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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 170 KB, 513x358, 1621667718927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16469774 No.16469774 [Reply] [Original]

>Next stream - Zatsudan

>Channel links

>Introduction to Beatani



>Streamlabs, because superchats are for low IQ dads who like giving Youtube 30% of the cut:

>Lore Summarized:

>Last thread

>> No.16469894
File: 280 KB, 319x602, 1633221679053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16469945

I love fucking this Tea!

>> No.16469945
File: 164 KB, 526x507, 1611257128513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea is best girl

>> No.16470119
File: 688 KB, 846x914, Screenshot 2022-01-15 1611433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL nade nade this bear

>> No.16470366
File: 608 KB, 400x300, MyBeloved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16470382
File: 2.84 MB, 1872x1861, 1639562119635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fucking this bear!

>> No.16470681
File: 1.86 MB, 1673x1867, 1638438313580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting a Bea and Babytani version of this

>> No.16470924
File: 202 KB, 537x546, 1641805974104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16471415

Weekend Aggie is up

>> No.16471415

Maybe tomorrow

>> No.16472131

I want beatani to play <game I love but not a single dad would give a shit about>

>> No.16472279

If she likes the game she'll play it.

>> No.16472409
Quoted by: >>16472529

What game?

>> No.16472517

Deadly Premonition!

>> No.16472529
Quoted by: >>16490433

He's not refering to a specific game, he's pointing at these kind of posts.

>> No.16472577

>no Twitter link in the OP
almost there

>> No.16472786
File: 28 KB, 206x327, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16472952
File: 166 KB, 443x272, 1639843012315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you lost, sweet honey angel?

>> No.16473200
File: 965 KB, 500x374, zigg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16487826


>> No.16473950

The teespring was spamming my email for the longest time with emails that had broken unsubscribe links but finally I got a link that worked.

>> No.16474429

Bea Zachtronics coding autism game that only 2 dads would enjoy when?!?

>> No.16474651

My daughter will play Vermintide 2 and die to the first rat ogre.

>> No.16474704

Potato Risuna is getting fat

>> No.16475144
File: 139 KB, 1228x924, cz8os9nxyda11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fallout 1

>> No.16475852 [SPOILER] 
File: 189 KB, 511x662, 95056252_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember she said she knows about Cave Story but hasn't played it right?

>> No.16476316


>> No.16476488


>> No.16476549

literally who?

>> No.16477498

>Risuna Valentine's Day Album
Organizer here. Please read carefully.

Just a reminder. Your submissions are due by 07:00 JST February 7th and I will do my best to get it put together by the 12th. I'm putting the deadline pretty close to Valentine's Day so I won't be able to do much extension, so please keep that in mind. The earlier I get submissions the earlier I can start but I understand how it is. Also note this is separate from the potential /yah/ sings project done by the mixer.

[Risuna Valentine's Day Album] (this is so I can search the archives easier)
Title: Valentine's Day Song
Language: English
Tranlated Title: N/A
Audio: catbox link
Lyrics: catbox link
Trivia: one or two lines, optional

Please post your submissions in the thread or spreadsheet. If you include the bracketed header it will be much easier for me to find them. The bracketed tag is also good for questions. Each submission should be capable of standing on its own with no further mixing or adjustment. If you have audio difficulties ask around. I'm sure there are several Risunas who would be glad to help you out.
Whatever you like. Please provide lyrics. If you are not submitting in English please also provide a translation.
>Max length
As of now, there is no max length for submissions but please use your discretion.
>Multiple submissions
As many as you like.
>Risuna Collabs
Fine also, but organizing them is entirely up to the Risunas in question.
The general consensus is the theme is love songs, so please stick to that. Thankfully that's a pretty wide range.
If you have questions put them in the thread, because others may have the same ones. That said, if you need to reach me here's an email address. I didn't make a new one because mendokusai.
risunachristmas *at* gmail.com

>> No.16477553

Why do I have a feeling this zatsu is going to be negative and sad? Something doesn't feel right.

>> No.16477640


>> No.16478091
File: 123 KB, 690x1024, 1623502545165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16478598

I love this fucking bear

>> No.16478098

cuz you're projecting, faget

>> No.16478598
File: 562 KB, 1500x999, 1626985665053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.16479764

Don't worry dad. When it's all over and Beatani is gone, and the final yah has long past.... Gura will still be streaming

>> No.16480003
File: 693 KB, 1920x1080, 1625987118446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16480232
File: 280 KB, 470x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16480447

kill yourself

>> No.16480570
Quoted by: >>16480808

>mochi is sushi sushi is mochi ehehe
I never liked this

>> No.16480808
File: 137 KB, 498x278, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16481492
Quoted by: >>16481884

I already have no idea what the fuck she's talking about

>> No.16481800
Quoted by: >>16481828

I just tuned in and I'm confused

>> No.16481828

We are reviewing cheese

>> No.16481855

fun fact: raw okra kind of smells like semen

>> No.16481884

She's eating this kind of cheese with her mochi and showing some decorated cheese.

>> No.16481928
File: 1.31 MB, 2127x1948, 1624885206710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

food review

>> No.16481970
File: 325 KB, 1408x1536, 1611225119831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16484693

Beatani Cheesato

>> No.16482035

The last time bea showed cheese on stream it got banned

>> No.16482792

autism off the charts

>> No.16482842

why are the japanese like this

>> No.16482909

This type of autism is worldwide

>> No.16482999

I did the same autistic shit as a kid with random small boxes

>> No.16483067

why was she so amused the one time the thing didn't spin

>> No.16483170

Cheesespin is nice but meatspin is where the party starts.

>> No.16483178

beatani's dickcheese.....

>> No.16483222
Quoted by: >>16483828

they are a poor country
all they have to play with is trash

>> No.16483324

a fine delicacy

>> No.16483450


>> No.16483454

Why is she talking about cheese

>> No.16483492

Did anyone try to make the paper craft from the magazine?

>> No.16483521

She is eating cheese

>> No.16483529

She's eating some with her mochi. This is a zatsudan so it's technically not a derail.

>> No.16483739
File: 147 KB, 759x706, 1637762079888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dads, I'd like you to think back ten whole months. Our daughter has improved so much at spoken English!

>> No.16483828

It's a post-war thing. Burgers used to make stuff like this too in the '50s

>> No.16483831

makes it worse

>> No.16483854
File: 302 KB, 542x627, 1628314078263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah it's amazing

>> No.16483934
Quoted by: >>16484168

Not really, she improved in the first two months then stayed the exact same.

>> No.16484132
File: 75 KB, 925x580, 1626537679515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so proud of her

>> No.16484168

She's picked up a ton of slang and idioms and used DeepLchama much less.

>> No.16484190

I went to check what game she was going to play, and remembered this is an actual zatsu stream.

>> No.16484294

oh I'll give her chocolate, all right

>> No.16484367

money cotest let's fucking goooo

>> No.16484399
Quoted by: >>16490840

Now if only dads improved their 日本語 that much...

