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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 100 KB, 540x703, 1637599585497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16099618 No.16099618 [Reply] [Original]

I don't usually watch EN so someone explain to me what the deal is with Gura and shark wombs. Seemed gross, weird and completely out of place

>> No.16099656

gura is a shark

>> No.16099774

She's an Atlantean but Gura is a retard and forgot her own character lore.

>> No.16099775

i dont watch gura

>> No.16099832

gura baby

>> No.16099842
Quoted by: >>16113067

you're really stupid the outfit she just had an atlantean themed outfit four weeks ago you are so stupid i hope you explode

>> No.16099939

I haven’t watched it yet but knowing Gura it was memery and ironic humor of such an avant garde type that it flew over most people’s heads. The woman is blessed with meme magic.

>> No.16099980
Quoted by: >>16104140


>Seemed gross, weird and completely out of place.

Yes it was. Like some kinda freaky fever dream cooked up by a freaky weirdo. Like some kinda outcast who should probably be on meds. Like something that woulda been posted on 4chan before it was infested by normies.

That shit is why I like her in the first place. It's why she's relatable. I watch her because she makes weird comments about feet and placenta and sucking the orange dye out of cheesesticks.

If you need something milder watch a different vtuber.

>> No.16100016

You guys really fighting over lore of a vtuber? She's a shark vtuber so she reborn like actually shark for outfit reveal. There really isn't any heavy lore involved in it.

>> No.16100036


>> No.16100055
File: 2 KB, 119x125, 1633152027564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN watcher here
it was really out of place. it was really fucking weird and almost seemed like she was signaling that she was horny and wanted to have sex or something.

>> No.16100123
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 737-835-79000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog whistling to the utter degenerates she calls chumbuds. Check her "chum jar" schtick she keeps bringing up. Yep, this is the face of Vtubing in the west.

>> No.16100169
Quoted by: >>16100698

Typical EN whore "breaking the boundaries" of VTubing.

>> No.16100186
Quoted by: >>16100285

you thinks so? she streams for the same group that has girls who stream drunk, high on pills, express lustful feelings for underage boys and girls, talk about their piss fetish, eat spiders and shave their intimate parts

>> No.16100214

>Seemed gross
You have to be 18 or over to post here.

>> No.16100225
File: 383 KB, 720x720, 1619723652147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16100360

Was pretty based on the basis of filtering out the normalnïggers.

>> No.16100268
Quoted by: >>16100313

Gura was definitely the kind of girl that when guys showed unwanted interest in her she'd respond by trying to be as gross/graphic as possible, especially about parts of her anatomy to get them to stay away.

>> No.16100285

Gura has done all these things, most of them on stream!

>> No.16100288
File: 34 KB, 612x662, 1639920353455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16100313
Quoted by: >>16100358

I wonder how many times it backfired

>> No.16100358

I mean, by now, at least 3 million times.

>> No.16100360

If you watch Gura you are the normiest of the normalfags. Don't delude yourself. Her subs are a testament to her pandering to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.16100431

Gura is the perfect mix of wholesome and degenerate.

>> No.16100515
Quoted by: >>16100642

Gura is hungry for cum and is signalling that she wants to become a mother. If all you docile normalfags are going to do is complain, then I'd be more than pleased to make my shork's wish come true.

>> No.16100532
File: 169 KB, 589x423, 1626222579221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she is perfect

>> No.16100557

Gura is a shark. People always being annoying asking for shark facts, they get a twisted version of it.
Don't bite the spoon

>> No.16100600

can you niggers stick to one narrative? her viewers can't be children, pedophiles and normalfags all at the same time

>> No.16100628

Go back to /jp/ SEAnig

>> No.16100641

Gura is explicitly a shark girl from Atlantis, you're the one not paying attention.

>> No.16100642

Gura is only a pretend degenerate. She gets cold feet when reality starts to set in about her fans. Imaging stopping ring fit because a single coomer clip

>> No.16100690

Chumbuddies are
>Pedos AND kids
>Poor AND donate
>Are dead subs AND their subs matter for views on her song
>always shitpost in other Holos chats AND never watch any other Holo but Gura
>always here in the thread AND they're all tourists during Gura hours
The chumbuds of Schrodinger... How do we stop them? They defy the laws of the universe just to ruin Hololive...

