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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 33 KB, 400x400, zszq3zMC_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1533294 No.1533294 [Reply] [Original]

How can we fix roastie voice? Almost all western vtubers have it.

>> No.1533309

You didn't get enough of a circlejerk the first time you made this thread?

>> No.1533396

simple anon you stop watching burger vtubers

>> No.1533543

Why do you keep making threads here? Why don't you just go back to twitter and complain about loli?

>> No.1533794

I mean why dont they even try? Simply, who'd think roastie voice is good?

>> No.1533813
Quoted by: >>1535226 >>1536538

transatlantic accents

>> No.1533895
File: 43 KB, 800x707, 1610016480850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1537974

You can't make someone who doesn't give a shit put in effort. The vast majority of western roasties jumping on the v-tuber train are doing it because they see it as easy money since it's trendy right now.

>> No.1533914


>> No.1533999

Genuinely curious, what would you consider a roastie voice? Any voice that just sounds like you got a random girl off the street to talk awkwardly in front of a mic instead of someone trained in acting/public speaking who's developed the ability to manipulate her voice in interesting ways?

>> No.1534026


>> No.1534103
File: 144 KB, 722x1686, vocal fry 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, roastie voice is essentially pic related. It's endemic among Western women.

>> No.1534123

You can't fix it. Not all Americans sound like that unless you cherry pick. Otherwise, watch Vtubers who's native language is English but don't sound like roasties.

Bongs don't sound roastie for example. If you can stand their silly accent.

>> No.1534130

boring and bland voice.

>> No.1534301

>"good, authoritative"

fucking disgusting.

>> No.1534341

posting the exact same thread multiple times should be bannable

>> No.1534357 [DELETED] 

Mori is by far the worst offender.

>> No.1534362

still looking for an example of what a "roastie voice" is because it sounds like OP's never actually interacted with other humans

>> No.1534435
File: 42 KB, 497x496, 1615373770352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck are you posting on 4chan when you're clearly both deaf and blind >>1534103

>> No.1534448
Quoted by: >>1534483 >>1535440

vocal fry, you're probably just too young to remember a time women women didn't talk like that.

>> No.1534483

>vocal fry
that was a reddit meme that was quickly debunked as some sociologist trying to manipulate statistical data, the fuck are you all talking about?

>> No.1534565
Quoted by: >>1535105 >>1535934


>> No.1534570
Quoted by: >>1534665

although apparently too many videos about vocal fry are on youtube. i dont think its a "reddit meme". reddit would say "roastie" or "karen" is also a meme

>> No.1534571


>> No.1534573
Quoted by: >>1534777

They don't even know what they mean, they're just pretending to fit in here. OP keeps making this thread because they have a grudge against a certain vtuber, but they can't publicly bitch about it so they do it here and attack her in a way they think we would agree with, but they're just completely missing the mark.

>> No.1534665

he isn't wrong that it is a meme in the more original sense of the word. it's a style of speaking that's spreading like a social gene.

>> No.1534777
Quoted by: >>1534863

roastie voice is simply low effort garbage normal vapid female voice in the 20s to 30s range. its either lifeless crap or bitchy loud shit. both are not entertaining at all

>> No.1534833
Quoted by: >>1534861 >>1534879

By having sex and stop posting on 4chan

>> No.1534848

Watch better indies faggot.

>> No.1534861

don't listen to this anon, he's trying to turn you into a roastie

>> No.1534863

No one uses that term around here, just give it up already.

>> No.1534879

go back, tranny

>> No.1534893 [DELETED] 



>> No.1534901

Only watch Japanese girls? I spent most of yesterday watching holoEN clips and by the time Pikamee came on just hearing her speak made me smile and feel relieved.

>> No.1534964
Quoted by: >>1535057

no its starting to be used. just like the term karen.

>> No.1535057
File: 30 KB, 958x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1535254

>no its starting to be used
it's a fucking decade old and OP has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.1535095
Quoted by: >>1535161

Listen, chud. You don't get to control what women do with their bodies or their voices. Get off the internet and go take a shower.

>> No.1535105
Quoted by: >>1535220

>*the* underage wojak spamming faggot who has no vocabulary outside of slapping his manufactured, infantile -oomer suffix onto any given group to strawman them
Kill yourself.

