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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 395 KB, 1744x2412, FJPh8R1XEAIZ6M1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16548854 No.16548854 [Reply] [Original]

Lasagna monday

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1482502907044024321

Art by: https://twitter.com/k0k0midess/status/1482777223983734789

Previous thread: >>16506950

>> No.16548912

That's a name I haven't heard in a long time...
Her tits look nice, though, so the artist can be forgiven.

>> No.16548961
File: 2.48 MB, 600x338, YunaChickenDance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amusingly, I actually did eat lasagna today

>> No.16549112
File: 879 KB, 640x640, 1636889868925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16549167
File: 114 KB, 1280x1280, 1640984212276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Love Takanashi Kiwawa

>> No.16549337

How did Puppertori die earlier than he was born

>> No.16549366

You read the image right to left like Japanese

>> No.16549376

1839-1738 is 101, try something harder next time

>> No.16549531

1839 BC - 1738 AD

>> No.16549657

"Lasagna Monday" make me think of that pani poni dash song.

>> No.16550002

kek I just noticed someone clipped the dog thing.

>> No.16550582


>> No.16551270
File: 495 KB, 1000x1250, kiara-chicken-dance-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16552973
File: 1.35 MB, 2480x3752, 1642259273168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16554774

>> No.16553050

I love the way this artist draws her expressions

>> No.16553336
File: 410 KB, 1800x2300, FIbhJwjVQAE-rNq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16553645

Oh it's the same artist
Seems they have a thing for pacifiers too

>> No.16553645

Based omori fan artist

>> No.16554774

The empress is not amused…

>> No.16554817
File: 384 KB, 2526x1567, __takanashi_kiara_oozora_subaru_nanashi_mumei_hakos_baelz_and_pavolia_reine_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_keenbiscuit__40d7433c5af5e8b25bf194bbf603b70e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei is a Holobird and works well with Kiara's lore!

>> No.16554923
Quoted by: >>16555923

>works well with Kiara's lore!
How so? And WHICH lore?

>> No.16554935

Stream it

>> No.16555249
Quoted by: >>16556076

It sounds alright, kinda noy very metal for a metal cover, but
>streaming a Kiara song in a way that doesn't benefit Kiara

>> No.16555923

Kiara would have been here before Mumei, so she got to watch her grow up and spread her wings, then Kiara decided to become a part of Mumei's civilization, and Kiara will one day have to watch her bird friend die, and then wait for the heat death of the universe, where she can't reignite any longer. "a... and in German we say..."

>> No.16556076
Quoted by: >>16556240

kiara explicitly wanted covers/people singing to the songs so you should support it.

>> No.16556240

While we're talking about Heat Challenger covers, give this good doggo's a listen if you haven't already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMsfvXTWkVE

>> No.16556260

I listen to it a bunch, I can't watch her live all the time but shes a cool girl

>> No.16556444
Quoted by: >>16556651

Finally got off work and about to watch Kiara play Zelda. Was she cute? Did the last thread timeloop itself?

>> No.16556620
Quoted by: >>16557096

I'm not crying... you are crying...

>> No.16556651
Quoted by: >>16556758

Awful at the game. But very cute, and prime sufferkino.

>> No.16556758
File: 30 KB, 454x234, 97c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16558249

Wow. I gave her a pass for Skyward Sword since the controls sucked but this game too? How does she do it?

>> No.16556997
Quoted by: >>16557032

I want to rim Kiara's asshole

>> No.16557032
File: 332 KB, 737x689, 1641579397321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16557081

As do I, rimmingposter.

>> No.16557081
File: 1.29 MB, 480x246, 1639172134195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16557096

I can write a recursive universe version where every Big Bang starts with a KIKKERIKIII if it makes you happier.

>> No.16557150

>Heat Challenger
Kiara in heat

>> No.16557180

I need more Kiara.

>> No.16557257
Quoted by: >>16557683

I mean, considering her age is listed as "eternal", that could end up working out better. She's older than our conception of the universe, so conventional time measurement methodologies don't work.

>> No.16557443
File: 919 KB, 1274x720, Go Away Deadbeat [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fy8e9i2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this soundpost will be used in good faith

>> No.16557494

Does she keep her memories intact after living that long?

>> No.16557511
File: 1.11 MB, 1274x720, Kiara Does a Sapling Impression [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fm3rdh0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16557683
Quoted by: >>16558233

It's kind of weird to think she and Kroni are alone until the last black hole decays and Kroni says "I'm going to go fall asleep in my car" then Kiara desperately recreates all her friends in the longest possible way.

In the multiple debut streams she regains them eventually.

>> No.16557684
File: 521 KB, 1031x1414, 1642383295845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16557697


>> No.16557759
File: 478 KB, 1019x1477, 1642383348538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16557813


>> No.16557763
Quoted by: >>16557813

Did that happen?

>> No.16557796

He didn't say that

>> No.16557813
File: 525 KB, 1022x1508, 1642383454100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, kiara is way too sweet to do that. I just thought it was funny kek

>> No.16558002
Quoted by: >>16558183

i want to smell her paizuri

>> No.16558070

Mumei is a dirty whore who even Kiara rejected from the holotorinity

>> No.16558092

These are great

>> No.16558183

Accumulated chimkin body odor and sweat...

>> No.16558217

Kramer wouldn't spend 500$, his friend Bob Sacamano hooked him up with a VPN so that he can send ARS superchats

>> No.16558233
Quoted by: >>16564693

>she and Kroni are alone until the last black hole decays and Kroni says "I'm going to go fall asleep in my car"
Fuck you, I can't get this image out of my head now.

>> No.16558249

I think she's more of a turn based RPG fan than an action game fan.
She'd probably love easy action games though like No More Heroes or Okami though.

