This one.
>EN Gen0 actually collabing with ENAnother /vt/ rrat killed
>tour for hachamais she serious, she already knows the map
Hime-chan is carrying today
I love this owl, thank god she saved the collab. Super Mario Party is such a garbage game I don't understand why Haachama still has it.
Meimei a cute!Chammers cute!Bae cute!
They're all spiggin it!
my love
>Haachama has a bed on her gravekek
God I love ENchama so much.There is no cuter girl on the planet.
>>16642812It's atour in name only
Calliope is into creepy, weird, sick stuff, manShe sleeps in the same room with that creepy weirdo woman whose mother wears a hood over her head. What the hell?That woman, number one, is uglyImagine how bad she smells, manI'm told her and Omega just stinkOmega and Calliope both smell like sulfur
I love my big sister!
Moomers is a HoloEN anti holy shit.
Bae... Moomer is just a guest in the collab, stop handing the mic to her and do your fucking job
>>16642827Saved Mori's stream too.
I'm seriousWhy does Haachama peak her mic EVERY FUCKING TIME?
I think Haachama is cute.
>>16642848I don't know if I'd say I love her but I'd lick her butthole, no question.
Get well soon Aki!
She knows more than you bae
If I respond to schizos by being more schizo and making them believe it, does that make me an hero or just a schizo?
Has Haachama's English actually... improved? I don't remember her being this fluent in her past EN collabs.
What the fuck Haachama is spiggin it properly??
Have you kneeled to your priestess yet /hlgg/?
Holo playing Arma when?
Don't lie haachama, you know more of the EN server than mori
>Haachama >EN server tourWhat?
>not a single person here watching Rushia dying repeatedlythread is dead
how is haachama is adorable....
>>16642866Did they enjoy the sex today? Did Fubuki consent this time?
Please gather for some HOPE!
>>16642828>>16642891it's weird how human's keep appropriating memes attributed to other holomen. are you going to call her kaichou next?
Why is Bae translating for Haato? She understands english well enough
>>16642887It's about the same, but the grammar is a bit better.
>>16642850>haachama is symbiote
>>16642887Are we listening the same stream anon?
ame house
How do I mute Bae?
>>16642898You're watching it, isn't that enough?
Bros, she's so cute. I want her to do more EN collabs.
>>16642887This seems on par with stuff like the pepeloni monologue to me
>>16642815Love and adoration.
thank god chammers is louder than bae
>>16642835Did she finish installing Windows yet? I had my computer asplode last month and did a fresh install and it took all of like 20 minutes to get it done. It's not that hard.
Wild group of girls here...
>>16642900Nobody ever gave her an official server tour.
>>16642893Hopefully never.t. Arma player
Right look here Hakos Baelz, when even Haachama is going full English, why would you speak nip? Are you assuming that Haachama sucks and needs your translation?
Isn't Akai Haato EN gen 0
>>16642919She's pretty low on chammer stream
KFP we should to get Kiara to revive the Mario Party collab with Ame/Haachama. I'm sure she'll take any excuse to collab with Ame anyhow.
Your oshi is adorable, zomrades
>>16642903The a-game was definitely brought today. Does it entirely matter? Being a wife is implied consent, no?
>IRyS stream at a time I can actually watch>superchat reading
>>16642815AND LUST
Bae or Mumei should ask Chammers why did she killed herself that one time
I'm so glad Chammers put the rat at 5% volume
>>16642905I don't know what you're talking about. Domo fukurō desu
>2% volume>still almost too loud
>singlehandedly saves EN's pityful week and the thread from imploding
>>16642933how did you asplode a computer?
>>16642887It's still worse than her pre-2020 english fluency, go watch the collab that haachama did with her sister, you'll see
>>16642887She has improved a bit yeah, although still she's still spiggin' it generally.
>>16642887She's just pretending to be retarded. She would speak normally if she wanted to.
>two Irys streams todayim eating good today
>>16642919Because it is curious for her JP fans and Moomers is probably really nervous.
>>16642861proof next thread?
>>16642981That's our princess.
I think Chammer's kimono is the cutest
>>16642926You think so? It seems to me like she knows a lot more vocab that she's able to draw on for her speech now. With the pepeloni dialogue she was really struggling to find the right words, but now she's responding to what the others say a lot faster and is stumbling over her own words a lot less.
Name a single thing cuter than Haachama speaking English, you cannot
>>16642835cute melier
>Mumei jumping into Haachama's arm>diesKEK
Why does Bae hate Mumei????
The first shot has been fired in the war.
When did hoomans become so obnoxious?
>>16642951As good as that sounds, chimken is actually busy with the ame song cover, Yagoo holotalk, her cats being sick, ski trip, shilling streams and other stuff she's hinted at.
Haachama English is the cutest thing on the whole damn planet
Haachama's accent really is something.
>mumei saved three streams, made a great song, and is increasing stream times >but has a boyfriendIts so conflicting, since I see more anons membering her so seeing the culture of cuckolding being accepted by /hlgg/ is quite conflicting vs her contributions >just don't give her money I won't, but you can't say the same for all the people with moom reaction images
I am a gatekeeper, I read every post and determine if they have schizopheniaThen I reply
>Mumei dropped a boneRunescape bros...
>>16631339>, that you? No offense but for a voice as great as yours, you can't sing for SHIT, bro.Or maybe you're just trying not to disturb the neighbors, I dunno
>>16643056MOOMAI'S BOOEN!
Haachama slapped Mumei in front of Yagoat...!
>>16643032Power of Godchama
>>16642981Sometimes the guardian of civilization needs to intervene directly to save the day
This is what Mumei gets for trying to defect. Haachama will not stand for such weakness.
>>16643055Collabs are mostly planned way in advance anyhow.
Haachama, Bae and Mumei is very strange energy.Despite being a loudmouth Bae is the most normal one of them all.
>are you okay?
>killed by Gura>killed by HaachamaCan't she catch a break?
>>16643074Listen to the mic quality, it's not him
>>16643064>has a boyfriend Anon you have fallen for her ruse it seems.
>>16642839based helloposter
>>16643064i actually had to force myself to finish reading your bait, these rrats are so fuckin boring now jesas
>>16642904>stream at 1pmwhat kind of fucking miracle this is
bae my beloved
>>16643105Why was Bae telling Mumei that? I didn't get it.
>>16643106>kill by Kronii
mumchamma post
>>16642905She's Mumchama.
>>16643074huh, nice, this flew over my head for some reason.holy tone deaf
I’m seriously confused why Ame isn’t a part of this. What has she even been doing lately?
Chammers not looking up their skirt
IRyS please raise your volume and lower your bgm
Mumbai... formerly Bombay... Bomb Bae... what is Haachama plotting?
I wonder how it must be being Haachama knowing that you're sharing a stream with such inferior talents. on the right
this is the cutest EN and JP collab I've seen in a while...
>>16643159Why does Ame have to be a part of this?
>>16643064>Its so conflicting, since I see more anons membering her so seeing the culture of cuckolding being accepted by /hlgg/ is quite conflicting vs her contributions Looking at more Anon members with her, it's very inconsistent.
>Mumei still in her Sports Fes attireSEX
>>16643017Towa laughing.
>>16643182>>16643165>>16643158>>16643154Irys is reclining...
I demand an Ame x Gura x Haachama collab
>>16642745>>16642747>>16642748>>16642749>>16642756>>16642788>>16642778>>16642798All this is 200% more impressive if you buy the rrat from /who/She agreed to the HoloStars collab to be emotional support for her friend Bae, then saw everyone shitposting about how her first official JP collab was going to be with a bunch of Holostars - literally, four men popping her (collab) cherry, it would look REALLY bad. So she joined a JP collab last-minute even though it would be like 3am for her, in order to counteract that bad impression
i've never found the flower joke funny...
>bae is speaking more japanese than chammersWhy is she like this?
>>16643119>>16643141Are >we timelooping back to 2021 "its not her" lexposting now?
>>16643190God fucking dammit I need the autism duo back
Holy fucking cute collab
>>16643214Good, I'll be the last Irystocrat
>>16643180I wonder how you get by being a massive faggot
mori in under an hour
>maku moment
>I did NOTHING for this oneKek Moom
>>16643214>4 am stream
It's the museum Kronii built for Mumei...
>>16643235Yeah, me
Luv me IRyS!
I'm already nostalgic for the portal arc. Fun times.
>>16643222Haachama is Australian
>When Kronii mirrors her new outfit, she accidently turns it into a burial outfitLETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>16643221It's just funny to Mumei. What she was laughing at was the robotic way Kronii was saying "flower"
>KFP's first employee!>DEAD!>Dead funny.CHAMMERS?
Bros... this EN server tour shtick is a fucking timeloop aaaaaaaaaaa
>HoloEN server museum>filled with council shitI'll never get over this
These autists...
>>16643271Now she can be dead outside as well!
