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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.24 MB, 2700x2700, t011f8n11b381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15081037 No.15081037 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>15068358

>> No.15081048

General numberfag sites

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list athttps://pastebin.com/CCfK7mVR

>> No.15081097

The other thread is going to get deleted so I'm staying here

>> No.15081154
File: 240 KB, 981x454, current.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15081562

Top 5 livestreams at the moment.

>> No.15081182

>Kronii in C

>> No.15081237
File: 163 KB, 982x455, peaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa seems to have today's gold at the moment.

>> No.15081280

That is weak gold.
But Towa/Laplus Collab might win which is also on Twap channel.

>> No.15081295

What's with the cringe reddit OP pic

>> No.15081333

Towa sucks at this and is a numbers black hole. They really need to give this tournament to somebody else next year. This is a total mess.

>> No.15081342
File: 220 KB, 392x309, 1613275408171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15081358
Quoted by: >>15081433

She's the one organizing it so that's not going to happen

>> No.15081390

How would you have done it instead?

>> No.15081433

Give it back to Miko. She did the first one and would be much better than this.

>> No.15081446

Nta, but i would've put in the title that i'llbe calling on representatives.
Towa could've got higehr numbers by doing so.

>> No.15081451

What was the difference between how they did it?

>> No.15081470

have some actual fucking seeding to make sure the strong players are more evenly spread out for one

>> No.15081473

C looks like the easiest group

>> No.15081476

>Anya on voice
At least she gets to live out her dream of being japanese for a little bit.

>> No.15081501
File: 65 KB, 340x150, 1635383427433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La+ 5k members so far

>> No.15081516

Nah. She probably doesn't want that heck she wants someone else to host Sportsfest since she wants to play.

>> No.15081517
Quoted by: >>15081552

This tournament will beat sportfes numbers, right?

>> No.15081528

Stop seething seedingcuck

>> No.15081531

Did the Nijisanji tournament do that or was theirs random as well?

>> No.15081540

Why can Niji get 90k for their draft but Holo can only get 30k?

>> No.15081551

I honestly see no problem other than arranging the calls from the weakest draw (ID + EN) to largest (JP ace gen/racer)

>> No.15081552

missing some members. sportfes was only missing iofi

>> No.15081562


>> No.15081581
File: 71 KB, 337x143, 1638877403300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15081633

5612 for me, hm

>> No.15081586

we need ayame to host the lottery

>> No.15081606

>Niji get 90k

>> No.15081613

Heyy it's 40k lmao
Towa vs Toya, who do you think will get higher numbers?

>> No.15081616

koyori totsu coming up 8.8k waiting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV-snUVa-2M

>> No.15081633

it can be, mine is old

>> No.15081659

why is pekora outfit reveal got 187K and niji get sub 10k?

>> No.15081663

>so far
stream's been over for a while now, Laplus got 5612 members which I'm sure broke the record (not sure if anyone has exact numbers for everyone before Lui who got 2076)

>> No.15081725

Why Pekora can get 180k for an outfit reveal but Kuzuha can only get 50k?

>> No.15081732

Any timestamps of Laplus reacting to the Namibia stream?

>> No.15081735

Because niji is a failure and should all graduate

>> No.15081745

dead subs

>> No.15081758

>Ollie B

>> No.15081757

Zombie Gets B, buried, where she BELONGS.

>> No.15081778
File: 105 KB, 435x219, image_2021-12-22_135916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTH, there were 2 more Animal covers an hour ago.

This has been the fastest covered song I've seen so far, considering it came out on Dec 16th and Okayu's was already done within 20 hours.

Considering, for the cover, they needed to learn and record the song, get it mixed, commission artwork and have someone make the MV. This usually takes several weeks.
Did it get released beforehand? OR maybe Deco had some sort of contract with the uitate/vtubers to give them early access to prepare their covers.

Anyway, looks to be the new hotness for covers.

>> No.15081795
File: 510 KB, 1779x987, Seiso my ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, I'm pretty sure it was a shit post

>> No.15081803

wow block D is doom block for sure, any of them could win.

>> No.15081806


>> No.15081808
Quoted by: >>15081938

And lose to mel.

>> No.15081831
Quoted by: >>15081891

That stream got recommended to a lot of Japanese users, though.

>> No.15081842


>> No.15081844
Quoted by: >>15081880

early company tournament lost to a frigging outfit, how can they live with that shame

>> No.15081855

>Ollie in B
almost every numbers draw for each gen except for Kronii and FBK is in B

>> No.15081856

Tatsuya-kun??!!! Kakkoi!!!!!

>> No.15081859
File: 9 KB, 631x104, 1629193681292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15081912


>> No.15081877
Quoted by: >>15082200

I don't have the clip but she said it was inspirational and she compared her horns to the Oryx. Talking about how while their horns are longer hers are thicker and stronger. Namibia is taking over.

>> No.15081880
Quoted by: >>15081945

That was the lottery drawing.

>> No.15081888
Quoted by: >>15081985

Is the Twipper really gonna get a gold at 40k?

>> No.15081891

What's with this stream?

>> No.15081912

There were a lot of Japanese users in the stream's chat, so it's still pretty plausible.

>> No.15081938
File: 748 KB, 1280x1555, mel attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And lose to mel.
Sorry King, there is only space for one vampire on Halloween
>better luck next time

>> No.15081945


>> No.15081959

Who knows, it probably started with some people who watch vtubers watching it out of boredom, then the algo prodded it to other people and now its got thousands of viewers.

>> No.15081967
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, laughing selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082001

>27 years old boomer can't keep up with a 8 hours old meme

>> No.15081985
Quoted by: >>15082057

Do you not see the numbers Koyori is already getting without a single senpai guest?

>> No.15082001
Quoted by: >>15082119

how'd you guess my exact age anon?

>> No.15082057
File: 549 KB, 1780x988, Oryxback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082091

I wonder if the Oryx is going to call?

>> No.15082091
Quoted by: >>15082144

update the photo

>> No.15082119
File: 1014 KB, 1750x1650, selen laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the numbers thread, of course people will get the numbers right

>> No.15082131


>> No.15082144
File: 324 KB, 1784x995, TheGreatOffpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15082148
Quoted by: >>15082176


>> No.15082152

The song has been out in other platform for around 2weeks now

>> No.15082155
Quoted by: >>15082172

There goes Towa's Gold.....

>> No.15082172
File: 159 KB, 354x439, 1626572982350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not yet anon

>> No.15082176

>sponsored by the Cultural Broadcasting Group
I don't get it

>> No.15082183
File: 1.17 MB, 986x881, xhbgghjjhgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082260


>> No.15082200
Quoted by: >>15084622

Is this the stream?

>> No.15082207
File: 373 KB, 1216x855, koyori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082247

Koyori what now?

>> No.15082227
Quoted by: >>15082269

finally.... our first meme....

