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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15806550 No.15806550 [Reply] [Original]

This image is more relevant than ever, don't let falseflaggers get away with it, truth is more potent than a thousand rrats

>> No.15806720

You all used numbers to shit on others and can't stand it now that the shoe is on the other foot. Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

>> No.15806767
File: 74 KB, 960x540, 950AAC11-9CCA-4E5A-8D93-9AD6282A9B27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, having this in mind, what if Niji and Holo moved to Twitch?
That just means you're retarded

>> No.15806812
Quoted by: >>15821514

why are numberfags breaking containment? This is the 4th thread on the catalog rn

>> No.15806823 [DELETED] 

>at the gym
>wearing diaper under gym shorts
>about to do heavy set of squats, 315lbs
>bar on back
>squat down
>manage to push my way back up from one rep
>exhausted from intense workout
>go to the locker room
>drink bottle of creatine from gym bag
>diaper in gym bag
>place diaper in random locker
>go to the showers
>take normal shower
>change clothes
>go out to car
>set out to go back home
>diaper in car
>put diaper in glovebox
>drive straight 3 miles
>change radio station
>turn left
>drive straight 2 miles
>take diaper out of glovebox
>sneeze in diaper
>put diaper back in glovebox
>take left turn
>add pope's diaper to glovebox
>drive straight 2 miles
>turn radio on
>turn right
>drive straight 3/4 of a mile
>drive straight 3 miles
>change radio station
>turn left
>drive straight 2 miles
>take diaper out of glovebox
>sneeze in diaper
>put diaper back in glovebox
>take left turn
>change radio station
>pacifier hanging from rearview mirror
>pacifier in mouth
>take right turn
>drive straight 5 miles
>stop at stoplight
>release my bladder in my pants (not wearing diaper)
>warmth runs down leg
>start moving again
>take diaper out of glovebox
>think I'm going to sneeze in diaper, but don't
>put diaper back in glovebox
>forget to use turn signal while switching lanes
>take diaper out of glovebox
>put diaper back in glovebox
>make it back home
>hang pacifier on rear view mirror

>> No.15807322

nice one anon, saved

>> No.15807475 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15807528

Stay strong holosisters. We're facing cyber bullying. We will not stand for this. We're proud of our small numbers. It must be an organized attack by youtube to willingly cut their own market just to stick it to poor Gooruh.

>> No.15807528 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah sister you tell ‘em! *snaps fingers*

>> No.15807580
Quoted by: >>15821514

That retard used Nijisanji to shit on Hololive but they’re getting buttfucked by YouTube as well so he’s using Vshojo now. You can see him in the catalog spreading his bullshit.

>> No.15807691
File: 45 KB, 368x441, 1632922908452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's partly real, though. A few streamers tested both platforms with the same exact timeslot and the same exact viewer base and the numbers on youtube didn't add up. One of the easier ways to check this is to do polls on youtube. It's much more noticeable if you can literally headcount every single viewer. Ask /wvt/, /asp/ and the small corpos about it. They know. You can even compare the JP chuubas dipping into twitch, particularly Ririsya, Milky Queen, and that brown snake lady. Buuut, I say this is /partly/ real exactly because other than youtube viewer suppression, Twitch algorithm is a bit more streamer-friendly and has complete randoms wandering to streams with their tags, or the general recommendation in the homepage, so I'd imagine Vshojo is inclining partly because of that. (On top of their own networking with normalfag streamers and other cross-community outreach.) If you want analytics, again go ask a random 2view in /wvt/.

>> No.15807777
Quoted by: >>15807805

What are you doing trying to make sense you fucking mong, shitstirrers and numberfags won't care and they'll do their damndest to keep each other occupied.

>> No.15807805


>> No.15807833

>Shit on Nijisanji all day with Hololive mogging
>karma bites you in the ass
Lol. Lmao. Rofl.

>> No.15808230

but this is affecting everyone, why are nijitards and holofags throwing shit at eachother?

>> No.15808269 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15808421

So that argument proves holos subs are just a bunch of bots? that's why youtube culling it right?

>> No.15808414

Pekora absolutely SHITTED on Maimoto yesterday what are you talking about

>> No.15808421
Quoted by: >>15808470

seems like it, now the question is, was hololive using bots or were the viewers viewbotting their oshis?

>> No.15808470

hololive fan discords borrowed bot farm tech from the kpop fandom

>> No.15808531

>Niji and Holo moving to Twitch
Unless Nips snap out of their corporate tomorrow, that isn't happening.

>> No.15808574

You mean why false-flaggers are throwing shit at each other. The actual fans (the few that still use this hellhole) know it's affecting everyone on Youtube. Even normie streamers were affected by it.

>> No.15808581
Quoted by: >>15808741

If HoloKR becomes the thing, they should try out Twitch. The platform has a sizable korean audience over there. I think Ban Hada mentioned this a few months ago IIRC.

>> No.15808621

>>15808531 (me)
meant to say corporate autism, fuck

>> No.15808654
Quoted by: >>15818274

Because none of these nor barely anyone in here actually follows them, they just want easy (You)s so they can appear on some gimmick account on tw*tter later.

