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16222281 No.16222281 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for Mori Calliope and her extended universe

>> No.16222306
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16222329
Quoted by: >>16222440

i want to lich her lomg neck

>> No.16222440

This deadbeat has ascended to lichdom already

>> No.16222444
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>> No.16222509
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>> No.16222607

I WILL become Japanese for Mori

>> No.16222826
Quoted by: >>16243499


>> No.16222848

>has heart palpitations
>is overweight
>might want scars

2.5/4 says she would probably avoid it

>> No.16222874

Uh, excuse me, big ups to Kizuna Ai-san?!

>> No.16222948
Quoted by: >>16223234

Occasionally, maybe once or twice a week, Mori will come across something that makes her realize just how many people want to have rough, sweaty, ball-slapping sex and whatever it is lesbians want to do with her. How do you think this makes her feel in the minutes afterward?

>> No.16223045
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>> No.16223234

I don't know. Women throw themselves at me semi-regularly and I still have no earthly idea of how having that many lustful eyes turned your way must feel. If it's relatable to my own experiences it'd be simultaneously annoying and an ego boost, but probably cranked to eleven considering the size of her audience.

>> No.16223281
Quoted by: >>16223446

This deadbeat probably owns a boat

>> No.16223291
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Quoted by: >>16224342

>> No.16223304
Quoted by: >>16223446

Nice humblebrag, Tony.

>> No.16223319

don't reply to bait that usually appears on the same time almost everyday...

>> No.16223357
Quoted by: >>16228738

Doctor told her she has to have a surgery...

>> No.16223437

cute fucking oni

>> No.16223446

Not that I know of, but maybe somewhere. I can ask.

Most women are not worth the trouble. If you want them, please take them.

>> No.16224342
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Quoted by: >>16227759


>> No.16224648

Cultured and cute mama

>> No.16224742

Dont forget dorky

>> No.16224770

Yukisame mama is so cute, if they ever streamed together I would die.

>> No.16224821
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>> No.16224929
Quoted by: >>16224998

You guys ever listen to cloudy sheep and think about how it just hits different now ?

>> No.16224998

I do but the biggest feeling it gives me now is 'Mori, ffs, sing Mayday'

>> No.16225118
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Quoted by: >>16225269

>> No.16225167
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>> No.16225184


>> No.16225252

I need Mori

>> No.16225269
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Quoted by: >>16226187


>> No.16225526

it's a good stream to do monthly I think, it's not even a game too so she can chill

>> No.16225645

I'm thinking about that amoung us game. Where Mori lost it when Watson accused her and how Luna could not stop laughing at the scene our boy was making

>> No.16226187
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>> No.16226720
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Quoted by: >>16226910

It's weird feeling like I have to wait for translated clips of my oshi again. Hasn't been this way since 2020.

>> No.16226910

onani lolololol

>> No.16227032
File: 328 KB, 515x668, 1628974443736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you're probably right.

>> No.16227078

nah I feel you. I used to refresh all the time waiting for the next aqua Shion minecraft neighbors video

>> No.16227714
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Quoted by: >>16228422

How often do you think she does it...?

>> No.16227759
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>> No.16227861
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Dead hours lie ahead. Let's be tranquil.

>> No.16227930

I've been using this as a sleep aid
it's really nice, but I get mad hard when the reverb goes off and I can hear her voice right in my ear
I don't even think about anything sexual

>> No.16227961

Ya sometimes ASMR just has that kind of effect

>> No.16228123

Most of the time ASMR just calms my headaches or gives me a pleasant almost numbing tingle across the back of my head, but sometimes when Mori speaks up close it sends chills down my spine and across my whole body. She's dangerous...

>> No.16228215

Pros: has been actually amazing for falling asleep, Mori's voice is relaxing and motivating
Cons: 4/4 in waking up with morning wood

>> No.16228269

I still think her Spa ASMR has been her best one yet, but I'm trying to give this one lots of plays too because I really want her to try doing more. Preferably next time with less reverb and maybe slightly quieter bgm.

