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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 880 KB, 1226x583, 1631349460030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15670682 No.15670682 [Reply] [Original]

>Last thread - >>15580802
>Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
>Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
>Current schedule - tba
>Last stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xFvwcI9jOg
>Stream status - https://imissfauna.com

>I'm new to Fauna, which stream VODs should I watch to get into her?
ASMR - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykdhWnY3f3E1Ot-FlcBMVSA_
Minecraft speedruns - current best of 2:41:59 - https://youtu.be/ZdHCf5NLmZ0?t=7905
Spore - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeMzF79onvOx2PjYIwyj36G
Pokemon Unite - https://youtu.be/C2R6zHNePhg
Resident Evil 7 - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykf8wvxHI-9xKZP_WMdmbD_8
Animal Crossing - https://youtu.be/G9X3d81EKeI

Reminder to hide, ignore, and do not interact with grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.15670812

Feres Cauna

>> No.15671157
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, faunaochame[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnwvhmd.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15671781 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15671905

Fellow saplings, can you spoonfeed me which website you use to see these comments? I want to see Fauna's comments elsewhere!

>> No.15671905
File: 286 KB, 720x992, 1640997720271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15672044
File: 317 KB, 720x484, Screenshot_20220101-113702_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15673470

Or go to the homepage, look for the frame and click here if available.
I don't know what site people use to stalk on containment breakers and paypigs.

>> No.15672945
Quoted by: >>15673082


>> No.15673082
File: 505 KB, 1809x1291, 0004-029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15673189


>> No.15673189
Quoted by: >>15673824


>> No.15673470 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 480x480, 1632690294495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you!

>> No.15673824
File: 598 KB, 900x1291, uuuu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674040
Quoted by: >>15674145

they're /here/

>> No.15674145
Quoted by: >>15674198

are you assuming I read korean?

>> No.15674198
File: 98 KB, 463x567, 1612560265003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15674227


>> No.15674227
Quoted by: >>15674271

Who is that? Kronii?

>> No.15674271
Quoted by: >>15674377

gook holo board

>> No.15674377
File: 30 KB, 328x248, 1640220907858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, nothing noteworthy then.
You're welcome koreabros.

>> No.15675710
File: 209 KB, 1280x1280, fauna_christmas[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvvg2v5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15676495

I'm gonna miss this Intro

>> No.15676495

I love this intro.

>> No.15676534

I'm hypnotized

>> No.15676627
File: 113 KB, 550x550, cloverchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15676857


>> No.15676716
Quoted by: >>15676844

I wonder, why did the include the birth day and height?
It feels like it's an advertisement, go buy your Fauna.

>> No.15676844

The MV is an ad for the Holomembers yeah. Was made for people to check out aby of the girls depending of the name, birthday, and voice.
And Fauna was the cutest there. I love her.

>> No.15676857
Quoted by: >>15676998


>> No.15676998
File: 143 KB, 480x480, cloverohnooooo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15677120

Fauna's so soft-spoken and her voice is pure sex. You think she'd be down for cuckolding? Asking for a friend.

(And before you start judging, don't tell me you wouldn't want her to lovingly jerk you off while she whispers in your ear about how her lending session went)

>> No.15677369

No, she wouldn't. Thanks for asking but please leave.

>> No.15677639

I would love a nursing handjob, but she is a seiso mom to me so, only in my dreams.
Leave, now.

>> No.15677678

Please logout of life.

>> No.15677751 [DELETED] 



>> No.15677823
Quoted by: >>15678172

Will Faufau stream this weekend or I have to wait until next week? I miss her already.

>> No.15678172
Quoted by: >>15678995

She is in europe, which means she won't be back home for a while. If any stream happens it will be kino.

>> No.15678283
Quoted by: >>15678743

Alright so she obviously smells like flowers but the question is, which flower and why?

>> No.15678658
File: 31 KB, 680x674, 156487896656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i take back everything about her voice not made for singing i'm absolutetly in love

>> No.15678743 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 450x450, 279ec06e-983c-47c1-928e-4b0920665473_1.f1607d1d4b0ba8af59bc1f3e21879a92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15678843
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, 1639839433022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15678995
Quoted by: >>15679074

What makes you say she's in Europe

>> No.15679074
Quoted by: >>15679567

Thread reps.

>> No.15679297
File: 304 KB, 600x720, 1618269382484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one down.

>> No.15679567
File: 180 KB, 393x318, 1637782248966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15679668

How far back do I need to go, sapling, I don't see anything.
Or are you joking about her being in London

>> No.15679668

It was a joke anon, you can see it pop out at some point during her karaoke relay thread and i picked it up.