>> No.15082228

Will Towa call?

>> No.15082233

I actually saw alot of threat displays amongst them, it seems like oryxes have a pecking order amongst the pack too.

>> No.15082247

It's a radio station https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nippon_Cultural_Broadcasting
See Twappi, this is what happens when you advertise a totsumachi as being such...

>> No.15082250

This time, I was a guest at the
#This time, I was a guest at the "Utattemita Koshien
I've been secretly making a video of the song "Animal".
I've been secretly making a video of me singing "Animal" (`-´ c).

My song will be played as a "model song".
(`-´ c) My song will be played as a "model song", so please watch it!

>> No.15082254


>> No.15082260

Oh no no no oryx bro THE RRAT!!!

>> No.15082266

its ogre...

>> No.15082268

pink dog 40k

>> No.15082269

>What is retardslap
>What is nijicoep

>> No.15082284
Quoted by: >>15082491

Lol that came out of nowhere.
Council really lives Rent Free in your head huh?

>> No.15082298
Quoted by: >>15082321

not funny

>> No.15082307
File: 39 KB, 455x249, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold today ?

>> No.15082321
Quoted by: >>15082382


>> No.15082326


>> No.15082356
File: 1.14 MB, 1183x667, marine jacking off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082474

When marine starts making the panting noises and koyori starts doing the same thing it sounds like they're tandem masturbating.

>> No.15082361
File: 72 KB, 232x231, 1a2a387bAJKaF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082434


>> No.15082360

Enter Marine

>> No.15082382
Quoted by: >>15082436

That's from /sp

>> No.15082383
Quoted by: >>15082438

Unless there's some sort of Mario Kart stuff that happens out of left field for Niji? yea.

>> No.15082395

when will the gay orange niji start? if it's not at least 7k the new wave is a failure.

>> No.15082434
Quoted by: >>15082524

she's literally leeching from her senpaitachi

>> No.15082436
File: 100 KB, 1620x383, mel moggings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082531

Not the 2021 version

>> No.15082438

they will do an emergency lottery daily until the finals

>> No.15082446
Quoted by: >>15082475

Mysta? 1hr 42 minutes, or 11pm JST.

>> No.15082452

Weren't you in the last thread? Hololive entered into a partnership with Namibia. Nijisanji is finished.

>> No.15082474

yeah that's the point

>> No.15082475

all right, i'll prepare the shitposts.

>> No.15082491


>> No.15082499


>> No.15082508

Wait till you hear about uncomputable numbers.

>> No.15082511

They really push koyote this week huh

>> No.15082524


>> No.15082531

>steal an 8 year old meme
>claim you invented it
stop being retarded

>> No.15082550

It's like kicking a cripple at this point. Councilbros were so sure Koyori would be Fauna tier too lmao

>> No.15082558

Towa fought well but now all she is is a funnel. Can TowaXLaplus do better? I don't think so.

>> No.15082560

Anonchama... is Towa...

>> No.15082562

50k get.

>> No.15082566

During their First Month, i think.
Yeah they don't get numbers that high but atleast they still achieved it.

NijiEN however.....
Forget 50k, they can't even get half of it.

>> No.15082568

pink dog 50k

>> No.15082581

Wheelbarrow bros…

>> No.15082587


>> No.15082611

jesas poor towa
Holo x dominating again

>> No.15082613


>> No.15082643

Zhangs already there, lol

>> No.15082668
File: 288 KB, 815x904, 1623300980964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082698

nogibros are too strong...

>> No.15082678


>> No.15082698

Chinkbots will make it possible

>> No.15082709
File: 211 KB, 981x545, koyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15082847

Current overall peaks. Koyori got the gold and is in 3rd, Towa down to 6th.

>> No.15082722

chat is already destroyed...

>> No.15082723
Quoted by: >>15082765

Fucking spams. Really, she becomes Chink's magnet.

>> No.15082743

Gen 5 comes in ccv goes down

>> No.15082758

and chinks gone

>> No.15082765

And now theyre gone lol

>> No.15082770

Woops, saved your NFT.

>> No.15082779

>zhangs they left immediately

>> No.15082799

Zhangs are chinks repellant

>> No.15082807

they are respectful anonchama
5 gen love

>> No.15082812


>> No.15082819
Quoted by: >>15082838

what the fuck did i write, i should prob go to bed

>> No.15082838

dream of killing chinks

>> No.15082847

Namibiabros.. our girl get the gold tonight

>> No.15082849
File: 56 KB, 786x306, ouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top 2 Nijifemales everyone

>> No.15082855
Quoted by: >>15087215

Because he wasn't teasing it for an hour.

>> No.15082864

I kneel...

>> No.15082881

i would unironically kneel to lize...

>> No.15082888

There's a reason Nenechi is getting a lot of Taiwan SCs

>> No.15082891
Quoted by: >>15082938

>lize can't pass 10k without buff games
>mito can't get 10k anymore
how we save them?

>> No.15082907

>The top 2 Nijifemales
That's not Selen?

>> No.15082909
File: 363 KB, 513x502, 1638556506949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We welcome the new matriach of Niji Clan

>> No.15082920
Quoted by: >>15082957


>> No.15082938
File: 328 KB, 1300x1300, 1633991819904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15082940

>no, never

>> No.15082957 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 462x657, 166875075821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15082988

Yagod sama... onegai...

>> No.15083003

Selen dreams of those numbers for a non-birthday stream

>> No.15083012
File: 66 KB, 969x234, pac man monster eats pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji EN Official just gobbled up one of their own talents.

>> No.15083034

>towa joins the call
>numbers stall

>> No.15083037

People here hate the debut shows but they are way better than the debuts.

>> No.15083038
File: 503 KB, 1017x1066, 1635669840229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15083204

will he save Kaede too?

>> No.15083044

i have the feeling that chinks unironically watch hololive but hate fubuki...
is there any more contrarian being?

>> No.15083069

the more baffling is the SCs, what the fuck is that, is it just late counting?

>> No.15083074

that was the plan all along.

>> No.15083080

Who are their favorite Oshis?

>> No.15083083

Now that FBK is doing gacha they're unironically watching her. The zhang brain is easily distracted by gacha.

>> No.15083114

FUCK, there goes the numbers

>> No.15083119

at this point i don't think its even hate. its just the thing they do to fit in with each other

>> No.15083121

Selen? The one with 2.7k CCV?

>> No.15083125
Quoted by: >>15083207

>chinks unironically watch hololive
>but hate fubuki
Loud minority

>> No.15083140

Nene, apparently. Even though she disowned them.

>> No.15083164

The 3D pomu karaoke today will totally make her incline, haha r-right?

>> No.15083171

genchink is dead

>> No.15083198

she lost her tits for this...

>> No.15083204
File: 216 KB, 463x453, 1639273138307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15083207

if they are a minority why aren't they drowned out yet?