>> No.16228416
Quoted by: >>16236147

Live Again ~4k views away from 10M

>> No.16228422
Quoted by: >>16228595

Any time she sees my name in chat

>> No.16228437

You guys know when Calli was doing that Uno collab and they made her do fox noises and she made Japanese fox noises? I think it was a huge missed opportunity that she didn't say "RING DING DING DING DINGERINGEDING GERING DING DING DING DINGERINGEDING"

>> No.16228508


>> No.16228595

Ger Loke...

>> No.16228637
Quoted by: >>16236208

She has done it before with Kiara

>> No.16228672

> >is overweight
Do newfags really...?

>> No.16228738


>> No.16228759
Quoted by: >>16229118

did >we determine whos producing Q?
my guess is Crusher

>> No.16229118
Quoted by: >>16230192

Dunno, but we'll find out in "late January". Or not, if it gets delayed...again

>> No.16229471
Quoted by: >>16229720

she barely smokes and the other ones aren't true

>> No.16229720

She did have heart palpitations when playing Doom Eternal and mentioned she was getting them again during the "Bang Energy Drink arc". She hasn't mentioned them since tho.

>> No.16229802
Quoted by: >>16231327

that's not heart palpitations because your heart is irregularly shaped from a birth defect. That's you drinking 4 days worth of sugar in an hour and reacting.

>> No.16230192

You know I was betting on February ever since they said early January

>> No.16230233
Quoted by: >>16232611

Should I watch Vivy?

>> No.16231327

Bang doesn't have sugar, it uses an artificial sweetner but if she was having more than 1 can a day it was definitely way too much as those things are 300mg of Caffeine. Most medical stuff pins normal adults to 300-400mg per day depending on height/weight.

>> No.16231412
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Guess I'm using this Mori break to binge jojo so I can be ready for the twitter space.

>> No.16231791
Quoted by: >>16232548

none of this refutes the reduction rrat

>> No.16232004
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Is Watamelon part of her extended universe?

>> No.16232049

She sang her song, so yes

>> No.16232548

Why did you decide to bring this shit to the next thread?

>> No.16232611

>8.4 on MAL
Seems decent at least

>> No.16232694
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>> No.16232765
File: 3.61 MB, 366x558, Watamage[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgn7n33.m4a].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but Watamage is

>> No.16232830
File: 59 KB, 680x384, E7pNdL4VEAAIqfA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have enjoyed Morys, glad IRyS joined.

>> No.16232839


>> No.16233532

so in other news, IRyS was trolling teh forums again

>> No.16233620

I choose to believe the other rrat that Mori saw it here and posted the link in their discord.

>> No.16233687


>> No.16233798

I don't want to believe IRyS is AQUI because then that means she might've seen all the bashing her model got in the first month

>> No.16233959
Quoted by: >>16234012

I think she definitely knows and that's why her kimono outfit is delayed. On the downside unless her base model gets an upgrade I don't see her using it much at all once she gets the new one.

>> No.16234000

What happen

>> No.16234012

>I don't see her using it much at all once she gets the new one.
Shuuba 2.0...

>> No.16234033
File: 417 KB, 1292x1384, 1627446542841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to christening IRyS with her first shot on alcohol, Mori also imparted knowledge on how to get away with it.

>> No.16234053

Damn I wish Mori and Milky had covered Odo, I like it much better than Usseewa.

>> No.16234128
Quoted by: >>16234189

Wasnt there going to be a cover of odo in milky's channel? or did i forgot to take my meds?

