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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.16660698

>came here for rrat meltdowns
>was not disappointed

Today is a good day.

>> No.16660794
File: 174 KB, 360x450, addtext_com_MTM1NTQzODAzMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16660852
Quoted by: >>16660895

this bitch needs corrections

>> No.16660867

deflecting is the best form of argument as they say

>> No.16660884

>anti pink threads getting deleted on sight
Where were these mods when we had anti Kiara threads all day everyday last summer/fall? Clearly some bias going on.

>> No.16660895
Quoted by: >>16660920

Can your normal hight seed overpower manlet milk?

>> No.16660904
Quoted by: >>16660964

Global rule 3

>> No.16660920
Quoted by: >>16665720

>normal hight
baby i can touch the ceiling with my feet flat

>> No.16660945
Quoted by: >>16661028

I can't stand Connor/TT and I'm not a fan of Calli but sending a superchat like that is just retarded. You know it's just going to make her look better and send the white knights after you.

>> No.16660947
File: 6 KB, 845x48, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's real

>> No.16660964

Not a violation either retard just like over here >>16660052

>> No.16661028

Her fans seethed afterwards over the way she handled it not even grey names but full on membership fags

>> No.16661176
File: 128 KB, 1375x606, reasonablebeats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even her members called her out on her petty tantrums

>> No.16661175


>> No.16661347
Quoted by: >>16665855

Ignoring it would've been the best choice. People underestimate how quickly "drama" like this can vanish if you simply shut up. Now people know it gets under her skin and will keep going at it.

>> No.16661457

Hmm so if she donates it all to Conner to own the trolls won't she be out if pocket money since Yotubes cut, Hololive cut, and taxes

>> No.16661515
Quoted by: >>16665438

And yet you insult us unicorns, have fun with your oshi taking your money and giving it to her boyfriend

>> No.16661522
File: 37 KB, 720x408, 1642408068225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first part is understandable. The second one is really petty move. And she just said it's just jest. Make your mind woman

>> No.16661573
Quoted by: >>16661728

>Infamous imageboard
Fuck bros, is she calling us out?

>> No.16661644 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16661720

nothing wrong about trash taste

dilate you troons

>> No.16661720

I don't get triggered by their mention like most of /vt/ but their podcast is very aptly named. They have garbage hot takes on almost anything they talk about and I can only imagine how much the native Japanese people around them covertly hate their guts.

>> No.16661721

>schizo has a meltdown attacking other vtubers in her superchats
>"s-shes supposed to i-ignore it and let them a-attack people!"

And this is why /vt/ will never be taken seriously by anyone in the industry

>> No.16661728

who is us

>> No.16661778
Quoted by: >>16661858

Why do nips not lash out openly against shit they hate? I would actually pay good money to see anyone in TT get slapped by a noodle armed Jap

>> No.16661852 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16661920

Hmm Jannies are seething cucks my thread that didn't even mention this pink haired manlet milker got pruned

>> No.16661858
Quoted by: >>16661912

They have too much class for that

>> No.16661888
Quoted by: >>16662317

Calli and Ollie are officially the cancer in Hololive.

>> No.16661900

And? What benefit could an anonymous imageboard get from being taken seriously by vtubers?

>> No.16661912

Yeah but if they started it might actually keep faggots like them in line

>> No.16661920

Coordinated raids from discord are against the rules, which is what you are doing with your threads.

>> No.16661943

Hiroyuki's dream, all gone.

>> No.16661990
Quoted by: >>16665272

Is it true someone sent her a superchat about Kiara this time and the insult went over her head?

Man, I like Mori but sometimes she's really stupid and she let's dumb internet comments live rent free in her head. Can't she hire some super long-time viewer fanboy/girl to just filter out retarded shit so she doesn't come off as a petty dumbass?

>> No.16661995
Quoted by: >>16662108

>How do I specifically know they're discord raids you ask? Well the voices in my head told me they are

>> No.16662080

Nips throw casual jabs instead

>> No.16662083

I mean you could start sending them excerpts from 5ch threads about them, if there are any. I not sure if the Japs even consider the opinion of three gaijin worth considering to be honest

>> No.16662108

your doxxcord got exposed in global, stay in it next time before you embarrass yourself

>> No.16662120 [DELETED] 

Nijiniggers trying to start shit is always hilarious
If you put half as much effort into watching your chuubas pomu would be gura tier by now

>> No.16662127

But I have never given her money.

>> No.16662154

I'm trying to remember what stream it was where Kiara got a troll SC saying something mean about Ollie and she just said "no, I am not reading that on stream, that is extremely rude and you should be ashamed of yourself" or something along those lines. I'll have to plumb the archives.

>> No.16662155
File: 149 KB, 512x504, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao discord
There is only one solution left for you

>> No.16662204

Kek global fags should stay in their containment threads

>> No.16662239

you holofags are your own worst enemies we don't even need to do anything

>> No.16662243

Global fags shoudl stay in their containment thread

>> No.16662318

you know i dont really care about this whole "controversy". i never got into sportsball so i never got to experience that kind of tribal warfare. im just here for the spectacle. fuck trash taste! go hololive!

>> No.16662317

Meds now. They are not your little puppets for you to play house. People can be friends with whoever they want. The cancer of Hololive are delusional people like (you)

>> No.16662322

it honestly could be any group of people because there's juicier drama to milk from attacking the popular vtubers.

>> No.16662331
Quoted by: >>16662377

They are all the miserable stereotypes of obnoxious expats rolled into one. There are probably loathed on the regular but JP aren't very confrontational

>> No.16662377
Quoted by: >>16663369

For some reason the entire Hololive subreddit worships them

>> No.16662384

How exactly are we losing again?

>> No.16662398
File: 473 KB, 1104x1124, stacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it! This is how you deal with troll SCs. Mori take notes:

>> No.16662441

Yeah, she really should have. This sort of thing can't last when left alone, especially when it requires funding from the instigators. That being said, I don't think her response was the worst thing ever. It's not an awful plan to dissuade negativity in the chat by clearly defining an ultimatum that works against the wishes of her antis. The problem is the break in composure does poorly for her image and that there's a failure in recognizing that there are likely antis who don't really care about all the drama itself and really just want to push her buttons.

>> No.16662456

Based af

>> No.16662495

based calli
>btfo schizo fags
>btfo gosling fags
best girl

>> No.16662508

JP holos get troll SCs all the time. They just thank the sender and don’t read it. Mori has been doing this for over a year. She knew exactly what she was doing.

>> No.16662520
File: 91 KB, 2532x1170, jqab9b135ic81[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori tweeted this on accident

>> No.16662547

>Cali cause controversies by basically doing nothing.

>> No.16662573

Are deadbeats the most cucked fanbase?

>> No.16662613

kek i wonder what they said

>> No.16662618 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 634x793, 1616849603951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even have to ask...

>> No.16662664
Quoted by: >>16662697

>Cali cause controversies
this was literally all because of some /vt/ schizo

>> No.16662697

True all Vtuber controversies are just schizos, like none of them are actually big deal usually besides maybe whole China Coco shit. It's honestly all funny though.

>> No.16662711

>I could easily stop reading this SC but instead I’m going to go on about my love interest Connor who is my friend, my very dear friend in fact, and I will give all the money you give to me to him. I love Connor by the way. I don’t care about any of you though, thanks for the money

>> No.16662716

Fucking hell lol!

