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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.16723330
Quoted by: >>16723406

So idolchads are trannies?

>> No.16723351

Wtf and kiara support this mentality ? Fuck idol culture

>> No.16723385
Quoted by: >>16725433

I will now watch orange woman.

>> No.16723391
File: 30 KB, 427x381, peko88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16723396
Quoted by: >>16723507

Orange woman redemption arc, Mori really was the worst Holo.

>> No.16723406

Why burgers think everyone is tranny

>> No.16723412
File: 220 KB, 650x530, 164279892985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the squid like this...

>> No.16723415

Kiara is unironically attracted to women and lacked a proper father figure

>> No.16723458
File: 166 KB, 720x720, 1634618218010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16723461


>> No.16723469
Quoted by: >>16723525

post peko 50

>> No.16723507
Quoted by: >>16726879

phoenix feathers typed this post

>> No.16723514

If you don't like idol culture just watch literally every other streamer. Hololive's main appeal is idols.
No one is stopping you from simping for Pokimane

>> No.16723525
File: 179 KB, 432x444, peko50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16723559

Based chimkin !

>> No.16723564
Quoted by: >>16723625

I know Kiara gets shat on often here but she really does understand the Idol culture a lot, as she has hanged out in those circles before and attended many Japanese idol concerts in person, even knowing the stupid dancing they do. She is probably the only person in EN who is aware of the fact that Idolfags support Idols the most financially

>> No.16723569
File: 335 KB, 463x453, 1636947735978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16723570

I will watch Hololive and hate Idol culture, you can do nothing to stop me faggot.

>> No.16723575

>Literally one of the comments is ''wow do people really think like that?'' trying to shame the guy
>and Kiara thinks like that
Homo beggars are hilarious

>> No.16723625

And she had various run ins with trolls, Mori can learn a thing or two from Kiara

>> No.16723645

Sure, just understand you're a twitch tourist

>> No.16723726
File: 103 KB, 797x903, takokneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chimken, I kneel

>> No.16723770

Go back idol culture usurper

>> No.16723779

I couldn't care less, you sort of know which girls would be willing to collab with the Stars and the ones that wouldn't no matter what.
Take Kanata for example, she will never, ever ever ever ever ever willingly collab with a male, or even talk to or about a male, because her idol autism is second to none.

>> No.16723785

If she really cared then she wouldn't have brought up streaming with men to begin with.
This is just lip service you gullible faggots.

>> No.16723795

Holy shit orange women is based for once

>> No.16723816
Quoted by: >>16723902

Why do faggots always think every post is a burger's?

>> No.16723846

Your label means nothing, just like most of the opinion in this board.

>> No.16723869

Yeah Im sure you’re an idol connoisseur

>> No.16723876

You mad?

>> No.16723902

I know burger post when i see it

>> No.16723963
Quoted by: >>16726356

>trying to appease both sides
rumao look at how well that went for shartia

>> No.16723966

Imagine being so fat you look at a post and see food

>> No.16724004
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chicken, I kneel

>> No.16724021
File: 326 KB, 707x677, 1612103347752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How times have changed, feels like yesterday when Kiara was /vt/'s number one enemy. All those predictions on how she would destroy Hololive by opening the floodgates all the while giving Mori a pass for her TT collab and 5% comment. We tried to warned you who the true enemy is and now you antis owe KFP and Kiara an apology.

>> No.16724039

Perhaps I've been to harsh on Kiara,,, her design is awesome now, and even her voice is less annoying...

>> No.16724041

The thing about the STARS is that unlike the NijiEN males, they never overstep their boundaries and are always very respectiful when collabing with girls, no sex jokes whatsoever, no thin veiled flirting, just friendly banter. Its usually the girls the ones that end up bullying them and they end up kinda helpless.

But I mean, its ok, you don't need to watch them if you don't want to.

>> No.16724049

shut the fuck mori go donate condoms for connor to spend on jp prostitutes

>> No.16724085
File: 156 KB, 292x297, 1640040340776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you cut out the bit where she said you also shouldn't go around annoying people about hating or liking it?

>> No.16724086

I never really disliked kiara, she was just my least favorite but I'm unironically warming up to her in the past few weeks

>> No.16724087

you know, Kiara really filtered me early on with her voice and general hyperactive personality, but recently she's been growing on me, and this just seals the deal for me that she was the best HoloEN all along

>> No.16724101 [DELETED] 

Gee it's almost like Kiara lived in Japan for like a decade explicitly to become an idol and knows how to call the shots on this matter much better than random ironic weebs trying to force otaku to kneel out of nothing but disrespect and Western brainwashing.

>> No.16724132
File: 374 KB, 405x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16724786

I'm sorry...forgive-me kfps

>> No.16724144
Quoted by: >>16724786

Ok Kiara, I admit it. I admit it. It has taken a year+ but I admit it. You're based.

>> No.16724148 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16724360

When are jannies going to ban these threads? I have spent the past 6 hours replying to all of them. I am getting tendonitis.

>> No.16724149

Then dont complain about it with your nijifaggot

>> No.16724169
Quoted by: >>16724828

>As long as you have the right attitude. You shouldn't become someone who is like "OMG She collabs with males, fuck her now" That's obviously not the right way to do it. Just be low key about it.

