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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.16263973
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, schedule.1.9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Previous Thread

>Next Stream

>> No.16263989

One more repost for anyone who missed it https://imgur.com/a/5C9q8m8

>> No.16264015
File: 804 KB, 1600x900, FIBJRRBVkAIyxcS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS space archive from the last thread

>> No.16264328
Quoted by: >>16278115

If she ever collabs with m*le then I'm gonna be extremally dissapointed.
She understands idol culture, but I'm still afraid of Bae's influence

>> No.16264496

This isn't even a timeloop, it's a straight up copypaste, go back to the catalog

>> No.16264647
File: 741 KB, 1600x900, 1641779774890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16264854
Quoted by: >>16266562

I've had Nameless Sadness playing on repeat since I bought the EP. It's as if the chorus on that song was specifically designed to hit me right in the pleasure centers of my brain and I can't fucking stop listening to it.

>> No.16265040
File: 1.22 MB, 1864x2622, 20220111_173034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16273708

How do you think Irys new outfit will look like anons? I really like pic related

>> No.16265382

any plans for more gta v?

>> No.16265499

MyRyS <3

>> No.16265545
Quoted by: >>16265858

IRyS said she is interested in playing more, maybe in the next week, but as always, until it is in the schedule is not really "confirmed"

>> No.16265792
File: 2.63 MB, 1435x1931, 1641872467654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16265858
File: 406 KB, 1365x2048, 1636256224026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet, it was the first Irys stream I watched and kinda liked it. Went and subbed couple irys clip channels as well.
If you have some more can you link em?

>> No.16266153
File: 292 KB, 1431x2048, 1640354116013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving views to clippers instead of her streams

>> No.16266177

im retarded, is the terraria stream today or tomorrow for EST?

>> No.16266257

6 hours from now

>> No.16266262


>> No.16266393

Holozilla, IRySimp and Domo Kun are the only ones I know that only clip IRyS.

>> No.16266562

That's how I think Sink again is going to be for me. Looped the EP a couple times at work but that's only one ear listening. I want to blast it all around me already

>> No.16267139

I like sink again, rise again the most

>> No.16267781

We love our chatterbox idol, dont we folks!

>> No.16268262


>> No.16268318
Quoted by: >>16268725

It's bad for her throat but good for my heart

>> No.16268725
Quoted by: >>16268769

That just means she'll speak softly more often.

>> No.16268769

Problem is, that hurts her throat even more.

>> No.16268960

Nice this website already has the lyrics.
I have trouble hearing them properly sometimes.

I like these lines in Joy with You even if they're cheesy and silly. They fit well with the nihongo that's right before:
>Something I wanted to know; Why were they smiling so?
>It’s so easy to see now that I found the key

>> No.16269004

Cool, thanks.

>> No.16269182
Quoted by: >>16271044

I would do anything in the entire world for this woman, I hate how attached I'm becoming

>> No.16269199
File: 17 KB, 680x380, 487984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... i caught up with that twitter space thing...
w-was that first members asmr q&a like this? i avoided that thing like the plague so i dont go back to lovesick gosling mode but that space or w/e... gooooood dammit it should be illegal for her to be that cute combined with that intimate mic quality voice AHHHHHHH. wtf shes also making me dust off twitter so i dont miss another guerilla type stream again. o god and her personality quirks that she mentioned are too cute and some of them tick off my stupid ideal gf list like wtf IRyS you cant be real, its impossible... i thought i was escaping her after missing the members acapella live, definitely missing blushrys live left me salty and i just havent gosling hard for her since the new years streams but god that twitter space put me legit back to square one or whatever of love sickness ahhhhhhh
thanks for reading this blogpost see you at terraria time

>> No.16269258
File: 175 KB, 360x344, 1641195561510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16269321

anon you're so far gone
But I understand

>> No.16269392

>So sick of this world that I can’t say a thing
Is IRyS ok?

>> No.16269421

She didn't write the lyrics for any of the songs in her EP.

>> No.16269435
Quoted by: >>16272082

I think this line at 2:30 in Sing again, Rise again is my favorite part of the EP at the moment.
>ichido shizunda taiyou wa naze mata noboru no
Read the last two lines!

>> No.16269488

How else can she keep track of Amanda?

>> No.16269505


>> No.16269542
Quoted by: >>16269575

>not keeping this general open 24/7
>not checking regularly
ngmi lads.

>> No.16269575
Quoted by: >>16269716

Someone has to fund her neet lifestyle...

>> No.16269628

Don't forget to send feedback about the EP using the hashtag #IRySJourney !

>> No.16269716
Quoted by: >>16271481

Use your phone lad, nothing wrong with phone posting if you do it for your oshi.

>> No.16270055
File: 199 KB, 680x763, 1640854823703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being me, me

>> No.16270224
File: 326 KB, 2000x1300, FC4JgLoUYAACLnx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Mumei

>> No.16270388
File: 153 KB, 307x267, glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w-was that first members asmr q&a like this?
Nah, this was something else. She was lying down on her couch and was way more comfortable than usual. Even with the shitty mic I felt more relaxed than usual. @1:30:15 in the archive for MAX gosling.

>> No.16270762
Quoted by: >>16271045

G-guys we've talked on the phone for over an hour and she was very sweet... We're pretty much dating now, right?

>> No.16270992
File: 1.55 MB, 1313x1641, FIBkMJdagAEx5R2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16271044
Quoted by: >>16271121

That's the idol experience isn't it? It's nice to have someone like her to support and root for.

>> No.16271045

Don't know but just in case, buy all the merchs and the digital version too.

>> No.16271049

Hey irystokeks how do you feel about omegatroon being the one trying to force Irys to be dark skinned?

>> No.16271100
Quoted by: >>16271137

I don't care what color she is, still the cutest in my eyes.

>> No.16271101
File: 2.42 MB, 1196x1548, alter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should be even darker.

>> No.16271121

I really want her to be the best singer she wants to be
This is actually the first chuba I want to follow to the very end

>> No.16271136


>> No.16271137

She hates it though and wants to be light skinned

>> No.16271232

That's fine by me, her voice and personality will remain the same regardless of skin tone, nose or no nose or whatever.

>> No.16271280

>enter on r/hololive
>no pin for IRyS new EP
Yes I know my fault for enter on plebbit but I'm mad now.

