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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, FH58R-yaAAEy2BQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15622457 No.15622457 [Reply] [Original]

New year, new thread.

Outfit reveal in 1 hour

Twitspace archives: https://pastebin.com/UhC7rVEe

Last thread >>15394918

>> No.15623220

Twintails Laplus will be so good

>> No.15623269
File: 49 KB, 295x498, DjGWOdcVsAImvFz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15623774
File: 28 KB, 319x550, versen-uno.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15624209


>> No.15623857
File: 490 KB, 849x1200, 1640790784925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she is nervous, it's the first time she will do one outfit reveal after all.

>> No.15624178

I hope the bird on her head gets a new outfit too.

>> No.15624209

Sorry versen, you faded away from the start.

I think she probably is nervous but is gonna act cocky about it

>> No.15624560
Quoted by: >>15624716

Why would she be? it's a fucking outfit reveal not her debut, she has a month under her belt already and several collabs she'll be fine, if we're lucky like her debut she'll cut the useless shit and only do 30mins again. fuck 1 hour long outfit reveals shit is boring until the last 10 minutes.

>> No.15624633
File: 847 KB, 1543x2089, FH7-Se4VIAYi7i8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way they will fuck up a solid black-purple yukata right hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.15624716

>if we're lucky like her debut she'll cut the useless shit and only do 30mins again
I hope this as well.
Imagine if she just starts the stream with the kimono on.

>> No.15624786

Better, if she start the stream without her coat.

>> No.15626045
Quoted by: >>15626191

She just woke up.

>> No.15626191

Kakyouin is saved

>> No.15626332
Quoted by: >>15627062

Heh, I didn't see these earlier. I wish I could get a reply like these.

>> No.15627062

I have accepted to live vicariously through the others who do get a reply. It is hard to expect her to reply to the large amounts she gets so the ones she does reply to feels directed to all

>> No.15627573
File: 252 KB, 498x280, 1640603448341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lett'ssss gooooo

>> No.15627617

Matsuri talking about La+ being so cute and she will watch her outfit reveal too

>> No.15627838

kino fanart

>> No.15627903

Brat already started.

>> No.15628006

>starting with the outfit already on
I fucking love this female kid

>> No.15628012


>> No.15628100

And we're done here.

>> No.15628117

She actually did

>> No.15628196

What the...

>> No.15628215
Quoted by: >>15628292

Holy fast kek

>> No.15628246

It's the bratty thing to do
The kimono being covered in pictures of herself definitely looks like a joke though

>> No.15628253
File: 796 KB, 493x691, that kimono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15629026


>> No.15628279
File: 3 KB, 288x46, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel, new kusogaki

>> No.15628292
File: 1.88 MB, 1804x2753, 94395968_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How are you not in tune with your oshi after a month already ?

>> No.15628299

lol she fucked it

>> No.15628317

>it's a manga shirt with her own art on it
Holy fuck I love her lmao

>> No.15628341
Quoted by: >>15629403

amazing, she got a kimono of herself- she's like her own itasha, fantastic

>> No.15628367


>> No.15628380

At least she will only use it for 2 weeks at best...

>> No.15628440

This is why Laplus is my oshi.

>> No.15628465
Quoted by: >>15628668

This kid really need correction.

>> No.15628511


>> No.15628565

Holy shit i just realized she already have 600k subs

>> No.15628615
Quoted by: >>15629301

This is gonna be a 10 minute stream, isn't it?

>> No.15628668
File: 23 KB, 512x512, 1f4a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking female brat really dishorned Japan by putting her own face from a manga on what would've been a beautiful kimono, correction is definitely the best action.

>> No.15628693

I like it

>> No.15628709

I actually like the twin tail, hoping she can use it with the normal outfit.

>> No.15628728

That is an ugly kimono.

>> No.15628747

Oh man, I love the details of the limiters being the accessory for her twintails

>> No.15628816

Feet looks weird fuck fuck fuck

>> No.15628830

She's such a fucking dork. It suits her perfectly.

>> No.15628847

How is she so cute, bros............