>> No.16558260

How many of yall have actually sent a suoerchat on your birthday?
I have, worth it

>> No.16558342
Quoted by: >>16559756

Not my style personally (I like the PRISM cover from >>16556240 actually), but pretty well produced.
This is from March of last year though, any reason you're posting it now?

>> No.16558398
Quoted by: >>16559084

I thought about it but I don’t like superchats that demand a performance from the streamer, on principle. Jealous of your birthday greeting though.

>> No.16558558

I skipped mine last year, because when it rolled around I wasn't yet comfortable using SCs. On the fence about doing it this year because internet safety guides in the 2000's told me not to give my birthday out to strangers on the internet.

>> No.16558588

Look at how cute she is when she's embarrassed

>> No.16558621
Quoted by: >>16567411

I just send her superchat on special occasion or to congratulate her about sutff and they're usually just variation of "I love you kiara"

>> No.16558676

I was about to but then some merch came out I think.

>> No.16558689
Quoted by: >>16558789

It just feels too weird to do for me. I know she likes it and all but if I'm going to "contribute" to the stream, I'd rather it be by making the stream better for everybody, not just for my own satisfaction

>> No.16558789

Maybe make it a red and tell her to give a nice big kissy addressed to everyone watching idk

>> No.16558913
File: 326 KB, 1536x2048, E8QTkVNUYAA5iSb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retweeted a cosplayer from august last year
>no hashtags or replies from the usual KFP
how did she even find it

>> No.16558991
Quoted by: >>16559756

The tweet have her name, and she egosearch a lot ? I'm more surprised she didn't retweet it earlier

>> No.16559084

You can just add it onto a pile of appreciation, that's what a lot of people do.

>> No.16559452

This artist really draws my cute oshi very hot.

>> No.16559471

Can you forgive her?

>> No.16559574

I don't think anyone who is browsing this board is going to be offended over a dead dog joke

>> No.16559598

Either somebody liked it or it was suggested to her via the topics feature.

>> No.16559638

Nothing to forgive, it was a legit good gag.

>> No.16559644
File: 185 KB, 352x288, kiara-smirk-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It felt good to get got by my oshi. She played me like a fiddle and I loved every minute of it.

>> No.16559711

I felt something was up, but I wasn't sure what. She still got me though
She's always welcome to troll me though

>> No.16559750

Watching the stream, was there a "LETS GO" moment?

>> No.16559756

I only found it today
Speaking of cosplayers, did she like or retweet this one

>> No.16559871
File: 915 KB, 1909x4096, 20220116_202145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16559916

Cute comic

>> No.16559916
File: 765 KB, 1762x4096, 20220116_202148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16560056


>> No.16559923

So who asked if Kiara was in Japan?

>> No.16560056

So that's how I was fried... Well, I do it for my tenchou!

>> No.16560221


>> No.16561239

I wish i had but sadly im a poorfag

>> No.16562331

It was probably an idol or cosplayer

>> No.16562676

she' hasn't streamed on my birthday so I've had no opportunity

>> No.16562972
Quoted by: >>16563527

After listening to Mumei's new song I was in a music mood, so I jumped over to a clip of Kiara belting out Hallelujah.
Still makes me cheer her on when it picks up towards the middle.

>> No.16563527

This was one of best part of that Karaoke, my kneels were shattered And a good thing that i love that song, Jeff Buckley version is the best

>> No.16564285

The level of weebs that want to move to Japan generally understand they will be treated as a second-class citizen and that doesn't bother them, because they already are wherever they live. But Japan will never allow those sorts of people to move there in the first place (unless they are Asians), so the reason you just hear people complaining about this status is Japan only allows in Westerners who are used to being treated like first-class citizens and expect as much everywhere in the world. It's worth noting the main things most of these sorts of people complain about is how hard it is to make friends and they miss their family and holidays are lonely, etc. People who hang out here already experience that, in fact they may have never experienced anything else. Japan doesn't want weebs, it wants people who come and have sex with Japanese people and then get to stay as a family member even though they hate the country and it wants their hafu children will forever resent the place or it wants entrepreneurs and businessmen who also feel nothing for the country but want to take advantage of its resources. It wants military men who rape the locals. That's why all you ever hear from people who move there is negative things. The sorts of things every Westerner say Japan needs to change are exactly what I enjoyed about it. Even if Japan were every bad thing every single one of these people have ever claimed it to be, it would just be the exact same thing as my country (a fellow G7 state). The only difference is for these people complaining they had to change social classes in the move.

>> No.16564438
File: 843 KB, 794x1104, kiara-kikkeriki-turkey-leg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16564693
Quoted by: >>16565327

It's OK because after the end of everything and Kiara sparks the universe back into life:
Kiara: "KIKKERIKIII! Oh man, that is a lot of plasma"
Sleepy Kronii: "uhh what?"
they lock eyes
Kiara: "I remember you"
Kronii: "that's cool maybe"
Kiara: "You're Kronii!"
Kronii: "thanks for naming me"
Kiara: "bitte, we just have to wait a bit then Sana will show up, and eventually we get to watch some lizards eat each other for a looooong time. Hmm hmm!"
Kronii: "..."

>> No.16565054

JWU and missed the stream, did something happen?

>> No.16565178

Kiara made a funny joke. For best effect, either watch a clip (yuck, that hurt to type), or use werbear's timestamps on the VOD for where she talks about the dog she used to have.
All will be revealed.

>> No.16565191

Parts of it. Not everything. Which is why Mori keeps a distance because she forgets so much.

>> No.16565212

she said she would marry me then said she was joking

>> No.16565327
File: 211 KB, 463x453, kiara ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she “named” Kronii and took care of her for a while early on which is how she became her older sister/unni

>> No.16566774
Quoted by: >>16567811

I would like to amend it with some comedy and Ame travels with a space suit and passes Kiara a note that says "you know what you have to do" in the final moments of time.

