989

CR Valorant is dead and CR Apex is dead. The only thing keeping them afloat right now is Towa.

>> No.16951014

Mimitaya... Ganbare...

>> No.16951020
Quoted by: >>16951088

Are they really allowed to say your aim will get better if you eat base bread?
That seems like a false advertising lawsuit waiting to happen...

>> No.16951088
Quoted by: >>16951542

I mean, Redbull says they give you wings.

>> No.16951128
Quoted by: >>16951192

>selly transfer to rid
>aimbot transfer to cr
i fixed it guys

>> No.16951192
Quoted by: >>16951407

fav is even lower than cr

>> No.16951238

I blame Towa cursed rpr & CR

>> No.16951273
Quoted by: >>16951363

Selly threw the team under the bus for money

>> No.16951345
Quoted by: >>16951424

apparently obly was sick for weeks and still played imagine getting stomped by a sick guy

>> No.16951363

based and what ojiji deserves

>> No.16951407
Quoted by: >>16951474

Fav yes, but not Aimbot.

>> No.16951424
Quoted by: >>16952190

he had corona and lost 12kg

>> No.16951474
Quoted by: >>16951561

that clown who chocked hard last fight just throwing shurikens onto the ground?

>> No.16951542
File: 13 KB, 648x91, 1615896981560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16951561

yes, he's still one of the best in the region. Even Snipe choked before and didnt reload before engaging.

>> No.16952190

holy shit