Is what she said right after you clipped it, wonder why you didnt include it. You faggots are never low-key and should be bullied.

>> No.16724174 [DELETED] 

Is Kiara seriously a lesbian? If you do your reps she's literally always sperged out and obsessed over girls and never really expressed any interesting in either guys or the male form in general.

>> No.16724221

Hololive is an idol company. EN management cares less about them performing traditional idol activities like singing (Ame could never have passed audition if that was a requirement), but that doesn't mean they're free to act like degenerate whores. It's still Hololive no matter what branch you join.

>> No.16724229

It's fucking retarded to even reply to this, this shit just opens the floodgates and can be used to say she's shitting on coworkers in bad faith or be used as rally cry by retarded idol retards like OP is doing right now. Fuck the retarded faggots that try to force the issue one way or the other. Stop trying to wave your dicks around and force an answer and just ignore the streams that have the thing you don't like.

>> No.16724230
Quoted by: >>16724283

You know, when I first started watching vtubers I thought Kiara was the worst and most annoying Myth. But I’m so glad that she’s changed my mind.
Orange woman good.

>> No.16724236

No, she is an idol.

>> No.16724255
Quoted by: >>16724396

People forget Hololive is an idol branch first and foremost, they have to follow the standard japanese idol social traditions.

>> No.16724263
Quoted by: >>16731280

She likes Sam from LotR

>> No.16724283

I always said she was the best EN and /vt/ needlessly hated her. Now I've been proven right.

>> No.16724295

why seaniggers can't correctly phrase a question?

>> No.16724302

Chicken's stupid because she couldn't understand the context of the superchat, the Korean talks about "bully" "forced get out if I can't agree". Unicorns make an entire uproar over Mumei willingly doing a stars collab, and then when people make fun of those unicorns on the korean equivalent of 4chan he goes and cries about he's the victim and being forced out and the people are bullying for male collabs. As if the unicorns weren't the ones who started the shit with shitposting hate for Mumei and Ollie and Bae and whatnot.

>> No.16724316
File: 324 KB, 335x506, kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16724786

Holy based what the fuck ? And from Kiara of all people ? She might not be as much of a sjw as some people think. I fucking kneel

>> No.16724337

I bet you can cut the same part of the stream in a way that sounds like she disagrees with the SC.

>> No.16724353

Is this really a surprise? Kiara never gave a shit about Stars since her debut, only Ame, Calli, and Bae really cares about them.

>> No.16724360

Ftw lols

>> No.16724372
File: 409 KB, 900x589, 1617906669799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16724786

i was wrong, forgive me KFP

>> No.16724375
Quoted by: >>16724865

i literally cannot understand what you just wrote, eslchama

>> No.16724390

The guy wasn't asking whether to he's allowed to be a sperg, he was asking whether he's allowed to not like homostars without the fanbase dogpiling him with their anti-idol garbage

>> No.16724396

The only idols in Hololive:
That's it. No one else.

>> No.16724432
Quoted by: >>16724786

Chimkin, I kneel. We were too selfish, complaining about your orangeness instead of looking at what really matters.

>> No.16724436

I still can't handle watching Kiara but I recognise she has her based moments like this.

>> No.16724455
Quoted by: >>16724786

I'm really sorry KFP.
I will stream sparks now.
I will subscribe to her channel now.
I will not mute her from now on.

>> No.16724478
Quoted by: >>16724786

Based orange chicken.

I think I'll give Kiara another chance again, at least for a while. Maybe she not so bad.

>> No.16724496

holy shit this is a revelatijn., Jiaraka is a ctually based. and not cinge as I'd previously thgoutht has to be.

>> No.16724516
Quoted by: >>16724786

I love kiara now

>> No.16724521

Shut up Mori

>> No.16724524
Quoted by: >>16724682

>orange lady became good and now pink is bad
That's funny.

>> No.16724541
Quoted by: >>16724786

what can I do to help Kiara become the #1 idol of myth...

>> No.16724550

It's because they are Japanese unlike the nijimutts

>> No.16724601
Quoted by: >>16725046

Idol 2.0 anon,
No more seiso, but the illusion of being a woman for you is still there. No males

>> No.16724634
File: 370 KB, 720x600, 18176187263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16724786

Your oshi is based, KFP.
I was filtered by her chicken voice, but I know she is a good person.

I will stream SPARKS now!

>> No.16724672
File: 950 KB, 330x960, Kneel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16724736

I kneel, But you kfpniggers must tell kiara to never collab with vshojo again

>> No.16724678

Basically yeah what was so shocking about the Niji male wave is literally within days of existing they Niji girls are openly gushing wet over them on Twitter and collabing with them. Within the span of 2 weeks, NijiEN went from happy Holo-like cute experience to "now you have to put up with dudes sticking their dicks into the picture and the girls getting distracted with them all the time." Both the guys and most of the girls displayed no restraint or consideration at all for the fact maybe their audience isn't there to see that kind of thing.

