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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.15728562

This is the one.

>> No.15728572
File: 723 KB, 1024x1365, 8479328469238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long will she last, chumbies?

>> No.15728587
File: 455 KB, 1228x868, 91482954_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my cute shark wife

>> No.15728602

Some faggot is trying to start shit with kfp, don't be idiots and ignore him samefagging.

>> No.15728608
File: 330 KB, 2100x1844, 1640483580968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love gawr and gura

>> No.15728609
File: 2.94 MB, 564x438, 1631445251968.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Goomba

>> No.15728624
File: 195 KB, 1078x1656, FIIcHuzWQAYY_N_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cum moustache

>> No.15728627
File: 154 KB, 830x868, 1629699287670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love

>> No.15728628
File: 281 KB, 1700x1000, 3619eb995bea4656e0acb361d9b3d9fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mamashark fanart

>> No.15728636
File: 170 KB, 1240x1754, 1622944740391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15728646
File: 1.41 MB, 224x195, 1641012180239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shark with friends and mikorone in 32 minutes

>> No.15728648
File: 878 KB, 1920x1079, Fuck me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gawr and gura also love each other

>> No.15728654
File: 550 KB, 1735x2952, FBM40PsWUAMt8G4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.15728660
Quoted by: >>15728987

Everyone was intoxicated that night, they probably forgot that happened.

>> No.15728663
Quoted by: >>15728687

I love Goober, just sayin'

>> No.15728681
Quoted by: >>15728737

Gura just liked another art tweet. I bet she saw ReNPC's panty art and was disgusted. Not even a like. Please grudgepost me

>> No.15728684
Quoted by: >>15728968

well its kinda hard to tell what she looks like

is she a classic oba-san? is she cute and funny like her daughter? there are too many questions

>> No.15728687

Simple as.

>> No.15728736
Quoted by: >>15728819

What are they watching?

>> No.15728737

I can confirm she liked it on her cunny art alt

>> No.15728812

Well, the collab didn't technically happen. That'll be rescheduled to another day, if she doesn't forget that is. Hard to tell since she's got a ton of games she hasn't finished yet.

>> No.15728819

Me dying

>> No.15728893
File: 7 KB, 346x339, 1640649596416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15729039

she needs an actual desing like kiwawa's mom, otherwise it's just a boring "grown up version" like pekomom

>> No.15728968

I'd think Gura and mamashark in cottagecore would be cute. Just make Mamashark look older and have longer hair

>> No.15728987
Quoted by: >>15729190

I sure was, it's why I'm rewatching the stream.

>> No.15729039

Gura but even more loli

>> No.15729190

Same here, kek, just finished the NYE one, next is the karaoke.

>> No.15729220

Shark soon.. right?

>> No.15729230

around 17 minutes

>> No.15729234


>> No.15729269

I want to fuck this retarded shark and tell her how retarded she is while pounding her retarded cunny

>> No.15729284

is it just me or is miko pretty annoying?

>> No.15729337

You don't even understand what she's saying

>> No.15729339

scripted shit is irritating in general, even korone is annoying me right now

>> No.15729353

Unity love, anti hate, dont be a fuck. Gura loves Hololive and so do I.

>> No.15729362

consider therapy because you need it

>> No.15729379


>> No.15729384

Unnecessary but based

>> No.15729406


>> No.15729460

I want to fuck her and deny her release until she says how dumb and retarded she is

>> No.15729493
File: 383 KB, 462x514, 2022-01-01 01-27-14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute shark soon!

>> No.15729496


>> No.15729536

2022 year of the shark

>> No.15729599
File: 1.77 MB, 2800x2184, FIIisP0VIAAyC4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15729680


>> No.15729643
File: 341 KB, 512x512, 1641000834400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15729859

I really want to watch gura right now, but I'm so tired at the moment that I'll fall asleep as soon as she's live. Fuck me

>> No.15729654

t-minus 8 minutes until shark

>> No.15729680

That's a cute design

>> No.15729712

based, stupid shark deserves it

>> No.15729721

which channel is gura on?

>> No.15729745

Gura liked another piece of fanart at some point in the last hour

>> No.15729748


>> No.15729766
File: 128 KB, 766x1080, adcaa22a8f0924e632a4f973d70d1483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gura

>> No.15729779
Quoted by: >>15729933


>> No.15729859
File: 91 KB, 512x512, 1wyJX5_zDMu68wTNxJO4DQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really don't miss much watching a collab VOD intead of live

>> No.15729913

So is Gura the only one too lazy to tweet out the stream or what?

>> No.15729933

The only reason I know about whatever this is, is because of /ggg/

>> No.15729948
Quoted by: >>15730004

Yes, you can switch oshi and leave the thread forever now. Bye bye.

>> No.15729999

Same, good thing I checked the thread even though I was playing video games with friends. Gura pls tweet onegai.

>> No.15730004
Quoted by: >>15730076

You're supposed to tell the shitposters to fuck off, not people with legitimate criticisms. She hasn't even mentioned this on stream.

>> No.15730011

I guess so. Normally I'm not one to jump on the "Gura lazy" bandwagon, but it is pretty annoying that I would have missed this if I didn't decide to check the thread

>> No.15730021

None of them are tweeting this btw, they are YouTuber not Vtweeter

>> No.15730064
Quoted by: >>15730144

Kiara tweeted it. Ame just retweeted Kiara's tweet. Gura will probably be retweeting soon.

>> No.15730075

Kiara did.

>> No.15730076
Quoted by: >>15730134

You can also leave, your new twitter oshi is waiting for you and I'm sure you'll have a grand old time together

>> No.15730134

Wanting notification that Gura is going to be in a stream is a perfectly reasonable expectation.

>> No.15730144

she won't because she doesn't care

>> No.15730151

One of the main reasons I come here other than typing "Gura cute".

>> No.15730162

Ochame Kinou 969k at 40 hours 1 minute mark. Slowed down some 2-3 hours ago. Might hit 1 million at around the 43-44 hour mark.

>> No.15730191
Quoted by: >>15730433

Kiara tweeted it, Kroni tweeted it, Ame retweeted Kiara's

>> No.15730204

Yes! And your new oshi will never fail to update you whenever she's live somewhere, I assure you!

>> No.15730207

goop goop is on miko's stream i can see her right now!!

>> No.15730249


>> No.15730261
File: 77 KB, 182x217, firefox_KXJdQvPBln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what...the fuck...is this.......

>> No.15730276

fuck off already nobody cares around here

>> No.15730291
Quoted by: >>15730389

People like you are the reason yesman posting works

>> No.15730305

a shart

>> No.15730303

My wife's standee, say something nice

>> No.15730330

you have obsessive-compulsive disorder

>> No.15730352

Well it's starting. Cardboard Gura it is, I guess.

>> No.15730369
File: 522 KB, 892x690, 1619156814934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15730430

my dumb wife

>> No.15730366
File: 231 KB, 517x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15730471

default kronii stands out

>> No.15730371

At least it isnt't default Gura.