>> No.16567048

The whole thing kinda falls apart when you think that the Council girls are largely supposed to just be concepts, like, literally just the whole concept. Which is fucking dumb. Omega why are you so dumb.

>> No.16567411
Quoted by: >>16567684

I feel so uncomfortable outright telling her I love you. I feel her content is supposed to be funny and simping for her isn't entertaining.

>> No.16567615

I'm not about to post this on fanfiction.net or anything, I was just doing this sci-fi Kiara lore for shits and giggles and to bump the thread. Also fuck Omega.

>> No.16567684

You could phrase it in a silly cutesy way such as "Kiwawaaaa labuuuu"

>> No.16567726

To the guy talking about how weebs would get treated like shit in Japan, just look up davido-kun. It's shit quality because the reupload is garbage after the original got ripped down on youtube, but it's a perfect example of how the average Japanese person treats fat white weebs.

>> No.16567750
Quoted by: >>16567914

Aren’t they avatars of the concept? Or like the keepers of it?

>> No.16567811
Quoted by: >>16568057

Kiara will make out with the nearest hot girl as the world explodes and call it a day.

>> No.16567863

[X] my beloved is a pretty common meme
You can just say "(Kiara/Kiawa/Ame's Buttlsut/Kiwawa/Takanashi) my beloved".

>> No.16567914

It varies, because lolconsistency. But that is equally dumb for most intents and purposes.

>> No.16568057
Quoted by: >>16568176

What she has to do is reset the universe, Ame goes away after kissing Kiara.

>> No.16568176
Quoted by: >>16568456

Yeah but you have to explain that to her first.

>> No.16568208

But I don't think Kiara love is good entertaining content, that's what I'm getting at.

>> No.16568340
Quoted by: >>16568528

Anon you're the audience, you're not meant to give "good entretaining content". And if it makes you feel any better you're likely entirely incapable of doing so anyways, so don't bother trying, it'll almost certainly just backfire.
It's up to the streamer to make "good entretaining content" out of whatever bullshit they get.

>> No.16568456

Kiara knows somewhere deep inside her sparks light the flame that cause the Big Bang. It's been happening forever. Ame is just there now because she can be and she can't travel to immeasurable time after the heat death, that's silly.

>> No.16568524

Anon that's her job, not yours. Call her your oshi and compliment her, she loves that shit. Your superchat will be like 2 minutes in a 6 hour+ stream, nobody'll complain.

>> No.16568528
Quoted by: >>16568835

I don't really agree with that, Kiara is great being entertaining and accidentally dumb which makes for great moments, but when it comes to messages there's only so much that can happen with Kiara love messages besides she getting flustered for a moment while she works her way through the rest of the messages.

>> No.16568835
Quoted by: >>16569052

I still wonder to this day if that one she stopped reading half way through was all cringe or just some cringe and some enjoyment. Everyone likes to get told their pretty/hot, just to varying degrees and it depends on the delivery.

>> No.16568877
Quoted by: >>16569426

Holy shit. He actually did it. The [SERIOUS] clipper posted another [SERIOUS] Kiara clip.
He HAS to be aware that he became a meme in Kiara's streams, right...? I wanna think it's tongue in cheek but it really doesn't seem to be the case.

>> No.16569052
Quoted by: >>16569302

Her reaction made me think enjoyed the attention and word salad that person sent her, though the message was crossing the line between a vtuber and a viewer. It doesn't helps that everyone knows how she looks like.

>> No.16569302
Quoted by: >>16569612

Yeah, if I remember right I thought they used descriptors for the vtuber model itself though, so it's kinda weird and you have to wonder if the person who wrote it did or didn't know what you looked like on the other side. It was very much in the personification side, but the level of seriousness was what really made it odd. We all know she eats up compliments and she's gone on record saying that she is really happy that we like her for her (even if it isn't FULLY her) and with how strongly she mixes the persona with herself, I'm never sure what's too far across the line.

>> No.16569426

This motherfucker is a day late, a dollar short, and not very bright to drop this now.
It's dumb because everybody already spammed the VOD with comments, reacted to the first clipper to post it, and now he's got one out like 30 hours after the original timeloop.
That's not even good clip-baiting.

>> No.16569509
Quoted by: >>16569691

Nah. I really hate the canned happy birthday's from Holo's. It's such a forced thing and I don't want the response because it's my birthday, I want it because it was a comment that stuck out to them in the sea of comments which makes it feel way more special.

>> No.16569612
Quoted by: >>16570298

That KFP is active on her roommate's account, and I think he was active at the time he sent that message. It depends on how much she remembered that one paypig at the moment she read the message.

>> No.16569658
File: 88 KB, 1068x1170, FGaisctVkAMWV61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>36 hours until the next stream

>> No.16569691

Ngl sometimes I mute when Kiara reads celebratory/appreciative akas. I have no idea how she can read so many without losing it.

>> No.16569737
Quoted by: >>16569862

>I have no idea how she can read so many without losing it.
Because it has $100 attached to it.

>> No.16569862
Quoted by: >>16569931

She asked people to stop getting born because of this at some point and thus, has single-handedly solved the world’s overpopulation problem.

>> No.16569919
Quoted by: >>16570115

Considering she still has doubts about herself, I think they haven't gotten old for her. She loves reading comments from KFP

>> No.16569931
Quoted by: >>16570692

Yeah but she zeroes out that benefit by being so hot that everyone wants to impregnate her

>> No.16570115
File: 744 KB, 900x866, Kiara Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has you by the balls, anon.

>> No.16570193

I need to smell her toes.

>> No.16570213

I don't send her celebratory/appreciative akas though.