>> No.16271343
Quoted by: >>16271363

I guess at least that means IRyStocrats are not redditors

>> No.16271363
Quoted by: >>16271423

But they for sure are discordfags.

>> No.16271407

They didn't make an official post for Sparks of Joy either. I don't know why they refuse to promote IRyS there

>> No.16271408
File: 552 KB, 720x914, Screenshot_20220111-160026_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16271423
Quoted by: >>16271476

The bigger discord (non-CFAA one) isn't that bad.

>> No.16271476

I will take your word on that, I'm not joining any other discord besides the merchants guild.

>> No.16271481
Quoted by: >>16271593

I used to but the stupid jews at samsung cheaped out on the headphone jack

>> No.16271525

IRyS is still awake?

>> No.16271529


I want my wall of flesh defeated by Irys too

>> No.16271560

Scheduled tweet.

>> No.16271561

It's probably a scheduled tweet, she'll wake up a little before the actual stream

>> No.16271593

>buying high end models
Well, it's in part your fault for enabling their jew behavior like a good goyim.

>> No.16271686

On the hour so scheduled.

>> No.16271709
File: 247 KB, 1395x2048, 687678648468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How sensitive is the skin around the lower abdomen anyway?

>> No.16271929

her gtav stream was great but it's impossible to believe that she never knew about gta before especially when they had multiple superbowl ads for gtav.
I tuned into her 6mo stream at work and I'm pretty sure everyone had a field day when she said that Council was "working so hard".

>> No.16271965
Quoted by: >>16272080

I know that Grey's Anatomy is/was a thing. I don't think I've ever seen a single second of it though.

>> No.16272017

What's the special message included in the Mora version? 1:41 seems long for a generic thank you

>> No.16272032

She knew of it's existence of course, but I doubt she knew any of the details. She seemed honestly shocked at the frequency and intensity of the language.

>> No.16272080

You're telling me she didn't tune in for a single second on the plethora of gtav streams that the rest of the company did?
Especially not with the trill referencing Miko's Niigaa~ that catapulted her popularity?
Isn't she at least 25+? I'm sure she grew up with the San Andreas scandal that reached worldwide news stations.

>> No.16272082
Quoted by: >>16272497

If you have a twitter account tweet what you thought of the EP using the IRySJourney hashtag, staff do read it
And don't be like me, I accidentally used it instead of the general tag because forgot it existed

>> No.16272091


>> No.16272150

She knew about GTA and probably watched the most popular clips(the nigga moment) but she never played the saga.

>> No.16272289

First full listen through after the EP released here. Sink Again definitely stood out so far.

>> No.16272491

I want to give her tummy and armpits a smooch

>> No.16272497

Already did! I'm sure IRyS will be reading that hashtag too.

>> No.16272837
Quoted by: >>16272916

I hope that she would do more of that twitter thingy. And by more, I mean I wish I could hear her voice for the rest of my waking life.

>> No.16272916
Quoted by: >>16273079

A quick 30 minute - 1 hour twitter space whenever she feels like talking at night would be welcome yeah. It's nice to get some late night IRyS from time to time.

>> No.16273079
File: 60 KB, 578x547, ryangosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm in a long-distance relationship with her and she's talking to me on her free time...

>> No.16273401

Anon. She gets scared watching horror movies and every day things do you honestly think her parents will let her watch the news? She doesn't care. She's more concerned about her consoles and manga. And She also has confirmed that she's a clip watcher so she knows about the nigger moment. She doesn't know jackshit about minecraft and MC was for a time all Hololive Clips was about. So you can probably tell at this point that she didn't watch streams to learn any better.

>> No.16273708

I also really like this picture.


>> No.16274946
Quoted by: >>16275648

Such an active thread today.
IRyS love

>> No.16275516

Does she? I'm pretty new but I know she wants to be able to hide her horns.

I actually really like her model and think a lot of the hololive models look cheap / bad, but I see a decent amount of hate for IRyS's looks so I might be in the general minority?

>> No.16275648
File: 642 KB, 3000x2160, FIQdH5XVcAUE5Ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yesterday there was decent activity, once the terraria stream starts and all countries get their hands in the EP things should be a little more active for a while

>> No.16275708

She'd prefer to have a cute model. After falling in love with her model the others just look dumb or too cartoony to me, but that's a minority opinion outside of this fanbase.

>> No.16275784

General consensus from here and 5ch is that she would be a lot more popular, maybe one of the top streamers, with a more orthodox model
It's something you can appreciate once you get used to it, but looks out of place again when she does a collab

>> No.16275924

Is there a album of Irys lewds?

>> No.16275982

Just finished listening to the EP and I can't pick a favorite, I love her voice so much
Gonna have to listen to it a few more times to decide on one
So far I'm leaning more towards Joy with You and Bare your teeth

>> No.16276099

Have you even saw the stream? She genuinely didn't knew a shit about this game and mechanics.
She grew up playing other games like pokemons and Nintendo shit. After that she played otome games and osu.
It is not impossible to not play classics
t. didn't played Yakuza, because I'm not japanese, didn't played single gacha game because I'm not asian, nor Smash because I'm not American

>> No.16276122
Quoted by: >>16276165

kirameki rider, suspect and blue clapper cover doko?

>> No.16276165

Please no Hololive cover...

>> No.16276475

Thanks for the twitter space archive bros. She sounds so cute ahhhhhhhhhh maybe i shouldnt have found it.

>> No.16276669

Her moans and breathy voice on the twitter space sounds 1000x more erotic

>> No.16277100
File: 1.39 MB, 1010x2767, 1637475021625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could say that her current model right now is somewhat of an acquired taste, a good amount of mainstream anime fans and the like seem to be initially averted to IRyS unique style

>> No.16277155

Imagine a twitter space where she tries to do what Bae did, trying to go to sleep
You can hear her tossing and turning in bed while chatting the night away
Constant yawns but she keeps saying "I wanna talk a little more...."
Her chatting slows down until she's really sleepy
She doesn't even end it with a ByeRyS, just the sweetest "good niiiight~"

>> No.16277178


>> No.16277226
File: 58 KB, 580x548, 1635980862658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop please I don't know what to do with my love to her anymore

>> No.16277499

Bless you! I missed it because I had to do sleep reps.

>> No.16278115

She'd probably make him wear a bell, too.

>> No.16278214

It's probably better for her stated goal of "spreading hope" if she can relate to her fans about getting through the dark parts of life.