>> No.15628897

>pettan kawaii

>> No.15628901
Quoted by: >>15629028

fuck off freak

>> No.15628990
File: 616 KB, 558x644, karasu wink new years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laplus sure looks cool

>> No.15629028

Don't be a retarded faggod on the first day of 2022

>> No.15629026

looks rushed

>> No.15629046

Nobody cares literal foot fuck, your kind is disgusting WHY CAN'T YOU BE NORMAL?

>> No.15629227

She already want to end it.

>> No.15629267


>> No.15629299
File: 674 KB, 717x717, laplus kimono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image sums up her existence

>> No.15629301

You new here? She can turn any stream into a zatsudan

>> No.15629403
Quoted by: >>15629658

Yeah this is pretty much the impression I got, works well for a bratty chuuni to plaster her clothes with her own face.
Though I do wish there was an option for a more normal kimono.

>> No.15629500
Quoted by: >>15630087

which part

>> No.15629645

She didn't work the shaft at all, just jabbed her finger in there and squeezed the prostate.

>> No.15629658

agreed, it fits and works well as a meme, but a normal kimono would be nice

>> No.15629718


>> No.15629811
Quoted by: >>15630000

Ok ok anon we are all pedophiles here calm down

>> No.15629837
Quoted by: >>15630151

I'm sorry for her mama that had to do this meme job.

>> No.15630000
Quoted by: >>15630196


>> No.15630087


>> No.15630151
Quoted by: >>15630313

Are you sorry for Konosuba illustrator for doing memes?

>> No.15630196

Wasted get.
Yes, we.

>> No.15630284
File: 132 KB, 848x1199, FH8UpQ-aQAE2Nia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will cry if she get her non-coat model as a bonus now right?

>> No.15630313
Quoted by: >>15632351


>> No.15630738
Quoted by: >>15631823

She's making numberfags mad as fuck kek. I love this brat.

>> No.15630807

She's going home to meet her parents and siblings afterwards

>> No.15630850
Quoted by: >>15630949

>cutting while talking
Also it looks like she's going to meet her parents after this.

>> No.15630949

Good for her, maybe she can do a space with her sister and brother.

>> No.15631172
Quoted by: >>15631300

>Didn't stream for an hour
Aw I was hoping to see her cut out right as it turned midnight for me. Oh well.

>> No.15631220

She sure is glad for this outcome

>> No.15631300

All the outfit streams are only going to be ~30 minutes anyways.
A new year's outfit really isn't anything special like an alt outfit

>> No.15631493
Quoted by: >>15631613

I just hope she doesn't troll others outfit, it's funny the first time but after the first it's just become Haachama annoying.

>> No.15631613

You will like when she acts retarded and you will stay member right?

>> No.15631823

I checked the numberfag thread
>that... was possibly the worst outfit reveal ever
>Fitting for what looks like the worst outfit ever
>What the FUCK were they thinking when they designed this?
>I don't know why random art and manga panels are pasted on her kimono
>Laplus killed all the hype and momentum so as to sabotage Chloe later.
>La+ just dumped her outfit out and it's kinda bad (even if she requested it). Like come the fuck on this definitely ranks as one of the worst Holo-outfits, ever.
>Number bros I hate it....literally an outfit slot wasted on a joke...
>i'm dropping La+, watch as the nips does it as well

Imagine being so normalfag that you don't appreciate this outfit. They probably loved Ayame's YODAYO outfit
I thought vtuber was niche in the otaku culture but not knowing that anon not knowing what's an itasha is mind blowing.

>> No.15631866
Quoted by: >>15632236

Yamada today

>> No.15632112

>appreciating anything other than numbers
There's your problem, anon
At the very least, a few in this thread understood the itasha part.

>> No.15632141

erotic brat....

>> No.15632185

Wtf numberfags are based?
Don't get me wrong I still love her but the outfit is hot garbage

>> No.15632195

Most people on this board don't even know the most basic facts about Japanese culture. It's really impressive but also completely expected from 'people' who are basically ironic weeaboos straight out of Twitch.

>> No.15632236

If they made it so the face on the kimono opened it's mouth when she spoke, I'd love it.