>> No.16234135

>Ado's most popular song is her worst one
>Mori's most popular song is her worst one

>> No.16234189
Quoted by: >>16234212

Odo is a fucking jam, dont try to be contrarian just to be like Mori
pretty sure thats still happening, yes

>> No.16234212
File: 360 KB, 372x500, 1627278313407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about Usseewa

>> No.16234258

>Mori's most popular song is her worst one
I actually like RIP and I think it's better than Dead Beats

>> No.16234300

i realize as soon as the timer ran out. im gonna leave it up because im not a coward

>> No.16234493

Agreed, it was the first song of that kind she had ever made. Came out really fun and appealed to both EN and JP audiences very well

>> No.16234574

I like the beat and flow for RIP but I really can't get over how cringe some of the lyrics are. To be fair though I have the same issue with Dead Beats. Live Again was the first song of hers that really sold me on her music.

>> No.16235110

RIP dropping on her debut is still the best moment any vtuber has ever had and even if its one of her weaker songs ill always love it for that reason alone

>> No.16235200
Quoted by: >>16235439

Damn IRyS sounds great singing this.

>> No.16235294

Honestly, RIP's lyrics are similar to Ahoy's when you think about it. Why cringe at one when you can enjoy both?

>> No.16235439

She sounds great singing anything, you should've heard her members acapella yesterday. Absolutely divine.

>> No.16235496
Quoted by: >>16243322

Dude, she ups the gamma in her streams to make herself whiter. Look at any collab stream where her and the other party have a vod, the IRyS will be brown on the partner's channel, and the partner will have fucked saturation on IRyS' channel.

>> No.16235669
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>> No.16235695
Quoted by: >>16236706

I figured she might show up.

>> No.16236147


>> No.16236208

thank you timestampbeat, god's work

>> No.16236235
Quoted by: >>16236378

I was scrolling super far in my likes playlist and this came back up. Imagining of a /morig/ variant is funny.

>> No.16236378
Quoted by: >>16236468

You mean like... replace the girls with skeletons?

>> No.16236468

A bunch of skeletons in some diner or something

>> No.16236488

Fuck you contrariantard, odo is a ban-
Ah, okay. Still gotta do a flip for hating RIP, so go ahead now

>> No.16236602

I want Mori to sing Suspect still. I love it.

>> No.16236679
Quoted by: >>16237111

the most sexual song, and its a bop

>> No.16236706

Yeah, they seem to have really clicked even with not a lot of stream collabs. Hopefully they do the karaoke at Mori's place soon

>> No.16236944

What's up with Mori's capitalization lately?

>> No.16237111

>the most sexual song
I've been a little conflicted on that lately

>> No.16237149

Based luitomo

>> No.16237210

based but I did say holosong, maybe holoriginal to be more precise next time

>> No.16237246

But what about Autophagy?

>> No.16237468

Hey that song is swanky as fuck too, heard it yesterday, it's great.

>> No.16237540
File: 397 KB, 422x543, 4444444444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is anyone meant to read stylized kana?

>> No.16237677

Lui really knows how to pick songs that showcase her voice well.

>> No.16237980
File: 911 KB, 2048x2048, 1637082419264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16238096

Yooo IRyS is getting a vinyl

>> No.16237999
Quoted by: >>16243918

you will buy IRyS's 2nd EP, right?

>> No.16238060

>IRyS is releasing an EP on CD, vinyl, AND cassette

Our boy needs to step it up. I want to buy her mixtape.

>> No.16238096
Quoted by: >>16238214

>IRyS getting a vinyl
Great, more things for me to blow my wallet on
Give me Mori vinyls goddammit

>> No.16238166
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Quoted by: >>16241495

>> No.16238214
Quoted by: >>16238275

Calm down she already has one.

And will probably get another one for her birthday goods this year

>> No.16238275

i think he's refering to merch that didnt arrived

>> No.16238281

Damn six songs, that's huge. I hope they're good. I was a bit hit or miss with her first ep.

>> No.16238462
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This is a nice pic.

>> No.16238767
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>> No.16238916
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Is this rat about her new models having smaller boobs? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she had them made smaller if she had surgery.

