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15751042 No.15751042 [Reply] [Original]

pic related plus Noel
The trio of menhera.
Why do you want them to be your oshi? They look extremely high maintenance, while you can't even maintain/take care of yourself, anon.

>> No.15751104
Quoted by: >>15751127

Nigger, all I do is watch their streams, what maintenance am I supposed to be doing?

>> No.15751127

your life
including your pills

>> No.15751787
Quoted by: >>15751865

Kiara is not thar menhera, she is just loud as fuck. Also you are missing Rushia, how in hell she is less menhera that any of the three you just mentioned

>> No.15751865

I said trio, not the quads of menhera

>> No.15751896


>> No.15753179

>Not mentioning Rushia
Why are fandeads like this?

>> No.15753592
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idgaf i will save her

>> No.15753813

>not Matsuri or Kronii
Very cute attempt

>> No.15753865
Quoted by: >>15753965

I want something to live for and devote myself to

>> No.15753965
Quoted by: >>15754153

Remember that doujin where the woman says that a man doesn't know how to take care of a woman if he can't even take care of himself?
That's you

>> No.15753998

You're not getting away bud.

>> No.15754015
Quoted by: >>15754038

Kiara stopped being menhara quite awhile ago. Replace her with Matsuri.

>> No.15754038

Well, something went wrong with her somewhere down the line, pretty sad.

>> No.15754068

Of course, kek.

>> No.15754140

Fuck off, subhuman trash

>> No.15754147
Quoted by: >>15754191

It's always SEA, isn't it?

>> No.15754153

No, I don't remember that, but I'm able to feed and shelter myself, I seem to be doing alright.

>> No.15754191

Yeah, made it by accident.
You fags are trying to make a big deal out of it for some reason, though.
As I said: and? what now? am i supposed to be scared or something

>> No.15754249
Quoted by: >>15754309

How embarrassing!

>> No.15754287
Quoted by: >>15754309

No, you're just being mocked on the internet.

>> No.15754309

I guess the secret's out that my oshi is Millie, the most powerful chuuba in the world

>> No.15754341


>> No.15754350
Quoted by: >>15754386

this just further validates what we've known for a long time, i.e. SEAnigs being the worst posters on this board, and deserve a permanent rangeban

>> No.15754386

That's just pure cope. Believe what you want to believe. I've been called "based" and "cringe" and whatnot

>> No.15754433

I have yet to see an example of either of them being particularly crazy.

>> No.15756786

What has Polka done you filthy filipino tranny

>> No.15757166

This is the weirdest falseflag yet

>> No.15758507

>you can't even maintain/take care of yourself, anon.
You're right. Today I should go for a walk and take a shower.

>> No.15758882
Quoted by: >>15759091

this. of all people he goes after polka.

>> No.15758935

Only one of them has had a decent yab and to her credit she's been clean since. They're not awful people to follow.

>> No.15758976
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Quoted by: >>15759091


>> No.15759091

polka is menhera, just by how she acts she has mental problems
also kiara
also rushia
also noel (which funny enough nobody itt denies)
don't deny this

>> No.15759110

Every time

>> No.15759266

I would maintain Noel's glorious orbs like Atlas does with the globe for all eternity

>> No.15759862

Polka has gotten better
Kiara has gotten a little bit better
Rushia is trying to get better
Noel has gotten a lot better
All of them are improving. If you want to focus on menheras focus on Matsuri and Haachama who are rapidly getting worse.

>> No.15759920

And they are all more entertaining than you, even though you are also menhera, how sad...

>> No.15761914


>> No.15762003

What's happening with Haachama?

>> No.15762056

Haachama isn't menhera you dumb SEA brown bug.

>> No.15762141

Polka has gotten better and can live with her mental illness, so much so she recognised when Nene was on the verge of a complete breakdown and advised her to get some help before she broke.

>> No.15762156
Quoted by: >>15768046

I consider the chuubas that obsessively stalk their fans' accounts on YT and other social media to be menhera as well so that includes Rushia, Matsuri, and Subaru. Kiara does this as well.
All in all, I'd prefer an obsessive woman over one that's distant and cold.

>> No.15764108
Quoted by: >>15766761

>Doxxcord get deleted 2 days ago
>bait threads multiplies
>It’s fucking SEAniggers
You can’t make that shit up

>> No.15766761

brown bugs are even dumber than yellow bugs

>> No.15767753

oh nyooooooooo~

>> No.15768046
Quoted by: >>15771152

Does Rushia still even stalk her fans these days after that time she begged one of her paypigs to stay with her

>> No.15768146

Fuck off back to your palm leaf hut Seanigger its someone elses turn to use the net cafes one computer

>> No.15768534

I want to be buried under Noel's boobs on her lap as she jerks me off and whispers into my ear.
Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.15769570

Of. Fucking. Course.

>> No.15769616
Quoted by: >>15773148

Same reason why wagies are all ichimi. The fans are also menhera.

>> No.15771152

I don't know. I'm assuming she still does but is more discreet about it. Thing is, she honestly is much more hurt by him not watching her anymore than not throwing SCs and membership.

>> No.15773148

Senchou enjoyers are Chads.