It's also this kind of shit as to why Niji's female section has been ever-dwindling in relevance the past few years and Holo has simply taken over that segment from them in Japan, they run it kind of similarly over there and people vote with their views - they just don't like it compared to the pure experience Holo -usually- is. Holo isn't 100% either but it's 100x better at understanding the audiences' preferences than Niji.

>> No.16724679

Of course it's a fucking gook
Might as well superchat from Indonesia

>> No.16724682

Pink woman was always bad. Don't delude yourself, cuckbeat. The trinity was a thing for a reason but I will accept Kiara into my heart now.

>> No.16724685
Quoted by: >>16726659

Yeah, they're boring and scared shitless of doing anything that might trigger the girls fanbase, that's why they're 2views. What Mumei, Ollie, Bae and Ame are doing is a waste of time, no matter how much they try to help them, they're just never going to grow.

>> No.16724688
Quoted by: >>16725317

twitch tourist need to go back

>> No.16724719

>Superchatting someone an aka to tell them people bully you
I'm sure this will breakt he cycle of bullying, right?

>> No.16724736
File: 562 KB, 617x540, 1612134000702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16724817

The Nyanners collab was not even that bad. Kiara was constantly shitting on her to the point where they stopped interacting on Twitter for half a year afterwards. It was incredibly based.

>> No.16724742

Wow wow wow kfp I'm sorry

>> No.16724786
Quoted by: >>16724983


>> No.16724790

I will now support Kiara.

>> No.16724797

You can only be idol if you're still a virgin

>> No.16724798
File: 303 KB, 340x453, 1620659724895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16725644

Huh weird, I don't hate Kiara anymore
orange woman good
pink woman bad

>> No.16724799

I subbed to Kiara just now

>> No.16724800
Quoted by: >>16724860

Ame is an idol.

>> No.16724817

Kiara making fun of Nyanners for growing up with no friends was pretty funny.

>> No.16724826

But begging for collab is fine right?

>> No.16724828

Don't think that would work as good as it is working right now

>> No.16724831

are you guys all just larping? the shitposting meta of this board is insane. i swear half the board doesn't even watch vtubers

>> No.16724862

>i swear half the board doesn't even watch vtubers
It's more than half.

>> No.16724860

Yes. Ame is a fantastic addition to Hololive. Even if she can't sing for shit.

>> No.16724865

Then learn English. Did I really need to include a [sic] after the quoted section to indicate I was quoting the Korean? Thought it would be obvious. If you can't understand the rest of it, you should learn the language

>> No.16724936
Quoted by: >>16725041

Pretty sure a good majority of this board are clipfags at most.

>> No.16724961

>account called “just_hololive”
>obviously a burner
it’s one of you trying to get a reaction out of her for drama and thread baiting and it worked
just as dumb as what mori did

>> No.16724983

I am now.

>> No.16725014

>are you guys all just larping?
No, look at the poor grammar in this thread. It's SEAnigs time. And when it comes to idolfaggotry, SEAnigs are dead serious.

>> No.16725024
Quoted by: >>16725089

https://vtdata dot info/youmitoru?a=UCi91ZyglLsLtD-BEh8Pmx_w

It's not a burner account faggot

>> No.16725038
Quoted by: >>16725389

Wtf, first she debunks Mori's lies about Cunnor apologizing and now this? When did this squealing chicken become so based?

>> No.16725041

Still better than reddit which is damn near-100% for anything that wasn't Coco's meme review.

>> No.16725046
Quoted by: >>16730109

>No males

so basically you dont care if they act like sluts, you only care if there are males that give you ntr boner.


>> No.16725048
File: 305 KB, 1200x1076, 1613821453318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homobeggars are seething

>> No.16725070
File: 241 KB, 1242x1034, Rrat meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16729754

I never hated Kiara (except for the VShojo collab) but I owe an apology to KFP
Now I realize the true cult were deadbeats all along

>> No.16725086

Get fucked normie

>> No.16725089
File: 98 KB, 1664x488, 1642607462761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16725093

To be honest, what Kiara said was most probably in the context of -I am being bullied for no reason- as in the person receiving it being innocent.

>> No.16725101
File: 553 KB, 360x202, 1629247287653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP please forgive me. I kneel.

>> No.16725247

>Kpop playlist

>> No.16725256

I'll follow him to the end.

>> No.16725260
Quoted by: >>16725837

Kiara is fine but the amount of KFPs ITT saying they like her now and kneeling is exactly what makes me want to hate her. It's (You) guys. She has the worst fucking fanbase and no amount of Mori yabs will ever stop or distract me from thinking that.

>> No.16725317
File: 1.69 MB, 1232x922, 1632890795067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind these "oldfags" who the real tourists are

>> No.16725327
File: 144 KB, 683x781, 1638829509269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I knew Kiara was always cringe

>> No.16725334

you were just so excited about hololive getting korean fans that you even wanted a KR branch. This is just the beginning, more schizo gook shit is coming at HoloEN

>> No.16725366

Exactly how many of those are inclining in popularity and not groveling in their irrelevancy?
Pekora knows what she is doing.