>> No.16238960
Quoted by: >>16239040

Im really fucking happy for IRyS, she deserves this
that ZAQ song sound incredible

>> No.16239009
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1635546928915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16239242

Love IRyS, but a lot of her music sounds so samey. Then again, I didn't like how Your Mori sounded based on the preview so I'll be happy to be proven wrong.

>> No.16239040

In general I find the direction they've decided to go with on IRyS' music a bit too generic for my tastes, but I liked at least a couple of the previews.

>> No.16239242

Completely agree. IRyS is one of my favorite girls in EN but all of her music is very generic anime pop. She's cast herself in a shitty mold and she needs to break away from it

>> No.16239337
Quoted by: >>16240108

It's not really her fault, from what Mori's told us IRyS doesn't have any creative control over her music she's just the voice.

>> No.16239382

>she needs to break away from it
says who?
shes never said she doesnt want to sing these songs

>> No.16239444
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>> No.16239508

I'm excited to see an Irys with more creative control. It's such a waste to have a great voice stuck singing for her overlords. Even other holos get to pick which covers they want to express themselves in.
This is why I like Anya.

>> No.16239742

I think Nameless Sadness, Bare your teeth, and Flower of Hope sound pretty good so far. The others I'm gonna have to wait and see.

>> No.16239888
Quoted by: >>16240126

Im not sure why I bought the cassette but i did
well i bought everything but i didnt want to not have it i guess

>> No.16239963

Imagine loving Mori. lol

>> No.16240041
File: 185 KB, 1300x1193, 1462546345254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16240300

I don't have to imagine.

>> No.16240056
Quoted by: >>16240618

Huh? Why are people still bringing this up when she confirmed it was a leg thing.

>> No.16240058
Quoted by: >>16240300

But i love my mori though

>> No.16240108
Quoted by: >>16241308

>Mori is trying to teach every holo she can about lyric writing
>Mori is fighting to give every holo creative control over their own songs
>Mori is trying to create a place for vsingers/vtubers to use their own souls to create their own songs
>Mori uses her clout and resources to create an independent vtuber nation for demons, angels of death, and others who have been cast "Out of Heaven"

The legendary Vtuber Big Boss Wigger

>> No.16240126

I'm buying the vinyl and cassette versions.

>> No.16240198

I don’t know who needs to hear this but I miss mori

>> No.16240300

me too, fuck I love her so much

>> No.16240372
File: 1.05 MB, 1942x2850, FIyzOL5aMAMcw1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16240411

>> No.16240411


>> No.16240428
Quoted by: >>16240482

Wasn't KING also delayed?

>> No.16240482

I think so because Mori recorded one of her parts wrong or a line was missing or something iirc.

>> No.16240618

she never confirmed that

>> No.16240630

Damn eoal is already over half way to 7m from 6m. People really liked that song.

>> No.16240824
File: 204 KB, 1280x1380, 1619495066998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16240873

>Mori can schedule a guerilla Jump King session and stream while I'm asleep
>I could possibly miss her beating it live

>> No.16240873

>She’s gonna stream at the most awkward time so less people watch and bombard her with superchats after she beats it

>> No.16241308


>> No.16241455

I want to have sex with Mori Calliope and I don't care if she sees me post this
Captcha WX J0P

>> No.16241495

Damn, those are humonguous honkers.

>> No.16241500

Im glad for Irys, I hope this means Mori would be able to release another vinyl of a new album or EP.

>> No.16241543

I wanna eat Mori out while she sits on the couch drinking whisky and watching Inferno Cop

>> No.16241558
File: 218 KB, 1158x1637, 1626267322527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You look like a cute girl in school I would have had a crush on.

>I want [Gura and I] to perform together. In 3D. As soon as possible! What I really, really wish...what I absolutely wish is that I could do like a birthday 3D live and have me and Gura perform Q together. That's such a big dream for me. I'm gonna hold onto that dream.
>When I do a 3D collab song, like live on a stream, I want Gura to be the first person I appear with. No matter what. I need it to be her.

They are just bros, right?

>> No.16241620

Yeah, bonebros.