>> No.16278528

I'm starting to think that I might be liking Terraria. Or maybe it's just that I like watching IRyS play Terraria.
Hopefully, she'll never learn what ARK is.

>> No.16278530

People hate her design because she's not a moeblob. It's not rocket science.

>> No.16278688
Quoted by: >>16278828

Get in here. The wife is giggly tonight.

>> No.16278706

id give her flower hope if ya know what i mean

>> No.16278714
Quoted by: >>16278901

Naughty girl stayed up late talking to us

>> No.16278731

It's super comfy and has a nice BGM, and she seems to be enjoying it a lot, so I am liking the Terraria streams a lot though I've never played the game

>> No.16278821
File: 1.36 MB, 871x874, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I don't have a cd player, I don't have a vinyl player, I don't have a cassette player. Should I get the vinyl just because I can at least put it on the wall like an artwork?

>> No.16278828
File: 611 KB, 979x909, 1628991807619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The excitment from "JOURNEY" must've kept her up, kinda cute but she needs to take better care

She needs a blanket or snuggie

>> No.16278830

Strap in for 6 hours of kino lads

>> No.16278881

This is what happens when they actually put effort into getting into the meat of the game. The others stop right after the first boss. Aka the tutorial

And she hasn't even gotten close to the most exciting bits

>> No.16278901
File: 25 KB, 512x512, 1641315949747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naughty girl needs loving correction

>> No.16278903
Quoted by: >>16279084


>> No.16278908

Get all 3, you can put them all in display in a glass case, if you don't have one of those get one too so you can start displaying all IRyS merch

>> No.16278935
Quoted by: >>16279084

That's what I do with every vinyl I get

>> No.16278937

Can't wait to see her get fucked by hardmode

>> No.16279068
Quoted by: >>16279095

not a terrariafag, how much did she advance offstream?

>> No.16279084

Alright, let's go with that then.
Also, I just listened the full EP and it's genuenly great. Would listen again.

>> No.16279095

She explored hell, got a really fuckin good mace, got an accessory that lets her stand on meteorite and lava.
That's it really

>> No.16279161

Apartments in Japan must be really badly insulated.

>> No.16279186
Quoted by: >>16279313

So, what are the chances of IRyS beating Moon Lord?

What are the chances of IRyS beating an expert mode run?

>> No.16279221

They quite literally have paper walls

>> No.16279237

Most houses in Japan don't have centralised heating. They still use kotatsus.

>> No.16279263

Weird, right? I get that they don't have central heating because winter is almost non-existent there, but at least insulate your houses so they keep the heat in in the winter and out in the summer. But apparently they make from something little better than wood and paper.

>> No.16279266
Quoted by: >>16279319

The lower part of her stream layout is so underutilized, she should've put the shill for her ep in there like how suisei does.

>> No.16279285

IRyS sounds so cute today!

>> No.16279313


>> No.16279319

Send her an SC suggesting that

>> No.16279322

Ancient architecture practices, prease undastan

>> No.16279369

They also have no fire exits, which isn't a problem most of the time

>> No.16279412
Quoted by: >>16279532

>black bean tea
Do nips really?

>> No.16279470

What baffles me is that houses depreciate over time.
Build, live there 30 years, sell for less than you built, next family rebuilds the house and doesn't improve on anything

>> No.16279532

They also don't cook their meats sometimes when fire has been harnessed for tens of thousands of years and is a stranger to no one, i.e sushi.
They'll eat seaweed as well(?)

>> No.16279600

>houses depreciate over time
Actually, houses go up over time, it's just dependent on where you are, speculative buildings, etc.
A house that's worth 300k can be worth 500k in 5-10 years if you buy it in an active land development.
Or a house that's worth 500k can drop in value if the neighborhood turns into a crack ghetto.

It's why HOA's exist, because boomers want their house to be worth more than it was when they bought it, so they try to tell you what you cant do with your own land. It's why you NEVER buy in an HOA community cause they're all fucking cunts.

If you genuinely wanna get rich, buy land (which is really cheap), and just fucking sit on it. You don't even need to build it, as land on earth is finite, so if they wanna build a gas station on your plot, they'll have to buy it for a reasonable amount, making you money.

>> No.16279609

You know what I love IRYStocrats? No one complaining about her playing Terraria off-stream.

>> No.16279631

I think he's talking about Japan.

>> No.16279639

neglected kroniechama...

>> No.16279667

it does tickle my autism, but not like she's making huge progress off stream so i don't care

>> No.16279669

Wow it's like you know nothing about Japan

>> No.16279691
Quoted by: >>16279790

I just like seeing people get into Terraria
I'm pretty sure she accidently summoned the Wall of Flesh and got killed by it offstream

>> No.16279709
Quoted by: >>16279761

yeah i heard something about rebuilding every certain years from the akira mangaka, he became so good at drawing buildings bc he liked to see the rebuilding process in tokyo kek

>> No.16279736

Go back to infinity.

>> No.16279750

holy shit the hotel is massive now

>> No.16279761

Is that because they expect an Earthquake to destroy their buildings every 30ish years?

>> No.16279789


>> No.16279790

you can tell if her guide is a different name than last stream

>> No.16279821
File: 1.04 MB, 857x1573, Luigi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16279826

I'm glad she got into the game and plays it offstream. Much better than one and done streams

>> No.16279835
Quoted by: >>16279944

Guys I have been doing my /fit/ reps but it seems that she still loves luigi... Should I go for an italian citizenship instead?

>> No.16279844

Don't really know, just file it under "Backwards things Japan does because lol Japan"

>> No.16279944

grow a mustache

>> No.16279950
Quoted by: >>16280294

It means IRyStocrats are actually tuning in for IRyS herself not the game unlike Kronii or other Holo's people get mad at for playing mineshit offline.

>> No.16279953

The rebuilding maybe but a lot of the value depreciation on houses is people leaving most of the country to live in major city apartments. If you go super rural Japan you can get an old house for pennies. They'd rather give them away so places aren't abandoned

>> No.16279966

don't you have a depressed loser to watch? go back to your schizo central thread

>> No.16280214

We love it when Irys falls in love with a game.

>> No.16280237

>Monetize twitter space
The one thing I hate, JewRyS, but atleast she's honest about her love of the big fat ¥'s and expensive tastes.

>> No.16280243

Has she beaten all the previous bosses in normal mode?