>> No.15680375
File: 713 KB, 698x711, 16409940965221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15680450
Quoted by: >>15680606

I still have trouble seeing Fauna as a mommy character. She's too cute.

>> No.15680606

You didn't have an absent mother, and that's fine.

>> No.15680639
File: 8 KB, 509x149, imf[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fp6qzwt.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15681751

>> No.15681751


>> No.15681982
Quoted by: >>15682199

Did you know? Lemons are a hybrid between a sour orange and a citron.

>> No.15682199
File: 690 KB, 720x819, Screenshot_20220101-163133_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting.

>> No.15682370

where the fuck is the karaoke stream?

>> No.15682411
Quoted by: >>15682490


>> No.15682490

fuck u

>> No.15682528
File: 270 KB, 480x480, 1622826225890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if u ask nicely

>> No.15682704
Quoted by: >>15682780

I just said "uuuuu"

>> No.15682780
File: 291 KB, 450x400, 1640122699245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15682927


>> No.15682927
File: 148 KB, 461x439, 1636508710322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a bad kid and keep crying "uuuu", Fauna will come and snatch you

But if you keep crying "uuuu" yet Fauna would not come, that means you've lost your pureness and is now a horny adult

>> No.15683140
File: 1.01 MB, 1038x1038, 1634016307704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one has joined us

>> No.15684262

The forest grows.

>> No.15684932
File: 203 KB, 800x1209, 1632677894359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15685052

>> No.15685052

Beautiful fauna.

>> No.15685910
File: 2.69 MB, 1748x2480, B0FB1CD5-C350-42A5-BD74-7AC64782F01C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope when Fauna comes back she’s extra chatty and excited to talk about her holiday

>> No.15687055


>> No.15687327
File: 2.53 MB, 1334x750, 6C33711B-B367-4447-91FA-7190CF153E83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae’s future letter to Fauna

>> No.15687388
File: 612 KB, 647x504, 6D8C883B-B535-410D-A07F-37C35F640248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15690059

Rat is pretty cute

>> No.15687842

I know there are those that get filtered by Bae's screaming, but she's so sweet that I'm glad her and Fauna are buddies.

>> No.15688300

lol the rat is cute

>> No.15688500
File: 84 KB, 480x480, amemory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15688963
File: 213 KB, 720x1015, 1639726211652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtered by Bae's screaming
but thats funny
im looking forward to re8

>> No.15689909


>> No.15690059

That's sweet.

>> No.15690089 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 1152x4532, 1641094424190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15690443

Saw this on /jp/. Fauna is THIS cute good at Animal Crossing? Looks beautiful.

>> No.15690443

I was impressed too. Her island is really nice.

>> No.15692144
Quoted by: >>15692576


>> No.15692576
File: 293 KB, 467x680, 1640731460548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15693770

no u

>> No.15693770


>> No.15693848

There's a possibility that Fauna went home today and will stream tomorrow.

>> No.15694588

did she say she wanted to play some older retro games in the future? what are you hoping for?

>> No.15695157

Selfishly, I'd like to see her play the N64 Zelda's, but idk if she has any love for those games like I do. Otherwise, something that would make her rage, like Megaman or something like that

>> No.15695252

She said she's planning to play Sonic Adventure 2, which should be great.

>> No.15697586
File: 151 KB, 1132x1079, hololive fauna love 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15699650

Busy with irl reps all today (technically yesterday), so I only just watched the MV. I know almost nothing about weebshit, but this song is very cute and I see why it's a meme. Momma is amazing as always. Fauna love, Fauna lust.

>> No.15699650
File: 56 KB, 283x283, 1640222378311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15702748

I really hope we at least get an actual tweet today. A stream would be ideal.

>> No.15702883
File: 322 KB, 1808x1778, 20211210_161830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15704458

Dear Fauna
I miss you much and I really want to see you but I hope you're making the most of your time to spend with your family and I hope you are very happy right now, by the time I'm writing this you're probably asleep, I bet your sleeping face is cute ahaha... I want the best for you Faufau and thank you for making my 2021 great, I love you.

>> No.15704458
Quoted by: >>15704843

I really want a plushie of giraffe fauna.

>> No.15704843
Quoted by: >>15705131

I would buy a NotPickle gym shirt immediately

>> No.15705131
File: 619 KB, 1350x1800, c12c031fbf0fd6765e13404a492b660d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah.