>> No.15632255

At least they have their own containment thread

>> No.15632351
Quoted by: >>15632807


>> No.15632436

>he's an unironic weeb in 2022
Anon you're ngmi...

>> No.15632540
Quoted by: >>15632684


>> No.15632684
File: 59 KB, 1111x426, dam bratty girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really loves how it came out. It matches her aura

>> No.15632702

Were the panels she showed released anywhere?
They looked interesting.

>> No.15632752

Neckbeard just because you know pointless facts about Japan doesn't mean YMD's new outfit is good

>> No.15632808
Quoted by: >>15633325

It's not supposed to be good and that's what makes it good

>> No.15632807

Qrd on Google pls

>> No.15632838

I swear I wasn't a lolicon before

>> No.15632859

Go back to watching EN.

>> No.15633325

You mean like the new Matrix movie?
I prefer things to be actually good than ironically bad. Ironic shit is still shit

>> No.15633366
Quoted by: >>15633464

Let me guess. Those humorless fucks are angry Korone "wasted a slot" on her kadomatsu, cake, and tree outfits too?

>> No.15633464

Those are not real outfits though. Also they're actually charming and not an eyesore to look at

>> No.15633570
Quoted by: >>15633742

Who the fuck care, Korone got a joke NY outfit too, they will use it for less than a month, at least she can joke around with the others girls when they stream thogheter rather than just having something cute that no one will even care after today reveal.

>> No.15633705
Quoted by: >>15633846

What is your point seething here about it?

>> No.15633742
Quoted by: >>15633810

You don't even know English.

>> No.15633810

You don't even know Japanese

>> No.15633846

I'm just upset that we'll probably have to wait a year until her first "real" outfit.
Fuck the designer and fuck her for agreeing to this shit

>> No.15633931
File: 93 KB, 1894x1894, FH_a76aaQAEidmL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15634128

Quit replying to the retarded numbernigger who doesn't even know shit about JPs or new year's outfits.

>> No.15634000

I'm glad you're mad, Anon. You don't deserve to be happy.

>> No.15634101
File: 190 KB, 1000x1900, FH_OMgdacAAQnQz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15634128

It's funny cuz twitter is eating it up and inspiring lots of memes and fan art.
https://twitter.com/tabakko/status/1477133487987560450 example

>> No.15634159
File: 2.62 MB, 2000x2000, FH10g0MaQAISzF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brat is amazing.

>> No.15634228
Quoted by: >>15635011

Her creator is also having fun with it

>> No.15634315

new gens never get new outfits this soon, they normally have to wait a year. the fact she got even a goofy one this soon is extremely lucky

>> No.15634589

Just shows how the capability of Hololive has grown. Nothing about being "lucky" anon. Or are you mad your oshi didn't get anything nice this fast?

>> No.15634745

5th gen also gen their NY outfit soon-ish

>> No.15635011


>> No.15635100
Quoted by: >>15635205

So you're saying you would have preferred she got no new outfit? Why do you hate your oshi so much?

>> No.15635205

no I love her and this kid brat outfit

Thank you Jujubesan for the cringe kimono

>> No.15635319

It's new year and you're already a bitch. Drink some beer or whatever you like and chill out

>> No.15635455
File: 720 KB, 630x923, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15635721
File: 528 KB, 1638x2048, 1640879944765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15635907

lol, perfect

>> No.15635995
File: 433 KB, 594x653, kid leg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15636400

>Limiters on twin tail
Guess she is never getting ride of it but she will be able to use it others places and not only around her neck, seems fair.

>> No.15636811
Quoted by: >>15637001

I believe in my head canon that Lui/Iroha dress her and have the ability to move her limiters. So they are responsible for clipping them on

>> No.15637001
Quoted by: >>15638258

Teleporting shit is part of La+ powers if we go with her nonsense intro.

>> No.15638258

Hm hmm I see. So she puts them on herself to limit herself

>> No.15640123
Quoted by: >>15640250

I already miss Lapras, fuck.