>> No.15083218
Quoted by: >>15083270

>already lost like 1k
please graduate festival already

>> No.15083227
File: 658 KB, 972x1556, They know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spend 5 minutes here and get this when I go on YouTube

>> No.15083230

>matuli on call
>ccv went poof

>> No.15083245

Because you can’t go against nationalists lest your organs get harvested.

>> No.15083248

anon, it's bots
literally one autist is enough

>> No.15083256
Quoted by: >>15083337

Nene is popular in TW, but for mainlander probably Aqua or Matsuri

>> No.15083270

Lol Matsuri left and it's 57k+ again

>> No.15083271

((They)) know

>> No.15083274

sasuga the ultimate debuff

>> No.15083289
File: 16 KB, 127x98, 20211222_204512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon.. that's The Plan
>Nijisanji > Livers

>> No.15083291

jp's kiara

>> No.15083332
Quoted by: >>15083399

Microsoft and google know what you had for breakfast today

>> No.15083337
Quoted by: >>15083465

Didn't they disown Aqua because she was silent for too long on Coco issue, while they genuinely expect her to vocally side with them?

>> No.15083352

Accelerate = Run over your own VTubers

>> No.15083378

>Koyori doing nothing but kneeling to hololive and the free numbers
>grateful for the free numbers to the point of fake tears
I guess all they care about numbers and hololive provides them.

>> No.15083390

So that what he meant with 'slow and steady'

>> No.15083399

And Samsung knows what you said in bed

>> No.15083403

Nothing wrong with it, they deserve it

>> No.15083405

anon, and i say this unironically
touch grass

>> No.15083428

Nene and Watame's fanbases are actual Taiwanese, the giveaway for mainlanders is they normally use HK$ superchats, interestingly I noticed Laplus have been getting a lot of those.

>> No.15083439
Quoted by: >>15083476

Nothing stop you from kneeling to your JP senpai Reimu

>> No.15083441
File: 255 KB, 982x635, koyo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori's numbers started going down so here's her peak for now. Got 4th overall.

>> No.15083451


>> No.15083465

Not entirely, last time they were estatic because Aqua mistakenly located her birthday fan bus in TW as China. Even in bilibili there are noticeably lots of userS with Aqua icon. As for matsuri I dunno why her roomate are really popular with chinks.

>> No.15083467
File: 2 KB, 82x56, 20211222_205122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess all they care about numbers and hololive provides them

>> No.15083473
Quoted by: >>15083596

And who wouldn't? You think people joined NijiEN cause they love the culture there and not because they failed to enter Holo and went to the next best thing?

>> No.15083476

She likes Koreans more than Japanese

>> No.15083491

that's how real world works

>> No.15083498

She could've gotten to 60k if she put senpais silhouettes on the thumbnail.

>> No.15083502

She's still within 1k of that, if a popular member gets on the phone soon she'll break it again

>> No.15083507

And in other news Re:act suspended another one of their talents.

>> No.15083517

Wait was koyote one of Mel's nepo hire?

>> No.15083519
Quoted by: >>15083540

the other thread is still alive

>> No.15083527

Is Mel the one who scouted her? Or was it Laplus who got scouted by Mel?

>> No.15083534
Quoted by: >>15083575

Which one was Re:AcT again?

>> No.15083539

i think it's la+ and orca

>> No.15083540

We can use that one later.

>> No.15083545

This entire board (and /hlg/ too) struggle againts 1 (ONE) marineschizo

>> No.15083552

Wait wtf!? Isnt Kyo like their one and last hope!?

>> No.15083558

Wut? Why her? Isn't she their star talent?

>> No.15083564

The only thing I know about Re:Act is that they have good scouting teams but terrible management.

>> No.15083567

Mel knows everyone so people say she gives recs to everyone. I mean people think that Marine got in just because Mel knows her.

>> No.15083575
File: 907 KB, 1000x1000, 1630294759122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company that Laplus was formerly part of, and also who Leona currently belongs to.

>> No.15083579
Quoted by: >>15084491

Oh shit that's their most subbed talent, RIP Re:Act I guess

>> No.15083585

Another one for Hololive next gen

>> No.15083596

Yes? Did you not see all the NijiEN debuts putting Nijisanjification as one of the things they want to achieve? They genuinely love Nijisanji and want to evangelize it.

>> No.15083597

At this stage all Re Act had was Kyo and Leona. Losing one of their top 2 talent is Grim.

>> No.15083607

Actually it just proves that Hololive is all name. **+ is a good performer and one of the top in the world in most metrics but never sniffed that as ***.

>> No.15083626
Quoted by: >>15083701

Can someone translate the reason for the suspension?

>> No.15083627
File: 351 KB, 1300x1273, 209905632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welcome to Hololaibu Kyo

>> No.15083638
Quoted by: >>15083736

Re:act literally has more graduated talents than active members. none of their graduated talents said anything about them but there's something seriously rotten going on behind the scenes and at this point everyone knows it

>> No.15083642
Quoted by: >>15083717

90% chance the straight males liked Hololive at one point. Petra is based since she doesn't even know what a hololive is.

>> No.15083647

Well marine wasn't scouted...

>> No.15083653
Quoted by: >>15083777

Leona.. Time to come home to holo
Twap wants you

>> No.15083654
Quoted by: >>15083705

Hololive simply has the best management.

>> No.15083664

we need to save Leona bros, Yagoo pls

>> No.15083671

It's a suspension of activities from January 1st due to poor health

>> No.15083693
File: 1 KB, 69x46, 20211222_205849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15083694
Quoted by: >>15083758

>And in other news Re:act suspended another one of their talents.

>> No.15083695

Sisters, hololive is failing at the box push. Gen 6 barely collabed and got their ban listed early.

>> No.15083699

thank god I read this post before running off to make a bait thread about it

>> No.15083701


>> No.15083705

Having the best management in the vtuber industry is quite possibly one of the worst things you can brag about

>> No.15083715

spiked to 58.5k with watame, but other streams are about to start so that's probably it

>> No.15083717

that's sound like a cope, it's like you know Playstation but doesnt know Xbox, i call bullshit

>> No.15083720

Why would that be?

>> No.15083729


>> No.15083728

Yeah, and watch her vanish off the face of the earth after that

>> No.15083736

AnyColor made that Vtuber academy to train liver while Cover use other company as training ground.

>> No.15083741

And that is why you don't assume shit if you can't read moonrunes.

>> No.15083753
File: 190 KB, 357x351, 110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15083758



>> No.15083767
Quoted by: >>15083790


>> No.15083769
Quoted by: >>15083790

Oh shit kiara!

>> No.15083772
Quoted by: >>15083949

Marine applied.
PekoRushi are probably the only 2 who didn't in Gen 3.