>> No.16484693


>> No.16484717
File: 1003 KB, 424x398, kssk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhuwo2u.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fathers should cook chocolate for their daughters

>> No.16484992

early bear..........

>> No.16485073

Here in burgerland it's common for dads to get their daughters chocolate for Valentine's Day when they're kids.

>> No.16485699
File: 176 KB, 607x389, fuwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16485767


>> No.16485783


>> No.16486046

Fuwa sounds older than usual

>> No.16486052

You don't deserve strawberry you monster

>> No.16486117

Oh no, Fuwa is stealing Babytanis strawberry.

>> No.16486476

Beatani is using you.

>> No.16486657

>t. fuwatani

>> No.16486713

Chihiro delenda est

>> No.16486785

yeah sure bud

>> No.16486922
Quoted by: >>16487155

No shit. Welcome to the world of vtubers.

>> No.16487097
Quoted by: >>16487260

I'm using her for my entertainment.
Fair deal I say.

>> No.16487148

It's over

>> No.16487155

And yet you willingly ask for more. Have you no self respect?

>> No.16487251
Quoted by: >>16487315

Not only is she using u she already picked a dad to date and is stringing the rest of you along as long as possible

>> No.16487260
Quoted by: >>16487373


>> No.16487315

I thought we knew this.

>> No.16487329
File: 122 KB, 1080x1328, 1627309804157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16487375

For what?

>> No.16487373

Good chat.

>> No.16487375

your dangerously good looks

>> No.16487441
File: 282 KB, 700x700, 1619319962867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but I'm enjoying it

>> No.16487448
Quoted by: >>16487713

>fucking $2000 to get a license
they really want you doing public transit in japan don't they

>> No.16487450

Do thirdies and yuropoors really?
Burger LOVE!

>> No.16487550
File: 463 KB, 764x741, 1619275050527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it cost me 20 dollars and it took me 2 hours to get my license.

>> No.16487713

Not really they just love going all safetyism and requiring a bunch of red tape.
It's not like other countries where they have absolutely insane taxes on fuel and the car itself.

>> No.16487781

AHHHH I missed EVERY SINGLE stream ever since discord is gone.... nothing can beat discord notifications really
I'd joing a discord that has literally only notifications for stream and no channel to speak in at this point... it's too hard otherwise

>> No.16487826

Everhood is cool as hell

>> No.16487875

Is it so hard to look at her scheduled streams? Set an alarm if you must.

>> No.16488025

Just open up bea channel at 2:30 every day. And be disappointed when there's no stream.

>> No.16488125
Quoted by: >>16488281

I slept with the laptop open in front of me for the past half hour, I'm unable to follow what's happening in stream.

>> No.16488222
File: 231 KB, 634x353, 1619285792516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16488423

Just give up Bea. Embrace it.

>> No.16488281

Don't worry, I have the stream open and I'm lost.

>> No.16488347

She hates us

>> No.16488375

Bea loved the dildo and she wants the real thing now

>> No.16488423

Away with you former james bond man.

>> No.16488429

I'm gonna do Koikatsu! reps and pretend it's like Bea doing Blender reps

>> No.16488451

I just joined membershipo

>> No.16488479
Quoted by: >>16488546

Welcome to the cult, er, family.

>> No.16488546
Quoted by: >>16488617

We're a family of cultists

>> No.16488617
File: 483 KB, 803x414, 1633505789711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16488652

I think we should start making our own 3d models

>> No.16488757
File: 21 KB, 224x241, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we increase in number for our lord

>> No.16488773
File: 246 KB, 800x600, 1620212106201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VRchat arc has arrived. The Final Yab follows soon.

>> No.16488864

imagine not thinking every JK dance is sexy

>> No.16488967

>they didn't already get bellydancing video DMs from Bea

>> No.16489003

I need a belly dancer bea in my life now.

>> No.16489019

The thought of slightly chubby OL bear pleases me.

>> No.16489049
File: 91 KB, 355x405, 1621560505023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16489075

absolutely fucking diamonds

>> No.16489089
File: 121 KB, 499x321, 1627393739256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will need to buy one of those 3d viewing devices

>> No.16489096
Quoted by: >>16489226

yeah it's hard, and I don't have any kind of regular schedule so mostly no idea when it's the morning or evening for most people

>> No.16489204
File: 166 KB, 706x703, 1626867042507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16489226
Quoted by: >>16490231

She usually streams at the same time on the same days so figure out when that is, set an alert on your phone and check when it's time. How did you watch her before Discord?

>> No.16489277
Quoted by: >>16489471

Welcome fellow dad.

>> No.16489291

wanna pinch her tummy

>> No.16489471

nice dubs dad

>> No.16489913
File: 284 KB, 714x351, 1627206841357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminding dads of Bea's poster ideas

>> No.16489985

naked bear

>> No.16490231

yeah I get it's more my own issue, since a few months ago "the same time" has no meaning to me my day go from 6h awake to 40h awake randomly, so discord was incredibly useful, but not needed before as life had more structure
I'll try to setup my own bot maybe it's possible to plug that in with youtube API and bea channel

>> No.16490350

bear tail

>> No.16490412
File: 222 KB, 1098x1428, 1637174060990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I had the same issue. At the end of the day, the solution was to add an RSS bot to my matrix server that makes a beatani screaming notification and shows whenever she tweets or starts a stream.

>> No.16490433

Well that's meaningless then how is beatani supposed to understand which game he meant if he's not specific

>> No.16490533
Quoted by: >>16490584

Does anyone have the Bea alarm voice clips?

>> No.16490537
File: 180 KB, 385x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16490786

I know it won't happen because she hates emulation and streaming the IOS port of the game sounds annoying but I would love a ghost trick stream.

>> No.16490584
Quoted by: >>16490635


>> No.16490628
File: 106 KB, 500x750, !1492447929472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16490702

>pensive expression
>slightly defensive posture
>perky bear tail
>skimpy panties
uuoooooooooh this is so fucking hot

>> No.16490635
Quoted by: >>16490714


>> No.16490702

bea knows her stuff
pomf stream fucking when

>> No.16490714

not mine, is from moka

>> No.16490762

She is training for a trip to Italy or France, she needs to acquire some knowledge to avoid looking like an idiot.

>> No.16490764

Discord (or Matrix, or fucking Skype I'm not picky) when
I'm suffering from heavy dad withdrawal

>> No.16490786
Quoted by: >>16490882

>I know it won't happen because she hates emulation
to be fair we don't know if she hates emulation or if she "hates" emulation the same way she "hasn't" done weed

>> No.16490840

For which purpose though, there's literally no point, it's on her to make an effort.

>> No.16490864


>> No.16490867

dagter you proud me

>> No.16490882

She said she tried to try it once but coughed her lungs out and stopped. The reason she "hates" emulation is that she thinks the Japanese government will find her. She wasn't willing to try it at all.

>> No.16490928

No, a real one.

