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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 573 KB, 1872x936, 1639348241663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16017692 No.16017692 [Reply] [Original]

>"They're not your girlfriends"
>"You're my boyfriend after all, right? stay with me forever"
>"They don't actually love you"
>"I don't say it much because it's embarrassing but...aishiteru. I love you so much"
>"The holos are just a character and its kayfabe, no bearing on them irl"
>"lmao my character completely died so quickly haha, oh well guess I'll never be a cute bunny princess like Luna after all. also let me explicitly tell you that I won't cry on stream because I want to be happy for you"
>"Once they step off-stream they barely think about you"
kanata about marine
>"all she can talk about irl is how much she loves you guys"
>"They don't actually like it they're doing it for money"
>"I'll never have a partner or betray you", literally asks suisei to remove male from radio show she would appear on
>"They think you're disgusting and they'll never fuck you or think of you that way"
>"they'd never meet you irl and hate it when you try to get closer to them"
>pretty much everything behind her seven proxies of casual viewer gatekeeping
>"they hate your incel mindset and none of them agree with you about how idols 'should' behave"
>"an idol must not have a man, an idol having a partner is literally the worst kind of person"
>"It's just a job for them, even if they enjoy it. They're just entertainers providing a service."
multiple holos:
>break down multiple times a year from overwork and panic about no longer being loved, obsessively stalk their fans and ditch entire collab circles and partners despite doing very well before

>> No.16017758

>I'll say it again! We're a couple living together!
>Don't forget guys, we're co-living together
>You guys should have the engagement ring? arrive by now..
>I can't compromise this! We must be co-living
>Repeat it 30 times for me, "Lamy is the girlfriend who lives with me"
>The ring you got recently is for your co-living gf "This is clingy" What do you mean clingy
>Let me ask what kind of Lamy do you like?
>You said it already right? "I'm actually living with my girlfriend"?
>I got it, hold on a bit
>I'll just appear in front...ahh!
>*moves her model closer*
>You can take a photo now to introduce with your parents
>How do I address you? Kare? ("Kare" is a pronoun that also means "boyfriend")
>So then I'll do this
>Hello there! I'm currently living with him. I'm Yukihana Lamy
>From now on, I want to love and be loved by him, I'll be in your care
>You can now show that video afterwords with your parents
>"My parents would cry with joy" That's really good! That was my intent

>> No.16017762

Yeah, I know we're right. What's your point, faggot?

>> No.16017805

Shitty copypasta.

>> No.16017842

Whores lie as easily as they breathe.

>> No.16018037

Meds now

>> No.16018049
Quoted by: >>16049286

Just don't think about it and keep giving them money ok?
I'm sure you'll learn the truth someday.

>> No.16018059
Quoted by: >>16019495

Just Like My Islanders

>> No.16018086

Look at this guy

>> No.16018103
Quoted by: >>16049286

Women literally can't be lonely, they don't need you, only your money.
You're so easily fooled and naive.

>> No.16018160

If they love you so much why won't they have sex with you?

>> No.16018171
File: 1.86 MB, 1150x1700, 82259996_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16019332

>>"You're my boyfriend after all, right? stay with me forever"
please link me a timestamp for this i need some lifefuel right now

>> No.16018279

Oh this thread again.
Really sad to see OP, stop wasting time on 2D whores, improve yourself, start 2022 on the right foot.

>> No.16018328


>> No.16018376
File: 731 KB, 1022x1048, 78436790_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off norman

>> No.16018377
File: 219 KB, 360x336, 1609815267871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16018386

Yeah, most of them are menhera, but that's not a bad thing.

>> No.16018687

and this is why these women are rich.

>> No.16018750


>> No.16018801

Imagine being so lonely you pay big bucks for a random woman to say she loves you.

>> No.16018819

>muh normans
It's NORMALFAGS you stupid fucking newfag. And besides, you're a cuck if you believe that shit. She doesn't care about you as an individual and never will; "you" are amalgamated into a faceless mass of paypigs. That's what she cares about. The intimacy of touch defeats your delusions, of which you have to try and convince yourself she means you and only you, as you try and block the millions of men just like you, some perhaps more attractive, with more money, or qualities you lack.