>> No.15083776

she's pregnant

>> No.15083777

>Better apex player
>Better singer
Leona unironically better Towa

>> No.15083781

she's having health issues. probably will return. https://twitter.com/Kyo_Hanabasami/status/1473638734361133059

>> No.15083783
File: 53 KB, 867x270, 215858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15083788

kek, reminds me on one of my forays in Africa (yeah, don't ask).
One of their supermarkets advertised proudly in their (very local) TV ad, among other things

Lots of people take things for granted. VTuber companies management not being shitty is one of those

>> No.15083790

the numbers...

>> No.15083791
Quoted by: >>15083833

AnyColor made the academy to basically outsource their useless scouting department to their fans. That way, they can safely graduate those failures and wouldn't hurt their brand any further.

>> No.15083792

Based yagoo sharing the market with smaller corpo

>> No.15083823
File: 47 KB, 818x248, 220242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15083866

Aaaaand it's gone
rip 60k

>> No.15083824
Quoted by: >>15083880

literally lost 2k viewers to kiara
worse than matsuri lmao

>> No.15083833
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1288, Lain_Paterson_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15083856

>enters Kiara
drops to 55k RIP numbers

>> No.15083862
File: 239 KB, 345x406, 1612225772109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15083923

pls don't go...

>> No.15083866


>> No.15083874

Do you think HoloJP fans see HoloEN and ID as 2nd class citizen?

>> No.15083880

anon 9 streams just started

>> No.15083899

Why would she do this to the numbers...

>> No.15083905

You know what the unfortunate thing is?
Kiara came in RIGHT as the top of the hour started, and a bunch of other streams started.
It means that no matter what, she was doomed to 'cause' a loss of numbers.

>> No.15083909

I do

>> No.15083923 [DELETED] 

Kek, I'm so going to tweet this to Kiara, her fat face needs to face reality that nobody likes her.

>> No.15083928
Quoted by: >>15083991

you're not japanese

>> No.15083929
Quoted by: >>15083992

better than wasting that opportunity like a certain nigger

>> No.15083938

the shortest recorded stream


>> No.15083945

Meds anon. That may have been the case for ID at one point(Pre peko-moon), but it definitely hasn't been the case for EN at any point.

>> No.15083949
File: 427 KB, 1087x1550, EqZHrHBU0AACzzV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087294

Yes PekoRushi were scouted and definitely had some input on their character design, as for Oneesan-gumi their designs were posted long before debut to advertize the auditions, I still refuse to believe that Noel wasn't handmade to be portrayed by c**** though

>> No.15083952
Quoted by: >>15087415

Nah. They view HoloEN as on par with the main branch because of Gura, Mori, and Ina. They are well loved over there.

>> No.15083960

only for kiara, council and ID

>> No.15083961

No, the just don't want to watch streams in foreign language that they don't understand.

>> No.15083962

I do too, I mean, what the fuck do those foreigners think infecting their shit all over Japan. I hate white people so goddamn much.

>> No.15083963


>> No.15083966


>> No.15083984
Quoted by: >>15084004

Did niji reject Pekora once?

>> No.15083991
Quoted by: >>15084012

my cat is

>> No.15083992
Quoted by: >>15084105

At least Sana joined. Those Sony vtubers must feel a sting when they see HoloX for turning Cover down.

>> No.15084000

Dai-senpai... your techreps

>> No.15084004

Lol. It was Coco who rejected Niji's offer.

>> No.15084012

Sugoi, can I buy your cat? Which Japanese breed is it?

>> No.15084043
File: 458 KB, 1440x954, Gura Killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15084075

>> No.15084062

Enter Subaru

>> No.15084066
Quoted by: >>15084085

numbers are rebounding

>> No.15084075

Now post her SCs

>> No.15084085

Nature is healing

>> No.15084105
Quoted by: >>15084175

I really don't know whose ass you guys pulled this narrative from but it's clear watching the VERSE girls that they're not particularly experienced streamers while Holo gen 6 is a very high spec group that have (mostly) been streaming for years

>> No.15084114
Quoted by: >>15084151

>kiara leaves
>like 1k people come back

>> No.15084134

Doesn't anyone hate clipping channels?
They are the cause that is spreading vtuber everywhere. Like, they likely brought all these bandwagoners to vtubing thay should have stayed in Japan.

>> No.15084151

That's me and 999 of my alt.

>> No.15084166

I blame NijiEN for collabing with those e-whores and clout chasers.

>> No.15084175

it started as jealous 2view cope to explain how hololive will totally fall this time because they didn't pick them for EN2 and it just stuck.

>> No.15084185

The people here and /jp/ do. Actual nips and anyone outside here consider them as equal if not superior just based on subs since subscriber count is still one of the main metrics that most people gravitate too. Its been brought up multiple times but the reason why NijiJp fans and even talents treat NijiEn, ID and KR as little sister branches is because no one from there successfully broke out. HoloEn had Myth (specifically Cali and Gura) which immediately made them equal if not above the JP talents to the nips eyes. As for HoloID, the only reason they ended up getting included in UNITY is because of PekoMoona happening.

>> No.15084192

You mean Kson.

>> No.15084199
Quoted by: >>15084236

anon, this is the numbers thread, we love clippers here because they make the big numbers go bigger

>> No.15084218
File: 150 KB, 982x365, k4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15084346

Updated since they got a lot lower, but they started increasing again, so I don't know if this will be the final peak.

>> No.15084217

This, just browsing 5ch shows you that holoMyth are treated as superstars and even more popular than the JPs in Japan.

>> No.15084233

Why would we? They make the numbers go up and give us another metric to put in the pony race.

>> No.15084236

Double-edged sword though, they likely cause a sap on EN numbers due to clipwatcher culture being too prevalent due to low attention spans and/or not being available due to timezone issues. They do reinforce the rabbit hole and also enforce Hololive dominance in EN though.

>> No.15084239
Quoted by: >>15084256

What's up /jp/ reputation around here? Why does everyone talk they are Japanese supremacists or something?

>> No.15084238

>As for HoloID
You have peko moona, Iofi sora and the failed Risu korone

>> No.15084253
Quoted by: >>15087571

PekoMoon is also the only reason ID got actual subs and views. Pekora literally single-handedly lifted that whole branch out of poverty.

>> No.15084256

why do you think we call them last samurai?

>> No.15084260

Damn, Fubuki can't even get decent number outside of Pokemon stream. Talk about one-trick pony.

>> No.15084265
File: 405 KB, 2048x983, leona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15084399

>There can't be two lions

>> No.15084274

sounds like vshojo

>> No.15084275
Quoted by: >>15084381

Kuzuha wants to get that gold.

>> No.15084284

To be fair, before ID2 you had Iofi who people forgot she was a Holo and Risu who almost never interacts with JP

>> No.15084299

Fuck clippers, fucking filthy leeches, spreading this Japanese hobb6 to all the white trash.

