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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.15099433
Quoted by: >>15099671

I would fuck everbody and everything on this screen

>> No.15099448
Quoted by: >>15121429

No it wasn’t, Nyanners was there and that automatically makes it awful.

>> No.15099479
Quoted by: >>15134507

ITT: Chuds lose viewers to manipulative ethots behind anime avatars

>> No.15099653
Quoted by: >>15134980

lacari is the only good streamer in that pic

>> No.15099671

Based coomer

>> No.15099723
Quoted by: >>15099797

all of these twitch game shows are just rip offs of Ludwig's mogul money which is based off his old Twitch Jeaopardy which was a mishmash of a couple different TV game shows
so what im saying is its shitty and unfunny and that is probably the worst line up ive ever seen for any stream

>> No.15099797
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15099910

What's up my ludwigger

>> No.15099897

It absolutely was. I went to check it out for about 5 mins and decided to put it in background but after another 5 more mins later I decided to just watch it all.

I fucking hate soda as a person but everywhere he appear he make things fun as hell.
Vei is very capable despite being just a whore, what a surprise.

>> No.15099910
File: 694 KB, 2832x2480, 1639217060032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15100269

Was just playing Super Auto Pets while watching Fubuki, gonna shower now and catch some more streams later

>> No.15099911

it just hits home that vtuber is just an apparatus for ugly girls to become popular streamers. in spite of looking ugly or plain.
meanwhile ugly unshaven guys can do whatever they want and give zero fucks.

>> No.15099927

who's the guy beside lacari

>> No.15099977
Quoted by: >>15100020

Thats Snuffy

>> No.15100020
File: 85 KB, 720x686, 1636555973854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs don't lie

>> No.15100073

If you really think about it, the biggest or big female twitch streamers are at least above average in the looks department. BUT, that's just the way it is since streaming audiences are mostly male.

>> No.15100103

That's roflgator. He does VR chat things.

>> No.15100269
Quoted by: >>15100373

Excited for the yard tomorrow
I also hate Ludwig's YouTube voice

>> No.15100368

it had the best vtuber on twitch and 4 vshojo girls, of course it was good (even though that cringelord soda was there)

>> No.15100373
Quoted by: >>15101482

>Ludwig's YouTube
What's that about, anyway? Stunt? Rarity buff?

>> No.15100391
Quoted by: >>15120478

Not virtual youtubers

>> No.15100541

My fucking side i love this trend hopper

>> No.15100620

post clips

>> No.15100627

How to score hot anime girls in your area - be fat, be unfunny, have a shit beard

>> No.15100659

No hair? No problem!

>> No.15100854
File: 70 KB, 1024x914, 1630152448416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way to make every single person in that pic die from covid?

>> No.15100931
Quoted by: >>15102411

Did they talk about Hololive or any holomem?

>> No.15101482

The contract for YouTube required him to stream for less hours
15:20 cause idk how to link it with the timestamp
9:16 if you want to hear the full story

>> No.15101684
Quoted by: >>15102082

why do you ask?

>> No.15102082
Quoted by: >>15102411


>> No.15102411

oops. wrong
i mean >>15100931

>> No.15107627
Quoted by: >>15108219

Right-click on the YouTube video.

>> No.15108219
Quoted by: >>15116721

He's a mobile poster, look at his link

>> No.15112065
Quoted by: >>15112966

Anytime someone on /vt/ says Vshojo isn't fun to watch, I'm gonna show them this.

>> No.15112966
Quoted by: >>15112994

you shouldnt waste your time seeing as nobody is going to click on it in a million years

>> No.15112994

These faggots don't know what they're missing.

>> No.15115334
File: 133 KB, 1200x754, EwtZKKYWgA0dFYZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely more entertaining than anything I've seen from Hololive, and all I could think after it was over was how much Holobronies and Nijikeks are shooting themselves in the foot because of "muh FOMO"

/vt/ would only improve if more people just dipped their toes into Vshojo. The agency has just as good numbers as Hololive and likely higher per-talent earnings. Unfortunately, a large swathe of anons think they just talk about their pussy all day, which is unironically one of the most hypocritical things for a board which branched off of idol culture.

Maybe one day when Ironmouse overtakes Amouranth as the top female on Twitch, we'll start getting more threads that aren't just endless fucking bait.