>>16643219Mumei doesn't have the time to even think of this place
>>16643159Jesus christ teamates are the worst in trying to insert their oshi into everythingShut the fuck up
>>16643289Myth should have brought their own shit there then.
>SantersI fucking love Haachama
>>16643221me neither, but im fond of that moment and that collab because it demonstrated how well council worked together, the gura cameo was also cherry on top.
>>16643259KRONMEI CUTE
>>16643223That's not what's being said here
I fucking love Gura
>>16643289Ah yes, Gawr Gura and Takanashi Kiara, my favorite Council members.
>>16643159I have no idea what the fuck is going on with Ame regarding Haachama. On the one hand, Haachama talked a lot about wanting to collab with Ame after her last hiatus. On the other, Haachama is notoriously shit at actually organizing collabs, and Ame, well, fuck knows. I know Ame still likes and retweets a lot of Chammers stuff on twitter, but Chammers has gotten less warm in response over time. This post has been brought to you by /vt/sisters inc., a subsidiary of /vt/schizos inc.
>>16643308Ame literally dumped a whole bunch of shit in a chest outside that they could have used.
>my idol naturekek
What is it BAE?
I remember Haachama hanging out on Minecraft with... what was her name. Think she was cute blonde?
>>16643289>Myth>Doing shit in Minecraft
>>16643289Myth didn't even touch minecra that much before council
>idol nature>"whazz zat?"Haachamachama...
shion membrane yo
>>16643289it 's has been literally is a dead server for most of its existance
>>16643281I miss when tours would be called off by building a gave in the central area.
Yeah, what is it Bae!?
WTF is that game zombie played
>>16643289>expecting mythological items to be in a natural history museum
> Irys sub 1k viewersIrys please…. Pokemon perms are ending anyway abandon that shit and log onto micra.
>>16643341She's spiggin it!
Why can JPs laugh and giggle so easily, while most ENs hardly emote at all.
>It means hymen. Moving on!Fuckign kek Bae that killed me
>It means hymenT-thanks Bae...
This is a super cute trio and I'm glad Bae is the straight-man/interpreter
>it means hymenWHAT
>>16643252rejoice at least you're awake
>it means hymenBae?
>covers up maku with makura>they slept togetherone step forward, two steps back
>>'ve got me there
>>16643222>>16642906>>16642944It's called being a language anchor, /hlgg/You say this shit any time there's a multi-lingual collab and yet you always refuse the explanation. Stop being such EoPs or at least pretend
the membrane gets them everytime
The membrane is the gift that keeps on giving
What's so taboo about the word "hymen"? is this?
>no name>Mumei!My fish owl...
>>16643368Cultural. It's expected of entertainers to overexaggerate emotions.
EN is now Vshojo tier.
>Pekora abandoning PekorapNo…
The no one...
Ah, the pepeloni...
>>16643358I think putting "sc reading" in the thumbnail probably got like half the viewers to push it down in priority vs other JP/EN streams.
>>16643415Gura is*
>>16643415Only (You)
>>16643400>>16643222She's just underestimating Haachama's english comprehension skills. Even Kiara didn't speak in japanese during her overcooked collab with chammers
>>16643289They have a scale replica of Atlantis
I love how everything was just a complete mistranslation by deepL
>>16643361Hmm, don't think that's it... think she was shorter?>>16643369They did play Minecraft together... was that her? It's been so long...
Retard-kun here, can someone explain the membrane joke to me?
>going to the towerHaachama...
>>16643330This still applies, /vt/ sissie.
>>16643404Anon, I don't know from what country you are, but displaying one's hymen after a date is not normal nor decent.
Sana's tower can now go even higher
>she watched
Mumei likes to watch
Irys you dummy
Some lucky fuck is getting an Irys original pokemon.
>>16643427Gura has never once called it a hymen
>>16643415This was exactly what I was thinking when our middle school teacher was in our MW2 lobby not in voice
IRyS is definitely getting a hacked ditto...
>>16643259KRONMEI LOVE
>>16643358IRyS never got good views at this hour.
Do (You) watch, anon?
Bae is for bullyingMumei is for abusingBoth are for my dick
>>16643330>two collab autists are being autistic over collabingWho would've thought
>>16643405The Kiara announced stream on another channel?
haachama laughs like ahhahaha ahahahah ahahaha
>>16643475>Lol Gura is so innocent she doesn't know she just said meatspin xD
Kinda wish it's kronii instead of bae
Whoever get irys’ duderys , you can sell it on ebay
>>16643466>>16643470She likes to watch, you see.
AZKi did her best today, what about you?
There is not a single Chammer EN Collab where she don't makes things awkward due to her incapacity of understanding a basic english sentence
>>16643507Mumei laughs like heheheheh
I'm honestly appreciating Mumei more and more as time goes on. Her new costume looks good and the hat is cute.Honestly anything to get people to shut the fuck up Mori for a bit is good in itself
>>16643458I always handshake the hymen with my penis, feels good to be good looking
>>16643519(No delivery)
>>16643507she laughs like a sociopath, which enlarges my dick substantially
>>16643519she always does
>unironically carrying EN atmMythbros...
Chammers and Mumei are sleeping togetherTHEY ARE
>>16643519i only did half my work and didn't deliver. im sorry azki...
kek IRyS
>you buy yourself?
>>16643573>Bowson exists
>>16643415And that's a good thing!
>>16643573Based Peko
bae may be too loud, but she's pretty decent as a collab partner. now, if it were sanner...
Chammers and Mumei cute!
>>16643159Ignoring any preexisting cold feet, this is a godforsaken hour for the Western hemisphere.
There are people who came after EN debut and act like they know what is and isn’t fine for a Holo to do
OK it has been a long time so I guess I may have forgotten. Did Haachama really not get the tour already?
>>16643562>Council are so lazylol remember this narrative? Incidentally, Myth has barely done jackshit in the past 4 months. It's just projection from Mythtards
>Free BreadAME NO
bakeranons mention....
>>16643536>the whore of holoEN is the hope to save /hlgg/ from MoriNot the best week for EN fans huh?
>>16643562You mean Mumei, Baez and Fauna are carrying EN.
IRyS game audio is so loud that I can't watch her at the same time as the MC collab...
>>16643604If there were more here we would only have more fun!
Vtuber neck
it's funny how chammers sky structure mogs everythings on EN
I love Haachama's english accent so much
>>16643596You will not talk shit about this beautiful woman
>>16643596bowson is hot
>>16643562yagoo should just sell myth and hire all of nijisanji en
Bae shut up please
>>16643562councilschizo don't look...but really, it's funny how council has been overall much more involved with Hololive as a whole than Myth, lately
>>16643596You take that back
>>16643596Bowson is beautiful shut your fucking mouth
Would Chammer be able to even understand Sana?
>>16643507It's a fake laugh, anon. Her real laugh is gasp-y
>>16643510Oh so it’s just another guy who pretends to know what vshojo talks about in their streams
>>16643562Chammers? True.
Why chammers always got low viewers everytime she's doing eigo stream?What happened to her EOP audience?
>>16643667She'd probably understand her a bit better
>>16643596Bowson is sexual perfection
You will never make IRyS so happy she gets spastic and drops her phone...
>modest blue ditto with pokerusMan, IRyS is loved
>>16643641It's got a unique Aussie, Japanese, chama twang
>>16643678it really isn't EOP hours
>>16643659Anon, do you have a memory of literally a week.
I feel bad for Haachama, this is literally just meant to provide cover for Mumei since otherwise her first JP collab would be with the fucking homos. She's just being used.
>>16643631And IRyS. Those 4 are the good ENs.
I miss erolive
Sana will never finish that eyesore won't she?
>>16643678EN viewers are infected
>>16643412Squashed brat.
>>16643562Myth had to carry EN for a whole year, I don't mind them letting Council take the load for a bit.
>>16643678Nigger it is 6am
>>16643678It's 1pm on a weekday in Europe and like what 5am to 7am in America?
Why is IRyS even bothering joining the tournament? She has played about as much as Bae at this point.
Haachama getting an EN server tour does not make sense because she lives there
>"i'm ready to die"what a spirit
Are you ready to die?
>>16643573>He bought peko?
>>16643678It's too early for the eop timezones. I woke up early for this but most people are not gonna
I would eat out Haachama's ass.
>>16643704this, it is fucking 4 in the morning for much of US/CA. If not that then early morning on a weekday.
>>16643617>4 monthsIf you wanted to make it believable you wouldn’t have made the timespan so long when Myth has put out two Myth only groups songs and far more solo and collab song releases than Council has in that period
>>16643641it's like an Australian 3-year-old with autism
>>16643667>Would someone well known to have got the vast majority of her English exposure in Australia understand an Australian accent?Who could say, anon
Yeah I drove that chama kid around EN server oncePretty cute, a little weird though
>>16643628Yeah it's been a rough time. I'm hoping everything will go back to normal but not holding my breath.