>> No.15730380
Quoted by: >>15730540

Don't bother, there's too many textbook definition white knights here to bring up anything that could be remotely construed as negative towards gura

>> No.15730383
Quoted by: >>15730453

did miko just forget to mention gura

>> No.15730389

People like you are the reason we need firearms.

>> No.15730430

I made this post

>> No.15730433

no kronii did not

>> No.15730449

Are you dumb? they are streamers, basic thing to do is promote stream or is part of one. Retard

>> No.15730453


>> No.15730471

it kinda fits kronii

>> No.15730472

After, I'd provide her with the proper aftercare to prevent her from having subdrop and getting depressed.

>> No.15730514

Yes it reasonable, but you're not going to get it. You're never going to get it. Deal with it or move on.

>> No.15730518

I'm nervous for Ame and Gura

>> No.15730528 [DELETED] 

you will die in obscurity

>> No.15730536
File: 12 KB, 727x436, gura mspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15730540
Quoted by: >>15730726

Gura will never do it and you will keep on getting more and more frustrated until you finally shoot up a shopping mall and kill yourself. Cannot wait.

>> No.15730546
File: 1005 KB, 774x940, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15730560
Quoted by: >>15730840

are they even going to talk?

>> No.15730575

dumb miko

>> No.15730591

Why aren't they talking

>> No.15730689
File: 56 KB, 510x346, 1622511120425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15730726

I personally could not give less of a fuck if she tweets about boring ass collab, but I think she probably should still do it for the many fans that do. The fact that you disagree with this is what frustrates me, yesman

>> No.15730740

why does my sharkwife sound like she's underwater

>> No.15730750

is goop goop streaming tonight

>> No.15730759


>> No.15730771 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15730933

You too, yesmanning this hard won't get you to lick her feet

>> No.15730806

>talks during Kronii's introduction
Kiara already can't keep her fucking mouth shut.

>> No.15730807

She's on right now, sort of.

>> No.15730808
File: 140 KB, 804x519, 1641168532292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15730840

JP hard, please understand.

>> No.15730861

Domo, same desu!

>> No.15730863

Nigger almost everyone in this world does.

>> No.15730882


>> No.15730889

not really

>> No.15730905

That same desu sounded just like her mom. Cuute.

>> No.15730909
File: 210 KB, 377x353, 1640827676621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15730931
File: 507 KB, 900x900, 1641017944925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15730933 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15731015

you are a worthless, pathetic cockroach. your channel is trash. your personality is repellent. put the gun in your mouth and die.

>> No.15730951

George desu!

>> No.15730965


>> No.15730969
Quoted by: >>15731382

The fact that you shit up the thread every single time she doesn't without fail firmly places you in the "unimaginable waste of life" category of people. She's not going to change, give up or fuck off

>> No.15731015
Quoted by: >>15731109

Projecting so hard you could see an image on the moon

>> No.15731050
File: 5 KB, 228x66, THEY ARE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15731095
File: 452 KB, 3041x2894, 1618650433348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how it seems like two samefaggers are arguing with one another.

>> No.15731109

you're the seething 2view whore, not me. i'm just a viewer.

>> No.15731118
Quoted by: >>15731188

Why are you faggots arguing while my wife's voice is on the telly

>> No.15731156

i need to do my reps....

>> No.15731183

That cute little ayee
She sound so nervous and cute right now

>> No.15731187
File: 289 KB, 351x415, 1617499562517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should kith

>> No.15731188

she barely spoke 2 sentences

>> No.15731196

Yeah, my bad for arguing with a retard. I will shut up and watch my cardboard wife now.

>> No.15731209

I have no idea what any of them are saying. nice

>> No.15731241

Are they doing that telephone game?

>> No.15731277

LMAO nice one Gura

>> No.15731322


>> No.15731325

Of course Gura chooses that

>> No.15731338

Oh I hate when she uses that voice

>> No.15731343


>> No.15731362

I want some of Gura's bathtub icecream.

>> No.15731370


>> No.15731376


>> No.15731382

It's an anonymous message board you mush brained cockroach. Everyone that types something you disagree with isn't the same person.

>> No.15731384
File: 169 KB, 384x361, 121348624223132266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those cute giggles. My fucking heart

>> No.15731415

What the FUCK Gura?

>> No.15731417

It is absolutely necessary that she bears my children.

>> No.15731419


>> No.15731439

I have a pepperoni pizza, dropped to starboard

>> No.15731441

"I dropped some pepperoni pizza and ice cream in the bathtub, I will share some with you." Sounds like Gura.

>> No.15731469

>Ice cream eating my face
Mr. Koro...

>> No.15731503


>> No.15731509


>> No.15731535


>> No.15731582

This is hilarious

>> No.15731584

Well Ame was able to reconstruct half of it

>> No.15731649
Quoted by: >>15731782

What? Is Ame giving miko a new prompt?

>> No.15731676
Quoted by: >>15731782

Did ame change the thing?

>> No.15731739

I don't understand this at all, but it is entertaining

>> No.15731736

Ame is cruel...

>> No.15731749

ame wtf?

>> No.15731782
Quoted by: >>15731898

I assume it's because Miko is in all voice channels and heard the original message, so she is getting a new one?

>> No.15731823

isn't ame supposed to repeat what korone said?

>> No.15731860

I love this dorky shark

>> No.15731898
Quoted by: >>15732011

Best rrat on this whole board

>> No.15731961

Ame you dumbass

>> No.15731963

wtf Ame

>> No.15731969

Message relay

>> No.15732011

But isn't Miko being in all voice channels what Kiara said? She has to stream all voices after all

>> No.15732018

Ame stinky

>> No.15732045
File: 191 KB, 341x322, 1636244274759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Ame is more retarded than Gura today.

>> No.15732118

Oh saved it, Korone must have been so confused

>> No.15732149

Kiara dropped the bathtub for vegetables all of a sudden?

>> No.15732150

Gura should have chose something else, the EN girls can figure out the message just from a few key words that make it through because they know her

>> No.15732162

I have bust a nut

>> No.15732178

I wasn't paying attention, what happened?

>> No.15732180
Quoted by: >>15732293

I guess we lost the ice cream.

>> No.15732203

Yeah, Ame fucked up

>> No.15732205

I raff

>> No.15732219

You mean Ame can. Because they're lovers.

>> No.15732220

I think Ame's tongue twister fucked her up

>> No.15732234

Basutab vegatabl close enough

>> No.15732293
File: 403 KB, 1181x1181, 89872029_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nyooo

>> No.15732315

I'm surprised Kiara didn't notice the flash fish being supposed to be fresh fish

>> No.15732336

I have pepeloni pizza, flash fish, vegetables, and a basketball.

>> No.15732348
File: 352 KB, 1000x1000, brain loading.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stream in a nutshell

>> No.15732412


>> No.15732420


>> No.15732431

I have a new theory on why Gura didn't tweet or retweet this. This stream sucks.