>> No.16725372
Quoted by: >>16725479

Don't forget to give them SCs, or you'll be put in the same tier with bugmen and seamonkey

>> No.16725379

Don't do it! They'll meltdown and kill themselves!

>> No.16725389
Quoted by: >>16726886

Kiara, in being an actual fan of Holo herself, perhaps recognized the danger of poisoning the well in forcing everyone to accept anything any EN does as if everyone's decisions are perfect, including actions of people who openly admit they don't understand the concept or culture like Mori. You shouldn't let someone who quite literally, didn't know what a vtuber was before being hired, be calling the shots. Kiara is simply defending the Holo she knows and loves.

>> No.16725393

What a faggot

>> No.16725418

fubuki still doing great despite still collabing with Stars

>> No.16725433
Quoted by: >>16725570

I get filtered by her voice again

>> No.16725443

*cites collabs from 3 years ago that never took on as a trend SPECIFICALLY because the audience didn't like it*

Heh, I totally got 'em now!! owned!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16725457
Quoted by: >>16727326

Can we go back even more and have Kaguya Luna again please?

>> No.16725479

I will continue to memship, sc, and buy merchs as i have done for years. Their kids need the financial support.

>> No.16725501

>heh, dumb twitch tourist. hololive was always an idol branch. go back.

>> No.16725515

She said that as a warning to Mori

>> No.16725551

>newfag doesn't know how 27&JK made Matuli popular

>> No.16725553

Based accuracy

>> No.16725565

*thinks strawmanning someone into allcaps makes him win every internet fight*

It's just missing the soijak to complete the tryhard fallacy pie.

>> No.16725570

You have a weak will.

>> No.16725591

Orange woman... good?

>> No.16725644

Pink women always bad

>> No.16725685
File: 300 KB, 407x450, 1623896578462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is streaming in a half hour. Can both unicorns and anti-unicorns refrain from sending her any superchats about this topic?

If she has SCs on that is.

>> No.16725716

I've written a 20 superchat long manifesto for Ame, please look forward to it

>> No.16725732

Stupid floodgate is opened by Ame a long time ago, tourist don't know anything

>> No.16725734

She seems sensible enough not to read them.

>> No.16725741
Quoted by: >>16731801

Maisuba was incredibly popular

>> No.16725779

But give her 500 dollars for each or don't bother.

>> No.16725786

>Kiara will ruin Hololive
>Calli will ruin Hololive
>Ollie will ruin Hololive
Am i forgetting someone? Soon will get more Hololive-destroyers than we had Gura-killers

>> No.16725788
File: 1.24 MB, 543x334, gun knuckles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westerners should have never been involved in vtubing and it should have remained a niche japanese hobby. Simple as.

>> No.16725837

Sadly half of them damage control in threads for no apparent reason. It's so easy to spot them.

>> No.16725866

I don't feel strongly one way or the other about this issue but I will say I'm pretty sure Kiara is scarred from being a white idol in Japan. She probably saw the very worst side of men so I can't really blame her for her views that much.

Though I also think she just has good taste for not being into male idols, I don't see the appeal either (but I'm a straight male).

>> No.16725921

>OP post a bait clip with the first part cut out for maximum effect
>146 replies
>nobody posted the timestamp with full context
Welcome to /vt/ the board where nobody watch streams.

>> No.16725924
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, fbk slurp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will ruin thing you like!

I know why people like this do this- it's because they know the 'cult of whores' is inherently unsustainable if there are people who point out that whores are fucking gross, so they have to pozz literally everything up so that when everyone is a whore, no one will be left that can point out whores are gross.

Except that whores will always be gross regardless.

>> No.16725933

Ame will probably ignore it. Like your supposed to!

>> No.16725967


A strong argument against yourself, unwittingly.

>> No.16726019
Quoted by: >>16728270

Her adding on to moderate yourself and not tard out over it (which is sensible as she could probably see the posts in her head of people quoting her on this and wanted to pre-emptively cover her ass), does not dismiss the fact that she is OK with people having a preference for the female-only experience and respects it and that audience.

>> No.16726045

I kneel her really love her KFP

>> No.16726090
File: 517 KB, 600x2085, NOMALES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget miss no males herself.
Its funny, she was one of the first to use the IM AN IDOL excuse when she got a whiff of fame.

>> No.16726113

Force them collab with male doesn't not better

>> No.16726132

>collab with maimoto is about reviewing eroge

>> No.16726219

The culture war is inevitable, anyway.

>> No.16726253

Kronii when she debuted was going to destroy Hololive.

>> No.16726356

Artia sent signel her fags to build spam discord and she never take both sides

She take Bilibillli side all the time and lied to you that she tried appease both sides

She is backstabber bitch

> Artiafags Andy still spamming Hololive now

>> No.16726396
Quoted by: >>16726618

It's fun to see how completely /vt/ards can flip on a chuuba to be able to hate on the latest scapegoat. I look forward to "Based Mori" threads when she says something that can be used to shit on Sana in a couple months.