>> No.16100698
Quoted by: >>16100799

you realize half of JP are literally camwhores right?

>> No.16100702

>her viewers can't be children, pedophiles and normalfags all at the same time
You are lacking in imagination, sir.

>> No.16100771

She identifies as a shark and everyone respects her identity, Hololive is a trans friendly company please andastand.

>> No.16100777
Quoted by: >>16101555

Is this
My fucking post
Like 1 year later?
I'm impressed

>> No.16100782
Quoted by: >>16100889

Gura is trying to get rid of the normies of her fanbase. Can't blame her. It's 70% of her total

>> No.16100799
Quoted by: >>16100874

So what? They're not camwhores on their Hololive channels, and being a camwhore is nothing compared to showing graphic pictures of yourself being born on stream.

>> No.16100806
Quoted by: >>16100879

>How can chumbuds be cancer AND AIDS at the same time? Checkmate Gura haters

>> No.16100874
Quoted by: >>16101038

>graphic pictures of yourself being born on stream
Is that really what Indogs consider "graphic"?? Jesus christ, Haachama literally shows her legs spread and pussy out on stream.

>> No.16100879

everybody knows that AIDS cures cancer

>> No.16100889

I believe it. I'd be acting as autistic as possible if I was in her place and my fanbase annoyed me.

>> No.16100977

Gura is gross and weird

>> No.16100983

guras shark womb is pregnant with all our of chum

>> No.16101010

which is one of the best things about her.

>> No.16101038
File: 24 KB, 625x230, Screenshot from 2022-01-09 01-03-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what: People outside of the US aren't as brainfucked and overstimulated as you.

>> No.16101051

I never said she was a degenerate. If anything, wanting to become a young shark mom is very progenerative.

>> No.16101066
Quoted by: >>16101211

She is a shark, and wombs aren't gross or weird unless you're 12 years old.

>> No.16101201
Quoted by: >>16101459

>swede being a faggot

nothing new under the sun

>> No.16101206
Quoted by: >>16101338

Why did she stop skyrim then? Or any other game she never finished? Is it all because of a clip too? You need to take your meds retard nigger

>> No.16101211

No it's definitely gross and weird to have a new costume reveal where you're silhouetted inside Shark placenta

>> No.16101219

Don't worry Finncel, you'll get to feel the inside of a sharkpussy one day.

>> No.16101305

so you outed yourself as a Musrat instead of an Indog? what's the difference?

>> No.16101314

You need to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.16101338

Because she's a flake and bad at her job, but quitting ring fit was definitely because of the coomer clip. Don't be so sensitive chumbud

>> No.16101357
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, HoloEN Apex predators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16103845

Shark Facts was an old bit that she decided to resurrect for an event. Also, Mumei stole her cowboy schtick, so she’s trying to steal Mumei’s breeding schtick in response.

>> No.16101366

Where do you think sharks come from?

>> No.16101418
Quoted by: >>16101581

she's popular because she's a talented singer. have you ever seen her singing clips numbers? no one in the vtubing space ever had a chance coming close to that, not a single one
and that's a objectively solid proof of gura #1 spot

>> No.16101459

At least it was easier to guess you're American. You fuckers would bathe in period blood if Biden and his puppet masters told you it was brave and progressive.

>> No.16101472

Shark is a species
Atlantean is a nationality

>> No.16101475

That is a rrat and not true. There isn't a single evidence of it being different from any other game. Take your meds and stop falseflagging niggerfaggot

>> No.16101555

I saw this long time ago, it is good you did great

>> No.16101556

You clearly aren't a Gura member, she literally said she stopped because of the clip back in January last year you dumb faggot.

>> No.16101581

HoloJP has 5 members better at singing than Gura. Her #1 spot is due to attracting hordes of normalfags with le reddit tier meme shit like this.