>> No.15732472

I can belieb it. She was too embarrassed to put any attention on this stream. lol.

>> No.15732529


>> No.15732534

where are gura's cat ears? isn't that outfit supposed to have cat ears?

>> No.15732553

I'm enjoying this despite the lack of Gura. Funny bathtub pizza

>> No.15732556
File: 2.26 MB, 2300x3100, e30864c4ac40172ee79cb4b46388cfc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15732561

>Flat fish in the basketball.
I guess it got related to Gura in the end.

>> No.15732572
Quoted by: >>15732666

They're optional

>> No.15732582
Quoted by: >>15732666

They're optional

>> No.15732588
Quoted by: >>15732666

its the earless version

>> No.15732602

She sounds so cute today bros

>> No.15732604

Its been nearly 3 years and I will never get tired of Korosans nahone

>> No.15732606

man why can't gura & en be as enthusiastic, this is simply a game

>> No.15732633

This stream was made just to torture Gura with her bathtub pizza story LOL

>> No.15732636


>> No.15732645

I wonder why Ame has to ruin everything.....

>> No.15732662
File: 287 KB, 2048x2048, 1638842140226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15732715

i have no idea what's going on

>> No.15732665

Yeah i’m not an anti or anything - i like all these chubas - but i had to turn it off like 10 min in.

>> No.15732666

holy shit i didn't know that. does she ever wear it like this?

>> No.15732670
Quoted by: >>15732734

where's the stream?

>> No.15732676

The cat ears suck. This outfit looks way better without them.

>> No.15732715

you dont know telephone game?

>> No.15732721


>> No.15732729

>I type mogu mogu in chat
>Gura says mogu mogu as I hit enter

>> No.15732734


>> No.15732742

I guess Korone and Miko enjoyed Gura's soggy pizza.

>> No.15732745
Quoted by: >>15732792

She wears it without the ears a majority of the time...

>> No.15732754

Dammit her mic keeps getting drowned out again

>> No.15732757
Quoted by: >>15732792

About 75/25 with/without

>> No.15732762

She's too fucking cute, bros.

>> No.15732782

She only puts the cat ears on like 50% of the time.

>> No.15732792


>> No.15732888

Freddy fries fresh fish on the fender for free on Friday.

>> No.15732895

Don't see much activity in the gawrgura tag so I'm guessing most chumbuds are missing this stream.

>> No.15732929

I mean she didn't tweet about the stream.

>> No.15732946

purple monkey dishwasher

>> No.15732972
Quoted by: >>15733033

My ESL is showing. I only know fenders as a car part or a guitar brand, what does it mean here?

>> No.15732984

She didn't tweet or mention the stream all earlier in the week so yeah

>> No.15733033
Quoted by: >>15733165

it means the car part here.

>> No.15733058

I'm ESL, what a fender?

>> No.15733101

its a dead tag anyway, I think Gura need a new live hashtag

>> No.15733107

i bet korone and gura aren't allowed to fly on the same airplane

>> No.15733130

is Mikos english the worst in all of JP?

>> No.15733127

They're missing out

>> No.15733141

It's embarrassing, Gura should rejected the invitation if she's this uninterested

>> No.15733152
Quoted by: >>15733239

Wait so he has to pay to use it any other day?

>> No.15733163

Metal bumper of a car

>> No.15733165

Oh, I guess it makes sense for the tongue twister but I'd rather fry the fish on the hood I guess

>> No.15733184

the mudguard or area around the wheel well of a vehicle.

>> No.15733201
File: 15 KB, 113x130, 4hfiubw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15733224
Quoted by: >>15733452

i dont want to sound racist or anything but if i were goop goop i would have said no to this

>> No.15733239
Quoted by: >>15733460

i read it as that he doesn't charge for the fish. it's kind of a nonsense sentence.

>> No.15733242

Thanks for your useless opinion ESLchama..

>> No.15733301

Kiara managed to turn it into a sentence that kind of makes sense?

>> No.15733374


>> No.15733388
Quoted by: >>15733497

miko fucks the chains up royally

>> No.15733452
Quoted by: >>15733548

she said she wants to do more stuff like this, plus her best friends Ame and Kronii are doing it. and Kiara who is also her friend but not her best friend.

>> No.15733460

Well if he is giving it for free is just as much of a bad investment.

>> No.15733491


>> No.15733497

I'm surprised she's mumbling even more than Korone, who usually doesn't even pronounce half her syllables

>> No.15733521


>> No.15733522

Let's go, Gura. You aren't going to figure this out.

>> No.15733548
Quoted by: >>15739967

guwa should learn japanese so she can do this without kiara being there

>> No.15733574

shes so cute

>> No.15733590
Quoted by: >>15733664

>kronii says to write it down

>> No.15733640

What the fuck Gura

>> No.15733665
File: 3.94 MB, 1305x1702, 71619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with Gura!

>> No.15733664

It's not like it helped any

>> No.15733671

Gura seal

>> No.15733677
Quoted by: >>15733820

Freddy four four ore or ore four.

>> No.15733729

or or or

>> No.15733742

Freddy for for or or (nene noises). PERFECT. We've lost the tongue twister.

>> No.15733743

Erin earned an iron urn

>> No.15733773
Quoted by: >>15733807

this stream is annoying me can i turn it off

>> No.15733806

>wow that's mean

>> No.15733807
Quoted by: >>15733858

I allow it

>> No.15733820
File: 161 KB, 451x394, 125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck... She almost said my name...

>> No.15733858

thanks don't tell goop goop please

>> No.15733883

I love this

>> No.15733899

She already knows

>> No.15733924

I'm going to tell her to do these ore often

>> No.15733938

this is so fucking painful. i love my sharkwife.

>> No.15733939
File: 49 KB, 576x576, tired shark smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15734272

Gura did want to interact more with her JP senpais, but this was definitely not the best way to do it. Hopefully she has at least some fun, though.

>> No.15733946

How long will goob be on this?
I want to fuck off.

>> No.15733993

There is another segment starting in an hour and 20 minutes. That's the longest they will go

>> No.15733995

nominally, another 50 minutes

>> No.15734018
Quoted by: >>15734218

we could have a regular gura stream instead of THIS

>> No.15734024

We need a Gura transcriber for collabs like this

>> No.15734039

Why are the sentences so long?

>> No.15734043
Quoted by: >>15734159

I like to drink hot chocolate and ice skate in the winter. What about you?

>> No.15734055

Turn it off if you aren't having fun, retard-kun. This is good.

>> No.15734100

Kronii the hot chocolate bit was okay but Koromiko will mangle the ice skating bit...

>> No.15734116

"I like to drink hot chocolate and ice skate in the winter. What about you?"- Kronii.

>> No.15734118

Why are these phrases so long. These poor japs...