>> No.15808660


>> No.15808714
Quoted by: >>15808921

it might be a shock to you but most people here watch vtubers for entertainment and not numbers.

>> No.15808741

Unfortunately that's unlikely for a few months due to the burning garbage dump that is NijiKR but yeah, Holo can use a KR branch to test Twitch.

>> No.15808921
Quoted by: >>15808993

after the increasing amount of number threads that pop up daily i seriously doubt that

>> No.15808993
Quoted by: >>15821514

just the numberschizos freaking out over the new numbers

>> No.15809232

Literally no one outside of this board cares about this shit. You're all getting worked up and upset for absolutely nothing.

>> No.15809311

Actually, as it's turned out over the years generally the girls themselves along with the management are the biggest numberfags in existence. They just don't talk about it in public.

>> No.15809367

I hate that my oshi is in Hololive... Damn it all

>> No.15809407

You think that you can't bot a poll?

>> No.15809444

So are you chuuba or part of management?

>> No.15809475

You're trying too hard.

>> No.15809477
Quoted by: >>15817742

i guess the numbers were lower for pomu today....sort of? Not really, I mean nothing noticable really. She typically gets anywhere from 1.3k- 2.3k viewers. Somewhere around there. Today she was getting about that number. Petra today got over 2k, which is really high for her, but she had a really creative stream as well.

I dunno anon, I haven't really seen evidence that this has affected nijisanji. I did see that Reimu had unusually low numbers though.

>> No.15809603

Yet well-known still get threads where people praise Hololive numbers and shit on everything else. Nothing will change.

>> No.15809727
Quoted by: >>15809828

It's absolutely preposterous to buy view/poll bots as a literal 2view with and bump that number to an insignificant amount. Especially since everyone in that chat sends a message at least once per stream and the streamer literally mentions each of them by name.

>> No.15809760

is this true though? to what extent? pekora's metronome pokemon tournament got like 60k people watching it and that's even more than normal, by this logic she shouldn't have pulled these many viewers, right? people were saying the 24hr mikkorone stream had waaay more than 25k max but it never got higher than that, i don't understand this shit

>> No.15809828
Quoted by: >>15810281

If your theory is true, the number of people in live chat should exceed the CCV counter right? So why not measure the number of live chatters vs the number of live viewers?

>> No.15809844
Quoted by: >>15811006

Peko's tourney should have been 100k+ then. Non-jokingly. Marine and Peko alone normally pull 20-30k all day long and there were 12 Holos in total there, including others who very typically are 10-20k level like Rushia and Botan. Factor in the big collab wombo combo nature and yeah actually, 50k is fucking low for an event that's been building up for months.

>> No.15810281

It won't exceed live chat for bigger streamers like HoloSanji because lurkers exist. But it's easier to have 0 lurkers to test this out if you're a smaller streamer.

>> No.15811006

I partly blame these numbers to the tournament itself, it was luck based which meant that if you wanted to see real competition then this wasn't for you, heck I think I've seen more live viewers in the annivs than here.

I mean sure it was an interesting idea but in the end there wasn't any tactical thought outside of choosing the pkmn and praying to god metronome would be useful, if you were watching was more for the laughs than anything and it can't be compared to the other more important events because not only the others were more entertaining but here you wouldn't get as many interactions.

Like if you were to lurk to polka's stream you would see almost all losing holos popping there to talk since they didn't have anything else to do and I would say those interactions were sometimes more interesting than the metronome event itself.

But rn better wait to see Towa's MK tournament, it's pretty big considering around only 6 holos from between all the branches are missing, which is something to consider.

>> No.15811156
File: 20 KB, 220x229, big shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a guess how many viewers were shown on this stream, keep in mind she has 250k views on that stream the moment it ended.

>> No.15811231

>sluts spouting zoomer twitch memes

>> No.15811303

Vshitshow is responsible for this

>> No.15811364
Quoted by: >>15821356

Holokeks you were right all along...
Bigger numbers=better chuuba...
I was blind the whole time but now I see...

>> No.15811818

it depends on the lenght of the stream but i say around 10-12k?

>> No.15812148
Quoted by: >>15812655

but twitch has favoritism and they put the people they want on the front, literally nepotism the website

>> No.15812655

It's pretty easy to get into their good graces though all you have to do is not say nigger and avoid politics.

The popular streamers are basically ban-immune because Twitch doesn't want to lose their revenue. Unlike Youtube which actively tries to kill vtubers because they're a tiny grain of sand compared to the revenue that normal videos generate.

>> No.15813012

Views for this vod are actually quite normal. The usual formula is "one hour of 10k ccv equals to 100k vod views after stream". And seeing how this stream got almost 10k average ccv and duration of 4.5 hours, it's view numbers look fine - 380k 3 hours after stream end.

>> No.15813202
Quoted by: >>15821514

I wish all numberfaggots would go touch some grass

>> No.15813352

I think the view is also affected. ive checked a couple channel and their view is also decreasing from other recent stream, not all though

>> No.15813652

Numberfags moving goalposts to cope
First it's live views
Now VODs
What's next, supachas?