>> No.16662752
Quoted by: >>16662903

I don't hate her and actually like her music and play it often on my daily commute to work.

She often does stupid shit where she'll seethe and act irrationally over criticism and the occasional troll. She needs to either grow up or go full Kayne West.

>> No.16662761

I think I get it.
Mori is so dumb that the anti's are just having too much fun messing with her.

>> No.16662872
Quoted by: >>16663096

honestly don't even know why people bother watching her anymore

>> No.16662903

Yeah it the fact she has an actual reaction vs most vtubers have no reaction and just keep about their stuff, I can see why they fuck with her though while that funny also funny people spreg over her doing pretty much nothing that actual bad lol.

>> No.16663056

wtf I don't hate Kiara anymore

>> No.16663070

Go touch grass retard!!!

>> No.16663096

people has very very low standards it seems, like matuli standards, its sad...

>> No.16663369

Hololive subreddit is full of seanigs also see this

>> No.16663394

You downloaded the pic but didnt screanshoted or archived ?

>> No.16663570

>donate $500 shit talking random 2 view streamer
>refund the superchat
>Mori gives my 2 view $500 and rants about it on stream therefore giving my 2 view more sympathy views from simps
Wow nothing can go wrong with this.

>> No.16663577

What the fuck

>> No.16663582
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least now you know how to get someone to fund your 2view oshi

>> No.16663584

>people surprised when english schizos are as bad and annoying as Japanese schizos

welcome to idol culture lmao

>> No.16663624

Thats why Cover will dismantle idol culture for good

>> No.16663647
Quoted by: >>16663752

Going by that logic nobody should be upset at this and yet people in this thread make it seem like every single person watching mori is rioting
Are you the minority here anon? Do you even watch Mori? Whom am I kidding, you dont even watch hololive you discord raider.

>> No.16663712 [DELETED] 

Considering Calli's fanbase is mostly cucks, this will just increase the amount of anti-connor superchats from deadbeats who WANT to see their queen give their money to her male friends.

>> No.16663721
Quoted by: >>16663975

This is just pathetic. JP schizos could make her stop

>> No.16663724
Quoted by: >>16667271

Retards still out here making threads about it like they changing anything.

>> No.16663752


>> No.16663753

This is by percentage, so low pop. niche subs will appear higher. Show absolute numbers and I guarantee tt will disappear.

>> No.16663756
Quoted by: >>16663870

>people getting upset at this

Nothing wrong with Mori collabing with TrashTaste. Stop hating her for having male friends you chuds. Mori is a world class musician and content creator. Nothing will change that.

>> No.16663818

EN delusions are amazing

>> No.16663839

Idol culture is why they're the biggest

>> No.16663870

Low quality posts are against the rules anon specially bait

>> No.16663904

yes duh how do you think we got here

>> No.16663932

Yeah, instead she should bite the bait.

>> No.16663975
Quoted by: >>16664462


>> No.16664062

I mean they play it up as a joke with
But I really think that "seisoness" and odd dips into unicorn-pandering is Hololive's bread and butter more than the crass laissez-faire attitude of other smaller companies.
Granted EN and ID are further from this than anything, but they might as well unleash their inhibitors, can't be any worse now.

>> No.16664093
Quoted by: >>16664229

Because Calli said this, Deadbeats being the way that they are will now be the ones to send anti-Connor red superchats because they WANT to see their queen give their money to her close male friends.

>> No.16664164

I wish that would happen just to see the meltdown and damage control from Cover lol

>> No.16664171
Quoted by: >>16665471

is this Kiara's revenge?

>> No.16664205

You think stoking the fire is a better course of action? Having a confrontational and reactive attitude won't make people back down, it will make them double down. This is the internet, there's no epic clapback she can do that will make people feel bad and shut up. She's just exposing herself and her friends further.

>> No.16664222

>tokyo tower
>skyscraper pov
Thats not Moris place

>> No.16664229

biggest cucks in hololive

>> No.16664245

Mori hates vtubing. I thought she got into it at the midway point and recognized it made her who she is, but recent events have proven that she has learned absolutely nothing and has nothing to offer to the realm of vtubing. She's stuck in a position where she's getting insane amounts of exposure, popularity and money, but hates it because it doesn't truly masturbate her ego. She is at heart a basic bitch that wants her face and person plastered across media and wants people to recognize her in the street. In short she wants to be a Hollywood type of celebrity. And that's completely at odds with vtubing.

She essentially showcased that she doesn't give a single fuck about being an idol and treating her audience right, and I fail to see why people still tolerate and watch her. She's just exploiting you for your money and attention BUT EVEN THAT isn't enough for her because she wants a different kind of fame, a different kind of audience, and a different way of life. She is 100% a basic bitch and a thot, because a normal girl or a girl with an iota of sense in her would go "Holy shit these people like me! Holy shit they're giving me money for entertaining them! Oh man, I shouldn't fuck this up, I should really look up what I can and cannot do and what the audience expects of me."

She didn't do any of that. Quite the opposite. She's directly insulting you after all you've given her and is telling you that you don't matter to her at all, because there's this rando Chad and other random males (probably) and vtubing is so cringe bro there's beta males and like, stuff you know. There's even obligations and norms! There's even a culture! She's a Western thot as is acting like one - "Give me everything and be happy I'm taking it loser."

Bitch, everything you have is due to your fans. You're nothing without them. And you still have the gall to complain and go cunting about because it's not the "right kind" of fame and attention you wanted. How shit can you be? There's millions or entertainers and people desperately doing their best in a desperate effort to succeed and you had it handed to you on a platter, and you still fucking complain and shit on your fans. You're now angry at them for not wanting to prep your bull. What the fuck? What the fuuuck?

>> No.16664250

it would, if you do it right

>> No.16664275

it's (((us))) obviously

>> No.16664297

Imagine paying taxes to get cucked lmao. Koyo will never cuck me

>> No.16664309

She's gotten more success in Hololive than she ever would have staying as herself but she can't appreciate it because her fame was gained the wrong way and the people she wants validation from think vtubing is stupid. Very sad story.

>> No.16664313
Quoted by: >>16665153

And that's why she's getting so many "antis". Just stop exposing you, your friends and Cover because you have to have the last word.

>> No.16664315

Shame she's retarded

>> No.16664338

I really want someone to do this just to see how quick she goes back on her promise

>> No.16664430

superchats are non-refundable

>> No.16664434
File: 36 KB, 1038x135, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already backpedaled, anon

>> No.16664462

by stalking her, breaking into her house, and physically assaulting her in the streets

>> No.16664521

Deadbeats, is this the end of season 2 Calli? She was doing so well, what happened to her? Did she finally suit to the Connorcock?

>> No.16664534

why you copy pasta from other bred anon?

>> No.16664580

Vtuber fans are like idol fans meet bronies.

>> No.16664601
Quoted by: >>16664634

Send a superchat shit talking someone like David Duke or Jared Taylor and see if she still keeps her word.

>> No.16664634


>> No.16664646
Quoted by: >>16664716

China mentality

>> No.16664691

to the one anon (probably mori) vehemently defending Mori to death, stop it. get help.

>> No.16664716

meds anon, please take it

>> No.16664750

>Tries to own the trolls
>Trolls own her instead
For someone who was on /a/ pre Neo4chan...she truly is stupid.

>> No.16664760

cope more beggar they will graduate and you will cry like a bitch

>> No.16664786

women always say things they don't follow through on

they also always say things before thinking

i think both applies in this case

>> No.16664811
Quoted by: >>16664869

How is she so childish?
Get a fucking grip, woman.