>> No.15640250

I can't wait for her to stream with that itakimono

>> No.15641383

I just watched the stream, It's the shitiest fucking outfit in the entire vtubing industry. I can even fathom that the higher up approved this shit. Just look at that white purple rope necklace and tell me if that doesn't make you vomit.

>> No.15641754

At least the girl underneath Laplus had a fun outfit.

>> No.15641986
Quoted by: >>15642682

The only thing making me vomit is your post and the smell,slime and odor from your mothers repugnant cunt, get the hell outta here

>> No.15642440
Quoted by: >>15642682

you must be fun at parties

>> No.15642682
File: 60 KB, 431x430, LaplusDarknesss-1477138233511542790-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15642802

I think he means this...

>> No.15642802

I thought it was cute

>> No.15642888

Good one

>> No.15647733
File: 259 KB, 1448x2048, FH_XjMRaIAE3iVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15647943
File: 249 KB, 300x426, 300px-Portrait_Servant_170_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La+ Zetian

>> No.15648383

Laplus calls Nene the strongest and Nene replied

>> No.15649213
Quoted by: >>15649472

Laplus will get interviewed soon i believe

>> No.15649472
Quoted by: >>15649525

She's not in that tournament but she should have been, and they're only commenting on the participants.

>> No.15649525

my bad I thought this was the Pokemon tourney she was in

>> No.15652747

Laplus doko....

>> No.15654381

This is for that outfit!!!!

>> No.15654457
Quoted by: >>15654543

Did she ever mention how long will she be away? I need to brace myself

>> No.15654543

She went with family so might be a while. It's really important to her

>> No.15654586
File: 702 KB, 892x886, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15654695 [SPOILER] 
File: 585 KB, 801x887, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel?

>> No.15654727
Quoted by: >>15654797

I want to pound ikemen La+'s boy pussy and give him a reach around

>> No.15654797
Quoted by: >>15655102

same Here is another good one someone made https://twitter.com/kuroseP/status/1477141871235571716

>> No.15654880

Extremely punchable.

>> No.15655102
Quoted by: >>15655143

That's the Goblin Slayer mangaka

>> No.15655143

please execute me for this

>> No.15655216

hopefully it doesn't get the same treatment as Pekora's bunny ears

>> No.15655834
Quoted by: >>15655894

She has female fans too!

>> No.15655894
Quoted by: >>15656090

Right, "female"

>> No.15656090

Still looks pretty female to me

>> No.15656957
File: 20 KB, 407x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized afterwards she praised herself in the comments, pinned it and gave it a heart.
This brat

>> No.15659709

Lapu doko...

>> No.15659736
Quoted by: >>15660022

That's such a great series. Almost every single one of them are worth reading. That author fucking watches streams.

>> No.15659890
File: 202 KB, 1500x1100, jsrr_k04-1477193177694359552-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15660022

Where to get this series translated?

>> No.15660322

The replies of each tweet with the manga page are likely to have a translated version. Each page is pretty much a one-off and not really consolidated anywhere officially.
Alternatively use danbooru. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?page=1&tags=yohane+hololive

>> No.15661780


>> No.15661862

Dynasty has a bunch of it together already (there's a couple of different long translations/aggregates of holo comics and this artstyle seems pretty adjacent to one of them) Neither has been updated on there for a bit though...

>> No.15661941
File: 2.50 MB, 2048x1173, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we won't have to wait long

>> No.15662213

Laplus space archive

>> No.15662219

She's returning to her place tomorrow night, it's a fairly short visit I guess.

>> No.15662336

My Darkness is wide

>> No.15662516

So much for her taking a break sigh.

>> No.15662796
File: 190 KB, 1496x1496, 1641017253829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15662864

I want to fuck her even more now, I don't think this is health.

>> No.15662864
Quoted by: >>15663063

if the horns will never detach can the crow at least be miniaturised

>> No.15663036

so what the fuck is with her new outfit? it looks so stupid, imagine wearing a shirt with your own face painted on it

does the design is her wish? or the one who made the model just fucked up?

>> No.15663063
Quoted by: >>15663075

The others girls will just forget their stupd mascot but the crow will remain there forever, enjoy.