>> No.15813688

>not eating shit
Fuck off white trash, you will never be a woman.

>> No.15813772

Can I get a quick lore on veibae, how did she get ultra big suddenly? the vtuber bubble being exposed to normalfags? I was following her channel for a long time and she was around 200 viewers, I never watched but always got gifted subs that I would then use to annoy the fuck out of nam in forsen's chat

>> No.15814364

She's sucking Soda's Dick for views.

>> No.15814432
Quoted by: >>15814875

all you have to know about twitch and the popular people there is that the game is rigge, they pick favorites and over there is not about how good at games or how entertaining you are, it's about who you know

>> No.15814875

is it that bad? i noticed that the big ones are always the same so you might be right

>> No.15814911

Recently they got a big boost being on streams with big twitch normies like sodapoppin and mizkif, they had a gameshow or some shit with 60-100k ppl watching and vshojo said fuck shit pussy balls bagel vagina cum poggers and everyone laughed so they’re inclining

>> No.15816937
Quoted by: >>15821514

Who cares

>> No.15817683

Unironically this, after my oshi came back from her hiatus people kept shitting on her that she's on a decline and that she's baiting to get the numbers that she wanted because the difference in her numbers back then and now we're big, when that wasn't the case after all.
Now that the rest of hololive is getting shat on views wise, they're trying to make excuses because their kings and queens aren't getting the ccv they can use to brag about.
As a holo fan myself, I'm so fucking happy this is happening and the holo numbefags deserve every last bit of shit they're getting.

>> No.15817742
Quoted by: >>15818139

mysta got like 30k+ votes on a poll with only 3k ccv

>> No.15818139

all me

>> No.15818274
Quoted by: >>15822734

>they just want easy (You)s so they can appear on some gimmick account on tw*tter later.
I just did the biggest sigh reading this. Are faggots really that empty? Is their existence really THAT meaningless?

>> No.15818920
Quoted by: >>15821222

As another holo fan, I too am glad the holostans are getting schooled, maybe that'll encourage some to be more humble

>> No.15818992
Quoted by: >>15820674

Just ignore all the times Hololive and Nijisanji trended on Twitter, all the fanart and OC the merch sales and concerts.Ignore the superchats per year. The only metric thing is CCV on YouTube.

>> No.15820674

to /vt it is

>> No.15820881
File: 738 KB, 1170x1194, 1641299396013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15821222
Quoted by: >>15824030

>happy that youtube messed up and used a shitty bot to cull numbers
Do nijiniggers really?

>> No.15821356
Quoted by: >>15821514

this, I was wrong about you numberfags. Bigger number equals better content, I finally understand now and will watch vshojo instead of hololive.

>> No.15821514
File: 300 KB, 447x447, 1638944410300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15822734

all of existence is meaningless anon, that why shit is arbitrary whether or not its matters or not

>> No.15823100

If that's correct, Kiara and Mori are the best Holo En talents

>> No.15823231

I've decided to stop coping, and just accept that this hobby is dying before our eyes

>> No.15823513
Quoted by: >>15823787

>what if Niji and Holo moved to Twitch?
They'd probably kill all their future growth and stagnate. Though this is not to imply they are guaranteed future growth on youtube either, I have no idea. I only know how tiny Twitch is, not whether there is untapped audience for vtubing.

>> No.15823660

sucked off the right e-celeb

>> No.15823787

>Though this is not to imply they are guaranteed future growth on youtube either
They aren't, now that their CCV is 10% of what it used to be. I could even see several holos graduating over it in 2022.

>> No.15823844

if vod views stay the same then they have nothing to worry about, corpos don't look at live views

>> No.15824030

rent free

>> No.15824184

you can't tell me CCV numbers aren't being nuked by youtube.

last week not a single FBK pokemon stream was under 8k live viewers at ANY point (even superchat readings); currently she's under 3k.

>> No.15824439

Hey retard, the streamers can see the real numbers.

>> No.15824848
File: 321 KB, 992x836, nice bots susan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posts that did not age well

>> No.15827885

When I'm talking about growth, I'm talking about new audience and how much they get paid for their efforts not what the number of CCV on youtube is.

>> No.15828573

If my oshi goes to twitch I'll be forced to drop her twitch is cancer incarnate and I refuse to watch anyone or thing on it.

>> No.15828695

K retard despite superchat rev staying the same, and archived vods displaying higher numbers then live views, and that most chuubas aren't retarded as (you) I'm pretty sure they've caught on already that youtube is being fucky

>> No.15828782

Oh look /vt Is doomposting about a nothingburguer again ma

>> No.15828808

No, Vtubirus its now on twitch

>> No.15829502

>the truth
you mean that thing that /vt/ is allergic to, yet wouldn't know if it bit /vt/'s collective face off?

>> No.15829505

All year

>> No.15835190

up up and abumped

>> No.15835389

> I could even see several holos graduating over it in 2022.
That's only because Riku is planning to close NijiKR this year