>> No.16664809

>My condoms funds will be send anonymously
Fuck you bitch, send them on your main account.

>> No.16664813

Mori got into this predicament by going back on promises so it's kinda useless to take advantage of it

>> No.16664833

Haachama rap.

>> No.16664860

Mori if you're in this thread suck my balls

>> No.16664869

That's literally her main appeal
An edgy 12 years boi inside the body of a big titty white woman.

>> No.16664886
Quoted by: >>16665172

You just have to post harder

>> No.16664931 [DELETED] 

How did Mori gather the fanbase of the most cucks in hololive?

>> No.16664938

Yes. Throw enough Akasupa telling her to quit Hololive and start whoring herself put to the TT crew, and you'll bankrupt her.

Well, not really, because she'll just stop doing it if it actually starts to hurt her financially, but hey.

>> No.16665024

They actually do. It must be fun being a bunch of obnoxious foreign dudes rolling around with other expat weebs while the native JPs secretly cringe at your antics.

>> No.16665115


>> No.16665153

>have to have the last word
It's a woman thing, anon. You wouldn't understand .

>> No.16665172

But anon, I'm already hard when posting

>> No.16665194
Quoted by: >>16666293

Yes. That is exactly what you are supposed to do in that situation. Even after she accidentaly read that super she should have just ignored it or deflected it with some bs. Are you new the internet?

>> No.16665241

In all honesty at the end of the day it's sad that this has reached such shiting level. The easiest way to handle this was to ignore such supas. She is free to collab with whoever and viewers are free to watch or not and support or not.

My personal opinion ...No to streaming with trash taste, they are such a lazy boredom fest. If it happens with any regularity It will be funny though, I got tired of Connor with Mouse, so if this happens again, no more pink hair chuubas for me, lol.

Yeah, funny.

>> No.16665246
File: 60 KB, 1235x217, 1611331402441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp ladies and gentlemen I did it again. One year later and we were able to accomplish the exact same time warp. Really I can't thank you enough from the bottom of my heart. I truly believe we have one of the best communities here on /vt/. The amount of schizo fury we were able to raise not to mention the superchats that go directly into Mori and Covers pocket. We really couldn't have done it without your support. So I just wanted to say thank you again and if you have some time and click those links below to subscribe to my twitch channel where I stream daily.

Also give Calliope Mori and Cdawg a look they are a couple of great streamers. Well that's it see ya.

>> No.16665272

timestamp please

>> No.16665322

A good example of the correct response

>> No.16665332
Quoted by: >>16665391

I don't gaf about what she spends her own money on, be it Connor or whoever. However, 99.9% of deadbeats have just the best intentions? So are deadbeats /here/ just the 0.1% then?

>> No.16665391
Quoted by: >>16665481

Anon real deadbeats are either in the split or /hlgg/, Niji EN or some indies thread. They learned a long time ago to not browse the catalog.

>> No.16665396

Soul: https://youtu.be/HLHdajZxZTo?t=193
Soulless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E66K-4G3o8

>> No.16665401
File: 51 KB, 800x529, 1634703210157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if you send her an aka insulting a vtuber from another company will she show up in their stream?

I don't think omega's going to like this.

>> No.16665438
File: 75 KB, 800x701, girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet you insult us unicorns, have fun with your oshi taking your money and giving it to her boyfriend

>> No.16665471

Kiara will expose Mori's emotional abuse soon

>> No.16665481
Quoted by: >>16665532

>real deadbeats
Might as well argue that real deadbeats don't browse this site anon

>> No.16665532
File: 62 KB, 400x400, Lvl 100 Deadbeats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16665567

They're here and they are laughing at you.

>> No.16665556

Makes sense knowing how jaded she is from her idol past and previous run ins with trolls

>> No.16665567 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16665658

>deadcucks laughing at anyone

>> No.16665617

One of the reasons I like Mori is because she makes me feel like I'm in highschool again. That can be good and bad.

>> No.16665645

I guess you are done prepping the bull if you have time to post here, deadbrap?

>> No.16665658
File: 1.95 MB, 700x2800, 1609091011004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16665715

oof offended deadbraps lmao

>> No.16665720

You only have to be 6 foot to do that bro

>> No.16665741

I wonder if anons realize that are now normies who don't care about Trash Taste that will now push for collabs between them and Holo EN. They know there are antis who caused problems when Mori interacted with them and want to get rid of the "toxic idol fans" in the community. The best way to do that would OBVIOUSLY be to force collabs between all the talents and TT
So congrats I guess?

>> No.16665809

Nakadashi 4 times.

>> No.16665816
Quoted by: >>16669778

>Actually based Youtube comments

>> No.16665827
Quoted by: >>16666293

JPs never do this. She doesn't respect her gachikoi. It's honestly disgusting

>> No.16665855

If she ignored them people would be pissed that she purposely didn't read Reds without telling people. Either way she couldn't avoid drama

>> No.16665894

Normies just need to listen to TT talk about anime or vtubers for a few minutes and they'll turn on them like any sane person would

>> No.16665911

Makes me wonder how would this situation escalate if she didn't have a corporate leash on her

>> No.16665913

good thing my oshi will never interact with ironic weeaboos who can't speak japanese, let alone

>> No.16665927

No, that wouldn't have happened

>> No.16665945

Is not that hard when you don't have a giant ego

>> No.16665953
File: 113 KB, 728x1239, GUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16666180

God I love this reaper. I stopped watching her awhile ago but now that she's intentionally making schizos seethe for her own amusement I'm 100% back on board. Mori has become unquestionably the most based member of Hololive and I will support her until the end of time

>> No.16665960

Think someone could give me a quick rundown on what this whole round of controversy is?

I don't usually pay close enough attention to this shit but I keep hearing about it. Is she fucking the Connor dude or something?

>> No.16666023

Probably, she's way too quick and passionate when it comes to defending him

>> No.16666034

she already gave him 50 gifted subs when completing Jump King.
That's like 250$

nothing unusual

>> No.16666048

Those people have always existed and are why the EN branch is hated. They already do get their way with many girls but the girls who matter avoid that shit with a ten-foot pole. The only way they will be brought into the controversy is by force due to management and when the company is that far gone, it will have nothing to do with this one incident.

>> No.16666050
File: 69 KB, 1080x305, 1642449727150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is getting exactly what he paid for lmao

>> No.16666126
File: 531 KB, 498x278, 16402172909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16666140

Im honestly getting more and more disappointed with this. She almost didn't call Ame in her birthday stream and yet here she is, staunchly participating in twitch e-celebfaggotry. Like come on woman, have some respect to the people funding you

>> No.16666155

So she cucked mousey? sounds based af.

>> No.16666176

No they wouldn't, she already was famous for the shekels incident where she didn't read any of that shit. The correct approach. She read this one because she wanted to double-down that she wants to be associated with Connor. Had it just been a negative comment about Kiara or something, she wouldn't have read it.

>> No.16666180

I'm really thankful for her shaking up the shitposting meta, the past day has been very fun!

>> No.16666211

Imagine being this much of a fucking simp.
Just thank the fucking guy and don't read the message if it's obviously insulting. It ain't that hard

>> No.16666212
File: 495 KB, 549x494, 1606406353271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16666345

>Mori sent Connor 50 gift subs which isn't really that much for her
>schizos have a fit and AKAsupah rude messages to her about buying condoms for Connor
>she is probably burned out and spazzed when she saw the message and said something stupid
>Kiara is going to drop a tactical yab and Gura and Ame will return to cover it up and all will be forgotten in 2 weeks
Another Year on /vt/.