>> No.15084310
Quoted by: >>15084384

You mean Selen and Silverboi to a lesser extent. They're nothing without Apex sadly.

>> No.15084313
Quoted by: >>15084391

People are tired of this game. Massive debuff

>> No.15084318

wrong thread

>> No.15084325

RARE dagger spotted.

>> No.15084330

what does loving nijisanji even mean? it's not like they're a family like hololive.

>> No.15084346

anya just joined so that's it

>> No.15084347
Quoted by: >>15084389

Alright shitposter-kun, time to run off and head to bed.

>> No.15084348
Quoted by: >>15084416

Well that hasnt been prove /here/ and only problem for us numberbros. Big Picture wise, it's good for them as it gather clout and spread their name further, which very important for their main source of income that is advertiser.

>> No.15084360

even though 10k is a great goal

>> No.15084369
Quoted by: >>15084398

I wonder where these male Niji fans come from. They must be rare.

>> No.15084374

NijiJP mainstays wouldn't want to collab with them.

>> No.15084381

Finally singing King on Unhabited island while watching koshien replay?

>> No.15084384
Quoted by: >>15084432

I would compared Fubuki to Hal instead of Kuzuha.

>> No.15084389 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15084414

cope tranny

>> No.15084390

Shit, Anya could've probably got decent numbers if she actually streamed in Japanese.

>> No.15084391
Quoted by: >>15084462

Unless you're Gatchman then it's your biggest buff

>> No.15084398

you mean the trannies? they were always there

>> No.15084399

I really really love her military outfits and the casual drips

>> No.15084404
File: 30 KB, 1235x473, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess when anya entered

>> No.15084414

rent free

>> No.15084416

Yea, I agree on that point.
Also holy shit did Koyori say she was ending or something? the numbers just absolutely NOSEDIVED when Anya came on.

>> No.15084419
Quoted by: >>15084522

she does though

>> No.15084430

>they likely cause a sap on EN numbers
They cause a sap on JP numbers, not EN.

>> No.15084432

Hal wouldn't even get those Fubuki numbers as solo.

>> No.15084437

holy shit Anya i kneel

>> No.15084438

She really could have. Her Japanese voice is great. Sounds like La+

>> No.15084446
Quoted by: >>15084534

she did

>> No.15084454
Quoted by: >>15084534

There's only so much new clips every day and not everything gets clipped. Eventually, clipwatchers run out of content and go to watch actual streams.

>> No.15084460

yes, she was ending already and was shilling la+ collab with towa and other stuff when anya came in

>> No.15084462
Quoted by: >>15084551

Why is it like that for him?

>> No.15084468
File: 182 KB, 427x381, 1638965886781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15084467
Quoted by: >>15084556

not all of them
ENs that aren't second class citizens: gura, kronii, ina, mori, irys

>> No.15084473

yeah she literally said she had an announcement on 22:20 but anya suddenly came in. indogs just dont know how to read the air dont they, they did the same on miko's totsumachi after the sports fest

>> No.15084478
Quoted by: >>15085118

Damn haachama is streaming alot recently. winter holidays?

>> No.15084486

She already is anonchama. Her chats are like half JP and half ESL

>> No.15084491

What are the chances Re:Act opens an English, Korean, or Indonesian branch?

>> No.15084517

They won't

>> No.15084518

9k waiting on lapras collab
>Towa channel

>> No.15084522
Quoted by: >>15084553

Barely, And aren't her Japanese streams doing significantly better than her English ones?
Please Anya, just pull Bora and switch, you don't need to be second-rate HoloEN

>> No.15084528

Zero, they'd be lucky to make it out of 2022 alive

>> No.15084534

That makes perfect sense to me. EOP, but I swore I heard she was ending from what horrid minimal understanding I have.
I'm aware, and well, look at it this way.
They trade away some income to gain what is an UNPARALLELED advertising engine the likes that any small company their size would have to normally pay a small fortune for.

>> No.15084547

>Botan getting Selen-tier numbers with FPS
What happened, I thought gen 5 wasn't a failure according to this thread

>> No.15084551

He's level 450

>> No.15084553
Quoted by: >>15084573

anon in every single one of her streams she speaks more japanese than english, she unironically would be better off in the Jp branch than ID

>> No.15084556

How about my oshi Mumei?

>> No.15084567

that's awkward damn lol

>> No.15084570
Quoted by: >>15084886

Selen dreams about getting 5k

>> No.15084573

Ok, noted. Her stream titles and thumbnails are still full EN though.

>> No.15084574
Quoted by: >>15084886

Don't be delusional. 4k is NOT Selen-tier

>> No.15084575

Where is that chart anon?. haven’t seen him for a while

>> No.15084582
Quoted by: >>15084886

Selen couldn't even beat Moona numberwise, what are you on about?

>> No.15084581

There has been a drop in HoloEN clips lately but there is also a rise in NijiEN clips as well. Are we seeing a change already?

>> No.15084596

Council bros..

>> No.15084602
Quoted by: >>15084781

anon, you know those ads that Nijisanij pays tens of thousands for for every one of their waves? Hololive gets a far, far more effective version of that, FOR FREE, because of clippers. It's only a double edged sword if you are the kind of person who obessess over every lost penny.

>> No.15084607
Quoted by: >>15085146

Anya is really autistic. You should check out that translation some anon did of her conversation with Mio during her totsu.

>> No.15084610
Quoted by: >>15084631

Where are the numbers, anon?

>> No.15084622

looks like a rrat, she doesn't mention Oryx anywhere

>> No.15084631
Quoted by: >>15084649

you're not supposed to ask that retard

>> No.15084633

>Endurance Jump King
She really wants those 500k subs, huh?

>> No.15084642
File: 1.02 MB, 907x510, 1617124295631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15084645

>Selen tier
Cope more Nijifag.

>> No.15084644

Numbers? proof?

>> No.15084649

My bad.

>> No.15084651
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 1626392832810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

predict the peak
she's getting illegal view funneling from mayokoyo

>> No.15084652

based on what anon, your feelings? this is the numbers thread, show the numbers

>> No.15084654

i bet it was Manager san idea

>> No.15084671


>> No.15084673

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QbqMUQDuEo 20k waiting

>> No.15084677

60k if they play chess, shogi or mahjong

>> No.15084682


>> No.15084689

i think a good 40k would be ok this time,
Coyote is gonna take the gold today

>> No.15084701

Yeah, she does. Thats why HoloX is shitting all over Council. They have ambition and want to get big numbers

>> No.15084728
Quoted by: >>15084798

>clipwatcher culture

>> No.15084758
Quoted by: >>15084886

4k is Selen tier......
Please anon don't fool yourself

Show proof.
>You might only feel that way because there is a new gen debut but Ame's Christmad Walfie collab alone got as much clips as all of them

>> No.15084781

>Management actually supporting and marketing their talents bad
>Management not doing anything to support their talents good
Holofaggots really are the fucking worst

>> No.15084798

You know people who only watch clips?
And then proceed to make the most stale of memes and repeat them into the ground?
Yea, those fuckers. The ones who don't even bother to watch streams.