>> No.16241665

I would absolutely love if Mori's dream came true, that would mean a very soon 3D.

>> No.16241681 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 2072x1890, 1629316081960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, https://twitter.com/gawrgura/status/1346640256435687425

>> No.16241693
File: 289 KB, 1600x1600, 1627257836952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was saying it from the start, Calligula is the OTP of Myth.

>> No.16241722
File: 5 KB, 112x188, 1629929260334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck me, I'm baited

>> No.16241921

What am I sposed to be lookin at?

>> No.16242000

I get that you love her Mori, but the Shark doesn't seem very built for 3D performances... would probably take her a while to get over the head spins with 3D

>> No.16242071
Quoted by: >>16242531

not only is it the pair that has the best chemistry, it also dates back from the start.

>> No.16242104

So did Mori appear on Ollie's stream?

>> No.16242328

I think they're fun, I like that they mostly come across as bros but can have surprising flirty moments without people making it weird. Also they are my two favorite myths.

>> No.16242392
Quoted by: >>16242432

important: has calli ever talked about death grips? any timestamps? ty in advance

>> No.16242408

how old is she? am I older? Younger?

>> No.16242432

Man I could swear I have a memory of her screaming
at me, but that might just be me conflating Mori and DemoD again.

>> No.16242456
Quoted by: >>16242789

focus, protobeat, focus.

>> No.16242467

>confusing Mori and DemolitionD

>> No.16242491

Bro, she's been alive longer than humanity's been around. There's no way you're older.

>> No.16242508
File: 255 KB, 1440x2048, 43E7B597-3235-4619-B056-A77660B19264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16242517

She's eternal

>> No.16242531
Quoted by: >>16242619

>from the start
Their first collab was pretty rough, but other than that sure.

>> No.16242619

did you actually listen to Mori? She said that early on, off-stream, they could talk to each other instantly.

It was not a chemistry issue, it was a confidence issue on both of their parts.

>> No.16242662

Very similar content, you see

>> No.16242707

>people absolutely love the kimono
>the dress gets forgotten instantly
it's not competition, but damn!

>> No.16242772
File: 1.35 MB, 1067x1200, ClassyReaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16242842

I still like it, but it doesn't help that the dress was supposed to be released months earlier

>> No.16242789

It's not my fault, they're too similar, they just live in the same area of my memory lobes.
>Both alcoholic
>Both oldfags who rightfully think 4chan is retarded
>Both countryside-born americans obsessed by Japan
>Both with kino taste in movies (I've watched The Boondock Saints twice, once with each of them)
If giga-dyke kiara hadn't lusted for Mori I'd actually believe that Mori is him with a voice changer pretty readily.

>> No.16242842

I hope 2,0 will happen, and give her the ability to swap hairstyles.

>> No.16242927
Quoted by: >>16242967

Isn't it called Barq's?

>> No.16242955

I like all of Mori's outfits honestly, and the dress is still perfect for the Flipside.

>> No.16242967

no, you're talking about the rootbeer. Bang is a totally different drink.

>> No.16243003

I swear she mentioned them again recently during an attempt at the sand tower in JK.

>> No.16243083

Have a snake.

>> No.16243277

The JP stream was jsut too pwoerful. She was literally cuter than usual, and I mean significantly so, like, by 30-35%.

>> No.16243322

I kinda think you're full of shit because I had to dig back months to find a collab this even applies to and it's not even true. I wouldn't even mind a brown IRyS but I'm not sure where it comes from, her model is pretty clearly white, just not anime girl pale. But in the Christmas comic video thing Calli did, the artist drew her with noticeably brown skin so there's definitely a brown IRyS meme going around and I don't get it at all. Granted I don't get the design hate either, I love IRyS' design. I'm glad that 3D models use the base design so no matter how many people hate it, she's going to be stuck with this design forever and it will make me happy.

>> No.16243407

t. blind retard

>> No.16243442

Have you not stepped outside of this thread before?