>> No.15705977
File: 4 KB, 346x339, 20211216_153304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice ice baby

>> No.15707232
File: 71 KB, 465x814, 1618146068220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest well faufau!

>> No.15707748
File: 2.03 MB, 1000x1763, cfd55b2f39ad43e96509bba28d2b3172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you looking at?

>> No.15708666

Oh, i am looking.

>> No.15709004
File: 272 KB, 410x441, 1640903149491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15709612

At Fauna of course!

>> No.15709612
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, 20211223_175426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15710920
File: 119 KB, 887x900, 1629163824792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15711603

I'm definitely looking at part of Fauna.

>> No.15713667
File: 229 KB, 290x333, 1621646351933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at fauna's faunas

>> No.15713692

I cannot believe Boxxy is actually Fauna

>> No.15713812

All things considered, there are louder screamers in Holo and Bae's is pretty normal

>> No.15715065
Quoted by: >>15715621

>streamed 7 days ago
uuuhhh naturarebros?

>> No.15715621

The counter doesn't include collabs and unlisted streams. If we actually hadn't seen her in 7 days, the thread would be 90% crying faunas.

>> No.15715848

i fuck fauna
in the sauna

>> No.15715945
Quoted by: >>15716040

I wanna drink Fauna's natural tea.

>> No.15716040

Gushing Granny tea.

>> No.15716064
Quoted by: >>15716794

I knew i was really in love when she started singing the theme for Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg

>> No.15716794

I need to watch this.

>> No.15717006

>hitman stream
>cortana: alma, the target's name is alma
>alma to npc: orson, I'm saying your name out loud so the player knows you're not the target
>npc: hello, my name is orson, or-son, not alma, I am NOT the target
>fauna spills the spaghet, awkwardly drops the katana from second floor and hides in a box in shame
kek, I love fauna, that was hilarious
I really love the way she's so awkward around NPCs

>> No.15717053

>awkwardly drops the katana
she was trying to kill the guy by throwing it, forgot to include this bit of info

>> No.15717420
File: 556 KB, 2048x1448, Fauna Yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15719330

I hope she will continue some with Skyrim next week

>> No.15717447

>some poor bastard randomly dies from the drink she poisoned
>fauna figures out who the target is, shoots her with a fucking SMG

>> No.15717592
Quoted by: >>15717659

I was picturing the same thing as her, like 47 was gonna chuck the katana like a throwing knife and it was gonna be awesome

>> No.15717659

I thought so, too, like a throwing knife, that's why it made it so much more funnier

>> No.15718459

Fauna's choice of words and the way she phrases things is something else, cracks me up

>> No.15718534
Quoted by: >>15718653

She has a more extensive vocabulary than the usual streamer, too
She's just chill and happy, like a cow or something, mellows me out, too

>> No.15718653

>like a cow
Kek, why am i agreeing with you.

>> No.15719330

fauna mod when

>> No.15719794
Quoted by: >>15719861

Player model preset or npc follower?

>> No.15719861

Why not both

>> No.15719977
Quoted by: >>15720535

Imagine her commenting how wonderful the skyrim nature is while observing foxes glitching through the forest

>> No.15720051
Quoted by: >>15720319

Truly, I cum.

>> No.15720319
File: 539 KB, 817x684, 1640924835613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15720535
File: 351 KB, 1424x2015, Fauna hates it here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a complex follower mod where her voice is comprised of voice clips.
Any time you enter the final chamber and the "I got a bad feeling about this" line triggers, Fauna just says: "I hate it here!"

>> No.15720860

I want arnold fauna to spit in my mouth while looking down on me from the height of her big head

>> No.15721215
File: 206 KB, 480x480, 1639596328980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15721489
File: 507 KB, 1637x2048, 1639970974923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15721516

imissfauna isnt even tracking the time anymore...

>> No.15721534


>> No.15721537 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 190x189, 1640848429039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15722024
File: 41 KB, 599x92, good friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to Fauna's Corcovado again, it's actually pretty good. I hope she does it again, it really suits her.

>> No.15723924
File: 193 KB, 480x480, 1632690978828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my... I know I'm not supposed to hornypost here but this is literally what turns me on, I want those feet on my face, on my mouth, and on my cock

>> No.15724171

deranged footnigger
these feet and legs are pretty nice, I want to cum on them

>> No.15724439
Quoted by: >>15724665

Hornypost all you want never let some retarded Puritan larper tell you otherwise

>> No.15724665
File: 131 KB, 1215x1160, 20211220_172424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15724925

Nah I'll hold off from doing that too often, I agree with others that it details thread and I don't want this place to just talk about how much we want to fuck fauna

>> No.15724771

I desperately want her to keep playing she seemed like she was having a lot of fun.

