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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15077250 No.15077250 [Reply] [Original]

She literally only has 1 (ONE) good song, I don't know who unironically listens to her

>> No.15077266

Your oshi.

>> No.15077337


>> No.15077601

i hate everything she represents, but who's retarded enough not to understand simps?

>> No.15078749
Quoted by: >>15082786

What does she represent?

>> No.15079137

Japs since they don't understand eigo much and think Mori is cool

>> No.15079237
Quoted by: >>15079265

True I only listen to her ironically.
And buy her albums ironically
And buy her merch ironically
And send her supas ironically
And dox ironically
wait a minute...

>> No.15079265
Quoted by: >>15079326

Ironically kill yourself.

>> No.15079317

Red wasn't bad

>> No.15079326

It's too late I am already deadbeat

>> No.15079430

I liked Red and Bully.

>> No.15079454

I thought Mori was okay but when I was confronted with an instance where I could have shown her to an actual rap fan I listened to her again and there was nothing.

>> No.15079462

>i hate everything she represents

>> No.15079694
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>> No.15079867
Quoted by: >>15080132

I appreciate her talent, but women just really isn't cut out for the rap scene
It's like looking at a successful bodybuilder, who also happens to be a midget

There's a reason why despite after releasing so many rap music, the one that took off wasn't even a rap music

>> No.15079967

Why couldn't Gura hit 20m views on her original song?

>> No.15080072

Because you didn't click it enough times

>> No.15080105
File: 645 KB, 2480x3508, 1640001491530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still crying.
Face it. If she wasn't the 2nd most popular EN, you wouldn't be whining about it.

>> No.15080128

I liked Live Again back then, and it still holds up even now. i actually haven't listened to anything past her first EP.

>> No.15080132
Quoted by: >>15080622

Go all in on moe singing girl? That's kind of gimped compared to her many compariates?

I kind of don't envy her, creatively.

>> No.15080134
Quoted by: >>15083099

Because it's not very good. But then again, neither is Excuse me, can you please RIP. Mori's good songs are the ones that don't heavily reference or do callbacks to her fanbase/general kayfabe, like End of a Life, Live Again, and Bully. The ones that have shoutouts to deadbeats and constantly reference being a shinigami are pretty mediocre and sometimes downright laughably silly.

>> No.15080346
Quoted by: >>15080481

The more I think about her situation the sadder I get. It's a classic faustian bargain. The only solution is graduation

>> No.15080393
File: 700 KB, 500x850, mori-ruler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life of a Mori anti
>get mad that Pink Woman is dominating the EN Vtuber Music scene
>whine about it on the most irrelevant place for discussion.
>forget about own life, whine continuously until he dies

this rrat is even deader than dead. Most of her songs are on the 2-3M range in terms of views.

>> No.15080481

an example: >>15080346

>> No.15080490

>this rrat is even deader than dead
Saying her music sucks balls is not a rrat

>> No.15080507

Imagine thinking that more views means better music. Have you listened to any of the most viewed and liked songs on YouTube?

>> No.15080577
File: 1.69 MB, 1200x1694, 1612581499353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forget about own life, whine continuously until he dies
Then she gets their soul.

>> No.15080580

You mean, your the authority on something really subjective, anon?

That's why you're miserable. You can't see why "normies" like something because you've been shut inside your own bubble.

TLDR: Touch grass.

>> No.15080622

>Go all in on moe singing girl?
I mean doesn't have to go idol song route but more singing and less rap.

>> No.15080637

The cattle can't make good judgement, it's been like this since the dawn of time. And yes, her music sucks objectively. What makes a quality rap, anon?

>> No.15080640

>he's probably mad because it's very likely that his Hololive oshi likes Mori's Music

>> No.15080682

Ah yes, your authority is better than IRyS, Watame, Suisei et al, who have all vouched for her music.

>> No.15080720

I asked you a question. How do you judge the quality of a rap?

>> No.15080723

>Good rap music taste
Pick one.

>> No.15080731

I guess the song Baby Shark is better than Fleetwood Mac's Landslide because it has more views and likes, then.

>> No.15080829

This isn’t Red

>> No.15080915

Ah yes, the old "look up highly rated music on google and then spit it out like diarrhea" to compare to "most viewed" shit.

You have no argument, all you have is a mentality that you are special.

>> No.15080935
Quoted by: >>15080987

But now you are talking about her rap. What about her non-rap songs?

>> No.15080961



Go watch a stream you fucking children

>> No.15080987

Look, I don't hate her. Her non-rap can be fine (she still needs to do tons of reps), but her "rapping" is dreadful.

>> No.15081009
Quoted by: >>15083603

Protip: you can report trolls singling out vtubers.