>> No.16243453

>just not anime girl pale
So, brown/tanned in comparison
And yeah, I've seen Mori be more pale than usual in one of her IRyS collabs

>> No.16243499
Quoted by: >>16243602

You will never be Japanese unless you try really hard?

>> No.16243534

Look at how fucking ghostly pale Mori is in this stream and tell me there's not a gamma filter on the stream.

>> No.16243556

are these costumes cny shit or something

>> No.16243602
Quoted by: >>16243669

>he actually figured it out
I kneel!

>> No.16243610
File: 88 KB, 700x760, giga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to lich her lomg neck

>> No.16243669

Not the original anon but thanks.

>> No.16243715

bogos binted, binted
we pour up
my glock is ready, we roll up
bite the bullet bitch
welcome to $outh$ide $uicide

>> No.16243805

Zambo is jumpin

>> No.16243867

>open stream
>dude speaking moped
Thanks for reminding me why I don't watch the zoombie, as cute as she is

>> No.16243886

Damn, the indog girl reading english sounds cute.

>> No.16243918

no, don't really care for her music much

>> No.16243924
File: 425 KB, 606x563, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy deadbeats, it's ya boy

>> No.16243940

Only thing I don't like about dead beats is the meme ending

>> No.16243967
Quoted by: >>16244230

>not the UNO edit


>> No.16243989

the meme ending gave us Calli v Mori: Dawn of Ope

>> No.16244036

>He doesn't like jerky dancing
Are you really a deadbeat?

>> No.16244040

I hope demo dies in a tragic painful accident

>> No.16244121

Fuck you Mori, it was great and it's about time you stopped shying away from doing it live. What with you saying オナニ the other day and whatnot.

>> No.16244124

I don't mind that part, I'm just not a huge fan of the "by your side with a scythe and red wine" and gucci parts. They've always felt off to me.

>> No.16244153

The gucci part is what got me hooked on the song in the first place

>> No.16244160
Quoted by: >>16244193

She needs more BLAT BLAT . GUH. Adlibs

>> No.16244193


>> No.16244230

A doxxfag and a lazy prick. Truly poetic

>> No.16244236
File: 1.03 MB, 2362x3508, FIyUhYcUUAMwp3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16244254
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1619897004389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16244682

I HATE Mori!!!
I love her...

>> No.16244369
Quoted by: >>16244409


>> No.16244409

Spam the guy and make him do the long hair variant, guys!

>> No.16244481


>> No.16244602

The fox mask is the sign of a whore....

>> No.16244671
Quoted by: >>16244750

what if we get mori addicted to dota

>> No.16244682
File: 43 KB, 828x498, 93FEBA89-17B7-4296-8E8F-982D360B4C53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16245135


>> No.16244712
File: 250 KB, 800x1200, FItiCuyWQAAWEeR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16244750

No go, Mori will never go for games that have cluttered UI and require you to manage more than one thing.

>> No.16244756
File: 38 KB, 300x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16244922

That's our Whori!

>> No.16245104

too lazy to watch the stream
is this real or edited

>> No.16245112

I miss Cavi

>> No.16245135

shinigami, retard

>> No.16245146
Quoted by: >>16245482


>> No.16245482
File: 918 KB, 2480x3508, FCIlQ-rVkA0Y5Z-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moririn is a good friend.

>> No.16245521

what do you do when mori hates you personally

>> No.16245568

cope and seethe

>> No.16245609

She doesn't so how could I know????

>> No.16245634

Superchat her a large so she literally can’t deny my love

>> No.16245672

Chances Mori calls into Ollie's stream?

>> No.16245683
File: 1.00 MB, 776x881, 1614124685999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet one of you is here.
From where does Riri knows Nana?

>> No.16245805
Quoted by: >>16245844

I would think low. I'm assuming she took the day off for a reason.