>> No.16101591
Quoted by: >>16102819

why do you believe in made up scenarios inside your head

>> No.16101701
Quoted by: >>16101792

You are living in your own delusions
You sound like that anti schizo from /ggg/
Stop falseflagging and kill yourself

>> No.16101712

>Gura says in members stream she won't do ring fit again because a certain clip made her uncomfortable
Poorfag get a job and buy your membership instead of defending someone you don't even watch the streams of on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.16101723

Can't you go cry on reddit or some shit, 4chan likes gross weird shit. Faggot.

>> No.16101745
File: 54 KB, 640x360, 1637260231750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nordoids are notoriously afraid of everything related to reproduction unless it's a somalian refugee and their daughters, don't be too harsh on them

>> No.16101780

Gura also hasn´t slept today. Oh nyo.

>> No.16101792
Quoted by: >>16101893

Want me to link the timestamp? It's in her second ASMR practice stream.

>> No.16101801

Which never happened. And it's all made up scenarios in your head.

>> No.16101812
Quoted by: >>16103032

>4chan likes gross weird shit
No, we don't. "Gross and weird shit" was posted for shock value to filter newfags, but as usual, "any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company".

>> No.16101827

4chan is cpntrarian for contrarianness's sake, if they like something chances are that it's bad.

>> No.16101893

I've seen it and never did she say she stopped because of it. You are DELUSIONAL.
You are an annoying cunt, GTFO of Gura threads and stop falseflagging.

>> No.16101903

The face of vtubing in the west has a pretty good sense of humor

>> No.16101934
Quoted by: >>16101965

You're the one that's delusional, jesus christ.

>> No.16101965

You're the one making shit up. Fuck off and KILL YOURSELF

>> No.16102026
Quoted by: >>16102103

>Gets BTFO
>Doubles down

>> No.16102045
File: 112 KB, 960x540, 18560FCC-5C35-446E-ACB5-B0E59844F93C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16102103

Yeah BTFO by an obvious falseflag rrat, as if

>> No.16102165

>Says on stream no more ring fit because coomer clip
>Falseflag rrat

>> No.16102239

Which never happened and it's all in your head. Maybe you heard it wrong and started making fantasies in your head? Fix your retarded brain please.

>> No.16102366

I don't believe you

>> No.16102438
Quoted by: >>16102513

You've been offered a direct timestamp. Stop coping

>> No.16102446

not him but you should transcribe word for word what she said
i don't believe you either

i'm not a chumbud member and i don't watch gura unlike the others

>> No.16102470

People seem to shit on vtubers for saying gross and weird shit though

>> No.16102488
Quoted by: >>16102621


>> No.16102513
Quoted by: >>16102819

You heard it wrong and started making fantasies in your head. Fix your retarded brain before falseflagging please.

>> No.16102621


Gura was asked when her next Ringfit stream is and said she probably won't do another one because of a "certain" clip that made her feel uncomfortable. SEAschizo got caught out and is now tripling down on being retarded instead of just admitting he was wrong.

>> No.16102672

Keep spreading lies retard. Maybe another retard like you will believe it.

>> No.16102726
Quoted by: >>16102851

>Spreading lies
>Quoting Gura verbatim
We're reaching levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.16102762
Quoted by: >>16102895

Huh, where in that clip did she say? I think you're making stuff up dude.

>> No.16102819

>This is the average chumbud

>> No.16102851

That's verbatim out of your asshole, nothing related to what Gura said.

>> No.16102882
Quoted by: >>16102993

He isn't lying. I was watching live when she said that. Though I believe she said she wouldn't do another one for a while. It's been "a while" since then so she may do one in the near future.

>> No.16102895
Quoted by: >>16103096

She said it in her second members only ASMR practice.

>> No.16102993
Quoted by: >>16103426

He's definitely lying. He can't even show me exactly where Gura said that, word for word. I've seen all of her membership streams.

>> No.16103032

Whatever, there's a loud minority of people who hate the shark and will shit on her on here, for basically everything she does. I mean was the shark womb even bad? Not at all imo, if that makes you uncomfortable your a sensitive faggot and should go be a casual reddit browser and complain there about it. Anyone here crying about it are just anti shark skitzo retards.