Are you guys climbing?
>>16643659If council is carrying EN then EN is truly lost and I hope they fully cut ties with JP so that we can both peacefully part ways
Why are they so eager to die?
>>16643678It's 6AM. I didn't sleep just to watch this.
>>16643715>increased world height1.18 made sure she didn't
>firstlyahhhh how I love the words that ESLs come up with
bros are we dying with them?
>>16643706Most of /hlgg/ can’t remember past a week
Haachama really has some cute autism.
>kiryuI miss Cocock...
What the fuck is this schizo discussion?
What kind of build is this?
>Mumei is suicidal
>>16643678They moved onto the actual EN Holos.
>>16643562Do you really want someone to post the numbers for this? Do Councilfags really want to do this?
>I want to die.>I can kill you~
>>16643780we don't really have a choice don't we?
>>16643747She has no right being so thicc
>>16643780Are you a bitch?Then answer to both questions are the same
>>16643780become legendary anon
>>16643778Firstly is a word
I just hope 1.18 didn't break PPP
>>16643785I love Gawr Gura
>>16643778Firstly is a real word
>leading a ritual suicides-sugoi....chammers....
>>16643788councilschizo is having a mental breakdown
i would jump off with them unironically and my life would be fulfilled
>>16643785It was literally the exact same thing as today so
>Moomer wasn't even supposed to be in this collab, yet she's carrying it.I kneel hime-sama
>>16643795>I'm suicidalWE ARE
>>16643817Wasn't PPP blown up already?
Her boyfriend ditched her and IRyS is just LAUGHING.
>>16643817Wasn't Ame going to rebuild PPP?
>>16643667Not Sana's English.
>>16643814>>16643821oh true, she used it in the complete wrong way though
>>16643562>ina, kiara, calli streaming consistently>mumei, sana, bae and fauna streaming consistently>gura, and ame currently on hiatus>kronii streaming inconsistentlywhat the fuck is this bizzaroworld week
i wanna kill camelaman too
>>16643778your Eigo reps...
God I wish that was me
>>16643711Anon Mumei walked into Omega's office and slapped him infront of the real ENMA. Then demanded the Haachama and Stars collab.
let's start a suicide pact, I'll go fi
>>16643628I don't pay attention to roommate shit desu. Bur if you're going to play that game, go eat your cold chicken first, Nousagi.
>IRyS doesn't want to be a relationship destroyerSO THIS CONFIRMS FINALLY that she wants to be cuckedd not be the one who cuckss.
>>16643801god i wish i were talking about numbers
>>16643844Yes, she's going to return it back to a pile of stones with a TNT retrofit.
>>16643821inb4>it's rarely used and REAL natives never say it so you're a SEAnig
>>16643861first Tony Hawk and now this
bros...they're so cute together, and once again haachama makes her model the smallest in this collab
She's spiggin it!
>doesn't lower it at all
>haachama has never experienced deathdyrbi?
>>16643849Gura on hiatus isn't bizarre at all.
Has Haachama ever been this nicely treated by an Aussie?
>>16643817PPP is rendered 100% obsolete upon connection to JP. Even then, it was shit.
A gentle reminder to council fans.
>>16643875She's lying, she loves NTR, she's telling you that to lull you into a false sense of security
Shit. I’m tearing up. Why did Myth neglect her for a fucking year? It didn’t need to take this long….
There is nothing wrong with having expectations for Holos and doing more than simply leaving when they break your expectations and there has never been a single good argument against this.
me on the left
>>16643893Firstly, yes it is.Second, you're a fag.Thirdly,
>>16643923No, didn't she say the other Asian Aussies bullied her at school?
>>16643849It’s almost like things change week by week and shitposters want you to pretend to forget anything that wasn’t yesterday when they pick a new person that’s “carrying EN” that day
>>16643920What could have been...
>>16643596Oh look, a non-teamate gay.
Who do I blame for 1 year of no Chama sisters collabs? Ame or Haachama?
I confess, I really don't care for most EN/JP collabs because I feel the language barrier creates an awkwardness that makes me feel uncomfortable.
>>16643951As a white Australian I definitely would have bullied Haachama if I saw her at school
>>16643929And one to you too>>16635367
>>16643614She was after polka
>>16643905Haachama is a tiny girl
>>16643929>those Ame numbersAme... how do we save her...
>>16643937Stop being a bitch and leave already if you don't like hololive anymore.
>>16643936Are you just conveniently it was Haachama herself that canceled the collab she was gonna have with Kiara/Ame? Even before that, Kiara was gonna off collab with Haachama before that got canceled because Covid.
>>16643929Thanks for reminding everyone that Sana streamed as much as all of Myth combined in the period represented by your screenshot, but I'm not sure what your point was
>>16643938Me on the left.
>>16643951She was alsso bullied by aussie menbullied = sloppy sex with an Caucasian male
>>16643970Disagree, it's based and funny. They need to interact more.
>>16643950It works because the average anon has room temperature IQ at best.
>>16643974>counciltard can't stand his narrative being broken apart
>>16643971Why the fuck are Australians like this?
What meme? I'm too old for this shit you zoomer girl.
>>16643968Both to an extent, although considering Haachama has the brain of a 15 year old and it can't be helped, Ame.
Snowmen once lived here...
fucking hell i have moom's anus tart's upbeat chorus part stuck in my head, first time i listened i didn't even think it was that catchy
>>16643937>there has never been a single good argument against thisYou're fairly ignorant if history but I guess that's normal for a sea monkey
>>16643971Moot was right
>>16643929>nobody watched Gura's karaokeHow do we save her, bros?
>>16643922so is ame
>>16643873Oh, please let's fucking play that game. Cold chicken or not the very next stream had her laughing at the idea of having a boyfriend as if the fucking concept of it was so awful that it's ridiculous to even suggest it at allRetarded ass stunts aside that type of acknowledgement is miles above what you've gotten
>>16643999>sana is all of Coucil>14 hours of AC nobody watched is good atually.
>mumei enjoys desecrating the dead
>>16644000The fuck is this music kek.
>>16643968Why do people pretend that those collabs were ever any good
>>16643614She got a tour, but she doesn't know about any of the Council stuff or anything built after she got kicked off the EN server. She only kinda wandered a bit when she came back before starting her EN tower.
IRyS wants to eat gyarados...
>>16644007British convict genes with an ever-increasing amount of Chinese mixed in + 40 degree heat.
>>16644005hit a nerve I see.
Why are deadbeats trying so hard to deflect to council this thread? No one has forgotten about Mori sucking Connors dick live on stream.
bless their hearts thy didn't understand she was saying rip because she said lip....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE
>>16642839Towa hello is so powerful because it's the opposite of this Towa
>>16643678i can only watch this because i have a day off
>>16643929if only numbers solved everything..
>>16644055Yours, it seems.
>>16643987A bitch wants to walk away when they see something they don't likeA man wants to walk towards it
>This was deletedWell, pack it up, boys. Unity is a Myth and friendships are lies.
based autism
>>16644084>>16644055get a room
>>16643970JPs are adorably child-like trying to speak English, it's amusing. If not that then their actual tone/way of connecting words is outright hilarious like the way Korone talks. She knows not much but manages to communicate just-enough that we get what she's saying, it's just said oddly.
>>16643937Giving feedback is always good, otherwise yesmen will just agree to everything and the content creator will have no idea what their fans actually want. If they're too thin skinned to handle it that's on them.
Ame's TKB...
ame tkb
Too lewd for youtube
>>16643991Kiara was the start of the relay (understandably the lowest) but had more than Sana did after her. You should really be crying about the huge jump in numbers between those who were after another instead.
>I feel safe hereHeh
>>16644090Jesus Christ…
Haachama loves ame. She's just like me...
Hey hoomans, is your oshi ogey?
>>16644090You're wasting your time and making everyone including yourself more miserable. Don't care about your dumb pride. Not replying to you anymore.
>>16644053I am
>>16644058>Why is Deadbeat working so hard to focus this thread on the council? Everyone remembers that Mori smoked Connor's Dick live.ogey
>>16644119>and the content creator will have no idea what their fans actually wantWhat if said content creator gets mad at the criticism and doubles down in their bad behavior?
>Staring at futon.>Runs outside to sleep in the heat residue from the baked potatoe vending machine.
>>16644091>Jakarta timeheh
>>16644148Please dont mind her, she's DEAD tired, hyuk hyuk hyuk!
>>16644090venom status?
>>16643970Please understand, this thread is full of brain dead morons who think an ESL speaking broken English is peak content.
>>16643970But I like seeing Kronii making fool of herself in front of the JPs.
why did haachama make bae the tallest on her stream
>>16644090What the fuck are you going on about retard?Watch streams or fuck off
>>16643715It could be pretty cool if she put some effort into it, we don't know what it's ultimately supposed to look like.