>> No.16726419
File: 88 KB, 1079x193, Gaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, look at this gaijin influence on 5ch
>There are more gaijin unicorns, which means unicorns are justice
It's disgusting that gaijin unicorns are corrupting japanese culture and forcing the Japanese to pander to them

>> No.16726441
Quoted by: >>16730279

This is true

I never see STAR use sex joke to Hololive

>> No.16726479

>Le artia boogeyman
Artia is beyond fucking dead, let it go already.

>> No.16726502
Quoted by: >>16726603

The degeneracy of the West is shamefuru, it takes everything it touches and turns it into a drunken toga party of male on female degeneracy. I, the cultured idolfag, prefer superior traditional sex segregated degeneracy

>> No.16726533

Fuck Holostars and anitubers. CR dudes and Niji dudes are superior.

>> No.16726561

Learn English SEAnig

>> No.16726603
Quoted by: >>16727495

Based. Holostars exists so that Miyabi can be can be gang banged for my entertainment.

>> No.16726618
Quoted by: >>16726763

I think Mori finally went too far, this time. It's over for her!

>> No.16726619

By the end of the year, HolostarsEN will be celebrating their 6 month anniversary, and you'll have all of /hlgg/ saying that they love the boys.
It's gonna be hilarious coming back to laugh at all these unicorn threads.

>> No.16726622

Add Mumei and Fauna to that list too, which is laughable considering they're some of the best in their gen.
Come to think of it, just mention Council as a whole, since there are still retards spouting that.

>> No.16726630
Quoted by: >>16727085

>Mori descends to villain
>Kiara ascends to defender of the light
Never thought I'd see the day

>> No.16726659

That not actually true, some of Star have really interesting content.

Aruran - Gun cleanning ASMR
Astel - Apex and Disney meme
Tenma - Darth Tenma
Oga - Gacha addict oni who can be your sister and has nice ass
Miyabi - Why is he in Holostar and not Hololive?

They are interesting person but need JP to understand them

>> No.16726693

I'm confused, weren't you guys excited about HolostarsEN btfo Nijisanji or something? What happened?

>> No.16726763
File: 875 KB, 1242x1000, 1612370881012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is the 41st Millennium
>For more than a hundred centuries Gawr Gura has sat immobile on the Golden Youtube Play Button of Earth
>She is the Master of Mankind by the will of the algorithm, and master of a million worlds by the might of her inexhaustible subs
>She is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Pedology
>She is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that she may never truly die
>Yet even in her deathless state, the Shaak continues her eternal vigilance
>Mighty battlefleets cross the tentacle-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Detective, the autistic manifestation of the Shaak's will
>Vast armies give battle in her name on uncounted worlds
>Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Praefectianus Phoinix, the Space Rangers, bio-engineered sentai warriors
>Their comrades in arms are legion: the Chumbud Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever vigilant Booba and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Enmanichus to name only a few
>But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from antis, cultists, skeletons - and worse
>To be an idolfag in such times is to be one amongst untold billions
>It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody fanbase imaginable
>These are the tales of those times
>Forget the power of てえてえ and wholesome, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned
>Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war
>There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of trolling and shitpost, and the laughter of cringy gods
>and eventually, Mori's final yab

>> No.16726803
Quoted by: >>16727495

Someones bully Idolfag and make them stop to watch Hololive if they are not surrender

>> No.16726828

Stfu holowhores are flaming homosexual deviants, they're not so different

>> No.16726863

Kiara is fucking based

>> No.16726879

I never liked Kiara but have come to see and understand that she actually loves hololive and what she does being a part of it, which is more than could be said for mori who defends anitubers that shit all over holos including herself.
I still don't like the chicken voice over her more normal tone, but I actually respect Kiara now.

>> No.16726886

So Pekora unknowingly is the hidden savior in all that damn story.
I kneel my dear oshi, I kneel.

>> No.16726920
Quoted by: >>16726996

While what youbsaidbis true, Ame
definitely could've passed the audition. A very big part of idoldaggotry is seeing your favorite grow and get better. If Ame weren't lazy, she could make a top tier idol.

>> No.16726942

I have to ask: Who are the Tau there.

>> No.16726996

>A very big part of idoldaggotry is seeing your favorite grow and get better
Yes, that's what I meant, but she's not really a traditional Japanese idol. EN approach is the same as Gamers when it first got started.

>> No.16727069

I was thinking that all mutts are stupid things, now, there is hope

>> No.16727085
Quoted by: >>16734762

it's in the lore anon

>> No.16727122

>Mori can learn a thing or two from Kiara
except she won't

>> No.16727131
File: 174 KB, 1920x1226, EqfiXJkUwAMhkXk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of Kiara. She's always ready to cover for her genmates with controversial topic so the schizos would get distracted from Mori and her latest fuck-up.
Sasuga Tenchou.

>> No.16727154

Tau are Kronies, Dark Eldars are Sana, Chaos is Kahos, Orks are Fauna, Tyranids are Mumei.

>> No.16727228

Kson Voms and her indies gang

>> No.16727282
File: 253 KB, 335x506, 1601787379151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfathomably based

>> No.16727297

Who are the old ones?

>> No.16727305
Quoted by: >>16740411

She won't. She's set herself upon the path of most retardation and I think that's a shame and I am actually saddened.