>> No.15084805

How much is Selen-tier?

>> No.15084813


>> No.15084819

>Management actually supporting and marketing their talents bad
>Management not doing anything to support their talents good
not even the anon but where the fuck did he say that? fucking kek

>> No.15084832

Is Twappi going to get 2 medals today?

>> No.15084836

Around Ollie's level, about 2k.

>> No.15084837

Nijiniggers are the thinnest skinned motherfuckers in this thread, prove me wrong

>> No.15084857

mario kart rank numbers

>> No.15084864

> 休止 is translated as "suspension" instead of "on break"
Sasuga googlechama

>> No.15084869


>> No.15084872

Laplus' autism is overpowering Towa's autism...

>> No.15084886
Quoted by: >>15084962

Sure, replace Selen with Edengumi-tier, still shit numbers.

>> No.15084898

Do niji livers even have managers outside of the select privileged group of top talent?

>> No.15084918

She is very autistic and komisyu desu purisu unsastand. You should watch her on collab with senpais. She either spilled her spagheti or just straight up not in the same page at all kek

>> No.15084920
Quoted by: >>15084963

30k La+&towa.

>> No.15084937

Selen getting 5k-8k once or twice doesn't mean shit.
If you put that way then that means Pekora tier is 128k-187k and Chloe tier is 98k-176k.

Selen's Median is 2.7k so it's around that number

>> No.15084944

I didn't realize pooling together a hundred grand and setting it on fire is supporting your talents now

>> No.15084962

Edengumi is way below 5k. They even have members doing 1k. That's Petra tier.

>> No.15084963

Too strong. Even towa debuff don't effect her.

>> No.15085005
File: 109 KB, 1440x933, 1639902959616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15085008

>marketing talents
You mean what they did for Wave 1 and Wave 2 but did not do with Wave 3? Also, Wave 3 was the designated shill gen due to NijiEN running out of funds because they blew it on Wave 1&2's ads.

>> No.15085035


>> No.15085048

Skip 3 but go all in on the guys.
Sure shows their priority kek

>> No.15085053

> 10 people who have never heard of vtubers get recommended clips.
> maybe 3 of them watch the chuuba's livestream.
> 1 of them stays
+1 viewer from clips.

> among the 10 earlier, maybe 2-3 stay as clipwatchers.
> Maybe 1 gets introduced to someone who streams on their timezone and starts watching them.
Again +1 viewer from clips.

They're never a negative unless it's rrats being spread.

>> No.15085113


>> No.15085118

is it another schizo karaoke?

>> No.15085146

This one? >>15021183

>> No.15085153
Quoted by: >>15085186

Lol Towa gets 2 Medals today.
Sorry kuzuha but towa don't want to give you a medal

>> No.15085186

didnt towa call in on koyos stream as well? that makes all of the medals belong to towa

>> No.15085209
File: 52 KB, 444x447, 120733100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is twatti bullying lapchama?

>> No.15085214
File: 32 KB, 555x228, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN really struck gold with this wave. The sub culls did not impact their viewership at all. There's no way Vox and Mysta won't mog Selen in viewership at this rate.

>> No.15085251


>> No.15085262
Quoted by: >>15085298

niji doesn't have enough managers to handle all their talents dude kek
they need some 50k subs or something before they get a direct line to upper management.

>> No.15085265

not even 7k
>R E C L I N I N G

>> No.15085275

>gets more viewers on SEA hours than burger hours

>> No.15085277

They seem to get higher ccv in JP Primetime.
How is their chat? mostly EN or a lot of JP?

>> No.15085295
Quoted by: >>15085373

Bros WTF!? My reccomended is full of Namibia now Kek

>> No.15085298
Quoted by: >>15085341

>they need some 50k subs or something before they get a direct line to upper management.
That or they can pay the management collab fee

>> No.15085341


>> No.15085365

how's their dono game? don't wanna fuck up my youtube recommendations by opening their streams.

>> No.15085373
File: 1.18 MB, 1567x786, namibia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15085868

>Bros WTF!? My reccomended is full of Namibia now Kek
There is no way, you are surely jest-

And now you guys know how "the rabbit hole" is formed

>> No.15085386

If a NijiEN male doesn't end up getting 1M sub by the end of next year, I will livestream myself naked groveling.

>> No.15085392

It's pretty much all english, though I'm seeing some JP usernames using simple english.

>> No.15085409

Just open your history and remove it afterwards

>> No.15085414

wtf is this shitty play towa
sio is gonna cry if she saw this

>> No.15085426
Quoted by: >>15085492

Just open an incognito window you tech illiterate fuck (Unless you're on mobile in which case that's more hassle).

>> No.15085447
Quoted by: >>15085582

Why can't kuzuha get an easy 30k now?

>> No.15085448

Nah that won't work
It still give recommendations sometimes. I regret looking at Ethyria Debut

>> No.15085485

Pekora's member-only chat is as fast as her normal one, that's insane.

>> No.15085489
Quoted by: >>15086693

Remember when <30k gets you gold and that the two kings were Pekora and Kuzuha?

Good times. Ever since Pekora breached 30k all the time, Kuzuha can't even compete anymore.

>> No.15085492

Lol nijifags baiting others for views

>> No.15085500
Quoted by: >>15085556

Vox and Mysta overlap, who wins?

>> No.15085524

Pekora has around 25-30k members, I thoughbit is the most out of all Hololive members

>> No.15085556

Vox, I think the thirty minutes headstart he has matters quite a lot because both are doing similar streams

>> No.15085559
Quoted by: >>15085591

How many are watching her membership stream today?

>> No.15085560

Unless you have hard numbers (like a very recent poll), all numbers for members are floors and best guesstimates.

>> No.15085582
Quoted by: >>15085750

eh, it's just his normal stream numbers. I'm surprised that he doesn't get much higher number though, his pokemon MOBA and splatoon tournament practice streams used to always get 30k at least.

>> No.15085589
Quoted by: >>15086348

i think you can see the viewers counts on the phone

>> No.15085591

That info leak was fixed by YT when they updated the API to remove the ability to call dislikes entirely.
So we won't know.

>> No.15085610
File: 288 KB, 1575x1907, 1638978677659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15085625

Aren't there options to remove it? The "Don't recommend channel" and "Not Interested --> I don't like this video"?

>> No.15085627
File: 599 KB, 1673x841, tdays top 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* today's top 5 so far *
If I would send a BananaGel message 4 months back in time saying
>Kuzuha can't into the medals (let alone gold) because Towa just landed two 40k unrelated streams and even then it was insufficient to get gold because gen 6 second weakest member took it on a zatsu
you fags would call me "fake and gay"

>> No.15085639
Quoted by: >>15085701

Do you think there's hope for Chloe to get 20k anymore. The endless gachi pandering really tanked her numbers and a lot of people lost interest it seems.