>> No.15724925
Quoted by: >>15725287

low test
I WANT to mating press fauna while she's nibbling on my neck and fill her with seed, squeezing her tightly in a bear hug

>> No.15725213

I want to slap Fauna and fuck her doggystyle after she says sorry

>> No.15725287

Based and same but what I mean is I dont want this place to turn into a coomer haven but hornyposting every once in a while is fine just don't overdo it

>> No.15725473

I can see what you mean, having civil discussion about a shared hobby is a joy that should be preserved, and coomposting can quickly devolve into low effort shitposting and attract the wrong crowd

>> No.15725489
File: 160 KB, 2008x2008, 20211229_215424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that's it

>> No.15725633
File: 2.06 MB, 1448x2048, 1640766124404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faunamama encouraging you to take your meds ASMR when?

>> No.15725652
Quoted by: >>15725852

Kronies we're a fucking mistake.

>> No.15725852

This honestly.

>> No.15725945

You don't need to know what I'd do to Fauna. Thats between her and me.

>> No.15726288
Quoted by: >>15726346

Repopulating the earth with Fauna after nuclear war!
Giving humanity severe inbreeding due to only having one breeding pair!

>> No.15726292
Quoted by: >>15726377

saplingbros i cant take it anymore

>> No.15726346


>> No.15726377
File: 202 KB, 480x480, 1640029265580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15726393
Quoted by: >>15726439

the most sane saplings around here

>> No.15726439

There are more, they just lurk.

>> No.15726492
Quoted by: >>15726685

she sounds so similar

>> No.15726650

Why is yandere ASMR so popular?

>> No.15726685

Similar but not quite, I'd rather listen to faufau.

>> No.15726714
File: 121 KB, 1286x1644, 20211222_122936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15726747
Quoted by: >>15733940

listening is passive action which is why usually submissive people enjoy it more than assertive/dominant ones

>> No.15726768


>> No.15726863
File: 190 KB, 2048x1380, 20211222_122934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15726912

Hey saplings.
Fauna forgot to put me back in the greenhouse before she left, so I know she's back home right now. She's just doing all her chores today since she was gone last week. She even told me we should expect a stream and a schedule within 24 hours.

oh god I miss Fauna so much.

>> No.15728103
File: 222 KB, 584x606, 1620466457704.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15729550

I need the stream with the highest amount of dumb off-topic discussion to get me through this shift.
Any better suggestions than the thieves' guild skyrim stream?

>> No.15729681

All what comes to mind is her pokemon unite VODs. There must be better streams for that though.

>> No.15729734
Quoted by: >>15753253

Watching NL for years can do that to you

>> No.15729750

Fauna sighting. You can rewind to her part.

Fall Guys.

>> No.15729761

The RE7 streams. Top tier banter between Bae and Fauna.

>> No.15729770
File: 792 KB, 1352x706, 1613186360985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15730468

faufau on telly

>> No.15729772

Fauna was in Mikorone's stream!

>> No.15729828

Mario Kart with Gura was a good one

>> No.15730143

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_BOq-zYXn8 this one
fall guys is a good option too

>> No.15730468
Quoted by: >>15732706


>> No.15732706

>Miko calling her mama

>> No.15733940

ASMR is about affection and batshit insane girls are at the apex of that. With ASMR you get all of the love and none of the danger.

>> No.15735886

Pray for the owl, she probably got the sickness, Fauna's happiness depends on the owl to an extent.

>> No.15737392
Quoted by: >>15737818

Not everything is the coof. I get sick for days almost at the same time every year too. And it's always on my fucking birthday.

>> No.15737798

Even if it is the coof, Mumei is young and thin. You can tell someone is fat by their voice, don't bother arguing.
She has a very high survival rate. But I guess praying never hurt anyway.

>> No.15737818

It's a joke, I've had a couple of colds/fevers all through 2021.

>> No.15738361
Quoted by: >>15738665

Rip Mumei. She drank it.

>> No.15738665

Silly, that's what happens when you don't listen to fauna.

>> No.15741695
File: 119 KB, 613x669, 1640524748021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15742816

I wonder what she's up to right now

>> No.15742816

Fuck...I used to think I was above buying shit like daki's, but a comfy bedtime Fauna one might actually break me.

>> No.15743755
File: 2.65 MB, 2880x3104, 1615152197763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15744281
Quoted by: >>15744436

Do women like Fauna really exist? Can a person really be this sweet and cute and nice?