>> No.16490945

do what?
It's cheap in countless European or 3rd world countries, really don't get how you got that conclusion from what she said

>> No.16490979

None of my favorite dads are in nu-dadcord, it's literally better to just abuse the japcord or secret eu minecraftcord instead

>> No.16490983
Quoted by: >>16491156

So you have Bea reply withdrawal

>> No.16491037

Western Europe here and I spent like 400€ and 2 weeks to get the whole thing so I'm not sure what you're implying

>> No.16491078
File: 674 KB, 728x410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude car dominated infrastructure lmao

>> No.16491116
Quoted by: >>16491233

Looks like a 3rd world shithole

>> No.16491156

>10 members
>hosted by a literal who
I guarantee none of my fave dads are there

>> No.16491184


>> No.16491188

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.16491233
Quoted by: >>16491270

basically america, yeah

>> No.16491270

Suck cock in hell eurofag

>> No.16491325
File: 12 KB, 480x640, !1525346444681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16491359

nta but many Burgers act so proud of using cards but it just makes no sense to me
In many parts of the world, be it northen europe or other 1st world countries less car is GOOD, not more
The better public transportation and similar get and the more people stop owning cars and just occasionally rent one the best it feels for everyone
Like OK the US is wide and has garbage tier railways and the way states work make it a headache, but that logic doesn't make sense for many other countries it's really a US specific thing

>> No.16491441

>of using cards
of using cars* though cards aren't that great either

>> No.16491477

The prominence of public transportation will be regrettable towards the end when the West is overrun with shitskins

>> No.16491494
Quoted by: >>16491797

when will burgers recognise that their country looks like shithole from Japanese and Yuro perspective

>> No.16491505

you brain on fox news

>> No.16491521

It's the way you look at things I guess. Having a car means not being tied down to public transit schedules and the freedom to go wherever you like whenever. If you lived in a dense city it would make less sense but I would hate to be stuck in a city.

>> No.16491564

Burger cities are 40% highways and 30% parking lots, with trash public transportation and barely any pedestrian infrastructure. They have to cope SOMEHOW, so you have this idea that owning a car = personal freedom of travel, disregarding the fact that if your cities weren't planned ass backwards, you wouldn't even want to use a car, much less need to.
Thankfully, the paradigms is changing, although slowly.

>> No.16491571
Quoted by: >>16493346

fox news loves shitskins faggot

>> No.16491589
Quoted by: >>16491663

Burgers think public transport is full of homeless people and are too lazy to plan out their trips. You can't get anything funded properly anyway because taxes are bad mmkay.

>> No.16491620

if I really need to go somewhere so random that no public transport reach it (it's rare) I can rent a car within the hour easily, and it's overall much cheaper in the end anyway.
You don't need to own a car when renting is so cheap and so easy, cheaper than owning in the majority of cases.

>> No.16491630
Quoted by: >>16491723

Go look at London and Paris, they are already starting to look like New York.

>> No.16491632
Quoted by: >>16491774

>I guarantee none of my fave dads are there
Who are your faves?

>> No.16491636
Quoted by: >>16491713

sorry m8, can't hear you over the sound of the world's shittiest train network in a developed country

>> No.16491635

Shut the fuck up for once and watch bear. Holy shit.

>> No.16491663
Quoted by: >>16492085

burgers are too busy paying for Europe's military

>> No.16491671

With a car I can go wherever I want whenever I want without dealing with the kind of people that use public transport. Even in other countries, if you want to go somewhere outside of an urban area you're screwed without access to a vehicle.

>> No.16491692
File: 164 KB, 273x286, 1636777416811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this just one or two autists ore do euros really want to ignore the stream this much

>> No.16491696

I've been messing around with this tutorial I found last year to schedule it into Google Calendar https://qiita.com/hutaorange/items/5320c69fc5e8c593c610

>> No.16491701

>being tied down to public transit schedules
imagine having a public transit that you have to check the schedule for, instead of just coming to the station and waiting a couple minutes
>and the freedom to go wherever you like
imagine having places unreachable by public transportation
>I would hate to be stuck in a city
I would also hate to be stuck in the kind of city you picture

>> No.16491713
Quoted by: >>16491846

Why would I want to ride a train? That's for poor people.

>> No.16491723

I literally live there and while there is more variety of people than average obviously, it's nothing like what burgers imagine really
Seeing burger's media about it is absolutely insane to see from here, it's so fucking exaggerated it looks like a joke

>> No.16491762
File: 221 KB, 1080x1457, 1fc743a3a8bc67f6f16403b2ef05ae1634dc672725db781e5738c8b384845f0d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cars are good

>> No.16491774

P******, T****, M*****, F*******, Z*****

>> No.16491788

they don't know anything outside of their crowded cities. They think America is nothing but cities without thousands of miles of land in between

>> No.16491797

Well I'd say empty areas there look good when there is no city or over exploited farmland, but yeah cities look like shit

>> No.16491819

>Having a car means not being tied down to public transit schedules and the freedom to go wherever you like whenever.
The freedom to have to get stuck in traffic for 3 hours every day thanks to unchecked urban sprawl enabled entirely by car culture.

>> No.16491833

>More variety of people
You mean less white people

>> No.16491846

in US that's the case

>> No.16491866

once your tried Japanese public transport you would understand why people worship it so much
literally the most convenient thing in the world, imagine able to go anywhere important while playing gacha on a phone

>> No.16491868

sure thing Ahmed

>> No.16491893

no u

>> No.16491899

I don't think it's a joke, but I do think they doompost about it a lot.
t. not burger

>> No.16491902
File: 61 KB, 320x320, 1636735990469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16492054

>I'm not a favorite

>> No.16491948

the US's public transit is shit sure but euros can't wrap their head around the fact that some small town in the middle of illinois isn't going to have as good as system as Chicago and most people pretty much need a car just to get to work, nevermind if they want to go out of town or something.

>> No.16491985
Quoted by: >>16492261

>With a car I can go wherever I want whenever I want
because any kind of transit apart from personal cars is shit, always been shit, and is so shit you imagine it to be the normal state of things

>> No.16491995
File: 315 KB, 578x421, 1615003745005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just arrived
What the fuck is happening

>> No.16492027
Quoted by: >>16492164

I can tell you've never set foot outside Tokyo when you visited Japan.

>> No.16492041
File: 148 KB, 540x342, 1625651622627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see butthurt eurofags shitting up the thread again because they can't accept American superiority yet again!

>> No.16492054

You may be, that's from the top of my head, there are definitely more.

>> No.16492069

making a plan for this year's reps

>> No.16492074

realistically, how long do you think it would take bea to buy a house with the money she gets from oil balons and paypigs?

>> No.16492085

I wish they would fuck off desu it's not hard to get European army going and we already have the basis for it plus my country is already doing good on that part by itself, being the most reputable in Europe for military stuff that would be some very beneficial shift in power but that's just the hidden motive

>> No.16492101
Quoted by: >>16492134

Does anyone have the XP hill noose image? I need it for a shitpost.

>> No.16492120

I've been to Tokyo and it still sucks. Maybe if Japanese people started using deodorant it would be better, but it would probably take a decade to get all the booze and sweat out of those trains.