>> No.15085661
Quoted by: >>15085703

>Aren't there options to remove it?
You can remove it from your watch history and it wipes it from your record.

That means nothing tho. As shown by the Namibia blokes in this thread, you don't even need to watch it, merely being in the presence of people that watched it is enough

>> No.15085663
File: 734 KB, 1231x816, male numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji EN's top is now close to the mid-tier holo ENs. Still no gura killer.

>> No.15085667
Quoted by: >>15085749

yes there is, but i don't want to even look their thumbnail.

>> No.15085701

Just for the record do you mean 20k USD or 20k CCV?
If the later, she can get to it on occasion, if the former, yeah, pretty much every couple of days

>> No.15085702

That chat is cancer

>> No.15085703

I was talking about the options in the second part of my post.

>> No.15085714

>don't recommend me this channel

>> No.15085715

I'm always amazed by Watame in this chart, the late night long stream pays off?

>> No.15085737
Quoted by: >>15085832

holy hell that chat's insufferable, i feel bad for the dude.

>> No.15085747

No it's just females and gays.

>> No.15085749

I can usually remove videos easily >>15085625
Do those not work for mobile?

>> No.15085750
Quoted by: >>15085787

It's supposed to be a buff game tho since they're playing Mario Kart (are they practicing for the tourney?)

HoloEN Mid-tier is around 6k-7k Median bro.
He is above Sana and near Baelz tho.

>> No.15085755

A reminder to give the blokes a few weeks just to make sure the tourists get their fill to move on or convert to full-time watchers, as is the case when there's actual hype not murdered by HORRID stream choices in week 1.

>> No.15085765

Eh it's 2 totsus and the first gen 6 senpai collab, the only thing I'd be surprised about is a new JP gen debuting

>> No.15085787
Quoted by: >>15086094

>if we take sana and baelz on their best days, holo bottom is only 4k

I'm talking about their average which is often around the same as the mid-tier niji ens.

>> No.15085793

Anon, how new are you to Fujo x Gay chats? This is the future for the NijiEN blokes. This is what they signed up for.

>> No.15085811

>Towa just landed two 40k unrelated streams and even then it was insufficient to get gold
I would believe this because it is very on brand for Towa.

>> No.15085813
File: 1.48 MB, 1000x1288, Reimu_Endou_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A ghost wandering in hell(/vt/). The more she thinks of her beloved(numbers), the more she becomes sad and haunted.

>> No.15085832
Quoted by: >>15085860

NTA but are they just horny posting?

>> No.15085845
File: 258 KB, 1157x3361, ranking aug 1 to dec 20, just the girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisanji EN's top is now close to the mid-tier holo ENs
It's definitely not. With 4.5k he only outranks Sana this month

>> No.15085846

Towa 40k. Kneel!

>> No.15085860


>> No.15085868

Namibiabros... it's time to claim our algo right from hololive

>> No.15085874
File: 22 KB, 491x793, vox donations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15085988


>> No.15085889

Streams like 50-60 hours a week.

>> No.15085917
Quoted by: >>15085948

That doesn't check out with my numbers, I suggest you go through the whole thing again.

>> No.15085922

Mysta cucked Vox out of reaching 5k+. Seems like overlap is strong between them.

>> No.15085948
Quoted by: >>15086007

>That doesn't check out with my numbers, I suggest you go through the whole thing again.
Post yours then

>> No.15085988

Is that FeFe the menhera who's friends with nux?

>> No.15086007
File: 1 KB, 308x27, anon&#039;s numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15086033

That chat has the same smell as teakeks

>> No.15086051
File: 32 KB, 227x222, 1604816038134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15086085

She was in that screenshot of 2views lusting over his voice iirc

>> No.15086086

But it is essentially a guerilla superchat reading. I think a few of the holoENs that gets over 4.5k average would struggle to get 4.5k on such a stream. Now of course it is mostly debut buff and there is very little chance he will keep having these numbers. But just saying, 4.5k on a guerilla dono reading is pretty big, Ame and Kiara has had superchat readings under 3k

>> No.15086094
Quoted by: >>15086159

That is why Median is more applicable here.
You are counting their worst streams if you think Bae's numbers is around Mid NijIEN.

These are Bae's recent peaks. Only 1 sub3k and it's a talk stream out of her usual timeslot.

These are NOT Mid(or even high) tier NijiEN Numbers.

>> No.15086135
Quoted by: >>15086234

You are reaching to achieve the conclusion you want to have.

>> No.15086155

sure babe, whatever you say.

>> No.15086159

They are talking out of their asses, classic nijiniggers

>> No.15086170

2.5k. Anything over 3k is being disingenuous.

>> No.15086171

You're trying too hard femanon-chan

>> No.15086201

Pitiful numbers from Marine. What happpened?

>> No.15086209

How is their chat? mostly EN or a lot of JP?

>> No.15086234

Well atleast the discussions are civil.

If this discussion is on SEA Mornings then you'll see Nijifags acting like these are the best numbers ever and HoloEN will disband tomorrow.

>> No.15086255

17 streams on right now.

>> No.15086276

Damn Suisei's Phony cover is killing it, 4mil views in 26 days, same pace as Ayame's Goodbye Sengen cover did at the same time in its like cycle.

>> No.15086285
File: 205 KB, 981x471, all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa on top of all streams right now.

>> No.15086291

It's only been 15mins, Wait a bit.

>> No.15086298
Quoted by: >>15086552

dec 21 ?

>> No.15086300

Flare has more viewers than her

>> No.15086303


>> No.15086331

Everyone right now except maybe Towa has abnormally small numbers, is something going on?

>> No.15086348

not anymore, it was patched a few weeks ago

>> No.15086361

Not anymore

>> No.15086381

Flare: 10k
Marine: 12k
I don't know where you're checking your numbers anon, but Holostats exists, so you'd best be checkin' your digits before making easily debunked claims.

>> No.15086384


HoloEN Christmas song has 400k after a day and no ads. How many views does the new NijiEN MV have?

>> No.15086398


>> No.15086425

subaru is on a sponsored stream

>> No.15086437
File: 10 KB, 324x103, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox mogged. They share well over 2k viewers I think. They can overlap with the girls but absolutely not with each other.

>> No.15086443

~120k watching right now, but towa has 1/3

>> No.15086461

Danger zone: Watame, Polka, Botan, Okayu
Anya zone: Anya...

>> No.15086478

This is a true test for each Holomem in terms of their core viewership because OVERLAP CITY.

>> No.15086486
File: 92 KB, 388x870, 120k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may look like a weak day but 120k are currently watching Hololive
>Most streams just been ongoing for 20mins
Wait atleast 40mins before judging their numbers.