>> No.16570298
File: 1.34 MB, 900x900, 1641685793451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16570424

I've never really dug deep into KFP shit beyond the few that I know I've seen on both accounts posting. I'm really curious how people have all this time to look at this shit.
I only have issues with the birthday ones. Anything else can lead easily into tangents, so I'm fine listening along, but the birthday ones are always fucking worthless. I know it's probably nice to hear it from your Oshi waifu, but it's just so generic because it's something they (all holos) have to say so fucking often and it never leads into anything interesting. Also doesn't help that I'm not super into celebrating birthdays to begin with, especially mine.

>> No.16570424

I'm not digging, I remember seeing that KFP posting both on roommate's and Kiara's account that's all.

>> No.16570622


>> No.16570692
Quoted by: >>16570813

Oi, I don't want to make her preganante, I want to retire to a house on a mountain lake or some shit with like 5 cats, 2 dogs, and a flock of goats.

>> No.16570764

>does this despite what happened to sana
What a bitch

>> No.16570813
Quoted by: >>16571232

>not getting her a real alpaca collection
You don’t deserve her.

>> No.16571077
File: 222 KB, 2048x1280, 20220117_001834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16575250


>> No.16571232
File: 2.89 MB, 1440x1920, kiara-casual-farm-hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're goddamn right anon.
Even with all the alpacas in the world, I wouldn't be worthy of perfection herself.

>> No.16571233
File: 842 KB, 1200x1697, 20220117_001948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16571383


>> No.16571374
File: 778 KB, 2160x3000, 20220117_002553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16571383
File: 805 KB, 1500x1168, 1635588809968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16572615

Don't look at the comments unless you want to get angry.

>> No.16572725


>> No.16572788
File: 141 KB, 200x200, teamate[sound=a.pomf.cat%2Ftthzfq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16572838

Jesus Christ, I hate these niggers who are framing it as her wanting to do more casual male collabs including the holostars while also framing her as being sick of idol culture. Despite the fact that she has made it clear so many fucking times that she isn't comfortable with doing those types of collabs. And its even worse once you realize that these clipniggers will come into the streams and ask her about collabing with them and when she shuts them down they're going to treat it as "muh toxic idol culture strikes again!".

>> No.16572924

Being asked about it on stream is going to discourage her from collabing with m*les and e-celebs
So I have to thank that [SERIOUS] clipnigger for saving Kiara from being dicked by Roberu

>> No.16572946

fuck off, stop posting your own videos here, nigger

>> No.16573093

I have nothing against the holostar boys, but homobeggars are literal cancer. It's going to be even worse now that these niggers are most likely going to be begging her directly to collab with them because they think she wants to collab with more males.

>> No.16573613
File: 2.06 MB, 1280x1474, 1641465781439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boohoo boys need more attention(((
Everybody knows about them, and yet nobody watches them. Just git gud.

>> No.16573622

Didn't someone send a sc to congratulate her on getting to 1.31 m so fast?
I legit thought it was some nigger from numbers thread posted on the stream.

>> No.16573725
Quoted by: >>16573887

It's even funnier that the retards constantly begging for holostars collabs don't even watch holostars in the first place.

>> No.16573877
File: 2.11 MB, 169x169, kiara-smol-pat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16573887

That is indeed the funniest. I watch Astel from time to time because he's good at Apex, he's also fairly entertaining and he's a great singer, but I'd probably not want him and Kiara to collab simply because there's no common interest between them.

>> No.16573995

I TOLD you she would feel bad after that faggots tweet

>> No.16574015
File: 238 KB, 1840x1228, 186566656_168264441974316_777087315539632299_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16574323

>34 hours

>> No.16574185


>> No.16574235

Me on her head.

>> No.16574236

knotted shirts get my dick hard

>> No.16574323

bros, how do i get a cosplayer gf who will dress up as kiara for me?
and talk like her. and let me baby her

>> No.16574894

Kiara can do worse than Roberu, I'd fucking take it in a heartbeat.
If only because it's better than Smoothie and Chonkers, the current top contenders.

>> No.16574945
Quoted by: >>16575002

Yoko Taro. The next Nier will move away from sexy robots and have a sexy chicken main character instead.

>> No.16575002

Imagine if Yoko Taro saw Kiara's playthrough of NieR, plus her tweet towards him about comparing Kisara's and 2B's ass and became a fan of hers.

>> No.16575250

Good lord - I need idol Kiara in my life.

>> No.16575692


>> No.16575809

Her girlfriend

>> No.16575899


>> No.16575942
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, chimkin butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16576020

chimkin butt

>> No.16576020
File: 723 KB, 4078x2680, 1642117518604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16576140
Quoted by: >>16576292

Kiara is just perfect. Peak femininity.

>> No.16576292

*peak retardation

>> No.16576356
Quoted by: >>16576433

>dragging the cucco around the start of the game
tenchou is super cute

>> No.16576433

Maybe if the playthrough goes well she can be pushed to try some of the older 2D Zeldas. Which could be a gateway to older games in general.

>> No.16576541
File: 36 KB, 685x482, 1642315623585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiara

>> No.16576553
File: 352 KB, 555x627, 1637987281164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out

>> No.16576661

at least lttp. maybe even the oracle games
I can't imagine her playing Zelda 1 though desu

>> No.16576726
File: 711 KB, 2894x4093, EpFtuGDUYAAL7n8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too! I love Kiara.

>> No.16576777
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 1614894201693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiara deadbeat. I LOVE KIARA.

>> No.16577054

Never gonna happen.
Kiara is a giant Grafikhure.

>> No.16577576

For the honour of the commonwealth, how do we get Kiara to kill Sopot?

>> No.16577961
Quoted by: >>16578150

I really want a Kill la Kill watchalong with Kiara.

>> No.16578150

That would just bring in a whole new tide of blumenkranz beggers but I'm sure she'd like the show

>> No.16578746
File: 192 KB, 357x331, 1623232127914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16578814
File: 71 KB, 719x619, biiiig shake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the hospital last year from the Shanghai Shivers. I wasn't dying or anything but felt pretty shitty and was already dreading the hospital bill.