>> No.15734159
Quoted by: >>15734235


>> No.15734181

kowone cute

>> No.15734218
Quoted by: >>15734295

It's been fun so far and we've gotten some cute Gura giggles. This probably would have been a second break day if she didn't do this collab anyways

>> No.15734235

no, it's right. to drink and to skate.

>> No.15734243

I like to drink...
Hot chocolate!

>> No.15734257

Is gura talking much?

>> No.15734272

idk this seems like a great way to get your feet wet. If you look at Nacho's commentary she felt under pressure and uncomfortable the whole time. In this game nobody has any particular responsibility except for game master miko. \

Also for anyone that missed the TLs earlier the girls did not come up with these sentences. they are from the translation team.

>> No.15734295
Quoted by: >>15734396

gura barely spoke 4 sentences so far

>> No.15734302

No, not really

>> No.15734324

That was really good from Mr. Koro

>> No.15734330

Why would she? She has to stay silent for 95% of it.

>> No.15734396

>having fun with her jp senpai
>still getting some Gura today instead of a break
You can just turn it off if you're not having fun.

>> No.15734403

Ame should speak more slowly...

>> No.15734438

now lets see miko fuck it all up again

>> No.15734459

>they are writing it down and repeating word by word
what's the point?

>> No.15734486

No, but we did get her making seal noises and talking about eating bathtub icecream.

>> No.15734538
Quoted by: >>15734629

Not much problems with the sentences so far.

>> No.15734567

because they decided to give them essays in a game of telephone

>> No.15734624

Honestly that wasn't too bad from Miko.

>> No.15734629
Quoted by: >>15734720

...and iskate winter wahblu

>> No.15734665


>> No.15734680


>> No.15734715

It's gunna leave my brain real fast lets go

>> No.15734720

too many spaces

>> No.15734719

OMG Gura

>> No.15734723
File: 50 KB, 576x576, 1639963754354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is gura showing signs of life?

>> No.15734749

Miko has a baby slur
And my oshi is a genius!

>> No.15734755
File: 267 KB, 1878x2221, GuraHuh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15734765

Gura write it down

>> No.15734786

gura has been dead for 12 minutes and no one has noticed

>> No.15734801

Oh my fuck that was worth this whole mess

>> No.15734803

She was literally just speaking, anon

>> No.15734823

Because the team that decided these were good sentences for telephone with 2 members that don't speak English are dummies.

>> No.15734828

She has alzheimer's.

>> No.15734835
Quoted by: >>15734896

Well, she combined the skating to be with you instead of in winter and asking if you skate as well.

>> No.15734896

She wants to drink hot chocolate and ice skate with me..

>> No.15734927

Them small claps

>> No.15734964

Japanese telephone game time!

>> No.15734994

Which EN will mangle the japanese the most?

>> No.15735049


>> No.15735063
Quoted by: >>15735198

Japanese phrases. This can go so wrong.

>> No.15735083

logic says Ame but I feel like Gura will get tripped up on random stuff harder.

>> No.15735166

they should do a stream collab with just gura, korone and pekora because they are the most popular ones

>> No.15735198

should be easy, gura is a parrot

>> No.15735208

Let's go!

>> No.15735223

Too fast Korosan

>> No.15735252

translate it weebs

>> No.15735311

i could not even repeat the first 4 words

>> No.15735343

Why the fuck is it too long lol

>> No.15735391

Welp, I just ate my own imaginary words

>> No.15735444
Quoted by: >>15735509

>Hi Gura!

>> No.15735489


>> No.15735504

I can only get a couple words, but even Kiara says she doesn't understand the meaning? Oof

>> No.15735509

She's so meek

>> No.15735562

Miko, that's too hard

>> No.15735565
File: 289 KB, 700x434, 1629302325876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15735737

>> No.15735594

Gura kek

>> No.15735702

She forgot a word but that wasn't too bad.
Ame getting 'Mikkorone mazui' out of it is a bit yab

>> No.15735714
Quoted by: >>15735887

I love my shy, autistic sharkwife

>> No.15735716

mikorone mazui

>> No.15735723

Cute giggles

>> No.15735737
File: 115 KB, 1200x800, naruhodont [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fianbp3.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another for the collection

>> No.15735810

Gura no. dont be the one who butchers it the most.

>> No.15735887

wait isn’t there a rrat that she’s legit autistic

>> No.15735892

>too long!

>> No.15735899

Relax, ame was last so she didn't have a chance

>> No.15735906

It's okay, she had to listen to Miko.

>> No.15735920

I have never heard of kawazu being frog, I only know kaeru...

>> No.15735944
Quoted by: >>15736139

Only if she sniffs ants.

>> No.15736025

Ame listening to Miko first, this is gonna be a garbled mess

>> No.15736028

Last Japanese phrase sentence.

>> No.15736093

thats too fucking long

>> No.15736132

They all are

>> No.15736139
File: 38 KB, 456x237, 1639008544918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15736205
File: 151 KB, 512x512, 1635289906480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please give the shark a break, she can only remember 3 words at a time...

>> No.15736246
Quoted by: >>15736358

Ive known like 3 different autistic women and she actually has some similarities to them so I wouldnt be surprised if she was autistic. Autism in women isnt quite as obnoxious as it is in most dudes.

>> No.15736304

sounds like another proverb ... something with ones mind something in the mountains?
My listening reps have gotten bad

>> No.15736312


>> No.15736342
Quoted by: >>15736385

it is transmitted

>> No.15736358
Quoted by: >>15736601

I don't think she's actually autistic but she's definitely weird. and I fucking love that about her

>> No.15736368

Takashi? Takeshi's brother?

>> No.15736378
File: 386 KB, 1447x2039, 1625880066452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man this idea really wasn't well thought out

>> No.15736383


>> No.15736385

only sexually, you should be fine

>> No.15736409

anon.... Its extremely clear that shes autistic, diagnosed or not.

>> No.15736413


>> No.15736496

i am a psychologist and you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.15736537

most people have some autistic traits, actual autism is when you see those bloated children having fits screaming on the ground after hearing a loud noise

>> No.15736552

It's my rrat that Gura put in Takeshi as a dogwhistle for this place.

>> No.15736577

Armchair psychologist.

>> No.15736582
Quoted by: >>15736679

All that's extremely clear is that you have autism if you think you can say that with certainty

>> No.15736593

That sounds accurate every psychologist is a complete fucking retard now a days.
Go tell people to chop their dick off somewhere else.

>> No.15736601

Yeah if she is its either really mild or well controlled, but she could just be weird. Ive known people that were perfectly well adjusted who were just off in weird ways.

>> No.15736627

She just knows.

>> No.15736679

Yes I do but I also am at least functional enough to be able to easily tell when someone else has it too unlike you.

>> No.15736711

Wow, it was only wrong because they weren't native and would have corrected if they knew the meaning

Ame and Gura did well

>> No.15736750

My rrat is that she's bad at nihongo and just tried to parrot the sounds and fucked up.

>> No.15736773

chances of guerilla stream late tonight?