>> No.16492122

Burgers are too busy getting cucked and loving it, don't be hard on them.

>> No.16492134
File: 301 KB, 600x902, 1618926912168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't delete my edits, here you go

>> No.16492137

>Chicago is the only city with a non-shit public transit system
ok bill johnson

>> No.16492150
File: 10 KB, 285x285, 634623462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to solve this

>> No.16492153

She is mapping out your life.
Soon, you.

>> No.16492164
Quoted by: >>16492259

I visited literally all major Japanese cities, from Tokyo, to Osaka and Sapporo, but ok.

>> No.16492171
Quoted by: >>16492243

>the kind of people that use public transpor
so normal people?
I use those every day and it's just literally normal dudes I meet in daily life all the same, I have honestly on idea what the fuck you're trying to say

>> No.16492209

If she is saving all the money, she could do it by the end of this year without much worry.

>> No.16492225
Quoted by: >>16492333

They have to literally stuff passengers in trains. Good luck being a woman without getting assgrabbed as well.

>> No.16492238

go eat your shitty food and die from lack of healthcare fatto mutt

>> No.16492243
Quoted by: >>16492391

it means you're on the lower undesirable end of the third world country known as the USA

>> No.16492259
Quoted by: >>16492697

Public transit sucks ass in Sapporo. JR Hokkaido is going bankrupt and their trains are kept just barely limping along. And yes you need to check the schedule.

>> No.16492261

But that's just untrue, I've used subway and public transports in the UK and Denmark and it's so good, clean and efficient. I don't get burgers.

>> No.16492333

that's only at rush hours and desu rush hour suck for different reasons be it car or subway

>> No.16492343
Quoted by: >>16492466

go get raped by a gang of pakis

>> No.16492380
File: 200 KB, 1200x676, 6mXY3jV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16492455

ayo so you be sayin
>razes historical buildings
you be finna sayin
>takes up as much space as the buildings it caters to
you sayin that we be
>turns into a literal pan under the summer sun

>> No.16492391
Quoted by: >>16492589

I'm in Europe, people in public transports are just regular people and neither better or worse than anyone I meet in daily life or at work really, which is normal since no one use cards anyway so it's just the regular population in the transports

>> No.16492418

go get acid thrown on you by habibi you subhuman

>> No.16492455

this picture is horror

>> No.16492456

Some burgers just REALLY want to make everyone hear how much they hate minorities even when it wasn't even the topic, just that, better ignore those mutt retards

>> No.16492466
Quoted by: >>16492708

The burger says as his country is literally in the beginnings of a civil war. lmafo

>> No.16492520
File: 100 KB, 640x640, 0e97009c946416d09794ff1244c8a165594179a7.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16492803

good, clean and efficient in the same sentence as public transport in the UK

>> No.16492519


>> No.16492530
Quoted by: >>16492659

should have noticed >>16491692 's picture, that's one of t he typical bait pictures always used to troll in bad faith

>> No.16492589

you were replying to a burger talking about the kind of people that use public transport here, but eventually it will look like the middle east in europe

>> No.16492594
Quoted by: >>16492803

>UK public transport
pick one

>> No.16492618
Quoted by: >>16492863

>the kind of people that use public transport
Is it really that bad in the US? Jesas. Here the "kind of people that use public transport" are the same "kind of people" you see on the street, in restaurants, and in any public places, because literally everyone uses it, because using a personal car is literally slower most of the time.

>> No.16492630

some of you make me ashamed to be a burgerdad

>> No.16492645

Is Bea working in a construction business maybe?

>> No.16492651

I think the car anti is just one guy samefagging

>> No.16492659
Quoted by: >>16493325

The only bad faith acting is the massive amount of offtopic posting by fags in this general. This is the most pathetic /yah/ yet.

>> No.16492679
Quoted by: >>16492710


>> No.16492687
Quoted by: >>16492728

oh yeah, when there were some protest in Paris and a few cars burned in some remote area there, I checked some American news and it was like "Civil war happening in Paris everything is on fire, a new revolution about to overthrow the country?" style of headline and pictures

>> No.16492697
Quoted by: >>16492789

>JR Hokkaido is going bankrupt
you are delusional if you think Japanese sbd prefectures government will stop subsiding it
also I don't get where the fuck you got an idea that public transport in Sapporo is bad, from streetcars, to trains to bus it is pretty good

>> No.16492705

She explains it in a way it's really hard to tell for sure what it is.

>> No.16492708

I fucking hope so

>> No.16492710
Quoted by: >>16492791

I agree, look at >>16492679 for example. Look how fast they tried to make it war between sides again.

>> No.16492728

Unlike "mostly peaceful protests" in burgerland, mind you

>> No.16492746

I mean for those few people of course sure, but it's a tiny minority and to go ther from the city it's better to rent
Most of the population is concentrated in big cities and around them

>> No.16492772

She pulls weeds to clear place for buildings

>> No.16492789

you might just have third world expectations for public transport

>> No.16492791
Quoted by: >>16492818

why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.16492803
Quoted by: >>16493061

It was surprisingly clean at least in London, I even wondered where the fuck did they chase homeless to since they're usually in those places in other countries, but there was no one at all in UK subway, no natsy smell, nothing. Also they give all the lines actual names instead of numbers which felt weird.

>> No.16492818
File: 7 KB, 338x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16492996


>> No.16492858
Quoted by: >>16492920

Dads are finally going to get her to quit her job!

>> No.16492860

When Bea leaves her weed pulling job, will she finally tell us what that job was?

>> No.16492863

Retards who don't even use public transport pretending to be an authority on it based on what they saw on TV and movies.

>> No.16492870

>spam the thread with some typical narrative formed by daily media brainwashed
>blame the thread state on euro
as expected!

>> No.16492888

Really doubtful

>> No.16492891


>> No.16492920

Bea goes full time vtubing!
Watching Bea pander to retards for money!
Watching Bea deteriorate psychological!
Watching Bea sink into alcoholism!
Bea Bea!

>> No.16492931

JAV Actor

>> No.16492947

Buying a house is pretty useless, at least has very very low priority, especially given the prices
It's not a life's achievement in any way either, so basically never, as money will be better used in other stuff

>> No.16492956

She already does all that lol

>> No.16492970

You can say something totally unrelated and it's burger this burger that.

>> No.16492996

Why are you replying to yourself?

>> No.16493030

t. Tyrone
There is no defending US public transportation. Cities are third world shitholes for the most part

>> No.16493043
File: 35 KB, 600x500, !1468263930341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16493150


>> No.16493061

I wish I won the lottery like you did with your trip
I must have travelled into hell itself or something

>> No.16493097

>Kimino Kokoro
>only one movie
Bea tried working in JAV and didn't really like it! Cute!

>> No.16493150

Well she does have a massive futa cock

>> No.16493174
Quoted by: >>16493283

It's not just US, I use my own sources and I know every fucking country in Europe is being overrun by niggers and they're invading every single bus and you can't even enter one as a white person unless you apologize for being white before entering.