>>16644079I want more Pekora English. If Haachama English is cute, Pekora English is prime comedy materials
bros is haachama an ame gosling?
Remember, the councilschizo is a confirmed deadbeat and that kiara dox spammer is a chumbeat
>>16644176Placed herself and her collab partners based on dick size.
>>16644158Tenshi no!
>>16644184That's unironically Migo.
>>16644091There is nothing unity about this, and her friendship with the TT crew is definitely built on lies. They shit talk her behind her back all the time.
Doesn't Bae's house have a death trap?
>>16644184She's Ame's first imouto.
Ame always in our thoughts
>>16644184Anyone who spends too much time with Ame becomes a gosling.It's becoming a real problem, honestly
Fair reminder that Flora a cute!
How hard is it to just carry a bed in your inventory?
>>16644090>A man wants to walk towards itWatch streams or walk towards an open grave. I wouldn't even rape correct you.
>>16644173Korone's English Super Mario clips unironically made thousands of people aware of HL in the first place but go off
>>16644032It's actually rare for Ame to stream three times in one week. Even during potato week.
>>16644173It actually is. Haachama's English is perfect. Good enough to express thoughts in a basic way, broken enough to make her sound super cute.If you can't enjoy that then you're gay as fuck.
>>16644184Nah, they are just sisters.Miko on the other hand...
>>16644223I miss her
Saw this elsewhere. What do you think, /hlgg/?
>>16644224>ame becomes a gosling for mumei
based moom talking to chaamers like a person and not a child
>>16644182What like about pekora is that, while her english isn't at Subaru/Lui level you can really tell that she tries.
>>16644090fucking hell where do you people come from kek
>>16644176Bae is the God of Chaos, Haachama is a mere practitioner.
Wait a minute, what's that new tower near Kronii's tree farm?
Does Bae/Mumei understand Haachama's Minecraft power level?
>>16644232Yeah, Ayame does it even offscreen
Bunkeronii security breach imminent, deploy the autism defense force
Clipper farm? Oh god not chammers, what have you done.
>>16644246I want any EN collab where they swap models, like April Fools or something.
>>16643937No anon, you're supposed to mutely obey consensus, not make an effort to be an active participant in consensus formation. Only people who are on the right side of history (my side) are allowed to determine the consensus, know your place
>>16644238pretty much
>>16644090all men walk towards anal rape...
I've turned around on Aqua. Used to hate the bitch but she's seeming pretty based behind the scenes? She still doesn't stream though.
>>16644262a forward operation post
>>16644266I don't think Mumei realises.
>>16644246That would fit so well
>>16644148her back must be hurting from having to carry EN's corpse for so many hours without any sleepi hope she can have a good rest after this
>>16644090this should be a public execution
hmm i wonder whats gonna happen here
Jesas Haachama, no hesitation. What a lass
>>16644240so is Gura
>>16644198Bae should be the smallest then
>>16644270That's just Mori stream.
>>16643970EN-JP collabs are fun when there're so many scuffs due to the language barrier & more.
Why are they talking to her like she's retarded?
>>16644315She's a nephilim jesuschama
>>16643951Asians in Australia are overwhelming Chinese and Vietnamese, they would absolutely bully the fuck out of a Japanese girl
>>16644282I've asked for a collab where Ame and Gura swap models before too.Marine and Korone did it and it was hilarious.
>>16644090Did you get this from an image of the Joker?
>>16644250Mumei seems to be the only member Ame reached out to to collab, very interesting,,,
chammers singing... nice...
>>16644336Mumei isn't. She's speaking to her pretty normally. And Haachama understands the basic gist of it.
>>16644308Not now deadbeat, we’re watching a cute collab
>>16644336Mumei is talking to her normally. Maybe because she finally found someone her mental level
>>16644315Jesas, jesus.
>>16644365Kronii did
>>16644344>bully because they feel threatened by Japanese dominanceevery time
>>16644315i laffed
>>16644365Kronii kronii kroniii...
>>16644328Gura has potato weeks too?
>>16644365It means Ame's a big fat liar about not wanting to ask for collabs because others are busy. Mumei is one of the busiest in EN.
>>16644400>weekstry months
let's kill da hoe
>>16644153Good, happiness is earned and if it isn't justified then people deserve misery
>>16644365Gura has put together a few collabs that had Mumei in them, Mori has done the same with the tea party
she's in your bed. she's at my creeper farm. We are not the same
>>16644336Talking? No!! dey spiggin!!
i want to cum to irys...
>>16643968Haachama dropped most of her collabs with JP holos too but nobody care because she cute
>>16644403Anon mumei jumps into Collabs all the time the fuck are you talking about.
so did no one grab chammers' items?
>>16644336t. never spoken to a japenese before
really wish irys was with them too
>>16644424Why are they always chuuni fucks?
>>16644452Nobody cares because nobody watches JP*
>the fox ran awayFOX LOVE
Hearing this girls talk is making me forget my reps and English as well
Rat owl breeding to the left of me, Nephilim to the right stuck in the middle with you....
>>16644447That's my wife please stop saying such things
jesas IRyS
>>16644466Why do you want to ruin kino?
>>16644452Nobody cares that she fucked over Matsuri either because Festival already has a menhera reputation.
>>16644336They aren't used to talking to ESL. Watch the Ina Haachama collab for someone who spoke normally to her.
>>16644336that's literally how you're supposed to talk to an ESL like Haachama so that they can actually follow what you're saying
Mumei is dead!
>>16644481Check it ou!
>I can always breed more babies>I'll help you out right nowbaerysbros it's over...
>>16644360I almost added something after "towards it" but I read it and realized that it was just right, I'm actually really proud of how perfect it is
>>16644468This shitpost doesn't work during JP primetime, retard.
>>16643223I remember some people claimed they're no longer together and shit, sounds like they're seriously in denial.
So what does GnF mean?
>>16644481so does the card battle have some kind of application they can play over or how is that gonna work?
>>16644498What is this revisionismIna treated her like a toddler
>>166444916 perfect shiny 1512 EVs Arceus sort of hacked?
>>16644512It's a hyperbolic statement, the number of people who regularly watch JP is not high enough for people to incessantly go "duhhhh where collab"
>>16644498Ina talked to Haachama as if she was a toddler.
>>16644473What the hell are the rules for mori's tournament?
>see foxIT'S FUBUKI
>Moomer only care about the white onesBASED
>>16644539>as if
>see fox>FUBUKI
>>16644173Luna playing Metroid using only english was good
>Open stream >BREED BREED BREEDWhy is she like this IRyStocrats?
>>16644524It's natural to treat her like a toddler, she sounds like one.
wait do EN 2 not know fbk? kek
I want to breed IRyS
>>16644467listen man I'm going to punch people I don't like and I don't care how I justify it but it's going to happen because I want it to and that's literally all that matters
Why is ID and EN promoting HoloFes 3 and this convention if they aren't even participating?
betrayed by the foxes...
>your oshi>what kind of combat style would she have in a fighting game?
bzz bzzbzZzbzz bzzzzz bZzzzZzz
>>16644365Gura and Mumei is collabing this week, touristmate.
>>16644567Get in line
>>16644090>A man wants to walk towards it
>>16644282Need to ask Kiara for a game show were everybody switch models
>>16644498>>16644524>>16644539The other EN girls usually talk to chammers liek someone who respects their child's intelligence, yet recognizes they should adapt to their level of understanding.Bae talks to her like the narrator in Telletubbies.
>Haachama, leave!Damn, Moomer is kicking Chammers out of her own collab
>>16644606thank you, the joker
>bae and mumei die to fucking zombies>naked haachama just watches while wild foxes run off with their stuff while casually killing the zombies
>>16644606KEK BASED
>>16644575Deadbeats really equate mild criticism with physical violence...
How's the minecraft collab going?
Today is the first time I watch ARK gameplay, it’s actually not too bad
>>16644606joker's trick
>>16644606oh fuck off
>>16644601Based blindbro
Just carry a bed with youThese dumb bitches I swear to god
>>16644593AmeZoner with time related gimmick
>>16644539>>16644524i don't think we watched the same collab. but more importantly, what the fuck is this views graph over the seek bar and when did it start?
Did Friend C eat out everyone at the sleepover and remind them to play ARK or something?
>>16644646Cute as fuck
>>16644606my sides
Is Ame just Haachama from a different timeline or is Haachama just Ame from a different timeline?
>>16644606i kekd hard
It isn't that funny IRyS,,,
>>16644539>gook treats jap like toddler>jap plans to rape her familyas it should be
>>16644601>>16644430>>16644622I'm confused if I fucked up my original post or if others fucked up reading it but I meant Ame seems to be more comfortable asking Mumei for collabs than other members
I want to breed Irys' clam!
>>16644606Should have used jokeronii at least
>Akukin posterAqua-shachou...
Why is Haachama just repeating everything the others say and answering questions that arent directed at her? Shes far better than this at english so its weird to see her act super oblivious
>>16644709Not too late for someone to do a spot remake of it.