>> No.15663065
Quoted by: >>15663152

She requested it

>> No.15663075

do Chloe and Kiyori even have one

>> No.15663089

It's her idea. Her creator just complied. They call it "Itakimono", similar to "Itasha" for those cars with anime plastered on it.
In the space just now she mentioned that the comments about her outfits on twitter amused her.

>> No.15663101

+2 collabs neat, wonder if it will be with new girls.

>> No.15663117
Quoted by: >>15663281

Don't know if Chloe has one, but Koyo has pet wolf in her pocket.

>> No.15663120
Quoted by: >>15663281

Koyori has the little robot coyote that lives in her pocket

>> No.15663146
Quoted by: >>15663232

>no more sadoba
it's over bros... i'm selling my coin...

>> No.15663152

based, forgive my transgression laplus-sama, the outfit is not stupid at all

damn this funny dork bratty girl!! she need correction!!

>> No.15663232

It's one of the collabs, believe!!!!

>> No.15663267
File: 2.46 MB, 2000x2500, FIBku5KaIAMB4Pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15663281

I see it. Blended in with all the pink

>> No.15663312
Quoted by: >>15664135

no limiter?

>> No.15663319

I'm not ready for Lapu-kun

>> No.15664135

It's the tie.

>> No.15665843
File: 522 KB, 1542x3500, 1640821157210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15665968

>> No.15665968

wider and hornier

>> No.15667399

>she liked this
What's your excuse for not drawing anons

>> No.15668577


>> No.15669295

that's more talented than I am

>> No.15671513
File: 464 KB, 1643x2600, FIAt2swXEAYpv4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15671596

>> No.15671596

bigger horns

>> No.15672158
File: 2.04 MB, 1240x1754, 1641037462925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15674055
Quoted by: >>15674272

I heard there will be a mariokart collab with La+, Watame and Anya, weird group.

>> No.15674272

Watame is pretty friendly with every branch, Anya is basically an honorary JP even by 5ch's standards, and I'm pretty sure they talked about doing a collab before.
Only a trio though, that's what surprised me.

>> No.15677756
File: 81 KB, 1280x1280, FIAfLT3aUAEK9AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15678177
File: 170 KB, 1000x1138, FHifYMEVcAAhU-Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15680875
File: 277 KB, 675x1200, 1615011956933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15680900

>> No.15680900


>> No.15681101
File: 1.00 MB, 2521x3796, FFq7YJhaIAIAEn0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15682513
File: 235 KB, 1320x2370, FHsdRYHaQAMWdcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15683451
File: 299 KB, 1365x2048, FIBx5BIaMAAYV5H.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us a sign, Lapu-sama

>> No.15684127

How do you see your oshi doing from here towards her anniversary /YMD/? Will she soften up, drop the chuuni act or will pull an 180º in terms of personality?

>> No.15684197

considering how quick she gets bored with things, hopefully she continues a year

>> No.15685220
File: 1.11 MB, 1191x1684, 1640539854588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15686325
Quoted by: >>15693190

she'll continue until she found enough success to transmigrate her fanbase into her personal acc

>> No.15687245

I'm expecting her to become like 2021 Shion with no ambition. Streams will be the same but only two times a month while she plays valorant off stream.

>> No.15689805

Board is fast today.

>> No.15689814
File: 3.98 MB, 2954x4096, 1614952819569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15690845

I imagine she'll take a lot more breaks but the quality of the content will stay good. I hope she gets back to doing videos too, especially the radio ones.

>> No.15693190

Sounds like the recipe for a disaster

>> No.15693601

Apparently the choker is still a limiter so it doesn't have to be exactly the same size and design always.

>> No.15694896
Quoted by: >>15699719

Anyone actually bother to record the voice for her?

>> No.15699187

Mom's cooking I bet.

>> No.15699719
Quoted by: >>15699883

You can listen to the submissions on this tag:

>> No.15699883
File: 3.97 MB, 2560x1439, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15699933

The script:

The hashtag to submit:

>> No.15699933
File: 1.18 MB, 1193x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic because I'm dumb

>> No.15701830

Seems like Laplus was in Choco's stream.