>> No.16103096

Completely made up and there's nothing there. Do you live in a different timeline? Maybe you should go back to your universe.

>> No.16103299

Because v tuber fans are tribal af and look for any excuse to shit on any v tuber that aren't there oshii. Or at least on here that is the case.

>> No.16103302

>taking rrats down
sounds like a based chumbud to me

>> No.16103404
Quoted by: >>16103478

>I mean was the shark womb even bad?
Who cares? It doesn't belong in a Hololive stream and that's the point. This is a stream that I would expect from some degenerate VShojo whore. Even her own genmates thought it was fucking weird.

>> No.16103426

It was in a membership stream. It probably wasn't verbatim like he said but it was the same message. She said she got really into the game and didn't realize it could sound that way out of context. I'm not going to find the timestamp.

>> No.16103475

>It probably wasn't verbatim like he said but it was the same message
Don't care. That just makes him a liar really

>> No.16103478
Quoted by: >>16103701


>> No.16103542
Quoted by: >>16103757

Then you don't deserve to be trusted. Stop spreading fake narratives.

>> No.16103610
Quoted by: >>16103687

This is your average HL fan anon, let's not get it twisted and act like it's just chumbuds that are like this.

>> No.16103687
Quoted by: >>16103760

>average HL fan is based
wtf i love HL now

>> No.16103690
Quoted by: >>16103753

>Sperg out like a retarded baboon over it for the rest of the thread

>> No.16103701
Quoted by: >>16103855

Gura should stream herself eating human meat next. That's what sharks do right? It's in character. The "4chan crowd" would love it. Degeneracy is empowering and critical for advancing society.

>> No.16103753

Even BTFO'ing people is all made up in your head. You need meds immediately.

>> No.16103757

He was wrong to use the word verbatim (or maybe he wasn't, I'm not looking that shit up) but she did say she felt uncomfortable by the clip. I find it hard to believe either of you were actually around when that stream took place because there was a lot of vitriol being spewed towards that clipper for "ruining ring fit streams."

>> No.16103760


>> No.16103830
Quoted by: >>16103912

Pretty sure he knows he's wrong but he's acting retarded and doubling down to try and save face.

>> No.16103840

>durr vitriol
That's just one schizo samefagging because he hates lewd Gura. Most likely a Gura anti wanting to destabilize the fanbase

>> No.16103845

not everything is a competition. obviously mumei and gura are going to get bred by Ame while wearing nothing but cowboy boots and hats. screenshot this.

>> No.16103855
Quoted by: >>16104377

Wow, you're actually retarded.

>> No.16103912

You know I'm right and it's plain obvious you're delusional. Stop making shit up about Gura and kill yourself.

>> No.16103930

I don't think we're on the same page.

>> No.16103986

Actual mental illness. Chumbuds please come pick your schizo up

>> No.16104001
Quoted by: >>16104836

I hope you’re right. They might be trying rope Kronii into joining as well.

>> No.16104032
Quoted by: >>16104234

Take your meds first and stop falseflagging and shitting up Gura threads

>> No.16104138
Quoted by: >>16104234

>ad hominem
looks like he hit he jackpot huh?

>> No.16104140
File: 1.33 MB, 498x264, based.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close to based, but the reddit spacing lets me know you're just pretending to be old guard.

>> No.16104216
Quoted by: >>16105123

She's a shark you turbofaggot.
You can consider yourself filtered.

>> No.16104234
Quoted by: >>16104352

Damn this guy really got asshurt that his bullshit got caught huh

>> No.16104254
Quoted by: >>16104498

>the reddit spacing lets me know you're just pretending to be old guard
The irony

>> No.16104352

i'm the 2nd guy
i was just curious about what's this about
but bro, ad hominem is not the way to go if you want people to believe you
like actually finding the exact moment where gura said it verbatim, for example

you're just making a fool of yourself

>> No.16104377
Quoted by: >>16104748

Let's imagine this scenario: You are Tokino Sora. You've just debuted. In a few years the most popular VTuber, who is a part of the same company you're helping bring to immense popularity, will show herself being born on stream. Detailed descriptions and images of a shark's sexual anatomy will be included. Are you proud?