>>16644678>level 69>also competitively viableHats off to that lad. The perfect quality shitpost.
>>16644685Haachama is Yagoo and Ame's daughter.
>I have so many posters!>ignoredoof
>>16644716She got eaten by the bugs like Mumei just got eaten by Bae's foxes.
Why would you make IRyS aware that she has a vagina that entices men and women...
Can we trick irys into saying clitorys (maybe somehow phonetically)
I forgot how shit all of the council builds outside of spawn are
*W*Anything happened since Mumei's stream?
>>16644685Akai Haato is the true Ame. As long as she continues to sleep this dream can continue.
>>16644606vocaroo anons please...
Sorry guys, this is the last straw. After watching the collab earlier, I finally realized something. I'm no longer a deadbeat. I'm now a melhomie.
>>16644699It's ESL hours right now, so it's both.
>>16644739this, official rrat
I like this
>>16644685Haachama is Akai Haato
>>16644755Irys got mad when she said "cum" and chat noticed it
>>16644757Bunkeronii is the best structure on the EN server though
>>16644749No, who knows what that kind of information could do to her.
>>16644699Twice over the past 5 months isn't a particularly noteworthy amount unless you're comparing it to how many times she's asked, like, Mori
>>16644768unironically based
>>16644606Oh yeah, this is why I keep coming back here.
Bunkeronii invasion in progress.
>>16644768Extremely based.
>>16644669I think management threatened to shut down the server, which would have rendered Choco essentially home- and dinoless. So all Holos banded together to revive ARK and protect Chocos precious Streams.
bae:>I'm gonna kill something in front of you guys hahaha you guys wanna watch?
>>16644430>>16644601are you retarded?
>>166447681 millionsubscribers
>waah, I get it, bronie! uh what?
>>16644524Ina sort of talks in a cutesy way with everyone desu....except Sana
>>16644768based JP enjoyer
A-are there more than last time? Why the fuck are the endermen gathering here?
>>16644786a 12 year old could dig a hole in the ground, it's nothing special.
>chaos group getting to the bunkeroniiKRONII DON'T LOOK
>>16644755>Ku ri to Rys>KiritoRys
>>16644606kekNice one
>>16644667October, but they're giving it to people at random, you can't turn it on/off
>>16644768you didn't show proof that you're not a deadbeatsomthing a deadbeat would do!
>>16644777>Still no Irys Maybe with her kimono reveal
>>16644699So Ame thinks Mumei is an unbusy lazy sack of shit?
>>16644768congrats on your transition
>>16644699Deadbeats are on edge right nowJust be patient
>>16644768i kneel
>>16644606antis being chunni faggots will awasy be funny
>>16644768Woah there king you dropped your crown!
>>16644768holy based!
Ayy yo this lion farming grass.
>I wanna have a baby .... uh, a berry
>Free foodKronii's gonna have a stroke!
This means Kronii will do a minecraft stream to do bunker maintenance right?
>>16644768Redemption arc
>>16644836Let's hope
I love this collab so much
I wanna put a baby in her belly
This is basically Bae and Mumei fooling around wiith a toddler repeating every word those two say
Haachama and Kroniis minecraft autism would work really well together. Im sure they would talk like old friends about how amazing their buildings and designs are.
This Hakochamumei collab is nice.
*autistic Kronii screeching in distance*
>see a chickenITS KIARA!
>>16644726i swear to god you faggots are fucking delusional; one stupid sound clip from ages ago about myspace and you think she's like a native god damn speaker
I like that Jay Sean song.
>see poultry and feathersIT'S KIARA!
>>16644699i'm ESL and even i understood what you meant because it's properly layed out. it's just sea hours
>>16642858I'm sorry, but the name of your image is misleading. This is the cutest bird.
ClamRyS won't obey!!
>>16644817They're breeding
There is 0 evidence that shooting people to death decreases the quality of success of a society, so why is shooting people for wrong opinions wrong again? The viltrumite race literally did this and ended up conquering the galaxy and the reason the show is popular is because killing those you dont like improving society is a basic thing thats its easy to tell how it fixes the problem
>>16644768>Melhomies are realNever thought I'd live to see the day.
>>16644890mumbaechama sounds nicer
>>16644913Needs rape correction
>>16644787>Twice over the past 5 months isn't a particularly noteworthyalmost sure it's more than she asked anyone. ame doesn't ask for collabs
>>16644768Welcome to the den
I think holos are cool
Haachama feeding Mumei's pets!
>>16644831can't believe i haven't noticed it before. guess i never watch vods older than about a week so they never have time to generate the graph.
Mumei laugh...
kek haachama doesn't even know she's assisting in mumei harassing kronii
I don't like when I dream of streams because it's my brain making them up and they're often better than what we get...
>>16644935Baffling opinion
>>16644768come home anon...YWBJ
Mumei wants to show the fanfics to Haachama
The self-flaggelation and coping in the Mori thread is truly a sight go behold. They are celebrating casualism now and saying it's wrong to ghosling.
>>16644935Even Towa?
Fanfic averted
>>16644919anon there are 5 times more Melhomies than Sanalites here...
>chammers forgot about reineB-based
>God TowerNow it's Haachama's time to lead the tour.
>>16644935I think nene is cute
irys is a sweet gal.
>>16644768Good job anon, good to see you realize how great Anya is!I recommend watching her Outer Wilds playthrough, seeing her puzzling things out is fascinating!
>God tower then we die then we finish
>no fanficsCollab saved
>>16644928She doesOff the top of my head, she's asked Kiara for We Were Here, she's asked Gura for several (Minecraft, Fish Tank, Journey to the Savage Planet, technically Die Hard since Gura forgot), she asked Gura/Ina for Mario Party, she asked Ina/IRyS for B4B, etc etc
>>16644965Especially Towa>>16644979Great post
>no fanfics Collab ruined
chama forgor...
Remember the Civil War?
>>16644968t.Hirohito, 1941
>>16644960Now we need KFP to go back to saying they won’t fall for or jerk off to their boss and it’ll be like 2020 all over again
haha she forgor
>you built that in 2 months?!>i don't rememmmmburrr!!this made me laugh more than what's reasonable
>>16644969Wow, that's like 10 melhomies.
>>16644919I think we have more Melhomies than Deadbeats here now.
>>16644960Her fanbase is 80% Canadians, and leaves have no spine.
>I should be breedingYeah with me
>>16644960The thread will turn to cuckoldry soon, you've been warned.The only people impervious to it are people who are in relationships but the people who have a partner here is minimal so its impossible to sustain a thread with them
You don't need to share that much info IRyS...
>>16644918What if you think that the belief that it's okay to shoot people for wrong opinions is a wrong opinion itself, would you then be justified in shooting people for having that belief?
KEK this collab is fucking awesome.
>>16644979Nene so cute is defolt
ClamRyS is great at multistrike moves!
Haachama be ridin'
>>16645018Haachama dissociats and channels the spirit of Imhotep when she builds please understand
>>16644935Except, you know, that one. Yes, THAT one.
>>16645042I'm quite entertained, feels like one of the best ones in a while
Haachama is so precious
>10/10 meme review>10/10 zatsu>10/10 outfit reveal>10/10 karaoke>10/10 song>saves callis stream>now 10/10 collabhow does mumei do it?
>>16645026how is it cuckoldry if they're just friends?
I've never seen the fanficsand I still think chat ruined them
>>16645054Even that one is cool
>>16644606soundpost request please
did someone eigo jouzu'd irys? lmao
>>16645054Pink or Orange?
If I could draw and animate I would draw IRyS fucking a magic nephilim crystal dildo while casting guaranted 5x icicle crystals at it out of her clit.
>>16644768Another one fallen into the keris pit
>>16644900Anon, shes carried conversations with Ina, Ame and Kiara quite confidently, pepeloni speak be damned. She honestly seems better than Ame at reacting properly to others in collabs.
>ClamRyS vs Steelixthis is too much
Wait what's this 2 years that IRyS mentioned?
>smell my feet
mumei... please... the footfags...........
>>16645062she's the main character
Is Mumei 4chan's princess again?
>smell my feetIMMEDIATELY
>>16644768What happened in the collab?
>>16645062I don't agree with every point, but she's indeed great. She likes hololive
Anya is so loved here I wonder if she can see it
>>16645054hey Sora is okay
>>16645085The pepeloni speech wasn't even as ridiculous as it sounds on the surface when you realize the whole thing is just her trying to work around not knowing the words for "stuffed crust"
>>16645036yes if anything makes you angry its wrong and needs to go away thats why guns exist
>>16645099She's graduating after 2 years.
>>16645062Gey ready for the next collab.......
>I will smell any part of you but your feetratbros......
>>16645117Always was
>>16645127Anya only reads Japanese boards for Japanese people like herself.