>> No.15736797


>> No.15736801


>> No.15736807

It's never zero but very very low

>> No.15736817

0,000000000000000 %

>> No.15736856


>> No.15736864
Quoted by: >>15737199

>Fun. Tanoshii.

>> No.15736866

Not a single chance.

>> No.15736913
Quoted by: >>15736985

That listener-san peeking through the doorway fucking spooked me

>> No.15736974
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, 1617613178662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that was a dud, Imma go sleep and hopefully gura doesn't take it too hard

>> No.15736985

why listener-san and not watcher-san? are japs dumb?

>> No.15736988
Quoted by: >>15737036

Gura was cute again.

>> No.15737023
File: 1.15 MB, 700x777, 1640976317752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, hopefully I drift off into the dark with gura.

>> No.15737027

she knows youre tabbed out

>> No.15737029
Quoted by: >>15737161

Well, that's that. I liked the one where the sentenced turned into the basketball and the muzai that Ame got. Hopefully we'll see a schedule tomorrow.

>> No.15737036

For a collective minute and 12 seconds

>> No.15737055
File: 12 KB, 128x128, listener-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his eyes are closed

>> No.15737096
Quoted by: >>15737159

i can stop watching now right?

>> No.15737153
Quoted by: >>15737295

Wow! Gura was so awkward, like she didn't even want to be there. She's mad she doesn't get her 11th day off in the past 2 weeks

>> No.15737159

no. you have to watch the rest of the stream now

>> No.15737161

Yeah I liked Gura's bathtub pizza, her and Ame greeting each other, and this is going to leave my brain fast ............ NO. Very cute.

>> No.15737199

I thought it was fun for what it was. Wasn't a bad game for a JP/EN collab, but they're not typically my favorite so I wasn't expecting a lot.

>> No.15737261

Imagine if they played mad gab again and Korone and Miko just screamed english words they don't understand for an hour

>> No.15737295
File: 366 KB, 737x747, 1640819454218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15737340

poruka oruka

>> No.15737420

hehe snhreemd

>> No.15737471
Quoted by: >>15737612

Who's Takashi?

>> No.15737488
File: 2.23 MB, 3588x2184, FII8_mfUUAQCsFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15737612


>> No.15737616


>> No.15737632
Quoted by: >>15737690

advarcher needs to stop pandering to his discord buddies, no one gives a shit about that stuff

>> No.15737690
Quoted by: >>15737935

me and my wife Gura like that stuff

>> No.15737854

Ochame Kinou cover hits 980k at 41 hours, 26 minutes.

>> No.15737877

all me

>> No.15737890
Quoted by: >>15737950

they call tortilla chips totopos?

>> No.15737914
Quoted by: >>15737957

gura watching pokemons

>> No.15737935
Quoted by: >>15737971

>Gura caring about discord shit

>> No.15737950
Quoted by: >>15738011

In mexico, yes. I don't know about the rest of latin america.

>> No.15737957
Quoted by: >>15737989

She say something in chat?

>> No.15737971

she cares about the doodles, retard

>> No.15737989
File: 4 KB, 248x46, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15738191


>> No.15737994

i hate this

>> No.15738001
File: 275 KB, 1080x1920, _FIE34h5XwAEKsg9.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15738007

none of those numbers have any significance to anyone

>> No.15738011
Quoted by: >>15738070

Oh, I'm still in the Mikkoro stream, they did it too

>> No.15738070

I'm not watching never mind then.

>> No.15738191

some context

>> No.15738199

I think Mko is calling for her

>> No.15738294
Quoted by: >>15738357

I cannot stop rewatching the MamaShark part where she says "Oh nyo" and Gura's face capture cannot keep up with whatever her face actually did in response to that.

I'm trying to imagine the facial movements and expressions required to confound the tech so thoroughly in that moment, and it just makes me laugh without fail.

>> No.15738357


>> No.15738461
Quoted by: >>15738640

Oh nyo. Go watch the stream, it happened at some point in the first 20 minutes of the stream.

>> No.15738510
Quoted by: >>15738771

So Gura can spend time in chats but can't be bothered to stream

>> No.15738531

What the fuck

>> No.15738550

Somewhere between minute 12 and 16

>> No.15738640
Quoted by: >>15738856

you have the stream open and could share a timestamp in less than 30 seconds, but okay

>> No.15738771
Quoted by: >>15738957

Writing in the chat is easier than streaming btw

>> No.15738856

That was some other guy, not me. I had an H game open, sorry bro. I would've linked ya.

>> No.15738927


>> No.15738957

Or she is lazy. She really loves chumbuds huh? She barely streams and takes 3 to 4 days off now a week. Sorry Gura but you're not a 2view anymore. I know you wish you could stream just 2 times a month but it's your job now

>> No.15739029
File: 2.25 MB, 2067x2924, 84752100_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura should sit on my face

>> No.15739059
File: 2.93 MB, 398x458, tail4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15739090
File: 387 KB, 900x900, IMG_20220101_171358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol fuck off retard

>> No.15739116
Quoted by: >>15739675

Anon, you could be doing literally anything else right now and you can show how much more productive you are than Gura!

>> No.15739328 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 236x222, 1640214666921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15739361

Seething 2view is still going, you're sad

>> No.15739367
File: 1.72 MB, 640x648, gura_sharkcrawl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15739413


>> No.15739388

how can one be this obsessed?

>> No.15739391
File: 365 KB, 512x512, 1616546376669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGMI if Gura shows off her ass again in proper 3D in the year 2030.

>> No.15739413

All i want for 2022 is more smol Gura porn

>> No.15739429
File: 190 KB, 1370x1586, 1622775457298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is so cute...

>> No.15739456

Me, top right

>> No.15739498
File: 63 KB, 127x189, 83nvisd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15739529

Gem of the sea

>> No.15739508

Where's the rapist shrimp

>> No.15739529

I hate how that thing looks like.
The horror...

>> No.15739535

On the left

>> No.15739549
File: 4 KB, 300x123, 1641022483475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15739659

me on her right (our left) arm

>> No.15739614
File: 62 KB, 271x136, shrimps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm busy, what?

>> No.15739659

>not going for the tail

>> No.15739675
Quoted by: >>15739729

Making that post was being more productive than Gura

>> No.15739690
File: 492 KB, 514x475, kissu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me giving her a kiss

>> No.15739729
File: 194 KB, 481x288, 1627102887010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15739784

I went to the bathroom for a while, did Gura say anything?

>> No.15739824

Only the Gura that talks in my brain

>> No.15739828

Yeah, she said yes to my marriage proposal

>> No.15739854

there was little to no interaction outside of the game itself, so it was mostly Gura trying to speak slow clear English to the JPs or having a short laugh with Ame and Kronii before moving on
It was just a guest appearance, after all

>> No.15739867

Me on her tail

>> No.15739904

Me inside her belly.

>> No.15739967

Or the japanese should learn english so everybody can understand wtf they're saying

>> No.15740072

Gura doko?