>> No.1535118

Just watch Japanese vtubers.

>> No.1535161
Quoted by: >>1535210

Of course he can control it. Roasties get punished by men choosing not to marry them

>> No.1535210
Quoted by: >>1535584

>implying the type of men who want to manipulate women and dictate how they speak are worth marrying
don't think too highly of yourself, incel

>> No.1535211
Quoted by: >>1535305 >>1535388

lol a bunch of vtwitter roasties and shitty indie vtubers whose subscribers are less than 1000 trying so hard to deny roastie voice lmao

you cant be popular because of your roastie voice. face the reality and improve it.

>> No.1535220
Quoted by: >>1535364

you sound mad, try cooling yourself down with a soi latte and eat a cockroach

>> No.1535226
File: 46 KB, 680x504, EowhvL6UwAAIgWy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rarity v chuuba
Please stop it, anon. My dick can only get so hard.

>> No.1535254

i blame california for this cultural trend.

>> No.1535305

Please stop embarrassing yourself, tourist

>> No.1535323

Is this the type of voice every fucking woman pulls when singing nowadays? its been on every NCS song for years.

>> No.1535364
Quoted by: >>1535617

You sound like an illiterate twelve year old election tourist who belongs in a ditch.

>> No.1535388
File: 54 KB, 396x382, 1531975291448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally made the shit thread 3 days ago
Go get new material faggot
No one gives a fuck about your EAST GOOD WEST BAD circle jerk

>> No.1535440
File: 137 KB, 640x619, 01.-Natural-Pitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1535503

Rather than straight up vocal fry or "roastie", many Western women just tend to speak at lower pitch than what fits their voice due to social/cultural influences. Natural speaking pitch is the most comfortable pitch around which you talk, and most people have no idea where theirs is and girls in particular will tend to push lower (though some girls will push way too high in the opposite direction). Part of basic acting, singing, and voice acting training is finding your comfortable singing/speaking ranges so it's no wonder that Japanese Vtubers who have VA training sound more pleasant than random Western Vtubers who don't bother with that. Ame is an example of someone who used to speak lower than her natural speaking pitch prior to debut. Though funny enough, she's been actually pushing her voice a little too high since about a month or two ago and her debut era voice is probably the closest to her natural speaking pitch (regardless of whether her inflection is exaggerated to be more cutesy). It's hard to find more vtuber examples since most have started in the past year or so, but Valkyrae is an example of a female streamer who used to "push" lower and Link from Good Mythical Morning is a male streamer who used to "push" higher. Just compare Valkyrae's "Meet Valkyrae" and and Link's first Mythical Monday episodes to recent videos and you'll see they found their natural speaking pitches and sound a lot more pleasant now.

>> No.1535493

>ACKSHUALLY my horrific obnoxious meme voice is NOT a fad and is me sticking it to the patriarchy by... poorly imitating a man's speech patterns because I think they're naturally superior
how much self-own can one bitch fit in a blogpost

>> No.1535503
Quoted by: >>1535706

>Western women just tend to speak at lower pitch than what fits their voice due to social/cultural influences.

if you've never heard a woman speak in a "lower pitch" it means you've never been around a woman who was comfortable enough to speak at her natural voice, which speaks more about how fucking creepy of an incel you are. no fucking shit women talk in their normal voices when vtubing because they're safe in their homes and not about to be catcalled or chased by some fucking creep.

>> No.1535584
Quoted by: >>1535645

you can ignore reality by calling everyone an incel but the fact is there are a bunch of articles all over the place written by women saying guys they want to marry dont want to marry them. Its not just men who are pointing out this phenomenon

>> No.1535617
Quoted by: >>1537189

>wishing death on actual children
you need help

>> No.1535645
Quoted by: >>1535700 >>1535717

>bunch of articles all over the place written by women saying guys they want to marry dont want to marry them
>Robert Downey Jr. won't marry me
>incels: see, women should do what i think
do you filth really think that way?

>> No.1535700 [DELETED] 

Roasties still aren’t getting married. Points awarded to the incels.