>> No.16666232

>youtube takes 30%
>Cover takes a percent
>Mori gives the full sc amount to Connor
So is she just ready to operate at a net lose to try and prove a point?

>> No.16666241

Kek its real. He got what he wanted

>> No.16666246

Might as well start insulting everyone I like.

>> No.16666254

>for once it isn't just a rrat but an actual problem to the point where people on youtube also comment about it
The fuck, is miss Carriope a problem?

>> No.16666262

shes a woman she didnt think that far

>> No.16666263

actually he's getting more since youtube will get a 30% cut and cover will get some too, so effectively her donating 250 to connor means his supa was worth 325 usd minimum

>> No.16666279

Deadbraps got cuck by their own oshi my condolences

>> No.16666290

lol what a retard.

>> No.16666293

>Botan shat on a much milder SC that was complaining about her playing with a guy (and didn't even attack that guy)
>Based lalion
>The little "drama" eventually blew over without any long lasting damage on Botan's channel
>Mori fired back at a guy who attacked someone, regardless how retarded Connor might be, she considers a friend
>This is stupid, she should have ignored it
>The little "drama" eventually blew over without any long lasting damage on Mori's channel
Double standard at its finest from /vt/. And yes, I know /vt/ isn't one or two people. The only thing I think Mori did poorly was saying that she'd throw SC at Connor, but addressing the issue isn't really such a bad idea

>> No.16666332

A true shame. Should just pull a Coco

>> No.16666340

>will eventually blow over*
Shouldn't have been lazy and copy pasted that line, oh well

>> No.16666345

>Kiara has to humiliate herself to defend the wigger
I must save her...

>> No.16666373
File: 91 KB, 1366x768, Sasuga Mori-Sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16666752

She is making the way for Holostars EN! To think she would be so bold as to create a yab that will make even the most staunch gachikoi beg for the purity and wholesome brotherhood of corporate male Vtubers!

Sasuga Mori-sama!

>> No.16666379
Quoted by: >>16667099

>its not fair
duh, everyone hates TT and connor because they make ironic weeb content

>> No.16666398

>superchat to the slut
>she sends the money to connor
>refund through bank
>she loses the same money twice
Holy based

>> No.16666413

And Twitch takes half the price of gift subs.

>> No.16666414

When you put it that way, I'm starting to like Mori again.

>> No.16666419

>if you send me SC attacking my friends I will give them that money instead
Fair enough

>> No.16666460

she's a retard who has no concept of "don't feed the trolls" and is now constantly tripling down and seething due to 1 containment breaker's akasupa.

literally none of this would've happened if she just ignored them.

>> No.16666462
Quoted by: >>16666539

>botan calmfully answers, refunds the aka, and leaves it at that
>mori spends 5 minutes spilling her spaghetti, gives the money to another person, and continues to seethe for days straight to "own the trolls"
Yeah very comparable

>> No.16666502

The SC mori get started politely, she would just do it if she know it's actually a troll sc

>> No.16666514

This wouldn't set anyone off if she didn't give ironic weeaboos money on her vtuber persona. The problem is she did and to the worst person who hates Idol culture of all people. Botan didn none of that.

>> No.16666533

The situation isn't the same and the reaction isn't the same. Being that said it's being so overblown...

>> No.16666534
File: 163 KB, 704x1575, male collab watcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity anyone who is still on her side. You deserve better. You are better than this. Move on.

>> No.16666539
Quoted by: >>16666661

this. deadbeats are running out of copium

>> No.16666558

The two things aren't actually comparable but it does at least destroy the deadbeat unicorn narrative since you acknowledge the people against Mori have no problem with Botan.

>> No.16666561
File: 38 KB, 351x348, 1640741555758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16666618

>send mori 10k making fun of myself
>wait for her to send to me

>> No.16666574

Botan scolded that guy because she was doing something for the game's community, not because the dude was her friend. She was also polite and explained why she was doing it.

It's nothing like Mori's pettiness.

>> No.16666575

Don't compare my oshi to the brapping wigger

>> No.16666605
File: 257 KB, 385x386, whiterys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys talk and think more about CDawgVA aka "Connor" than all vtubers combined.
Are you sure YOU are not in love with Connor and having sex with him?

>> No.16666609

It's like a graveyard

>> No.16666618

Kiara, Mori doesn't consider you as her friend

>> No.16666621
File: 32 KB, 556x568, 1640933065970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand how fucking massive and fragile your ego has to be for some fucking random internet stranger throwing 250 bucks at you with a shitpost can mentally affect you this bad.
If anyone wants to fucking give me 250 bucks to call me a stupid cuck I'll gladly thank him and make sure to upload picture of whatever dumb shit I buy with that money with a jab at him.
Like bruh, it's fucking free money.

>> No.16666648

I rather fuck Chris

>> No.16666661

you antis are running out of seethium

>> No.16666668


>> No.16666667
File: 588 KB, 970x929, 1635727454765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that isn't how Superchats work. When you Superchat you aren't actually sending the money to the Vtuber but to Youtube. Youtube then "processes it" they then give a cut of the pot to cover who then take their own cute and pass the remainder to the Vtuber. You aren't asking for a refund from Mori or Cover but from Youtube who will probably refuse to and if you try to do anything will force you to fly to California for a LENGTHY court case. That money is lost.

>> No.16666698
File: 28 KB, 341x341, 1636764512404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting railed by the guy that called you and your friends talentless
>also giving him money
It's just like in my corruption doujins...

>> No.16666706

mori took a shit and farted on stream lmao

>> No.16666732

She wastes all her money already on her stupid music, buying the condoms herself or telling Connor to do it really doesn't change things in her mind.

>> No.16666733

Is Mori trying to focus more on her other channel? She already got the clout she needed...

>> No.16666750

The SC Botan read talked about her going to an event with men with the intention of getting fucked. The ‘blind date” translated clip was wrong. She told him he’s not welcome and banned him. There was a lot of drama before that SC which she even mentioned prevented her from doing some collabs because she didn’t want trolls in the collab chat.The way she handled it ended any drama. Mori did the opposite.

>> No.16666752
File: 80 KB, 500x284, ainz-6515968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes, very astutely observed Demiurge. I can only assume that it is related to "that thing"...?

>> No.16666759

If I wanted to give and receive pleasure from an ESL manlet I would just masturbate.

>> No.16666766

Your meal is ready >>16666534 Eat it. You paid for it. Isn't this what you wanted? Isn't this what you're endorsing?

>> No.16666768

Standard female behavior.

>> No.16666772

Lost to the cock...

>> No.16666780
Quoted by: >>16667057

Your first mistake is thinking I'm from a first world country with a functioning legal system

>> No.16666785
Quoted by: >>16666896

She is fully aware that she doesn't deserve all the money and fans she has, otherwise she would have reached them as her roommate
Thats why she must lash out to protect her ego and pretend she is 'one of the cool guys dawg, above all the vtuber cringe'

>> No.16666800

>who attacked someone
That someone attacked Hololive talents saying they can fake their applications and get in without having any actual talent just to rake in cash.
He didn't insult just Mori, nor just the EN branch. This was directed at Hololive as a whole, which included my and many other people's JP (and ID I guess) oshis.
I don't dislike Calli, I think she was even improving as a streamer the last 6 months, but defending the ignoramus that is Connor is a red flag.