>> No.15744436

Yes they exist.
However they are rare and becoming more rare as the culture gets more pozzed and turns them into stuck up bitches.

>> No.15744864

Does anyone have there hands on the Fauna Caramelldansen gif that Gura was using for her discord over lay on her new years stream?

>> No.15744917
File: 1.61 MB, 946x720, fauna caramelldansen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15744969

not a gif but

>> No.15744943
Quoted by: >>15744969

That wasn't caramell dansen that was the chuunibyou edit

>> No.15744969

yeah, i fucked up
but this is what i wanted. You're a treasure, anon

>> No.15745791
File: 1.30 MB, 2480x3508, 1623351299601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15746088

>> No.15746088


>> No.15746167

Fauna paizuri or petting Fauna's head while she blows you?

>> No.15746360
Quoted by: >>15747810

Fuck off.

>> No.15746393

you would treat a beautiful girl to such vulgarity?

>> No.15747247
File: 170 KB, 1200x1200, 1635392983078.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15747810
Quoted by: >>15753412

Latter, obviously.
There is nothing wrong with lewding Fauna responsibly.

>> No.15750282

Fuck rhinos

>> No.15752679


>> No.15753253
Quoted by: >>15758497

Northernlion? Is she a fan?

>> No.15753298

hey arnold fauna is unironically cute

>> No.15753412

>There is nothing wrong with lewding Fauna responsibly.
Thank you anon. I know she's princess-like and I know you all care about that so I've been trying to keep it tame.

>> No.15753489

based, fuck em
elephant gang

>> No.15753533

Paizuri can be one of the most loving things your wife could do for you and petting while getting head is a great way to show affection in bed mid-sex

>> No.15753656
Quoted by: >>15754276

It's a long says off but what you would guys want Fauna's new outfit to be? I just want something more casual. Something along the lines of Noel and Flares's casual outfits.
For the love of all that's good in this world do not say schoolgirl outfit

>> No.15754276
File: 51 KB, 720x757, uy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schoolgirl outfit

>> No.15754372


>> No.15754839
File: 1.26 MB, 825x1200, 1629259795755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about getting the other topic purged last week, that is the last fucking time I ever even acknowledge the existence of doxxfags, they're fucking lowest of low

>> No.15755695
File: 5 KB, 393x46, 1640929162774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15755865

>> No.15755865
Quoted by: >>15755963

When was this?

>> No.15755963

That was in her private stream with me just now, felt like sharing it.

>> No.15755983

based retard

>> No.15756356
File: 1.13 MB, 1005x1200, 1635445196036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15758161

I made this post

>> No.15758497
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1080, juicemesqueezeme[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F95e8ce.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15760062 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 145x151, 1640476321466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15760760

I made this post.

>> No.15760760


>> No.15763455
File: 173 KB, 960x960, 1625998255507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15764103


>> No.15764103
File: 367 KB, 674x720, 1636921888355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15764155

Just killed a man...

>> No.15764155
File: 415 KB, 634x768, 1641016455501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15764610

Quick rundown on what happened?

>> No.15764610
File: 379 KB, 840x669, 1632238768221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15766617

Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger,
Now he's dead..

>> No.15765003
File: 3.16 MB, 600x338, faunauuuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15766617
File: 1 KB, 125x125, 1640473899605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, good luck with that, sapling...

>> No.15766634

Kek, that's a good one.

>> No.15766822
File: 50 KB, 480x480, FH-vzwUWQAAUCtd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it!

>> No.15768418
File: 449 KB, 1000x1000, 1639930667456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15769064
File: 408 KB, 480x719, 1639880356254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VOD reps
>Gym ASMR fauna spots your lifts and encourages you through your reps.
I want this so much.

>> No.15769856

Why is Fauna so boring bros...?

>> No.15770046

Why is Fauna so cute bros...?

>> No.15770400

>has to ask

>> No.15770734
File: 564 KB, 1589x1963, 20211231_093600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.15770985

intense fauna JOI countdown asmr..

>> No.15771171
File: 259 KB, 498x421, 1639539336826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15771794

>searches for JOI Countdown
>top result: pornhub

>> No.15771794
File: 162 KB, 941x1260, 85m0kmjd6tx71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15772249

you had to look up JOI countdown? wow

>> No.15772249
Quoted by: >>15773442

Us saplings are wholesome.
Only kronie would make jokes of something so vulgar.