>> No.1535706

You're barking up the wrong tree here, anon. My speaking pitch used to be around C3, it sounded like shit, I dropped into vocal fry at the end of every word, and I had absolutely no access to my head voice. My actual natural speaking pitch is more around an A3 and now when I'm just hanging out with friends my voice naturally hangs around that pitch and it feels a lot better after hours of talking than it did before I had any vocal training. My voice is still pretty low compared to the average woman but it definitely wasn't good for my voice to be speaking that low all the time in the past and it sounds way more smooth now.

>> No.1535717

thats a massive strawman. its more like handsome men with above average stable incomes, not celebrities

>> No.1535934


>> No.1536023
Quoted by: >>1536241

>nooo my narrative!

>> No.1536241

Observable facts are not narratives, tourist. When are you going to stop beating around the bush anyways?

>> No.1536485

i do

>> No.1536538

Imagine a transalantic vtuber that is all black and white

>> No.1536542
Quoted by: >>1537112 >>1539296

Uhm well, you're not welcome here then.

>> No.1537013
Quoted by: >>1537112

You're a tourist then, because I say so.

>> No.1537112
Quoted by: >>1537147 >>1537450

Stop talking to yourself.

>> No.1537147
File: 12 KB, 360x117, schizo goes mask off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1537189
Quoted by: >>1537279 >>1537310

Children are not free of the consequences of their actions, or more important than anyone else. You can blow your necrotic brains out with a shotgun too.

>> No.1537259

>No one uses that term around here
I do

>> No.1537279
Quoted by: >>1537345

>Crazy cat lady who hates men also hates children
Colour me surprised.

>> No.1537310
Quoted by: >>1537345

actual unironic mental illness right here

>> No.1537345
Quoted by: >>1538139

You must be a crazy cat lady who hates men considering you want them all dead while letting retarded underage faggots ruin the board.
"Mentall illness" doesn't exist. And you aren't capable of being "unironic", you're so immersed in ironic "culture" like every other newfag that you have to specify when you're being sincere every single time. Kill yourself.

>> No.1537351
File: 44 KB, 474x474, soyruko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1537450
File: 60 KB, 1080x390, Screenshot_20210314-171514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1537704

Inb4 hurdur

>> No.1537704
Quoted by: >>1538813

Did you seriously bring this thread up on your phone too just so you could samefag?

>> No.1537974

okay how do we graduate them faster then

>> No.1538139
Quoted by: >>1538250

no I know youre 100% diagnosably mentally ill

>> No.1538250
Quoted by: >>1538385

You don't know anything, mental illness does not exist and cannot be diagnosed because of that. That doesn't mean that mental deficiency as a result of brain necrosis doesn't exist though, which is your case.

>> No.1538385
Quoted by: >>1538542

>mental illness does not exist
Someone didn't take their diagnosis very well. Please tell me you have a guardian on hand to administer your medication regularly.

>> No.1538542
Quoted by: >>1538647

Please tell me you have a shotgun in hand to administer several pellets into your skull.

>> No.1538631
File: 358 KB, 2045x1532, 1615017980963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1538845 >>1540678

Are you going to make the same thread each day schizo? It's always the SEAs

>> No.1538647
Quoted by: >>1538853

i do actually but thats because i passed the mental wellness check to own guns. caouldnt say the same for you unfortunately

>> No.1538813
Quoted by: >>1538873

Called it.

>> No.1538845

>Amurrica that low
I don't buy it.

>> No.1538853

You are a mental child and should only be allowed guns to rid the world of yourself with haste.

>> No.1538873

Call yourself up a fucking hobby

>> No.1539066
File: 3.15 MB, 2480x3508, 1585708774541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western girls can't have cute voices
explain gura then

>> No.1539210
Quoted by: >>1540401


>> No.1539296

Says who, you and your army of tumblrinas?

>> No.1540271

Not only vtubing but American women suck at everything. Like they can't make any good comic or cartoon show.

>> No.1540401

Sorry to tell you this but she fakes her voice
t. gosling

>> No.1540443

>she fakes her voice
That is a good thing. The entire point of Vtubing it to get 3DPD to act so fake they become desirable

>> No.1540482

Did anyone really think she actually had a British accent?

>> No.1540629
File: 375 KB, 971x720, sodachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1540660

why is this happening again?

>> No.1540660
Quoted by: >>1540676

Because they still haven't fixed their voices

>> No.1540676
Quoted by: >>1540764

is this going to happen daily? or is it going to be a western hating general?