>> No.16018874
Quoted by: >>16018935

>It's NORMALFAGS you stupid fucking newfag.
i've been on this site for years you stupid fucking gatekeeper lmao, i say norman because i think it's a funnier way to put it. seethe cope etc etc

>> No.16018883

This applies to every corporate vtuber, only small indies can truly appreciate their fans.

>> No.16018935

>for years

>> No.16018958
Quoted by: >>16019103

I'm Rushia's husband

>> No.16019076

Geez many trannys and faggots in /vt/ is obvious my oshi "love me" now go to watch you ENtrash thot
>*moves her model closer*
>You can take a photo now to introduce with your parents

>> No.16019103
Quoted by: >>16019278

How tight?

>> No.16019278
File: 29 KB, 343x600, 1634201415073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excruciatingly tight but the most pleasurable experience of my everyday life, multiple times at day in fact.

>> No.16019332
File: 62 KB, 1600x672, 1641569345177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that one but saw this earlier

>> No.16019370
Quoted by: >>16019475

You do know they say that to keep the cash coming in, right?
You HAVE met a woman before, right?
Manipulation and deception is in their nature

>> No.16019475
Quoted by: >>16019719

anon who hurt you like that? was it your mother?

>> No.16019495

/hoc/ runs /vt/
fuck the isles tho
go shorks

>> No.16019719
Quoted by: >>16019875

Holy projection

>> No.16019735

These bitches will be gone in like 5 years at best. ANd then what? What will you have? NOTHING.
Self improvement is forever.

>> No.16019819
Quoted by: >>16025213

are you self improving right now? in this thread?

>> No.16019875

You understimate them. They will move back to waifu shit and consuming media until they kill themselves, although the process will be hastened by the lack of interaction with their waifu>>16019719

>> No.16020020
File: 2.26 MB, 893x1263, 1641013310897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene(angel) loves me

>> No.16020101

I love my oshi. I been during my reps with moege for years now and finally this will be useful. I will go to Japan and stalk her after she graduates. I know my oshi loves me

>> No.16020192

2D girls don't just poof away. jesus christ are normans really this fucking retarded?

>> No.16020273
Quoted by: >>16020473

>I swear I am in love with 2D!
You aren't. You love a woman that will never love you back. You became a cuck.

>> No.16020298

>how dare you enjoy something that is not healthy?
Says the anons known to be the paradigm of wisdom, good mental heath, having several meaningful relationships, being successful at life.

>> No.16020341

Are you retarded or do you purposefully keep posting this waiting for someone to actually refute you?

>> No.16020358

where does all these normalfags come from? are all the ENfags projecting because all they have are western whores?

>> No.16020435

>she Japanese so she's not a whore
Yellow fever faggots should be considered braindead for their own sake, holy fuck. Imagine defending a fucking whore like Noel, or any corpo that sucked dick and gave up her pussy to be where she is.

>> No.16020455

nah it's the same anons just baiting because people get mad
do you think a normal person would waste time coming into this place and waiting 15 minutes for a reply from the people they are supposed to not care?

>> No.16020458

Nobody is forever, not anyone else and not (You)

>> No.16020473
File: 110 KB, 780x838, 1615081838304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16020537

i genuinely feel bad for you. the art of substituting the human desire for love with 2D love is an incredibly easy process and yet normans like you find it incomprehensible. enjoy navigating that dating game and forever chasing the feels i already have, dumbass.

>> No.16020535

Fuck the OP, recommend me actual GFE vtubers.

>> No.16020537
Quoted by: >>16020815

Whatever helps you sleep at night, uggo. By the way chuubas =! 2D.

>> No.16020589

Groom a 1view indie. Have fun.

>> No.16020655 [DELETED] 

not actual GFE

>> No.16020686

>not actual GFE

>> No.16020691

The one whose vagina you can touch.