>> No.16666806
File: 45 KB, 500x375, thankyoumori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16666865

The only person who truly won in all of this is the owner of Mori's local konbini. She's probably emptied the alcohol and tobacco section entirely trying to cope.

>> No.16666831
Quoted by: >>16667057

anon you can literally just do a chargeback claiming that wasn't you

>> No.16666865

and the condoms!

>> No.16666877
File: 1.32 MB, 2892x4096, 1609698887515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16667015

Why did IRyS and Kiara corrupt my boy... she was perfect and they ruined her! Give her back damnit I miss my sleepy reapy streams...

>> No.16666879
Quoted by: >>16667235

He also said it on a competitors channel.

>> No.16666896

She shouldn't give a shit and just be glad she lucked out. But she can't because she has dependency issues.

>> No.16666915

All she had to say was "Hey guys let's not be negative with the superchats alright, I want to have a good time here for everyone" But she's a retard with an overinflated ego.

>> No.16666922
File: 342 KB, 881x427, yourbossn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you missed the part where mori absolutely has time for your minor internet drama and be caught up with the current rrats instead of making music, streams and other events.
If you want her so bad to understand your seething maybe you should paint the entire picture instead of wasting 250 bucks on a superchat.

>> No.16666937

You guys are completely overblowing this, as are the members in her YT comments.
You didn't seriously think she meant what she said about transferring anti superchat money to connor? It was very clearly a joke, be less autistic.
I think Connor is a faggot who needs to be completely blacklisted by Cover but you guys are being obnoxious with your rrats

>> No.16667010
Quoted by: >>16667090

yeah i mean literally anything mori says is a lie or a joke nothing should ever be taken seriously from her.

>> No.16667009

No. I don't.

>> No.16667015

IRyS sucks multiple cocks when she's not streaming but Kiara is the one who narrowly dodged a bullet with Mori

>> No.16667050
File: 51 KB, 500x500, Ogey21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im genuinely curious. been trying to wrap my head around this.

so basically people are mad because they think connor is a cuck because of the shit he said about hololive not requiring talent, and by association mori interacting with and being chummy with him makes HER a cuck slut

and they think because of this she hates her genmates and hates being a vtuber, and hates everyone and everything

and basically she's overreacting to a superchat who tried to call her out and people are mad? is that it? is that all this has been about for the last week? a fucking superchat over the trash taste podcast guy?

>> No.16667057
File: 36 KB, 1200x800, google2.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We here at google take your issue very seriously we will act upon this promptly. Unfortunately due to high volume we will need to put you on a waiting list so one of our many DIVERSE associates can personally attend to your issue. While you wait how about listening to an ad for one of our many products and services.

>> No.16667090
Quoted by: >>16667190

That's a big cope bro. I'm sorry that you have autism which prevents you from understanding when people are speaking sarcastically. I will donate $500 to Autism Speaks on your behalf

>> No.16667099
Quoted by: >>16667214

see >>16666379

IRyS being a thot is based tho

>> No.16667104
Quoted by: >>16667772

I support Mori because I want her to go full e-whore and become a lolcow.

>> No.16667123
File: 34 KB, 830x359, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16667193



Ah yes, deadcuck deflect #4 and #7. True classics.

>> No.16667139
Quoted by: >>16667234

underage poster located
its called having a credit card. you will learn how they work when you get older.

>> No.16667149
Quoted by: >>16667282

She literally already did it once.

>> No.16667156
Quoted by: >>16667350

No they are trying to stir up a fire because they are bored. They don't care about Mori or Connor all they care about is drama. The same faggots will be making Kiara threads next week, Amer threads the week after, Ina threads the week after that, and then Gura threads before looping back to Mori. Some council threads will get sprinkled in but 2 of them never stream and that us kind of boring.

>> No.16667168
File: 141 KB, 1080x1082, FHVBvDmXEAUkxjK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the schizo was too scared to send it from his real account and pretends to be a deadbeat on his real account
what a fucking pathetic loser.

>> No.16667185

Anonchama, IRyS is the most cock-starved out of all the holo's.

>> No.16667190

nah senpai send it to the IBS Research Fund. I hear mori needs some help in that area

>> No.16667193

>Ah yes, deadcuck deflect #4 and #7. True classics.
It... was a joke, though?? Pointing this out for retards like you is considered deflecting?

>> No.16667199
Quoted by: >>16667274

>Botan politely explains the situation to the person
>mori goes full menhera autismo
yeah no difference

>> No.16667214
File: 167 KB, 264x317, 1642224414531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh so its not even that then they just think hes cringe normie weeb TUUUUBER and thats why theyre mad. ok. i think i get it now thank you

>> No.16667217
Quoted by: >>16667302

>still missing the point
Have you EVER used a credit card? Like, in your entire life?
You don't ask Google for a refund. You ask your bank directly. And they will give it to you, 100% of the time, because they make so much profit a measly $100 superchat doesn't matter even if you're lying and Google doesn't refund them. They will cover it.

>> No.16667234
File: 15 KB, 354x331, 1622202952677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful everyone we have a tough girl here. She even didn't capitalize a single thing to false flag. Nice try sweaty but the SEA has no concept of how Credit Cards work.

>> No.16667235

And even said competitor was shocked by the boldness of such open defamation.
>SCing anyone but my oshi, with an akasupa no less
Lol no. And Mori is definitely aware of this particular incident, as she has claimed Connor apologised for it to the whole of EN (he didn't, check the archives for the past couple of days, though I'm sure you were defending her in those threads as well).
Rather, I'm wondering if he got that impression from what Calli has told him herself, meaning she either faked her own application or is badmouthing her coworkers. Just an interesting rrat I saw floating around.

>> No.16667271

Why..? That's something I keep asking about /vt/ as a whole
They just whine whine and whine about "muh oshi" yet they don't do jack shit
/b/ or even /pol/ have done something by getting together and pulling some sweet trolling and actual action that helps (or hurt) people
What the fuck has /vt/ done? Fucking nothing that's what, might as well be the stereotypical fattass ugly nerd that nobody loves stuck in their parents basement being a legit incel shouting how all women are monster and just there for fucking

For the love of god /vt/ do fucking SOMETHING FOR ONCE

>> No.16667274

>send rude comment
>expect respectful reply
do schizos really?

>> No.16667277
Quoted by: >>16667367

>Nice try sweaty
You okay?

>> No.16667282

So she gave the Conner condom money superchat to Connor... so then he can literally use it as condom money... hmm...

>> No.16667294
Quoted by: >>16667367

I don't think you know what "false flag" means.

>> No.16667302
File: 109 KB, 851x843, 1636146053141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it like to be poor?

>> No.16667307

huh. weird!

>> No.16667320

There's a massive context to this, these people have had these reputations for years. Literally nobody is acting like this is some random first-time incident out of the blue. But yes, Mori overreacted to a superchat and double-downed on stupidity, saying publicly what everyone here said she believed privately and it brought this all up as a great opportunity to get under her skin for being a dumb bitch.

>> No.16667329
Quoted by: >>16667437

We do divegrass tournaments and /vt/ sings and have a minecraft server...

>> No.16667342
Quoted by: >>16667367

you will learn how these things work eventually little guy.