>> No.15701955
File: 3.77 MB, 1704x2048, schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapu will guest in some sections of Mikkorone 24hr stream

>> No.15701964

Yeah she was the first one to get called.

>> No.15704372

Ah fuck, guess I'll have to wait until Choco finishes to see La+

>> No.15704558

please help, i keep thinking about la+ everyday, i cant function anymore

>> No.15707377
Quoted by: >>15707723

Looks like Choco finished her stream.

>> No.15707723
Quoted by: >>15715339


>> No.15707770
Quoted by: >>15707898


>> No.15707898
Quoted by: >>15710241

Chloe really likes Lapu

>> No.15708028
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Quoted by: >>15710134

>> No.15710134

Cunny love.

>> No.15710241

isn't the lore that La+ hired her despite her lazy smelly nature. Plus they were friends in messy rooms

>> No.15710295
File: 3.16 MB, 2687x3720, FIBHAIhakAgyxXs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710348

>> No.15710348
Quoted by: >>15710496

so that choker is a limiter shackle as well

>> No.15710496
Quoted by: >>15711103

>Need more than 1 limiter
Damn, what is she, some SCP shit?

>> No.15711103
Quoted by: >>15711261

probably stronger than Holo Council without her limiters

>> No.15711245

From Mikkorone stream, they revealed that when Lapu met Miko and Korone during the Spiderman screening, she brought cookies for them. Keeps praising her as a good kid.

>> No.15711261
Quoted by: >>15711410

>JP hope to beat EN lorewise is a loli
I love japan.

>> No.15711297
File: 1.58 MB, 1264x711, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time

>> No.15711377
Quoted by: >>15711408

Another holo down the list, damn this brat will collab with everyone before some old holos, the fuck.

>> No.15711408

Can't help it, everyone likes her

>> No.15711410
Quoted by: >>15712221

is the bird a limiter I forget her full lore

surrounded by booba

>> No.15711488

Laplus Dia Highest Death Thirteen Daina Art of Impact Sign Emperor Road of the Darknesss

>> No.15712221
File: 477 KB, 1500x844, FIBajN6agAA0NRt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bird is a ancient evil being faking being her friend but in reality it's eating up Laplus memories until she get senile and forget her true form forever.
It's just a mascot.

>> No.15712832
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Quoted by: >>15712936

>> No.15712936

can't pet because crow in the way

>> No.15713559
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>> No.15714281

YMD is so cute today

>> No.15714659
Quoted by: >>15715130

Laplus really seems like a kid when surrounded by tolerant senpai.

>> No.15714987

Great collab

>> No.15715130

well she is a holobaby

>> No.15715339

Wew her voice tone is super cute here, really make one want to mess with her, damn female kid.

>> No.15716962
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Quoted by: >>15718102

>> No.15717197

She’s playing valorant

>> No.15717219 [DELETED] 

Her having more viewers on her alt than Mel on her main makes me sad.

>> No.15718005

Dammit I hated it when Mel and others do it and I don't like it now either
Doing it this soon feels extra wrong

>> No.15718008 [DELETED] 

But even Mel alt has more views than Mel...

>> No.15718102

a more intellectual kind of lewd

>> No.15718146 [DELETED] 

Doesn't this just feel a bit like using the newfound celebrity status to bring viewers elsewhere
Kinda shameless

>> No.15718291 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15718320

The chances of her staying with hololive for longer than 14 months is really low

>> No.15718313 [DELETED] 

Not really? It's not like she started streaming after becoming holo, she was already doing it and if hololive staff didn't vet it after her becoming holo why should I care?.

>> No.15718320 [DELETED] 

Why 14 months?

>> No.15718396 [DELETED] 

Because his anus said so.

>> No.15718556 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15718698

12 months are the initial contract period and 2 months is just a guess for graduation preparation after contract wasn't renewed.

>> No.15718698 [DELETED] 

I've yet to see a source on that 12 months contract. I work in Japan and nobody I know have a contract this long.

>> No.15718960 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15719231

She's had 3 former lives already. And it's not like she's linked to it directly or advertised or anything.