>> No.16727326

No KaguyaBro, we have to cope with all the shitty kid drawings she does now...

>> No.16727329


>> No.16727346

There's another thing to this moment, Kiara said she will strike down any dramabait clipnigger who clips that. Pretty funny.

>> No.16727383

Damn, he's pretty fucking cool. Subbed

>> No.16727495

From which SEA shithole you fucks are raiding here with such poor English

>> No.16727540

Ai and the Four Kings

>> No.16727652

IdolChads and numberfaggots are not the same peope

>> No.16727690

I knew Kiara was based. She understands idol culture better than anyone in EN.

>> No.16727753

I wonder how is the proportion of the faggots really interested in this. I can't believe there's more than 3 squizos getting mad and just making a thread at every reset count.

I don't watch them and I doubt most of you do differently. It's just being retarded for the sake of being retarded.

>> No.16727804

It was obvious to anyone that Mori was the worst holo all along. When I think about all the threads wasted shitposting about Kiara ... You let the deadbeats get too strong by ignoring the real problem. Now here we are. Don't kneel to chicken, instead right the wrongs of the past and continue to call Mori out on her never-ending stream of bullshit.

>> No.16727908

>I can't believe there's more than 3 squizos getting mad and just making a thread at every reset count
112 IPs

>> No.16728022
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 1618746881969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16728024
Quoted by: >>16728270

It doesn't really change anything though?

>> No.16728032

Fubuki, Mel and Subaru have had good NUMBERS recently.

>> No.16728070

Post all your pekos.

>> No.16728096
Quoted by: >>16728164

On the off chance that one of those schizo eventual suicide, I say its a worthwhile endeavour.

>> No.16728164

I know one got banned/evaded ban and got banned again on the last one.

>> No.16728224

Well that one DID sort of come true in that she ruined Hololive CN in specific.

>> No.16728270
Quoted by: >>16728446

Everyone acts like if she validated unicorn's opinion. But she's just saying that it's ok to prefer girls. As far as I'm aware and when looking at holostars subs count, that's basically all of us. So nothing new.
On the mean time, she confirmed that she WILL collab with men and she basically doesn't care if you are against it. She responded in a tactful way but she still dabbed on unicorns.

>> No.16728311

I say 8 at best, the rest are just shitposters taking opportunity on hot topic.

>> No.16728443

Kiara is, and has always been, better than Mori

>> No.16728446
Quoted by: >>16742980

>Everyone acts like if she validated unicorn's opinion.
No, we know exactly what she said. Unicorns are very rare and EN sure as fuck doesn't have them you EOP retard.

>> No.16728479

The chinks did it to themselves by not shutting up.

>> No.16728521

All of you are taking this far too seriously.

>> No.16728579

Shut the fuck up, irony-poisoned zoomer. You're allowed to care about your hobbies.

>> No.16728715

Thank you Kiara. Because of you, I will reap the benefits of seeing even more people despair when the inevitable happens. Giving them false hope only for it to be taken away later? That's the best.

>> No.16728763

Kiara is the biggest fuckin manhater in all of Hololive so this isnt that big of a deal

>> No.16728887

she just says that to please her audience. Idolfags deserve nothing but the worst

>> No.16728935

Be gone homobeggar.

>> No.16728950
File: 19 KB, 474x266, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't take everything vtubers say and make out of context quotes thread for hours on end

>> No.16729115

look like I'm saving money, one less membership.

>> No.16729509

But the cold chicken...

>> No.16729754

I've never seen such a simultaneously cute yet revolting image

>> No.16729885

Holy based. I never knew orange woman had it in her. I think i've found the will to power through chicken voice.

>> No.16730087
Quoted by: >>16730150

This is what almost tanked Miko's career.

>> No.16730109
Quoted by: >>16730386

I mean, yes? I don't think sex with me is gross, just sex with other guys

>> No.16730150
Quoted by: >>16734995

miko was at like literally 100 viewers when I first started watching her (I actually saw the original GTA nigga incident live) and I don't recall her doing male collabs (then again I didn't check for that or care). This was some time in 2018 so I might have just-missed it and seen her at the bottom.

>> No.16730228

KFP... I... I kneel.

>> No.16730279

>Males sexually harassing woman

Anon, even in Japan that's a nogo.
Women get a double standard though.

>> No.16730386

yes it is. gross. Talking to males isnt same as sex.

>> No.16730428

>Nijileech and beggarmoto yikes

>> No.16730540
Quoted by: >>16730700

OP's clip is missing the context of her saying "Then just don't watch it". It also cut off before her saying to not be an annoying faggot about it either.

>> No.16730700

But that's how it already works. What femoids are angry about is that the gachikois don't come back after the collab.

>> No.16730730

I get why people don't like watching collabs with males but I don't understand why it's important that your idol never collab with males. Just don't watch the stream that day lol

>> No.16730767

Holy based subscribing now

>> No.16730824

Nothing about this is important, it's just an excuse to shit on chuubas they don't like.

>> No.16730837

I trusted others on the KQ and it was a mistake.
Been watching her for a while now and she's extremely based.