>> No.16104453

Also she will do all that as swol Ame ofc.

>> No.16104498
File: 2.15 MB, 1141x656, Reddit Spacing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's ironic about it? It's obvious as fuck and annoying.

>> No.16104508

2nd members only practice ASMR. Timestamps in comments.

>> No.16104526

It doesn't exist, and that guy is delusional. That's why he can't post it.

>> No.16104540


You think REDDIT invented that???

>> No.16104636
Quoted by: >>16105046


google old 4chan posts you retard

>> No.16104637

You should really stop spreading lies about Gura. There's nothing there.

>> No.16104664
Quoted by: >>16104702

I hope you know they're just fucking with you.

>> No.16104697

You're an idiot.

>> No.16104702

Stop samefagging. I'm not fucking with anyone, if anything you're the disingenuous faggot spreading bullshit about Gura.

>> No.16104748
Quoted by: >>16105181

Gura has brought Hololive more popularity than Soda.

>> No.16104832 [DELETED] 
File: 3.44 MB, 2251x1369, 57800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a quirky girl.

>> No.16104836

Imagine how cute the resulting offspring of that scenario would be.

>> No.16104847

I just came here and can't tell what's going on in this thread.

In the absence of contributing anything constructive, I'd just like to state that Gura's gills are a hoax. We've never actually seen them and I don't believe they exist. In fact, now that we know she has bottom teeth, I have reason to believe her kayfabe is as fake as her shark tale.

I believe Gawr Gura is both a child and a liar, and once it's revealed to the masses there will be a lot of egg on the faces of everyone ousting after her.

Tell me, do you really believe Gawr Gura is 9000 years old? I don't. Wake up, sheeple. Atlantis never even existed. You've been deceived.

>> No.16104862


Is this some kinda double blind shit test? Nobody in the early 2000s even talked about how you spaced your post because they didnt give a shit. Also reddit didnt exist to complain about.

>> No.16104921

i want to fill gura's shark womb

>> No.16104934

i've been checking the timestamps, i really don't see anywhere that supports the claim
i dunno man, are you just toying around with me?

>> No.16104938 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16105109

what do you suppose she's hiding above her left eyebrow?

>> No.16104960

Shout out to the last person buying into that doxx

>> No.16104962

tail confirmed for plug in butt

>> No.16105046

Greentexts don't have gigantic gaps and sentences don't have a line break after each one, eat shit faggot.

>> No.16105071

>Spreading lies about Gura didn't work, so he now must post dox out of spite and seethe
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.16105101

she cute!

>> No.16105109
Quoted by: >>16106486

A gigantic bulbous mole and or swastika.

>> No.16105114


>> No.16105123

Dude coulda have just googled "gura" and answered his own question within seconds.

>> No.16105132

Post the specific VOD and clarify the timestamp please, I'm not even sure which one you mean, there's two ASMR VODs with no real hints in the timestamps relevant to this shit.

>> No.16105149
Quoted by: >>16105234


and we didn't used to have wannabe reddit mods telling people their text formatting is bad, just grammar nazis making entire threads to mock you for using the wrong you're

eat my ass

>> No.16105181

I realize you have no respect for Hololive or VTubing as a medium, but Gura would be homeless drinking vodka in a dumpster without Sora.

>> No.16105234

>If I call YOU reddit I can pass!
You will also never pass as a woman.

>> No.16105348

>not including the hottest one with yellow hair

>> No.16105355
Quoted by: >>16105584


>> No.16105413
Quoted by: >>16105584

referring to the 2nd one, and don't trust the guy
if he was truthful, he would clip it himself and just post it as proof instead of making people do all these "DIY" nonsense

>> No.16105459

But she isn't, that's a hypothetical reality created by a salty bitch. Don't give a fuck about soda. Gura is on top right now and you're just going to have to cope with it.
>respect for Hololive or vtubing as a medium

>> No.16105544
Quoted by: >>16105660

Want to know how I can tell you're from a 3rd world country?

>> No.16105584

That's not a member VOD, nor is it the right subject matter.