>> No.15772765
File: 1.92 MB, 2008x2008, 1635539714036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15773395

>> No.15773395


>> No.15773442

>Us saplings are wholesome
>Joi is vulgar
Anon, put the internet down. You are late to bible study.

>> No.15773508

Why do you have to break our hearts anon? You and I both know she's perfect for JOI but she'll never do it. Why remind us of something that can never be attained?

>> No.15773884
Quoted by: >>15779446

Anon... she was never going to do JOI.

>> No.15774136
File: 700 KB, 850x1238, 1629425121089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not encourage anybody to spend as much time on twitter as they should but I do wish she would tweet a tiny bit more sometimes, and this isn't just because of the fact that IMF either.

>> No.15774231

God I love that picture it's so cute

>> No.15774301
Quoted by: >>15775552

An update tweet would be nice, but after being a chumbie for the longest time i am accustomed to little to no contact with a chuuba outside of her streams.

>> No.15775552

Imagine being attracted toward girls that aren't terminally online.

>> No.15775595
File: 216 KB, 480x401, 1619546098657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but how else will I numberfag and be able to show up my fellow /vt/ sisters so I can shitpost and make excuses to post doxx all the time... have you ever thought about their feelings anon... shitstirreres are antihugbox too...

>> No.15775629

Gura is totally online, she just won't use her known accounts due to what happened las time when she tweeted she bought bathsalts, which people will misinterpret in a malicious way.
Fauna on the other hand, yeah she isn't terminally online, which is refreshing to me.

>> No.15775777
Quoted by: >>15776119

I genuinely believe Twitter is more detrimental to you mental well being than Reddit.

>> No.15776119
File: 3.11 MB, 420x420, 1640995368684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it depends on who you follow, i only follow chuubas, art accounts and a few public figures. My timeline is mostly blessed with art and little to no drama outside of what the public figures say.
It also helps to disable retweets from certain users you follow.
You tailor your experience, if you follow someone who engages constantly in drama and political warfare, you are doing a disservice to your mental health.

>> No.15776162
Quoted by: >>15776263

Is well known at this point that Mondays are break day, so this silence was expected, but I get your point anon.
Also I wish she used more the yt community member post for updates too, like other holo do.

>> No.15776263
File: 154 KB, 720x1035, Screenshot_20220103-115719_YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just like ame usually does, from the ones I'm membered to, she is the one who uses it the most.

>> No.15776465
Quoted by: >>15776737

You guys are wildin, most of the girls don't communicate when they're actually traveling because they don't want people to get weird. Probably completely advised against. If she's still not home yet and yesterday she just took off without saying anything, that's one thing, but give her patience to explain herself otherwise.

>> No.15776737

I understand, but as the conversation developed i just wanted to express my desires for some updates if any, but won't bitch about it so I'll leave it at that.
You have yet to see how wild this talk could get, /ggg/ has schizos that bring it up on a thread basis.

>> No.15776845
File: 1.24 MB, 845x1200, 1612459915433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is seriously painful. It's like I'm back in high school again, being in love with a girl you know that you never have a chance with. And yet that pain is turning into energy of sorts that is driving me to be a better person. Does that make sense? I am daring to dream that there is a Fauna out there for me.

>> No.15776980
Quoted by: >>15777031

My love and lust for Fauna and the others has done the opposite and made me a significantly more awful person. I am now a fat bald lazy pervert like my father.

>> No.15777031
File: 767 KB, 1200x675, 1633299994365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15777099
File: 950 KB, 496x496, aVLDy7H.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15777111
File: 19 KB, 196x121, 1639741559493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15777846

It's better if you don't get attached like that, she makes for a great friend to hang out with, to have a crush on her is to have your heart broken at some point it could make you an anti.
I've seen so many go through that because they had hope their oshi would be an unicorn. Just, take your meds and avoid falling into the para-social hell.

>> No.15777162

All of it ultimately pointless if you're not doing for your own singular benefit. It's a trap to do so for any girl. especially for oshi vtuber obsession.
It's a trap, anon. I too was getting far too attached. Still thinking about dropping all of the chuuba shit all together

>> No.15777343

I wouldn't go that far but if you see it eating you i guess it's better to drop it all together like any other drug.
I used to have alcohol and porn as a cure for my depression, now i rarely drink/jerk off but watch a lot of chuubas.
I learned my lesson on the parasocial trap that is having a strong dependency on a singular chuuba after doing my reps on them. Now they don't have that effect on me but still they entertain me infinitely more than any other form of media.

>> No.15777720

This but unironically
I'm in the same problem

>> No.15777846

Anons... please read my post again. Fauna has literally said that she wants us to find our own love. That's the complete opposite of what an unicorn wants.