>> No.16730970

retard normalfag

>> No.16731050

People will do what they want to do, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.16731280
Quoted by: >>16731435

Wait what?
I always tought she was textbook sjw, but learning about her these last days she doesn't feel like one at all.
She probably follows BLM because in her normie mind "is the right thing to do"

>> No.16731360
Quoted by: >>16731465

I don't see the outrage. HoloEN were never idols and will never be idols, their behavior is under no scrutiny as nothing higher is expected of them. They don't fit any of the criteria. I'm not a unicorn and plenty of idols interact with men so that isn't their problem. I still think that HoloEN aren't idols by definition and can never be ones even if they never interacted with males.

>> No.16731381

i never thought i would kneel to Kiara

>> No.16731430

everybody warned you, but you decide be a contrarian watching niji EN now pay the price

>> No.16731435

she is an sjw but has enough life experience to understand that reality doesn't work on twitter likes and soapboxing.

>> No.16731447
File: 289 KB, 1414x798, 1640654309495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken get it, based alpha of myth

>> No.16731465
Quoted by: >>16731591

Shhh your truths is hindering people that are making thread to fuck with idolfags

>> No.16731591

delusional cuck

>> No.16731787

>Delusional in /vt/

>> No.16731801

>incredibly popular
>1.2 k

>> No.16731852

first time here?

>> No.16731902
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, 1637796135239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idolfags calling people delusional

>> No.16731946

Well... I don't want Stars on any of chiken stream too.
Don't bring that trash nearby to any of Japanese Stars.

>> No.16731956
Quoted by: >>16743257

Subaru is basically the god of vtubing now.
Ayame only streams once a month and do fucking great.
Fubuki is still doing great despite being the one sucking cock the most.
Mel have actually inclined, surely still low tier but way better than before.
Same can be told about Mio except on a higher tier.
Matsuri would be the only one that failed.

>> No.16732086

>but I'm a straight male
no you are gay, a trannie or a whamen, no real born man call himself "male"

>> No.16732145


>> No.16732179
Quoted by: >>16733685

Too bad that she confirmed that she want them on holotalk.

>> No.16732263

I hate Judas Calliope.

>> No.16732272
File: 193 KB, 561x424, 1620044362990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16732330

Now you fags are forcing the concerntrolling too much, give it a rest

>> No.16732330
Quoted by: >>16734138


>> No.16732374
Quoted by: >>16733626

i always knew orange woman is good
pink women are whores

>> No.16732549
Quoted by: >>16733916

This is hilarious.
>Hates Stars
>Yet doesn't know who they are
That thing is a child mentally.

>> No.16732975

I know a SEAnigger when I see it, too

>> No.16733150


>> No.16733331

Noo anon if you include the whole context you can't bait antiposting with it.

>> No.16733558

Mori doesn't like Kiara and barely listens to her when they talk

>> No.16733626
File: 15 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink Lamy... She might be the true whore of HoloX after all

>> No.16733685

Not until after she's through with every Hololive JP at the very least, which at the current pace will take another couple years.

>> No.16733916

that's just a mistranslation

>> No.16734138

Uh because is not right? I understand the appeal of memedrama but going there, sending some akas to stir shit it's kinda forced

>> No.16734335
Quoted by: >>16734495

Dude probably saw the drama with mori and how deadbeats are trying to make it a male issue and not a connor issue hence the concern akaisupa.

>> No.16734495
File: 49 KB, 916x322, 1626201603164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aka is not from /here/ it's a legit Korean unicorn. 4 months KFP member, Takamori schizo and he has a YTC history that goes back multiple months. He left a comment under the video as well.

>> No.16734762

>this is all manufactured by Omega to further the lore
By the Gods

>> No.16734770

Go watch VShojo. Hololive is an idol agency even though EN sidebranch isnt so serious about it

>> No.16734956

she saved it from chink infestation, for that i will forever kneel

>> No.16734995

Hey, I saw that live too!

>> No.16735225

idolfags rule this board
go back

>> No.16735268

Nice try KFP but your relationship is already open

>> No.16735295


>> No.16735380

did you forget your meds this morning ?


>> No.16735715

based, fuck idolkekd

>> No.16736045

It's a product, a brand.

>> No.16736140
Quoted by: >>16738832

idol antis are cucks
even if youre not an idolfag, why would you give a shit
only reason to seethe like this is sheer desperation to see your oshi with a man

>> No.16736172

>lacked a proper father
so did you if you're on 4tran

>> No.16737258
Quoted by: >>16737471

>she gives an inch and the eggs take a mile

>> No.16737471

You cuckbraps aren't fooling anyone

>> No.16737883

Based Kiara. I apologize KFP I will never shit on your chicken again.

>> No.16737901

>Mel, good numbers

She has been doing better for sure…but that Animal cover of hers…probably one of the worst numbers reception for a cover for quite awhile.

>> No.16738009

i dont think mel nor subaru have eve collabed with males for a year if not more

>> No.16738481
File: 127 KB, 333x333, 1553574023661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP literally pulling "I think coolsville sucks" out of context clipfaggotry to antagonize Holostars and make them look bad.
This is just sad for Holofags.