I mean if it's the second one I distinctly remember watching the whole thing and don't remember this shit but i want to give the benefit of the doubt because my memory kind of sucks.

>> No.16105660


>> No.16105715

quick reminder that you will never be japanese

>> No.16105767


>> No.16105797
Quoted by: >>16105899

I really don't know what compels someone that hates VTubers to come to the VTuber board, but I guess it's normal for zoomers to pretend they have no hobbies or interests, because that's "cringe". You have to act as irony poisoned as them.

>> No.16105854
File: 229 KB, 640x353, image_2022-01-08_170613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not a Gura fan. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.16105899
Quoted by: >>16105965

I never said I hate vtubers, where are you getting that from? I said the guy is a salty asswipe because Gura doesn't conform to whatever false idea of what it means to be a Holo he's cultivated in his peanut brain.

>> No.16105937
Quoted by: >>16106306

yeah looks like you're full of shit lol
up until you actually pull your weight and prove yourself properly, no one is going to believe that

>> No.16105965
File: 41 KB, 949x188, Screenshot from 2022-01-09 02-07-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16106245


>> No.16106064


>> No.16106193

Ah, yeah I see

>> No.16106245

Yeah, that's me laughing at such silly conjecture.

>> No.16106306
Quoted by: >>16106487

So where are the timestamps?

I'm not the one who had something to prove though? I just wanted to know what the VOD was since no one was sodding posting it and kept dancing around the subject.

>> No.16106486

Even in the other one the hair is styled to cover that area.

>> No.16106487
Quoted by: >>16106721

>So where are the timestamps?
Right there

>> No.16106721
Quoted by: >>16106854

I checked the entire range of comments for relevant timestamps, there aren't any. Username? Or just tell me the damn timestamp if it's right in front of you.

>> No.16106854
Quoted by: >>16107156

oops that was the wrong one it was this

>> No.16107156
Quoted by: >>16107276

I mean that's not ASMR nor are there relevant timestamps, I really did want to give the benefit of the doubt but I'm pretty sure you're just fucking with me at this point. Never mind.

>> No.16107276

I can't spoonfed you everything anon im sorry try scrubbing the jp archives

>> No.16107695

She wouldn't be homeless living in a dumpster, she'd just be living with her parents, stop being dramatic. And let's not pretend:
>she wasn't doing pretty well on YT even before HL
>as an independent
>achieved a solid YT channel and a solid fan base all on her own.
>Could quit HL and probably retain half of her original fan base from pre HL and a large chunk of fans would follow her from HL
>Could make the argument she would be just as, if not more successful, if she ditched HL and became independent again.

>> No.16107820

If she dropped HL she can't use the gawr gura character.
She'd be a nobody, just like what happened to Coco.

>> No.16108097


>> No.16108186
Quoted by: >>16108211

>Could make the argument she would be just as, if not more successful, if she ditched HL and became independent again.
She should do that, then. She could have a stream where she drinks period blood, one where she has an abortion, etc. Imagine the possibilities!

>> No.16108211

Trying too hard.

>> No.16108318

95% of Gura popularity comes from her model. She'd be a 2 view within 3 months if she went indie. Hololive kayfabe is the only thing that stops her from being the depressed drunk on stream that she really is, and was in her past live.

>> No.16108361
Quoted by: >>16108722

>implying East is any better
they regularly discuss their favorite hentai tags

>> No.16108388
Quoted by: >>16111067

lmao did you know this stream >>16105767 have around 35k views now and it only consists of gura's voice and a png thumbnail. no live 2d needs for the best

>> No.16108722
Quoted by: >>16113999

There's a world of difference between discussing hentai tags and, say, streaming zoo porn while your genmates look on in horror.

>> No.16111067

Gawr Gura is the png, dipshit.
If it was a blank screen it would have zero views.

>> No.16111714

>This is the average chumbud

>> No.16111925
Quoted by: >>16112958

he's a vshojofag you retarded

>> No.16112958
File: 1017 KB, 1536x2048, 1641694979593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16113067


>> No.16113344

And you're a faggot and are too retarded to hide it.