>> No.15719027 [DELETED] 

Mel main is her roommate

>> No.15719039
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>> No.15719231 [DELETED] 

She doesn't need link anything to when the sites do it for her. The tactic at play is very obvious.

>> No.15719463 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15719604

Is it? She playing fucking valorant for fuck sake, if she was a asmr streamer I would be inclined to understand your side but when she is just playing a game that japs doesn't even care, it's not even Apex, fucking, VALORANT.

>> No.15719604 [DELETED] 

Isn't Valorant way more popular right now in Japan though since Apex is dead?

>> No.15719728 [DELETED] 

Not really, Riot is shilling it a lot more now that Apex made streamers hate playing it but Apex is still the king of fps on japan.
EA just need to fix their mess and streamers will go back to it again.

>> No.15719729 [DELETED] 

She's just a kid that wants to relax playing favourite game. And not like she never streamed it before, chill

>> No.15719756 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1705x371, ss (2022-01-03 at 04.48.26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how we can measure it since it's 5am in Japan right now but Apex is far more popular according to current live stream on NND

>> No.15719795

She would gain way more apealing to the shadowversefags btw, there always someone pestering her on twitter to play it again.

>> No.15719848

As long as it stays at this I guess it's easy to ignore, though I hope she won't go further
Maybe that's just my own personal autism though, I just don't like holos doing other stuff during their time, especially anything involving their actual appearances. I'm sure other fans would love it, those kind of people always exist.

>> No.15719934
Quoted by: >>15720286

I can get you but she obvious know she will just tank her own channel if she play a lot of fps on it, that's actually show to me she cares about not becoming a matsuri/towa even though she likes the two.

>> No.15720181

you should also consider that although its not officially forbidden, there is currently a massive collab going on so streaming during it could attract autistic antis

>> No.15720263

That's schizo behavior, stop it. They have their own lives. When they do something that doesn't match your mental image and ideals of them, you turn into an anti just like that watamate.

>> No.15720286

Good points from both of you

>> No.15720309
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Quoted by: >>15720360

I can't be the only one who's happy that she's not a normal fag having sex in her spare time right hahah...

>> No.15720308
Quoted by: >>15720348

Extremely autistic considering she already participated in it, it's 5 am, and whole stream lasts 24 hours

>> No.15720348

yes, extremely autistic, so very likely from our fanbase

>> No.15720360
Quoted by: >>15720448

who says she isn't

>> No.15720448

Her behavior.

>> No.15720456

>literally no one can stream anything else for 24 hours
NOBODY seriously thinks this. Did you get this idea from the faggots on this board crying during the relays in the past two weeks?

>> No.15720540

There we're actual holos streaming in their main channel during it lmao imagine going after a roommate with less 1k views, nonsense.

>> No.15720570
Quoted by: >>15720647

>NOBODY seriously thinks this
>lists example of people who think it
even that point aside, plenty of the girls have stated many times there is no ban, but they dont like to do it. if everybody understands that point, then somebody deviates from it, there's no plus side

>> No.15720647

>lists example of people who think it
Retards here are not people. Nobody else cares.

>> No.15720708

Actually maybe she's just killing time to call Mikkorone later?

>> No.15720760

Maybe she is just trying to have fun, maybe.

>> No.15720806
Quoted by: >>15720864

I find it nice that she can stream casually without Hololive restricting everything she does. If you care about her roommate so much then you must accept that she has other life beside hololive.

>> No.15720825
Quoted by: >>15720888

She just talked with them for hours just a while ago, why would she call again.

>> No.15720864
Quoted by: >>15721069

The case of Coco has taught me that restrictions are usually good.

>> No.15720888
Quoted by: >>15721024

Idk ask cat that called first

>> No.15720914

Pretty sure she's just going to sleep now

>> No.15720939
File: 129 KB, 1235x950, FFPQ2pbVIAETUAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you dumbasses talking about roomate shit need to be banned and reflect upon your brainletness. Just fuck off already.

>> No.15721024
Quoted by: >>15722654

Yes. Why would Okayu participate extra in Korone's big project? Let me do a big think here.