>> No.15740137

remember when Gura said she wanted to shiny hunt?

>> No.15740230
Quoted by: >>15740529

no? she has said multiple times she does not have the patience for it

>> No.15740327

She could barley get through the first couple of gyms, no way she'd shiny hunt.

>> No.15740369

To be fair, I think she just said she wanted a shiny, not that she wanted to do the hunt.
If she was going to do one it would probably just be one you could chain.

>> No.15740372
Quoted by: >>15740529

when was that?

>> No.15740529

There might be more mentions, but I doubt it.

>> No.15740578


>> No.15740622
Quoted by: >>15740687

They're still going.The JP work ethic is relentless.

>> No.15740687
Quoted by: >>15740725

Is Subaru on yet? I tuned out, but the Polka bit was nice and the video message from whoever the fuck that guy was was also pretty cool, they lost their shit over his Korone cosplay

>> No.15740688

i love my retarded shark wife...

>> No.15740693

now i want to give her one of mine

>> No.15740713
Quoted by: >>15740779

well that's before she saw how much time it takes, she was speaking to mori about it, I don't remember the stream, probably their watchalong

>> No.15740725

yup, with rat, reine, and anya.

>> No.15740779

Yes, I know. I also know she knew how long it takes because she used to do it. She has the patience, or at least used to have it, it's just not something she wants to stream.

>> No.15740802

Oh that sounds fun but I have work in less than 6h so I need to catch some z's

>> No.15740812

what kind of retard would watch that?

>> No.15740858

her past videos page is just a graveyard, it's sad

>> No.15740860
Quoted by: >>15740938

Me, they are great streams for chatting

>> No.15740909

I would watch Gura play literally anything but I get why she doesn't want to do a stream of something like that

>> No.15740938
Quoted by: >>15741074

sure, but you can also chat for more reasonable amounts of time doing something else

>> No.15740986
File: 531 KB, 2328x3252, FDiM8HXaQAEQ8hv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15741086

>antis really have nothing to shitpost about

>> No.15741074
Quoted by: >>15741091

I don't want reasonable streams. I want another endurance stream.

>> No.15741086

Gura's too perfect

>> No.15741091

then fuck off to watch someone else

>> No.15741123
Quoted by: >>15741142


>> No.15741126
File: 2.36 MB, 372x356, tail1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread
>post Gura cute
>close thread

>> No.15741136

wanting things is fine. demanding things is dumb

>> No.15741138
Quoted by: >>15741175

>I also know she knew how long it takes because she used to do it
source needed

>> No.15741142

yes. go attach your considerable mental illness to a different target.

>> No.15741170

You won't see this, but, based.

>> No.15741175
Quoted by: >>15741449

She said it on stream. I don't remember which.

>> No.15741211

calm your tits yesman

>> No.15741244

>knows we like her butt
>constantly teases with her butt in 3d
the fucking samegaki

>> No.15741267
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, tail_is_honest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post

>> No.15741349

>Chumbud wants to see Gura do a long stream so she has lots of time to chat
Damn dude id tell you to go back but even they arent this retarded.

>> No.15741396
Quoted by: >>15741564

Is Gura doing well with her Japanese?

>> No.15741406

Teasing me with cute same butt and tail... What a brat.
Correction may be needed!!

>> No.15741411

just go watch any hour-spamming trash stream on twitch. they don't get better as they get longer, they get dramatically worse.

>> No.15741449
Quoted by: >>15741591

well I dont remember her saying that at all, I remember her learning about some methods of shiny hunting, but not her trying them, she even asked the chat what percentage a shiny has of appearing, something anybody shiny hunting knows

>> No.15741456
Quoted by: >>15741582

The only endurance stream she's done was a game she couldn't chat much during for a reason. She will never do a long, non-collab, mostly zatsudan stream.

>> No.15741464

>I think she probably should still do it for the many fans that do
Most chumbuds don't even know what Hololive is and only watch streams on Gura's channel exclusively.

>> No.15741548
Quoted by: >>15741579

>"I havent ever watched any other streamers including the JP members of Hololive"
Wow thats a pretty retarded take honestly.

>> No.15741564

the last couple times she was on the JP minecraft server she knew more katakana from what I remembered, but Kanji seem to still be completely over her head and general comprehension is also fairly low. But the JPs were using proverbs today one of which even Kiara didn't understand

>> No.15741579
Quoted by: >>15741606

not for more than a couple of hours because it gets so fucking mind-numbing

>> No.15741582

honestly she'll run out of stuff to say anyway, I'm fine with my minecraft 3-5 hour zatsus, waay easier to catch all of it too, I dont need 10 hours straight of it

>> No.15741591

I think she said she did some chaining back in X&Y, but she never said how successful she was at it.

>> No.15741598


>> No.15741606
Quoted by: >>15741649

Exibit A >>15741411 >>15741579

>> No.15741612
Quoted by: >>15741993

It's like I'm really in 2020 again, nice timeloop

>> No.15741645
File: 2.59 MB, 2200x2500, 1625370684957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she also said she wants to get a blue uparupa, she has ADHD plz andastand

>> No.15741649
Quoted by: >>15741790

what you're advocating is called "dumping", and it's not associated with increased viewer satisfaction or revenue

>> No.15741710

Yeah, I feel that anything much longer than 5 hours becomes too much.

>> No.15741722
File: 3.56 MB, 2835x3603, 91853428_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15741773

I love my Oshi's Oshiri!

>> No.15741724
File: 194 KB, 336x324, 1625812098170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura teases many things that she doesn't end up doing, and she knows.

>> No.15741758

god I love her

>> No.15741765
File: 1.84 MB, 1813x1080, 1625389830015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myth worms on Saturday at Gura Standard Time.

>> No.15741773
File: 425 KB, 3508x3508, gura butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same desu

>> No.15741790

retardchama.... the dude literally admitted to not watching and streamers. Please learn to read unless you are that retard than please learn to kill yourself.

>> No.15741818

Excellent. Should get a lot of good Gura screams out of that one.

>> No.15741835


>> No.15741890
Quoted by: >>15742194

NTA but you really need to work on your wnglidh comprehension if thats what you got from the posts

>> No.15741892

gob bless

>> No.15741900

He said he watches not more than a couple hours. I didn't watch Korone for more than maybe a dozen hours when she did asscreed either

>> No.15741918

is there a version of this with high framerate?

>> No.15741927

sounds like she tried to get a magikarp for a few hours and quickly gave up

>> No.15741941

would be better with council

>> No.15741945

We're not gonna get a Gura pov for the MK Tournament are we...

>> No.15741959

what is it with women and trying to get shiny magikarp

>> No.15741987

in a different game yeah

>> No.15741993
File: 233 KB, 1600x1600, 1641013805719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's true? Half her fucking chat and the threads didn't even know what Ochame Kinou was the other day.

>> No.15742012
Quoted by: >>15742184

This is a pretty dumb thing to think

>> No.15742030

Sounded like she wanted to stream longer than a few races, so maybe.