>> No.16280289

I don't remember the bee

>> No.16280294
Quoted by: >>16280368

That was more becuase Kronii didn't stream at all.
She was taking 3 to 4 days off a week but you'd see her in others Minecraft streams.

>> No.16280313

All except Queen Bee and the new "Don't Starve" Crossover one

>> No.16280338
Quoted by: >>16280388

>NTR Time
No IRyS! No!

>> No.16280368
Quoted by: >>16280410

Because her "fans" are idiots and don't understand her, of course natrually when she came back and they bitched about offline play they drove her further away. So yeah she doesn't stream

>> No.16280376

...should we tell her about isolating her base so that corruption doesn't overtake her base?

>> No.16280388

sorry anon she just likes my cock that much

>> No.16280410

Wrong split.

>> No.16280414
Quoted by: >>16280486

>tribalfagging against her friends
Are you a retards or falseflaggers?

>> No.16280436

corruption grows so hilariously slowly in hardmode that you can go from hardmode to the end of the game without it ever taking over your base without any sunflowers

>> No.16280448

That's just part of the hardmode experience

>> No.16280486
Quoted by: >>16280601


>> No.16280498

Her angel side is coming out...

>> No.16280532

>yesterday IRyS says it's been forever since she drank any alcohol
>today IRyS sound more tired than usual

>> No.16280571
Quoted by: >>16280648

I will never forgive Gura for corrupting EN with "oh nyo"

>> No.16280577

I really like watching irYs

>> No.16280592

She wouldn't drink while she's pregnant with our child.

>> No.16280601

Kronii and Irys are lovers

>> No.16280609
Quoted by: >>16280739

She did say she has been taking over the counter painkillers for her throat.

>> No.16280610

Man she's not even doing anything important and I'm grinning like an idiot listening to her talk
And then she says "noice" and I'm over the moon

>> No.16280614
Quoted by: >>16280651

She's extra GFE today.

>> No.16280619
File: 5 KB, 216x65, chrome_h90yZCHpJE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16280643

>> No.16280643


>> No.16280648

Is that where it came from? I thought it was cute hearing it from iRyS and Ina but that kind of soils it for me.

>> No.16280650


>> No.16280651
Quoted by: >>16280694

No, you're just extra delusional today

>> No.16280691

Irys says age is just a number.

>> No.16280694
File: 3.09 MB, 640x402, 1637412663406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

>> No.16280701


>> No.16280715

IRy/ss/ confirmed

>> No.16280734

Family friendly IRyS...

>> No.16280739

The other kind of high.

>> No.16280752
File: 191 KB, 449x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lack of sleeprys...

>> No.16280826
Quoted by: >>16280876

Something tells me her first attempt at WoF will be hilarious

>> No.16280832

>IRyS is tried
>I am tired

>> No.16280846
Quoted by: >>16280870

She's very close to summoning it accidently

>> No.16280870

You did this.

>> No.16280876

I posted this like right before

>> No.16280894


>> No.16280941


>> No.16281037
Quoted by: >>16281318

Honestly good attempt

>> No.16281086

its always bugged me with how hell is a major area, but you never go back there after the WoF

>> No.16281193

Listening her twitter space and
>special voice message on mora(???)
What the fuck is Mora?

>> No.16281243
File: 12 KB, 316x101, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the korean influx is real!

>> No.16281254
Quoted by: >>16281313


>> No.16281259
Quoted by: >>16281313


>> No.16281277

some enemies drop some useful stuff, but yeah it's mostly optional.

>> No.16281313

Naruhodo. Never even heard about this, unsurprisingly.

>> No.16281318

yeah not all that familiar with the game, but since she is still doing prep work, she did extremely good IMO

>> No.16281342
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe she will appear in fauna/bae stream

>> No.16281438

Same hours as Skyrim/holo ERROR

>> No.16281483

Tier 3 hardmode ores are more common closer to hell, that's about as far as it comes to revisiting hell in hardmode

>> No.16281542

With this swole talk she'll be giggling a ton in the dlc where you punch the shit out of everything

>> No.16281593
Quoted by: >>16281611

>irys the builder
>yes she CAN!

>> No.16281611

no she can't...

>> No.16281680
Quoted by: >>16281702

>what is a hotbar

>> No.16281702

it's like a gay bar but not gay

>> No.16281834

she's got it this time. i feel it

>> No.16281881
Quoted by: >>16281931

she did say she wanted to join, but I guess it depends on how long Fauna and Bae stream last

>> No.16281913
Quoted by: >>16282295

>It's haaard
oh no she heard the bell

>> No.16281918

she did it

>> No.16281931

maybe we will get 1 hour of Skyrim then she will join Bae and Fauna

>> No.16281951
File: 265 KB, 1489x1803, FHgObrmXEAAKnbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it! IRySoStrong!!

>> No.16281954

That's... close enough

>> No.16281959

>It's hard
God almighty, don't do this to me

>> No.16281988

Fuck that, imagine wanting her to stop a solo stream early for a shit collab

>> No.16281992
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, i just can&#039;t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listening her twitter space and
>"I can lie down and talk at the same time!"
>I heard her lying down
>I imagine lying next to her

>> No.16282054

she is gonna get a female companion and complain about her all the game
i can feel it

>> No.16282176
Quoted by: >>16282221

How much fun is she going to have in the jungle

>> No.16282194
File: 3.19 MB, 2315x3400, 95473842_p0_80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16282428

>> No.16282221

i can't wait

>> No.16282287

yessssssssssssss, break more, yessssssss

>> No.16282295
File: 245 KB, 428x361, 1638320143180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16282302

oh boy

>> No.16282328

Tips to people playing Terraria. If you don't break all but one altar you're a pussy

>> No.16282428

I wanna kiss all over this cutie's stomach and thighs while she arches her back and curls her toes. My cock bell would be jingling like crazy, too.

>> No.16282524

i could fall asleep to irys just speaking
her voice is so smooth and soothing

>> No.16282579

I'm gonna be a schizo and leave her twitter space on while in bed...

>> No.16282645

lol her corruption is already hallowfied

>> No.16282668

Holy shit chat is ruining this

>> No.16282893

that's dangerous, that's how I first fell... She did a guerilla stream at like 3am my time, and I caught it while I was looking at my phone randomly while sleeping... I put it on while I went back to sleep and heard her in my sleep so vividly... like she was there and it was the wildest thing ever... I couldn't tell reality from dream at some point

>> No.16283009
Quoted by: >>16283037

well guys? does golden shower mean something yabai? should you elucidate her?