>> No.1540678


>> No.1540764
File: 305 KB, 817x870, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1540816

two threads in 5 days isn't that bad. I would be annoying if it became a daily occurrence

>> No.1540816

still think it was unnecessary considering the first thread which just devolved into western vs eastern, shitflinging and calling each other incels

>> No.1540899

So if i understand this correctly, roastie voice is a Women trying to imitate a generic man's voice by making her own voice deeper when she talks?

>> No.1540953

I didn't know it was a term but that "manager" vtuber has it.

>> No.1541211

Roastie is classic 4chan vernacular alongside nigger, orbitor and faggot.
I will not have some redditor tell me otherwise

>> No.1541334
Quoted by: >>1542564

>classic 4chan vernacular
Please stop trying to fit in, it's not working.

>> No.1541453
Quoted by: >>1542214

Do you really think it's a bad thing if a voice actor doesn't use his/her natural voice to play a character?

>> No.1541534
Quoted by: >>1544620

Kyuotto's a lying whore

>> No.1541757

It's caused by taking too many birth control pills. Not only does it mess up the voice but the entire hormonal system.

>> No.1542214
Quoted by: >>1542392

No, but the thread is about roastie voice which she has when talking normally

>> No.1542392
Quoted by: >>1543698

You mean predebut? Her voice as Amelia Watson is quite nice, her predebut voice in comparison literally sounds like any other girl.

>> No.1542564
Quoted by: >>1542865 >>1543519

Not the guy but unclench that asshole anon, or go smoke something. You're far too wound up. But yes, it is actually classic 4chan vernacular

>> No.1542865
Quoted by: >>1543107

>Not the guy but

>> No.1543107

I'm not him or the first guy and I have no problem with the word roastie

>> No.1543519
Quoted by: >>1545121

>it is actually classic 4chan vernacular
>first showed up in 2015

>> No.1543698
Quoted by: >>1546505

yeah thats the point though, OP thinks every American girl sounds like a roastie whore

>> No.1544620

It's amazing that her mere existence makes people seethe.

>> No.1545079
Quoted by: >>1546670

>classic 4chan vernacular
you're trying way too hard
take it easy and drop the cult speech

>> No.1545121

There no way it was 2015, r-right?

>> No.1546007
File: 319 KB, 461x600, 1592570425110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1546568

Simply don't be a whore.

>> No.1546505

Well anon, if the boot fits...

>> No.1546568
Quoted by: >>1546849

Your obsession is odd

>> No.1546670
File: 41 KB, 396x382, 1585447839242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1546849
Quoted by: >>1546867

Not as odd as Kyuotto STILL claiming she's the WR holder for the longest debut

>> No.1546867
Quoted by: >>1546908

I don't think anyone cares about that other than you

>> No.1546908
Quoted by: >>1546975

You're assuming I'm the only whoreposter, which I'm not.
Anyways, it's simply a matter of principle.

>> No.1546975
Quoted by: >>1547086

What principle? Neither of the streamers care

>> No.1547086
Quoted by: >>1547143


>> No.1547143
Quoted by: >>1547183

Do you even think she knows Rose exists?

>> No.1547183
Quoted by: >>1547254

Yes, she was linked her debut and the information regarding it when she first made these claims, that's literally why the ritual was made in the first place, because she chose to ignore it.

>> No.1547254
Quoted by: >>1547336

Like how you're ignoring that it was obviously a mistake and she doesn't know any better?
Like I said, weird thing to obsess over for weeks.

>> No.1547304

>Roastie is classic 4chan vernacular alongside nigger, orbitor and faggot.
If by 'classic' you mean /r9k/ in 2012. Otherwise, no. It's cumdumpster. And nobody on this site except /r9k/ or maybe /soc/ has EVER said "orbiter", not even /b/tards.

>> No.1547336
File: 201 KB, 259x381, 1612204144654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1547356

Are you blind?
I just said that she was quickly made aware of her mistake and chose to ignore it.
She does know better and chooses to wear her "title" anyway.
That is what makes her a liar.
The topic will be dropped once she actually admits her wrongdoing and corrects herself.

>> No.1547356
Quoted by: >>1547377

Is this really all Rose has going for her? Do you have any idea how trivial this shit is?