>> No.16020815
Quoted by: >>16020889

>By the way chuubas =! 2D
I have a waifu in addition to my chuubas lmfao

>> No.16020833

there is only 3 type of people here

the rest are just vagrants for other places and will not stay for long those are the

>gurl/tranny looking for attention
>newfags wanting to know leaks
>underages trying to vent their hornyness for 2d chuubas or trying to clear their boredom

>> No.16020889
Quoted by: >>16020995

So, you do not know a woman's touch, wrote that autistic drivel in the OP only to prove you have no devotion to your 3D or 2D whores?
Sasuga, cuck. You really showed me how "happy" you are by continually demonstrating why you're a hypocrite and a braindead retard.

>> No.16020947

And you believe that?

>> No.16020965
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>> No.16020995
File: 2.34 MB, 1336x1358, 1530242896093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16021058


>> No.16021058

Your trying to hard kid

>> No.16021578
File: 138 KB, 850x1276, 4632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16021899

bots reacting to keywords

>> No.16021899

Shut up and fuck off! I came back hone because you promised nothing would hurt me anymore, but that was just a lie!

>> No.16022123

Tell us your story anon.

>> No.16023817

Home meant JPs, anon. And the only JPs you need to avoid are:
(Gen 0 - Miko) + (Gen 1 - (Mel + Haato)) + Ayame + Choco + Towa + Botan (+ potentially Polka)
Avoid 11 talents out of, what, 40? And you're fine.

>> No.16024824

which one are you?

>> No.16025037
Quoted by: >>16027593

why Botan and Polka?

>> No.16025213
Quoted by: >>16027116

Yes, I'm shitposting while working.
Don't be obtuse, you know what I'm talking about, Coco should have proven as such, kson and coco are like night and day in terms of content and personalities.

Its not the same, its never the same no matter how many times they come back

>> No.16027116

>kson and coco are like night and day in terms of content and personalities

>> No.16027295

literally this. who fucking wastes their time going to a 4chan image board about cute virtual girls and preaching normalfag puke? leave the fucking site already

>> No.16027303
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1636466856117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we hate Rushia and Lamy now?

>> No.16027523
Quoted by: >>16028936

>She's going to take the money and run
>She only comes back to get your money
>"Without you I wouldn't be alive I don't think I could ever pay you back for all you've done for me."
>"My fans really are my most precious treasure I take pride in you guys."
>"I promise you guys I will get famous and when they interview me I will tell them I am only here because of them without my fans I am nothing and wouldn't even be around."
>"My Mom was bragging about you guys to the neighborhood ladies. My Mom thinks you guys are wonderful she can't thank you enough for all you have done."
>"My counselor noticed I was smiling and laughing more naturally. I guess it's because I have been laughing and having a good time with you all."

>> No.16027593

Botan because she isn't rigidly anti-male collabs
Polka is a maybe because of concurrent roommate stuff

>> No.16028052

I think it's very sweet of them to marry their fanbases. They can have a pleasant, fulfilling life this way. Considering the growing rate of failed relationships, I expect this arrangement to become more common as time goes on.

>> No.16028110

I'm all three

>> No.16028118
Quoted by: >>16028554

>avoid Botan
Yeah, you do that, Anon. Stay away from my hag wife.

>> No.16028195

Is this pasta thread?

Hololive Production (ホロライブプロダクション Hororaibu Purodakushon) or simply known as hololive (ホロライブ) are a terrorist organization which captures and enslaves Japanese women, as they are then held captive and converted into Virtual YouTubers, an internet phenomenon which has taken Japan by storm. Numerous girls have been reported to have gone missing since early June of 2019, as rumors began to circulate about the spotting of several men roaming the alleyways close to where some of these girls have been last seen. On June 13th, 2019, this organization publicly revealed itself as the aforementioned Hololive. The PSIA have announced a reward of up to ¥100000000 for information leading to the arrest of its CEO and many other officiates.

>> No.16028207
Quoted by: >>16028698

that nigga miko gets around, hard to avoid

>> No.16028366
File: 849 KB, 1180x661, yourmeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>" I never wanted you to fall in love with me for real, but lately, I've been thinking more and more about how I want you to watch only me. We're only friends and that won't change from here on out either, but I want to keep spending fun times with you in the same way as always, sometimes close to you and sometimes more distant."