>> No.16283029

i want irys to golden shower me...

>> No.16283037

Super chat opportunity. Take it!

>> No.16283046

pissrys mmmm

>> No.16283136


>> No.16283144
File: 382 KB, 920x900, ogeyrys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golden shower

>> No.16283165

I am Luigi

>> No.16283178

She is going to get a cock bell. Anons save yourself

>> No.16283195
Quoted by: >>16283231

>Irys will never make you put on the green hat and fake moustache
>You will never make bing bing noises on demand to get her in the mood

>> No.16283231

>She gets more turned on the more you whimper and scream

>> No.16283277

how do I become an ikemen dragon?

>> No.16283285

>ikemen dragon

>> No.16283333
Quoted by: >>16283375

>touched for the very first time
IRyS has an intact hymen confirmed.

>> No.16283372
File: 135 KB, 512x512, IRySoCool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ascension to Heaven

>> No.16283375


>> No.16283396

It's painful seeing IRyS tanking those dragon atk

>> No.16283402

she is horny for the nurse...

>> No.16283473

Wait I zoned out what did she say that's yabai

>> No.16283484

>Start HM
>Immediately start looking for floating islands
Sasuga IRyS-sama

>> No.16283537

went to check how much healing from the nurse cost and said
>she's expensive

>> No.16283540


>> No.16283640

God I wanna scratch her back so badly...

>> No.16283848
Quoted by: >>16283869

>buy my EP, pwease, senpaaaaiii
Jesus, she cranks up the cute when she's trying to get your money.

>> No.16283858
Quoted by: >>16283930

Buy her EP on iTunes!

>> No.16283869

that's all women

>> No.16283930

I hope Tim Cook enjoys his cut.

>> No.16283941
File: 120 KB, 290x235, opening soda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16283964

>She kills owls
>I kill owls
WE ARE equally annoyed by trash mobs that exist to do nothing but make noise at you if you make the mistake of putting your crafting and storage around NPCs fuck you relogic.

>> No.16284043

Stretch TSKR....

>> No.16284047
File: 94 KB, 945x1279, 1641531170089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16284204

the owl is already nerfed like reduced the volume and the rate of hootings, but stil annoying as fuck

>> No.16284303

are there spam bots?

>> No.16284315
Quoted by: >>16284403

i havent been paying attention to chat whats going on

>> No.16284369

she is about to break

>> No.16284403
Quoted by: >>16284632

She keeps trying to fight the Wyvern so she can make wings but is really bad at it

>> No.16284422

Nurse still charging too much for a good time.

>> No.16284441

imagine your wife IRyS finally ending a 4 hours stream where she is frustrated the entire time
and then she finds you
she wants to unwind and you are not saying no

>> No.16284505

So why exactly does IRyS' EP have a cassette buying option? I can still KINDA understand CDs but who the fuck buys and uses cassettes in 2022

>> No.16284521


>> No.16284530
File: 316 KB, 432x367, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16284541

bloodmoon hard mode, kek

>> No.16284551

its clown time

>> No.16284555
Quoted by: >>16284620

I mean it's retro so it's like a nostalgia/collectible thing. Don't act like vinyl is any better.

>> No.16284589

She sounds so cute when she's annoyed...

>> No.16284620

Tbf vinyl has made an actual resurgence because 1. Yeah hipsters obviously but 2. The audio quality is actually really good. Cassettes just seem like a wierd middle ground where they aren't interesting to display and the audio quality isnt really good

>> No.16284625

in niponland cassettes still going strong

>> No.16284632

o so just some super backseat gray spamming fucks im guessing.

>> No.16284671
Quoted by: >>16285175

>she wants to unwind and you can not say no due to the ball gag and her established rule of one bell ring for yes, two bell rings for yes ma'am

>> No.16284681

A signed cassette would be great.

>> No.16284702

The audio quality of vinyl doesn't really offset the convenience of digital in this age, it's almost as hipster/niche as cassette

>> No.16284703

Me, I need it so I can play her EP while cruising around in my AE86

>> No.16284723

heh she wouldve been hearing my cock bell during those 4hrs too with how cute shes been so far

>> No.16284787

From what i remember cassettes are a more reliable storage medium than CDs so it's not that crazy to imagine people still use them.

>> No.16284822
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>> No.16284841

>The audio quality is actually really good.
That's just a marketing ploy.

>> No.16284891

Someone do a bell edit of this.

>> No.16285011
Quoted by: >>16285189

Remember all 3 mediums are phased out and it's just for fun for those who like collecting items like this, it's the reason I got all 3.

>> No.16285068
File: 64 KB, 853x480, kill wyvern .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16285099

She's not going to kill wyvern tonight.

>> No.16285087
Quoted by: >>16285587

Cassete choice seems really weird. I understand selling GotG soundtrack on cassetes, but Journey is just modern anime pop/rock. Now, imagine if sme made an EP of synth/city pop songs(feat. Gawr "A" Gura) and sold THAT on cassete. I'd buy that shit in a heatrbeat, I'd unearth the cassette player trom the attic just to listen to it.

>> No.16285099

She already did once

>> No.16285175
Quoted by: >>16285473

Man... remember when people were like "oh, she's pure seiso now, afraid to do anything, can't wait for her to show a bit of her demonic side!"

>> No.16285189
Quoted by: >>16285274

people saying they don't have their cassete player as if they have a cd player
>but PC
yeah put your PC in you pocket so you can listen to the EP

>> No.16285274

Yewp, I don't own a CD player anywhere in the house, no CD drive on my PC either, no casette, and no Vinyl yet I got all 3, just pretty items to look at, and I've bought many CDs I never listened to as well(I just listen to them digitally)

>> No.16285450

the corruption will spread to her base soon.

>> No.16285473
Quoted by: >>16286088

Tbhdesu I don't really know if I like this. I prefer Goslinging over second /infinity/

>> No.16285561

what is irys doing

>> No.16285587

>EP of synth/city pop songs(feat. Gawr "A" Gura) and sold THAT on cassete.
Anon, please, I can only het so erect.

>> No.16285600

I don't know but she is cute!

>> No.16285603

her best

>> No.16285644

hallowed underground is a bop

>> No.16285905

Is it possible to buy from mora without a vpn? I need that secret message.