>> No.15742043

We're not getting Gura POV sex with Shion are we?...

>> No.15742044

Ochame Kinou hits 990k at 42 hours, 41 minutes. 10k more to go for 1 million and 4th place.

>> No.15742053

I was one of them... Thought tbf, I did actually know what it was, just not the name

>> No.15742073

>he doesn't know

>> No.15742079

Still their fault for not saying fukkireta.
the fucking song name is in moonrunes how am I supposed to read those?

>> No.15742078

It's better known as Fukkireta for some people.

>> No.15742085
File: 205 KB, 1370x1699, 1639893730811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES I've been wanting a full worms collab forever. The one with just Ame was so good

>> No.15742088

I am

>> No.15742116

Anon that's happening thursday night in NA.

>> No.15742184

Idk man if Kiara of all people isn't streaming her pov I can't see Gura doing it either

>> No.15742194
Quoted by: >>15742234


>> No.15742234

english, fat fingers pls andastand

>> No.15742272

I'll be personally recording it from the corner of the room

>> No.15742317
Quoted by: >>15742366

That's absolutely the wrong pov.

>> No.15742331

Yeah that was really fun, seems like a great collab game to me so I'm looking forward to it

>> No.15742343
File: 14 KB, 387x387, 1615033284351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Gura good enough to compete with top 4 in group b based on the most recent mariokart streams?

>> No.15742366

The reason its Gura POV is so most chumbies can relate better because Gura is the one with the cocks.

>> No.15742395

If she keeps practicing. She said she hadn't played it for 2 days which does NOT bode well.

>> No.15742416

Just needs to level up her consistency to reduce the chance of a big throw and use items a little more often.

>> No.15742422
File: 2.62 MB, 2275x3000, 1640637329368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei will completely crush everyone.
I think she'll be pretty close with Aqua and Towa.
Aqua doesn't really care about games anymore, unless she's been practicing a lot off-stream

>> No.15742447

She can't defeat lag no matter how much she practices.

>> No.15742509
Quoted by: >>15742597

Her 3-5 hour streams have been perfect. I need to get to bed and wake up for work, so I'd rather she stream on more days rather than longer hours.
We've had good quality time together, though, so I'm pretty happy overall.

>> No.15742560

>he's not T5

>> No.15742597
Quoted by: >>15742809

So far I've watched ever single stream she's ever done in full.
If she starts streaming for 8+ hours I'm scared I'll miss something, so I'm happy with the 3-5 hour stream times

>> No.15742616

I'm just happy for a full myth collab that isn't ttrpg. I like the ttrpg and council but it's been so long just myth played something together

>> No.15742652

True, a full myth collab with an actual video game will be nice

>> No.15742685
Quoted by: >>15742765

3-5 hours is great for me, but I wouldn't mind a marathon once in a blue moon

>> No.15742689

>it's been so long just myth played something together
they played jackbox like 2 weeks ago..

>> No.15742765

weekends please, Im fucking up my schedule as a EU for her to begin with

>> No.15742769

They did didn't they. I somehow forgot all about that, I still want to see more though so im excited for the worms stream.

>> No.15742809

It would be fun if she did them just occasionally though, like with DMC. It was nice to spend that much time with her.

>> No.15742820
Quoted by: >>15743141

Ttrpg is more of a game than Jackbox is.

>> No.15742993
Quoted by: >>15743141

I love Jackbox but its not really a "game" in terms of ya know... video games I guess.

>> No.15743048

don't care what Gura streams just want Gura stream please stream tomorrow Gura

>> No.15743090

Wow how dare you say that you anti!!!!

>> No.15743099

Schedule tomorrow probably, hoping for a members stream too.

>> No.15743105
File: 492 KB, 1133x1052, magic the guraing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15743530

>> No.15743118

please don't agree with me

>> No.15743130

I give it a 66% chance

>> No.15743141

What's your definition of a game? It sure seems like a game to me.

>> No.15743154

Schedule Wednesday you should know that by now

>> No.15743156


>> No.15743176
File: 1005 KB, 787x799, goslingfront.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to see my sharkwife again

>> No.15743177

I'm assuming no stream until tuesday since she streamed today, 66% chance of schedule tomorrow though

>> No.15743186

Party games aren't real games!

>> No.15743192
Quoted by: >>15743219

Hope Gura is huddled in bed watching the history of pottery or something else random on YouTube

>> No.15743203

Anon stop being retarded "on purpose" you know what they mean.

>> No.15743219
Quoted by: >>15743367

I wish she'd do watchalongs for random documentaries like that with us

>> No.15743367

She's not in streamer mode while watching them so it'd probably be 90% her watching the documentary silently. .... but I agree

>> No.15743405

I dont care if Gura doesnt talk much during her stream I just want to spend time with her. Plus it will give her stuff to talk about with the chumbies.

>> No.15743434
Quoted by: >>15743482

This. I don't care if she talks, I'd be happy with just random noises and giggles

>> No.15743469

please not another member stream we had far too much of them lately

>> No.15743482

I mean... I agree and all, but surely you see why she isn't catering to people like us.

>> No.15743513

Because shes lazy.

>> No.15743517
File: 114 KB, 266x309, die ha ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15743520

I mean, the people that like that kind of stuff are the people that SC every stream.

>> No.15743530
Quoted by: >>15743810

Cute flying shark

>> No.15743536

t. poornigger

>> No.15743538
Quoted by: >>15743646

but that would be less work than normal

>> No.15743563
Quoted by: >>15743646

that's easier than a normal stream, and she can count those as a streaming day.

>> No.15743631
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, goslin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15744005

>ywn quietly watch random youtube videos on your phone with gura while cuddling in bed together

>> No.15743636
File: 2.87 MB, 1593x2385, FIEluhCVQAAj3U6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura cute

>> No.15743643

She doesn't want to spend time with you though, that's the problem here

>> No.15743645
File: 270 KB, 344x709, 1640950702830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can have too much member's streams
I'd take a full month of just members streams if I had the choice

>> No.15743646
Quoted by: >>15743747

Yea but it would be something she would have to do on top of her normal stuff realistically.

>> No.15743690

I'm sure that's it, 2view-san

>> No.15743747
Quoted by: >>15743817

No it wouldn't? What makes you think that?

>> No.15743773

Will you spend time with me then instead?

>> No.15743802

Kill yourself already.

>> No.15743810
File: 178 KB, 672x936, iko-67-shark-typhoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only card that makes shark tokens is a Sharknado reference.

>> No.15743817
Quoted by: >>15743916

Gura is very self conscious and doesnt want to "bore" her fans

>> No.15743820
File: 236 KB, 2000x740, vI6T7qc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15743853
File: 1.33 MB, 518x535, cookie [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6pvwb1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15743914

This is a crime

>> No.15743916
Quoted by: >>15743998

Yeah, like it or not, Gura is particular about her content. She's not going to do something like that more than once in a while.