>> No.16113794

I'm a hagchad and consider Gura's model a debuff. I still watch her, because she's entertaining. I don't think I'm alone.

>> No.16113800

But Atlantis did exist, it was annihilated by the flood caused by the meteor that hit greenland, of which many ancient people knew of (and that it was destroyed). It was not probably anywhere near as wild as media makes it out, but it was a relatively advanced trading/technologically advanced place. Scientists were looking for said crater which would have caused such an issue, and recent glacial sheet thaw unveiled the edge of one such crater.

>> No.16113999
Quoted by: >>16114300

There's also a difference between posting a picture of a shark baby and streaming zoo porn. Stop being such a baby.

>> No.16114176

As a Hag enjoyer I'd enjoy Gura 200% more as a depressed drunk hag.

>> No.16114300

Cool, so one of the hags can stream live when they finally have a baby?

>> No.16114480

Gura is using her position to educate the children watching her on marine biology. Here's hoping cover does the right thing and has Gura do a tax form filling stream and other administration streams to teach chumbuds how to be fiscally and civically responsible.

>> No.16116034

Because nothing is more unattractive, unhealthy and incorrect than the attitudes and beliefs espoused here. That is why there must always be a 4chan boogeyman to prevent the self-hatred from actually taking hold apart from the occasional moment of clarity or fake self-awareness.

>> No.16116303

She could go back to being a certain gremlin from a certain past life. I thought that it would be obvious that is what I was implying, jeez, especially when I say:
>she wasn't doing pretty well on YT even before HL
>as an independent
>achieved a solid YT channel and a solid fan base all on her own.
Like wtf did you think I meant by that lol?

>> No.16117356

Her high sub count would give you that impression, but most of them are actually zoomies on a hype trend (and no, not the kind that will grow up into Chad)

>> No.16117380


>> No.16117545
Quoted by: >>16125875

>4m people can't be a mix of these things!

>> No.16117749

horny shork

>> No.16117758

gura is currently ovulating and thinking about reproduction

>> No.16117998

New outfit reveal streams are boring but gura made it interesting by overshadowing it with a shark womb… this is why gura is the most subbed vtuber

>> No.16119856

In her past life she was doing easily well enough, and only getting better, to live comfortably off YT. She went viral multiple times with the shit she produced because she's a natural at vtubing in general and a literal meme queen. She invented the phrase "ok boomer" ffs, literally everyone and their dog knows that meme/phrase now. Natural vtubing ability aside, take what she's learnt from HL from the past year and half into account also, I think she would do VERY respectable. Just look at Kson, shes doing well enough as an independent and Gura is waaaaayyy clear of Kson, she had what? 800-850k subs more or less when she graduated?

>> No.16120291

Oh and I just noticed what you said about Coco, she's actually doing well? Not ground breaking or anything but well enough and Gura would do 20x better than Coco as an independent anyway. Also, you believe the depressed alcoholic loli persona was real lol? Man I think I actually just got second hand embarrassment for an anon, wtf lol.

>> No.16121889

the face of vtubing period*

>> No.16125570
File: 111 KB, 496x700, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tottotonero__15bf3235b02f9598e51f9bce73fda9d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.16125875
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, 0f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can actually smell the jealousy in here. Shark really makes "people" seethe.

>> No.16128338

she's ovulating and extremely horny pls undahstand

>> No.16131454 [DELETED] 

Gura has some random unremarkable dude's cum inside her right at this very moment. He doesn't love her. In fact, he's probably abusive or at least negligent of her, and does not appreciate her talents or her kindness.

Gura is being fucked and cummed into by a guy or guys who don't think she's much of anything special, because she's a convenient hole for them to use to get off. This is the reality of life and humanity. It's common. She will never successfully improve her standards, and will die unhappy and unfulfilled.

>> No.16131536

shut your roastoid mouth whore

>> No.16131551

>if that makes you uncomfortable your a sensitive faggot and should go be a casual reddit browser
but r/hololive is calling her the next la creatividad right now, they love it

>> No.16131597

Gura is a virgin and you are a retard.

>> No.16131863

Why was this deleted