>> No.15081129
Quoted by: >>15081383

I don't think I'm special at all. I just don't think her music is very good. I think the fact that she has to stay in character constrains her ability to write the kind of music that she really wants to write. This is just my opinion, of course. The more she distances herself from writing music based around being a shinigami, the better it's going to be. What's with this mentality that Mori's music is above any kind of criticism? We all know by now that no matter what kind of content the hololive girls make, it receives tons of views and likes. That's why I referenced baby shark, because children will like and watch literally anything.

>> No.15081145

>Fleetwood Mac
lol that's like imagine dragons or late maroon 5 of the 70s, KEK, but I see what you mean
bro, you should at least choose something that's not surface-level shit
lmao why are you so butthurt, mori legit doesn't make very good music, it's corny as fuck
she does have skill, she can go pretty fast, but it's soulless
some hooks are pretty catchy though, I like off with your heads
why would they shit on their colleague?
>x said

>> No.15081230

>27M views for the generic forgettable rap
Good for her, I guess

>> No.15081325

Well to be fair, RIP is her worst one but it is one that got popular.

>> No.15081339
Quoted by: >>15081418

>Being popular isn't successful

>> No.15081383

You complain about the keyfabe in the lyrics (which she more or less abandoned), I complain about her skills or lack thereof. She lacks creativity, can't sing for shit and her rapping is by far the worst part.

>> No.15081418

You're quoting the wrong man, anon

>> No.15081441

>he's still mad that his oshi probably loves Mori more than him

>> No.15081532

>can't sing for shit
I disagree. Compared to last year she is much better but it mostly shows in her karaokes.

>> No.15081556


>> No.15081584

She's barely middle of the road in Hololive, and if we want to take her seriously in a professional context, it's far from acceptable.

>> No.15081588

"Deadbeats swing it now, grab the scythe and show them how"
She constantly makes references to things that embody her character, some subtle and some overt. She also has to be mindful of not hurting the brand by being too heavy or crude. And yeah, I agree, her rapping is just cringey at times. I think her singing can be okay when mixed properly, but live you can tell that she's extremely unpolished. I wouldn't go as far as to say that she's untalented, though. However, Mori is extremely overrated due to the simps that praise literally everything she does. Every vtuber talent has this problem with their fans.

>> No.15081598

I'm beginning to sense that this isn't really a Mori diss thread but a rap diss thread.

Because let's face it: Musical Mori is better than the Rapper.

>> No.15081620
Quoted by: >>15081747

She's not even the best singer in HoloEN

>> No.15081635
Quoted by: >>15081828

That song is a year old anonchama

>> No.15081642 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 180x200, 1640047685242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.15081687

>However, Mori is extremely overrated
>I wouldn't go as far as to say that she's untalented
Where's the "talent" part in your post? What is Mori's talent? Swinging her humongous Live2D tits?

>> No.15081713

Rap is cancer though

>> No.15081747

I didn't even say she was best singer in EN.

>> No.15081751
Quoted by: >>15081787

Her talent is living rent free in your head. Because face it; she'll see more money than you'll ever see in your lifetime.

>> No.15081760

>Swinging her humongous Live2D tits?
Have you seen her rl tits? Now those ARE humongous

>> No.15081787
Quoted by: >>15081849

You sound exactly like those teenage girls who loved boybands.

>> No.15081794

It's me the last deadbeat

>> No.15081828

What about the entirety of guh? Or blades to be swung yet in Red? She hasn't dropped it entirely.

>> No.15081840
Quoted by: >>15081934

I like rap, that's why Mori's "rap" offends my ears.

>> No.15081849

and you sound exactly like those contrarians who latched on to Mozart's Ass.

>> No.15081885
Quoted by: >>15081933

>Comparing Mozart to fucking Mori
Please listen to more music

>> No.15081889
Quoted by: >>15081937

Hell, EoaL has references to "office is a coffin"

>> No.15081933

Ah yes, the nobody who's claim to fame is that HE'S OLD.

>> No.15081934
Quoted by: >>15081966

just click off the video nigga, you're literally getting cyberbullied by an anime girl
holy shit, what a fucking baby

>> No.15081937

At this point you're complaining about metaphors.

>> No.15081966
Quoted by: >>15082004

I'm just saying she sucks, deadbrap. Listen to that garbage all you want.

>> No.15082004

No, you want a medal for saying you don't like her music. KEK. That's what you actually want.

>> No.15082011

NTA, but holy mother of projection
he made good shit, but it's mostly pretentious fucks, idiots that want to appear smart and richfags that suck his cock
mozard was based
he fucked his cousin and liked shit, maybe even ate shit
great composer

>> No.15082169

Yeah, the guy is posting on /vt/. He can't even be bothered to discuss it on /mu/. It's because he wants attention.

Like one anon has said: This guy just wants to be deemed "special"

>> No.15082197

t. simps

>> No.15082240

was kinda obvious when he started referring to people as cattle

>> No.15082253
Quoted by: >>15082366

Go on, try discusssing her on /mu/, see how it goes. I'm being gentle here.