>> No.15086509

So there's like, an 8kish viewership pool around this time for NijiEN blokes huh.
That's something to keep in mind going forward (and as debut buff wears off).

>> No.15086511


>> No.15086552
File: 342 KB, 1157x4489, ranking aug 1 to dec 21, 5 or more streams, full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087141

>dec 21 ?
Here it goes, doesn't change significantly from that one
>H-He Ayame...

For the record Ayame is at 43545 with 4 streams, and Nijisanji main channel is at 69325 with 3 streams.

Whatever number Ayame gets next stream (if she has one) is her median for the month if it falls between 27k and 60k so it's between He-Ayame and Ayame for the month (it seems).

>> No.15086605
Quoted by: >>15086687

i'm a holoCHAD, but just wanna say, it makes no sense and unfair that nijiEN are still treated like 3rd rate citizens and not even get collabs and/or invited to tournaments when almost all nijiJP get the same or worse numbers than nijiEN DAILY. Just look at deron and chigusa, they would kill to get selen's numbers now.

>> No.15086611

Women really can't into numbers

>> No.15086685

Pekora almost got 40k playing Quest Room with split PoV as well. I guess power gap between Pekora and Marine is getting bigger now.

>> No.15086687
Quoted by: >>15086714

You wouldn't be this much affected if you are a Holochad. I know it's you Reimu

>> No.15086693

Kuzuha can’t even get medal anymore because FBK+Pekora+Random Holo event taking up all the top spot

>> No.15086714

Reimu is a Holochad.

>> No.15086727
Quoted by: >>15086853

Why did the break hurt Marine when it buffed Miko?

>> No.15086732

Toya is now Nijisanji's Ace.

>> No.15086830
Quoted by: >>15087267

Fubuki only got 1 Gold though so far as I recall.

>> No.15086853

it's initially a buff. Just look at her first two passpartout stream after her break. It's just this past week she got weirdly low numbers.

>> No.15086952
Quoted by: >>15087027

Lap and Towa just ended, lots of funneling going on right now

>> No.15086959

>Overlapping, wile not even a week passed after debuts
Manjisanji, your box pushing reps...

>> No.15086972

Even if there is a gap, there were far fewer streams going on at the same time for Hololive vs Today.

>> No.15087014
File: 108 KB, 1244x775, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087085

I love it

>> No.15087027

Looks like it all funnelled to Marine, Gozaru and Korone. Also, weird that no one is commenting on Subaru's shit numbers right now.

>> No.15087030

It's Vox's fault since his stream is a guerrila to read donations of thirsty women

>> No.15087085


>> No.15087106
Quoted by: >>15087350

It is a shill stream.
Even Peko can get weak numbers on these

>> No.15087125

Two of luxiem overlapped on their debut 2.0 first stream. That is probably the dumbest overlap I have ever seen

>> No.15087127

Is it a sponsored stream of TWEWY sequel?

>> No.15087141
Quoted by: >>15087326

Ten comments about this list

1) Toya, Fubuki and Pekora will likely go to the photo finish for the highest vtuber channel, but Nijisanji main is likely to take the month
2) Sana jumped over the 3k line and put herself out of reach for Selen, all she needs to do is *not* stream and that seems to be her plan
3) Vox Akuma is likely to enter the ranking on the 22th with his 5th stream, and he'll likely outrank both Selen and Sana
4) Lamy is still outranking Botan for the month
5) Mumei is the highest ranked EN other than Gura
6) Lize is the highest ranked JP Niji girl
7) Moona is the highest ranked "foreign branch" streamer not on HoloEN
8) Petra left her wife Anya behind, but both are clearing the 1k mark now
9) Hana Macchia, the former highest ranked foreign branch member from Nijisanji, now is outranked by one NijiID and 2 NijiKR

and the punchline
10) Reimu is the only NijiEN member not to have cleared the 1k median this month so far

>> No.15087161

because idolfags dont care about tournaments.

>> No.15087177
File: 21 KB, 186x63, overlap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two brits having a scrap

>> No.15087212
Quoted by: >>15087323

These two alone are pulling more viewers than nijiEN full-collabs used to get

>> No.15087215
File: 19 KB, 480x447, 1632435987947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087268

you think he would have gotten 190K if he was teasing it a little longer?

>> No.15087267

Ye but she pretty much guaranteed to take one of the top spot with her fishing

>> No.15087268

You think pekora would have gotten 190k if she got the same amount of outfits as him in the same period she was waiting for this one?

>> No.15087294

someone from cover really wanted her (that ghost entrant that used canan's name was to actually lure her in)

>> No.15087314
Quoted by: >>15087402

vox is a brit too?

>> No.15087323

Watch Nijisanji give them sponsors before wave 2 (minus Selen) and wave 3

>> No.15087326

Point 1) and 3) is bullshit. We should put the line to 10 stream/month minimum.
Reimu... your /#/ reps..

>> No.15087350
Quoted by: >>15087453

the number is still shit even as a shill stream
pekora will never get to 5k

>> No.15087362
File: 14 KB, 471x142, 20211219_135435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15087374

Lol Cope
But mind telling me how many Outfits Kuzuha have? Pekora have 3

Also, don't leave out some details.
>Kuzuha had a milestone celebration
>Powered by Vampire Cover on November

>> No.15087392
Quoted by: >>15087503

But for real, is he one of those ecelebs going through their vtuber phase or is someone I have looked over

>> No.15087402

Isn't he? Listen to his accent


>> No.15087415

and Ame is their embodiment of a blonde so she sort of gets a pass too.
Irys, Kronii and Bae i think are also somewhat close to JP

>> No.15087453

Well i don't deny it. It is a freaking weak number for Subaru.
The stream and overlaps just knock her to this state. Her last streams got her usual numbers

>> No.15087462
File: 21 KB, 346x160, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087494

Gen 6 superchat game really is insane, Koyori is also going to get to $100k by the end of her first month

>> No.15087463

a holosomething subsciber...

>> No.15087494

I was surprised Koyori brought up Holotalk first and talked about how she watches it.

>> No.15087498

i shit with accents so not sure.

>> No.15087503
File: 59 KB, 529x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087562

oh no, Seanigger destroyed Nijiniggers and holobronies

>> No.15087562

Lol you really shilling it here huh?

Who the hell is this?

>> No.15087571
Quoted by: >>15087614

I actually think pekomoon stunted Risu and Iofi from slowly breaching into JP.

>> No.15087574


>> No.15087614

Risu hates collabing with people bigger than her.

>> No.15087651
File: 244 KB, 1251x257, 1631146057655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15087697


>> No.15087671

if she gets a better timeslot and not like 2am JST

>> No.15087697

mysta's higher

>> No.15087700
File: 82 KB, 259x334, gffd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you close your eyes....

>> No.15087713

Move here >>15087658 when you fags done