My birthday is later this week though so I will send her one.

>> No.16578910

Reminder that if Kiara joins the Pokeshit tournament (which she said she doesn't want to play in), it will be obviously because M*ri didn't get enough participants and she signed out of pity

>> No.16578987
File: 2.37 MB, 2048x1366, lasagna 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then that just means that Kiara is a good friend and genmate. Now fuck off with your Mori hate sentiments, this is a KFP.

>> No.16579038
Quoted by: >>16579329

I seriously doubt (and hope) she will not join.
Even if all of EN gonna join. It is gonna be at a absolute retarded time for her again anyway.

>> No.16579081

She say she won't do it, I hope she will stick to her guns

>> No.16579209

I feel like everyone is just scared of Sana.

I wouldn't mind if she joined knowing she's gonna get washed. As long the timeslot isn't a godawful one like all the previous events, I don't care if she joins out of pity because Kiara has always been a pretty supportive friend.

>> No.16579329
Quoted by: >>16579423

Mori has always been pretty mindful of Kiara. Which means Kiara not joining makes it easier for the reaper to plan the tournament since she won't need to go out of her way to keep EU timezones in mind.
I don't think it will happen too soon as Mori is notoriously slow and/or unreliable with her "I'm gonna do this and that" stuff but it would be funny if a bunch of ENs (and maybe some IDs) stopped playing Legend Arceus to grind the Gen 4 remakes for the tourney and Kiara is left the only one playing a new Pokémon title.

>> No.16579423

>I don't think it will happen too soon

>> No.16579509

Trying to figure out who would join from EN ID
Don't think Ollie has even beat it but will join anything

These would be easy lock ins. Kiara is the only other one to have finished the game, yet I'd still bet on others joining before her. Kiara and in some ways more importantly chat expressed no interest. I would however bet she'd volunteer as a benchwarmer.

>> No.16579964

Midnight gmt isn't that bad but Kiara was never that big into pokemon pvp so I'm fine with her not participating. Up to her though.

>> No.16580221

Those plus Bae and Irys. Kiara’s not joining especially since not every EN is either so she won’t be too obvious.

>> No.16580434
Quoted by: >>16580634

Well, would you look at that.
Turns out she was faster than expected. And it's even a few days after Arceus release.
She filled the slots with IDs it seems. So Kiara should easily be able to skip it.

Hasn't dagger played the games as well? She strikes me as at least a bit competitive so I can see her participating.

>> No.16580634
Quoted by: >>16581023

dagger is like kiara....

>> No.16581023


>> No.16581339

I'm going to give Kiara a bath...

>> No.16581358

Neither are stinky!

>> No.16581470
Quoted by: >>16581744

Kiara's butt sweat.

>> No.16581697

I want to suck her toes so badly...

>> No.16581744

I would drink it from a cup.

>> No.16582267
File: 2.49 MB, 260x358, gps[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fg40nq4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16582479

found some old timestamps i saved...

>> No.16582318
File: 691 KB, 260x360, spaghetti[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjuwos5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16582479

The first Skyward Sword stream is a surprisingly solid recommendation for Kiara's humor.

>> No.16583033


Why is she so fucking gay

>> No.16583472

She likes girly things so much she can't control herself when seeing girly girls.

>> No.16583818

So the reason Takamori ended was because Kiara trash talked Connor to Mori and said he didn't deserve her?

>> No.16583883

>Takamori ended
>Kiara trash talked Connor to Mori
>said he didn't deserve her?
>[It] ended was because [...]
Nice fanfiction

>> No.16583905

No, it ended because Mori's massive futa cock was too much for Kiara to handle. Cutting it shorter would be too painful, so breaking up with Mori was easier. Kiara is much happier with Ina.

>> No.16584026

There's potential for a better rrat there, work on it a bit and some faggot will bite.

>> No.16584051

Dont bring this shit in here, take it to the Mori thread

>> No.16584324

Spilling all spaghetti meeting a cute girl, nostalgic. Her gay panic is really cute

>> No.16584368
Quoted by: >>16584429

Remember KFP, we're not in contact with any TTfag, so any drama about Calli or TTfags should be out of this thread, this is a deadbeat problem.

In other words, fuck off, we're full.

>> No.16584429

true, but in this case he was probably only meming

>> No.16584536


>> No.16585147


Little animations like this really show how cute Kiara is

>> No.16585272
Quoted by: >>16585995

I will be so happy to hear the reactions of any of the EN girls if they ever actually meet het cats

>> No.16585995
Quoted by: >>16587436

I hope Kiara and Reine end up going on that trip together.

>> No.16586295

Kiara has a gun

>> No.16586435
File: 8 KB, 225x225, kfp hitman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16599825

Yeah, me.

>> No.16586806

It sounds like an anime short, jesas KEK chikin. Literally the definition of gay panic.

>> No.16587422

I do yes

>> No.16587436

I hope so too, someone needs to keep reminding her so sure can't pretend like she "forgot" it again

>> No.16588038 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 1632x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was rewatching the deathloop SC reading, and hell, how the fuck are people like this 1 year+ members ?

>> No.16588129 [DELETED] 

I'm like 80% certain that if people knew the actual story behind that video there wouldn't be any where near as many jokes about it.

>> No.16588403 [DELETED] 

Redpill me on the sumo fight

>> No.16588858 [DELETED] 

NTA, but what I think happened was that she ended up getting tricked into doing it? I remember people talking about how her management tricked her into doing it based on things I got from here and kiwifarms. The guy in the video was actually a stalker of hers. She saw him and ended up worrying, but he put on a friendly and welcoming facade before the actual match, making her lower her guard as she didn't think she was actually going to be included in the match. There's an entire extra video were she talks about it afterwards, but yeah, it wasn't planned or staged either, the guy ended up doing that because he's a creepy stalker.