>> No.15082308
Quoted by: >>15082479

discuss this on /mu/. because for vtuber music, Mori's music is popular and high-quality, so sorry that your oshi most definitely listens to her.

While you whine about quality, people in her line of work praise her music, inside and outside of Hololive.

>> No.15082354
Quoted by: >>15082488

Neither of those anons but i do disagree that all her music is bad. I personally hope that she can kinda move on from rap and just sing normally like this new musical arc recently has showed that she can do it just fine.

>> No.15082366

except you're the one being challenged to go there; people all know that /mu/tants are pretentious shitters.

You explicitly want to be given the keys to the city for "not liking what the 'cattle' like" So please.

>> No.15082479

You do awfully sound like a K-pop fan, which is hilarious

>> No.15082488
Quoted by: >>15082651

I was the guy that he said I just want to feel special for criticizing her music, but I don't think it's bad, either. But it's also not above discussing or criticizing, which was the whole point of the thread, I think.

>> No.15082492

anon, you're running out of boogeymen.

>> No.15082538

what next? Ed Sheeran fan?

>> No.15082578

>tfw loser's team bracket.

>> No.15082651
Quoted by: >>15082892

not really my dude, opening a thread with 'this is all shit outside of one song, people must listen to it ironically' is just bait, not an invitation to discussion
OP could've just made a 'lets discuss popular vtuber orisong' and actually draw in some people interested in a discussion and not just contrarian shitters

>> No.15082663
File: 5 KB, 602x47, snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15084138

>> No.15082786 [DELETED] 

She's a BLM/Antifa activist irl. She's even admitted on one of her art streams she only gives 7% of her time to her fans. She's a piece of shit, and deserving to be paired with an even worse SJW chicken.

>> No.15082843 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15082986

after that watch-a-long, I don't think this bait won't work anymore.

>> No.15082848

I just wish people would say WHY her rap is bad and not just complaining that people like that.
I don't listen to rap, I'm not even a deadbeat, but all I read is "Mori is bad, Mori isn't talented, Mori blabla".

So, I'm genuinely curious, what's that is that bad about Mori's rap? What's good rap?

>> No.15082884

>What's good rap?
Bingo. There isn't such thing as good rap

>> No.15082892
Quoted by: >>15082980

I got successfully baited, then. I was far too eager to discuss her music. That being said, I sincerely believe it's getting better as she goes. I just want her to drop the references to her character and write whatever the hell she wants to.

>> No.15082941
Quoted by: >>15082973

they're LARPers.

They don't know shit about music production, nor do they know about music theory. Most of them aren't even discussing this on /mu/ because their primary goal is to be given a medal, supposedly because they're not sheep.

>> No.15082942

i noticed too. she got some singing techniques.

>> No.15082951 [DELETED] 

t. deadbeat
Not even the most schizo anti thinks like this

>> No.15082973
Quoted by: >>15082997

>They don't know shit about music production, nor do they know about music theory.
Do you?

>> No.15082975
Quoted by: >>15083005

>There's a lot of thoughts I can't say outright
>I've got my chords, you've got your keyboard, and both us got all night
>Try again, I'm wishing you well
>But you will never roast me better than I roast myself!

>> No.15082980

She's dropping a non-Mori EP next year.

>> No.15082986 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15083048

You probably unironically like the pink cat, despite the fact she also threw her old fan base under the bus not once, but twice in the span of two years. One for deleting her only means of popularity (aka "POMF!") while calling her fans pedos, while throwing a shitfit over the Nux shit. Neck yourself.

>> No.15082992


>> No.15082997
Quoted by: >>15083047

No, but I don't proclaim my music tastes as "special"

>> No.15083005

Is this what people consider a good rap these days? kek

>> No.15083047
Quoted by: >>15083084


>> No.15083048 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15083154

again, anon. You're running out of boogeymen.

>> No.15083084

See, No music critic is popular because they're all theory and no application.

>> No.15083099

This, End of a Life and Live Again are in the same vein as H*** S** ******* which is great. Mori is really really good at this kind of song

>> No.15083113 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15083126
Quoted by: >>15083161

>No music critic is popular
Brainlet hands typed this post

>> No.15083143
Quoted by: >>15083200

>I don't know who unironically listens to her
She's the top musician in hololive and probably all of vtubing, of course people are listening to her. You are allowed to dislike her music, just say that instead of pretending you're special.

>> No.15083144 [DELETED] 

It's growing!

>> No.15083154 [DELETED] 
File: 2.05 MB, 8664x3816, 1609326795802 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15083299

Anon, it's fine if you want to be naive, but don't go being a retard about it too.

>> No.15083159 [DELETED] 

you can tell this is a deadbeat falseflag since he got the bait just wrong enough to catch the big autists from both sides concerned about proper quoting

>> No.15083161
Quoted by: >>15083174

I've been called a brainlet millions of times anon, your words mean nothing.