>> No.15777899
File: 453 KB, 414x499, 1533512790525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was already in bros, this just confirmed my love for her.

>> No.15778360

I just want Faufau to tweet Hi so I can say I love her because I miss her.

>> No.15779446

With how pozzed the status quo's getting and with normalization of sexuality, also considering how women tend to be left-leaning, it's absolutely not a 100% certainty
Thots have their fucking OF in their socials right now, it's only going to become more common and normal in the future
Simply recording a countdown is so incredibly tame in comparison, and it doesn't even have to be lewd, she can just say it's for relaxation or sleep, fucking gibi has a couple countdown videos up
Everyone knows guys are jacking off to asmr anyway, just by making asmr, she already passed a threshold, it's a slippery slope, and countdowns are not far off at all, I think it's very possible, only a matter of time
Vtubing is literally built on sex appeal (and cuteness)
She most likely won't ever make actual JOI, but lewd countdowns are definitely within the realm of possibility, and that's all I need, personally
Also, voice deepfakes are a thing, and they'll probably improve greatly in the next several years, especially if there's an audio deep learning breakthrough

>> No.15779517
Quoted by: >>15779626

Take your fucking meds or just off yourself you stupid faggot.

>> No.15779626

there's nothing med-worthy in my post, you need to fuck off to reddit or twatter, we're on the fucking vtuber board
also, I wouldn't want fauna joi if I was a faggot and I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than average

>> No.15779659
File: 625 KB, 2048x1448, spiandspi-20220103-140507-1478079998934528000-FIMx69VakAA-IAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15779814
Quoted by: >>15779946

You should kys then

>> No.15779844
File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, 20220103_133347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura and fauna

>> No.15779904

Mario kart practice with fauna, nice.

>> No.15779945

Goomba really likes fauna doesnt she

>> No.15779946

kek, no
maybe when I'm 80 years old and can't play games or use my dick and shit without getting a prolapse
Imagine watching an ancient fauna stream when you're like 70

>> No.15779984
Quoted by: >>15780007

>taking faggot literally
Kill yourself you retarded newfaggot.

>> No.15780007

cope and seethe, retard

>> No.15780038


>> No.15780051
File: 225 KB, 418x427, 1640856111359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, which as a chumbie makes me happy. Fauna love.

>> No.15780147
File: 251 KB, 521x589, 1640173086990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15780760

I'm glad that Fauna's oshi likes her

>> No.15781151


>> No.15782283
File: 1.13 MB, 850x849, 1638196378626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place gets kinda wild when Fauna hasn't streamed in a few days, doesn't it?
Fauna/Gura collabs are top tier, feels good to have a stream to look forward to.

>> No.15782496
File: 61 KB, 255x256, 1515539978129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment she does is the moment I leave.
I love Fauna for her purity.

>> No.15782774
File: 901 KB, 743x743, 1618707143572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon we'll hear her lovely voice again.

>> No.15782903
File: 3 KB, 1264x782, FGtm3QZUcAEoXlo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15782956

I miss her

>> No.15782956
File: 67 KB, 2077x1012, 20211216_002559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15783452 [SPOILER] 
File: 84 KB, 615x343, 1634033988194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open up anonchama~

>> No.15783524

I was anon that made >>15773508 and I did it as a shitpost (even though part of me would love for her to do it). I say this because I do not know if you mean what you say or are just shit posting as well

>> No.15783551

I miss

>> No.15783609

I get that this picture is supposed to be comforting but the hands look creepy as fuck, especially with how they are positioned.

>> No.15783713

Can I get this with manlier looking hands?
My hands are bigger than that.

>> No.15784399
File: 15 KB, 301x169, th (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im surprised they collab'd at all with what gura did to mumei

>> No.15784499

She knows it was a mistake, besides, how can you not forgive your oshi.

>> No.15785084
Quoted by: >>15785252

Mumei got what she deserved.
She's just plain evil.

>> No.15785252
File: 303 KB, 2048x2048, 20211231_091532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the fanbase.

>> No.15786667

At first I thought you put the exclamation point there to highlight the Fauna collab but it looks like Gura did that. Are they?

>> No.15786817
File: 234 KB, 745x745, 1616406082250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15788640

I still remember that and feeling bad for Mumei.
I hope she doesn't forget the promise she made to herself.

>> No.15786916
Quoted by: >>15787203

can you say "uuuu"?