>> No.16285939

IRyS is not for lewd

>> No.16285954

These are some fucking cute noises

>> No.16285959

am I nuts or did her model change tonight? her skin seems lighter

>> No.16285971

>concept of walls guys

>> No.16286018
Quoted by: >>16286085

Damn hardmode is really beating her up. I feel bad for her but her sufferage is also cute.

>> No.16286060

Romania bros get down!

>> No.16286085

Thats standard for pretty much everyone starting hardmode
Once she upgrades her armor she is going to steamroll until she gets to the next tier of enemies

>> No.16286088

/infinity/ is beyond good and evil.

>> No.16286089

Bullying IRyS!

>> No.16286120

Is gypsy really a slur? It's not like she said she was gypped or something

>> No.16286148

>iR "If it's a gypsy then make it crispy"yS

>> No.16286179

>IRyS calling people gypsies
oh lord, hopefully the pc police go easy on her in court
>is gypsy really a slur?
no, but it is according to the usual suspects, which is all that matters

>> No.16286180

Video is definitely going to get edited or taken down she seems nervous about saying it

>> No.16286208

>ignoring chat and continuing to shit on gypsies

>> No.16286225

Yep. Omega's probably already getting a call from IRyS's manager.

>> No.16286227

Really? Because she kept saying it and doesn't seem to care at all.

>> No.16286228

People are attempting to make it into a slur. Its not.

>> No.16286231

Gypsies are the only ethnic group it is morally imperative to be racist against.

>> No.16286249
Quoted by: >>16286285

Only if it's used as in insult. Just like "nigger".

>> No.16286256
Quoted by: >>16286281

She keeps saying is KEK

>> No.16286270

everything but white man is a slur now get used to it

>> No.16286281


>> No.16286285

I don't know how to react if somebody in 2022 called me a gypsy. I'd be caught off guard that's for sure.

>> No.16286291

i found it funny she kept saying it repeatedly in irony

>> No.16286303
Quoted by: >>16286394

I really regret skipping out on IRyS because of her model. I've been missing out so hard...

>> No.16286325
Quoted by: >>16286356

It’s ok. She’s japanese. She can say any racial slur she wants

>> No.16286333
File: 37 KB, 600x338, Bo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead and make my day gypsy

>> No.16286356

oh yeah? how would you feel if she called you a nigger?

>> No.16286366
File: 11 KB, 314x97, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16286375

>IRyS is wet rn

>> No.16286387

thanks for the feedback

>> No.16286391

holy fuck I'd get a massive erection

>> No.16286394

Many such cases. Welcome aboard

>> No.16286397

I would get hard

>> No.16286401
File: 4 KB, 385x79, fss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I know you guys didn't know.

>> No.16286412

I'm usually not into that stuff but if it was iRyS I think it'd get a ring a ding ding out of me.

>> No.16286418

why is it always burgers doing this shit

>> No.16286420

"I know."

>> No.16286422

Why does she keep trying to use those clouds...

>> No.16286489

>IRyS enthusiastically, almost proudly, calling you a fucking nigger

>> No.16286491

Is he going to mention how "goblin" is disparaging to jews?

>> No.16286507
Quoted by: >>16286583

Imagine if Irys said " Yeah, I know. Fuck Gypsies."

>> No.16286516

I would feel honored

>> No.16286534

Black and would get a raging hard on desu

>> No.16286539

My dick would burst into treats

>> No.16286583

I would do a full dogeza on my floor

>> No.16286592

>"You look like a Gypsy but you don't sound like one!"

What does she think a Gypsy is?
Or is she just acting like she doesn't know to feign ignorance because she knew she fucked up.

>> No.16286610

It's gonna be pure sufferkino

>> No.16286638

anon, I don't even know what a Gypsy is either

>> No.16286684
Quoted by: >>16286929

what is a gypsy? kek

>> No.16286686

do gypsies even exist? i've only ever heard of them in movies and stories.

>> No.16286731

sadly yes
in very very large numbers actually
t. slav

>> No.16286733

Is this the gypsy thread?

>> No.16286734

Gypsies are a plague so you better think I would be trying to insult you by calling you one.
t. EU

>> No.16286746
Quoted by: >>16286835

They exist, they're the niggers of Europe

>> No.16286816

The enemy was flying, magical and ethnic looking. She could have been thinking of a genie.
>Or is she just acting like she doesn't know to feign ignorance because she knew she fucked up.
She said it again afterwards so I don't think that's it.

>> No.16286835

oh i see

>> No.16286853
Quoted by: >>16286869

>ethnic looking
What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.16286862

>She could have been thinking of a genie.
This sounds almost too plausible

>> No.16286861

I mean, I am literally willing to pay Irys for her to insult me. Hopefully she would spit on my mouth, too.

>> No.16286869

It looked like anything but white.

>> No.16286895

I'm asian and gypsy for us are wandering performers such as bards, or a general carnival. People with no permanent address cause they travel to perform. Even on churches here doesn't use gypsy as a slur heck mary was a gypsy as I was told.

>> No.16286901

Every time with these fuckers. "If I just SC her some money and explain how she was wrong, she'll appreciate it."
Calli addressed this already when some Jew got hot with her about joking about "shekels." If you have a problem with them saying no-no words, contact their managers. Don't superchat it.

>> No.16286929

A nigger.

>> No.16286934

real talk though, how lucky was HIRyS on getting that godly shadowflame knife roll?

>> No.16286963
Quoted by: >>16286983

>She said it again afterwards so I don't think that's it.
Her saying it again is why I think she was trying to act like she didn't know what it meant.

Though its not like it matters, I don't think Romani people are watching IRyS nor do I think they do any social media cancelling bullshit.

>> No.16286978

the chat is constantly throwing around "GOD LUCK IRYS", but getting shadowflame knife and then getting godly prefix that quickly is pretty lucky.

>> No.16286983

You're an idiot and can't read people at all

>> No.16287005

That one was genuinely very lucky.

>> No.16287011

>joking about "shekels."
What the fuck Mori that's straight up anti-Semitism. Hope she got raked over the coals hard by management for that.

>> No.16287032

americans dont know what gypsies are
the average american prob imagines some magician people who travel around with a cart and sell trinkets

>> No.16287072
Quoted by: >>16287100

>there are people ITT who really think she knows what gypsy even means

do you retards watch IRyS?