>> No.15083168

No music critic is popular because no one cares about critics in general. Do you hear a lot about literary critics from 200 years ago? No, because nobody cares about them. People will continue liking what they like for centuries, critics will die and be forgotten

>> No.15083174
Quoted by: >>15083205

>your words mean nothing.
Right back at you

>> No.15083200
Quoted by: >>15083304

>instead of pretending you're special.
The favorite argument of shiteaters, never get tired of seeing in threads like this

>> No.15083205
Quoted by: >>15083260

yeah, but the difference between you and I is that you actually believe that your insight is significant and that makes you the fool.

>> No.15083217
Quoted by: >>15083249

holy moly, he's breaking out the classics, that collage is over a year old

>> No.15083249
File: 183 KB, 1350x1150, 1607964856628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well bring this out:
RRAT Liquidation List 2021 edition:
>Shadowverse training arc with La+
>Is writing her second novel for young adults, "The Powerful Reapers of Destiny"
>Converting to Islam to give the highest of ups to Allah
>Borrowed Watson's time machine so she can redo all of her past yabs
>Is secretly the Gundam SEED Movie's writer
>Is doing a RAP bootcamp for Gen5
>Started to become Yukihana Lamy
>Called Flare a nigger in front of yagoo
>Recording a double demon collab song
>Spilled her spaghetti and lost her poor meatball when it rolled out of the door
>Got a little too into roleplaying on obscure internet chatrooms
>In the process of ditching hololive to sign with Dr. Dre's label
>Cloning herself for the MoriDice collab/CalliMori rap battle
>Slipped into the calliopeople timeline
>Invading the dreams of all the deadbeats who miss her
>went into hiding because she can't stop cringing at herself
>left to search for the Dragon Balls so she can make her one wish that she can't pretend she don't wanna see come true
>she heard her activation phrase and was awakened to the reality that she was a Russian bioweapon raised in the states to be used against glorious nippon
>Finding more subtle ways to put roommate references into everything
>Started to care TOO much about hololive and took off early to distance herself from them
>Busy setting up multiple false accounts with vpns to donate during the all the celebrations happening during her absence
>Had to go into the offices at cover to receive her yearly corporate brainwashing
>Cares more about other vtubers than her fans
>she's learning EU4 after getting Paradox permissions
>Is fighting a losing battle trying to get her gaseous asseous under control
>Appearing as a special guest at E3
>Preparing for constant all night sex orgies with Okayu, Coco, A-chan and Coco
>took time off to shoot scenes for the newest Evil Dead
>Uber called for a surprise sponsorship deal since her purchases constituted 95% of their net profits
>IRyS was waiting for her at the yakiniku joint and had to cut the stream early
>she had an important Zoom call with Applebee's Japan division
>police took her in for interrogation after they discovered her music played during the last 10 recorded driving incidents
>her local hospital ward needed her assistance as a temporary nurse
>she larped as a shinigami on the 2a.m. train ride
>the yakuza held a meeting to discuss her new membership strategies
>she visited her nearby high school to practice for the sports festival

>> No.15083260

>is that you actually believe that your insight is significant
I don't, but thanks for putting the words in my mouth, I guess.

>> No.15083299
Quoted by: >>15083380

If that is the worst "political" thing you can find from Mori then she really is good at hiding her "SJW side".

>> No.15083304

Hey, don't get upset now. That's exactly what he's doing

>> No.15083318

Yona Yona Journey is really good but I doubt most of her EOP fans know about Taku Inoue.

>> No.15083336

I find it funny how the /jp/ board didn't know about a song by one of the most famous Vocaloid producers and attributed those lyrics to her.

>> No.15083368

the really funny one is Dawn Blue pre-singer reveal and Dawn Blue post-singer reveal.

>> No.15083380

Denial is but the first stage. But at least you're getting there.

>> No.15083407

People who has listen to more than one of her song anon

>> No.15083409

>almost 2022
>unironically giving a shit about Vocaloids or VocaPs

>> No.15083463
Quoted by: >>15083475

Anon, we don't give medals for your opinions, please keep that in mind.

>> No.15083475
Quoted by: >>15083525

You're running out of buzzwords, anon.

>> No.15083525
Quoted by: >>15083536

Awww, how cute. Still no medals for a mediocre comeback.

>> No.15083536
Quoted by: >>15083574

You should try harder.

>> No.15083547
Quoted by: >>15084533

Anon, i would like if you posted any kinda proof that she is BLM/Antifa activist. If there was don't you think doxxfags would have not found them months ago?

>> No.15083574
Quoted by: >>15083602

Why would I try? The 4chan points that you were "winning" were imaginary.