>> No.16493252

Bea goes to rehab!
Watching her recover!
Watching her get back into shape!
Hearing her talk about therapy!
Staying a dad for years and years!
Going to the Hokkaido bus tour!
Visiting her wedding!
Staying for the last stream as the channel is archived!
Bea Bea!

>> No.16493263

Hostess club and they lost 100 million yen advertising women that look like Bea.

>> No.16493264
Quoted by: >>16493477

what? I only saw some burger having their feeling hurt over the idea that maybe people sometimes don't care at all about cars in other countries but since it's his main pride in life as burger he couldn't handle it

>> No.16493283

>know every fucking country in Europe is being overrun by niggers
do burgers really? calm down on fox news lol

>> No.16493325

well thanks car obsessed burgers for that and making it the topic... sigh

>> No.16493346
Quoted by: >>16493442


>> No.16493412

I have no fucking idea what she's talking about.

>> No.16493431
Quoted by: >>16493489

I wish we had IDs so I could filter you faggots consitantly, Half the thread would vanish.

>> No.16493442
Quoted by: >>16493630

what happened, last time I checked fox news was the go to TV station for all alt right stuff and the opposite of CNN for burgers at least
If those guys don't suck fox news dick like before where did they go?

>> No.16493445

Living up to the expectations of 10,000 people and keeping them happy tabun

>> No.16493459

This faggot >>16491359 started it with his essay which obviously wasn't going to fly with the burgers

>> No.16493466
File: 15 KB, 263x176, PkxKbfZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16493551

This is a cat. Say something nice about it.

>> No.16493477
File: 77 KB, 1742x980, FHPYk0FX0AwJGET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not bearposting

>> No.16493489

Well you can make a discord and be happy again!

>> No.16493503

tl;dr is she doesn't want to fall into some pagliacci shit because of you obsessive schizos

>> No.16493551
Quoted by: >>16493709

not beatani related

>> No.16493630

Fox News? Alt Right? You've already fallen for propaganda if you think the network owned by Rupert Murdoch is anything but milquetoast

>> No.16493709
File: 16 KB, 251x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16493738

>trade my pets

>> No.16493808
File: 393 KB, 1668x1668, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she loves us <3

>> No.16493874

W-why do you hate cars so much euro Bros? I live in the middle of nowhere I need my truck to get around and do my job. It feels nice driving alone at night and exploring.
Vehicle love!
I lost my virginity in the back of a Oldsmobile so maybe I'm biased.

>> No.16493892

We are holding her back by being cringe ojii san. She feels bad for us so she refuses to abandon us.

>> No.16494048
File: 83 KB, 663x472, 1633474714567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16494095

I will go first

>> No.16494069

>I live in the middle of nowhere
See, this is when having a car is cool and good. When you live in the middle of the city and spend most of your time in a traffic jam while public transport whizzes by, not so much.

>> No.16494066


>> No.16494095

Feeling like a freak on a leash
You wanna see the light
Feeling like I have no release

>> No.16494098

>It feels nice driving alone at night and exploring
This is important
I have a car because I like driving, simple as

>> No.16494181

they just don't understand freedom

>> No.16494199
File: 472 KB, 1010x852, 1627338516457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16494214

>while public transport whizzes by
This doesn't really happen even in Japan and Europe. Actual travel times even in London for example are very similar by car versus public transit despite traffic.

>> No.16494227

P****** only join from Bea's invitation

>> No.16494242
Quoted by: >>16494275

90% of the US is farmland and rural land outside of cities

>> No.16494256
File: 463 KB, 692x716, 1631545388830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it!

>> No.16494275
File: 9 KB, 236x352, !1503642132164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outside of cities are territories that aren't cities

>> No.16494347

A train always follows the same path too
I will always enjoy looking at new scenery

>> No.16494350


>> No.16494351


>> No.16494366
Quoted by: >>16494408

The BGM is too loud and kind of shit. I miss the old one

>> No.16494374


>> No.16494408
Quoted by: >>16494458

Me too

>> No.16494436

>burgers don't know the different gradations of dwellings
You faggots call everything cities, even one house.

>> No.16494458
Quoted by: >>16494580

Dads, please don't tell her but I love this fucking bear.

>> No.16494564


>> No.16494580
Quoted by: >>16494675

I'm going to tell her and we'll gossip about your reasoning.
Then gossip about random chuubas you'd like.
The we'll try to gently push you towards that chuuba in a effort to get rid of you.
This is based on a true story.

>> No.16494582

Then it's not about you and your very fringe and anecdotal situation.
Your example is irrelevant, it's about general tendencies and infrastructures.

>> No.16494590

>36 cm
and funny

>> No.16494592
File: 61 KB, 499x321, horny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea's 36cm cannon...

>> No.16494603


>> No.16494666
Quoted by: >>16494824

It was originally related to Beatani situation in Tokyo, why are you making it about your random story in the woods, it's literally 2 different worlds.
Initially burgers were confused because their values didn't work with the situation in Japan thus this whole debacle.

>> No.16494675

The fact you're giving me this much attention makes me warm inside!

>> No.16494680
Quoted by: >>16494717

24/7 threads were a mistake

>> No.16494717

This is a fucking stream thread retard

>> No.16494736

You are a eurofaggot with legitimate brain damage. Not my problem that my country isn't retarded in this respect and lets me own proper personal transport.

>> No.16494781
File: 6 KB, 396x41, YzvI0Jz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true, dad? Why did you start watching her?

>> No.16494816
Quoted by: >>16495256

It seems burgers felt their freedom threatened by the simple idea that owning a car may not be the ideal for everyone and that some places in the worlds may not see reality like them

>> No.16494824
File: 65 KB, 1018x451, FDf9mjZagAAtzaV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you making it about your random story in the woods, it's literally 2 different worlds.

>> No.16494826

People on Varishangout posted about her

>> No.16494847
Quoted by: >>16494877

he forgot
>I'm Japanese btw

>> No.16494853

I live in one of the top 10 most popular cities in the US
It took me 20 minutes to get from one end to the other in a car
Why don't you guys just invest in better highways? Did your cobblestone roads rattle your brains too much?

>> No.16494864

She looked like a cute talented girl who was wandering the internet and ended just in front of me.I was right.

>> No.16494877

Green woman and K**i did fine without that

>> No.16494896
Quoted by: >>16494975

>charging ahead
>no one working the guns
seems accurate

>> No.16494935
File: 114 KB, 256x520, ZTfa6M0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea is shy when talking about her feelings! It's so cute I might die!

>> No.16494964

it should come as no surprise that euros will believe they're in heaven while the fires of hell engulf their houses because the media told them so. They wouldn't ever comprehend shitty infrastructure even if it hit them in the face

>> No.16494975

she's working my gun just fine

>> No.16494998

>Green woman
first homegrown chuuba
leeched off Nade

>> No.16495000

was pretty disillusioned with the one vtuber I was watching at the time for various reasons, saw the story about a japanese indie that came here to ask for advice and it was pretty cute so I looked into her and I've kinda been stuck here and /wvt/ once I started lurking more of the board outside of literally just that one vtuber's general since.