>> No.16287088
File: 39 KB, 466x349, 1641223251375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16287168

that honestly is what i thought

>> No.16287098

>joking about "shekels"
kek, based Calli I really need to watch her more

>> No.16287100

I don't know, do you?

>> No.16287138

Well yeah, are those not gypsies?

>> No.16287146

I think of Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame.

>> No.16287168

In france they live in trailers, occupy parkings illegaly, steal energy, steal anything around really.
Basically a tumor upon society

>> No.16287193

well that's no good.

>> No.16287205

>massacreing pixies like the evil people we are

>> No.16287216

I feel as though I’ve heard of this before under slightly different circumstances..

>> No.16287230

>i was literally gonna say something that's yabai
what was she gonna say?

>> No.16287258

"Thank you GYPSY" KEK so BASED

>> No.16287260

Oops, she did it again.

>> No.16287269

>call yourself some name
>act like an actual tribesmen scavenger
>people associate thievery, begging and schwindling with name of your society
>it is slur now, change name and call everyone racists
Yes. They are welcome into European societies to work and educate, but for some reason they just stay in their barracks on shitholes, stealing shit from neighbouring villages, robbing people and raping women.
They literally are primitive tribesmen. American black people are white when compared to them

>> No.16287276

God I love IRyS

>> No.16287280


>> No.16287287

That murdering gypsies is ok

>> No.16287290
Quoted by: >>16287420

"She was just about to reveal our sex life. I reminded her before she could say anything though"

>> No.16287334

Her chat is so insufferable

>> No.16287337

Can confirm, they have a big community in my city and they are always stealing(me like 4 times), selling drugs and all that shit. Always moving on groups and fucking around. Fuck them.

>> No.16287347

this stream gonna be privated bc some triggered burguers kek

>> No.16287377


>> No.16287375

i wish she didn't put chat on her stream. i hide that shit because i don't want to see it

>> No.16287402
Quoted by: >>16287511

Not just hers. That's every community on the internet. Including this one.

>> No.16287420

what's irys like in bed?

>> No.16287431

Cold tuna.

>> No.16287433
Quoted by: >>16287546

Please forgive my countrymen. They are being brainwashed daily with this shit

>> No.16287444

True to form.

>> No.16287482
Quoted by: >>16287546

the funny thing is its burgers getting triggered ON BEHALF of euros and others who MIGHT get triggered

so ironically the whole thing is this act where no one actually cares but its the same outcome as if people actually were triggered: everyone still censors "just in case"

>> No.16287493

>actually almost said "stupid gypsy"
I love her so much

>> No.16287511
Quoted by: >>16287585

nah it depends on the talents. as much as deadbraps get shit on in here, mori has them whipped so they're less cancerous as the rest of en's chat.

>> No.16287522


>> No.16287537

>Horny horse
I love my horny nephilim wife

>> No.16287546

>getting triggered ON BEHALF
Kek. Speaking of... >>16287433

>> No.16287545

I love her so fucking much and I am kneeling so hard to her like you have no idea

>> No.16287560

She really has a hard time consealing her powerlevel.

>> No.16287580

Irys stop
You are out of control

>> No.16287585
Quoted by: >>16287752

>less cancerous as the rest of en's chat
Gee I wonder who can be behind this post.

>> No.16287631

>A Mex, what is that

>> No.16287670

>getting horny for twins

>> No.16287697

She'll feel sad and confused once someone tells her it's a slur (reality aside). 100% guarantee she associates the word with Esmerelda and nothing else.
My money's on Kronii lecturing her on it.

>> No.16287702


And they are both horny

>> No.16287705
Quoted by: >>16287768

She would love Alphinaud and Alisaie in FF14 if she continued playing it, probably would ship them since she loves incest lmao

>> No.16287725
Quoted by: >>16287782

>My 6 millionth pixie! I'm a pixie genocider!
Yo, what the fuck is up with her tonight?

>> No.16287727

She looks very cute, I love waking up and looking at her beautiful sleepy face

>> No.16287731

She likes to tease just like how she teases chat with borderline yabai phrases.

You better not be touching yourself right now.

>> No.16287744


>> No.16287752

someone who spends his time watching streams instead of living on /vt/ yes

>> No.16287768
Quoted by: >>16287798

Wait a sec. Who did twin ranking on her introduction stream? Koyori? Lui?

>> No.16287780

irys is too pure for this world

unironically tho yabairys is infinitely more oblivious than the most "seiso" idols

>> No.16287782

she took the power limiters off right after her six month anniversary stream

>> No.16287789

That's kinda what I thought, but she said looks like a gypsy but doesn't sound like one. Trying to think of what other musicals might have had ugly gyps.

>> No.16287791

I wish Irys has two modes:
Loli Angel Irys with fair skin and light outfit
Succubus Devil Irys with dark skin and a whip

>> No.16287798


>> No.16287819

>corruption spreads faster
>is that a good thing?

>> No.16287843
Quoted by: >>16287868

>I don't wanna cosplay as a mommy
sad noises

>> No.16287847
File: 112 KB, 784x999, 1638423416885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS being so sheltered and clueless about pretty much everything is one of the reasons I love her but jokes aside it can be really dangerous sometimes.

I'm a litte bit scared one day she'll get called out for saying something she doesn't even know the meaning of

>> No.16287866
Quoted by: >>16287909

She knows exactly what she is going. You cant tell me she doesnt know what a golden shower is either

>> No.16287868

why are you sad I'll just make her a mommy instead of having her cosplay one

>> No.16287880

honestly she's an innocent(but sexy) baby that must be protected(and sexed accordingly)

>> No.16287891

I wouldn't worry too much, it only boosted Migo's and Hololive's popularity.

>> No.16287894
File: 875 B, 34x46, 1620293919113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think >>16286816 might be onto something here.

>> No.16287909

I can. Not everyone would be in an environment where they would learn what that is.

>> No.16287928

Anon you're watching a company thats only popular in the west because all their talents said "nigga"

>> No.16287944

The unicorn encounter had me rolling I had to clip it

>> No.16287948
Quoted by: >>16288115

Miko doesn't understand English and those retards don't understand nihongo
They couldn't do anything to her even if they wanted to

>> No.16288051
Quoted by: >>16288703

migo is another kind of clueless, irys's ignorance of idioms, euphemisms, and slurs is a lot more dangerous
migo is just kinda clumsy and has no common sense and she acts retarded bc its funny but she def has a very deep knowledge of sexual euphamisms and yabs lol
migo is always the one to jump in and tell others to stfu when things heat up

>> No.16288115

No, but they would shit up some EN streamer's chat for a bit, imagine if Kiara's chat got targeted by people saying "HL is so racist how can you be a part of it?" idk how she'd react

>> No.16288137

>thats a lot of crystal
drug addict rys

>> No.16288149

She'd probably just ignore them

>> No.16288215

Kiara's literally said "Nigga" on stream.