>> No.15083602

>The 4chan points that you were "winning" were imaginary.
A literal schizo post

>> No.15083603

>This post violates a rule:
>They be talking shiet about Mori

>> No.15083637

You see anon, she's just like suisei... I've said this once before and I'll say it again... If suisei literally puts her mic beside her toilet and took a massive shit, and put it out under the guise of "music" it'll fucking chart in Japan and people will sing its praise, suisei and mori are the literal KSIs of the vtuber world... They have so many supporters that regardless of what they do they'll think "it's great"

>> No.15083702
Quoted by: >>15085191

>There's nothing wrong with me, IT'S ALL OF YOU THAT'S WRONG


>> No.15083704

I don't get why people get so uppity over this. Is her music overrated? Sure, she did skip the biggest wall musicians face (building an audience from scratch), but that's unsurpriging since she's an entertainer from a popular company.
Does it matter, though? I don't like her music since I'm not too big on fast rap, but I'm happy for her and think it's nice that she was able to achieve her dream.

>> No.15083709
File: 999 KB, 1920x1080, 1623886705802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, to the people who like her music, what do you like about it? What do you think could be better about it?

>> No.15083778
Quoted by: >>15083840

rapping without bling and sex and actually using extended vocabulary; switching from Japanese to English

Mori needs to drop the filter and go full demon

>> No.15083814
Quoted by: >>15083869

She SHOULD rap about bling and sex. But knows nothing about that
So her music is doomed to be boring

>> No.15083840

>rapping without bling and sex and actually using extended vocabulary
This is the quintessential "I don't listen to rap beyond Eminem" opinion. Listen to more music.

>> No.15083869
Quoted by: >>15083942

>literally distills rap to bling and sex
you're the exact sheep that people hate.

>> No.15083872
Quoted by: >>15083956

>What do you think could be better about it?
Less rap and more singing and i wish her collab songs with other people would less feel like she was just there as a feature.

>> No.15083942

Go listen to Eminem. It doesn’t HAVE to be just about bling and sex but it’s a meme songs about that can’t be good. Sometimes all you need is charisma and a good beat to carry a track. Mori has neither

>> No.15083956

But that's literally what they're using her for. Feature Mori and instantly it becomes your most played and viewed song.

>> No.15083967
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1609870398410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go listen to Eminem
This thread is a fucking riot

>> No.15083982

pretty much every song is catchy and replayable
the more personal ones have nice lyric play
her inclusion of rock and electroswing bits gives them a particular character that vibes with people who grown up on millennial music

some of her rhymes and lines fit a poetic flow rather than rap one, making the rhythm too wordy and rushed which makes them often fall flat in live performances
more focus on slow rap over fast rap because with fast she often cannot project enough power into her voice (that shows mainly when she's directly contrasted with someone like Fra, who can deliver rapid flow with lots of puch)

>> No.15083990
Quoted by: >>15084021

>Go listen to Eminem. It doesn’t HAVE to be just about bling and sex but it’s a meme songs about that can’t be good. Sometimes all you need is charisma and a good beat to carry a track. Mori has neither
You say this when she's already popular.

>> No.15084021

Because she’s an anime girl rapping.

>> No.15084031
Quoted by: >>15084065

I'd prefer simpler production and beats.

>> No.15084050
Quoted by: >>15084141

He hasn't seen Tokyo Womb

>> No.15084065

meant for >>15083709

>> No.15084076
Quoted by: >>15084141

Anon, you realize that she toured last year, right?

>> No.15084138

>criticism is harassing

>> No.15084141
Quoted by: >>15084169

Why are you talking about her failed roommate here this is a hololive thread

>> No.15084152

Go back.

>> No.15084161

>Sure, she did skip the biggest wall musicians face (building an audience from scratch)
She was already pretty popular before she became a vtuber

>> No.15084163
File: 2.82 MB, 498x235, schizo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE Mori so much I literaly can't get my mind off of her, everyday when I wake up, i feel good but when I open up these threads again , I'm constantly reminded how I used to be bullied in school by people who listened to rap. I am CONSTANTLY reminded how my oshi's fanbase can't afford akasupas. When the Mori thanked an akasupa during Gura's stream, there is something inside of that snapped something that awoken me in the inside, something that I need to do get RID OF THESE STUPID FUCKING DEADBRAPS FOREVER, so I would always come into these threads every day to bully DEADBRAPS back because that's what they deserve, and I'm glad sharkmeido is not deleting anti posts, and allowing CHUMCHADS and TEAMATES to be in here so that I can make fun of you Deadbraps ESPECIALLY DEADBRAPS. I am always going to be here in these threads until I see every deadbrap dead on the floor so we FINALLY discuss Gura's cunny again. No joke I literally cried in anger to sleep and I needed emotional support,so I went to my boyfriend for support and I feel more confident now because of how he can deal with bullying from SICK people LIKE YOU I cant get my mind off of MORI all the time, I WANT HER DEAD I come here just to see deadbraps BLEED and I will continue to put more pics of MORI'S ROOMMATE so i can get the message across all of yuo. Everytime I look at THOSE SMUG MORI FACES I want to grab them and slice their HEADS OFF LIKE MONKEYS. I DONT FUCKING CARE ANYMORE ITS JUST TEEHEETEEHEETEEHEE AND IM SICK OF IT

Deadbraps you ruined my life. You ruined these threads. And I EVEN GOT FIRED FROM MY JOB BECAUSE OF YOU. Im going to come for you and you will SUFFER........