>> No.15743970

If only she had learned from this moment. Tragedy could have been avoided.

>> No.15743995
Quoted by: >>15744023

Ochame Kinou cover hits 995k at 43 hours 26 minutes. 5k left to go. Might be under or over 44 hours.

>> No.15743998
Quoted by: >>15745160

Chat has at least managed to convince her that >we love her ASMR and she even did some research on NYE, so I’ll take those victories

>> No.15744005
File: 75 KB, 882x960, asddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15744023
Quoted by: >>15744040

nobody cares. nobody.

>> No.15744040
Quoted by: >>15744050

You replied to it, clearly you care.

>> No.15744050
Quoted by: >>15744080

the only replies he ever gets are telling him he's mentally ill or to leave.

>> No.15744057

Oh nyoo anon does Gura have a fanbase that cares about her unlike you?

>> No.15744080
Quoted by: >>15744094

Yeah, and a (You) is a (You).

>> No.15744089

yes she does

>> No.15744094
Quoted by: >>15744145

he has obsessive-compulsive disorder. he needs psychiatric care.

>> No.15744116
File: 174 KB, 463x453, 1631590550439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fuck you. I need more love bombs from Gura. I need my fix man, the high is too good.

>> No.15744145

And you are part of the reason bait and numberfags are so prevalent in /ggg/

>> No.15744154

My pizza entered the oven at 10:18PM. 9 minutes left to go. Might be some burnt cheese if take too long to get out of my chair.

>> No.15744178

whats on the pizza

>> No.15744184

Now these numbers I like

>> No.15744192

burnt cheese

>> No.15744206

what about ice cream?

>> No.15744208

the pepeloni

>> No.15744211

>going through gawrt

>> No.15744285
Quoted by: >>15744454

Listen I know people might get butthurt but it got a good laugh out of me.
Its funny because its kind of accurate

>> No.15744373
Quoted by: >>15744401

Sounds like a whiny bitch

>> No.15744394
Quoted by: >>15744461

nice selfpost faggot, no actual person outside of here is that autistic

>> No.15744401
File: 1.21 MB, 2200x2600, FIFWma_XIAEBPcJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but he gave people a heads up and that's pretty cool of him

>> No.15744421
File: 717 KB, 1414x2000, 1634943312823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting your own tweet
>typed through barely held back tears
>no stream for next week i guess
lmao, how fucking pathetic and passive-aggressive are you faggots going to get? you sound like vain and bitter 50 years old women

>> No.15744454
Quoted by: >>15744586

>posting your own tweet
>replying to yourself

>> No.15744461
File: 174 KB, 1448x2048, FIG8EDBWQAYHlRF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that was me I would have linked it WAY before the stream, but go off.

>> No.15744485
File: 138 KB, 576x576, 1617982046639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15744669

Why do you gotta rib Gura in such a weird way.

>> No.15744535
Quoted by: >>15744826

Why post it at all and out yourself like a total faggot then?

>> No.15744556
File: 264 KB, 1288x2048, 1630896805516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you link a pathetic loser's tweet, you are the pathetic loser. I don't make the rules.

>> No.15744586
Quoted by: >>15744615

>posting your own tweet
>replying to yourself
>replying to yourself pretending to not be the first two
>posting lol
>using 4chan
>replying to things you dont like
>being triggered
>using me me arrows
>posting in /ggg/ when you dont like Gura
>wanting Gura to stream
>not wanting Gura to stream
>buying more smart fridges so you can reply more
omegalol kekw peepohands

>> No.15744615
Quoted by: >>15744640

Take your meds.

>> No.15744635

>but go off
why do whiny retards always say this when confronted with their autism

>> No.15744640
Quoted by: >>15744675


>> No.15744669
File: 193 KB, 512x512, 1624103196183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls andastd parasocial connection with internet shark fucks up common sense.

>> No.15744675
File: 759 KB, 1000x1137, Meds[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5z6tny.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15744730
File: 622 KB, 1600x900, 92743572_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomerspeak is all they know

>> No.15744732
Quoted by: >>15744822

Ochame Kinou hits 998k at 43 hours 46 minutes.

>> No.15744769

It was pretty funny when Gura made fun of the people who leave dislikes or mean comments. It would make the perfect gif

>> No.15744822
Quoted by: >>15744838

make sure to tell us the minute it hits 1 million we'll throw a huge party

>> No.15744826

I thought it was funny that he thought she wasn't going to tweet and she didn't tweet. It still is pretty shitty of her and I'm curious if she'll even mention it next stream.

>> No.15744838

anon that's cruel

>> No.15744856
Quoted by: >>15744932

fake (you)s are still (you)s you stupid nigger
I agree with him but I agree with you as well. I hate downtalk.

>> No.15744932
File: 236 KB, 916x1044, 1618962260063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15744958


>> No.15744950

You could've just stop posting, but you insist on exposing the depths of your faggotry, why?

>> No.15744958

I want to suck smol Gura's candy cane

>> No.15745088
Quoted by: >>15745237

Ochame Kinou hits 1 million in 43 hours 56 minutes.

>> No.15745103

Gura’s tail is so mesmerizing in the belly dance section

>> No.15745123

It's like Coco's tail all over again...

>> No.15745124
File: 961 KB, 1980x2643, 1637038743484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15745128

It's her tiny feet movements that do it for me

>> No.15745160
Quoted by: >>15745215

Chat and the VOD comments have said it for the last year anytime it's been brought up. It's always been praise and people saying they love her voice, etc.
I'm still not entirely convinced she's going to do it again

>> No.15745215

I'm glad she's looking into it, but I don't want her to feel pressured into it by chat

>> No.15745237
File: 467 KB, 1097x1071, 1640826932187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all me

>> No.15745288

When was that again?

>> No.15745312
Quoted by: >>15745389

she knows her audience wouldn't go to a JP's channel, what's the big deal?

>> No.15745315
File: 2.74 MB, 530x450, Dislike[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F954c0s.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15745346

someone already did

>> No.15745346

Oh nice, now I don't need to make that one.

>> No.15745389

I must not be her audience then

>> No.15745397
Quoted by: >>15745851

>but I don't want her to feel pressured into it by chat
She most certainly is feeling pressured into doing it. She knows people keep asking for it over and over again despite her not doing it for a year.
One of the reasons I really hope she doesn't, cause it's just going to be awkward and embarrassing for her.

>> No.15745438
Quoted by: >>15745502

I'm gonna laugh my ass off tomorrow when she retweets the mikkoro stream out of nowhere

>> No.15745502

but the live viewers! numberfags told me VOD views are worthless!

>> No.15745532

I do want her to feel pressured into doing the thing she has repeatedly said she wants to do despite her misgivings. That is apparently the only way to get her to do it, and she does want to make us proud.

>> No.15745851

Based shark respecter
Faggot shark projector

>> No.15745933

>I wont be proud of Gura unless she gives me fap material
you're cancer in her fanbase