>> No.16495028

She seemed earnest and I wanted to watch her grow.

>> No.16495039

The first by being well, the first, and being an actual oldfag and naturally fit for /k/ and mecha fags
kiki by literally killing her mind and becoming a dead puppet representing the ideal of the lowest trash of nu-channers who pollute /vt/
to each their own!

>> No.16495075

Pretty much only Jew York and LA have actually unbearable traffic. Everywhere else only has traffic at rush hour, and in that case only in some hotspots

>> No.16495096

I hope bea reads these replies and feels better about herself

>> No.16495105

I watched a few early streams after seeing the thread and really liked her. I started watching my oshi less and less. One day I woke up and I was a dad.

>> No.16495108
Quoted by: >>16495147

I felt sorry for her...

>> No.16495147
Quoted by: >>16495248


>> No.16495150

I just happened to see one of the Recettear streams and thought "how nostalgic, I'll give this a try." I was only in the VOMS threads, so I never saw /yah/.

>> No.16495173

I will take literally any girl that will pay attention to me. Jokes aside, she is fun and has a lot of interesting things to say.

>> No.16495196

I found her during one of the touhou twitch streams.

>> No.16495248

She seemed a little lost and clueless and had less than 100 subs and broken English. After watching her for a bit I knew something was special about her.

>> No.16495256

It's a two way road; massive infrastructure projects aren't viable for everyone. Especially rural communities which is the majority of America.
Neither of us understand enough about the others country to make a educated conclusion so we shouldn't generalize anyways. This a thread for the vtuber Beatani

>> No.16495276

someone from /jp/ told me that some jap made a thread on /vt/

>> No.16495306

was this day that fucking bear did something to me I don't know what it is but I want to support her in any way I can

>> No.16495374

Oh no no no, EOPs on suicide watch kek

>> No.16495385

Bea watches Luna because she feels like a baby.

>> No.16495438

>cunny means underage manko
I will never not laugh at this

>> No.16495451


>> No.16495458

I never thought I would love a post written by Nuuta but here I am.

>> No.16495478

Celery was inspired by Luna

>> No.16495482
File: 191 KB, 782x1022, 1627724859386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her secret goal is an Apex collab with Luna.

>> No.16495531

>I don't understand English

>> No.16495541

>menhera likes the most menhera holo

>> No.16495561

Same, I don't know what happened to me but I have a desire to support and help her.

>> No.16495564

that ain't matsuri

>> No.16495572

She has to focus on understanding it more than having a stream on in the background probably.

>> No.16495612

Literal fatherly feelings

>> No.16495625


>> No.16495660

It's so weird looking back on this. It feels like a while ago but it wasn't even that far back.

>> No.16495706

I miss this bitch...

>> No.16495778

Can any Welsh dads confirm what Watame said?

>> No.16495913

>Watching anime on stream
I'm going to concern

>> No.16495921
Quoted by: >>16496182

If you read again Beatani's first post, she didn't ask people to come watch her streams.
Instead she asked is it ok to post JP and EN videos on same channel or should she do seperate accounts to those.

>> No.16495973

It's PVs, should be daijob.

>> No.16496002
File: 375 KB, 604x811, 1628998887547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she was great at banter and sarcasm, very creative/fostering creativity and above stupid drama and everyone else wanted me dead so it was nice having still a place to feel welcomed

>> No.16496021

Its not licensed in the US yet so its not going to insta-striked like when someone tries to watch so much as 10 seconds of an OP.

>> No.16496033


>> No.16496034

nadenade frogchama

>> No.16496082

It was short enough no issue

>> No.16496143

You're a flaming faggot but you're still a dad. At the end of the day you will always be welcome.

>> No.16496182

people like an earnest appeal to a userbase way more than a pathetically transparent attempt to pander to them
Bea wasn't the first and clearly hasn't been the last vtuber to come here looking for advice/new viewers but being able to fit in like a glove as a user of the website and being able to blend into the threads without coming across like she's just here to promote herself really got her a long way

>> No.16496185

I thought what you did was kinda stupid, but I always thought you got thrown under the bus unfairly, and I never wished you ill.

>> No.16496231

There are a few worst cases in Hololive

>> No.16496251
Quoted by: >>16496427

It's always really great when Bea talks about anime. I wish she would watch it more.

>> No.16496278

She's decent but easily overwhelmed especially in vocal

>> No.16496355

I found my first (stealth) /yah/ the other day just browsing the archive
The more I watched the more things I found about her that I liked and a new chain added to keep me here.
I know /yah/ has its downs and occasional ups but this is also one of the few communities I've felt like a home

>> No.16496407
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, merchant_bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won't sell our gifts, right dads?

>> No.16496427
File: 233 KB, 1080x1534, 1634253992799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16496643

She said she was just reading it though. It's really good, read it dads

>> No.16496443

yeah she wouldn't, theyre worthless so she'd just toss them in the trash.

>> No.16496446
Quoted by: >>16496502

should be "wares," sorry for my autism daddochama

>> No.16496445

Bear roguelike when

>> No.16496477
Quoted by: >>16496750

how can you leech from someone that is literal definition of 2view that continues to recline?

>> No.16496483
File: 1.28 MB, 1699x1273, 1613647385561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think I'd hear about Rie Kugumiya again, but damn did I miss hearing her voice, she really perfected that kind of character

>> No.16496502

ESL please understand

>> No.16496507
File: 42 KB, 480x542, !1532285497632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slightly used

>> No.16496580
File: 356 KB, 777x720, beatanibaka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dads! Remember to cancel membership and unsub dumbtani and don't forget to bonk her on the head! Be sure to subscribe to Chihiro! It's your ultimate destiny!

Message sponsored by your angel Chihiro.

>> No.16496605
Quoted by: >>16496631

I'm sure some sent some annoyingly big stuff like plushies or toys that she has no room for so I wonder where that stuff will go aside from the trash

>> No.16496619

Touchy paws

>> No.16496631

lost in/under all the other trash in her room

>> No.16496634

Anal girls

>> No.16496643

I cant enjoy romcom in any capacity
I just want the characters to get it over with and fuck so I can move on with my life

>> No.16496657
File: 196 KB, 503x479, selfless hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already there, dadochama. Chihiro LOVE!

>> No.16496691

Don't call me oji-san. I'm still only in my 20's.

>> No.16496705

As long as anime is real we are all gonna make it.

>> No.16496713

Discord HATE

>> No.16496737
Quoted by: >>16496821

It still amuses me to no end that taiga and louise are literally the exact same character

>> No.16496747
Quoted by: >>16497437

The attachments I grabbed after the nuke

>> No.16496750

that's asking for a derail but please do archive history reps and check the first mentions of her names on the board, nade thread was literally used as kiki thread since her own threads would be deleted as she wasn't yet a vtuber and had HUGE promotion from nade be it on twitter or shilling in thread and basically it gave her the initial boost that made her existence possible in the first place though once she got that boost she dropped nade lik dirt

>> No.16496821
File: 980 KB, 800x1171, 1616490088939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiga is much cuter and refined character than Louise... and she has that DS story where they become a family which is a nice addition!