>> No.16588949


>> No.16589250
File: 243 KB, 810x1200, FI65qdvacAAN51T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16599863

This woman deserves as much happiness as she can get

>> No.16589283

Reminder that Sora is signed to the same agency Kiara was.

>> No.16589493 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 1486x990, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needed quick money, before the time of onlyfans as a high school dropout hiding in Japan.

>> No.16589528 [DELETED] 

See Though I guess that was also part of the reason?

>> No.16589653

Idol managers in general are some of the scummiest fuckers around.
I remember Kiara briefly mentioned in one of her idol tangents that she would be surprised if any of her favorite idols actually made enough money to get by. The managers tend to run away with all the money.

>> No.16589706

That explains C*ver

>> No.16589740 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16590034

Vladdy boy doesn't even look like he's going swimming, given the actual pants he has on.

>> No.16589788

Eh, cover is incompetent and retarded rather than being scummy and genuinely malicious like some other Idol managers and agencies.

>> No.16589796 [DELETED] 

If it can get a quick laugh, anons won't care what's the backstory behind the video.

>> No.16589833

So what are our odds of dodging the Ark fad? I doubt it'd be a game she'd like but if everyone else plays it she might try to FOMO in...

>> No.16589859
File: 1.97 MB, 2480x3508, 20220117_105533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16589864

She can’t stand shitty graphics and all the streams will be outside of her timezone.

>> No.16589919

She won't play it

>> No.16589957
Quoted by: >>16590045

If she wouldn't play Monster Hunter past an initial stream I wouldn't expect her to do more for ARK

>> No.16589996

>she might try to FOMO in
Kiara hates doing these flavor of the month things. The only time she jumped on a trend was with pokemon

>> No.16590000
File: 360 KB, 1434x2048, 20220117_110005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16590006

She’s not gonna try it unless she’s manhandled by a genmate into doing so. Like Gura with Outlast.

>> No.16590015

She gets filtered hard by most games, and doesn't fall for any fads. Only way I can see her playing is if one of the other EN girls personally invited her to play.

>> No.16590017

Don't think she'll play it, although if anyone from EN could make it a fun stream, it'd be her.

>> No.16590024

Basically like any "passion" industry. Every big vidya company is known for paying dog shit and forcing crunch on their employees.

>> No.16590034 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 634x422, putsbrah-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16590045

Good point, I'm more at ease now. I can't do 9 hour Ark shifts...

>> No.16590076
Quoted by: >>16590201

As shitty as Cover can be it's still soooo much better than most of the idol industry, it's not even funny

>> No.16590082

Unless she gets outright invited by someone she will most likely not play it.
Stream on Friday is with Ark with Kson!

>> No.16590109

If Coco were still around we'd get some fun collabs with those two and Gura in Ark.

>> No.16590119
Quoted by: >>16590184

if she is asked she will play it

>> No.16590184

To think there's a scenario that could make me hesitate about a collab between Kiara and Flare...

>> No.16590201
Quoted by: >>16595992

Kiara gets to make a ton of money that would be impossible to do as an idol. If I recall, Cover actually started giving talents a budget for original songs fairly recently (Moona and Mumei talked about it).

>> No.16591953
Quoted by: >>16592123

If a lot of collabs start she'll probably play it once or twice then never bring it up again to avoid missing out. Otherwise nothing.

>> No.16592123

>If a lot of collabs start
EN collabs would start at 3am+ her time.
Ina, Reine, Flare or Watame are basically the only ones who could pull her in.

>> No.16592399
File: 1.38 MB, 2500x3300, kiara-holding-two-chicken-legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Kiara is a having a good day.

>> No.16592519

The sex we had today was great so I'd say so t.Pomu

>> No.16592646

You fucking jinxed it

>> No.16592706

I don't even care about her cats, but I really hope nothing happen to them, she would be fucking devasted

>> No.16592773

Yeah, it's definitely not going to be good for Kiara.

>> No.16592806

Karma for the dog joke?

>> No.16592938

Worse, SMOOTHIE LOVE (unless she took them both, we'll see

>> No.16593132
File: 330 KB, 822x792, kiara-cats-sparks-chibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16593719

All the best wishes and good thoughts for our wonderful oshi.

>> No.16593374
Quoted by: >>16593620

God is a vengeful M-Muh pupperino faggot.

>> No.16593620

that is the exact kind of overly cruel justice that I was taught in school

>> No.16593674
Quoted by: >>16593896

Treatment for her cat would not even be that expensive, just some itraconazole doses and things would be alright, however the vet smelled money on Kiara, the vet is going to make that cat suffer a lot to milk Kiara as much cash possible

>> No.16593697

I'm not too invested into her cats, but this news really did bummed me out more than it should of. I hope what ever it is, she can get it fixed.

>> No.16593698

Isn't it Smoothie? Either way I hope for the best.

>> No.16593719
File: 880 KB, 1494x963, 1642018718231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara love indeed. Fingers crossed everything turns out okay.

>> No.16593896
Quoted by: >>16594540

>Itraconazole is an antifungal medication that is used in adults to treat infections caused by fungus. This includes infections in any part of the body including the lungs, mouth or throat, toenails, or fingernails.

>> No.16593947

oh man this is sad, i hope she's going to be ok.

>> No.16593957

Saviorchads, prepare your aka superchats

>> No.16594059
File: 444 KB, 2048x2048, 1642340444716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Kiara doesn't have to suffer...

>> No.16594127 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 586x247, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16594165
File: 16 KB, 1064x136, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16594417

Wait, wrong screenshot.

>> No.16594211


Is it just me or is there something extremely sexual about this whole MV?

>> No.16594270

I don't really think Whatever is that sexual, overtones of an hero but that's it.
Vampire though, that was just straight horny-posting in song-form.