>> No.16288218

>imagine if Kiara's chat
She would ignore it. Kiara handled worse just fine. Including actually saying "nigga" on stream.

>> No.16288228

Kiara said nigger and is german so I don't think the internet student council is going to expect better from her.

>> No.16288311

>Pronounces maylay as melly
my heart

>> No.16288369

I have to say, this terraria music is a jam. Who wrote it?

>> No.16288394
Quoted by: >>16288455


>> No.16288433
Quoted by: >>16288455

Me actually.

>> No.16288455

Nice work, dude(s?).

>> No.16288460

no it was me

>> No.16288482


>> No.16288488

I miss her already.

>> No.16288492

IRyS taking a little break but what if she does another twitter space cause she liked the experience haha....

>> No.16288503


>> No.16288507

One can only wish.

>> No.16288515
File: 343 KB, 100x100, 1638886101985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck I forgot we don't have IRyS tomorrow

>> No.16288533

has irys ever said a swear

>> No.16288540

bad idea. she might accidentally twitter space us while fucking

>> No.16288578

Whats the best platform to stream her songs on? i dont like subscriptions because i forget about them, should i just buy her songs from itunes and watch as a none sub on youtube music?

>> No.16288589


>> No.16288614

Watch streams.

>> No.16288617

That or Spotify.

>> No.16288630

Kusokame’s revenge...

>> No.16288654

Killed by kamer... a normal turtle, definitely not that cute turtle from her past

>> No.16288663

She said "fuck" twice just this stream and has said "shit" multiple times and almost said "nigger" in one of her early streams but stopped herself at the last second.

I often wonder if her character would have developed differently if she had let out a full-throated "nigger!" before she could stop herself but I think she probably still would not have wanted to commit to that kind of character so probably not

>> No.16288677

She curses a lot when drunk

>> No.16288689
Quoted by: >>16288715

I NEED to know the special message

>> No.16288703

The only ones who use gypsy as a slur and be obligated to be offended by it are burgers and their stupid political correctness. As a matter of fact black face only trigger burgers, being called a tequila only trigger burgers, land of the free? Free from what?

>> No.16288704


if she said nigger she wouldve been put through the wringer of a public apology and would be way more inhibited and miserable

>> No.16288715
Quoted by: >>16288779

It's on japanese right? Maybe we can at least get a translated script.

>> No.16288723
Quoted by: >>16288740

Do you guys think that Cover will finally entertain foreign composers if her songs that are written by those famous anime composers don't do well?

>> No.16288735

Yes do that

>> No.16288740


>> No.16288742
Quoted by: >>16288805

>put through the wringer of a public apology
Ehh, she probably just would have just apologized right then and there and never brought it up again. Kiara said it like twice and nothing happened to her

>> No.16288779

>he still doesn't know Japanese

>> No.16288800


>> No.16288805
Quoted by: >>16288912

you said if she let out a "full throated 'nigger!'" thats pretty different

>> No.16288813

With the rate MTLs are improving it's pointless to start now anyway.

>> No.16288816
Quoted by: >>16288881

But Yakuza games are on PC...

>> No.16288881
Quoted by: >>16288913

I think they might only have permissions for the PS ones or something weird like that.

>> No.16288886
File: 28 KB, 341x341, 1636764512404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16289616

Do your /fit/ and Journey reps RIGHT NOW!

>> No.16288892

is IRyS a racist?

>> No.16288911
Quoted by: >>16288932

>gerring buff on a threadmill
Roru, rumao. She has never even stepped into a gym.

>> No.16288912
Quoted by: >>16290056

she did though. it was during a ranked overwatch match on an already deleted stream. she said nigger multiple times while raging

>> No.16288913

Yep, it's this.

>> No.16288932
Quoted by: >>16288984

That was obvious during RFA when she didn't know where the abs are.

>> No.16288934

>only racists say nigger
Seriously, nigger?

>> No.16288938
Quoted by: >>16289141

>IRyS wants to be a Vtuber too ...

>> No.16288946

No but I am

>> No.16288955

>you know i'm not good enough at games to be called a vgamer
neither are holo gamers...

>> No.16288984

I mean she didn't even know the word "knee" until chat told her and called it her leg elbow but she probably just knows those terms in Japanese and never learned them in English

>> No.16288999

>Says gypsy like 20 times throughout a hour
>Dodges mike tyson's ass

>> No.16289013

Neither most "Gamers" nowadays

>> No.16289016

No, but she internalized talk like that from her dad who was in the Navy and cursed a lot

>> No.16289050


>> No.16289062
Quoted by: >>16289088

gamer is a slur

>> No.16289088

No, nigger is a slur.

>> No.16289107
File: 107 KB, 500x1000, 1641273182701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there an archive of her twitter space

>> No.16289106

wow growing up bilingual must sucks sometimes kek

>> No.16289132

How come when I searched "IRyS leg elbow" because I wanted to see this cute clip again on youtube the second result had gore on the thumbnail wtf youtube

>> No.16289134

>Who are you?
>Shut up!
Man I love her

>> No.16289141
Quoted by: >>16289265

No she doesn't want to be the only vsinger

>> No.16289154
Quoted by: >>16289225

catbox in last thread

>> No.16289159
Quoted by: >>16289225


>> No.16289173
Quoted by: >>16289225

Look at the mega archive, there is a folder for the spaces.

>> No.16289225
File: 46 KB, 1024x1024, 1635947164737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16289272

ty anons

>> No.16289265

Did Felix ever get his debut date confirmed? She's probably happy that she'll have a "genmate" soon even if the Council probably will feel more like genmates to her at this point.

>> No.16289272

You are welcome hooman.

>> No.16289290

literally who

>> No.16289307


>> No.16289314


>> No.16289327
Quoted by: >>16289352

Who the fuck is Felix?

>> No.16289352

Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg

>> No.16289357

new thread

>> No.16289616

I am /fit/ tho

>> No.16290056

clip. now.