>> No.15084169

>Clamor for her music has been good

>> No.15084215
File: 66 KB, 900x660, 1622207404762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15084248

>Live Again
>Cursed Night
>End of a Life
Nice try though Deadbeat.

>> No.15084224
File: 389 KB, 810x664, 1639746613889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: The "people" posting about her music being bad and forgettable are seething 2views and small corpos who will never even get a fraction of her views. You will never be popular. Just give up and find a real job already.

>> No.15084227

Jesus fuck it's that time again. Nobody cares about your secret knowledge bullshit. Get the fuck away from this board.

>> No.15084248
Quoted by: >>15084267

Cursed Night is TRASH

>> No.15084254
Quoted by: >>15084303

>Unironically using this term
You don't belong here. Kill yourself.

>> No.15084267

As is Love Again

>> No.15084283
Quoted by: >>15084365

Doxxbeats just can't help it

>> No.15084303

No u

>> No.15084365
Quoted by: >>15086131

>claim that her music won't be popular if she wasn't Mori
>provide information otherwise

like clockwork.

>> No.15084383

Lmao this thread is just a excuse to post dox shit and get mad at good numbers

>> No.15084424
Quoted by: >>15084435

Would be cool if the jannies would wake the fuck up and nuke this thread.

>> No.15084435

Why? It's honest criticism. Just nuke the doxx.

>> No.15084453
Quoted by: >>15084475

>can't even articulate anything besides RAP BAD.

>> No.15084475
Quoted by: >>15084502

I actually see some posts discussing why they like it and why they don't like it.

>> No.15084497
Quoted by: >>15084753

the only people that gave any sort of opinion outside of 'it's trash because I say so' are like 2% of the posts
ironically they're also the more positive posts

>> No.15084502

but it's mostly a debate whether bling/sex are good on lyrics.

>> No.15084533
Quoted by: >>15084635

Forget the sjw shit, that 7% is the most mindblowing thing ever happen if it true.
Someone who write and sing her own song (+ occasionally made MV) and still stream quite often on top of all that only spend 7% ? im impressed the schizo even bother spreading that bs

>> No.15084635

The percentage was actually about front-end/back-end. And even then, Mori's bad at math because it's Arguably 30/70

>> No.15084753
File: 417 KB, 563x821, 1626092163331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give my two cents: she doesn't understand how lyrics should flow in a song. She likes to cram many words in a few sentences to give the illusion of being good at rapping, when rapping is mostly about the flow of these words. "Flow" is the ability of a rapper to melodically and rhythmically express their lyrics in a certain way on a certain beat. Mori uses the same stilted and forced flow in every song, while emphasizing the most important bits by raising her voice pitch, something she clearly picked up from Eminem and J-rappers.
Not only that, but she's lyrically amateurish, her best lyrics rotating around a limited vocabulary and using sophomorish rhetorical figures. Her worst lyrics are just laughable (see the Dead Beats EP and Cursed Night). The beat selection is hit or miss.
Her singing voice is getting better but it's still far from good, she croaks on not very high notes and suffers on not very low notes, and she's still unable to properly use dynamics.

>> No.15084828
Quoted by: >>15084877

I'm not really seeing criticism, more like "I don't like her because she doesn't rap/sing the way I like"

>> No.15084877

That's because music is subjective. But to properly criticize music, you should specify what are good and bad practices for every genre.
What makes rap good, anon?

>> No.15084914

I see your points, but some of them try to paint the influences as objectively negative when they can also be considered style choices
yes, she obviously imitates J-rap because that's the one that vibes personally with her, and just how J-rap flow might not ring with the typical western listener, neither does denpa or enka music
the cramming of lyrics is a decent point, which is why calmer and more thoughtful songs tend to end up on the stronger side

>> No.15084987

I thought it was a river in Egypt

>> No.15085088

Brah, assuming she writes her own lyrics, then she is seamlessly mixing together two languages. No one is saying she’s as good as Biggiepac but as far as white woman rappers go she’s pretty damn good

>> No.15085151 [DELETED] 

even Kiara is more of a BLM activist, and she's a casual racist

>> No.15085189

Their music is genuinely terrible too, they’re just good singers and performers. Mori’s music probably sounds cool and fresh to their foreign ears. Most music that comes out of Japan unironically sucks. They have/had a good punk, electronic and Jazz scene as well as the artists that worked on 90’s and 00’s anime soundtracks and scores. Other than that it’s mostly overproduced plastic disposable crap and I’m not even shitposting.