Wtf chammers I forgot you built this
>>16645062I've always liked her but she's on an absolute tear lately
>>16645058I've never watched Mumei before but she was really sweet to my daughter this collab. I hope they collab again, you hoomans seem cool
>The best build in EN server was made by a JPHow can en girls sleep after knowing that
>>16645062Will she save her next collab by not talking?
Wtf is this autism? How did she build this
>>16645145Mumei asked Haachama to smell her feet
>Haachama will show her pussy off anytime.Good I wish that were me..
once again I kneel to chammers micra autism....
>>16645162Haachama is EN0
>>16645147>bae is willing to smell chammers and mumei's crotches, armpits, asses etc>draws the line at feetThis fucking rrat.
how long have I been in a coma when it comes to Haachama? last I knew she wasn't this competent at english
>OH MA GAWDOH MA GAWD>OH MA GAWDOH MA GAWDBae please say something else to react
>Mumei footfag baitingMumchama you're not supposed to be Gura right now
>>16645178(you) want to show your pussy off anytime?
>>16645162none of the ENs are autistic enough to care
>>16645170How new? It's generally her basic building style
>>16645131also, they literally call the crust an ear in japanese. i don't know how you can spin ordering pepeloni but not eating the pepeloni as not retarded, though.
>>16645170Haachama is an architectual savant
La Haachama Familia
Does Haachama talk like a retarded baby in Japanese too?
>3 player Radio Station kusogeHOW? TELL ME
>>16645199she's been awake for too long
>>16645203I mean Ame actually does play it casually, has played it with quite a few other Holos before including JPs, and Lui can speak English a bit, similar to Chammers level. It actually would be quite sensible if it was Ame. Guess we'll see.
The founding of the resistance
ClamRyS is still sleep!!
Is it finally here? the hololive EN resistance arc?
Glad Chaos and Civilization will live on once Haachamer glasses the EN server.
>>16645199Muumers wants Gura to lick her feet...?
>>16645203Me obv
>>16645170japs are autistic by default. they have 3 alphabets for christ sake
>>16645185She's just like me...
The birth of hololive english resistance
>>16645141>saves maleswould be based
>>16645199gura isnt allowed to talk about feet, this is her outlet
>Are you our president...or our...god?Civilization looking for something to worship, classic.
this is a cultchama
Did haacahama ever saw her statue on VR?
IRyS is dangerously horny
>>16645203Me, Risu
>>16645160Your daughter is unironically a minecraft genius, as a hooman I particularly respect that she builds great monuments
>>16645112Everytime I see an art of Mumei dressing up, or on a bed, I like to imagine it's a morning after she had to sleep hith inn owner or patrons because she didn make enough money in her travel.
>>16645229Does Lui even have any clue who Ame is
Look at Bae's mouse movement, she keeps going several consecutive seconds without giving any input at all. She's not using a controller. Compare it to Haachama's. It's so strange, her arm is just dead on her table almost the entire time
>What is it citizen?
OMEGA NO DON'T LOOK! it up, chammers.
>>16645229I assume it is ame too, but has agree ever interacted with Lui? And who the fuck is the ID member then?
i'm losing braincellsb-but i k-kinda like it
Did they saw her Babel Tower on JP?It's few times bugger
>>16645199Tired owl, she can't act her part anymore, the shark personality is taking over.
>>16645275U RITE
Pekora character looking like Solid Snake
>>16645256>>16645249of course...
Hololiving a lie Timmy.
>>16645062she's the only non-disfunctional woman in EN who can work, study, drive, cook and touch grass(she literally does that everyday with her dog)she's the opposite of a NEET that's why
Is Sori going to drop in?
>hoLOLII knew it, hololive is runned by cunnys
>>16645170Haachama is one of the strongest Minecraft builders period, but no one cares since she doesn't do the Minecraft company RP garbage and just goes off by herself to build stuff.
kek, the hololive sky sign still isn't done.
Soratyan Minecraft
let us all die....
>all around retard>insanely good at 1 (one) thingDid God think it was fun messing up with the stat distributions of savants?
When does IRyS' hornyness reach critical levels, when she would let anyone cum in her?
Gura's little sad unfinished Temple in the background ToT
>>16645335you just now found out?
>>16645353oh that was faster then usual
>>16645339It is done. The render distance though...
>>16645294*has Ame ever, fuck you autocorrect
I think Haachama wants to be treated like a retard. One of her first EN0 streams she did in the En server she pretended the whole time she didnt know how to play minecraft. Shes even been doing it here getting the girls to describe how to preform actions in the game.Also, didnt the Ame collab end with them preforming a suicide pact just like theyre about to?
>>16645341you can't convince me with lewd photos
Play with the daisenpai
>>16645185safe to assume there's a whole group of people who got radicalized to hate feet bc of how die hard footfags are
why is every collab with Haachama so cringe?
>>16645343i fucking knew my own post reminded me of something
They can't even die
>>16645397Simple.Haachama is cringe.
>>16645359my body is a templeToT
IRyS received 3 fan letters All me btw
>>16645300LET'S GO SORA
>JP collab>suicide streamIs Moomers trying to tell us something about Japan?
>>16645229Ame has been naked in bed for days don't get your hopes up
>>16645397Haachama is the strongest idol!
>>16645203Kronii as also not put up her schedule yet
IRyS got THREE(3) fan letters you fucks better start writing her.
For how casually sexual Mumei is with Bae every time they collab there sure isn't much art of Bae and Mei being sexy together.
>>16645397why are you so gay?
>chammers built the best structure on the EN server
>Council didn't even take part in the suicide ritualweak
>>16643405>No male collab this weekGood.
>>16645065>he fell for the "he's just a friend" memehow are people gaslit this easily? I'm one of very few people I know who has never been heated on and that's because I don't do what they do There has never, not once, been a person who talked about how it's all about self-control, that actually had self-control. The most disciplined people I know are keenly aware of just how easy it is for them to slip up and are way more at ease when they stay away from temptation and/or have somebody to spot them
>>16645428all me
>Started raining when Sora came onlineThe stormy sky...
>>16645303Mumei was Gabby the whole time!
>>166454320TH GEN
>>16645422I know, but do you really expect her to collab directly with a JP member knowing her spaghetti spilling techniques?
>>16645400do nips read konbanwa as konbanwa? They type konbanha in chat but do they automatically parse the wa - ha switch?
>>16645397you're cringe
>>16645432unless she makes it as big as the tower of babel in the jp server, the bunkeronii is still the best en server structure
>>16645456Like I said there isn't much, there's the Hooters fanart and like 2 more pics.
>>16645432EN0 strong
>>16645203Mori and Connor
Images, with an on-topic alpaca
>>16645442>How easy can people illuminate this with a gas lamp? I was one of the few people I know and didn't get hot. That's because I'm not doing what they are doing.kek that translated well
>>16645428I have fan letters from real women it'd just make me feel pathetic
enjoy the last Minecraft stream for along timeeverybody will follow Gura to Ark after her stream which she will definitely enjoy because of the dinosaurs constantly fartingfuck you Coco
>>16645463i mean I'm sure Sora understands what she meant if that's what you're asking
>>16645442oh wait this is the AI generator
Kino BGM on haachama's pov
>the entire stream was just a suicide stream
>>16645463>wa - ha switch?it's like reading kool vs cool for EN speakers
What's up with chammer collab and dying?
>>16645469what are you on about?
Wait is it over already? But barely any time has passed...
>>16645469I believe in her autism, no EN can possibly compare
>>16645430Mumei doesn't have much lewds in the first place.
I'm glad Haachama got to play with Council.
> - [EN] Sora:I was playing off the stream, but what I was doing was turning the train tracks blue!Soda...
why is haachama so obsessed with dying bros...?
>>16645504oh that explains it
>>16645503Resets karma between streams.
>>16645508They aren't actually doing anything they're just making baby talk
>>16645508It's been 2 hours dude
>>16645486You can't spell Shark without ARK
>>16645508This is standard for a Haachama minecraft collab
Will they make tombs?
Remember the Tower haachama built when she got kicked from the EN server? Good times
>Mumei joined last minuteMumei you can't possibly plan to carry this entire branch on your own! Your body can't endure it!
I liked this Collab, Kind of sad it took so long for haachama to get an en Saba tour. myth should have collabed with chammers..
>>16645508Chammers collabs are always short
>>16645503Haachama is a death God
>>16645497Nope I wrote thisI also wrote the joker postI'm posting words
>>16645486Well well, I remember Ame saying she'd be more than happy to join anyone else playing Ark. Gura being the trigger for Ark arc is fitting
>>16645486I can already hear Gura laughing at all the poop.
What the fuck is this kung fu panda music on chammers pov?lmao
>>16645552potato week please anderstand
>>16645469>a literal hole in the ground>best structure
>>16645486Ame will avoid Arkcomputer hort will be her excuse
I like this bootleg Joe Hisaishi hear Watame instead of Lui??