>> No.16667344

She's doing exactly what the schizos want

>> No.16667350

so everyone actually likes Connor and his friends being closer to hololive? okay

>> No.16667366
Quoted by: >>16667425

It wasn't a rude comment, but a normal reply would've sufficed anyways.

>> No.16667367
Quoted by: >>16667453

Uh oh we have a 4chan expert here. Better watch out he is going to explain every minute detail that no one asked for. He is an expert of every worthless topic.

seethe about it

>> No.16667381

I for one want him to fuck every holomem. Including the homos!

>> No.16667419

Does the spend the other 95% fucking connor?

>> No.16667421
File: 2.04 MB, 720x405, 1641405778059.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rrat? Roommate? Rumao? Egg? Unicorn? I can't understand anything you guys say, please tell me how to understand

>> No.16667425
Quoted by: >>16667507

>"condom money for connor" isn't rude

>> No.16667436
Quoted by: >>16667520

Your post isn't even remotely related to the one you're replying to and I'm starting to think you're actually underage like the other anon said.

>> No.16667437

Ok, that's somewhat better

>> No.16667439 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't want Mori getting pregnant with the brain damage a kid will get from her alcoholism.

>> No.16667445

>I hate the Taliban.

>> No.16667448
Quoted by: >>16667536

>what everyone here said she believed privately
What about Mori liking Cdawg was private/secret? She's tweeting at him all the fucking time and talks about him on stream

>> No.16667453
Quoted by: >>16667520

>He doesn't know how credit cards work or has a shitty one from a no name bank that holds him liable.

>> No.16667459
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, 1619398625596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16667695

He is Welsh the only one I am worried about him getting close to is Watame.

>> No.16667460

How badly would /vt/ lose their minds if Conner got in Holostars EN?

>> No.16667474

The final yab unironically

>> No.16667484

I'd be diamonds.

>> No.16667496

Haters have always been dumb

>> No.16667505


>> No.16667504

It's okay Mori. I forgive you.

>> No.16667507

Are you retarded? I'm obviously talking about the first one.

>> No.16667506

/vt/ sings broke the record for most anons participating in a board sings with 200 anons

>> No.16667508
File: 5 KB, 233x58, 1619279164178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16667520
File: 157 KB, 261x255, 1617775255284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16667570

Uh oh the thread is going off topic. Do schizos really? Can they really just not stay on topic. Why must they go out of their way to prove everyone wrong on a topic no one cares about.

>> No.16667534

if I didn't give a shit about the original holostars, what makes you think I'm gonna care about the EN version lol

>> No.16667536
Quoted by: >>16667603

Some people were under the delusion she considered her co-workers friends on the same level as him. She cleared that up for them.

>> No.16667553

If Cover manages to be so JoP they hire someone on record speaking against their company, there's no saving them

>> No.16667564
Quoted by: >>16667633

thats the thing, he wouldnt want to. He hates vtubing

>> No.16667570
Quoted by: >>16667625

Because global rule 2.

>> No.16667579
Quoted by: >>16668026


>> No.16667584 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 783x627, Screenshot 2022-01-18 at 17-13-15 Mori Calliope💀holoEN on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16667603
Quoted by: >>16667711

What about her response to this means she cares about Connor more than her genmates? Explain to me schizo retard

>> No.16667609

lurk moar nigga

>> No.16667616

I'd love to see it. The board would be unusable.

>> No.16667625
File: 278 KB, 541x636, 6IK6kqm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16667712

Quoting rules is a Rule violation.

>> No.16667627
File: 102 KB, 463x454, 1625178219076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but my question is like people like you are clearly pissed at her for all this im just so confused as to why. "these people have had these reputations for years" like is that it? thats all? this is all just because they're annoying anitubers? thats fucking it?

>> No.16667633
Quoted by: >>16667683

That didn't stop mori

>> No.16667641

Because Connor is good boy who must be protected uwu

Fuck Kiara who hasn't actively denigrated Hololive though, that bitch is a cunt.

>> No.16667647
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, sad yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16667759

I see mori still continues her spiral of shitty wannabe nigger behavior again today. Glad i am not a dead cuck she should leave hololive when her contracts up it would be for the best if she did.

>> No.16667669

Question, what does all this has to do with my oshi?
Subaru? Botan? Miko? Korone? Gura? Mio? Marine?
Why should I care?

>> No.16667680

Yep, that's it. /vt/ards are something else.

>> No.16667683

You right

>> No.16667690


>> No.16667691

She wants to be black so fucking bad she's acting like a spoiled kardashian now.

>> No.16667695
File: 244 KB, 1131x404, 1619665504970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16667707
Quoted by: >>16667797

Because we have no unity, we don't trust each other. We have women, alphabet people, redditors, /v/, /a/ & /jp/ people. I literally can't see eye to eye with anyone on this board. The culture changes from thread to thread. opinions that were widely agreed on are met with absolute rejection a few weeks later. This board will never be able to do something together. You only have yourself, your oshi's maros and chats and the companies' emails.

>> No.16667711
Quoted by: >>16667771

She'll lie to defend him and to throw them under the bus in the same breath.

>> No.16667712
Quoted by: >>16667768

No, it isn't. Announcing reports is a rule violation.

>> No.16667729 [DELETED] 


>> No.16667733


>> No.16667758


>> No.16667759
Quoted by: >>16667933

you can have her, we don't want her

>> No.16667763 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 634x793, 1642479959592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16667768
File: 275 KB, 1191x798, 1315772522439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are ya gonna do report me?

>> No.16667770

Kiara did nothing wrong

>> No.16667771
Quoted by: >>16668013

Okay so your rrats are based on literally nothing. Got it

>> No.16667772

Give it another year and i bet everything she will.

>> No.16667797
Quoted by: >>16667851

real and true, take a look at this very thread to see the hotpot of different board users posting

>> No.16667823 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 557x130, faketweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant belive this is real

>> No.16667831

I can't believe she actually took this low effort bait.
She sounds so sad and angry

>> No.16667851

meant melting pot

>> No.16667855

Burned out or on her period.

>> No.16667858

Holy shit! What a bitch!

>> No.16667875
Quoted by: >>16667965

Isn't this a very bad idea, she's acknowledging trolls and given them exactly what they want, she should have just ignored the entire thing and go on with whatever the fuck she wants to do, this seems like a very bad idea from her side.

>> No.16667892

Daily reminder we could have gotten Pomu instead of these whores
Yagoo is a hack

>> No.16667896


>> No.16667900
Quoted by: >>16668172

Is this your first day on the Internet, what exactly is blowing your mind so hard right now? That people say mean things about people they don't like? That people on an anonymous board hate e-celebs? That nobody likes grifters who leech off of and try to destroy things that people here enjoy? Why do you even come to a vtubing board if the idea that people can get passionate about the topic confuses you?

>> No.16667912

who has that edit of connor as patrick bateman flexing while fucking ollie?

>> No.16667925


>> No.16667927

Hook, line and sinker. She never learns. Many such cases unfortunately. Sad!

>> No.16667933

But i dislike her and dont want her ether anon.

>> No.16667944

I'm literally shaking, crying and cumming right now

>> No.16667948

He's 10 times too big for Holostars though, i'd be more shocked than angry

>> No.16667965
Quoted by: >>16668108

I don't see how her response is fueling trolls outside of the retards ITT and in her comments talking down to her about how she did the wrong thing.
She's going to ignore them from now on

>> No.16667979

>Connor infecting EN further
So glad I jumped ship. Even if my oshi has questionable taste and loves Kiara and Nyanners

>> No.16668002

Man, I wish she got drunk or something and thought posting something like this is a good idea.