>> No.15116721

d-dont call me out like that

>> No.15116816

We know for a fact irl Vei is hot and irl Nyan is cute. So no, not really.

>> No.15116880
File: 33 KB, 112x112, VeiDance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said anonchama

>> No.15116903
File: 88 KB, 1062x630, 1f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vshojo posters, a message to all of you.

>> No.15117083
Quoted by: >>15134455

i want to fuck snuffy

>> No.15117464
File: 352 KB, 112x112, veiSway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veiSway you veiSway wish veiSway you veiSway could veiSway sway veiSway like veiSway this

>> No.15117840

this stream is proof that purityfags are wrong, it was some of the best vtuber content i've seen recently, give it a try then just go back to usual streams

>> No.15118119
Quoted by: >>15118257

It's not even that the purityfags are wrong that nonstop "dicks tits vaginas nuts LOL" humor is bad. It is still bad, but none of the Vshojo girls except MAYBE Hime were like that outside of clips

>> No.15118202

VOD with chat

>> No.15118257

i agree, i was talking about collabing with fleshtubers and/or males, or other communities

>> No.15119660

donos stopped completely after the goal

>> No.15120478

and podcasts aren't only on ipods

>> No.15120697
Quoted by: >>15120806

Its funny cause you got a lot of people that get angry when someone judges hololive or niji cause of clips.
Then they do the same shit to Vshojo.

>> No.15120806
Quoted by: >>15121370

You mad? Keep to your whore containment thread shithole.

>> No.15121339

Nice try, Holofag. We love our Nijifriends.

>> No.15121370
File: 184 KB, 850x1314, Nyanners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15121429

>No it wasn’t, Nyanners was there and that automatically makes it awful.
Honestly everyone there aside from mouse is awful

>> No.15121578
Quoted by: >>15121834

Vshojo & nijien were formed because of hololive en. That's the definition of FOMO anon.

>> No.15121706

are the two dudes in the bottom right in the same house

>> No.15121834
Quoted by: >>15122756

Vshojo was in the works at around the same time anon. Mouse and Nyan have both talked about Vshojo's timeline and how it lined up with other things going on in vtubing around the same time
You can say it was formed bc of Hololive EN audition announcements ig, but it's hard to say that Vshojo is a company full of coattail riders when Ironmouse had already been streaming for two years by the time that Calli learned what a vtuber was

>> No.15122756

mouse was a vtuber before sora

>> No.15123824
Quoted by: >>15135024

wtf my nigga lacari on /vt/

>> No.15124316 [DELETED] 

>mouse sister has cum
thank you for your attention

>> No.15124407
Quoted by: >>15124649

i strayed away from my niche gameplay autist channel and everyone on twitch is apparently just watching youtube video now. when the fuck did this happen.

>> No.15124618

Anything's better than anything featuring Mori Calliope

>> No.15124649

All gordon ramsays shows got thrown on youtube the other week and it became the twitch meta
It'll pass soon enough

>> No.15124737

I got so mad at the toolbox question, imagine losing to a bunch of weeb women when asked about what's on a toolbox

>> No.15125608
Quoted by: >>15126017

Even if my oshi was there, I'm not watching that. Kill yourself
>Maybe one day when Ironmouse overtakes Amouranth as the top female on Twitch, we'll start getting more threads that aren't just endless fucking bait.
Fuck off retard, you can barely leave your containment thread because you don't even want to deal with the rest of /vt/ in the first place
I couldn't care less if you like VShojo, but I'm still waiting for the day all of you fuck off to Discord

>> No.15126017

NTA but they aren't going away, keep dreaming bitch

>> No.15130394


>> No.15130933

I watched a few minutes of it, the guy in the middle left was somewhat funny

>> No.15131592

based GOD

>> No.15133669

I pity anyone too obtusely entrenched in tribalism to enjoy genuinely fun things

>> No.15134455

I think everyone can agree on this

>> No.15134507

Don't badmouth chuds because I am a chud.

>> No.15134556

everyone on the screen is based except kektone the trend chaser, a blight on every community he tries to hop onto

>> No.15134928

I love lagari

>> No.15134980


>> No.15135024

>implying lagari isn't OP

>> No.15135143

Tectone is the only reason the event happened. Iron Mouse was ghosting him for months until Tectone acted as a bridge between the weeb audiences and the regular streamers.

>> No.15135347

Tectone was the one that was able to make the event happen though so I guess the sacrifice was having to include him