>> No.15721070

I have a phone so I can't get banned

>> No.15721069

Coco was a special case, her other account was not a "I will stream what I like in this account" like some others holo have, and was an actual built up account with history on it, she streamed on K*son when she was in a stream collab with Kanata/Suisei.

>> No.15721345
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>> No.15721389

Now with the boots off.

>> No.15721454
Quoted by: >>15721686

I want to look up her coat

>> No.15721468
File: 620 KB, 2894x4093, 1628878775069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15721632

Cry more

>> No.15721686

Nothing to see there, she wear no pantsu

>> No.15721754

Praying for tomorrow to come soon.

>> No.15722654

Maybe for same reason Lap and Lui now

>> No.15722712

Well there she is, on Mikorone now

>> No.15722759
File: 2.04 MB, 1240x1754, FIHszMbaAAAx23h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like shitposters are back in this thread for some reason. Noticed yesterday that some new IPs ask a question about La+'s future, to which even more new IPs responded saying she'd quit after a year, then happened again .

>> No.15723176

Seeing her itakimino next to Lui's elegant kimono is hilarious

>> No.15723423
File: 178 KB, 848x1200, FIHBRowakAE6DB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15724606

>> No.15723636

posted the stream in the archive thread

>> No.15723733
Quoted by: >>15724524

Man, La+'s and Lui's dynamic together is great.
It really is like a mother and her chuuni child.

>> No.15724524
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Quoted by: >>15724587


>> No.15724587
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>> No.15724606

I like it

>> No.15724825
File: 3 KB, 561x249, FIGUly-aMAUOpNP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La+ cursor itakimono edition

>> No.15726291
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>> No.15728801


>> No.15731564
Quoted by: >>15731786

I keep forgetting she has a tail.

>> No.15731786

its buttplug

>> No.15737077
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>> No.15737721
File: 454 KB, 556x608, Screenshot 2022-01-03 022011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goslings, how do you cope with the fact youre not spiderman/tom holland

>> No.15738189

I'd rather be Tobey if I'm being honest

>> No.15738484

If I remember correctly, from the way she talked about the returning spiderman rumor stuff before the release, and how she specifically mentioned Amazing Spiderman possibly coming back, I think she might like Andrew Garfield particularly.
She also said her favorite marvel hero is Dr Strange, and I can cope with not being Benedict Cumberbatch way easier than not being Tom Holland.

>> No.15738954 [SPOILER] 
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Quoted by: >>15739288

face reveal

>> No.15739218
Quoted by: >>15739331

>Anya collab is real
Fuck, where is Moona? I thought she was the ID representant.

>> No.15739288

Is there some spider-man version with horns? I mean it's comic, so it's obvious there is, right?

>> No.15739331
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Quoted by: >>15743425

At least post an image
And as was said before, Anya is basically an honorary JP. Moona wouldn't get anywhere

>> No.15739350

It'd be so fucking awful to be Tom Holland. Shooting is tiring, traveling the world for media exposure is tiring, you have to keep a "superhero" image in real life for the kids. You can't do some activities like rock climbing because injuring yourself could change the entire staff's schedule. You are stuck in this persona for years.
I'd rather have the freedom I have right now

>> No.15740358
File: 472 KB, 2048x1173, FIBX-xPaIAAr2fX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I thought the Mariokart collab would be tomorrow because Watame was already talking about it but it's at the 5th, wonder with who she will collab tomorrow then.

>> No.15740606

She's appearing in Mikkorone again

>> No.15742531
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>> No.15742793

shes going to be in the adlib corner with rest of her gen if you want to watch it

>> No.15743425

Moona is the best ID though. They should collab.

>> No.15746089

Just a random observation. I don't think I've ever heard as many sirens in La+'s streams as I have any other holomem.

>> No.15746138
Quoted by: >>15746194

Surely you meant that the other way around.

>> No.15746194

Probably. Brain is fried from trying to keep up with the mikkorone stream

>> No.15746236

She attracts disaster and tragedy.
It is fucking weird how it's basically every single time she has a mic on though.

>> No.15747915 [DELETED] 

JAV on Miko Channel