>>16645552Didn't ame give her a tour?
>>16644522I don’t think so. They’re gonna play cards with A-chan and then announce something. Maybe EN and ID have a little part in the fes.
So why does Sora call Shion Murasaki?
>>16645570it is time for the three to ascend
>>16645536It's not even 90 minutes anon...
>>16645486I firmly believe dinosaurs and pooping was the major reason coco liked the game, and Probably what Gura will like about it, as well
Mum.... Cham...
It's so weird/hilarious how Haachama yells in English in a flat monotone, like she is incapable of fully expressing herself normally in the language even if it's not even a word.
>"I don't want to live!"She's just like me...
>They all livedCOLLAB RUINED
>drown togetherKINO
Holy fucking schizo collab
>>16645549Hooman please, don't make people remind you of the collab that's coming
>die by waterKINO
>>16645588It's her last name anonchama..
>>16645582I memory holed myself off ame since antis are kind of loud.
>couple drowining...mumeichama....
>>16645588Same reason Gura calls Ame, Watson.
>>16645469Bunkeronii will never reach its full potential because schizos guilted her into not playing offstream.
>>16645549she mentioned it earlier that she wanted to do more collabs with JP/ID senpai and when she saw that bae and haachama had a collab she asked to join, actually she asked bae to ask haachama if it was ok to join but bae told her to ask haachama herself.
>[EN] Sora:Everyone else uses Elytra, so this rail line is like my own private line.Sora's autism train line...
So who are we watching now?
Ame would be proud.
>>16645486based. Ark is cool cause dinosaurs are cool
>Chammers just ended the stream right there and thenKino...
>I will die... die by waterkino
Why are they so fascinated with suicide endings? It's kinda morbid
>>16645572I wish I could feel caffeine highs again.
>dies>end streamI fucking kneel Haachama
>>16645607she has this mental idea of peropero cooltalk tone that the JP have about english
>>16645620>don't make people remind you of the thing schizos have been non-stop bitching about for 2 days straightoh no please don't
>>16645628But what is that reason
>>16645588isn't she talking about the color purple. i wasn't paying attention but the translations seem to match up.
>>16645664chug down some cold brew concentrate
That was great
>>16644951but I'm already Jewish.
>>16645414She said there might be a collab this week.
>>16645470yeah i'm kinda disappointed because I love Mumei. Council needed at least one cunny girl as a catalyst for fanart/ships
>>16645640Orange Anya…
>>16645620What's wrong with it? Mumei playing sensible chaperone to three silly girls who lust a little too much over the Stars. It's not like it will be her first JP collab or anything, I don't see the big deal as long as she behaves in the collab itself.
>>16645203I can’t believe Lui is gonna debut ID3 in a random Apex stream with Ame!!
>>16645643IRyS or Sora
>>16645643Soratyan. This is Minecraft global
>>16645720Her blood's made of syrup from all the soda she drinks, she'll be fine.
>>16645695>>16645688Adorable, I hope they can play again
>using ClamRyS>"How many Onixes am I gonna fight!?"
>>16645643IRyS for me
>>16645706I refuse to watch Suiseiget on here
>>16645695>>16645688very fun
>>16645688CITIZEN 1 AND 2
Sora's riding the Haachama death coaster!
>>16645062What happened when she joined Mori's stream? I had to get to sleep before she hopped on voice chat.
>>16645688The Haachama EN ban was a worked shoot all along and is going to pay off!
Man Mumei has been working so hard lately, I've been watching her more now and honestly? I really like her! Hope she has a good rest today, your oshi is nice hoomans
>>16645643irys irys irys..soda soda soda... peko peko peko.. koyo koyo koyo...
What a great day we had a ton of awesome collabs.
gotta finish my work real quick before the karASHi collab now
>>16645688Mumei is dead/10
>>16645575read >>16645568
>>16645767>Luna hunts Kronii for sport
Did they all log out? I don't want to go to bed too early and miss someone hanging out with Sora
>>16645643IRyS... And MORI MWAHAHAHAHA
I would have watched another hour or two of that collab, great combo
>>16645761Mori's stream went from a shit stream to a great zatsudan.
>>16645682scuff was annoying but that's literally Mojang's fault, 8/10 they all understood each other and were cute togetherI want to join HAACHAMA CIVILISATION too
I am back from my ban.What did i miss?
how did sora react to the mass suicide?
>>16645795>readI can't
>>16645549>join collab last minute>save the collab and finally give us the Haachama and EN MC stream we have been dying for.
>>16645710It means she'll also collab with ENstars once they are here since she can hardly go "yeah I'll collab with JPstars but not with the EN ones". Naturally the EN men will not be idolfags or well behaved (due to years walking on eggshells) like their JP counterparts, they'll just be a bunch of dudebros and douches trying to get with the girls.
Kino stream is done, now what?Just kidding I'm watching Koyori Ark
>>16645643IRyS of course.
How was the Jump King stream fellow image users?
>>16645777>Hope she has a good rest todayUnfortunately, this is her busiest day of the week. The Owl is not resting today.
>>16645695we need more Chammers collabs with 2+ EN/IDs. Helps the flow a lot, 1 on 1 Chammer collabs can get awkward
>>16645640holy shit the rigging is so good
FlopRyS is venting
>>16645673get your tits out of my face Mori
>>16645830I LOVE this doog
>>16645840BasedI'm liking Moomers more and more
>IRyS uses us as a stress relieverSo the RRAT that she masturbates while streaming seems right huh...
what now?
How many times has pekora died now
>When life gives you rocks you _________
>>16645397Haachama try to act like a retarded child
>>16645890make a lemonade
>>16645795no hablo ingles
>>16645827Anon, are you sure you're in the right timeline? There is no HolostarsEN
>>16645890make rockonade
>>16645888>>16645887>Bae's tail comes out of her butt.UUUWAAAAAAAAAAHHH
>>16645890make a My Life As A Teenage Robot animation involving them
Sora being made to play Minecraft feels somewhat degrading which is hot. Like, the Daisenpai couldn't escape the company-mandated game that so many chuubas played to death. Maybe I'm just being weird.
>>16645397Haachama is cringe
>>16645810That's great. Happy Mumei could pull Mori out of her funk.
jwu, I missed the minecraft collabhow was it?
>>16645925Zone... get on it...
>IRyS loves usDYRBI!?I do...
I’m falling for a girl that isn’t my oshi. What do I do bros? Fauna is too powerful.
>>16645932Technical difficulties but they seemed to enjoy it and Mumei seemed very happy to be able to collab with Chammers. Even got a new nickname.Also Bae will smell any part of Mumei's and Haachama's bodies besides their feet.
>>16645581Wtf I hear it too now
>>16645934>Twisted SisterOh hey it's /hlgg/
Cowlioppai Moori
>>16645878Meds. No Holo has streamed or will stream while masturbating / with a vibrator or a thick dildo shoved into her cunt.
>>16645965>usIRyS loves ME
>>16645966Follow your heart, you doof
>Mumei can talk almost normally to her seniors>she's extremely retarded when speaking to Kronii>people tend to not think correctly and run out of words when speaking to someone they like a lot>her first original song is literally about timeTHEY ARE
>>16645965du yu rele
KFP will excuse this joke of a hat
>>16645966You become a sapling, of course!
>>16645890Get baked
its time
>>166459859/10 Holos streams in oversized t-shirts with no pants or pants (panties) on.
Mori is live again!
>>16646003its full of soul
>>16645966Post about how much you love her on /hlg/
>>16645926Degrading an idol to play a block game made for childrenUOOOOOH
>>16645985Can't wait for people to reply oll- never mind there's already one
>>16645695I'm glad to see EN members spend time with her.
>>16645397because she hates you
Why was Mumei foot baiting so hard? Bae shut it down once and she kept going
____ __ ____ _____!
>>16646021I like it better than the orange one
>>16645688IHateWork/10, VOD is waiting for me
>Mori stream in SEA prime hours after last headache of a streamI'm out
>>16644481>Announcement regarding Holofes 3 and Expo to be announced with the help of an EN and an ID and the wisdom of the elderlyWhat could it be? Rrats????
>>16646018Why the delay? Was she watching the collab?
FYI, because of the response I will be making all of my posts that criticize things holos do more explicitly chuuniIn the future please remember that it is a direct result of your behavior thanks
>>16646052SO FAST
>>16645965Ew, I gotta nip this in the bud ASAP. I don't like ugly chicks
>>16645994>Mumei can't stop laughing when Kronii does anythingTHEY FUCKING ARE
>>16645890sell the rocks for profit#bazingallionaire grindset
>>16646003You now reminded me of that stream where Ina tried to make a Nene tier prop, but it lacked any soul...
>>16646040She's been awake for a long-ass time and caffeinated/just a dork in general
>>16645908Yet. There will be, it s inevitable.And any EN that collabs with the JP stars now won't be able to not collab with them.