>> No.16245806
Quoted by: >>16245872

She's said she was watching JoJo with her JP girl friend today so doubtful

>> No.16245844

>the day off
Dude wha-
>next stream is actually on 12th, not 11th
Oh fuck my life, I have no eyes.

>> No.16245864

become a vtuber and do everything she does better than her.

>> No.16245872
Quoted by: >>16245951

>her JP girl friend
Yeah, me

>> No.16245951

Show yourself femanon

>> No.16246027
Quoted by: >>16246090

Can't say I know that feeling bro. She seems to really like me

>> No.16246090

I kneel jp bro

>> No.16246104

I do my best to show up to every stream and comment a lot to make her seethe.

>> No.16246594


>All that nihongo jouzu in the comments

>> No.16246711
File: 888 KB, 400x181, 1641812882559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This with me and Mori

>> No.16246798

I wouldn't know sounds like a (YOU) problem

>> No.16246871

I hate that she can't just put on the mask. That might even be a bigger tragedy than the jacket not being removable.NHMJJ

>> No.16246903
File: 100 KB, 700x991, Pockicchi-1473486944055267332-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16247037

Mori confessed to me

>> No.16246952

I haven't thought about this, but it'd be neat if she could actually wear it like Chloe

>> No.16246991
Quoted by: >>16247061

The biggest tragedy is that they didn't automatically assume that she would want to be able to put her hands down. Mori always has this problem, she can't take her hand out of her pocket in the casual outfit either. She had to specifically ask for the dress to allow her to do it.

>> No.16247037
Quoted by: >>16247105

That's not Mori?

>> No.16247061

True, it's weird that the assumption was that she'd always keep the accessories in her hand (or her hand in the pocket) and I can't imagine it being that hard to rig the empty hands.

>> No.16247105
File: 128 KB, 800x1169, Pockicchi-1463280687281319937-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16248839

Just use your imagination anon

>> No.16247157
File: 267 KB, 900x900, 1641706968221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.16247426

This ain't one of your webtoons partner

>> No.16247435

god i want all shipniggers to fucking hang

>> No.16247493

I do not have a Mori, to call my own...

>> No.16247563
Quoted by: >>16247582


>> No.16247582

You got it bro

>> No.16247662

I do, but it's pointless.

>> No.16247689
Quoted by: >>16247735

My mom can attest to that. My mom's quite fit but had to stop drinking energy drinks daily since she already drinks coffee every morning anyway and the sheer amount of caffeine was causing irregular heart beats.

>> No.16247735

You got her number?

>> No.16248006
File: 1.02 MB, 1687x3000, FIzt8uGaIAASIsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16248022


>> No.16248022

smurf cum

>> No.16248048

The smurf? Me.

>> No.16248056
Quoted by: >>16248477

Frame for the drawing stream is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmyfPojqg9Q

>> No.16248081


>> No.16248189

I did a little experiment with the view count bug today.
I was watching a literal 2 viewer streamer earlier today but the streamer's count said 1 viewer. I turned off my adblock and refreshed and he stayed at 1 viewer. The other guy and I were both in chat so I know he didn't leave. I left adblock off and it didn't update even after about an hour.
My new hypothesis is that youtube flags some accounts as bots or some kind of undesirable and doesn't count their views.

>> No.16248195

>Pink woman and Suityan MK collab
What if this would be with Mori? Would she spill her spaghetti?

>> No.16248237

Makes ssene, with shadowbans and all.

>> No.16248276

>or some kind of undesirable
So thousands of people who watch vTubers are undesirable? It's not often I agree with YouTube.

>> No.16248397


>> No.16248477

Think she's gonna finish the unity drawing or are we going to start something new?

>> No.16248608
File: 386 KB, 594x703, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS kinda cute

>> No.16248839
File: 502 KB, 1440x2060, short comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have to when I can draw it

>> No.16249110
Quoted by: >>16249135

Live Again has crossed 10 million views.

>> No.16249135

That's numberwang!

>> No.16249150

That works, too. It's cute.