>> No.16496885
File: 401 KB, 833x616, 1634278916683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having an oshi whose oshi is L*na

>> No.16496910
Quoted by: >>16497012

First time I'm considering dropping her

>> No.16496909

vary nice!

>> No.16496917

I continue ejaculating forever.jpg

>> No.16496946
Quoted by: >>16497012

Bea has notoriously shit taste in women

>> No.16496962
File: 139 KB, 226x583, corner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16496982
File: 189 KB, 1376x769, RATE11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16496988
File: 299 KB, 482x632, 1628509410115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16496989

comfy zatsudan as usual / 10

>> No.16496991

Very comfy, very cute and lively bea, a little bit of new critical information.

>> No.16496999

we're all gmi / 10

>> No.16497006

hate discord but love my bear/10

>> No.16497012

you guys have absolute shit tastes in chuubas
luna is the patrician choice

>> No.16497019
Quoted by: >>16497074

This honestly works better than her usual white hair

>> No.16497020
File: 225 KB, 458x742, 1613083776154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zatsu love/10

>> No.16497031

3 kg/10

>> No.16497048

Now make her tanned

>> No.16497054
File: 1.20 MB, 899x903, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16499211

I was there, 3000 years ago

>> No.16497070

Luna is fake and gay

>> No.16497073

All over the place but countless moments I'd have hated to miss, love hearing her share more personal stuff like this and I feel she showed a lot of honesty about a lot of things

>> No.16497074

Hell no, it could work but you'd need sharper shading and a tone that's farther from her skin tone

>> No.16497075

too many ichigo

>> No.16497107

Bea, don't forget to add your expansion reps to the plan!

>> No.16497129


>> No.16497133


>> No.16497161
File: 205 KB, 360x450, 1624065203493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like Luna if she was an oldschool vtuber doing scripted short content
As a streamer it just doesn't work at all for me, I can't stand that kind of over the top kayfabe in streams, it ends up being too repetitive and feels far too fake even by vtubing standards and her voice pierce my ears
But as short 5-10min videos however I would probably watch her

>> No.16497160
Quoted by: >>16497251

she came here asking and getting called a nigger
so I checked her out

>> No.16497168


>> No.16497191

My fucking sides

>> No.16497202

eww so fucking disgusting
why are burgers like this

>> No.16497236


>> No.16497251

Based niggerguy

>> No.16497259

The books being here makes literaly no sense, there is no need to elevate a dildo when it's already that high, ruined

>> No.16497261

You'll have to settle with ar for expansion reps

>> No.16497263
Quoted by: >>16497479

>>Green woman
>first homegrown chuuba
and the 1st whore

>> No.16497274

Agreed. Apex sucks too.

>> No.16497285
Quoted by: >>16497323

fucking spat my drink out
god damnit skeb chama...

>> No.16497295

Holy shit

>> No.16497299

that's just disgusting

>> No.16497323
Quoted by: >>16497386

Not a skeb just and edit

>> No.16497365

Yeah I would prefer if Luna used her more "natural" voice as a streamer. She's very much an 嘘つき姫

>> No.16497388

what is wrong with Luna?

>> No.16497386

well I guess that makes it a little better?

>> No.16497437

You guys really posted a bunch of stuff. Do I dare try to grab trash?
992M ./drawing
90M ./suggestions
886M ./album
342M ./teams
2.3G .

>> No.16497441

I saw her link for the 4CC divegrass before the cytube link. Thought she was fun so I came back for her next streams and was hooked.

>> No.16497451
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>> No.16497479

I still can't believe that happened. Fucking Japs were right to keep short leashes on their women. Goddamn whores open their legs the first chance they get

>> No.16497486

I left 4chan after 2016, but came here back after I heard about Beatani since I was still pretty fond of japaneses boards but limited by my basic Japanese, it sounded like a great opportunity
As a result it's literally the only thread I use here now with some wvt sometimes since I found it was also not nu-4chan albeit with its own issues but at least none of what I fled from

>> No.16497507
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>> No.16497588
Quoted by: >>16497926

chocolate review would suck. note it down.

>> No.16497620
Quoted by: >>16497758

... you really have no idea if you think it's worse in the west, regarding that. Really, really no idea.

>> No.16497651


>> No.16497716
File: 144 KB, 902x593, 1635979748922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Bea to see it

>> No.16497758

where did I mention either being worse than the other? And you're not actually going to tell me that Japan is more promiscuous than the US are you?

>> No.16497785
Quoted by: >>16498242

In the streaming/artist scene? They absolutely are more promiscuous yes, not even close.

>> No.16497839

It's far worse in Japan, not to mention the NND scene where everyone is fucking each other and fans altogether
K**** only mistake was not separating her real life/relations with her vtubing stuff and posting about it on twitter, that was e a big mistake yes.
However whatever she's doing outside of vtubing has no relevance and if you think it shouldn't work like that you're in for some pretty bad disillusions, I hope you're more a casual viewer of Beatani for your own sake.

>> No.16497844

Japan is very promiscuous. Remember that next time you post about Bea being a pure virgin.

>> No.16497865

I call her a whore more than anyone else

>> No.16497892

I don't get it

>> No.16497901

Bea has sex every Saturday night with a new guy.

>> No.16497926

t. Can't be bothered to participate

>> No.16497949
Quoted by: >>16498674

check the whole thread out

>> No.16497952
Quoted by: >>16498004

Bea is obviously a virgin
it couldn't be more obvious if she tried

>> No.16497995

I hate cuckposters like you

>> No.16498004
Quoted by: >>16498047

In the groups and trends she was in?
Call that a miracle.

>> No.16498047

not everyone is a westerner coomer like you

>> No.16498050

Asia has the worst cases of infidelity and promiscuity, I never understood why at least here in the US people seem to think asian girls are more virtuous, it's some big cope.

Teachers and parents say that if you study hard you will get a beautiful, kind spouse but while they do that girls are fucking chad on the side while those guys are always busy studying,

Then after marrying and getting a job, men spend all their day at work and then drinking with coworkers, come back home to fall in the bed for a few hours before getting back to work
What do you think the spouse do like that, left alone all day long?
With that insane amount of arranged marriage and how it's mostly seen as a contract (without love) asian women cheat the most of all women in the world, marriages are loveless and a big reason they have such shit birthrate there

>> No.16498096

No, they can be worse like a Japanese coomer.

>> No.16498113

derailed her zatsu before the starting topic /10

>> No.16498156

I grew up in China and it's definitely the kind of stuff they put in your head that you have to spend your youth studying to get a nice wife later, but then they never see their wife anyway... girls have it good
Glad I left this shithole

>> No.16498226

nothing to do with westerner, Asia may have a slightly lower testosterone level but mutts are the most prudish of all and still somehow think their girls are the most degenerate ones when it's the opposite, kek

>> No.16498242

I would take Eastern whores over Western whores everyday of the week

>> No.16498278
Quoted by: >>16498315

I mean as long as you don't think one side is more whorish than the other sure no issues with that

>> No.16498285
Quoted by: >>16498532

shut up creepy schizo.