>> No.1547377
Quoted by: >>1547440

I'll repeat myself for the last time, it's simply a matter of principle.

>> No.1547440

Alright, go contact her about it then if it matters to you so much.

>> No.1547709
File: 49 KB, 739x745, 1611026224667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Mori and Snuffy have a "roastie" voice? Because those two are the ones i watch the most of ENVtubers. I just like more Vtubers that have deeper voices even with Japanese ones.

>> No.1547793
Quoted by: >>1547865 >>1549954

>How can we fix loli voice? Almost all chink vtubers have it.

>> No.1547829
Quoted by: >>1548585

I'm all over snuffy's voice! Mori's is pretty great too but she comes off a bit too 'fake' for my taste

>> No.1547830

Mori has but at least she often tries hard to act like some edgy anime character and it can be cute and gap-moe even its somewhat cringy. Most of the indie sthitty vtubers with roastie voice dont even try. They just talk like roasties IRL.

>> No.1547865
Quoted by: >>1547989

But the loli voice is good though

>> No.1547989
File: 180 KB, 271x335, 9322312_taylor-momsen-chris-hansen-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1548079

>But the Loli voice is good though

>> No.1548021

I like both their voices too, and if you like their voices, you shouldn't worry too much what other shitposters think.

>> No.1548079
Quoted by: >>1548241

>liking neotenic features = pedo
never be attracted to a woman with a short height, thin waist, smooth skin, large eyes, shaved skin, or a small jaw ever again.

>> No.1548241
File: 522 KB, 480x677, 1559771830595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1548593 >>1557501

>liking children's features
That'll do pig

>> No.1548585

>but she comes off a bit too 'fake' for my taste
But she is the most "real" out of all HoloENs.

>> No.1548593


>> No.1548736
Quoted by: >>1548911 >>1549121

just don't watch western vtubers? People from a culture that doesn't train you to speak in a high pitched performative voice at a young age is going to produce females that don't do that...

Doesn't bother me beacause i have irl female friends and it doesnt scare me to hear someone who isnt talking in a baby voice, even if i think vtubers that pull it off also sound cute.

at the end of the day, you're just trying to watch a show you like. so just continue to watch easterners and the few western pretenders you can. this isn't a 'fixable' problem because it is a basic cultural difference.

>> No.1548911

the fuck are you even talking about. this is about vtubing. not about your boring irl shit, roastie.

>> No.1548956
Quoted by: >>1560357

I like how Melody actually has the most interesting and unique voice of western vtubers

>> No.1548974
File: 37 KB, 527x599, 1613653714318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people think Artemis is a tranny because of this
>probably just a mannish sounding whitoid woman

>> No.1548994
File: 74 KB, 230x230, 1520792034539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we having the exact same thread again? Fuck off with this shit.

>> No.1549064

Plausible tbqhwyphamalamborghini, I've run into some deep-voiced f*moids

>> No.1549120
File: 255 KB, 1500x1633, 1614090821375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1549151

>always calls themselves gay and never lesbian
>recently took a break because of an unspecified surgery
>same speaking style as other self-admitted girl-voice-using english male tubers
>uses falsetto when singing

>> No.1549121
Quoted by: >>1560357

Nice blog, now what does that have to do with western women and their roastie voices in vtubing?

>> No.1549151
Quoted by: >>1549862

I've met some cis lesbians who hate the term and insist on calling themselves gay so eh

>> No.1549243
Quoted by: >>1549501

English is one ugly ass sounding language. Also Americans cant help but always boost their ego.

>> No.1549266

His tranny voice is so obvious and generic you'd have to be deaf or braindead (or both) to mistake him for a woman

>> No.1549501
Quoted by: >>1555887


>> No.1549862

>who hate the term

>> No.1549886
Quoted by: >>1550157 >>1556649

I'm glad I'm not the only anon that's hearing this. I don't what it is about EN vtubers and dubs that filters me so hard. I don't even watch HoloEN cause I don't like their voices, what gives anons?

>> No.1549954

>ywn live in a world where all vtubers are lolitubers
born in the wrong timeline

>> No.1550157
Quoted by: >>1556649

You're clearly not the only one, the entirety of /jp/ is with you Anon.

>> No.1552685
Quoted by: >>1556952 >>1558442

Jesus Christ, this thread is actually completely /pol/ tier. I wonder if bots infesting that board have notifications for all "roastie" mentions across the whole site.