>> No.15085191

You are correct, everyone who disagrees is wrong.
I am right because I know I'm right, anyone who likes mori's "music" unironically is a retard who's opinion should be discarded.

>> No.15085202

She's got as much as 1? Could've fooled me

>> No.15085285
Quoted by: >>15085472

You forgot about their Math Rock acts. Pretty good stuff.

>> No.15085332
Quoted by: >>15085429

Still better than what orange woman could ever produce in her pathetic life

>> No.15085340
Quoted by: >>15085985

Then anon, your argument isn't really about Mori, it's about Japanese Music.

>> No.15085344

>Other than that it’s mostly overproduced plastic disposable crap
Honestly, I agree with this. Not only J-pop is massively overproduced, it's also dreadfully overarranged more often than not, especially if it isn't a band who does a song.

>> No.15085412
Quoted by: >>15085483

Can someone explain what people mean when they say "overproduced"?

>> No.15085429

rrrrrrrent free

>> No.15085472
Quoted by: >>15085505

Actually yes, you’re right, I’ve been listening to Tricot a lot recently and those girls are fucking insane. Really puts into perspective how bad Hololive’s musical output is when you listen to a band like that.

>> No.15085483

too many alterations to the natural/recorded sound wthin editing software
Calli's music generally doesn't fall into that, plus the way she does her own vocal mixing doesn't involve many pitch corrections at all

>> No.15085505

Very based anon, finally some good music in this disgraceful thread.

>> No.15085609

>it's also dreadfully overarranged more often than not
I blame the advent of DTM for that. With bands you generally have gt/bass/drums/vocals and you have to work with that to achieve maximum effect

>> No.15085621

Deadbeat here. I legitimately like her music. I do think some of her songs are kind of meh, mainly when lyrically they lean too heavily on her lore as a vtuber. But even with that songs like Red and Live Again were great. I heavily disagree with the idea that she should stop rapping and that it’s debuffing her. She’s made some really good songs like S****rs, W*****e, and unironically G*** G*** K***** that displayed some real lyrical talent and ability as a rapper. Her rap karaoke stream back in October was also kino as fuck.

>> No.15085985

It’s about both. Mori’s music is a weird hybrid that is rarely pulled off. I admire her output and passion and I think she's a great vtuber, but the way she arrogantly carries herself as a musical icon is pure cringe considering how bad most of it is. She’d be a laughing stock outside of vtubing. To be fair to her, she found a medium that would accept her crap and she's successful as fuck because of it.

>> No.15086131

I didn't claim anything. But I will now: Your "discussion" point is a waste of time.

>> No.15086179

Anon, that's equivalent to a loser saying:

I would've won if (insert variable here) happened.

>> No.15086413
Quoted by: >>15086788

It's true though. Good for her she's found her niche.

>> No.15086599

I could make the same argument about Ina. Her work is generic as shit compared to so many artists in her field but Hololive makes her work look godlike in comparison. If Sana did a few streams working on a serious piece everyone would quickly realise who the true artist of Hololive is, but even Sana isn't that great compared to many outside of vtubing. Mori is the same. Hololive fans generally have terrible taste when it comes to art and music and the numbers just further warp people's perceptions of quality.

>> No.15086669

Anon, Ina has an award for her work and has been involved in work outside of Holo nowadays.

>> No.15086788
Quoted by: >>15086890

>vtuber music sucks
>he posts this on a vtuber board

again, your actions really make it seem that you crave attention and adoration for "not being a simp"

>> No.15086825
Quoted by: >>15087004

Is there no middle ground between "godlike" and "garbage"?

>> No.15086890

>your actions

>> No.15086969
Quoted by: >>15087617

>but the way she arrogantly carries herself as a musical icon is pure cringe considering how bad most of it is
I don't see where you are getting that from. She was toxically self-deprecating in her first streams, and several of her songs have some quips against herself. She has plenty of people she wants to push (her producer THHK, Milkyqueen, BV) and End of a Life has a part specifically about how she feels like she's lived long enough / become successful enough to be a villain to her struggling fans.

>> No.15087004

not for internet-poisoned people

>> No.15087045
Quoted by: >>15087199

>considering how bad most of it is
It's most certainly not bad, just painfully mediocre, which is fine, I'm willing to take mediocre over genuinely bad.

>> No.15087072

do people actually listen to music for the literature part? The production on her tracks are pretty good.

>> No.15087102
Quoted by: >>15087473

Fair point. Ina admittedly wasn't a fair comparison because her and Sana are the only truly talented members in Hololive that aren't laughing stocks outside of it. Sana has achieved just as much as Ina, if not more. They're far more talented in art than what Mori is in music, lets put it that way.