>> No.16028554

I want to say that I have nothing against Botan, it's just that if you're looking for a "safe" Holo in THAT sense she doesn't qualify. She is a wonderful person though and I'm glad she's part of Hololive.

>> No.16028648
Quoted by: >>16029847

Wait, huh what. Do you have the timestamp? I don't want to shitpost with it I promise...those are just some really powerful words and I feel like I'd be a little happier if I heard them

>> No.16028675

it was nice knowing you friends

>> No.16028698

I said Gen 0 minus Miko, if you want to avoid male collabs

>> No.16028874
Quoted by: >>16029069

>>"they'd never meet you irl and hate it when you try to get closer to them"
>>pretty much everything behind her seven proxies of casual viewer gatekeeping

>> No.16028936
Quoted by: >>16029539

>>"Without you I wouldn't be alive I don't think I could ever pay you back for all you've done for me."
>>"My fans really are my most precious treasure I take pride in you guys."
>>"I promise you guys I will get famous and when they interview me I will tell them I am only here because of them without my fans I am nothing and wouldn't even be around."
>>"My Mom was bragging about you guys to the neighborhood ladies. My Mom thinks you guys are wonderful she can't thank you enough for all you have done."
>>"My counselor noticed I was smiling and laughing more naturally. I guess it's because I have been laughing and having a good time with you all."
But Delu only comes back to get money anon, she streamed once in the last 2 months

>> No.16029069
Quoted by: >>16029671

roommate channel
roommate twitter
roommate fanbox
roommate fanbox secret twitter

>> No.16029393
File: 19 KB, 725x423, 76775446667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16029547

Help bros https://youtu.be/K2wVCDsyFTA

>> No.16029424
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1600659357347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16029539
File: 788 KB, 483x648, Delutaya and her fans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about Tier 3 Triangles
>he doesn't know about Delu grooming her fans
>he thinks she has only streamed once in 2 months
Anon she has been doing nothing but recording music and playing APEX with her fans. She just had a private stream where she Played APEX and Phasmo with fans. She is ACTUALLY in love with her fans and loves spending time with them. Hell the only reason she did the surprise public was to thank the public fans for supporting her. She is no where near perfect but she tries.

>> No.16029547

Moona's voice pack is dangerous

>> No.16029627
Quoted by: >>16029679

why would you tell the plebs this

>> No.16029671

It's fucking disgusting to ask your fans to pay for your secret twitter account and that's not behavior that should be encouraged.

>> No.16029679
File: 174 KB, 1448x2048, 1613231389999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they need to know how good we have it.

>> No.16029681

I am just so lonely and desperate for female affection.
I don't know what to do anymore, I don't even think about sex anymore I just want a hug and a kiss and someone to tell me everything is going to be okay.
Vtubers are the closest I'll ever be to any of it.

>> No.16029693
Quoted by: >>16029919

seethe and cope

>> No.16029778
File: 676 KB, 800x800, 1631266373842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16047662

True loli ENvtuber GFE

>> No.16029847
File: 52 KB, 579x774, fbking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not on youtube.

>> No.16029914

So Fubuki wants orbiters, huh? If she knew you IRL, you'd be saved in her contacts as Free Food.

>> No.16029919
Quoted by: >>16029968

It's an abuse of power. Vtubers that actually care about you keep their content available for everyone as opposed to locking everything behind money and tiers and creating deranged cult grooming schemes
I can respect wamy but this behavior is abhorrent and only delusional fans would defend it

>> No.16029968

>>16029919 (me)
I can respect how wamy cares for all her fans as opposed to this behavior
In case it wasn't clear I realized after I wrote it that some anon might misinterpet it as me implying lamy would do such shady behavior when she doesn't

>> No.16029980

Friends are cucks

>> No.16030038
File: 1.68 MB, 905x832, 1640561597941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy just wants to love you

>> No.16030429
Quoted by: >>16030530

I know about the private streams, I guess I forgot about the $50/$100 tiers

>> No.16030530
Quoted by: >>16032364

Anon she doesn't do shit for the higher tiers that is entirely a personal choice.

Tier 3 Triangles is beyond money. Seriously $4 dollars gets you the same as $100.