>> No.16594293

I want Kiara to bite me all over!

>> No.16594324

Takotori is always extremely sexual together.
Ina wants to fuck Kiara so hard while Kiara is completely oblivious.

>> No.16594351

mostly just the animation. it gives off vibes that kiara seriously unironically wants to fuck ina.

>> No.16594396
Quoted by: >>16595063

>My grandma is dying
>Kiara's cats are dying
We are?

>> No.16594417

Most of the skin Melanomas in cats are benign apparently, but there's a chance of being malignant. lets hope for the best.

>> No.16594448

No point freaking out about it until she get the definitive results, I don't want to think about it all week long for it to end up a nothing burger

>> No.16594540

It's used on animals too, and I was going by the pics she posted of her cat's ears as someone that takes care of stray cats, fungal infections on cats are fairly common and that's what it looks like, and vets trying to paint things like that as something so much harder to treat for easy cash are just as common.

I'm just saying, maybe it would be better for Kiara to look for a second or third opinion before cutting her cat's ears off

>> No.16594613
Quoted by: >>16594745

Reading those tweets made me feel physically ill. I can't imagine how she must be feeling and how anxious she'll be until the test results are in.

>> No.16594650

I was thinking, it's a good thing Kiara is prerecording Yagoo-talk this week.
Given that it's her most high-profile interview (with normies / tourists), not doing it live is just one less thing her to worry about.

>> No.16594654
Quoted by: >>16595080

The sample was sent to the lab so if it isn't cancer it should show it isn't cancer and Smoothie would keep her ear.

>> No.16594745

Yeah me too, and I've never really had a pet I've grown as attached to as Kiara

>> No.16594842
Quoted by: >>16595067

I also don't think it is cancer. Having two melanomas developing at both ears at the exact same time is highly unlikely.

>> No.16595063

IRyS, get off this site

>> No.16595062

If you genuinely feel that could be the case, it would be worth responding to her tweets

>> No.16595067

It's not like the two conditions have to be related. A lot of the time cancer goes unnoticed because there are no symptoms that would suggest for it and it's only detected for something unrelated to that.

>> No.16595080

Nothing has been sent yet, they gonna look at it next week again and then decide to cut it out.

>> No.16595382
File: 394 KB, 1203x1853, kiara-apron-flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always thinking about this chicken.

>> No.16595796
File: 62 KB, 640x884, 1632976362373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big of a break would Kiara take if her cats died? Like, Holos take a week and Sanas take a month when something happens to a pet, and Kiara is way more obsessed with her cats than any other Holo by a wide margin.

>> No.16595917

One month to do nothing but cry then she’ll come back the next month suddenly streaming for 24 hours everyday 7 days a week until she gets forcefully put back into leave by Jenma.

>> No.16595992
File: 8 KB, 220x220, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover actually started giving talents a budget for original songs fairly recently
Really? Good. That was always the right way to go. Trying to force IRyS as "the official singer" of Holo EN and giving her music preferential funding was an incredibly stupid idea that failed completely. Now management should let her just drop the botched vsinger gimmick and formally join Myth or Council so she's no longer the odd man out.

>> No.16596009

I don't think that's something anybody could predict.
That day would be a long time from now and a lot can change between now and then.
I do know if she took a long break (very long, like a month or more), I'd try to be there whenever she came back.

>> No.16596129

AT LEAST a whole week, probably more.
I doubt it would got into Sana levels (I also think it was more than "just" the dog there anway).

>> No.16596423
File: 20 KB, 580x548, gosling1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would expect a month based on how attached to her cats she is. Might get shortened to two weeks from talking with her genmates and other friends in Hololive. Not to mention she already doesn't like leaving her channel without content for more than two das so who knows.
Why must these VTubers have pets?

>> No.16596438
Quoted by: >>16596726

A week. Streaming is an emotionnal crutch for her, too, and I think it will allow her to cope a bit better

>> No.16596546
Quoted by: >>16596780

I mean, it's not like they have to keep their audience in mind 24/7/365, and having a pet is perfectly normal.
t. plans to get a cat in the near future

>> No.16596572
Quoted by: >>16596758

>Might get shortened to two weeks from talking with her genmates and other friends in Hololive
Anon... Your reality reps...
But honestly taking breaks due to a pet dying is a weird thing to begin with and Kiara is pretty grounded over certain things and mantains a poorfag mentality, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't even take a full week.

>> No.16596624

Wtf boss...

>> No.16596726


>> No.16596757

Can someone with (legitimate) streaming subscriptions help her with this?

>> No.16596758

Hard to tell, her cats are basically her life right now besides streaming. If she does stream I hope she doesn’t have a break down outside of a members only.

>> No.16596771

Worried about Kiara's hoof restoration bros...

>> No.16596780
File: 347 KB, 1000x562, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really hurt to see Rosemi sad from losing her hamster. I don't wanna imagine how Tenchou will be from losing either of her cats.

>> No.16596903

I'm more concerned that she once said she'd kill herself if that happened. When she says they're like her babies, it's no joke. I would say a week minimum, but like others said streaming helps her take her mind off sad things so probably not a month.

>> No.16597005
Quoted by: >>16597042

what was the show called again?

>> No.16597042
Quoted by: >>16597213

The Great
Hulu has all the episodes but iirc there is no Hulu for Austrians

>> No.16597130

probably more membership streams but less or no streams for AT LEAST a month

>> No.16597213
Quoted by: >>16597334

I thought she was watching on Netflix, presumably without VPNs, since she's not exactly CCNA-certified when it comes to computer networking.

>> No.16597334
Quoted by: >>16597682

Tweet mentioned she's watching on starz

>> No.16597682

new episodes every sunday. I hate it when they do this

>> No.16597764
Quoted by: >>16598245

Please someone teach these womans how to torrent shit.