>> No.16668009
Quoted by: >>16668817

Rrat - narrative
Roommate - alt accounts where vtubers post more freely about shit they do while pretending to be their roommates
Unicorn - idolfags who gatekeep and patrol holomem to keep at least a semblance of idolness in hololive and other companies
Egg - anyone who criticizes Kiara according to her SEA white knights
Rumao - seamonkeys

>> No.16668013
Quoted by: >>16668110

Just admit you're too retarded to look up the clip.

>> No.16668021
Quoted by: >>16668279

What kind of sweet trolling do you want /vt/ to do? Dox Conner then send pizzas to his house, epic style?

>> No.16668026


>> No.16668067
Quoted by: >>16668134

Calli is a jaded destructive fuck, just like you fuckers. Even with all the happiness she feels like she doesn't deserve it. Any chance to selfdestruct she will take it.

>> No.16668084

So what color are her nipples?

>> No.16668108

>I don't see how she's fueling the trolls outside of her doing so for several days in a row
Cuckbeat... Hoping for your sake she does ignore them from now on.

>> No.16668110
File: 2.06 MB, 440x490, (you)[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7d5v0b.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16668367

I'm not going to do your job for you. If you want me to hate Mori you need to at least provide the proof.
The fact that you're not showing me means your "proof" doesn't exist.

>> No.16668117

I just drive and sing

>> No.16668128
Quoted by: >>16668882

See >>16666800

>> No.16668134
File: 286 KB, 850x1133, 1637455318433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16668295

She's truly /our/girl.

>> No.16668158

Hi Mori!

>> No.16668163 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16668218

Mori would rather take 4 giant black dicks or a little boys penis instead of one tiny white cocklet

>> No.16668172
File: 16 KB, 330x327, Ogey23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16668448

"grifters who leech off of and try to destroy things that people here enjoy" lmao if YOUVE been on this board before you know for a fucking fact no one is rooting for the destruction of pretty much all of hololive than this fucking board

>> No.16668195
File: 322 KB, 828x540, 1612155347375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the comments on OPs clip
>What a chad
>so proffessional
>what a scumbag posting that
>Calli deserves the best
Sc-schozochads... they're making fun of us! Don't tell me she is going to get away with it!

>> No.16668218

She likes small things though. Why do you think she lives in Japan?

>> No.16668267


>> No.16668279

NTA but bSending condoms would make more sense

>> No.16668295

Unironically this
>morí feeding the trolls
>unicorns seething
>deadcucks coping
>schizos overloading
I love this shitshow and the brapper for the entertainment

>> No.16668349

Amazing how much damage this anon did with a simple superchat. What a fucking legend

>> No.16668367
Quoted by: >>16668452

No need to play victim, this wasn't some campaign to convince the cuckbeats to hate their oshi. She is well aware what this is about and getting her tears already validated everyone here, neither she nor I care about you.

>> No.16668385


>> No.16668397

If you're not going to own up to it don't fucking feed the trolls Mori, for fucks sake it's been over a year and every one of your genmates aside from you know to just say thanks and move on

>> No.16668413
File: 203 KB, 828x1562, 496e898b808a0a97bb8d2c84aaafa2912743bdff167a115a3fb432c3cae0dda1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this thread full of schizo posts is nice and all...
But what does 5ch think of all this? Do they even know?

>> No.16668432

If she like small things why is her ass and tits so huge?

>> No.16668448
Quoted by: >>16668852

As long as Hololive includes Mori, yes.

>> No.16668452
File: 64 KB, 726x546, 1641575986666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16668619

>post your proof
Many such cases.

>> No.16668476

Probably mad at Connor for leeching off of Mori-sama.

>> No.16668498

Based Ame

>> No.16668534

Based Ame.

>> No.16668555

That Okayu is married to me? I'm sure they do

>> No.16668592

sc ain't wrong however

>> No.16668609

I mean, she probably agrees with him

>> No.16668619
Quoted by: >>16668698

The fact that your oshi can be herself more easily with her anti's than with you is frankly embarrassing. I hope you reflect on your life choices.

>> No.16668683
File: 64 KB, 1000x728, 567844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori lolcow transformation has reached phase 2 ogey peko

>> No.16668687
Quoted by: >>16669030

That wouldn't make sense though, why would he want a position that's undeniably a step down from his podcast?

>> No.16668698
File: 180 KB, 480x480, KeepCoping[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fplov1z.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16668992

This conversation is dead because you won't back down from your lies. I'll just leave you with this and let you stay angry

>> No.16668804

Uh oh kiwifarms isn't going to like this.

>> No.16668817

Roommate is easier to explain, your Vtuber lives in a room of some house right? then who is that disgusting 3d girl that comes out from that very same room? of course, it has to be her roommate!

>> No.16668852
File: 90 KB, 243x194, 1641350980697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really typed this with a straight face

based this is how it should always be handled

>> No.16668865

She straight up handled that like a pro.

>> No.16668882

And he's a fucking dumbass, even ironmouse told him he was wrong and shit
So I repeat, why should I care? My oshis aren't in danger

>> No.16668992

I have no interest in pandering to bad faith actors unlike Mori.

>> No.16669030

That's a good question. Even Noel just wanted friends when she was 1000x bigger than all of Hololive back then.

>> No.16669043
File: 934 KB, 960x1665, 3uBM8VR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides we all know what his endgame is. All of this a clever ruse by Connor to cozy up with the closest EN to his real target. The Welshmen will not be denied his lamb!

>> No.16669071

Connor will be on next year's Mikkorone if Calli isn't graduated.

>> No.16669097

I do trust mouse

>> No.16669104

Botan was defending her idol reputation and telling them it's just a professional interaction.
That explanation worked fine for Mori, too, but she just kept pushing it until now she just has her asshole drinking buddies constantly hanging around Hololive.
She's creating problems for the other girls, too, since now their fans are going to be more suspicious about supposedly professional interactions.

>> No.16669193

And Watame will be his.

>> No.16669322
Quoted by: >>16669365

I think she's finally done too much, too fast. It's over for her!

>> No.16669365

In 2 weeks for sure.

>> No.16669420
Quoted by: >>16669854

Botan acted professionally and did what a proper idol does. Every other holo who has interacted with male streamers or personalities never get any flack because they don't sperg out the moment a sausage is in the room. Mori constantly shows disinterest in what she does when she streams alone or with the other girls. But once it's a stream with a man she becomes super engaged and just ignores her cuck fans.

>> No.16669498

>Mori has a habit of choosing friends that turn on her
>Conner is a massive attention/dramawhore
The deets will be dropped, it's only a matter of time...

>> No.16669746

I know deadbeats like that calli likes short men because they think it means she likes small dicks which makes deadbeats think they'd have a chance, but you must understand that even short dudes can have bigger dicks than taller men. sorry deadbeat.

>> No.16669778
File: 243 KB, 1292x1785, mori hate2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even their final form

>> No.16669854

>Every other holo who has interacted with male streamers or personalities never get any flack
Did you jump timelines or something?
>Mori constantly shows disinterest in what she does when she streams alone or with the other girls
Oh, these are just year old leftovers.

>> No.16669978

What the fuck? They're breaking the conditioning now?

>> No.16670007

These comments are like a year old kek.