>> No.15787203
Quoted by: >>15788054

best i can do is a huwahwahwah

>> No.15787480
File: 1.21 MB, 2492x4096, 1614909778568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15787685


>> No.15787685
File: 35 KB, 640x748, F6ED4979-D0BC-4273-AC07-3BDA49A496FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15788202


>> No.15788054
File: 2.17 MB, 1369x1369, wahahahacar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15788202

Kek, i may be stealing this.

>> No.15788640
Quoted by: >>15789012

What happened?
All I watch is Fauna.

>> No.15789012
Quoted by: >>15789255

Watch from here onwards.

>> No.15789255
Quoted by: >>15789452

I've seen that one.
That's not Gura.

>> No.15789389
File: 11 KB, 587x100, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15789649


>> No.15789421
File: 199 KB, 480x479, 1640214427132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15789744

I can't take it anymore! Please post cute Faufaus or I'll be depressed and cry for the whole day

>> No.15789452

Oh, you'd have to watch the whole stream both POVs or a compilation.
You can look it up "gura hunts mumei" or something.

>> No.15789649
Quoted by: >>15789917

Post the reply.
>many work to do
What are you implying.

>> No.15789669
File: 247 KB, 1080x1201, Fauna breeding season[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9j58l6.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15789744
File: 387 KB, 1824x1828, 1613581863756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15790330

have this one

>> No.15789917

>3 minutes later
She's here, she misses Fauna and it's a coverup! Shadow, stop breaking containment on main!

>> No.15790059
Quoted by: >>15790155

Amusing, but not gonna make me check her stuff, same for reine.

>> No.15790155
File: 104 KB, 1024x1000, 1640993955144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her stuff's not bad if you're into horror ASMR
Like, scooping out your eye with a spoon tier horror

>> No.15790330

Cute Faufau...

>> No.15791489

shadow if you're here stop visiting this hellhole for the love of god

>> No.15791795

I do wish Fauna would just tweet "Hey I'm back home this week. Schedule soon."

>> No.15792635

she will never go home
we will never get a stream

>> No.15792769
File: 122 KB, 971x128, 1639285521203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15792843


>> No.15793040
File: 69 KB, 288x288, 1633886541569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for posting this, Fauna's return has been delayed by two months.

>> No.15793429

Well, as long as they keep bumping the thread while I'm asleep the grasshoppers can continue doing their thing.

>> No.15793623
File: 62 KB, 577x205, 1623468044343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crashing this thread to page 10

>> No.15793726

No survivors.

>> No.15793767
File: 716 KB, 3508x2480, FHnR4DAUcAIlD7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15793881

Sorry saplings Fauna's a little tied up at the moment but she'll be home soon

>> No.15793881

Silly Fauna, that's not how you're supposed to wrap your presents!

>> No.15795253

Yeah I miss Fauna, what of it?

>> No.15795404
File: 301 KB, 565x720, 1633892353320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15795886

I m- no, I kiss Fauna.

>> No.15796234

I k- no, I hold hands with Fauna.

>> No.15796324

I h- no, I want to raise a family with Fauna.

>> No.15796535
File: 75 KB, 296x340, abayp R.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15797753
Quoted by: >>15798520

>grasshopper got mindbroken by IMFposters in global and got bullied back to /jp/
my fucking sides

>> No.15798393
Quoted by: >>15798460

Don't say Taiwan don't say taiwan

>> No.15798460


>> No.15798520

holy fuck
we really live rent free in his head

>> No.15800241
Quoted by: >>15800297

Goodbye /uuu/

>> No.15800297

see you next uuu

>> No.15800596

my fauna

>> No.15800862

no, MY fauna

>> No.15801137


>> No.15801449
File: 108 KB, 932x599, commie chungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OUR Fauna

>> No.15801514
File: 545 KB, 1000x1000, 1640215371260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15801922

>> No.15801609

Hello cucks. I just woke up after ANOTHER lucid dream about Fauna. We were in school doing some math and I got to hold her hand and we did some light snuggles. I don't miss her at all! HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.15801614

Maybe FauFau is secretly doing a bunch of MK reps while she's visiting family. Someone has to be the pride of Council.

>> No.15801922
File: 753 KB, 3840x2160, 3ed258_7545954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, SaplingX, humbly submit a toast to Ceres Fauna for successfully failing to release a public archived stream for 9 days, so that she may be missed even more by her fans. Congratulations, Fauna. Enjoy your ARS. (sups of the chum chalice) Uuuuu.

>> No.15802108
File: 894 KB, 2896x4096, 1639280656353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceres Fauna my beloved

>> No.15803496

I miss Fauna