>> No.16031672

You do understand that the more parasocial you get, the more you try hard to connect directly, which is made much easier with gatekeeping, right?
By filtering as many people as possible with hard to find info and some(but usually not TOO much)money, you can whittle it down to a reliable herd of the most obsessed gachikoi that you can reliably interact with.
It's not like she's DMing them and establishing personal relationships. Anybody with the motivation can access that stuff

>> No.16031728

the absolute state of men, holy fuck

>> No.16031913
File: 2.25 MB, 953x1482, 39031b95610ebc27b08a483fb6731a66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16032555

Yet. The main reason I bring up Delu is I am 100% sure if Lamy graduated she would speed run that route to be with her Yukimin. And they would for her as well. People shit on the DFS but Yukimin would take that to a whole new level.

>> No.16032086

I am so fucking desperate, holy shit. What's wrong with me, I miss the days where I didn't give a fuck about women and just thought they were stinky and lousy.

>> No.16032364
Quoted by: >>16032494

>Tier 3 Triangles is beyond money
Wait, what are tier 3 triangles then?

>> No.16032408
Quoted by: >>16037711

wtf i’ve been trying but this shit’s hard
spoonfeed me bro

>> No.16032494

Nothing it is a joke. Delu does VC on discord, streams games and plays with her fans. Her fans can post music, art, memes, and just chat in general. Her Friend Ruki pops in and her character Mama is almost always streaming herself drawing.

Most don't actually use it despite having the fanbox membership.

>> No.16032555
Quoted by: >>16032665

Why would she? Yamada hasn't graduated and does that nonsense already. The difference between Lamy and Yamade is in the respect they have for their fans and how much they want everyone to love them. Why would Lamy gatekeep

>> No.16032665

Because things change when you leave. Anyway I was just talking hypothetical Lamy loves Hololive she isn't leaving anytime soon.

>> No.16032755
Quoted by: >>16034040

have you tried dating but unironically

>> No.16033117
Quoted by: >>16034040

do you have a daki? they help a lot, speaking from experience

>> No.16033572
File: 1007 KB, 320x240, Promotions [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr18v0n.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your oshi has a great stream or emotional moment and when she leaves and things calm down she comes back just to tell you she loves you

>> No.16034040
Quoted by: >>16034784

Yes, it never works out.
Sometimes I just want to be friends, they ghost me after a few days.
Sometimes I approach them with the clear intention of forming a relationship, they ghost me after a few days.
I make an effort to talk about stuff I know they like but they all just seem to hate being around me.
The most I'll ever get of interaction with a woman is when I superchat VTubers just so they read my name and thank me. And I can't even do that too often because I live in a third world shithole and I can barely make it to the end of the month.
No, I think hugging a cold pillow will only make me more desperate. I may give it a try if one day I feel like I can't go on anymore.
Until then, I'll just give monthly money to random vtubers so I can feel like they actually care about me at least for a second.

>> No.16034656
Quoted by: >>16034710

My oshi doesn't do things like this.

>> No.16034710
Quoted by: >>16034806

Get a better oshi

>> No.16034784
Quoted by: >>16036748

>they ghost me after a few days
Anon are you not in shape, not attractive or do you think it’s your personality? The places where you meet women also affect relationships a lot, a relationship formed in a bar won’t be the same as one formed in a library. If you are really getting depressed I recommend getting healthy first, not for women but just to feel good in your body. After that do what you like and follow your passions, if you don’t have any just do anything that makes you happy even if it’s listening to different kinds of music or something like that. I wish you luck.

>> No.16034806

There's no better oshi.

>> No.16035011
Quoted by: >>16036585

Has anybody had success making a tulpa of their oshi?

>> No.16036585
Quoted by: >>16037135

Please don't remind me that this is an option

>> No.16036748

I really don't know. I don't think I'm super attractive but I'm at least a little bit above the average. I exercise regularly so I'm not fat. And I really think my personality is not that bad, yeah I may be a little bit shy when I first meet people but it takes me like, barely two days or such to open up.
Sometimes I thinks I was just not meant to find someone who loves in a romantic way.
I guess I'll just wait for my parents to die so I can finish it all right after them. They are pretty young, though, so I still have a lot of time for that to happen.
Until that day comes, I will keep giving the cents I can spare to any vtuber I feel like at the moment.