>> No.16249184

Better also amputate below the knees if you want to be her preferred height.

>> No.16249288

New Zealand IRyStobeats, any thoughts on the EP?

>> No.16249378
File: 1.05 MB, 2480x3508, 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished sketch.

>> No.16249417
Quoted by: >>16249758

>I did a little experiment with the view count bug today
You're a bit late considering it got "fixed" before Ina's stream. Now it's only 50% poll Engagement after 4 minutes rather than 200%

>> No.16249461

Holo based

>> No.16249475

>the pit crease
dee to the licious

>> No.16249548

I want Mori to alternate between being abusive and beating the shit out of me, and being lovey dovey, nursing me, and kissing my bruises (that she inflicted)

>> No.16249651

she's beautiful

>> No.16249758
Quoted by: >>16249806

Obviously not fixed if a stream with 2 people in chat shows 1 viewer.
Maybe Takos just don't participate in polls. Or less of her audience is shadow banned.

>> No.16249806

Fixed as in 2021 numbers rather than the complete clownshow that was recent numbers

>> No.16249929
Quoted by: >>16250157

>rushia 11k ark
Holy shit they did fix it. They actually did it. I trusted the plan. Haven't been to /#/ in the last couple of days, was it fixed somewhere before ina's last chatting stream 12 hours ago ?

>> No.16250157

Like 10 minutes before her stream started a bunch of indies doubled to tripled their numbers in a minute or so.
It's probably still post-2020 numbers though so the main EN cull is still in effect.

>> No.16250178
Quoted by: >>16250370

She had by far the best kimono

>> No.16250370
Quoted by: >>16250427

>exposed the ostrich vtuber neck and broad ass vtuber shoulders
>hid the booba
>cut the hair too short, exacerbating the problems above
>only one hand pose
Sorry teabro, but yours was better at least because it didn't have these issues.

>> No.16250409
Quoted by: >>16250484

Maybe it was improved, but I wouldn't really call a poll test conclusive, especially in the negative direction.

>> No.16250427

i'm just bothered by ame's booba being too small

>> No.16250484

Bae got 6k on her Zatsu and Irys 16k on her karaoke+ announcement

>> No.16250832

Mori love?

>> No.16251196
File: 365 KB, 1233x1000, Boss Nigger and Adam Sandler should now be this wholesome[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fz2eaty.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16251278

I thought the drawing stream was now, but it's not until tomorrow

>> No.16251356

i need mori to hug me i cant fucking take it anymore

>> No.16251401
File: 1.32 MB, 588x891, 1622517682181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16251448

You too, huh?

>> No.16251448

It'd help if Mori would also mark her off days in the schedule like some other holomem, but it's whatever

>> No.16251503

Yeah, we jsut need to get eyes. Dunno what those red gems are.

>> No.16251540
Quoted by: >>16251941

Why is she giving Kiara attention again?

>> No.16251702

How can schedules be real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.16251941

wants more nudes

>> No.16252117

[Second-in-command news]
She is becoming Mori

>> No.16252148

yeah, but how does she become a electroswing rapper?

>> No.16252472 [SPOILER] 
File: 449 KB, 928x932, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New rrat, this but with doxxbeat secundus instead

>> No.16252528

YRyS isn't even in the top 3 most entertaining (read: I did not use the word BEST) singers in HoloEN, and she's supposed to be their Vsinger. lol

>> No.16252902

i had a decent day then i remembered mori hates me.

>> No.16252928
Quoted by: >>16252951

I’ll humor you anon. Why do you think this?

>> No.16252951
Quoted by: >>16252999

she said so on a song

>> No.16252999

Mori, stop wasting your free time on this shithole

>> No.16253303

sounds like a (YOU)

>> No.16253331


>> No.16253848
File: 190 KB, 560x270, 1615301679002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like

Calliope Snori

Because I want to hear her voice before I go to sleep

>> No.16253874

Anyone have good desktop wallpapers with the new costume?