>> No.16738641

Don't project yourself on others because you never want to join, you just come to shit up the place faggot

>> No.16738659

Reminds me of the reddit post where the guy leaves the girl when she asks for an open relationship.

>> No.16738832
File: 70 KB, 371x210, 1612850571601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch Hololive because it's a "GF simulation". I watch it because it's entertaining. Nothing more.

>> No.16739517

Do people actually like anitubers or is it literally just to le own the incels people want trash taste collabs or some shit

>> No.16739690

Kek that name

>> No.16739718

I don't think anyone here wants TT collabs, but they do have a fanbase on Youtube, given they have millions of subscribers.

>> No.16740020


>> No.16740411

do you have a copypasta for this? I'd like to know why she's doomed

>> No.16740468

The incels dislike them and they're too new to know why, so they pretend to be big fans of them.

>> No.16740871
File: 278 KB, 1280x1727, 1639494244368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF I love Kiara now!

>> No.16741159

Like some anons have said, she did say after the clip cuts off that you shouldn't be a dick about it either. So she addressed your point the way you wanted it to

>> No.16741679

Honestly to any real EOP unicorns in this thread Irys and Gura are your only real safe bets. They’re both pretty parasocial with their male fans already and have zero interest in “rocking the boat” so to speak. Kiara is an idolfag yes but she’s also been co-opted by the LGBT normalfag crowd who want the JP way of doing things to burn. I don’t think she can be trusted for that reason. She’s compromised.

>> No.16741945
File: 993 KB, 4000x4000, 1638782131694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love IRyS!

>> No.16741947
Quoted by: >>16742258

>women CANNOT play videogames with men
>they CANNOT talk to men
>they CANNOT tweet at or reply to male accounts
>any of these acts is LITERALLY the same thing as taking 40 cocks every night
Why are so many vtuber fans Muslims?

>> No.16742170

Kiara is less likely to take any risk that could tank her numbers. She beat her self for being the runt of myth for a big while. Not counting her roommate activity tho.

>> No.16742258
Quoted by: >>16751815

muslims are based.
islam is right about women

>> No.16742364

I despise Kiara, I think she's talentless and an utter hack. But I would fuck her into submission.

>> No.16742611
Quoted by: >>16743640

>no one should bully you for it

that slight Mori diss, I KNEEL

>> No.16742710

She's right but the way the SC is worded seems to imply that not liking Holostars or male vtubers means you hate them all. Do ESLs not understand the concept of indifference?

>> No.16742800

Ollie stole the show as the one bringing cancer into the Hololive community. Along with Mori and TT, we kind of saw how inoffensive Orange Woman was overall by comparison.

>> No.16742924
File: 180 KB, 389x339, 1600688922603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed to have not watched her at all or even monitored the Hololive threads since you clearly missed when she took part in a tournament with a male in her team.

>> No.16742980

I hate to say this, but a lot of the unicorns of en went all in on Millie.

>> No.16743003
File: 275 KB, 441x522, 1615104655325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara..... i kneel..
i didn't know who the true villain was until it was too late

>> No.16743257

Matsuri can recover if she stops doing Apex and more collabs with other Holos instead of with random 2views.

>> No.16743499

I want every member of HoloEN to give their opinion on male collabs now.

>> No.16743640

Mori was only bullying those sending actual hate.

>> No.16746807

Sorry about everything Kiara and kfp's

>> No.16746989

She's a straight forward person, if there's a pink elephant in the room, she will point it out. It's pretty clear that fans everywhere are discussing the inevitable males joining holoEN as of lately

>> No.16747475

yes, real sane people like them. only incels hate them

>> No.16747811
File: 231 KB, 2048x1245, 1640604712759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were JK's and ex-streamers working to entertain ojisans as part-time job. They upgraded into an idol company now, you creepy trooner

>> No.16747913

Absolutely the greatest gift in the world.

>> No.16748914
File: 991 KB, 2000x1200, kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me kfpbros and sorry Kiara for ever doubting you

>> No.16749267

Like clockwork

>> No.16749825
File: 164 KB, 1573x900, sc-apology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He spoke

>> No.16749831

I kneel. But Vshojo belongs in the trash.

>> No.16751152
File: 210 KB, 403x313, EVKWTUuUUAAsFiy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waaaahhh I'm being oppressed for going schizo when I see a male, Kiara please validate my existence!!!!!!
I fucking hate these people, this would be like some high schooler expecting an apology when he makes a scene after spotting his crush in the same class as a boy

>> No.16751476

>I'm a male
lmao, outing yourself as a femoid

>> No.16751717

>Mori lists "collab with stars" as something she might do in 2022 for her new years stream
>guy spends 10 minutes spamming "I HATE STARS NO! FUCK THEM" in her chat

>> No.16751815

there is only 1 gender
women are property
chuubas are their fans' property

>> No.16752142

it's clearly some dude who is willing to dish it out but can't take it and tattled on them to Kiara the second he got called out for his behavior.

>> No.16752318

you forgot your wojak

>> No.16752592

She's just pretending. Look at older videos in her roommate's channel. She says one of the main reasons she went to Japan in the first place was because she wanted a Japanese bf.....