>> No.16037135
Quoted by: >>16037495

It’s the only way bro. Daydreaming isn’t good enough

>> No.16037139


>> No.16037269
File: 99 KB, 774x710, 1638519078505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 million dudes are the boyfriend of this chick

The answer is that they say what they think gets them donations. You will be financially and mentally better off merely having a real girlfriend who will still spend your money but at least you can sex her sometimes.

>> No.16037495

That's true, but I don't want to do it for the same reason that I don't want to get a pet or a child, I'm not responsible enough

>> No.16037711
Quoted by: >>16038574

It's...supposed to be hard.
pro-tip; JP reps. 中に人 is their term for roommate. Good luck.

>> No.16038136

>get a real girlfriend
>idk just like be attractive and be happy without one
if it was possible for me to be okay with being alone I wouldn't be watching vtubers
at least this way I get a little love and somebody that appreciates my love
and no I will not go to therapy, I'd rather feel some love than nothing and just try to be okay with it

>> No.16038446

You didn’t once consider the fact that they’re saying that to milk their paypigs? And no, they aren’t your girlfriend, stop trying to cope. You will never go on any dates, move in together, have sex, get married or do anything couple like together. They’re women hiding behind an avatar on the other side of the screen. They don’t even know you exist.

>> No.16038501
Quoted by: >>16038666

>get married
Marriage is the ultimate paypig milking in most developed countries

>> No.16038574

ok look you've made the same mistake several times now and no-one has had the kindness to correct you, but it's の not に

>> No.16038609

If you disappeared from their chat they would not notice unless you were one of their biggest paypigs, because that’s all they’re after. Your money. And think about it, out of all their subscribers why would they pick you? You of all people? Face reality Anon, for your own good.

>> No.16038666

Then you don’t have to get married. She’ll still never know who you are though.

>> No.16039293

Provide sauce and time stamps and this will actually be a great post

>> No.16039301

You should never listen to a single thing /vt/ says. They're always wrong. You should have learned this months ago without me having to tell you.

>> No.16040579

real girlfriend will never be as good

>> No.16045906

I'm my oshis biggest paypig

>> No.16046114

Do you really Believe?

A woman typed these.

>> No.16046828
File: 384 KB, 724x1024, 1639075967002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16047804

Nene, shes engaged with her chat and said something about marrying her chat down the line. Great interaction with chat and her ASMRs will kill you if your gosling level is too low

>> No.16047662

Shondo love!

>> No.16047804
Quoted by: >>16053065

I’m sorry, I can’t do it

>> No.16048486

An actual dependant drunk. She needs her chat to function.
Used to be co-dependant but Moona (sadly) fixed her
Loves chat for helping free her from her office job. Anyone who went from OL to streamer will actually be very grateful.
Sees chat more as a bro.
Don't watch her.
Would date someone if she was asked out but she really is a streaming addict.

>> No.16049286
File: 10 KB, 225x225, rushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic like worms crawling in the mud

>> No.16053065

She lives in Japan and is bilingual

>> No.16053362
File: 283 KB, 457x452, 1641543344581[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyk5xt8.webm].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reject incel preaching embrace gfe enjoying

>> No.16055626
File: 187 KB, 1600x571, 16372837189384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16055668

Don't let fujos and male feminists on this board shame you for having standards, unicorn bros.
how many western whores will pander to unicornchads for our money, but the moment we expect some commitment , we're suddenly raging misogynist 'incels'...
they'll use buzzwords like these to shame you if you dare to expect something from women besides them playing games and doing cute noises while earning a ton of money.
there's also a lot salty 2views and indies who got rejected by JP corpos from /asp/ and /wvt/, hating GFE and idolchads is how they cope.
don't be a cuck like EN oil barons, brainwashed by vshojos talking about how many guys they fucked in a single night.
t. fandead

>> No.16055668

stop reposting my schizo pasta

>> No.16059768

source? I want to introduce Lamy to my parents

>> No.16066694

Die, unicorns. You are a biological and social failure