>> No.16670146

Newfagchaama... those are from her last yab.

>> No.16670168

NOOOOO it was just supposed to be /vt/...

>> No.16670190

>Introvert is more expressive and outgoing with her boyfriend than with work colleagues
You don't say

>> No.16670267

you guys forget that he unironically thinks he could get in, that is how low he thinks the bar is
which honestly explains his stance, that ultimately prompted this whole drama

>> No.16670290

Kek good boys
Connor really was the breaking point of the deadbeats

>> No.16670408

he's probably right for holostars, they generate minimum revenue and are not the main attraction so he could probably get in. his whore gf mickey mouse could never get into hololive though

>> No.16670567

Don't tell Mori who she can be friends with and who she can and can't acknowledge on her stream. That is really not cool of you. Don't do this kind of shit, please.
What's up with these people not wanting to admit that the person behind the hololive is a real person? It is so wierd. You do realize that Mori has needs and wants like any normal human being, right?
It is just so sad seeing these people.
Don't you realize that Mori is probably laughing at you? If you don't treat her as a human being you will not be the fan she cares about. I know it is scary, man.
I hope you can get mental help.

>> No.16670651

>You do realize that Mori has needs and wants like any normal human being, right?
her job is literally lie to us thats what an idol should do

>> No.16670664
Quoted by: >>16670757

is this a youtube comment?

>> No.16670684

Assuming we apply the same standards the JP branch has, no way he'll even get a foot in, they're extremely careful about the image regarding both the male branch has with the female branch, and "guy that's trying his hardest to fuck a pornstar in his channel" would be an automatic denial

>> No.16670716
Quoted by: >>16670942

that is not even what he is saying here, he is saying that if he was a woman he could get in hololive

>> No.16670745

Holy shit this amount of seething.
Don't tell people on the internet what to do anon, that's not how it works.

>> No.16670757

It's pasta at the least, I've seen it three times.

>> No.16670766

shut up cannur

>> No.16670858

>You do realize that Mori has needs and wants like any normal human being, right?
Would those needs happen to include getting drilled by a midget welshman and ntring her fans?

>> No.16670921
File: 462 KB, 551x507, anya cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original superchat that triggered all this was cringe and a dumb waste of money, but also pretty tame. Mori's reaction to this seems over the top, autistic, and a bad business decision (deliberately antagonizing fans instead of just fucking dropping it, even if the fans are fucking retard/mental). Also, I would gladly switch places with her if having to engage in such strenuous "emotional labor" in exchange for hundreds of dollars in donation is really something that she feels is worth complaining so much about.

Does that seem about right, or am I misreading this situation?

>> No.16670942

oh, well maybe in his dreams lmao

>> No.16670966

>What's up with these people not wanting to admit that the person behind the hololive is a real person
She is a hired actress. She is paid to play the role. She repeatedly fails to do so.

>> No.16670982

>(deliberately antagonizing fans instead of just fucking dropping it, even if the fans are fucking retard/mental)
Its fine to tell a dumb SC-er to fuck off, but the ridiculous theatrics were the problem

>> No.16671010

This was literally the most based case of containment breaking in the history of this board.
The faggot simps and yes-men were in absolute damage control panic as these comments were all the most upvoted and they couldn't do anything about it.

It's too bad modern Cuckbeats have become those same yes-men.

>> No.16671141

Do you talk about random shits who are enemical to your company and teammates at work too?
Fuck, guess I'll start sucking Huawei's dick back at Nokia's factory while demanding they let me shill for their cellphones on company time

>> No.16671152

Kek. That fucker is a verified containment breaker who has had his comments and superchats deleted before. Based Ame for handling that faggot's superchat like a pro.

>> No.16671258
Quoted by: >>16671728

He can't get in after criticizing holo so heavily in public. His online presence is extremely visually based, and his energy is pretty low for a 2d. He'd be a horrible candidate for a vtuber. I'm excited to see who they go with but I'm surprised he assumes he'd even be considered after trashing them so hard.

>> No.16671316
Quoted by: >>16671630

Well, I seriously doubt any of these deadbeats would still watch her...

>> No.16671630

I wouldn't be so sure. She's been on the ball for a while, now. Great streams. Really, really improved her collab game as well, not that it was a challenge given how much of a wet blanket she was at the start. Whether they'll keep watching now if she reclines again, though, who can say. I'm hoping she won't drag this on too much longer given how badly she's handled it already, but the original superchat that set this off wasn't even that bad. Bait, sure, but tame bait. The only reason for her to pop off is if this has been a while; if the anti-trash taste sentiment has been simmering in her head for a while, given that they're her drinking buddies. Which isn't just us, by the way, no matter how much shitposters try to push the narrative that anyone and everyone who dislikes them are grass-deprived 4chains posters. beneath the top layer of smeg slurpers you could practically taste the disappointment at both trash taste appearances and shadowverse with gigguk.

>> No.16671728

normally yes, but should he want to get in, you can bet his good friend Mori Calliope will vouch for him. The power of connections bypasses all sorts of bullshit, if I was able to get a job instantly just cause my friend told his boss I'm a cool dude, skipping the application process entirely, it must be similar in hololive

>> No.16671831
Quoted by: >>16672062

Why isn't Milky in hololive right now then

>> No.16671865

100% right. retards in /morig/ encouraging the writing of a retarded superchat leading to mori's retarded reaction. this whole thing is a shit show

>> No.16671876

Honestly, this.

>> No.16672062

I'm pretty sure she applied, but Mori took the spot, since Mori mentioned only applying because her friends did.
Maybe Milky didn't want to join after, hard to say. Or they just thought the other girls were better hires, Council had kind of a similar composition to Myth.

>> No.16672213

Nah Miko knows how to sweep up trash and I doubt she'd make the same cheering segment since it was basically just her trying to cheer Korone up

>> No.16672279

Networking is king sure, but holo is insanely image based. You'd have a hard time even getting a normal office job if you publicly talk shit about whatever company you're trying to get hired at. He also was associating with vshoujo while throwing shit initially, another brand they don't have much interaction with because of their image. He's set himself up to be undesirable at holo and probably barred himself from niji too. No one wants someone that'll cause massive problems down the line.

>> No.16672858

I'm not Ironmouse and so have no right to fuck him

>> No.16673142

Mori hate being an idol. I repeat, Mori doesn't want unicorn. Unfortunatelly she's working for a corpo pandering them and that's like shooting herself in the foot because of her ego. Just like the fall of Heisenberg in BB

>> No.16673247

>It's too bad modern Cuckbeats have become those same yes-men.
Don't lump me in with these normal-nigger-beats. Deadbeats like the ones in the pic you replied to still exist and call her out on it, but thanks to the sheer size of subs, we get drowned out by yesmen.
ficklebeats are the best thing that happened to her, except for the shizos, there is a lot of valid criticism found there and the last 6 months she had a blast.

>> No.16673771
Quoted by: >>16673888

Be proud, unicorn anon. Those women can't keep getting away with it. They flirted with you to make you fell for them then smooching with men once they become more popular. That was unprofessional and disrespect the audience. She can fuck dogs or horses off stream for all I care, but don't turn the character you created I fell in love with into a filthy whore who betray my expectation.
For vtubing, when you play a character for too long you should become that character and not the other way around. That's a job, especially when you work under corpo management and not just for fun. Look at actors who play the same character for years they become so faithful to that role. Be professional goddamnit

>> No.16673888

meds now. she doesn't love you