>> No.16598040

That is one way to take her mind off of things...

I could see her announcing a long, long break but then doing guerilla member streams after a few days.
Talking with KFP gives her a lot of peace of mind and she would think she annoys her RL friends by being a downer while also being unable to be alone with her thoughts. But at the same time she would also think she can't be entertaining while mourning so no open streams.

>> No.16598245
Quoted by: >>16602282

She doesn't support torrents:

>> No.16598519

I wonder if this'll affect her ski trip plans

>> No.16598593

I'm a day one member and have been following her since debut.

Still have no idea wtf this is.

>> No.16598830

Architect bros...


>> No.16598902
Quoted by: >>16599293

I want Kiara to happy and fluffy, not worried and fluffy...

>> No.16599093
File: 280 KB, 1800x1800, cookie-dough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably thinking about upcoming valentines day streams. Or just in a cookie mood.
I just follow the directions on the back of the refrigerated cookie-dough tube, I'm boring.

>> No.16599293

Well, it's one way to cope

>> No.16599825

Thank you for your service.

>> No.16599863


>> No.16600177
File: 237 KB, 1262x2048, kiara-kimono-sparkler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice how much new art the new kimonos got. Even though they all have the same base to work with, the hands and the backgrounds vary a bit.

>> No.16600321

The Kiara Deathloop VOD was fun. I don't normally watch her but I like this game so thought I'd check it out. I hope she realizes that watching her struggle is part of the fun for the viewers, she seems to be self-conscious about how bad she is at the game. Also I found it weird that she was talking so frankly about wanting to do a different genre so she could pull in new viewers who don't normally watch her. I thought it was kind of a joke about Kiara around here that she's really concerned about numbers and channel growth, but she really does seem to talk about it a lot, just based on the few times I've watched her. I guess some people find this level of transparency endearing but I find it a little awkward. Anyways your oshi is pretty cool KFP, I just wish she'd embrace the fail-kino a little more.

>> No.16600714

>Anyways your oshi is pretty cool KFP, I just wish she'd embrace the fail-kino a little more.
Appreciate the positive thoughts traveler.
>Re: numbers on stream
Taking your comment at facevalue, it's possible you picked a few of the times she did talk about her concerns on stream. It's actually not very frequent, despite what /vt/ would lead you to believe.

>> No.16600804

Kimono Kiara R18 when

>> No.16600934

I feel like retard HEAVILY over estimate just how much she actually "numberfags". She mentions numbers once, and retards act like it's the only thing she cares about and talks about, she's heavily insecure of how unpopular she is, and how every stream is a pity-bait party.

>> No.16601371

>I just wish she'd embrace the fail-kino a little more.
Yeah, me as well. Especially since she gets better quite a bit throughout a stream.
When it happened /hlgg/ did a small celebration because it has been a while since she so openly numberfagged.

>> No.16602282


>> No.16602501
Quoted by: >>16602738

Part 1 or part 2? If you like part 1, you'll probably like part 2 as well.

>> No.16602738

NTA but Kiara saying Deathloop didn't attract many new live viewers was in the SC reading of part 2.

>> No.16602817

Honestly don't trust the ccv anymore since she keeps hitting a weird 4k cap. Maybe it's just me.

>> No.16602878

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.16602956
Quoted by: >>16603256

To be fair, she started this whole idea just to try her hand at a new genre (which she's not really into) and see how it would go.

>> No.16603100

I mean, the CCV has been broken since dec 2020. It definitely under reports for quite a lot of streams. But other than the usual dec 2020 bug, I don't think there's any other bug on the CCV right now. Deathloop just wasn't going to be a game that would get more than 5k+ viewers.

>> No.16603173
File: 2.46 MB, 2099x2173, 20220117_161236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I know it's >that guy but this looks really nice

>> No.16603188
Quoted by: >>16603463

Neither do I but I understand why Kiara pays attention to it. It's one of the few ways to tell how "well" she is doing at her job.
Kronii Korean lesson had 15k and I honestly believe Japs and Koreans get culled less by Susan than Westerners.
There was some funky stuff going on with Mori streaming for a similar time as Fubuki. Afterwards they had similar amounts of total views but Mori only had half of Fubuki's CCV.

>> No.16603256

Yeah we would have never gotten this series if Mamatori didn’t recommend it to Kiara

>> No.16603316
Quoted by: >>16603603

The thing is, she has it all wrong. It's not the genre that attracts new viewers. It's the game she plays. deathloop is a pretty unknown game. and would if never gotten higher views. If she played a more popular shooter game, it could very much attract more grey names. But kiara doesn't seem to know what game is actually popular and what isn't.

>> No.16603446

New thread up:

>> No.16603463
Quoted by: >>16603603

We could also just point out every poll that they do. Most of them get a 100%+ engagement rate, which is pretty much impossible, unless there is a bug somewhere.

>> No.16603484
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1610601697671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final thoughts

>> No.16603603

At least she had fun even if the game was pretty stressful on her. Maybe some day an FPS will come out that looks interesting to her as well as gray names but I honestly doubt it.
Mamatori's taste gets high praises from /here/ and many other places but it's honestly also mostly niche. System Shock? Great game, total grey name repellant.

Polls tell us that the CCV is fucked. They don't tell us if my rrat that Susan culls Westerners harder than Asians is right.

>> No.16603606
Quoted by: >>16603781

Kiara lives in my head rent-free, and I'm okay with that thoughts.

>> No.16603610
File: 111 KB, 800x600, 20211210_180915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope smoothie will be okay

>> No.16603770

Gentle and comforting sex thoughts

>> No.16603781
File: 1.20 MB, 1914x1080, Rent Free 2 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftc07qc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16603792


>> No.16604266

I love her.

>> No.16604818

Kiara is my wife