>I will tame my ClamRys
>>16646040Too sleep deprived to hold back the Gura persona
Bae's kimono baes...
>>16646074good, it'll make the posts worth reading
>>16646057Anon, it's called Japan TimeUnless we move SEA to off the coast of France, we're stuck with them
>>16646071She JWU.
>>16646017That's just peak comfy to maximize work efficiency. There's nothing sexual about that.
>>16646052WORLD IS A FUCK/ Kill Em All 1989/ I am trash man/ 410757864530 DEAD COPS
>>16645582Haachama fags pretend none of her collabs with EN happened.
>>16646095Save your complaining for when it does
>>16645985Yes only fingers
>>16645926Dude, Sora is a legitimate Minecraft addict what are you talking about. She loves the game.
>>16646112>Combined SEA+Euro hourssounds like hell
>>16646074finally anti posts will have SOMETHING going for them
what's this?
I will now watch Mori out of morbid curiosity
>>16646040She was tired and Gura took control
>>16645966>What do I do bros?You stop having Ina as your oshi and join the better part of /hlgg/.
>>16646052>Bae the most normalAnd all is right in the world.
Time for some more Mori venting out
>>16645966Anon there's no point in resisting it, we've all been there and tried but we all eventually gave in to Faunat.former kenzoku
>Open Pekora streamHow did this encounter happened?
business idea: launch SEA into the sun
>>16646057dont worry, Mori will be in a good mood.
>>16646153Civilization outchaoses Chaos on the regular.
Alright, I’m off to watch Sora. You girls enjoy your schizophrenic episodes
>>16646097>>16646150fuck off with this meme already
All these cloyster vs onix/steelix this gym is peak irys.
>>16646104Just remember you said that too when you realize that I am being serious and choose to be this way even though I'm fully aware of what I sound like
>>16645966you never had a chance
JW* looks like I mssed the collab. How was it? Full-on autism?
>>16646074For reference, I will post all the criticisms of Holo to clarify Chunibyo.
>>16646144She's not an alcoholic she just has super high tolerance and likes drinking for the feeling and hasn't drank in 2 days
>>16646097She's HER
>>16646112Can you send eastern SEA to the coast of Oregon instead? Thanks. The pacific northwest sounds cozy.
>>16646173anya is japanese
Mori's at it again
I want to fuck Kiara in the ass.
is it just me or is Mori's internet still fucked up
I will now watch Mori out of morbid obesity
>>16646184no that's fine it'll be really funny
>>16646205just the ass?
How long can she sustain this level of kino without burning out or needing a break?
>>16646163no, we moved to europe
>>16646192Yes, it was everything I wanted with a Haachama Mumei + a straight man collab
>>16645966Watch IRyS. Fall for IRyS. You'll never fall for anyone else.
>gura>crypt of the necrodancer this satwill she be filtered?its a bit difficult desu, instinct takes over and causes you to make a lot of mistakes and die...
>>16646206maybe but EN streams this time period have been kind of fucked all week.
Distant Mori, my love...
>>16646220Cloaca to be more precise
>>16646225fuck off we're full
I want to talk to Sora after bible study
>>16646144Why? Is there something new going on with Mori or just C*nnor shit?
>she can brew her own coffeepin pon bros...
>>16646144Go ahead. Nothing's gonna happen.
>>16646196was mori drunk during that last stream?
>>16646003It’s low effort, like everything Kiara does.
shuba shuba fatto catto
>>16646071>mori watching streams that aren't jump kinglmao
>>16646247Guess she broke up with the delivery boy huh.
>>16646225>I can buy all my chink shit from indonesia>but refugees stream over the borderdifficult choice
Pekora lost the telescope AkiRose gave her...
>>16646174It's a commentary on what a clown world we are living in in this SOCIETYBRAVO OMEGA!
Serious question, why does not being chuuni seem to mean being chillDon't we hate chill?
>>16646247UberEats layoffs incoming...
>>16646240but the cloaca has piss and shit in it
Based IRyS casually swearing and not realizing.
>>16646205Find yourself a KFP waitress, that's the closest you're going to get
Hey anon, do you remember a simpler time?
>>16646267>Mori watching hololive
>>16645966Depends on who your oshi is. If it’s someone like Kiara, just take the green pill
>>16646163Bae please do it... finish SEAmek for the good of all.
>>16646230I had to stop watching Irys because I was falling for her too much
>>16645887Chammers is such a good girl...
>>16646196>She's not an alcoholic
>>16646143What do you call this Trinity?
>>16646225>much cheaper and shorter flight to the UKSign me the fuck up!
Flip a coin, /hlgg/. What is it going to be tonight? Stream or no stream?
>>16646234yes, there is a reason she has a ntoher stream after that
>>16646225I didn't know SEA only consisted of Indos
>>16645966No one would blame you for dropping someone like Mori for Fauna.
>>16646225Fuck of, we have enough muslims already
>>16646143They’ll play cards then announce something. Shadowverse 2.0?
>>16646159she's helping the retard
I take a three day vacation and find all these excess image slots about to be wasted. What gives?
>>16646291wait, what did she saying, my mind didn't process it.
>>16645887you can feel the genuine joy in haachama when she plays around with the ENsespecially when they're new friends like this
>>16646328You dare doubt the shark? Die.
Why can't ARK give their character some hair?
>>16646340Fauna is a bigger whore than Mori
>>16646328sex with me either way
>>16645929she didn't, it went back to being shit when she left
No country on earth is full nor even near its peak carrying capacity.
>>16646192I love these images.
>>16646339fun as hell collab
>>16646337>Coomer IRyStocratOf course. Just like when Kronies tossed theirs aside when she started wearing her kimono.
> Watame got to see Irys barefootIt’s not fair…….
>>16645844First hour and half or so was double-decker-triple-down hell, Mori in an awful mood and doing more petty shit to keep the drama timeloop going. After Mumei joined VC it was a total 180, Mori in a great mood and both of them chatting about anything and everything for a few hours. After Mumei left Mori was focused on the game until it started to get to her and she put it down for the night, fairly demotivated with endurance JK overall.
>>16646320Two hags and a chicken
>>16646347If the announcement is card-related, it will be some Weiss Schwarz stuff
>>16645887>>16645888pics that go hard
>>16645890Cry for your Charizard
Ina playing with her sis
>>16645844garbage aside from Mumei
>>16646392She wore socks.
No more images.
>>16646375Seems to give a shit at least
>Microsoft bought ActivisionWHAT THE FUCK
>>16646382I just realised that I have no seiso aqua pictures. all lewd.
>>16646225What if UK and Philippines switch places? Theyre literally the same anywya
>>16646410ROCK ON
>>16644606Hey guys I JWU and I have to say, based.
>>16646431You're not making me check bitch
4chan's Princess.
>>16646328suppose tonight, it lands on it's edge?
>>16646337Arrowposts are fucking dumb. IRyStocrats aren't given the choice to leave IRyS. They don't call her a succubus for nothing.
>>16646393The posts about Mumei saving the stream make more sense now. Thanks.
>>16646402No it’s holofes 3 and superexpo related.
Will she read it?
>>16646426She's never going to be your girlfriend, why torture yourself
Bug-chasing with IRyS!
>>16646347Shadoverse Evolve x Hololive Collab Incoming
>>16646438I just realized that I'm in the same boat.
>>16646431Top storiesTheGamerMicrosoft Has BoughtActivision Blizzard For$70 BillionWTF
talking about having sex with people that you know you'll never actually have sex with is cringe. End of discussion. You want to talk about sex, talk about sex. Hypothetical imaginary sex is not sex.
>>16646382rape immediately
I'm not watching IryS stream because timezones don't allow me to watch her on her normal hours and i'm afraid to fall for her
>>16646456I thought it was bullshit too until I actually googled it
>>16646477I enjoy the ride.
>Your oshi>Why is the roboco angry?
>>16646498eh, shes ogey.
It was worth sleeping 5 hours to catch the MC collab and IRyS.
>>16646222i unironically think she should stream lessthat shit will affect either her body or her mind at some point, i'm tired to see that happening in Hololive
>>16646393She really should just drop the DLC or at least take a break from it.
>i need to breedI AM READY IRyS
Sora is being amazed by new caves!
>>16646513MumeiAme asked her to rape her unconscious
>>16646506Too small.
>>16646482not that there's anything wrong with that...
>>16646494*has sex with you*
>I need to breedThat HAD to be intentional
>>16646431WHAT? ISRAEL
>>16646441how so?
>>16643415No, Vshojo is better.
>>16646498She's great just to have as background noise.
>>16646431ISRAEL WTF
>>16646431>crash bandicoot will be an xbox exclusive titleHOLYFUCK
>>16646552look at her go!
>>16646480Evolve is gonna flop.
>i need to breed, let's breed
I love IRyS
There is more to Aqua than lewds!
>>16646512one-sided infatuation isn't enjoyable