>> No.15087153

It’s actually other artists who appreciate Ina the most for reasons that are obvious to professional drawfags and opaque to random morons. But with all artistic endeavors saying something is good or bad is something children do. Good or bad at what? In what context? It’s like people who get mad about early postmodernist or dada works. Baby shark is very obviously good at some things. So is RIP.

>> No.15087178

>but the way she arrogantly carries herself as a musical icon is pure cringe considering how bad most of it is. She’d be a laughing stock outside of vtubing.
you tried appearing reasonable, only for your argument to fall off a cliff and go full schizo
why are you like this both of those things are objectively false

>> No.15087199

I'd say Mori's work is genuinely bad.

>> No.15087200

objectively, those most viewed and liked songs are great music atleast production wise

except for latin moombaton music. its hell's ass.

>> No.15087264
Quoted by: >>15087316


>> No.15087316
Quoted by: >>15087341

Plenty of reasons ITT.

>> No.15087341

Name at least one

>> No.15087473
Quoted by: >>15088152

why are you acting like Mori didn't release music before Holo, or that she wasn't somewhat notable within her niche
is it just doxxbait

>> No.15087617

Her PL experience fucked with her confidence and that sucks, but nowadays she acts like she's drastically improved when all she's done differently is display some self-awareness in her lyrics and work with higher profile producers that leech off her popularity. Her best tracks are those with good instrumentals, something she has little input with. It's like the vtubers that are carried by their designs.

>> No.15087624

end of a life is her best song, and i don't think she'll ever top it but that doesn't mean the rest are bad. Your Mori is 3/5 good, off with their heads was great, Live Again is probably her second best song, deadbeats is super catchy. I dunno, her music isn't idol like, its more just normal music.

>> No.15088074
Quoted by: >>15088343

but EoaL has a very simple instrumental and is carried mainly by the vocals and the lyrics

>> No.15088152
Quoted by: >>15088592

Lol you're acting like I'm an anti. I've complimented her many times in my rants and I respect her the most in EN. I can see the irony in me arrogantly shitting on someone successful on /vt/ of all places, doesn't mean I'm wrong though. Her music is bad and she deserves no more success than any other Holo because it's mostly terrible. The last 'good' song was that depressing track of Polka's but even that was still carried by the instrumental.

>> No.15088238

You make it sound like that isn't the case with most music.

>> No.15088343

It's my favourite of hers and I think it's her best work. Still pretty shit in the grand scheme of things but good for Hololive.

>> No.15088346

NTA but I miss those days when mainstream artists used to compose AND arrange their works themselves, with producers only adding a tiny bit of polish during the mixing stage

>> No.15088592

you mostly sound incredibly schizo rather than anti, since you have a semi-reasonable argument that then devolves into 'she'd be laughed at' and 'she doesn't deserve success' kind of shit
it might be due to a weak grasp of English, but it looks really bipolar

>> No.15088648
Quoted by: >>15088942

You're right and that's why most music is bad. I mentioned Tricot earlier, listen to them just so you have a reference for talented Japanese musicians. Their numbers are somewhat on-par with Mori and Suisei's stuff. Compare this track to the best work those two have put out: https://youtu.be/9xwHNjz-gmA

Watch them live too.

>> No.15088856


>> No.15088942
Quoted by: >>15089352

s-so this is peak performance for /mu/tants...

>> No.15089352
Quoted by: >>15089539

What is peak performance for you?

>> No.15089539
Quoted by: >>15089627

I'll answer with a simile, it'll be simpler
mainstream music - stuff I'd wear to work or friend meeting
Holo music - shit I'd put on to go to an anime con

what you posted is like some weird shit I seen at fashion shows - it made me raise a brow and think about what the fuck it is, but I'll most likely never interact with it again

>> No.15089627

>what you posted
I'm not that anon, but thanks for the answer

>> No.15090717

I... Do? Mostly because they're catchy to my taste and good enough noise to accompany me do things.

Not really one to look at the lyrics and the art of rap. I'd just listen to actual singer-songwriters or rappers for that.

>> No.15091569

Your Mori is 4/4 imo once you get past the filters.
LP Offline >> Voice of the Heroes > Melodic Blue > Your Mori > Donda-Off the grid > Montero-singles > CLB-fair trade > Culture 3

>> No.15092456
File: 404 KB, 362x817, ddsb8ec-cca7c63a-7985-4bcc-84b4-aafc24fd88dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only cattle I'm sure of has shit taste is you son.

>> No.15094195

that doesn't come from thin air. If someone has proven than he/she can provide quality songs (like it or not the genre), they'll keep buying those things made by those artists. You are not proving anything, specially since Mori and Suisei are not factory made artists like Kpop boybands

>> No.15098834
File: 204 KB, 2048x1846, 1640202066653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All her songs are good because I enjoy listening to them
Simple as'

>> No.15100789

But its a great song

>> No.15100914

You’re just another sheep anon.