>> No.1555887

You will never be English

>> No.1556649
Quoted by: >>1556691 >>1559299

But even with JP vtubers i do prefer more deeper voiced ones.

>> No.1556691
Quoted by: >>1557216

Its not so much about pitch for me, more speaking style

>> No.1556952
Quoted by: >>1557022

lol i know white roasties are/were trying so hard to push the narrative "karen is a racist term" .
nobody else however gives a fuck about your fragile fee fees. this shit is the same as that. deal with it, roasite

>> No.1557022

>trying so hard to push the narrative "karen is a racist term" .
If you called some random nigger bitch Shaniquwa is that racism?

>> No.1557216

Well i guess i have just gotten used to it because i don't mind Moris or Snuffys voices.

>> No.1557450
Quoted by: >>1557489

Stop watching am*rican women
Am*rican women are the biggest roasties in the planet and their voices all suck
its why am*rican dubs are so fucking terrible, ALL the female characters sound cringe

>> No.1557489
Quoted by: >>1557525

lol the euros are even worse most of the English speakers with pleasant voices Asians from the US or Canada

>> No.1557501

You retards keep making me glad I voted for this guy twice.

>> No.1557525
Quoted by: >>1557584

at least they dont sound bitchy like every single american women

>> No.1557584
Quoted by: >>1557888

Not him and I agree but I don't like that they all swear like sailors though. Kiara at least has an excuse being ESL but even the UK ones do it.

>> No.1557888

Because there's no christian puritan culture against swearing here and that's not really a bad thing.

>> No.1558007
Quoted by: >>1558413

>no christian puritan culture against swearing
Okay so why don't the Japanese girls use such fowl language? The only ones that do are the westernized ones like Coco

>> No.1558046
Quoted by: >>1558623

Enjoy your masculine potty mouths

>> No.1558413
Quoted by: >>1558547

Japanese doesn't have the same kind of foul language, and technically kiara did the Japanese equivalent of it by going kuso kuso repeatedly during her technical fault the other day

>> No.1558442

So, how new are you?

>> No.1558547

>Japanese doesn't have the same kind of foul language
They censors words for broadcast television

>> No.1558623

As a Finn i do. We have the best foul language.

>> No.1558851
File: 1.31 MB, 935x872, 1614452982030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out and find your nearest bridge you uneducated niggers and take your roomtemperature IQ theories with you

>> No.1559299
Quoted by: >>1559809

I meant to say that /jp/ autists who think the same way you do, you're never the """only""" one.

>> No.1559628

Being against swearing isnt a Christian thing, its an upper class society thing dude.

>> No.1559662
File: 368 KB, 748x472, 1597740766285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1559842 >>1560345

>Almost all western vtubers have it.
So just watch the ones that don't.

>> No.1559809

Hey i am not the guy who watches only japs.

>> No.1559842
Quoted by: >>1559916

how does she do it

>> No.1559916

She's the one in a million kind of cute girl who is actually cut out for the vtuber job, unlike all these roastie indie bandwagoners who are just jumping on now because it's the popular thing.

>> No.1560293

>How can we fix roastie voice? Almost all western vtubers have it.
Go Zentreya's way.

>> No.1560345

What the fuck is roastie voice if Gura doesn't have it, she sounds like any sub-5ft new england girl I've ever met (and I'm not complaining, it gives me extra humor from some of her streams)

>> No.1560357

don't like, don't watch, simple as.

>> No.1560483
File: 394 KB, 393x522, 1612076990702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roastie is classic 4chan vernacular alongside nigger, orbitor and faggot.
Roastie = only seen it /tv/ post US eleccion tourism
Nigger, Faggot = ok, sure
Orbitor = what in the name of fuck is that?

>> No.1560551
Quoted by: >>1560991

shortened beta orbiter.

>> No.1560831

roastie is used on r9k

>> No.1560882
Quoted by: >>1560948

>Roastie = only seen it /tv/ post US eleccion tourism
its been used on /v/, /int/, and /co/ afaik

shitty damage control, roastie

>> No.1560948

I never browse /v/, /int/ or /co/.

>> No.1560991

>shortened beta orbiter.
Please speak 4chan.