>> No.16498290

>cuckposters never left
I hate burgers so much

>> No.16498315
Quoted by: >>16498532

no one side is more tolerable

>> No.16498433

>derails the thread ranting about public transportation
>wtf why everyone hate me???

>> No.16498483
Quoted by: >>16498527

/wvt/ faggots up in arms about their western whores being called out

>> No.16498527

this, they try to make an argument that everyone is a whore just like theirs

>> No.16498532
File: 405 KB, 541x546, 1640651271688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NND/utaite scene in Japan is typically where Aloe and a few holo girls came from
And it's an interesting research to do, they fuck like crazy there be it with fans or with each others, and it's actually seen positively to talk about the sex you have during streams, girls or guys, they're very very promiscuous
It's held in high regard too so some girls even larp about sex they didn't even have just to sound cooler

>> No.16498566

don't forget the wvt derails

>> No.16498583

fucking whore made another discord server. Reportchads?

>> No.16498674

oh I know what it's about but desu it can be some random fag throwing that dude ID to troll him
but the thread is about mal(ice) an aussie vtuber who was underage doing cheap ERP and dating some 40yo dude since a few years she wasn't even hiding it it was brough up on her own stream a few times
and she was talking about sex she had as a minor with some people in that thread
It's not very beatani realted though, even if malice did collabs with k*k* which is I guess kind of adjacent but very loosely so

>> No.16498724

>every european is one dude

>> No.16498777

Fucking discordniggers constantly begging in the chat for one

>> No.16498822

Who is going to mail Bea chocolates molded from their asshole?

>> No.16498840

people attribute anon posts to names are the worst trash of this thread especially when it's so easy to larp or pass as another
even being not as known I lost count of how many times I saw random shit put under my name, always by the same bottom feeders who roam other /here/chuubas threads and try to namedrop as much as they can

>> No.16499187
Quoted by: >>16499312

nice larp, made me check

>> No.16499211

>If there is a kind person, I have something to ask
Where did this cute, polite bear go...

>> No.16499251

pretty pathetic watching dads beg for a new server in chat

>> No.16499300
Quoted by: >>16499506

There is no stream going on dude what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.16499312
File: 187 KB, 1268x639, Screenshot (418).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16499451


>> No.16499451
Quoted by: >>16499619

For some reason those retards are talking about chat >>16499251 >>16498777 when there isn't even any stream going on, logical conclusion is that it's just some dumb larp, should have mentioned community posts instead

>> No.16499506
Quoted by: >>16499542

In the stream chat and the bitch made one

>> No.16499542
Quoted by: >>16499638

What stream are you talking about there is no stream going on

>> No.16499619

motherfucker I said she made another discord server and got called a larp. You overcomplicating shit is not my problem

>> No.16499638
Quoted by: >>16500087

the one from earlier today. babies were crying about missing their discord and she hopped right onto making one

>> No.16499833

she posted it now but it was ready before

>> No.16499899


>> No.16499937
Quoted by: >>16500302

MS do your work and restart your services

>> No.16499971
Quoted by: >>16500157

It was too good to last...

>> No.16500025
Quoted by: >>16500316


>> No.16500087
Quoted by: >>16500349

She intended to make one eventually anyway, whatever chat you remember have little bearing with it, looks like this one had some preparation going on too so it was already in the work before today's stream

>> No.16500157

these past threads were nothing but shitshow and falseflags

>> No.16500199
Quoted by: >>16500242

I hope she has the sense to give people janny powers that will use them properly since there's already a bunch of people acting confused that it isn't a lawless wasteland like before. do people seriously not at least skim the rules section before posting?

>> No.16500224
File: 180 KB, 299x377, 1616846306410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord nigger detected. These threads were great the last couple of days.

>> No.16500242

you won't get your red name again

>> No.16500265

They were actually good, other than lonely dads begging for an official discord.

>> No.16500268

half this thread is two retards screeching at each other about public transit

>> No.16500291

for schizos maybe

>> No.16500302

I'm on it

>> No.16500316

Until it gets banned
Even after it gets banned

>> No.16500349

literally 10 people sent multiple begging messages each

>> No.16500357

They were great.

>> No.16500371

They were bringing up a server when it had nothing to do with the topic.

>> No.16500381

Archive of the VTuber Beatani's posts:
Beatani is the vtuber this thread is about.

>> No.16500459

Should I reset leaderboards and everything on the new server or just keep it a direct continiuation?

>> No.16500482


>> No.16500510
Quoted by: >>16500822

reset or have a different tab

>> No.16500626
Quoted by: >>16500822

Reset leaderboards

>> No.16500644
File: 9 KB, 512x512, 1626370447594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16500683

>Discord groomer niggers so lonely they begged for another groomercord.


>> No.16500676

There goes our week of comfy threads...

>> No.16500683

That's literally made up, there weren't people begging for discord in the chat I have no idea what this guy is even thinking just lying like this, maybe just stirring shit up as usual

>> No.16500705
Quoted by: >>16500772

just one guy asking for it today

>> No.16500772

Do you want me to get the chatlog and name every single beggar?

>> No.16500822
Quoted by: >>16500886

Leaderboards are reset but punch cards are going to stay the same

>> No.16500840
Quoted by: >>16500893

so what is new cord

>> No.16500886
Quoted by: >>16500904

Dismiss the XPBot until it is done posting the logs.

>> No.16500893


>> No.16500904


>> No.16500939

Think I will wait awhile before joining this new one. I suspect it'll get schitzo nuked due to some falseflagging retard. At least we can have another timeloop yay.

>> No.16501053

I have a feeling the rules will be enforced enough to where it will stay. Think how long the last one lasted and it was pretty much lawless.

>> No.16501084
Quoted by: >>16501102

You have to falseflag when the jannies are asleep

>> No.16501102
Quoted by: >>16501150

The jannies don't sleep they stay on there 24/7.

>> No.16501130

Don't worry I'll wait until retards get comfortable before reporting
the server went down soon after anons talked of reporting it. As I said before, servers are more fragile than many think

>> No.16501150
Quoted by: >>16501206

Who has janny powers? But according to the punchcard even Gyro sleeps a little bit sometimes.

>> No.16501200

Of course 80% of people have no interest in anything more resistant to getting nuked. They'd rather constantly self-censor than download another app.

>> No.16501206

Just gyro and Bea for now I think

>> No.16501420

> Good thread
> Good PPH
> D*scord invite drops
> Dead thread

>> No.16501667

Get used to it.

>> No.16501715
Quoted by: >>16501733

>sex-san says he wants discord
>discord is made immediately after
makes you think

>> No.16501733

selfposting is cringe

>> No.16501817
Quoted by: >>16502213

Based reportchad. Hopefully this one goes down sooner.

>> No.16502176

>euros are asleep
>thread above are annoying by only discord meta posting

>> No.16502213

Will be hard with the new rules
